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The Mine journal mentions, nlso that on the northern frontier, at Lille, an army tfc. of 20,000 men w forming, and the fact U corroborated by the Montieur Parisien, in the account it gives of the movements of divert regiments in that quarter. The trial of the members of the secret society called M Humanitarians" was con. eluded. Only ooe of the accused. Trot, tier, was acquitted. < 'f the prisoners as. social ed with, in his attempt to assassinate the royal dukes, fourteen have been discharged for want of evi. deuce* und the rest, in num. her, ere to stand over for further consider. vfiq? The Franc* asserts the truth of the following: M M. Olozago having demanded from M. Guilnt the expulsion from France of Maria Christina, the Minister asked if he made.tfce demand in the name of Queen Isabella. The Spanish Ambassador re plied in the affirmative, and M. Guizot then observed that, in order for such a de. . tnand to be regular, it was necessary for hioMo produce a note as the Minister Plenipotentiary of Isabella. "M. de Olozaga sent the note in the -* sense required, and it was com n iii^ated to some members .of the diplom die bo I v. ' '.The-Neapolitan Ambassador protested a. : gft*nst such a demanded, observing thai vitnapdalily could not with decency be re. - (used to a female who was the daughtei V w King, widow of a King, sister of : , King, and mother of a Queen, and tha h?r explosion from France woul I lie inon strous, and even an immoral act. The Austrian Cnarge d'AIFaires wa of those tne opinion. The other amhas sadors of the sovereigns who have not re cognised Isabella said they could not oflV an wpinioQ without receiving instructionfrola their courts on the subject, f ~ > SPAIN. f The latest intelligence f-om Spain is to the &lh ult., and represents the account from the southern pr; vinces to be ver - satisfactory, tranquility prevailing every where. The Minister of the Home De jutrtiuent Juts sent cfcular letters to tii political chiefs, recommending thos? functionaries i? cause their authority l< be respected. This is locked u|x>n us ar indirect attnefc against the illegal existence of the juntas. CHEBAW CAICTTE. WBDSKSDAY, Duck**** 22,1?41. A new Cmut of Equity was established h* the late session of the Legislature, >for HafJborough and Ciiesterlield, to \*t held in tins Town HaU of Chcraw, with the consent of the Town Council. The location of ** Floral College" ad* k refined in litis week's paper, wc know to be very healthy. From what we know .?virf ilhfr .Principal, and what wc learn of v 4he institution, we'Wmsider it a vcrv .* "good school. IFe know of no other fc. ? mate school which ntFords the same ad* vantages at so little rout. , - Wr have copied the advertisement of : Mr. Sands of Baltimore offering f??r sale blooded cattle, hogs and sheep. We in. vite attention to the advertisement, and ' ""IK**1 the ?nquiry to Pec Dee Planters, Whether they could invest so small an amount so profitably in any other way as in the purchase of, at least, some of this stock r 1 4 Tcasiea.?The Winy** (Geo. Town) Oharrver boasts of a turnip weighing nine and a halt pound*, and measuring 2o inches round. We can heat thit a. long way. A turnip was brought to (Mir office the o'her day which writhed tttflie pounds and measured, round, iMrfy-mre tnrhec. It was rawd by Mr. W*. D. Baiaaas, near Bennettsville, in an old field which which uad been cowpcned. We understand that in the same lot, were many other turnip*, nearly as large. We hnve the proceedings of Congress down to the Iftth. The only thing wor. thy'of notice is the adoption of a resold. ? ?t 14 lion t>v trie Mouse, on nioiion 01 jir. i'ushing, call in j/ on the Secretary of tlie Trcaaurv for the plan of a Fiscal Agency Tefcred to by the President in his message. . An unsuccessful attempt was made in the Legislature of (ieorgia, during its re. $eni session,' to refuse the State'* share ?f the proceeds of the public linds. v "The True Whig" is the title of n new taiwkty paper just commenced at Wash. hijgtVitf City, conducted hv Calvin Coltun, m gentleman of talents and well known literary character. Price only mie. dollar per annum. The "Independent" has also been issu ed. It is published twice u week at $5 per ?nnuii)?Politic* Whig. The Rev. 8eptimi'? Tv*ton\ of the Prcabvterian church, and the Rev. Mr. . JTaffitt of the .Methodist Episco. pal church, have hern elected chaplains In Congress. 