University of South Carolina Libraries
eo Thomas Ewing, Secretary of tiie Treasury. The following sketch of the life and character of Mr. Ewing w~s written for Watterston's Gallery of American Portraits in 1836, when Mr. Ewing was in the U. S. Senate. Mr. Ewing was born in Virginia, in 1789. His father was a revolutionary soldier, and soon after the birth of young Ewing, removed to the State of Ohio. Mr. Ewing is indebted for his elements of knowledge, to the care and attention of his eldest sister, who taught him to read, and the only additional education he received till he was* 23 years of age, was two quarter's tuition, under two successive teachers. But he had acquired a love of reading, and all his leisure hours were devoted to it. His father being in humble circumstances, young Ewing's life was necessarily a laborious one ; but obliged as he was to toil daily, he neverless availed himself of every opportunity to improve his mind, and to be what his highest ambition then led him to become?a scholar. But poverty seemed to oppose an insuperable barrier to his career, and he was about yielding up to despondency, when a young man, who had seen somthing of the world, and who was hired by his father as an assistant, roused him from his apathy, and prevailed upon him to accompany him to the Kanawha Salines, where he procured employment as a common laborer. After an absence of three or four months, he returned with eighty dollars in his pocket, which he generously gave to his father, to save his land from being forfeited. In the following spring, Mr. Ewing again returned to the Kanawha Salines, where he labored assiduously till November, an 4 succeeded in realizing about four hundred dollars?out of which, after paying a balance of sixty dollars, still due on his father's property, he was on*hlorl rnindnlirp his favorite propensity, o- -- . bv spending the winter at an academy at Athens, where he was encouraged to make additional efforts to prosecute his studies, and acquire the power which knowledge bestows. He returned once more to his former labors, and continued at them for two years. These severe toils affected his health ; which however, a residence at home restored and he again entered the academy which he had left about two years before, and proceeded to labor mentally, with the same ardor and intensity that he had labored corporeally. His progress is said to have been very rapid ; but being satisfied that his funds, which were daily diminishing, would be insufficient to enable him to complete his education, he opened a school in Galliepolis, which ill the course of a quarter he threw, up, not liking the employment, and returned to his former occupation at the salt werks. He now hired a furnace, and by extraordinary labor, he acquired a sum in the rnnrse of a month, to enable him, as he believed, to complete his studies. He u as right; and in the spring of 1815 he received the degree of A. B. and was the first to receive that academical honor in Ohio. He was now 26 years of age, and com. inenced the study of the law in the office of General Beecher, who, after he had finished his legal studies, from a high opin. Ion of his powers, took him into partnership and in his new and favorite profes. siou he rose rapidly to distinction. As a proof of his ardor and assiduity, he practised in eight different counties in the State in which he lived. His filial affection was again manifested, in the purchase of a fine tract of land in Indiana, with the proceeds of his profession, on which he placed his father and family. He had now acquired so high a reputation for ahilitv and talent at the bar, that the * ?: i_* -f ou:? _ 1 ?