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I quence-eliciting from the crowded auditoV ry, both on the floor and in the galleries, V 4tcp, heartfelt, and involuntary murmurs I of applause ! It seemed to be with some I difficulty that the audience restrained ' their feelings in deference to the decorum ' of the place. In the House, to-day, Mr. Thompson of i Mississippi spoke in opposition to what he ; deemed the Whig views of all those ques tions?tariff, bank, distribution, &c. and Mr. Lane of Indiana in support of them. From all that is said, in both Houses, it is easy to see that the distribution of the proceeds of the public land is a measure resolved upon, settled and fixed. The resolutions of the Pennsylvania legislature were referred to in the delmtes, to-day, | * *"*- ??? aa I and ocner movements wcic mcimvuvu, iw indicative of the determination of the States which elected General Harrison to support Mr. Clay's land bill. This measure would lead to a modifi- 1 cation of the Tariff very differcntfrom that J w hich Mr. Woodbury has proposed. The j twenty per cent, on the free articles will j not come any where near the amount of | revenue that will be wanted. From another letter of the same date. TIIE PUBLIC LANDS. In the Senate, to-day, Mr. Calhoun said that the distribution of the proceeds of the public lands had been frequently pressed upon the consideration of the country, by the opposition to the late administration, and once passed Congress, but that was at a period when there was an immense surplus revenue in the Treasury, which we were glad to get rid of, on any terms. That cause no longer existed,?things new were a very different aspect. This measure came from the new administration, and was moved by one of its most influential friends, who was to form a part of it; was supported by another who was ^ also designated as a member of the new cabinet; and by a third gentleman (Mr. Clay) whose influence in it would be very great. These gentlemen would not have introdnced it unless it was to be one of . -r n? ir trie icaaiug teaiures 01 uc?. uam^uu * policy. Mr. C. said he had reviewed the whole ground with care and attention, and had come to the conclusion, that it would not only be a palpable violation of the Constitation, but would be pregnant with the most disa trous consequence to the country. Where was the exigency, what j the pressing necessity for the introduction of t lis measure ??the Treasury was i 1 a bad condition, obliged in fact to borrow .money ; but of that he made no complaint ?it was desirable that it should be so. W e wcreeailed on at this time to give four j or five millions of ourdiminished revenue, to raise the price of stocks abroad,?to give a further impetus to a system of speculation that had well nigh ruined the conn-1 try, and for whose benefit ? Let those I who advocate the in ;asure answer! flow ; was the vaucuiniuade by this withdrawal of revenve from lands to be supplied ??j The Senator from Massachusetts had told us by duties on luxuries,?on linens, and j will;* ??Hh f Mr. c.} was as willing: as the ; ........ . y / w Sjuator to play at that game, and would \ pu^h the duties as far on luxuries as the ! Senator, if he would take the s<arne amount 0 | l off necessaries ;?in that procceeJing he f would not be outdone. But lie would not j impose duties either on lu xuries or on nc- | ces?aries to hencfit foreign capitalists. ! He was not for paying out the lands in j discharge of debts due abroad. He would ; regard such a step as a grevious robbery ! of the National Treasury. What would be the end of raising money by imposts on silks and linens, to meet the deficiency; ^ occasioned, hut to tax the cotton and tobacco growing regions, for the purpose of giving relief to foreign stockholders? What would be the effect of such a measure on the new states ? It will be to convert the whole public domain into the means of squeezing as much money as { Dossible out of the new states for the bone-! fit of the other states. We were deceiv- i fed by names. Would the money go to the J people of the states individually ? no ; it; would go to a few leading men who rule the legislatures, to he spent in wild projects. By this means a majority of the states could be bought up and would govern Congress at their pleasure. What would be the effect on the Union itself? Once commence the system of distribution, and the government would soon be unable to extricate itself. The 2G states