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M'! ! i MB Ml I Ijgj'J. _-J mil.? Fiotn the Olive Leaf of April 3rd. GREAT Tn.'IPSRANOE MOVKMRXT IX X2W YORK. Per jrror.t to an* arrangement n;a''e hv Mr. Keener of I!a!ri;, at: Dr. Rw?an ethers:o? 'I rs citv, u delegation f-om w ashington Temptram;." Society.of Baltimore, corsi stint* of li-'e members, came on to Now York, hs?, t ?hold a series of temperance meetings, for the purpose of extending the reform among a class of people not reached by the Ordinary efforts of the friends of temperance. The anticipations of the <>r:gnators of this movom; nt .have been tu:!y realized. At fhc ni 'etingh id mi the (Ireen sr. church, on the evening of t.ue 23d of March, a large numoer ol intern- J perate drinkers were discovered in tie* assembly. One, was S" tu'lv impressed with 'fc; .'laager of his condition, under the f i*?:? a?te::! of an expr rietioerl our reform--d uru'snard, {Sat tie u.*elciii*?uci m ae<v:it> oi iosp.vr. " Ls there no hop? formed' 0') b .'wvj tell to cc:ne down and sign the pledge. a> the only course cf safety,'-?u. i:o*i Malelv left the gallery. ?Ie Mas flJwt Ttt t!?e foot of the? s!.i:.V> i.V th?? speaker, r. Hawkins, who took him hv the arm, and walked with ki n to tintnMc in front of 'hi -dtar. wh re he subscribed ,to the pledge. When Mr. f5; whin* was ad reding iho audience or? the neeessi'v r.f abstaining fr >tn the \i6? of the tniHer cl' rhe intoxicating drinks, im whs ii-!e:T'.:orfl I y a:i intemperate in.ii,vidu ,i <?ec<tpvin<r a seat ir< tie* gad ay who ask'"! i ? a ;o"o oi'n iiculc. if he eo.ii.j o-iriK i if*/* i ci'li r. <>i i tie ?i u i. i * -1 i!. called vut lo' av ? hi.-nexpcll.d fro.r. b.< meeting. " X;>," said the speak r {.erating towards him, that man will wl 'stgn''flie pledge." His words were ju.<phetic, a :V v moments, this ivr?n was seen approaching ti.e ' altar, lie came up to the speak? r. a?"l alter e.xpr- s. 8*og sorrow for the li'inry he had ?i-.tot' to hi* feelings, subscribed to the plidge of total abstinence, and pronouwed lnxseif! willing to he go v\ rued :kr< ugh life !:v i;> principles. Overflowing mexxtngs have been ! d J during the past week, in a number oj ; rhiirohes.and nn tne afternoon of Satur- . <! ?Y? a w-J&s to^k place in ike Park, where ihe s; eakers ads>c*c a mixed multitude oftum-sc'ler*, iuut-iiri:skv.r:% f a;. temperate drinkers, from a pia'iurin ; erected on empty rum casks. The resau I of these mpeti!?<r.3, an to Monday ev? uW" I ^ , ?i .March 20th, is an accession lo rue tanks; o* temperance, of over 1700 individuals. \ A society has beerf formed of re form* d 1 drunkards, eaiied Washington 'iVm ! pern nee Society of Now YoikWof w hich j Mr. William Wisdom is ?\ -mien''. society, like the parent socit ly of Pais- : more, is iu hold f:cq;tcDt experience meet, mjr*. The Delegates are to continue their h bors in this city, a..:i! near the ci<>se of j the present week, when they wrl vi.-ii , Phiiaielphia, on their return r?? ilaliimorc > ami dc'Ka'r a'ldresscs in iiiat city. ! Irtthe He raid wa find short reports of] a Idrr^sv > made at the tnctin* n: !eJ it* the Methodist church :n Du.ine street, whi^j w transfer 'o <-ur c.ohmtus. Mr. Caccy oe.ccfthe Dcp- ' 4 l utation sfci i : ") woo-iornc ri bv drinkr;;* very sparingly, and 1 frequently boasted in nn 1 friend** thai I flra.ii; vitv h'lie. Some-! times when i was taking a dunk I wo :'c; I hold up my glass u? show how > ' I partook. Bat I ?=<; ' came in wart it ?i- i larger portio ns. iNenUuJIv 1 became | r. drunkard, ami I \v?;u!d spend the a s' \ cent oi money I hud in the purchase o! j rum. M v NviiV; h-v^v J r?:iJ entreated o'* < me fohbstain, !".i i^wus aii io vuin. A< / last I became, so bad us ;o take her cam. j i.'igs. and spar.d ovtiv eent fur iiigior. I j can sal< !\ say that; Lived my family betti'r'lhan my life, but s:il! { cou'd leave' them iiVtltb r dcttitlitiou, vi'ioui even bread for their mouths, while I wanted every thing I cot.Id get (or rum. Since 1 ' liave ahaii W.ed drinking, f have fi'*? my family Ii.ive felt, the foil hojitits of :1 e f* Cf>T?i water system. Nut one drop shall; ever again pas? my hps,.and wIimi I am j , CO Ibid to lit, I s.irtfl oc! !hl i.'lo a iiii'd; : am ? <{ravi;. or the d.otikard s he". C>o? i ' t ' " thousand u; unburns ii; !;a!:i.j.?.ie have' become sebtr tu n. 'I las r- foirr.ri'.loh. j I hop,-. v?i'i !s;>rr;. ! thru ij- I'MIaitelplu.!. : .Neiv y.