University of South Carolina Libraries
THK STATUE. The following extract of 3 L" tfer to the Superintendent of the Military Academy (which wo copy from the New York American) is of particular interest at the present moment, when the Statue of Washington, lately placed in the Rotwndo of the Capitol, is the subject of so much observation; Florsivc*, iJvxz h. 1841. A few days agoGreenough's Washington left Florence for Leghorn, where it will be embarked in the ship chartered for the purpose of carrying it to Washing ton city. Air. Livingston, d. ring Gen. Jackson's Administration, informed Air. Grefnougb, bv letter, of the order ol his finvnrnmpnf' to f>V( Cllte tlllS SfOfllC. He was Jeft to treat tsubject as he picas. *d; at the same time it was suggested that he should, ns far as practicable, embodv the general spirit of his hero, so as to represent the main, predominating trai's of his character, rather than any particular act of his life. The work is now finished, and we may hail its arrival in the United Slates us an important era in tue history of the fine arts with us. It is double the natural size, seated on a chair, which is ornatnented on each.side with a bass relief? rtie representing Apollo driving the Chariot of the Sun; the other, .if oreules, an infant in his cradle, strangling the Serpent. On each arm of the chair is a small statute?one represents Columbia, the other an Indian Chief. It has a few other ornaments which serve as appropriate emblems. The Statue is covered in part with a Roman toga. Tiie legs, arms, shoulders, and part of the hack are left exposed. The feet are covered with Roman sandals. His dress is exceedingIv appropriate. What majesty andsenatorial dignity the drapery adds to the no. b!e traits of the Father of his Country! Had lie been dressed as an American farmer, or nsan American General, how homespun, common, a tut unclassieul would ho have looked in comparison. It is not the shws nor the coat of Washington that onr artist nas felt himself cull? d upon to perpetuate, but his exalted character, his pure and patriotic spirit, his geniu*; in short, his moral and into!jec- j tual as well as physical likeness. In his \ left hand he holds n sword, which lie re- ! signsto the People, after having conducted them safely through the perils of the Revolution ; with his right he points up. wards, to induce that he has wielded it under the guidance of Heaven. The commanding dignity, the sublime repose, the godlike majesty of the features, the inipressiie and imposing grandeur of the whcle figure, entitles this Statue to be 1 classed among the first specimens of the art. annent or modern. Thp Famesinn Hercules at Naples, the Jupiter in the Vatinian, by ancient ariists, the Moses in a church at Rome, and the David in the Piazza del Gran Dura in Florence, the Inst two hv Michael Angelo, all colossal static*, have been looked nt lor years with admiration and delight, v?t not with more intense interest than will he the work now under consideration. Greenoitgh has studied the history of Washington attentively, understands *b?rroughly the disinterested, the patriot. 4c, the ho!y motives which promoted him in everv important act ot'his life. flnv mgHvedin a foreign counfry some ten year*, surrounded hv monarchies, hi* mi. ngiparion was enlivened vYi:h the brightest visions of jov and hope, a* he eontem. plated in the distance his blessed native land ofliberty, which, had be m mi 'e free by a band of heroes and siate-rnen, of wlmni Washington was the chief. The order from Government to execute this Stntue constituted one of the hap. pics' events of his life. Mis mind was roused bv a sense of gratitude for the confidence reposed in his talon's, and, tirt'd hv the noble desire to achieve a work that would add to his country's fame, at d perpetuate his own, he felt that strength which is imparled lo a man of genius bv trie consciousness that great rosnonsihili. tv rests upon him. Under these circutnfctancos he has produced a work stamped *.i?h ull thp freshness, viiror. and original. itv of a work purely the offspring of the imagination, while