University of South Carolina Libraries
r\ 1 + It cotHMmc# of diflerun degma of health, the talents of the sen* iMwkhetoften varies several hundred po eufC Upon its importace, and the mean of preserving end obtaining it, and of re gaining it impaired,! cannot enlarge here Observe the influence of disease upon tlx manifestations of the mind?the irntibilit; and sour teraper'end debilitated intellec and moral feeling which often socompam it.?Observe -how total changed is tlx dyspeptic from what he was before, aw vour impressions as to the influence ant i niportance of health, will be quite as dis uuctnj any thing that can be nan k?|0. But alas I how few retain thei health thirty yearn. The midnight dark nan and total ignorace of the laws o life and health which pervade the com an unity is both astonishing and heart aickning. In this respect man is in "finitely behind the brute creation, wh never sicken, unless when caused b; - man. Yet man's organization i m vastly the most perfect and least liabl lis disease. But mankind are nearly al suicides?downright self-murderers of sou and'body. They seem to be determine! neither to live long nor to enjoy life whils v they do lire. A perfectly healthy roai knows neither fatigue nor pain yet mei love both^ and court and woo them, ma king them their constant attendents fron the crtWle to the grave. But is right e nough to allow them to chose their compan ions. Let them have them but do no blame the world in which you live for th result of this choice. If you wish eithc to enjoy life or to exercise your mindf you must keep your health.?Fowler' Practical Phrenology. From the Health Journal, t . INFI.URNCK OF LTOnT READING. * j^he influence of a light, trashy litera cure on the mind, and consequently upoi the human system is little thought of a the liwont day. When physology i taugW end studied as it should be thes< influences which are brought to bare upoi the whdle man with tremendous power wil be rightly appreciated and not till then Few are aware of the physological evils o rather pathological?for 1 he system is inadi to depart widely from health?that havi their origin in a morbod excitability pro duced by the reading of fiction and thei transmitted to offspring. This suhjec must claim the attention of the Christiai philanthropist. Those who think rati* think on the subject and then givo the worl< their thoughts. We want them. It i true light is beginning to dawn upoi mir world. But there is as yet only en y wkgh to "make the darkness visible." W have just began to feel that we want ligh t- that &darknc8s that is palpable is all ar ound. Tine iufluence of this species of lit e*ature on the mind and through the min< on the bo^fH&ast be studied. We onl; call up the subject now but we hope soin ineno 01 truth will hcreafjer do it justic through the columns of the Journal. 1 not we shall think our own thoughts am give them to our readers. That distinguished philanthopist Horac Mann, has spoken well on this subject.? We could wish he would again speak 01 a theme so much neglectod. The enct gies of his mighty mind would be wel employed in fathoming the depths of th evils produced by a species of literature i literature it can lie called, for which w have no appropriate name. We give be low an extract from his pen. We wis! our readers to think on tne subject. W intend to present them some startling fact ere long "So far as it respects fictitious writing the explanation of their wcekness anddb pereive influence is palpable to the fcebles comprehension. All men must recognis the wide distinction between intellect an feeling, between ideas and emotions.