> ?. , / 1 , - / CrUfflWf^ sum mmm&w mwimwwmm* VOLUME VII CHER AW. SOUTH-CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1841. NUMBER 5. * \ *_ By M. MAC LEA*. Tcmsw:?Published weekly at three dollars a year; with an addition, when not paid within three months, of twenty per cent per annum. Two new subscribers may take the paper at fire dollars in advance; and ten at twenty. Four subscribers, not receiving their papers in town, may pay a year's subscription with ten dollars, In advance. A year's subscription alw.iys due in advance. Papers not discontinued to solvent subscribers in arrears. Advertisements not exceeding 16 lines inserted r one dollar the first time, and fifty cents each ubsequent time. For insertions at interval* of two weeks 75 cents after the first, and a dollar if the intervals are longer. Payment due in advance for advertisements. When the number of insertions is not marked on the copy, the adrertiseinent will be inserted, and charged til irdered out. O-Tha postage must be paid on letters to the editor on the business of the office. The following were the Yeas and Nays, in the Senate, on the question of Agreeing to the report in favor of appointing a person to make an Agricultural Survey of the Slate. * Yeas: Messrs. Allston, Buchanan, Cain, Clowney, DeTreville, D.Douglass, Fickling, Gause, Grimball, Gregg, Heriot, * Jenkins, McWillie, Moses, Palmer, Powe, Rhett, D. D. Wilson, and John Wilson. ?19. Nays : The Hon. A. Patterson, President ; Messrs. Boozer, Bovce, Crawford, Felder, Frarapton, Goodwyn, Gourdin,1 Hagood, Higgiiis, Huger, Jeter, H. G. Johnson, Jones, McKenna, xMurdock, Murray, Rivers, Smart, Verdier, and Witherspoon.?21. The Aoriculturul interest is the pre ?0 dominant interest in the State, and sustains the great burthen of taxation. It is certainly, therefore, nothing more than justice that a pittance of the heavy taxes which the farmers pay should be laid out for their special benefit. Is it not time for farmers to begin to think of this at their elections ? PROCEEDINGS of thk ST TE AGRICULTURAL CONVENTION. Columbia, Nov. 22, 1841. The Society met in the Hall of the House of Representatives. The meeting was organized, and the Minutes of the preceding meeting were read. The President informed the members j that he had discharged the several duties 1 committed to him at the last meeting? that he had received contributions of Es. aays from several Societies and individuals, and submitted An Essay on Sea-Island Cotton, by II a An Essay on the Religious Instruction of Slaves, by Rev. R. Ftiller. A Report of the Pendleton Agricultural Society, on Manures. A Report of the Pendleton Agricultural Society, on Forage. A Report of the Newberry Agricultural Society, on Agricultural Economy. Of tlie?e, the two hitter were read; and on motion of Dr. J. J. Myers, it was Resolved, That a Committee o! three be appointed to examine the Reports and Essavs, submitted to this Society from W * V District Societies, and from individuals and that they he directed to publish such of them as tliev think proper. The following was the Committer named. Dr. J. J. Myers, Dr. R. W. Gihbes, Dr. I. Fickling. On motion of Dr. Davis, Resolved, That a Committee of Five he nnnnitnrl l>u fKo t? rpnr(rnni7.p (1|'|M/I?uuu ?M a ? ? .vr.^ ....... the several Committers, for the purpose of awarding the premiums, and report the name for continuation on to-morrow night. The Committee consisted of Dr. J. B. Davis, Col. R. F. W. Allston, M.ijor W. T. EHerbe, Sanson Fair, and VV. M. Murray. The Society then adjourned. Robert VV. Gibbes, Sec'ry. DELEGATES?1841. Monticello.?James M. Taylor. Waterte Society.?A. H. Boy kin. Cambridge ?R C. Griffin, N. L. Griffin, and VV. Brooks. Fairfield.?VV. S. Lyles, B. R. CockTell and J. D. Strother. Pee Dee Agricultural Society.?T. E. \ Powe. t I I one.?J a. msimi. November 23. The Society convened and was organ. VV. Hampton." The President called for Reports from the several Committees, when the follow- i ing were presented and adopted. The Committee on Horses reported j that they had viewed the animals exhib- ! ited at the Cattle Show, and award the following premiums : To Col. W. Hampton, for his horse j Sovereign, as the best stallion for agricul- ; tural purposes, the silver cup, $20. To Col. VV. Hampton, for his hay mare Bay Maria, as the best mare for agricultural purposes, the silver cup, $20. To Col. W. Hampton, for .his mare j Emily, as the second best mare agricultural purposes, the silver cup, $15. To Col. Hampton, for his hr. colt, by j Monarch, out of Maria West, the silver cup, $10. To B. F. Taylor, Esq. for his ch. flly. by Monarch, out of Betsy Robins, i.he j silver cup, $10. James Ferguson. j j A. R. Taylor. ; Thomas