University of South Carolina Libraries
otWu iocowpwjy ^ b^. ltttaiaa ! L few retain thoir jj mm **Hrty yam. The midnight dark., t naaeadd total iflaoraoe of the law* of.* life and health wkiih pervade the com. I kSafty 2 both astonishing ahi heart' atckning. - In Are respect roan is in-' finitely behind Ate brute creation, who I . never sicken, Unless when caused by! - man. Yet man's organization is iu^bstly the moat perfect and least liable mi dfeoass. But mankind are nearlv ail . suicides-?downright solf-murderers of soul ( and-body. They seem to be determined . either to Krekrag nor to.enjoy life whilst . .^perfectly h?JU?y knows neither fetigne nor psilh yet men ; love both^attd court and woo them, ma- king their Obostaat attendants from ahs ehtole to the gtave. Bat is right errougnto allow them to ohoee their compan- , Mas. Let them hare them but do not , blame the world in which you live for the , result of this choice. If you wish either j to enjoy life or to exetcise your minds, , you must keep your health.?Fowler'# < M-wwaucm rurmology. \ t : l From the Health Journal. J >v- nrtuBitcK or light hading. 1 S&ah? influence of * light, trashy litem- J Was on the mind, and oonaoqueatly upon j thnJufinan system is little thought of at j tha^towmnt day. When physology is ^UfH ?|S^il4ied as it should he these are brought to bare upon j the wmPPpi with tremendous power will ( be rightly appreciated and not rill then. , Few are aware of the physoiegical evils or j father pathological?-for the aystemis made ( to depart widely from health?that have , their origin in a morbod excitability pro- ( dueed by the reading of fiction and then , transmitted to offspring. This subject | must claim the attention of the Christian , philanthropist. Thoaa who think must ( thiakon the aubjoct and then give the world ( their thoughts. We Want them. It ia t frae light ia basfnninr to dawn uoon I jbur world. But There & as yet only en. - ^Pgh to "wake the darkness risible." yf o m -3%ve juat kegerf to feet that we want light F ' wiu adarknoee that i> palpable is all ar. ?ead. Tljp influence of this species of lit. j?ature on, thnnaiad and through the mind ?W tbe jboJUptihst be atyaled. We only Wi kdi tliljhiMt now but we hope eotpe friend of truth will hereafter do it justice through the columns of the Journal. If not we shell think our own thoughts and give them to our readers. That distinguished phil&nthopist Horace Mann* has spoken well on this subject.? We could wish be would again speak on a theme so much neglected. The ener. gies ef his mighty mind would be well employed in fathoming the depths of the evils produced by a species ot literature if literature it can be called, for which we have no appropriate nana*. We give below aa extract from biMh We wish our readers to think on the subject. We intend to present them some startling facts ere long "So far ss it respocts fictitious writings P ' the explanation of their week new anddisperdri influence is palpable to the feeblest comprehension. All men must recognise .k. ;j_ ar.*i?.s? - - ur> muc uicuucnon oetween intellect and feeling, between ideaa and emotions,* * * * How it is feeling and not tbe intellect,? excitable or Mtjowtatniously active powers of the mindaMMMit its steady day .laboring ; faculiee,?which the great body of ficti- j tions wodwjUpeab to and exercises.? Were the whole mass of these works ana. lysed reduced to its componet elements nineteen parts in every twenty would ( be found addressed fo the emotions and i . feelings and not to the reason and judge. ment> Tbeirmain staple and texture aire % discription ?f k>ve, jealousy, hope, fear, removes, revenge, rapture, dispair?the whole constituting a dark ground of guilt and misery, Occasion