would be placed in an antagonist position to the general government on any question save those of taxation?and the majorities in Congress would always have a thousand local objects that would appeal to the avarice of their constituents; the general government would be stripped of its revenues and left defencless. Mr. C. went into the history of the distribution of the surplus revenue, and read passages from the messages of Gen. Jackson, in 1829 and 1830, to show that it had been recommended bv this individual, whom he believed sincere in his opinion that it was the best means of getting rid fit'a surplus (accumulated to so alarming extent) that could have been devised. Experience had shown the error.?He Mr. C. saw the danger, and it wa3 in fact that first thing that bad separated him from Gen. Jackson; but that distinguished man acted under the belief that the Tariff of 1828 would never be overthrown, lie Mr. C. took a very different view, and was convinced that, if it was continued the whole Union would have been overwhelmed. The Messages in relation to the distribution of the the surplus were acceptable to the people. Tne Governor of N. York recommended it in his message?Pennsylvania followed suit, the motton was running like wild fire through the country, and then it was that he saw the necessity of something being done, j J{e endeavoured to have the Constitution j go amended as to allow a temporary (lis- ! tribut#>n for the purpose of getting rid of. . a surplus that was swelling the currency, j and producing universal corruption. lie f did not sncceed ; and at his instance, the f distribution took the torm of a deposite 1 with the States. It the States did not c pay it back, it would be a violation of the ? contract?He never expected it, hut in i case of war, when it would be found a f valuable resource. Tnis immense sum J was now nominally in tlio treasury; the ; a raising of it was a foul robbery of the ! t people, and its going back to the States j < looked to him more like restoration than | 11 distribution. Try the system of distri- * button of tho revenue (said Mr. C.) ( when you will, and ruin will follow ;? t either the Government would be destroy. 1 ed, or drop in pieces from its own corrup- 1 tiori. * The consolidated system had vanished r like the baseless fabric of a vision ;? s the Nat. Bank,?the funding system, the 1 protective Tariff,?-and the great Ameri- ( can system, all have gone, never more to i s be restored, as he most ardently hoped, j f He thought, if the new administration would reform abuses,?bring the expend!, tures of the government down to the re- r ceipts,?and exert a rigid economy,?it g ? -? i /?i? z _ would claim the connuence 011 te peopie ; j and whole generations ofpro-pcrity would j j1 follow. Mr. Calhoun's argument against the o o constitutionality of the measure, was that i the lands were held bv the general gov- 1 eminent in trust for the States as a common fund, and that the general govern- f meat had no right to distribute their com- I mon property. The lands ceded by Vlr- 1 ginia were expressly given to" the Uni- ^ ted States in Congress assembled ?" for certain purposes. II ) contended, in fine, <] that the lands belonged to the United 1 States in their aggregate capacity, and J not to the individual States. Mr. Webster said, the ardent tempera- |, ment of the Senator fromS. C. led him t to attach evil consequences to the mea sure of distributing the proceeds of the public lands, that had no existence. He J c ?' 1- tltai u'lioti tlir> I WcUJ airt'llU V Ul IUUI9 n Iiv.. --matter was fairly considered instead of li being revolutionary or, destructive, it jj would be found eminently conservative ! ?instead of irritating or sxasperating, it ? would b.i found healing in its tendency ;? C and instead of doing harm to any Stafc, , c would be of great benefit to the people of ^ the whole U. States. With regard to its 8 being a leading measure of ths next Ad- jg ministration, he cou'd only say for himself a that he bad no knowledge of Gen. liarrison's sentiments, a id had never had ary ^ conversation with him on the s lhjcct. So v far as lie was concerned, it would be re- ?i me inhered that he had expressed a wish 1 that it might not l>e brought forward un- c O P til the next session, when those who would c occupy the scats, would bring fresher ex- r press ions of public feeling. It was well |i known that the distribution of the public lJ lands had become a subject of