University of South Carolina Libraries
er??p??bwnwmi.1 'tatam Thin Shoes.?We ask the attention of our lady readers to the following paragraph from the PhialJelphia North American: A summer bird that has lingered late into the antumn, leaving its timid foot print in the first fall of snow, ever reminds us of that delicate fair one, in light thin slippers, on a cold icy pavement.? The bird however, can escape toa warmer clime, and in the spring it can re-appear; but the ladv is on that journey from which there is no return. The music ofthe bird may again gladden its native tree; but her voice will not again cheer the hearth of her home. The badges of sorrow and the slowly returning hearse, will soon tell what that slipper has done. It has taken from us in the bloom of life one that we loved, bur who would not listen to the voice of admonition. Iler bright days are now passed; the light of her countenance has fled, and the night of the grave contains the deep couch of her repose.? But a voice speaks tenderly from that grave to those whom she has left behind : it whispers the admonition which she disregarded. Shall that whisper not be heard? It is a sister's voice that pleads. Governors' Salaries. Louisiana, ?7500 X. Carolina, 2300 Maryland, 4200 Arkansas, 2000 New York, 4000 Tennessee, 2000 Pennsylvania, 4000 Michigan, 2000 Georgia, 4000 Missourri, 2000 Massachusetts, 3G0G Maine, 1500 South Carolina, 3500 Ohio, 1500 Virginia, 3333 Indiana, 1500 Mississippi, 3000 Illinois, 1500 ,v?. i , , Kentucky, 2ouu iiciaware, x **%> * Florida Ter., 2500 N Hampshir. 1200 Wisconsin, 2500 Connecticut, 1100 Iowa Terr., 2500 Vermont, 750 New Jersey, 2000 Rhode Island, 400 HACK YOLUmES & FULL SETS OF THE FARMERS' REGISTER. The price of hack volumes of the Farmer*' Register is ?5 for one alone, $10 for any three togctiier. and in the same proportion ($3 34 cents each,) for any number ?f volumes short of a full ret. Entire sets of 0 vols, (the 9th to commence January, 1841.) will be supplied for $22 50, or $2 50 ih?* vol- i uine, paid in advance, with the order. MARLROKO ACADEJ5Y. . THE EXERCISES of th.s Institute n W'll be resumed on the second Monday in January next uj.derthe direction of Mr. Chauncv P. Judd as Principa in the Male, and M;ss Ann ^ Throop in the Female Department. Mr. Judd is a graduate of Yale Ollege, has had e?>me experience in teaching and prcsentR with his application, a strong certificate of c haracter and Competency, to teach from President Day Pndesor Silliinan, and the rest of the Faculty of Yale, as well as a number of distinguished references; in this S'.ate. The object of the course of instruction will be to fit pupils for any class in collegp, for mercantile pursuit*, and other walks ol life. The mode of teaching will be the inductive, proceeding from truths simple and at once admitted, to those more difficult. Reviews wil be frequent and rigorous. *1 he scholars improvement will not be estimated by the space gone over, nor merely by the number of ideas he obtains; but by the use he can make of them.? Greek, Latin, and t rench, will be taught; and besid"s the customary English studies, instruction will he given in Surveying. Bok-keeping, and in the chief papers of commerce. Mits Throop was Educated at the Burling ton Female Seminary in Vermont where her course was sufficiently thorough to induce Miss Green the accomplished Principal oft hat Institution to certify in almost unqualified terms to her competency for teaching in the inost respectable Female Schools; Miss Throop presents moreover wi'h her application high tcs iiHomals, from sources of distinction in this state, where she hus taught during the present year. The Trustees ha' ing thus selected Teachers to their entire sat inaction for both Departments the ensuing year, qualified in their opinion to imprtrt a thorough, at d accomplifhed education?they appeal confidently to the suirounding country n< w to come up liberally to the support ol this