the resemblance to the features of Washington is as striking as anv i kencss extant. He is well versed in the pjinciph* of the art, and has not trusted too much to the inspiration of his genius. Ho has eatfsfind all the demands of rigid, hijiily cultivated, and scientific criticism. The bones, the muscles, tendons, vein*, arc as correctly displayed as if the hand of Nature had put them in their places, thouifh there is not such a parade of ana tmnical science as in some of Michael v4n<:elo's statues, who studied anatomy profoundly, and makes one feel, on e\. uminino: his works, that he was perhaps a little' vain of his proficiency in this branch. It was exposed to the view of the publie here. Masters of the arts, cotihoiseurs, end others were loud in its praises: In our country, where the public taste has not been cloyed bv frequent exhibi? ? / t tions ot" specimens or me nne arts, entrm?i;ism will rim higher; and it c.innot fail , to he received with the strongest demonAt rations of pleasure. The statesman, the patriot, the philanthropist, the man of cultivated taste, will repair to the Ilotundo of the Cnpi!o! to contemplate with sentiments of devotion the impressive and commanding traits thnt animate this statue, which they nil "welcome as they won!J welcome a " benefactor, arisen, as- it wore . from the dead, to revisit his. native land. -Much praise is due our aororn> pMffcd eompntriot for having contributed wtftudh to wlovafe our country to a high n rank atnon^ nations in the way of the | fine arts; for Greenough has produced other masterpieces besides this, and of a different kind. The other day I was asked, "how happens it that the most talented sculptors in Italy at this tune are American V Pow. ors and Clevinger, of Cincinnati, are here; both of whom have given unequivocal proofs that they possess great talents it. the art of sculpture. Powers is spoken of, by those whose opinions are of the highest authority on such subjects, as a genius born to illustrate an age. Of these gen. tleman I will perhaps speak in a future letter. Extracts from a "report" and resolu tions adopted by a meeting of "Democratic Republicans" recently held al M.K>re C. H., N. C. When the Creator, by his fiat had jusl called man into being there was butonr human being. This teaches us that all ? men are brothers, and ought to live ir holy brotherhood. But when Cain slew his brother A toil, he was expelled from his happy abode, and the seal of condemnation was placed on him bv his maker. This teaches us that all evil-doeis should he punished, if not by their fellows, al least, by their maker. With such views we see our country in great danger, for thore officers whom the people lately choose to throw oil on the troubled waters of political discord, and administer a wholesome regimen to the political body, have raised a demon to lacerate our National Constitution and poison our whole system. Those Whig members of Congress, whe at the end of the last session of Congress proposed amendments to the Constitution did so in violation of that instrument.? The Constitution says that Congress, whenever two.thirds of both Houses slial deein it necessary shall propose amend ?? A _,i merits to tuts i^onsiuuuou. .iuu !hose H hiji members rolled a party meet ing to propose amongst other matters, amendments to the Constitution, whilst tIn"v knew liy experience that all the Whig members of Congress did not come near to he "two.thirds of both houses ol Congress." In tiie one hour rule, established bv the dominant party in Congress,?by which no member could speak longer than one hour on a hill, we see the liberty of speech restricted. The British Parliament would biush to own such a hill. And yet it is the offspring of an American Congress! ?