*-ilv, rt!.I the i. houndaries o.'i ii;p ! ; .(!.! m-io; < !. sweat sjar- j iis s.'irt!! shut up lav;; ase (lu re is *ii>. 1 o.!\ bu>?.'.nil ?n\ j'r-.'vci is, that t!:t-1 ii?y may tpeeuitv conk." \TU law prohibits the employment .if c Iiilvljon i.Tid4--; iiH: \'-irs ofnijt i:. :?nv 1 I Ml.-tii ;( !:. V rr V. < !:.?!:? p. I:or (.:< tie \ lobe ri?s|)!t>v? (i beIera they are aixtci :.. ; \> i!?^> iie-y iiave rp^uijiiy to .?J J ior il.r.r year*, and nm]e:s!u!ni their < wn J ianeuagi- corree'lv, and ? a.i write a j Land. lTntil they arrive at the ago W'| sixteen. i be; are to labor only ten Lours; in each day, not to cemmcnee earlir; j than five in the mar oh*. and to end as j earlv as isino in tin.- evening. lo'.mgi work people aie to Lave huii'ap hourclur-! irg th? tOieroo.i "j-.u ;.f\< moon, and one | 1 ??vir at .. .on, tor.' recreation?and (hoy lire prohibited tVorn all labor on holydays | j nd die Sabhu'.i. Severe penalities uc j annexed to the violation of the la.1," l ItNC.KMOlS VitALTlZ. The celt Crani(s!;a,1 ihs xii^cc v?l i u'< '.ted lately 01: her es-mo oi litula-C.crK i \v, 1.1 Uie iiOlh y ear of her age*. fc?.n; i.?ui favorite < 1 rhe L*?n?;rtSo Caiiiaiine. or. which ar. iv?.iiK the' ihn;? u'?r Altwar; !<r slwavs j treated wit Is tV? utmost Mention vid | isspcet* j.]e:r.w;h?g bar by the name re1 rr.aUcr.a, o; rr.othei. 11-: never met hei V'iiiiOiii Ls&:ng u.r bail.I. and lie waned stand in ho: j?r.tacnee until she bade iiim . **" he seated, The Countess hns left an shi%**i.rcns0 fyrtune, v.1: will nartiy Le inherited by Count Vy"oroiizo'.v, her sou-Lv i?MWfJxant ? .<?. j'jj'jjw ; law. A sum of orn mi'iim sterling in | specie was found h r chateau : she had | sixtv millions of ro:th!. s lo tjre.i j;i the ' bank of Russia, a id ?>n her n'tiits were one hi idrcu at:*, t.ui fy thou .amis pt asa:;is or slaves. The conMess. in her Ji.v time, made money in < v. rv way; ?ne iOIit it 'jJi !.l iUor?r'u. . ? GU'i Jii'ie 'If.1 Very it.v amilcu pi Jioi'.tors ;a !i;e empire ; who are not her dcl.rois. She discounted bills, sold yol.i, :? herself of the immense produce of ivr hu .lv ; and it is even said that havi^r vested Franco several ' years since, one! rinding hair So 1 valuable in that couoti v, she had, on her return to R'jss'a. caused the heads of ail ; her female slaves to he shaved, and shr_?| ;>e i a car?-, o! rkreenures to Franc* ! where tlmy fetched' a handsome return Jt?>r rs!'{ ft> u wc < i.'jwr.-i i h v ! , i v ; or forty Co^acks, and i:? r r< t; fur j wok hi; was so jjnaarai ! h/o igiiont liur < ill aire, t'iHt i! t! j* I; < ; t !tfS! Sri.SU.'j1 j the Pofis'i .<rt\yi ??:>** gi'-Oli i r?t< j i:o:?s ;<> C*c?oK i).v* r. ti !:i ami oil.- : ; ccrs bt-at 0*1 t-Sjvri -m? *? > ruo j ^* J :'i i ? j , , tu oii'JcuVor ,(. '^a..i ri?: <.>. n. ' i Jiiras. f THE KA1KBOU'. J They i;a\? r'.cirramv soHt.-.nsin Africa, a?jJ X"W Oli* .111- C l!i ?> ' ?V tlillt Ji :<? , ?n -u the ej/ovifeiu ? f O'h a | sing. For the last tnfra &\\s i: hasjvj r. J rd down v. :?h sonrotdy any cf.-oation. 1 Ware t r:o*;r n !u??.v jy* i ii t-?? ? h.iids, J \vp tn:<jht a: vhni da- : > i ! D u< alior.'* : rl'.Cal. A I lieauL.f .1 ti.o. ;j!..? u/y k\>a:i ? ; *pi . i uC oo?v i$ i>.\ ti.c j-'.r%*i 'ilO^.uJ'O V i- u:.0\ t u iOT iaici+ bciirs ?; sactoi ctnbici au.'i '.as in ??>* i- irira ,f ; list: ?!?v;r?ei\ wrought proai, 'l iar sto.iui v.'o .i! iaal b.Js ?i> tr":iil?l.' a' I'soiriio:'!!','' ! . . 1 i !. > h;r ar : n'i %\ buhl-renis r.t c-.ub.v'i;. ?>; i?' undying }>\\ i'- .. -swarfs ?iir gaz?, Its dark >,?. ty he : ubi.h) gs of a ? revor of Can >! a: : I: ;;a>. sos on, ail ! h?i;?a?h ia> jvc diay skirt in pottru! .'! ? 1 oi <* vi'dr-.';* that calls out w h.i. h .-iron's ..... . i;< v :!.< Jul.o..n ;,} ot hope l?u uv* trir.VH ( ! tofMJ!'. 5?o (!o evcu'.t of !?fo th it '). ar a a* penI OOr!iti l.i JLi-i'i;;.:. O-.'IU ?'{>!>.twi uround <t uiirtvriv'ss i t ;4 6 ins < ?> M> .V,.-, i.ow (.- i?i*>?i>. a.j;! ~ - O ^ 1/ 10 iil1- *? i mi! I. - i a I?0 wili'il WO lilt Up 'j _N" !iO<?'S t(l i? ?.?. ii'jf'i.'td j ?*c i* * i iiiiu (JSil.?" u loot .tit l> ?.np. ulViUy S?l?d t.JU. '*C!OU i \> !' I'JliJili 51 <' v r the rain1' 'o ! too < four jjinf iL'is jia.s.iod Oiiw??i 1, t-tt?c! 'ho very oi whit.ii lie hero, arc l:*c<;intm> r:tdS?:i:l with promises trom show nihi'o :t!?*roi:s bv '!??- humility of inc youth. i? we occupy.??V. V. l.czTASTU NOT RKMC ION. A man may have a (sis;te (or oimuemv a:ic! clocuonoe Jim *:t?>::! tote i m &u!