University of South Carolina Libraries
?*- w????? e single sfarred and ill-stared banner of cul'ification, because hoisted by a Union man. For our part we mean to run up | the old Union Jack to our must head and naii it there. To conclude, wesay in all candor and sincerity we would beg'ad to be enlighteaed as to Governor Richardson's precise attitude and m eriin^?we wish not to be entrapped into nullification, as it were, un-. a wcr*? J if he means nullification, we hone he will say so without mincliing the mutter or shirking the word?if he does . I not. we hope he will say so explicitly, and yield us Hie* satisfaction of making him mrdi iit v welcome to the Executive Chair. Jackson furnished an authoritative exposition of his celebrated proclamation, at rhe instance of the Richmond Enjntlrer ?-will not Governor Rich ardson be courteous enoughtrr do-U** like in reference to his inaugural at the request of the Chat esion Courier, . , " List of Acts Parsed by the Legislature of South Carolina, Dec. 1840. 1. An Act lo raise Supplies for the year 1840. . 2. An Act to make appropriations for the your commencing in OctoI>er, one thousand eight hundred and forty. 3. An Act for the better regulation of the Commissioners of Cros3 Roads for Charleston Neck. 4. An Act to enlarge the powers of the Recorder of the City of apd lor other purposes. 5. An Act to alter the times of holding the Courts of Equity for the second Circuit. ti. An Aet to confer on Menrv Pinckncy Walker, an alien, the privilege of applying for admission to the Bar. - 7. An Act make further provisions in rcJation to Fire Loan in Charleston. 8, A:i Act to carry into etfect the late Agreement between the Caiawba Indians, " and the Commissioners on the part of tne I "State and fur other purposes. 9. An Act toiix the number of Ma<jistrates in each Distr.ct and Parish in th.s . State. 10. An Act to p' tm.t the lien. John j B. O'lv cali co i>e absent froai the S.ate. 11. An Act supplementary to an Act entitled ?*An *ct to revive and amend an Act to incorporate the Union Insurance and Trust Company of South Carolina," ratted J he 19 n day of December, 1838. j 12. A-n Act to ascertain and define the poveers,- iuliesand liabilities of Masters, ComtiKooio tcrs ami 11 gisters in Equity, ,*nd to provide for the organization and ^ v"*"' 13. An Act to alter the liaOilrt^Sfflie Mk Sheriff and for otiier purposes. Wr '4. A ) Act to authorize the Louisville, .? ^Cincinnati and Charleston Rail Road J- Company, and the South Western Rail > , Road Bank, to reduce their stock and for MR .other purposes. * 15. Aji Act to alter and amend the Militia Lawsoi this State. 16. An Act to incorporate the Mutual Safety and Insurance Company of Charleston, Smith Carolina. 17. An Act to incorporate certain Societies and for other purposes. I 18. An Aoi to incorporate the Village j of Chester. 19. An Act to alter and amend the CT Charter of the \ iliage 01 L*ancasier. 20. An ac?. to grant the oid Jail, in the Town of Beaufort, to the Town Council of Be^u'brt a"fl for other purposes. 2!. A n act to amend the Charter of the Bank of the S.?uth Carolina. 22. An act to provide Weights and Measures in each district. 23. An act to constitute as MtffistraCs, certain public and municipal oifi cers heretofore invested with the power* of Just.cos of quorum cx-ofiicio. 24. Auact to establish certain Roads, Bridges and Ferries. 2">. An act to regulate the fees of Slier iffs, Magistrates and Constables, and certair foes of Cleks. 26. An acf to provide against the suspension of specie payments by the Banks of ibis 8 ate. 27. An act to amend an Act entitled an Act to reduce all acts and clauses of Acts in roration to Patrol of the State into one act, and to amend the same, passed on the 21st day of Dec., 1839. L vwsof South Carolina. An ACT tonlt^r end amend t!ie Militia Lnws of this S'ate, passed 18th Dec. 1840. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives, now met and. Sitting in General Assembly, and by the authority of the same, that the 27th section of an act entitled "an act to provide for tne Miittia organization of this State*" parsed the 19th day ofDecomlier in the year of our Lord 1833, together w ith all sec ions and clauses of said act relating the Brigade Encampments, and all acts since passed, regulating Brigade Encampments, be and the same are r/*tw>nl xl. Ilt-I V?M IVJ/ Sec. 2 That Company Courts Martial shall hereafter he holden as was practised i in this Slate anterior to the year 1833,1 and each Court Martial shall scmi-annuallv make returns to the colonel or officer commanding a regiment, of the re-! suit of the decisions of said Court Martial, I and each company shall have a Judge Advocate, whose duty it shall be to attend such Company Court Martial. L Sec 3. That it shall hereafter he the L - duty of each Court Martial to appoint a collector of fines imposed by them, whose it shall be to collect the same and | make a return thereof, a3 now required by law. Sec. 4 That it shall be the duty of the Major General of the Second Division, to organize the cavalry now and hereafter to be raised in that division, into two Regimentsand one Brigade, without reference to the territorial limits of the Brigades of his division?provided that neither of g such Regiments shall consist of less than j h four, nor inore than eight companies. j f< Sec. 5. That the Regiments to be organ- e | . . _H 3 j ized in the Second Division, consisting of h I the companies now in the Fourth Brigade, n J and such companies as shall be attached ; j thereto from the Third Brigade, shall take : ( I the number, rank and designation of the J? i Fourth Regiment of Cavalry. i11 i See. 6. It shall be the duty of the Brig- | u ! adicr General of the Third Brigade of In- | o fantry, to appoint a Board of Cominis- j i' I sioners, consisting of not less than five p | r* j persons from the Trio Boat Company, a i: i company attached to the* 13th Regiment, a J whose duty it shall be to divide the said p 'Trio Company intotwoconvenient Bea's, t I with such new boundaries as to them may I seem proper and upon the report of the j > ' * hv N | sain comims>iuu?;i3 iirmg v\'iml...uu , the Brigadier General, he shall cause the j o 1 two new companies to be organized agree able to law. ^ Sec. 7. That all acts and clauses of acts o repugnant to this act, be and tho same h i are hereby repealed. o J An AQT to alter the liability of Sheriffs I and for other purposes; passed December h 18 1810 - it ;Skc. 1. Be it enacted by the Scna'e and ' j House of Re.>re*rn'athes, no>r mrt an I sit > j tbtg in'General Assembly, an I by the au- 'i I thority of he same, That the liability ol ' j the Sheriffs for 'he solvency of the siiretic j to Prison Bound Bonds, shall be the sain; with that for the solvency of the suretii ; to Bail Bonds and no other. Sec. 2. That in case any Prisoner i:. i execution on final process, shall neglec I or refuse, for the space of ten ('ays, *? make an assignment of the estate an. effects embraced in his schedule, according to the ord-T of the Judge, Clerk Commissioner of special Bail, or Magistrate, such Prisoner shall no longer been- j titled to the Ihuk fit of the prison ruKs. y hounds or limits, hut shall he recommitted 'v to close confinement by the Sheriff and 3 so kept until such Prisoner shall duly make the assignment aforesaid, or pay the debt j(' and costs for which he is imprisoned. Sue. 3. That all acts and parts of acts 1 a repugnant to this act, shall be and the [ same are hereby repealed. AN ACT I To provide against the Suspension of Spe- ! cie Payments by the Banks of this State, n and Hons? of Representatives,, now met - ? . . it i i it nnd sitting in Cr"?H:ral ASacmoij', nn? uv v the authority of the same, That the pro- ! a visions of this act shall be, and become; parts of the charters of every hank al- ( ready incorporated within this State which S shall accept the same; and also of eveiv ! bank which shall, at the present or any (< I succeeding session of the General Assetn- N biv, receive a grant of a charter, or any ; renewal, amendment, or modification b thereof, unless the Act granting snch char- d ter,' renewal, amendment <#r modification, | shall in express terms, dispense with the ( | said provisions. i p i Sec. 2. Every Rank which shall stis. ! J pend