~?j i do I*egl*iniui c ui vino ciutvcu nun, in nn*. to represent that S ate in the Senate of t'le U. Scales; and in this distinguished b^dy he has continued ever since, with an increase of fame, and an untiring application to the important duties of his station, that has given hiin a claim to the gratitude of his country. Mr. Evving !s, in person, athetic and muscular, broad across the chest, vigorous but not elegant in his proportions, or graceful in his motions. His countenance is expressive of good nature, and enlivened by a frequent smile; and though awkward in his appearance, his manners have a natural case that even an early intercourse with refined and polished society could not have rendered more agreeable. Nature has bestowed upon him a mind of great powers, which have been cultivated to the extent his limited means and opportunities would afford. It is analytic and logical, rather than brilliant and imaginative; oratory, as an art, has not claimed much of his attention ; and though his arrangement is Incid, and his mind affluent in topics, and fertile in arguments, his speeches contain few of the embellishments of rhetoric, or the elegancies of art. He cannot blend the utile with the dulce, or amuse while he persuades, He always endeavors to edify, and but seldom attempts to please. Reasoning is his forte?in that he is conscious of his power, and will not trust himself |U HIV VIIWI ?<j VI 1X19 UltllWII IS plain and unadorned, not verbose or involved, but clear and suited to his reasoning, and is feeble or vigorous, according to the strength or weakness of his argument. Mr. Ewing is too good natured to deal much in scarcasm, or to resort to bitterness of inective; and he never electrifies his audience by unexpected bursts of eloquence. He is sagacious, argumentative and laborious; often eloquent, but never oratorical. As a poiitician.his principles are firm and unyielding, never fluetuating between self-aggrandizement and the interests of his country ; never balancing between right and wrong; but always directing his efforts to that which he conceives will promote the glory of the nation, and the happiness of mankiad. Methodist Mission among the slaves. Extract from the report of the Missionary Board of the S. Carolina Conference, in February 1841. The board submit the following detailed statement of the missions under the charge of this society. 1. Beaufort Mission.?This has been served by the Rev. T. E. Leadbetter and M. Eady. There have been 40 admitted on trial, and a nett increase during the year, exclusive of expulsions, &c., of 26 members. The whole numlier of members amounts to 320. It is in a prosperous condition; includes 30 plantations; and is steadily improving. 2. Pocofaligo Mission.?There are 9 plantations served, 25 members, 197 ' children catechised. The Rev. J. N. Davis the missionary appointed here, fell into such extreme had health, as obliged him to leave the mission unsupplied from July until late in November, when the Rev. A. J. Green was transferred to it by the superintendent. For these reasons it has not prospered as much as it was likely to have done. Still the work is going on, and the planters are increasingly kind. 3. Combahce and Ashepoo Mission.? ' This has been under the charge of the Rev. J. R. Coburn and William Hollidav; covers 11 plantations: embraces 595 members in full connection, 151 on trial aud about 373 children catechised. The | planters have increased their contribu1 tions, and the mission is flourishing. I 4. Pon Pun Mission.?The Rev. C. Wilson, who has served this mission, reports 420 members, 163 catechumens.? There are 5 plantations served, and the work is highly interesting and promising. 5. South Santee Mission has been under the pastoral oversight of the Rev. Al. Russel, whose health became so bad in August last, as to prevent any further | service. It embraces 14 plantations, and I about 500 Church members, and upwards of 200 catechumens. 6. North Santee Mission.?The Rev. W. C. Ferrell has been able to render but little pastoral service on the mission, owing to the failure of his health. It embraces 14 plantations, with nearly 400 Church members, and 200 catechumens. 7. Cooper River Mission.?The Rev. A. Nettles reports 700 members, and 182 children catechised. The mission embraces 11 plantations, and needs the services of an additional missionary. 8. Upper Santee Mission.?The Rev. S. D. Lancy, who served this mission, represents its condition as but indifferent. ^ 1 * * * o.ifi: There is preaching on opianiauons; o~o Church members, 10 on trial, and about 100 catechumens. 