University of South Carolina Libraries
For the Farmers' Gaxette. T ? dear.- of wealth glows with ardor bright, in .n's the subject both by day and night; ' i * p ans and labors hard to gain the boon Uu;.l the sun of life is pa<t us noon. Tne woa'th di*eire<l, in part, isgainad at last, It pio res a cord that lies effort ion fast; Ti ecar; bestow'' on woa th t?> keep it all Leaves no roo n for peace on earthly ball. No time to seek God's grace, or praise and pray,' Because the cares of earth absorb the diy; The charms of earth, most dear, around itim twine; To make him blest riches and fame combine. Well ploa*ed to see tho meteoric gleam, His a.ixio is heart swells liko a rising stream; The eye is fix'n on the watery bubble, Forget lirg that riches incre n?e trou'do. The inviting bubble with pleasing hue Socures attention, and hop*- more than due; It swallows up lire and puts man asl >ep Till he sinks tow down and uiu-t ever weep. Therefore charge them that aro rich in this world To bo not highminded, nor trust in gold, Nor in uncortain riches, earthly to.s? lint in Gotl who gives euougli t' enio.\ POIETES. MPWSWSBmWWWW?BSMKM?SB THK DAUGHTER. Let no father impatiently long for sons. He mav please himself with the ideas of boldness, and masculine energy, and mor. al or martial achievement, but ten to one he will meet little else than forwardness, recklessness, imperiousness, ingratitude. M Father give me the portion that falloth to me," was the imperious demand of the profligate prodigal, who had heen indulged from his cnildhood. This case is a representation of thousands. The painter that drew that portrait, painted for all posterity. But, the Daughter?she clings like the rose-leaf around the stem, to the parent home, and the paternal heart: she watches the approving smile, and deprecates the slightest shade on the brow ; she wanders not on forbidden pleasure grounds? wrings not the heart at home with her doubtful midnight absence; wrecks not the hopes to w hich early promise had given birth, nor paralyses the soul that doats on this its chosen object. Wherever the son may wander in search of a fortune, or pleasure, there is the daughter within the sacred temple of home, the Vrstal Virgin of the innermost sanctuary, ke *p: <L. a ..c a _ur . injj uuvc me name ui its uuiiii'mit- ?11 ti?n, and blessing that existence of which she is herself a par?. SMS'Iieyv ft/>* ?; CONFESSION < 'M. f> d:rt J ;sl vC iv? tit" .' '^OKSTORE. n?.';cinbt.' : ,Dr V? it- : :zi: tn announce .Mr. J<>hn R Donaloso.v, "a td'rtate for Clerk of the C ?urt for M r borough District. >o^m'ter 17, 1 9t SADLEDRY. A cory large assortment of Boys, Mens, and Ladies Saddles. Also. Bridles, Martingales, Whip-, (dollars, Saddle Bags, Gig, Sulkey, and Carryail Harness, Stirrup Irons, Girne *nd Surcingles. For sale very cheap bv A. P. LACOSTE. October 27th 1841. 50 U ANNUALS FOR IS 43. l"us-r reeoived at the Bookstore. 0 The Gem, Extra Super. Calf, F iondship's Offering, / The Rose, Tin Violot, Tin Dahlia. October 23d, 1841. 50 CUT NAILS. WO K<?gw, 4d 6d 8d lOd 12d and 20 nails, For sale by A. P. LACOSTE. October 27,1841. 50 tf NOTICE. CHARLES I. SHIVKR, having this d y executed to me an assignment of his Bonds, Notes and Books of account, these indebted to the said Shiver, are requested to coino forward and make payment to the subscriber, who is alone authorised to receive payment and grant receipts. AUGUSTUS P LACOSTE. October 28. 1841. 51 if . HATS AND CAPS. 1 Hilton (^antlomana' anil Hnve RI;ieL' 311(1 Drab For Hata, "28 Dozen Woof Hats. A L'.rge stock of Fur, Hair, Cloth, and S?. lettc Caps, For dale by A. P.LACOSTE. Oct 27184U 50 ti CHIVXCR OCKERY A1D GLASS WARE. THE Subscriber has on hand a good assort, inent of the above, comprising a variety of patterns. For sale aheap D. MALLOY. May 31, 1841. 29 tf VALUABLE NEW WORKS. Stephen's Travels in C'enlnl America, Clupns, and Yucatan with numerous plates 2 vols. 8 vo. handsomely bound. Homes Introduction to tlis study of the Scrip, tures 2 vols Royal 8vo a new edition corrected and enlarged. 2(H) Pictorial Illustrations of the Bible 2 vo's 8vo. Library of Fractical Medicine edited and ?r. ranged by A'exauder Tweedie, M. D. 5 vols Roy >1 8voJu?t received at the Cheraw BOOKSTORE. Oc'o'?er 23, 1811. 5d DEXTISTRT. ? ffi ? ?* ? IS now in Cheraw, and can be found at tne i.i ?*. . . I i?