the payment of current coin for its ( notes, or which shall declare a detenninn- I1 | tion to suspend, or refuse payment of its ! notes, according to their legal obligation, I j in current coin shall become liable to pay i< | to the S'ale of South-Carolina, at the ex! piration of every month after such sus- ( j pension, or declaration, a sum of money, I j at the rate of five per centum per annum, upon the whole amount of its notes, which n I ui.uii Ktiro Kpi.h i i circulation, at i J the commencement of the said month. an;J j shall continue to pay at the same rate at ? i the end of every month, until the sai 1 (. I Bank shall revoke its declaration, and [shall lawfully"redeem its notes when do- ( j manded, according to their legal obliga- d j (ion. I Sec. 3. The President am! Cashier of } each hank shall, on the first day of every , \ [ month, make a return, on oath, of the ; state of sueh bank, as it existed at tin closing of the hooks, on the day next pre- Ki cetling, and shall transmit the same, wiih- ' in the two next days, to the Comptroller! jr General, which officer shall collate the va- j i J rious statemeats, so as to present a com- | parative view of all the items thereof, ' \ I and shall publish the same, in some pub- [ o lie newspaper for General information.? j The said return shall specify the particularsset forth in the several columns, cm- I: braced in the following Schedule, and shall he made out in the following form, (i viz: a SCHEDULE. DEBTS DUE BY TIIE BANK. p Capital Stock. BHIs in circulation. Nett Profits on hand. si Balances due to Banks in this State. Balances due to Banks in other Slates, fi All other money due which hear Interest p Cash deposited and all other monevs ri due, exclusive of Bills in circulation profit- t! on hand, balances due other Banks, and money bearing interest. tj RESOURCES OF THE BANK. Specie on hand. > o j Real estate. a Bills of other Banks in this State. Bills of Banks in other States. w Balances due from Banks in this State, e Balances due from Banks in o! her States, n Notes discounted on personal security. e Bouds secured by pledges of its own stock. w Loans secured by pledges of other ii stock. _ o Domestic Exchange. a Foreign Exchange. rjV Bonds/ Money invested in stock. tc > V' " t Suspended debt and debt in suit. Money invested in every other way than i is specified in the foregoing particulars. Total resources of the Bank. Rate an I amount of the last Dividend. Amoun of reserved profits at the date off the last Dividend. f Sec. 4. Gverv Bank whose officers no.' lect to comply wifh the provisions emj' race i in the third section of this act, shall Drfeit to the use of the State to be recov? red by the Comptroller General, on4 undred dollars lor each and every davi | i ' eglect. Sec. 5. It shall be the duty of the /omptrolior General, to take all requisite va^ures for collecting the amounts cf loncy required to be paid to the State, nder the provisions of the second secliqfr fihis Bill; he shall have power to exaniletho books of each Bank, for the purd ose of ascorlaining the true amount ofi s notes in circidn'ion; and any officer of j Bank, \v.;o shall nfine to submit tM roper hooks of the Bank to the Comp roller (iewn*4rV?>r ?bo purpose nfor< be d ei pvj guilty of a mwh.meanor, i i upr? i In." t-o ir.'ion. shall be subject i) li.ii, iiii ii.'iri >e -m ml, at the discretion I any Cour. o couip tent jurisdiction. S-o. fi. Tht; Governor shall furnish ach Bank wi bin this State with a copy f this Act, immediately after its ratificaiv)ji, with a notice requiring its acceptance fits provisions, as herein is directed. Sec. 7. Every Bank in this State, vhich as heretofore suspended the payment of :s notes in legal coin, or which has deiarcd.its determination to refuse or su8? end such payment, shall, on or before the rstday of March next, notify thcGovaror of its acceptance of the provisions of lis Act: and in case any such Btnk shall eglect to give such notice, the Governor nail forthwith cause legal proceedings to v- instituted by the Attorney General or loltcitors, against such delinquent Bank, >rthc purpose of vacating and declaring oid its chartv r. CONGRESS. Senate, December 101h. 1840. | The Senate balloted for chairman of 10 Committee Commerce, when Mr. j.