>IiIT:C irtav !;fr her p!< a !ir?^ <;!i ().? sit.v oi A iii'tii may !t.\o in have his uiiHv:Vnn'J!)i;i -Jtin i>\ !:?? inTeTih ties, or tree rests ! ss at. \t .v in' .in o. .}! ; a* ! 't o mo. t "prafotihd a*:.!?! < rrosl bvorU&irir.;;; i ?h\ put f*rth ni! lliO of ;i eo,. traoanj,* \e'u'MK'VH r ?n be t...i o{ ivfe 4,'i. ? : * '? ;ut: foeI rv ri io r ;r>s>.e?t a ?.o !>< ,<-..j> <'! va'tOt'/wlit n ii'i a! S(' !:< <<? ;i!civVc is i;i:u l?; hoc hlfn : and o V-re air t ,c^s< "nessor r.vh v to '??? :nct v. ith, us vvia*:? i?m! ?<> xpr.tiiito in"t!i' . v. r *!?? ( true!; of eVrniiv, or to surv\ t\c \\oi.d- . f:rs of cronti^n, or !<;Un h v ?i a nrtgni- 1 *U'teofthese great and .jimwcs4! ;nl ;r? s;. . which lie v. ithia tliw eo.u|,is.s of r l.'gian ? j "Mud prooiaod t_???.i o?, ' ,.s :i!i intliS'eit.U tiaus' of a Jvorioii ' proverb, the titan of v. huh is realized ovorv <lav cA o<a !?\ ?. V.V haw, J.ovi. *? i : f * ver, rare a i,j ! .so r.-i...* tu. ?;;t_ a-i ' 1 Oii'j oi it Us tiiti! b? V lit'.i Mv UP' ! rorf about to c^tuiaualcute to our ' . . ors. Jr. the I?n.sbn Ai!:?4 of lTti. (Sour f'.y . Ia> ) Wt tii.d 1 u.iijj ; 44 .U;. Ilaupii;,.,,, liir i'.'ri'uvo'' S 'n:or Kli'.oi of :': i -f jnu'.ul, l ' !'} .v / .' /, i the A (;tifit:-rUi>9ii or t,ic > >.' ? lf? iri? g ui!.-> . ;?cj, he Will I e.u i>,< odit'i.ui (ic|>MrlT:.'' i t ol r:-s At!.us : .he.soicchargeot'Di..T-m-i.i.ts .si ilrt 4?<-r, Jain or Suitor.. Vao has. ne>-i uaieue lions of the ofBco vrill a!>o be < s?v In. Bre wer, as h.s f <.?fni ail*! attorney." Ik* fore t !, ? Aca lia saili-d a+t::rrnton, ' A . I3?? on whs nc more . lie (in.v? . I)! ;i}>U:?lfAV, at ii*???? v.! liiat t.a\. 'j .;v; ? Meifintiie o: o^'ur-.h. >' ' CVV. !Vr? a .1! .'imci'fe i??i> ! ' ? S- t.""' It "M:". iian^'i'.oa, iri i!io A*'e> of u:.!iwjj?cc-d his : itcittioi* ofpio* i cce.iinii Jo Ikiropr? in the Aca.t .? ami at tJiout 32 oVioc!;, while g ar- i ran^cnioiits for i::3 ih-par'tm-, ami appi- ; n ntiv in the possession of us liiiioh it; .;hh at- ho hou t n oved for so:n:? m m.'io f<ai.i, lie wjis su'ii'oiily uttackul with if t-.s, probably apoplexy,' and inixcJluKiy expired." ;?ucn is tils sapiciiv o: tue reavers that ft tribe of American Lithrns (nnstcier thtrna fa lit n race of human h-uug-, v. bo,in consequence of their wuKedteexs. vcwu the Uoki Spirit, and were condemned by h'm to taeii present shape, but that in due time (boy will he restored to hnmaniiv. They allege that the beavers have I ii,e power of speech, that they have > heard them talk- with v..ieh other, arid seen i .vm Sittia" in council on an mTendmij i , 'number. The lovers of natural history ! are dicadv well acquainted with the surj prist.\\ sagacity of those wonder! j! ani. ; nvTs, \ tti.' dexterity m cu.ling down rm - <u'. tmmm tiees, their skill in constructing the houses, and their foresight in cJiectin , and storing provisions sufficient to lutiioni during the winter months ; but ' fc are a wan . i should imagine, of a reniar! able custoii among them, which, mm than any <eh-.r. <_ iitirmg the Indi.ns vi;.g tin ru r i:s?!en rre'O-. V .v." r? i 'he latter euc, o! aut :::?n ac< nam eumb> i varying from tw? a-y to thir \, ! for the purpose of'Uuiicliiig their wir.t* | habitations. 1 hoy immediately cm; i jrience LMiltmg iown trots, ana notmn j W ( ea'n bamoi wonderful than ii . skill ouueucc whirl: luev reumk st i . tno t ho.''i(>i?S iUUc"t<lal.'<J. i {> J:-Q 'lit i!0' . n r -'v looking up, .vnfch'.ng ,.j-< . ?. m *> ; the tree v> i.i n :c iru. K is i\ea.!v si.verc' lam! whoa its tr.nki.j announce:. its a; 1 pruachlug ia .. t:? e! s. ve thorn scamp1* c: :;i'r ..:i ;n o r c'.u os to a v. id b.-ii. 1 . xv. -t j Ci"U--!r'^l' *:'vf! t\T\'C ' '. tt* "> i'ih ?! \ 11 i% S ''.\<'? * 1?' C? . iu?' . i - i , i *v4*I :i. i ii ' niui S, aey .. j vh.i;: 'ho 'in1: s' on e -> ? | f i.i lei g. u incii;Iit*v rod lo .<:t riv,. i 0. i .tuSo V? l? 1 :! '; 11' \ i.JO .'Hj it) (i'C'v't tile j iij sr. 1 vo \>r I ..?-.e i?i<! ones general, } supv: intend the others. and it is ,vj una ; ;?ai snjki in soe tnoiii beating t!,? ' '? ' caiiahn. ill)*"' SVhlp.OMS ol 10'->O ) 5l.Ol i ; iiov. o'. i'i', auv foil"'A* he mcori ** " ' mums; in ivf.-mig to work, i?e ?? o:i.'e I I r> # ! ti 1!<?'.ali! U >! . Ms' t.) '.v.ioio ' i -bv iO sec I i . : . , T! .. , :5iit- .mo provisions a.ii'Aii it. ' .lUihios a?e. ;ijure1o."s:. o'ohg to fiI . . , , . I K, rr i? ..-! v\ a.11..r, lai.i*iuii . u^. i * .i?.. > ? < ii tlie i>ai oi soa.e s' ra?..i?. w ii >- i.