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. . 1 ' > v? X 4 i * VOLt'-'.-> VI. Fy .11. M.1C I.'ZW. Tkrms:?ajb!i?h^d wcek?y ?*? three dollars ytur; with -u addition, vtfhen not p?id w.U.i tiiroc month. '/i tw ^:y pur com per w Two jckv abaci iocr* may lake the p. x.r . five duil.iru m advance; arm ten at twenty. i*uui suoaeribcr*, n*J ft reiving' their pape! in tiM'i,. ii^v a wsar's d; .u^ci 1 jLiu.i .V u j r-^ - j 1 doiurs, in advance. A year's* Subscription a'w.iys due iri adva*v ' . Paper* uot dwcoauuuej *oioL<mi aubstiiuo: in arroarv. AdocrJtisepitnts n-?t exceeding 1 e lines inserts or one d?!lnr the nr?t time. and -\:' y cmitt- elv trbiequenl time. jfur insertions ut inim v.iis ?. tiVo K'cdts TocenU *'er the lit*-'.. nud a uon.if the intervals aro ujj;r. P:.yu??i?.i due. ; adrance for dilvertispiu Uis. When thu iiu.iiii of in s-iftious is i???t . irlied u.I L:?u co?>0, advt rtlx'i: ?Ult Wl.l UO l.ioCllctl, u it .aruerud out. if r* {'he postage pus' be 0.1 ic'.iciti iu jj . _ <SdiV" n 1110 bOsfuFssni ? ;v?~Tit &a g g buipiisu surface ea^ii:.? Cla* AS A MAM^A. Extract from a pulliccliwi on this suJ'ja U'J 1 r ill til it i Loiit'i. "As to tin* quantity and sort of m inor to bo usod i? ge n r ra'u b:ij?u't ^ w .j inay bo trie same as for so'.vj-.'i; of lieu or of Wi)oat. I J ^>r. * K r uSi ifToI 4/Li my lar^o croffc in Eu^lan-i, were on var, d'jn^, riis*. ihiotv^ * n 1 o a i.'*u jilo? . varus turned once or twibe. in the Usuii Manner us practised in England. A H vdc P?iu%I Lad nothing but ratiimsr jr. about the yard. ourn, Arc. as describe d \r (ore.. What I should do. and ui.u. shall do t.sis year, is, 10 mike aJws otit * ilirt, or c r-'h.oi nny sort, not \cf\ so.ov Nothing ;.s so Vu.y .y> this, cspjciaih i tins tLoe ciirnate. 1 sec j?e?.pic go wis, ihcir wagons live miies for <Sjitzr's ash::* O that Is tO.SUV xptlit OoCeS, Winch tiitiV pur chase at. the landing piuce (tor t5?* y i oiu to the i siaiid in VBsS'.lsj at nit,1 rule oi ?u u live dollars lor iortv bushels. .-mo! tL ex pease ot" land carriage aud the fori; bushel* do not test less than 1 am of opinion, that, L?y the burning c earth, as much manure may he got apo the land for half a dollar, i made ai experiment last summer, which ra.oimv ine, thut, it the spent usnes,. l>e receive; as a gift at -i miicsdistant of lend' cirr. aga, they are not a gift vo, il; a coop tin,' of. But. litis experiment was upoa j small scale: and ill., re fore. { w;h iio: nov - speak post lively on the subject. I have tried tie eliicaev of this in a nureuii Cidjha;.c.<, Swedish Turnips. i.i diart com and Buckwheat. In the tore, former cases, the ashes were put into tin . . t ...... i I arrow au i uiv; wi iu V?UJ> ? ?** theni, in the sum* nay litai i futve iio SCi'.Ot'tl i'il 'V,*;*1 -? to l!?fc- iliiV tiure for .Savoys, 1 put ai t.?e r>.*~ o about twenty tuns weight to an acre. ? tho cu>e of 1.10 Buckwheat, toe asliv were spread oat ul' the Wagon .'upon a a. li'3 of ia ici Oil t?!ci OilNl ie ?'i t piece. Th^v wre thickly ;>r6a<i: tain i raiifiit be. l.i it loo proportion oxcooii < ?'h'i: ..... V loT?S li> lilO &CIC. I>.n ihe jMi i where t.-- ?*.es went j?;-r ^ buckwheat was I; - ur h 'A tia.?> < goodas Upon it:? ,' ?.*! :t*t; ???sif-1;- I i lnnd wn> ivrv j?o- - i: bor-i back whoa Ktet Vear, wifia.ot ar . hiu.uie'. it Uua twogood i?kMlgill!lgS ciltll, >. O. it lit-.' iW< good ploughing* ??*:?? tin* \ ar. b it ha no manure, \cept me prri* ; i;n*n tioncd aadonv other part at a gi'oit o?,lance tVoin ? *. 5.- l|.ai ti.v. ^.ahvui * tr > 'lair indeed. In every instance, tb^ as'????i produce* t . ??val eflect: ;i:ki ! uui :k.?v qiilti ?vrmi*j (Hat anv coo may !. . raised with lis help of this manure; tnat to ?a;., unj sort o. cr ip; i? r ol (Sung, aMie.% ao* t iiri.'t-usbes, ^ iiA't! ail arc t? atiV upon lu< ta>oi, without p;irc!.;u-e or carting ire.a i distance, tha two fonuyu are certainly U he, employed in on mrcnee to the hutev because a Sin<'iS!t,r ([it-ir .ry of t j.uii 'a;! prodiirctho sum*; erfbes. ami .?!' I he application them i.? io?s expensive But. in taking to u farm uiipiovuieJ ?vi;i tne former; m undei> wine, make it profitable to add to the land mm i caltiva ion, what can he ->o ornvrtiu-iu SO ohetf / t*s italics procure m' \vu3 ? "There; are two ways ofproducing rod. 03 from earth. 'i.i.eonc i> jii leaps upo. the ground, and t!?o other u ft ink w?i!h> ?. turf or cuitu. Tito Mr>t indeed, .