University of South Carolina Libraries
THE CONVERTED INFIDEL. " A young getleman, by profession a . surgeon, had, for a considerable time, been in habits ofintimacy with me; and ' our conversation frequently turned on abstract theories, the nature of evidence under given circumstances, and the primary source of moral principles. He had made himself acquainted with the writings of Voltaire, Rousseau, Gibbon and Hume, whose speculations had led him to look with a suspicious eye on the Sacred Records, to which he well knew I was strong- 1 ly attached. When the 'Age of Reason' made its appearance, he procured it; and, fortifying himself wilji the objections against Revelation which that book con- i tained, he assumed a bolder tone, and i commenced an undisguised attack 011 the 1 Bible. On finding me willing to hear his objections fairly stated, and more disposed to repel them by fair argument than opprobrious epithets and wild exclamations, he one day asked me if I had ever seen the 'Age of Reason;' and, on being answered in the negative, he offered to lend it, upon condition that I would engage to peruse it attentively, and give my opinion, with candour, on the various parts which passed under my inspection. These preliminaries being settled, the ' Age of Reason' was put into my hands, and I pioceeded in its examination with all the ability I possessed, and all the expedition that my avocations would allow. During this period, scarcely a day elapsed in which we did not moi.t, and turn our attention to the principles of the ' Age of Reason,' which 1 con (rover ted, and he defended. In thiscont!oversy, no undue advantage was taken 011 either side. An inadvertent expression each was at liberty to recall; and the ground was abandoned when it was fairly found to be no longer tenable. The various arguments to which these colloquial debates gave birth, I occasionally committed to writing. The young gentleman ,finding that my attachment to Revelation was not to be shaken, recalled the 4Age of Reason,' under avowed suspicions that the arguments it contained were more vulnerable, than, when he lent it, he had been induced to beleive. He continued, for some time, to waver in uncertainty. He had embraced infidelity, and hesitated to abandon the object of his choice; though, he candidly confessed, he was unable either to defend its principles, or to avert the consequences to which they must inevitably lead. In this state of fluctuation his mind continued for some time; until his suspicions were transferred from the Bible to the 'Age of Reason,' and his confidence was happily exchanged for a more pleasing confidence in the authenticity of Divine Revelation. When this alteration in his views had taken place, he did not hesitate to ackcow- j ledge, that his design, in lending me the j 'Age of Reason,' was to proselyte me to j the principles of infidelity, but that, being , disappointed in his expectation, his mind became perplexed, and he soon found that his attempt had produced an effect the reverse of what he had intended. Shortly afterwards he was taken ill;.and, after languishing for some months in a decline, his mortal remains were carried to I he 4house appointed for all living.' This change and this conviction, which, I belcive, accompanied him to his death, he attributed, almost exclusively, to the causes which have been assigned. His mind was awakened to deliberate reflection, and directed to explore those distant issues and consequences which infidelity does not instruct its votaries or victims to survey." Di e it's memoirs. Do as you would be done unto.?The horse of a pious man living in ,- j happening to stray into the road, a neigh- j Lor of the man who owned the horse put j hitn into the pound. Meeting the owner j soon after, ho told him what he had done ; "and if 1 catch him in the road again," savs he, "I'll do it again." " Neighbor," replied the other, " not