1 The Whig pre** ** #?m.s more kindly disposed towards the President since the publication of his message, and the D;*mvocratic press ratlier less friendly. TVe have copied a couple of brief articles r_ ? * ._n .1 Hvm on: iinmuiai nuriiigRii?er, niicwuig the footings of the editors on this |?oint. The State Legislature adjourned on Frujey* We have not yet received the iitft'ofact*. Among the acts passed are the following: One extending the jail hounds to the boundaries of the several districts. One Ptaerxliug t!>? militia hiwii, arid restoring Brigade Encampments. One to prevent i 1 citizens of New York from removing out | ** of the limits of the State sluves and per-'I p sons held to service, and to prevent the escape of persons charged with any a crime. v The bill from the Senate to restrai.p t( the sovereign State of South Carolina from appointing a person to receive the F said State's share of the proceeds of the public lands, did not pass the House. That bodv substituted resolutions to the J same effect. The following is the prin* ? cipa! one of them : " * H Resolved, That this Legislature will not appoint, and that the; Governor be requested and enjoined not to appoint, any Agent to receive such portion of t^e .j proceeds of the Public Lands hs may be ^ appropriated to this State-, under the late w Act of Congress. * .v On this resoluti >n the vote stood 193 a to 16. The Nays were: JMossra. Adams, d Ariii11, Black, Blakeney, J W Conner, d Da', is, Dudley, Earle, Gavin, Gilmer, H Kmgsley, jlf.-Fall, Perry, Robinson, ' Trade well. Wade,***16. 1 The other resolutions were abstract propositions to which no objection was t uade. I Mr. Hkxry, of Spartanburg, we think, 1 :i trod need in the course of the session a |; et of resolutions into the House, affirm* \ ng the right of the Legislature to instruct ? Senators in Congress ; but after repeated j* - ...... r fforts to get a vote upon them,/ they vere laid on the table to sleep the sleep c f death. They were aimed at Col. Pres. s on, but it seems to have proved as diffi. j ult to get up an excitement against him ? i the Legislature as among the people. h FUTURE CORPORATION'S. When the lull to incorporate different Micieties was before the Semite, Judge lager moved to amend the hill by adding : i clause declaring all ror|w?rat.ons created . ?v the lull, and all to be hereafter created ( by the Legislature.', public cor|?orations, j and subject to the revision and amend, i ment of the Legislature." The amend. t merit prevailed ; and in this form the bill ( passed both houses. A different provis- ' ion of law, iti regard to corporations is ' much more'called for by the true interest of the public. As the" law now stands, f the private property of members of char. , tered companies is not liable for the debts ^ of the companies. But there is no good , reason why men who associate them. I selves together for carrying on inanufac. r lures, commerce, banking, or any other- . business, should not be liable for the debt.* , which they contract, if they ho tiiisman. [ age as l?. lose more money in the'business ' tnan they invested in it. tl The faction in the Tennksse Sen- 1 - . L atk. We slated some lime since, mat the Democrats having a majority of om i in the Senate of Tennessee, and th? Whigs a majority on joint ballot of hot I. houses, the Democratic majority of tin Senate refused to meet the House oi Representatives in convention, for the i : |?ur|?ose of choosing U. S. Senators. 0n? 1 | of the Democratic Senators suiisequeot ly felt it his duty to separate from his " party associates, and made a motion that i j the Senate send a message to the House proposing to go into the election* The j motion pievailed and the 2d inst. was j fixed upon as the day of meeting. The ( State constitution provides that a majoritv of two thirds shall he a quorum for business in each house ; and when the time J j appointed for the election arrived, all the t Democratic Senators refused to attend, : except the one who had moved to go into the election. Thirteen.attended, and twelve refused. The Democrats, { from the House, in the convention * contended that the convention could t not proceed with the .election, be- ' cause there was not a constitutional quo. rum of the Senate present; and the t objection seems to have prevailed, for the election was not made. Tiius a factious minority of the smaller branch of the Legislature prevented that IkkIv from the d.schnrge of a duty enjoined by the con- ' stitution. 