Farmers' gazette, and Cheraw advertiser. (Cheraw, S.C.) 1839-1843, November 18, 1840, Image 1

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JL ** ? * if*** *\;v -f - 7 * k * *" * ? <4 warfp 5 * * . f+ ?-*." , * * * * * '# 1 \ - : . - ??-?? I VOLUME VI - % *|i f , ^ BV ,* "i ; . M. SIACLEAX. v -i. ? - ? ?. ?< Tx*ms:?Published weekly at three dollars, a year; with an addition, when not paid within three months, of twenty per cent per annum. Two new subscribers in&y take the paper at fire dollars in advance; and ten at twenty. Four subscribers, n??t receiving their papers in town, nay P*JT ? year's" subscription with ten dolturs.Sn advance. A year's subscription always doe in advance. Pipers not discontinued to solvent subscribers In aresrs. Advertisements not exceeding 16 lines inserted for one dollar the first time, and fifty cents each subs<M)irent time. For insertions at intervals of two Weeks 75 cents after the first, and a dollar, if the intervals are longer. Payment due in , .advance for advertisements. When the nuuiher I of insertions is not marked on the copy, the advertisement will be inserted, and charged till ordered out. ID" The postage must be paid on letters to the editor on the business of the office. valuable cattle.?We have had an opportunity to inspect the extraordinary cattle, horses, sheep, and hogs, brought j out in the ship Philadelphia, Cupt. Morgan, i from London; and it is with no ordinary ! pleasure we state that the importation is ; one of the most valuable to our country at j large that we have ever known to arrive j 0* here from Europe. It consists of the fol- j lowing ? Matchless, Hereford Cow, formerly Spot ?first prize cow at the Royal Agricultural Society, against all England. Vnnna Prim. 1 vear old Hull, Here - ~?O ~ - ?* - - ford, sou of Matchless?shown with his dam. Martha 4 year old Cow, Hereford. Ellen, 5 " 44 44 Lucy, 1 44 Heifer, 44 Primrose, 1 44 44 44 Rarity, 1 44 44 44 Perfection 1 44 44 44 Catharine, I 44 44 44 Eliza. 1 " " $ linlfHero. & tU2a* 1 I half Dor. . Cherry, (> 44 44l)*irh:uii. Charv, 2 44 44 44 CatSbl. Clt. I year old Sampson. Cart mare, 6 do. Flower. Neapolitan Sow, Mrs. Trollop and her i family of 8. Berkshire Boar?Capt. Marratt. Berkshire Sow?Molly. 44 44 Betty. 44 44 Susan. 44 ' 44 Sally. Neapolitan Sow Hannah. 19 Cots wold Bams. Total cost, ? 2,739 9s. Od. the cow Matchless is probably the linest i of ihe kind that ever came over. She i took the the prize at the groat show at Oxford. She cost, landed here, about $1- j 10J. Mr. Webster who saw her at Oxford, and again here previous to her lining landed, spoke of her as one of the finest animals he had ever seen. The mare Flower is one of the largest ever brought over, and the stud is or tnc C ' | sainc character; they arc intended to ini- : prove the breed of draft horses. It is well ^ known that those horses draw two tons and upwards. The Berkshire Pigs are ofa class which, 1 for form and symmetry, are not to be surpassed. Tne 19 Cotswold Sheep are of the ; largest and ti a est kind: thev shear from O ' ? 10 to 17 pounds of wool, and are celebra- ! ted for thcr mutton. It is not necessary to describe every i animal, alt hough they richly deserve a full notice. The importation docs great credit to their entcrpriziag and public spirited owners, who are Erastus Coming, of Albany, and Win. H. S&utham, of Jefferson Co., N. Y. The latter gentleman went purposely to Europe to make this selection. Besides the trouble and risk he has incurred, he has paid for them upwards of 313,009, landed here. The introduction of a choice and xaluable stock, from the best farms in England, is of the highest 1 importance to our country at large, as it enriches all; and the gentleman who have hnd thnontnrDrift* and nuhlic snirit to make this in vest in jut, deserve the thanks of the public.?y. F. Spirit of the Times. j Ri le for Ascertaining the weight of i Cattle,Siieep and Hogs. In the u Cattle Keeper's Guide" there is at short and easy method given to find the weight of live stock, which will be of considerable utility to breeders. Let the animal stand square, put a string just behind theshoulder blade ; then put the string on the tail so as to form a plumb line with the hinder part ??f the buttocks; direct it along the back to the fore part of the shoulder-blade; teke the dimensions 011 the rule as before, which is the length, and . work the figures iin the following manner; ' T girth 6 ft. 4 in., 'length 5 ft. 3 in., which multiplied together make 33 1-3 square superficial feet; that again multiplied by 23 (the nunibor of