University of South Carolina Libraries
r ? Ax Agreeable Threat. \,r lai>orcr, who had been abroad to work, was wearily drudging home, and had not gained more than half the distinct when he was overtaben by the squire of his villiage in a handsome chaise. He reigned in and charged John, ny with pilfering his fire wood, and among otb* r hard things, he saiu "you rascal, I'll take you up!" "Ten thousand thanks to your honor!" cried the other, springing forward and thrusti ng his foot in the step of the vehicle "ten thousand thanks to you, for I was just a thinking how I should ever get home so tired as lam, and night coming on." The squire was so tickled with John's smartness, that he not only gave him a seat beside him in the chaise, but on the next day sent him a load of wood into bargain. ????mm BE IT klOWI THAT 1 Ann Sutlom the wife of Firlor Sutton, of Fork C eek, in this District, laborer, intend to trade as a sole dealer Iron, and after, the first day of February next.. AIMXM ?U 1 1^. | Witness J. J. Sciirotkr. 1 Chesterfield, December 15,1840. 6 3t A CARD. JOHX A. INGLIS, Attorney at Law Wiil practice in tlw Courts of Law for the Dis'ricts of Chesterfield, Marion. Darlington, and Marlborough. His office is in the build, j iii)/ next bekiw the Store of Messrs. Taylor & Punch. Dec. 14 1840. 5 tf. TO THE"PIBL1C.?CARD. The subscriber having purchased the well known, extensive and varied assortment of Books, Stationary and Fancy Articies, belonging to the estate of the late Mr. J. P. Beile, will re-open the establishment on Monday, the 14th inst., when he trusts, he will, by his attention and courtesy, merit that liberal support that has heretofore been extended to the late proprietor. SAMUEL HART, Sen'r, Successor to the late J. P. Beile. Charleston, S. C. 5?4t The Circulating Library will be continued as heretofore, and, in addition to tf\e present large collection, will be added the latest and choicest works of the day. FORHIRE. ONE likely Boy ubout 25 ye?ra of age and a tine wench of ab"Ul eighteen years, having one child about six weeks old. These ncruu will be hired privately, if hired before the first day of January ; if not they will be put up to the highest bidder at the Market House in t hcruw, on that day at 12 o'clock. For Further particular*! apply to R. L. BURN. Chesterfi Id District S. C. ) December, 16, 184Q. ? 6 2t WARLBORO ACADEMY. THE EXEKU1SLS of this Institution wui he resumed on the second Monday in January next, ui.der the direction of Mr. Chsuncy Judd as Principa in the Male, and Miss Ann Ti/roop in the Female Department. Mr. Judd is a graduate of Yale College, has had some experience in teaching and ' Vi presents wiih his application, a strong celiti^ ca?e of character and Competency, to tear'.' from President Day Profesor Silliman, and the rest of the Faculty of Yale, as well as a number of distinguished references; in this Slate. The object of the course of instruction will be to fit pupds for any class in college, for mercantile pursuits, and other walks or life. The mode of teaching will be the inductive, pro. ceeding from truths simple and at once admitted. to those more difficult. Reviews wil be frequent and vigorous. The scholars improvement will not be estimated by the space gone over, nor merely by the number if ideas he obtains; but by the use fie can make of them.? Greek, Latin, and French, will be taught; and besides the customary Eng'isk studies, instruc11 '? ? 