*Tell it not in Gath, publish it not in the street* of Askelon, lest the daughter!" of the Po i listings rejoice, lest the daught* ers of the uncircuincised triumph." Resolved, That the Whig members ol the present Congress have shown them selves as little qualified to place propel men in office as to legislate r itionally. Revived, That the resignation of the late Cabinet at Washington is a proof 01 corruption. Resolved, That the twenty-five thous. and dollars given hv the Whig member of Congress to the widow of the Intf President should have been given out ol their own nnekfts. Rerohedy That our Senators, Grnhanr aed Mangom for supporting nil the nox. ions measures of the last session of Con gress, and for their servile attendance ai tt?e heels of the despotic Clay, are un worthy the confidence of the free a no in. dependent men ol North Carolina. Rc olvrd, That for the safety of oui political institutions, and the preserva. t.on of our lil?erties n thorough changi is needed in our general and sialic govern merits. JTIARLBORO' ACAOfiMT. P3MHE examination in this institution wil S- C'imtn uce on Thursday, 9th Decombe a;xt, in ili ' K'-mal? Deptrlnient and he contin. lie i in tlin Male Depigment the day fu lowing At tl ?e c'oso of' ach d iy du-re will bo an exlijhi lion of >p. ukui|{, compositions, music and origina dialogue*. Tin- public are invit id to attend. At'or a vacation of four weeks the exercise: will he returned the second Mondry in Janua:y Ch biocev P.Jm'd, A. B. Prircipal of the Male and .VI iss Ami Throop, Principal of tlio Fenuli L>eu nm m. Mr Judd in a graduate of Yale College, fron whose K cu'y he brings the highest ie?timoni ai?. In addition to the English brantdics, In t ?ache? R ?nk kicpit'g, Su'veymg, Latin. Greek Kroneh, v 'I fits pupi* ror every c'nss in college Mi s Tli/oop r. ceived ? thorough education a one nf the best Seminaries North, and in nddi tiou to the Eng ish studies, she instructs in Musi and ail the ornament il branches T.iesc te die s have been engaged in thi A jdemv one year to the entire* satisfaction o this who'e community. 'I ho Trusses do nc hesitate to my tuay nre un-urpasset :n aptnes to teach, in skillful government, thorough in s'ructio ? and polish d manners. E. P ERVIN". Secretary. Fennottsvi'le: S. C. Nov. SStli. 1841 Board in v be had in 'espcctable families a from S"> ;c $10 per month. 2 t&mij SSOUSJE AA'J> LOT FOR SALE IN BENNE TTS VILE. HJIIJE Sif'scrib-r will offer for sale to th JL irC-'t bidder, a valuable dwelling House am Lot on lh? first Monday in J inuary next in lJ.n notNvilli*. Tho House is n new one and large enough fn anv family of ordinary size. or for a board in iiou^e, and has consilient out houses ail new The lot contains lour acres arid is well enc oscci it is adjoining the Female Academy lot an would perhaps be as desirable spot lorn res denoe as unv in the place. Term-- will lie and made known on t!i day of sale. johv McQueen. Marl': ore' December 11, 1&4I. 5 3t A CARD. JOHN A. INGLIS, Attorney at La> Wtil practice in th.; Courts of Law for th ra.?. ..r r'hpctnrri^lfl. Marion. Darlinrrtor ISID* lll'U* ' '? e ari<i Mirlltorough. His office is in the built in'/ n^xt below the Store of Messrs. Taylor ^ Punch. l>ec. 1 i ISjfl. I * THE CHERAW SCHOOLS. THESR Schools are now fn full operation, i under the lollowing osgnnmtion, vit: * Rev. Fordyce M.Hubbard, Principal of the Boys' School. Mr. William E. Wording, Principal of the Girls' School. j Miss Margaret Cobia, Assistant in the Girls' School. | 1 Miss Jane Hebb, Teacher of Music. There gentlemen and ladies have brought to f 1 us, the inoKt gr.uitying testimonials to their moral worth and professional excellence. All f t of them, are experienced Teachers. Mr. Hubbard, has been engaged in the business of in. struct ion. for the last twelve years, and is r??cornmended for the accuracy sod extent of his scholarship and his success in teaching by Prcsi- ' . dent Quincy, of Harvard University, who says of , him: *Mr. fi. has been f??r several yrars a well ' 1 known and highly approved teacher of vonth in ' the ci'y of Boston, and dotingui-hed for hi* ' attainments and capacity for thai office. 