> th Usuul way of burning of tu *!', or Bu! let u* see how i. i j liliiiv. . "Too surface of the land is taken off a dentil of two or throe inches, a:ui ii:; nc. * ' ihe earth side uppermost to dry. T!:< land, of course, is covered witti grass ?> heath, or something, the roots of whici , hold i: together, and which makes the ;,ar oil l.iiv') toe ntiiii. or turl. 1 Kngiarid. .this operation pr;hi,*mod vri; it lil.f.ciiilfr. and by hard. The turi are then taiton, or * part of li.ein, "a loast, uii'J piicofi on tacir cogcs, I-mio/i, against t'aeh* other, like the two o.u .a ? tile iOof a* house. Then the hunting ; begun in this way. A id tie nir^w an some dry sticks; or anvtninj v.i make a trifling lire, isjiglited. osine k. t;? bits of iiio turf is put to this. W he the turf is on lire, more bitsaie carctiih j>u( round against the openings wiienc the smoke issues, in the- course of; day or two the heap grows large. Th burning keeps working on toe inskh though there never appears anv blaze a 11us the !;L..i is & v.;tii iit ..'iAftcr the first fire is pet to he cf < .* r ? .? * '.* * r ?r^^-*T' - - i^aur*' m~- <+ * -?n i jt??<>p'w ~Cii; * i ^p%? mi rjit* r -*m~ niwur^iir w,,5^?y able b:;-!: ;o ??'! ; wanted for. othei | iicaps, ' >'.'i m>e a.go jd shovel full V.;' rir< d fan l>t, < arr. \1 i?? '??t oilier !i?ap;* anc " I so until ti ? !i?-a > ?ro li^Kieri. 'fo.*. x tije w .rriu jfoffs ir>? ii iiwlli?ii'ViD. <?i?i i carries ;l?e turi* to nb, by d?vjp,jxs..;?,..i:;r?'. rF j som- on owl. <tv do/ or iwo, M? ! '..! <?< iliO fmlij i. j burocd. *?o tabes car? n ' *n htwp i; !;.( .? > rr.ix.h as n o to . . *i *i -j I 0cl? <t:< l.'.O I'.iTi * ? v>" liltt ilv.U i: j iwTr; a.iJ, .o u weo.'v ?;r two, v.'l;otiierui i\i.;i or ?! / i ic ij/i> are bik4v ,, ^ [l j fi i ori<. 'ghi: dVM'j nro aftervMo', t sn.vud u;)On th j trround; tho giound u Htivi M.n.-o a'j't tois |j Tig : ns lii'j v here ronaralion .w i crv> o; j - i'iii* is rail \\ an i i-f-i*. vv^s u !?.<(? tiRirlnno <? ? ' ' ICoiii iiit a id i' . - s./ioi^iv rc< uiii.'iMw '* in fiiii Fi:s vi *?rffio ?* V irtfi;. to -T I FUt i Si..,. Vn .i i V ijtiU u'a'lrv. it'i V iitiC x ' F.ti!?.'av/;Mv ?:?>.; vvorso i???io. if ?ivo. j throe m v,i.i(>;i even ;j >?>* ? poor land I ll t * I ii i < -** l L i i? i il I Vyf lili illilfl SI !.? l'?y i' i..v.'ii.-> 1.5 I ?ii'v;, iJ JiSil.'i\ i ciisjb, rc& rjiffcJ. ,io o part; s und l>ur.? i -i - j liljj, ?;S liiv ' "'/.'it * ?>? t'iri c!-'V3 o. '? IOSi.<<;n> li l.j i i it . . , Wtisiljrv . vV !. IC- * , .in., it ii ii i .i;ii It - M< t.'ilfii Vv 11111iI H 1 | C-.. ,iui Vi hv tilt: I't O'iV- i n'S'^ i. J.,!! '.!. ^ | ?* i?xi;.i?;rjtJv tVbweii in France liiki. I (by; vi if is Uy trie j;r? iit mass of on:th::e il | iurSii* S\s 2h Ojbuh. 'L j 0u> ii?u:-ii ivy.* parin * and ovnun^. '? j liitt what i :ecc:n;aen.i :s, u./iiobiii '*; the land' u'i.iuii i.? f y ho cultivated, )k.; ^ i t?ti?t r < ? !!i, !' r 'lie r?ur*)!?so ol Stiri2 '4 U.-:ivjN it: (?,; S?"t?. ! *ll r ') ) Ifl;;' *? > I id tilt." i rafioa, I, :!*.:? pesforiu. 1 nioho i ? ' Cirok, <>r liti oIs'oq^ jocurc. " ' at .1 jjil* a w?;!? alt loai1*' lli.'ee lei ' thick,and iVur feet hiidi. I tii-n tf I _ ^ '*; .'in; tu the in:.ii!!-, vvstij jtraw, Jr>" alscks w iiosit'iiS) or Sii'ji. iiuo iiiUf ',". i ip i t?: ' ; nits!\i i/ lire !u?*^vr and iar^^r, ..if it ! oiiMidsuvcr ri.v- wu'.iio isfjnoiii yit V j or i;i!n. i j)ut on roofs o! frots t?r vn\ ' ruoiil.-'l O u #il, i-ii tlii i>; ho l? IT^iOti ilitok ' j rioosof isSro.M^ c.mIs. I tli'ofi j<ut o:? '* ; lli'iv'at tji iti . Civ>v!? II IliiVC '?!?) I " ; U}? lO'tt. S ahu.Jt, so : > tti t*i?v. 1' tit'- ftiO of ' - r i .... '* "Vcf. kilt] kt'i.1 lllla> jlUl 111 Wall liUl " J i lou nil} siiJ: ike jiiTtoko euniiii^out kt 1.; , tie |?!.i ii'M;i.'*<i Li.viC. I'ti? Iir 1C ?i?.??!; - i wiijft v< i t *;c o.i. iiv. > ?<*;?;$. wi 4 ! til is lot U tic* \* Or L'.' ill I liliic > j , ... . * ( yrnal iiiu^s .if .4ir?; w;l! !>?j : i tii.' ir-t-U .? i_ r?ci iii ?\ \ k?'i 11<<>?' ?i! _r ? ?i I lie c!ii' ) i >i " I enrih. any ?'? ro roe mi livo kiln. .iiiti *ilal?f at O't WtlfiOUl I't'l'ililivl. V, Ui<>a \ > lakln^T' uro t>? he* ;> in l'+C 5 ?.'?< /<?'.* Iu2 ? i , > i a I') i'i1'!! i: * i i'?it < i 1 ) <iiiV ji'.io* , ho:c in !>o IikuIv; t:u i main i<-rrc ??. i'so ure ?; 11 i kfuw u< !;.? ! IliiitV,' U ii-.ta'"', aiKt' '.I.I I k! U, 10:l'S!10i Wi! 1 I ( Uui. ?u.' ?i.? i#Le (. : , , ' . ? * l *4A vol;. !