general l discussion, and, from what was seen | ? throughout the country, it was a fa- j t vorite measure with a great majority of i 1' the people. If we open our eyes to : ^ things arou i l us, said Mr. W., what do L, we see ? States expressing their opinions I & in favor of the measure, almost with add- j grec of perfect unanimity, and without j regard to party lines. Therefore it was a ; ' subject wiiicli Congress must act on. It J ^ had been much discussed, for years, in \li the Northern, Southern, Ivis'.ern, and ! ^ W< stern St itc>, and had onej passed the , * * J V Senate by a decisive vote ; and t ie ' ^ other branch by a m ajorit y of more than j two-tliirJs, and yet Cut bill wis pocketed ! j He oelicved it to b; well known to Sena- ; ^ tors within those walls, that if, instead of j j giving it that kind of death, the President 1 had returned it with his objections, it \ would have received the constitutional j:i majority. Mr. Webster went on, at great i j, length to contend that the constitutional ; v power was as clearly within the instru- j i ment, as the power to declare war, or any J other express grant. Without following 11 either of these distinguished men through { their profound arguments on constitution- n al power, I must refer you to their speech- a es, when properly reported. Mr. W. said 8 he never could get gentleman who ad- j, vocated State rights so zealously, to un- s derstand any thing about the sacrifices c made by the maritime States to the Union, in giving up their right to tax im- J ports;?this was giving up their whole u power to raise revenue, to the general v government. There was Rhode Island v for instance, with the finest harbor |11 in the world,?a small population, and t with small expenses?and by putting her v duties at a lower rate than those of the I other States, could have enriched her * whole population, These States had par- f ted with all these rights over the subject; <] ?had given up their privileges for the jj general good. Mr. W. went on to show that 1 of all modes of collecting reuonuc? this J by the Custom (louse was the most safe, s, as well as the most convenient. He ar- t gucd, with great force, against the prin- b ciples of cession and reduction ; the latter of which he said consisted in giving anv body one half, that would come and j b buy the other. The States had a right to de- j maod ol the Ijoverntnent a relinquishment of r the revenue from the tax< s, in time of peace. 1 The guvi.-rement, by going to the custom houje a could raise wlj ?t revenue it required, ami give I up the proceeds of the lands to the States, j He was so ry to heor the SenaW from Sou' h J Garoiina say he would not tax luxuries to make j up th* deficit of rive mi'lions to pay the bonds of the Spates ; was tired of hearing sneers J at the States and their engagement*. It was time to speak, like statesmen, like men of honor, of niorah on the eubj"CtIte had heard too much, in and out o( this body, of theinab. ility and the unwillingness of the States to a pay their debts ; that British gold had effected 1 a change in the politics of the country for thy 1 >urp >se of gel ting the government to assume" < he State debts. &c. He repelled the idea j >1 assumption of the State debts;?he should ipjose it here and elsewhere ; but the char- j icter of the country was suffering froin the , emarks made in the Senate and in the news" lapers in relation to the debis of the Stat**. * t was but the other night, while sitting by t ii- own fireside, be felt limn hated, on reading ( irticles in the leading journals of England and ?. he continent, quoting extracts from the offici- , ial organ of the government, which went to t i'iow that the States nevtr meant to comply villi their obligations. He said that any man { uat would at all endeavor to impair the credit k if the States hy stating that they were not t lound to liqu date their debts, was unworthy \ he name of American, and was an enemy to r lie fair fame of his country. The debate was continued until after 4 P. it. I never 6aw Mr. \Vebster more excited han lie was while talking of the attempts to neer down the credit of the States, and dtir- s ng portions of his speech he was more than \ isually eloquent;?so much so in fact as to t licit one involuntary burst of applause, which ( cemed so general as not to admit of rebuke, j or the g tileries and lobbies both partook of it. Correspondence of the Charleston Courier. "Washirot j.n, Jan. 2o. f