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i anrcdotr. Roc Drinking.?Every day's reflection wjH>n this subject strengthen our feelings of animosity to the nalut of drinking liquors. Hourly new and starting cases cenie up before us, to warn and admonish those who think they are safe enough until they find themselves in the Maelstroom of Intemperance. We heard a most instructive and impressive account from an eminent nhvsinian <>f this citv which relate for the reflection of others. And we most earnestly plead with those who feel so sure of their own strengtn to read and pause over it?to reflect deep and well after they have read it* ! The story runs thus. Some years ago, the physician and a friend were conversing together in front of the Eagle, when a master mechanic; a man o| t e ' most amiable and excellent character; a superior workman, fijl of business, with an interesting family, respected by every body and bidding fair to he an ornament to the city?came up to them, and laugh- ' ingly commenced the following conver 1 Mtion: 4Well," said he, "I have just done j what I never befose did in mv life." < 14Why Mr. h s owed inc a bill for work for a long time, and I dunned i j him for the pay until I was tired. But n j minute ago [ caught him out here, and ji asked him for the money.?Well, said j J he, I'll pay it to you if you'll step in hero i ) nnd get a drink with me No, said I?I ( never drink?never drank in my life.? | Well, he replied, do as vou please; if ;' you won't drink with me, I won't pay j your hill?that's all.?But I told him I > could not do that. However, finding , | that he would not pay the hill,rather than j < lose my money, I just went in and got 1 the drink." And he laughed, at the i 1 atrange occurrence, as he concluded. I, As soon as he had told the story, the j; physician's companion, an old, discreet, ; I shrewd man turned to hun, and inainosi ! j impressive tone, said? "Sir?lliat was the denrest drink that i, ever crossed your lips, and the worst hill , f you ever collected." I And tcrrihlv did tiinp verify th it ad" * f monition. In less than a twelve month , j he was a confirmed, disgraced sot; a vug. j a bond in society, a curse to those who ; loved him, a loathing and a shame where- j ever he went. And that man, within J the past year, died a hornhlc the ft Infirmary in this city, produced solely I?y [ intoxication. j < jp THR PATRIOTISM OF WASHINGTON. ! n , Iii one of the Lectures recently drliv- ' ered by Mr. Sparks before the New York 1 Historical Society, Mr. Sparks gave it as his opinion that the punty and patriotism , P of Washington's character were never ; il fully appreciated by the Congress of the a Revolution. In illustration, he produced ' the following historical anecdote, worthy c of the character of that illustrious man, ! ij and sufficient, singly, to entitle his mem. cry to the honor which the Congress of I * ?lie present day has rendered by the erectw?n of a noble Statue to it in the very . centre of the Capitol: It was a remarkable proof of Wash- t ington's modesty that the subjoined letter was never published during his lifetime, ^ although copies of it were earnestly solicited. A council was held privately by I some men of influence ; every point of, ^ their deplorable situation was discussed, I ^ and it was proposed to tell their views, j ? and hopes, and fears, to Washington.' One man, Colonel Nicola, was chosen to ! i _r .u?:_ I wrue a leuer expressive 01 iikh views, i ^ which letter was to he sent to Washing. ' i ton ; and in this letter it was stated that c nothing short of a monarchical systi in could Aavethe country froin the anarchy and disasters which threatened it; and they proposed to Washington that such a system should he estnMished, and that he should (afce the head of it, with the pow. p er and title of 4 Kiko.' In carrying out this plan, they ptoinised Washington that ; t he should have ilie support of the Army j ^ aed of many men of influence and pow- I 1 er. ; , . v... 1. .1 i.. _r ur..u !. "l*ow niririt inr rrpiv ui n asiimpuju , ? made to this ! Here it il is : |1 "Newburg. 22d May, 1782. -To Colonel Lewis Nicola : \ -Sir: With a ixhire of great sur prise and astonishment. 