\a, of Alabama having received 29 out 2 votes, was declared duly elected. The CHAIR then announced the Staning Committees of the body, as follows: On Foreign Relations?Messrs. Buchnan, (Chairman,) Clay, of Kentucky, lallioiiii, Roane, and Allen. On Finance?Messrs. Wright, (Cha^r. ran,) Webster, Nicolas, Benton, apd fubbard. On Commerce.?Messrs. King, (Ghairian.) Davis, Norveil, Ruggles, and MOuMiimifru,rvfes.^yiwii j. -uuwtjiKtn, Chairman ) Preston, Knight,. Buchanan, nd Allen, On Agriculture.?Messrs. MoutOn, Chairman.) Dixon, Linn, Sturgeon, aVid mith, of Connecticut. On Military Ajfairs.?Messrs. Bent6n, Chairman.) Preston, Wall, Pierce, and iicliolas. On tJw Militia.?Messrs. Clay, of Alaama (Chairman ) Smith, of Indiana, Anerson, Fulton, and Mangum. On Naval Affairs.?Messrs. Williams, Chairman, Southard, Cuthbert, anil Tapan. On Public Loath.?Messrs. Walker, Chairman.) Fulton, Clay, of Alabama, Ycntiss. ami Norvell. On Private Latil Claims.?Messrs. .inn, (Chairman ) Sevier, Clayton, Mouan, and Uuntin^ton. On Indian Affairs.?Messrs. Sevier. Chairman.) Linn, White, Phelps, and minpkin. -t of (Haims.?Messrs. Hubbard, (Chairian) Young, Merrick, Williams, ami inntiiigton. On Revolutionary Claims?Messrs. Inn I h. of Coin. (Chairman ) Sturgeon, traham Crittenden, ami U'diinson. Ou the Judiciary.?Messrs. Wall Chairman ) Clayton. Anderson, Cntten en, and Sin lii of Indiana. On the Cos' Office ank Post Road*.? lossrs. R."': ' (C ir.nan,) Lumpkin, Vri??ht, I *.': ? i ;r"l ilewlcrsun. On Ro.r I 'anus ?Messrs. Young i'lai*;1!!1) ' . f Kaderso'vMangum/ i i 8 ii''n ?.)' I > ? .a. On Pensi-ms ?-\U >-s Pierce, (Chnirlari ) Pij;:Ii W.h'w Roanu, and Hunington. For 'hc District of Columbia.?Messrs. lorrick, (Chairman.) Crittenden, Man;um, Southard, and Clayton. On Patents and the PaJeM Office.? lessrs. Surgeon, (Chairman) Davis, 'rentiss, Robinson, and Porter. On Public Buildings.?Messrs. Fulton, Chairman,) Merrick, and Smith, ofConiccticut. Tj audit and control the contingent excuses of the Senate.?Messrs. Knight, ' ulton, and Porter. On Engrossed Bills.?Messrs. Hcnder- , __ \ n__*? i nu.i_? ! m:, i uiiui, uuu 1 iiuiprt. Mr. NORVKLL presented a memorial rom sundry inhabitants of Michigan, soying the enactment of a uniform hankupt law. Referred to the Committee on :ie Judiciary. ?.Ir. also gave notice of his intcnion to oiTer sundry bills. Mr. ('LAY, of Alabama, gave notice f his intention to offer a bill to graduate nd reduce the price of the public lands. Mr. BEXTOX gave notice that he -ould, as scon as the Senate was full nough, ask leave to introduce a bill to esiblish a prospective and permaucnt prompt ion law. Mr. MERRICK gave notice that be ould, on the next meeting of the Senate, lfroduce a resolution to transfer the stock f the United S;ates in the Chesapeake nd Ohio Canal Company to the State of larvland. ? Mr. PREXTTISS gave notice of his inml ion to introduce a bill to establish a Hoard of Commissioners to hear and examine claims against the United Stales. Mr. SMITH, of Indiana, moved thai the Senate now proceed to the election o Chaplain; but the motion was lost. On motion, the Senate adjourned t< Monday next. Dec. 14.''h. Mr. CLA1 submitted the foilowim resolution: Resolved, That fhe act entitled "Ar act provide for the collection, safe-keep ing, transfer, ami disbursement of th? public revenues." ought to be forthwitl repealed, and that the Committee on Fi n iwe be instructed to report a bill accord inglv. Mr. CLAY also off red a resolution rli recting the Secretary of the Treasury t< report the quantity of land unsold in tin different districts; trie quantity sold sine. 18d8. ore. Mr. Bt?.