pounds allowed to I each superficial ioot, for an animal measuring not less than five nor over eight feet 1 in girth) makes lbs. Where the an- j iiual measures let* than 9 and over 8 feet in girth, 31 is the number of pounds to each superficial foot. Again, supjwse a pig or any small beast should measure 2 feet in girth, and two feet along the back, which multiplied together make 4 square feet; that multiplied by 11, the number of pounds allowed for each square foot, when cherTN the measurement is less than three feet in girth, makes 44 lbs. Suppose again, a calf, sheep or hog, should measure 4 ft. 6 in., in girth, and 3 ft. 9 in., in length, which multiplied together make 16 3-4 feet, that multiplied by 16, the number of poundsallowed to animals measuring less than five feet and more than three in girth, makes 268 lbs. The weight of cattle, sheep and hogs may be as exactly taken this way, as is at all necessary for any computation or valuation of stock, and will answer exactly to the four quarters sinking the offal; which every man if he knows a few of the first rules of arithme- j tic and can get a bit of chalk and a string can readily perform. A deduction must, be made for a half-fatted beast, of one i pound in twenty, more than from a fut one; and from a cow that lias had calves and is only half fat, two pounds in twenty must be deducted. DEEP PLANTING. A patron of ours informed us a few weeks since, that while taking his fodder, he discovered a great difference in appearance between two peices of corn, which were planted at the same time, and in the same kind of soil. The fodder on one pcice of ground dried up so fast that he could scarcely get through with stripping it before it was entirely burnt up, to use the common phrase. On going to the other peice, he found it green to the groud, and in good plight for stripping. He was struck with the difference in the two lots of corn, and ou reflection recollected that on getting ready to plant his corn in the spring, he run a furrow with a large shovel or barsharc plough, after which he followed with a small plough called a bull tongue, running it pretty deep in the same furrow, till he got perhaps half over the peice, when he concluded to plant the balance in the single furrow, and discontinued the use of the bull tongue. The result was, that the part planted deep in the opening made by the small plough, where the larger one had previously been run, pror dueed a third more fodder, and of a better quality than that planted in the shallow mark made by the large plough alone; besides the great difference there must he in the weight of the corn, the latter drying up too fast of course to make a proper article for bread. This should be remembered by farmers, and the evil of shallow planting avoided, especially since all seem to think the seasons arc shorter, and much drier than formerly. Southern Cultivator. From the Southern Cabinet. ox tub cultivation of tine plains. Mr. Editor, "A Subscriber" in the March No. of the Southern Cabinet, under the head of Pink Plains, asked for information as to the best manner of tending his lands? the kinds of manure best adapted to them ?the best method of ploughing them, &c.; and an -Up-countryman," who professes to know something of the nature of soils, advises him. in the first place to emigrate to the up-country?or, if he does not choose to do so, to add one-half or twothirds of clay to his soil. Perhaps, the "Up-countrvnian," who attachesso much value to clay, has some worn-out upcountry lands to sell him, upon which nothing but clay remains, and I would advise the Pine-plain planter to hold on to his sand, or he may illustrate the truth of the old proverb, and "swap the devil for a witch." It has been my fortune to cultivate lands where the clay is mixed with the surface, or lies but at little depth beneath it; but I have seen much sandy land in * cultivation, arid bestowed some attention upon the methods of tending it, and I hope to be able to give the planter on Pine J planes more comfort than he has received from his friend from the up-country. ' In tin; lirst place, I w<JuId advise the Pine-plain planter to get open, if he lias not done so, three times as much land for Cotton as he can tend in one year, and twice as much land for corn, and adopt at once the system of resting his lands.? When lands have been much injured by what the Pine-land planter has been pleased to term the "skinning system," but which might more properly, perhaps, he called the gutting system?or when the soil is of a light sandy nature, two years rest and