1 have rend with ! attention the sentiments you have sub. j iti it ted to m) perusal. Re assured sir. no occurrence in the course of the war has given me more painful sensations than your information of there being such ? ideas existing in the Army, as you have t expressed, and 1 must view it with abhorrence and reprehend it with severity.? For the present the communication of them will rest in my own bosom, unless some further agitation of the matter shall make a disclosure necessary. -I am much at a loss toconcciva what part of my conduct could have given encouragement to an address, which to me l seems big with the greatest mischiefs 1 that can befall my country. If 1 am Anl (lo>>Diva<t in tho Irnnu/lurtiro (if inVdulf you could not have found a person to whom your schemes are more disagreeav Lid. *At the game time in justice to my ' own feeling*. I must add, that no man , possesses a more ?iucer? wish to set# ample < justice done to the Artnv than I do; and 1 a* far a* my powers and influence, in a constitutional way, extend, they shad be employed to the utmost of my abilities to effect it, should there he any occasion. Let me conjure you. then, if \ ou have any regard for your country, concern for yourself or your posterity, or respect for " mi, to banish these thoughts from your mind; afid never communicate, as from yftjintelf or any o ie else, a sentiment of the like nature. i "I am, sir, vonr most obedient servant, 11 GEORGE WASHINGTON." "This rermirkab'" letter is a transcript from the first draft in Washington's hand writing. The following certificate is appended to it, and is also in the same handwriting, except the signatures, which are autographs of the signers : " The foregoing is an'exact copy of a letter which we sealed and sent off to Colonel Nicola, at the request of the wri!er of it. ? D. HUMPHREYS. A. D. C. "Jt?N A. TRIJ M B U LL. Jr.. Secret a rv. ? H JL Jl feathers. j SOOIbo new Feathers in store and for sale 1 by D. MALLOV. ' October 25th 1841. SO tf ~ IROTf. I 10 Tons, asscted sizes, for ade by A. P. LACOSTE. October 27, 1841. 50 t, , dibhams, bevoi\s,-bake ! wrlls. 1 very fine Durham Bull, 5 years old. pure vhife, out of imported and excellent milking itock, the dam and sire cost $1(X>0; ihe pre. icnt owner having disposed of his other cattle las no use fur him and will sell him low ; lie * very docile, large and well formed, and in ill respects a very superior animal. Also, a Durham Bull, 18 month? old, well * rrown animal, from stock imported by Hare' Lowell?he will he 6old very low. Also, 2 fine young Devon Bulls, last spring ? j '.alve's handsome well grown aninias, and 8 i -ieiters, of same breed and age; ihese animals ! vou'd be an acquisition to any gentle:; an of he South, and will be sold deliverable in ! Charleston, Savannah, Mobile or New Orleans j ree of all expense and risk to the purchaser, j it $140 per pair. Also a beautiful half Durham & half Devon j fie iter, 1 year old in Sept.?and a full blood Devon Heifer of same age; these are very i landsoiiie animals, and will be delivered at j other of the above part free of risk and J Diarg sat $85 each ;thev would he put to a Durham or Devon bull ?f preferred. Also, 2 very fine New Leicester (or Bakp. veil) R ims, one 4. the other 2 years old? ind 8 Rams and b Ewes, of the same hrced, : a-t spring's lambs the latter will be delivered j it either oi the above mentioned ports at $60 ! ura ram and 2 ewes?they were raised by! dr. Bevans on the Hmi. Richard ('aton's siate. Hither of ih* older rams will be so d or $40, or $50 if delivered as a dove. Also, Southdown* at same prices?and I rkshire Pig> $20 a pair, 2 t ? 8 months old. ox and feed extra if shipped. 3'iltimnre Md.. S. SANDS, de 15 office of the American Farmer. I>. JOHN SO If. just received hv lb- lighters of the BJL Stcauior Osr-oiH, St. Croix and Poitiric??, Baleropo ank44 Inch houvv Bagging, Ii. .and I.aguira Coti'e Cheea;, 6 0 lbs rather and souti' Upper Lea1 her, Ladies and lent'unen's C' aks, Dress und Frock Coats, it.,i Cloih and mixed Cloth Over Coats, Sutti t Coatees, Hunting. Flushing and Mai k* ??al*of v rious colors. I'aul/ilooki* and Vent, 2 Do* ii Wo?l Hal*, a variety ot Fur Hut* > .10 very ft i?. Tim ubov.r with a *lock of Dry (ioods, Crock, ry nod Oroooriea received a few weeks. make i? a-.