ally illumined by a crossing beam of aSEalir. in v. nr nlmmit an. pcrhmnan virtuo. But the trialH and tens- j taiions described, are rarely Mich an any , human being will fall into, and the virtue# i celebrated are such, an few will ever have | M opportunity to achieve. Hence, aym- I pathy and |rertion, desire and apprehension, are kept at the highest tension ; hut it is upon ineidents and scenes, outside of ac- I , tual life?net in this world, and often not capable of being transferred to it. In the ' asssn; tbaev the understanding sleeps ; the Intelleet is laid uide. Those faculties have nothing to do, by which we corapro- 1 hgndnur position in life, and our relation# 1 to gj^Kty,?by which we discover what m?wjr h.umumvimi mr to perform , w The mind surrenders itself to the in. teres* end excitement of the story, while the power* by which we discern tendencies ' and balance probabilities, are discarded; ?rtay those sober thoughts are unwelcome intruders, which cows to break the delusion, and to repress an insane exhileration I Of DM teeunga,?onto at last, the diseased ' ud infbtuated mtnd eehorfe that pagan . waring, N> treasonable to troth, that it ;cCm*?S3&^: 10 universe which an alUwiai^pSf haa 4 formed*thing covld be a* Wei a* to go-right. la tha reports of sons# of tha Praaah hospital* for lunatics, the reading ef romanced is set dow n as one of the i efcjMKng causes of insanityThird its. j mat Report. ind in foq^SaUacv actually ^employed 1 *" 'h^ ft^JD^ing .uch iodui- I ? Btoptbem^Nafiowl Gmartte* ' Pasis, Awifc?, I7T7. i Sir:?-T^pe bearer going to the United ? States, presses me to give him a fetter of I recommendation, although I know noth- * ng of him not even hie name. This may ' ?eem extraordinary, but I assure you it is sot uncommon here. Sometime#, indeed, I me peraon unknown brings another etjual- 1 I y as to recommend him, and sometimee 1 they recommend one another. As for this gentleman, I must refer you to him?lf for. hi# character and morals, with which he w certainly better acquainted than I popatbly can be. I recommend tim, however, to those civilities which svery stranger of whom we know no harm, ( ias a right to; and I request you will do aum all the good offices, and show him all the favor that on ftirther acquaintance pou shall And him deserve. ? I hare the honor .to be, dec* Temperance Anecdote.?A man was taken before a magistrate for having white drunk knocked down in the street i minister of religion. The prisoner was i fully convicted of the offence, but at the irgent intercession of the reverened gen-1 4 tleroan whom he had injured, was libera- {> ted on singiAg the tetotal pledge for a < nonth. At the expiration of the month >e called atlthe house of the divine, and jeing introduced, expressed his gratitude for the effects of the pledge he had submitted to, and concluded with expressing he utmost. Sorrow at not having met and (nocked down his reverence thirty yearn mfore. y Tea MoNjur and tbb Boll I)?o. In 1879 ? curious bathe t?mk place at Wor icser, btvee ih?w two nnimnl* on s ] of three guineas to ore thai ihe dog (died tlx* monkey in a;x mi-niie* ; tlx* own* * M of the dog agreed 10 permit ll?e monk- v o uses Mick shouts foot long. Hundr d* >f spectuors siemU'-d to witness the fight 1 tod beta run eight, nine, and t?-n t? nn? ;n i?vofoftb? don which could hardly In old in. Xhenwner of the monkey taking < nxn hi* aid# pook?t a ihi?-k tvund ruler ?bout foul long threw it mlo the p?w of lie moneky saying, - Now J .ck look shnrp nliid thai dog I"??Tln? Is mi goes for four monkey!