%TOX aske i leave to bring i> a bill to establish a prospective and per manenl pre-emption system been granted Hills Intuoduckd. A bill lo es'ubiish ?i Board of Com mis sioners to hoar and examine claim against the United States. A bill lo authorize the Secretary of lli Treasury to procure stcatn-vtssels for th revenue service. By Mr. CLAY, of Alabama: A bill pre riding for the reduction and graduation c the price of the public lands. Dec. lolh.?The following Standin ? ii .1 Committees' were announced t>y tn Speaker. Committee of El&Jinns.?Mersrs. Rive Fillinore, Medill. )aron V Brown, Triuna Smith, Hot(6, 1 Irllip F, Thomas, Rand' and Rarid' ti. Way and Mean*.?Messrs. John W. Joncr Evans, Atherton, Vanderpnel, Connor, Mai ^ Cooper, Mason, S.?I oust-ill aud t'ul bard. Claims,? M^rs. Rujs?'!l, Dawson, Bank G:dd;nnrs. J,trcJ W Williams. G? ntry, Jol liillofN.C. Galhraith, and Ma lory. On Commerce?Messrs. Curtis, I J.'lb* Burke Tol ind, Habersham, Harris, Bo ts, Wt ler, and Wm'ljrop. On Public Lands,?Messrs Jlforrow, Lir coin, Grary J no Whi'e FiHier, G, J act I'homsan, Casc v and Chapm ?n On the Post Office and Post R?xids.?Me. srs. 3/cK iy, I loqk'os, Brig***. A/.mn, Eoa he tier, Jos* \, Williams, .Albert G Biow Reynolds, and John B. Thomson. Or tlx District of Columbia.?Messrs. V C.t-t J<>'.nson, ClrisioplnT li Williams, R?'iri Glark, Dave-, Graham, Cr-nston Hiwkinv, at M C..r<y On the Judiciary.?Met rsr Scrgantf ll< man, Turner, fciamui Is. Barnard, Stanl Truinht'll, Somsoii, 11' Butler and Surkwetl er. On Revolutionary Claims.?Messrs Rai dolph. Hah, Tailiatcrr", Parmenter, Montgoii ery, Ely, Swearing" ti, Jam s, and Nathani On Public Expenditures.?Messrs. bond. Du c?n, Crockett, Watterson, McCullocli, Grot Baker, Brackenridgo, and McClure. On Private land Claims.? .Messrs Calhou Ross. Warren Vromn, and i?oardman. On Mainfacfu es.? .Messrs Attains [Miotic Slado. Tllhnghasfe, Worthingfon, Dromjjool Mitchell, E iMman and John Davis. On Agriculture?M? ssrs Ooberry, Denn McClellau. John Smith. Hammond, Sha* Do Hook, i'ntl li<(Ji?\vny. On bulian Affairs?Messrs. Bell, I/w Williams Alforil, Cninn, Lucas, Hunt, Jul \V. Davis Paris, and Ityall. On Mili'arfi A fairs.?Messrs Wade Thompson, .17 her. Holes, Kemble, J"hu 1 Men Jl/onroe, Sum'er, CJ 'g^in, Win. O. Bu ler. The Afilitia?Messrs Keim, Carter, Griffir L'lJ vVa^'iior, Goo If, 'vlward Rogers, Tiipl P J Winner, an.I Win R Cooper.*?Ml* mv. F Thomas, R t Grinn II, Anderson, Pro ht, Naylor, Sncpar Dicker-on, and outanya. Fortign AJfiirs ? dossrs. Pickens, Cnshin Uromeooie. Gr inger, lla.ves, Lverclf, Cliilbr l.eet, and Fine. On the Territories. ? Ve?.?r<. Pope, Jen Ic "hi. ti l.'mn.ii ell, Stuart, R ew.-ter, Gaaci U vis, Jas. 1 O'ljMT. 'or,: Mi, and Dana. R o lu'ionity Pensions. Mess s. T dnf*r. f'arr, Andrews, St ecu rod, C D .v.e*, Rrockwa Taylor, Hand,and Peek I iij.hid T> nsiiti - '?!f-sr-. S IV ll.i.m-.?' ris, Chittenden, Do in, Strong, S ?V Morns, I'ali-i >we hv, ?t v. .w r . R utis an I Canals?Mess s. O I-, C rr f 1 i , ?i?\ V'rgmia, S itii Knyner, 'Mae w..i IV'ii rw.j (' I/-, an-1 \ !? ? in r . OnPaitnis.?Mens rleiei er. Be j* I're lis? w a d ?':iv r. Pub' c liui\.i /.?? and i* rounds. ? }} >* s P t*i\i;.e n.mi, K i.n, J ?hn if .stings. < n . 0 ??.? n*. Recital and Lr/:Jlni"hed Business ?M -sr * Pcc-, S'a :i li, .1 < km?ii, Ja hi-, an) Kile. On Jicounte*? Me.-sr>. Jo epli Jo no Charl Jolm-ton. Marcimud, Fl yd, umi At drew g. On Mileage.? 17o*-srs Thomas W William Henry Wil.i.iiih, Henry, Allen, m K tnpsli .11* I lie six Standing Committees iwi Expinditur in the Departments were under ilia Rul's, a pointed at ilie l-ist wjs^io.i, to citinuc liiruugho t!ic Co igiess. <*n that far Kxpendi'iircs in tl Wat Department Mr Chapman of Alabama, ai and .Mr Doe, of New Vork, were appoint il to! vacancies. o;e sinned by the resign it.ou of \ Rick (jakland. ot Loni-ian i, and Mr Tilgiim/ A Howard, of Indiana; ami on'liat for the Po OJJice Department, Mr Lane, oflndinn w is a pointed ill place of Mr Anson Brown, of Ne Yoik.d- cea ed. A- n ?w oiganized, those Co miltees stand as f 11 ?ws : On Expenditures in the Department of Stat ? Mi ssrs Undn'wood. Byn.iin, Crabb. Lowel and Trumbull. Expenditures in the Department of 1) Treasury.?Messrs Lv.ns, Ath r on, Osboru W irren. ;;u NaMianiel Jones. ? . i - .i a ~r nr. Expenditures in ine ueparimeni uj w ur!Ue.?nr* IVtcr J VV.igncr, Holmes, Jiuj Coop Chnprnan. nn'i Doe. Expenditures in the Department of the JSTui ?M >srs Salton.stili, Vundeipoo!, Sini -uto Green, and Gerry. Expenditures in the Department