University of South Carolina Libraries
the Union, !?y relying upon legal redress lone, nod bv^ waiting the returning mag- * ^ naniinity of a State whose early and sell- !j *a?:ri tiring vindication of thr rights of ^ limn haa ert th'd hrr to enduring venera- r lion and gratitude. | a I sulunit, also, for your information, a j n ouresnondenrc between ih?? Governor ol , t Georgia and myself, which my respected ? conlenifHirarv lias made h subject ot some ^ comment in cominiinications to the Legialature of that State. t ????????? e " " - (.Vivul.'o , ' - r ??r lilt- raiinvio Thk nbckssitv of Reflection..? : ' s The habit of exorcising the mind in the reflection upon the future, as well as the past and the present, is one of the most a useful that can he formed And yet it ? is one in regard to which the young are j extremely liable to fail. The pr.-scnf J with its amusements and gaieties, absorbs the greater portion of their ; and i * when they occasionally glance at the I future, it is. too often, to dress it in the the bright attire of the imagination, in * the blooming garland of life's sweetest 1 ^ pleasures. W iien the ship approaches a i ,< , dangerous coast, a "look out ' is station. ! .. I1'.10 warn of the approach to reef or ' ... ..r 'So ilw voting; navigating the i ( * i1 ; dangerous voyage of fife, should establish j * "Inflection hs the ^look-out," to give time. 1 ly notice IImko fatal shoals of* iinpru- ! 1 .... * f?V* . J I " demrft and vice, upon which so many, i originally |>ossessii?g the brightest pros- , peels, I wive been wruckvd. ! i is an important safe-guard j in nclwtiug associates forming hahiis, J ' * rnoosing occupations, and, indeed in all I V* (hat oo .ccro votilh. The voung man or I 1 . ! woman w ho thinks deenlv, will act wiselv. ' - rt - . / * I, Tiicv will he awar' of the nature of the v.; * dangers which hover around their path, , and therefore will act cautiously and ' I wifely. They will be enabled lo pene. ! Irate those specious ?p|>CH ranees in which vice so frequently presents itself?they I wilj look lienoath the veil which s<? ' ' " t often covets the deformities of sin, and i i heboid the native blackness of the mon. j atmr. They will be aware that "all is not t gold that glitters," and readily detect the , gilded imitation when it would readily * occupy the place of the pure metal. Thcv will weigh well the influences and the j effects of every important *tep. and not ; he led'astray hv the deceitful devices ??f ; the? transgressor. J. T. X0*THFaiiTKtt.\ RorXDARY. ? We learn from the Rancor Whig that Maj. iu Iaiis closed for the winter the ( survey on "V North-eastern ftotindarv. i an I is now on his wav to Washington to! report progress. He has had during the ! last summer about one hundred in<*n in j his nnplov. Tiu: trees upon 'he line ! have heun removed, on tin: tops of the hills to a space of about one hundred feet, and lessening in width down to the vnllev*. i and the wltole line cleared and hushed - ? Tim survey has lieen continued a f uv , miles ahove the (Jrand Fails, verv near . which the line is found to run. The old' line has Keen foiind verv crooked, and the new running, wilh the stiaight line,;5 takes in several houses in the eountrv he- , ^ - i f ^ low (irand Falls. nnd in some instnnres j v portions of iho rl?':irf(l fie Iris of the farm- > ' cr* there. Sumem them would, at limns. ; g?*l exasperated at tin* proceedings. Init ' most of them were rather ealtn. Ahout j ( sixty miles of tin* line, through an unhrn- j * ken forest, still remains to he surveyed. ' ' .V. Y. Sun. ;' | I Block if:: xn Ait ?v!?Certain ymintr ' "Mood"* display themselves in Broadway < daily, with huge quadrangular ea:>s, ; which g ve their their heads the appear- . J nnr.r <rf square blocks covered with velv- i ct; hence they ar*- generally designated j t ks h!or.k/ufi(ls! Truly, an enviahle title i ' for college students, as they are under- ! ulivwl f#. Kn \ I ww-w?w\w 11* ir\*? I . /? ^ The King of Prussia said to have given i I JiO 000 dollars tor ?hi? drawings and plans ? Irl't bv the late distinguished architct ! I * Schinkel. IDs Ma goaty is supposed to t Imvi! boon induced to make the purchase, c partly Ivv a wish to make some provisions fqr the family of the deceased artist. The Dutch papers mention that .Java In is now selling in Holland at the same t j prices as Chinese lea, and that the la'ter is expected to tie wholelv superseded in * the market hv that article. Fashiox uilk Rascality.?It is not! to he concealed that this country is now honored with more thnn an ordinary number of the most accomplished foreign i windier* and knaves which ever escaped ! the gallows. The police in Kngland have ! Hecotne