1 The small pox prevails to some extent, y i r% t. . .L . ?:... ' on tne tvoanoKC annul inn omuing nut of North Cnrolinia and Virginia. (iov. Bagby, of Alabama, whose terin of service has just expired, has been elected to the U S Senate, in place of ,1/r. C C Clay resigned. The vote stood? Bagby 66, Moore 09; scattering 4. ELECTION BY THE STATE LEGISLATURE. r Adjutant and Inspector General; James IV. j Canity. I Directors of the Bank of the State;?P. H. j Ei inure, President, and C. T. Lowndes, W. I j A. Carson, J. S. B?wne. Samuel Burner, R. t Caldwell, \V. C. Dukes. II. T. Mc(?ee, M. T. Mendenhall, A. McDonald, J. N. Nowell, D. C. Webb, and W. M Lawton. < Commissioners in Eq'tiy: for Cheraw ' (Darlington) District. E A Law; for 3/arI- j borough and Chesterfield (a new) District, ( D S Hurtles. \ I EXPEDITIOUS TRAVELLING. ^ Mr. Samuel Crown, Messenger in thin f city, left the Railroad Depot on Tuesday, the 7th instant, at 10 minutes past 12 6? , clock, on a locomotive, with the Presi. s ilent'e Message. He arrived at Balti- ^ more at t,10 P. M.; at Gray'* Fcfry,1 >hilade1phi#?, at 4.50 P. M. ; at New Yorl t 9,05 P. M. and clelivered the Messagi t'the New York City Post office at 9. IS \ M ?performing the whole trip (inclu in? necessary stoppages) in nine hour, hd three mintiles, being at the rate of up /ards of thirty miles per hour!?the shor eat time in wld'ch the trip haseverbeei ccom pSihed.?Nat, IttieU. VoW the Natioml-ldtolligencer of De k'ii in cemhet 13thl * f itw #i*st wicrk bif the smsiox. / To-d.'iy begins tHi> second week of thi ossion of Congress; and seldom has tin ,'rst Week of any Sassion been less diver ified by remarkable incident. The ^attendance of the, Members ii nch House at the opening of the Sessini ras quite as fiifr as coiild be expected.-* A . 4. _i-i ? __ 1 ^ C I! i ney mei apparently in goo.i leeiing /hich nothing tin's occared lo disturb, ani rhich theft &Tjfu','temperate. andalmo* ftring.likte Weather iihs assisted to sheiisl nd-sUstainr*'"1 *''* ; The-Anrtunl Message of tho Presiden! elivered on the second day of the weel< isnppointed the Whigs, we'rat[ter fhink jite as m fell ns their opponent, thougl n ft' different way. ' The Whigs found i ree from imrhe exceptions which the iad anticipated, whilst their antagonist /ere taken ?fl aback upon .discovering I olean apparently towards Whig insten jocofoco principles. The great head c he latter party in the senate led o gainst it at once. And the assault ha teen followed up in the official paper < he snrne party with an earnestness whic hows deliberation of purpose. Wha he Whigs in Congress have to say of 10 debate has yet taken place to dii lose. They do not. mean, probably, t .\pres3 any very hasty opinion on tb object. The documents accompanying the Mei age are voluminous, (though not more u han usual,) and are not yet out of press * is to be submitted to examination by th numbers; which circumstance, and al icnce of a number of A/embers not y< irrived, has prevented either House froi nuking further progress in husines thai n the House ofRepresentntivesgivingai horityto the speaker to appoint the star 1iiiin?#immiiif?ftj on matters of SDecial i erest, viz on the plan of finance recon nendcd in the President'** Message; n he opportionment of Representatives I Congress,on the Smithsonian legacy; an >n the establishment of a National Foui try for ordinance. The proposition and vote upon the fir >f these committees is the only indict ion of the disposition of the members < he House of Representatives touching tl iiHn. iil recommendation which foruia tl nott conspicuous feature of the Pres.dent Message. The House has determined, by najority. of tfrrty votes, that ?his question shi lot go to the standing committee on financ ,tiie Ways arid Metis.) but to a select co< nit tee. Tne reason of tins decision is au xised to be a disposition on the part of tl Ioiise to place this question in the hands of :?mmittee so constituted as to be reasonah supposed friendly to the President's recoi nendation; rather than in 'he hands of a coi nit tee composed, as the Committee of Wa tnd Means, to he appointed by the Speak .vou d in ail probability, be, of a majority hose commuted, by their reiterated votes he last Congress, in favor of a National Bit o preference 'o a Fiscal Agent of any nth ha-acteror construction. That such will I > ? er - -ii'..:.. -i? u.. iu ? 