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' \ ... ' HSfB <0MmB&W&3>WhlB&2SllM* VOLUME VI. CHERAW, SOUTH-CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1841. NUMBER 47. - ???~~~ " i By M . MAC LEAN. Ten us:?Published weekly at three dollars a j jar; with an addition, when not paid within t.jree months, of twenty per cont per annum. Two new subscribers inay take the paper at fire dollars in advance; ana ten at twenty. Four subscribers, not receiving their papers in town, may pay a year's subscription with ten dollars, in advance. A year** subscription always due in advance. Papers not discontinued to solvent subscribers in arrears. Advertisement $ not exceeding 16 lines inserted r one dollar tiie first tiine, mid fifty cents each tiheequcnt time. For insertions at intervals of two weeks 75 cents after the first, and a dollar if the intervals are longer. Payment due in advance for advertisements. When the number of insertions is not marked on the copy, the advertisement will be inserted, und charged til rdercd out. H?" The postage must be paid on lettcrsto the editor on the business of the office. From the Southern Cabinet. *4 Old Point Com fort, Aug. 22, 1^41. . 44 Dear Sir,?I enrlose you a copy of a letter received from Mr. McCIcan on the subject of drilled wheat. His experiment is a very interesting and important one, and d? 8 rves to be prosecuted farther. I saw this wheat and think I never saw a more luxuriant growth or one that pro. raised a greater yield : but Mr. M. omits one important fact?it suffered somewhat fmm the rust. 44 The objections urged to drilling wheat ill this country, where land is cheap and labor high, are first, that the drilling is expensive, and secondly, that to secure any advantage from drilling, the crop must be worked ; or in other words, that drilling is only to he resorted to, as it enables you to work the crop. If this the fact, I should fay, that no Virginia farmer would he justified in drilling his wheat; but the fact is the reverse ; for drilling is attended with no increased expense, (other than the cost of the drill) and the labor of working the wheat would be thrown away. The increase of product therefore, arises from the more equal distribution of the seed, the uniform depth at which it is covered, the free circulation of air through the drill, and ihe bettfrcondition in which the land is left by the operation of the drill plough. Very respectfully, Your obedient servant, R. \rchrr " 44 Elizabeth Cihj County Aug. 17,1341. 44 Dr. Robkrt Archer, 44 Dfnr. Sir.?Late in October ult. I thought I would experiment a little hv drilling two-thirds of nn acre of wheat, believing that drilling a full crop would pay we much better than a crop sowed broadcast. 44 In this two-thirds of an acre, the rows fifty to sixty yards long, there were sixty, three rows fourteen inches apart. 4 If any difference in quality or quantity of wheat in these rows, it was in favor of those seven inches apart, where five necks were drilled to an acre. 44 At the rate of ten pecks, were drilled on two l?eds, drills seven inches apart: this I found by far too thick : the wheat <lid not produce ho well, and looked sickly from the time it first came up. j 44 The wheat came up well, hut looked j no better than my crop in general, until It began to head. Early in April [ ran a | large harrow over it; thought it improved ! its appearance; latter part of April or ' first of M ?y I ran a cultivator between i the drills (fourteen indies apart) on two) beds ; hui at reaping time I found no ma- | terial difference between that worked and : that unworked. The weeds were completely kept under where the drills were close,; not so with those fourteen inches apart. ** On this tu n.thirds of an acre I made fourteen bushels, and had it ail hnen dril- | led seven inches (which produced as well or better than the fourteen inches) I would have made twenty-one bushels, a yield of thirty-one and a half bushels to the acre?three times as much as my gen. eral crop averaged. " I am so confident of the success of drilling, that I intend to drill thirteen acres this fall. I have a machine made by Mr. Jabez Parker, of Richmond, invented by Mr. Andrew Bartle, of this county, by which wheat can he drilled with less trouble than it can be sowed broadcast, provided the wheat is to be ploughed in. "This drill can in a few minutes be attached to any plough by any common hand. "I shall he able, after my crop of thirteen acres is reaped, to give more on this drilling system. Iam, most respectfully, yours, A. B. McLean." From