< . r;>'. , -1!, ' ai j ' 0*1 v irapped. 1 no t.u i , 11 .. . : ?.um "ia zv n-avci, ' am.1 tiicir ?ur is n< j iiuif so valuable as that ofiho other a : ' i .aIs, whore nur.-eVv rnig in'.ustiv' a; . ... i !']" i, >' s ".'t i e IfieiU Jlfo'i IsloOS ii.10 ' Coiiiio- < ihie sh :t?.'r dm .tig 1110 seventy < j r. t.l.u. .??i/oit (wM i ..w. a.".* >' r h -> : 11'1 I'lt Itl A \ ii i)l' o;' .?> A ....Li' OtOiI. To'i ara lold of liie Pa! ii:u t/'.c-ies-- o. .Mrel')o:ot)gh; Vhirh w . iiii'.iv eliuMClorisUo oftftas aiunut. ?< ?vl _ '! cs)i* Iv. i*}?onc (?i it i/.<i illS, \V(!i)!l tiV) H'Gfv1 ji lilt' >>1 il? l?, >l.i? 1?.4 i t<? Cii Sf? Joillll ; )', t."i I ' I" !> i i lie!" ij'd.iiii j'i i ui i;;<ir. i liur !{.>n OliC (I'iN", Uj'Oii -lis <*,? ; :.!?i. * l'o?J 'eTCi^ bi'i^wi thought <X'Currbu us s; Sul cicikMO:plague hi! , in'. iiuii t. ?r *i i s.u*i' \e.\iicic lu j.'C liiS luCOUntl! li'C.v-CS Cili ?>{]. I. ' Mil .'till Civ v' 1 >m1H tjn?)Cj Siie CI Oj)j)? ! thi in shori, u;).i laid thtm in an anl chamber ho innsi, pass through to ? i.i. in-r hpparti.nt ;ii; but. to ijcr cruel clLs?'j puiiitmerii, li'j pu-xed, entered, and r< : nadstitl, cahu enough to provoke a sain neither au^ry or s.>?"rt/*vtul umm.uscioi both oi h;scr;:.:< biiJ ins punishment. c d; ciu<iic*;'iit; inns' ha.e>??erlt#okcii u.c iiu.i sLiJ full it) .iC't'iirt! il. l^>) . tl iiUll Vitilljlit. uiki oii*?* iCitiiiiiiKu iii perplex nv tiiO ro , oi ?!ie"o".V. i IK' ll-.'.l, US he COUll.'UK Mi iiij i.i'C Jl> 1 i 'Civ tl'2-H'h.-v *- ]. ?/ IV .' li Cliilli!, v.'? i i i ..'it Oil*., ." .I. 1>< ji?i ? IO li!li. Mil ij.ivi i\>:' v ilv'l' (if!M ?i i'; tnin* Aotbinjf .l.-;c V.\ - ? <? aye vci t;u:i! ,ifi; ' it i'u.vO . < *; ntw. v 1 i s\o li Ciii In ' ii!i^i\:is i.iciv.l.'. !ill ! / in ^ c.ilcu w.uii ho .. >i \. a i* ant >:< v'ii i I \? .* it; ui ii.;> alone! a:i\m? ?? . Win i iin 0 .v?; I.I iv' I |\(''I >.l<" lii'Joi iUtVO ii:\'ll 1 He i1,1'Ui'.\s.s .m:viu ?u i li.iiMlions la: cimi Hot k *-3> tit i ii i \\ en' \-I u n \ i-.i;,i. ?h t a* tin ;ij. 4 oi 11'111 ui i7 i l'iii-lol o i no hvi'l ? it 1 )iiKO lii'i\ It) i siiMii u- ;;. i o iv- l"in pit* C 11 otii t in Jo 4%.iv tn?,r nuenloli I? lli .t. /i ,i? iiv.:' m \ , i Mi. V 'i. ' i;c still jil'-s v.. ti Millie ?lMi"i,i t.<*'.!> ll l'i?illn<'il liiUi All.. VI ctb .'O.C.M } ' n nutria**.' U? L. r.s C > ai ?u li 1 ) ol >i#l' ? ">v* N* itu! iiv i ! (]i**' ' t ' ? I r ?> I t I -, .4 % lA-> 11# i .it' i1 ji* ? i>, ?' v, J? i!v ^ < 9 ir VI i**; :i U't,i !. ; itui to ii.v ;'.J ..i. .->u$ 16 > .i ? Ji ! I t<; !/' .lul;.K vv? . ? '.I...* l.*? v i i ? u Miiiill'i." li:y 'auu i i l!i., (V, I V. .lUhi ! ?' i" !'Hii \ ?*; i 1;.I- ;i Ol t.Jl! V.^J. ;?1 t?> . < ? '< i!l li!u> i.v'.l' . hitd --li ? ' iUy liiO, iidV'llttU i ? } I I' %' I I ' f. .. .! U?1 4-"l .' ! ? ? i diil'l iH-jguztKL' to; A. L>!$iv?L? >F CC*\i;:T\ > is* s* i *1". *? ".:! 0' pi hx ? i/ I. ? .< >! i : c* !;:i^ u _Ji_ '.l*. *." i I i.C O 1^ I'll'! ?V ill , ? I s 'h.' i ii.j !? . 1".'! m i ! i' riiJiii.fJ e'l.1?' i' . >... ...! 1j j i' in ii. i: i<> j !l i j w ! ! : their ;i .ii:s ii \ vvili. Li. I. :.d is. iii ii.M- !', .is ;! ti ic.vMiry th .: li'.-?'5> lit li.c ' i;ii'!i*rn b. w.ou; ... lu i: o.>.> -.> 5 k?I: :.t> IMIJI*I'.?JI ISAAC iiKNUFKSON HOSSEI HSRi'lNAND CiiEECIliE. /.pri: 21. It'll. 11 n'jw* in;. * t rn* .iv/i25 xift tii' c.*i n'i j/uicii ixcj M J.+. ( . I'OTor.. i:.t t nl lit I ! : t tir4." oi liOSSEll cV GkEGOIllti, V. ill Cu-ll. v.e l.l! i LMiM'fS I > ; t ,i.;o ft'J .... i. .ni l. :?i;. 'i.cif I i . ...if i .i L- ... ...... , extcui.iv risajt i: <L of Dry Ou.i.l>, Ituriiv.M ; in i (;*. VUU'u Wiij DC s;>!o at tin- lout ; t>.ivCr ItO CJjh Ot.Iy. \'J lllc II hOi.l a.wJ 01 i I 1 . . * [J.i it coiuiif.'voce <>! pitio.ja: i u !u'iii !i t> fifcfSi iiv .1.1 j Oit oo ^eu 'luci c.v i lo L.IO C'JUC.lti* ISAAC II. R03SER. ! Apr:! 21, 16-11. I -21 covet ma 4 Saddles and Leather. j ? HOOD Stock for tJo low. j /4 by A. I1. LACOSTIi I October 21,18-10. i j SMaRM AND TALLOW CAN DLL ; i^Ollsalcby Ja: " A V. LACOSTC. October ill, 1510. 40 if Lard. SIMltirfM* LES- LEAP LARD, lor * A. r. LAC02TI!. [ September CO, 1340. , tim'tni'tt.' " * JL'.iM.umu^iUwJJ?ggggg; jr VAWJADLE USD FOR SALE. I ,r? IIIid Su'.hci:l>cr ctifi,rs tor sa o ins Phntali n j ^ i * iyiir.; m o:t District, about na|t *'??y j i fr?.ui Society iiiti lu Camden, near tiio i&tu^o ? iv ; lb,ad. . j. , The I'l '.ntation contains morn than one thou- i ,t, i iiJ o; oicii ? Irui, w.iii .? !?tr>je quantity | foati to all, ujwurde of ei* t * .cusund ,? ' .'VI I; .