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ft m- CHEHAW GAZETTE. ]i V '.y ty&DfffcSUAY MORNINt; NOV. 4. J; . Delegates from the Pee Dee Agricul- '' Jural Society to attend the meeting of the State Agricultural Society in Columbia ^ on the 4th uionday in Novcint>er:? Messrs James Gillispie, John N. Wil- ? iams, John W* Covington, John Cnmp* 5 bell* E. L. Hcncgan, John McQueen, . John J. Marshall, W. T. Kllerl?e, James 1 > ''Wright and Thomas Smith. *1 . v, . f _ F Rhpokth on kukk sciiOoi.;.?We ought * ' * earlier to have acknowledged the politeness of Mr. A. II. Pcmberton, State Printor, rn sending us a copy of a pamphlet r: COIltaiuillir reilnfts made In the (h.veriinr s o - - ; ; from all the districts of the state on the free school system, !>v commissioners appointed by order of the legislature. 'A'herc prevails u very general, perhaps a universal opinion throughout the state, ^ that the present free school system great, ly needs revision; many seem to doubt j j. .-Whether the advantages of the system as ! ^ 1 at present administered, are an e<ptiva. j . lent'<for the expense. T?.o diversity of viewajexprcssed in the reports Sal ore tn is : */:f VVtd^hcc that the- subject is one cncoin- I *?.% # . . j j] passed with intrinsic diilienlties not easi. j ly overcome.' fti a population as sparse as I , that oi South ('uroliua, and ainoi.g \\ liom ' > there arii so few parents enable to afford j ^ an elementary education to their own , ^ v children, no system of public education, intended only for tin* poor, can he adopt. [ .; ;4'd which will not involve an expense l>ear- | ' iug a large proportion to the nuuiher of j .1 . UtTSdiK iMtlUVllfwI. In Htiwl /Wiifilrinw ??n/l < -:KtuU'H where any general system ??!* free ! schools has been adopted, it is intended i fi? embrace the great of ehihlreii of , all classes. Such a system however does ! liot M'l in suited to the stale of ojmiiou . and holing in South Carolina; not he. ,j cause there is any unwilling'iet s auiot g the rich to educate their children in thai t Mime schools with the children of the ' . poor; hul liecause every body who can afford it is determined to have the selection and tlixtH'gsal /on, of teachers lor his chil droll in liis own hands; or in the hands of ^ himself and a few neigVxirs. I'V w are -' ' willing to let state nllieers el loose teachcfsfor IIh iu; and still fewer would consent *' to lie taxed for the education of all the . Miildren of the state, in addition to hear- i . log tin: ox|mmisc of educating (heir own. j *l\ie subject is one which calls for the I , . , ? iiiaturest retire lion ot tin* w.sesl men in '-thv stale. Tne |?ainj>li|et before us ought .. t?i be. procured and read by every citizen , who feels an interest in the subject of ge- I ' Doral education. j j .* ..vitui mujoriiy ?i mu I ion. i no. i?. !' v-1 Sarater, iii lliiji Congressional district ' wus 117!). j-s A pil'ilic meeting was In Itl in Charles- J ' tor, on tlii* XJ7'li Ocloltcr, on the subject j ' 'of the irregularity with which the mails j *' aire'received in that city. Tim meeting ^ appointed the Hon. .! li. H.dines, menu * her 61* Congress from t!m city, a delegate, 1 to prorcnl forthwith to IVox/iin^fon t 'it;/, ! ' tor the purpose ot' representiug to the I c Post Oiliee Department, and to flic Pres. I 11 vlml ij' nerexsartf, the serious injury ' '' which the city sulfrrs from the great v - irregularity, ami frequent failures of the 21 i - mail, and to seek a redress of the griev- 11 .-"nnce. "Why tlie citizens of Charleston ilcrni I' it necessary to delegate a special mes- v '<V- uAliavi.r W-ifliit...*..!. .....I ...1... ? I..... ..... . e DVU^VI IV ft iU7HHI^iVlif <11111 ? ll> l..r> j pect it may be ncccssnrv to appeal to the , 1 '' .President on such a Muhjee', we do not I v "'know. the Post Master Genera! o ^ been applied to, and has he turned a ileal' 41 far to the application? Dors a convic- v lion prevail, from any cause, in so large i and respectable a community as Charles- 1' ton, that an abuse, mismanagement or a neglect, in a department of the govern- r .inent so intimately connected with the 'I interests of the whole country can l>e rem edied only by sending special messengers t to the seat of GovernAienl? \ petition is alioiit to lie sent to the t state legislature from "Charleston Neck" to be incorporated under tlic name "Up. Vn.f l.o.