_ _.:ii ,L. ; i. : rianierv nuit'i?ne win vtuu use iifguooring Towns. Persons in ihe country will be visited at their residences without additional charge, on their signifying thetr wish through the Post Office in Cher aw. November 17 th, 1541. 1 tf For sale at the Bookstore. 4 SERMON by the Riv. J. f* Coil. de. (' ;i in Che. r iw. ,4upou th- occasion of ;V iit?*n:irv f lebr.<UiJv;'pr'*o.'^ .' > uJibhed 1 *tio unlit.;. - * "y-j J ' eatubu lisned reiigio.i in the United Sutea " Piice ?wBcr v mmvaKmKmmammmammmmmmst} - \ ? THE CIJERAW SCHOOLS. THF.SE Schools era now in full operation, 8 uuderthc following urganizuion, viz: / Rev. Fordyce M. IIubbabd, Principal of the Boys' School. Mr. William E. Wording, Principal of the Girls' School. Miss Margaret Cobia, Assistant in the f Girls' School. Miss Jane Hkbb, Teacher of Music. ^ C These gentlemen and lidies have brought to n us, the most gratifying testimonials to their moral worth and professional excellence. All e of them, are experienced Teachers. Mr. Hub- ^ bard, has been engaged in the business of in. ^ struetion. for the last twelve years, snd is ,| recommended for the accuracy and extent of his ^ schnhrship und his success in teaching by Kresi dent Quincy, of Harvard University, who says of || him: 'Mr. H. has been for several years a well known and highly approved teacher of youth in ^ the city of Boston, and distinguished for his v attainments and capacity for that office. J have y often had occasion to become acquainted with ^ his classical thoroughness and fidelity by the |( youth he lias prepared and well pr pared for admission to Harvard College." Rquall i decn Q del are the recoininen(5alio',s of Professor B<ck j, and Pi rcc of the same University, P ol' s or ^ Edwirds of Aodover, Profes or Andrews fornier. Iv of the UnlvTtity of Noitli Caio int, Dr. n f'ogswell, and R-'v. Mr. Cunis, late R ctorsol ^ the Episcopal School ofNorthC roltna. M Mr. Wording, has b en employed, for five years past, in u Literary Institution at New H irnpton N. H and brings the unsolicited t' stuno iial of the Tmstnt.*at parting with him, 5 "to his fi lehty and competency as an Instructor ^ in Literature." Ho has also letters recommen- tj datory from President Lord of Dartmouth Col- # 1'ge, Messrs. Woodbury. Eastman, Atherton w and Siiaw, members of Congress from New ^ Hampshire. Miss C?* very highly ,ecom. ^ mended by the Rev. Dr. Gadsden, Hon. R. B. Gilchrist, H. A. DeSaustirn Esq. Dr, Johns?n, Rev. Messrs. Charles Flankcl and P. TJrapier, ? and by Mr. Christian Mayr, Historic and Por- r trait Pamtcr, all of the city of Cliraloston. Miss Q Hkbb ha< taught music in the city of Washing- e ton for several years, with great success and r universal approbation." She is recommended as i?>ot only a brilliant p rformeron the Piano, a ana successful teacher" by the Hon. W. Cr.mcii's and Messrs. Geo. Watr-rson, W Brent, John P. Ingle, Samuel Hanson and o hers of Washington city. The Trustees have taken great pains to procure the services of Instructors df character and merit, and, beiicvin ?, f oin the personal acquain- . tance they have been able to form with those now cngiged, that the ecomrnendations given f hv the distinguished gontleinen named as above are not more generous than just, they confidently claim for their schools a libera! support. 4 The school your consists of eleven months. c leaving the month of S -ptember for vacation, and is divided into quarters of twelve weeks each. Tli j prices of tuition are as follows ; viz: w For Spdling and Reading $'6 00 por qr. | g For these studi s with Wri- ' a ting and Arithmetic 8 00 " For tiio sam\ with English o Gramma and Composition, w Goog aphy with tlie use of the Globos and History 10 00 * For the same, with any of the higher Mathematics, N itural or Mora Sciences, Ancient Languages, or Draw. 1 ing nnd Painting 15 00 " 1 For music on the Piano 15 00 M w Board can be had in respectable families on a' v.'.ry reasonable terms.* Tuition is required 0 'r be pa '1 quarterly in a vance. Bv order of ilio Committee, JOHN A INGLIS Secretary. [ w D cem'>er 1, i841. 