1 Ra. .1/ biiiiiniirr tlOll W ill DC gIVI.'II 1(1 OUI Vi.jritig. uw.n-nux f"^i ait' in the chief papers of commerce. M:fcs Throop was Educated at the Burling ton Female S miliary in Vermont where her couise *a? sufficiently thorough to induce Alis- Ureen liie accomplished Principal of that Institution to certify in almost unqualified terms to her competency for teaching in the most respectable Female Schools; Miss Tiuoop presents moreover with her application i-igh tee unonials, from sources of distinction in this state, where she has taught during ti?e preseut year. The Trustees having thus selected Teachers to their entire satislaction fur both Departments the ensuing year, qualified in their opinion to impart a thorough, and accomplished education?they appeal confidently to the sui roundmg country now to cotne up liberally to the support ol this excellent Institution. To those who from the abs? nee of such facilties hi educating their children, have to seek them abroad, this place it would 6ecin should recommend itself above almost any other. The Village in which the School is located is considered beautiful, and is undoubtedly * healthy it is a'so remarkably quiet, moral and even Religious having none of those tetnpta ions to dangerous to lender age which usu lly iniect Villages?such as dissipation, Vice and immorality of every disenption. Board may be obtained low in Public or priiafe bouses, and the rates o; imuun are cheap accord og to the grades. The first Session will commence the second ' Monday iu January and end the second week in June?the socond Session the second Monday in July and end the second week iu December?au Examination at the chose of eacl St ssion. B. D. TOYVNSEND Secretary. Bonnetlsville, S. C. Deer. 15th 1840. t feb ~~SOUTH CAROLINA, Chesterfield District. B* Turner Bryan, Esq., Ordinary. WHEREAS, John McLean mado suit to nie to grant hiin Letters of Administration of the Estate and Effects which were of Flora McDonald (with the will annexed.;? Those are to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said Flora >2(tDonald deceased, that they be and appear before me, in-the Court of Ordinary, to be held at Chesterfield C. il. on Saturday the 2nd day of January next, to shew cause, if any they have, why the said Administration should nut be granted. Given under my hand and seal, this fifteenth day of December, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty, and in the Silt? Fifth year of American Iodepond^ce. ^ T. BRYAN, O. C. D. Seal H^^Bbeember 23,1840. ^ SOUTH CAROLINA. Ransom Britt, 1 Declaration in vs. > Attachment. E. P. Guion&Co. ) Whereas the Plaintiff in the above state case this day hied his Declaration against th Defendant, who is absent from, and withou the limits of this state (as it is said) and hav ing neither wife nor Attorney known wirhi the same, it is ordered that the Defendar do appear and plead to the Declaration afore said within a year arid a day from the dat hereof, otherwise hnal and absolute Judgmer will be awarded against him by default. [ T. BRYAN, C. C. P. Office of Common Pleas, J Chesterfield C. House, > November 19, 1840. ) 2 lcJtmfl "conditions OF THE FARMERS' REGISTER, FOR THE X1NTH VOLUME. To be commenced January, 1841. [For murks on tho diffon-iice bct*e ? then uid the previous conditions, see pnge 6.1d, Vo viii. of the Farmers Register.] Article I. The Farmers' Register is pul lislied in monthly numbers, ofG4 large octav pages each, at ?5 a year, payable in advanc [See also "Premiums" below ] II. All mail payments must be made i bank notes, or checks of par value in Virgin ia?-or otherwise of a city bank of the stat in which the subscriber resides;* and all let ters to the publisher (except such as contai articles for publication) must be post-paid and the publisher assumes the risk of loss b mail-carriage of all I tters and remittance I conforming to the foregoing conditions, am I which have been properly coinmilled to th mail, or to the hands of a postmaster f III. Ha subscription is not directed to bi discontinued before the first number of tin next volume ha6 been published, it will b< taken as a continuance for another yearSubscriptions must commence with the begin mug of some one volume, and will not be takei for less than a year's publication. - c.i ..uiut.,. IV- The mutuai obligations 01 me puunour and subscriber, for the year, are fully incurroi as soon as the first number of the volume is is sued ; and after that time, no discontinuanci of a subscription will be permitted Nor wil a subscription be discontinued for any carlie notice, while any thing thereon remains due unless at the option of the edttor. PREMIUMS IN KYTRA COPIES, OFFERED I> CONSIDERATION OF EITHER ADVANCE! OR EARLY PAYMENTS. 