9. Wateree Mission.?This is under the charge of Rev. W. J. Jackson and J. Nipper: embraces 21 plantations; 600 Church members, 300 catechised, and is in a prosperous and progressive condition. 10. Broad River Mission.?This has been served by Rev. J. Holmes, who reports 65 Church members, and 70 children catechised. The state of the mis' sion is good. 11. Rocky Mount Mission.?This was under the charge of Rev. E. L. King; it includes 15 plantations, 317 colored members, 144 of whom were received last year. 107 little negroes received catechetical instruction. The board recommend the discontinuance of this mission, merging the most of it in the Wateree mission. 12. Black River and Pee Dee Mission. The Rev. M. M'Kibben reports 1138 colored members, 540 children instructed. 211 were admitted on trial during the year. The mission covers 26 plantations, and the contributions from the planters ? ro inrrnnviinar. 13. SampU Mission.?This embraces 15 plantations, was served by Rev. P. A. M. Williams, and is prosperous. 163 Church members are reported, and 400 children catechised. Prospects exceedingly flittering. 14. XVaccamaw Neck Mission.?This is served by Rev. J. A. Minick and Rev. J. Belin. It covers 22 plantations, holds 575 Church members, and 575 children instructed in this, as in all our missions, orally. This important mission is prosperous. Besides the foregoing, which are among the blacks, although here and thare a few white members are found, there are two missions to the upper part of the conference district, established for the benefit of the whites. 15. Saluda Mission.?TJtis has been 1 under the pastoral oversight of Rev. J. W. Wclborn, who reports 283 Church members, of whom 67 are colored. This is considered strong enough to be returned in the form of a regular circuit, which the board recommend. 16. Rock f^ish Mission.?The Rev. J. M'lVfackin has served this work the past year. There are 131 whites and 122 colored members. This likewise is recommended to be thrown into the form of a circuit. The board recommend the appointment of a city missionary for Charleston. They likewise recommend the establishment of a mission to the whites between Little Pee Dee and Wacamaw Rivers ; and two to the blacks, one on Cape Fear I River, near Wilmington, the other on Pee i Dee, between Society Hill and Marrs | Bluff. All of which is respectfully submitted. Camden, S. C.Feb. 15, 1841. T" VT-i. t 1 1..1. j uwArt'u.?stoi ions since a rui iuuk it into his head to cut holes in my house. 1 tried a varity of experiments to keep out without effect. At last I boiled a strong decoction of tobacco, and poured it hot on the places where he was at work. He has quit his depredations, although in one place he had cut the hole almost large enough to creep through. I have 4?cd the same experiment in other places, J and find that rats will not eat wood saturated with tobacco juice. EVERY WORl) TRUE. It is a great and prevalent error, that children maybe left to run wild in every sort of street temptation for several years, and that it will then ho time enough to break them in. This horrid mistake , makes half our spendthrifts, gamblers, thieves and drunkards. No man would j leal so with his garden or lot; no man ' raise a colt or puppy on such a principle. | Take notice, parents, unless you till the j new soil and throw in the good seed, the I devil will have a crop of poison weeds be fore you know what is taking place. Look j at your dear child, and think whether you ! willl cave his safety or ruin at hazard. STOLEN I^ROM the subscriber last nigqt, a Sorrel H rsi about fourteen hands high, and blind in the right ey?. No other pirticular ni.irks recollected. I will give any reasonable reward for the delivery of the horse to ine in Chcraw, and twenty-five dolhus for proof to convict any free i>orsun tor stealing said horse. JAMES J. GALLAGHER. Cheraw M.trch S2 19?3t Statr, of South - Carolina. DARLINGTON DISTRICT. In the Court of Common Pleas. of W. Hunter Sur'v. Dec. on sealed Hunter & DuBose Note, in Foreigh vs. Attachment. B