3 tf ai The Temperance Advocate will plea*o copy llie above throe time*, and forward the account, f< it HIARLBORO' ACADEMY. THE examination in this institution will comm ute on Thursday, 9th December n xt, in tho Final" D<-pirtment and be continued in tho Male Dopirtment tho day fo lowing. ] At the c'ose r.f nch d >y th re will l>o an exhibi. J tion of speaking, compositions, music and original S dialogue. The public are invited to attend. N After a vacation of four weeks the exercises I will lie resumed the second M >ndt?y in January. C t'hauueev P. Judil, A, B. Principal of the Male, P and Miss Ann Throop, Principal of tho Femilo n Dep rtm -nt. C Mr Ju?!d i* a graduate of Yale College, from 1 whose Fucu ty he brings tho highest testimoui. *>< ah, In addition to the English branches, he teaches Book-keeping, Surveying, I>utin, Greek, t*1 French, and fits pupil* fur every class in college, tl Mi** Throop received a thorough education at one of tho host Seminaries North, and in addi- a tion to the Eng ish studies, she instructs in Music ti and all the ornament il branches c These teaehers have been engaged in this S A< UdtMliy oni! yuur IU IUV cilliiu s uKiavuun v thin who'e community, 'Iho Trustees do not * hesitate to say thay are umurpas'-ci :n ap'ne&s lj to teach, in skillful government, thorough ia~ atructiou and poliih -d manners. E P ERVIN. Secretary. Rennettsvi'le: S. C. Nov. 28th. 1841 Board may be had in respectable families at fro.ii Sa to $10 per mo.ith. 2 tZmij ti AL1AXACS FOR 1842. 1 THE Planters and Merchants Ahntrac f*r 1642. Published by A. L. Miller vf ^ Charleston* The Cr?ckett Almanac for 1842. 11 Th** Peoples do Coin c. Old American do Comic. * Just r-eeiv-tl and for sale by the dozen or 11 sing e, at tlie CI1ERAW BOOKSTORE ? NovmVr 29. ^ NOTICE. AN El ction for 3rd Lieut, of the Cheraw Boat Company will beheld at tho Town " Hall oti Saturday the Uth December next. By Order ofCiipt PF.GUES. 1 December I. 1841. 3 2t J FANCY A WD STAPLE J DRY (HJODS. I A few Fancy, and a large and well selected stuck ul Staple Dry Goods lor sale low by j a A. P. LACOSTE. 11 October 27, 1841. 50 tf a GLASS, PAH*T,~AXD PUTTY. A Large Stock of these articles, which will be sold at reduced rates. A. P. LACOSTE. October 27, 1841. 50 tf IPPER AND SOLE LEATHER, J Wax, and Call Skius, and Hemlock Tanned Sole Leather. For sale low. A. P. L4COSTE. ] October 27, 1941. 50 tt EOXSmTflOODS, A AD DAAD 1 POXES. j Ladies and Afisei.6, Florence and Straw Bonnets. i.auies Coloured Hoods. For sale by A. P. LACOSTE. Octobet 27, 1841. 50 tt J T he Subscriber has jusi received, a??d will ^ keep constantly ou hand Cotton Yarn and Twine ] at wiioicakile, lroui the IV1 iiiufucto.y oi*" p haui. GEO. GOODRICH. i Choraiv, Jan. 1840. 10 U" CHEESE. r&rUk CASKS CHEESE ( ?UF For Sale by A. P. LACOSTE. 1 Dec. 1, 1841. 3 tf 1 ' < HEAD QUARTERS, f Clarendon, Nov. 8, 1841. 1 )rdkrs No? ! flhe 3d Brigade of Cavalry. 23d Regiment } . of Infantry, DeKalb Riflle Guards. and ( Lrscnal and {Magazine Guarts, will piradeat 'olum*>i&, on Wednesday iho 8th December ext, at 11 o'clock A M. for drill and review. With a high sense of the laudable spirit of mutation and improvement maui Tested by the Companies of the Hth Biigade, whose services ' ave boon volnnturi y tendered for the occasion, be Cemm Chief directs, that the Quar. ;r-Master General, shall make the nececsary ' revision of Tents and Camp Equippage, for Freir accommodat ion. The Major General of the 1st Division will ake commund of the Troops on the day of relew. A card of the Evolutions to be performed rill previously be furnished through this Deurlinent, to the respective corps and depart, iients. The M ijor Generals and Brigadior Generals f the State, with their re*p?ctive Staffs, and the Ix-A'ljrtnit General, are requested to attend lie Coinmindcr-itnChi f on the field. Phe Stiff of the Comtnan er-in-Cliief will sport for duty at Head Quarters, previous to | tic day of review. Lieut. Cois. English, Man. | ing and Taylor, are detailed to select and preare a suitable for the exercise of the Troops. j The Quarter-.Master General with the Quar | ?r.Masters of the 3d Brigade of Cavalry, and th and 6th Brigade of Infantry will utiend in uc time, to receive and distribute to the resp?cve C .rps, the necessary Arms. Camp Kquip. ge and Ammunition for the occasr-m, whirh nil be furnished by the Arsenal K'vpcr at Columbia, upon the requisition of the Quartermaster General. The Com minder in Chief will pre$ent a suiti!e Emblem of Distinction to the b"nt drilled -avalry Company, and to the best drills! Infant. y, Li^ht Infantry, Riflo. or Artillery Company, n Thur&day the 9th December. The merit ol ach to be decided by a competent Board of )ific>,rs, dettiled for that purpose. Tho Brigadier G-nrl* of the 3d Division recharged with the extension of thin order, irithin their comtmnd*, and are requirod to ttend with tlnir respective Staffs. By order of the Commander-in-Chief: J. W. CANTY, Adj't. and lusp't Genl. Nov. 1!, 1841. 