1st. To every subscriber who shall pay foi vol. 9, slriclly according to I lie above condit* ions (in Articles 1. and II.) before January 31st, (when No. 1 will be issued, an extra cop) of the same shall be aent; or instead, if preferred by hun and so ordered, a copy of either vol 7 or vol. 8. In ike manner, and at same rate of deduction, any one person may obtain any number of copies to supply others. 2d. To every subscriber, not thus paying in advance of the publication, tut who shall uc so, and in all other respects comply with the above conditions before June 30lh, an extra copy of either vol. 7 or vol. 8 shall be sent; and every new subscriber, paying as above equired (In Art. I. and II.) at the time ol ris subscription being ordered. Remark*. Any axtra copy, sent as above wHI be directed i nly tn the name of the individua entitled to it as a premium; but sent to any post-office that in y be desired. The sending of every such extra copy wi I cease witf the volume; but theibke arrangement may be renewed, and similar advantages obtained by any subscribers hereafter, upon the renewec performance of like conditions O" No agents or general collectors, are employed for the Farmers' Register. But any subscriber, postmaster, or other person, may ahtaiu for his own profit the large allowance! offeed in the foregoing premiums, by procu* ring the benefits to the publication for whict the premiums are offered. Address? EDMUND RUFFIN. Ppterahuror. Vii., Oct. 31, levlO. ~ Ii will be again required (a? formerly) thai mail payments shall he made in the notes 01 checks ?f spece-paying hanks, should an} such bankf be in operation in tlio states in which subscribers severally reside. Unt I then, the publisher, like all other creditors, and laborers at prices must submit, as now, c< ( c defrauded by the operation of the non-specie, paying banking systoin, of the difference in value between the best of such bank paper anc specie. t ,4A postmaster may enclose money in a let ter to the publishei of a newspaper, to pay tin subscription of a third porson, and frank th< lntter, if written by himself. (Signed) Atnoi Kendall, Postmaster General." SH?JEtlFF'S SALES. OX WRITS of Kirrie Facias will be soli 1'efore the Court House door on the ftr* Monday and day lo lowing in January ne; within the legal hours, the following property VIZ65'2 Acres of land more or loss whereoi Christian Ebert resides bounded on the Suutl and East by Duncan Douglas's land on tin west by vacant land and on the north by a trac i ? j .if i Iia PiiuirII trael Ui lilliu AUUVVU Itj HIV. IIISIIIV vt ??w at tin suit of John Campln II, Sun. vs Davi< Gullego and Christian Ebcrt. 180 Acres of land more or less whereon A B. Funderburk resides on tho waters of Hill Creuk hounded South by Win. Blakeney's law North and East by Henry Futidcrhurk's Innc at the suit of John R. Welsh vs. A. D. Fuudei burk and Henry Fundciburk. 3000 Acres of land more or lesson the Soutl side of Junior Creek, bounded on the Eas' b; lands belonging to Doctor Crawford Ellerbc and Thus. G. EJcrbe and west by John McMil lun at the suit oi J. B. Billingshy vs. Thoina Powe. All ofZdpha Ffuste's interest in one hundrc acres of land, whoieon she resides, adjoinin the lands of Thomas Powe, John Poke and th Estate ot Kobt. Hustes at the suit of Samuc Foster vs. Robt. A. Rou?c and Zilpha liustrs. One Sorrel Mare and Mule colt at the suit c John Adams Administrator of R, W. Gill v J. C. Funderburk and Henry Funderbnrk. 