E.DuBose. THE Plaintilf in the above stated case havin filed his Declaration in my office this da and the Defendant having neither wile nor Atto ney within the limits of the said State upon w l.o a copy of this attachment could he served. On motion of G. W. Sc J. A. Dargan Plantift's Attorneys. It is ordered that B E. DuBosc de i plead or demur to the same, within a year nuuai j , day from the date hereof or final and absoluo ' judgment shall be awarded and given him. j It is also ordered that a copy of rliis order be j published in the Fanners' Gazette once every three 1 mouths for the spao of a veur and a day. S. WILDS DUBOSE.C.C. P. I CI crks Oifice, Sept 23. 1840. 46 I PV 13 m i j.t DDiLAiis tin I* AliD. RAN A WAY From the Subset iber (resj. ding m Marion District, near M .rrs Bluff) I on Tuesday the 2nd day of this month, my ! blacksniitli negro man Alfred. I purchasod ' him some yearn ago, from Mr. John Taylar near Ch- raw, and he may endeavor to go to his Ian tat ion. I will pay tho above reward to anyone who wiil lodge him in Jail so that I get iiim, or will avd the reward and ail necessary expense - for his delivery to mc at my residence. JOSEPH A. JOLLY. March 8. 1841. 17 6t "SOUTH CAROLINA. Chesterfield District. Bv Turner Bryan Esq.. Ordinary. WHEREAS Eliz-betii Elleibe m:de suit loin - to grant her Letters of Adininistru. j tion of the Estate and Effects which were of Dr.' ' Crawford D. Ellerbe. These arc to cite and ad-no .is'i all and sinyi , l ir the kindred and creditors of the said Crawford i > r*11...i? ,u,?.10111| ika i1k?v lvi and anneur IJ . UIICI \J*Z l|CVV.?OfU, III" t M?vf? W . ?, g before nie in tlic Co irt of Ord'n .ry, to lx> held at Robbins & Melver's I .aw ollioo in Cheraw on Monday 22nd day of Murcu inst, to shew c tusc, J if any they have, why the said Administration 1 should not be granted. Given under my hand and seal, this second day of March in (he yenr of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty one. and in the sixty ffth year of Am ican Independence. T. BRYAN, 0. C. D. March 10, 1841. 17 2t ?r HE Subscriber offers for sa!o his house * a. and lots (6 in nunil?er) on Church Street j From the healthiness of the situation it woulo prove a desirable spot to any who may wish to purchase. F??r further ptr'iculars iuquire of .Col J J. M urshall on Front Street. ALEX. W. MARSHALL. Cheraw S. C. Marcii 8, 18-11. 17 11 SHERIFF'S SAILS. ON Writs of F ieri Facias will be sold before the Court House door on the tirsl Monday I ?nd day fol ow ng iri Aptil next within the I legal hours the following pioperty, viz : I 197 Acres of land more or less whereon the 1 defendant resides on Beaver Dam Creek, waters ! of Biack Creek, bounded on the East by Mary | McL oil's land and on the West by Win. Johnsons (land, at the suit of Silas Hall vs. Wm. Dixon. 400 Acres of l.nd moro or less when on tho defendant resides adjoining the lands of Geo. P. King on tiie North Thos. Stephens on the South and on the West by James Jowcrs; also 5 hoad of Horses at the suit of Angus McCaskill vs Nancy Newman. Terms. Cash,?Purchasers paving for nccessary pipers. JOHN EVANS. Sr.eriff, C. D. Chesterfield C. II., March 13,1341. 17 3t FOR SALE 1 Three Horse Waggon. 2 Extension lop Barouches, 2 Second 11 ami Gigs. MALCOM BUCHANAN. March 10. 1841. 17 2m | VALUABLE LAAD FOR SALE. ; FIVHE Subscriber off rs tor sale his Plantatieu j JL lying in Darling'on District, about half way fr?nn Society Hill to Camden, near the Stage Road. The PI ntat on contains more than one thousind acres of cleared land, with a large quantity of out lands, in all, upwards of eight thousand uens. It is situated on an elevated and unbroken plain, stretching along the bluff of Black Creek, tor two or three mites. Th'-re is upon it un ! elegaut DWELLING HOUSE, with every j other necessary and convenient improv* mcut. The situation is as healthy as the mountain region, Tlcuhscriher has I'ved here for twenty years, and his lainily has mini'tor. il rotn thirty to one hundred, and not a case of autumnal fever has orc'irrod among them. The growth "^n the lauds js mixed with