excellent Institution. To lbi?e who from the absence of such facilties in educat tig their children, have to seek them abroad, this place it would seem should recommend itself above almost any other. The Village in which the Scho-,.1 is located i.considered beautiful, and is undoubtedly healthy it is a so remarkably quiet, moral and even K-l.gioiis having none cd those tempt a ions to dangerous to fender age vt Inch usu Hy infect Villages?such as dissipation, Vice and immorality of every dipenpti- n. Board may be obtained low in Public or private houses, arid the rates of tuition aie clieap accord ng to the grades. The first Session will commence the second Monday in January and end the second week in June?the second Session the second Monday in July and end the second week iu D< comber?an Examination at the close of eaci Session. B. D. TOWNS END Secretary. Bennettsville, S. C. Peer 15tli D40. t feb VALTAELE Li^3) I'OEI SAM! be sold at public sale on monday V w the lltn of January next, at Darlington Court House a valuable plantation on Pee Dee River in the Welch Neck, on the Vlailboro, side of the river, and immediately opposite the public landing at Society Hill. There are a thousand acres in the tract and four hundred cleared fronting on the river and prelected by a bank extending five or six miles above and below; which renders it as se cure from freshets a9 any banked land on the river. To the p'acc is attached a scein bar at which there have been perhaps as many shad caught as at any other. A large proportion of the land is fertile and wed adapted to corn and cotton, and no place in the Welch Neck has greater advantages of Timber and range. The situation for negro houses has proved as healthy as any on the river, and it wou d be very convenient to a r?6idence, either at, or near Society Hill. The lands are known as the W'dds and Domahoy land, and belonged to the late Mr John Rogers of Marlboro District, Hettcr terms may probably :e had in the purchase of them at this time than can be got elsewhere on the river; the conditions will be l.beral and made known on the day ??f sale. J no. mcqueen. Dec. 29th 1940 No 7 gjJTL'iJB-MMJJ.1 JKWfXXXJA IRl.IHJHUf i i. VrjajimilJl BE IT KIOWI r?r^IlAT 1 Ann Sutton, the wife of Farlor JL Sutton, of Fork C eek, hi this District, I:iborer, intend to trade as a sole dealer fro"?J, and after, the first day of February next. ANN SU i TON. Witness J. J. Schrotfr. Chesterfield, December 15,1810. fi 3t A CARD. JOIJ.V A. IN(iLIS, Attorney at Law Wtil practice in th Courts of Law for the Districts of Chesterfield, Marion, Darlington, and Marlborough. His office is in the build, ing next bd w the Store of AJe6?re. Taylor & Punch. Doc. 11 IS 10. 5 tf. TO THE PIKE: C.?CARD. The subscriber having purchased the well known, extensive and varied assortment of Books, Stationary and Fancy Articies, belonging to the estate of the late Mr. J. P. Beile, will re-open the establishment on Monday, the 14th inst., when he trusts, he will, bv bis attention atid courtesy, v J merit that liberal support that has heretofore been extended to the late proprietor. SAMUEL HART, Sen'r, Successor to the late J. P. Beile. Charleston, S. C. 5?4t The Circulating Library will be continued as heretofore, and, in addition to the present large collection, will be added the latest and choicest works of the day. ~A1. IWi.Wi It A ft K'fc ACTICE "g ames McQueen Esq., of Bennettsville eS South Carolina is authorized during my absence from the State, to hire out the Negroes owned hy the Estate of the late J). (J. Coit, and to receipt for all dehts due to inc as Adrnnr. of the said Estate. JOHN CAMPBELL. Admnr. of Est. I). G. Coit. Deer. 22d 1640. 7 2t foiiii tAlCOLilVA. Ransom liiitt, 1 Declaration in vs. > Attachment. E. P. Guion & Co. j j Whereas the Plaintiff in the above state?! ' ca.