-.l ? .?-.. ? 1 I "II - I - I |*V? viianv.'iU'ii) tlllll UU HIIWW I'll IU IlilVC their own Council and Intcndciit. A letter dated Union City (Mirft.) ' Srjtl. 19lh States I lint I!. S. troops lire < now engaged in removing the Pottawatta- ' my Indians across the .Mississippi, and > . jtccni to huve much such n tusk of it as they had in collecting and removing the. Chcrokccs from G orgiu. Tlic Indians j have betaken themselves to the woods I and come in only as they are hunted up and brought in by force. They allege that the treaty under which they arc driv. en from their homes was made by unauthorized chiefs, whom the agents of the ' 11. States had made drunk, and inveigled * into a treat v. * .*'> j < 17 ' ' TU~ C-.i.......... e- i> ?- I ' v m . mu toi vtivn "i in ruin iit I 1 ^ ^ :WndVicc President look place in IVnn- , .* .svlvania and <r?t* Friday last; in Con- j necticut, Rhode Island, Maine, New , Hampshire, Maryland, Virginia, Missou. | Illino's, Licorgia, Arkansas, Indiana,: r * Und Kentucky,on Monday last; in Michi. \ gati on Monday and Tuesday; in Lnnisi. pna and Tennessee yesterday; in New * Vnrtt it was to take place on Monday, ves- N terday and Today; in New Jersey and M is. f sissippi yesterday and Today; in Massne'.iysctts and Alabama on Tuesday of next ' aseek; in Vermont and Delaware on t V-fdncs lay, ot*iK>i week; in North Caro. ina on Friday (12th.) and in South S Carolina during the session of the legis- ii lture. In all the states except S. Caro- g no, the election is by general ticket. '? The President is now on a visit to ft Jew York and the Secretary of State is P' n a visit to (loorgia. Sonio of the Whigs K re ungenerous enough to charge them l' r'ith the design of choosing this pnrticu* ^ nr time to visit their homes, with a view . f exerting some influence on the election or President in their respective states.? )tliers hint that they have only been inneed hy the result of recent state clec- ft ions .to visit their dotnicils to make, ar- ir angeinents for expected "rctiracv " in the pring. Much excitement has just been proI need in the city of New York, first hy lie Democrats charging the Whigs with mporliiig persons to vote at the New itl.w.l I .1 I.-- ?< - ...... ... v <11111 llicil IIV nil* ?V IllgS Urging that trading Democrats hud nrmrd a conspiracy in lix upon them so iase a charge. Numerous ulfudavits have nam published by both parties, from ail vincu it seems llmt llie Wnigs, suspectng that the Democrats were uIsmiI to initort voters from Philadelphia to New York 11 IMJW and *:h) employed men from diferent parts of Philadelphia to go on to Sew York and attend tlie polls on the lays of election in the different wards of he city, for the purpose of identifying in.i challenging such imported voters honld they present themselves. One oft he nen employed h_v the New York Whigs to iignge these spies, named Stevenson, uleiy reported to leading I) inocrats that vluit In.1 was employed to downs to proaire voters and not spies, and that several nen of grea' respectahility in hot It cities vore implicated. 11 s statement was pith, ished With his n.tllt, affirming its truth. s I'iie l>i nioerals, from Boston to Haiti- < nore, if not to Richmond, were now in cslacics- Tuey had jirnof' of the corrnjt- ii ion which tin v had so long charged upon \ he "ItrUixh Fnlrrol \Y/,if;s." In Bos- ? on a lull was issued front tin* ollice >f a h adii g party paper, announcing f he iuijiorlan! and gratifying in intidli- ' fence, an.I stating liiat (lov. S-ward of I1 Sew York had been arrested for particilatiiin in 1 he .'.ni-ni.i I.... O...I #!.? ? M ... .... v wi . ?i|f? M/ ) liim umi i??i rinncll, in-inhcr ol ('orgresp, ui'd seine me else had runaway to escape arrest. As .soon as the publication of the Dciho rat.swas made, all the Whigs implicated, n imono whom was the Mayor of l'liila- h Iclpliiii, contradicted, on oath, in the l' ni!ilic papers, the statements of Steven- c on- At this stage of the business a fe|. ow* named Wentwortb, who had also been inploycd in the work of procuring spies Vom lbiilndclphin, publishes 011 oath a tatement that Mr. liatlcr, Mr. Hoy I the ollcctor of.New York, and others had ofered him money, with the promise of ofiee from tin President, ifhc would impliate (iov. Seward and other leading rVnigs in the charge of hiring voters from 'iiiliulclphia. 