exceedingly rigid. Hence ac ' cmnplishdd rogues prefer visiting litis [ -country as fashionable gentlemen, to art j 'ignominious transportation to I?otanv ^ ;Bay. The American, in alluding to some fresh importations, remarks:?' They aMvtount to a very large number; most of vthcM come poor, bur tin* gn at chance, ft'or plunder in New York and Philadelphia , has enabled these adroit rascals to toake i . uiionev enough to assume the exterior of! T 'travelling gentlemen, with large portmun- j * ieaus and bags. g?dd headed canes, gold rliiiih and watches ami a .white servant, usually an ?H,ci?inplice. They are doing, tuid-wiU continue to do. a line litis new. dome of this gang effn led the last great robbery at Washing'?m?. Rcvv ?rd< for these depredator# Will have hut little rxc?pt to increase t their audacity and the extent ??t heir depre- t dalHiua.'' i\\ V. Atotfl. < Illinois S'(? ks ?Mr Whiteside* the Fund 'o?mnis>i?? !??r i>t lihnois, gives notice that the mi] of negotiated in Jun?41ast wi?! klHiic.|ii>s:?T & S'ebbms, tor wmch ?H04O0O f State Bond.-; vvae> i??<iged as collateral se>ru- | ly has Hot been pitiii by said firm as agreed. j nil that l' before any part ot the stipulations i aidedbhgar?ry on the State were fullilled, j In4 trust alluded r?? hoi h<vtn violated by ille fai hypothecation and sales." He therefore ( :'litmus the public from buying or selling hese bonds, as the State of Illinois will not j onsitbr herself bound for tlie-n any further) i-iu for tin* amount of money actually receiv- j id. tie invites the holders of the stock to imet at the ,4s?or l loij- e, Nmy K->rk? for the >u pose of receiving a plan for an amicable ? ... ..ftUio nrf..n? ,nfp transaction." dlll'llieill VI Illin uiiP>r,u TllK floHPlTALlTiFs TO I'HIi PRINCE.? . jciier- ti iv.; been r< ceived from our Mnister ; it iho Court of St C:'?ud, expressing in the , nine of Louis Philiippe, ?he highest satisfac- ; ion at the kind reception of Ins ?on. the i Vunc.e tie jninvilie, ?n this country. The , Vouch people were also uiucii gratiried. Lia?:litv orSruAMHOAT Companies. I Pile Court of Error* decided on Friday ast in the case ol'Powell vs. MorJecai VIyers, that a steamboat company nre toldeu ua coinuion carriers for the loss of i trunk, which was obtained . Voin tut: up?;i a lorded order.?-V 1" Sun. A circutn*.;ai)cos look place on Thurs- | Jay. interesting, a's it exhibits I h-: low! ronditioii of the funds in the National J Treasury. The Speaker of the House of I Representatives having drawn his diaft. I in pursuance of law, for $70,030, bring j file sum appropriated for the contingent t expenses of the House of Representatives j luring the present session, it was returned, I tin re being no fund in hand to meet iia , vui/mcHts. Ahxindria Gaz. [ Hit STuc'fiVK Fiki:.?The large stable j letonging t<> J. K. Pat ion. Estj. at the Warm Springs, (Ilunoornbc,) was entirely onsumed i?v fire on the Ififli ull* Four ?r live head of horses, eight or ten head ' >f cattle, together with a very largo a-! noun! (?f grain, were consumed. To: a I ] oss estimated. \v?? understand, at 84.000. ?H igh I and Messenger. will Ihe Legislature Do1?Our Legislature will assemble nt flnrrishiirg *ariv next week. Tile Session will w? loubt prove one of - more than ordinary Merest, and by its action. the credit ol Pennsylvania will he either vindicated o some extent at least, or he h!ill further veakened and dishonored. Wo are not iufticicnliv acquainted with the inass ol ' icntleinen, elected, to enable us to form h left nabs opinion as to the general rhurar. fer of that body, as compared with former Legislatures. |?ut our Loco |<*oro broth ren assure us that their members are. in he mass, intelligent and upright; and that tu.* disposition, is universal with them to I.. ......... a . 11....? u.iiinir in ri'linvi IW 1-vrriv III m< n ... ...... he State from its present degraded finan nl condition. The difficult v, therefore. yill not arise us to the dispo?i'io 1 l> it lien '<tus. Ii is thought iliui the Governo. * ill reeoin ootid ud litional Sta'e In.ui'ion should thnt already in force prove madejunto. Ho ujav also venture to p ropes. hut the S'ate Works ho leased for a ain period; a id that certain stocks hi; online to the Stale he sold, and the jinils iijtp!;ed to pay the debts of the L'onioionwoalth. Hut, if these suggew ions should not he made hv the Governor hev will lie made hv so:n ' of hie mem >ers during file Session. ' (t is clear tiia something in ist he attern ?ted, and of a - ^( rniis character. W th repudiation loctrin -s*. roroeniic d with such favor it. Arkansas. Indiana. and .Mississippi. i< >ehio\ es Pennsylvania. honest Pennsyl Mni i." although hurthened with a