*' cries the butchor In:ling dm dog loose which fl -w with a ttger like fierceness. The monkey with astonishing igitity sprang at least s yard high and fa I- \ I'ng upon tlie dog laid fust hold of the hold i ?f tlie back of the nock with his teeth seizing 1 in* inr ?ih his left paw, so as to prevent his j timing to kite. In this unexpected si'tn- | ion JaikieP In work Ivith his rul-r upon ? lie head of the dog, which he heat mi fore>'y and rapidly, tliut the creature cried out ' nod loqueiitially. In short, tlie scull was , toon fractured, and lira dog carried off in I marly n lifchts state. Tite monkey was >f the middle siz<>. I Dunn Wivks.?Ii is said the male grnss Kipper I'Hga, end not tiai h iU'ile. What u tuppy net tno grasshoppers must be?lliev mve dumb wives. Capital or Obsat Bbitain.?'The grand I otal capital represented by all the property in Brest Britain and Ireland is estimated at C3MI20,(X)0,(too. The value of lands, ships, nn.U ? -I??J- * ' mi rmini?u?, minri, iwriNii, timber, ernpn, > kc., w estimated at ?2.1*15,000.000. The ? ralue of all aorta of furniture, apparel, plate, i 'Peeie, money * chancery, savings' batik*, fee., ?360,000. The national debt ia about ?754.000,000. < ______ A List of Letters Remaining in th? omen i.t omobor 1840 and if net taken out before the I at lanuary n?xt will be tent to the General Post Jlfioe aa "Dead Letter* " B McMillan John I Buchanan "May Mureliead /Vie* St Co. Uartletl (2 J McDonald M J C ftcMillan James Cotliaon Mies Elisabeth McRse Al?x. C?r?or\ Robert Mcleod Daniel T D MeMilUn John D Douglaa A P , Or iffor a W S Parker Elijah Drake L. S Powell J .met 9 E Pi-rkina Mre Sarah ' Evans M.PT Piatt Ana I l G Perkins Mrs Martha ( Greene-Jacob R < Green Mrs. Sarah Robeson Peter (trsTOt X T S Gresard John Strother Miss M C 2 i Graves David Smith John M Gay Tbeopholis Stafbrd Miss Sarah . H Smith Jaimw L 2 Haghs Oliver O Smith Malcoia Hovey John J 9 Sta be J W jsuMMqg |e*s|)8mitb William Hudson Mrs. Sarah Sweat William J Smith Wiley lamos Harry Smith Mre Mary M K T King Irwin Thomas Samust Ij Trantham John Lalta Andiew W Wells W H LfCijr o it Wo?4 Win R LUiIm R W 9 W?rran Joaeph I Parnonn calling for lima laltara will aay the; ira aJvartiacd. BROWN BRYAN. *1 * Charaw Oct. 1st, 1840. M he Family Visitor: Prick:?Only on# DoI rt and Fifty ConU, in advanoa, A papar <1?Tot-d to funeral intelligence PmW. Uhad in Charaw, 8 C. onaa a wrek. In Pol;tia* I will purine an independeflgiMitrea. Motto;?" Una wed bf fufloanac?Uubribeti .aw -la w 1 '/ ip,M Person* wishing to patronise ibis cheep pagination, are requenied to forward their nainee, 1 ?d the aioount of their subscriptions in sdeaoce 1 Hhevwise? they cannot receive it. t WW. POTTER, Cktrate, S. C. CHBB8K. POR SALE BY 1 A. P. LAC08TE. J October 91, 1M0. ? It ^(MM ria* W mf ' mti^^ 0. ChU and wib, Bamool l|M?iiir M4 -wife al lfhM' Bllirta fefi?tontato this tail, mkhoeat Awsidl raaMa withoot Dm limita af fciahUfto. On motion of Bohbtaa fei Molrar I to toknittol lto ?'4 ahnm tofefem* to *to pUl Mton or femur tn fe eomtom(nt? liii rf*001 plaint, on w hafwa the 115th toy f January n?it and that (n default Itond. ho ad id hill mm to thorn aboil to taken ftm mom. , Jl to ordorod that notion of thin ardor to pubfeted it bo Far mora* Gaootto puMiohed at Lstfevonr twioo a month for tha nmoa of throe afefee. GEO. W. DARGAN, vufnm. in r<qnnr tor Che raw Diilriot. fa'ob"r20, 1840. ^ Clothing. CLOTH and Blanket Overcoats, Cloaks, ft a For *al? vary low, A. P. LACOSTE. October SI, 1P40. 49 tf 5PBRM AND TALLOW CANDLE8 I FOB sola by A. P. LACOSTE. October 91, IP40. 49 tf factorage and Commission Business. rH E Subscriber has resumed the Factorage and Commission Business on his own acmnut, and solicits from his former fnanda, and he public, a share of patronage ; which he will ndrtrur to merit, bp unremitted attention at.<i | wu<'|iiy in all maUera entrusted In him. JOHN FALLS WALKER No. 4 Boyoe 4k, Cos. whsrf up stairs rlcstoo Sept. 98 1. 