>?m? ! A'lv. ;>?o;v!t y<w?- sin^ei iI I ike i i; >i lai' I "j ' aVj li V?H1 *i?. . I a*i 'art' I,'.'*/ lillMV* ' - V..1 t J..n .f u Inftf 1 itC I'M* a> ;lt ;!V,iV tjti ill ' lit" > ' !I !):; ? : at iir-st ?. iii v; ;i iKt ' v \< i U?? ; on ihtis > vi'it till Vj?u 10 J?t?' H>; 1 <?! |jl? <i (iii' i!l('.ft V Illi.V. ti V?'v iiKf, ra'ai 'ii.; %..iI> Klifi ??.t. J I .'alii 'i-i: tii't. w.ic-i o.liX ti i. k . t'.'tli ; i I'M,' !t.i J,;. yi*> .t> Ml'1,) O.i Vi '.'Ji ?.T it* t?'" t.n' liiiS \ ivi \ 1 ) ! .'J !>. vii' J > 'liirilta i t '! < .! 4>>'?*?!.'" | 1 - ti !?- H i-? t>iti i: fi?i . .. .1 "i ? ! J)Ci Oi" v a . ''ji stl'.A-: a' 'm ii'.ii' ? 'lit' ? < v.? V?Uf ?iil\ *? I ? ' i < i * ' i "*.l i . .i>\ / to t rv i? ii'.'l.JtM" lot; t'i>. ' ; .r '!. uy: v. hen i tou'in ii .....'ii:? . i 'Mi ittiVfC Ncvtl "* V> ?t ?t nt'i! fitO/i' ro.'ui*!'. * IV ?>ur(il. i , lit a mav l>r* 'iij'.'.e O.i i!i*; >' ?.. * 1 t>( U"?' tv.ii,, t, iiofo lift u.ati( t\; l:!! <t * t ! t i .1"? aio I .r jtft lo liiv * i t. ^ . i i T l 4 i? _ i.l i^v't'.il'i It , iii lilt: t; -\'. 1.1, i?if.V i r a llt'Ji; >' ! il : ii'l. 4. I . 1 O! i I Iv: I III i".i I 111 11 I !?t ;i 1. u. il' ** f 11 ; . / |V I I ',ii. liiitu '> ? * ' 1 f?w,?|?; ' i. ' i ii i I </< J1-' '.* t i' ?|;<? 1 .til i *i?wo * /. v.:,. ii ?v? tuc i ?*.]"* o." ..ii. I * i il*1 11*i?'i ii :i! j eotii'.-iCiftJ, !.ft\ * Ji?i ' t j ' " i '? ^ *' 'V ;l ilI at; Ivil ti 1' ( t.'iti'.M. _ .I ,i. Ii;'? : 'iti'lliliuj iti ^ 'i.'Jii. .i!i i." .i.?.ii i! \ tij Wtii?' It) U.?o ' ' atUvs >-io,i.? ,?. *t kiln. 1*h?y >v11 l.c V'.'o t.o lo ? in -t i.t'Ci.. * i'' i . >:'jf" l 11. i ', . j .?!ti'ji, tjtil'i: I >. i J K*. i /.v .i '< j. .' i'?'> [?rov 1 ;? ' ? . . *< 1 ! IllCli" "*.:?*? in... sli.i' *. ' 1 , i . trv.:?:r ?iuui n?? si.w ^ 1 Sotlic. t. U^OVlln 'I'l ?' It; l???l*.lt i.? l i'.iii { l.iUl ill*" j>l ?#; ? i'lliMi i?> '-''.i U'-ll: i'.J..! l? ' j bo lilt 'lC. 'i hl.^v loss ii( .... ?J. ?. | ;iru! wiiv i.ia v ii uoi bv suoi.. wl .I'-o j li?0 bA 'b4lX ?*-> ii ll.iilv;. h 4 * s J T!?C i'o!i nvin/ >?? :.- i.v.i Vr. '"r '.-j1 ! liii't'iV J v!',4! ?;"!v. l?(i l*-t. ' i l'?-I ,1! gntl vv a i:::.-? >!.!? as v ook::. ''! j~> . ? i" y i ) " . j . \ ' (./. *#* i>f iiic t.i ..v; i.!. . tirsc'fi>' .?:u . S a.G L/b/ It liO Uv/'/.i /. 1 v-i I L ' t t t ? 1 .^ / ( ?' .4 ' G? r.J y, J aiUarv' ^ ii, 1313. t ?> ' vc.i. l* | pilot 10 J*> i\'.:yOil.C a V tv) * Wu ^ I strUv iv >* iiu li?*i iHtJriO'! I *'t iSOiTi >" ! v;y of :> cii.y ust* o? .i"i?'?. ' > ... [.. .u.r-,....o o a , i.r?ir, <;! i is s..'.'"!, :*!j:i??.!:ir.cti .v , , * ? .? . 1 , i ' * ! ; ?.>v i ? L-'*.k.; ' . * U.< j c.uv, ** iS O'lr oc i^ '."' (/Viii j it*'- Oi 04?' j!d ' | dli j ? *. iiOu^ t?. v (>t?i v?f !0i! Ui <4i#y bti( |^ ti I % ~; 4 %? \ % ^ m m i j * . * | (i i? : i J t ?> * v/' ^ i 5* ' Jk* ?CO Hi . ? / ! , u.J I 2W S-BfjEBWIl. VA. Wi-.DJiRS&AY, may # <1 Results'cf so;...? ezpcr'.r. ni: in jjvraing j V < t ( ' i;j. it: a hl!er trt tin'. > j ': and , ' ' * Jl &&S> ?ffiSSi iiiAw.ownr-i AKO-J; w c?r?wra)i* ^4j.?rv.^,.*.r?Brarnr*.Cfc. * > .> w* *. i rj havi.2<r witnessed 'lie ?:rap < of wneataii 5 j o'a ui'everv'vi<,ji v >Uou, us \v? I as 3a IJ ;i*:d potatoes, Iuxj..i;if anno.-, beyou di!>i!i'fv produced una ..'tiiT clay soi': 1, ...'.'.out aid of aav on flnr.nnreth * ' aii.tvS 1 l'i'tCi'vii liCU it* IllUn . ihc ..xporiinent at home; and api. a '..>^1 : <?., my return, I c ani, op^ra,!**'.* and f !i?iV j jiav*iti?e r*x* inti^ . < o,*. , son .?j." years vvuii i.?c ^reaic-a su? , cum. i was ut'^iist puuziv'-u to. vv ,nl v ; ; out k ?!. upon n ve?u t>r !<v>i <?i ?e.?, , j OiutlS SuS-.>s>ii, pufil ' ill,' ' ,M. 1(7 tvi1 4 ''Viiil.ii (i c.<w ^JO'J >i l'i , i ?! > ilOi u. >4jV,IcIi?i ( o*> e . i* 'I*, ! T * , , ?*, *< 'ay. , it j k it'.* n i. ! ,iiT.; J..i i, ?' . . , .. . . . . ., I 1 fcii* 7 ia.i.ja ?,?,- '>' ?vl' ii p. , V?. ill. .1 iTta, I'J.. >? i diiV ?J i- i ' - .i. t , , . " itVll <1 L 'II l I't.!',.-" t/.I .,1 J. 1 > ,1 'I .? U.I !??p ?.'Ct lilt, ?-.i?y luiiiili C.ty.i il'ui.1 IX>|. ..aV? ?;.veo,td. ?i any itiiii:; >. i n- i>..lii l..ii m'.^'.i,0> >0. - V. tWttltl I T ' . . - * 1 ( ; i_OiU. O.. i.i t.C il.*C '... i.iii .1.1.11111. . iivk i vest, an,i tj:i iiiv yvaV .u ana ii.i.n ?i. oiu" .lis oliDf. K'd i^llvuV ?.;.* cLu* I w ^ , I t , : ; , 1W ifl> C|U'?, Iji'jijg I 1 Ji l.liUuy. iij 1 ; c\.m}&! \, diJj1 iNtu -iiir.h'K'i ^,1 ** >?