-e this day filed his Declaration against the Defendant, who is absent from, and without the limits of this state fas it is said) and having1 neither wife nor Attorney known within the same, it is ordered that the Defendant do appear and plead to the Declaration aforesaid within a year and a day from the date hereof, otht rw sc final and absolute Judgment will be awarded against luni by default. T. BRYAN, C. C. P. Office of Common Pleas, J Chesterfield C. Mouse, > November 19, 1840. ) 2 1 ? 3u> fly CONDITIONS t\ I? THE FARMERS' REGISTER, FOR THE NINTH VOLUME. To }>c commenced January, 1841. [For remarks on the difference between these tnd the previous conditions, we pnge 638, Vol. viii. of the Farmers Register.] Article J. The Farmers' Register is published in monthly numbers, of(j4 large octavo pages each, at ?5 a year, payable in advance [See aiso "Premiums" below ] II. All mail payments must be made in bank notes, or checks, of par value in Virgin, ta?or otherwise of a city hank of the state in which the subscriber resides;* and all letters to the publisher (except such as contain articles for publication) must be post-paid ; and the publisher assumes the risk of loss by ! mail-carriage of all Filers and remittances conforming to the foregoing conditions, and which have been properly commillcd to the mail, or to the haunts of a postmaster f III. If a subscription is not directed to be i|,m first number of the UlS>0>IlllIiw?,i v . v. .... - _ next volume has been published, it wdl lu taken as a continuance for another year.? Subscriptions must commence with tin? beginmng of some one volume, and will not be taken j fur less than a year's publication. I V* The mutual obligations of the publisher and subscriber, for the year, are fully incurred i as soon as the fi>st number of the volume is is. i sued ; and after that time, no discontinuance of a subscription will be permitted. Nor Will a subscription be discontinued for any earlier notice, while any thing thereon remaius due, unless at the option ot the editor. PREMIUMS IX Ek'TRA COPIES, OFFERED IX CONSIDERATION OF EITHER ADVANCED OR EARLY PAYMENTS. 1st. To every subscriber who shall pay for j vol. 9, sir icily according to the above conditI ious (in Articles 1. and II.) before January o 1st, (when No.! will he issued, an extra copy I of the same shail be sent; or instead, if preferj r?M by linn and so ordered, a copy of either vol. 7 or vol b. in .ike manner, and at same rate I of deduction, any one person may obtain any i number of copies to supply others. 2d. To every subscriber, not thus paying in adiancc of the publication, t ut who shall do so, and in all other respects comply wilhthe above conditions before June JjOtti, an extra i cojv of either vol 7 or vol. 8 shall be sent; j and every le w subscriber, paying as above I equired (hi Art. I. and II.) at the tiiue of i ns subscnpl'ou being ordered. Remarks. Any extra copy, sent as above stated, will ! be directed oi ly to the name of the individual S entitled to it as a premium; but sent to anv t Dost.ofhce that may be desired. The send j iiig of every such extra copy will cease wiih j lhe volume; hul theilike arrangement may be j renewed, and similar advantages obtained by i any subscribers hereafter, upon the renewed I performance of like conditions ' ID* No agents or general collectors, are j employed for the Farmers' Register. Rut any j subscriber, postmaster, or other person, may 1 abtiiiu for Ins own profit the large allowances offered in the foregoing premiums, by procuring the benefits to the publication lor which the premiums are offered. Address? EDMUND RUFFIN. Petersburg, Va., Oct. Rl, 1840. * It will be again required (as formerly) that mail payments shall he made in the notes or checks of specie-paying banks, should any such banks be in operation in the states in which subscribers severally reside. Unt 1 then, the publisher, like all other creditors, and laborers at fixed prices must submit, as now, to be defrauded by the operation of the non speciepaying banking system, of the difference in value between the best of such bank paper and specie. t "A postmaster mny enclose money in a lettt r to tho publishei*of a newspaper, to pay the subscription ot a third person, und frank the latter, if written by himself. (Signed; Amos Kendall, Postmaster tiuueral." Almanacs. Harrison and i omic almanacs for 1*41. Millers Merchants and Planters Almanac For sale at the Bookbloro. November, 11, 1S40. 