'IIP fII? CI I'll 1119 IH'UIMIIII UJ IIIV lliiurci * ?avp no doubt. The other thro* select cor mttees ordered to be appointed aro cliargi a it h subjects each of substantial important md deserving of special inquiry. , I lie hrMt ijnng ujx?n the,opening of the sp >nd week of top session (to-day) will be tl tnmJnriation. m the House of Roprcsentatm >f iheliafmeic of 'ihe persons appoint! dby tl Sneaker,? in-pursuance of the order of tl House, to compose* the 'Standing and sole 'oiniintipea, . Frpm (he sjppe paper of Dec. 13th. On referring 'o the L fit of Committees yc erday announced in'the House of Represe atives the reader wij\perceive that our a cipa'mn, as to the probable character of tl Select C'.tnrnittee on the President's tecoi nendation concerning a focal agency/ h H?eu fully .realized;, the committee on tu ubjen con^isMiig of foe gentlemen wh?> su ained. the course of the' President at the la msisiiin in rpcrard to tne B nk anest'on: ai ? - ? ? woof the Opposition proper. also hcretnfo villi th- Pr*si?t*nt oh tlul par'icular q>iestiu mii two Wh'ge/whis with the in un bod jr. he party, have differed from the Preside m that question.. NWw OKLKANS, DKC. 3. MUTINY AND XURDKJt. The following are the particulars of ihockihg and horrible revolt at ana, by inmber of slave*. They are confirm* >V ? letter from the coirtmnnder of tt vessel on board 'of which the slaves wei unharked. .... The brig Creole, Capt. Enton, of Rid nond, bound for New.Orleaqs with :nrgo of tobacco, one hundred and thirl; iv? slaves and four or five passenger vns on the 7th tilt., taken poasesion off he slaves who rose and mutinied?killir ind wounding several white person i* il.. *.1 t? _ a. o ri h. Li appear* iiiiu on me i in uiu ai o r. ?' Che brig was hove to in the belief that ai .vas approaching Ahaco. The next da ifter the passengers and crew not on dm lad retired, at about half past 9 P. M he slaves mutinied, and murdered jassenger named Howell, owner of a p?i ion of the slaves, by stabbing him with >owie knife. They wounded the capta ind one of the hands dangerously, tl ;l?ief niute and another of the hands s merely. Rut little defence could bo mad is the victims were totally unprepan "or an attack, and. had but one mask >n hoard, while the slaves .wore arm< vith pistols, knives, and bludgeons ma< >y cutting up hand spikes. There is re ion to believe, that the whole plot w irrangod before they left Richmond, Having obtained possessing of the vf tel. they broke open the trunks and ra >acked the whole cargo. They spar fhe lives of the mate, passengers, and V. *.'J ji.'<' T 'TT """ * ~ ? ? .?. -- v" . i part p( the crew, on condition they shotiM 3 be taken iipmediatofy to Ab.iro an - Eng5 liah inland. Forced to obey* the crew set i sail .nod arrived at Nassau, N. Ft, on the g1 r I 9th lilt. Qn.landing, the Americnn Con- ? sui bad. the captain and two of the men fc immediately taken on shore and their is i wound#dressed, while every attention was a . .1 paid to the woundud on board.. The! .Consul likewise requested the Governor ^ of N. Proviilence to place a <-guard on :., prevent the slaves from going a- c shore,*|fl tie well knew that-if this were I .. not/lone,.it. would: lie impossihie to secure ? ? the gyiity, perpetrators of. the murder. ' e The request of the Consul was granted, and,an investigation of the nfFair was con- { ducted by .two magistrates of Nassau. n The caplaitj also took the testimony of tho [ n passengers and crew. . Nineteen slaves I " were identified as having participated in h >' the inutiay and murder. They were d placed in confinement until furthero-ders. * f the Governor refusing to have thein S-snt j to America undef the ricu mtances. j ( The;re?naioder were liberated by Her j ^ Majesty's authorities, on the ground that 1 the "laves must be