long since 1 looked i out of my window in the night and saw j vour cattle in my meadow, and I drove them out, and shut them in your yard?and ril doil again. btruck with tlie reply, the man liberated the horse from the {round, and paid the charges himself: " A soft answer turneth away wrath." industry.?''There is one precept," says Sir Joshua Ileynolds, " in which I shall be opposed only by the vain, the ignorant and the idle. I am not afraid that I shall repeat it too often. You must have | on dependence on your own genius. If [ you have great talents, industry will im- ; prove them ; if you have but moderate j abilities industry will supply their deficien- ! cy. Nothing is denied to well directed lnhnr! nothing is to he obtained without I it." A letter, from the University of Virginia, announces the death of Charles Bonnycastle. Esq. Professor of Mathematics in that institution. SOUTH CAROLINA. Chesterfield District. By TYrnef By ran, Esq., Ordinary. R/'IIKREAS. Ann Horn, Joel Horn and v w C. Marsh made suit to me to grant then L-iters of Administration of the Estate and Effects which were of Thomas Horn late of (-lay Crock. These are to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said Thomas J H. >rn deceased, that th?y ho and appear before mo, m tho Court of Ordinary. to he held at Chesterfield f, H on Monday the 10th Inst, to shew cense, if uny they have, why the said Ad- | ministration should not be gran'ed. Given under my hand and Real, this second day of November, in the year of our I?ord one ' thousand eight hundred and fbrtv, and in the ( suty fifth year of American Independence. T. BRYAN, O. C. D. November 11 1840 52 tf PROSPECTUS OF THE 8&QE&29& E&g&EQEe c A WEEKLY JOURNAL. 0 To be devoted to the dissemination of Scottish Intelligence, &t. thoughout the United States and Candda. Breathes there a man with 60ul so dead, 1 Who never to himself hath said, This is my ou n, rny native iana, t Scott. A paper dfvoted to the dissemination ot national intelligence, must necessarily look. I for support from those interested hy nativly or descent; but, as a record of the passiing events of any country cannot tail, if carefulh ] prepared, occasionally to inter? st or instruc1 the general reader, it is hoped our journal may meet with a favorable reception froin this class while the former, to be without it, would argue a degree of indifference, happily incon sistent with that Amor Patriae, so proverbially characteristic of our countrymen. ) Emigration from Scotland has been so con. tinous during the last forty years, as to have ] given rise to a very numerous and important s class of the population of these communities; t <<ne which we cannot fur a moment doubt, are ' as univ> rsaliy deeirou- of postessng, as thpy e are capable of sustaining, a journal devoted to , their national sympathies?an indepenren medium of communication with their nativ ( land ; now the more desirable, as steam ( navigation offers opportunities so frequent, [ regular and speedy, of acquiring a knowledge ] of passing events?ere tune robs theoi of their interest. In this country, where the French, German and English population, sustain their respective papers?the publication of such a periodical is a debt we really owe to the honor of the Scottish nation and character; and the subscriber clneflly influenced by this conviction, iu preparing so desirable an object for his countrymen, feels their patriotism will be his protection, while his anxiety wi.l be to present matter at ail tunes pure and unexceptionable and worthy the high literary reputation ul his country. 1 he Scottish Patriot will appear early in 1841 neatly printed, in a form well fitted for binding?and will present a weekly retrospect of general Scottish intelligence?a d-gest of Sr?