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mm ?mmB&w nmwimwrnmrn-, . VOLUME VI CHERAW, SOUTH-CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY, JULY 21, 1841. . NUMBER 36: ' % ? W _ _ _ ."V . <? l -J J ^ .f* 'i. By ?. MAC LEA*. Tirws:?Published weekly at three dollars a year; with an addition, when not paid within three months, of twenty per cent per annum. Two new subscribers may take the paper at five dollars in advance; and ten at twenty. Four subscribers, not receiving their paper* in town, may pay a year's subscription with ton dollars, in advance. A year's subscription always due in advance. Papers not discontinued to solvent subscribers in arrears. Advertisements not exceeding 16 lines inserted r one dollar the first time, nnd fifty cents each ubsequent time. For insertions at intervals of two w.*eks 75 cents after the first, and a dollar if the intervals are longer. Payment due in advance for advertisement. When the number of insertions is not marked on the copy, the advertisement will be inserted, and charged til Cf 'red out*. iCT The postage must he paid on letters to the eddoron the business of the offieo. OUGHT XWURRTO RE PLOUGHED UNLKR WITH AS LlITLLR EXPOSURE AS POSSIBLE ? We find in Hie American Farmer an article on this subject by Mr. J. M. Gar net ofVirginia from which we extract the following paragraphs: I began penning my cattle late in the spring, and continued it until frost, in pens of the same size, moved at regular % intervals of- time, and containing the same number of cattle during the whole period.?These pens were alternately ploughed, and left unploughed, until the following sprtng, when all were planted in corn immediately followed by wheat. The superiority of both crops on all the pens which had remained unploughed for so many months, ?after the cattle had manured them, was just as distinctly marked as if the dividing fences had con. tinued standing, it was too plain to admit even of the slightest doubt. A near neighbor, a young farmer, had made the same experiment, on a somewhat differ, ent soil, the year before, but with results precisely the same. Similar trials I myself hare made and seen made by others with dry straw, alternately ploughed in s soon as spread, and left on the surf ace until the next spring. In every case the last method proved best, as far as the fol. lowing crop would prove it. The same experiment has been made bvmyselfand ethers of my acquaintance, with manure from the horse stables and wmter-tarm pens, Consisting of much unr?tted corn offal; and without a solitary exception, either aeen by me, or heard of* *' c surface application, after the corn was planted, produced tnost manifestly, the hest crop. Upon these numerous, concurrenh and undeniable facts, my opinion has been founded, that it is bestlo apply manures on the surf ace of lands ; and "1 guess," (as brother Jonathan would say,) that it is not, likely to change unless indeed, I should hear a still greater number, equally well authenticated, on the opposite side ; al% though I must say, that up to the present time, I have not heard a solitary one. True it is, that I have read many ingenious, finespun arguments in opposition to the opinion which I hold in common with numerous other agriculturists, but no proofs whatever have accompanied them, and therefore I must remain an infidel, until they are sustained and corroborated, by such facts, as should always be deemed indispensable to establish any practice whatever, in any of the various branches of hushandrv. All these results undeni ably prove, that the surface application was best; although the kinds of manure differed considerably. And what have we in opposition, any facts whatever? Not one ; and only the conjecture, that the evaporation from the surface spread manure must carry off the greater and best portion of the food of plants therein contained. But that such evaporation cannot thus act, seems to me to be unquestionably proved hv every fact I have mentioned : for, if it did, then the land of summer cow-pens ploughed up as soon as removed, would, in every case, hare produced better crops, than that of the unploughed* instead of doing it in none.? Similar results too must have followed in the other cases I have stated, although I have never seen or heard of their doing it in any. In connection with these facts we state the following : Two brothers held differ nl nninirtTM nn this xnhiert ? the one Alio posing that manure is injured by exposure to the sun, the other the other that it is not. The latter in manuring a field for oats, in 1840, spread the manure from the wagons as it was hauled out. Two or three weeks after this part of the work was com. raenced another set of bands was employed in sowing the oats and plowing them in with the manure. These overtook the hands engaged in spreading the man- j ure before that operation had been finished | Of course the part of the n)ani|re carried out last was plowed in immediately after it was spread, whilst that f?r$t carried out lay two or three weeks exposed to sun and wind before it was plowed under. The poorest of the land was that sown and plowed last. Late in