considered and treated * j* as.passengers, having the right to land in j J " jboats--from the shore whenever they |' ,'v thought proper. The captain is jdoingiJ y pd will probably recover, . '* The refusal of the British authorities to j ] || deliver the- wretches implicated in this a. 11 trAetowis transaction, to the jurisdiction of j J J Hid country iff which they are held as j " slaves, adds another item to the dark cat* catogueof outrages uon Atpcri an right. [J committed by the English Government " ft wiH, we trust, form an important feature in the deliberations of Congress on the subject of the grievances which American j ? ?Amprirnn citizens have I |IVUp^T| 1 HUM 0VM.W..W -- _ 0 suffered through the arrogance ahd des 1 e pot ism of the minions of the British ^ crown. The trite adage that there is a point beyond which forbearance rinses , 10 to become a virtue, was nevet more a;>0 plicabiethan to the tame and spiritles* ie manner in which our diplomatic inter** | course with (treat Britain in regard to her haughty assumptions of power over n the flag and property of this confederacy has bean conducted. Better, a dozen l# wars with all their attendant horrors, than ' the everlasting reproach of pusilanmouslv n submitting to nnroachment and tyranny which become morn odious and exacting ,n in proportion to the humility with which '? they hre endured. [Bee It is stated that the slaves on board l# the Creole were insured for $120 000, but as there was no clnuse in the policy pro. vidingfo. indemnity in case of mutiny, *' tho amount cannot be recovered. r,f Ibid 1 ilh i'tsl. )e , _ The N. Y.iExprest ssvs that exchanges between theaSouth and West and New U York, are becoming, so had that the sale of goods, on credit* must, to a greater ex. u. tent, cease. The rate of Exchanges t* between and Philadelphia have changed from 2f-2 to 612, and with no a prospect of any speedy improvement, y With a vitiated currency, every, day changing, it is'impossible for merchants yg to make'any4 calculations as to the future, er as neftber' seller nor buyer dare make n of contract for any large amount, payable at t the South or West six months hence, it 'h being impossible to say what the rate of exchange will then be." A-Bfrucriox.?Mr. Dally, first mate S(1 and a'colored man cook, of the barque ;C| Haptiste .Vezick, were arrested in Phila-.j (b-lphia a few days since, on the charge of c- having abducted a slave from New Or. leans.' *44 It appears," says the U. S. Gaz?* ette,'' "that in concert with the cook, the ^ flftile smuggled the slave aboard at New Gl Orleans, kept him concealed during the passAgfe, and on arriving in Delaware Bav. aided his escape. The requisition * of the Governor of Louisiana having n reached this city, the accused were plnced n' on board the ship FIo;?ewell, which anils for New Orleans, this (Tuesday) morning. a* to be taken to that city for trial." OFFKKI.XG A COMFKOMtSB. ' .A fellow, was recently brought up in ,d Viclft?hurg.on a charge of stealing two re coat*.and a pair of pantaloons. Upon ben; mg asked what he had to say in his defcnco ?f he replied boldly that it was a "free court1,1 try," nod that he had a right to a coat ! Thin proposition, evident as it was, not scenting entirely clear to the mind of the Mayor, the fellow finally offered to M compromise the matter by surrendering # the pantaloon* and -on* coat, retaining th<* other for his own personal ns *! ? * GH'EimFpfti(>E CURRBNT.; re ?. <: -*. Ltczmbfr 2. 1841. AkTtctu. 1 raa | $ C. | $ a 1* 1 Bttfirt market, lb 0 3 t? t Bar.on from wagons, lb 8 a 10 ? ???by retail, lb 10 a 2a4 Butler .lb 12$ a U 8 Beeswax lb 22 a 25 V Bagging yard 25 a 2e >g Bale Rope ib 10 a 12$ s. Coffee . lb 12$ a '5 Cottob, lb 7 a 6$ ^ Corn, buxli 5o a Flour, Country, brl * o V Feathers fin wag. none lb 4u a 4rt ty Fodder. lOOIbs 75 a 100 I Glass, window Hx 10, 5'Ml 3 25 a 3 37$ ' i 10*12, 50ft 3 50 a 3 75 Hide*, green ll> > 5 a ,r*' dry lb 10 a n Iron ' lOOlba 5 50 a 6 50 in Indigo lb 1 a 2 50 r,e Lime ca*k 4 a 4 5u Lard scarce lb 11 a 12 ?* Leather, sole lb 22 a 28 'O* Lead, bar ?b i0 a [id Logwood lb 10 a 15 et 1 Molasses N. O. gal 40 a 50 2d ? . Cal * 37 j Mails, cut, assorted lb 7$ a ? f*0 - tl- I A* a "w wrought "> |r? a in Oats ' bu?h 30 a 3? U& Oil, rurr'ers gal ? > ? ? . r-mKmm DEPARTED. 