Ihe Southern I'lanter. AN OBJECTION TO BKRKSHIRBS. My Dear, Sir.?I have seen and heard much of the Berkshire* and have no doubt that for same purpose* they are the most improved hog now known to the agricultural world. But I maintain that they are not calculated for this particular region. My objections are that they fatten too easily and arrive at a heavy weight too early. With the exception of a few jockey pigs, raised about the house, we must continue to rantre our hogs, and hence they must ever he exposed to depredation. Now a round fat sleek Berkshire a temptation that the pilfering propensities of our negroes cannot resist, I Our only safety is in your long legged lean and hungry alligator, which he could not catch ifhe would, and would not if he could. If any man attempts to keep a large number of B^rkshires in this neigh- j borhood, he must house them every night under lock and key. Again, as to the bacon they make. I i am old fashioned in my taste, and prefer a Virginia ham to any other eating in the world. Now I do not believe that a i prime ham can be made of the true flavor < I out of any hog less than two years old, or < 1 from any except a poor hog just fattened j up. But your Berkshire never gets poor, ! and at the end of two years is an over- i j grown mass of grease, well adapted prob. < I ably to making grass meat for negroes, but totally unfitted for the delicate highly 1 flavored table ham. That new flesh af! fords the most delicate food is no new, i dea, but one well recognised amongst L./.f all admit that thfi most I ucui waiV/i*? JIU an uumi? ... ^ delicate eating is obtained from an old worn down ox just fattened up. Remember, sir, I am speaking of the delicacy of bacon without regard to the expense of making it, which by the by no true lover of bacon will ever regard. My devotion to tbe article may make me over particular, but [ must confess I look upon one of your overgrown Berkshires with great distrust, and set down to my favorite ham with a melancholy foreboding that its delicate sweetness is destined to yield to the greasy ranknessof the new breed. An Amateur Bacon Eater. New, Kent Virginia. From the Fanners' Rcg stor. experiments to show the proper state of wheat for reaping. # [Continued from last week.] From the above details, it would appear that it is the farmer's interest to cut his wheat before it becomes thoroughly ripe. Many, no doubt, will he disposed to doubt! deductions of such importance drawn from such limited experiments. This objection the writer anticipates, because it is a natural one, which he felt himself, when he considered the most important conclusions which resulted ; when, however. he retraced, step by step, his investiCations, without any variatiim in that re- , suit, he could no longer refuse to believe I it true till he proved it untrue. He is , t aware that there are other points of con->>ln.n<inn in *hic ci I hi*? r t_?f lm f tllPre flTC < (II 11/11 I ai iiMo ...... , peculiarities in the nature of land, of seed or of season, and that there is. as in all man's investigations, a possibility of error; any of which circumstances might materially affect the result of experiments upon so limited a scale as the present one; and for this reason ho will, if all he well, give the subject a trial in the ensuing harvest, on a much more comprehensive , scale. That the results of these expcrimerits will he corroborative in the main i points, ho has no doubt, and for this cause he feels no hesitation in laving the preceding "details" before the agricultural world; moreover, as he has in no case : given a deduction without the grounds upon which it rested, the degree of " aci ceptalion" whieh the reader may give it rests with himself. The most sceptical, he however flatters himself, will think it " worthy" of being tested, if of nothing more. In testing, however, the conclusion which the foregoing experiments warrant, there are some other advantages which strengthen that conclusion, which must 1 not be forgotten. That they have not 1 been considered in the preceding pages, ) is not because they are of no import, but, on the contrary, because they are of such consequence that (he writer could not as. i sign them an adequate momentary value. And had he attempted to do so, he would have at once made the details of his experiments valueless, by mixing the real results of practice with the imaginary ones | of opinion. Before the subject, however, J can he thoroughly sifted, they must be , considered. The circumstances are these: ?independently of the 4 per cent, gain (according to the foregoing experiments) by reaping our wheat a fortnight before it | is ripe, we have 1st. Straw of a better quality. 