/-,tiikK liuip^rupA? nntirpfi of now publica lions, &.c.?of interesting* movements in the church?rniversities?courts of law?discoveries in science?progress in llie arts?reports of deaths?marriages?bankruptcies, &c.? and interesting miscellany, gleaned from every source?home and abroad. A piece of Scottish music will also be appended, in such a manner as w 11 adin:t of its being separately bound if desired. The whole it is hoped, will form a journal equal in neatness and interest to any existing periodical. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, in all cases payable in advance?\early, $3,50 half yearly $2,00 .* quart* rly, ?1,(10. 1 Our friends will please receive and forward to us, subscriptions and names of those desi- j rious of becoming subscribers. Post Masters and others who will act as agents, will be allowed a commission of 25 per cent. To prevent misunderstand ngs, no order will be fulfilled, until payment is forwarded. 'I he ournal will be forwarded to city subscribers evny Saturday morning, and by the earliest mails to those in the country, Canada, &c. As no belter circulating medium amongst a cerlian class can be afforded, than through the pages of the Scot*ish Patriot, due n-tice will be gi\en to advertisers of the issue of the first number. Papers and communications (post paid) to be aduressed >o J. GIL ROY GUMMING, M. D. 75 White Street, New York. September 3. 47 PllRFlblSURl FANCY AKTRLiS AC. fBllJE Subscribers have just received a J. handsome assortment of German and French Perfumery, Fancy articles, Toys, Fancy Boxes, Ladys Furnished Work Boxes, Hair Brushes, Toilet Soaps, and a Variety of New and useful articles which they invite the citizens to call and examine. EMANUEL & SOLOMONS. NEGROES FOR SALE. A LIKELY Fellow, it good house servant, and ois wile, who is clso u tine house sjr. vuulnnd p stry Conk. A young wn'di and i lir>r in:iIt. rln.d alt tut tour veiirs old. 'I lo> ivttncii I li 8 be'-n brought up mostly in and about the ouse, and bus also been accustomed to work in the field. For price at d further particulars enquire at the office of the Farmers' Gazette. Choraw November 2, Io40. M tf_ Agency Bank of Georgetown 8. C. At Cherair Nor. 9: 1840. f^XCHANGE at 6-ght on New York in A su ..s to suit purchasers- for sale by D. McNaIR Agent. No. 52 tf KEV. KJ1CIIARD FXRJIAA'S SER.m\, DELIVERED in the Baptist Church in this place in viudic <tian Oi the <*o:irin* am) practice of the li a pits denomination, for sale at tho store of A. P. LACOSTE. November 7, 1840. 52 tf Al.nanacs. MARRISON AND t OMIC ALMANACS FOR 1*41. For sale at the Bookstore. Noveml>cr, 11, 1840. 52 tf amtir tw\/Mrn INfcW UUUlVfc. JUST received at the Oheraw Bookstore and for sale by John Wright. FcrJiimitd and Isabella by Prescott. J. B.ibbingtoH Mt-.Cau'cyfs Mis cellanies. Wordsworth's Poetical Works; Mrs. Ilemans Poems. Burn's do CamleH'R do Young Gray Beattic and Collins. Shakespeare. Shetland and Sbctlandcrs by Miss Sinclair. New Music. Flu to and Violin Instructors. October 30, 1840. 51 tf fglHE FIRST SESSION OF THE JL Rockingham Female Institution for 1811 1 will commence on the second Monday in J :nuary. In June, an annual examination wili Luke place. A limited number of pupils only will l?e received in Ibis Institution, and a select number i?f yong ladies may lie accommodated with board m tho family of the Principal. Prices of board rind tuition hive been reduced, to meet the c.xi goncies of tho times. Eve-y branoh of English Literature will lie Laugnt; ;.|so inusio on Piano and Guitar. Embroidery and Rug Work of every variety, and i Wax Work. , November 9, 1S40. 