13th Steamer ()<eo!a and Boat Jn??. Irwin, n* with 109o Bale* Cotton, ?o Bids. Fi??ur, 10 ed Bbla. Linseed oil, 3 BbU. Brandy, 1 Hlid., 1 a Tiers.-and 3 Cask* Chesnuff, for sundry ! Merc!;au?? of this jdace arti th ? ui-.trior. I ? *'r DlTRHAttft-- DEVOffS?HAKE. WELLS. - v* 1 very fine Durham Bull. 5 years old, pure , bite, out of importeS&nd excellent milking ock." the dam and aire cost *10'*); the pre- ? ;nf owfter having disposed aChia either cattle as no use for hi?n and will sdlf him low ; he _ [ very dociK large and well formed, and in ll respects a jr$ry superior annual. , Also, a Durham Bull, 18 months old, well rown animal, from stock imported by Hare Wo'I?he will be sold very low. * ' ?*6,2 fine young Devon Bulls, last spring's alveV handsiune wi'll grown aniina s, and 3 - liters, of same bre?*<?and age; these animals ^ r'ou'd he an acq lisition lo any gen tie . an of |,i be South, and will be sold deliverable in V\ Charleston, Savannah, Mobile or New < Irleans In ree of all expense and risk to the purchaser, a 1 1*140 per pair. I tri Also a beautiful half Durham & half Devon * leifer, 1 year old in Sept.?-and a full blood )ev?n Heifer of same age; these are very or landsome animals, and will be delivered at w lither of the above part free ?if risk and '/! :harg s at *8-t each ;thev would tie put to a Jurhain or Devon hull if preferred. Also, 2 very fine New Leicester (or B.ike " veil) Rim?, one 4. th?* other2 years o'd? y ind3 Kims and 6 Ewes, ,.f the same breed, u a t spring's lamb', the tatter will be deliver* d it either of the above mentioned ports at *fk? !k lira ram and 2 ewes?they were 'lined by fr ilr. Bevans, o? the Hon. Richard Catoo's b. state. Either of th? older rams will be so d or *40, or *30 if delivered as aoove. 1 Also, Southdowns at same prices?and 3 *rkshire Pigs *20 a pair. 21? 3 moii'hsold. " mix and feed extra if sh pped. .. c! Baltimore Mi.. S. 8VND3. de 15 of the American Farmer. CARRIAGE MAKING. ^ / J. T. GRISWOLD WOULD respectfully inf'?rin thu inhabi 1 Uutsof Ch-*r??r ami llio public in gcncril, l, hit ho Ins ttken tne ?t??r? <*i tho cn nor o> Front and Mirk;* sLeets, whom he intend* 1 c-epuig a filter I Vtortuit'Dl of Oarmgni, mid 5 now otfe ing for s l-? some fino 8 rou ben, j Buggies and Buggy Waggons taut he will sell eho ip : also a few net o Hirne?s N. B.?R-p tiring duno ** itb neatness and 1 iespntch. December 2'h 1841, 6 p3t Received, on Consignment AND FOR SALE* I Q A Hlds. Mar'iuique (newcrop) Molasses /Q " 2 St. Croix Sugar, 2 Mart Do. i.5 8 Rio CofTn. 3 Bbls. of Winter Bl'clid. Sperm Oil, 3 pf F?U . 2 " of J.-nk* (Jin, 3 Boxes Muse it Wine, 9 Hhln Michigan Whiskey, 2 qr Casks .Moiitiiain Ma. Wine, 3 hH) Spanish S.-g-irs. 5 Dot - Missionary Hoods, 9 ** Seal Skin Cups, ALSO ri'RXITl'RC. Side Bomds, Bureiu'*. Socrc'ary's, Dining Tables, Wash Stands, Candle Mauds, Sopha. L ?die* Work T ibia*, Maps and Poplar Beilsteids, k><?e Wood and Map e .. Seal Chairs. ALSO CONCORD STEAM FACTORY YARN. No. 5 to 12 and a lew Pieces 7.8 to 1 Yd. Homespun. Persons wishing to purchase any of tho above article*, will find it lo their advaulags to call and examine them. Apply ?o FELIX I*ONG. - Chertw December 17. 1811. b tf ' ? FLORAL COLLEGE, 'ROBESON COUNTY, N. C. THIS Fouin1? Literary Institution wi I again So opened for Lite reception of students on tho first Mouday in January next. It ofi'm b jncfii* to the public not common to other Sen), inane*. B -sides the adv.intrgrs of situation for health and uninterrupted application for study, Board and Tuition will be had on more luvurujile tonus, . John Drake, Esq. who is well qualified for the bufind-s, is eiig iged lo furnish g-ixl entertain. ! inent ?t the Steward's Hall ' His Cmtif.nta'do j sufficenc/ at limne. his known character tor iudu*i*y and -ntegrily, are- a sum gua ai.ter. j that hie tnhle will be woll supplied with wholes nut an I p il.itab,e dishes. In addition to tins, ho wilt kei-p e'enn, tho ColDg't Hull and Do miiarics, make fires, furnish O ill-lies and w iter, at all times, for fiv ? dollars a in! fifty conn I month. Hi* will do the w.t?h*- j i g at a do'hr a month, and fu nisli bedding at ' ttvo doll <rs and fifty c -n?V the s anion. Tuition per Session of Fit* Months, Spelling, R lading, Writing find Arithmetic in the preparatory year, at 88 00 The ?tudi. ? of thotophomore year at 10 00 , Those of the junior and senior year*. each 1*2 00 Mu.?ic Latin, Greek, Painting &o. do not ! fprin apirt of tie Collegi te cmcse. The*:, | however, will t>e taught whoq required. Music p?