of the Po. Office?Messrs Marvin, Boyd, Lowell. G Davi airi I. n* .' Expenditures on the Public Build ing*Messis Stanly, Foruano -, Gates. Earl, and Jon W Allen. We have often heard the question aske what became of Blencrhnssett, after lb failure of Burr's project, his conncxio wifh which was so disastrous lo his fo; tune3 and domestic happiness ? The quei tion is answered in the following biogr? phical sketch, written by his son Josep Lewis Blenncrhassett, which we find in {b Louisville Literary Register. Mr. J. I . Blennerhasselt lives it appears, at St. John's Newfoundland* t Herman Blonnerhassett was horn in f Hampshire in the year 1767, his parents beingAhen on a visit to England. Shortly > afterward they returned to the family residence, Castle Conway, in the country of Kcrrv Ireland. Erom the high standing i and-wealth of his father, who was at thai time high sh rif&c., no expense was spa1 re.I to roil !er him capable of* holding that . rr. u'jiil slarion in society which his ani T"i * j j cesror had h J l in England from the carlii j est times. After having received the . j various ru laments from private masters . | he went first :o Eton School near Wind srr and subsequently to Trjnty College, . Duh in, where ; e acqiitjd himself or J ,\\d! as 'o obtain in a short time, two de51 if vs vi/. .j> ten - or of Arts and Bar-helot jiofC-vi! and Onnim ?n Laws- lie wii | s-s).- q ? li.iy call a! o *.h Iri-di bar an i ' crea da i'Jmw :ho Ho nrjhle Soeii) . : of iin? King s I'!:?<= Du'iir-. He pass.-. . i Vs i \a uin stio i the same lay wiih iho las l'uo -i is A.I.lis Emmet 1). tw. an when ; a id hinsoif the "reatcesl frij.u hi ) >wi i ? 1 r* i- eeis.eti. Alter m.ikt g the four ot tttO s i low countries and Eranec, where h wn ! present at the distraction of I ho B?.-tib. o j &c, he returned to Ireland where In; prac c I ticed as a barrister in the years 1707 am ! 1798, when, his father dying, he becalm >- j possessed of the family estate and lurg< ?f fortune. Ireland at that period being distratcex i bv *iie horrors of robcllio i, lie so'd hi* ^ estate to his cousin Lord Ventrv, ant Q " went to England, where he became ac s? | qainted with and married a Miss Agncw n i daughter of the Lieutenant Governor o II the Isle of Man, and the grand-dnughte I of Gen. Agnew, killed in the battle of Ger '? inanlown, a young lady of high fymih * j connections, great beauty and aecom ! plishmenfs. Accompanied by his wife, hi p ' went to tile United States and purchase! jn' the Island in the Ohio River, known t< ; this day by bis name. After the Burr af n, fair he left the Island, and went into thi iU j State of Mississippi where, by the advic< I of Gen. Adair of Kentucky, he purchase! ; a plantation, from Mr. Brazil, a few mile ),} from Gibsonport.?Wiien he had reside! some years upon this plantation, bavin; (j ! sold it, he went into Canada, where In , practised at the har. in Montreal. II: commission, appointing him to practice ii G the Province of Lower Canada, is datci "j 4th December, 1819.?After rcmaininj 1 | some time in Canada, he went to Englani j under the impression of being made i ' Judge through the favor of the Duke o V, ; re O h- Richmond, then Governor of Lower Can ada, who was very partial to him; hut th n- untimely death of that nobleman marrei his expectations. Ere he returned t e Canada for the Durnose of bringing hi iWiuOl to ...i i.; > - tt. hnssett, settled the bulk of her fortun upon himself and his family. After h n hi J brought his family from Canada, h resided with his sister lor some time nea ' the city of Bath. As both his sister an '' himself were invalids, they went to th jg Island of Jersey, on the coast of Frailer jr for the sake of enjoying a more genir climate; thence, after residing two he went to the Island of Guernsey, wher >n ; he died, at Mount Durad, in the arms < , ! the writer of litis sketch, in the yea j is:u. t_ i 11 annan Blennerlinssctt, in bodily stal j ure. was rattier above the general size.i.j 1 tlis manners wore highly polished, and hi i (in! Iross cup'ivaiingand agreeable.?Fror his youth lie was ardently attached to lil |j* er.ifuru an?l piiilosophv; seldom a Howe him.r 1: (civ u in his old ag- ) more tha ?, .