/?i/?Cii i \ w m V yti UA'^vl iltiOfil* I . ii icl T' I A VJ . . % ". t' : ? : # Oa ?c t; SiijJ .a-.!'. . ft tin >? < . i ; i?!o v, ,4.c;i uu.s .? KuyH-'! ia -m. a.tii ' > * . | '1 . t ? \ _ ii>: v' 1a rt ,5 .ulu oUt^ lac iCit iiifiUv:!' .Wil , ilsji r?; tu'J fccv'U, \vil!ch Mxi-s U l.?C V'c * I : !? ii/? liCiJ SOfl. \i <is iv>V. Il Oil kilC Sullli! u3 ; ?SO'tV'i! >>1a kiivi ?;AiIyA iij# UiaC C-.I 'aC. I .nil It...I ll.i llic l'l/lUll)Uk !> ' i ?' ( i Mote* t.^tJit/^ il.iu ?V.ic' ' ? ( ? ? | . t * i O iik'a V'? 4?/j iii ... i i *'. . . !, * i ' ..... \? el O- litfij'C liinll <lul?o i . ? v" -vi .1. V". a.a././'.. lit/ !.i I ?C Ull02? 4 I ' ' I .... JL ...a .lOl i.lC c..e.v'0 *?. . UC. i 1 OV. 1 t.a'i.liiii a. u k'>i a . I , S.\ . >.. W.liCii ?. iilililii u ?. <0 U.vCO i a ai i.i iii'iiuu.'.'i j>c?' a-:re. j t rs ? | | i , ** a >4 l?ia;*.i clay ims oosi <;r , s!tii.i i^ Out 1 .vli. . ?l biUcO i.i o.i ..1 u.'st i.'> c.i.'i to toe aero. u;i j >!?.->.it;.i liic ('<1.i.r> il V lo i'iii'i V. i i<i i)i:. I.wwovci'. a una i: large.' qUcHiitVi '>' r sTto .M i.Aiii^'.iic Aiciii xU ui/i'l !ao; ..m ... i- ;. . . , ^ I y ?i Uvi > v ^ OitiU uv/ u 4iiti LO??t tOi v^i j j iv^ixJsa.U , aN.o ^Cii c*r;,l riiethfxi ofproccfcuiiig . ! w ?o tyj ijuiao u.i o!>!.>ii_r iiiciosui'c < I S ' 1 I(. 0 I..'a 'f.A. JilS V. <? M.l.l.l itoUSC 1 Si. V i A . A . ? 3 ' Hi. ui glCCli lilt l SC'AA.rj ia.oCvt t./ H I ' IIV ?g?U Ol 'J A-a? lu 4 Ai? ll.c illdtt ' * '< i'ti.s i.iC.ii.'iiti; a i?i>e.s aie v.i.ia g i vi''Oii... .j v? ... 0. J C ./ii 1'. I at Mil lO \tjl.i utilt i. I*. -ii v.iv?i t'.!ie." i.i 4i.o c.?.eriwi v??x I t ... f* i . i li.lj J '.j/ClS a. C .Ui iilOu O 4 St Ia.3 ]>Jl v. 4 i I t o?4.'rv, <1 t*i L.c ; ace i>04.?ooa liioiii j i ' ^ , v.i . i.v.iii.i. ,t six. can easilv tove j i 'j O-.Oit wi liifj it,ill* iipiiCCis lest. uk!i WOOit Ii v... . 11.,. >t<. . \ ? .. r a . ' , ( 1444 UlIU Li^w Utltvl 1- ktk.j U i?. O I*. f4fc'l i Vt i?il V> l/.i i uI'U - tl*J * lull j uilU lin I. ( I ' I ( ' I i'v. V.Ai.iC, Oi * I! 4_" "'4 l*?fJ 14 JC.w.'Ui I A l.l.:.* '.l**C*l' A'tlil u.'j Vt.iiOji Vwl * ' VJt'li t#ii ill ( J U . t .4 Oli C*?C tCJ I *' lllui) ItV. i ' t ilifctlltllOvi} 1 *> Itil 0\l i) I .? V* I t(? ^ ill A*?l lit (11 ii 4-'. > fc-'i ix l.iiiO ft j?( ii't?4l its O ) It1 *1 ^ ' >. * i *V j NV 1. *1 l. liiuii* tii.' U'lii* ' . o ' ihu l < n. 4. . -V t.'t ??;iy. . 1 a*'. ' 1 ' ; , " |4i ? ^I'M 0?rliSC v... v" Jit , !)CCttU6t' > * ;TC i<?? r.j Vil..; * Of. I** ?.C Iv* IliCtui?44i. .1' S t; H ) ? iil sfui'lS 4 I 4 : 1 *? v * ... . f .14 .Cvj?4 iv> ?i.:<4 4?.' "? 4 4 ? V |/i , Jl 1 4 4 ilW V? > 4-, t . i .? i. M I | /, '(t.* 34 it, ?4. ti.4* Ik-.l .l liltl > 1.4 i\ 4 I t> 'IJ4 , I. , iil f II < |iO O 4 4 I 4 O t, ill vl . <4 > 1'L 4 , v 411 ^ ."44 I 4 ?|)| 1 U"'j 4 1 4.t J 4 4 * *. >(.' i - V ?. 4 I.'.. .VjH ll.t 'liul. ii.iil, 1 ; ??',4 4ii><>u'.?i .13 4iio i4,v 4 i>* 1-^4. 144o 14j fi J. . .44 tu i<c >;ikA 1. 4 V* : .1 I 1 I * ? i , ? C?u ? 'iv O'llw-I W >^ii / I ii U?' 1 4 itiO Vt f 4 ' ll% .41 >1 il\ > 1.4<V4 4 4> llU t > . ; -it>' 1?1 **.!?' -? hl^liCir ii'. i'? 1.44J It) i " 4,:.. . !?v, iwi Uic : ?. j-. * *;>4). ti 1 4. *j4.4 uvii.'.j u.i v? .....j I 4;:iho ^w.m 4 4 4.1 iv.i 4ik" t I Vj ' * .?. 1 ' * 14 ! 44 I 4.<V I I 1 1 ' l/? C 1 >1 r ? 1 W??i \ | 1 ? I v. it t'04* 11 11 i m J lit. o?v? '!'< V? Vvtillii L? 4 Oill V ly.y I' 11 \i.' L It O ? I f *. iiiv tJf 1 ti UintJl C> fli ? ?!.? ktiC ill l!it.?il.M )i ? 1 t I.C ?) /?#.* ?.! Itlu i I it I.I .. . t ? * * v.i* - .. t .... V 1 . J . Vt li.C ....U ii till ti t . .4 , ?* lo (oMtls . . i \' . . ! f * 1 * Aw * . ? ):: 4.. I.e... ovt;. .or r.^?. * ! . : ., r ' . 1 . # : *' ^ i? 4 i'. t iiiiii AS O. ?'?i I 'li. wW:. 4.11 1 . ? IN.'ll hiij-.l > 1 , . ..., , , 1. ,,, ,* " \'.l I.. _ 11 - f*i i tiki ...4 , 44111 i. II I | t' .4 4.1 <: ' . I ), 1 li 41. *> 4, 4, 1114 111. tiurill 4441 t?J il ! , 1 : a: k.-vOJiie ol t;i#"u? u?s? o.t in.iij iliV i.r.ii I. i?i Ji/'i t i r- . t !?.?. ?. ? iij'/.C 1 <J -1.1 ! _ * it t. ? '??; ft(> i? i<)> ** i??i v 01 I i)o !) t ! ? -j > J i , Uii l.iC il'/ii l.i.i tti ? ' (. ' ^ fi i* * i ' l | C ! 'kK Ut j } (it) I liC t i4j . 11 kiui ll I it;'.. ilii I'tV !l t/ii Itlv^ etji* .itlt'l u ii.iti l?f iU *A I 1U CWi'll *<i VtO'?U, ?.? ' |A j i oi ij? ?.?<j?.s.iur,'j lj. j v? i??iv .ii.iin.).' oi i m ?ii:ti ii ox. , ? tij CAUiJ'ritll]|il '! tJ> li#llil|ll(tll ill I' I t!t?i* ll'.