ouk, hickory and dogwood. The oil is of a yellow, or brown colour, oailed Mulatto Land. A purchaser would have an opportunity of making very favourablo terms. Any communication addressed to himself, at Hartville P. O., or to John VV. Lide, Esq. l)ar-' ling ton Couit House, will be promptly attended to. THOMAS E. HART. N. B. There is on the pr-mises every outbuilding and necefsiry impio.ement tliat could bo desired, a 1 \rge and comfnodious Gin House andServn, Blacksmith Shop and Shoe Shop. The preuv-es tak< n alt> g<-th? r for health und agriculture, is one of the most desirablo in the South. Come and examine. T. E. H. March 10, 1841. 17 2m LAW NOTICE. ? JAMES W. Blakeney, and Alexander I Gregg, having formed a Copartnership * in the practice of the Law, under the name of Blakeney and Gregg, will attend the courts of . Chesterfield, Darlington, Marion, Marlborough and Lancaster. Office, Market Strce", Cheraw. X December 28th 1840. tf_ r. DtTNLAP & MARSHALL, c HAVE just received among other desirable b fancy goods, the foflowing articles, viz:? ' 8hawi.s. c Super Black Hernani, 3-4 and 4 4, Handsome printed Mouselin De Laine from 7-8 to 6-4, . Supr. Scarlet Merino 4-4 and 5 4, Do. Mode (Plain) colored Thy bet, v Belvedere & Cahyle do. (i-4 and 64 g gloves. ' 8 A good assortment Ladies and Gentlemen's y super colored and black 11. S. Beaver and 1 Buckskin. hose, j Ladies super white and black Merino, Cash ( mere and Ingrain Cotton. -biouselin de laines. Rich Printed, Fancy black ground and Mode ? Colors. also, Super Blue and wool dyed black cloths, ?* ? * ? Cashmeres ( and Safinetts ' Lard. 2000 LBS. LEAF LARD, for sale ^ by A. P. LACOSTE. Septeml>er 30, 1840. Hats an Shoes. i A LARGE and well selected stock for tale by A. P. LA OSTE. October 21, 1J40 j - e MEW GOODS, NEW GOODS 1 I HAVE just Received in addition to my fill s'ock a splendid assortment of seasonable Diy Goods wnich will be sold at the Lowest Prices ^ for cash only. 1 MAI.COM BUCHANAN. < January 4th 1841. ( H tf__ 1 Saddles and Leather. A GOOD Stock for sale low, by A. P. LACOSTE. October 21, 1640. 49 If IITSS. BLACK, D;irk Blue. Light Blue, Red nnd Copying Ink*, .n small Bellies, Fur f sale by John Wriglitut the Chcruw Bookstore. October 30. 18*0. a I 51 tf REV. RICHARD FlTUIAMr MKJIOX, DELIVERED in the Baptist Church ill this 4 place in vim.'ic itian of the do . trine and | practice of the Baplis denomination, for sjIc ut the store of A. P. LACOSTE. November 7, 1?40. 52 ' tf j Duniap & Marshall EARNESTLY 'eoucst all Dersons indebted to them to make an early settlement of thei. accounts. They will invariably add thei.i- , terest however trifling (he amount 011 ill accounts not paid within ten days. January 1st 1840. 8tf A "CTRW. J01IX A. INGL1S, Attorney at Law 1 Will practice in th: Courts of Law tor the { Districts of Chesterfield, Marion, Darlington,1 ( and Marlborough. His office is in the build { itig next bel-jW the Store of Messrs. Taylor - . Punch. ( Doo. 141810. 1 ll I For Sale. ( A TRACT on the Dectriucs of Election and Reprobation, by Rev. James H. Thornwoll. Also, a Vindication of tlio Protestant Doctrine concerning Justification. May 1st. 184(1. 25 if 'i tie Subscriber lias just received, a??d wil keep constantly on hand,Cotton Yarn and Twine at wholesale, from the Manufactory of Rocking haiu. ' GEO. GOODRICH. , Cneraw, Jim. 1840. 10 tf t I SOUTH CAROLINA, ) In the Common Chesterfiold Dissrict. \ Pleas. Ranald McDonald : Declaration vs. > in debt in AU John McKay. j tnchmcnt. WHEREAS the Plaintiff in tlio above slated case, this day filed his Declara. 