* * * How it is feeling and not the intellect,excitable or noiitatniously active powei of the mind ami not its steady day.laborin fuculies,?which the great body of fict tious worsts appeals to and exercises.Were the whole mass of these works ann Ivzed reduced tn ifa cnmnAn/it ulnmnni T -r" ?.?? ?.?' nineteen parts in evory twenty woul be found addressed to the emotions an feelings and not to the reason and judg< ment. Their main staple and texture at a discription of love, jealousy, hope, fea removes, revenge, rapture, dispair?th whole constituting a dark ground of gui and misery, occasionally illumined by crossing beam of cxtatic joy, or almost si pcrhuman virtuo. But the trials and ten tations described, are rarely such as an human being will fall into, and the virtue celebrated are such, as few will ever hav an opportunity to achieve. Hence, svn pathy and aversion, desire and apprehem l A _ A At. _ t_;_? a A tun, uiv Kvpi ctv. me iiignesi tension ; nut is upon incident* and scenes, outside of at tual life?not in this world, and often n< capable of being transferred to it. In th mean, time, the understanding sleeps ; th intellect is laid aside. Those facultic have nothing to do, by which we comprc bend our position in life, and our relation to society,?!>y which we discover wha our duty is, and the wisest way to perfon it. The mind surrenders itself to the in terest and excitement of the story, whi! the powers by which we discern tendencie and balance probabilities, are discarded ?nay those sober thoughts are unwclcom intruders, which come to break the delua ion, and to repress an insane exhilcratioi of the feelings,?until at last, the disease* and infatuated mind echoes that pogai saying, so treasonable to truth, that i would prefer to go wrong with one guide rathe 4 than right with another, tM thoupl in a universe which an all-wise Being ha formed, any thing could be as well as t right. In the reports of soma of th ranch hospitals for lunatics, the readinj of romances is set dow 1 ns one of th SfaQding causes of insanity."?Third An nrnai Rcptrr. c i. ? . t 9 Docm fmaklin wu Minister of the Unir ted SMRcs in Pransfe, he was often im?nr1 tuned by persons tfhknowc to him, to give * themlettwiofrecqtniBehjitioa. greases * of this kind, and whoa {t wu impossible to .. B refuse, he prepared the following model, ^ and in some instances actually employed it to shame persons making such indis. I v creet applications, and in sorao measure " j to stop tnom.?National Garotte. " . Paris, Araii/?> 1777. t Sir:?The bearer going to the United a j States, presses ine to give him a letter of i t recommendation, although I know noth- ' r I ing of hiin not oven hi? name. This may \ 1' seem extraordinary, but I assure you it is not uncommon here. Sometimes, indeed, I ~ one person unknown bri ngs another e<jual- * ly as to recommend him, and sometimes r " | they recommend one another. As for , this gentleman, I must refer you to him^ self for his character and morals, with R which he is certainly better acquainted lj than I possibly can be. 1 recommend j him, however, to those civilitios which j every stranger of whom we know no harm, ( t has a right to; and I request you will do n him all the good offices, and show him all ^ the favor that on ftirther acquaintance you shall find him deserve. < ' I have the honor to be, &c. ^ )] '* Temperance Anecdote.?A man was l* taken before a magistrate for having whiie dntnk knocked down in the street e a minister of religion. The prisoner was I r fully convicted of the offence, hut at the ? urgent intercession of the revercned gen- f 8 tleman whom he had injured, was liberated on singihg the tetotnl pledge for a c month. At the expiration of the month be called at the house of the divine, and heing introduced, expressed his gratitude for the effects of the pledge he had submitted to, and concluded with expressing " the utmost sorrow at not having mot and " knocked down his reverence thirty years t before. s 8 Tue Monkey and thb Bull D??o. In 1879 ? curious baton look place si W??r ' cos ert b?swe.?n lh''?e two animals on a j * a nger of three guineas Ic# ore thai the dog r k'lled the monkey in ? x iiii'iiiUM ; t|a> own- " 8 erofthe dog agreed i? permit ilic monk- v ? 8 in urns about a foot long. Ilundr da * of aiHTtn ors asemhh-d to witnoaa the fight I 1 and beta ran eight, nine, nod ten In on? in t * favor of the dog winch could hardly be 1 held in. The owner of the monkey taking () ' fnan his side pocket a thick ritual ruler ahoUl n foot long threw it into the piw of 8 the moneky saying, Now J .ck look Ouirp 1 mind that dog t"?"Tlieii here goes for * your monkey!" cries the l. ?:.... ?