52 9t I ORDINANCE NO. 22. Bo it ordained by the Town Council ? f the Town of Cheraw, and it is hereby t rdained'd by the authority of the same i hat from and after the passage of this 3 ict, the granting of Licenses for the re- I ailing of Spirituous Liquors be at the ' following rates. For License Tavern Bar, and retailing my quantity $50 All ordinances and parts of ordinances epugnant to this, be and are hereby re* >ealed. ' J. W. BLAfcENEY. Intendant. Done in Council Cheraw 11th Julv 1840. FELIX LONG C. T. C. ClIERAW. No. 50 4t Cheraw Academy. rll ETrnstees respectfully announce that tlie duties of tins Institution were resumed on the 1st of October, the Male department under the >uperintcndence of Mr. E Hall, the Female under { hat of Mr. J. Sewers. The course of instruction j l the male department, will 1 At that required to ( inter die South Carolina College the course ol the "em le department will be to make thorough #el?ol- , irs. ... ... 1 The scholastic year will commence on me i?? , if Octol>er and end die 1st July: the year is again livided into two sessions: the first begins Its Ocober and ends 15tli February the ssceud begins 16th February and ends 1st July. Terms of Tuition per Session ore, For Spelling, Reading and Wri- ) ting ( 812 00 The above with Arithmetic, En ) glish Grammer and Geography ) 16 00 The above, with the Classics, J higher branches of Mathema- > tica, Logic. Rhetoric, &c. ) 20 00 Five Dollars each will be added io the above for Painting aud Drawing, or the Modern Languages. All payments are in advance; the pupil will be required to pay for what remains of the session at the time he or she enters, nor will deduction or drawback be made for loss of time. J. W. BLAKENEY, Sec'y & Treas. P. S ?Mr. H. T. Chapman hag taken > charge of the B larding House, near the Female Academy, where Young Ladies may o b tain board at a moderate price. 20, 1840. 45 tf J. LEE, M. D. or l'A.VDE.\, s. c. OFFERS his Professional Services to the citizens of Chcraw and ucighliouring Towns. He insiy be found al the Planters' Hotel?orders from the country directed to the Posi Olfic r in Choraw, will meet with alien'ion. Ho is prepared to perform any and every Dental Operation that may be required. NATtltAL OB ItlllVEBAL TEETH will lie set oa Gold Plate or pivoted en the old root ii'sufficiently strong to bear the operation. mrTEETH slopped with Gold and warranted not to decay any more in the part stopped. TEETH and roots of Teeth extracted and irn'giil irities remedied. Examinations made without charge. Materials and work in all casn warranted. November 4, 1640. 51?3t Huts, JUS r Received a large assortment of Mem. oys, and Children* Straw and Leghorn Hats. ALSO, Gents and Youth's Fur^Hats, for summer wear, all of which will be sold cheap by D. MALLOY. Apiil 13, 1840. 23 tf_ FAMILY OROCERIES AC. fHlllE Subscribers have just opened at the JL store two doors above the Post Office on Fr?>ni Strict a Well selected and General assortment of Grocerries among which may found. Loaf, New Orleans, Porto Rico and New York Crushed Sugars, Java and Rio CuflTe, New Orleans Molasses, Hyson and Gun Powder Tea, No 1 Chocolate, Goshen Butter and Cheese, Raieans, Currants, Figs, Citron, Dates, A I. uiomJs, Filbrets, Brazil Nu e, English VVaU ; nuts, Ground Ciuamon, Cloves Nutmegs, Mace and Pimento, Mustard, Baltimore and I Ri< hmond Flour feinoked Herings, Belogna J Sausages jWest India Preserves. Pickles, Salearatus, Ginger, White and Yellow Soap, ] Starch, and a variety of other articles which they will dispose of low for Cash. EMANUEL <fc SOLOMONS. Nov 9th li84l). No. 52 2 in j rniitv a nir SlAl iUlY Alt I. ROGER'S tine Pen Kruvce. Cup and Letter Piper. Q tills and Account r^pcr, Silver Pencils, Wiitoi Co'crs in boxes and by tho cake Pocket Rnl' H, lliunk Hooks, assd. Hills of Lading. For sale by JOIIN WRIGHT. Nowmbei II, 1840. 52 tf Friendship's Offering. I^OR 1841 just received and for sale at the Bookstore. November 11,1840. 52 tf "nfzsT BLACK, Dark Blue. Light Blue, Red nnd Copying Inks, in small Boltleg, For sale by John Wright at the Clieraw Bookstore. October 30. t S 40. 