'i'ne tables were now turnd, in the esiinintion at least of the Whigs. L'nev consider no language too s'rong to 17 :!iarac!eri/.e so base a conspiracy among \J nen high in olliee to lilast the character of J v lonorahle and honest men, and hv r lie falschoo I and perjury to alfec', nd if t iey could, decide, the election of if Chief mag'st rale for this Republic, or d ather for this august (bmfederacy of lto- o mhlics. H it tile triumph of the Whigs a ras as brief as had been that of liieir oppoii- a nis. Il appears now, from the testimony of nen more entitled to credit than Went- s rorll ?!t so far from heing offered a hrilie s if either money or olliee, Ik* asked lor one ^ ir both, as a price for which lie would re- v eat to the Democrats the evil practices "c 11 which lie alleged that lie had himself |. ice 11 engaged as the servant ol the Whigs; j; lid thul when the bribes were refused, lie c ( fused to divulge the important secrets, t, I'he matter is still undergoing invesligaion, and likely to end in smoke; and at lie same time to show that hoth parties it*., iiinrii a*...a.'.* I.. L->iiutw..*( ( I.j... .......... I in IIIWI\ It IUM I" VI Ull'll I I "" ills ?if unfairness and corruption than ruth justifies. * F'-r iltc Furim-rn' (>.120110. '' Ciikkaw, Oct. 24, 1810. a I)K.IK Sill, !' Relieving; (Imt it would ho interesting : J' o thai portion of your renders in ('lies. . ?j erficlu District to know the Census of the I >islricl which has just heen completed 1 i 'end you a statement of the same. Males 201)5 I Females 2810 v Free persons of color 100 | c Slaves 2870 | ' ! v Tola I 8571 j ^ Respect fullv, 1 v M. LOWRV. ! v Ash'i. M irshal. ' J* c Yorkriflr (S. ('.) Oct. 21.?Cotton ^ 'nor.?We are informed l?y several of ' he most respeelnlde citizens, who have c eeeiitly travelled over (lie principal cotton trowing sections of our District, that the (l iresent crop will fall larshorl of the ordi- ?: mry yield?joiii:; of our most extensive l< Maulers say UK' ravages??i me worm will v educe their crop loone-lliird of last yearn 'J* Meld upon the sainn lurid.?[('ompi'cr. i; li'irc Vrg< :t(tb!c.?Mr. John Mh iiki,, i vhoso iinconpnon success in lire culture f fruit, and flowers and vegetable* lias ^ >fien challenged out editorial ofoiii|Otida. ion, lias entitled himself to the credit of lit reducing a new vegetable into onrhor. t ic, ilt it re. lie exhibited to us, yesterday. * . fine epcfiiii'.::i of the 3"ivi M.issirot, or t. Domingo pot a toe, raised in the open, air, i his garden on the Neck. This potatoo rows on a rich and luxuriant vines with irgcand beautiful heart shaped leaves, the ines itself, and not the root, hearing the uit. We are told by Mr. M. that the otatoo when cooked exhibits a bright ainhogc color, and is superior in flavor to to Iriijh potatoc. Mr. M. has also sueuoded in raising this new vegetable from 10 seod?the common mode of planting being by cuttings of the fruit. Charleston Cour. The United States Senate.?The dlowing is the present state of of parties t this body: V. B. \V. Maine, 1 1 Vnu- 11 ..I. ? ? Connecticut, 1 I Massachusetts, 0 2 Rhode Island, 0 2 Vermont, 0 2 New York, 1 1 New Jersey, 1 1 Pennsylvania, 2 0 Delaware, 0 1 Maryland, 0 2 Virginia, 1 0 North Carolina, 0 0 South Carolina, 1 1 Ceorgia, 2 0 Alabama, 2 0 Mississippi, 1 1 Louisiana, 2 0 Tennessee, 2 0 Kentucky, 0 2 Ohio, 2 0 Indiana, 0 2 Illinois, 2 0 Michigan, 1 1 Missouri, 2 (1 Arkansas, 2 0 28 2(1 The vacancies are. Virginia 1, Pelarare I, North Carolina 2?all likely to lie applied with whigs, which will give V. 11. !H whig 21. Of the Senators whose terms will exlire on the 4th of March next, Messrs. V.ill of New Jersey, Roane of Virginia, Nicholas of Louisiana, Norvell of Miclii. ran. and Lumpkin of (leorgia, will all reliably give place to whigs: and therearc the Senate of the next Congress will Tobablv stwnd thus: Whigs, 29 Van Burcn, 22 Whig majorily, 0 Election for Congress.?J'llcctions for lemhers of the next Congress have been eld in eight States, and the following is lie result compared with the previous clction. 1810. 