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+ L * < beds? The details tfre cannot give, but have hearJ enough to ho convinced 'hat it II . W<|| prove 10 be one of the most shocking o' the many outr ides :h it have l)e?*?i perp'- ra. td hy il???se ruthless barbarians." The above must alludo to the murders^ the particulars of which we hav? already published.?Ed Geor. Phenomena of the Sea ?Wo lenrn from Falmouth that several tiny* since a coffin about thore feet lung, made of plucd boards painted white, Wch a heavy weigfii of sea coal Krtfcd in a canvass bag close, ly attached to it, was found upon the sea beach at the north side df B'lzxnrd's Bas. A coronas inquest was called, and upon opening the coffin^ it was fouhd to contain tins body of a child, supposed to be about three or four years old, and had apparently been dead some inontlis. The flesh Was nearly consumed. It wns conjectured that lite decease of the child had occurred ?t sea, and evidently the last nVs which humanity Could offer, in consigning the body to the deep, had b en performed with nfflrtionate solicitude and interest. That it should have emerged to the shore wi h such a weight as remained attached to it, remains with tiie ut.explained phenotnen of natural events. New Bedford Mercury. From the Boston Fast of Sept 8 h . ONE DAY LATER FROM ENG LAND. By the orrivul of the Snip St. Petersburg. Capt. Trusk, from Liverpool, 5th u'r. at this port, yesterday evening, M-vtrs. TopId!"received Lverpool papers of the .Yh ult. being one day than those brought by the Acadia. Taey contain, howrever, hut ^ ht le news of interest. The wea'ner eon Mined fine, and the pros|>ec;s of the crops being early secured were favorable, Th.? .? , p ,i... liltf'SI ttrCUUIIIS irum I IiUILV i t7jii nov.m ,,,,government as active hi r? nderng tne nrmy ami nmy very effective. Tne journal lots of all j>.?r;n s are unanimous in ilieir opinion respecting a vindication of i'e ' national honor," and highly nppiove of the energetic measures of tin? government. Notwithstanding these piepamtions, the Liverpool paj?ers sneer nt Hie idea of France pretending to as>uine mi attitude hostile towards tl>e combined power* of Bngiaml. Aus ni, und Ru>siu. They behove th?* whole affair will evaporate in words, and nil icipule a speedy undeistaudii.g between nil par ies. The progress of events in Syria and tin* Levant continues to he regarded with much imerer; hut no:withstanding tlintih" urelhgence from the Bast is far from deficient, the statements are, in some particulars, o' sach a eoiiH ct lig Character, that Oil" is puZ 1 zled to form any definite idea of the actua' s ate of uffiirs. - - Politics!?\ro ought rather to aay patj?con. .trover*v is carried >?ti in u nios>t discrediU-Je m inner. Instead of a temper Ju discussion ut principles, and a candid exposition of fuels, iht* advo. utrs on the ono side and the other indulge ill the most bitter and angry denunciations, and condescend to the use of means which they must 1 hearliiy despise Epithets of the coarsest and ! grossest character an- bandied about?charges . of the most scandalous description are niuUu, , uiid the very fountains of life un; perveilcd into 1 sources of calumny and falsehood. this is , (1 wrong. It is itocitiveiy wicked. It b eak* down sli the barriers of decency and propriety wlrch constitute the suleguaid ot civil society. : II foments discontent, and encourages envv, ' malice, and all uncharilablencss. It begets ui condition of things in wnich no one is Where outrages upon reputation are tolerated for party purposes, the opporiunity is furnnbni ( W to the vile to gratily their malevolence by the : uiosl sliMini lesp attacks upon the deserving, and , we have all of us seen how greedily such op or- j tunitie* are seized by the panders to evil p usuion*. Licentiousness <n the political press soon communicates tsclf to all its departments, und the publ.c mind becoming accustom* d to it, at first ' allow* Slid afterwards craves it.?I'll a Ledger. LAST PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION. The following statement of ilie votes for Proaiduutiii 1836, was published in the Washiug.... tou Globe ot May 9i!? 1837, and is douoiloss prat'y noarly correct. I Van Buron. All other tickets. I Maine 24,900 15,231 | New Hampshire 18 722 5 22 Massachusetts 3".501 430)3 ' Rhode Island 2,064 