51 tf HAItERl & CONFECTIONAKV. rg^HF. Subscribers respectfully inform the JL Citizens of Chenw that having employed an excellent Baker from New York they are now able to supply them with Bread, Crackers of any disruption. They will also keep con. stantly on hand a supply of superior confectionary. Families will be supplied with Bread at their houses. E.MANUEL & SOLOMONS. N B Weddings, and Parties supplied at the j 3!ioriesT nouc?\ Nov. 10th 1840. 2 in Southern Harmony. A LARGE Supply of this new ami valuable ! Book jtiH received and for pale by JOHN WRIGHT, November 4, 18-1051 - tf Tea and Loaf Sugar. Cjj1 UPEfflOR articles, for family use, for sale ; & by A. P. LACOSTE, October 21, 1840. 49 it 1 l'or Cash only. THE Subscriber takes this method of saying o his Customers, that after this day he wiU sell no article in the Grocery Line on a credit; ind Dry goods and Hardware only to such >ersons as are prompt and nunctua] in their payments. D. MALLOY Jannary 1, 1840. 8 tf State of South Carolina. Darlington district. In Ondinarys Office, September 21st, 1840. Joshua Pollard, Applicant, vs. John Good.-on, Elms Goodson, William Goodson, Josiah Goodson, John Kirven and Nancy his wife Benjamin Luca s and A/agaret his wife, E lodsooodson James Goodson, Hamilton Goodson, Arrcna Goodson, Charlotte Goodson, Abigail Goodson, William Pollard, Wright Pollard. Calvin Rhodes and] Sarah his wife, Frederick Woodhamand Mary Ann his wife, Win. H. Ward and j Martha his wife, and Allen Fort and Alary his wife?Defendants. IT appearingto my satisfaction that John Goodson, Eli isGoodson, William Goodson, Josiuh Goodson, Elias Goodson, James Goodson, Hamilton Goodson, Arrcna Goodson, Charlotte Goodson, Abigail Goodson, William Pollard, Wright Pollard, Frederick Woodhamand Alary Ann his wife, William F. AVard and Martha his wife, and Allen Fort and ary his wife Defendants in the j above stated case, reside without the limits of this State. It is therefore ordered that they do appear and object to the Division or sale of the Real Estate of Thomas Goodson deceased on or befotc the first of January next or their consent to the same will be entered ot record. ERV1N B. BRUNSOV. 0. D. D. September 30,1810. 1 dfl 12t GLADS ANDPGTT?. 8X 10 Window Gla s, 10 X 12 do do I Brl. Putty for bale by A. P. LACOSTE. October 21, 1610. 49 tf SOUTH CAROLINA~ Fin the Common Chesterfield Di$srict. \ Pieas. Ranald McDonald i Declaration vs. > in dell in AU John McKay. j tichmcnt. WHEREAS tho Plaintiff in the above staled case, this day filed his Declarn. lion against the Defendant who is absent from and without the limits of this Slate (as it is said) and having neither wife or attorney known within the same. It is ordered tint the Defen. dant do appear and plead to the Dccralulion aforesaid within a year and a day. from the date hereof, otherwise final and absolute judgment will bo uwarded against hitn by default. TURNER BRYAN, C C. C. P Office of Common Pleas, ? March 20, 1640. j 27 ev m 31 y Sept. 1G 1840 No 44 if 1T0TI03. THE Hopewell Baptist Church of Chester, field, will Petition the Legislature at its next 8CSMOU for an Act of Incorporation. \VM. A. .1/ALLOY, C'h. Clerk. September 5, 1640. 44 1 m f 3 in Carpenter's 1 ools. Til E subscriber has just received a very extensive assortment of Carpenter's Tools, among which arc, Double and Single, Cast Steel Iron, Jack, Smoothing, Fore, and Jointer Planes, Astragals, Beads, Dado's, Hollows and Rounds, Nosings, Grecian Ovalo's, Qtrrk O. G. Reeding, Rabbit, Side Rabbit, Raising, and Sash Planes, Sash Cord, Coves for sleps, Table Planes, Torus Beads and Cornice Planes, Roman O, G. and Fillets, Fillellstcrs, Snipes Bills, Gothic, Ceiling, Flooring, and Plow Planes, Plane Irons, Oil Stoucs, Key Hole Tenant, and Panel, Hand, Cross Cut and Frame Saws, Screw Slide orticc, and Marking Guages Augurs, assorted qualities, Mortice, Socket, and Firmer, Chisels and Gouges, Plate and Iron Squares, Side Revils, Spoko Shaves, Locks, Hinges, Sprigs, Nails, Brads. &.c. ALSO Collins' Club, Hand and Broad Axes, Ohic and Pennsylvania Patterns, Hammers, Shingling and Lathing Hatchets, &c. The above were purchased low nnd for casli of the best manufacturers, and will be sold cheaj by D. ALLOY, number 22*1. 