d#?l>' ?f $4 000 000. lo act fIn- part of wisdom Hid patriotism; ami to commence at onehe redumption of her monetary obli^uions, ami the resuscitation of hi r ancient a me. One or two millions of our .State leht paid off*, and a solemn determination vervwhere manifested to continue tin jood w-rk gradually hut certainly from rear In vear, would soon place . s upon ligh ground again.?Perm. Inq. of Is: rvt. Uit'A) In Au-nn countyN. O., Normand Me L'iffl. aged ovcrdf) years; he was a na- j ive of Scotland and was a member in j rood standing in the Presbyterian Churrh | or more than filly v<ars ; He departed j his lite in (lie triumphs of faith in a era* i nlied Savior.?fnm. CiiiiitA VV PKU'K (J0 UKivN i. January 11 1842. VltTICLKB. rtn | # C. J $ Beef.u market, Jt> 0 3 6 , Btc"n froia w.igouK, lb 8 a 10 ?by retail, lb 10 a ,'H * . !b L'$ a liO {fcmvux !h <2 ? 25 tagging yard io a 2b jaU- lb 10 a 1 -? "ollef 0i I2J a ;? J 'otton, lb 7 a 8 I Jorii, bush 5h a 'l??nr. Country, '?rI 5$ a b ! ci.iliiers tin way. none lb 4u a 4b' 'udder, lUOIbs 75 a 100 j ?'i.ue?, window pi, 5'tt'i 3 25 a 3 .'17$ j , iii.\l2, 50ft 3 50 a 3 <5 ' -tides, green lb 5 a dry lb 10 a run lOOIba 5 50 a 6 50 f ndigo lb 1 a 2 . 0 j .nine Cask 4 a 4 5u j j.rr.i scarce lb 1J a 12 ^eather, >o.e lb 22 a 28 : .r i I, liar ib 10 a jugwioil 1I> III a i5 iluiasscs N. O. gal .40 a 50 j > _ Of . jrai a ?" ^ails. i;?u, aasnrU?d lb H a . H I , w.'oii{rht il? Mi a 18 _)als bonii Hj a 3l Jil, curr.?r? sjnl 75 a I Thk Kivku is in good hoaiing older. "ARRIVRIV Jan. 10, iStcaiprr (Keola, Ph islian. vilh Bnai. J no. Jruin in tmv. v. ilh .Mdsi . ? o Bin*- & Mu??re, l\ Lony. ami aev-era! iiliers. \ A arpeuaor fkiit trees, i Ttltl Subscribers have just fecefvejd fromf; Prince's Nurseries a! Flushing , and offer f?>r Sa e. 501) Peach, iNVctaritfe, /ipricots. and Plum Trees, of vigorous growth and j largo si/", being ? t<> 10 fee. High; They are; in matted bundles, each fcdntahuny *??0 free.*, and each liundlo composes slxi-emd the finest R.ighsh. French and Italian varieties. They [ are carefully packed tilth itiosS at the rdois, , and <*an he sent safely to any part df the State. price is per bundle; and any . person remitting that anioUiit in ncites at |?ar 10 rtiis Ci y, WUi have a bundle iunvahleU a? directed. S. BABCOCK & Co. Charleston, liecr. I>J4L. 9 It N. B. Catalogues of Trees, Plants add , Seeds, with prices will be sent gratis to al!.i who a.iply post paid to Will. tt. Prince, Flush* j ing, .Y Y. 3D* Wo are antho-ized to announce Mr; Jntix | 1? c-a-iHidate tor Clork of Uitf j Court for .Marlborough District. .. ' November 17, 1 9i In tiik Common I'lkas. Chesterfield District. Henrv Eisterlin, J Declaration vs. ^ on note* in G. W. Buoth. ^ Attachment. | WliliREAS the Plain'iff in his action did ! on this day ti.e Ins Declaration against G. W. J Booth, the delondan', woo is absent iroiu ami : without the himiaol the St tie (as it as said.} j and having neither wife or atmrney known j upon whom a co.iv of the above Declaration, j with a rule to plead thereto, may be served';-! It is therefore in pursuance nf the Acts of lite j GeneraljAseetnbli of this Stale in Sdch <:?*? s, j made and provided; Ordered 'hat Hie defend. ; hiii, do plead thereto on or before the twenty- ; s xtii day of Deceinoer nexf, other a ise hiial j ami absolute judgm-nt be then given and , awarded against him by default. T. BRYAN, j Oflre of Coininon Plow { Chesterfield C. H. Dec. 2o, 1841. \ | 9 ltBmfly TO RENT. I INTEND on the 1st day of July next, to remove my Stock ol Goods to ui; lao stores, lately occupied by B .Mcintosh, and McKay & AfcCaskill, and to ttaake them my | permanent business stands ; and now offer for ' Rent, my four Stores immediately below, j Viz : One at present occupied by V"-srs. \Vf. | & T. Bailey. & Co., the nexl below, corner Kurshaw and Eroat streets, and now occupied by Mr. 1). >1 alloy, and the twonlores now occupied by me. To persons residing in ilns place, it is needle.-* to say, that they are | among the very best stands for prosecuting a Cotton and barter business; and I only make i 'his rie< Juration for the information of person- j residing at a distance. Possession of the j Stores occupied by Messrs. VV. & T. Unify t 6i Co., aod Mr. D. A/tliov, will be given on the 1st day ol September next; the others can ! be had by the lUt'i July next. Cheraw uff-rs 1 inducements to Capitalists, and men of business, that are not found in many Southern towns. It is estimated, that o r receipts of otion. fur the last two years averaged <?5,090 Males, and it is supposed this year'f receipts will be about the same. AUG. P- LaCOBTE. Ciieraw, Jau'y. 12th, 1^42. 