the spring the two brothers were crossing the field together, h< when the owner perceiving the youngest ? oats and in the poorest land to be the largest and most flourishing, expressed his _ surprize at the fact. The other reminded 0| him of the manner in which his manure it had been managed, remarking that he p' observed it at the time, and thought it ^ might test the correctness of their respec- S( tive opinions. The oat field of course I was watched with interest by the brothers n through its progress to maturity, and the part on the poorest land, where the man- gj ure was turned in as soon as spread, con- h; tinued to gain upon the other. These ai facts were related to us by the owner of 0 SI the field, who is determined henceforth ^ to expose his manure to sun and air as n little as possible. . c But how is the result of this experiment 0 to be reconciled with the result of those jj made by Mr. Garnett and his neighbors ? The reader must judge for himself. Na- n ture is not"incon?istent. Her laws and J operations are always the same in the ^ same circumstances. Animal manure a either is or not injured by exposure. If si injured in Virginia it is injured in South d Carolina ; and if injured at one time, it * is at all times. One solution occurs to us n . p of the apparent discrepency in the cases before us. May it not be that the solid Is manure in all Mr. Garnett's cowpens, j* even those which were plowed soonest' ,r was materially injured by exposure to the S) sun before it was turned in, and that the o improvement of the land is ascribable tl - . . . r tl chiefly to the liquid manure, or urine ? I' so, may not the pens which were plowed as soon as the cows were removed, have sj been injured by turning up and exposing si the soil which had absorbed the urine, and f1 thus allowing this fertilizing ingredient ^ to be evaporated by exposure the winds t| and the heat of a summer's sun ? If this u supposition be correct, the fact that cow. c pens are injured by plowing when the t( are removed makes asrainst, and not n for, the theory that manure is not injured by exposure. Further experiments are fi perhaps still needed to settle the question. We suggest the following. 1. That . the solid manure be all carefully romoved w every morning from a cowpen to a com- p post heap, and that the pen be plowed s< when the cows are removed. 2. That 8 . ... 81 the same cows with the same treatment, t| be continued on an adjoining, pen, of the b same size, for the same length of time ; n that the manuie be carefully removed ^ from this also every morning to a compost heap, and that the pen be not plowed till 0 planting time. 3. Let then the solid e manure stand on two pens, and the one he plowed and the other not; which is ^ only a repetition of Mr. Garnett's ex- ^ periment. 4. Let the manure be s gathered from two other pens every P morning and thrown into holes, cov f1 ered to shelter them from sun and (| rain. Let that gathered from one of the p pens be evenly spread on the ground as & soon as the cows are removed, and plow- ^ ' V ?tlio ntlior Ko nrnlAP.. CHID. XjCl uiai IIUIII mo uiu. i uu viv.vvV ted as much as possible from both sun and c wind til] the time of planting and then be n bpread and plowed in. t] If these experiments were carefully |j conducted they would show the relative value of the solid and liquid manure of ti cowpens, as well as the effect of exposure upon manure. {j fi To PREVENT MILK FROM TASTING OF il TURNIPS. C A correspondent of the Yankee Farmer * states that if cows are not allowed to eat M either the roots or tops of the turnip for 6 n or 8 hours before the time of milking, the K taste of the turnips will not be perceived ^ in the milk. e I Another correspondent of the same pa- p per states that if salt petre, dissolved in f water is added to the milk, in proportion l1 of one grain to the pint it will prevent v unpleasant taste and, at the same time, i preserve the milk without souring longer a than it would otherwise keep. } , s From the Farmer*' Register. 0 EGYPTIAN COTTON CULTIVATED IN MISSIS- p SIPPI. t T* tVi? PJiinr Via Parmura' t # v n*v wi ?mv ? - r- ? ^ Some time since I promised to give t you the results of some experiments, I ^ was then making with the Egyptian cot- 0 ton. I was induced to make this promise t from the fact of the appearance in your ^ Register, in November 1838, of some premature remarks upon this subject, ex- ^ tracted from the Rodney Telegraph, cal- ^ culated to produce, I much feared, in the minds of your readers, erroneuos opinions n respecting this cotton. I was absent from v ome at the time this was written, and a >r. New was urged to do it by the earnest f )licitations of the editors of our village b iper. I regretted this publication in v our Register the more, in consequence f f the fear of being charged with attempt- i ig to impose another humbug upon the b ommunity, and this being but to herald a s fame prior to entering the seed into c larket. Let me assure you, sir, there is r ;arcely any thing I so much detest, and a hope it may not appear superfluous for t le here to add, that I have never sold a i ngle seed of it, and that I