T. Stark. / ? I The Committee on Cattle reported, that they have discharged the duty assigned to them in awarding the premiums. They cannot permit the present occasion to pass by, without expressing the gratification and pleasure they experienced in examining the very many fine cattle exhibited. In some cases they found great difficulty in deciding between rival competitors. There were exhibited Durhams, Devons, and Ayrshires, imported and homebred.?With such a variety of the most approved stocks, annually exhibited at the Capitol of South Carolina, our planters md farmers have an opportunity of improving the native stoctk of the country to an/ extent, and the great advantage they have over .the original importers is, that they can get rattle acclimated, and avoid uny risk from a change of climate. At the present exhibition, the Committee do not hesitate to affirm, there were many which would have stood an equal chance for premiums at any cattle show in the United States. They cannot recommend too strongly the patron, age of the Society in continuing and extending premiums for the exhibition of stock at their annual meetings. They award the premiums as follows, viz. For the best Bull, to Col W Hamp. ton's Durham Bull Skinner, the silver cup, $20. For the second best Bull, to Dr T T Stark, for his Durham Bull Hector, the silver cup, $15. For the best two year old Bull, to C'apt. R. Ward, for his Durham Bull. For the best yearling Bull, to Col. Jonathan Davis, tor his Durham Bull, the silver cup, $10. For the best Cow to Dr Jas B Davis, for his imported Durham Cow, the silver cup, $15. For the second best Cow, to Col. W. Hampton, -for his Durham Cow, bred by himself, the silver cup, $12. For the best Heifer, under 3 years old to Dr. J B Davis, for his Durham Heifer, out of an imported cow, got in England, the silver cup, $15. For the second best Heifer, i.nder 3 years old, to Col. W Hampton, for his Durham Heifer, bred by himself, the silver cup, $10. For the best yearling Heifer, to Colonel Hampton, for his Durham Heifer, bred by himself, the silver cup, $10. For the best Bull calf, to B F Taylor, Esq., the silver cup, $10. For the best Heifer calf, to B F Taylor. Esq., the silver cup, $10. B. F. Taylor, Chairman. The committee to whom was referred the distribution of premiums for the exhibition of Sheep, report The premium to Col. Hampton for the best Ram?Bakewell. The premium to B F Taylor, Esq. for the second best Ram, a cross of "Merino and Tunisian. The premium to Col. VV Hampton for the best Ewe?Bakewell. The premium to B F Taylor, Esq. for the best pair of Lambs, a cross of Merino and Tunisian. James M. Taylor, Chairman. The committee on Mules beg leave to report, that they examined carefully all the mules exhibited, and have awarded the premium for the best two year old mule to Dr. Thomas T Stark, of Richland; and the premium for the best three vear old mule to Dr. James B Davis, of Fan held. Maj. Felder, of Orangeburgh, exhibited norne very fine mule colts, but according to the arrangement of the premium list of the Society, they could not compete for premiums, John J. Mvf.rs, Chairman. The committee on Flogs respectfully report, that t ley considered the merits of all submitted to their inspection, and award the premiums For the hest Boar, to Col. Hampton, for his Berkshire Boar. For the second hest boar, to Dr. J VV Parker, for his Berkshire Boar. For the best Sow, to Col. Hampton, for his Berkshire Sow. For the second best sow, to Dr. T. Stark, for a Woburn sow. For the best Pigs, under a year old, to Col. Hampton's Berkshire. For the best Pigs, under six months old, lo Dr. Parker's pigs. Berkshire, and no bear. J. W. Parker, Chairman. The committee appointed to nominate Officers for the Society for the ensuing year, beg leave to report the following : Hon. W. B. Seabrook, President. W. Brooks, Esq. ) Chan. Harper, $ Chan. Dunk in, Vice Presidents. Maj. J. !\1. Felder, ^ (ion. J. Gillespie, ) A II Boy kin, Corresponding Secretary. Dr. J B Davis, Recording Secretory. Hon. J B O'Neal!, Anniversary Orator. The chairman also would state that Dr. R \V Gihbes, the present Secretary, desires to withdraw from fhat office. J. J. Myers, Chairman. The question being put on the adoption of thi rrport, it was imaniraouplv agreed to. ' I I The President, in an eloquent and feel, i ing manner, acknowledged his re-election i to the Presidency. t W Brooks, liJsq. suggested to the Pres. ident the propr iety in appointing the com- j mittee on cotton, to arrange it so as to have two Sub-committees to report on I Long Staple and on Shoit Staple cot- f tons. 1 On motion of Dr. Davis, the following I resolution was referred to a committee of 1 three?Dr. Davis, B F Taylor and S c