University of South Carolina Libraries
. CHERAW GAZETTE. WEDNESDAY, Septembkr 1, 1841. /Hie committee appointed by the Pee Agricultural Society to report on the subject of a Library will meet in this ; town on Monday next. 1 The committee appointed by the President to prepare an essay according to the | recommendation of the Slate Society, J will bear in mind that next '1 uesday is ' the day^fwed for its meeting. I Mr Skinner has withdrawn from the j editorial department of the American Far- i mer, finding a proper attention to it in- i compatible with his duties in the Post Office department, We are pleased to learn that the enterprising publisher has i secured the services of an able and competent successor, to aid him in the man- , agement of this very valuable periodical. Mr. S. Sands, publisher of the American 1 Farmer, advertises for sale "a beautiful I young Devon Bull, of the best stock in i Maryland, out of a very superior milker, ( six months old, at $50." The calf deliv- ( erable in that city. He also advertises ( heifer calves from 1-4 to 15?16 Durham at prices from $50 to $20. 4 I The attention of parents who have < daughters to educate, and the attention i of young men who want wives is invi- < ted to an article on the fourth page. i The Patriarch, or Family Library ' Magazine.?We have received the sec.;i ond No. of this neat and excellent peri- j J odical. It is the cheapest periodical I published in the country, taking into con?iderntion the style of execution, and intrinsic value ?f the matter it contains. ^ The follow ing is the table of contents of ^ the No. before us. J CONTENTS OF THE SECOND NUMBER. 1 'Washington the father of his country?an ex- | ample to his countrymen?by the Editor, Illustrated by a Steei Engraving. Domestic Economy, (Origins!,) Story for grown np < children, ^Original.) >Health?Dress, from Mrs. Sigourney. ITio Anniveisnry. Poetic, By Wm. Cultcr. Let Father reid this. By Juliet DeOeri- ' k- rn.. ur,? r.,,tTh? Hnlv .... ,v ...... ^ I Fnmilv, (o. iginal,) illustrated by a n"w and 1 elvgint steel ohtft. E'iforinl Chnir. Reviews t and Orii Noticot. Natural Philosophy suited to children, Fiom Mrs. Phelps. Science fer Children, (original,) by A Lady. Congress. Owing to some irregularity in the mails, * the Washington papers from the 24th. to the 26th. ult., were so long delayed on r the road that we have not time after their arrival to make a regular synopsis of the 1 proceedings of Congress for the congressional head, later than the 23d. In the Senate the debate on the land hill was resumed on the 24th. and continued with murh ability to the evening ' of the 26th. The prominent speakers T against the bill were Messrs. Calhoun, \ , Walker, Wright, Woodbury, Cuthbcrt i and Benton. Among tho speakers in fa- . vorofit were Messrs. Archer and Rives, < the Virginia Senators. The hill finally \ pawed its third reading by a vote of 28 to , 26. Mr. Preston was the only Whig 1 mha voted against it. ( Fiscal Corporation. On the 24th. the hill from the House, | to incorporate a fiscal agent for the Gov. * ermnent was taken i> j, and read the first 1 and second time. A motion by Mr. Tappan to postpone it indefinitely was lost, 21 to 24, no Whig voting for the motion.? ' It was then rcfered to a select committee ? ' of five, viz: Messrs. Berrien, Evans, Asciirr, Morkhead and Huntington. J Mr, Clay had said that he had no desire ... t ? .t! ?i__i? .i_ _:4l I to nnve any ining pariicmnriv 10 oo wuu the bill. The hill was probably taken up , oo Fridny the 27th. and we think the in. J dications were that it would pass, and be sent to the President. Judging from the i declarations of the President in his inau- 1 gural address, and inaugural message, he J ww disposed to sign a bank bill of some j form. Whether or not the present form oits him time will shew. "In the House of Representatives, the I time was taken up chiefly from the 24th. | to the evening of the 26th. in discus-sing a bill to appropriate 8497,657 to pay debts doe contractors for carrying the mails, j and which were due when the present Post JKurter General came into office. The | debate took an extensive range into par. :_a.?J?