-.iin J.t ii.*' t<"5i i\l 1-t!lC \ .C _1 ^ 4 . (j _ .-I l.. a.i'"- VVC3i '.M l;?i t"\i5'i r.uru.v ii * i... ? ?>.. ii.r J;:vs, *?ro'"ioiiv al'ifi! t i' i....y |ai!:n *o ii.* A.t ce.S2?;ir\ to * . > iii !? ti.i' mii: ?"*.irsiir. ( *v, I u-'o.t'.i.'b.',it till;? ip.or i > iiiC ojjji iioii i iny t?' ?i >i ii/ ili lire . 6.\.tiir t>i /I*''.!) it ii\> tVtiVTj <a 11 ^ j/Vi.1' J. CiliiCV i.i;oUgii iutiULe'.lCe, v.?- lw br< I , i j :. i >, ' Ot*i V y !>o0u iv? Oil jw' <i.? .fci J ! lll'y AliJe.iV.r *.11 liilil, ihi Vi lit Col'i'ull I; ; re lake, a. a iiiiiV t It it' Ula.t 1 ! c..., ] c . ?il l_ . A at.A A A - . I ej allx .xi/Uiv * .i <y A1 a"i?" .'* It il l>0\ A- i'.y ?_ i(l . J </ ? t j AiWklt /i .. U>< ' ^! V-w., v ii - y ^ ' fYcci cj Lnjljnd Ayrirjltural j fy. J ' I iJa' A?iS rthV, WiLLi.iji WlLKiZjs) -. ' ! * r* ?< J . i ?e , ,?t ,l4ft ^jw.-ss ?>i .iirn- ! v clny, w w;c;a is . >i<:j ,>r to iiiU. of' "V ^'4, * v. ,vC? C.Tvw??' says? *' * d . ilOl, I 01 it * i S ij . > If ' ii3 ' ' i?? v'? VV 11 < . / A, T { /? I AIM ">5?>, . .*,. i,. * " trtitiS'JiCI'l? . . "ClvS ?? 0;'l' v. " ' ^ nure. V < .'a;?.o?v.. 'x , ,rv?' 1 aufurAn (>> .3iij, t'.ia u, .u ' > I year-ir mi acre ?? ' . !j*,. i part oi it much !urg.- i /. ?r.rl ^ t..0 ii> .! .?jl . *, . itt.ii. \ e?n* v.iij ici.], iiici iiii, i< liiiiiMMt i u w_.i tiJt'ili.i u W..!l \oi"V g*>?M >'ar , > : ' * " i 1 ? i A U?. iii ?v is Ol?> i iitti V. i it ' i( ilxii Cll'.M t'loiigh*;fj ( i 1 ! I- tti U>1> UOC>-'? Oi I l|l?i J CiOji Wil.") iaoi \t WI'V jj;? .?>? j'i iltii I (llilV I llillV (lull liill j'.ll t lililM'lilui Willi was hottt r ti?<H? itu.igou; the 3- outi sotdeii evidently trio ivor?:. The i . " . i ;u . wr.i-, yj.i.ti H).i v MoV/ Oe <>:?>on Oil Us [,.t; CiOv'CT ^if "?twt (ilC MCO'd vi V) u.C.l V.'uS |l .* ? 4 ? t * 1 # doon c.14%*r iiit; /afify. I'r.c ur'cats r part of tin' 'icyp c?t ash^s I hiiNitJii ?prii!:;, vv'ac uasJ in la's hey ' ., <t. v _ 11 ,* jiar.iif in j lo iinpurc itii acrcana j tor oi i s?k', :h liio i.isaiiicol u he a (it ,, live aC.'o^, iiic reran;tiller oi vvhsca w;ij (i>auu;ed witn ihe'be^r yard oii'ig. Tiie !c , whole wu.s Mov, a towards flie middle oi' it tiiai r.i<,?i%ts with red liiid tur.up seed. ? The crop a veny ^oo-iu:i& indeed, maay r- of tho Turnips bein^ ti(j indies ;n ctrcum!-t ejicncej uml one v< oicji I nau luLt' j,* ' and,webbed, waa C'J incites inctrcuird re.ce, u.!.<; u'ciuiiod 11 Ltd lbs. I do not iii >t .f?;?.:!vc that the part manured U'.jh clav ;r, , . ,. .... . I It ts at an an iiiiouor crop on n to ;*l?.e real ot I held. *, 1 ' 4-I\*om this heap of ashes six loads had ;i reserved, -a inch were thrown,theend y. Jiim , over less than a cjnart lerufan acre of rough grass land; arid it [tf[ is pore? plibic, that the sheep, during. the [5 .winner, have eaten that pai't of tue fic/d io more plose.y inu.i the rut oi it. [c I * I have thtio in the course of a year, .. Imnu'.'.i upwards ofSJljO loads of ashes, and .s i manured nine ucrcs ol iand, at an ex ;, fuel included, of about Jtiib?and ! 1 am so well pleased with the result of ,v these ( .\n6ri incuts, that .I is my fixed inr> ! ten* ton to horn ashes to a much greater I ? iu extent .luring the next year. | Havsnf brought ;nv eor.itnuuication :A | to a dose, I may he permittee to say, (hat m | the practice of burning sub.soil is ";u'it e mtcjvli.ei* iio\.*.it i_.oru il'.tih.x ot?iu ; crs, pursued i. in the beginning ol' the i.i.jt cciii. a'ud successful (,xpcv:iurcts i - . 1 p* ! ui t..c aa.'.e Ui.iUie >i?tve !>?j ? l made'from I- . - r ,, . , ' ' ' - > 'I I > . .1 l;l i > ; ti.liO Hf l..tiV UIIIU ?r*r. . VtAi^ nil * n*. u'OuOCCu I. IM'it'l IOC cM tit'1 * ' ]><ii*l3 oi itJClilitii'tiJ. it ."> ' llt)\V lo /!#e IlUjXlU. llliil, brill:" licit* T uii'* : , i!':5 tf ^V.ll . (fcoOltlC fitOlb fit " i i i. It.- ii;>v?o?cr? reo.'.iIliCUlll llfj N.O ll I il ( "II' I I) WSii t>? ' iruil.iit'J to u'tiii Scio-su. iu Conh;dbi, l(j i lit-jlj I lib litilCoC> o! tiicir A?/ll l*'i 1 !ib iJi'T; pov.-; whether or not their kii ; iiil');ii iiiCiiiiv i/i piuctinrigother '. *.!(in [lincivvn i?Miiurcsj l??i, u.'* l*: j practic is i it i * . ? u* | itOi Ui'liiLlt'iluCU ?VlUi e\, it Hills' ?> (_.j ' V? ii v -S l?c; d 'il-Li tci* (ii CtiK'ii'tii .'/'J w!l*; * ' t' ?.-i , . i |t ! (i iitl o Caliiiv/ii -/V j/ICC'titu lie J tr. ,;,t j "I would, !.im!\, reoomii) ".> to :::on.? , j ii I;icv uii Uial.e iiic: Ui ti, : <?t ' ? itl i'V*'1 ' ui (l,.'Ju.