The two houses take the session very easy, s neetirig at 12, bearing a long speech or two, i ind adjourning at dinner time. Candies have ( lot been 1'ghteJ in either honse this session. } ['here has been no business before either t iou?e, and none wi I be attempted, except the assago of the ordinary appropriation bil s. The great deha'e on the Treasury note bill, n the House of Representatives, and on Jlie ' listributions hill in the St nale, still continues I villi uaabated zeal. The topics discussed arc 1 he revenue, tariff, national bank, &c., togefh. j -' ? -1 ? l-l ?,oooti<kna I tr wnn many or me oiu p?njr ({ Nearly oil the ablest men in Congress have 1 ake.i part in the discission, and nothing has c teen left unsaid that could be appropriately r aid. r To-day the gdleries wsrc unusually crow- I led, and for more than mortal hours did the adies and their attendants go from the House, ( vhere Dr. Duncan was?holding the j Senate, where Mr. Allbn, of Ohio, was vocierating at the top of an extraordinary pair of 1 lings, and then back again, from the Senate o the House. But nothing but Duncan and 1 { could they hear. Dr. Duncan did not i onclude his sjieech, and goes on again to. [ tioirow. Mr. Allen finished, and Mr. Manuin, of N. C., will speak to innirow. The distribution of the proceeds of the piibc lands will certainly take place. The wh g art)', with few exceptions, will support it. ' L^he indebted States will neurly all support it. 1 Mr. Preston, to day, presented a preamble > nd resolutions from the Legislature oj South j /arolina. approving of Mr. Calhoun's public ( ourse, condemning a national bank and pro ec ive tariff! Mr. P. intimated that he did 1 lot concur it it 'he resolutions, but the high 1 ource fro n which they caino entitled them to I peat respect, and he moved that they be read I ud printed. Ho did not think it necessary, i i<> said, to enlarge on them, at this time. j Mr. Calhoun presentee a nternoiial from the Clumber of Commerce of New Orleans, in fa. or of a general bankrupt law. Mr. C. took j iccasion to remark that he considered a voiun- 1 ary bankrupt law unconstitulional, and a I oinpulsory one inexpedient. 5 The special session has been settled in a aucus of wlrg numbers. The wings are al- ] rioa! uuanimous in favor of it, and the other j arty do not deprecate it. If will, they say, t robably take place by the rmddie of May. 11 is insis'ed U|m?ii one side, perhaps justly, | the people are burning wuii impd'U nee to 1 verthrow the subtreasury system ; and thai * lie Stales are determined not to ivait any < ongcr for the distribution of the proceeds of i uhXc lauds. 1 These two m:a*ure3 are the first which are . o be secured. The tariff funded debt, bank, tc. will follow in duo lime. I The Expunging Resolution.?A reso- ' ution, instructing the U. S. Senators in < Congress from Virginia to introduce 1 md vote for a resolution for expunging I lie Expunging Resolutions, passed the 1 Virginia House of Delegates, by a vote of ? 17 to 53; and was rejected in the Senate 1 >y a vote of *20 to 10. I [From theSavannah R tpublican, Jin. 21J Indians Killed by Gergia Valum errs.?We ire happy to lay before uur readers the follow ng in'eresting letter from a correspondent. ( Timdkk's Hill (Ga.) Jan. 19, loll. Gentlem n ; As every incident having been 1 remote or collateral influence in bringing to . speedy and successful issu? this most un iropitious Florida contest, must be regarded vith interest. I take pleasure in communicatng to you the following intelligence: . On or abou the 12th inst., while Cant. J?r- j ii'gan of the Georgia Troops, with a srnail deachment of his company were scouting be- ( ween Forts Moniac and Taylor, ten or fifteen j tides sou!h of the Okefanoke, thoy discovered sm ill Indian camp fire on the border ol a wamn which appeared to have been very re- ' ently left by the Indians. On further exam ( nation their trail wa6 found leading into the ^ wainp. Capt. J leaving mcir uorses in harge of a few men entered with from six to en men on the trail. The party in pursuit j ravelled through mud and water, from I wo to ^ hree feet deep a great portion of the distance, intil they hail penetrated three or fctir miles, s vhen suddenly an Indian warrior sprang up ' nthiii a few pac< e of the Capt. anil leading ^ non and levelled his nfle at one of the foremost ( -happily his rifle tnissed fire! Not so with ho more fortunate volunteer, the cracK of t vliose rifle a moment after the