2d. A better chance of securing the crop; and 3d. A saving in securing it. 1st, " Straw of a better quality." This is easily demonstrated both for the purpose of food and manure. As an article of food the value of any vegetable depends upon the gross quantity, or upon the combination of certain substances termed soluble, from their entering into union with water. This rule applies particularly to the grasses which are used for the purpose of feeding stock.* The substances generally found in these O v grasses are saccharine matter or sugar, mucilage or starch, and gluten or nlbumen, and bitter extract and saline mat ters. Of these the sugar is no doubt the most, and the extractive matlcr the least, nutritive; the latter having been found, by experiment, to come away in the dung of the animal cousuming it, while the * u The mode of determining the nutritive pow??r of grasses by th*? quantity of matter they contain soluble in water, is sufficiently aocurare for ail the purposes of agricultural investigation.*' Sir Humphry Davy in his ' Account of the Resuts of Experiments on ! the produce and nutritive qualities of different grasses and other plants, instituted by John. Duke of Bedford." othpr matters were absorbed by the body. Now wheat is a species of grass, and the value of the straw, as an article of food, depends upon the quantity of nutrilive matter contained it. "This nutritive matter must be very small in straw, as now generally used," the practical farmer will say, "for straw per se is but poor food, and scarcely able to sustain life." This is true; "from 400grains of dry barley straw," says Sir H. Davy, " I obtained 8 grains of matter soluble in water, which had a brown color, and tasted like mucilage. From 400 grains of wheat straw, I obtained five grains of a similar substance." With this paucity of nutritive matter in the straw before us, how can we account for the fact that, in the sap of wheat, the straw, and all succulent pian is, mere is naiuraiiy a grew yruyvrtion of mucilaginous and saccharine matter ?] The answer is this. In all grasses and succulent plants, the greatest proportion of this is present before the flower is dead ripe.| So in wheat, when we allow the straw to remain till thoroughly ripe, a portion of the sugar is converted by the the action of light, heat. &c. into mucilage,* and a great proportion of the nutritive powers of the grass absorbed by the atmosphere, or lost in some manner; for, as Mr. Sinclair observes, in his " Report of Experiments on Grasses," " there is a great difference betweens straws or leaves that have been dried after they were cut in a succulent state, and those which are dried (if I may so express it) by nature while growing. The former retain all their nutritive powers, but the latter, if completely dry, very little, if any." Asa manure, too, the straw cut "ratr" is equally superior to the ripe; for, as it is an agricultural axiom that the better the food of an animal is, the better the manure from it, the manure from a stock con suming this straw, containing a fair proportion of nutritive matter, must be moro valuable than that from stock consuming the ripe with scarcely any in it. But a great proportion of the farmer's straw is converted into manure without undergoing the process of mastication and digestion. For this purpose the unripe straw is equally preferable, as ail unripe vegetables are manures without preparation]?the soluble and nutritive extracts which they contain, being the principal agents in forming vegetable manure ; as they not only combine to render the process of decomposition the more rapid, by breaking down the woody fibres.^ &c. in the manure heap, but are abo in their pure and separate states stimulants to vegetation.J It may be urged that the increased value of the straw is more in favor of that cut very green (No. 1) than that cut a fortnight later (No 2.) This is true; but, to produce this increase of value, if we cut our wheat so early as No. 1. we have a desiccation of the grain to such an extent as to diminish the measured produce, above. 12 per cent.; while, by reaping with V_ i) Cmih ininrinn oilhpr .^o. <?