*VI in line 13 ill? dug loose wliii'h fl -w with a ttger I?k*> f * fierceness. Tne monkey with astonishing * agility sprang at least n y?rd liigli and fal- ] * i'lig upon lit? dog laid fust hold of ih? hold i? " of the back of llw nack with Ins teeth seizing 11 y oneetir wrh his lefi p*w, so n* lo prevent his e turning to bile. In this unexpected si'tta. t e lion J o k (oP In work Willi his rol -r upon u ^ the head of the dog. which he bent i>o fore ^ b'y arid rapidly- tliut (he creature cried not \ C( uioat cloquentially. In short, th? scull was | ,, e soon fractured, and the dog carried off* in | i _ nearly a lifeless slate. Toe monkey wan ti of the middle siz". I 11 Dumb Wivkb.?I> is *t?id the mule grass e hopper frigs, end not the h-iiud?. What a *| f happy set in? grasshoppers inusi be?thev c have dumb wives. h Capitai. or Gkbat Britain.?The grand f e total capital represented by all the property in I Great Britain and Ireland is estimated at -?3.620,000,000. The value of land?, ships, v canals, railroads, mines, horses, timber, crops, t w I jlC i< oalinr.Oa/1 o? MlUOuul""" ? ?, ? ? -ivu rue i value of all aorta of furniture, apparel, plate. I lt "Pccie, money is chancery, saving*' banks. &c., ?560,000. The ualtoual debt in about * ?754,000,000. t A List of Letters 1 s R EMA,NIN(; lhi" 0<r"" l?t October _%< 184(1 and if nsl token out before the 1st p January next will he rent to the (?enorul Foal Office aa Dead Letters " j B McMillan John I l. Buchanan May Murnheud Mcx & Co. |8 Uarllett E J McDonald M J > C McMillan Janice Culliaon Mi** Elizabeth McRae Alex. ? Caroun Rolierl MoLrod 1) tni- l T i- D McMillan John D C Douglaa A P i ( r Origgera W S Parker Elijah I ' Drake L. 8 Powell J im? o I ' l<? K P< rkina Mm Sarah t " Evana M. F T Piatt An* I a a G Porkina Mrs Martha I I. Oremf Jacob R ? Grocn M re. Sarah Robcaon Poter Oravee T T S y Grrzurd John Strother Mi.. M C 2 t Grave. David Smith John M o Guy Tbeopholia Stafford Mian Sarah f ,, H Smith J.imoa L 3 Hugh. Oliver C Sinitli Malcout 1 ?" tlovey John J 2 Rtu ba J W t jmu?u*iq t0Ma|)Smith William ; lludaoo Mm. Sarah Swoat William J )t J .Smith Wiley _ Jamoa Harry Smith Mra Miry M c K T King Irwin Thoinaa Samual L Trantham John 5. Iailta Andiew W Wall. W II l(1 Lilly S L Wood. Wm R . Liltlo R W 2 Warren Joaoph | H P?r.rvr.. ?<.IIin? ? I I-.. '* . v?>?| ivi tiisac WIHIIR will may wiry 11 are advertised. , i- BROWN BRYAN. *1 * e Cli>r?w Oct. lit, 1840. t 'J he Family Visitor: i ' Prick ;?Only one Dol nr and Fifty Cent*, * in advance. 1 '* A paper devot d to general intelligence PuH. I n lished in Clieraw, S C. once a week. In Pol.tic* ' [J it will pursue an independent course. ? Motto;?" Una wed by influence?Unbiibed 1 by gain." ? Persona wishing to palroniao this cheap pub. la lififlLinn. im rnnnnatorl /? A.smia??' * ... i?iinni inrir rininea, |) and the amount of their ubacriptioua in advance I . otlicrwiae?thry cannot roccivf it. I " WM. POTTER. J Cheraw, S. C. g CHIiEsl<:# P ?7*Or *AI.E BY 1 17 A. P. LAC08TE. J October SI, 1940. * tW| " I I*' iSouth Carolina. Ckermw District, 4 I* Equity. Job* C. Ellerhe, Ex'or. i Bill for aoeoont VS. | and to rho Heirs and Leg. tares | appoint s of Win. Ellerbe, 8m?. ( Reoeivcr. It appssring to my satisfaction that William f. Cole and wife, 8amuel Spencor an I wife ind M ioliael Ellarbs defendant* in this bill, ars iheent from, and reside without the limits of his Steto. On motion ef Bobbins 4 Molver t is erdored that the said absent defendants do ippear and pl-sd answer or demur to the eomilainsnls bill of oomplahit, on or bef ?re the iiSth lay <4 Jnnuarj nest, and that in default thoieof. he said bill as to them shall be taken pro con. 'esse. It is ordered that notion of this order ho pubiabod i t ho Farmers' Guxette published st lie raw twiro a month for the spice of three nttlltlitf. nrn w nmmv Comm. in Equity f?r Cheraw Diet riot. Or'nb"r20, 1840. ????? iii i r Clothing. I CLOTH ami Blanket Overcoata, Cloaks. &e 1 For aul? very low, < A. T. LACOSTE. October 21, 1840. 