University of South Carolina Libraries
ti7e catawba indians. j The following document in relation to this only remnant of the aboriginal lords of the soil left in our State, accompanied Gov. H snag ax's message to the Legislature. nation ford, catawba, ) York District, S. C. April 3, 1S40. $ 1 he Commissioners appointed to treat with the Catawba Indians, beg leave to. report. That similar Commissions have been made from year to year, from 1830 up to , thepreseut time, without beingable to ef-1 feet any thing, a majority of the Indians ( being indisjH>sed to cede their claim, or , remove; and it is believed, a Treaty could j not have been effected on any reasonable ' terms. But now, your Commissioners i met them at their own particular request; some of their leading ones have, for the last two or three years, been passing and Uawa-nrd f'mmtv. N^ortll repassing iv nu?..??? ?J1 - Carolina, and seem to have been forming a friendship and connexion with a remnant of the Cherokees, that remain in that section. The Cnlawbas have leased out every foot of land they held in their boundary, i, do the propriety and expediency of which we need not now enquire. Some remons.rated against it, while others (with the Indians) coutended they had a right i so to do, and for the last few years, they have been wandering through the country,! forming a kind of Camps, without any homes, houses, or fixed residence, and destitute of any species of property, save J dogs, and a few worthless horses, and they ! now seem desirous of having a tract of land, on which they can again settle, and I build little houses, according to the number , of families, and procure some cattle, hogs and poultry, which they were once in the habit of owning; and your Commis-1 sioners are of opinion, five thousand dollars would purchase a tract of land sutli- i cient for their accommodation in any\ place they may wish; and in a mountainous, barren, thinly populated region, might j procure a consideraM bounds; which might suit them best; and would recommend, i that their land should be secured in such i a tvnxr thc-v should not liave it in : ?. ?r ,v, -y ? - . their power again to lease, sell, or parcel it out, except it might become the desire of the Tribe to remove to some distant place. Your Commissioners would, with due deference, state, in behalf of the Catawba Indians, that probably they arc entitled to some favor from the State, or at least to its sympathy and kindness. Their Chief (Gen. Kcgg) remarked, that w hen they were a strong Nation, and the State weak, they came to her support, and now, when the State was strong and the Catawbas weak, she ought to assist him. One of your Commissioners states, from J his own knowledge and recollection, that during the revolution, they left the state, he thinks, for about eighteen months, or at least, removed their women and children to a place of greater safety, by which move, they lost their stock and poultry, and all such articles as the v could not take with them; while, in the mean time, a number of their Warriors were in active ! service in the American cause. Several of them were in the battles of Lruiliord, Hanging Rock, and Eutaw; were in several scrimages with the Tories, and were particularly useful as guides, scouts, and runners, and never were known to be in a British or Toiy Camp. They have now lived in the midst of a dense white population, for more than half a century, anu your Commissioners all concur in the testimony, that they never Juave known or heard a dishonest charge made against a Catawba, or their meddhug with any thing that did not belong to them, and have al-1 ways been harmless, peaceable, and friendly; but, (as is perhaps characteristic of Indians generally,) they are indolent, and improvident, and seem to have little idea of laying up for their