9 ** tf The Charleston Courier," '* .Southern Curoincie," ''Camden Journal," aud F-?yei;eviiit* O'wver*" will please give the above mx i ilici'is, nay once i vory two weeks, and forward their hills to me for payment. .4. P. LaCos'e. WOOD. J hereby tender to my late customers m the .ood line, iny grateful acknowledgements, t<>r lie liberal patronage I have rer.o vrd .it their ami*, and would now mo-t. respectfully re. line-*, that they wou'd coMinu- to give their orders to Major f). R. \V. VJ elver, to whom I have so d my laud, and who is f'uliy prepared o d -liv-r any quantity of wood that in ?y be qti red. Al. orders, for wood left at m> stor--, will he promptly sent to the residence of .Major Vlclver. AUG. P I/aCOSTE. January 12,1841. 9 tf CiiESTbKFIKLO l)WT. ?S. C , J Jan'y. dm, IS42 \ THE SUBSCRIBER TAKES this met hud of informing the pub. I c and his trends, that lie intends ctiimneiic. nit; a country School, with a limited number nt pupils, (the num er not to exceedeighteen.) at a healti.y situation, (near Bum's A/iil*,) u this District. Anyone, wismng to board Ins children, may, by applying to me; in person ?>r by letter, ascertain the terms, arid the pi .ces .it which board can bp obtained ccnve. u.cut to the school house The school house will be a comfortable framed lioii>e, now be. ing erected. Any one by apply mg early may obtain admittance for his children until the number is made up. Terms are as follows English : Lowest Class, quarterly ?0 IK) Second Class, 44 b IH) Latin and Greek with the above lu (HI The tuition payable quarterly in advance to J W. Burn, Treasnser. The Subscriber pledges to use his utmost endeavors to preserve order in tin? Seh??oi, and n atu>m! to the morals of those committed to hi* care. Tne school will ncr the5.h M >nd iy in tnis mouth.. For turther particulars anplv 'o ' H I, IIURN. Clieraw, Jan'y. 8th, 184*2. ~t SAMS OF VALI ABLE REAL AND P??t*ONAL IS&TATAi. Bi Vir:ue ol a D> ed of As?giiniicoi of all his Kstatft lo mo by Kii. 13. Wheeler tor ;ii<> benefit o? his creditors, 1 will otf:r ?or sale at .Marion Court House on Mond-y iiio?th Feb. roir. next, ail Ins Real and Fersonul Estate, consisting of a'out Four Thousand Acres ol Laud in thii? District, ubotil Twenty.five Hun. iirvt! Acres of winch is in a nigh state of cul'iva. lidh for Corn mm Cotton, ainl possesses valuable acvjuiuge* for Lumber and Range, in the last mentioned tract is situated n fine Saw and Crist .Mill, Dwelling nnd Overseers Hotisn, mid ;?l' tin* Unit.lings fit for uuiiiediale occupation.? A so Seventeen Honored Acres in tlio Wirlee N-' lt.One I'liousaml Acres in one Tract embracing the W iriiee Landing on the (ireut Pee Duo i iver. and at the saute time Sevent y likely N Hi. ROUS. among whicfi are 3u p.'itue fellows. '[ svo ('inventors, one Painter ami one Bl .?ksmith,also about one Thousand Bushels Corn, #11 Thousand ids. Fodder, Waggons, Hoi>ns, Mules. Gallic, (logs, Household and Ki ch n Turnitore, Plantation I uols, &,e.. As tiie rosidoneo is near the village of Ariirion ai d in t>iiu of the most improving and healthy sections of eooulry in this pari of the; it is regard'd a Hue situation for pur .on* who wish jo-maneut Iv to set:I ihemseit'i s on a go??d and li -mthy pla iling intercut, Tiie terms will l?e mien ax the ereojtors will assent to. whio with ajip ovad purchasers w.ll be no doubt liberal. A. L. SUAKBOaOrCH. Assignee, Jmiunrv 1, 1812. 9 3i 1 w 5 I XF. W A XD CHEAP , . THK Subscriber rias just- rebeived. hist WiNTfcR Supply of (toon-, which cunsniM m fiah; of ihe lnluming;' Viz .* Ladid* English and French Kid Jtforocbft Shoe* and Slippers, >lis8pn K (I, md-Prunella SiiUeS and Slipp* !"*. URitTtKMKM'n fin#; Call D'.'htS, Bootees and Slides; Al-o, a fine assortment of CfcocfikkY,. Chifik (irunnet &c. &< . Hak1)U akk; ?fi tetrery description,' Biarksmiihs Tools, Sheet | Ifon and a few very fine Stovkm; Gftdbn- 1 klnko! ah kinds hy the Wholesale and KrUii; i Titf above will be sold MUCH LOWFsR I tli.ui tliey have lieretutorc btKm .-old in Chb- j RAtv, tor Cash only, demons wishing Bar. j ga.n>, will yiease call <in the Subscriber and examine for themselves before purchasing elsewhere, for their own benefit. ' "? ' ISAAC H. k(>.WF.R. JaiTy.fcJth. 1^42. 9 ' Brno ^lEKICAriAWKS' ivAYlOxNAL MA(iAZl*\E. .. . tj^EI 'S MOVJi BOOK FOR 1342. TftC most *] Irntfiii and valuable Magazine .... etrr yubiishaL THE only jliagaziiie Aevtiftd to Ladies, and ' eoitduclt.*;. by plumbers of tlnnr own sex.? j Cqtn'p'??.'(] entirely of original articles, by th? i'n j?l ntihi'.'iil writers of me age,?ind tnibvlli.-bhtTwith ai larger number and grf-.?t.'r.varir-fy ol rcsriy; elegant, and afractive Pictorial j illustrations* than any similar publication. 