^^1 k?. \f \y pontics, which wus iiuivmjuccu ?h? Cave Johnson's harshly censuring the P. M. General for dismissing deputy Post Masters, as he alleged, on political 1 grounds. The bill finally passed on Thursday evening bv a vote of 127 to 48. We see an advertisement in the "Re- j publican Whig Democrat" published in York District in which the advertiser I states under date of May 22d that he "can | show about 40 straws projecting from a single grain of wheat, and every straw ! having from four to six heads of wheat on ! it, and a straw sufficient to hear the U p." The ?rain he calls "California Wheat." ~"~w I We see in the last number of the I South Carolina. Temperance Advocate the 1 copy of n hill which the author intends to introduce into the House of Representatives of this state, next winter; the object of which is to exempt from liability to be sold for debts of any description, j **. one hundred acres of land embracingihe debtor's homested and one horse or mule. One of four benefits which it is alleged are to follow the enactment of such a law, i is that it will improve the character of our population, by establishing and fostering a class of honest (reomanrv. Such an experiment in the art of improving men's character, and infusing honesty into them, has the merit of novelty at least. If it should succeed the principle will of course be extended to all property and all debts, and will entirely supercede the need of bankrupt laws ; a reformation in the character of our country most devoutly to be wished. Abstractionists.?This is a name recently given to a party in Virginia of whom it is alleged by their opponents that they view the Federal Constitution only In the abstract?as a mere paper instrument, and not as a form of government to be reduced to practice. They resist the the exercise of implied powers, and are charged with abstracting all practical meaning from that clause of the constitution which empowers Congress to make ill laws necessary and proper for carrying i into execution the powers vested in the j government. Mr. Stanly the other day, \ excited no little merrimont in the House af Representatives by a practical allusion to the doctrines ascribed to this party. A i>ill had been introduced to place the new jtatue of Washington in such part of the Rotunda (a perfectly circular room) of the Capitol, as the artist might select.? Mr. Adams suggested that the light would fall upon the statue to most advantage in j fi corner of the Rotundo. Whereupon j Mr. Stanly said he hoped the gentleman from Massachusetts (Mr. Adams) would move to appoint a committee of abstrac- ' 'ionists to lind the corner of the Rotun- : io. A fire lately occured in Syracuse, N. V. during which the explosion of a quan:ity of powder in one of the stores caused he death of thirty persons. Tiik New Jkksky Contested Election. We have been requested to copy from he Washington Globe a brief report of some remarks made in the House of Repeeentatives on this subject, on the 7th of lugust. The bill to repeal the subreasury act had just passed by a vote of 134 to 87, when Mr. Halsted moved a reconsideration of the vote just taken. Mr. II. said he had long been endeavoring o obtain the floor in order to make some emarks on the manner m which the SubTreasury bi.'l had passed, lie wished to show I o the country that it was passed hi conse. juence of the tyrannical act of the majority of I lie House depriving the legally qualified neinbers of the Slate of New Jersey of their ights on that floor. Mr. H. was proceeding unidst repeated interruptions and calls to or- ' ler, w hen lie fina ly yielded the floor, as he j raid, at ihe solicitation of his friends, and earner that he would take some other opportuni- j -n ? ty of speak in? en the subject of the injustice that had beeiijdone the New Jersey certificate members. Mr. H. then withdrew his mutton for reconsideration. Mr. Shields