-ortin *??t ma-ly oomph-It*. In a few days fr ah stock of U<>ot* and Shoe* is expvete I. d 2 dezmi "f Gentlemen's B< ots, a very ii* article. All of which will l>o offered for i h it low price* to *uil I lie limes, hoot* and ! oe* will be made to order for cash. N. B ? All |? rsons indebted to D. Jnhmon re oarne-iiy requested to ui*ke payment as earr ;?? possible. Nov. m'wir 16. 1841. 1 tf . i xYEOKOES FOlt SALE. I he sold i fr<>Lt of the Court House Ff in Hie Town of Salisbury, on Monday, if 7h of February next, it being .Monday of owan co'Uity Court, about THIRTY NEGROES, oimyed by Burto i Cruige to Samuel Lemly i Trust for the purposes mentioned in the D? od , TConveyance. Among^iiem are good hous* j v.mU, field hinds and A GOOD BLACKSMITH. Terms.?One fourth of the Negroes wi'l he >ld f>r negotiable p?per in Bunk with not more hau nn ety (lavs to run. The balance upon n red it o< six mouths. AFEX. W. BRANDON. ? - - o I Alio, in lact ior oa?i. lmsiiii/. D ember 24,18-41. 8 8t_ FLORAL COLLEGE, ROBESON COUNTY, N. C. rHIS Female Literary Institution will again he opened for t lie reception of student* on lie firnt Monday in January next. It off n outfits to the public not common to other Sem aries. B sides the advantrges of situation for health tid nninterrupted sppliclion for study, Board 1 nd Tuition will oc had on more favorable 1 jrina. | John l'r.ik?, Esq. who t* wol! qualified for the i>ioesH, in engaged to furnish good entertain. i lent at the Steward'* Hall. Ilia comfortable ( ufficieucv at h< me his known chara< ti:r tor idu*i>y and intrgrity, are a aurn guaiai.teb liat his table will tie well supplied with dmles-un* and pil .tabe dishes. In addition to this, he will keep e'enn, the ColIgu H.ill and I)o notaries, make fires, furnish handles and water, at all times, for five dollars nd fifty cents a month. He will do the washp at n dollir a month, and fu-nish bedding at Wo doll ts and filly cents the session. Tuition per Session o f Five Months. Spelling, Reading, Writing and Arithmetic in the prepjratory year, at 0 The sludi. of the sophomore yeir ni 10 00 Those of the junior and senior y'-ar*, each l'-2 00 Music Latin, Gr??ek, Painting Sec. do not orm apirt of the Collegi itc cmuse. Them, lowwrr. will he taught when required. Music per session at 8if. on U.*o of Piuuo 2 00 Languages See. 12 00 Prawng and Painting 5 < 0 | Needle Work 2 50 ; As the Foreign Languages do not forin a putt : >f the regular course in thin College, the student rill have ample time for attaining a rery iihe. al and scientific education. in this respect the i nurse of studies is as lull perhaps as that of any College in the f nion JOHN GILCHRIST, Ser. to the Board of Trustier D?e?:mhor 22, 1841, 8 4t UPPER AND SOLE LEATHER. Wax, and Calf Skine, and Hemlock Tanned Sole Lather. For sak low. A. P. MCOSTB. October 27, 1841. 50 tt A SUOENAKER TO HIRE the enduing yp*?, foi ter : ? *pplt 4* I hie Utiui. f if iiijists tmummyw NOTICE. THE Creditor# of James H. Co'e, whose 1 * claim* do n t exceed Twenty Five Do'lam are requested to present a statement of them ! to the Assignees as soon as possible. And j those whose claims are over that amount, are j 8 notified that limy must become parlies to the Deed of Assignment by signing and sealing ihe same before the 10th day ol February next in order to entitle themselves to a dividend of the residuum alter the preferred debts are satisfied. A. BLUE. J. A. 1NGLIS. Assignees of Cole. December 27. 1841. 7 fit LARGE SALE OF VALUABLE NEGROES. BY consent of a I parties, there will be sold it C indeii. on tli* first .Monday in Fcbiii. try next, a l.-rgo number of NEt.ROKS, on a crodii of two years, equal instalments; interest I tfoiu date p iyal'lc annually. Tne said Negroes arc to be *t?lH under a mortgage executed by ( .Tames W. Cantey, to the Fresule t and Director* of the Ban of the Slat - ot .Smith Carolina About 51 absolutely ; and about 35 lor the life of J. W. Cant"y. ' ? ? nn/l na*u/inil cAPtt Pit V V UI III** purr.u ?Fi?r, u"nu mm j... with a mortgage, will lie required. At tli<) mine time and place, the HOUSE and I.O I', the resi euce of" J W Cautey, will also be ild. mi the terms above slated, under a mart guj/e Iw.'twreu th>' parties aforesaid Particulars more in d tail, will lie m :dc known on the day of sa e. The ait niion of purchasers a is itiviii-d 10 ihe sale, as the Negroes are likely, and the Ke .1 Est ito rie.