1 have ^ j often ha l occasion to become acquainted with ! | his classical thoroughness and fidelity by the | youth he has prepared and well prepared for admission to Harvard College." Rquall/ deci1 dod are the recommendations of Professor Beck ' ' and Pi roe ol' the Mine University, Professor i Edw irds of Andover, Professor Andrews former, ly of the Univ rsity of Noith Carolina, Dr. 1 Cogswell, and R^v. Mr. Curtis, late Rectors of 1 the Episcopal School of North C rolina. ' | Mr. Wordinq, has b on employed, for five . years pa*t, in a Liierary Institution at New 1 Hampton N. II. and brings tho unsolicited testimonial of the T-u?te?.* at parting with him, "to his fi lelity and competency as an Instructor , in Literature." Ha has also letters recommendatory from President Lord of Dartmouth Col. 1 1 ?ge, Messrs. Woodbury. Eastman, Atherton i and Shaw, members of Congress from New Hampshne. Mjss Cobja is very highly .ecom. 1 mended by tho R?v. Dr. Gadsden, Hon. R. B. Gilchrist. H. A- DeSausuro Esq. Dr, Johnson, t R.-v. Messrs. Charles Hunkel and P. Trapier, and by Mr. Christian Mnyr, Historic and Portrait Pa'nter, all of the city of Chraleston. Mies ' ( Hebh has taught music in the city of Washing. i i ton for several years, with great success and , i universal appro!.a'ion." She is recommended | as "not only a brilliant performer on the Piano, hut also a skill fit and sueccssfu I teacher" by tho i Hon. JV, Cr,inch's and Messrs. Geo. Waterson, | W Brent. John P. Ingle, Samuel Hanson and o Inrs of Washington city. The Trustees have taken great pains to procure ' the sorvices of Instructors of character and i merit, and. he'icviiif om the personal acqunin( tunc? they have been able to form with thoso ' now engaged, that the ecomniemlations given ' t?v tho disiinguisliod gont'emen named as above ( ! are not iimr6 generous than just, tbev confidently , claim for their shonls a librr.1l support. The school year consists of eleven months, leaving the month of S plumber for vacation, and is divided into quarters of twelve weeks , each. The prices of tuition ate as follows ; viz: Fur Spelling and Rending $6 00 per qr. For these studies with Wri. ting and Arithmetic 8 00 44 ' For the same, with English | Gramnu and Composition, Geog aphy with the use of the Globes and History 10 00 For '.lie same, with any of the i higher Mathematics, Natu. ( ral or Mora! Sciences, Ancient Languages, or Draw. n.r nn.l P.iintinir 15 00 44 ."6 * *. For music on tlio Piano 15 00 ? p B??artl can he had in respectable families on very reasonable term*. Tuition is required to be pan! qnurtedy in a ranee* r Bv orJer of iho Committee, JOIIN A. IXGLTS Secretory. D cemhcr 1841. 3 tf I The Temperance Advo^ato will p'easo copy the .hov.> three times, and forward the account. i>. johhsox. i ?F AS j ist received by the lighters of the , I I Steamer Os -oln, St. Croix and Po tirico P, Bale rnpe :?nk 44 Inch hoavy Bagging, Ki . a id Laguira CoT e, Cheese, fi 0 lbs Sole L a'her and some Upper Leather, Ladies and , Gent emeu's Cl aks. Dress und Frock Coals, pilot Cloth and mixed ('loth OverC?;ts, Satti. no't Coatoss, Hunting. Flushing and Blanket , Coats of various colors, Panlulooria and VcsJs, | 12 Dozen Wocl Huts, u variety ot Fur Hats, so ne very fine. The above with a stock of Dry Goods, Crock. cry and Groceries received a few weeks, make nearlo r>r>m Til .1 CfW dlV! Ill" (V>rwi uiivni. n iti ij ? 0 . . a Ir-sh 8t<?ek of B'?vts a id Shoes is expected, and 2 dozen pur <>f Gentlemen's B?.ot?, a very ' fine article. All of which will be offered f??r ? ci -li ut low pri<v* to auil the times. lioola und Shoes will he made to order for cash. N. B.? All p rsous indebted to D. Jnhmon are narn >?ly requested to make payment as early a? possible. November 16.1841. 1 tf 1 COHI* WAITED, 1 *5^ HE Subscriber wishes to purchase 2000 iC. Bushels good Corn, D MALLOY. j December 6, 1841. 4 tf AL?IA.VA ? FOR 1842. THK Planters and Merchants Almarnc for 1842. Published by A. E. Miller of * Cbnr'esl??n Tim Cp'cketi Almanac for 1842. Tim Pe ip cs do Com c. Old American do Comi*. J lift and for silo by the dozen or single, at the CHER AW BOOKSTUKK. ^ November 09~ BiACkfeJUTH uisncss. L HS^HE Subscribers have fornix] a Copartner* JL ship, under the firm of * McIVER dp LaCOSTE, ar.d have etnp oyed competent persons to s carry on the altovo business, in all its brandies. _ Shop on M.i rkel St ret continued, lately occu. pieo by .Mr. C. I. Shiver. The charges for work done will be moderate. We shall he giateful for custom from responsible persons, t and with all such persons aeoonn 9 will be kept. All d^blK contracted for said shop, must lie on order from us, and all collections for work done will be made by us. A. M. McIVER. A. P. LACOSTE, Chora w, Nov. 15. 