49 If il?RRM~AND TALLOW CANDLES I POR sal* by A. P. LACOSTE. October 21, IP40. 49 tf factorage and Commission Business. rllE Siitiscrihcr ha* roMimwl the Factorage and Cominiaaion Business on hia own acmnnt, and solicits frotn hia former fricnda, and he public, a ahara of patronage ; which he will a ndoivor io merit, by unremitted attention ai.d J widgiiy in all iiiaUetaentrusted to him. < / JOHN FALLS WALKF.R i{ No. 4 Bnyce Sc Cos. wharf up aluira ? rlcstmi Sept. 24 1- 40. ] 47 v ? J MAIL ARRANGEMENTS a Porr OrrtCE, Clientw, S. C > S 12th August, 1840. J u Northern mail closes nt 9 P. M. daily, duo by 8 I V. M. t Southern mail closes at 9 P. M. dnily, due bv a 1 P M. Georgetown mnil closes Momlny, Wednesday. I nil Friday, nt 7 A. M. I Ueorgetnwn mail u? due Tuesdny, Tluirsday, >nd Saturday, liy 5 P. M. Salisbury until close* Monday, Wednesday ami 'ridny, at 7 A. M. Salisbury mail is due Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, by 12 M. Suggs Bridge (via Rockingbnm) mail closes T uesluvs, at I A. Mi f Suggs Bridge mail is due Fridays, l>y 5 A. M. Lancaster C H. mail closes Tuesdays at 1 P. I Lancaster C. 11. is due sumc day, by 10 A. M. s BROWN BRYAN. P. Al. 1 Glieruw Academy. { rll BTruitce* respectfully announce tlmt the , duties of tins lufcUtiition were resinned on tbe , st of October, the Vlale department under the i u|K>rtntendeiice of Mr. K Hall, the Female under j liat of Mr. J. Sowers. The course of iiistructioti j it ibu male du|MuUttcnt, will Ire that required to i>tor the South Carolina College tlie course in the cm Lu department will be to make thorough scholirs. ^ The scboln?tic year will commence on the 1st ' if October antl end die 1st July: tbe year is again ' livided into two sessions: the first begins Its Ociiher mid ends Ifitli Febnuiry the s cend begins ' ttib February and ends 1st July. Terms ? / Tu'hon per Session are, ?nr Spelling, R.? adn g and VVri- ) ting \ 912 00 Tlie above with Arithmetic, En 1 gtish Grammar and Geography J IB 00 I'lie above, with tbe Classics, 1 higher brunches of MalhciDa> V tics. Logic. Rhetoric, &c. ) 20 00 Five Dollars each will be addt d v> the abnvu ( or Painting and Drawing, or the Modern i L>anguages. i ah payment* are in advance; tlie pupil I . vill be required lo pay for what remains of the < tension at the tune he or alio enters, nor will J h-ducUou or drawback he made for lues of ' hue. J. W. BLAKENEY, Sec'y & Treaa. * P. S ?Mr. II. T. Chapman ha* taken 1 barge of the B tarding House, near the Feiialc Academy, where Young Ladiee in -y oh. am board at a moderate price. Sept. 20, 1840. 45 tf Tea and L?oaf Sugar. SUPERIOR articles, for family ore, for sale l.v A. T. LACOSTK. October 21, 1840. 49 tf 1 ORDINANCE NO. 22. Be it ordained by the Town Council " >f the Town of Cheraw, and it is hereby . >rfjained'd bv the authority of the same J lint from and nftcr the passage of this , W?t. thn nrrnnl!n" I c? *L* ~ , ui uiwiim.K iur mc rc- ( ailing of Spirituous Liquors be at the s ollowing rntcn. % For License Tavern Bar, and retailing ^ mv quantity #.r>0 j All ordinances and parts of ordinances H cpiignant to this, he and are hereby re. s tcalcd. 1 J. W. BLAKENEY. * Intendant. s Done in Council Cheraw 11th Jnlv 1840. r FELIX LONG ? V. T. C. t'llERAW. No. 50 4t Teachers Wanted, TO TAKl. charge of llie Afalo and Female I) -p irtnients of Marlboro' Acadomy tlir inning aclmln-tic year, which will embrace 1w<> n'Miooi* of hvmily I wo week* each, commencing , Ik vncond M mduy in January n *t. Rotli Departments of tliia Academy sustain a Hgu vnnr i?wr ior learning mid accomplishment* I mil it? liln-ral are generally art'or |.d l?y Ilia patronage l>??lo\*pd upon litem, nrti !?l irly lite Feinalo Department, which ink* witli any Institution of the kind in the , Jtiitc, the Botrd of Trustee* will require high cftinioiiials of eh.1 racier, umi competency to fill iucIi ait nations. Applications. and enquiries (poetnop paid) ilrfrcaed to the subscriber will meet with j immpt attention until the 21 at November en. ling. . B. D. TOWNSEND. i Secretary. , Bcnnetsville, K. C. Oct. 20 1840. 