rose and obtained the floor, and amid cries of order, order, said he wished to ask the gentleman from New Jersey, Mr. Halsted, one question, and would be obliged to him for an answer. Would he rise and say to the House and the country, that he and his colleagues, who were rejected by the House of Representatives, had been elected by a legal majority of the voters of New Jer. gey. Mr. Halsted made no reply. Mr. J. C. Clark renewed the motion for reconsideration, and demanded the previous question, which was seconded. Mr. Campbell of South Carolina requested the gentleman from New York, Mr. Clark, to withdraw his motion for the previous question, in order that he might make an inquiry of the jentleman from New Jersey, Mr. Halsted. The inquiry which Mr. C. wished to make, was this; Did not the gentleman, Mr. Halsted, arid iiis associates, in the last election for Congress in New Jersey, run behind their party; and did not their competitors, the Democratic candidates for Congress, run before theira? If this was the case, Mr. C thought t afforded ?* very good commentary upon the remarks which the gentleman had just made, and might be regarded as a verdict of the people of New Jersey, in support of the final decision of the last House of Representatives, on the celebrated contested election from that citate. ? [Here the cries werpso iouu is ?.u pu irm Mr. C. from being heard, and he took his seat ] The main question (which was on the reconsideration) was ordered to be taken ; and, being taken, was decided in the negative. So the vote was not reconsidered. And then, at half past six, the House ad* joumed. [The following were among the remarks made by Mr. Halsted, as reported in the National Intelligencer.] Mr. H. proceeded, and said he hoped the House would recollect that the Representativesof New Jersey had not been in the hibit ofgtroubling the House much with speeches for the last two years. Fiv? of them had been illegally and uconatitutionally prevented from raising their voices on this flour, [loud cries of order,] and the present was the first opportunity which had occurred of speaking of the outrage committed upon the State of New Jersey. [ Cries of order.] The Sub-Treasury bill was passed by the votes of 124 members ?no, sir, I will not ca'i them members, tor some of those who voted for the bill were not members, but by the votes of 124 individuals. All the Administration members were present r - .i._ u.m \f_ if i?_ voting iur me um, ?. diana. The strength of the whole V<tn Buren par y for the bill was only 125. The numb, r of Whig members present, who voted against the bill was 107. The number of whig members who were absent or did not vne was nine, viz; Messrs. Adams, Brown, Corwin, G-angt-r, Lawrence, Morris, falep, Sherrod # ?' Williams, and Wise; making together 116 ch opposed to the bill. Then if the five illegal ^ votes of the pretended Representatives of New Jersey are deducted from the majority it 1 would leave only 1*20 in favor of the bill; at)d cl if the five votes of the legal Representhtives ^ of New Jersey are added to those opposed to the bill, it would have made 121 members op- pi posed to the bill, or, in other Words? a majori- ft tv of one against the bill. . [Here there were loud cried of order from " the Opposition members.] qi The House of Representatives is by the C1 constitution made the judge of the elec- ft tion returns and qualifications of its own ti members. In the exercise of this power, y if derided. after investigation bv a com ? 