2.710 Connecticut 19.234 18,466 Vermont 14,037 20,991 New York 166,Wt5 13c,543 Now Jersey 26 345 26 892 Pennsylvania 92.475 87,1 li Delaware 4,175 4,738 Marylaud 22,267 25,*52 Virginia 30,261 23,368 North Carolina 26,910 23,626 South Caromia No popular vote. Georgia 2*2,126 24.930 Kentucky 33,435 37,955 Tennessee 26,120 35,962 Ohio 96.948 105,405 Louisiana 3,753 3,383 Mississippi 9,979 9,6tto Indiana 32,4b0 41,280 Illinois 12.097 14,983 Alabama 19 068 15.?'33 Missouri 10.995 8,337 Arkansas 2,400 1,238 Michigan 7,360 4 0*o 762,119 \ 736,736 Van Bare n'tofficiul majority, ?5,413. PESECUTION OF THE JEWS AT Damascus. It appears that a Roman Ca'hol c Priest, by the name of Tnomaso, who hud lived ut Damascus since 1807, disuppeared in F?-bM ruury last, together with ins servant. A charge was soon brought against the J? ws of the city, that they hud murdered him in oroVr to make use of his blood in the feast ol unleavened bread. One ol them wag seiz to, without lli? slightest evidence of guilt, and subjected Jor three days to the most croH tortures. At Just, when hfe w?s ulinont extinct, he charged the murder on sev. on of the most weaftlry Jews of the city.? These were apprehended and subjected to lhejpogt excruciating torments. Two ol them died under the inflictions; others un. der the influence of excessive agonies, wild. \y confessed themselves the murder r?; isyi gru^t Jit^abcrs of the Jews were taken up. - VERMONT ELECTION. | Wo nro enabled to present this morning a n?*arlv complete view ?>f the Veritmn Elooiion. Th? Whig majority in th? S;a'o will vnry hu' little from Ten Thousand.? An immense vote has boon polf-d; tin- J Van Bun n vo'e I joins; about the same a* last year, and lh? Whig vote being in- < creased 7000 or 8000. T'??? S< nat" will I consist of 28 Whigs and 2 Van Burnt men; ; and in the (louse the Whigs will he in , about the proportion of 3 to 1. Five Wilis' j Congressmen are elected, being tic enur** delegation. Jour. Com. . A gentleman from New Haven inform* '* ih tliai the s'one which was reported to have fallen in Trumbull. Conn., bas been j xamiiif-d by som?* persons connected \vi,b I Yale college, and proves to be of cnrtldy ( origin. The New Haven Herald states j that it contains a quantity of decomposing ( run pyrites, by winch the grass for a shor distance around was destroyed. This circumstance, we presume, gave rise to the ' rcpor; that il was a meteoric substance. ( Ibid. c v SUMMARY. i Five girl* nearly grown were lately drowned i; in Portland .Me. Pliev hid gone out with j three ads in a pleasure bout which was upset l?y a flaw of wind. c Tiiere are now nfloit on lake some fffty 1 tArre htcuml/o.tts, with an uggrfg Uo of 1"?,00 r lOIIS. ' | A grfat Whig Convrntion was held in N ?sh- n vill.. tin the I 7th and 18. il all. which is rrl?r?'. sented lo have I wen one of the most imposing 1 meetings of the kind ever held in the country. 1 It w: t addressed by Clay, Criltenecn and mat y c others. { Tin- Florenc?\ from Rotterdam fin N??\v York I wi'.h ?9 p isscnge.r*, \&as wrecked on the cost ot . No.v Fouiidl in Augist. Of tin* passengers 49 were l? ss ami one of the crew. J 'I II.; see island eotlon has b-en greatly injured ' by the wet season, and is now ;Mi:ck*-ri by the ( callerpili r. CnmpLiuts com iho South f West, that til- caterpiller has also attacked t!ie eot'on there. Ii had previously been i jured by the rains. t Judge Toonier, of N. Caro'iin, ha* r s gtt< d ? Ins s;..t on the bmeh, .md Win. II. B.title has i been appointed by the liov-rnor and council to ( supply ilie vacancy till the meeting of me L gis iiturc. I Mis Sarah Sealy of Robeson County, N. C. ' aged 103 years, was lately killed ny being run < over bv a horse wh;c!l Ind been fiigliUned by | mischievous twiys, Norman MrLeod lately died in Murriou L)i.-:e trict, aged 93 yearn. The notorious Dr? Hi ties Iras been sentenced fo 14 years confinement in the Ponitenliaty in N. Orleans for negro stealing. ' The G?? eruor of Ponnsy'vnnh hi.