-ix or > v u ho r> sleep in the wo try-feu: ll aod wo or three hours exercise: ihe re 1 ma n ler of ins time was employed ti.iie U1 in a< ?j o til; or imparting knowledge oi ? .-u i . t connected with the general liter ??. a ure ..f - tie p :r.oJ. or investigating mor >' | .i!>?ir;.f> subjects r?. biting o the dcau lau r i gauges, ill-: nr.uhunaticv., natural philoso a, i? ?v and the ti i. ar s. His in ideal com ( positions have !k;n:j p .-ribrmvd by >onv o tin* ti'ijy, ban is aii'.i na.e ocei tu e-i a-, jinir.d by oo.iMatis ni's; and l;is w ri i - j di-y ay gr.:Ji ?t p ; of !ear i'-i in a. j p.?..a p.lo i imo. uio \a.?..u.-? .!: '?{. o j v.'iiien lljry irt.r.t. 11 w.; ' ?* i na* iraiiy with a iiios; rjtt utivo t:i uio.y; s m i much so that up to a shor* C.\.c j r.or '< I his death, ho could repeat in Cr..-.k th 11 1 whole ol Homer's Iliad. 1 ruighi ::da j upon his mora! virtues, and ivSigicua u-; i domestic merits: but as there ate tiros i ! . still alive who knew him, ami as to litos I who did not know him, it might appca &s j liiat I was adulating a deceased parent, J'j shall refrain. From Florida.?We learn from a cor ill respondent (at Fort Holmes, E. F.? Dec ,r 19, 1840,) that oil lite 10th inst., an ex iSf- press rider, going from Fort Russel t< j, Pilaika, discovered two Indians witiiii w two or three miles of Fort Holmes, win attempted to cut him oifhy dint of hart e riding ; he escaped them, II. " Thiriecn Indians are at Fort King ^ They have given up their arms and appea e anxious to cmigate. These Indians cam< in of their own accord, and I have n< ~ douht that they arc sincere in their pro fessioris of peace. y | " It is reported that Wild Cat (Co-a?co< 1 -chec) and Tiger Tail have had a fight st and that Wild Cat was killed in the affray 3, " I saw a few days since, continues ou Correspondent, Wild Cat's little daugh ? ter Chim-me-chat-tee, who was rccenth taken by the Dragoons on the Wekiwa Sac is a smart, active child of nine ortei ^ vears, and evinced her anstocractic edu i0 ^ l cation by paying little or no attention t< r j her fellow prisoners, whom she regards a Jlplebians. Of the latter class was a mal< L_ child of four or five years of age, whou ^ his companion designated as Joe. Joe i ie of a surely disposition and by no means ? j favorite. Chim-inc-chattec, when sfr 1 first saw h.m after his capture remarked, j " that she could not see tlie use of keeping i! him a prisoner, that he could not light a 1 fire or bring water, and that they ought to ! knock his bjainsout." I Eight years ago, the mail west of ;! Ann Arbor (Michigan) w is taken to Jack. : son on foot, by Mr. R. a iiompsox, in hia ! vest pocket, and consisted of one letter.? This year the business oMh6 post office will exceed 82,000. The same year the - i mail route was established, the contents of tlie post office, at Marshal, (Michigan.) * ? were deposited in a cigar box, which was usual;y kept in a Connecticut clock. ' Detroit Daily Ado. Awful Explosion?An Ext:re Buil. dings Demolished.?0:i Monday morning, I) -fw, on 6 and 7 o'clock, a most terri; i fie cxjilos o i V.o place by I he bursting of j .he steam-boiler in the paper manufactory i of Mr. Gabriel Mrore situated in ih * ' upper part of the district or Kenningstoii, , ! bclw. en Edward and Ly ia sineis, and i Sc!i? o! a ;H William sheets which dt.rnol, ! 'shi il and laid in one mu-aof ruios f(he ? i entire building, which was partly brick j and frame, two or thr ;c stories iiigh. . J accident is attributed io the filling up of \ the feeding pipe with a hard depositee ; I which prevented the water from flowing ; into the bodcr. At llic time of the exI plosion, the engineer, Enoch Garside, and | : John (Jrant, machine engineer, were in ^ I the building preparing for the day's, work \ ! by fully attempting to get up the steam, . 1 both of whom were dreadfully scalded and t | otherwise injurad by the falling of the f! building upon and around them* Mr. r Grunt had one or both of bis legs broken . ?his situation is considered dangerous.; f Phil* Go?. I FOREIGN. 