1 4t BLACHSTIITH BUSINESS. rHE Subscribers have formed a Copartnership, under the firm of McIVER $ LaCOSTE, d have emp oyed competent persons to nrry on the above business, in all its branches, hop on Market Street continued, lately occnied by Mr. C. I. Shiver. The charges for mrk done will bo moderate, We shall be intoful for cu.*to n froin responsible persons, nd with all such persons aecoun s will bo kept. All debts contracted for said shop, must he on rdot from us, and all collections for work dono rill be made by us. A. M. McIVER. A. P. LACOSTE, Cheraw, Nov. 15, 1S41. 1 tf NOTICE. [WILL offer for sale on the 24th of Docem. ber next, the plantation and tract of Land hcreoL I now reside, containing One Thousand c es (more or 1 ??,) situated o the Stage Road lading from Che-aw t? Fuyettovillo, on which icre are tAo Gr st Mills, one Saw Mill, Cotton un, Cotton Screw, and all necessary buildings ir the accommodation of a family. Persons i*hing to purchase are invited to call and exmine die premises. Conditions?The payments to be divided in >ur equal annual instalment*, bearing interest om date JOHN W. BOWYEK. Marlborough District, So. Ca. ) October 1st., 1841. \ D. JOHNSON.HAS just received by the lighters of the Steamer Oseola, vSt. Croix and Portirico nig-irs, Bale rope ank 44 Inch heuvv nagging, tin and Laguira Coffee, Clieeao, 6' 0 lbs Sole jfaiher and some Uppor Leather, Lit die* and ientlmnen's CI uks, Dress and Frock Coats, ilol Cloth and mixed Cloth Over Coats, Sattiett Coatees, Hunting, Flushing and Blanket louts of various colors. Pantaloons and Vests, 2 Dozen Wool Hats, a variety of Fur Hats, very fine. The above with a stock of Dry Goods,Crock, ry and Groceries received a fear weeks, make jo assortment marly complete. In a few days fresh stock of Boot* and Shoes is expectel, nd 2dezon pair of Gentlemen's Boots, a very ne article. All of which will be offered for i>di at low prices to suit the times. Boots and hoes will be tnade to order for cash. N. B.?All persons indebted tn D. Johmon re earnestly requested to tnoke payment as ear* f as possible. November 16, 1841. 1 tf SOUTH CAROLINA, Chesterfield District. By Turner Bryan, Eaq. Ordinary. EY^HEREAS, Martin B. Arant made suit ? w to mo to grant him Letter* of Adminis ration of the Estate and Effects which were of 'ei r Arant sen. with the will annexed. These are to cite and admonish nil and singula kindred and cr-ditorsof the *aid Poter Ara ien. deceased, that they l*j and appeur before me, n tne Court of Ordinary, to be held at dies, crtid i Court House on the Glh. Deer, next, to hew cause, if any they have, why the said Adniuistratioii should no! be granted. Given under my hand and seal, this 22nd day f Nov iu the vear of our Lord one thousand eight undred and forty one and in the 6Gih, year of Linencan Independence. T. BRYAN, O. C. D. Nov. 21, 2 2t SALE OF 40 NEGROESL BY Permission of the Ordinary of Darling* ton District, will be sold at the Court louse of said Di>trict, on the first Monday in anuary next, forty ti<HTr"cs mere or lees, U?. unging to the estate of E R. Melver. Conditions ? One half Cash. The balance on credit of twelve months, with interest rrorn in? ay of sal'*; Purchasers to give notes with lw? ,m;roveJ securities. JOHN K. McIVER, Admr. Est. E. R. A1elver. Society Hill, Nov. 12, 1841. 1 7t B BRYAN & BROTHER, hold a lease on the lower wharf near the old Fe ry Li'tt^ ing, aud will charge each Boat lor the priv. lege of 1 Hidingdih'dnrgiog anil loading. Each Strain Boat, Three Dollars. Each Pule Boat, Tow Boat or Lighter, Two Dollars. Each Cotton Flat loaded or built, One Dollar ind Fifty Cents, Willi the privilege of remnining one week, oilier at n corresponding rute. Cheraw, Sept. 2*, 1841. 46 tf A CARD] rOHN A. INGLIS, Attorney at Law Ariil practice in til.? Courts of Law tor the Jietricis ol Chesterfield, Martou, Darlington, md Marlborough. His office is m the buildng next below the Store of Messrs. Taylor & 'ouch. ; Doc. H 18; 0. NOTICE. Gi. H. DCSLAP iVould respectfully give notice to his frieHdsand he public that having commenced business again \y, ?n his own account he finds it absolutely neces. tary to curtiil very much his credit business. Df le has consequently determined to open accounts vg inly with such persons as have heretofore paid ( ;heir accounts punctually at or near tho end of Ihe year and with such only as will give posL w live assurance of doing so in future. B Oct. 13, 1841. 