300 Acres ofland more or less whereon Get Parker lately lived, adjoining tl?e lands c William Parker. Benjamin Brock and others a theguit of Donald L. McKay vs George Pui ker. Terms?Cash,?Purchasers to pay for ne cessary papers. JOHN EVANS. Shff. C. D. Chesterfield Court House, ) Stiff's. Office, Dec. 12, 1840. f 5 tf r jlHE ?I ^CRIBi;R h is opened JL new House of Entertainment on the roa leading from Choraw to Georgetown, ten mil< above Lynches Cret-k, whore lie intends to a< commodate travellers, with tire best fare tli aouutry will afford. THOMAS O. AVANT. December 23,1840. | 6 2t >. ALnanacs. Harrison and i omic almana for 1841. Millers Merchants and Planters Almanac For sale at the Bookstore. November, 11, 1840. 1 52 " Bacon, Jb lour, and Meal. d CONSTANTLY ON HAND, and for n %^/ at the LOWEST market price by * 0. MALLOY. Umbrellas UST received a good assortment of 8 aud Ginghams Umbrellas. DUNLAP & MARSHAL] I baddies and Leather. A GOOD Stock for sale low, by A. P. LACOSTE October 21, 1810. 49 t CrEOHBLTOW^I COACH WAff IP HOUSE. i f 1HE Subscriber is now opening a fr sli s A ply uf COACHES, CHARIOTTEI BARROUCHES, BUGGIES, Trotting WA (jons, GIGS a..d Sulkies, at prices vary 0 troui ninety to live Hit mind Do lars, and Iliim e from nin to Sixty Dollars. He has also, a la supply, of Axles, Springs, and trimmings of n descriptions, which he will sell at wholesale die I. i er th it they can be purchased in any Soutbi e market, as he procures his stock direct from inanufcicturers. He will manufacture to ordei n the shortest no; ice having an elficient set of wo tnue Irom "harness Maker to the Blacksmith 1 R. LATHERS y Nov. 25 a d npHE FIRST SESSION OF T! e JL Kockitighum Female Institution fur 18 will commence on the second Monday in J. e nary. In June, an annuul examination w p tcke place. r A limited nmriher of pupils only will be _ ceivod in this Institution, and a select nuinl of yong ladies may lie accommodated with bo: in the family of the Principal. Prices of ho. and tuition hive been reduced, to meet the e gencieg of the times. Eve y branch of English Literature will luugul; also music on Piano and Guitar, E liroidcry and Rug Work of every variety, a * Wax Work. I November 9, 1840. r 52 9t ' XNES. BLACK, Dark Blue. Light Flue, Red n Copying Inks, in small Bottles, I sale by John Wright at the Clicraw Booksto October 30. 1840. . 51 tl r Agency Bank of Georgetown S. 1 At Cherato Nov. 9: 1840. 1 EXCHANGE at eight on New York J sums to suit purchasers for sale by D. McNAlR Agent. No. 52 tf REV. RICHARD FCRMAim ! NERiVOI, DELIVERED in the Baptist Church in ti place in vindicatian of the doctrine a ! practice of the Baplts denomination, for sale ! f I m ilnr? of f A. P. LAC09TE. November 7, 1840. 52 tl i ?? > I 1 he Subscritur has just received, and < , keep constantly on hand,Cotton Yarn and Twi at wholesale, from the Manufactory of Rockii ham. ! GEO. GOODRICH. Choraw, 1840. 10 tf 1 OLA6B A1TD PUTTY. 8X 10 Wimlow Gla a, 10 X 12 do do I Brl. Putty for tule by A. P. LACOSTE. ' October 21, 1840. 49 tl i SOUTH CAROLINA, )In the Comrn Chesterfield District. \ Pleas. Ranald McDonald Declaration vs. > in debt in At. John McKay. j tuchmcnt. WHEREAS the Plaintiff in the she slated case, this day filed his Dcchti ' tion against the Defendant who is absent fr< 1 and without the limits of this State (as it is sa and having neither wife or attorney knoi within the same. It is ordered tint the Defi 1 dant do appear and plead to the Decralali aforesaid within a year and a day. from the di 1 hereof, otherwise final and absolute judgrm ' will be awarded ag.iinst him by default. TURNER BRYAN, C C. C. P Office of Common Pleas, / ? March 20, 1840. \ 1 27 ev m 31 y 3 Sept. 10 1840 No. 44 if Carpenter's Tools. d FW1HE subscriber lias just rocoived a veryi t Ji. tensive assortment of Carpenter's Tot i among which arc, Double and Single, Cast St f Iron, Jack, Smoothing, Fore, and Join Planes, Astragals, Beads, Dado's, Hollows a ft Rounds, Nosings, Grecian Ovulo's, Quirk O. i Reeding, Rabbit, Side Rabbit, Raising, and S; o Planes, Sash Cord, Coves for steps, Ta t Planes, Torus Beads and Cornice Planes, 1 , man O, G. and Fillets, Fillcttsters, Snipes Bi d Gothic, Ceiling, Flooring, and Plow Plan Plane Irons, Oil Stones, Key Hole Tena . and Panel, Hand, Cross Cut and Frame Sai 8 Scrow Slide ortice, and Marking Guaj d Augurs, assorted qualities, Mortice, Socket, a I, Firmer, Chisels and Gouges, Plate and li - Squares, Side Bevils, Spoko Shaves, Loc Hinges, Sprigs, Nails, Brads, Ac. Ii ALSO y Collins' Club, Hand and Broad Axes, 0 and Pennsylvania Patterns, Hammers, Shingli I- and Lathing Hnichcts, Ac. 6 The above were purchased low and for ci of the best manufacturers, and will be soldclx d by g D. MALLOY. e nember 22<J, 1839. 