1 , New York Dee, 21, 1840. n I Twenty days later toreign new9 vis Boston, to the 4th inst., are in upon u.s. q An infant Princess is born for Great'Bri. P tain, the Queen in good health and spirits, 1 the people intoxicated with joy. The Bri. s i tish Ind bombarded and caplured the fam] ous St. Jeand'Acrc. The British editors , are electrified by the exploit, and deem it ' , fully equal to any tiling the army or navy s [ ever did. Reports are in circulation of fi j the submission of the Pasha ot Egypt, qui j i not authentic, yet though, unquestionably, T he lias got enough of war. j The French are debating in their press* a 09, and in the Chamber, and curious dev. ,C ilopments are taking place in the Speeches 0 of members, particularly of M. Thiers e hut Sot'LTand Cuizoxare bringing ovc^B^r d the nation to peaceable measures, 0 Guizot, in particular commands the ^aftit8 ration of Europe. Money matters were Co'lo"M^"r 0 The President stoam-ship, Almos^giv&fi (. , up for at one time, on account of her r ; return here, carrried out the news of the ^ election of General IIahrison, which, of c ; cotir>e, arrested public attention. This is . | the substance of the news; hut the curious t| will have rich reading in the particulars 4 j of the accouchement of Her Majesty, and j. j in the details of the taking of St. John d',1* ( Acre, all of which, with extreme minnte. r ness, arc spread before the eyes of the Bri. j tish public, and, of course, Before tho i world. The name of the little interesting _ j s*ranger is to he Adelaide Victoria Louisa. kS ; The French ship Aslrotable and tho n Zelee reached Toulon safe from their voy1 age of discovery. In November (here _j were Si vera I heavy galvjs on the British , coast. Capt. Choker, of the British ship Favorite, had been killed in a contest with the if.imhirants of Tangataboo. The trear y between Texas'and (ireat Britain is r, sui-.i to be signed. CvfLtxs Indian GaU lery is crowded to excess. WurdiiT & Co., large hankers in Lou.ton, ho'ders, I . j believe, of many of our Si ate stocks, have to.!/, ; ei. nt!i..r !;i r<ri. L;i: to rc have Im I 111 i IkA una i . . also tail .<!. M > e ti o >jw re going out I from (iront ?o the Eaot I dies* . Parii it;,ent bad ;> 'in prorogued to Decern* s i> r iv>. L ' .!?: .Hiss 'Haywood ran away , from Pari.-, wi'ri a li Id ^.r. an 1 got married* '! : .-*o or - abou: an the ilcnwof merest* . 1 !li 1 or big, that str.k.- my evct. . | I'r.v.ii.: letters from England represent t( ' the s alt* ot inlaws there .o f?e oucidwdly betcr. The inanafacntring islriets wero L ; doing better, 'i'lie curr? of dis. I count on inland bills by :h*? London banks c was 9 per cent., though som ^negotiations (j were effected at a lotvjr rate. The gen- ?^ r; eral impression was that the revenue j.i would snow a considerable deficiency, The British, in the St. Jean d'Acre I bombardment, liar] 13 killed and 42 woun-. ded ; the Egyptians 2 000, by an explosion. of a magazine ; 300 killed on the ramparts * ?number of wounded unknown ; 3.000 n I prisoners. The booty on the walls of A-. i . ere were 121 mounted guns, 42 not moun-. d led, mortars, &c. in proportion. | The new King of Holland has been in*, augurated. There lfa3 been an earth*, quake in the Island of Zante. Apolitical ' conspiracy has been detected in Romagna^ Remains of Napoleon.?The Belle 3 Poule frigate, and her consort the Favor ! its, arrived at Cherburg Nov. 30th, from, ! St. Helena, with the remains of Napoleon. i ; The Moniteur Parilien states that the , funeral in Paris was fixed for the 10th . i inst., but o?r private letters treat this anr nouncement as erroneous. "The works .'in process of erection," says our corresr pondent, cannot possibly t>e finished in j the short space of a week, aa 1, even were i * i they terminated within that time, many j arrjngfcincn'9 may uecome hcwwmijt * | which would cause a postponement of the 0 j funeral ceremony, admitting that the 10th s I inst. has heen fixed by Government for e I that object. I " The Esp'aiade of the Invalided or | s rather the whole space (and it is consider* I a | able) extending from that edifice to the Qu- I e | ai d Orsay, is occupied bv workmen, who | J