have never i jfused giving them to all who have de- a red to attempt the same results which I r ad in view myself, that is, to improve, or I t least to revive, the former character of i ur Mexican cotton. IIow far I have i jeeeeded in this design is my present i bject to explain, and to do this it will be i ecessary to go back to the first year this s otton was introduced upon this place, in ( rder to trace its changes from its origin- < I character to its present mixed varie- 1 es. I Whilst my father, Dr. Rush Nutt, was i taking a tour in the East during the year i 834, he procured among other things a I andful of cotton seed in Egypt; of these < tere were two kinds, a small white seed, I nd smooth black seed. These black t zed he represented as having been intro- I uced into Egypt from our Sea Islands, j i 'hat the stalks from these seed in Egypt j1 nly grew three or four feet high; in this I articular, and in this only, differing from i le character it assumes in our Sea Is. I inds. This change he ascribed to its be* i ig cultivated for a succession of years i the extremely dry climate of Egypt. 1 In the Spring of 1930 I planted these 1 sed; from them I succeeded in getting 1 nly one stalk of the black seed to grow, ; le white having rotted in the ground; < ne latter was also the fate with some oth> i rs with whom my father had shared the < sed. Being in a very rich bottom, this ! ingle stalk of the black seed grew about < ix feet high, with large heavy blanches, i t was late in blooming, and in September ; was covered with young bolls and < juares, but among the whole not more i lan half a dozen matured. The bolls j rere small, and contained only three < hambers, the same as in Egypt, the cot. < an presented its usual richness of cclor, j nd the same length and beauty of staple j r fibre. The following spring I planted the seed ' om this stalk upon the hills, supposing ; would here come to maturity earlier, nd contiguous to our Mexican cotton, ' i order to see if by approximation it i rould derive any improvement or pew i roperties from the Mexican. I first ob. I jrved a great variety in the size of the < talks from these seed, and then in the I izeof the bolls. Some two or three of ] le stalks grew as high as 10 or 12 feet, < earing much larger bolts, but fewer in i umber, than the preceding year, and a i 2W only of these bolls contained four < ompartments or chambers. These stalks < roduced much the most beautiful cotton < f the whole. The remainder, the great- < r part of the stalks, did not grQW more ban three and four feet in the same soil, oils and squares were more numerous, t ut small. I could not account for this i ifference in any other manner than by ; upposing that the blossoms of these large I lants had received some of the fanne < rom the blossoms of the contiguous Mcx- 1 :an cotton, which amalgamation of fruc- I ifying principles had invigorated the i lant and caused the product to assume i omewhat more of the Mexican character, i low this change of product might have | iken place I can readily conceive, but by i rhat'law of vegetable physiology it 1 aused the plant itself to spring up so i luch higher, I am at a loss to say, par- < icularly as this growth had gecerally ta- | en place before it bloomed; and I must i jave it to wiser heads than mine to offer n explanation of this phenomenon of na- i Lire. # < These seeds were carefully saved, and < he next spring, that of 1638, I planted i 1?* ?r?..~a , ruin uinu duuuiau av-ic ui ^iuuuu, again [i the hills. This season I marked no hanges from that of the last. Some few talks grew, as before, very tall, with few* r and larger bolls, whilst the greater part rere small, with small bolls, and a great nany squares that never came to maturi* Y . ' These seeds were also saved; and now aving a sufficient quantity to venture xperiments in another form, and being retty well satisfied that we could never ucceed in making it a valuable plant in ts original unmixed^tate, I determined d the spring of 1839 to plant the seed vith the Mexican, a row of each alter* lately. This was cultivated carefully, ,nd closely observed during the whole ear. You must bear in mind that the eason proved to be an exceedingly dry ne, and in every respect one of the most iropituous ones for every description of hn rnttnn nlnnt that wr have ever known. believe there was nothing particularly o be marked in its growth until September* except the great variety in the size f the stalks. We observed, however, hat it suffered less from the drought in lay, June and July than our Mexican enerally did; always looked more fresh nd green, continued to grow, and lost ut few of its squares, whilst the rest of >ur crop lost a great many. ' These renarks will apply to the Mexican rows as rell as the Egyptian. I might here state * ' . ' i Iso that the Egyptian cotton, since we, irst planted it, has always appeared to >e less easily injured by frost. These ad- i antages it no doubt partially derived rom its becoming a more hardy plant n the dry atmosphere of Egvpt, and per. taps also from being invigorated from imalgamation with another variety, that >fthe Mexican. Cotton