* situated on ..ri rie.atfld and u rok*n , p.iiin, Mrelct.iiiv ai..iiijilie ii.rdf of's Jr.-ck, jioriwo or three miles There is ?ip?ui an j ?irvanl DW?LLi l\(i HOUSE, with *~'ry j it' r ii'-fcss. try a:, i c.>a .cuuml :iii|ji uv< i:. "nt. ' I T s:ta-ii-I. u as healthy as the tnou* j r< n?. Thi? subscriber in.a l.vod lie it* fir tv <- j |(j | ?- aii..' hi* Uuiily ;ms nunvnirui roui i n: }' ! > ii.n.i'ro a'ai nut. a c..?* of ..'JlJuwiai lie- I i- i _ ... . i 1 i i.i< o o il r?>: amen t ?<?.*:?:. 1 :.e i?r??wt!i on j % j l:; '.in.iHi- in xed v.'iln w.k, hickory and <Io^r- j i i WoOlf. ' fie .So I jt a ve. <??>', fit" ' Pinv'li I olo'ir. j i i r a! e Muiatfo La d. A ourciiiisci would iiaVo j ati i*):? ui making very isrouMtbiu i'Tius. Any i* ' !iiii;r.iciti./ii a:'', r-to !i:ms<M. at ; i nui'tv..a' i . O.. or tu J iViti V* Lido. Km[> i)ar- j ? i I/*.-. L Wi.l Lo prOinotiV fttlond^u ! C,|.w ' f ,.r! THOMAS IV IIART. I \i i> ??. . 1 i o. I .: ! ? is on tiii jn-m.s s eu*ry on j -inid; ^ anJ iiiMv-s .ry improve .ent that cutnii J l>l , ? ' ' * ii'i'ii. a 11rg<? an I co> .iin'iio G.u f?'a.: a .. | ai.-i S**!v * , t) ihu .jiiot. Oil. j*. | i ' ?' " e>>vin-a,* I.ia n .;n ^ a r t ??? . ill- and ' I . . n , i:n'.'U.f..i'n, i.^oueof tli r.,d .Mfao.o .n t 'O ; ' Sa?iii. SliU oA'a:tiv.e. i T. E II. ! ;M March 1C; 1511. Li|j 17 -m | : S!at>- f; S C tro'hu * I !>akli:<uru:\ nismr.?. J' i ! ? iHF C'jvnt Oi tJoM-roy i'Lr..s. i c. VV. iiiiii'c. "j T'eC. on \v ' li .oitw*.* o?. j Aote, ui ton iSi . T \ 5. j Auual.mci... L' L". j ' E h: ir. the ul-ove case liavin 11 ; _t? ...^ Oeciarar-Od in in; tiiin ua |. , s:iu tiic JLfcLniiai.z lia*..i.a iio.ii.ii. u .jc nor Attn . ] ! ncy win.iii Inints ?l ine sanl State iijjo.i iv ..o i a a |jj os tuii ui''imn lit cj.nd no served. aJ Cn iiution ot G^ O.J.A iiar^an P'antifl *s oi A tin. .it/o. It is ordered mat 3 i'.. iauLnso * | ji.Otij u. ..eiuur n. in * clinic, nvmin it jeur a .dn. I C.ljr Issia (ii.tC Of lili-li illsil (llahOiktO j JsiujJliiCllt lyV> U .vrtfiicj *lllJ {XlVCll iiilll. L It .a a.M> ord'Ted thnf a cOjjy ui r:::orilprdio ]?.mii?:ic*iy:; i!n* r tjiizeitconec every | ?s**>&itiso lilt; uu * <)t ?i vcar a.iut a g?j*? . i1 , i. v? 11 ?1> i D L i> iJu. a /, L. C. *. ;e (d.'tka Oi;.je, >c|;t It'.0. 1 - - 1 ! i 10 i.i 1 | SOU Til v'AK' >LA'SA. (| i.. tin* (-uiiu.ioii f | I 'I;?:mi'i I?r?ii ! ^ l'ldil*. |\? j Uiudiu McDjij.o* . Dteiarition vs. in titrf'l* in Au | John VirK'iy. / t ifriittioni. L'' ^vliLlili!AS !lie in tin: diii.\p 1 w V sluUci Cam;, l.'liti 'Jay iilviti 111.* lioP' 10 ] Hon tii.:-Jv;iiu i? .luspnt 1mm >4j | jud ailf.otil lim limits of tins Statu (u..s il i' utiij; ' Jitd having ftut.i.rr wiie or uU"iiioy known ! ?viliiiti t.ic sdiin.. li i? or.'iorrd tint tin? l.ii:fon'* | (Jatlt llvJ uJty'C'.t uiiu picud to lllll LlCCl'ulilltOi! u "i.iiv.v.,.1 vviiiiiji .x y.utr ii u it ilay. li'o.o the j. ill'K'tli, ulllcTU'lsC filial htl<] ' ^llMiiliUl jtljonit. lit ' will U aV.M;d.-d i.j/;.ii"sl Itiin by di'Stult yulnl;;: UEVAN, C C. C. i' r J Oiiic'0 o' (.'uii Hioil lY-atj, ^ j Maicil ll"; lw iU. ) 4 . j 1.7 ' ev in 31 y Sw. 16 1840 No 411 ' i i- i H XA&sisaix, r>1 i!AVii just received oiuu.ig oilier desu-aLIe :<J iu.i;*y the following uiucieu, v.ii:? st: .VH.VWLS. ./ f ir.iT H.'riioui, o-4 and 4 1, , ii u;i;t?/?.io jii' Mon.*ii;u lie from . j i - ? to ?i*4. biii?r. Si .iriet Merino 4 4 mid 5 4. j Ui. (Njoije {i'lalii) Co,vial i'liv bet, ' | !>' . VCt.i'lC wV L. u!<l> 1(1 U.J. U 'i ui.g b'l I . OL.OVES. >\ jjowl Lat!na8 atut Ci^utiemoi/h *.i S'l|i?'r (OtOi <. ij u?iu !? kN, Oif c.iid | i ?ii ? s>?. ui. 1? ! . ??**? t 1 1 ij<li<'!* nlii'Oufiu ji'ick Merino, C*a i ' Itll.iU iiii'.i III ! ill.I LollOJl. M- n * ( NuCvf.MX 1) r* LAINE3. , - l(:rh fi'.ult'u, y i'IaCa ^i ou*i?J and .Vou?* I i/Ollilct* ALSO, SuiK.'r lilur and tlv< t! Mark f!<>t|;g. ? C aoiiii. , and i >?akA\rz*~'xnxv#:?"s7 aV" ,l i Ji .Vi 4 riCG' < \ LA nit! U?t h.i ui tin* *. .ti4.uiiis J'iavt iti iriOiitiiJj i'j'ioiL'ii. > . 1 . i_ i j iiiiiit>< <i'i? Si a in ?, i I i| i W.?.l Jili w?|Jt U I'll.' i U t ! j ||M y - ? J Tiii* mi a, at V\ijjii* 11y Jnuti:?, l l/l?M illi',\.? A 4 il'l'Ttil'l ' V, C?> 4 J i'II.Ii?\ . lit; . rii>t?.<?i?i^y, \ li.i i? ' f !va , 11 . Mil i,'.. i ' NcV'1'lU..'MtU 1, ' ' Lv.'V >1\ . i ?iA ?)