one one of tilth is better for Cotton; hut as such lands usually after two years rest, grow up in fennel and broom grass, they should he fallowed carlv in the i * fall, (and ploughed the same way the Cotton beds are afterwards to run,) or listed away early in the winter if they cannot he fallowed, which last method is fur prefer -i i ll- j. able, as it incorporates I lie vcgciaine inmtcr ploughed under with the soil, and prevents the injury to the roots of the Cotton plant mixing with the coarse undecomposed matter in the list. If this system is persevered in for some years, the soil must he very ungenial if it will not permit the ultimate system of one years cultivation and one of rc?t. I do not think that breaking up land for Cotton, in sandy lands at least, is beneficial any time after the first of December, but positively injurious, as the Cotton plant never grows off well when the tap-root can play about in a loose and porous bed. The Pine-land planter's progress in improving bis soil will'bc greatlv increased of course, if he will assist the system of rest by adding compost manure; or plant ..if X" ~ "<+oM *? ^ m 'UMIMTHAW V. sol IH-CAKULI-NA \\ ing Pea-vines, to be ploughed under ear- \ ly in October, after the second year's rest. Above all,* let me tell hira not to plant more than he can tend carefully in any j season however adverse. With respect to the corn-crop, have a change of land, and manure the part plan, ted every year very highly. Six acres t# the hand will if well manured and carefully tended, be enough to support the hands and horses required to work the j crop, and enough for the usual proportion 1 about a plantation who eat all and work j none. It may be said that six acres of corn is too small a crop on such land as 1 that under consideration, and it may beso 1 at first, but if the system I recommend be 1 fully and fairly carried out that number of 1 acres will, in time, be more than sufficient. 1 He has been told to use mud and i muck as manure, but mud al>out Pine- < plains is thin and unfcrtilizing. L^t mead- j vise him to make all the manure with his ) horses and cattle that he can. Pine-straw \ is an excellent recipient for animal ma- < nures. If he can find oak-leaves con- < venient enough, I would say, put in the i stable-yard and cow-pens a layer of Pine- ] straw two feet thick or more, just after the manure is hauled from the yards in the < winter and spring, and after the crop is j laid by continue to haul in oak-leaves on I ovorr u-nf rlnu (nr tn bo rlrif rtnoq if the I wet do not occur often enough,) during the whole winter, and he will have, with ] his Cotton seed, enough manure for his 1 Corn and some for his Cotton. In offering this plain advice, let me add, ' that it is no sally of the imagingtion, hut the result of some experience and informa- 1 tion on the subject. I have been accurately informed that there is now in Sumter district a plantation of great value, i which was once a barren Pine-plain such as "A Subscriber" describes his to be, which was bought up at twenty-five cents per acre, (and perhaps even less.) and now by dint of perseverance, rest, and manure, I am told it canoot be purchased at twenty dollars an acre. In my own neighborhood there is another instance, where a. Pine-land plantation was sold many years ago for a mere trifle, and the former owner said, after foolishly parting from his birth-right for a mess of pottage, 'Well, I have had the cream?I don't care who gets the bonny-claubcr,"?and now at this moment there are several hundred acres of Corn growing on that very plantation, from which the cream had' been sRtmmcd twcniv.ive years ago, which (notwithstanding the unpropitious season) will, I have no doubt, produce from twenty to thirty-five bushels per acre. "A subscriber" also asks for information about ploughing. Let him cultivate his cotton with the sweep, with the right wing turned so as to throw up earth to the Cotton?and in Corn,breakup the boxes deep with the old shovel, and afterwards use the sweep I have just described, until the Corn is made, and he will not injure it with deep ploughing. In dry weather it is difficult to injure Corn with any kind of ploughing in wet weather deep ploughing in sandy land is _<V A- ? .tn.i> AUfinuu I I OIICI1 Icl til I IU l/Oril, 1UI HIC TCI y U1MIVUO I ' reason, that in drv weather the roots of1 9 I the Corn run down in search of moisture | and are not easily cut but in wet weather i they play about near the surface and are greatly exposed to the plough. "A Subscriber" also asks about orchards on Pinc-plains. That