4'.? .l. n_f 1__? ? i. ?. -u ..1 c liun iigainsi um l/uiunuuiii wiiu in aowm iiuiii and williout the limits of this State (as it is said) and having neither wife or attorney known within the same. It is ordered tint the Defendant do appear and plead to tho Dccralation aforesaid within a year uud a day. froin the date hereof, otherwise final and absolute judgment will bo awarded against him by default TURNER BRYAN, C C. C. P Office of Common Pleas, ) March 20, 1840. \ 27 cv m 31 y Sept. 10 1840 No 44i f SOUTH CAROLINA. Ransom Britt, 4 Declaration in vs. > Attachment. E. P. Guion & Co. ) Whereas the Plaintiff in the abore stated case this day filed his Declaration against the Defendant, who is absent from, and without the limits of this state (as it is 6aid) and hav- , ing neither wife nor Attorney known within , the same, it is ordered that the Defendant ' do appear and plead to the Declaration aforesaid within a year and a day from the date J hereof, otherwise final and absolute Judgment '' will be awarded against him by default. T. BRYAN, C. C. P. 1 Office of Common Pleas, 4 Clipsiprfield C. House. > fSovember 19, 1840. j 2 1 c 3m , STO MISTASE- '( XFAV AM) ClIEAl' GOODS. T^HE Subscribers are now receiving by the steam ? Swan's Lighters a tine assorlmen o Dry Goods, Groceries, and Hardware fyc. which they offer for Salo at the lowest Cash prices. Persons wishing Good Bargains will do well to call and examine for themselves before . purchasing Elsewhere. They wiil also attend to any COMMISSION BUSINESS. They will receive and forward either Goods or Produce, to or from Charleston or New York, on as accommodating terms as any other house in jhisTown. Call second door above B. Mclu. tosh's on Front St. Cheraw So. Cu. Decfmher 1st 184H. ROSSER &, GREGOR1E. The Charlotte Journal will copy the above J once every other week fur 3 mouths and forward tcir account. No. 4 eowtiiii. 5PERM AND TALLOW ANDLES POR sale by A. P. LACOSTE. October 21, 1840. 49 tf_ For sale at the Bookstore. 4SERON by the Rev. J. C. Coit. deliv livered in the Presbyterian Church in Che. liv, "upon the occasion of (he clebratiun; prepared for the press, and published y the author, as a testimony against the cstab. shed religion in the United Slates " Price 25 ents. August 4th, 840. 28?tf ~~ SILK. WORM'# COOS. rHE Subscriber offers for sale siik worm Eggs from worms raised by lierself, of a ery superior variety. The cocoons were oi neat fineness and yielded over six grains of pure ilk, being nearly double the quantity commonly ielded by cocoons. Price $10 Per ounce, n quantities of several ounces they would be iirnibhcd at lower prices. Letters, Postage paid, .ddressed either to the subscriber, at bum. prville S. C.. or to the Editor of thb Farmers' jazottc, will be promptly attended to. ELEANOR SPANN Some of Mrs. Spann's cocoons may be seen it the Rook Store in Cheraw. 12 tf GI.AS3 AND PUTTY lb Window Gla w, )() X 12 do do i BrI. Putty for sale by A. P. LACOSTE. October 21, 840. 49f Umbrellas JUSTreceived a good assortment of Silk ?i /" ? i. -? r i... i ii,. ? dlJU VJiiJj^lidlUO umiMt'iiao. DUNLAPA MARSHALL LADIES NHOi>. [)UNLAP & MARSHALL have just receiv. :d direct Irotn the Manufactory (Phila.) 450 >air Ladies and Misses Kid aud Seal Slippers and shoes. liALC OJIS TRAmsTlt fUST RECEI VE1) and lor sale at ihe Bookstore Malconis Travels in South Eastern Asia; jmbracing Hindustan, Malaya, Siam and Jhma, with numerous highly finished tngrav. mgs. The man at Arms by James, Comstocks Mineralogy, do Geology, do Phisiology, What leys Rhetoric, do Ix>gic. November 24, 1*40. IT( h7K~BTN D J N C i. ril E subscribers have established themscl \ e in the above line of business in Chora* ,nd offer thcirscrvicce to its citizens. li. DAZEM'Ol'RT, A CO Nails. KEGS Nails, and Brads, nil sizes, for sale by b. A1 l i - ^ . April 13, 1840. 23 ?f Tea and hoof Sugar. SUPERIOR articles, for family use, for sale 3 by A. P. LACOS 1'E. October 2, 1840. 40 CJotlllllg. CLOTH and Blanket Overcoats, Cloaks. Ac Fur sale very low, A. P. LACOSTE. October 21, 1640. 4[1 JOHN WRIGHT has received at the Book store u large supply of Fresh uud Superior l*AKLkE.N SEEDS tor 1^4!. These seeds wi n(elected and put up l?y one of' the first seedsmen in this country, and may be relied on as being of the growth of' loll), us well as of the veiy boat varieties. Each paper is accompanied with printed directions for planting. ITT Call early before the assortment t? brok. in. Cheraw, Dec. 4, 1M0. 