? N l?. ^ t Nil.. !. i.'i'i iiM' ill >iii 11 ; lu 11? ' .12' C ilC Ml SI* 111 JLi i;. in* IJc .) . u'cilii'i^ in i?i.. ... / .!? i :!i.. i . 11 11 .1. i V it'.i .lii'ilt-dl.'.i I.f. 11 i;. iI. \ I ' ?i ri'i ?\ I ( \ ? ! r/en i.ti. ''I ^ Tiirrfc Iiu?V f. ?V i? ;?* ?1_ O.UUllM Ml lOjJ iwoiicllcts. ~ ^vtiei;! liLii.ii >c! :.:A-GO A: roe ha VAN ??| M :r.-fc 10. iS-II. 17 . -J.ii e%, U'4 rs*i a k" 15 4' ^ I Jar.. L!iuf. ] ?!' I'l'ii-'i Rc"3 r.r;c I yj Jp ( irjr Ink,, ij. k:i:,i il L'.i?ll?b, I'll jp.u-li\ JuIim .il li.o CiicEwtf Bi-uliKto:!".. . ' J'iiulU'l' 30. i t,-S _ ! M * ?f Jl 1 (/ \ '3 I ill il lb 116'fv'iVi ' A l.AliOj! kr.a \Sw-:i r?;l j?;nLk u>, ii! 1 ^ JL f.-y A. iv. LA *>oi P.. i OUoUir til, 1'rt ,ni 'zziiili ,^ I lui hiiit by* , A. i\ L.vCOSTE. i- j Jitiu irv C;h 1*41. V ' m! j! " " Nails. j ' . . , , , * ii lv p'(?3 Nu.i: , o.iid E'i'UtE, till aiirt, fbr I vi'.- F.v 1 AIIX,\. i Ami 13, ls4(). ' v23 < '.{ Te;i and l.anf Satior. I ? . * i (i> i 'I EitZOE for U > '* 5 for ! *>y -A, r. LACOSZE. Cctobor i!, 1640. 4<) '1 3 ('lothiilg. JT '< LOTH a:i<l ]>'?.ik t Ov.j coats, Cloaks, Ac 1 or sale very low, A. 1*. LACOSTJ2. Ucloooi 21, 1240. llc ri-JL'ESE. | R71011 SAKE BY ! ]l A. r. LACOSTE. I Ociubcr 21, 1? 10. r^rswwpgrtn??WPTSM ? P!JL\TRS. (//Ajf? /MF/q HOTEL. 0.-?oJfc 0[r ' 0:?D h iviiiT porch:.s"-' I . t!i -.o:clo; D.ivw'a wi'! eoutiijueth-;! i?l i.; r.. < ?! (?;e>a:i;e !ii>?'ial ? > here I tnfore. nn ! vei.. x*rt :'i ^ m; 1: .t a ! i d-siraoie r. *;& :. lor liu?* ,? ..:i>} i'r .v<'.?rg, | s ti irMhlew:'. iIumvk h?* 4 : \? jtri : .?: est. ii'jiiors*, a; t fir Stabler wi'.n alien.;.4 0. tiers an'i rhi'.r.'Jn 1 provo'icer. 'J'ho ?*sf ib!i>l:n-.fui .siii he u .'!er the exclusive 1 ii?ur?a^(-,r"rnl o? T. A. if igiK*. tor.neity o' the | S?*!isl?irv Norm Carolina, ami hi: mug 1 1 ?*xi? riMioe, vvill e:;:?hi" b:m to t*ive general fat.slllC'ion. Cum Jen, Jur. G, 1311. 11 Cm SEW ZSOOXS. ig^ITCHELf.'S Primary U o^puj. ? 1 ? VV<>"?en < ] Eugloiio, \v eL.-ti.rn Svn LhCii 'i.i'y, l'"r<uiC.e With k omt?"4it ot a .uef*, Wnlker 0:1 Beauty, do lntnrrmrri: g", Mrs. Gortons F'j< /s*. Sm.tii'a VIn o"or> .inu CcjiiiC ?iiisCe?iiiij<, Y ? .uf's b'<i n..!, li'.ro.iiefc of Sacretl Mistory, Alii# Li *?i?S t hiiltjjlft,; Cu-S'-'iy, J ofll Twi-SaVCU *. *- tiiC BOOK STORE. Aoril 15. SS41. | * 22 tf 1 ^er sale a' the Bookstore. | , ?\ $>&[ *)** '1 th? Rt-v J. C. Co:t, de'iv : 'i * -* ..'.n'r.r. .. irrl. in Ci.?>. ' ! v~ ?- j ; r?\y. : ! ->, .? o. < .to Oe 'il.OO lt'-nary I . i , .> 1; [iiv? iui.i )>ui.listed j 1 ; . it i . . oil ;oi<y against the eslub1 j ' ' . .ij.?. :u '.!. UmtcC " Pr;te i | cents- ' [ j iiii, i-4u. SiS ? lf jr&r NiXEiviu : 3a?T?.T!!OJ;:sr l*no. "pi 1 fc% ? ? . J i* il-i cU> Jim-j. calf, .;!iil \l"M ^i tS.otfM l'? c'chii.t I Jit: W l>Oi - Dl'Ji i'lIlaTJ, f.lliti ?>! > Sif V, j , L.'.r i.|" iJ.'. C -<uk, i'.... i>*. , -i i'ii|i uii.i wir, \, o:'.%ii.*.i wh! bo ?>>?.. fci the New York joiin Vthigbt. i 10, IS4I. N '22 tf ^.Lii'OtTY *fE?DS. ! ?? Wi.K.Il T has received at the Hook ! stuns sujvly i?f Fresh ?*?uii Supenoi J j iJAkl.'fiA tut lh-ll. Th*ae seed* v/yre i s-v cicii?i ? p:jt'up by ono of ti?e. firtsl a<v.l><aon j | in ti.i n.gMtrv am! may ba relied o:i -i9' i of tile <rr-?tvlk oi lbJt?. a* Well n* of i'i?? vrrv 1 L..gii |ia,i0i is acaoinpnuiaii with \ | j-nn'i"! i:ii\ for point id jj. u. Ci.i. curb licl'Cic tl.o assortment ts bro... j ; on. j C.iuid\i, Dec. 4, 1*40. ! __ .4 ? j i \KW tiWi>a>S. . FT^IHK Subscriber le.s r.-oi-ivctl by Summer i! i Swan 'lU'i Oseoli a. f rsii and ge.iCfil a*- I I sorilug it o Si)'iujj stud Sj n'iMir ijo-*!* which j le^"l in..' v till !ii- slock of JJr cciie., in ?k> a ! ul'tlOi'l.illi'llt ?j lilO liofcfrnbio. tin will soil Oil the bi'wl yruis 11ji cisli or i? punctual custumir* .?? i t!iw ii aat er.'.iit. HA frieuns a id customers ' hj'C ii.i it.'d to c^I! v.ii>! ejcamii.e bis slock. I j). HAKLLEE. I A'iri; S/1^4) : '2'2 4t V ; I | Is. J c ( lj /. i! a ii J.5.}? - - ' i - ! * 1 . j THE l i '< i'i i ; act; a* ti? cowjj>oi uir1 )'vil; i.n!; r lu u?* Ii;?* Cash yti'Gm . i kriks Ht.i i ! artH'iOf u; that. ;:t<?; w;!. I t?(> f'oiii !"l' 'ml', iA:fsOiif? wlr)B?; ;)iii n(?T,-3H::?i i i'ii. "t I it uii!. awl, 'am! ; i 1i??.- unj fit i?' iiiii i!'uf ?" ?v l i't'iIlUi Will ;?C ! llllli. .ii. o'J Rett t*(! HI I'.lil. SJ. ii A LLC \ . j Ciicriiw J im^ry 4'h l;4l. h if. z. i A SoiieE." I W. 'ilai.fijt'v, a..' A!- x'lniV.t . il -VjII JT HU.Ih d ) ! wj'i;e Laii. Wi.uui H< liulM* ul ' f'> a.,tjin v ;u <: wii. alUwci tirour.'s i>* U.t.iins^t 'Hi V.ifi.iti. \| aril.or i </h ; ami Luicuc :< ?