|,,rV .% . i ') !'< ? k)i ' iViiH'..-,? (i'tuii ii.ui.v '. / i? r It.!. M V v\v n >>n;e?>!'. i.* ! . ' , . 1 i fi'Mit* , ii; >?I'I( tit-' . (1 . ?? jliiiill.iui oi tli V ' ^ _ lia: s.. i; !?:t eh; tiv i?> the i v ix?1 .-".r'it'tli ( ! Nil". ' ? u :jc/ii,, 1 ti.i.s L J?uwhc!v iiluli l.i* gFittjfl i HCitiitiVi'cC'!^ . . ' k,l ? \>l tht.i!; iho' likely to j . . i >|'ri:.i'i i? r.aiJl.-i < , iurwi**; lew It'll , , rtiiis \vi?j i^o '?i !J,?: < t't |>i?rc-.iis?ti?2 S - i , 11 .. 1 I.j.-'I; dnu I' '.v iutt..!i;;'us \\n. .'i.iti.v' to 'ill V It , ^ ( l?> cut ii ti?i* iln#. o>' tiicir luf'''**; i i.iC ? t;.c so.! tin ? u i , I ' t it 0 \?'t'.'i'i ti. t.ikea I'litCt , rll?u ?u\v i( ii'i )co iii v ,kj !,)(, .fc'Uii.C tii ZiiiiiiO n;- | . : r.?' ii a?;a:n. i i l??. ?t lSic honor to remain, '".cur oLcuic Ci. .?>?, '* v'M ? i V .!? . ? 1 I . ?? ? TK. , * " . . f . ' ? liv "* * 4 . .UlOlt., ^y'C. ' ii ^ * I* I iy+SV.~?, l.J.t, LI f ' 7 f * , *f ? KtiiiUuyt' AJsiuL) vcfd' prow-J'J <"'** I I VA 1 ' ? 7 , J,., / J f,,/ , < Uy^'icOuiv^.i, C'y IW CiAji^J il/ C*?W J : T \- . 1 t; ?/ i 1 |4>aja tihJ Z4. i)r1 I i \ 4/iiUMulUi >. - % , ! Villi l'CO'JUH. ? ii ' 1 , ? | I . I ' .. j "i iti.ii (oe o? \a;t.\ ' i>Oi'iilict)is l.i.iftli i). ivj I", i'liat'V, il i/i < iiiai iiliibl; lidJiOutlllu lit till it Would acclii, i;1 the -'ll ; }>i*C?., i.i.ii ili.J ,1'iCtiun lit' adhesive Jm/V.v: ' '> ' i>, tiiV j?11 i' i IJ is Id.lCii <Vi Liter tiidii ii?! 11 ^ I ?.y j V* i/'.wli o.iiyV.Cli, a 111! Ill&l COWtf ?.c ; i i v/ Viiij its a i.lCr; llV-ilV io 05i i I i it- less wiil 1?.) the lit nil. Tiiia OfMliOi) IV , coii*..* niii.ii irotii ilie laol t?.u , liliJ (iiitlriil'ill jiinlljV'i W3(iu ill SOOiC Ui.l iU 4? ! E.i^laaO W''c ti.a ciay is s.lli, u lit \V ilit'ii ittliiV p'li t i-S lidlit/Vv, ?ii | ihe ii.4' iifcaow varii J:* i.c;: ?MIBo i ' ' * f b 5, \Sii. . runsfasil" with two iior<os? where t!;: . four be required to move t ploii-:;!. ..dir..b, h*igt broad, sm;n t.on ?ur?;t!-e. '2d. That the shorter the working pa or. tj.u* j.ii'I -i fi cX'JOocd to Ir '?"i. i i liiU-Jc, With steal > *> >? iiKkIoi) iii ?? '* ^retnui, il?e w.?> il .? mi ! ? i * ' i. OL 1..0 i .j iS ariSC.S i To 111 i' '.!? * u'S.j HUliii'.t > ! th J ll?j'?!o??ie O i ??* . iitic? ' s:><ioo ioi* udhosiOii . i. iioii. it Si iiot to be la Jerri *. * * u .-i .*ri sq-iioirc-./i'v.'rt.-t v do tub i/.'.at viork ; oo i - ..... ioRtf pi??o0'!?? divert t '. .ii r>; j LS??* A.iVtiulri '*? ' I j < iiSOitl/f Ol m ( r. I ^ uu. t'iUf h r. bee! plough is to be pi .envu !<> c. .-it, i,u; j>i /ii-ii. whore I ghnw i V' ! >' a 3.0 a I object. On smooth, i v?td! cultrv.wd lands, a wheel acts fav< ably suv. r..! ways ; tt the furf.i i Of I."iOtiOfl firflii lit lilii .Jit.: orrlTfOC ?il ! ? r? ! d Wotglii c?4II of: CaSiOf .. to<?il S I over i;?. y . :,',i ; anj if regulates* I j cvpi.ii Witi.aur that . -r vMv.Hion j lf;e ploughman that soioi; oilier forms !??; > i.mpN. merit vquire. The viie ! however. will n?i! iiiak*? a poor niougi g<>oJ otii', thon-h . ir.nX ?>b-.vih; soni3 , I ittji*.' liClO'lC C . (/.? < '?> y ijluV'y !cl! i iho wheel plough is io.;dii,;?sib!e, as t | wheels r.i.i'' ,'i.nj a i<! wpmht 10' in- ilrav I r f " % ' I 'lib. I li (idfi'il .iS 111) S ) Cv. j .sirucico as to give the eileci b; ! to tie; muscular iorea uiiu woijii.t oi I t 1 | horse, and hence the nCorcr 1.0 is broUg i to the .point where; the |<o tor is exen 1110' better, iJor>e> ab:e?isl have lilt ruorc power than t hen in a line; a 1 , . . . , ! e.tocrtence shntfa l/mt a team works m? 1 ' *' * ! uasi'v v/hen pa it of the weight is supix i ait by, ti_e iiack raiuor than woolly by i | neck. !' 5th. That a pace of* 2 !-2 or 3 mi ! per hour, occasions o<> heavier tirafr th ? a pace of 1 i.2 iiiiie.Vper hour. This j un imporiiml livet, where nr.: eh p!ou jtn < to on; pfci'?oroit.?!, HUti it is ciotir I pace naHtadd or b; tract much from i ; value -o; flic iafm or roall ucrv. 'i j puce, however, when pace establish J cunno.t b e essentially quickouud Wilcu causing m.ich additional distress to I animal; and the rate of tr.nelliug is i i great measure dependent on th** tratni : of the colt. Neither nmrr nor Ik o.->t c exert themselves beyond their usual h its foi auy time without great suberic both man and animals have the power j accustomir.;: tr.mnto movernai I ?v i and which unless the resit!! 