fate for this | udian. At this juncture a large muscular saage showed himself in hostile attitude near at iaod, when he and Capt. Jernignn levelled heir rifles at each other. Here ngain the lexterity of the white man was destined to revaii against the savage. Jernigan fired 4 md the Indian tell mortal.y wounded, but still , irtemptmgto rise; the Capt. mounted him ..! !. I.!,. nn.ln.l lU/. ^ villi (iis fy'iiic ni|u buiiii v^iiuru mc Biiuggiu, 5til a tliirij Indian (believed to be the last of h party) was now seen fired on, wounded, c iut effected his escape, The two scalps with two rifles and pouches, [ , few dollars in silver (found in one of the ? louches,) and a handsomj Bowie knife, were rou<;h i.i as trophies. They were armed a'so with b ?ws and arows and were wed supplied with ammunition, t is here thought they were spies, sent up to J scertam what openingj existed for another . nd;an adventure. FROM FLORIDA. Office of the Savannah Georgian, ) < Jan. 25.?12 M. J [From our Correspondent.] ( Office of the Herald, > St. Augustine, Jnn. 19, 1841. J ] Our uews from the interior amounts to ( letter received by an officer from nno- i her officer at Fort which states that I here is a report that Tiger Tail and 30 or ? tO Tallahasees had gone in at Fort Fanning. Every depredation committed west of he Suwannee is said to be committed by Piger Tail's party, though there is no ihadow of evidence of his having been in , hat quarter for years past. . Every deprcialion committed in this neighborhood is mid to be committed by Wild Cat's party, j vhich is sometimes true, as this adven- j urous gentleman is well known, and ev-! ;ry trouble at the south is occasioned by j1 Sam Jones' party, though the old fisher- ;, nan may be as ignorant of it as that par | value of ignorant folks, the man in the i noon. 4 Tiger Tail among the Indians corres- 1 >onds as a name with our ''John Smith"? ! ;here are many w ho rejoice in it; and the iame may be said of other cognomens, , vhich had created much confusion; but he truth is, the remnants of tribes renaining are without leaders. Their old lead men having been shipped to the west, ind having little confidence in the more imminent warriors left behind, they are icattered about in little communities of rom two to five families, acting independently and never united, unless it is convenient to form a small war party, and ( nalte an inroad for a fortnight into the i lettlcments. i Wc am exceeding anxious to hear rom Col. Harney's second expedition.? Unfortunately the Indians who escaped , lim before, have sounded the alarm, and he large party, about Sam Jones' may uther concentrate in a dangerous ambus:ade, for which the country offers so nany facilities, or they may retire to too jreat a distance for a small force to folow them. . I Had the ardent military enthusiasm of j 2o\. Harney been more general, the i )leached bones of Dade's command would j lot have lain five years unrevenged. The Steamer Wm. (Jaston, Captain ! harden, proceeded South on Sunday | norning. Schr. Stephen & Francis, |i Vlagee, from Charleston amvedon Friday. OFFrCE of the Nf.WS, > St. Augustine, Jan. 22-7 A. M. \ From an authentic source at Tampa 3ay, under date of the 24th Dec., we earn that, on the 9th, an Indian came in .vith the white flag, bringing with him wo of his children, which he left as an jvidence of the sincerity by which he -vas influenced, and went out to bring in he balance of his connections. After iringing them in, be is to go in pursuit of Uoacoochee, or Wild Cat, whom he says le feels pretty sure he can induce to come n also. This Indian gave information >f a party of 1H negroes and 3 Indians beng established on the Withlacoochee; that hey had been there for some time; menioning that several of the negroes were dav^s of Col. Humphreys. Holatoochee, the principal chief of the Delegation from Arkansas, has been some D ' imoat Sara Sotah Bay, about 60 miles othe S. E. of Tampa, awaiting the ar. ival of the Seminoles, who are expected n, as three of the Delegation have been ?omo time in search of thern, and had sue* needed in collecting between 50 and 00, >vho were ready to come in and converse ivith him on the subject of emigration, but, learning that a body of troops were Approaching the point where th>\v were collected, they took the alarm and dispersed .Inrmselves in the woo ls again; arid, it is expected, by the 4th of January they will >e all in at Sara Sotah, when the Delegaion will meet