*. OiiL., Lark.' i Strec , CUj raw. " r 'iS'h !*vi(). " U i . _ . _ .1 ClCli. ' ' 1.!(ill V A. I\CiLiS, \i";?KxF.y AT L V\? J Will 'ii i oiir'.c ! Law ?.ir ill.* *)is.I'U'is ;? V firtt? \ianttii, rtiiti .?! I i'u ilt? oitio?" is lit i (it* buiil! ' * ' if ' ? , . oe;. * otorc <J; Juod~fg. !< * 'i i'lIlM'.Jj i 'Dta. II ISIO. i ? t , 'i i j* ' / J r, , jt u; > u!v. Tii Ai* 1' i . it;". < !* ai-i? 1 i?"M >'.<!.oil, i;\ i\ \ . J ilia if. 'i'llOrilM ?.l. ' ill' i, S i Of t!?? t'i Oi.* J'oClliill* , 'a* riiji-if > i?i. intl. ii5 tf 'I la hj.- iioi r"? ?v-.*d? c? ) a j i".? t',i. o'.ni.iii. 'v -ii: it i?, ot.oil \ am uudi'l'u inc . i I ,* ?'T> * j ? i ?V ktO.ll i4.(? ." A4itit.4Lt.O4V o? 1 !!? ? ' * ' ' (.J V 'I ?l) 1 * !* I i, " C nt.i'*, j "< ? ). i [) II ! i;v the unirr .rstfaiMTO^Ju tin: " n iN-ivf(J urtl > how. ?>J?* ill; 11; I i.:3 b -.'i ?.V -liter ^oixis ? !? < ii tn* ^' juiouicfj :sii} l:.};c ci to Luy ai vciy rcauccu . i r.ct t>. i i t? ? ' / r* v i-< Li .ijt.i.kO j .Nov. lGii: loIO. ( j i /1. i i .A 11 c?_- . \ m 11! s i > a 1 i K.\ R.\.J'>Tt\ vijtu.M a'ii i?e.vwl.?, isiJ"bteu ? to til. Hi L<j til41>L' ail frttly JtOi(lt:|.iOljl oi tiiCi. ; n.'/oini-b. j i.ey um >i.'( .imbU atiil liifctuj lof*V* liLUt'lff trihlii*^ lit'* il'lluUU o.i LI. 1 ;.C. I.O' 1,11.0 Uliiiiil Icii UoVtf. wuiiuiti'v iat i-'tii- Htf tivrlc i 'i 11L ?*Lvl'.it wat keop coustiiritlv I it., ;t ;-o-.*i ii-c-nf'iJb ul o! Licnu&i; ,UoiUL * ' lj.wi.ltb OI I .. w L Ci tJllHiliV31 -v i.L\)M XIXTI AN A N. ! ? - j lLi.H \ l.ii 1011. . . 8 . jr. Ilohcrts's Silk Manual. A ..Now KUfijtiv of'lhii work j-.i&i, rcciivco al J ?liia B?>i>k titore, price UTj. A'ji il 20 is4'J. 25 tf i 111X. IIIi'LIAIX? raaxAN^T onuses, VEKL1L) in tii'. u Church in lia.ilP |.l.o? it. v;Uiiicalia:. ui the kooiane uik j.i jCUcc oi ihe U-.iw-. ileliUitiUiUl.OU* lor b*lt; u< i the ituie ot * A. P. LACOSTE. XHJG ClJITIVAfOS d CcvisdLUz'um of hud's Cultivator and Gtiissec Farmer. ft W. sd &. L ii cxer, Editor. ^RO-^T.CTUiOFVwLUMS VIII. FOR H 18ll. 1 In off ring fo th> agricultural public of the II Stared the p ospt%us of the Eighth volume of the ' altivuor, (ihe second of the N.-w Seric-*,j we desire the privilege of uking i.ur patnoris ami correspondents familiar./ a?d cordially b/ the hand-, ami ihanking thsiu *. must htariny f'?r ihevtry lib?.;al aid and ?up~ , port th- y have rendered us, both oy their \ communication:' and theirgsiioscriptioiiF. Tim Coin vat.?r was established to improve gnd flcva .' liitj agriculture of ihe country; to ;uve ?v proper one t" 'lie morals and mind of the J.uMu>f; to eho>\ amine d.g'iity and importance* ssion , to hi? mind '.vi'n Useta! knowJeOj'*. ami onvince him that while ali classes a?> and must be more J or .ess dependent on eac.; other, he alone of * the whole Oat- make any near approach to independence. j| there is one thing more than anoth. r, which in tli s country gives a man superiority over h?s fellow men. * is knowledge; anu this knowledge,?kno a ledge which is asvsiseiitirtl to the success of the faimer as of other met), it is t-ie design of the Cultivator to aid in imparting. In r;.kmg charge of the Cultivator, tne Editors were d Aarn ofihrarduous nature of the' ? m-derralcng C'nurr .'s runner conductor, this ;ourna! had alieady attained a very mgro char*" x:r'fr, .mi we ifi-ghl have shrunk from U)0 tutp ?.t su* ar uiiiy:-: repu'alii n it had gained, or fr?.:n li"?" < .? c- ?.- :/ to aiill farther elovitii; ! !, ?i.u g, oat] h(ji. vf.i' assurance of aid fr??m t,V avlesl writer- and i vt mo?l e.v? permm-ed farmers ot the country,?aid which our co'umns wdi show ha* been and will be 1 most promply and fully rendered , encouraged us to the undertaking. Hu;v Vac we have riiccee.l'.d.iiiuot be it ft for tiie roaders of the Cur valor to d? te;nmie ; bw if c.n increase of } oubscr prion-beyond any preceden* in the h>s-' * h.ry oJ'atincultaral journals oith'o country; it the edirmsl unanimous voice ot the public * iir.s?in our favor; if toe multitude ot nrivste J| yd li lesiiuioni-tU v?<* have received, adccii 'o a eroula'iou probaRily treble thai of at,v olh'-r j.?mnal-dfvoti'd to the agricuitura interest, may be adin.ltcd as evidence, then we havy,certainly most abundant reason to be gratified with oil.