is a small matter; and I know but little on the sub- j ject. Cotton. Orange Pariali. From the New England Farmer. MANVRKS. Experiments are reported as having been recently made in England with salt-1 pctre, with much success. In the cases j referred to it was applied to wheat but its application to other crops has proved equally favorble and encouraging. It is not a new experiment. We know several j cases in this country of its successful ap- j plication, of which we shall speak hereaf- j ter; but we shall give the experiment now J referred to in detail, because it seems to: have been made with considerable care, ! and its results are professedly given with j exactness. The Harleston (England) Farmers' j Club put it to their members as a Subject of the highest moment, to make exact observation and experiments with various manures. Certainly no matter connected with the improvement of agriculture can be of more importance.?At a recent meeting the subject of saltpetre was discussed. Various experiments were rcpor ted. We select one of the strongest cases, they say, "the application of salpctre as a top-dressing to wheat after peas, on alight land with a gravelly subsoil." " One hundred weight per acre was sown by hand on the 6th of April, and to prevent any error which might have arisen from a difference in soil of one side of the field from another, the saltpetre was carefully applied on every two alternate ridges. The crops were reaped, stacked, and thrashed separately ; and the result was an increase of six bushels of wheat, and upwards of two and a half hundred of j straw per acre, obtained at an outlay of I 27s, sterling onlv, as follows : St% lb. Produce per acre of wheat which had been manured with saltpetre, 1G0 2 1-2 em i nmwmmwmmi liDNKSDAY, NOVES1BEI Produce without saltpetre, 133 121-2 al Increase, 26 4 fi< Produce per acre of straw Ciet. St. lb. c< with saltpetre, 23 4 13 of " " ? hi without saltpetre, 20 7 8 lo st Increase 2 5 5 pt Cost of the saltpetre was 27s. sterling at aer cwt. The wheat of course was winter c< kvheat, and it was sown broadcast. A lb done is 14 lbs. w The society proceed to report:?" It is st :he unanimous opinion of this meeting, ai :hat saltpetre is a most valuable addition :o our list of manures. Strong evidence las been given of the benefits conferred !>y it on wheat, clover and other layers,' ind tares on light land ; and on clover lay- ?1 ers on heavy land: in each case the salt- P' petre was applied in the month of April, C1 and at the rate of one hundred weight per 84 acre. The effect would probably be increas- Ir ed (but this is at present unsupported by V evidence) by applying only half the quan- ? tity of saltpetre at first, and the remaining P part a few weeks afterwards." ^ The experiments which have come un- J der our own observation, have been upon d grass and wheat. The effect upon grass g was quite remarkable. The wheat was a in a growing state ; the saltpetre applied A when six inches in height; the quantity c pdr acre not noted ; the difference between o the part not dressed with saltpetre and that to which it was applied was obvious and i< striking ; the wheat was then in flower; it was intended that the result should be ac- tl curatcly observed; and we hope presently p to be put in possession of it. tl Any person of common observation, tl and at all interested in such subjects, can- tl not fail to observe the immense qunatities is of manure which are absolutely thrown a- u way on our farms, in ouj cities, and about ri our roads and buildings. What a blessing A it would be, if we had something of the re- j< ported frugality of the Chinese, on the w score of cleanliness and health, as well as t in'.crest. How few farmers ever think v of saving their soapsuds. We fear, with- c out meaning any reproach upon the gudc v housewives, that some of them do not hear b of such a thiug as soap suds as often might c be useful! But how few ever think of A saving and applying it; and yet it is a t most valuable manure; and by having a a vault or pool in which todeposite a pile ot c loam, or large heap of earth, by regularly e throwing the contents of the wash tub up- v on it, it might beconverted into the means t of jgrcatly enriching the land ; and what n tens upon tons of the most valuable liquid t manure, by a little pains-taking and con- c trivance, might be obtained in the city, by 1 farmers, who are now willing to come four t and six miles and transport fire-fang ed t and dried horse manure at a cost, before it b reaches their farms, of six and eight dol- t lars a cord. c