>. we uiC| su iai iivmi mjunmg . sample or measure, actually improving both, and at the same time gaining above 5 per cent, in the weight, and at least as much in the quality of the straw. For the increase of weight in the latter is not produced by a greater produce, but by the presence of a greater portion of those f The fluids contained in the sap-vessels of wheat and barley afforded, in some experiments which I made on them, mucilage, sugar, and a matter which coagulated by heat." Sir H. Davy, AgricuL Chem. 142. I Vide Agricul. Chem. Sec. 6, p. 264. The inferiority of the quantity of sugar in the summer crops, probably depends upon the agency of light, which tends always in plants to convert saccharine matter into mucilage. Ibid. p. 414. f Green crops, or any kind of fresh vegetable matter, require no preparation lo Jit them for manure. " All green succulent plants contain sac. rharine or mucilaginous matter, with woody fibre, and readily ferment. They cannot, therefore, if intended fjr manure, be used too soon after their death. " When green crops are to he employed for enriching a soil, they should be ploughed in, if it be possible, when in flower: for it is at this period that tney contain tne largest quantity of soluble matter, and that their leaves are most active in forming nutritive matter." Sir H. Davy, Agricul. Chera. p. 264. I 44 Vegetable manures, in general, contain a great excess of fibrous and insoluble mat. tern, which most undergo chemical changes before lhey can become the food of plants. 11 will be proper to take a scientific view of the nature of these changes, &c. 441 f any fresh vegetable matter, which contain* sugar, mucilage, starchy or other vegetable cornpoiiTids soluble in water, be moistened and exposed to air, at a temperature from 55 to 80 degrees, oxygen will soon be absorbed, and carbonic acid formed ; heat will be produced, and elastic fluids, principally carbonic acids, gaseous oxide of carbon, and hydrocarbonate, w11 be evolved; a dark colored fluid, of a slightly sour or bttter taste, will likewise be formed; and if the process be suffered to continue for a time sufficiently long, nothing solid will remain, except earthly and saline matter, colored black by charcoal. 14 In proportion as there is more gluten, albumen, or matters soluble in water, in the vege. table substances exposed to fermentation, so in proportion, all other circumstances being equal, will the process be more rapid." Ibid. p. 257. $ Mucilaginous, gelatinous, saccharine, oily, and extractive fluids, and solution of carbonic acid and water, are substances that, in their unchanged states, contain almost all the principles necessary for the life of plants" Ibid. p- 250. j I soluble substances which are alike necessary to animal and vegetable life?are alike the nutritive part of food and the quickening principle of manure. 2d, We come now to the second advantage, the " belter chance of securing the crop." This is self-evident. We gain a fortnight at the commencement of harvest. If the weather he good, we can secure a great portion of our wheat before we should scarcely have begun upon the ol J system. If not, we can wait; so, under any circumstances, our chances of securing the grain must be greater. Moreover, if we take a retrospect of the harvests for a number of years, we shnll find that nearly all the early harvests have been what we term "good" ones, i. e. good as regftrds weather and the condi. tion in which the grain was secured.? When the peculiarities of our climate, its general fickleness, and its still greater lia. - . i ,i . J.._ Dlllty 10 cnange as me autumn uu vaine*, are considered, this will require no explanation. If we look, too, at the later hnrvests, we shall, I venture to say, find that, in nine cases out of ten, the grain which was cut first was secured in the best condition. As an example of this, the crop of 1839 will suffice. The crops were late, the beginning of reaping the same, and the result was that in the north of Eng. land full 75 per cent, of the whole wheat crop was damaged. And full 75 per cent, of that which was uninjured, I will also venture to say, was that which was cut the first. In Yorkshire this was especial, ly seen ; for the earliest wheat was with the greatest difficulty secured. In this village (North Deighton) not a sheaf was in stack till the day before, and on some farms, the very day on which the rainy weather set in. The frequent recurrence of such years as this, will teach the value of even a fort, night better than any thing that can be said here. And that they will recur is beyond a doubt. What has happened once may happen again, hut what has frequently happened, (as this sort of harvest has,) with the same causes in operation, we are warranted in saying, will happen again and often. 3d, The saving in securing the crop i.