1898. W. V. IL W. V.ll. Louisiana, 2 1 9 Vermont, 5 9 2 Missouri, 2 2 Maine,* 4 2 2 0 \ ll'UIUI.I, !l U it Pennsylvania, 13 1"> 11 17 Ohio, 12 7 H 11 JS. Carolina, 18 18 40 :r? 31 49 In those eight Slates the Wliigs have ;ai nod ttrelrc members, equal to tircntyour votes, and without further change^ .ill have a majority in the House of Repescntalives of the next Congress. jV. Orleans, Oet. 24 th. The Red Men.?We noticed on Sunay the arrival here of a nuniherof 17. S. tlioers and troops destined for Florida, nd accompanied by a number of Seminole nd Micasuky chieftains. These chieftains are the most distinguilied men of their different tribes, and ar< elected to present to their brethren in 'lorida the enviable condition of those rho have emigrated. They are not ovei anguine in their anticipations, but arc ontident that they can persuade their re. itivesat least tocmigrate to Arkansas, ll < mast prolbundedly to be wished that the xpedition will prove successful in its enuprise. Tai.i.miasskk, Oct. 20. More Indian Deprnla'ions.?A parly ol ndians showed themselves at Col. Camle's plantation at Welauncc, in Jefferson bounty, on Saturday last. They lired port a negro man, wounding him in the rand, who effected his escape. They took negro woman, and forced her to aeeoinany them. Hut being surprised by meettig a party of whites, they fled precipitatey, and the woman effected her escape.? ['he humbugs were some few miles distant, matching the progress of the election. Star. Sr. Joski'ii, Oct. 15.?huh/ins.?.T.n-tt reek on the I'A'oiifina in Washington ountv the dwelling house of Mr. Isaiah ones, n surviving hero of the Revolution, ms burnt by the Indians. Mr. Jones is he father of Wiley Jones whose wife and Itild were murdered by the savages a few reeks since. Their plantations were ad. oiiiing each other. The house was vacant at the time though the vol Is of the ndians were heard at the house of Mr. tobhins, where several families arc slill :ollecled for self defence. Kknti'cky Corn Croi>.?The ln-xingtn'i Inclli{p'?i;?r of the I llli inst., slate* that the corn ro|? of Konliicky, the piogont yn;ir, is unusually irgn, anil will pi*rli;i|ia surpass any tliit loo v?:r before been produced in that Slate. As atopies oi tbc present crop, p-ipar htnti'i but |Iih iiomIiiuo of a single > ore of torn, from u iold, of .Mr. W. C. Young, ot Jasmin comity, ras ton ml to mcaKiiro tliirly-uum bushels. akkwkm in ckntkai. asia. The fo lowing is an extract of a letter in the London Morning Herald, dated % ? A t t I'OMII \ Y. June X.M. Tlio 111 out iiii|>ortint an .nlnlligciicii fiti ho month mines to us f.u n tlio nurlli-vvos Voiiticr, and i? ?? unsatisfactory as miy he ? rjia sviiolo of l!i>? provinces lately overrun hj the armies tinder lord Keane, Sir W. Co*.ten. I I (*>nvrul WeWinne, ar<- in a state of insubotdinii. I lion or ojti'ii war. Not only have wiitn^nns i acts of violence been committed in almost every I c qn.tilor of Bolocliistan, Afghanistan, ami B->kar? | i ra, where the terror ot British Anns has most I recently h?cn experienced, hut the lon| Iran-J qni'itcd It iji|K>etan state* of Jexponr. and Jouripoor, i?n the Delhi frontier*, huve been seitod * with a spirit of instihnrdinulinn. The co idnc* : I of our new a I y. the Shah Soojali, mean while | ! is ns u ii-ki'd, and unwise as |>o**ibl<>. Ilia hang. ) ty anil ovirho<ring dnineanonr, while attendant ' on the army, wlm-v hayonus were to placo him on lho throne, disgusted every British officer j who came in contact with him; while his low and brulil sensuality, and tho vile creeping vices of Ins character, excite,! universal contempt. Personally this pitiable prince, ex|>?Iled for misconduct by Ins subjects, utit! restored from exile In bis native tin one by s'rangers, did nothing to c meili'ito bis people, to strengthen his authority, or achieve his unlet endrnce of English uid. The ex'ielinns of his predecessor, l>osi Muhomined, I in the sli iikj of taa iIioii. seem not only lo have . I- i . .... i ? .. . ..... J ^ ....... uivutiau- ill IIIUIIIVl'lVi'K, UUI WPTO MlltmilU'U ' ^ ' to with cheerfulness. whmi to oxpniehdin public ] ; improvement*. So noon a* tho Shall So??j ill | Ciiuiu into power, he to increased the public j j burdens tin: one half t f tlto baxurs wt-ro imme. ] . i diaU-ty shut tip The moneys