The French arc now taking great pains a to save the water in which the wool is washed at the woolen factories, full as it is J of soap and animal oil, and find k a most 1 valuable application to their lands. We c have long known the value of the refuse > wool; and we have stood by the mill-shute t in Lowell more than once with feelings of f serious regret, when we have seen the < wash from their woolen factory, full of en- c riching matters, mingling with the'waters > of the river and passing off into the ocean, c as so much valuable material absolutely o thrown away. a Our highly respected friend Dement, of 2 Albany, has made some very successful v experiments with hogs' bristles, applied in ? nnfntoe hills and in other forms. lie f speaks of their beneficial effects as quite v remarkable ; and we promise ourselves the v pleasure of hearing from him on this and p the use of various other manures, in which t he has been experimenting. Wc can con- p fidently rely upon his observations and ex- li perinients as intelligent and exact; and the t results which he gives under his own hand, c as certain. i i EXTRANEOUS MANURES NITRATE OF SO- J DA. r From tho British Farmer*' Miigizine. a It is reported, that a remark was made J by Lord Kamos, 90 years ago, that such improvcmcuts would be made in agricul- * tural chemistry, that sufficient manure e for an acre would one day be carried in a c man's coat pocket; and that a trite answer 1 was made to the remark, that the produce r from such manuring would then be brought awav in the waist-coat pocket. Now al * # J though this period has not yet arrived, e yet something approaching to the. small 1 quantity of manure necessary to give vigor to an acre of wheat, has been proved on c Guilford Downs during the past year ; not * that this kind of manure alone was taken c up by the crop, hut that it formed a great 1 stimulator to the extra growth there cannot ! be a doubt; bringing into activity probably 1 some latent manures lying in the ground ; J for a strong alkali will convert oleaginous i n matters in to saponaceous consistency, and c in that state becomes soluble in water : J1 hence it is taken up by the spongelets of the roots in a liquid state. Those persons s who consider quantity necessary in manu- s ring ground arc sadly mistaken, intimate 8 mixture with the soil, and capability of becomiug ready soluble, being necessary points for consihpration. In Mar'ch, 1839, {) Mr. JobnRyds, baililf to Frcdering Man- s gles, Esq., of Down Farm, Guilford dressed over many acres of wheat with 11-2] a . II 18, 1840. >vt. of nitrate of soda to the acre, leaving lout half an acre in the middle of the sld undressed. The difference in ^le )lorof the wheat was seen in the course ' 10 days; when nearly ripe, the straw id the appearance of being 9 or 10 inches ngcr than the other part, and much ronger; at reaping seven rods of each irt were measured, cut, and kept scpar:e ; the nitred part produced 24 sheaves mtainingll gallons of wheat and 54 s. of straw; and where the seven rods ere not so dressed, the produce was 16 leaves, containing C 1-2 gallons of wheat id 40 lbs. of straw. From tho Cultivator. 44 Beat this if you can." Messrs. G^ylord & Tucker?I conuded the few remarks I appended to the irtrait of the heifer 44 Oneida," by refernce to a sketch in my portfolio, made >mc time since from a large lubberly annal, whose owner considered him the 44 we lus ullra" of calves. I now send you te portrait on the block, ready for Mr. case, and ifhedocsmo as much justice 3 he did in cutting the bull44 Pallimore," shall be satisfied. I was originally inuced to make the drawing to oblige the entleman who bred this young giant and, fterwards preserved it, because it so well lustratcd a particular "point" whicl^ I onsidercd almost inseparable from certain thcr general form and qualities, of all diich this calf was an excellent illustrat>n.