1839. 2il For Stfle. A TRACT on the Doctrines of Election and Reprobation, by Rev. James H. Thorn well | Also, a Vindication of the Protestant Doctrine concerning Justification, j Muy 1st, 1S40. 25 t! I PRODITCE Commission Business. THE Subscribe! oflvrs his services in the Commission business, for the sule and shipment of Country Produce. Ho will receive in store and sell any article of nrodnce free of storage for commission ol 2$ [?cr cent where the articlrs are without limits; when limited a reasonable storage will bo chaiged. He will ship cotton or other Produce to New York or Charleston, making liberal cash advances for a Co omission of 2? per cent, on the cash advanced, He ko??ps constantly on hand a very large stock of Grockrries with u mixed slock of other Goods, all of which he will sell at the lowest ' prices wholesale or retail for cash or produce. The Sulmcriber flatters himself that his extensive acquaintance in the upp? r and adjoining Counties of North C.iroli u will enamblo liiin to ecuive a liberal patronage. I). MALLOY. Cheraw So. Ca. Sept. 5, 1810. The "Western Carolinian" Salisbury, and "Charlotte Journal" will insert the above twice a iiioi tli for three months and forward their ac. counts for payment D. AIj LOY. State of South Carolina. DA RUNG TON DISTRICT. Is the Court or Common Pi.kas. W. Hunter Sur'v. "J Dee. unsealed of Hunter & DuBose I Note, in Foreign vs. | Attachment. B E. DuBose. J THE Plaintili'iu the al>ovc sfr.ted case having liled his Declaration in tny office this day and the Defendant having neither wife nor Attorney within the limits of the said State iij>on whom a copy of this attachment could lie served. On motion ol'G. W. k. J. A. Dargan PlantilT's Attorneys. It is ordered that B. E. DuBose de plead ordemnv to the same, within a year nudat day from tho date hereof or final and absolno judgment sliajl be awarded and given him. It is also ordered that a copy of rhis order be published in the farmers' Gazette once every three months for the space of a vear and a dav. S. WILDS DUBOSE. C.C. P. Clerks Office, Sent. 23, IS 10. 46 1 cv 3 in 1 CHEESE. For sale by A. p. LACOSTE. October 21, 1840. Clothing. CLOTII and Blanket Overcoats, Cloaks, Ac For sale very low, a. p. lacoste. October 21, 1640. 49 If jSouth Carolina. Clicruw District. In Equity. John C. Ellerbe, Ex'or. ) Bill for account / vs. j and to The Heirs and Leg lures / appoint a of Win. Ellerbe, Sou. $ Receiver. , It uppearing to my satisfaction that William H. Colo and wife, Samuel Spencer ami wile and Michael Ellerbe defendant* in this bill, are : absent from, and resido without the limits of this State. On motion at' Bobbins A Mclver it is ordered that the said ubsent defendants do ap|?ei<r and plead answer or demur to the complainants bill of complaint, on or before the 25th | day ol January next, and that in default Iheuof, the said bill as to thou shall be taken pro con. \fc*so. , It is ordered that notice of this ordor be published i a he Farmers' Gazette published at | Cheruw twice u month for the space of three mouths. GEO. VV. DARGAN, Comm. in Equity for Cliciaw Dislriot. October 20, 1840. Saddles and Leather. A GOOD Stock for sale low, by A. P. LACOSTE. j Octub r 21, lb40. __ 49 tf_ New Goods. BROWN BRYAN a BROTHER arc now receiving per Steamer Swnn a well mice led stock of Groceries recently purchased in New York on favorable terms, which they offer for sale at low prices for Cash, or produce, and m rmn ?n n/h+r /???? ? riiiil (iuf fin! Inn. 12 Iilidb fine M Cioix Sugar 75 li.igs Rio, Liguira Java Sc inoclia Coffee e6 ps Cotton Bugging assorted 75 Coil# Bale ropo 500 lbs bagging twine 400 sucks bolt 6 Tons Swecds lion, assorted. 