40. 1 47 MAIL ARRANGEMENTS Post Orrtcs, Cbentw, S. C. > lJtti Aujrnst, 1840. ) Northern mail closes at 9 P. M. daily, due by 8 A. M. I Snniluirn mail ..In. .. a n u ? ~?w v 1-. jn. unny, clue oy IIP M. Georgetown mail closes Monday, Wednesday, ind Friday, at 7 A. M. Georgetown mail is due Tuesday, Thursday, end Saturday, l>y 6 P. M. Suliolairy mail closes Monday, Wednesday and F"ridny, at 7 A. M. Salislairy mail is due Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, by IS M. Suggs Bridge (via Rockingfiam) mail closes Tuefclays, at B A. M. Suggs Bridge mail is due Fridays, by S A. M. Lancaster C H. mail closes Tuesdays at 1 P. Lancaster C. H. is due aims day, by 10 A. N. BROWN BRYAN. P.M. O'lieraw Academy. Til RTrutlees respectfully announce that the duties of tins Institution were resumed on die 1st of October, the Male department under the Mtperintsndcnor of Mr. & Mall, the Female under hat of Mr. J. Sewers. The course of instruction it Um? male da|?urimunt, will he that required to inter the Soutti Carolina College lite course in the em io department will be to make thorough schul-" irs. ' The scltolastic year will commence on the let >f October and end ilte 1st July: tbe year is again livided into two sessions: die first begins Its 0e> ober wnd ends ISth Kebnmry the s.-oend begins 16th February and ends 1st July. Term* i >J Tuition per Session are, For Spelling, Reading aud Wri- (i ting 912 00 Phe above with Arithmetic, En gliah Graiumer and Urography \\ 10 00 Tlie above, with the Classics, 11 higher branches of Malheioa> > tics, Logic. Khetorir, &c. ) 20 00 Five Dollars each will be add* d v> the above for Painting aud Drawing, or the Modern Languages. All .i.vinunlii am :? J-- . .1 - ? p?j? - ?.v mi u<siice ? me pupil will b? required lo pay for what remain* of lh? suasion at ihe tuna lie or shu entcra, nor wilf ilfdiicliou or drawback be made for hai of iUna. J. W. BLAKENEV, Bec'y 6l Treat. P. S ?Mr. H. T. Chapman hat taken charge of the B mrding House, near the Female Ar.aileiny, where Young Ladies may ob. lain board at a moderate price. S-'pt. 20, 1840. 45 if Tea and LtOaf Sugar. SUPERIOR articlex, for family lie, for sale hv A. P. LACOSTE. October 91, 1840. 49 if ORDINANCE NO. 92. Bo it ordained by the Town Council )f the Town of Che raw, and it is hereby >r^atned'd by the authority of the same that from and after the peerage of thin tet, the granting of Licensee tor the retailing of Spirituous Liquors be at the I following rates. For License Tavern Bar, and retailing liny quantity SO All ordinance* and parts of ordinance* repugnant to this, be and are hereby repealed. J. W. BLAKENEY. Intendant. Hone in Council Cheraw 11th Jnlv 1840. FELIX LONG c. t. c. cnewaw. No. 50 4t Teachers Wanted, HrtO TAKh ehirgft of the Afale and FemaU JK l> p:tr?(iirnU of Marlboro" Academy tlic MMMing aehnlartic year, which will embraoe two ?wioiM of twenty I we week* each, commencing die McomidfiMiy in January next. Both Dep'irtiueiits of thia Academy auatain a riigh chnrtcter lor learning and accoroplirhtneiita ted ii lilteral ea)?ri?4 are generally after bd by the patronage beelowed noon thom, | .wtUi.l-. -1? *?? * rr *>.ui ??it nw rvmaie iMptrtnwnl, wliioh rmk? with ?n* Institution of tli? kind in the Stntn, the Bnird of Trn?hi* will require hifh iMliinoniih of character, and compute it or to flit inch itnatiou*. Applications, and enqnirirw (pmrtagrr paid) 4dre<*ed to the aubacrihor will meet with prompt attention until the 21 at November cn. B. D. TOWNSKND. I BacmtaryBennotaville, 8. C. Oct. 2018401 I Tim Fjye"avill? Oheerre " and "Smith Car> 1 ukrtian" will each o;?y tha a'tovn three tune* an?' h/woid thoir accounts. 