future wants; and your Commissioners believe, that if they would have agreed to have paid them in land, for each one to have used as he chose, they might have effected a treaty, for one third, or even one fourth of the amount. From a once populous Tribe they have dwindled down to 12 men, 36 women, and 40 young ones, hoys, girls, and children, in all 88, nine of whom are connected with a family of Paymonky Indians, and it is believed will not remove. They have been urging a speedy treaty, as some of them were going off immediately to Haywood, and they wish to know, before they left, that they might make arrangements lor a permanent move, and your commissioners endeavored to impress upon them liie expediency of making the selection where the v w ish to settle. It is not easy to ascertain, with accuracy, the amount of annual rents their lands have heretofore yielded. If the original survey is correct, their boundary contains 225 sections, at ten dollars each, would produce $22 50. Some of the lands have been leased at a much higher rate, and some not so high; that the foregoing is as near the amount as we have thfc means of ascertaining, and their income has been rather a nominal one, having in j a great many instances been badly paid, j in articles at high prices, that often answered them but little good purpose. It is believed, that one third the amount, judiciously managed, might have been made to do them more good. Your Commissioners are of opinion that there are between five and six hundred families now living on lands under lease from the Caiawba Indians, and from six to eight hundred voters; and the lands have been divided and subdivided into various small tracts, Of which transactions no regular record has ever been kept. It is a matter of wonder, that the leases have not got into more difficulties and litigaB ^ Your Commissioners b* g leave to Re- j ^port: a Treaty herewith annexed, and rc | commend that the Legislature of the Siate would ratify the same, believing its ! terms a.e as moderate as the State ought to desire, and as liberal towards the Ind.? , | ans, as they would be likely to use judi- j I ciously, and would respectfully recom-: j mend to the wisdom of that body, to devise j j the best means for executing the Treaty, ' ! agreeable to the understanding and intent ; j of the parties. It may doubtless be ne- ! j cesrary to employ an Agent to purchase! the land for them, .and likewise to distri- | bute among tliem their annual payments. 1 | As to their expense of moving, we believe ' (and such is the expression of the Indians,) j they can move themselves in their own j I way, going olf in seperate little squads or j families, as they are now in the daily I habit of doing, from place to place, through , [ the country. Your Commissioners have the following ! short traditionary account of the Cataw- j has. In 17G3, it seems King Hagur was j their Chief, and was killed by a small party of Skawnees. lie was* succeeded lor a short time, by King Prow, and after the American Revolution, they became so Republican, that they would not have e j ; King. They then chose Gen. Newriver i I as their Chief; he was succeeded by Gen. Scott; him by Gen. Ayers, and he by Gen. Harris, the four latter of whom were personally known to the Commissioners, and i James Kegg now claims the Generalship, | he says, as being their Senoir, about 55 years of age, and being a full blooded Indian, and the only descendant of the NewI river family; and in a talk, or kiud of Speech to us, said, the State ought to give him the money to buy the land. He i wanted the title in his own name, and was willing the Slate where they settled, should Tax thern, and make them subject to the Laws, and then they would be entitled to the privileges and immunities of citizens. Hut the other Indians were not willing