1 M'Aliu 00 11IIOOsoih?c Cl ./tiiii. ; 6t!i. V/uiie'thc Wo, ?:e*h.n exjierirr.e1 ! cm".?AV"- I'l ti.t" Mini o.Mt, SmiiO ! .(. OioVO tutili /i)Oj>vT Uilv<ii<t?i |. . iiif of draft, Ui * exporitne j of Mr. P;<>ov sN??w dial tise dilierence | Ociv. rcqi:;?*;ti ui '-'w/'i ioamy sand, a j ' ! ay loam, ss notions. By oveiivoki J (l,;ai.*i.;K>ftant fact, ami !?y nor adapt jthe,iougi and the team to the dt&'rei f 10 l.hc soilir tarflHT* Httr ?/?i?Ity the cTcm treatment of their anini; ! v pair of ht rs?.s is expected to porfc 1 |{u ji'?rtf;at woaM seve rely tax the laij J - ? 9 t f <> i Oi ioiiij I'-i one v>cy j account (or tf:o viiiaiiiuti* foundered < j sjisv intd hears is tiiut throng otir sere: | worts oji t|t' it h'?v' ve?trs, tine toi'nod o I to the tender morcie* of some harhar ! master, w hen if pro;)' r!y t routed, ?} f i I 1 * ' ' : have neon UOOn iv>." n;?. . k J \\uirs ! IV.. V. nay we think, fairly ho in! : - (Vo'ii %e experiments, that lis a '* :? ? ' oa.nt.s of resistance to ii i ' .so oit in toe noasfruetio: .:e uris.nq; from the weight . 'li.ii t?i . \HiOT ut'ISlli2 i' !. Ctiou anil tciuo.iv. T?ie tirht is ? j j?oi>jt*ct o! niutiiiciiiUitcai cafcuintiuu ; * . . . tiit i/ oi *> iv?altng it May j a >c?itaitK"t it is certainty. The )a'| coiuiiituli) variahii:, almost j evei v hole, and liusreforc not to .he l>v a.iy d?; of 1 \v cry. 1 i experiment* cl At'-. Pn.vy or >o, innl ; ! very corsstructton host ..Jajsted to do 1 I arid rai?e tini earth, ;s coo- iters riaj.i'H';. Iiv friction. Thus I 11M/CI I - . >; Scotch plough constructed on mathei ! teal principles and of a nn*jt bcttul i * * ?1 model, Jiii inij)lcnvnt that expends i power Hi inoying toe earth than d'v i i.ny oilier, owing i(, increased l,r:ci;c | occasion.-. from ils extent of surface :n t ^ one o. i ! o ?* t1 a \ t wia.t n # oi. i * | ; | r%11 % j 4 ' i l<' i.o lOviuii a n!s v. u j proves mo v ! oy iho e.x;>cri:i.a.adc ?;v ?.! *. Pa i ( . . , I uul .?V t.UXcO 1IJS! illitCG Jit V? Ol'J'.CXtt'?" | l.oiii which rasas tlv Soowh p'citgh *.*. j ed heavier ihar. uhn any others. " tiuiik also itir.t thshitT'j a Hon! on u; ? 1! structir.^rdoit.ihs, has Iv3?i paid to j IlilO Oi tii'iti.. io Vo.'t 4\ilOt. !i lilrlC 1 1 I a single except.or., rdouKhs are so < I* n , ' ' ... i strnCicu die ronit ol loo s./Jic i ij i * I tiiat liar, .. /in oihe: word.-, the iui:d j 7 < J oi i.'ie pioogit co.ocides pertoo'.iv 1 . j ihe !.:/ oi jr-'.u. 'i\.<s evident i;v i . i.u* ;s-eyo v.ev oi tee i.iosi cere ! , ten L.'.gi.sii H00 ibCO'O.a plotlgliA in i j i_?..eyCiOpottic. oi .tjocu'lunif or v i! cxa:v.n*.Lo:j oi" ,no:,i African ploo / Tbo plough acted tor d*; i * u > v>' Si f J *./ 4 * 0 *** $ 1 ' ,-S r*?S-*'9$ *"' *'?*J*" '^.l ? NUMBER 25. i??ji yrj-n i'n^ HW ii Bi in > t - *j kc TVouty & *<l.uv&} Centre Draft Plough. !io ?!> i ?>- ifut obtained tpe $100 premium at ti:e Worcester Pair, am! which worked ' ; J{?0 pcr-flccrjt easier than some other ?. rt. ' nj.#-friis o'. the ground. In this plough . too coulter ,.nc! point incline th the land? : side so far, that the draft is equal on !wi | both sides <>f the Ik am, as was proved by t, *" ii - showing ho deposition to deviate frorti '* 'ill '3 ' its <;o,, when left to its own guidance or. "? . . ? ! and of course imposing no lalm'r ort the eci ' i4" /??'>an or iho Uarn in their efforts to he wO' ?it in a proper p? sit ion. . tf, N. ! * . 1 ' . , ' * " ?e i t rom die I armors r? j of; t:;;: \t m?nt of srqit AMCLS. ! Th. ro Wo so many erroneous notions re- j prevalent in I ho community respecting ;? -?. injured or diseased .domestic annuals, and or .such unnatural and injurious practices >r- ' as a luu-eqnonce of these incorrect views, ce that no apology is necessary fof an atul \ tempt to subsiyve the cause and interests hi! ' ?f thesv useful creatures, whoil they had I (. h.-rjgues to speak. . wodld teli sad tales j-' in t; wrongs to which iUey have been, an i i111 are 'no often subjected, o! ' . ' j ; \v c uo not propose to g?ve an essay on '; the particuur cases that require attention ' .! ?war object is r.i.her Veiy briofly to ask 01 ih.e own?.r.i of domestic animals to be gui. | rltkl 1/v c tvw correct o.-'ueioles, which ^ ' r | < i .. , n~ j are opplw to nearly a<I cases, and j hi eh' e<i'' at 'east prevent our doing /U- > nam; v ro v?e are nut ub.