0 ^ mittee, that the Democratic candidates rr were entitled to their seats, as Represen- n tatives of New Jersey, and, of course, ? that the Whig candidates who had been n commisioned by the State, might return \ home. This decision was final. Wbeth- a er right or wrong there was no appeal from it. The next election by the peo. tl pie of New Jersey resulted in the defeat of these same Democratic candidates, t! and the success of their old Whig oppo. I nents. This result did not reverse ^ the decision of the House of Represeb- p I tatives; much less did it confirm that h decision. It proved only that the Whig f< candidates were the choice of the people i of New Jersey in 1840; but for any [ j thing that has been proved tothe contrary, o I the people of New Jersey, like those of J I several other States, may have thought a differently in 1840 from what they did in 1838. The House of Representatives must be presumed to have acted honestly t< in the case. The members, however, 1 were mere men, and, therefore, liable to g be biased by party prejudice. And some P at least of them were certainly thus L biased, on one side, if not on both ; other* c wise it is not credible that all of each 1 party could have been brought to a de* cision in favor of the candidates which 0 happened to be of their own party, and t| that the vote on the question should hare F been strictly, as it was, a party vote. ( It is not our purpose here to enter into any discussion of the questions to which a the New Jersey contested election gave \ rise; but there is a fact suggested by the ii introduction of the subject into our col- P umns, to which, in passing, we shall ad. ^ vert for the purpose of exemplifying one 1 feature in the operation of our system of government. c If the members from New Jersey had voted against the sub-Treasury bill at the last session, it could not have been passed. n..f if /Mir rprnllection is correct, a new , I IIUl ? vu* .www. election had taken place in New Jersey before the passage of the bill, which proved that State to be opposed to the measure. Now if all the members of Congress from the other states fairly rep. resented their constituents on this point, and there is no evidence to the contrary? none at least in favor of the sub-Treasury, it is clear, and was clear at the time, that* the bill was passed against the will of the ccuntrv. Still, it was done under the regular, legitimate operation of our sys. I tern of government; which was never doj signed to be a democracy, but a rcpresen. , ' tative republic. Congress had a right ( under the constitution to pass the bill; of t the expediency of doing so they alone t were the judges. And what remedy had the people? Violent tumultuary resist, ance? Not at all. The ballot box was , i | j the remedy which in the organization of t I their government, they secured to them- 1 I selves, in case of disregard of their will ( u.. wnrncnntntivfvq. Of this remedy t I li v HIGH WW. ^ ( they peaceably and quietly availed them, j selves, and thus, without violating a sin- < gle obligation incurred by themselves or ' their government, they, in due time, pro- , cured the repeal of the obnoxious act. Thus may it always prove. May the i people of this country resort only to con- 1 stitutional and legal means to remove evils, real or imaginary, brought upon ( them by their chosen rulers. Let them, | at least, confine themselves within the ' pale of the constitution, as long as there ' is any reasonable prospect of their being { able to do it in this way. When there is | I not, then rebellion and revolution are the I remedy. Elections. < Tennessee.?In this state the Whigs 1 have elected their candidate, a Mr, J ones, , : over Governor Polk, the present incum- , bent, by a majority of about 3000. The i i Democrats gained one Senator and lost < three, leaving them a majority of one. | The Whigs gained six representatives and lost one, giving them a majority ot three | in the lower house, and a majority of two I 1 on joint ballot. This will enable them ' to send two Whigs to the U. S. Senate; one in place of Mr. Nicholson, who now , holds a temporary appointment from the | i Governor in place of Mr. Grundy, and j the other to till a vacancy which now ex! ists. In Alabama the Whigs ran a moderate 1 Democrat, and the Democrats a candif itfi of their own. The latter was elected d y a majority estimated at about 7000. ^ he last session' of the Legislature ^ langed the district plan of electing mem- ^ 3rs of Congress to the general ticket b Ian, to prevent the election of Whigs