to intrust him with it, nor would your Commissioners recommend that he should have anv thinar to do with more J O than his own part. All which is respectfully submitted. JOHN SPRINGS, DAVID HUTCHISON, E. AVERY, ALLEN MORROW. General Kegg says, he wants to marry his women lo the Cherokccs, and then by the laws and customs of Indians, they would ail become Ca'.awbas, and in that | way strengthen his tribe. A TREATY, ENTERED INTO AT THE NATION FORD, CATAWBA, Between the Chiefs and Ilcad-men of the Catawba Indians, of the one part, and the Commissioners appointed, under a resolution of the Legislature, passed December, 1839, and acting under Commissions from his Excellency, Patrick Noble, Esq., Governor of the Slate of South Carolina, of the other part. Article 1st.?The Chiefs and Ilead-men ' of the Catawba Indians, for themselves, and the entire Nation, hereby agree to cede, sell, transfer and convey to the State of South-Carolina, all their right, title and interest, to their Boundary of land, lying on both sides of the Catawba River, situate in the districts of York and Lancaster, and which are represented in a plat of survey of 13 miles square; made by Samuel Wiley, and dated the 2:2nd day of February, 17(?4, and now on file in the ofiiee of the Secretary of State. Article second.?The commissioners, on their part, engage in behalf of the Slate, to furnish the Catawba Indians, with a Tract of Land, of the value of five thous. j and dollars. Three hundred acres of j which is to be good Arable Lands, fit for cultivation, to be purchased in Haywood county, North Carolina, or in some other Mountainous or thinly populated region, where the said Indians may desire, and if no such Tract can be procured to their satisfaction, they shall be entitled to receive '* f *1 the foregoing amount in casn, irom uic State. Article third.?The commissioners farther engage, that the State shall pay the said Catawba Indians, two thousand five hundred dollars, at or immediately after the time of their removal, and fifteen hundred dollars each year thereafter, for the space of nine years, j In witness whereof, the contracting parties have hereunto set their hands, and affixed their seals, this thirteenth day of j March, Anno Domini, one thousand [ eight hundred and forty, and in the sixty j fourth year of American Independence. John Springs, [l. s.] I). Hutchison, [l. s.] E. Avery, Tl. s.l ) ? i. fl .. L r w Commissioners. 13. S. Massey, [l.s.J $ Allen Morrow, [l. s.] J. D. P. Curkenck, for Sam Scott. H. F. Massey, for Allen II akkiss. James Kegu, General, [l. s.J his T"\ . v.^ IT i timto /"'nlntiol. fr.. S.l XJ A VIJL; ^ ji AAUXOJ wivuvit j mark. John X Joe, Major, [l. s.] W. M. X George, C'apt. [l. s.] PuiLir X Kegg, Lieut, [l. s.J Sam x Scott, Col. [l. s.] ; Allen Harkiss, Lt. [l. s.] : Signed and scaled, in presence of WM. E. White, WM. White, R. A. Springs. One of the horses thrown overboard from the Victoria steamer, on her way from Hamburg to Antwerp, a short time since, during a storm, swam so well that he got to shore on the Island of Gore, in Holland, where he has been well taken care of by the inhabitants. The husband of a lady who had her leg broken in Boston by the driver of an Omnibus starting his burses whilst she was stepping into the vehicle, brought suit against the owner for damages, and recovcrca 000. GEORGETOWN COACII WARE HOUSE. THE Subsc-ibcr is no v opening a fresh supply of COACHES, CH M^IOTTEES, BARROUCilES, BUGGIES, Trotting WAGGONS, GIGS ai d Sulkies, at prices varying from ninety to five Hundred Dollars, and Harness from nine to Sixty Dollars. He has also, a large supply, of Axles, Springs, and trimmings of all' descriptions, which lie will sell at wholesale cheap- ] er th 11 they can be purchased in any Southern market, as lie procures his stock direct from the