40 if 1 . uu JiMBja.. TTr*:?? *y<i ' :ff'J 1 AuMfiMn *iMl Elonwiiilnry 8fdta| Buoh., J DtUerth's asd Town'* Do. together fi'.h a full 1 mnrtniMt ?f Uh non adv?iieM'Eti|){iN wH Cteeefaat Mo-<i B*oki received during till* Mill . it l|w Boikdin. A liberal dbetmkt J lhaeiwra wlyi purchase in quantities to supply. lUr Schools. j Docrmber 27,1889. d ' i _I_ ?_ ; For aale al the Bookstore. 3 AS!2:t ON by the Res. J. C. Cdit, deliv J Uverad in the Pro?b>tepsii CIiumi in Clio, fftw. "upon the occasion of (ho So ntaonteuary celebration; prepared for lite press, and published by the author, as a testimony ifiiiwltlm estab. I lished religion in the United States "( Price 35 cents. I ' J August 4th, 1840. I 38?tf | Slat* of South Carolinan DARLINfJTolM nttamtr?-v fir Ohdiwakys Orricc, Scptemlier 21st, 1840. Joshua Pollard, Applicant, vs. Joint Qowhon, Elau Goodsoti, William Gyodeon, Joeiah Goodeon, Joliu Kirven ami Nancy bis wife, BwijHmin Lucu? and JVngarct hit wife, J Etodeooodson Jainoa Goodeon, Hamilton A Goodaon, Arrcni\ Goodeon, Clmrlotte e Goodeon, Abigail Good con, William Pollard, Wright Pollnrd. Calvin Rliodca and Sarah hie wif?, Frederick Wootlliam mid Mnry Ann his wife, W m H Ward and . 1 Martha his wife, and AUcn Fort and .liiry his wife?Defendants. I ' WT appearing*" >ny su infliction flint John Goo<l- ' J ji. son, R|i ibGop*'soi?, William Goodsnu, Jiwieli j, Woodson, Elias G??d?oit, James Gbodsou, Ham- J, tHon Goodson, Art<?nu Goodeon, Charlotte Good- *; son, Abigail Good?oti, Willinin Pollard, Wright Jj Pollard, Frederick Woodlium and Mary Ana hia J wife, William F. Ward and .Martha hi wif , and ' Allen Fart and nry his wife Defendants in the 11 above elated eaee, reside witliout (lie limit* of this ' Stnte. It ia therefore ordered that dieydo appear ' and ol|jpct to the Division or anlo of the Real > Estate of TIioiiihs GooUgoii deceased on or liclblo & the first of January next or tlicir consent to tho A aaine will be entered f record. f LRVlN D. BRUNSO.V R O. D. D. I September 80,18-10. 4? 12t Geo rg elwn Ste m Saw I Mill, For Sale. I AM disposed to sell this small t?ut vihmhlo |j Mill. When in perfect order, she a ill cut from lw?? tn3.IMMI fsct per if y, ami grind 40 to 70 bushels of Corn. The situation is one of ilic best in tbe state. The lot on which tlie Mil. stands, and iltose attached, extend quite iuto-s the Puniusuln and nHonl room enough for die erect- d tiing a large mill ami the necessary ou.-buildings " for the bands The home demand for lumber is u equal to all tbe mill can cut Willi the ii'ill, 1 o will also sell Logs enough to employ her for 6 6 month*- To prevent heedless applications the price is fixed at #8,000 nidi?or #8,500 pnyuLln in 1 2, and 8 years, with interest fixim date, and ?p proved security, wi h a mortgage of the luoiarty E. WATERMAN. Georgetown, August it2. 1840. 42 2m . s i Shoes. THE Subscriber h is now on hand a >ury i extensive assortment of Hhscs suitable | for all aosseus which ha will sell very cheap. d. m alloy. , April 13, 1840. !L ? South Carolina. Vanevory's Heirs, i Hill o vs. > ?lf j" The Heirs of Lamb. N Revivor. jj JT appearing to my s tisfaetiou, that Miss m M?rj Liitta on? of the defendant* in llir. y ca?e, is abm-nt from, and rnaM-'s without the , limits of thn State of South Carolina. On motion t it ie ordered that the eaid Mary Lido do apneur id plead, answer or demur to thn eaid Hill el ( Complaint on or before the eeeond Mmid>y in January next, and thai in dolault thereof the said Bill as to her bo taken pro confesso. It is also ordered that ngtice hereof be paldUli- ? cd in tlie F-riners' G ixotts at Cheraw twice a ^ month for the spnen of three months. GEO. W. DARGAN.Om. in Equity, CIiitmvv D-atrin. October 2, 1810. 