generally was nuch more forward this season than usual; ind wo commenced picking as early as he'25th of July. The Egyptian cotton, isually so backward, was almost as early n maturing its bolls, but principally such italks as appeared to be unchanged by nixing with the Mexican. The rest lowever was also comparatively early. Vnd now, sir, were exhibited most of the nteresting phenomena which I have to elatevesptecting our Egyptian cotton.? \s before mentioned, some few stalks iprung up to a considerable height, proluced but few bolls, some of them not ?ven a single form or bloom. The cotton !rom these stalks was a most beautiful ar:icle, soft, fine and silky ; fibre very long md strong; but not so rich a cream color is the original Egyptian: invariably con. ftined a large green seed. Other stalks lid not grow so large, but had more jranches; bore many more bolls, produced i long strong fibre, but not so silky; con. ained almost every variety of seed; jpon some we found the original smooth 'flack seed, upon others, sen! a little/uzzy. Others again with a small brown seed, ind some with a white seed. Many of the blossoms too changed frorr the Egyp. tian buff color to the Mexican white.? Some of these stalks produced remarkably well, but I cannot say positively which variety of seed produced the most; but this was very certain, that the green seed yielded the smallest quantity, and pro. duced decidedly the most lovely cotton, resembling in every respect in seed and cotton the Chinese silk cotton, which has latterly attracted so much attention in this section of the country, and which I am inclined to think will provo the same. Think not that thed;fference in the height of this green seed cotton was owing to a difference in soil; it was all the same; and generally we would find one single stalk of (his 8 or 10 feet high, with others on each side only three feet. The foregoing remarks apply principally to ti.j cotton grown from the Egyptian rows; and which [ have termed the Mexico-Egyptian cot. ton. That in the other alternate rows f have designated, in contradistinction, Egyptio-Mexican. Let us now turn to this: although perhaps it did not present so many interesting points to the natural, ist, yet it offered more pleasing prospects to the planter. In this we observed an evident and decided general improvement, both as respects the life and viger of the plant, the quality of the cotton, and the quantity yielded. The bolls grew larger, the fibre somewhat larger, and much stronger. Nor was the plant so liable to < disease, consequently less attacked by worms and insects. Itprew rapidly aod matured early, and, in nne, gratified my highest expectations. These seeds were carefully saved, that s, of the Egyptio-Mexican, and the next season, in the spring of 1840, I planted from them about twenty acres, which y ielded much better than any other part of the plantation, although the soil was rather inferior to some of the rest. The cotton too was so much superior that each bale was selected from our other cotton in New Orleans, and classed at a higher rate. I am so Well satisfied of the superiority of the cross, that I have this season planted nearly the whole of my crop with it, and would have planted the whole had 1 had the seed. I have also planted in such a manner as to produce a little greator mixture of the two cottons, and may, perhaps, at some other time, give you the result of further experience upon this as well as other varieties of the cotton plant, some of which I have already tried without any good results. This is a subject of deep interest to our southern country; I snd I wish you could draw forth for the public good the experience of many of our practical and intelligent planters, and induce them to take a pride in the matter, is the Kentuckian does with his stock, &nd the Virginian with agriculture in general. I have perused with much pleasure the remarks of Gov. McDuffie, of South Carolina, contained in the February number of your Register, upon this ? - J L ? < il / A I l suojeci, ana suoscriDe 10 inem most neanily. There is no doubt bis advice, if followed by all, would prove of incalculable benefit to the cotton-growing region; adopt a system of general improvement; improve our cotton plant, by crosses, and by such a system of cultivation and manuring of lands as will have the effect of producing a healthy stand of growing plants; gather our crop cleanly, and send it to market in a better condition; make less of it, and thereby enhance its value; attend to other products and improve mants, and we would soon find ourselves richly repaid. I cad give my testimony to this. We have pursued this course for many years; it always having been the ruling principle with my father whilst living, to do nothing except what he did well; consequently our crop is always jought for, its brand being well known imong the manufacturers; and it never fails to bring two cents more per pound than other cottons. There are also one >r two other brands that go to New Oreans, that command generally as good a *.. price, and attributable to the same cause. We do not make a* much per hand in bales; but as much in