1 The F iye"evillr Observe " and "South Car- r ibiiian" will each o iy the above three time* an?' irword their accounts. 49 If 4 ib TUSTrecwS^^d^HH?rimen< of BOk : W and Ginghaims Umbra Ihtf 4 dunlap It Ma ran all. Elementary Books. i jFor Sund*} aput Common School*? UNION Prm*A Cni.m Spelling Book. Uuion Hymns, Union QuMliomlifowm ? Juteehism, Cheap Teatainunla, Shortfer Cateihiaio, L?r<)fi Young pupila First Bo*k, Worieator*s Printer, Callanilefa Picture iliefiiiar, foung Rpedar, Naw York Reader, Child'* leader, Worcester's aecuud Book, Webster's kioerican and Elementary Spelling Book*, >it worth's aed Town's l>o. together wi'.h a full isaortmont of the more advnncod English and Classical Hcho >1 Books recoived during this fall it the Bookstore. A liberal discount made to Reaction who purchase in quantition to supply heir Schools. December 27, 1639. 7 1 if . i For sale at the Bookstore. A S t .1 ON by tho Rev. J. C. Citft, defiv A. livored in the Proeby tofion Church in Che. aw. "upon the occasion of (ho Se ni-centeuary iclobraliop; prepared fur the pre**, and published >y tho authur. as a testimony ag-iinei tho cstnh. iahod religion in tho United Slates " Pi ice 35 tenia. t Augwst 4th, 1840. I 28?IT Stalk of South Carolina.> 1 DARLINGTON pl&TRICT. w Okbiwaryb OrncK, Scptcml>cr 29m, 1810. Joshua Pollard, Applicant, vs. Jolin UowIkjii, EIius Goodsoti, W illiain Good son, Josiuli Goodson, John Kirvcn and Nancy Ins wife, j Benjamin Lucu s and Mn znrct his wife, I Elodsooodson James Good son, Hamilton ' < Goodson, Arrenn Goodson, Charlotte 1< Goodson, Abigail Goodson, William Pol-j lard, Wright Pollard. Calvin Rhodes nnd , Surah his wif*, Frederick Woodhuui ami i Mary Ann his wife, Win H Ward and], Murthu his wife, and Alien Port nnd .Mary his wif?-'?Defendants. [T appourinKt" my s ttislaotion that John Good- ' son, Eli :sGo?,'9<>"t Williitin Good.-on, Jusiali vocnIsoii, Eliitg Goo.ljon, James Goodson, Humiton Goodson, Arr?'ta Goodson, Charlotte Goodon, Abignil Good*on, William Pollard, W tight ' 'ollunl, Frederick Woodliam antl Mary Ana his j fife, William F. Ward and .Martha hi - wif , and ' tllen Fart antl nry his wife Defendants in the I 1 ibove stated ease, reside without the limits ul this 1 itatc. It is there lore ordered thut tltey do appear nd object to the Division or sale of the Real i ??tute of Thomas Goodson decem-cd on or 1*1610 he first of January next or their consent to the uiue will be entered I" reconl. EllVlN 11. BRUNSON : O. D. D. | I September 30, 1810. 40 _ 12t Oeorgetwn Ste in Saw Mill Fnr Sale. I AM disposed to sell this small but viltnihlo | Mill. When in perfect order, she a ill cut roni tw? to 3.INHI feel per d: y, and grind 40 to TO bushels of Com. The situation is one of the test in the state. The lx>t on which the Mil. lands, and those attached, extend quite across the . 'uiiinsuht and afford room enough lor the erect- I ( iing a large mill and the necessary on.-buildings ! or the hands The home demand lor lumber is J t tqual to nil the mill can cut With the Fill, l{< vill also sell Logs enough to employ her for 6 J I nonths- To prevent newllew applications the price | 8 liieri ?t iJJJ.OiMI c!i?li?or 83,500 pnyubli* in 1, ?nd 3 yen re, with inten-M from dale, hii<I np >rovcd security, wi li a niorijpipe of tin; | HoiMTiy E. WATERMAN. Georgetown, August i'2. 18-10, 42 2ui {Shoes. rHK Subscriber li is now on linnd a very extensive awoi'iiittiil of Slier* suitable or all seasons wliich ho will sell very cheap. D. A1 ALLOY. April 13. 1810. 23 ft South Carolina. Vanevcry's Heirs, i Hill v?. > of The Hniri of T.nmh. ) Revivor. IT ap|?ciirmg lo my * Induction, that Miss Mary Liiie one of the defendants in tlir. rare, is absent from, nnd resid-s without the imit* of the Stale of South Carolina. On motion t is ordered that the said Mary Lido do apueur lid plead, answer or demur to the said Kill ot 'Oinptaint on or lielorn the second Mmid>y in lanuary next, and that in doiaull thareof the said Hi.I us to her bo taken pro ennfesso. It is also ordered that nqtico hor-of be publish. :d in the K.fillers' t# izolls at Clieraw twice u noulh for the space of throe months. GEO. W. UA KG AN. Com. in Equity, Cherhw D.slrin. October 2, 1810. 