1841. 1 tf* 3 NOTICE. tW 1 LI. offer for mIcoii the 24th of Decernher next, the plantation and tmct of Ltnd r inherent I now reside, containingOne Thousand <r ! ae-cs Once or less,) itu- t?*d on tho Stage Road . I I; ading from Che aw t> Fuyetteville. on which I, I there are t^o Crst xlills, one Saw Mill, Cotton H <win. Cotton Screw. ; nd all nec. s>ary buddings i. f?r tho accommodation of a fumiy.' Persons wishing 'o purchase are invied to call and ex. o amine the premises. Conditions?The payment* to be divined in four equal annual instalments, bearing interest from date juti;> w, Bunit.ii. Marlborough District, So.'Ca. ) October 1st., 1841. f v G AjfipEXSEfDs! e A Full supply of Fresh ami Superior Gar^ : jnoL den seeds lor 1842, just received and fur I. sale by A c JOHN WRIGHT, at the Bookstore. D comber 15, H I L 5 tf SIMS NEW NOTEL, CONFESSIONS, or The Blind Hart Just received at the BOOKSTORE. December 1. D*Wo are antho_ize.i to announce Mr. John I. Donaldson. a? a candidate for Clerk of the }ourt for Marlborough District. November 17, 1 9t DHIM CROCKERY AND GLASS WARE. rHE Subscriber has on hand a good ns.?ort. ment of the above, comprising u variety of >allcrns. For sale cheap D. MALLOY. May 31, 1841. 29 tf AXES. 18 dozen Collins, Hunts, and Marsh superior Axes, for sale by the dozen at much below the usual rates. A. P. LACOSTE. October 27,1841. 50 tf : NOTICE. G. H. DCNLAP Would respectfully give notice to his frir wis and tho public that having commenced business again on his own account lie finds it absolutely necessary to curt iil very much his credit business, he has consequently determined too' en accounts ? i- .?:?u ???i, Mrtnm -hi |,avp heretofore Daid uuijr nun puvu ... ? ... . _ , their accounts punctually at or near the end of the year and with such only as will give posi. tivc assurance of doing so in future. Oct. 13, 1841. 48 tf If EW AIYD CHEAP GOODS. I Have just leceivod a well selected assortment of staple and fancy Dry Goods of the Latest style and fashion for the season. Please call aud examine my slock before purchasing. M. BUCHANAN. May 81, 1841. *29 tf ' " " CAfDLBS A few Boxes Ta.low and Sperm Candles for sale by D. MALLOY. May 31,1841. 29 (f For Sale. A TRACT on the Doctrines of Election and Jm. Reprobation, hy Rev. James H. Thorn" oil. Also, a Vindication of the Protestant Doctrine concerning Justification. May, Jaf, 1840. 25 tf COWS. WANTED two or thrcemilch cows ?Enquire at this ofEec. POLE BOAT FOR SALE. THE Pole BoatJhines R Ervin will be sold on favorable terms. She is r ow on the way up and wi 1 be delivered 10 the purchaser on her arrival. Apply to either of the subscribers. I). MALLOY W. & T. BAILEY &, Co. JAMES H. COLE. December 4. 1841. 4 tf SHERIFF SALES. ON Writs of Fieri Facias will he foM before the Court How door on lh first Monday and day following in January next within tite legal hours the following property viz: 4 Lots in the Town of Clieraw |rviert oi as he nrooertv of Gro.t Edwards and known in the plan of said Town !>y No*. 1S2 (one hund-od and eighty two) 183 (nnn hundred and eighty three) 184 (one hundred and eighty lo ir) and 185 i nc hundred and eighty fixe) at the suit or W. J. B liley udinr. et ;l va ^'c rg" Edwnrd* One Lot in the Town of Ohonw known in the plan of said Town bv No. 28b (iwo hundred and eig ity) tog-thcr with t'e io?provnim'? thereon, also one unfinished Buggy Wagon, levied on and to !>e sold as the properly of C. I Shiver ul the suit of Taylor Sl Punch vs. C. I Shiver. 