< advertised for u loan of u million and u half of dollars, live per ceuts, reimbursable after 1870. The French commiss on o.? r- lonial affiirs, of which the Duke de IJmglie is presid ml, h * come to an un uiiiuoiis resolution slavoiy ought te bo enirely ulK>lished, and tlint the to . tal einaucipatioii or the hi cits in the French C. Ionics ought to be effected. The Reading P.i. Ji ff rson D miocrat of the 25lh ult. says; We are iofnined that II. A. .Muhlenberg Ambassador at tlio Court oi'VLii. na, will take his audience ?.f leave ol the Empn. rur of Aus.ra on the 1st September; end will iuw mediately drput for west of Europe. An election for Governor, 19 members of Con. grt*s, and members of the State Legislature, lakes place in Ohio on the 13ihof nezt mouth. The arrivals at Saratoga Springs, during the week ending tho 23d ult. wore 3,72ti. An accident happened cn rai road between Richmond and Fredricksburg. on Wednesday evening. A piece of wood was inadvertent y left upon the road, which threw the engine, mail and baggage car, off the track, severely injuring the engineer, fireman and mail agent. The Middletown,t'l. Sentinel, says, that on the 12th inst. at Saybrouk. 222,000 whi u fish were taken at one haul, and sold for $222. BuffiloCity, Queen of tho Lakes, has no less than 18.956 inhabitats. A gentleman who recenllv arrived in the city from St. Peters, slates that some skirmish)'* had taken place between the Sioux uud C ippewa Indians. We were unable to learn the particu lars.?St. Louis Bullotin. M. Naylor declines being a candidate for re-election to Congress in Philadelphia. Hydrofhobia.?Wc have an account, in thr Free Press ofCarrolton. Ohio, August 2d, of a douth in Carrol county, about % week before, from this horrible malady. Tho sufferer w.;s Andrew Schullz. of Pekin, who had one of his fi:ig-r*slightly bitten by his own dog, some three or !onr mouths before. "For five months the poor Jews of Daonsciis have wa!k?d in terror anil I t d down hi at <r?n, fear.nj; /or tl.ems?dve< and their children, and snlF rm^ nnd r die charge of an nceurs d crime l oin wlnrh their whole n t'ure revols." Tne prcihihil ty is, ?s slat d b v o'"4' of die speakers, that Thornasft was in rderd by lil? iicrvsiiit fur llin liuLu m( !ii<a nwilii'V. ail<J I that I ho servant cleared It 'tnsclfbv fl gl?t. THS GA3BTTS. WEDNESDAY MORNING, SEPT. lfl T:ic Printing Office of this pap.?r has horn removed fo the room above the hook, store. A largo \Vhiaveting whs held ?l Ron. Iter Hill, on the lOlh inst. |hr number of which is very varlou>Iy es'imated. A V m Bti en pap?*r puts it down at exactly 16.783, of whom it s'ntes that 1333 were on horse hack. A Whig paper on ilteotU er hand says that the mini tier was from 60.000 to 75 000. A Bunker Hill Declaration of the principles and o' j.-ct *?f the meeting was read bv Mr. Webster and adopted. T'?e meeting was also addressed by Mr. Webster and several others. Honorable to Trnncssc. ? h is stated that not a sing'e drunken man was seen :*t the I great South YV? stern Convention laely held at Nashville. For the Farmers4 Gazette. Oh! for an aim of mighty power to woi!d the avenginghwdrd, ' * Oil! tor a voice of thunder sound to shout the A1 n.g'ity uor ;: Arise ! ye hosts of Isrcal ! hasten each man | to arm, Bring forth the Chariots of war, and sound the loud al-ifin, Shall proud 1J> .inuseus still assail the people of the Lord, While Judali's thousands ranire around, strong in.truis and unstained swords. They rush into the battlo-fiald, no fears their hearts appal, L?? before Is real's conquering arm the ptide of Syria fills. And .irj iho-o days lorever gone? oh ! Lorn j 01 hus a! look forth j Rescue thr children of tliy love from tortures worse than death; I Arise o'i l.-re J ! from the dust, resume thy ) garb of pride. And lift tny aong of holy prais^ thro' earth's j dominion wi?ie, . I In calm unshukvii fiith await the coming off the time, , For He ujti.'l reigns in Heaven who said that wnge.iiice sh iit Ik; mine/1 In his right hand disease and death shall Sy. rt t'? rulers smile While o'er their fated landshal full a darkness worse than night, . But for that nation* which can boast of truth's dispelling r.iy, ' ~ Which does not w? ep iri tears ofi>lnod a Dosp??t's iron sway; Yet foremost stoml amid that dark and Codd fy ng hind. Who crushed the chosen of the Lord b moath oppression's hand ; . On tlicm, oh Fatlicr! let thy bo'ts of vengeance fall. Till, trembling'neith t'iy power, thry own one Ciod the Lord of all ! Then unto tliee our thanksgivings shall gratefully lie given. And's song exulting sound thro'the liign Courts of Heaven ! The French. Clicraw, Sept. 4th, 1P40. To the Electors of this Cot gressiona! District of (Jeorge