<j to eii'ect atir i il.i'i.'h g?'cJ. . iko ; lu the i'.rit place, then, we would insist, [ that wi;e,i an u. u> well he never reed. i s a iV modi, ise?and when he is lcil! sick, .vc v,o:i!d prolest against his being >r <i',with arumes that are said to be^ooi * 4 , for a particular qisjase, without any re rf i fo.uiioe io us violence, cr tee symptoms, ! f.!3 coihimm sen so would dictate; that reL'"" j mvdi .-i ihf most opposite in their charac! icr ;m*i < :T i'.wv. he euttailv advaot&gIf, * *" j Co.ts in !?.i;io Is 01 a case. a?1 ' ,V!vv?iv?^st he men and the rente|k?-s ! dy. wturn your friend declared that an ar ' ir.g-j iioic is ;<!tv;?v? ' SQotl* or a 'certain we' 1 + ' ' f ' * Lite .tor ? disease, widiOMt reference to Us the svm.noiu?pi>>cribi:ig Ah the name of Y.e ' the disease raflser tii^n the disease itself; od, j this is the Very esso??oe of quackery, in A1- }" tiian or buses.. A large proportion of the diseases of ' ^ ai).r:r.i> closely rocomble llieJe of the huri n J , . i man taiony, reqm.u & treatment conuuet^ I ed upon too sail/) general 1>ril:cip?es??\vi?h '?R (some vi iiatiwtis and some peculiarities, it u j i.-> t;ue. I>-it none of ih.Ose outrageous deI-\{ part??re>* from common sense which are } .wo {?' <; ici,:I\ w iinessed. "its j A liurso'.viih p'ou'isy, or inflammation of' of the lungs, or apoplexy, requires a widely i diiferent treuia.unt from one with cholio . i /f%j its . or with v.ur ns, t .jere is no mystery afhs j bout the diseases ct a horse or an ox Ae ; than about those of a man, and a viola.,*j ft ion of u natural laws is as productive of tl.O # I jn i pai'. and injur) :n one a* the oilier. * There is to?. a gr. at propensity every . where to resort Jr? active treatment in all f|CT t r ' ? ; i Ic-ahm; that is encouraged by the ! i? lor&m or for selfish purposes. I An adviser ;:i sv-Vu-ss is often mosi gj>e? 4/1 -j T il, anusu?H?j> abiti where tot* Mfcly i,s | what is fob* avoided. and waits Tor , rf,) ? indications r*>r nunc active measures?dt>>,?> i more than preventing iguorant to ; bt?i welj-iin arriui: jwmoos from interfering ; ing with fjt'.tu'iii \ ciiangei thai may be ofs. t cc.if.c on. ' J 1 ?lJ) i p r> Vvr 1 Remember .'bat tin ? is a restorative 0Uy j powts, in nat iro, to which ic is always ,tM. i r io trust limn to direct remedies "v j without k.i oving tor wh:u particular J>ur! po.v thuV ^iv' '^IVcll. r i Tin-re is never occasion for fhe -admin I istretloii oi'His msiing combinations t ' | which the poor animal is made to swallow, >}i' J from the whin, of an ignorant horse or 4 ut j Many (just liia ov\ l?wI* hesung i o such presenp ?KI ! tionb. the. When \our voiina! has fever, naturo and j wouidictate that uii aihuniuiing articles 1)0 i nIMiet <>r medicine snou?J be atonied.? it is ! Bleeding may be necessary to reduce the in j force of the circiiiutt?;i)?purging to reniet | niovo ir.ilaimjsubstances from the bow. i'lie I0'*?moist, bght am! easily digested t'ood, | that his weakens! dilution. may r;ot bo () {,. ) oppressed?cool drinks to allay thirst, and . j to oomo c??n?ut;n?fct?i for diminish. H.X1 j . * . eci secretion-*?rest and quiet, to prevent lae i i i j i undue cicilcifieiti in Ills stMtrm, and *o . . t | on thfdnjh the whok: rata-Io^uo of diseases ti,Ut j?hf.t nothing to b'. dona without reason. 4'-si J Curry n.ti this principle tr?{ yo\i will probnofd bably do m ich flocn?hardiy great barm; ' t H on ai}V other. r.n i yotir rr easuroa are dsn rnori. Iifcolv to be productive of injur.y gk*, than VtwcRt. Bat as wo hwre before said. a!v ' n?tr ofricet rroir ii not to speak of diseases * J J .# I :<e, i dein>t?it n rather to encourage our i?t | Agricu'tnrn! frieodj to think before they r .v j act?-io !:av? tt reason tuat'wil! bear ex ; aOiinaihVi for every skp'in (he manage. ' C !i oi/>t .ir ,i. :,rur! o.iimfll?!() rO? I7i'w?n vi u uiun *?? imiiii vm ? Ci.K- ? . , J ? , j .nf-rntt-i- tn^y nave a powerful assistant m j iiU'ruc, it s!;e ?s fairlv u.sed?;ind thot spe. j oilics, iia iri?)j <tiV ciliii/ti, uic tiiucn lower joii. , ?t s> 10 j<(j iruaiou iliHii n,^ir propriala ili | \> ?iCa 1j!iVo i?s u^iloV6.-~" v* RKgh.1, ."ilviie . litviO'JiJ". an.A'ai Up We WOUld dtiW itl; ili OilO ??>lioru? JiieoUOU w* UVo WviCU iliC) I '*OT ?/'C(5 i (t) il Hltifi, , I.XyOHl'A.NT INVENT ION. 1,1,51 Every ihicg which contributes to the >' ,U1 industrial ae.s wili bo consierrtci impor3 ' ' ' ' # uiac in Kow-Ec^iand. Although a ciofi jj u; observe* vf the yr^re&s c/f iiivoiiuoa)* . V ** x <4 i i1* 1 .? , . V