2tf >1 k ,r Roberts's (Silk Manual. s A New supply of this work just receiver /m. the Book Store, price 37$. ). AnrilSlI 184(1 ,f 25 tf it JN otice. " Am now receiving part of my stock JL Spring and Summer Goods, comprising general assortment of seasonable Goods, wh I will sell iow for cash. Purchasers will pie call and examine for themselves. ALSO, Will be kept constantly on hand a supply a German Bolting Cloths, equal to any uee< a this country. MALCOM BUCHANAN. 3- March 13th, 1840. 18 t ic ? ?? WAOGOX FOR SALE New Four Horse Waggon for Sale 4r t.powetl No 1 3 in Hoods and Palm leaf Hats. ?g DOZ. White and Colored Hoods, and C # doz. assorted Palm Leaf Iiats. just received by DUNLAP & MARSHALL. July 27, 840. 37?tf ?PHILADELPHIA SHOES. flTAA P;l'r Ladies Kid Slippers and 45 Pair """ Ladies Kid Walking Shoes, just recciv ed hy DUNLAP & A III A\I. Jc July 27 1840. 37-tf ,i BOOK BINDING. T rWIHE subscribers haveostablishcdlhemselvct JL in the above line of business in Cheruw ; :1b and offer theirsor vices to its citizens. u. DAZBNCOURT, & CO <L) D Ma Hoy HAS Now on hand a supply of all kinds Goods suitable for the trade, which h will sell as cheap as can be hud in this mar* I. ket. Persons wishing good bargains will please call f on him before they purchase. April 13. 1840. LE? in * For sale at the Bookstore. A SER ON by the Rev. J. C. Coit, deliv /%. livered in the Presbyterian Church in Che. nig raw. "upon the occasion of the Semi.ccntenary icsi celebration; prepared for the press, and published rge by the author, as a testimony against the estab. ail lishod religion in the Doited Slates " Price 25 up- cents. ltm August 4th. 'H40. 28?tf t "Nulls." rk- M ff* KEGS Nails, and Brads, nil sizes, for Tt:^P sate by D. A1LC}. April 13, 1840. 23 tf Sugar. Coffee, Salt, and |4n MOLASSES. rill A LARGE Stock of the above now in store xjA and for sale very cheap for Cash, re- D. MALLOV. txr April 13, 1840. 23lf ird ? : ^ Tea and Loaf Sugar. SUPERIOR articles, for family use, for sale be 55 l?v A. P. LACOSTE. in- October 21, 1840. ml 49 if Clothing. CLOTH and Blunkot Overcoats, Cloaks, dec For sale very low, A. P. LACOSTE. nd ; October 21, 1640. "or 49 t f re. UAKDcOEEDS; JOHN WRIGHT has received at the Book slore a large supply of Fresh oud Superior C. GARDEN SEEDS for 1841. These seeds were selected and pat up by one of the first seedsmen jn in this country, and may be relied on as being of the growth of 1840, as well as of the very best varieties. Each paper is accompanied with printed directions for planting. U* Call early before the assortment ts brok. en. Clieraw, Dec. 4, 1840. ^ 4_ ?f "d, . Dunlap 4* Marshall HEREBY give notice that they willcontinue to sell their Dry Goods onlj, on the usual credit to punctual customers, r 1 hey will sell their Groceries at the lowest ^ rtesswi mill wily. ^11 The very short credit at which groceries can I tow be bought, amounting with the exchange almost to Cash, with their limited capital compels * bom to the adoption of this course. Dunlap & Marshall ? EARNESTLY request all persons indebtea to them to make an early settlement of tliei. accounts. They will invariably add the interest however trifling the amount on ill accounts not paid within ten days. January 1st 1840. 