them. One the Delega- j ion went after Echo Ernalhia, the chief! pf the Tallahassee*, who was his nephew, j vho, finding the old man, brought him in j o Fort No. 4, near Cedar Keys, with ail}, bis family and some other Indians. The i )ld chief is sending out for the balance of i :hc tribe and declares himself willing to emigrate. The Gaston left here on Sunday last m 'or Southern Ports. FORE! (iff. Sew York Jau. %ld. TWELVE DVY8 L\TKR PROM EURoPK. By the steamer Columbia, at Boston, we j lave London and Liverpoo papers to itie 5-h i list., both inclusive. Letters by the Columbia confirm the n^wfl ! >f loans negotiated by the agents of the U. S. | Bank, with various parties, to the extent in all ' J tine million and sixty thousand sterling, or ; 'ally five millions of dollars. Money was rather scarce, but getting easi. ?r, the rates in market for prime and mercanii ? .... ... ^ ,. > n mi. .mil nor annum. IJV p?t|ici fill i; w "i ?/ j/v. wv There is nothing later frrm China. The convention between Commodore Nap. erand ihe Pacha of Egypt, has been disavoved by Admiral Stepfods, on the ground that lie Commodore had no authority to form a ich i convention. It was presumed, however, hat the Admra! himself would agree to a con. i mention differing in no m iterial respect from j1 lie one disavowed. The Chartists had bncn nuking new i lemo: strations in VVales, hijt were eflbctyaliy 11 ?eld in check by the military. The dffficultios between Spain and Portugal vere likely to be adjused without a war; Sotne disturbances had again occured in \ndalusja, and particularly ot Cordova, Mala:a, and VIotnl. The Diet of the Germanic Confederation ?ave issued a d?cree against Trades Unions, objecting offenders to punishment. Condon, Jan. 4, (ovening.)?The very pa. ( :ific tenor of Louis Phillippe's answer to the ( tddress of the foreign ministers has given , jreat satisfaction in the city, where the char., icter of ine Citizen Kinrr is known and prize d. ; Hie funds also were favourably influenced by j i in lite commencement of business this morn- j n?? Expedition to tub Nioer ?The expelition to explore the Niger, under the direcion of llie African Association, is expected to j eave England in a few* days. FRANCE. London, Jan. 4 h.?We have Paris papers J >f the 2nd mst. The chief articles of interest are the ad- j Jressea presented to the King on that oocalion ty Count d'Appony in the narno of the i :orps, diplomatique, Baron Pasquin trom ihe J Chamber of Peers, and M. Sauz^t on the part | v the Chamber of Deputies, and His Majee. y's answers. It is only necessary to observe r?ere that thpy are respectively of a meet calefactory character. j London, Doc 31.?The assurance convey- ! ed in our Paris letter of .Monday, that a moat j friendly communication itad been made by 1 the Russian Government to that of France, is j Borne out by the Pans journals, and fully con- ! firmed by our private correspondence of Tuesday. A Toulon letter oftno 27th ti.U. an'icipates an amicable adjustment of thA quarrel ol i France with Morocco. SPAIN AND PORTUGAL. The difference between Spain and Portugal respecting the free navigation of the Douro j would, it was expected, be ainicab'y adjusted through the meditation of England. An Association of laborers had bepn foriU^d in Barcelona, which already consisted of luno r *11*7 tUCIIIUCIO III Uir OVUIIIMI VI * ?w. had resolved nvi to admit into it any indivnl- ' ual who should continue to svear a coat, and j had actually expelled and bastinadoed such : ;>f their colleagues as refused to compy with, rhaf resolution. cherawpufcis"UUKKfeLVp | February 'Z. articles. per i $ i 2$ j (let*i in market, ib 0 3 a 0 5 . Bucon from wagons, lb 8 a 111 by retuil, lb 10 a 19 ! Mutter lb 15 a 2ft | Becxwax lb 22 a 2: '? ' Bagging yard 26 a 2H J 1 Bale Rope Ib 10 a 12$ ! < r:ofli:e lb 12$ a 15 i; Hotto.v, lb 8 a 11 $ ,' Horn, scarce bush 40 a 50' I Flour, Country, brl 5 50 a 6 Feathers fin wag. none lb 40 a 45 I Fodder. lOOibs 75 a bO ' Class, window 8x10, 5011 3 95 a 3 37$ I , 10x12, 5QH U 50 a 3 75 t Hides, green lb 5 if 1 dry lb 10 a Iron lOOibs 5 50 a 0 .