< a double one. In the first place, there i< less waste in moving or reaping, and nc danger of 41 shaking" or "necking" ir strong winds. In the second place, there is an absolute economy in the expense ol renping the crop, which may be thus illus. trated. The busy period of harvest with the farmer generally extends over four or five weeks. In this month a certain portior of his work is done by his own hands i. e. by the regular laborers and servant! of the farm; therefore, by beginning i fortnight sooner, and extending the seas, on of harvest over six weeks instead ol four, it is evident that these regular servants would cut a much greater propor tion of his crop?in fact one half more, By this he is rendered less dependant oc those extraneous "helps" or takers" who in the seasons of hurry and anxiety, fij their own terms. How often do we, especially in the north, behold a force of reapers in almost every field. The reason is this: the wheat, oats, and barley, are often ripe al one time, and aware as the farmer is o! the injury which strong winds and show ers would do them, he has to hunt up la. borers at any price. And, after all thi? extra expense, it is extremely probable that, having the whole of his harvest upon his hands at once, he is compelled to let some part of his grain have loo little or some too much wenther. By com. mencing his wheat harvest a fornighl earlier, these evils would have been pre. vented; by the time that his barley and oats were ready, most or all of his wheal would have been cut, and some of it fit for the stack, and that, too, by the exer. tions of his regular workmen only. And being neither pressed for time nor laborers, his harvest would have been finished at a less expense, and his grain secured very ?./>knklt> .n n m11 r* h Kptfpr Cflfld 11 lOIl . piUllllKljr III u lllliuu To assign a value for these advantage? is, as has been said before, for the farmer himself; and it will not be an insignificant one. For if beginning harvest a fortnight earlier enables him to save a crop from spoiling once in a lifetime,? if the improved quality of his straw as food for his stock allows him to plough out an acre more, or to pasture another acre of clover with feeding stock, instead of mowing it for his lean stock, every grain saved, every extra bushel of corn proditeed, and every extra head of stock fed, is a benefit to the whole community as well as to himself?is so much added tc the gross produce and wealth of the country. There heinn-. in fact, an increased -- j . - B - _ return without an increased outlay. The Food of Plants. 1 cannot but think we are greatly a1 fault on this question. There is mucli that is clouded and obscure, as well a! confused, connected with the subject, Science has been seldom consulted on the I occasion, and speculation and theory hav< | heen conrounded with the sound rationale of practical detail. The problem seem; to me more complicated than is generally supposed, and the invention depend or more subtile elements than usuallj enter into tl^e estimate. Food^ to servt I as nutriment and he assimilated, is one I thing; and stimuli, to impart a tone to or j excite the functions belonging to vegeta- i tion, sa as they may exercise their office i in a healthy condition, is quite another af? j fair. I am not quite sure that because < we find on chemical analysis, sulphate of lime in wheat, nitrate of soda in barley, j phosphate of lime in the oat, and so on i with others, it necessarily follows they must be supplied with these several earth, ly alkaline salts, until it be clearly proved by experiment, that the salts are really absorbed and selected with rare discrimin. 1 ation from the soil, and not produced from the plant. If the former be ascertained, then *4 sweet to the sweet," sugar to the sugar-cane, pungent solutions to the Piper Nicnm, Capiacum, Zingiber, dsc., as well as alkaline matters to Soleconia Salsola, Kali, dec. I believe that they are fatal antipathies among plants, as well as reciprocal affinities. In 1839 I proved clearly that roots posses ssecreting organs as well as absorbing In vessels. This fact was subsequently verified by Macaire and others. It explains the necessity of the rotation of crops, as i well as the phenomenon of individual plants never perishing in juxtaposition with several of their congeners?while i they luxuriate in health and vigor near I other plants. On the simple principle so frequently exemplified in the animal world ! as in hares, goats, sheep, dec., what is food for one is poison to another. In vegi etable therapeutics we are