tlniH extorted wcro ' | Wasted n H>.'tiMii:il indulgence. Il.ironiM, such ;m j | oriental imagination* ulo-ic can fancy, uro l?cing 1 . i now erected; and tha engineers, tli?? workman. i . ; mill llm iVM'urcm w-luch ought to he employ, d . t in the pnlilit! service, uro occupied in providing . luxuries and expensive palaces 1"?r a Suvorn^n 1 ' . wl?o could i.ol Hud I.OllO iihmi in hi* kingdom j ' 1 on W'Ii'mii In* con Id place r li.imc, or who would, j ^ on co sidrraiion, rtiulcr li:m service. j Tlio Now York Express of Wednogdiy l ( afternoon says? i The last accounts from Europe havo pi t an effectual check to shipments of both wheat , | and Flour. The duty has advanced so high, ' . thai no more will go forward, until some change ' | of pi ice taken place. I | ' Wheat, tin? great staple of the middle States. ? is now selling in this market at prices under a I . dollar a bushel. We doubt much whether ! > ' there has heeu a period within the last twenty : i years when the price of that article has been j . below the present rate. ! Drkaokui. Eaktiiquakr. The accotuit of tin? falling of a part of Mount Ararat shaken down by an earthquake I j . with a frrihle destruction of human life is ci'iilirnnd. The St Petersburg Abeilie de. ; i\ord of September 11th pnlrtshcii the lot- : j lowing letter, dalcd TiMis, August 13:h; j "You have, doubtless heard, oftho terrible . earilupiake of Mount Ararat which has total y | dn'roved the town of Makitcheman, dama. I god ali the buildings at Krivan, and devastated ; j I ho two districts of Sharour and Soiirm i e m | j Armenia All lie villages in those districts j nave oern uesiroy. u. rno ear'h is rent in such a manner, that all the cotton and rice i plantations have perished for want of water? j i Hut the most awful event has taken place in j the neigborliood of Mount Ararat. A conoid, j erahle rock was loosened from the mountain, 1 and destroyed every thing in its way f ir the > | distance ol seven wersts, (nearly five tt-.ighah : : uiiles.) Among otlirrs. the great village of Akhouli ' lias had llic fate ot Ucrculancuui and Pompeii. | Above one thousand inhabitants were buried under heaps of rocks. A thick fluid, which afterwards became a river, ran from the j interior of the mountain which was opened, | and fillowinjj the same direction, swept over I tbe ruins, and carried with it tbe corpses of | I the unfortunate inhabitants of Akhouli, tin* : ! dead animals &c. The shock continued to j be fellev-ry day in the above mentioned districts ami entirely laid them waste; then the I shocks hoc one less frequent. Ararat is not : i yet quiet; the day before yesterday 1 was1' awakened by two violent subterraneous commotions. liy the ofli.ual return accompanying the ; 1 ! vote of the Congressional ticket, it appears : I tnat the voice oft he Pe? p!e is in favor of Hi- | enuial Sessions of the Legislatore, by a inajori. I ty o! upwards of 00.000 votes.?Sav. Reputi- ; 1 I hcan. ! Summary. i i The state election has been held in Arkan- ' sas, and resulted in favor of the Admuiistraiioii ' , i?:,r|y- i Toe ponulition of Russia in 180S was ! i 50.077,000?including the Army and navy, thn ' ' wandering tribes, P?ilaml and Finland, tbe : ! number ol nib.tint ants is (W,500,000. I, , A race ot four mile heats was run at Louis- I . ir i- - a.?- < * ? ? ? vim*, rvv. mi iiic u<ii win anil lour iieain wore , run, making 10 miles. Two of the horses wore : no injured oy tlio race* liicy died tiiu mine : night. j i The Corporation of N?*w York lins ?p. !, : preprinted $10,(-)00 lor the erection ol I mill tional hirldiugs 'or the children oil ' L'MiJ! Island Farms, in consequence of I lit: ' prevalence aiming the children of measles ' ; iind seat lot lever. A (ierniaii Pedlar, named Woll N iber. : | ger, was roltued ol 19110 dollars at Fop s'. | i I bora, Sullivan county, (N: Y.) a lew days | ' | since, by two footpads. The money w*?is 1 the savings of a number o! yours, j The nun.her of whito males in N w I Orleans exeeeds the number of while le? jinnies 10 292. 'Foe number ol colored females exceeds the number of colored j (ales (? 222. During tin* mnntli of Septembor, no | *-s than 122 vagrants were coiuunKed in priss on ui New York. J Tii?? summit <?! ili?* A! i in V. to ! 