4S 2un 3m {South Carolina. Mar/borough District. In tub Court Oklunaky. Scnjainiti Moor Applicant, i Petition for vs. v sale or division If r tit ?. - - nvgra gi nni. mumi'i / ot LmiiiU. Defendants. ( [T Appearing In my atitirfaction tImt Eliaha Hill, Marllia Hill, El.zihelh Hill, Eliaha G. Hill, Eliae W. Story, John Story urm Iv. Harris, William Hill, Nancy llill, John W. Hill i iVilliam Monia and vvif , laiivia Odom, Juun a i )dom. Hubbard Odom, llnmy Welsh mid wife. 1 feirah Stubba, Roland Stubba, William L?;? and vifc, Allen Tbompaon and wife, Dennis Stubba. Nancy Stubba, Hubbard Stubba. Wi linn Stubba I lobcccu Stubba, Sirali Stubba, IN lor Stubba, Bbx ibeth Lindaiiy, John Odom, William O.lom i inrl Jano flialgee licira at L w of Wil iaui iluhba acn, dcccuacd tale of Marlborough District I caide without thia Statu. It ia ordered thai 1 hey appear and ohji cl to the diviaion or ale of the real uatalo of the raid Wi liaui Ituhba, on or Ircfore the 10: ti day of Jmuiary leitor their consent to lliu a.imo will l>c entered if rocoi d. josiiua mvin, o. M. D. Ordinary's Oflico ,'ilh, Oct. Ifc4&. 48 12) Hats and Shoes. 41iAK(>C and woll relucted aloek for '.alt by A. 1*. LA OSTE. < October 21, 1840. ' 49 If * ?,?? ? I Saddles and leather. i A GOOD Stock for aalo low, 1.7 A. P. LACOSTEf. Octob r 31, lo40. 40 tf Strayed Oxen. rWO very fine Oxen, which ! purehnaed of Mr. Moore ot Aimon, elraycii hoiii my planit ion about a ntohtli ago, wince which lime, llicy rere aoen noar lite Folly. One in u Ked O*, with vhite apotw, and white fin e ; the other ia Orindlu rith aoino white in Ilia fuel*. Any information espccting them will be thank folly received. a . p. LAcos ri:. October SI, lQ4d. 4'J tf ?: . ' II afcs, 1 %U8 WMrfH * fcHartmeat if Men*. P oyo, **JrChil?lro?K? riir?? uud Lwgfcoru Hal*. ALSO, 9cb^.IihI Youth'* Fur Hal#, for suimnrr mar, ill of which uill Im ??IJ oneap by D. MALLOY. ~ApiU 13, 1840. 23 ! tf_ SOUTH CAROL! N A- /In the Common Chcatoriiold Dubiict. ( Pleu, Ranald MoDouald > Hrclaratinn v*. > in ilolit in Au John McKay. \ tuoliniunu WHEREAS I lie Plaintiff in the above rtntMi cams, this day tiled his Di'*. lion against the Dcfondunt who is absent from ml without the limits oi l hi* State (an it in aaitl) and having neither wife or attorney known within the same. It in ordered lint the De'onilanl do spponr and plead to the Dccriilutirm aforesaid within a year and a day from the dale hereof, otherwise final and absolute judgment will bo u warded ngiinsl him by default TURNER BRYAN,C C. C. P Office or Common Plcaa, f March 20, I84U. <j 27 ev in 31 v Snp?. 16 1840 No 44 H ' NOTION THE Hopewell Baptist Church of Chester, field, will Petition the legislature ul its next session for an Act of Incorporation. WiW. A. .1/ALLOY C'h. Clerk. September 6, 184<?. 44 I m f 3 in For Sf/lc. A TRACT on the Decuinos of Election and Reprobation, by Kov. Jamra II. Tlmrnwell. Also, a Vindication of the Prot> stunt Doctrine Soncorniug Justification, M iv 1st. 1*40. 2"> il Carpenter's 1 ools. THE subscriber has just received u very ex ensivo assortment of (Carpenter's Toots, imotig which arc. Double and Single, Cast Steel Iron, Jack, Smoothing, Fore, ami Jointer Planes, Ar-lragals, Reads, Dado's, Hollows mid Rounds, Nosings, lireciar Ov.ilo's. Qu'tk '). ( Reeding. Rabbii, Side Rihlnt, R ising. and S isli Planes, S isli Cord, Coves lor s'eps. Table Pluncs, Torus Heads and Cornice Planes. Ro. nan O, (4. nnd Fillets, Fillcltstera, Snipes Rills. Ilothic, Coping, Flooring, and Plow Planes, Piano Irons, (),| Stones, Key Hole Tenant, and Panel. Ilaml, Cross Cut and Frame Saws, Screw Side orticc, and M.ihiig (?uug> s Augurs, assorted qualities, Mortice, Sock'I, ami Firmer, Chisels ami Conges, 1*1 ito ami Iron Squares, Side Revila, Spoko Shaves, Locks Hinges, Sprigs, N-iils. It rails, ?