the proceeds after our sales. Our planters themselves should, become interested, and no longer trust so entirely to overseers, an irresponsible and uninterested class, whose sole object is either to lounge about in indolence and cheat their employers; or in making a3 many cotton bales as possible, at the expense of almost every thing else. I have above alluded to the Chinese sillc cotion, as it is termed, and expressed a doubt of its being any thing more than the green seed variety of the MexicoEgyptian cotton, although it is represented as a very different article in one important respect, the quantity of its yield, My suspicions may be wrong; but such, I think, will prove to bo the case. It is said, by those who grew it last season, that it produces about three times as much per acre as the Mexican. It is this property of it I am disposed to doubt, and upon this ground, that I believe, as a gen- j eral rule, we will find it to be tne case, that, in proportion as we find cotton possessing a long, fine and silky fibre, in an equal proportion will it be found to decrease in the quantity produced; and I think, upon an investigation of the matter, this will he found one of the chnracteristics of the cotton plant: that those varieties of cotton which ore shortest in fibre will yield the most abundantly, and the reverse, I admit, however, this may in some measure be varied, by a judicious system in crossing different varieties, and of culttvation. We all knr.w that cultivntion does a great deal towards changing and improving natural properties of vegetation in general; hut I cannot believe that such cotton as I have seen exhibited as the Chinese silk cotton can ever be grown in such quantities per acre as our Mexican* I shall, however, be able to test the matter this year, having some of it now growing in our garden. , I have also made some experiments with the twin or Okra cotton, but nbandoned it, as inferior > to our Mexican in almost every respect; but the most serious objection was, that it appeared to open all at once, and wasted a great deal before we could be able to pick it; that is, if we had planted it as a crop. This is owing to having so few and so short branches. All the bolls grew atone time, and opened together. It also grows tall, and the bolls at the top bend it over to the ground. I intended explaining more fully my views upon the general system of saving a crop and serving it up for market; to account for our cotton being better in colort fibre, dec., and clearer of trash and | waste cotton, in cotton the fibre of which is cut hv the saws in ginning, than the most of cotton which goes to New Orleans; and also to hint at some other points in the line of our planters; such as manuring our soils, to prevent the threatened exhaustation of our once highly esteemed Gulf Ilills, dec.; but fear I have already extended my remarks to too great a length? I am sure much more than I designed doing when I commenced. But I shall now close, at least until I learn the fate of this, which I leave entirely to yourself. I assure you, sir, it is with great reluctance I send you these remarks, and would feel more than recompensed if they would ; but serve to call more attention to the I subject; and to elicit other contributions ? from this section of the country to your valuable publication. ' Respectfully yours, Haller Nutt. Laurel Hill, Jefferson County, Mi. April 25,1841. On making good Bacon.?The be. ginning of the year is generally the time for putting up pork for bacon ; as this is a standing dish in the west, I have concluded to give you the result of thirty years experience upon this important subI ject. The first thing necessary to make > good bacon, is to have fat hogs?sluugh, ter them in the beginning of the week, so that you can take care of the offal be I fore Saturday niglit; otherwise, if a warm I day or two intervenes, part of it may be lost. It is highly important that hogs, slaughtered for bacon, should be well bled?the more completely the vessels are emptied of blood, th6 less disposition there is in the meat to taint or putrify. As soon as the hog is well cleaoed and hung up, it should be freely washed with warm tra/cr, wiped with a cloth and carefully scraped with a sharp knife, especially the head, ears and feet, if you wish to have good souse or hogshead cheese. These parts are generally neglected, and thrown by1 for a more convenient season/ and then taken up by the cook or some idle chap about the establishment, and the hair singed off, and the skin burned until it becomes black and bitter, thereby imparting its colour and taste to the souse and kogs-head cheese. After gutting the hog, the inside should be carefully and freely washed with cold water, with the mouth open, so that the whole may pass through the throat, and remain in this condition until completely cool, which will generally take piace, even in moaerate weather, in one night. If the weather should be so mild that it will cool in one night, it had better be cut up, and spread upon brick and stone pavements, previously wet with cold wa? ter; if the meat is still soft, dash cold water upon It, and it will soon