tl ora the Whig districts, and at the same * me made provision for submitting the t] uestion to a vote of the people at the fi lections of the present year. The vote n >r general ticket was far behind that of ^ le party for Governor, and the result not et known. a In Illinois the Democratic party laintain their ascendency. Of the three * lembers of Congress chosen, one is a e democrat, one a Whig, and the third a ^ loderate Democrat, voted for hy the J] Yhigs, and called by some of the papers Whig. c In Indiana the Democrats have gained lie ascendency on joint ballot. * In Kentucky the Whigs maintain ,f heir ground. c , i In the House of Representatives on the j Oth August ex-Governor Gilmer of Virginia , resented the proceedings of a public meeting j eld in Louisa comty Va. whereupon the- I si lowing proceedings took place. 1 Mr. Gilmer said the resolutions expressed { he general concurrence of that meeting in he views of the Admin str&tion proper at the i thcr end of the avenue, which differed widely f rom the Administration improper at this end | f the avenue. And, as the question might rise who? . M. G. was here called to ordor. 1 Mr. Stanly addressing himself to Mr. Gilr?er) asked, by what authority do you speak i r>r the Administrotion at the other end of the vocue ? Mr. Gilmof. I do not speak for it. I peak for the people of my district, who aprove Mr. Stanly. Did not I understand the gen. leman to say that these resolutions expressed oncurrenr.e in the opinions of the Adrninisration at the other end of the avenue ? Mr. Gilmer. 1 say that this portion of my istrict whom I represent concur in the views f the Administration proper?[Cries ofMay. y?"]?not the Administration tmproper at his end of the aveuue. They agree with the 'resident, but not with the dictator. The resolutions were then received, and lid on the table. Language similar to that of Mr. Gilmer has lso been used by other members from Virginia in reference to Mr. Clay by which t is the design of the speakers, to reroach him. But they could pay hitn no tigher compliment. No man ever before in his country, obtained such commanding nfluence by the mere force of his moral char, cterand civil services as to be denominated, n that account, by his enemies, a dictator. CONGRESSIONAL. Senate. The Senate continued the discussion of the and bill till Aug. 23d. when it was ordered to >e engrossed for a third reading by the followng vole. Yeas?Messrs, Archer, Borrow, Bates, iavard, Berrien, Choate, Clay, of Kentucky, Clayton, Dixon, Evans, Grhliain, Henderson, -funtington, Kerr, Mangum, Merrick, Miller, rinrph*>ad. Phelue, Porter, Prentiss, Rives, Simmons, Smith, of Indiana. Southard, Tall. I uadge, White, Wood bridge?28. Nays?Messrs. Allen. Benton, Buchanan, /%lhoun, Clay, of Alabama, Cuthberfpulton, Cing, Linn, McRobcrts, Mouton, Nicholson, 'ierce, Preston. A'evier, Sturgeon, Tappan, talker, Williams, Woodbury, Wright, foung?22. House or Representatives. Fiscal Agent. Friday Aug. 20. On motion of Mr. Sergeant the House resolved itself into :ommittce of the Whole on the state of he Union, (Mr. Dawson, of Georgia, in he chair.) On motion of Mr. S the committee ook up House bill No. 14, being a bill re. >orted from the Select committee ap)ointed by this House on the subject of he Currency, entitled " A bill to incor>orate the subscribers to the Fiscal Bank >f the United States." Mr. Sergeant said that he would state o the committee what he meant to pro. t >ose to them. The committee wouia un. Joubtedly recollect the nature of the bill which had been reported by the commit ee on the Currency some considerable ime ago, and which was numbered * fourteen." His intention was now to nove to amend the bill by striking out all lfter the enacting clause, and inserting flhnt he would send to the Chair. Ml*. Sergeant said that, as several in* juires had been made of him with regard :o this bill he would now proceed to make i short statement, to show in what re* ipects it differed from that recently before his House. He would say, first, that