-ir hie. t\ H. ELMORE, President Bank Slate Soul li Carolina. Dec 30 ti U MtTlCHASTV S.f. f Cher aw, Jan. 1, 1841. THE Directors of this Bank have declared ' a divi end of <$4 per sliarc, tor the last ' half yea), , ayable on and after this day. W. UUDfUKY, ( ashior. 8 Jt A LIST OF LETTERS RE M A IN ING in 'lie Post Office ai C'hernw . S. C. 31 Dec, 1811. Persons calling li?r these lott.m wili please sav th?y are advertised. B BRYAN, P. M. r R?Bruce Wright 3. Brown Morgan G. " Brown Miss Maitlia, l ird Johnson. Bazettc-urt (it'll. | C?Cainpa gn Benj min, Clarkson Junes E. L' F?Francis Mrs. Ann ^ G? Guiey Julio'> 2 Grofjfr E. J. H? H iit-slene Mnr.hi A. Husbands CVarlolte , Hall Elia. G. Harre. V\'m, L?Leak J. W. Little U. W. Lilos Mrs. Wid. w. Lewis Mnffes. Lnwsoo Allan. M?McK y Mrs, John A. McKay John * Mitchell William Mc('"linan John Mdnni* . Malcom, McRae, John C. or Duncan McNabb McC.ill Denivl May blum M. McCail Elizabeth / McLean Mrs, Mary W. . N ? Nicn.ilson Miss Mary Jane. P?Poslcll Rev. J C 2, Pucci Cnmillo, Pewoll " Miss Afirtlia A Powe. Sarah R Peer W. B. 11. . Pnice'l E. H. PeoplesChurles W. Q?Quidnr John B. Quick Lidday. K?Rok?eu T. J. Rivers Lewis. Rainwaters f) Simon. S?Smitl Win. Springs Richard C. Stafford 8 MisffS. C. Srotiier Mrs. Susan L. T?Tlierril ('uni>, Tate Thomas R, Taylor Mil's Mary R. Tilglmiin E'oii (1. Mi?s. r W?Warren Win. Woiiihle Bryant. Wcthorly Mary G. Ward jVfiss Eiiza Jain, W lch R:chard Webt? TVi li Jonli J. 8 tf - ? ! f i ASSIGNEES NOTICE. I . G1 EN. Ed. B. Wheeler of A/anon Court * ^ H?use, S. C. having executed to the Subscriber an assignment of all hie Estate and : ^ Effects for the bent-tit tf Ins Creditor*, Notice is hereby given that a meeting oi the creditors will be held at the office of Wm. VV. " Hirllee, Esq. at Marion ? ourt House on Monday the 31?t day of January next, at 11 2 o'clock A. M. tor the purpose of appointing an Agent to act with the Subscriber in Uxecuring said Assignment. n The said Creditors are requested to attend 0 at the time mentioned, ?r ne represented at B the said meeting. Notice is hereby also giv- $ en. thit all the creditors, who fail, neglect, or j r refuse, to establish their demands duiy authon- 1 e ticated be'ore the Subscriber on the day afore- ! d said, by the terms of said assignment, will be ! h barred and excluded troin the benetit there- , ^ I of, A. L. SCARBOROUGH, * AaHguee, Marion C?>urt House. ) Dec. :?)th, IH41 \ 8 4t I LIUCiTIVE DEPARTITCE*T. a Columbia, November 30tii, 1841. 1 By Hi* Excellency JOHN P. RICH- jj A RDSOM. Esquire, Governor ami Com- ^ ma?ultr in-Chief and over the State of South Carolina. y WHi REAS, inanimation ha*been re- 1 ceived at thin J)<-parmen', that on t( the night of the 20th of September last, a inout atfrocinus at'empt was made by mme *' ? - m fir u.. d person unknown, to murner imp i. w. n*r- ; ley, of Colleton District : N<>w know ye, that I ^ to the end justice may he done, and the off n- p. der brought to legal trial. I do hereby offer a n reward of One Hundred and Fifty Dollars, for ^ this apprehension and delivery into any jail in j, this St a to, n Given under my hand and the Seal ofthe ti State at Columbia, tfie:30th day of Nov- I vember. eighteen hundred and forrv-one ; t and in the sixth-year of the Independence j u of the United States of America. | a JOHN P. RICHARDSON. I '' By the Governor j * M. Laborde, Sec'y of Stato. Dec. 2 10 i t SOUTH CAROLINA, Chesfrrjirld District. | In the Common Plea?. ] TI EN J A M IN McINTOSH, who is now iu \ c JLFcustody ?>l the &li? nn <jt the imlrict atore* aid, by virtue of a writ of capias ad Mttisfacien. ! tlum. at t' e suit of Smith >1 >wry Jr. hiving a oetitinned the Honor-blc the associate Judges e of the aid state, that In* m y he admitted to the benefit, of the act ofi.he G neal A?