48 tf 8ta ? ? linr NEW AND CHEAP GOODS. Da I Have just received a well selected assort- the mentof staple and fancy Dry Goods of the or, Latest style and fashion for the season. fro Please call and examine my stock before (h< purchasing. j av M. BUCHANAN. May 31, 1841. 29 tf tn ? spi CANDLES A few Boxes Ta.low and Sperm Candles for sale by D. MALLOY. May 31,1841. u 29 If LATE WORKS. (CONFESSIONS of Hirry Lorcqner, by the ./ audio* of Charles O'Malley.. with illustra- ^ lions I y Phiz. Lovers of fun will find a rich treat in this volume. Charles O'Mallcy the Irish Dragoon, with ^ illustrations by Phiz. First volume handsomely ' bound. G'iye Faw kes, j ^ 1)? Clifford or the Cois'ni-t Man, - The Secret Foe. by Miss Pickering, J The Pick Nick P.ip-rs. hi Box. (Dick m) ' Just received at ihe liUOKSTO BE. ;,IJ Oetnlier 23. 1841. 60 . ir AXES. ??c t iil fill i?H II . ft Si ii #1 \1 3 finriArii.p i I ' W * 1* UKf |4U ' r nun |f|nic|| rtt|'V I ?" j Axes, for sale hy the d<>z- n al inurli l? low tlie usual rates. A. P. LACOSTE. October 27, 1841. 60 tf CONTINUED. THE TIMES are such as to compel the Subscriber to c.cnti'ue the Cash System; Groceries and all articles in that line will be sold for Cash only. Persons whose accfs. and notes still remain unpaid, will please un- M dersrand that no new Credits will he given ^ until all old arrearegesare settled in full. P. MALLOY. SPORTSHAHS POWDER. s! ONE Case English Canister Rifle Powder, ar manufactured by "Pigous &, Wilks," Loir a't don, tor sale by the Canister. D. MALLOY. i) May 28, 1841. 29 tf pi VALUABLE REAL. ESTATE J At Private Sale. el THOSE valuable Premises in Darlington Village, well known as the Darlington Hotel. On the pre nises and to be sold with ej them, ore two store Houses, well arranged and commodious stables and every necessary outbuild, ing. The stand is a good ono, and oilers many ^ inducements to purchasers. Terms of sale can be knowu by application to Col. E. W. CHARLES. Darlington C. H. S. C., ) j( July 21, 1841. $ 30 tf THE SOIJTHERnTHARP^ I CONSISTING of Original Sacred and Moral q Songs, adapted to the most popular Mclo. f Jies, for the Piano Forte and Guinr by y MRS MARY S. B DAXA. OP CHARLESTON, S. C. f " This work supplies a vacuum which haa long been felt in the musical world. It is indeed the Christian's Vocal Companion, and we hope ' no family will be without it."?Boat paper* tl For sale at the Chcraw Bookstore hy JOHN WRIGHT. * July 5, 1841. 34 lr ^ NOTICE. H ^ iHE Subscribers having deviated slightly ( H * .1 n I J !_!. 1 ; ? ' B| JL from llieir nrw pian or ouing uxciusiw y a Cash Business respectfully inform llieir friends and customers, thai their limited c tpit > 1 compels c< them ago in to resort to the sys'em. They hope 11 they may be saved the unpleasantness of refusing ' 8( to credit any one. EMANUEL & SOLOMONS. October 11, 1841. . 46 tf " XNES. BLACK, Dark Blue. Light Flue, Red nnd Copying Inks, in small ^Bctlles, For sale by John Wright at the Cheraw Bookstore. October 30. 1840. 51 tf CANDLES AND SOAP. , Sperm, Margarine and Tylluw Candles j Bar and Perfumed Saop. Fo: Sale by u A. P. LACOSTE. !i October 27. 1841. 50 tf <i HARDWARE AND SMITHS' J TOOLS. lJ A general stock of these articles for sale by A. P. LACOSTE. ti October 27,1841. 50 tf " ~ IRON. 20 Tons, assorted sizes, for sale by ( A. P. LACOSTE. I October 27. 1841. 50 tf MTH E SUBSCRIBER" PURCHASED recen ly in New Ywk a \rry heavy and genera] assortmeut of Goods wli h have all come to hand, and lie now of! > them at Wholesale or Retail at very low pric ' t for Ca?u or Produce. 11 A. P. LACOSTE. I October 27th 1841 50 tf GOOD BARGAINS^ J] f Ml HE Suhs riberlwson hand many article* J i JL of Merchandise not now in hi* lin -uf bu- * sinew; and which he Imp no room in his * ore i for, all?;uc good* will be sold very cheap They consist ot the following "rticlc*. vi*. Negro Cloths (a good ar icle) White PIviir, Blanket Overcoats, Duffil Blankets, Bale Rope, Brass And, Shovels and 'long*, Jugs and Jars, Pots and Ovens. Iron and Steel, Hardware Crockery, &c. G. H. DUN LA P. November 10, IB4I. 02 tf SPERM, AND TANNERS OIL, J By the Barrel or at retail, for sale by 1 / A. P. LACOSTE. October 27, 1841. 