Fair. . c That in the opinion of this Society, no a stock which has been exhibited and obtained premiums at the present anniver- r saiy meeting, shall compete for pretni- f urn* hereafter. t On motion of Dr. Myers, the following i resolution was referred to the same com- i Resolved, That the committee on mules | ahull hereafter award two premiums to i mules: the first, to the best mule; and the second, to the second best mule; and that mules of any age be exhibited ' for premiums. On motion of E G Palmer, Esq. Resolved, That this Society recommend to its members, and the members of the District Societies, to patronize the Tern, peranee Advocate, the Southern Agriculturist, the Ploughboy, and the Farmers' Gazette, by subscribing to them. On motion of Dr. Davis, it was Resolved, That the constitution be so amended, that instead of one Delegate from each District Society, five be received. Dr. J W Parker offered the following resolution, which was adopted. Resolved, That the thanks of the Soci- s ety be tendered Mr. R E Russell, for his exhibition of h^ers, and that he de- i serves the commendation 01 ,*he Society fcr his Agricultural and Horticultural Repository. r\ r u. t> l.? |] un motion 01 ifir. i?ruoiv*, Resolved, That the thanks of this So. ciety be tendered to Afr. Gibbes, the late Secretary, for the fidelity and courtesy ( with which he has discharged, for the last two years, the duties of his office. ' The Society then adjourned until to- 1 morrow evening, 5fKf. past 6 o'clock. RdBiRT W. Gibbes, i Recording Scc'ry. I Nov. 25, 1841. | The Society met at the appointed hour. < The minutes of the preceding meeting | were read, and the Secretary, Dr. Gibbes, i turned over his books to the newly elect. , ed Secretary, J B Davis. i The President announced the following committees, under the constitution. COMMTTTKE ON COTTON. Gen. George McDuffie, Abbeville; J William S Lyles, Fairfield; William K Clowney, Union; Simeon Fair, Newber- 1 ry; .1 Douglas, Chester; A H Boykin, Kershaw; Dr. J Fickling, St. Lukes; 1 William M Murray, St. John's, Colleton ; William Washington, St. Paul's. COMMITTER ON CORX. | Col. Jonathan Davis, sen. Fairfield; , Col. Whitfield Brooks, Edgefield; L j Boozer, Lexington ; W R Poole, Spartanburg; JM Felder, Orangeburgh; BF Taylor, Richland; C R Carroll, Barn, well. ' COMMITTEE ON RICE. R F W Alston, All Saints ; Daniel E. j Huger. St. Philip and St. Michael; P ' Quash, St. Thomas and St. Dennis; J B ' Grimball, St. Paul's; T. Ferguson, St. 1 j John's Berkley; B F Dunkin, All Saints. ] oAMUTTTr o ov CM1T.T. A TN. UUlHiH LA & ii 14 v.i v * . Hon. J B O'Xeall, Newberry; Colonel | R J Gage, Union; Col. J A Alston, i York ; J A Calhoun, Anderson ; General J Gillespie, Marlborough ; Col. B F Perry, Greenville; William T Ellerbe, Marlborough. The following report was then read : The committe to whom was referred the two motions of the last meeting, rela! tive to stork, report that they have duly , considered the same, and recommend that ^ no animal of mature age that has taken ( ' a premium at this Society shall a second l time be presented for exhibition and a- , ; ward, and in reference to the latter mo! lion, that an additional premium be offer| ed hereafter for mules under two years of age. ' ( James B. Davis, .Chairman. On motion of Col. Brook*, it was now ( decided by the Society, what should be l regarded as mature age, viz :?For Hogs ( two years of age; Cattle, four do.; Hoi- j sis, five do.; Sheep, three do.; and with l this amendment, the report was agreed upon. The hour appointed for the delivery of the Anniversar}1, Oration having now ( come, the President's seat was now given ( to General James H. Hammond, who delivered his Address, very much to the satisfaction of tae Society and audience. On motion of R R Carrol, Resolved, That the thanks of the So- ( ciety he given to Gen. James H Ham- ( mond for his very able and instructive ( Address before this Society, and that n ^ committee of three be appointed to wait upon him and request a copy for publica- ( tion, and tfct? following were appointed : ?B R Carrol, Dr. Myers, and Mr. Murray. On motion of Dr. Gibbes, it was then Resolved, That the Minutes of the % 3resent session be published, together vith the constitution and names of the nembers, and under the same cover with he oration. The following resolutions were then >resenfed by Dr. Davis. Whereas. American cotton growers lave been remiss in using means to obvi. ife the effects of high duties upon Hemp, Sagging, and other articles, prejudicialy affecting the cotton grower; and beieving it not only in our power, but oar luty to ourselves and our country, to :ounte*rnct such innovations by a just tTid laudable policy: Therefore Resolved, That