1 - ? " I Ilamps'iirr, was covi ru?J snow on tli<* ' 42 I uli. j? John Qninfy A lams is nominated for1' i rt'.Hncliou <? in Congress, i ! if' ii. Iliiniillon im* ntrirly concluded Ins ; HirHHg'Min O'S lor l||?} T? MilII Lollll. Nil , doub: oXisIrd ol Ins roin|>lt*ltt kuc?*oss. T? Xns (snys ilit; Ni-W Y??i k I JiTiild.) has i n rKi'npi Z' il m a lt?*[>i)l>lic l?v llolUii'% ( uinl ii ifniy of amity mi'l rommorre, l|?n- 1 ed l?y Ifi'ii'Tnl J.inii's Hamilton lor Texas, ' ' I I and Unroll Vorsiock Van Soclnn lor llo!- 1 i land, I . ; hlKU ?? i , On t'm I It I? Scjii, in |*;iri?>. T*nn. tlm Hov ] > ' Kail. 'I*. I) mil! i oil Ik: |tii ,>t lot flinicli iigoi ti8 I Vi'UIH. Ill* A'.i.t II llllllVOliI N'orlli (lirnlii. nawl i for several yearn I'amor of*lie Kah-igli ( i ; 1 J In Rli/.alielhton,Tt*nn. r?n tin* 7th, nfOc'rJScr, j 1 ! Mr. Wnoil I'urni ui. former y of('Ii.iilesion, mul j ' al'lrrwrtids, ()| Sumter l>is riot, in fii.> Slate, j A* C'liu Marlliorougli l>i*tricl f>. t*. on Tip*. ' I I (l.ijr cvi niliy *lli> VMItli of Oct. iiflo an ilium ?f: 1 ooo week wliiuii she bote wiili 11??- iiiimi wonderful | fort initio, Am.imi), l>ingliti-r of William and I | Anna Jmr Rigfrs ;?g *?' Kivo aril a ball )cirn. i Ahi iihIii w in a nmnl boati'iftil nmi int Tenting < ( child. Until one work IH'ore her Heath, the rn*e of health h-irl iicvor lot> hor cheek '"'or I J neroral months before ?nn died she hid atteaied school an ) had iiuJu iho luien p.o^rCKS. ?ht> 1 - " 1 ^ r seed School?8 he lovsd her IiwtraHar. Aft. ht HittMiluiion appro icned, tlwlW[iiMlWMf. "g maimer in which rl?n cinnli ?lrfio4 savs >f her frwi'dii was an oh m to prodnoo '-4hn moot nlcnite feeling with nil who saw bar. But sho haefmm?gone/eraser. And her porenis and friends, can in This world see her n?w?s CUEKAW PKICE8 CURRENTWednesday, Novemeek 3. articles. pee I $ C. I $ C trot'111 market, scares lb U 4 s 0 6 (aeon from wagons, lb 8 a 9} by retail, lb ID a 124 luuor lb 15 a 25 hseswnx lb 20 a 23 *nKK?'?lf yard 10 a 98 hie Hops lb III a 124 oHmi lb 124 a 15 'orroN, lb 8 a 24 "orit, aunrco ' bush 50 a l<2 'lour, Country, brl 5 50 a 6 'eatliura fin wag. none lb 40 a 45 ''odder, lOOIbs 75 a 80 tluss, window 8x10, 5ui\ 3 25 a 3 374 , 10*12, 50f\ 3 50 a 3 75 lidos, g:veu lb 5? dry lb 10 ft mn I00|l>s 5 50 a 6 50 ndijjo lb 75 a 2 50 ?iuie cask 4 a 4 50 *urii scarce lb 11 a 121 xjulliei, tvle lb 22 a 25 1O111I, bar ib 1(1 a jojjwood Ib 10 a 15 ilolaasoe N. O. pal 40 a 50 | , gnl JJ I 4? MuiIn, cui, assorted lb 7} a h ??, wrought lb 16 a lb Jaia bush 40 a 50 >11, cnrriora gal 75 a I ?, lamp gal 1 25 a ?, linseed gal 1 10 a 1 25 Painia, while lead keg 3 25 a 4 50 , S| au. brown lb b a 12 Pork lOOIha 5 50 a 6 llice lOOIha 4 a 5 00 Shot, bag 2 25 a 2 75 , lb 10 a 13 Sueur lb ]0 a 12} Salt aaik 250 a 2 75 bush b7} a 1 00 <teel, American lb 10 a , Kimbali lb 14 a The Hivpr roar two feet, a lew day* ago, and has again fallen 15 inche*. It i* sti 11 navigable. NOTICE. Tho r-gular meet in g o' the ' Chatham Snci- ty" will bo held hi the 51 l<; Academy on Saturday next at ?evi'ii o'rlo li P. 51. The question for hsrusaioii ia, ' Ought Divorcee ever to lie allowjiI!m W. I- PRINCE. Secretary. NEW HOOKS. JUST received at tho Ciikraw Bookttork niul for anle by John Wright. Ferdinand mid Iaahell by Prearo't. J B ibbingion \1 eCunleva Miscellanies. Wordsworth'* Poi licul Work*. M ra. Il'-maus Poems. Iluru'* do Cunbcll's do Young Dray Beatlieand Collina. Shakeajiesre. Shetland and Shctlanders by Mine Sinclair. New Music. Flute and Violin Instructor*. October 30, it>40. 51 - If J. LEE, M. D. srEm&Biojsp znzTwrsm OF CA?DR\, S. C. OFFERS lii* Professional Service to the viliz Mia of Clioruw end neighbouring Towns. tlo may be found ot 'lie Planters* Unlet?'inters from tlio eountry directed to the P'lHt Ofiie in Cln-rnw, will meol with alien ion. II'! is pri'itared to perform any and every Dental. DpkratI"N that may be required. IN t'll OAL OR ItinEllAL TRET II ivi'l l>c s' t on Gold n ite or pivntril on the old root if Niitliniently strong to bear the operation. QfTKKTH stopped with G"ld and warranted not to dee iy any more in the part stopped. TEKTII and route of Toetli extracted and irregul iritios remedied. Examinations made without charge. Materials and work in ull cas e warranted. Noveinher 4, 1640. 