8tf 1 Cheraw Academy. on fjp II E Trustees respectfully announce that the JL duties of this lusritution were resumed on the 1st. of October, the Male department under the superintendence of Mr. E Hall, the Female under tliat of Mr. J. Sewers. The course of instruction ia the male dejiartment, will be that required c o lV? enter the South Carolina College the course of the ra- female department will be to make thorough sehol* ars. '^) The scholastic year will commence on the 1st vn of October and end the 1st July: the year is again 5n- divided into two sessions: tlie first begins Its Ocon tober and ends 15th February the secend begins ite 16th February and ends 1st July. :nl Terms of Tuition per Session aret For Spelling, Reading and Wri- ) ting t $12 00 The above with Arithmetic, En. ) glisb Grammer and Geography ) 16 00 The above, with the Classics, J higher branches of Mathema- > ?- tics, Logic. Rhetoric, &c. ) 20 00 Five Dollars each will be added to the above ex. for Painting and Drawing, or the Modern >ls, Languages ocl All payments are in advance; the pupil ter will be required to pay for what remains of the "d session at the time he or she enters, nor will deduction or drawback be made for loss of I time. J. W. BLAKENEY, b'u Sec'y & 'lYeas. lis", ? T. Chapman hag taken eB' charge of the Boarding House, near the Kent' mate Academy, where Young Ladies may ob ivS| tain board at a moderate price. ree ~8ept. 20, 1840. 45 tf md '.0D Hats and Shoes. A LARUE and well selected stock for tale by A. P. LACOSTE. hio October 21, 1840. ing 4 9 tf "p &outh Carolina. Marlborough District. In the Court Ordinary. Benjamin Moor Applicant, J Petition for ? vs. $ sale or division Heirs of Wm. Stubb's ) of Land. Defendants. t IT Appearing to my satisfaction that Elisha Hill, Martha Hill, Elizibelh Hill, Elisha G. Hill, Elias W. Story, John Story our* E., Harris, William Hill, Nancy Hill, John W.Hill ? William Morris and wif.i, Lewis Odom, James Odom. Hubbard Odom, Henry Welsh and wife, Sarah Slubbs, Roland Stubbs, William Lee and 0? wife. Allen Thompson and wife, Dennis Stubbs. & Nancy Stubbs, Hubbard Stubbs, William Stubbs icl) Rebecca Stubbs, Sarah Stubbs, Peter Stubbs, a Be Elizabeth Lindsay, John Odom, William Odom and Jane Hodges heirs at Law of Wil iam Stubbs sen. deceased late of Marlborough District j of reside without this State. It is ordered that 1 in ?PPear and object to the division or sale of the real estate of the said William Stubbs, on or before the 10th day of January next or their consent to the samo will bo entered ' of record, ? JOSHUA D\vm, b, O. M. D. Ordinary's Office 5th, Oct. Ib40. 48 I2t ? 2T0 UlSTAE3. NEW AND CHEAP GOODS. TH E Subscribers aro now receiving by lb steamer Swan's Lighters a tine assortment) Dry Goods, Groceries, and Hardirarr 6fC which they offer for S.?lo at the lowest Casl prices. Persons w ishing Good Bargains will d well to call and examine for themselves be lor purcli ising Eisewhere. Tlicy wi.l also alien to any COMMISSION BUSINESS. Thry will recive and forward either Goods c Produco, to or from Charleston or New Yoi k, o as accommodating terms as any other house i this Town. C.iII second door above B. Mcli tosh's on Front St. Cheruw So. Ca. December 1st 1840. ROSSLR & GREGOR1E. The Charlotte Journal will copy the aboi [ once everv other week for 3 months and forwui t eir account. No. 4 * eow6m. New Goods. JOHN C. WADSWORTH J J AS Now in Store a supply of GROCERIES, DR Y GOODS, HARDWARE, SHOES, HATS, BONNETS, SADDLERY, CROCKERIES, GLASSWARE, tfc. ALL of which will be sold at the lowest ntarkt price. Persons wishing to purchase ?u tli market will do well to call. April 30:lt 1840. South Carolina. Cheruw District. In Equity. John C. Ellcrbe, Ex'or. t Bill for account vs. ? and to The Heirs and Log Im / appoints of Win. Ellerbo, Sen. ? Receiver. It appearing to my satisfaction that Williai H. Cole and wife, Samuel Spencer and wil , and Michael Ellerbe defendants in this bill, at ** 1 . 