50 tf , Ff RYlTI RE, FOR SALE. 1 JUST Received on consignment a large lot of tliis article, nude ol the beat materials, | k and good workmanship, can be seen ut the Receiving anil Forwarding S??eof FELIX LONG. C Novr 23. 1841. 2 tf KAfSIXS. 1 "8 BOXES, Bunch Raisins, B vP 20 halt Ho. 44 44 20 qutr. Ho. 44 44 Just received aud lor Sale bv ? ( A. P.LACOST2. Dee. 1, 1541. 3 if State of South Carolina. ('heraw District. In Equity, ti. M. Cannon, ndmr. and! n M. Cannon, admrx. I Hugh E. Cannon, dec'd. ) Bill for Safe Henry E. Cannon and Parti.ion &.c 1 >thers Hei.s at Law of one Hugh E.Cannon. Edi T appearing to my satisfaction that Henry E. Usi Cannon on? of the Defendants in the above con ted cane is absent from and Reside without the to tl lit* of this State, on motion of G. W. & J A. per irgari Complainunl's solicitors, it is ordered vie it the saia Henry E. Cannnon do plead answer anc demur to the said Bill within three months loqi m the publication of thisorde, or in default you :reof an order pro coufesso will be entered s y a?nst him. wli It is also ordered that this order be published Lit the Farmers'* Gazette twice a month for the orij ice of threo mouths from this date. vol E. A. LAW, C. E. C. 1). J _ _ to 1 Dmmissioners Office, i am nrlington C. II. S. C. > obj September 20,1841. ) 46 2nfSm ? Un III EQUITY, #h Marion District. aUp illiam M. Cannon 1 im. of II. E.Cannon > Bill for partition c vs. 3 and account, S'K Villi?m WhhefHd i Amended Rill and yot Heniy A Vesey and / Bill of Revision. n Emily Vesey. y me ri' appearing that William Whitefield, Henry . J L A. Vesey and Emily his wife, defendants in l?e is osear ; b*ent from and reside wi'heul the s,,< ni'.s of this slate. On motion of G. W. Dar. f01 n it is ordered that the 6aid defendants, do 18 1 ipear special answer or domnr to the Bill of wl1 nipl in nt on or b tore the IOtu December l,lC xl iiid t:n? i-I d ofiult thereof the said hill 6hall t ikm it'-sso. It is also onlpred tint Ibis ord'-r be pnb'islfed st'' the Firm rs' G z.-ti", published :>t fin rn v S "I" i twice a mouth for the space of th en month*. Tl 10. EVANS. C C. M. D. Commissioners Office, i Mcrion C H. S. C. > ref September 7, 1841. 345 2am* 3ni ^ " "?'?? M n A? WW A 1 litl SVi'lII tAKVJUl.lA. ?> Wf Darlington District. IN EQUITY. cit ary Whittlnpton vs. ) Bill su evi VVhittington and > for wife and others. ) Parlition. i! appearing to my satisfaction, that Mar- Y< irct VVhittington, George Whi'tingtcn, iphronia VVhittington, Franky Whiltington, id Francis VVhittington, Defendants in the tn< >ove stated case, are absent from, and reside ^ iyond the limits of this 6tate, on motion of ' udlcy, it is ordered that they do appear and j||( ean, an-wer or demur to complainants Bill, j$i ithin three months from the publication of aj] lis order, or judgment pro con/isso, will be jtered against them. of Also ordered, that this order he published wi vice a month, for three mouths, in the Farm- vi s' Gazette. E. A. LAW, C. E. C. D. Commissioners Office, at I)ar- > r*' Bgton C* H. October 13,1841,. 'f 50 2mf3m " "Iv EQUITY. H Cheraw District. ^ 5hn N. Williams and others i p vs. > lie Heirs of E izabeth Ford, ; lie Heirs of Samuel Ervin, } Bill for acct. ' 'lie Heirs of Juntos R Ervin, > partition &c. 'he Heirs of Robert Ei vin, j . lary Wilds, John D. With. ? [j. erspoon and others. ^ rH E eoinpluiiianls having this day filed their ? Bid in inv office, and it appeunng to my ^ itisfictiou that the Heirs of Samuel Ervin tu nd tho Heirs of Elizabeth Ford defendant* in ^ ip above staled case are absent from and r>?ide |j( ilhout the limit* of this state. It is on motion f)t f Rolibins & Mclver ordered that they do plead rj. iiswer or demur to complainants Bill of comlaint within three montlis from this date, and in ^ jfuuIt thereof the tame be ordeied pro confesso gainst them. 0'( It is further ordered that this order be publish- gl I twice ? rn mth tor lh<> space of three months . i the Farmers' Gazette and Cheraw AJverti- Q| E A. LAW.C. E.C. D. C SOUTH CAROLINA. ? Ul Cheraw District. pi I*. I?