>emMy made for the relief of Inaolveut (1 btois and ho having fiied with lii? petition a senedule of hi^ cs'utc, real and personal. It is ordered, that the mid I Smith Yin ry. Jr and all others in whom the mid petitioner is in anywise indebted, do per. aoti lly. or by liter attoruie*, be and appear bo'ore the Honorable the associate Jit.'gee oftho sta'eforesaid, at the Court of Common Pleas to be holdeu it Che?terfi Id Couit Homo*, or. the Wednesday after the third Monday in .March next, then and titer" to sh->w cause if any they can, why the estate and etierts of the peiUioi er should not he assigned, and he 1*? discharged, pursuant, to the provifion* of said j Acts f.f ihe General Assembly made and provi, ded for t..e relief of insolvent debtors. T. BRYAN, C. C. P. Chesterfield C H. ) Dec. 22, ten. S 7 3rn I THE IHimiTE POR the education ofyoung ladies at R ckitigliam. Richmond County. North Carolyns mdor the direction of Or. C. Zimmerman and ady will commence the exorcises of the winter ession on 3d January next, to continue till the lid of May. Tho terms are as heretofore: Four cl twes for all 'tranches of an English Eduction 88 to 16 Lain and French Languages, each 20 Music 20 Use of Pin no 2 Waxwork 8 Needlework 2 Hoard, including lights, bedding, w ishing, fuel and aitendaiice of servant* 46 Books mid Sta'iomry ut the store prices. Rockingham N. C. December 16, 1841. 6 4t ALI*IA\A SFOU 1842. rflE Planters and Merchants Almanac for 1842. Published by A. E. Miller of jfaarlclonThe Cr?ckett Almanac for 1842. n. _i_. j. i up rc'ip-es uo i<uiu><;> Old American c!o Comic. Ju>t received and for sale by tlte doaen or iingle, at the CHERAW BOOKSTORE December 29. GARDEN SEEDS. A Fell supply of Fiesh and Superior Gar* : n. den seeds for 1842, just received and for ale by JOHN WRIGHT, at the Bookstore. December 15, lfc,4l. 6 tf POLE BOAT FOR SALE. rllE Pole Boat James R Errin wi'l t>e solo nu favorable terms. She in r ow on the vay up and wrl be uelivered to the pmchaser on ler arrival. Apply to either of the subscriber*. D. MALLOY W. 6i T. BAILEY & Co. JAMES H. COLE. December 4. 1841. 4 tf MARLBORO' ACADEMY. rHE examination in liii* insti'ution will comni'-uce on Thursday, 9ih D< certifier text, in ih" Female Department and be confined in the Wnlo Depirtmeut the day following. U the c'o^c of* ach d iy >here will l>e an exhihi. ion of (.peaking, compos,tioiig, music and original m'ogues. .The pubnc are invited to attend. Af'er a vacation of four week* the exercises 'ill he resumed the second Monday in Jaimnry. hnHocnv P. Ju?'d, A. 11. Principal of ill-* M >le, nd Mim Ann Tbroop, Principal of iho Female )ep rtm-mt. Mr Judd i* a graduate of Ynle College, from 'hose Facii >y ho hring* the highest testimoni. Is, In audition to the English branches, he intchu* Book-keeping, Surveying. Latin Greek, Vouch. ai d fits pupil* for every c'as* in college .Mi-s Throop pnasived n tnorough educ ation at ne of the best Seminaries North, and in addition to the Bug isli studies, she instructs in Music ml all tho ornament <1 branches These teisheia have been engaged in this Leademy one year to I he entire s ilisfnetion o? ie whole eommuniiy, 'I he Trnt*?e* do not esiiate ?o s -y thay are umurpasset n aptness 3 leach, in skillful government, thorough in* auction and polish d m.iiunrs. P l? PPVTW S?*r.??rv. I 'J I Ut% V a i* t m J m Benncttsvi'lc: S. C. Nov. V6ib. 1841 Board in >v be bad in resp-ctabie tiimdiea at tout ^.) .o $ld per mo .tii. 2 tSmij Till: CHERAW SCHOOLS rlJF.SF. School* ore now in full operation, under the tallowing organization, viz: lev. Fordyce M. Hubbard, Principal of the Boys' School. Jr. William E. Wording, Principal of the Girls' School. Hiss Margaret Cobia, Assistant in the Girls' School. Hiss Jane Hebb, Toucher of Mimic. These gentlemen and lad e? have brought to p, the most gr.iii:ying tea: iiionial* to their lurid worth unil pioftrsimtial excellence. Ail f them, arc experienced Tern-hcr*. Mr. Huaard, has been engaged in ihu business of in. truction. for the last tw Ivo years, nnd i* ocommended for the accuracy nnd extent of hi* ch<?Umhip and his succ-s* in teaching by Prcsi. out Qnincy. of Harvard ('nivcrsity, who nays nl im: 4 VIr. H. has been for several year* a well mown and highly approved teacher of vmith m he ciiy of Bo.?toi<, ami di?tii guwlicd tor hi* ttaiuniciiU -nilcapacity for thai oftico. 