manutiicnuer?. He will manufacture to order at the shortest no. ice having an efiicient set of workrane .roni ^harness Maker to the Blacksmith. R. LATHERS. Nov 25 iSoulli Carolina. Marlborough District. In the Court Ordinary. Benjamin Moor Applicant, ? Petition for vs. $ sale or division Heirs of Win. Stubb'a # uf Land. Defendants. \ IT Appearing to my satisfaction that Elisha Hill, Martha Hill, Eliz ilieth Hill, Elisha G. Hill, Ellas W. Story, John Story osrs E., Harris, William Hill, Nancy Hill.John W.Hill William Morris and wifs, Lewis Odom. James Odom. Hubbard Odom, Henry Welsh and wife, Sarah Stubbs, Roland Stubbs, William Lee and wife, Allen Thompson and wife, Dennis Stubbs. Nancy Stubbs, Hubbard Stubbs, William Stubbs Rebecca Stubbs, Sarah Stubbs, I'eter Stubbs, Elizabeth Lindsay, John Odom, William Odom and Jane Hodg. u heirs at Law of Wil iam Stubbs sen. deceased late of Marlborough District inside wil bout this State. It is ordered that they appear and object to the division or sale of the real estate of the said William Stubbs, on or before the 10th day of January next or their consent to the same will lie entered of record. JOSHUA DWIf), O. M. D. Ordinary's Office .Rth, Out. Ifc40. 48 12t Ilats and Shoes. ALARCJE and well selected stock for tale by A. P. LA OSTE. October 21, 1840. 4) tf For sale at the Bookstore. 4SER ON l>v the Rev. J. C. Coit, dcliv livercd iii the Presbyterian Church in Che. raw. "upon the occasion of the Se ni-centenary celebration; prepared fur the press, and published by the uutliur. as a tcstiuo ?y against the estab lished religion in the Unilud Slates " Price 25 cents. August 4th, 1h40. 28?tf Nails. KECS Nails, and Brads, all si2es, for P9 sa'e hy D. ALl.Ol. April 13, 1840. 23 !f Sugar. Coffee, Salt, and MOLASSES. ALAROE Stock of the above now in store and for sale very cheap for Cash, D. MALLOr. April 13, 1840. 23t( Saddles and Leather. A GOOD Stock for sale low, by A. P. LACOSTE. October 21, ld40. 49 tf SOUTH CAROLINA. Ransom Britt, i Declaration in vs. > Attachment. E. P. Gnion, ) Whereas the Plaintiff in the above stated ca.-e this day filed his Declaration against the Defendant, who is absent from, and without the limits of this state (as it is said) and hav. ing neither wife nor Attorney known within the same, it is ordered that the Defendant do appear and plead to the Declaration aforesaid within a year and a day from the date hereof, otherwise final and absolute Judgment will be awarded against hint by default. T. BRYAN, C. C. P. Office of Common Pleas, J Chesterfield C. House, > November 19, 1840. ) 2 1 e 3m fly Tea and Loaf Sugar. SUPERIOR articles, for family use, for sale by A. P. LACOSTE. October 21, 1840. 49 tf ( Mntliinor CLOTfl and Blanket Overcoats, Cloaks, 5tc For sale very low, A. P. LACOSTE. October 21, 1840. 49 tf (jiAKDFlK fcliJEDS. JOHN WRIGHT has received at the Book store a large supply of Fresh aud Suporior GARDEN SEEDS tor 1841. These seeds were selected and put up by one of the first seedsmen in this country, and may be relied on as being of the growth of 18J0, us well as of the very best varieties. Each paper is accompanied with printed directions for planting. [tr* Call early before the assortment ts brok. en. Cheraw, Dec. 4, 1840. 4 tf :to mistake. NEIV AND CHEAP GOODS. Til E Subscribers arc jnow receiving by the steamer Swan's Lighters a fine assortinen of Dry Goods, Groceries, and Hardware dfC. which they offer for Salo at the lowest Cash prices. Persons wishing Good Bargains will do well to cull and examine for themselves before purchasing Elsewhere. They will also attend to any COMMISSION BUSINESS. Th'-y will receive and forward either Goods or Produce, to or from Charleston or New York, on uk accommodating terms as any other house in 1 this Town. Call second door above B. Mcintosh's on Front St. Chcraw