52 liacon, Flour, and Meal. CONSTANTLY ON HAND, and for sale J at the LOW EST market price by 1). M ALLOY. ^ Umbrellas UST received a good assortment of Silk and Ginghams Umbrellas. DUNLAP & MARSHALL Saddles and Leather. A GOOD Stock for sale low, by A. P. LACOSTE. October 21, 1*40. 40 tf OUORUETOWfl COACH WARE HOUSE. THE Subscriber is now opening a cr sh u ply of COACHES, CHaRIOTTEES, BARROUCHES, BUGGIES, Trotting WAGGONS, GIGS and Sulkies, at prices varying from ninety to live Hundred Do;lnrs, and Harness from nin<- to Sixty Dollars. He lias also, a large supply, of Axles, Springs, and trimtjMMp of all descriptions, which lie will sell at whq^^^ cheaper ill n they can be purchased in an^^Southern market, as lie procures his stock direct from the manufacturers. He will manufacture to order ai the shortest uo, j(;e having an ellicient set of worklnue Irom abaruess Maker tothe BlacksmithR. LATHERS. Nov 25 rglHE FIRST SESSION OF THE ' JL Rockingham Female Institution for 1841 will commence on the second Monday in January. In June, an annual examination will tike place. A limited number of pupils only will be recived in this Institution, and a select nuinbei of yorig ladies may be accommodated with board m the family of the Principal. Prices of board and tuition have been reduced, to meet the exigencies of the times. Eve y branch of English Literature will be tang it; also music on Piano and Guitar, Embroidery and Rug Work of every variety, and Wax Work. November 9, 1840. 52 9t INSS. BLACK, Dark Blue. Light Flue, Red and Copying Inks, in small B< tth s, For sale hv John Wright at the Cheruw Bookstore. October 30. 1810. 51 tf Agency Bank of Georgetown S. C. At Cheraw Nor. 9: 1840. EXCHANGE at sight on New York in sums to suit purchasers for sale by D. McNAIR Agent. No 52 if REV. KICIIAKD FURiHAN'g SERJION, DELIVERED in the Baptist Church in this place in vindicilian of the doctrine and practice of the Baptiii. denomination, for sale at llio store of A. P. LACOSTE. November 7, 1840. 52 tf_ Tho Subscriber has just received, and wil keep constantly on hand.Cotton Yarn and Twine at wholesale, from the Manufactory of Rocking ham. GEO. GOODRICH. Cheraw, J.-in. 1840. 10 tf 8X 10 Window Gin s, 10 X 12 do do 1 Brl. Putty for sale by A. P. LACOSTE. October 21, 1840. 49 tf S()UTH CAROLINA, Mil the Common Chesterfield District. { Pleas. Ranald McDonald - Declaration vs. > in debt in AtJohn McKay. j ticlimcnt. WHEREAS tho Plaintiff in the abeve stated case, this day filed bin Declare* tion against the Defendant who is absent from and without the limits of this State (as it is said) and having neither wife or attorney known within the same. It is ordered th'it the Defendant do appear and pload to the Dccralalion aforesaid within a year and a day. from the date hereof, otherwise final and absolute judgment will bo awarded aerainst him bv default. TURNER BRYAN, C C. C. P Olficc of Common Pleas, > March 20, 1840. $ 27 ev m 31 y Sep'. 16 1840 No. 44 if Carpenter's 'lools. fMlHE subscriber has just received a very exJL 'cnsivc assortment of Carpenter's Tools, among which are, Double and Single, Cast Steel Iron, Jack, Smoothing, Fore, and Jointer Planes, Astragals, Beads, Dado's, Hollows and Rounds, Nosings, Grecian Ovslo's, Qu:rk O. G. Reeding, Rabbit, Side Rabbit, Raising, and Sash Planes, Sash Cord, Coves for step?, Table Planes, Torus Reads and Cornice Planes, Roman O, G. and Fillets, Fillcttsters, Snipes Bills, Gothic, Ceiling, Flooring, and Plow Planes, Plane Irons, Oil Stones, Key Hole Tenant, and Panel, Hand, Cross Cut and Front Saws, Screw Slide orticc, and Marking Cunges Augurs, assorted qualities, Mortice, Socket, and Firmer, Chisels und Gouges, Plate and Iron Squares, Side Bevils, Spuko Shaves, Locks, Hinges, Sprigs, Nails, Brads. Ac. ALSO Collins' Club, Hand and Broad Axes, Ohio and Pennsylvania Patterns, Hammors, Shingling and Lathing Hatchets, Ac. The above were purchased low and for cash of the best manufacturers, and will be sold cheap by D. MALLOY. nember 22<J, 1839. 