^c. A LSI) Collins' Cluli, Ilaml and Broad Axes, Ohio mil Pennsylvania Patterns, Uaiimiors, Sniuglui' mil Lathing Hatchets, Arc. The above wore purchased low nnd for cash jf the liust manufacturers, and will bo sold cheap l,y It. AI.I.V I n-mhrr 22>1. IPSO. 2>l 7'he Preacher, OR Three Hundred noil Forty nketchrii of Original Sermon* ncleolrd fioui tlio manmcrri|iUi of two eminent I>ivin? h ol tlit- taut ;entury with nil vnxay on the Cotiipniulioii of a Sermon. For ?alp it the Rook store Dcernbor 27, 1S3IK 7 \ I*MtODl* Er Commission Business I f Bj ^ IIE Siiliarrihei nOW* hi* nervine in tl?? a Cowmiistuon litisine**, foe tin; sale ami ship, ineut of Country I'rodvce. tin will receive in H'Oie nml sell any nifn-ln of |ir?ilm;e free of atnr.igc fir coiumiM>ioii of i JJ per cent where llio nrtu.lrs ure without j limit*; when limited a reasonable Murage will, tie chaigod. Ho \s\W+hip eotton or other Produce to Nkw I VoRK or.l'M.VRI KSTI'K. III.iking I.IDK.Il el. ClHIl aiivanckm for a Co ..mission of -;4 per cent on the cash advanced. lie k?"|i* conatnn'ly on linnrl a very l-irge stock of ( uckihiikk with* mixed stork of i.tii- i rr (?oods, all of which lie will eel/ at the lowest prices wholesale or retail for cash or produce. Tlio Subscriber flultois himself that hi* rxtrn- ' sivo iicqiiai itnnee in the upper mid adjoining ( Counties i f North Caroli a will enniuble liim to . receive a liberal |i.ilrouagr. I). MALI.OY. Cheraw So. Co. Sept. I?. I8|0. | The "Western Caroliiiimi" Salisbury, rind \ 'Cluirloit" Journtil" will insert the above twieo i ihoi tii lor lltreo mouths und f*>riviinl their ac- I roiintn fur payment 1). AliLOY. j Statr of South Carolina. DA R LING TON I) IS Tli IL'T. In the Court o? Common Pleas. W. Hiintoi Sur'v. j Dee. on sealed of Hunter At DttLlose [ Now, in Foreign vs. I Attachment. B E. DttHose. J rWlHE I'liiiiihti in tlictifxtve stated en*e having JL tiled his Declaration in my office this tiny md tlic Defendant having neither wile unr Attorney within the limits of the said Stale ti|ion whom t copy of this attachment could he vcrvcil. On motion ol'G. W. &.J. A. Durban Plnntilf's j Attorneys. It is ordered that B. 10. l)nHove tie j plead or tlemur to the smite, within a year ttmhit | day from the dale hereof or linal ami nlmolno ' ndgment shall he awartletl ami given Inm. It is iiho ordered that it copy ol rlws order lie I iiiMislted in the Farmers' Gazette once every three I iiontlts for the sitae of a year ami a day. S. Wll.DS DIJBOSIO, C C. P. I Cletks Office, Sept 23. 1810. ' 40 I ev 3 m 1 y I ,nr<l. JiOOO 1 nS , EAI LAR,)' for*u,c V A. P. DACOSTE. ^0, 1810. ? /"* ? a or vjasii only. I'llK Subscriber taken this method ofnaying' o hit* Customer*, thai after thin day he wil ell no artirle in the Grocery Line on a credit; irid Dry goods arid Hardware only to such >er<*ontf an arc prompt tad ounctual in their laytnenttf. i D. M ALLOY January 1. ' 840. 8 if Nails. A KEGS N.iiL, and lirads. nil sizes, Tor niiVbv l>. ALLOY. April 13, 1810. 23 <" jS i*ir. Coffee, Salt, and MOLASSES. A I.A R(J F# Stock of tint now in atom /M. and lor aiilo very clie:t|> for CiinIi. D. MALLOT . April 13, 1440. W3U I State of South Carolina. I CUKRAW DISTRICT 111 EQWU) Cvlia Goodwu At. Al. i Adinx. A Admix, of > Bill Jt i.m Goedaon 7 far t ,nwm WUfcem Book A J A A?<jl b Al. Al. J Partition Heirs if Jaa. Goodeon | It appeerln* to my satisfaction that Aria ml Smith and Elisabeth Smith hie wile end La* cinda McPhcrsou defendants in this Mao, ere eh* *?nt from and reside without the limits of this Stale. It is, on motion ol Sims A Ervin Coin. I?lainniita Solicitors, ordered that the Mid Ar> Innd Smith and Elixalielh Smith and Laeinde McPherson do eppour and plued anawcr or do* mur to the Complainants Kill on or before the . first day of January next, and that In default ' theiiof the said Bill aa to then ?all bo pro oea. r..?