So. Ca. December 1st 1840. ROSSF.R &l GREGOR1E. The Charlotte Journal will copy the above once every other week for 3 months and forward t eir account. No. 4 eow6m. WAGGON FOR" SAJLE A New Four liorse Waggon lor Sale by R T. POWETL. No 4 3 in Suw IIIUIT. Malaga Grapes, Hunch Raisins,* Prunes, Figs, Currants, Citron, Just Rec'sd. and for Sale by EMANUEL & SOLOMONS. No. 4 2 in BRICKS & LIJ1E. A Small lotThomastone Limn and Alexandria Bricks of superior quality for aslo by EMANUEL A SOLOMONS. ALnanacs. Harrison and t omic almanacs i FOR 1841. ! Millers Merchants and Planters Almanac For sule at the Bookstore. I Novembor, 11, l84h. 52 NEGROES FOR SALB ANI> 1 HIRE. THE SUBSCRIBER will sell eig-ht negroes most of them workers, and in families to an approved purchaser, the terms would be ac- * coramodating if application be made before the first of January next. Also to hire out for one year firorn the first of January next, six or eight prime hands if not hired before, they will be put up to the high, est bider, on the first Monday at this place. PETER L. ROBESON. Che8terfieldC.II. ) November 20, 1840. c 2 4r__ ' The first session of the . Rockingham Female Institution for 1841 will commence on the second Monday in Jan. * uary. In June, an annual examination will ? tike place. 1 A limited number of pupils only will he re- < coived in this Institution, and a select number of yong ladies may be accommodated with board in the family of the Principal. Prices of l>oard < I and tuition have been reduced, to meet the cxi- | gencics of the times, j Evety branch of English Literature will he taught; also music on Piano and Guitar, Ein' - - ?lf I- _/ I .A.. I broidery ana Kug vv ors 01 every variety, unu i Wax Work. November 9, 1840. 52 9t ZSTS8. BLACK, Dark Blue. Light Blue, Red and Copying Ink", in small Bellies, For ale by John Wright at the Cheraw Bookstore. 1 October 30. 18 jo. i 51 tf Agency Bank of Georgetown S. C. At Chrraw Nov. 9: 1840. | I^lXCHANGE at eight on New York in A sums to suit purchasers for sale by i D. McNAlR Agent. No. 52 tf "REVTR IOTAR D~ FIRJIl.K'S DELIVERED in th? Baptist Church in this place in vindicatian of the do:trine and practico of the Baptis deuoiuination, for sale at the store of A. P. LACOSTE. 1 November 7, 1840. 52 tf Cheraw Academy. TH E Trustees respectfully announce that the ( duties of this lusritution were resumed on the lsr, of October, the Male department under the j superintendence of Mr. E Hall, the Female under that of Mr. J. Sewers. The course of instruc tion in the male department, will lie that required to eDter the South Carolina College the course of the female deparunent will be to make thorough scholars. The scholastic year will commence on the 1st of October and end die 1st July: the year is again divided into two sessions: the first begins Its October and ends 15th February the secern! begins 16th February and ends 1st July. ^ '"/?. no* .v/>?civvll fltp. ItTHlS 11/ I uitn/? /?w ? -j For Spelling, Reading and Wri- \ ting { 812 00 The above with Arithmetic, En J gliub Grainmor and Geography f 10 00 The above, tvith the Classics, \ higher branches of Mathcraa- > tics, Logic. Rhetoric, doc. ) 20 00 I Five Dollars each will be added to the above j for Painting and Drawing, or the Modem I Languages. All payments are in advance; the pupil will be required to pay for what remains of the session at the time lie or she enters, nor wih deduction or drawback be made for loss of. time. J. W. BLAKENEY, Sec.'y & Treas. P. S ?Mr. II. T. Chapman has taken charge of the Bearding House, near the Fe- | j male Academy, where Young Ladies aiay o I 1 1 tain board at a moderate price, j Sept. 20, 1840. 