4fidtt*d by-r- ? Mr*. Sarah J. Main, Morton'M'Michael, Alfa. L.'-ii. Sigourii'-y, L. A. God< y. f Contribufors in ectrh number. AfimrCT? M. Sedgwick1,' N. P. VVilm, MissE Leslie, r 1 Mrs. C. Lee Ueniz, Mrs. K. V. ?.nbury, * T. S. Ar loir, ' TjjemluCO S. Fay, . A/r?. F. F. Flirt, ty aiuiouncJog to his numerous patrons and the pulmc at large-Ins,arrangements for tin year 1S42. 'he proprietor ot_ Godey's Lady' nook take.- occasion to ark now lodge 'ho unparallt'led an.) triumphant surreys of his Mao azule* which nas now readied ihe extraord; nary number i>f 40,000 t ojiias mo illilv, bring a hifgor edition than has ev*-r hreo printed ol any other work. of any description, m America. . Tins sncr.ess he w aw* re h*been auauied l?y the vast soper ority winch the.,Letdy's Book Jm*. always mainiaitiod ovel toe vam^uH contemporary 1114* azmos which have attrinp'rd ro r*yal its merits, a superiori'' tv which hr is'stilf defomined to preserve, hy keeping it, in all' its department*, Literary, f intellectual and Mofil, as W?ll as Pictorial. i Kiobit matte, A?'ih:ic and .Mechanical. | litis i> no i(l'ie b.?aiif. h-* appeals to the ' experience ,of,ine pa>f twelve yenrs, io ail w.ncli nine. In* has., cind" nu promise to the i ! public th 11 lie has not 'uliy oerf triord, nor un. 1 dCrtake'n any thing w hich his means tlol not ! rn.ilde lion to'.?c.compli9.. to the uttermost. Suturing, as he is aonut to do. on the t!4'h [ volume o| I lie Lady's Book With increased energv and accumulated resources; with an ample know ledge of the business in wh cli he I i? engaged, acquired by long years of. unre| muted application with a subscription; I?h? i unparalleled in the annals o! li erature; with | numerous facilities not. possessed by an\ other [ publisher ; with w ,ll-digV?.sied and wide-exJ tended arraiig-'iiirtits; and above ail, with a ' Blcadiast ourjs^e of inaiiitaioiog the ioftv elevation h * vvjek has reached, the pioprieior ! has not in-totaled Jo incur expense's which on. I * * ler o l.?T circumstances migui well prove sf wiling 7 bu. by ir.'Mijs ?>f which lie will he 'luuleu fo'iii.tke ^iie Lady'- B ok tin- richest, :he 'rarest', till' most attractive, and the tru st valii iblep -nodical.inrnnmcajiy and oxtr.n^tcafiy, ayer offered to the public. '.j^ITEKA i;v .LEI'A iiT.MKNT. Mrs. S J tlale, >1 th. L I] Sigouric v, Me* E .MusCM Sedgwick, Ms Emma C i EmHorr, M'm. FJS Osgood, Mrs. A M F AnI naii, Vl'ii". K F K'lot*. M *s lluptiv. Mm. Vol! nev E Howard, Mr-. E ilion. .Ws. S E Farh'V, Mrs. H B eciior Sfowe, .Mr-. Seha Smith* Mrs J Tfia?er'. .Mrs. C Fee Hcil'Z, Mrs. E C S'edmau, Miss .d/eet.a M Duiuai., Mrs. (,' 11 W Esiing, .Mrs. M .S't. Leon Loud, Miss M B Snow, K ite Franklin. H* will he enabled t.ii furnish orra-ional articles from jlfaria Edifewbrt li, .\1arv Rus-*?ll Mitfotyj. ,1/rs. Ofciivveil B'aron- "Wilson, Mr*. S C Hall, Mrs. Hvff md. .Wary Howitf, and other English lady-writers ?>M| motion, some of whom nave already published in lite Lady's Book the first original con1 ribufions 'hey have ever made *o American Liter iture. Nor Iihs he omitted to procure lite fiTviceg of eminent writers of the opposite sex. Aware r,u j?1 i.i/l m. lLiti.tfi-rvi'd nrnnlaril v j (la lilt: UI?'*a-|J-??l rami aa - - j-,r, .. <if -S. P. Willi.", FJsq. and confident that the productions of Inn graceful and eloquent pen will be highly acceptable to the reader* of the Lady'* Book,the proprietor has entered into j an arrangement bv which he will b?* ! in eadi number ol the work, an exclusive arI tide f^om that gHntSenun ; and he has also | retained a I the contributors wii?js? writings ! have heretofore given such general satisfac! tton, including W 0 Simms, Esq, Prof",i*or i Iiigraliaino, Professor Dimity, Profossnr Frost, ! Professor ?\ alter, Park Benjamin. Esq., R S Mackenzie, LL. D., T S Arthur, Esq. H W Herbert, Joseph (' Ne-iI, Hon Robf. T Conrad. Dr. J K jVfi'cheif. Epos Sargent, OP Morris, Joseph R Chandler, Robert Morns, P. Ejrle, M. D., A (* Brooks, A. M , E Hoden A\ Mc.Vlakin', L K Tasistrn, Rufns Dawes. E D Sqiqerv J Mo Lilian; Jr. J Aldrich. With such aid, it is not .too much *o sar, mat the Literary Department of the Luly's Book wrl! surpass anything that has ever been or cap be attempted. iJB.LiC KALE. "~~~ ONVAV.-d n?sd ?y toe l2ih iJay of January lljll, tlnue will In* H *4(1 at public Auc'orri in the ?tor?t lately occupied by Jiines H. Cole, all the assigned stock in trade ot the said 1 Cole, consisting of Dry Goods, Groceries. Hardware, Crockery,-Iron. Hals. Shoes. <fv\, A large part of whicn was purchased the last summer in rWw York. i Also Jainey H. Cole's interest in the Pole | Boat James R. Ervin, being one third part o ; said Boat. J Terms?All sums of and under Twenty j Five Dollars. Cash. All sums over Twenty Five Dollors,notes with approved securities. ! payable at the Merchants uaiiK nmo'y aays alter dale. I A. BLUB. J. A. INC,LIS. Assignees of J. ii. Cole, j December 27,1841. 