here were two or three verbal errors in [his bill, and there were words, in two or| ;hree places, which he thought had better lave been left out, and which were inended to have been omitted by the com* nittee. There were several gentleman n the present Congress who entertained extreme hostility to the word " bank," ind, as far as he was concerned, he felt jverv disposition to indulge their feelings, md he had therefore endeavored through )tit this bill to avoid using the word bank." Tf that word anywhere remain* ?d as applicable to the being it was pro. josed to create by this law, let it go out? let it go out. Now, the word "corpora* tion" sounded well, [laughter,] and he was glad to perceive it gave pleasure to the House. At all events, they had a new mord to fight against. Now, the difference between this bill and that which passed this House some days ago would be seen by comparison. The present differed from the other principally in three or four particulars, and there were ?6me other parts of the bill which varied, in minor particulars, from that which bad been before the House $ few days ago. Those ifferences gentlemen would have no difculty in discovering and understanding rhen the bill should have been printed. Ie would now proceed to answer the inuiries of gentlemen in reference to this ill. Mr. 8 then stated the following as he substantial points of difference be* ween the two hills: 1. The capital in the former bill was hirty millions, with power to extend it to ftv millions- In this bill twenty-one liilions, with power to extend it to thirtyve millions2. The former bill provided for offices f discount and deposite- In this there re to he agencies only. 3. The dealings of the Corporation are o be confined to buying and selling forign bills of exchange, including hills Irawn in one State or Territory and tayable in another. There are to be no liscounts. 4. The title of the Corporation is ihanged. The amendments were ordered to be trinted. Saturday. Aug, 21. Mr. Sergeant of. cred a resolution to terminate the debate >n the Fiscal Corporation bill this day at 1 P. M., but afterwards changed.the time o the same hour on Monday 23d. This notion caused no small excitement among he members of the minority. Two of hern, Mr. Brown of Pa. and Mr. Kennedy of la., were successively called to ji-der and required to take their seats. Motions to allow them to proceed were jecided in the negative; the Speaker and [he majority evincing a determination to keep order. Several Democratic members asked to be excused from voting but were not.? Mr. Sergeant's resolution was finally adopted 116 to 76. The House went, into committe and took up the bill, when Mr. Sergeant made the motion indicated by him yesterday, and spoke his hour in favor of the bill. He was followed by his son-in-law, Mr. Wise, against the bill and in abuse of Mr. Clay, for an hour. Mr. Turney moved to strike out the enacting clause of the bill, when Mr. Wise jumped up and went on with bis speech. This was objected to, but the chairman, Mr. Dawson, decided that as the motion now was different from that on which he had just spoken, he was entitled to another hour. No appeal was taken and he spoke his second hour, soon after which the House adjourned. Monday, Aug. 23. The same bill being up, Mr. Marshall of Ky. replied as well to the objections urged against the bill on Saturday by Mr. Wise as to his abuse of Mr. Clay. On this last head he refered to an article which appeared io the National Intelligencer of a particular date which he named, praising Mr. Clay in very strong and unqualified language. And who, asked Mr; Marshall, wrote this article ? I will only reply, he con. A ?0 V.tkan eairl tr> David. "Thotl IIIIUCU) (10 ilUUIUU OUIU ? ? , _ art the man/' pointing at the same time, to Mr. Wise. In some parts of the re. marks of Mr. M., says the report of the National Intelligencer, loud manifests, tions of satisfaction were with difficulty restrained. The debate was continued till the hour of 4 P. M. when according to