100 Acre* of land more or le.?s whereon the defendant resides at the suit of Middlcto.n & King for anoiher, auj S. C. Winninglnm vs. Ztlpli i Huslt'ss. 250 Ac es of land more or less, levied on a* property of Ma y Reed whe eon she reside? adjoining the lauds of Laurence Prinee, John P<Tvis and o hers ut the suit of the State vs Mary Reed. One m-gro man (Collin) at the suit of Neil Cniwforo vs.'Ranald McDonald und D. A. Mi Eachern, aud A. Blue bearer ct j! vs. Ranali McDonald. 648 Acres of land more of land more 'or less on tiro south side of big WoslfHu'a Creel whereon the defendant resides adjoining the lands of Mrs Hinson, Samuel While. Jamei fcveretl ami W. J. Prguc* nt tl o suit of A. B u< etal. vs. Thrashly White and John G While. Turrn.?( ?ll? Pu fell llhCI a tO IMlV for Ueces eary papers. JOHN EVANS, Shff. C. D. Chesterfi -Id C. H. Sl.ff's. > Office, Dccrml>er 10, I J* 41. ? 5 tf SHLBirFTALE. BY Order of the Court of Orriinay of Che terficld District will h?? sold at Che?!erficl<i Court House on the first Mo id y in January next within tiie legal hours all the real a^ta'o o Aliingd ?n Pa*sons deceased, consisting of not L-act of land in said district on Westfields Cr< e? containing Ihieo hundr d acres wore or less hounded north bv the state linn. West by f^wii Molton's land. South by Samuel White's lane and East by lsham Wallace's land. T< rtn* made known on the day of sale, oi may ho noon by reference to a decree in the Or dinury's Office. JOHN EVAN* Shit C. D. Chesterfield Court House, i Decernbor 10, Ifc41 ( 5 3t (. - CORONERS SALE. writ of Fieri Facias will bo sold befor< *L' ^ O?..?o <l..n. /..i ilia Mnnrlil VF' II1U VyUUTl lluunn uu-1 .... v..?- j in January next, within hours tne fol< lowing property viz: !O0J Acres of land more or lcs<? whereon th( defendant resides at the suit of Hugh Onij and John Evans ag 'inst Ranald .McDoua'd, Terms?Cash?Purchasers pnyitig for ncccs snry papers. W. L. ROBESON, C. C. D. Chesterfield Conrt House, ) December 10, 1841. ^ o 3t "garden seed, icT THE Subscriber has just receive f a full nnc gntwral assortment of Fresh <?ARl)E> SEED from the Agricultural Warehouse nut Seed Store of the New England Farmer Eoston among which are Sugar Beet, Ruia Dag* White Flat Turnip, \.c. &c- by the pound ant smaller quantity. He lias also for sale a General Assortment o FAMILY GROCERIES, with WINES,,,,, LIQUORS, Raisins, Figs, Almonds, Citron Currants, Candy, Pickles, Tobacco, Segars 6lc. &c. His Store is Two Doors below the Store o Messrs. Taylor &. Punch. CHARLES V\NPERFORD. Clteraw, Dtceinber 14, 1841. !> tf ???w??g^???wii "THE SIBSCRIBER" 7 PURCHASED recen:ly in New York * I heavy and general a^orimeut of Goods wh h have all come to hand, and lie now off* i them at Wholesale or Retail at very low pric for Cash or Produce. A. P. LACOSTE. October 27th 1841 50 if SPER3I, A!?D TAKERS OIL, By the Barrel or at retail, for sale by A. P. LACOSTE. October 27. 1841. 50 tf 2500 PAIR SHOES. Comprisinir every varie'v, and for sale on accommodating terms. A- P. LACOSTE. October 27, 1841. 50tf CHEESE. Fkfh CASKS CHEESE A" For Sale by A. P. LACOSTE, Dec. 1, 1841. 3 tf HATS AND CAPS. 15 Dozen Gentlemens' and Boys, Black and Drab Fur Hats, 28 Dozen Wool Hats. A librae stock of Fur, Hair, Cloth, and Se. lette Cap*, For sale by A. P.LACOST E. Oct 271Q41. 50 tt FEATHERS. 200 lb. new Feather* in store and for sale by D MALLOY. October 25th 1841. 50 tf t SADLEDRY. A very large assort mem of Boys, Men?, and l Ladies Saddles. Also. Bridles, Martingales, ' Whips, Collars, Saddle Bags, Gig, Sulkey, and Carryall Harness, Stirrup Irons, Girths and Surcingles. For sale very cheap bv A. P. LACOSTE. October 27th 1941. 50 tl v A^liALS FOR 1812. JUST received at tlie Bookstore. The (Jem, Extra Super. Calf, Friendship's Offering, The KVe, The Violet, Tltr Dihlia. October 23d, 1941. 50 Cl'T YA1ES. * 100 Kegs, 4d fid 8d lOd 12d and 20 nails, For sale by A. P. LACOSTE. October 27,1841. * 50 if UAINIAb. ' ?" "v Vs! U>iiir>li Ruiu'nfl. I 73 Q uunvia j JSL xJr 20 halt (if?. * " 20 qutr do. ? Just received and tor Sal? hv A. P. LACOSTE. Dec. 1, 1*41. .'1 tf CANDLES AMD ?OAP. Sperm, Margarine and Tallow. Candles Par and Perfumed Saop. Fu; Salt? by A. P. LACOSTE. October 27. 1-941. SO tf HARDWARE A AD SMITHS' TOOLS. I A general 6tock of these articles for sale by A. P. LACOSTE. October 27,1*41. 