from comparative cheap, less it is practicable, and for the purlose of encouraging American manufacures, as well r.s most materially increasng, the consumption of cotton itself?it s desirable to substitute, and we recomnend to all growers to substitute cotton 'or baling instead of hempt and hoop iron )r cotton roping instead of hemp roping. That we further recommend tho use of :otlvn for shirting, and foi any other aplarel for which it is equally suitable, as veil as any other use in domestic or na;ional economy. Resolved, That we will strenuously mcoura^o all manufacturing establish nents in America, which will co-operate j ivith us in tarrying out this policy. Resolved, That the Corresponding Jecrotary of this Society be, and he is hereby directed to remit printed copies of the ibove resolutions to the agent of each ind every cotton manufactory in the United States, as well as the President of ?ach and every Agricultural Society in he cotton growing region. These resolutions were at some length mstained by the mover and carried. On motion, the Society then a Ijourned, tine die. James B. Davis, Recording Secretary. iuta bag a and flat turxip seed ohe pod. Mr. Holmes :?In a former communi. iration I promised that I would inform you of my opinion, and the evidence I lad, that Rutabaga and English or Flat :urnip seed would both grow in one pod. Last year, in the spring, I set out my oots for seed, as usual. Beets, Carrots, Qnions, Rutabaga, English turnips &c. The two last were set near each other, when they became ripe I carefully gathered them separately. On the 17th of last June, I planted the same seed which [ gathered from the Rutabagas, where no leed grew hsl year except a few weeds, riiey came up as usual, about 1-16 part proved to he Flat turnips, both kinds were in almost every hill. 1 The tops have re?emhled both kinds the summer through. The Flat or English turnip bottoms rejemblethe Rutabagas, in many respocts. When convenient I will endeavor to forward you a sample of some of the roots. Mr. Holmes, inclosed is two kinds of Water Melon seeds that grew the summer jast from the largest sized seeds. The ma 11 sized seeds when I was a hoy over ? Fifty years ago* were called the small sweet mellons. The small kind I have not planted or raised any for several years last. The seeds that I planted last spring vere not of my raising but were all of the argest sized seeds. 'I am of opinion that poth kinds of the melon seeds were planled and grew near each other the last pear, similar to the Rutabaga seeds If you think the above facts are worth publjuhing in your useful columns they ire at your disposal. Y. Turner Nov. 1841. J. WHITMAN. REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON AGRICULTURE, Submitted\By R. W. Roper Chairman, The Committee on Agriculture, to O * whom W38 committed so much of the Governors's Message, No. 1, as relates to Agriculture, have had the subject unJer consideration, and beg leave respectfully to REPORT? That they coincide fully with his Excellency as to the importance of Agri:ulture to our State, and consider its improvement the essential care of the politician. Wise laws and judicious en?oura??ement, develope the resources of a n? nation. Individual ingenuity sometimes originates and traces out many useful Imt nsulted experiments, and whatever their results, the circulation of them is often limited. By a combination in societies, important aids are offered, emulation is awakened, and information disseminated: the practical benefits, however, still extend only to particular sections of country, Find demonstrate that no alternative but governmental patronage remains to secure permanent and extensive advantage. Success in the cultivation of the earth is expected to supply most of the wants and demands of life, and it becomes the policy of the State to aid in the advancement of this most valuable of human pursuits, The wide extent of our country, and consequent cheapness of land, produces a migratory spirit among the population of the State; and after exhausting the soil in one spot, they roamed to another, subject to all the privations and expense of removal, and i:ol un frequently return to the scenes of early childhood impoverished and forlorn. This restless propensity, the result in m?iny|instances of expectau tion of sudden wealth, more often from ignerance of the resources around them, and a proper method of improving their land, legislative care should check. The effort will be attended with beneficial consequences to the State. Every now sp? periment among the population I have alluded to. in clearing new fields, destroys a quantity of valuable timber, i deficiency of which in many places is beginning to be seriously