the resolution adopted, the bill was taken out of committee, and amended. It then, under the previous question passed the second and third readings. The majority on the final passage was 31. The debate which occured did not relate so much to the bill as to general party topics, and was likely to become particularly acrimonious had it been continued.? Something was doubtless therefore saved to the character of the countTy by terminating it when it was done. The following were the yeas and nays on the final passage of the bill. Yeas?Messrs. Adams, Allen, L W Andrews, S J Andrews, Arnold, Aycrigg, Babcock, Baker, Barnard, Barton, Birdseye, Black, Blair, Boardman, Borden, Botts, Briggs, Brockway, Bronson, Milton Brown, Jeremiah Brown, Burn#*!!, Wi'liam Butler, Calhoun, Wm. B. Campbell, Thomas J. Campbell, Caruthers, John C. Clark, S. N. Ciarke, Cooper, Cranston, Cravens, Cushing, Wm. C. Dawson. Deberry, J Edwards, Everett, Fessenden, Fillmore, A. L. Foster Gamble, Gates, Gentry, Goggin, Patrick G. Goode, Graham. Green, Greig, Habersham, Hall. Haisled, W S. Hastings, Henry, Howard, Hudson, Hunt, James Irvin, Jarnes, Wm C, Johnson, I. D.Jones, J. P. Kennedy, King, Lane Lawrence, Linn, T. P. Marshall, S A/a. son, Matthiot, A/atocks, Maxwell, Maynard, Moore, Morgan, Morris. Morrow, Nisbe' Os. borne, Owsley, Pearce, Pendleton, Pope Powell, Ramsay, Benjamin Randall, Alexan. de-, Randall, Randolph, Rayner, Rencher, Ridgway, Rodney, Russell, Balionstall, Ser 1 Ulailo Smith Stan, geani cmepperu, uiiiminudt ly, Stokely, Stratton, John T. Stuart, A. H H. Stuart, Summers, Taliaferro, John D, Thompson, Richard W. Thomson, Tillinghast Toland, Tomlinson, Triplett, Trumbull, Un* derwood, Walace, Warren, Washington Edward D. White, Joseph L. White, Thomai W. Williams, C. H. Williams, J. L. Williams Winthrop, Vorke, Aug. Young, John Young ?125. Nays?Messrs. Arrington, Atherton. Banks Beeson, Bidlark, Bowne, Boyd, Aaron V Brown, Charles Burke, William O. Butler Green W. Caldwell, Patrick C. Caldwell, J Campbell, Cary Chapman, Clifford, Clintoo Coles, Cross, Daniel, R. D. Davis, John B Dawson, Dean, Doan, Doig. Eastmen, Joht C. Edwards, Edgeber\Ferris John G.Floyd Cliarles A. Floyd, Fornance. Thomas, F. Fob ter, Gerry Gilmer, William O. Goode, Gordon " * '* * * 1 ' ? If itlmnc Uustme, Mams, jonn naHungp, I lay o, j 1%'i.i.vw Hopkins, Houck, Houston, Hubard, Hunter logersoi), William, VV. Irwin. Jack, Cavi Johnson, John, W. Jones, Keim, A. Kennedy Lewis, Z/ictlefield, Abraham, Mc dollar Kobt. A/cC!elJan, Mckay, Jfallory, Marcband John,T. A/ason, Matthews, Medill, Millet Newhard, Partnentcr, Payne. Pickeni, Plutnei Reding, Reynolds, Rhett, Riggs. Rogert Roosevelt, franford, Saunders, Shaw, Shield Snyder, Steenrod, Sumter, Swcncy, Turne Van Bmvo. Ward. VVatteraon, Welle VVestbrook, Jos. VV. Williams VVu>e, VVoot -91. ? Til*: ToHfiitJBKC Rives on Fitrk.I While Mr* J, M. Cooper was prosecaLn y i s* the removal of AfcGrew's Shoals, aftef boring to the depth of 375 feet bis togof suddenly dropped and entirely disappeared In the space of some several moments a deep holjow sound was beard, resembling the rumbling noise of distant thunder frotlt the chasm below, and at the same instant gushed forth from the shaft, thus made a clear transparent, oleaginous substance or liquid, which boils up very similar to the effervescence of a boiling pot; and which, owing to the sluggishness of thif current, has gradually diffused itself over the whole surface of the river, A quanti* ty has been collected, and upon applies* tion of fire, it is found to burn equal to the present sperm oil. To gratify curiosity and make further tests, fire has been applied to the oil on the water, and the whole surface of tho river is now burning, emitting a flame of most beautiful appearance, about 8 inches high, and has already extended about half way down to Fort Studdart; the reflection of which upon the horizon at night, pre* sents a most sublime spectacle, far sur* passing in grandure and beauty of appearance the. aurora borealis.?Mobile