50 tf I R OM. 20 Tons, assorted sizes, for sale by A. P. LACOSTE. October 27. H41. 511 tf FAXCV AMD STAPLE DRV GOODS. A few Fancy, and a large and well selecte< stock of Staple Dry- Goods for sale low hv A. P. LACOSTE.. October 27, 1841. 50 i GLASS, PAEMT," AMD PITTY. A Large Stock of these articles, which wt I be sold at reduced rates. A. P. LACOSTE. October 27, 19-11. 50 tf . UPPER AMD SOLE LEATHER Wax, and Call'Skins, am! Hemlock Tanne 1 Sole Leather. For sale low. ; A. P. LACOSTE. ... tt Ortob-r 27. 1H4I. 01; u bo\ \iifs7noobs, a\w is axi \ poxes. > Ladies and .1/ii*Fep, Florrrrr and Straw Hon 1 nets, i.auies Co toured Hoods. Forsalnh) ' A. P. LACOSTK. Ortr.br127. 1841. 50 tl The Subscriber has just received, a>*?l w keep constantly on liand.Coilon Yarn and Twin at wholesale, from the Manufactory of Rockini hain. geo. goodrich Ciieraw, Jan. 1840. 10 tl ( the sottkeru hakp~ CONSlSTlNGof Original Sacred and Mori Sunnr*. adapted to the m-ist popular Melt , dies, for the I'iano f orte and Gnit ir l>v MRS MARY S. B DAJYA. OF C1IA K I.KSTON , S. C. } " TIiis wo k supplies a vacuum which h.i j lonz b<*n.i folt in tin-musical world. Itisindec the's Vocal Companion, and wre hop r no family will he without it."?Bnst. paper lor sale at the Ciieraw Hooks!ore by JOHN WRIGIIT. '-I- i icii 31 j# .? ii i v ?->, i u-t i . w . I1TSS. ' L ACK, Dark Blue. Light Blue, Red an i It Copying 111kv in .stn;ill Bottles, K< su'c bv John Wright at the Choraw Bookston October 30. ib40. 51 tf > _ ? r CASH Sl'STEiTI CO^TIXIUD. ' THE TIMES are such as to compel th Subscriber to rcnti ue the Cash System Groceries and a!] articles in that line wi ' he sold lor Cash only. Persons whose accti and notes still remain unpaid, will please ur dersrand that no new credits will he give until all old arreareges are settled in full. D. M ALLOY. ftPOBTS-HAffS POWDER. ONE Case English Canister R'flo powde manufactured by "Pilous & Wilks," Lor . don, lor sale by the Canister. f 1). MALLOY. ) May 2S, 1*41. 29 tf ; tiOtm BAEtOAE\S. j rSTlEE Subscriber haa on hand many artich j _IL of Merchandise not now in Mr line ofhi f siness' and which he has no tonm in his s.ui j for, all sue! goods will he sold very cheap. Tliey consist of' the following articles, vi Ncgru Cloths fa good cricle) VViiilo Pla:n Blanket Overcoats, Duffil Blankets, Bale Rop f Brass And [ro.n, Shovels and Tongs. Jugs ;.t Jars. Pot* and Ovens, [ on and Steel, Hardwai Ciockery, Ac. G. II. DUN LAP. Nott-mber 10,1911. 52 tf mmmmmmmmmmmrnmmm SOUTH CAlKOLt^ ' Darlington District* ? IN EQUITY. + Mary Whittlngton vs. 1 Bill Levi AV hitting ton and > for . t wife and others. > Partition. It appearing to my satisfaction, that Mif?* pa ret VVhittington, Geojrfce WhftUngiioo, Sophronia Whittington, Franky Whrttiogt*/ and Francis VVhittington, Defendants inthe above stated case, are absent from* and Wfiis beyond the limits of this atate, 0* .mr.liqo of Dudley, it is ordered that they dp|tpp^iTv*tMi plead, answer or demur to (cooaplaiofnta BiIV within three months from the' pu61)CaticinJfrf this order, or judgment pro cort/kssdt,/Wm^o entered against them. ' ' ' ^ Also ordered, that this order be puhlMMI twice a month, for three mootba,<i>{ite<ffcfto" ers'Gazette. E. A. LAW, G. E. C.D* Commissioners Office, at Dar- J ington C* H. October 13, 1841, $502n?f3a* State of South Carolina. Cheraw District* Ix Equity. Win. M. Cannon, admr. and A Ann M. Cannon, admrx. I of Hugh E. Cannon, dee'd. 1 Bill for Sals ? ? ? > n , V8 Henry E. Gannon ana i raiuuvu ^ ^ others Hei.s at Law of I Hugh E. Cannon. J IT appearing to my satisfaction that HtiftVl' Cannon one of the Defendant* in tteabov# stated case is absent from and Reside wilJumt th? limits of this State, on motiqnofjG. W. it, J A. Dargan Complainant's solicitors, it is ordered that the saia Henry E. Cannnon do plead ansfre^ or demur to the said Bill within threw months from the publication of ih.s orde, or in default i thereof on order pro confcsso will be entered I agamst him. It is also ordered that this order be published tn the Farmers'* Gazette twice a month fur lb# space of three