_ ll in also Ordered that notic ?thereof he published in the Farmers, Gazette .wicu a itionth for the space of three months. GEO. W.I) AUG AN. September 7th 1840. C. E. U. D. No. 44 2 nml 2m. Bacon, Hour, and Meal, 4 CONSTANTLY ON HAND, and for sale at the LOWEST market price by D. MALLOY. Now Music. RECENTLY received at the Book Store a supply einbruciu^ a considerable variety of Songs Sucred, Scutum n al and Humorous also Al relies, WhIUkh, Ac. and Music paper. |t?i<i>iiilK>r4ili, IrJW i lie 1'atli Kinder. Oil the Inland Sea by the Author of the "l*ioiiv-?rs," "Lust of the Moiiicana. 'Trjirc." Ac Ac.?Also "Homeward Hound i ml "Ilumr ue found * by the same Author?lo i ih'Ut I In- Hook Store. Apnl 3il lr4U. _2.? If I lie SubscriiNir has just received, ami will keep constantly on luiiiil.Cotton Y rn and Twine at wholesale, irom the Manufactory ol Hocking hum. GEO. GOODRICH. Cli'-rnw, J in. 1840. 10 if Kol>crts's ?SilU Manual. A New supply of this work just received at lh<- llook Store, price 374. April 30 lb4l>. 25 If, ! i\ OtlCO. IAtn now receiving part ?l my stock o. Sprint; tun Summer Goods, comprising a tf'neral assort lin n1 of feitaotiahle Goons, w Itirh I will soil low forca?h. Purchaser* will please call ami examine lor tin inselvcs. ALSO, \V ill be kept constantly on hand a tttuplv of vj. r-u.iii ixi 11ujr i/iullus equal lo any used in t iiih t'oun'.ry. MALCOM BUCHANAN. Ma.? li l?f*\ 1840. I? tf 11oi (Is and I'uhn lent Iiiit8. yHOZ. While uu I Colored Hoods. ami d d.?. nxiurtu'l Pilin I .?*: f II its. jiihi received l.y DUN LAP &. MAUKHALh. July 27, I>40. 37?if HllLADKlJ'HlA MIUlvS. ^ P.iir Ln<ii<'? Kid Sli| p- r? mid 4.7 ImuIic* Ki?l Winking Shoes, jimt ri-criv :.l l.y DUN LAP A A 1 i I / I 1 . July 'J7 IR-1". 37?tf Bi )(TK B! N OTNTT Til F. subscribers have established thcniHclvea ill the iiIhivc line o( business in Chcri.w and olFcrllicirserviccstoils citizens. i*. UAZKNCUUKT, A CO, f"ln?rAW. S. Jan. *Jti. IT. ivi&iioy H 0 AS Now on hand a supply of all kind* of B Ootids! for tlin |rutin* wiiicliii: will sell iia cheap un can be had in tliic market. Persons wishing paid bargains will please call on him before thry purchase. April 13 I MO. Dunla)) iy Ainrsliull HKUICIIY give notice tint lliry will continue to aell their Dry Coot's only, on the usual credit to |.iinetuoI customers I In y t\ ill sell their Crocurio* at the lowest prices lor cash only. The very nliort credit at which gtoceric* can now ho bought, amounting with thn e.\ehnngs u Iniost to Cash, with Iheii limilcil capital compels hem lo I ho ailo|?tiou of this course. m <y i'atk of south ? xiFolina. In Fuuitv .Marion Dihthict. II. F. Cannon 1 vi [ Supplemental William Whitfield ) Hill licttry . VcM-y iiik! I (or ni pt. Emily Verey ST A|i)nntiii); that William Whitfield, Henry A. \ cxcy, ittitl Emily Viwy, DHciiditnts in this win1, nre iihxcnt limn mid reside without the limits of this Suite. On motion or Dnrpnn Con?plu it mill's Solicitor, it is ordered, tliut the tnicl Willinin Withheld, llcnry A. Veoey, untl Emily V'cm-v do njnn-nr mid nnswer or demur to the (.'oniphiiimtit, supplemental, on or liefore the liist dny ol? HccendieP next, nnd thnt in default thereof, the said Hill tie tnken pro coiiIcmmi. It is nlso ordered that notice of thii< order Le published in the Km liters' Gazette trice n mouth lor the *p>ice of three month* Kl>. II. WHEELER. August 0, 1810. 13 2m fSin I Minlap & Marshall EARNESTLY ?eqiiustall persons indebted to liietti lo make an early settlement of tlici: accounts. They will invariably add the inlerust however trifling the amount on ill amount* not paid within ten days. Jauuarv 1st lb40. Now Goods. , jomn c. w a dswohtii it AS Now in Stori' a mi|i|>ly of GROCERIES, J) It Y GOODS, HARDWARE, SHOES, ' ? HATS, BON\ETS, SADDLERY. CROCKERIES, GLASSWARE, tfc. ALL of wliicli will bo aolil nt llin lowrat marko| prion. I'uooiip wishing 1o purchuno ill this market will <lo well to call. April 80 li is 10. vt-t.irr k> uracil rjccus. I INTEND having foriiilo at tlie Ronca-rots ili>K F.ill and Winter, a fresh and full aupply nfC4ard. il Sceda. JOHN WRIOHT. CIhthw, Aujjuot '1th. 1844 38?tf Git AGO AND P J r P2\ 8X in Window Gia a, 10 X 19 do do > I Url. I'ulty for aale by ' A. P. LACOSTE. October 21. 1840. 1 43 If