51?3l INESL BLACK, Dark Blue. Light Blue, Red and Copying Inks, in smull Bi llies, For ?a!r by Jotiii Wright at the Chcraw Bookstore. October 3(1. 5810. 51 tf H\KKRY ?fc~ CONFECT10NARY. rP IIE Siihaoriliers re.-pel fully inform the *1 citizens of Chcraw that ihov will in a dnv ir two lie able to supply them with fre-h I#n-?f Bread. Bultcr Crackers. Water Crnckcrs, Soda Biscuit. Milk Biscuit, Pilot Bread, and a great irari'-tv of C.fkea?They hiqic by attei tion to bu. to line it a shsre of puti'i- patron if. E.MAN OKI. &. SOLOMONS. til the store formeriV 0-enpied by Messrs. Tomlin on. November I, 1840. 01?tf Southern Harmony. A LARGE Supply of litis now and valuable Jwl. Book jusi received and for shIu by JOHN WllIOIIT. November 4, 1810. 51 tf NEC ROES FOR S A I.E. ^ LIKKI.Y Fellow, a good house servant. /m niiil .ii* wife. who id n|,o a fine J.onso s.-r. rant and p>sl ry Cook. A yniing wench and ?cr male rhilil about four yearn old. The wench i h licrn brought up mostly in hiiiI at out the onso, ami has also hern accustomed to wuik in lie field. For price aid further particulars onpur" at the otfie.e of the Fanners' Gazette. Chcraw November 2. 161(1. ft I tf New Goods. ?ROWN BUY AN V BKOTIIKR ore now receiving pur Steamer Swan a woll scloc d atock of tlrocorica recently purchased in New York on favorable terms, which lh?y ofi '< r for sale ?t low prices for Cash, or produce, uwl 7/io/? no other turns. CukIi paid for Cotton. 12 IIikIk line M Cioix Sugar 7.*> Bigs Km, l.tguira Java fc mocha CuflVe -f> ps Cotton II'gging atsoritd 7.r? Coils Bale ropH r?0fl lit* bagging twiuo Kill sin Us S U l> Tons Swands Imn, assorted. I'O Ni gi'o Bl inkefs 15?MI Yds Negro Cloth. I a Casks wine, some very good AI<o K lisonti, Cheese in hoxoa Hyson ,V. imp. rial Teas Lo fa rt.Mined Crushed Sugar, very fine with a jenerl stock of dry goods hint ware and Outcry, Crockery. &. tllasi Ware, liberal advances 'ji.hIp <?i? i otlon lelt lor shipment lo Mow York md OliarloMun. It MR VAN & BROTHER. Ciicrnu '2b O i. 1?40. No 60 if uti o^^^unSll^^tCir^ t??ite^ j and singular lis kitdrad id nradjlaaa ofthaMid Eli Joliu di'OMMd, ih i thsy baandopyirar fcaf ?# 1 mo. In ths Court of Ordinary, to bob. Mat CIwe* J terfiold C. H. on Monday 9iit day of Nov. Mat _ to allow nuM if any (hoy kMo.wbylkoantfA?w ,9 ain stratum should nvtbagraul -d lor p undar toy band and aoal, this thirtiftfc day of Od?b f in tlw Ijraar of our Lord one tlmnitd nkidbia . 'rod and forty, and in tba djaty Mb |oor oa American 'IndatiSiufoiic*. ''' "*"*3^figy T. BUY AN flfffc. ? JmI'KOSI'BCTU* * or tmo _ A WKhKLY JOURNAL. To be devoted to the dissemination of Scot* tiali Intelligence, &lc. IhnuiflHHit tlie United States and Canada. Breathes there a man with soul indi?4 Who never to hinm-K hatb said, > ? Tin* id my uv n, uiy native land, JSccmv < * A paper drroiMl to tin dieeeihUta'kin of. national intelligence.. must ueccpAhrfly look. ~rt. for support from those interested ay nathrty or descent; but, a* a reoprd of t^e pamiaf events of any country cannot tail, if.eirrfcBr prepared, occasionally to iptrrwt unartwet the general reader, it ia liopeilour journal may meet with a fa rotable reception from Una class while the Ibrmer, to be without it, would argue a degree o( indifference, happily iuena sistcnl with that Amor Patne, en proverbially characteristic of our countrymen. Emigration from Scotland lim been an eon. tinoua during the last forty years, aa to have given rise to a very numeroiia and important claas of thn poptdntion of theen communities ; >ne which we cannot for a nsinent doubt, aae as univ* really drsirou* of possessing, as they are capable of sustaining, a journal devoted t# their national sympathies?an independent medium of communication with their itniiee land ; now the more desirable, ae steam navigation offers opportunities to frequent, regular and speedy, ol acq iring a knowledge of panning eveuiD?ere time robs ihnM bf their interest. < | In this country, where the French, German and English population, sustain their reepcct. ive papers?the publication of auch a periodical is a debt we really owe to the honor of the ,/| Scottish nation and character; and the subscriber cliii illy influenced by this conviction, 1 in preparing so desirable ah object for hie countrymen, feels their patriotism will be his protectioti, while hie anxiety wi I.lie to present matter at ail tnnrs pure and unexceptionable i and worthy the b<gh literary reputation of hie country. 