2tf Roberts's Silk Manual. A New Rupply of this work just received at the BookStore, price 37$. April 30 1840. 25 tf N oticc. IAm now receiving part of my stock o, Spring and Summer Goods, comprising a general assortment of seasonable Goods, which i will sell low for cash. Purchasers will please call and examine for themselves. A LSO, Will be kept constantly on hand a supply ol German Bolting Cloths, equal to any used in t his country. MALCOM BUCHANAN. March 13th, 1840. 13 tf WAGGON FOtt SALE A Four Hor*o Waggon for Sale by N R. T. POWETL. o 3 in r' . <-~ r Hoods and Palm loaf Hats. 7DOZ. Wliitc and Colored Hoods, and 8 doz. assorted Palm Leaf IIat.?. just received by DUN LAP &. MARSHALL. July 27, 840. 37?If ph[ladeTphTa SilOiiST Pair Ladies Kid Slippers and 45 Pair Ladies Kid Walking Shoes, just ri-cciv ed by DUN LAP &, A L11 All. July 27, 1840. 37-tf BOOK BINDING. THE subscribers have established themselves in the above line of business in Cheraw and offer theirserviccsto its citizens. u. LAZKNCOURT. & CO D MalZoy HAS Now on hand a supply of all kinds Goods suitable for the trade, which h' will sell as cheap as can be had in this market. Persons wishing good bargains will please call on hint before they purchase. April 13. 1840. For sale at the Bookstore. ON by the Rev. J. C. Coit, deliv livered in the Presbyterian Church in Che. raw. "upon the occasion of the Se iii.centenary . celebration; prepared for the press, and published | by the author, as a lostinio iy against the cstab , lished religion in the United States " Prico 25 I cents. An'gu-t 4th, 184(1. _ 28-tf ! Nails. I /M fiT KEGS Nails, and L>rads, all sizes, for . TfcS# sale by D. Al.LCY. April 13, 1810. 23 !f Sugar. Coffee, Salt, and 1 MOLASSES. A LARGE Stock of the above now in store and for sale very cheap for Cash, D. MALLOW April 13, 1840. 23if i Tea and Loaf Sugar. SUPERIOR articles, for family use, for sale hy A. P. LACOSTE. October 21, 1840. 40 if Clothing. C1LOTII atirl Blanket Overcoats, Cloaks, &.c / For sale very low, A. P. LACOSTE. . October 21, 1840. 1 40 t f UArtDEFiliLDS. JOHN WRIGHT liif- received at the Book store a large sup, ly of Fresh and Superior GARDEN SEEDS tor 1841. These seeds were selected and put up of the first seedsmen in this country, and may be relied on as being 1 of the growth of 1810, us well as of the veiy best varieties. Each paper is accompanied with printed directions for planting. (D* Call early before the assortment ts brok. { en. CJieraw, Dec. 4, 1840. 4 tf Dunlap Sf Marshall HEREBY give notice that t hey will continue' to sell their Dry Goods onl\, on the usual j credit to punctual customers. 'i hey will sell their Groceries at tho lowest 1 prices for cash only. The very short credit at which groceries can t Mrttu k.. Kmnrlil n mount inrr with the exchange | almost to Cash, with their limited capital compels hem to tho .adoption of thi? course. I Dunlap & Marshall EARNESTLY -eqntRt. all persons indeHtea tothctn to make an early setrlemont of rn-i. accounts. They will invariably add the iterest however trifling the amount on ill accounts not paid within ten days. January 1st 1840. 8tf Gheraw Academy. Til E Trustees respectfully announce that the duties of this lusriliiliou were resumed on the ! 1st, of October, the Male department under the superintendence of Mr. K flail, the Female under tlmt of .Mr. J. Sewers. The course of instruction in the male department, will l>e that required ; o enter the South Carolina College the course of the female department will be to make thorough scholars. } The scholastic year will commence on the 1st i of October and end the 1st July: the year is again j divided into two sessions: the fir.