/i itvwar ul 1A liHiiii. Mary Reynold*, i William Revnolds, > 01 and others vs. ' ) Bill for tc James Reynolds, i Partition Ac. Duini'l Reynolds > 8' and oiliera, y *, e: rr appeuring to my satisfaction, that James j e| Reynolds. John Reynolds and Rilev Peeph-a I fc nd wife S ruh, formerly Surah Reynolds, j f]| arliesdefendants in this Bill reside beyond the ? <L mils of the Suite of South Carolina: it is or. ered on motion of Complainant's Solicitor that liey do plead answer or demur to lliu said bill in- jj, lirue months from the publication hereof, or the 3 umo wit! be taken pro coiiick?o against them. Also, ordered that this order be published in ^ lie Fiirinrrs' Gazette twice a month for three g mollis from I is dale. E. A. LAW, n C. E. C. D. a 'ommissioners Office, " n Jar iiigtou C. H. S. C. > b Sept. til', 1841. j 2amf3m 8 SOUTH CABOMIVA. 1 Random Briti, vs. ) Declsr.ition in 8 B. P. Guion A. Co. \ Atticb.nent. 7 Whereas the Plaintiff in the above slated case S Ins 1 lay filed his Declare'ion against the De- u ndaiil, who is ub-cnl from, and without the o iini of 'his st te (as it iss id; and having nei. A In r wil t m>r A im cyknoaii w ithi ? >be same,; 0 Lis or j.-red 'hat lb- Oh-ndant r:o a p ar i-nd lined to the Dechrul-011 af'Tv'soid w iriil.i aienr nd a day don tn< dale hereof, oth r4 is h-n I nd .il'sohre Judgement will be aw .rde-i agaimt lim bv dctuuil, t? T. BRYAN. C. C. F. Office of Common Plea*, } ('hosierfield C. House, > i JNovember 19, 1*40. j ' i? i SOUTH CAROLINA, Chesterfield District. 51i Wal'Hce Applicant against i Tabitha Sparro-1 , the Heirs ot > lenry Wallace. Joseph VVal. j , 1 acc, Jackson Wallace, Win. i A'aliaco and Elizabeth Wal- > s ace. ; n It appearing to iny "ausfactioo that Tabitha d sparrow una Joseph Y\ ullace, two of the Deieu. a lunts. resides without this State, it is theretore o >rd(*rfid, that they do appear and object to tne Iivision or s.ile of the reai estate of Elizabeth rVallace, on or before the fifioenth day of Jiuuiry next, or his consent to the same will bo cu. erou o;'record. J T. BRYAN, O.C.D. / November 1, 1841, 51 l^t c FETthb:^ )9 lbs. new Feathers in store and for sale by f). MALLOY, October Btkhl?:;. 50 u' , PR0SPECTU8 OF' A 'HE YOUNG PEOPLE'S BOOK ! r Or Magizine of USEFUL AND ENTERTAINING KNOWLEDGE. Vro nre many periodical publications, yet more ia wanted. The firienda of general ichtion?the advocates of the diffusion of ful knowledge?have long desired to see the >me r,cement of a monthly magazine demoted he iiiBtruction and entertainment of Young sons of both sexes, conducted with A sole w to their improvement in Literature, science, I the conduct of life, written, not in the cotuial language which ia addressed to Tory ing children, but with such attention to the lo as shall render it worthy the notice of tbeee o ore acquiring the art of forming their era-y taate; and filled with ouch vartoua, jinal, and valuable matter as shall render the umes when bounn up, worthy a place in the mily or School Library. [t is the purpose of The Young People's Book furnish such a Magazine. He has provided p!e means for the accomplishment of his oct; and he pledges himself to the friends of eral and judicious oducation throughout the ited States that he will produce a work ich shall be in every respect worthy of their ration and patronoge. Hit re is a period jn the progress from early Idliood to maturity, and that by no means a irt one, during which the expanding minds of ing arc seeking in every direction for oanful owledgo, as well as intellectual entertain* nt. Every took, paper or pamphlet which prom, s either. is eargerly read, and every circle or :ii:ty of a literary or scientific cast is earnestly iglit. During this period the young person rw.t with that kind of instruction uch is given to mere children. Somewise1 ire elevated?something nearer the studies and rHuits of active life is required. A frier.d v ys at hand who could point out the proper diet) to b>3 pursued. Hie true methods of devel. emsnt in Literatuie and Science, the best irae of Reading, the surest processes of Inves* ation, the most recent authorities in Exporiuital, and the most learned in Historical icarch?a friend who could relieve the dryness abstract truth hy u familiar anecdote, narrative ^ illustration?who could scatter a few roses of r 2raiure in the ragged paths of severe science, >utd indeed be invaluab'e. Such a fri'-nd not one Youth in a thousand, >( her sex, can have. There is no tolerable bslilute to be luuud in any Look we might ) in any library. It is proposed in some mean, a to supply the want of such a