45 tf $outh Carolina. Cher aw District. In Equity. J John C. Ellerbe, Ex'or. ) Bill for account vs. ? and to The Heirs and Legt?v > appoint a of Win. Ellerbe, Son. J Receiver. It appearing to my satisfaction that William | H. Cole and wife, Samuel Spencer and wile , and Michael Ellerbe defendants in this bill, are . absent from, and reside without the limits of' this Slato. On motion of Robbing St Mdvcr it is ordered that the said absent defendants do ' appear and plead answer or demur to the complainants bill of complaint, on or l?efjre the 25lh day of January next, and that in default theieol. the said bill as to them shall be taken pro con. J I ftsto. { It is ordered that notice of this order be pub- | lishedia he Farmers1 Gazette published at | Cheraw twico a mouth for the spice of three i months. GEO. VV. DARGAX, Comm. iri Equity for Cheraw District. October 20, 1840. New Gloods. BROWN BRYAN *. BROTHER are now receiving per .Steamer Swan a well aclec ted stock of Groceries recently purchased in New York on favorable term?, which they otler for sale at low prices for Cash, or produce, and upon no other iermt. Cash paid for Cotton. 12 Hhds fine MCioix Sugar 75 Bags Rio, Liguira Java tc inocha Coffee J fc'6 ps Cotton Bagging assorted ( j 75 Coils Bale rope 500 lbs bagging twine 400 sacks Salt 0 Tuns Sweeds lion, assorted. 350 Negro Blankets ' 1500 Yds Negro Cloth. 15 Ca*ks wine, some very good I Also Raisons, Cheese in boxes 1 Hyson & imperial Teas t Loaf a steamed Crushed Sugar, very fine with a q generl slock of dry good* hard ware and Cut lery, Crockery, & Glasj Ware, liberal advance* made on Cotton left for shipment to New York and Charleston. j B. BRYAN &, BROTHER. 6 Cheruw 26 Oct. 1840. e NT,. Rn if ( W ? V I V ii Lard. $5000 LARD, for sale ^ A. P. LACOSTE. September 30, 1840. Shoes. THE Subscriber has now on hand a very " extensive assortment of Shoes, suitable | for all seasons, which he will sell very cheap. / D. A!ALLOY. ' April 13, 1640. 23 ft Bacon, Flour, and Meal. tCONSTANTLY ON HAND, and for sale J al the LOWEST market price by D. MALLOY. Umbrellas JUST received a good assortment of Silk and Ginghams Umbrellas. DUNLAP & MARSHALL The Subscriber has just received, and wil .eep constantly on hand,Cotton Yarn and Twine t wholesale, trum the Manufactory of Rocking i am. GEO. GOODRICH. Cheraw, Jnn. 1840. 10 tf Roberts's ?ilk Manual. A New supply of this work just received al A. the Book Store, price 37?. April 30 1840. 25 tf_ Notice. I Am now receiving part of my stock o. Spring and Summer Goods, comprising a general assortment of seasonable Goods, whicl I will sell low for cash. Purchasers will please rail and examine for themselves. ALSO, Will be kept constantly on hand a stwply o Serman Bolting Cloths, equal to any used ir his country. MALCOM BUCHANAN. March 13th. 1840. J 8 tf Hoods and I'alm leaf liats 7U0Z. White and Colored Iloods, and I duz. assorted Palm Leaf Hats, just receive* by DUN LAP & MARSHALL. July 27,1840. 37?tf PHILADELPHIA SHOES. Pair Ladies Kid Slippers and 45 Pai Ladies Kid Walking Shoes, just re'cciv ed by DUN LAP & A UHAJ I . July 27 184??. 37?tf BOOK BINDING. THE subscribers have established themselvc in the above line of business in Cherav ind oHertheirserviccstoits citizens. u. LAZENCOURT, & CO DMalioy HAS Now on hand a supply of all kinds Gootfs suitable for the trade, which h will sell us cheap as can be had in this market. Persons wishing good birgains will please cal on him before they purchase. April 13. 1840. Dunlap 4* lYIarshali nEREBY give noticethatthey willcontiniu to sell their Dry Goods only, on the usua credit to punctual customers. i hey will sell their Groceries at the lowesi prices for cash only. The very short credit af which groceries car now be bought, amounting with the exchangi almost toCnsh, with their limited capital compcli hem to the adoption of this course. Dunlap & Marshall EARNESTLY request all persons indebted to them to make an early settlement ofthci: acrounts. They will invariably add the interest however trifling the amount on til acrounts not paid within ten days. January 1st 1840. 