4S 2nn 3m 1 ? fi South Carolina. Marlborough District. In thk Coukt Orlunaky. Benjamin Moor Applicant. I Petition for vs. { sale or division Hejrtof Win. Stubh's | uf Laud. Defendants. > IT Appearing to my satisfaction that Eliah.i Hill, Martha Hill, Elix.beth Hill. Klishu G. 1 Hill, Ellas W. 8tory, John Story oris K;. Harris, William Hill, Vaiicy Hill, John W.IIill u William Morris and u if , Lewis Oiloin, Janus " Odom. Hubbard Odom, Heuiy Welsh and wife, ? Sarah Slubbs, Kulund Siuhbx, William Lee and wile. Allcu Thompson and wife, Dennis Sttihhs. I Neney Slubbs, Hubbard Slublis. Wi'li.,ni Slubhi- P Rebecca Stubbs, S trail Slublis, IVler Slubbs, (l Elisabeth Lindsay, John Odom, William Odom una jane uodg'-a iicira at L w of Wil iain Sliibbe sen. doeouacd late of MorUwronfh District P i aside without this State. It is ordered lliut " they appear and object to tlie division or mI? of the real i-Mtat* of the miiI Wi lixm Stuhbe, on or before the IO:h day of January next or their consent to tlio amw will be entered ??f record. josiiua nwm, O. M. D. Ordinary's Office 5th, Oct. Ifc4?. 48 12> Hats and Shoes. A LA ROE and well selected stock for tale ' by A. 1'. LA OS'l'E. <? [ October 21, 1840. *< 49 If ? | i ? . - n. I {Saddle* and Leather. i> A GOOD Stock for ??!? I?w, by A. P. LA COST ET. Oclob< r 21,1840. 49 tf Strayed Oxen.- ^ TWO very fine Oim, which 1 porrhnwH of Mr. Moorool Anson, strayed fiom my plan lion about a month ago, since which lime, they . were aeeu near lite F?>lty. One is a Red Ox, with wniui poi*, ana wnno iter / lite <.t i,.-r it Brindle with tome white in hie face. Any informal ion respecting them will be thankfully received. A. P. LACOSIT. a October SI, 1?40 49 tf % Sr. - -V *' ** * * * W, 1S40. fcT ? ; tf itttffl ttAtOLlK A. ' > (|U the 'IMnMj Uhoatorfietd Uiaarict. V Pl?M. tiDihi MoDoitald 1 l?rclaratt?n a. [ in (iulit in Au :ehn NeK?j. j jtiolmwat \ WHEREAS I he riaietHV in the, timer *Ut?d mm, Utia day iiWxl hi? IV'ctura. kin intMl the Pofundant alio U absent from ltd without the limits of till* (statu (M it i* said) ltd having neither (rife or altnrney kiiuwn rithin the amine. It ia ordered lint the Dervnlanl do mp|tear and plead to the Dc-cralaiinu furtsaaid within a year and a duy. front tlie date irreof, otlterwiae Anal end 'abndtitn judgment rill bo awarded ng linat hltn hy default TURNER BRYAN. C C. C. P )ffioe or Common Picas, ( March 90, 1840. $ 97 w m 31 y Sept. 16 1840 Nn 44 it NOflO 3. rHE Hopewell Baptist Church of Chester, field, will Petition the Legislature at it* loxt session fur an Act of Incorporation. WW. A. .VALI.OY C'li. Clerk. September b, I84<?. 44 ' I in f 3 in For Jvr/Ie. A TRACT on llio Doctrines ?>f Election and tWL Reprobation, hy Kov. James II. Tliornwell. llso, a Vindication of tlio Prut. slant Doctrine oncoming Justification. M'iv let. I*4tl. 2-1 It Carpenter's I ools. rHE subscriber has just received a very oxtensive assortment of Carpenter** 'loots, mong which arc. Double and Single, Cast Steel run. Jack, Smoothing, Fore, and Jointer 'lance, Astrngals, Bead*, Dado's, Hollows and tounda, Nosings, tireciai- Ov.iloV Qir.-k ?). (? lending. Ruldih, Side R dibit, K isiug. anil Sail 'lanes. Stall Cord, tktvea for a'ops. Table 'bines. Torus Beads and Cornice Pluiica. Ko. mi t), R. nnd Fillets, Killettelcra, Snipea Hills, otitic, Coiling, Flooring, and Plow Planes, 'lane Irons, 0,1 Stones, K.*y Hole Tenant, nd Panel, Hand, Cross Cut nnd Frame Saws, crow S ide orticc, and M.rkiig (>ung> r Uigurs, assorted qualities, Mortice, Socket, and firmer. Chisels and Gouges, PI iu- and Iron itjunres. Side If-vils, Spoku Shaves, Locks, liiigcs. Sprigs, Nails. Hrads. Ac. ALSO Collins* Chili. Il l nd and Broad Axes, Ohio nd Pennsylvania Patterns, ilainmors, Sniugliug nd Lathing llatchuts. &c. The above wore purchased low nnd for ensh f the best manufacturers, and will bo sold cheap > D. AT.T.OY. tV'Wthrr 22<l. 1*30. 