* His head was round, short and vulgar ; lie neck heavy, and shanks coarse; the oints of the shoulders large, projecting ; ;ie blade bone thick and laying out full; ic crops low, with a deep hollow behind ic shoulder; the body very long, and, as i then too commonly the case, not ribbedp close; tbc hind quarters short, the innps low, the buttocks large round, the ank thin,and the hind legs rather crooked; >ints big, and hair harsh, but it was red, rith but few white maiks about hiin. I^re was size enough, and he claimed to reigh 614 lbs. at six months old; still I onsidercd it in an unprofitable shape, for ?uth that particular form I had usually ound the following qualities :?an iron onstitution, a hard muscular covering of lesh interspersed with very little fat, a hick hide, poor handling, slow feeding dd no proof, f Such animals preserve a crtain amount of muscle undjr the hardst usage, and add but iittlc of value to it vith the most generous feeding ; you find hem 'always fleshy but never fat;" it nay therefore be readily conceived that in he starved herd of the niggard, who calculates. as a matter of course, to "tail up" lis cattle in the spring, that such a description of beast would be invaluable from he mere fact that he can " get up alone ;" rat in the yard of the farmer, who from Kjtb humanity and interest, feeds asutliciency of hay to his stock, he will be found i most greedy and profitless consumer. I will now ask the attention of the Short lorn breeders to this said jtoiiU, before aluded to?which, meet it where I will, my ,experience and observation has led me to iew with much jealousy, nor is my disrust laid to rest, by either pedigree or >retension, however high or however condusivc these may appear to the minds of >thers. I allude to the " os-sacrum" when t forms au uneven line., in continuation >f the hack and loin, just before the setting n of the tail; for with this peculiarity small us it may seem, most or all of the other haracteristics, as seen in the drawing, vill be combined in a greater or lesser decree. ()ji examination, this bone in the >resent instance, will be found to be sonic* vliat rising as well as uneven and short, vhich obliges the tail to spring from a >oint nearer the loin, thus shortening he hind quarter; the .bone at the ? ? 11 olo/\ 1 ?A rTM in/] mini ui me: lump nui uisw u*> ivuu<i arge, round ?ind bare of flesh, as hough the skin were stretched tightly ovrit; and when in ordinary condition, it s without a particle of that soft interposng fatty substance, so indicative of a kindy feeder and good handler ; and yet I nust confess I have seen it in American nimuls claiming to be of the purest Ilerd look family, and for which liberal prices lave been paid. I am, however, inclined o believe that this particular form, together with the big buttocks, resulted from the inrlier crosses of the Yorkshire and Holdirness blooil, and docs not belong to the norc improved animal of the present day. But to return to the question of sizes, am aware that the prejudice in favor of ^rcat productions is very strong with the igriculturist, and the numerous instances nay arise at once to his mind, whore great excellence and great size arc combined ; hese I must beg leave to consider as the exceptions; the rule being, in my opinion, hat a monstrous calf makes a coarse, un>rofitab!e animal, long in arriving at luaurity, slow in feeding, and carrying great iflal. In these views I am the more con irmed by the experience of others, as 1 bscrve that in nearly every case of im rovements, the size of the original breed ins been reduced; it would therefore eem as though early maturity, beauty of y mine try, reduction of offal, and rapid ;rowth has only been attained by diminuion of superficial size. * Although wc cannot transfer thocw/ to our aper, the urtiele contains useful hints and ob~ srvatious, for which we copy it. Gaz. Proof is a butchor's term used to express t!io unount of tallow obtained from an auiniaf. . ?SP i ^ ?.. i?? ?fl Numberi | Bakcwell, in producing his celebrated I breed of sheep, diminished the size of the Le ices tors; and I believe the subsequent I improvements mqde on the Lincoln, Cot- ? swo'.d, and other long wooled sheep, by the Dishley cross, resulted in a more compact animal, though often times more reduccd in apparent size than in the actual weight of meat." The improvement of the " long horns," by the same breeder resulted in the same attendant circumstances ; and the " New Leicester or Cravens" occupied less space than the old breed. Colling did likewise when he made improvements on the Tceswaterand produced the " Alloy." And I jiave been informed by a very intelligent observer, who is we'd acquainted with tbo subject, that, when lately on a visit to Thomas Bates, Esq, of Kirkleavington, (who has perhaps more fully carried out Mr. UoTIfngs principles of breeding than,any other individual,) he found nothing at first particularly striking j in Mr. Bate's herd of Short Horns!?on the contrary he even thought then deficient in size and wanting in attraction! but | on a closer examination, their excellencies I grew upon him, they were Justin all their proportions, their symmetry so perfect, their substance so great, with sucn compactness of form, and