8tf New Goods. JOHN C. WADSWORTH 1"|' AS Now in Store a supply of GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, HARDWARE, SHOES, HATS, BONNETS, SADDLER Y, CROCKERIES, GLASSWARE, <frc. ALL of which will be sold at the lowest marktr prico. Persons wishing to purchase m tliii inarki-t will do well to call. April 30:h 1840. SPERM AND TALLOW CANDLE? flOR sale by A. P- LACOSTE. October 21, 1S40. 49 ll L or Cash only. THE Subscriber takes this method of saying o his Customers, that after this day he wit 'ell no article in the Grocery Line on a credit md Dry goods and Hardware only to sucl jersons as are prompt and ounctual in theii layinents. d.m alloy junnary 1, 1s40. 9 tf UYTUE LIGHTERS of Steamer Oseolathl Subscriber has received and is now opening lis stt?ok of Fall & Winter goods which hit Customers may expect to buy at very reduced i'ricts. D B McARN Nov. 16th 1840. 2 tf. Southern Harmony. 4 LARGE Supply of this new nnd valuable Book just received and for fale by john wright. November 4, 1840. 51 if cheese! For sale by A. P. LACOSTE. Jctobcr 21, 1*40. negroes for sale. r 4 LIKELY Follow, a good house servant, and his wife, who is nb-o a fine house s-r. rant and p:isiry Cook. A young wench and ler male child about four yc^rs old. -The wench i;i8 been brought up mostly in nnd about the ouse, and has also been accustomed to work in he field. For price ar d further particulars en[uire at the office of the Farmers' Gazette. Cheraw November 2, 1840. 51 tf ItlAIXO^IS TRAVELS, AC"" r UST RECEIVED and for sale at the Booktore iVlalcoms Travels in South Eastern Asia; inbracing Hindustan, Malaya, Siam and Jhina, with numerous highly finished engrav. llgB. The man at Arms by James, Comstocks Mineralogy, do Geology, do Phisiology, What leys Rhetoric, do Logic. November 24, 1840. BB1.S. Potatoes will be receivw""ed in a few days and offered f?r ale Cheap. B. BRYAN & BRO. N .vember 25, 1840, 2 4t \ State of South Carolina. DARLINGTON DISTRICT. %. In Ondinarys Office, September 21st, 1840 Joshua Pollard, Applicant, vs. John Goodson. Elms Goodson, W illium Goodson, Josiab, Goodson, John Kinren and Nancy his wife Benjamin Luca s and A/agaret his wile, L lodsooodson James Goodson, Hamilton Goodson, Arrcna Goodson, Charlotte Goodson, Abigail Goodson, W illiam Pollard, Wright Pollard. Calvin Rhodes and Sarah his wife, Frederick Woodhamand Mary Ann his wife, Wm. H-Ward and Martha his wile, and Allen Fort and Maij his wife?Defendants. IT appearingto my satisfaction that John Goodson, ElincGoodson, William Goodson, Josiah Goo<lson, Llias Goodson, James Goodson, Hamilton Good-on, Arrena Goodson, Charlotte Goodson, Abigail Goodson, William Pollard, Wright Pollard, Frederick Woodhamand Mary Ann bis wife, William F. Ward and Martha bis wife, aud Allen Fort and ary his wife DefendanUin the above stated case, reside without the limit* of tliia State. It is therofore ordered that they do appear and object to the Division or sale of the Keal > Estate of Thomas Goodson deceased on or befote L the first of January next or their consent to the i same will be entered *?f record. t ERVlN B. BRUNSON. 0. D. D. September 30,1840. f 46 12t ' CLASS AND PUTTY. 8X 10 Window Gla 8, 10 X 12 do do ! 1 Brl. Putty for 6ale bv A. P. LACOSTE. ' October 21, 1840. j 49 tf SOUTH CAROLINA, Hn the Cooiaum Chesterfield Dissrict. { Plea*. n 'i ? '? - . n i j lunaiu mci/UUi)"1 . i/txnr?uon j ' vs. > in debt in At. John McKay. ) tachment. WHEREAS the Plaintiff in the above etatrd case, this day filed his Declars. tion against the Defendant who is absent from and without the limits of this State (as it is said) i and having neither wife or attorney knqprn i within the same. It is ordered that the Defendant do &p|>enr and plead to the Deeralstioa aforesaid within n year and a day. from the date hereof, otherwise final and absolute judgment will bo awarded against him by default. TURN F.R BRYAN, C C. C. P . Office or Common Pleas. ) March 20, 1840. C . 