2it 7'he Preacher, rVR Three lYundrod and Forty sketches of VW Origiusl Sermons wolealed from the manscrripts of two eminent Divines nt the last ontury with an essay on the Composition of u ormon. For stile it the Bookstore Deembor 27, IS3?. 7 1 PRODUCE Commission Business I^HE Sulmerihet offers his *orvie? * in the . Couiniisaioii Iiiimiii'w, tor the tale and ship. iru# of Country Produce. Ho will receive in s' 01 e and coll nnj* article 'I produce free ol" storage fir coinintccioii -of i per cent wliero the nriitlrs urc without unite; when limited a reasonable storage mil. o chutgod. Ho will^Atf) cotton ??r otlier Produce to New f ORK Or,CHARI KST'.K. linking I.IDKH AI. C vSH [ivancw for u Co ..mission of per Colli OU i ho cueh advanced. lie ka<>p* coustnn'lv on hand a very large lock of GroCKRIiik* withw-mixed clock of otin i t Gnodc, ell of wiiich lie trill tell at the lowest ' irices wholesale or retail fi?r cash or jiroduee. Tho Suliscrihor flatters himself that 11in r.xtcn> ive ircqiiiii itnnce in tho upper and adjoining >ounlica r.f North Caroli a will euninble liiui to ecuive a literal patrouugc. 0. M ALLOY. Cherow So. Ca. Sept. 5, 1810. The "WbhIi-hi Carolinian" Salisbury, and I 'Charlotte Journal" will insert the above twice nmi th for threo mouths und forward their uc. mintsfor payment D. AWLOY. Statf of South Carolina. DARLINGTON DISTRICT. Iw the Court ot Common I'lkai. W. Hunter Snr'v. Dec. on scitlcd of Hunter & DuUosc Note, in Foreign vs. Alhu-liinent. D E. Do Hose. rllE I'lniniitf in the above stated case huviug tiled his Declaration ill my office this day j ml the Defendant having neither wife nor Attor- ' ey within the limits of the said Suite n|mn whom eopy of this attachment could lie served. On motion of G. \V. k J. A. Durgan Phmtilf's Ittomcys. It is ordered that B. h). DuRose de lead or demur to the same, within n vcar niulat lay from tliv iluiu li?'ni)f or tiaal and mIikoIiio idgmcnt hall be awarded und given liiin. It i* ali-o ordered tlmt? copy of rhi* order l>e ttblifhed in the Farmer** Gazette on?*e eve.y three konths for the - of a year and a day. S. WILDS DUBOSK.C C. P. Clerk* Office, Sept 23, 1810. 4t? 1 ev 3 in 1 y Lard. tOOO LBS LEAF LAR1>* r?r"uiu , y A. H. LACUSTE. Septrmlier 80, 1810. I 'or Cash only. 'HE Subscriber taken this method of saying > his Customer* that after this day ho will *11 no article in tho Grocery Lino on a credit; nd Dry goods and Hardware only to such er??>ii? an aro )>ronipi ana punctual in (heir I ayment*. i D. MALLOY Jnnnnrv 1. 1840. 8 if Nails. M KEOS N.hIm, and l!rad*. all aizra, for M:t# anVby D. ALLOY. April 13. 1840. 23 tf Siiar. Coffee, Salt, c/mi MOLASSES. A LAROR Stock of the ilmv? now in store fm. and for eele very clteup for CiihIi, D. MALLOT . April 13, 1840. ?3U i ,, ? - I * v 4' ' ^p'* S' .* J. ' 'V HBBWKKBMnM Stated *C*Mtn*.? ^ CM^AW PiBTiMcr to EQ??IA> ?^,S3^^w&sr^4; St?t?. It i*,W?%o?'(?l Biim fc )?fv(? t?. pUinauta SwIieUwn, artbid (kit (to nU land IStiiith and Elisabeth HntitU and tociaka I wwws ? first day of ^inuarjr next, and thercot tlie said Bill aatotheai till B an tit. fvMO* Ii i* also Ordered (Jnit notir thereof he published in tin.* Farmers, Uaactte ?wic? i iliooth for the s|?ee of thru* hionths. GEO. W.DABGAN. September 7th 1840. C. E. CJ. D. No, 44 3*ml2in. ,'l Bacon, Flour, and Meal, ~ CONSTANTLY ON HAND, end for e?|o J at tlio LOWEST market price hv D. MALLOT. New Music. RECENTLY received el lite Book Stan j* supply embracing a considerable variety of Soups Sacri'ti, Scnliimn al and Huinoroua also !H irelies, Wult*?s, &e. and Music paper. IWMmlipr till. ltS9 - i ?r . I i he Fath Finder. OR the Inland Sea by the Author ef the I'miK-ere," "Last of the Moiiieans. I'rjiri'." <&:c ?Vc.?Also "Homeward liuuod iml "Huuie u* found ' liy the same Author-?fo site si the Hook Store. Apnl 3(1 lc40. 