-t begin? Its October and ends loth February the second begins 16th February and ends 1st July. Terms of Tuition per Session are, For Spelling, Reading and Wri- ) ting \ $12 CO I The above with Arithmetic, En. i glisb Grammer and Geography ( 16 CO The above, with the Classic?, i higher branches of Mathcma- > tics, liOgic. Rhetoric, &c. y 20 00 Five Dollars each will be added to the above for Painting and Drawing, or the Modern Language*. All payments are in advance; the pupil j t will be required to pay for what remains of the . session at the time he or she enters, nor will i deduction or drawback be made for loss of time. J. \V. BLAKBNEY, JSec'y &l Treas. P. S ?Mr. II. T. Chapman has taken charge of the B >arding House, near the Female Academy, where Young Ladies tntty ob tain board at a moderate price. Sept. 20, 1840. 45 tf Ilats and Shoes. A LARGE and well selected slock for tale by A. P. LACOSTE. October 21, lc40. <'9 tf jSoulh Carolina. Marlborough District. In the Court Ordinary. Benjamin Moor Applicant, t Petition for vs. ^ sale or division Heirsof Will. Stubb's i of Land. * ix r i . _ / ueicniiiim v. ) IT Appearing to my satisfaction that Elisha Hill, Martha Hill, Elizabeth Hill, Elisha G. Hill, Elias \V. Story, John Story osrs K., Harris, William Hill, Nancy Hill,John W.Hill William .Morris and wif?, Lewis Odom. Jain? s Odom. Hubbard Odom, Henry Welsh and wife, Sarah Stubbs, Roland Stubbs, William Lee and wife, Allen Thompson and wife, Dennis Stubbs. Nancy Stubbs, IJubbard Stubbs, William Stubbs i Rebecca Stubbs, Sirah Stubbs, Peter Stubbs, Elizabeth Lindsay, John Odom, William Odom and Jane Ilodges heirs At Law of Wil ia?n Stubbs sen. deceased late of Marlborough District | reside wifhout this State. It is ordered that they appear and object to tho division or sale of the real estate of the said William Stubbs, on or before the lOih day of January next or their consent to the same will be entered of record. JOSHUA DAVID, O. M. D. Ordinary's OfTicc 5th, Oct. lb 10. 4S 12t PIZOC L A .If AT20>*. I Ry JU1LX P. RICJIARESOX Esq. | Governor ami Commander in Chief, in | and oar the Slate of Saudi Carolina. WHEREAS. in pursu: ncc of the net of the lv gisla'uro ??t t.iis, the vo ex for members of the twenty.seventh Co .gres? hnve been counted >n preset cm of the Governor, by I Coinuii*>ion rs, appointed for tli..t pur; use ; and it appeals that Isaac E Mobiles ha* lieeu duly ?leotc 1 'or ill i Congress o:ial District ef Charl ston; II. Barnwell Kh t', for the Districtc>mp? a d Oi Co lotion mi l limufort; Jt hu Cuiiipbli, tor the District (ooposcd of Georg. town, | Ilorry, Mirien, Marl borough, Wjiiumshnrg, j and Darlington; S II Butl.-r, for the D.s rict composed of Barnwe'l, Or.ingebnrg, f.cxington, and Richland; F W Pickens, lor the Distiict ci in pored of Edgefi Id and Abbevil ; William Ba ler, for the District composed of Pcmloto . and UrccnviM; James Tiodjn r-, for the Disiiict coinp soil of Union, York; Spaitmburp, and Chester. Thorn h D Sainter, for the District composed of Lancaster, Ke'sh iw, Sumter, and Cliesterlidhl ; and Patrick C O.Hwell, for the District composed of Fairfield, Newberry, and Liureni5. Now, iher. f>re. I do issue this, my Pror lunalion, notifying and declaring, according to the provisions ef the said Act. that Isaac fci Ho'm s, R Barnwell Riett, John Campbell, S II, F W Tick ns, Butler Jan es Rogi rs Thomas D Sumter, nnd Pairick CCaldw?ll had a majority ofiln; vot<sin iheir respec ive Congressional Districts, hforesaid, and am duly elected Represent-lives in the Congress of the Ulii ed Stales from this State. Given under my li nd. and the S I of I he Slate, at Columbia, this the IGlli day ??f l)ieen.bcr, ill the year of our Lord, one tlniusnnd eight hundred and forty, and in the sixty fifth y- ar of the Independence ot the Ui.i ed St ites of America, JOHN