7 3t ALflARIACSFOR 1813. THK PlanliTx and Mi-rcliant* Alnnrac for 1842. Published by A. ?. Miller of Char'entonTim Crnskett Al.uan >c lor 1842. The IV?p;es do Come. Old AiU'Tioiin f!o l'oTii?% Jurt r'-enived and for sale by tiie dozen or Hngi?fal the CIIERAW BOOKSTORE. IteeemStr MWBT ' ys.r ' r-iar rrgi-'-Jg'-f'tufwmilbbjcct The Cheapest Publication in I he VVtiHd ! ! ! ALL WaL'IER &COTi"S WORKS, FOSt 810. f&TOVfiLS,, TJei. Poetry. I Fi-toil^ ry, Biographic#* Sermons, EmuJS. Liters, ni.? tile snd cur respond'ncd, by J. 0. Loekll irl. Wb ,t is jjnvT offered for ten dollar#- WUJJ pnhlunoti in Edinburgh, jh iniitay-llirctf rrtlUrub*. Jit n cai*t <?f ore liQiuIr <! a:nl fortv doffd/# ! (<oi?. tr.tfei... ivlmhiirgii Flailiou, !l3 Volume* costing GoUey- Edition, 10 Volume*, price $10. L t it uIho f?e home ?u mind tbi* -}I*i* i- t'v' on v eOiipietu* udijeii. nmloroi style, of Che Work* of Sir W il'er iScoti. ecer issued in Arucf??-i. The VVuverly onv 'ls eonjpi led. i'r..- ?j Imv D dlirg. The Waverlv Novels with a line port'air of the-author.-jy no * completed in 25 i numbers. hi ch n in vr contains a compete novel. tninpri?m;r Uo volumes of ti e fidm; ur?h bilijion. and liit: wiiOto woik complete fur Five L) )lI'./?Payable in advance. Th * work* o nn Author, like fc^ott cannot be too extensively dittoed.- A'<j ojie can rie? - ?. ? , i.; ...ill.*..i? iittviiti/ notn a piTUMti ui in* ^ ivuv/xi ^ hi-eu iuslruc-od a* as* uuium-iI. Toe e.use ! it rciig.on, vi.tus it 11.1 moraiily. find mi udvoc to .'l? every p >g-?v.e.r trill seek cruMuragcnicn. ' from the same sou:re in v.iitt. I' It ts b-en wolj J ???**? rve<] by ?n tible ami eloquent American crilic. that "it ever wri'cr de-owd (Jiiivettitf'j Ciliar nship, it was Sir >Vrili?:r Se ll. He ?vas mo r'oot o.MalurJ, the deiino tor ui ??! * >p*cn:* iii every" -and on every *'?ii; t>o v\ hen v *r hi.-> 'aorks ,w.\e known, ilu-re wax he to he tog rjoilax a native and a denizen." It is i.i liiis the pu iii.'tc* of the new edition of the \Vave:ly N <v>-is nave uuder., tak ih to pr'-'sei.t thorn to th : American people? 1'huy have supp ocd that they could m?t .ender i jiitier'an more accptablo oiin gr- it nasa ol'Madeis, than by placing uoh ? puhl e..' lion within their .e-cli. Tha revised unit' m I'd.ohor^ii i (liiiou, f. tun winci ihis i* r^*-|>ri.?lr*d onpr.sdaf-rty.eight volumes 'he cost oi which x sev m'y.ta o dollar* The edition now omwui. ;J of th? Waverlv No\ei*. will bo la nisliod 0 n|)i t.*, wi:|i purtr it and till* pages ibr Five Jo!l >f*. And comprises ev rv worn in the d i o . th- price o; winch i-, a* Hhovo ?t ted. oveuty two cloilns in boar-*. J Jie point atijn |i icv ..'fliX 'd to ibi* wo>k. is ,'ss. iii re cr. nee .u tii qnai ty of and Hylti of execution, than thai of any mhoi pro1 .clioii bi' pros iri fcluiop.' or Auicri H ? h< investment mid expenditure* c oirecien vitli thi> undertaking, am much g e ter 'Inn HU.'illv ujttuncl a r'.'-ubbc:it'oii; *?d .t will he ;>p.?r lit thul ihe pubiisoci* tnuxt lely on an eXiisivc.sile fi.r il oil remuneration, amlUi<tio Very ins' nC'? a rcinitt ncodftha uoiouiit?K;v.? Oolarv?imi t accompany the oni< r. Tnoy mp 1 with en'tre* confidence to ?lie American ,'judjc, lor a j isi and ibora! support in their endeavor* to isHiuoiiute tlie mean* of an enliglitnneu aiiv. rational enjoyment. COMPLETION OF SIR WALTER SCOTT* WORKS FOR FIVK DOFXAVIS !! riio Snlwc-ili.-rs who have ju-t pnb s'led n .edition of "'rue iVaverly Novo >/' lor the ihH ng .,?uui of h .v, Dollar*, wilt Jpu dis i mi thi- fir t of (Jami irv ne.<t N i. i. o the inisc ilai ons pr ?<! 1 arid poet.-:.i| \V rk# of Sir W.Iut S.-nli. coinj p ifliugtiie poe icil work-, including the ?Miu. . *ii?.l>y of Mm Scottish tinnier, which In* m-ver ; appeared in any nlli"r edition. The life of NuI poj. on, the History ? f Scotland life Swot. I>?y ? *? >1 i i?{-11. Hi'lrimg. < mnlierl ind. St woe, .Mrs. n-n. ! eliti , JuiiiiAuiie. Charloit; S.nillt, !)< ive, i Es*:iy >>n ('li.v dry and Ko t.ii c . 1) nMHMiingy j a <1 Wrcli'-r f., P ul s L "tr loin* , J Tale# o'" a Grandfather?4 s> ri s, Sernio .5. l.i e i o Samuel Richardson. Suml el, (Jo > smith. 1 Hon? VValpoii;. He Sag". Die, H-y-mn. l?#?on j Mini S warn, Ac. Thrt whole o and (.'or eel ??l i?y hiiin-e'f. To w! ich is ndiie*! his j fir- am: mrr. sp? dei c by J. (?. I.rwkhart Tin' whole to hj co ijvKi'ii in tucnti hve wiek'v numbers, for Five Pol ars, Pevabv m ndr nice 1 ?roijs forming, with I it-- a kiiti it of the "W ivcr. y Nov* i.just published in itnifYwi s'yle. a couijL'to riilioii of tli-j Wo ks i'l S r W 'ter ( Scot I. H itijj tin? only ??' e v?r isn't ed in A livid. ami comprising ?