11 I. Cl?A I a (ii 11 m 4 uhsent from, arm resiuu wu IIUUV mo ? this State. On motion of Bobbins L Mclvr it is ordered that the said absent defendants <i appear and pb-ad answer or di mur in the con piuinants bill oi'complnint. on or licfjrc the 25t day of January next, and that in default theieo lite said bill as to tiicm shall be taken jtro cot fetso. It is ordered that notice of this order bo pul lished n he 'Fanners' Gazelle puMished r Cheraw twico a month for the space of thre months. GEO. \V. DARGAN. Comm. in Equity for Cheraw Dislric October 20. 1840. New Goods. BROWN BRYAN V BROTHER are no rccniving p?r Steamer Swan a well selei ti d stock of Groceries recently purchased i New York on favorable terms, which they olli for sale at low prices for Cash, or produce, an u/)on no other terms. Cash paid for Cotton. 12 Hiids fine St Croix Sugar 75 Bags Rio, Liguiru Java & mocha Coffee 66 ps Cotton Bagging assorted 500 lbs bagging twine 400 sacks Salt 6 Tons Swecds linn, assorted. 350 Negro Blankets 15 )0 Yds Negro Cloth. 15 Casks wine, some very good Also Raisous, Cheese in boxes Hyson & imperial Teas Ijo Cu stearned Crushed Sugar, very fins wi'h generl stock of dry goods bard ware and Ci lery, Crockery, AGIasi Ware, liberal ndvauci made on Cotton left for shipment to New Yor and Charleston. B. MR FAN 6c BROTHER. Cheraw 26 Oct. 1840. No 50 tf Lard. 2000 LBS. LEAF LARD, for ** 'y A. P. LACOSTE. September 30, 1840. JShoes. THE Subscriber ban now on hand a vui extensive assortment of Shoos, suitub fur all seasons which he will sell very cheap. D. MALLOY. April 13, 1810. 93 ft SPERM ANDTALLOVVCANDLEi 171 OR sale by A. P. LACOSTE. October "Z1, 1840. 49 0 i or Cash only. THE Subscriber takes this method ofgavin to hip Customers, that after this day he wi 1 sell no article in the Grocery Line on a credi | and Dry goods and Hardware only to sue persons as are prompt and nunctual in the payments. D. MALLOY Jannary 1, 1840. 8 tf bYtHE LIGHTERS of Steamer Oseola tl Subscriber has received and is now openir his stook of Fall & Winter goods which h Customers may expect toouy ai vcij icuu? lr,Ct8' DBMcARN Nov. 16th 1840. 2 tf. Southern Harmony. A LARGE Supply of thin new and valuab Book just received and for sale by JOHN WRIGHT. November 4, 1840. 51 tf CHEESE. For sale by A. P. LACOSTE. October 21, 1840. lALCOiUS TRAVELS, AC. JUST RECEIVED and for sale at the Bool store Malcoins Travels in South Eastern A6i embracing Hindustan, Malaya, Siam ar China, with numerous highly finished engra' ings. The man at Arms by James, Coiustocka Mineralogy, do Geology, do Phisiology, What leys Rhetoric, do Logic. November 24, 1840. BBLS. Potatoes will be recei Fed in a few days and offered f sale Cheap. B. BRYAN & BRO. Nsvctn'jar 25, 1940. 2 4t For Sale. A TRACT on the Decirines of Election and Reprobation, by Rev. Jaincs H. Thorn well. J Also, a Vindication of the Protestant Doctrine concerning Justification. J May 1st, 1840. 25 if : PRODUCE C ommission Business. THE Sahscriber offers his services in the Commission business, for the sale and sAgsmcnt of Country Produce. ,e He will receive in store and sell anv article >{j of produce free of storage for commission of 2i per cent the articles are without limits; when limited a reasonable storage will bo charged. He will ship cotton or other Produce to Nat* York or Charleston, making liberal cash advance* for a Co uiuission of [H*r cent, on the cush advanced, lie kc?-ps constantly on hand a very largo stock of Grocerrirs with u mixedwtock of olb er Goods, all of which he will sell at the lowest pr>cs wholesale or retail for cash or produce. The Subscriber flitters himself that his extensive acquaintance in tho upper and adjoining j Counties (f North C.iroii a will enamUc him to eCcive u liberal patronage. D. MALLOY. Clmraw So. Ca. Sept. 5, 1810. The "Western Carolinian" Salisbury, and > "Charlotte Journal" will insert the above twice is a moi th for three mouths and forward their accounts for payment D. MALLOY. - State of South Carolina. DARLINGTON DISTRICT. In the Court or Common Plea*. W. Hunter SurV. 1 Dec. on sealed of Hunter & DuBo$e I Note, in Foreign vs. I Attachment. B E. DuBose. J THE Plaintiff in the nl>ove stated case having filed his Declaration in my office this day n and the Defendant having neither wife nor Attorc ney within the limits of the said State upon whom ,, a C"py of this attachment could he served. !j. On motion of 6. YV. &.J.A. Dargan Plantiff's ' Attorneys. It is ordered that B E. DuBoee de plead or demur to (lie same, within a year andat ? day from the date hereof or final and abaoluo i* judgment shall be awarded and given him. 1 It is also ordered that a copy of rliis order be published in the Farmers' Gazette onee every three '' months lor the of a venr and a day. S. VVII.DS DUBOSE, C.C. P. Clerks Office, Sept 23, 1840. 