P RICHARDSON, By the Governor. M LABORDE, Secretary of State. Dc:,17 fit New Goods. JOHN C. WADSWORTH "M"M" A >i Vnvir irt Silnrit n Hiliililv n*' 11 r,v" GROCERIES, 1 )li Y GOODS, HARDWARE, SHOES, 7/A 7W\ BOX WETS, SADDLE**K. CROCK 7%RIES% GLASSWARE, cf-c. ALL of which will he* sold ni the lowest mnrko* price. Persons wishing to purchase in this market will do well to call. April Mli 1840. New Goods. BROWN BRYAN V BROTHER aro now receiving per Steamer Swan a well seine lid stock of Groceries recently purchased in New York on favorable terms, which they oiler for sale at 'ow prices for Cash, or produce, and upon no other terms. Cash paid for Cotton. I'J finds line M Cioix Sugar 7.'i Bags Rio, Liguira Java & mocha Coffee e'G ps Cotton Bagging atoned 75 Coils Bale rope 500 lbs bagging twine 4b0 hh< k* S. It ? Tons Sweeds lion, assorted. 3*0 Negro Blankets i 500 Yds Negro Cloth. 15 Cai*ks w ine, some very good AI>o Raisons, Cheese in boxes Hyson & imperial Teas Lo if'a steamed Crushed Sugar, very fine wi ll a gencrl stock of dry goods hard w are and Cut lery, ('rockery. & Chisa Ware, liberal advances made on Cotton left for shipment to New York and Charicstt.n. r> r>r> t/AM Ar nifn'f'flRR [I. I > IV X fill Hi LIIIV * Clieruw 26 Oci. 1840. No 50 if Lard. LKS' LEAF LAR1)'forsale ^ ^ 4 * y A. P. LACOSTE. Septemlrcr CO, 1810. Shoes. rglllE Subscriber has now on hand a very JL extensivo assortment of Shoes. suitable for all seasons which lie will sell very cheap. D. MALLOY. April 13, 1840. ?3 ft SPHRM AND TALLOW CANDLES FOR sale by A. P. LACOSTE. Inlnli.ip 01 1940. 49 tf [ or Cash only. THE Subscriber takes this method of saying to his Customers, that after this day he win sell no article in the Grocery Line on a credit; and Dry goods and Hardware only to such persons as are prompt and nunctual in their payments. D. M ALLOY Jannary 1, 1.840. S tf BY THE LIGHTERS of Steamer Oscola the Subscriber has received and is now opening his fctook of Fall & Winter goods which Ins Customers may expect to buy at very reduced I 'net s. D B McARN Nov. lGih 1840. 2 tf/ Southern Harmony. A LARGE Supply of this new and valuable Book jiibt received and for snie by JOHN WRIGHT. November 4, 1840. 51 tf CHEESE. I7IOR SALE BY A. P. LACOSTE. October 21, 1840. HALCO-HS TRAVELS, AC. JUST RECEIVED and for 6ale at the Book-; store Malcoms Travels in South Eastern Asia; ] embracing Hindustan, Malaya, Siam and China, with numerous highly finished engruv. ings. The man at Arms by James, Comstocks Mineralogy, do Geology, do Phisiology, Whatleys Rhetoric, do Logic. November 24, lfc40. BBLS. Potatoes will be receivvirUed in a few days and offered for sale Cheap. B. BRY AN & BRO. November 25, IS 10. 2 4t For Pale. ^ A TRACT on llic Dccuincs of Election and Reprobation, by Rev. James H. Thorn well. Also, a Vindication of the Protestant Doclrino concerning Justification. May 1st, 1^4l>. 25 tf -pRoffirffi Commission Business, ^ | rH^UK Subscriber ofTers his services. in tho j -EL C'o'uuiiss:oii business, tor the 9ule ami ship* , mtnt of Country Produce. j lie will receive in store and sell any article I of produce free of s'ornge fir commission of ; 2} per cent the art ides arc icithotit limits; when limited a reasonable storage will ; be charged. He will ship cotton or other Produce to New I York or Charleston, making liberal casii j advances for a Conmission of 2$ per ccut, or* j tho osji advanced, He ko^ps constantly on hand a very larger ! stock of Grocerrirs with a mixed stock of trth j er Goods, nil of which he will sell at the lowest | prices wholesale or retail for cash or produce. The Subscriber flatters himself Unit hiaexten. 