-v ?iy v%or of tin? Fdiuhurg ! edition i.i niii'-iy linrc Voiu ue*. the c?Sl ??1 1 which i.? o e htiml ed and forty do-l ;rs. ! I'lse work will rcgnliHy inj weekly ' nnniljTs. printed oi good paper, ami will Iw co.u.4.t' in twenty live ruiin,>cr>, miking live large active vol lines. P w'iwly simi'ir to (ha bo.iutitiil ccPion of the "W.iverly Novels" just issued i y liit- nu , e Publishers. the hitmen*' s dfl of winch is an i video?;! o'llv great ?a: bifactinn or" Hit? pttltsct ilsi'8. Tit Id pigesnnd a beautiful* 1 y engraved host will (a? turn Plied. Tiie pu'ilic-itim price :tto this work, ii !o* , in r f. r> n.'is to the quality of nvterhl and s*tyI of ekecu.ion. than thai of-any other pro. dilation ?f tin; in Kumpeo* America. Tin: iuve. tvnoul ami ' cxp n titnrsa (,o:ino led wi'fi this un lei taking, am much greater lit in usually ' attend a repU'l ci'iou ; and il will be apparent ih it the. Pti il;slior> inu -t reiy on an ex'eosivr sa-'c lor their rcnmni-ratinii. and that in every instanco a remittmce of tho" amount?Five Uul. lar*?must accompany tlui order. Tlvy appeal wit0 entire conhdenc to the American public, for a just an : l..;erul support in their eft arivur'j to (lissciiiinat the means of an enhg itcned ami ; ra ion a I onjov erit. j Sir Wan,:f Scott's M ite's com^ l?fe, tvifl Ii . -....I I,. ...1,1 ni, r.i !1 iMlrr.Oll OSa > ?' "!!L i?r ? ! j uiiuiviao wii, i wt ? w i noif, p stag* paid. i c~' Sir Walter Scott's Miscellaneous Works coinplot:. wi I p." to jny addrrss, o.i reooip' o t l.cprrtill ?5 no c. p"s age paid. Th .whole edition will bo forwarded on re c ip'. of Ten Do.lar*. LOUIS A. (JODF/Y. & \V. M. CHRISTY, Publishers, Philadelphia. CLUBBING. Scott's Entire Works lit fen vofunirs, 4 /e?>nti>rising Nove.s M;sc diaoeous Writings G" ScottV Lntirn Works Lady's B ok aney. ar, und People's Library o ?e year, 15 10 Scott's Novels?Lady's Book and P'-o. pl'-'s Library oiu year, Id Of) Scott's VI.seel anions Works, l ady's Book. I' Ople's Linrary one year, 10 0'.) Tbir's History of tlie French Rovolu* lion?Scott's Novels O' .Mi*c'llane. -otis Works?.nd tlie Lady's book or People's Ltbnry, ' 15 00 AM Scott's Work* in Ion Volumos, and f J".l R inn.i't Works. 2d 0 1 Tlie Works of Lord Bicon?-S ott's Nt/vrN or .Miscollui ous Works. ? Lidys Book or.e year, and People's Library one year, 20 0 1 Any newspaper inserting1 tho above thren or anr limes, ?'?? iitiilie-sing a ropy marked, to Fubiisher^' H.iil, Phiiarielplm," will receive iny five of ilie -ovels, ronplfte, thev may cho >? ' to order, or any live numbers of the Mis. collaneou* W nrks. If one copy of the p i p?*r is already sent to the Publishers' li t 11, iinoiiier ne?d not boMOit : bat it would bo hs ivi h. to mirk every advcrtisaiueui o f a> publication issuing from iliat l u ldiug, ant 'h.-y kvill then te t<in!y bo noticed. Duck ruber, 1841. GAiiD^ ^BDSi. 4 Full suoply o*' F?esh and Superior (inrden seeds i'or 1812. just received and foi salo by JOHN WFIGHT, at the Bookstore. P*rwiber 15, 1<41. 0 t *JCaiW2LSJ& OML\ 1 itOTICE. .V X<!%^ y THE Creditor* of JdiucH If; (^o'e, claims d?? n t exceed I ?ii:Mjr Five Do Lr* are requeued to present a daii-mont ol them to the A-st?:gn?'? n as soon as possible. And those wh<?t claims are over that amount, are notified that 'they tnust bcrottic parries tn the , Deeu of Asfctgnw^ntby Mining and sealing til? 'rW 1 tl > ,.. ? i .j-Yhruary lie*I hi order to eiiu.le llieitisuives to ? dividend i?f. the residuum alter the \pr^ ilvi debts ahi [ t-atiafieu. 'a. mm , i Ufcftfc. As?ignoes of Cole. j t>*<ofhber 27. l?41. 7 ttr I lAHO? SALE OF VAU'ABLH MEOROi^. By consent of * 11> rue* ilwre wifl tofeiid ..tC induii- en tli.- liort SJohdi# .n F.-b,?l. | ury i ext. h Ergo nu.h|??r of F.S on a | ere lit of' wo years, <qu?l iiuMJduity.ti* / iulof-at fro u date p lyaHe Tb? said Negri** ! . rolobn sold under .t mortgage. cxetiilftfi ;?y | Jst.ueK W. Cilttev, to the Profile t and IhrcC* | tors of the Ban * of the Mat - ol South Carolin t | Aanul 51 absolutely and ,0*411 36 lot lh? liifr ol J. ,\V. l*r.?i?-y. Of t!> pnreli nor, l?>nd mid nnrsn> iccdrityi [with a mortage* w iil :'? rf'jtii vrl. I Al tlia u uu'i fi;ui ???! pmvM'. ilm UOl/SE mitt .. | I.O T, ihw r^i.euco o;' J W CauW)', will also I he sold. -?n lli<> terms above staled, under a omrtS'ga. Sif.vcHM the p3r!iV?? u fores :)ti{ P.iriirulnm uico in d tail, will re made kn<>v?it ' on the <1 ly <? e. Tho uit niton of parcha**r? | ix iiivii d 10 iln> saic. as the N^gruoe are lik-ly, and l!ic Re i| d^ir tbla* | . F. Ji* EfAWRKr .Pfofrt0.1t Bank Stat .SooMi C-irob/fd. ! Dor 31 8 t? 