*r session at $lfi 0 I Use of _ 2 0 ! Lmgmges &c. 12 t 0 1 Dnwing and Painting 6 0; Nced'c Work sJ 50 A * tfij Foreign Langn ?g<-? do not form a put I of the regular ourse in thi- College, the student J will luTiainp'e time for a tlining a very ,il?e. ! rnland icie.iliiic educat on. in this respect the , enuit) ol studies is as full peril ips as that* fa nv | College in the Union JOHN GILCHRIST, So*. to the Hoard of Trust'-es December 22, 1841, 6 4t THE INSTITUTE ' FOR tl e education of young Indie* r.t Ro k* ingliuin, Richmond Ccunty. North undor the direction- of Dr. C. Zim nenmti ?rd iidy will commence wic exorcise* ot i:te wii?i?t Mossiou on 3d January next. cmiUi*u?i till tliu cud of May. Tlu turnu ur?a us hore o'l?rc: Four cl in.orr for all 'tranches of uu Knglit-U E'luc tiou $3 to 16 Latin and French Lingungis, each 20 Music 20 L'*o of Piano 3 . Wa xwoik " 6 Needlework * 2 Hoard, including lig'-ta, bedding. Wishing. fuel a (id attendance of servant* 46 Book* and Sta'iomry ut the store prices. Reckiuglrara N. C. Daccm icr 16, 1861. .6 4t . i BLACKMHITH 8HOE ; J THE Subser.-bf-r havm# employed a good i b ack-Binitli from North Carolina. Solicit a | share of public patronage. JOHN* M, SMITH, i Cfieraw, Doc 21* 1341. 6 if 11 " I\ ft O^YVe nro authorized to ttonnttoea' -?"" r. A IH allot as ft candidate for the Kce of Tax Collector in Chesterfield: ixtricr. December 22, 1841. G - * 'l he Cheapest Publication in the World!!! LL YVALTER SCOTT'S YVORKS, FOB ?!?. kTOVELS. Ro uiucui, Talw, P.ielry,' iii I v ft ry, Biogr-ipuice, Kwwnift E*??ys. Letters, m life and correspond nco, by J. t?. Lockhirl.. b t it uow uffjre I for ton dollar,, wji pub* in,*d in tdiuburgh, in uinHy.thrne volume*. at cost uf u<ft hundred and fwtv dollars ! Con. ist. Edinburgh Kuuion, 03 Voleme^ costing 140. Godoy t-iditiou, 10 V.Junies, pric..-flU* Let it also lie borne in mind ilia: this is tite i!v complete edi ion. in uniform style, of tl* oiks ofSirYViiIter Scott, ever issued in Ainer? i. The Wuverly novls completed. Price? iv.? D dhrs. Tne Waverly Novels with s fine irt an oi'ifie author, is now yoinp'etid in 23 unbars. Bc!i 11 im^r contains s orapete ?vel. co npri* ng t*o volum ft of the Ed nbtugh iiion, an j ih* .viole work complete f?t Fit# ?lliis?P yuli in advsuco |\ie work- o an Author. Iiko Scott cannot iu> exlei.m.cly d.tfus- d. No uue esn visa otu a ptsrurai of lii< wri ing* without baring* -en instruct ni a* wwil as amused. Tlie cans* f religion, i uni morality; find sti advoc ll ii evw-rr pag ?v c s will s??k euconragenitfit 0.11 the Siiiuo sou cu in vaiis. 1; has been welt )? rved by un abl: and eloquent American ri c th-.t *Mf ever writer d? erv*l Universal itia ns.'ii.i, it A*, it Sir W Uter ."ell He wis 1.? Pu.rt o? N-t'uro, the deiiiiu tur of hi* sp cms i every and .on ev<ary suit; so that* rherevurhi* works wme known, tlu-rc was beieg rd-d as4 na.ive uud a denisou."' ll is i i this spirit. Unit lb* pu lic e's of the ii-w editio i of i lie Wave 1/ N .Y?b have ttdt-fi ku i to pres.:. tli un ii pi tins American people.? I'ln-y have supp si d that tlu-y could nut .eudrr b tier an umro acci'p:ubl.t service to the great iu*sot'r?-.<idei?, than by placing il?h 4 puhl ca? ion within their e eh. The row ed unif rm "ulia'mrgh edition, f.uui wh:e'( tliu? ?s r.^iriirted outpr 1 -r y-ei^hi Volonns, 'be coat ot which *?vm'y.t.*?dollars Tiie tditii'O now present, i.l of tb? W. Novels, will be fu nished 0'iipl t , with portr it and till page* for Five Doll-is. A>(i cMi'p ikes ev ry word in He Kd tio i. tho price o w.nch L-, a* above at ted, wrventy two doil u * in hotrt's. T.'C pubii. aii>u p ej: ffix?'d to tbia work, ia less, in refer nee to tic qnal.ty of material and ?tyle of ciecu ion, than tint of any other pro* d ie!ion of the pre** in Europe or AmericA-** IV investment and expenditures connected with this and rtakiug. aro much greater than usually attend a rc.i ubl.cation; and .1 will bo apparent thai ihe publisher* must rely on anex. tensive sale for ll eir remuneration, and that to ovnry insltincj a remittance of the amouut?Five Dol ar??niu t accompany tho order. They Slip* 1 with en tiro confidence to the America* pu die, lor a j island tU|>|?oriin their en. de.ivur* to Disseminate the mean* of an enlightened aiiu rat oual ?:lj >yil)CQjL. COMPLETIOy OF SIR WALTER SCOTT'S WORKS FOR FIVE DOLLARS!! ' The Subscribers who have j i*t puMtahed in edition of'-Tlie VVaverly Nov?