350 Negro Blankets 1500 Yds Negro Cloth, i 15 Casks wine, some very good 1 Also Raisous, Cheeso in boxes i Hyson & imperial Teas Loufa steamed Crushed Sugar, very fine wi ll a j gimerl stock of dry goods hard ware and Cut i lery, ('rockery. &Gta*i Ware, liberal advances made on Cotton left for shipment to New York and Charleston. B. BR VAN &, BROTHER. Cherow26 0<u. 1840. Nc? 50 if Lard. igOOO LBSbLKAF lard? f?r suiy ^ by A. P. LACOSTE. September 30, J840. iSouth Carolina. Mar I borough District. In the Court Ordinary. 1 Benjamin Aloor Applicant. ) IVtiiion for vs. $ s ile or division Ilctrs of Win. Slubb's / of Lund. Defendant*. { IT Appearing to rny satisfaction that Elisha 11 ill, Marina Hill, Elizibclli Hill, Elisha G. Hill, Elias W. Story, John Story im E., Harris, William Hill, Nancy Hill,John W.Hill William Mori is and wif.r, Lewis Odom, James | Odom. Hubbard Odnin, Henry Welsh and wife, Sarah Stubbs, Roland Stubbs, William law ami wife, Allen Thompson and wife, Dennis Stubbs. ! Nancy Stubbs, Hubbard Stubbs, Williini Stubbs Rebecca Stubbs, Sarah Stubbs, Peter Stubbs. 1\ Elizabeth Lindsay, John Odom, William O loin r I and Jano Hodges heirs at L w of Wil iaoi Stubbs son. deceased lute of.Marlborough Districl i reside without this Stale. It is ordered thai > they appear and object to. the division 01 sale of the real estate of the said Wi liari Stubbs, on or before tiic lOJi day of January next or their consent to the s.une will be eulerec of record. JOSHUA DAVH, O. M. D. ' Ordinary's Office 5th, Oct. Ih40. J 48 12r r| Hals and Shoes. A LARUE and well selected stock for w?< by A. P. LA OS'l'E. October 21, 1?40. 49 If Shoes. rKlHK Subscriber his now on hand a verj j JL extensive assortment of Shoes, suituldi for ali seasons which lie will sell very cheap. J D. A1 ALLOY. . j April 13, 1840. ? 23 ft ; South Carolina. , Vanevcry's Heirs, i Ilill I vs. > of Tho Heirs of Lamb. S Revivor. IT appearing to my s tisficlion, that Min Mary Lide one of the defendants in llir. cure, is absent from, and resides without the limits of the Stale of South Carolina. On nio:j"ii ; it is ordered that tho said Mary Lido do appeal ! .iinl plead, answer or demur to tho said liill ol , I Complaint on or before the second Monday in j January next, and that in default thereof the said ( Hill as to her be taken pro ennfesso. It is also ordered that notice hereof be puUi?liled hi the Fanners' G'uzetts at Chcravv twice a month for the space of throe ni- nths. GEO. W. DA KG AN, Com. in Equity, Chernw District. October 2, 1840. 4S 2Hni3ni n i . .i v* ? r or saic ai tne nooKstorc. A SKlt ON by the Rev. J. C. Cuit, deliv xaL livered in tin; Presbyterian Church in Che. raw. "upon the occasion of the So ui.centenary celchr.ition; prepared for the press, and published l?y the author, as a testimony against the cstab. lislied religion in the Uuitcd Slates " Price 25 cents. I A'tjjiist 4th, 1H40. 28?tf I Nails. /? IvECS Nails, and Urads, all sizes, for sa'e l.y D. ALLOY. April 13, 1840. 23 if Sugar. Coffee, Salt, end MOLASSES. 4 LARGE Slock of the above now in store and for sale very cheap for Cash, D. MALLOY I Ajiril 13, 1640. 23ll 1 smmmsmmmmmmsgrnms State of South Carolina.^ Cheraw District in Eqprrr ) Celia Good son At. Al. * Admx. & Admis. of v Bill J at i tea Good son y for ra- ( Account i William Beck it I & Ann Beck At. Al. / Partition ] Heirs of Jas. Good son ? I It appearing to my satisfaction that Ariand Smith and Elizabeth Smith his wife and Lucinda McPherson defendants in thin case, are absent from and reside without the limits of this State. It is, on motion of Sims & Ervin Com. plainants Solicitors, ordered that the said Ar? land Smith and Elizabeth Smith and Lucinda McPherson do appear and plead answer at demur to the Complainants Bill on or before the first day of Jaouary next, and that in default thereof the said Bill as to them will be pro c6n- A fesso. n It is also Ordered that noti*?thereof bo published in the Farmers, Gazette twice a month for the space of three