* success. in our etforis to render the Cultivator worthy of the .it has received, ho ex- I fjtiusH or labor has been or will be speared. Ab rt ib every where" received as the exponent of the condition and prospects ul Agricu ture ui the. (Jnned Smec, uc intend that every subl et connected.with the great interest m any part of our country bhaii receive lie due share o. notice, I'ud its proper place in our^oiuiniis. The Cuhiwiur will by a record of all improvement* ?t the science ot Husbandry; I ui ti.c introduction of imw and important"var. iicnes of sued* and plants; of,the respective ; values ami adoption of the several improved i breeds of Horse?, tl it he, Sheep and Sw ine, to oiiierr-iil sections oi trie United States; in snore n is intended to make it a work winch! iuatruct a'.iil bo aCCt'pUUitt to 'a*'' -j -liW/ I iii the number, variety and excellence of i i the diua rations, fiie U'u;tivafor is without a rival, tidier at homo or abiuad- 'i|ii? 'depart. ; meat v. bo fui.y subtairtfajj u^d'iucreased iu. j let est and attraction guten by a oreater nu:u! oer d'iijiuivsof Amende Animals selected i roiii ? ur best *pen,nens of ail kinds, native . and . to ported, by the ikuwihg of n?'W Implei uieoU, A0ru and Aitchamcut; and by j engravi g.\ol such o'gtjcl* &s will be better ; understood, v.;,. :, given withi-nchdiustraiions. J The enii-'nv, i-h aiid illustrations of the prei sent vo.utile wtil be neariy equal to one hunt ilr< li m number . and the satisfaction - they h 'vegtvrM '>cr pairuris wiH secure iheiroon. 4 tinuau' i's*? i v\ I'ljntaujihg ine great expense r. t?i?*y t'f.' liiv OiiCi.sion us. I sams of the CuUiv iti r have been % J -j'",?l utiring t n> p^aI ye* . .I'.'d toe demand i > ii* tyck volumes aa v i as the 'current |o:?'" s< i i.'taut, I bat v. e fia'/tf* eler* id vp? u oai i: nuiowi'. ui?ct h'lAii !.m' hi ,'.ovw a' u here' after, to >ui h *uiV.''i .. ith i?'ii'-',? c, id. or i.rty o g ?.o uirtes ihi y may de.-we I i i' our j e i.. to tuc ?ru^^CH of At to L.u !-i??? ! who have' - i ' ':c;? J ar; our A^Viiih, o i'. p ?ioraijy ' our co'ir.1.'- t' pl.Oft if all those j who ii.ive mi jt/ii'n tlieilisfivi ? ; jij our w.-licii:. */i u. K'-o.vJi <i^e ol^onr work i<s lot* n rice o. liieii ir ends, it. J in ubI la.iiuioMj6pc.iOfr?, our inost, heartfelt anil ) M'trrii;.. tiiriti f are one. Willie we oil; 'i ..voroh to u u.r'tru.f liicli js todflVr an ' equate ili'b '? merit ai.^ w.trd io timet1 who arc tit-poa. li ?>.; peeuii arv iooliv?6 lo ioter? [ i f' I;* .? ;u tijf la r, wti ?,i>.'iu.ill be { mdei ? i to a!! \\ ifo u .L'in <u.y >*Yt?id ut> ill i J ??trr i*r.'ori>: to /i?.u.e trn* Cultivator inure ^ene; rally tj.-eiu;, ei.iiirr by mcr easing i s c icciatioj | oi employ ido" ihoir >, 'i*b tur its column*., i jji'rtti'iid' isdue sothose gena tienum n "io.-.' ii time roue; aVc and varied cumj iiiiiiiif atii.un lifVf (jjivcii kLfii ai; me rot! and value io i. jr {??tjmt ; aiiii we are roi\hdent from 1 their wei! ku. \vn regaid to I he Vital interests I . ^ r* ; ?i American llueoar.dry, that, cur appeal to ! tiii'iu farther iidf will nut ho iu vain. i t" . n ?ni I > v i" jJimi *us jliicic j w?scarc?Hy a Mibjrct id ii.MLire 1hat is not. more 1 <ir !o.-.s 11:ii. ately (oiiin'CUsi wn|i Agriculture, I *' i!*H' not oi; ?.u-e v uuL ill US ?nl? ! vai'r?*?iient'. j "i Kiais - One I?< . -.r ; ti a; sum s?jr copies !>i '?j(- in1 .iicy .w ne iciuiiU vt' iii advance, !m e [I'v -l A ?t iiiuiicbioii of Li) I'tr j u iji Le a'leweii {.j Agents who obtain 25 oi mure Miti^rriLfi t, ami Lo pot? oil I to tiu>t>e wiiu { . L'uiii D'O or iiii'f.-, Ali t>Lb&cfiptiui.s lu r;'tf ii 4 iiCJi-L &.C0., Publishers/ A - . # . . A * * * j Aiuuti ? | .1 H a* I ' i x? vv i?c;vv 1 i fi.\ V'il Kccci'/eii in addition to luyf-Jl i .,?);? ; u tp.eDiiiJ atisoriiiieDt ci seasonable L)iy (lOulift t'v "licll \Vil< l>>! ?il >liO J-iO V. ebtPl'..'' td iur cafch only. AIALCOM BUCHANAN. January 4lh *&41. I ' b 4 tf i . . Jjuiilap! Marshall EiiEbY tiva ivotkK?ilialtln?y will contiuue I l?# bl'll lil'lf kJ'l V '. i/Ov.i OiiJj , Oii UiL Uau*l credit to j?!iUCtU?:!'cusi'>Ji;ejb. t iiAV u ili .-eii liic.t oioccries at tlic lowest lot cash u:ily. ! 'i'iio \crv abort A edit at which groceries can uov Us bought, anio.iutiug with Liie exchange tiiliiOSi to WJt.l li.i.ilOvl canilui CGiijpeia hen? t<< the au"o;?;ic.ii ot this c. vT:-\t ifisTcRAms:: ijO'Z. 1'antv Ctu.c Seal,- . 8 " V\ indbor. i-'j' Hush seat Rucking, <i ~ " Claiairtrt tuiail ArtuCbalrs <{ JUct received ii:d toi auie by ii LUNLAP & MARSHALL. January ?0, IS 11 ? . SfeM