be ready for ha salty but in all cases it.ehould be per-1 fectly cool if practicable, in one or two instances I have made as good bacon as I have ever made, out of meat frozen so hard that it had to be c it up entirely with an axe. As to the mode of salting and the quantity of salt necessary to eyre pork so as to make good bacon, ey6ry man thinks he knows better than his neighbor. I have experimented for the ptfrpoee of % ascertaining the best method of salting down pork, as also the proper quantity of 'salt and other materials, such as sugar* ' molasses, red pepper and saltpetfre, alh of which have their advocates, and have set* led down and pursued the following praetipo for the last twenty years. I measure a bushel of salt?spread it upoo a table? . I weigh a pound of saltpetre, pulverize it carefully and mix it thoroughly arith jhe salt. This mixture is sufficient for a thousand weight of small meat, or eight hundred of large, to be well rubbed upon every piece, and more especially upon the fleshy surface, taking care to pack your joint* at the hotom, and fill the little in. terstices with jowls, chine and round, the latter piece is by cutting the neck off at the shoulder and jowl. The length of time necessary to keep pork in salt to make bacon, depends upon tbe ,weather and the size of the moat, if the weather be mild and the meat small, four weeks will be long enough ; but if the weather is cold and the meat large, it should remain in salt six or eight weeks, and should be taken up at the end of four weeks, and well rubbed and sprinkled with salt in case the first has dissolved. It is thpn to he hung up in a dark smoke-house, and the darker the better, for the purpose of excluding flics?you will never find flies in a room where the light is entirely excluded. The higher the smoke-house the better, so that you may hang your meat out of the influence of the heat?every joint and jowl should be hung by the thick end and every middling by the thick edge, or that part of the middling that was cut from the back hone; this I know to be a matter of the first consideration in making good bacon?-by attending strictly to this rule you will retain all the juices of the meat, as well as the salt that has been absorbed?or in other words, your meat will not dripwhereas, if you reverse the position and hang it by the smalt end, it will drip, become dry and hard and lose in weight, and what I consider to be of more importance, its fine flavour. Some who make good bacon, think it is important to smoke youi*meat with some particular kind af wood, but I imagine the on'y si-cret about this matter, is the bitterness imparted to the meat, thereby rendering the taste unpleasant to the fly, and by keeping up a continual smoke, you create an atmosphere that the fly cannot live in viewing the mattter thus, \ have every day or two thrown a few podi of red pepper upon the smoke wood?this produces an atmosphere very unfit for the respiration of man, and I apprehend so to the fly. Our meat continues suspended in the smoke-house during thifyear, is slightly smoked every morning and plentifully smoked every^damp day. If our reiders will observe these rules, I will almost venture to insure you such bacon as would mnkean epicure smack bis chops. Tennctiet Agriculturist. Johx Shelby. blossom, the famous milch cow. Dear Sib r? My father has just shown me your letter requesting an account of ray Durham cow Blosrom, her milking, dec. Below is the statement for one week, by which you will perceive she exceeds last year's trial both in milk and butter, particularly the a* Hnrinor the trial last vear. the weather was much warrfter than this, and as we have, for want of a spring house, to keep our milk in a cellar, every one conversant with the business will know it cannot yield as much in hot weather. Indeed, I have not a doubt, that with a good spring house, she would have made 19 or 20 lbs. of butter this season. Last year, one month from calving, Blossom gave for the week 247 1*2 quarts, being over 35 quarts per day, which m ide 131*2 lbs. of well worked butter; this summer, near two months after calving, she gave in one week 253 1-2 quarts, being over 36 quarts per day, which yielded 17 1-1 lbs. of superior butter, which was well ? " ?-!-L! .1 :iu _1 worked oeiore weigmng ; mo ujiui uiau was never measured until after the froth settled. # It may be as well to state, that there was not the slightest change made ,in Blossom's keep during the trial; she run in the pasture with the other cow^ and was fed precisely as she had been before, and will be all the season. She had her first calf in April, 1838, and hersiJth on the 12th of last April, (having twins twice,) and during that time we have never been able toj get her dry, as she has always given from 12 to 16 quarts per day up to calving. Very respectfully. Saml. Carby. Blossom's yield of Milk for one week. Morning. "N<?on. Evening. Total. ? ? ?A ? A ?a __ ?li? June 2d 131-2qu gfw. 3d 131-2 12 11 ol-2 dih 131-2 12 W 101-2 361-2 &th 131-2 12 II 86141 6th 13142 12 10.12, 36 7th 1312 12 UVL 36 8tb 1314 12 tO 14 Total 25* U> Being on an average over 36 fay. . T *-.4* " ? * *