'I he Scottish Patriot will appear .early * 1H4I neatly printed, in a tor in wd! fitted for . buidnig?and will preseut a weekly retrospect of general Scottish intelligence?a digest of Scottish literature?notices of new pubis*. ^ lions, 61c.?of interesting movements in (M Ji&J church?universities?courts of law?diaonv. jg erics in science?progress in tin* arts?reports of deaths?marriages?bankruptcies, dice-, and intern:ing miscellany, gleaned from imy source?home iittd abroad.;, A piece of Scottish music wiftelso he apaCW ded, in such a mntiner as w-ll atim<t yf its being separately bound if desi'rid. Tho'whole | it ib hoped, will lorm a journal equal in neat* ness and iuteresl lo any existing periodical. I TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION, in all leases payable in advance?Nearly, $3,00; | hilfyearly tt'J.UO: quarterly, ftl/M) Our friends will please receive and forward to ua, subscription* and names of Win* d**sirioua of becoming subscribers. post Masters and others who will act as agents, will be allowed a commission of 28 per cent. To prevent misunderstand ngs, no order will bo ful til led, un il payment is forwarded 'Ho ournal will be forwarded to city subscriber* evety Sauird iy morning, and by tlie earliest ma lib to those in the country, Canada, Sic. As no better circulating mtdiiim amongst a cerlian class can bo afforded, tlim through the pages of the Scot; is It Patriot, due nolico | will bo given to advertiser*of the issue of the I first number. I Papers and communications (post paid) to be aduressed >o Jt * J. CilLROY CUM MING, M. T). 75 White Street, Now York. September 3. 47 American Phrenologicul Journal. In tlie present slate of iliopubic mind, probably no other instrtimcn&t>r iyeans whatever, can be rendered ellicacioua in proniul. gating, defending, and establishing U?p pnn. | ciples o Phrenology, ns a well- conducted Journal It is unnecessary loaiare the particu'ur advantages uhirh a regular periodical possesses over all other agehciiw; i* to urge * I be im|K>rtanro of having, in thivrottnfry, aurh a medium as it affords to make known to lb# public the facts and principle* of the aoenCe. The objectH of tliia Journal are to panierve ! from oblivion the most intereating of the very numerous facia confirmatory and illustrative rg uic i rum ?>i pnrrnutuyyf 10 recoru HW MMory and progress of the science; toshot* its trw beatings on the education (physicist, intellectual, and moral); on the nature and lre?tiwmt of insanity; on jurisprudence and criminal hf, islalion; on mental and moial philosophy; and to point onl various applications to the iminovoineiit of the instil uiH>n*, manners, and ry stoma of society Original em-ays on phrenological subjects wlil form part of the Journal, and also review* of phrenological and anti-phrenological works; and, as often as practicable, ?? a ball transfer to its pager, the best articles in the Edinburg Phrenological Journal. There sre already enlisted as contributors to the work, many of the ablest writers and b> at prenoiogisU In die country, as well as several lor ign correspondents. We hope, as it progreraew, to embody m its pages nearly all the matter published en the science which is of particular interest to i lie pu'ilir, or can be ot |?erm*iictit value Ah fa. ? tv -II # uiu itirmiir. ? c BHilll ITt qUt'llliy ACCOM pany our fad* and delineations of cbaractM with il urtrmive cuts. It is not with the "desire or expectation o# gain that it iaoflbrrd to the community, hut Irom far higher considerations?-trom a desire to know and to promulate truth. It will b* obvious to all, that a woik of thio character A must d? pend chiefly fc* support on the valuntmry patronage and co.operations of those who ire interested in the subjects it discusses, audit fa hoped that the friends of the science wiM tot only encourage it by their mea subscriptions, hut that tiiey will make efforts ta extend fin circulation in the various parta aftkr country where they may reside. No paias or exponas will be spared on the pari of the proprietors to render tha w ork worthy of a liberal support.