85 If 'I he SulwcrilMir has just received, ami wifl keep constantly on ham).Cotton Y <rn and Twin# at wholesale, tioiu the M a no factory ol Rocking ham. t .la . GEO. GOODRICH. . Clmrnw, i m. 1840. 10 tf Roberts's iSilk Mimual. A Neiv supply of this work just received at the llonk Store, price 37|. April 30 1840. 23 tf _ l\ ot ice. Iniu now nrniriiiK pan oi my Mock ? Spring ami Summer (JihhIr, comprising a sfneral assort men' of scnaotiitbli* Good*. which I will fell low for cueh. Purchasers w ill please call and examine lor tln-mselvre. A I.ISO, Will bo kept cmistfturly on hand a atv>|ily of German li?? tiug Cloths, equal to any used in i his country. M ALCOM BUCH AN AN. Man-li l!tr'?. 1840. 18 ff j limits and i'u'in leu! W IM>Z. Wliito an I Colored Ilooda. and * # d?t. a>?url?'l P ilot lanaf Hats. just rcocirvd t.y DU.NLAP &. MARSHALL. July 27, 1-40. 37?if PHILADELPHIA SHOES. 4k Pair Lnuica Kid Slipp. re and 45 Pair 1 Million Ki?l Winking ShiM-ii.jimt rccci* oil l?v UUNLAP 6l A I | I / II . July 27 l84o. 37?If ? B(XiK BINWNO. ? * Til P. subscriber* Imvc established thcmeolree in the nltovc line ot boniiHMm in Ckuri.W and ofTortheiraurvicexioiU citisona. . } u. ItAZKNCOL'KT, A. CO, Cher*w. S. P.. Jnn. till. )u. iviftuoy HAH Nii* tut li.iml a supply of all kind* of (JoihIh suitable Tor the (rude, wliiclt it; will kcII ua cheap um can bo had in Ibis rnu^ k'H. Persons wishing goid bargain* will please call on biiu before tlicy purchase. April 13 1^411. ' Dunlaj) ?y i\iursliiih HKUlOliY give notice thnt thry will continue to Hull tlicir liry Goods only , on the uaual urudil to pinictUHi customers I In y will null tlicir Groceries at the lowest price* for cnsli only. i The very idiort credit at which groceries can now bo bought, amounting with the rxdianm ttlinoni loOii^li, willi I heir limited capital couipola liein to ilia iido|>lion of lhi? cmiriw. i'atk of south ? AJtOLINA. ? ? ? * Kmuitv War ion Distkict. H. E. Cnnuoii v* tlr,. Si?|>|?Wmmtnl \\ illuiin Wlntfiald Hill lleniy A. Vesey nod for ni pt. Emily Vfevy I1' Antwriiig ilini Williom Whitfield, Henry jm. n. wary, unit r.nuiy Vwey, Defendant* in lliia CHK4-, nreidment liom mid reside without the | limit* of tItia Stnte. On motion of Dnrpnn Cotfcplainmit'n Solicitor, it ia ordered, thai tlto will Willimn Whitlield, Henry A. Ve?ey, end Emily Vc.M-y do tipia-Hr mid answer or ilrmnt to the Coni|>lniimiit, supplemental, on or liefnre tlie lion dny of DeeeniliaP next, and that in default thereof, the anid Hill be taken pro coiileMio. It ia nl*o onlered tlmt notice of thin order be published in tlie Fiumer*' Gazette trice a month lor the .twice of three inonilia . 4* KD. 11. WHEELER. Align*! 1810. -18 _ 2mfjliit_ Dunlap & Marshall EARNESTLY *eqnuat all person* indebten to litem to make an early ecttlement of thei: accounts. They will invariably add the in. terust however trifling tho amount on til actounU noi paid within ten days. January let 1840. 8tf New Goods. h JOHN C. WADS WORT 11 I J J AS Now in Store a supply of GROCERIES, JUt Y GOODS, HARDWARE, SHOES, HATS, IfOJVM ETS, i SADDLERY, \ X CROCKERIES, GLASSWARE\ <fc. A LL of which will bo wold at tha Inweat mark*} prion. Poraonw wishing lo |iurebiN h) Mrff market will do well to call. _ April 30 l? 18*10. ? Garden Seeds, I INTEND having foraaln nt lli?' Rooiarou th<? Fall and Winter, a freehand Ml eOpply of (*itnl.'ii Seed*. JOHN WRIORT. Ch<*raw, Angnwt 4th, 184d 38?if A4N JJX' J A' A* X 8X 10 Window Gla a, 10 >113 do do \2fl I Brl. Cult* for mIo by A. P. LACOSTE. October 31, 1840. i 49 tf '