1 have fien had occasion to become acquainted with i? cIjmmcu! thoroughness and fidelity by the "nth he han prepared mid well pr*parod for dinissiou to Harvard College." Kqiiull/ deci. - |l'.? out sa u nl ppufnuknr ih'flr V?i (lie HIV IlbWIJIIIIVin UHW O "I WIV??-W. a'vwM nd Pierce of the same University, Professor ?.lw irds ?)t Andover, Professor Andrews former. v of the University of Noitli Carol tin, Dr. 'ogswell, and Rev. Mr. (Curtis, lain Re torso I lie Epi-coptd School of North C rolina. Mr. WoRtJiNG, Iimi l> en employed, for five oars past, in n Li'erury Institution at New lampion N. H. ami brings the unsolicited J?tiinOMi;il of the T'UsteM* at parting with him, to liia fi lelity and competency us an Instructor i Literature." He has also hitters reenmnicnutury from President l?ord of Dartmoiitli Col. ge, Messrs. Woodbury. Eastman, Athcrton nd Sliaw, m on bora of Congress froin New lampsliire. Miss Cobia is very highly .ecom. tended !>y tno Rev. Dr. Gadsden, lion. R- B. iilehrirr. H. A. DcSaurure Esq. Dr, Johnson, lev. Me<*r*. Charles Harikel and P. Trapier, nd hv Mr. Christian Mnyr, Historic and Por? rnit ra nter, all of the city of Cliralestnn Miss 1 ebb 1ms luught music in the city of Washing, i.n for soveraT years, with great success and nivTsal approbation." Slie is recommended s -not only a brilliant performer on the Tiano. ul also j ekillfil una sueeessful teacher" by the Inn. W, Cr incii's and Messrs. Geo. Waterson V Brent, John P. Ingle, Samuel Ham-on and tliers of Washington city. Tito Trustees have taken great pains to pTocurc lie services of Instructors of character and nerit, and. bciicvin , f oin the personal ai qu unauce they huvo been able to f.?rm with those low engaged. that the ecoimneiidation* given iy tho distinguished gontlemen named as above re not more generous than just. tliev confidently ilaiui tor Ili ir s ho->1m a liberal support. The school year consists of eleven months, caving the month of S ptember for vacation, mi Ik divided into quarters of twelve w? ek* a eh. The pi ices of tuition ;,re us follow* ; viz: For Sp Ting and Reading $6 00 per qr For these studies with Wti. ting and Arithmetic 8 00 M For tho ?ain\ with F.ngli*h Gramma and Composition, Grog apliy with tho use of the Globe* and History 10 00 * For the s.j me with any of the higher Mathematics, N-tu. mi or Mora' Science*, Anrifmt L.inauacres, or Draw. * 9 - ? injr ?in I Pointing 15 Oft For masic on the Piano 15 00 M Bnurd can he had in respectable famiie* on rnry reasonable term*. Tuition i? required to >, paid quarterly in a vance. B v order ot the Committee, JOHN A INGLIfi Secretary. Di-rrm?*r '? 18*11 3 tf The Temperance Advoate will p'e ire copy b e above three luucs, and forward llie account. GLASS, PAINT, AND PtTTY. A Large Stock of these articles, which will be sold at reduced rates. A. P. LAC08TE. October 27, 1841. 50 tf B BRYAN &. BROTHER, liotd a lease on the lower wharf nnsrthe old Fe ry Landing, and will charge each Boit for the priv. ilege of lmding discharging and loading. Each Steam Boat, Three Dollars. Each Pole Boat, Tow Boat or Lighter, Twe Dollars. Each Cotton Flat loaded or built, One Dollar and Fifty Cents. With the privilege of remaining one week, longer at a corresponding rate. Cheraw, Sep;. 2*, 1841. 46 tf GARDEiTsjEEDTdkC. THE Subscriber ha* just received a full and general assortment of Fresh WARDEN SEED from the Agricultural Warehouse and Seed Store of the New England Farmer Boston, among which are Sugar Beet, Ru t Bag^. White F at. Turnip, Vc. ?tc- by the pound and smaller quantity. He has also tor sale a General Assortment of FAMILY GROCERI "S. w?th WINES and LIQUORS, .Raisins, Figs, Almonds, Citron. Currants, Candy, Pickles, Tobucco, Scgirs, dec dee. U.? <tora i,Tu)? Dnnr? halnw the StOfS of Messrs. Taylor fc Punch. t HAKLK8 VANDERFORD. Cheraw, December 14, 1MI. 6 U CASH SYSTEM CONTINUED. THE TIMES are such a* to compel the Subscriber to continue the Cash * ysfem ; (vrocekiK8 and all articles in that line will be sold for Ca>h only. Persons whose accts. and notes still remain unpaid, will please understand that no new credits will t>e given until all old arrearegesare settled in full. D. MALLOY. SPORTMA1K8 POWDER. ONE Case English Canister R fl * Powder, manufactured hy "Pigous & Wilks," Loodon, tor sale by the Canister. 