*0 Indigo lb lab 2<> | Lime cask 4 a 4 50 L\ni scarce lb 11a 25 ' Leather, sole lb 22 a 12$ I Lead, bar ib 10 a Logwood lb 10 a 15 : Molasses N. O. gal 40 a 50 ! , gal 35 a 40 [ Nails, cut, assorted lb 7$ a M j , wrought lb lb. a lb ! Oats bush 33 a 40 I Oil, curriers gel 75 a I , lamp gal 1 25 a , lint-eed gal 1 10 a 1 25 I Paints, white lead keg 3 25 a 4 50 -, S| an. brown lb 8 a 12 Pork lOOibs 5 50 a 6 Rice lOOibs 4 a 5 00 7 arrFved, Jan. 29ih Steamer Swan, McKenzie, with MJsc. to C Vanderford, B Bryan Si Brother, A J Moses Si Co., Emanuel Si Solomons, Geo. Goodrich, D Johnson, James Wright, of this place. W W Du- j rant, Hugh Craig, M Si B D Townsend J and Co., Jno. H Williams, Jno. McClcue- j ghan, W C Bruce Si Co., Dr. Thoe. Smith, W Munncrlyn, H Davis, R Ilagar,' H B Thomas, of the Interior. On the 29th Steamer Oseola Christain, with J/Jse. to J C Wadsworth, John ? Wright, A P Lacoste, and others. DEPARTED, 1st February Swan McKenzie, for; f * Georgetown with Cotton &c. On the 2rd Steamer O.scola Christain, with Cotton for Georgetown. LOST "" A It ift of prime board* broke loo*'* and floated | off during the bit" freshets in Pie Dim*, and was | last heard of at C asbiiWM f? iry.any perron who j will deliver the same to B King E?qr. George, j town S. C. sh.iII be enMtleJ to one half the nrtl j proceeds. and any information gladly received j by me at Bcnnettsville S. C. 12 4t M. TOTVNSEND. j PRICES REDICFD. j IN Store andjnst received a largo assortment j of B? ots and Shoes n:aJe to *f> order by j goo I workmen and fr ?ni the best materials which j will b2 so d very low fcr ess!'. j Gents. Boots from $3 to Do. very supe ior $7 50 Fine Shoes $1 37 4 to ?3 50 Do. Bootees 25 to $2 53 Ladies Kid S ippers $i 20 Do. Shoes Vt-ry *u potior $1 50 nn l a variety of others rjducod in the same pro 1 portion. Philadelphia leather of the best quality Role and uopi r is kept on hand and superior workmen 01 | ployed so that Boots and Shoes will be made to j order in a ne it manner and on short notice. N. B. All person-i indebted lo the Subscriber | are hereby requested to inuke payment without j delay, D. JOHNSON. j Cheraw FebruiV 2. 1641. 12 3.11 ; * * ^ I SOUTH CAROLINA. Chesterfield District. By Turner Bryan Esq. Ordinary. Whereas, Alfred M. Lowry made suit to me to grant him Letters of Adininbtnition of the Fstute and Effects which were of Phillip Hancock These arc to cite mid admonish all and singu ar the kindred and creditors of tho said Phillip IIincock deceased that they lie and appear l?cfore me, in the Court of Ordinary. io be hold at Chcidorfield Court House on Monday 15th f inst. to show cause if any tlioy have, why the r.iid administration should not be granted. C*iv- J un under my hand and seal, this first day of Feb- j ruary in the year of our Lord ono thous ind eight j hundre-l and forty one and in the Sixty fifth year uf Ainejricun Independence. i T. BRYAN. U C. D. , 81,75 9t iHURCHAATS' BANK, S. C. Cherato, Jan. 28, 1841. A GENERAL Meeting of tho Stockholders i ! this Bank, will bo held at the Bulking House in Cheraw, on Saturday the 27th Feb. next, for the purpose of deciding, an tho refusal i or acceptance of the l ite act of our Legislature amendatory of its cliortor. By order of the Board of Director*. W. GODFREY, Cashier, Feb. 3, 1841. 12 4t ? 1 SILK WORM'S EGGS. THE rfunscribor otfnrs for ?u!e ?iik worm j j Eggs from worms r.iisod by herself, of a i very superior variety. Tho cocoons wore of| ; g'c t fineness and yielded ovoreix grains of pure | Hiik, b' ing nearly double tho quantity commonly | y elded hv cocoons. Prico $10 Per ounce, 1,1 quanfitje* < f ounce* tl oy wou d be f:ri is'vd at lower prico* h: tiers, Postage paid, addressed either to the subscriber, at Sum. tcrriile S. C., or to the Editor of tht Farmers' Uax.ttc, wjll bo promptly attended to. ELEANOR SPANN 12 tf FODDER. WANTED a few loads ol good fodder# Ejv . qu?re at litis office. SOUTH CABOLINA; Chesterfield District. By Tamer Bryan Esq., Ordinary. WHEREAS. William J P?gur$ made suit lo me t<? gr?ul him Letter* of Admin* iter lion oftlu E.-taie and Effect* which worn of 3.tilth Fogue*. T! e<o are to cite and sdition. i?h all cud ainguiur lite kindred and creditors of tilO sai.i Safah PegUeS deceased, that they to an-i ajtpcar before me, iu the Court of Ordinary, to bo held at Chetitei field C. H on Friday tho l?ib February next, to shew caps**. ii any the/ have, why the said Aiiiuuisira ion ?ho .id nut b gr lite i. Oiocn under my hand and seed, this Tier a. ty eighth day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred, und forty one, and in the Six'y FiJi/i n,V.r of American Independence. T. DltYAN, O. C\ D. February 3, 1841. 