* *,*' tortWtidlinjr sum of Fiv? Dollar*, will puMish i?n th ftr't of January next Nu. 1. o. the mixcull rn-oo# pr *ae and poetical VV rka of Sir W..|s<*r Scott, com. prising the poenCil works including the Mm* strchy of the Scottish Border, which hua n?*ver appeared in any other edition. 'fhe life of N'a. poleon, the History of Scull*rid. fife -Sw ti i>?/d n. Holding, I uinborland, Sterne, Mf*. R?d. clitf', John lone, Clnirlott: Smith, Oe Fob, Kany on Chivalry and Bo .ai*ec, l)c?nonol"gy a d Wncli'T f., Paul a L-ifr to In* Kinsftdk, l ull's oi'u Grandfather?4 s? ri *, Sermons. Lno of Suiiiu I Richardson, Suiol et. Goldsmith. Hor ic Walpolo. Li: Sag \ B ic*\ L-ydon. Ityrgu Miss Seward, Ac. The whole Kxsiaod and Cor. ectud by li inn-elf. To which i* n ded hi* ill'*; and corn spo denc^ by J. (j Lo*khurl The whole to lie co nph'led in (went*.tiro Weekly number*. for Five I 'o 'ar?, Payable in advance ?thus forming, Willi lh?* a ld.ti?n ofthd " Wuvur. ly Novel jimt put linhed in t)iiif?nu style,* complete edition of i lie Woke if 8 r Wetter Scott. Being the only oneover i^med in Afmcr* ici, and comprising i vmy * or of the Ediuhurg edition in ninety ton e Volume*, the c<*l ul which i*o v litiinl.ed and forty do 'I'll* woik will appear r?-|tul rly in Wmrklj number*. pr nted 01 good paper, and will lie coin. 1 to in twenty live munlier*, miking five l*rg; nctivo volume*. P reiaely similar to the b'Miitif il cditem of the Waverly Novel**1 just issued t y tlie mi , e Publishers. the immense *ale ot which i? an evide. c. o tb: great rafinlacti??n of the suliKcrib r?. Title page* and a beautifully engraved bunt will lie furnished. The pu ihcut urn price affix* d to this work, is ??' >, in r lor nee to the quality of imtrrialund style of execution, than that if any mher pro.? doction ot'tlie press in i?ur<?p<iO: America. Tho inv-t -Mienl and exjv n liture* rouno ted with this tuvh*: liking, am much greater than ueitflty .n leu it a r.'pu: I ea'ion ; and it wi>| he appaicnl lint t it> Pu'?|;*h r> must rely on an expensive a.i'e for II eir remuneration, and that in etc*/ ineiancj a nf the aiimuut?Five lhii? Iir*?iiiiiat nmo npany tlie order. Tin y appeal wii'i entire ei nfidei c - to the American public, fir a just and ltl*ral support in I hoir endeavor* t* diMK-iiiiuiit - tiie means of au enlightened ami ra i oiai 1'iijey eut. Sir W'?ii? g Sc? t.'a Note's cvmpu-if. win f* sent to any addrem on receipt ot' a curmut $5 note, p ?:??? paid. , S r Wall, r Suoit's Miseellrn ou.? Wnik*CMP? plnte. wi I In- se .t 'o any address, oo receipt ol % ciirri'Ht $5 no e. jj slag- j Tit r w uie i-di'io will bo forwarded on m. c ip. ol'Tiii Do 1 .rx. LOUIS A. C.ODF.Y.fc W. M. CHRISTY. Publi*he>?, PliiMtlphit. CLUBBING. Sen't's Eniiro Woikx in ion volume?, einui>ri&ing N-a'o la ai d .Yiiuc llaicous V Writings, $10 OO Scott's Lutir.i Works Lady** B"Ok ar.oy-ar, and Poi olc'* Library One ytMf, B ' 0 Scott'* Novel*?LuHy's Boi.k and Peo. . v pi-'a Library oik y??r, 1(100 . ii Scotf'* ii aiieouM Work*, Lady'* ^ Bu' k, P opie'u Library one y*?ar? 10 00 '4 Th ir*s Hrtiory o lire French Rov? In* >r " * lion?Scoti'a Novel* or Mi?-c*ll?u?. ou? Works?ami lire Lady's Look ??r People'* Library, r 19 Q6 * ? AH Sco t's Work* in ten Volume*, and ' '. * Lord B-icon't Work*, SO 00 The Work* of Lor<l Bacon?^ ortN Novel* or MisKvdiaH ou* Worn*, ?L .djs Book 4H i)}Oar, and People's Library one year, OO Any ncwj-piper inserting the nhove three *raur time*. ~u* lulihe wng a tmpy marked, fa Publisher-' Hull, PhtlaiiHphij,'* w?Q native any live of ihe oveis, < o.t plute, they may cbo 'hh io or< ?r. or any five numbers of the Mia* c.-ll;ine<m* Work*. If o ie eopv of ti?o p :per U >1 ready aent to the I' Publisher*' Hull, another ne?d ma baaeot ; tot it would bu a* w? [. to mark < *ary idirhiMMbir of a publication on that bvktiegi a?4 'hey wilt thuii umuin'y te t.uitcad. i p9Czinb?r,'1$-litr