miserably defective ; indeed, nothing has been done. Charcoal, the scalpel, the syring, fumigation, &c., external and mechanical acts, i ccrs itute the sum total, with a change of food, of our treatment of invalids. No medicine ha9been administered internally to the sickly plants. If growing chamomile will restore [as it constantly does) health to diseased and drooping vegetation, then let an infusion of chammonile be tried, and so on. I merely, meantime, throw out the hint; hereafter I may send you results of experiments. J. Murray : Gardeners' Chronicle. Methods of Healing Wounds made in large Trees by Lopping. The branch is cut off at a distance of three or four feet from the tree, care being taken to support it in a manner to prevent it from splintering the stump. The bark of the stump is then cut into narrow longitudinal strips, which, after ' being carefully peeled off with a barking tool as far as the body of the tree are tied hack so as to keep them clear of the saw in the amputation of the stump close to the body of the tree.?The saw-cut surface is then smoothed with a wide mortice chisel, and is covered with the strips of bark, cut and fir ted to it as accurately as possible, and fastened down with hrads driven into the depth of about one-eighth of an inch.?The wound and surrounding parts are next covered to the depths of two or three inches with a cataplasm, according to the following receipt:?Clay, 4 parts ; fresh cow-dung 2 parts , finelysifted wood-ashes, 1 part; add cows' hair, such as that used by plasterers, a handful or more, according to the quantity of the composition required. Mix these mater-. lals together in a very regular manner, moistening them with water to bring the t whole to a proper consistence. To pref serve the cataplasm from injury, stout . canvass 13 passed over it and sowed round , the body of the tree ; both of which roust , remain for 6or 8 months; their removal j depends solely on the healed state of the t bark. When the bark is healed, the part , of the tree where the branch was ampu. tated will nppear as if no limb had grown , there. The operation should not be per* I formed in the winter months, for the bark will not run or separate from the wood, | and the wounded part would be liable to I be attacked by frost, t Mr. Henry Smith : Transactions of the . Society of Arts. I WATER-PROOF DUBBING FOR LEATEIIR. Keep your feet dry and head cool,?To . render leather water-proof, and at the same time to preserve its elasticity, is a , matter of great importance, as it increases . its durability, and protects those who apply it to shoes or boots from the mischiev* ous effects arising from damp or wet feet. The following receipt followed out care. [ fully, it is believed, will effect this object. Take a pint of linseed oil, two ounces of bees-wax, two ounces of spirit of turpen. tine, and a half an ounce of Burgundy I pitch, and slowly melt them together, con, tinuing to stir them so as thoroughly to incorporate them, being careful not to set ho mnaa nn firo as fhp inarrpriipnts are all |ll? ll?uoa VM ?/| u*7 ?I*W fMKI ?.. w | combustible. When this compound cools, ) it will be found to be about as elastic as leather ought to be. If it were harder, it j would cause the leather to crack or break when bent; and if it were softer, water would enter aod wash it out. To apply it, re-melt it, warm the shoes, or [ boots, and put it on with a small brush or , a sponge, or piece of cloth tied on the , end of a stick; continue to warm it in till the leather is well saturated with it, and , particularly the bottoms of tho soles and , h els. [t should always be applied wiien ? the boots or shoes are new, and then lay , them by to season some time before wear i ring. Leather thus treated will be found , impervious to water, and will wear twice r as long as that to which it has not been > applied The writer has used this article for many years, and can testify to the jrreat benefits derived from it; and he ha* no doubt but his shoemaker's hill has beert reduced to one half by the use of this com^ position;and what has been saved by doctor's bill he is unable to estimate. Common grease applied to leather tend.