months from this date. ?. A? LAW<> . C. E. C. I). B Commissioners Office, J Darlington C. H. S. C. > September 20,1841. ) 46 2afti& Cheraw District. T John N. Williams and others ) vs. > The Heirs of Elizabeth Ford, i Tne Heirs of Samuel Ervin. ) Bill for tceft. The Heirs of James R Ervin. > partition dec. s The Heirs of Robert Ervin, j Alary Wilds. John D. Willi. ) erspoon and others. ^ a.,. TH E complainants having this day filed theif Bill in inv office, and it appearing to my satisfaction that the Heirs of Samuel Ervin and t he Heirs of Elizabeth Ford defendahtlf in the above stated case are a* sent flrtfhi aftdWtftlb without the limits of this state. < It'll on motion of Roiibins it, Mclvcr ordered that they do plead, answer or demur to complainants Bill of coin, plaint within three months from this date, and la default thereof the same bo or tie led pro eonfoao against them. . ? . * ? It is further ordered that this order be poliMahed twice n munth lor the space of throe months tn the Fanners' Gazette and Cheraw Adverts* ser. E A. LAW. C. E.C.I) ~ SOUTH CAROLINA. > Cheraw DisirkL >' In Equity. < Mary Reynolds, i ? . 1 > ? W ill urn Reynolds, / < and others vs. ) Bill for James Reynolds, ) Partition Jte. Daniel Reynolds > and other-, j ,. / 5T appearing to my satisfaction, that James si Reynolds. Joint Reyncids and Riley Peoples sind wife S rah, formerly Sarah Rfyimldp, ,] partiesdefendants in this Bill reside b?yood the limits of tho Slate of South Carolina: It to ordcro 1 on motion of Complainant's Solicitor tbnt f tiicy do plead answer or demur to the said bill in I throe months from the publication hereof, or tho same will be taken pro cotttesso against thein^f II Also, ordered tliut this order be puhl;?hc<j to the Former.*' Gaztre twice a mouth for three , ?? mum,13 iruiu k ia umci E. A. LAW, C. E. C.D. Commissioners 1 * :< * ^ r, L)ar iucl'JD C. H.8. C. 5 ^ i ? iff, 1041. S limfJm i it i SOITH CAKOIJN1. , j Ransom liritt, vs.') Declaration in J E. P. Guion Sl i'o \ AttachmeiJk Whereas the Plaintiff* in the ohove stated case u this day filed his Dcara'ion against the iK?r fondant, who is nh*ei:t from, and without the limits of this state (as it is and Karinfj,neither wife nor Attorney known within the a*me, it is ordered ihat the Defendant do appear and plead to the Declaration aforesaid within area r ' and a day from the date her< of, otherwise final and iihsolirc Jttdgr mi nl w ill be awordeo agaiiut r him by default, T. CRYAN, C. C. P> Office of Common Pleiin, } Chesterfield C. House, > November 19, 1540. } . .. ' , d 50 buClIf CAROLINA* " Chrxlerfield District, n Eli Wal ace Applicant against ) 1(j Tabitha Sparrow, the Hefra of > ; . I Henry Wallace, Joseph WaJ. ) . , , lacc. Jackson Wallace, Wrn. > Wallace and Elizabeth Wal- > lace. ) It anpearinjr to my satisfaction that' Tahithm j Sparrow and Joseph Wallace, two of the Defhia. J daiita. resides without this Stile, it is ihere.'orn ^ | ordered, that they do appear and object to the division or sile of the real c state of Elizabeth >r Wallace, on or beforo the fifteenth day of January next, or his consent to the same will be Mlered of record. x , T. BUYAN, 0. C. D. November 1, 1841. 51 -i- l2t : e DRUGS, MEP1C1IIE8, CUnmioula Pnfonf MoriininAw. || Vylit/IIllV/UiO) JL UtVtllr 1U VUIVBHV p ; Perfumery, Paints, Oils, Dye n Stuffs, &c. &c, for sale wholesale and retail by , A. HOPTOIf, CHERAW, ?. iv At his Drug Store, next door to Brow* & Bryan df Brother. Where may be had nt all times a penrral ar sortme t of articles in the Urug line?reconr mendi d to be of superior quality which will be disposed of on very moderate terms-? Physician? and others wishing pur-' medicine?* may reJy on being supplied with them. ,g May 26, 1841. 4 ft 4,7 re IfOTfCR CHARLES I. SHIVER, hasijig this day 1 - - nf lier'Hiijute T. ^yexecuieo 10 m? a., . h. Notes and Books of account, those indebted to o, the H.-tid Shiver, are requested to come forward id and make payment to the subscriber, who is re alone authorised to receive payment and giant receipts. AUGUSTUS P LACOSTR" October ?8. 1841. 51 If V ^.a - *