4 tf Dunlap Marshal] HEREBY give notice that they will continue to soli their Dry Goods ouh, on the usual iredil to punctual customers. i hey will sell their Groceries at the lowest prices for cash only. The very short credit at which groceries can low be bought, amounting w ith the exchange ilmost to Cash, with their limited capital cumpeh lein to the adoption of this course. New Goods. ioiiN c. wadswortii J "J AS Now in Store u supply of GROCERIES, DR Y GOODS, HARDWARE, SHOES, HATS, BONMETS, SADDLER K, CROCKERIES, GLASSWARE, $c. ALL of which will be sold at the lowest markot price. Persons wishing to purchase iu this market will do well to call. April 30 h 1840. ' BY THIS LI liUTEKS ot Steamer useoia i lie Subscriber lias received and is now opening his 6took of Fall & Winter goods which Iiis Customers may expect to buy at very reduced I'rici DBMcARN Nov. 16th 1840. 2 tt. TASHSTSTM COi\Tf 1%UJED. THE TIMES are such as to eompel the Subscriber to continue the Cash system; Groceries and all articles in that line will je sold for Cash only. Persons whose accts. I uid note6 still remain unpaid, will please unlersrand that no jiew credits will be given jntil all old arreareges are settled in full. D. UALLOY. Cheraw January 4th 1841. 8 tf. NOTICE. THE SUBSCRIBER will keep constantly >n hand a good assortment of German Bolting Jloths ol the best quality. MaLCOAJ BUCHANAN. January 4th 1841. 8 __ tf. Roberts's *SiIk Manual. 4 New supply of this work just received at the Book Store, price 37?. April 3D 1840. 25 t f JERSEY ~ WAGON: for sale by A. P. LACOSTE. January Cth 1841. 8 tf HAMES. OA A Pr. Haines well Ironed, fur a I W9 Nr vi ry cheap by I). MALLOY. January 12, 1941. THE CUETITAT? A Consolidation of Bnel's Cultivator and Genesee Farmer. YV. Gayl^rd & L. Tvckeb, Editor. PROSPECTUS OF VOLUME VIII. FOR 1841. In off ring to the agricultural public of the United States the prospectus of the Eighth volume of the Cultivator, (the second of the New Series,) we desire the privilege of taking our pations and correspondents' familiarly and cordially by the hand, and thanking them most heartily for the very liberal aid and sopport th< y have rendered us, both by their communications and their subscriptions. The Cultivator was established to improyg gnd elevate the Agriculture of the country; to aive a proper one to the morals and mind of the farmer; to show him the dignity and ira\ portance of his profession ; to store his mind with useful knowledge, and convince him that while all classes are and must be moro or less dependent on each other, he aloge of the whole can make any near approach to ipi dependence. If there is one thing more than another, which in th 8 country gives a man superiority over his fellow men, it is know)* edge; and this know ledge,?know ledge which is as essential to the success of the fanner aa of other men, it is the design ol the Cultivator to aid in imparting. In taking charge of the Cultivator, tne Editors were aware of the arduous nature ol the under'aking Under its former conductor, tliie journal had alieady attained a very high char** acter, and we might have shrunk trom the task of sus'ain'ng the reputation it had gained, or from the efforts necessary to still farther elevate its standi <ir, had not the assurance of aid from the ablest writers and the most experienced farmers of the country,?aid which our columns will show has been and will bo most prompk and fully rendered; encouraged n? to the iinilprtaL'iniT lldm fa? ua l.uu.* hi creed> d must he left for the readers of the Cultivator to determine; hut if an increase of subscription teyond any precedent in the history of agricultural journals of this country; if the almost unanimous voice of the pub ic press in our favor ; if the multitude of private yet fl titerng testimonials we have received, added to a circulation probably treble hat of anv other journal devoted to the agricullura interest, may be admitted as evidence, then we have certainly most al undanl reason to be gratified with our success. In our efforts to render the Cul'iva'or worthy of the patronage it has received, no expense or labor has been op will be speared. As it is every where received as the exponent df the condition ai d prospects of Agriculture I in 1 he United