1 sive acquaintance in tho upp< r and adjoining | Counties <f North Caroli a will cnamblchim to eceivc a liberal patronage. n. malloy. Cltcraw So, Ca. Sept. 5, 1810. I The "U'cjctcm Carolinian" Salisbury, and j "Charlotte Journal" will insert the above twice a mot th for throe months and forward tlreir ac. counts for- payment D. M ALLOY. State of South Carolina. DARLINGTON DISTRICT. In the Coitrt of Common Pleas. W. Hunter Sur'v. Dec. on sealer! of Hunter & DuBose Note, in Foreign vs. AttachmcnL B K. DuBose. r0T 11E Plaintitf in the above stated case having JL tiled his Declaration in my office tins day and the Defendant having neither wile nor Altornry within the limits ?.f the said State upon who a c ]?y of this attachment could he served. On motion ofG. W. &.J. A. Dargnu Plantilf's Attorneys. It is ordered that B E. DuBoae de plead or demur to the same, within a year audnt I I.... I' .1... Iiumnl' nr flusil Mild :il.*nll;Q UJIJT I T?#1 f t??v; Maiv u\ ivva ?/? ? % ...... ? judgment shall be awarded ami given him. It is also ordered thatn. copy of rliis order 1* published in the Farmers* Gazette oik*every three months for the spue of a year and a day. S. WILDS DUBOSE. C.C. P. Clerks Oflice, Sept. 23. 1840. ! 40 1 cv 31 m 11 a t s, |TUS T Received a largo assortment of Mans, oys, and Children* Straw and Lcghora flats. ALSO, Gents and Youth's Fur. Hats, for inmrntr ?r??r, all of which w ill be sold cheap by I). WALLOY. April 13, 1840. 23 If Friendship's Offering. FOR 1841 just received and fo. tale at the Bo<?ksiore. November 11,1840. 52 t< SPECIAL RE<(i?ST. THE SUBSCRIBER owes considerable money much of which he will have to pay the : first of January, and he takes this opportune i ty of calling on those who are indebted re j h:m to come forward and make payment. He . .w ou d not be so presirig if lie could pay his debts J with promises but those he owes want moid*-.. ! thing of more value thau a mere promise to I nut/ ami hu lumps LhaL of his customers ; r~- 7 ? ?& have paid li:m up in this way heretofore will find a better currency to pay bim with; such a one as will pass to his creditors. He : also takes this method of informing his friends ' that his stock of goods is as good as usual, ; which he will s- II at very low prices (or cash or barfer;aud on good terms to punctual cus. turners: but lie wishes it distinctly understood thai he cannot give long credits in future; and M thiso w ho have owed him longest be hopes i will be the first to pay up.?If ail those who 1 are indebted to him knew what pleasure it would give him te receive what they owe Mm . so as to ? nahle him to pay his debts, he is sine I that they would make an extra effort to meet I s*. jusi a call. r D. S. HARJLLEE. December 10, 1840. 5 6t JP0.4T OFFICE i\Oricfi. AFTER the first of January next no ae counts will be kept at ihe P??t Oilicu ! except with those who mcy wish to deposits inoi cy in advance to save t. e trouble of making change daily. BROWN BRYAN, P. U. Dec. 24 th, 1840. No. 7 2t llOltllliK BLAULKS ftt. JUST Received and for sale at the Book" store, Border Beagles, a tale of Mississippi by the author of Richland Hurds. Geo gia Scenes with plates new sent#. Dec. 25th 1840. LAW XOTICJC. J.1MES W. Blakeney, and Alexander Gregg, having formed a Copartnership in the practice of the Law, under the name of Blakeney and Gregg, will attend the courts of Chesterfield. Darlington, Marion, Marlborough and Lancaster Odice, .Market Street, Chei December 28th 1840. tf j mJAXAFA 3I1R>HALL, H AVE just received among o'her desirable : fancy goods, the following articles, vii;? shawls. s Super B'ack Hernani, Ji-4 and 4 4, Handsome printed Mouscliu Do Laine from I 7*8 to 6-4. Supr. Scarlet Merino 4*4 and 5 4, Do. Mode (Plain) colored Thybet, Belvedere & Cabyle do. 6 4 and 8*4 gloves. I A good assortment Ladies and Gentlemen^! super colored and black H. S. Bearer and j uucnoiwii. nosB, Ladies Fiiper white and black Merino, Cash mere and Ingrain Cotton. MOUSE LIN DE LAINES. Rich Printed, Fancy black ground and Mode Colors. ALSO, Super Blue and*wool dyed black clotfe * * 14 Cashmere* and Satinetts * v - LADIES SHOES. DUNLAP & MARSHALL have just recfi?, ed direct irom the Manufactory (Phila.) yjfjj pair Ladies and Misses Sod and Seal SKpptfi ? aud walking shoes. 'W