'ilILRCHAVT^iutO^ Cher aw, Jan 1, l*Hl; rTTlflE l>irorto k <>f this Bank have d^cli'ed JH. a divii'enti of Si4 pm xlisru, .or u?e i???t llulfvt'Ul, ay able m, m (I after !!:?*?.ny ' , W. GODFREY, l uliiar; ? 3t A LIST OP LETTER* ; EM AlA iN(? in tji? post Ottfec tt MLM* S. C. HI he 1841. Persons llinjf l?iF tiji-rio Lit r? wil! jil.-uso *a\* tii ? on* a vrTt'.e?d* B. BRYAN. P. M. ! B?Brure VViiglit 3. Brown Morgan Or 1 Brown Miss Ataitlia, rird Julinmio. u-Unc urt ; i?r?. . - * ! C?Cauipa gn Benj uniu Clarkimn J noes R. ; L. j F?Fraiiei* Mrs. Ann j ( ?Gin-y Ja'.io 2 Gr ? B. JH? II txd,ii?: Atnr h A Hufls.ind* C-atou* I Mali Eliu- G. flare Wm j J. VV\ Litlic K. W. r;ie. Mm. Wid. J W.Lrwih Mo*<h. Lutl'vo I AHatl. ! M?\1< K y Mis. Joiifi A McKay John j Mitchell William MeC"iiii8n J<?:m Milnnis j Malconi, .McRae. John C.' ?>r; | MoCtil l>antul MaylilunrM. McC.til E itibcih MeU'Uii Mrs, Maiy W. N ? Nica iRon viis> AJ *tv J r F?I'osf. h k- v.J'C 2, Puoci O mnll'S tV*??U ! Mi?a A/nt!i I A PnWo. >arali It .PvofW. flf/H.; Pti.r?*'l II. H Pm plrs Giterl.i*- W. Q--Q>.inJer Joint J] <4IM<k I,mI?. ?y, K ? Uo k>?ii T. J. Rivers L-wim ILlinwstrr* Simon. S - S n lb Win. Springs R.i*h'?r,4 tfutfnrd Mi<> S. C Sroiiier Mrs. Sinsa-i L. . ! T?Tuerril Cu tis Tali TlioiniS ! Miss Ma y B. Tiighmri FJloiH. Mi*s. , W?W rrcn VV i#i. Woiiibl Biy.iiit. Weflicrly Marv G NVard,Wis- EiiXa Jam, W Ich fiieliard VWm rv I Jo <ii J. . ! 8 ; tf " . ASKIttlEES 1IOTICE, r* s ci n wj i . . j ^ 1 r, V LU. n. m <i*r? n-f i>i Kit ui?i> ? J H ?u?e, S. C. having exerii'rt r?? ?h?? ! Suhscrtb-r an aMOfpunqti1 of allies E* r<re autf Efh-crs for the benefit el Ins f?rc<f<t<rrvN"tirtf is herebv given. that a meeting m rhectedu ' torn will hi1 livid at the office of ?V'm. W, , H urllee. E-hj. at Marion l.'otir Hondo trt i Monday tin- 31<*t riavof January next, it 11 | o'clock A.M. lor ?bo purpose of appointing , | an Agent'to act wi'li the feubscrtber in ?xe. , cutiug said AsagmiieiiT. ,' The said Creditor* arc requested to attend at lite time mentioned, ?r U> represented .it i the said meeting. Notice i* hereby also giv. 11 en. fh <t all the cr'dl'oN, who fail, neglect, of : refuse, to establish their dr m?nda duty authert| tic a ted be'ore the Subscriber oft the d >y t?|bre. 1! said, bv 'be I'erum of said assignment. wriil '?ef 1 1 barred and excluded irotii the benefit there* '' of. A. L. SCARROftOPHH, Assignee* Marion C"iirf Heine, ) Dec. 8(hh, l?4l { 4t> ? V . , ? . . I I! . 1 EXKCrflVR DEPARTTim. > rOLtiUBM, No ember MOtb. 1841. By His Excellency JOHN - P. RICH* | A!{1).*>0N, Esquire.) Governor and < 'im* , m inder in-Chief and over the1 Stale of ; Sorrth Carolina. ... ' *T?r U : UPAS in'intmaftnn lia? bei ft re? i IV ceived at thi* . that ??tf the night of the 20th c?f Septemher Jam,'a , 1 m<:t*t attrncions attempt wan made by aetno ! p?Ti*nn unknown, to murder ?>ne T. W. H*r. ! ley. n* Colleton District : Now know ye, (hut i to the rail justice may be done, and the off !? ' dor f rough I to'J?'gal trial, I do h'-reby olfer a I rew ard til One llupdred nod Filty Dollar*, Mr this .'puri-Jkmakifl and dVrlivefy into any jail <n Ile Sr ttfi, ? Giv-'o under my. hand and the ftad ol it* ISiatf hi Columbia, the.'JOth day of vem'oer, eighteen hundred and N^tv-nne, i arid in the HXth-year of the inih'peiMietictf of flie (Jnit.ed Slate* of Auiefir-t. JoHiN P. RICHARDSON. * i Bv the Governor,' M. Lahorde Sec'y of StatPi Dec. 2 W SOUTH CAROLINA* Chesterfield District. In thf. Common Pleas. BF.iNJAMLV IWcINTOSN, who in id custody of the Slwrilf vf (he f>i?!triei afnr*nid, l>y virtu* of a writ of cupin* ad *ilsf?fiittrti* tluiii. at t'e unit of .Smith Al ?wry Jr. hiring oelilioned tiie Honors be tw aameiaid of the aid slate, thai lie nry be orfan?tl?-rJ Itnli? benefit of the ?ci of the Oncal Ai>et?bhr ihsde for the rchnf of lofiotverif (f'lit.oR at,', he hafri/jf filed with his petition * anhcdnle of hi* ratal*,; > real and personal. ]i i- nrd n-.t, that lh-> ?id Smith Mo ry, Jr and olt < titers to witofll the ?.iid (telitioner is in any wise indebted, do par* 1 | aomlijr. or by thoir attornina, b ai?d Spinr ' bcorc the Honor ?h'?r the ansoo, tie Jinljf* of H>e ' sta e a foresaid, at the Court ?fC?H'iHO.? Pi?aa I.. . . .? Ili.A.lHrfi III r'u'llt 11 >Os> ; U(| j I!I IK? ll'Mirn a - - the Wnuiw'ay after ihe third Monday )Q j March n?.\i dim md tlicr to ah-w to<io?r> if4 any i hey cut., why 'he rgmte and effects ?f the ' pe- it to er k>imiiM not be utwigiieri, and 1m be i Uisol.ary d, pirsujiii to the provision* of mid Ac'" "f'he General A**'?u?b'y made add proii! deu f<t t..e relief of' insolvent debtors. v. T. BRITANi C. 0. P. ChcfterfteM (*- ft. ) i)n < *) ivli. J T 3m \ m