State*, we in'end that every I subject connect* d with the great interest in any part of our country shall receive its due ?hare of notice, and its proper place in ourco> lutims. The Cultivator will be a rrc? rd of all improvements in the science of Husbandry; ot the introduction of new and important var. rieties of seeds am) p ants; of the r< spective values and adoption of the several improved breeds of Horsts. Cattle, Sheep and Swine, io different sections of the United Stare* ; in sbori it is intended to nmke it a work which shall interest, instruct and be acceu'abie to all. fn the number, variety, and excellence of [ the illustrations, the Cultivator is without a ri. vaI, either at home or abroad. This deparf. ui< n> will be fully sustained, and increased iir. tereft and atiracrion given by a greater mimb< r ot figures of American Animals selrcwd irum our best specimens of all k nds, native and innmrtpd hu iKo .Irou ?( ? ...... umn.lHj til UIW I ment^, Agricultural and Mechanical : and by engravi gs of *ueh objects as will be belter undcrMond, when given with suchtlluet rations. The engravings and illustrations of ibe present volume will be nearly equal to one hutt- * drtdin number: and the satisfaction they have given our patrona will secure thcircontinuancc not withstanding rhc great expense they necessarily occasion us. The sales of the Cultivator have been so great during the past year, and the demand ^ for the back volumes as well as tie currt nt one so constant, that we have *ter?otyp<d each number; and shall be able, now arid hereafter, to furnish subscribers with whole ee>>. or any single volumes they may desire. To our personal friends, to the friend* of Agriculture, to those Gen'hmen who have acud as our Agents, to Pnsima>ters generally throughout our country,?in si orf ic ail tho.-e I who have so generously interested thernselvi e in onr In half, in bringing a knowledge of nor work to the notice of their fr ends, and in tb| taining subscribers; our nmst heartfelt and cordial thaiibs are due. While we have erw Vavoted to make our terms such as to offer an | eqnate inducement and reward to those who arc dtsposi d frqjn pecuniary ntoliv< s to interest themselves incur favor, we shalls'i.l bo indebted to all w ho will in any way aid us in our efforts to make the Cultivator more generally me fill, either by increasing its cumulation or employing their pens for its columns. inir gramuuc is especially due lo these genu t Seine n whose numerous, able and varied com[ municalit n* heve given such an in'ercst and | value to our paper ; and we are confident from their well kniwn regard to the vitaj inn mis I of American Husbandry, that cur appeal to the in for their farther aid, w >11 not be in va n. We invite cemmurucatioi s hom all. There is sea col/ a subject in nature that is not more or Ice* iniiioateJy connected with agrieulturo i d n ay not Lc mace suLseivieut in its idam un lit. Terms?One Dollar per annum six copies for #8 . the money to be remitted in advance, free <1 postage. A commission of 20 per cent wil. be a'lowed to Agents who obtain 25 or more subscribe r, and 25 per cent to those who obtain 100 or more. All subscriptions t# commence with a volume. JEStsE buel & CO., Publishers. Albany, 1*41. CflEEiSE. For saee by A. f. LACQSTE. Octo!>cr 21, 1840. PLANTKS. (LATE DAVIS) HOTEL. HAb'lJK &, UIKfOKD having purchased tho Hole I of Mr. Davit's wi I continue the establishment on thesaine libeial scale as hero, tofore. an l wH exert themselves to mako it a desirable r ;sid nee for Hoarders and Travellers, as their table will always be supplied with tho best liquors, and their Stables with attentive Ostlers and abundai t provondcr. The establishment will be u der the exclusivo management oi'T. A. ll^guc, formrrly of tho Salisbury Hotel North Ctftoiina, and his long experience, will enable him tu give general satisfaction. | Camden, Jan. 6, 1841. 11 (In tMAIKS, CHAiMi! " 4DUZ. FamyCane Seat, 8 " Windsor. , 1-2 " Rush seat Rocking, > 2 ** Childrens email AroChairs Just received and for saie by DUN LAP & MARSHAljL. January 20, 1841. 1 "10 tf