12 2t SOUTH CAROLINA; ClQ'STEBFIELD DlSTltlCT. a By Turner Bryan Esq., Ordinary. Whereas , Eli Wail iCo made suit to . in to gout him Lette s o' Administration of the E*t to nod Elfocta tv inch were of Elizabeth These nre loci eand admonish ail and singular kindred and crcditora of the said . Eliz ilieth Wallace decoased, that they h ? and appear boibieuiti, in the Court of Ordinary, to be bold at Uh stcrtkld C ii on Friday the 12th February next, to shew cause, if any ibey have, why the laid Administration shop Id not b1? g'apter1. Gtivn under my hand and seal, this Twenty eighth day of January in the year of our Lord one, thousand eight hundred and forty one and In the Sixty Fifth yeur of American lndrnendmce. T. BRYAN, O. C. D. February 3, 1840. 12 2t SOUTH CAKoLi^A, Chesterfield District* By Turner Bryan Esq., Ordinary. ^M/CDEREAS, Benjamin F. Pegnes in ado Ww suit to me to grant liiui L tors of Ad. ministration of the Estate and Effects which wore of .Vlarv Peguss. These aie to citu all and singular the kiudr d aud ciediiors of the said Mary Pegurs deceased, thai tiiey bo and appear before inu, in the Court of Ordinary, to be u Id at CheaterfieM C. M. on Friday 12th February next, to shew cause, if any they have, why the said Administration shonld not l?o granted. Given under my hand and seal, thin Twenty eighth day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty one and in the Sixty Fifth year of American Independence. T. BRYAN, U. C. D. February 3, 1841. 12 2t SOITU CAHOLilVA, ClUISTEfiFlLLD DiiTRICT. John D. River* r.pplic.ini vt- Ann River# (Widow) Wm. Rivera an J wifo Fliiib.tli, Mm*. h<8 H.iltfi. Id and wife Ainil in, Matliew Rivsr*, John D yraan and wi'e Eliiabeth, Mark Rivers, Luke Itivors uttd Smtuel River* LKd*nd..n*. Il appearing to my taiisfactiun that. Ann River*, Moors Hahfield and wife A mill a. Matib?'W Rivers, Jnhii Drvman and wifr Eilihcth, Mark Rivers. Luke River*, and Samuel River* reed.- without thin Siat.\ it is onlr-rjd that l' ey do appear Ami object to the division or sale of ibo I(?al F*t re of Mark Rivers deceased on or before t ho l*2th day of April next, or their coiisrft'., will be entered ut! record. T. BRYAN, 0. C. D. Jauuiry 2T, 1831. 12 121 Bl'KVi ?lIO. THF above Md Hi are row in g?'if order 'c sawmg iuin'j r and grind mg corn ai d ivti. jt. i he Proprietor wili still continue to sup rui'cnt the business ol these Mil's .md would ic.- pecifu }' return Lis th ink* to all of Lis paying cUftomTe and nil su b iie. will be at all liiuv# ready to ce.miinodate. To l I'OSc who have ?> counts not settled you w II < o well to scud no orders lor lumber h?-r>* unl> ss uec<>mpanW with thn cash, as 1 am wearied in Irving too oru aug r Iioit-B with a giiiibLl. J. W. BtfRNS. P. S. A hint to tb; wUu Id I itfitf.Ciil. January 12, 1811. 12 4t TO? B1\K Or CA.HDEX, |S. C. January 27, 1841. THE Stockholders of this Bink, are hereby summoned to attend n ( Meeting, to Ik- h. lit at tin- B.ujking House in C linden, oi. Friday, ihedb'b of February, 18-11, tor I ho purpose <f deciding ou lh > acct-p' nee r refusal ol tii - Act in rcluiio to the Niispeimiau of fpt-rie j) yinen h, piiKSti.l, amendatory ot'lhu charier, at ho late sotavm oflh: L< gi-laluro. At. tlie aubyict is of much interest, a full attendance in person or by , mxy is desired. 11) older of the BoaiU of Directoi*. W. J. GRANT, Ca shirr. BTTIio Charlcstnn Courjor will insert she above twice a woek ; and the South Caiolinun (Columbia) iind Chcraw Ga7ct eo Weakly, until the 26th Fchru ry. January 80, 1841. 12 4t ?AI Votto: THE Subscriber will attend as f llowa to take re urns and receive tiie tixcs lor Chu#? erfijld District, viz: At Mount Croglun on Monday the 15th Fi b ruury. Blukonoy'n Old Store on Tuesday the lfrh February. MicImoI Millci'u on Wednesday the 17th F? b? raary. John Soageis' on Thumhy the 18th Februsu ry. Spier'e Mill* on Friday the 19t!i February. John Joh?nM>?i'b o.t SatnrJay tho 20th Febrna. PW Steer Pen Sp*ings on Monday the 23nd Fob* ruary. Ljvi Canity's on Tuesday tlio 23rd February. Saiah Jo.iiisoii'a on Wedn^nday liio 24th Feb uary. Clxserfi. U C. fl. on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. thc2ulh 26th and 27-h. Chenw on Monday, Tuesday, Wodncsd iy ind I'hurwl ty, ti.e 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th of March. N. B.?The Oath will he requhed in every nslanoea* the law direct*. CTA1I returns must be made by the 29th dn^ March as the CoUuclu,- is competed to cU so h: look. W. Lu ROBESON'. T. c. c. D, January 29, 1841. 1^ t 20 m " wanted! A GOOD plantkthjji hand hum this time till Jti'v or January. Enquire at Ihie ullicu.