27 ev m 31 ? * ' j Sept. 16 1840 No. 44 if Carpenter's 'loots. ? FH1FE subscriber has just received a Very ex. -} JL tensive assortment of Carpenter's Txiols, fj among which arc, Doub'eand Single, Cast Steol I ' Iron, Jack, Smoothing, Fore, and Jointer | Planes, Astragals, Bends, Dado's, Hollows and I Rounds. Nosings, Grecian Ovalo's, Qirrk O. G. ; Reeding, Rabbit. Side Rabbit, Raising, and Sash i 1 Planes, Sash Cord, Coves for stops, Table * j Planes, Torus Beads and Cornice Planet, Ross j man O, G. and Fillets, Fillcttsteiw, Snipes Bills, ! Gothic, Ceiling, Floorieg, aod Plow Planet, Plane Irons, Oil Stones, Key Hole Tenant, and Panel, Hand, Cross Cut and Frame Saws, Screw Slide orticc, and Marking Gcages 1 j Augurs, assorted qualities, Mortice, Socket, and j Firmer, Chisels and Gouges, Plate and lrou Squares, Side Bevils, Spuko Shaves, Locks, Hinges, Sprigs, Nails, Brads. Ac. ALSO Collins' Club, Hand and Broad Axes, Ohio and Pennsylvania Patterns, Hammers, Shingling 1 and Lathing Hatchets, Ac. The above were purchased tow and for cash of the best manufacturers, and will bo sold cheap by D. M ALLOY. n<-mher 221. 1?39. *2if For Stfle. A TRACT on the Doctrine* of Election and Reprobation, by Rev. J unes H. Thornwell. Also, a Vindication of the Protestant Doctrine concerning Justification. May 1st, 25 if PRODUCE' C ommission Business. ;i fSl m v . rn^HE Subscriber offers his services in the JL Couimiss.ou business, for the sale and shipment of Country Produce. He will receive in store and sell any article r of produce free of storage for commission of j per cent whore the articles are without ' limits; when limited a. reasonable storage will ' bo charged. 1 He will ship cotton ot o\\mt Produce to New r York or Charleston, making liberal cash advances for u Co emission of per cent, on the cash advanced, He ke< ps constantly on hnnd a very large stock of Crocerriks with a mixed stock of otb , er Goods, all of which he will sell at the lowest r prices wholesale or retail for cash or produce. \ The Subscriber flatters himself that his cxten. I sive acquaintance in the upper and adjoining > Counties <f North Curoli a will enamble him to eccive a liberal patronage. D. MALLOY. Cheraw So. Ca. Sept. 5, 1810. The "Western Carolinian" Salisbury, and "Charlotte Journal" will iucertlhe above twice a mot th for three months and forward their accounts fur payment D. MALLOY. State of South Carolina. DARLINGTON DISTRICT. In the Court or Common Pleas. W. Hunter Sur'v. Dec. on sealed of Hunter & DuBos* Note, in Foreign vs. Attachment. B E. DuBose. H E Plaintiff in the aciove stated case having JL filed his Declaration in ray office this day and the Defendant having neither wife nor Attorney within the limits of the said State upon whom a C"py of this attachment could he served. On motion of G. W. & J. A. Dargan Plantiff *s Attorneys. It is ordered that B. E. DuBose de plead or demur to the same, within a year andat day from the date hereof or final and abeoluo judgment shall be awarded and given him. ? It is ako ordered that a copy ofrhis order be published in the Farmers' Gazette once every three months for the space of a vear and a,day?. S. WILDS DUBOSE. O.C. P.' Clerks Office, Sept. 23, 18-10. 46 1 cv 3 m 1 11 a t s, * JUS F Received a large assortment of Men*, ^ oys, and Children* Straw and leghorn Hats. ALSO, lient* Bn?J YoutH's ror^nam, iur uuiiuer wow, all of which will bo wli cheap by D. MALLOY. April 13, 1840. 23 it F Friendship's Offering. OR 1841 just received and for sale at the Bookstore. ! November 11,1840. ' i 52 tf J**' |