* to rot it, and it is soon washed out in wet weather.?Farmer's Cabinet. O. From tha British Farmers Magazine* Manure, Allow to point out the enormouse waste of manure, in the ahape of muck, reset* ting from badly constructed farm-yards, and by mismanagement. And first by way of hint to landowners, there are but few farmyards in the western part of this conuntry, but are situated and apparently ' formed for the purpose of washing away into thebrooksand streams this muck.? The 9ites which have been selected fof the sheds, commonly called 44huhays," are placed on an eminen with the yard of "barton" on an inclined plane?frequently on a considerable declivity. The con, sequence is, the valuable property of the muck is either wasted bv evaporation or washed away the heavy rains and by the accumulation of water from the roofb of water from the roofs of the sheds, mount, , ing, when the fall of water is heavy, to fi flood. This waste of manure, in too many instances, goes on throughout the winter. What then must be the amount of waste and loss? The bloodcolored streams of water, by the mucilaginous and extractive matter?the soluble essence?flowing a way throughout a long winter, is the best answer. It is so novelty to see an accumulation of stahledung at the door, or placed near, and under the eaves, smoking with excessive fermentation, and driving off,in gaseioun form, carbonic acid and ammoniacal matter?the constituent property of good farm -yard manure; the residue merely woody fibre, and scarcely worth taking away. All farm-yard dung, and particularly that from high-fed cattle, deteriorates from the same cause. It is too much the practice to let dung accumulate through the winter, till the cattle are about to be turned to grass, and to collect the wholo into large dunghills; by this practice, on badly constructed farm-yards one-half of the quantity, and three-fourths of the quality, are lost to the farm and to the public. The landowner would do well for his tenant, in diverting the water from his farm-yards, by shoots be ing fixed to the eaves of the building* ; the tenant would soon discover his interest, by preparing layers of soil, from 1 foot to 18 inches thick, for a base, cast on his dung as soon as made, and seal it down with onother layer of soils, &c. Clay or marl8hould be used for lovers, dtc..? of compast for light or gravelly land, and vice versa. Sir Humprhey Davy has informed us, that when dung heats beyoxl 100 degres of Fahernheit, deieteriora'ion commences. He subjoins a test: "When a piece of paper, moistened in muriatic acid, held over the steams arising from a dunghill, gives dense fumes, 'it is a teat that the decomposition is going on too far, for this indicates that volatile alkali is disengaged." Having given my opinion on the economy of farm-yard dung, I shall bonclude, on the present occasion, hv rlotflilinnr thp nran.tip.ft I adont in further "V -? I r preparing these compost heaps, prepare* tory to being laid on the land intended for its reception, dec. Early in the. spring, and when the temperature rises, these comp?sts should be well turned and mixed'; this cannot be too effectually performed* When heat is generated in the comports, which is generally the result in ten days or a fortnight, according to the temperature of the atmosphere, they should be re-turned and intimately mixed again ; and this process should not, en any recount, be neglected; the non-deteriom ion of the manure will not be safe till it is well amalgamated with the soil intended for cropping. A North-west Somerset Farher. Abuse of the President's Confidence.? The individual referred toby the National Intelligencer of yesterday, as having wormed himself into the confidence of the President, and who is connected uith the New York Herald, has given another evidence of his un worthiness of the partiality which seems to have been conferred upon him. He started from Washington on Thursday, at 12 M., with a manuscript copy of the veto message, in the hand writing of the President's Private secretary, which he exhibited to the passenger* , on board the steamboat from Baltimore ; boasting at the time, of his familiarity with the President, and his previous know* ledge of the conteots of the veto message. These facts reach us from three individuals who were oo board the boat at the time; and whose statements are entitled to condfience. The explanation of this disgraceful betrayal of confidence, as sts* ted to us, is that the impudent fallow wa? " in his cups." But the President shook! not extend mch confidence, to any one, and last of all to the one in question.? He is an adventurer from abroad, a notorious libeller of our institutions, and his piesence in the Executive mansion is a dishonor to the President, and a disgrace to the country, to say nothing of the confidence reposed in him. As the President now understands this matter, we donbt not he will save ns from further haailwi tioa.?rhila-J. North Amer.