felt; and this devastation is committed white scionce and exporieoen teach that not the quantity of land planted but skill in culture, yields largest returns. Nature, in the economy of her works, never intended any of her bounties should be annihilated. What is consumed in one application, aids in new formation^ and varied and abundant pabulums MS furnished to reinvigorate and restore * worn and exhausted soil- The furrowed fields of Europe attest this truth, and so beautifully is her system adjusted* that where deficiency appears fo exist we may well suspect our own want of observation. Accident sometimes lends to important discoveries, and invites to further scrutiny, but science pursues the blue which a kind Providence may have presented to unfold her favors. An enlightened and liberal Government is the parent to extend this care, to offer that nurture which will pro* mote the growth, vigor, and prosperity of her people. South-Carolina is not wan* ting in affection to her childien. Her Executive presses on this Legislature what is so much needed and your Com* mittee recommend the adoption of hie views. If examples were required to enforce their utility, your Committee might point to the efforts of many of our sister, States, and of foreign nations. Georgia has just completed a geological and mineralogica! survey of her ninety counties, and can now estimate her resources end her wealth. In Pennsylvania, the discovery of gypsum has created a revolution in her agriculture, while her Coal mines bid fair to make a large portion of the (J. States tributaries. Massachusetts has expended large sums in bounties on grain, and geo* logical and agricultural surveys. Her lirne now quickens a cold and sterile soil, which feeds a teeming population, tfnd offers a surplus for exportation. Maine by a bounty of ten cents on the production of every twenty hu*hel& nf wheat, recently expended ?78,000. Lime with her has become an article of exportation, and from three small towns alone an amount of twelve hundred thousand dol. lars is realized. New.York is carrying on an agricultural and geological survey of that State, and New jersey, Maryland, Virginia, Michigan, Indiana and North Carolina, are all examining and develop, ing their own resources. In no country in the world more than England is a fostering care of agriculture exhibited, both by Government and individuals. Though that country ia eminently manufacturing, nay, the great workshop ot the world, and contains lew more square miles than South Caroling she is yet enabled to support twenty.five millions of inhabitants, and furnishes enormous governmental resources. In Scotland, agriculture is conducted exclusively on scientific principles, and the farmer applies to the chemist to instruct him in the peculiar nature of hrs soil, and stimulants best adapted to its improvement. Throughout that country, arfd in England, not only is recourse had for manure to salt, clay, marl, lime and gypsum, drawn from their own domestic supply, but they also import for that purpose fish, horn shavings, woollen rags, and toman hones, from the Continent of Europe* The great Frederick of Prussia made agriculture his peculiar care, and annually appropriated a million and a half of dollars to its advancement. Notwithstanding the desolations of war, he left at his death, twelve millions of pounds in the coffers of the nation. By noglucting. his policy that country is now tributary to other nations three millions of pound* for food. So all important is an attention to agriculture considered in Europe, that schools are established under most of the* Governments of that country, where the science is not only theoretically but practically taught. With these examples at home amf ? head, can South Carolina remain unconvinced, uninfluenced ? Will she not awaken from her apathy ? Will she not perceive and improve the only meana of arresting a downfall in her fortunes ? Will she not contemplate the great odds againr* which she is contending'?a wide-spread extent of new country, more fresh and congenial than her own to the production of her great staple, alluring away her citizens, and causing the removal of numbers of her slaves ? She cannot continue a competition, and it is time to seek our own resources, and promulgate them to our agriculturists; true economy dictate L . sucn a course. Sixteen years ago, an appropriation was granted by this State, for a Geolog* ical Survey, and the effort was not with* | out encouragement; thirty species of i Minerals were discovered, and ten of ; Rock. Among these, were two species of iron Ore; also, Marble Limestone, Pyrites, Gold, and Oil Stones. To renew that research, might, at this time, be in? * * 4 " ' . . * . %' -'v'