11 46 1 er 3 1 m * - 1 11 ats, JUSF Roceived a large assortment of#Ment, oys, and Children* Straw and Leghorn H Hats. ALSO, ~ Gents and Youth's Fur^Hats, for summer wetr, all of which will bo sold cheap by D. MALLOY. April 13, 1840. n 23 tf T J Friendships Offering. FOR 1841 just received and for sale at Lb* llixikMlore. November II, 1840^ ' > u ^ i^jP SPECIAL RE<l(IE8T. ? THE SUBSCRIBER owe* conaOerable money much of which he will have to pay the first of January, and he takes this opportune j ty of calling on those who are indebted to i hitn to cotne forward and make payment. He ; would not be so presing if he could pay hi* debts " i with promises but those he owes want some. ; thing of more value than a rnete promise to * ; pay, and lie hopes that such of his customer* k as have paid him up in this way heretofore will find a better currency to pay him yilh; such a one as will pass to his creditors. He also takes this method of informing hi* friend* that his stock of goods is as good as usual, - v\ hich he will sell at very low prices for cash | or barer;and on good terms to punctual cu*. lc toiners: but he wishes it distinctly understood that he cannot give long credits in future; and I .t him 1/wina.l li? hnnM IllUbC Willi IMIV I'WIU HUM MV I will be the first to pay up.?If ail those who _ 1 are indebted to him knew what pleasure it would give hiin te receive what they owe him .y ; so as to triable him 10 pay his debts, he is sum lc that they would make an extra effort to meet So just a call. D. S. HARLLEE. December 10, 1840. 5 6t S ESTATE SALE. IN ACCORDANCE with the will of the ' la'e William Ellerhc, sen., 1 will proceed to sell to the highest bidder at his late residence (near Cheraw.) on Wednesday the 6th day of January next, all the property both real and personal belonging to said Estate?consisting of a large and valuable tract of land, composing ? all the land owned by hint where he lived at ' ; the time of his death. Also about seventy very valuable negroes, among which are several1 h - - I L .11 .| * L. " good mechanics?logeuier wun an meewmn, ir plantation tools, household furniture, &c. On the following cr?. dit?All sums under twenty Dollars, Cash AH sums from twenty to two hundred Dollars, a credit of twe've month*. - - j A nd all sums over two hundred Dollar*, a ,e credit of one two and three years, with inter'.o est from the day of sale.?Interest to be paid 8 annually. Purchasers wi/1 be required to give >(* bond and good security, and a mortgage of the-, property. Purchasers to pay for titles. J NO. C. ELLERBE, Ex'r. December 12, 1(510. 5 3t DUN LAP & MARSHALL, HAVE just received among other desirable |e fancy goods, the following articles, viz SHAWLS. Super Black Hernani, 15-4 and 4-4* Handsome printed Mouselin De Laine from 7 8 co 6-4, Supr. Scarlet Merino 4*4 and 5-4. Do. Mode (Plain) colored Thybet, Belvedere & Cabyle do. 6 4 and 8-4? gloves. ' A good assortment Ladies and Gentlemen's, super colored and black H. IS. Beaver ao4 ^ Buckskin. a; hose, Ladies super white and black Merino, Cash * mere and Ingrain Cotton. mouselix de laixes. Rich Printed, Fancy black ground and Mode Colors. also, M Super Blue and wool dyed black cloths; ** h u u Cashmeres and Safinetts ~ " LADIES SHOES. or DUNLAP & MARSHALL have just received direct from the Manufactory (Pbila.) 45? pair Ladies and Misses Kid and Seal Slipper* and walking shoes. I _ i