months. GEO. W. DARGAN. September 7th 1840. C. E. C. D. No. 44 2 n hi I 2m. Bacon, Flour, and Meal, CCONSTANTLY ON HAND, uid for ul* J at the LOWEST market price by | D. MALLOY. New Music. RECENTLY received at the Book Store a supply embracing a considerable variety of Songs Sacred, Sentimental and HnmoroWs also Marches, Waltzes, dec. and Music paper. December 4th, 1 b39. Umbrellas JUST received a flood aswrtmcnt of Silk and Ginohaims Ilmhrelias. DVJNLAP i MARSHALL. i lie bulmcribor ban just received, and will keep constantly on hand.Cotton Yarn and Twin# at wholesale, from the Manufactory of Rockingham. JL GEO. GOODRICH. * Cheraw, Jon. 1840. 10 tf Roberts's <Silk Manual. * A New supply of this work just received at the Book Store, price 37$. April 30 1840. 25 If Notice. I Am now receiving part of my stock o. Spring and Summer Goods, comprising a general assortment of seasonable Goods* which I will sell low for cash. Purchasers will please call and e;tainine for themselves. AI.SO, Will be kept constantly on hand a supply of German Dotting Cloths, equal to any used io this country. MALCOM BUCHANAN. Mareh 1 3th. 1840. 18 tf Hoods and Palm leal* hats. 7 MUZ. White and Colorod Hoods, and 8 doz. snorted Palm Leaf Hats, just received hy DUN LAP & MARSHALL. July 27, 1840. S7-?f philadelphia siiofj. ?r 1| Pair Lvtics Kid Slippers and 43 Pair tW\W Ladies Kid Walking Shoes.just recoiv edby DUN LAP k. AIM All. July 27 18lit. 37?tf BOOK BINDING. T . Til F. subscribers have established themselves in the ubovo line of business in Ciicruw and offorthcirscrviccstoits citizens. u. BAZENV-OUKT, SL CO. I linruv. S. C..J in. 2(>. D MaTloy HAS Now on hand a supply of all kinds Loads suitable for the trade, which h? | will sell us cheap us can be hud iu this uiai^ kcrt. ! Persons wishing good bargains w ill please call on liim before lliey purchase. April 13. 1840. ???>i? | iJiiiila|> 4* Marshall Q O tiUKHY give notice that lliey will continue JLM. to sell their bry Goods ouh, ou the usuaj^ L j credit to punctual customers. I hoy will sell their Groceries at the lowest 1 | prices for cash only. ' 'I lie very short credit at which groceries can now be bought, amounting with tho exchange almost to Cash, with their limited capital compel* Item lo the adoption of this course. ~?TATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. In Equitv A/\mo.x District. H. E. Cannon vs i Supplemental William Whitfield } Bill Henry A. Yesey and for aept. Emily Yescy J IT ApjK'aring that William Whitfield, Henry A. Yesey, and Emily Yescy, DcJcndauts in this case, are absent from ami reside without the limits of this State. On morion of Durgun Complainant's Solicitor, it is ordered, that the said - William Whitfield, Henry A. Vesey, und Emily > Ve.-ey. do apiieur and plc.ii] answer or demur to the Complainant, supplemental, on or before the i lirst day ui' December next, and that in default thereof, the said iiill lie taken pro coufesso. It is also ordered that notice of this order las published in the Fanners' Gazette trice a month lb. the space of three months ED. B. WHEELER August 6, 1840. 43 2 m f 9 in, Uunlap & Marshall EARNESTLY ?eque8t all persons indebted i to them to make an early settlement of tliei: accounts. They will invariably add the interest however trifling the amount xm ill accounts not paid within ten days. <?? January 1st 1S40. 8tf New Goods. JOHN c. wadsworth J J AS Now in Store a supply of GROCERIES, v\ fi mr y*/v y* r? JJlt I IrKJIJUS, HARDWARE, SHOES, HATS, BOX SETS, SADDLERY. CROCKERIES, GLASSWARE, cfc. ^ ALL of which will be sold at the lowest marlrof price. Persona wishing to purchase in thie, market will do well to call. April 1840. Garden Seeds. 1 INTEND having for sale at the Booksto*b> lh?a Fall and Winter, a freah and full supplyof Ciurdv-u Seeds. JOHN WRIGHT. Cboraw, August 4th, 1841 38?tf SPERM AND TALLOW CANDLES^ FOR sale by A. P. LACOSTE. October 21, 1S40. 49 ti