friend in The ju ng People** Book. Uno of the leading objects of tne work wilt be point out and illustrate by practical examples i proper methods of self inslruciion in the rious departments of Lilstatue arid Art, to ggest appropria'e departments of study and quiry, to prescribe courses of Reading, and to dicute the progress wi.icbmay be made in the deuces, so fur us the limits of iho work will low. The forms into which the different branches instruciihn and entertainment wi I he thrown, ili bo regulated by the particular object in aw at the saute, and tire class ot reaJsi* always dressed. Essays, Narratives, Anecdote*. Ta'e?v Risto:al Reminiscences and Sketches, Critiques* iscr.ptjve articles mi (ieogaraphy, Coology aturul History, Antiquities and Travels* i iogiaphicai Notices A Poems will aUintarar 3 icome ti.e vehi :l a of intellectual rfevelepejneat A id en'ertai..incut. The aid of the Alt* of minting and Engraving will be invoked, and cry susceptible of graphic illustration will Ire icompunicd by well executed Pictures. Ariigpmeiits have been made for receiving, and e publisher is now in (lie actual receipt of jriodical publications of a similar design witlr Mt of the Young People's Book, From France, ermauy and oilier parts of tlie coo inent of urope. From these publics ions, and Iroro e clioicest parts of forcigo educational liter*, rent its various departments, translations will i made of such articles as will serve to pro. oie tha main design of the work?the in. ruction ami entertuinmi'iil of American jooth. he preservation, however, ot a Vuly National nrit; the inculcation of the duties which every . i . .? ?.j a.i incrican scnoiar owe* 10 nis country, sua me ihibilkui of the c ipabilitiee of our early history, lr tradition*, our customs and scenery for implying all the materials oi a copious and illiant literature, w<ll be constant objects of .tontiou, and wilt form frequent topic* of di*~ kk ussion, example, and illustration. " In order to insure the competent execution of ch department of the work, the aid of expert, j red writer*, already f.vorably known to the abhc. lias been secured, and the editoria car* f the whole committed to John Frost, A. M. rofessor of Belle* Luttres of the High School f Philadelphia, whose reputation as a practical iacher, and a writer in tue departments nfeduilion and polite literature, will form a sufficient laranlee, not only for the elegant and tasteful (ecuiiou of the wurk, so far aa language, style, ud embellishment are eon-erncd, hut fur it, lev a ted moral and intellectual character, and >r its invariable direction towards the improve, tent of its youthful readers in science, hleraire, and tlie coucuct of life, !?7"The Young People's Book will be pah. tlieu in Monthly Numbers, each to contain j Pages, embellished with numerous en* ravings, and neatly doue up in an Ornamented over. It will be priuted on white paper of the st quality, from a new and e egaut type, cast xpressly for it. The form will be such as to take the volumes wlwn completed a handsome* d 1 itiou to the shelves of the library. The fiist umber will be issued on the first day of SepteiM* lT, le4i. . TEKMS. ingle Subscription, 1 year, $2 00 'hreCopies, 1 * ?00 ix do. 1 " 10 60 Venty do. 1 " 30 OO chool Clubs dealt with on the neat liberal Tin*. Travelling agents will find this work ne well calculated to advance their ieteaeeOK l Remittance (poutjge paid) must afcaays ae? ampuny >m ordi r tor the wur?. Addreea. MORTON McMlCWAEL, No. 5? South Third Street, opposite the Girard Btnk, Ph&rielpbia. (CT Editors, copying the above, wdi be entitled! >lhe work for one year. DRUGS, MEDICINES* Chemicals, Patent Medicines* ^erfumery, Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs, &c. &c., for sale; vholesale and retail by 4 A. IIOPTON, CHEBAW, S. C? it his Drug Store, neat door to Brown iryan <5f Brother. v Where uiay be had at all times a general* a? ortme-'t of articlei* i?t {&? Uwfr line?necom lendcd to be of superior quality which will bo in posed of on very moderate terms? Physiotano n>l others wishing pure niediciuas, may rely u heinp- supolied with them. May. 26, 1641. 28 For Sale. 4 TRACT on the Dectrines of Election and Reprobation, by Rev.Jainea H. Thorn well, klso, a Vindication of the Protestant Doctrine oucerning Justification. Mhv 1st. 1840. 25 if ~ eewsr WANTED two or tbreemilch cowa ?Enquire at tills office.