1). MALLOY. May 28, 1941. 29 tf GOOD KAKGAIIVS. THE Subscriber lias on Hand many articles ot Merchandise not now in his line of buj sine**; and which ho has no ioom in his s ure i tor. all sue goods will be sold very cheap. They consist of the following articles, via. I Nogrn Cloths (a good ar'icle) White Pla ns, | BLuket Overcoats, Dnrtil Blankets, Bain Ropi, I Brass And Iro.i*. Shovels and Tongs, Jugs and i Jars, Pots and Oveus. Iron and Steel, tiaruwaru Crockery, &c. G. H. DUN LA P. Novem!*"" 10. 1^41. 5'J tf "THE SETiSCKlUEK" PURCHASED ri cen ly in New York a \*fy heavy and general a*sorim< ut oi Goods wli h have all come to hand, and he now off* t them at Wholesale or Retail at very low pric for Cash or Produce. A. P. LACOSTE. October 27th 1941 &U If ' sornw" * vn tiit vcks oil.. Bv the Barrel or at retail, lor sale by A. P. LACOSTtf. October 27. 1841. 50 if 3500 PAIR SIIOJRS. Comprising every vane'y, and lor sale on ar. coinmodating terms. A. P. LACOSTE. October 27. 1841. 50U CHEESE. l)A CASKS CHEESE iv For Sn|? by A. P. LACOSTE. D.c. 1, IP41. 3 it | _ HATS A^D CAPS. 15 D.)Z''n Gent lemons* and Boys, Black and Drati Fur Hats, 28 Dozen Wool Hats. A Large stock of Fur, Hair, Cloth, and Se. le'te Caps, For sale by I A. PLACOSTE. Oct 27 1841. 50 i; BO.\ ALH5, hoods aao ?A\I> BOXES. , Ladies and Misses, Florercr and Straw Bon. nets. Ladies Coloured H"<?ds. Fnrsairby A. 1'. LACOSTE. Octobei 27. 1841. 50 tf sadLjgdry A very large assort meni of Bors, Men*, and Ladies S ddles. Also. Bridles, Afartingales, ; Whips Collars, S tdille Bags, (Jig, Sulkey, ' and Canyail Harness. Stirrup Irons. G:r lis and Surcingles. For sale very cheap by a d i .lenorr ! n 11 uiii<\/gi u, I Odob*r 27th 1*41. 60 U AltNIJALS ron im JUST received ?t tin* B ??kniore. The (ii'iit, Extra Sntier. C...f, F icndslnp'i* Offering, The l?o.-e. The Vm-K T\v Dahlia. October 23<l, 1841. 50 CUT i?AIM7 100 Kegs. 4d 0(1 8d KM 12d and 20 nails, For sale by A. P. LACOSTK. October 27,1841. 50 if A BOXES, Bunch Raisins, A. IF 20 halt do. 44 20 qutr. do. 44 44 Just received and lor Sal** bv A. P. LACOST2. Dec. 1? 1^41. Si if C A ftl>JL.ES AND SO A P. Sperm, Margarine and Tallow Candle#. | Bar and Perfumed Saup. ] Fo. Sale by A. P. LACOSTE. Onto' er 27. 1841. 50 tf HARD WA RITAN D~&jjl ITH V TOOLS* A general Block of these articles for sale by A. P. LACOSTE. October 27,1841. 50 tf FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS. A few Fancy, and a large and well selected j stock of Staple Drv Goods for sale low bv I A. P. LACOST'fi. I October 27, 1841. 50 tf ~ BL ACKsi?n THHBTS IN ESS. THE Subscriber* b*v? for mad a Copmnerabip, under the firm of i M-TVF.n A> TsiCflSTF. -7 T a* d have einp oyed competent persons to carry on the hI-ovh busings, in all its branches. Shop on Market Street continued, lately occupied by Mr. C. I. Shirer. The ohsrges for work done will be moderate. We shall be giatH'ul for cii5to froiu responsible persona, and w ith all Mich person* S':c ?un a will hi kept. All d?*bis contracted for said *hop, mu*t be on order from us, and all collections for work done will be made by as. A. M. MelVER. A. P. MCOSTE, Cbntv, Not. 15,1941. I if ? J? -IJ,,^=as? SOUTH CMOIilRA. ' Darlington DutritU IS EQUITY. , m Mary Whi?Mngt?n v?. 1 Bill ~ Levi Winning ion and > tor wife and other*. ) Partition. It appearing to my satisfaction, that Mar* garet Whittington, George Whi'tington, Sophronia Whirtin^ton, Franky Whittington, and Franci* Whitungton, Defendant* in the above stated case, are absent from, and reside beyond the limit* of Him atate, on motion of Dudley, it i* ordered that they do appear and plead, answer or demur to complainant* Bill* wnhin iliree month* from the publication of this order, or judgment pre ctmfma, will bo entered against thorn Also ordered, that thi* order to published twice a montn, for three month*, in tho Farmers' Gazette. E. A. LAW, C. E.C.D. Commissioner* Office, at Dar- ( mgton C* H. October id, 1841, {50 2mf3m SOUTH CABOJLI1VA. Ransom Britt vs. ) Declaration in ? - - - - - - > E< E. Uuion ol a o. \ aimvhiiivhm Whoreaa th?