shortness, of leg, that they proved to be large animals in a small compass; aud my friend's eye, soon becoming corrected as to their true size, rested with increasing admiration on the herd before him ; nor did he longer wonder at the successful exhibition of tbie stock of rrmnt OvtnrH mftfitini? iii 1830. when it beat the best short bora herds in England. In speaking of the course of Mr. Bate'* ! breeding, I would not be misunderstood; for that gentleman was not the copyist but the cotemporary of Mr. Colling, with whom he lived on terms of friendly kitercourse ; and as breeder*, they indulged & free interchange of view s and opinions. It was not, therefore, surprising that they arrived at the same conclusions, pursued the same means, and aimed at the same results. Those who feel an interest in these subjects will find much, that is carious and instructive in a close examination of Mr. Bate's course of breeding; which may be done by reference to the Herd Book, and by a little subsequent arrangement of the materials he will there find-? such an investigation is the better worth pursuing since the awards of tbe^Royal Agricultural Society in 1839, have borne such ample testimony to its success* Those who make this aualysis may have to acknowledge that " close breeding," in competent bounds is the name of the science* whereas it is the ruin of the novice, or indeed of any but the most experienced and skillful. K. Butternuts, Otsego co. Aug. 19,18411* From the Agriculturist DISADVANTAGES OF FEEDING ENTIRELY ON DRY FOOD. Horses and cattle fed on chipped oats oats or rye straw in its dry state, will obstinately refuse to lake up all that is put in I be troughs and what they consume will be less nutricious than when slightly fermented. The process is the following, to feed on a cheap plan and keep stock in better health and genera! condition, than with any other system: Have a box ' of sufficient size to contain all the food Lr your animals for one time feeding*, cut oats, rye, or even wheat straw and mix with it ono half gallon of Jndiau or lye rneaj tor each beast, t-prinkie in a littlo salt with water enough to moisten the whole mass, let it stand before feeding at least twelve hours, or till it acquires a slight acid taste; then give it to the stock in the proportions you measured in, and your horses and cattle will be so fond of it, 'that they will lick up every straw, keep fat and do well. By this mode I have found, from three years experience, that horses and c?ws will do bet. ter th in upon all the corn and dry fodder you can give them. T. F. CON. Froin the Farmers' Register. OLD WHEAT FOR SEED. Ti? a recent conversation with Mr. William i Skinker of t'anquier, an old and experienced j farmer, lie mentioned that* for experiment, he had sown a few bushel* (from 4 to 10) of wheat of the previous year's crop, in each " of his three last seeding*, and that he had ' found the product of the old wheat always much better than that of the new " wheat sown adjoining. Indeed, he thought " the increase to be not ranch short of i(jp per cent, lie could not assign any othfr reason for the superiority, except that by (teepiog \ the seed wheat a year longer than usual, the ; imperfect grains might Jose their vitality, and . leave nothing to grow except those of the beet ' quality. We think this totally insufficient to produce ihe manifest superiority which we i arc confident Mr. S. saw, whciherbe waa or I was not mis:aken as to its amount. But the. | the experiment is worth repeating, and we hope it will be repealed by as many of our readers as can conveniently obtait) old seed of good wheat. A year ago we heard stated, by , a gentle, man of Cumberland, a still more remarkable 7 f-">* i"lii/>li ha* hopn rpppnilv nhxprvAfi in that n IIIVII ??W? WW.. VWV.t.y, WV.W. county. A farmer bad sovvij^ few bushels of . old reed alongside, or perhaps between, the sowing of the balance of h^. field with new seed. There was no difference between the adjoining parts, except hs to age,of the seed. ; No experiment had been designed, nor was '; any difference expected; but, (he result was | that, while the crop from the new seed w as i greatly injured by the Hessian fly, that from ; the old seed escaped entirely. Our informant*' j under-stood that there was no doubt of the ' existence of this remarkable difference ; but the result was that, while the crop from tbe new seed was greatly injurred by the Hessian | fly. that from the old seed escaped .entirely. | Our informant understood that.Jthere was oa doubt of the existence of this - euiarkable diff