Journal. * ? . , . GOLD MINE 1 We understand that on last Friday some persons engaged in hunting Gold, discovered a vein on the Lands of Thoe. Flow, on Clear Creek, about 14 miles East from this place, which is very rich. The vein is about oim foot wide, some of the ore taken out was worth between two and three thousand dollars per hnahpi 11 Charlotte Journal. *^ I BAD FOB THE JlLTlCD. Some Yankee has invented a new kind of ink, called " love letter ink." It ie a sure preventive against all cases of " breach of promise," as the ink fades away and leaves the sheet blank in about our weeks after being written upon. A Warning.?The Wilmington (X. C.) Advertiser says"The death of Mr. Driver, mentioned under our obituary head, was caused by taking lobellia* He had complained for two or three dayi of being a little unwell, and on Wednesday morning about, breakfast time took a powerful dose of lobelia, although warmly remonstrated with by his attendants, say* ing at the same time he should be about his business in an hour or two. Difeft* tly after taking it he was seized with spasms, and in fifteen minutes was a , corpse." 0^7"Divine service will be held in the Episcopal Church in this Town hy the Rev'd. Mr. Miles, on Sunday the 5th in* stant. C HER AW~PWCE^U RRENT* August 31 1841. Articlks. Mr | $ C. | $ a Bjofja market, lb 0 4 4 g icon from wagons, lb 8 a 9 I>y retail, lb 1H a H/< Butter lb 10 a 10 Beeswax .lb 32 a ' K yard 30 a 58 - Bale Rope lb 10 a 19$ Coffee lb 19$ a ' * '5 | Corrorr, lb 8 a 10 Corn, scarce bu*l? 60 a . Flour, Country, brl 5 $ 4 6.50 Feathers fin wag. none lb 4u a 4H . . Fodder, 100!be 75 a lf? ' v Class, window 8x10, 5'lf\ 3 95 a* S 37$ , 10x13, 50ft 3 50 a 3 75 Hides, green lb 5 a dry lb 10 a Iron lOOlbs 5 50 a 6 5ft ' Indigo lb I a 5 9 \ Lime cask 4 a 4 50 Lard scares lb., 11 a W Leather, sole lb 515 a 58 ?A _ Lead, bar iD iu Logwood lb 10 a- 15 Molasses N. O. pal 40 a 50 , gal 35 a 17 iVails, cut, assorted lb 7$ a d , wrought lb 10 a 18 Oats bush 33 a 40 Oil, curriers gal 75 a 1 ?, lamp gal 1 25 a ?, linseed pal I 10 a i 95 The Rivkb continue* in good boating J order. 1 GROCERIES"FORCASH. rtnilE Subscriber having n limited capital, JL Htid having his business already much i extended, givu* this notice to his former customerstlnt in future he will have to decline veiling . groceries on a crediths he formerly has dour. ( The difficulty in getting groceries, except for cash, or s!i?rt credit, hi* forced him to this courso. lie wilt keep a good stock of groceries which lie will sell for cash or produce; and he is also receiving a good stock of Dry Goods and ' Hardware, which Jie will sell to punctual customers on credit. lie takes this inetiiod ok* ' urging a'l those ind< l>t< d to him to come forward ' and setllo v itliout del iy. His necessity demands this pro npt attention of his friends* He hopes his reasonable expectations mny not be defeating 1). S. HARLLEE. Cheraw August 3ft 1841. 42 6t EST RAY. SOUTH CAROLINA. Chestnjirld District. REUBEN ROLLINGS, offork Creek,tolla before me n dark brown Mare Mule, Unr. f teen bunds high, four years old;?appraisedat Forty Five iKdlurs. T. T. SCHROTER, E LIS HA BAKER, ) ' JOHN LEACH. >Apppraiscrs. ,* MATTHEW BAKER. ) September 4, 1841. 42 leraftnt [Printer's fee $1 50.] , CINCINNATI CIRCU8~ . AND WESTERN GYMNASTIC COMPANY. ?> ' Under the direction of the Proprietory ; Messrs. Shay, Rogers, Matter and Jack3 son. < RESPECTFULLY Announce that they will give an Equestrian performance i* 1 ? ' i?|- -f Q.nt.n>hfir. _ |f j Clieraw on luuaaay uie nui Vi . Open a; 1 O'clock, and 7 at n if lit? And hope, from the praiseworthy notice* received from the , press generally to receive a share of patronage, ' so liberally bestowed in a" the c ties and to* ns North and Weft in which they have exhibited, V For a description of the Perd?rmancca see htku J? Admittsnee 5J cents; Children and servants *? Half Price. The above will be open at Samuel Good win'a (sear the S. C. line,) un Monday Sept. 13th ? Open ut 2 o'elcck. ig September 1.1911, ft ft