* Plaintiff in the above stated eue thin day filed hit Di-clttra ion against the IVfi ndant, who in absent from. and arithoot tie limit* of thia atnte (aa it ia said) and having net. tin r w.tb nor Attorney known within the SN"*? it in ordered iliat lh? Defendant do appear and plead to ihe Declaration aforesaid within n year and a day fro n th?? date her?of, otherwise final and ul bo:u>e Judgment will be awarded agniaat biui by default, T. BRYAN, c. a r. Office of Common Pleas, i Chesterfield C. House, > November 19, 1840. ) 50 SOUTH CAROLINA, C herUrfrld District, Eli Wat ace Applicant against 1 Tubitha Sparru . the H? ira of > Henry Wallace, Joseph Wal. j Ijicc. Jackfuu Wallace, Wm ? Wallace and Eliziboth Wal> > lace. J . It appearing to my satisfaction that Tabithn Sparrow and Joseph Yt ailace, two of the Dsfan. danta. resides without this Stats, it is thera'ere * ordered, that they no ?ppe. r and obj-ctt* t)*e division or sale of the mil . state of Elisabeth Wallace, on or beforo the filtaenth d?y of J-nu. ary next, or his consent to the name will bo on. leied of r-cord. T. BRYAN, 0 C D. Not mber 1, 1841. 51 lfi DRUGS, IUEDICHES, Chemicals, Patent Medicine*, Perfumery, Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs, &c. &c, fur sale wholesale and retail by A. HOPTON, CHUKAW, 8. C. At hi* Drug Store, next door to Brown Bryan 4* Brother. - ' j * Where iimy be had at all iiin's a yenrrai aurtmv t of urticle* in I lie l>wj mended to lx? of au^irriur quality whieh frill K# di*?l>oKt*?i ol' on very moderate te, ma? Phyaiciana Hnii ntiicra wialiing |?ur median**, may r?lj on h?-ing anp..||iMl wtilt theui. May 26, .Ml. 98 1 he Sidwcrihcr ha* juat received, and wil ( keep nonatantly on hand.Cnttow Y?raandTain* nt wlioh'Male, fVoin the Manufactory ol R#aki*f. hniu. GEO. GOODRICH. c Cii'Taw, J?n. 1*140. 10 if ?i.ns hew notee, CIONFES.SK'NS. or The Blind Hart > Jn?i u c ivud at the BOOKSTORE. December I. CHINA CRWKFRY ANITGEAHI WARE. THE Snliaeriher h?? on hand a gin*J amort. iiieui of the ;i Inure. e<>aa|iri*t?g a variety mf pultt rna. Fur eale clieap D. >1 ALLOY. May 91v "1841. 29 tf ? . * AI?9. " 18 H"jsrn Col in*, Huni*. and Mamh ?i?per?or Ax* a, for *ale by the d?z?n at much behtW th* usual ratea. A. P. LACOSTE. October 27, 1841. 50 tf NOTICE. G. H. DCJNLAP Would reepecifullv giv n >tic<* to hw Irl- nd* and tnu puiilic that li -v ng C'lnnti'Miced baniuea* Kg*in * It ?kiti.liilnIv na. ma. oil Illy Ohn Hi'.rnuill lir liinn i< nu<~??i.v.j W sary to curl il vnry mucli his cre-lit bu*iue??, he has coiieetpterit'y ^eteriniitcd t???? en. accounts on'y vritli such pe son* :? ave heretofore paid their accoutre puoctu illy at or near tlie end of the ye..r and with-itch only aa will jire poet, live na-urmceof aoiu future. Oct. 13, 1841. 48 If NEW AND CHEAP GOODS. 1U.iV' just I ceivou a well a lectnj aaaort* uent of staple and fancy Dry Good*of Um Latest style and fashion for tiie Muaon. Please call and examine my stack bsfstt purchasing. M. BUCHANAN. May 31, 1841. 29 if CANDLES A few Boxes T* low an I Sperm Candlea for auie by D. MALLOY. May 31,1841. 29 tf For Pale. A TRACT on the Doctrine* of Election and Reprobation, by Roy. Jam** H. ThornweJI* Also, a Vindication of the Proteaunt Doctrt** concerning Justification. M?y 1st. H4H, 25 tf THE SOUTHERN HASP* CONSISTING of Original Sacrod aod Moral Song*. adapted to the most popular Mew. uies, for th?* Phno Kor?e and Guit ?r hy MRS MARY S. B DANA. \ or ciufti.esToN, a. c. " This work supplies a vacuum which hee long l>e?n felt in the musical world. It is indeed . *r 1 o ...,l M,m bnM ine tnriBii?ii> v oc*u ? ? ? .?w_ iio family will lw? without il.w--Bo*t. paper For s*le at tiie Clicraw Bookstore hy JOHN WRN.'HT. ! July 5,18-11. 34 t4 I : IXTE0. ^ BLACK. Dark Blue. Light Blue, Red tad Copying Inks, in small j Bet ties, ftr sale by John Wright at the C be raw Bookstore. October 30. 1610. 3! If tOAil HAiViBi), ' rHK Subscriber wishes to purehaee 2H)0 Bushels good Corn, I D MALLOY. December 6, 1841. 4 If rtjil