Town, Williamsburg, Marion, Darlington. Mar Lor o* and Horry. Fellow Citizens :? Having been nominated to represent you in - '* ? ? - f i- tt,,!i aj vltnf. u * anil [DC luw: Uongrcgs ??? IMC um tu KJ uu\ O niMi I :>eing called upon to give my vie* a on the igitatmgpolitical subjects of the day, I h"rc <vith submit to you a nummary of n:y political aith. The most exciting topic is with regard to he approaching Presidential contest ; and ;if ill minor questions are involved in thai great issue, I shall express my opinions on that sub ect independently and without reserve. It is ( there are two candidates or that high office; and in the event of a "allure to elect by the people, that duty will levolve on the House of Representatives. I ;uuid never vote for General Harrison, adnitfing that l.e had no competitor. My lountry should never be degraded by any acj if mine, in electing to its highest office a man vho is nothing or every thing just as the >olicy or expediency of the present moment . mght dictate. I do not conceive that Gen. 'larrikin possesses, any of ilie qualities ne-essary to the discharge of that high office of rust. II.s principles if he lias any, are known leiih'T to his friends nor his foes, as lar as he public has ar y means of judging. On one riost important subject they are unknown xept to himself or his confidential advisers ii d ties subject in regard to abolition fanati. 'i.-ni. This mysterious s lence under pretence hat Ins opinions are already'before the world, l it n ail) so receive the support of the alio, itioriis's, is at least suspicious, and affords ust prounls to presume that hi-> s\ inp.itliu s ire with tint infamous party. II:s conduct toiitras's signal'y with fhe tiiagnnimoiis jour.-e pursued by Mr. Van Roret), w ho on tieiy p oper occas 0:1 rei'eratcd his dfcrin ood opposition to their nefarious <ies gns. Sa tar as my ii fluent e extends n sliail be xerted to secure the re-election of the latter onihmaii. Tut Independent Tieasury has my firm because I be| eve that agr? at nation jugO! always to have wi liiu its. own control i be means of continuing its own existence anil up?.ratrous, either in peace or war. Against the -s'ahlishnient of a National Rank therefore I hImII us?' my rtiojt a-'fthhotic as I >f*ail against the whole Banking sis'i in so fir :;s it sli ill coitfl cl with the cons' action ol the govTi nre ut. The I Tai ff and a system of Interna. Inipiov-inentf., b- iiiii in direct collision with the interests ?( i i ' the South, shall on all occasions* receive my j uncoas ng opposition. Should I have tin honor ef a seat in Con. gress it will he my aim to promote, by all tin j means in my power, the rights, the honor and the interests of that portent of t|ie union with ! which 1 am identified by residence and *ym-pathy. ' DANIEL McWILLfAMS. MAIL ARRANGEMENTS Post Office, Clieraw, S. C. ) 12th August, 1840. 5 *' Northern mail closes at 9 P. M. daily, due by 3 A. M. Southern mail closes at 9 P. M. daily, due by 11 P M. Georgetown mail closes Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, at 7 A. M. Georgetown mail is due Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday< by 5 P. M. Salisbury mail closes Monday, Wednesday "and Friday, at 7 A. M. Salisbury mail is due Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, by 12 M. Suggs Bridge (via Rockingham) mail closes Tuesdays, at 5 A. VI. Suggs Bridge mail is due Fridays, by 5 A. M. Lancaster C- H. mail closes Tuesdays at 1 P. Lancaster C. H. is due same day,- by 10 A. M." BROWN BRYAN, P. M. ~ notic r. THE Hopewell B.piist Church of Chesterfield, wilt Petition the Legislature at its next session for an Act of Incorporation. W.\1. A. MALLOY,C'li. Clerk. Septembers, 1840. 44 I m f 3 in AND > of the Estate of Thomas Sumter in Chesterfield. Lancaster, and Kershaw Districts are offered for sale. Apply to Mr. Stephen Bovkiu at Camden. tf n in i rrrrr~~? CI1ERAW PRICES CURRENT. .* - WEDNESDAY, SttNCIIlCR 16,... ARTICLES. TER | $ C. J $ C Bee 1 tn market, scarce lb 0 4 a 0 6 t'|roin wagou?, lb 8 a I?y retail, lb 10 a 11 U tiler lb 15 a Beeswax " lb 20 a 23 20 * ^ Bale Rope lb 10 a I~4 Coffee. lb I2| a 15 Cotton," lb 8 a 0 Corn, sen roe bush 50 a 02 Flour, Country, brl 5 50 a Feat!.era tm w?g. none lb 40 a 45 , Fodder. lOOlbs 75 a b0 Glass, window 8x10, 5oft 3 25 a 3 37J , .? 10x12, 60ft 3 60 a 3 75 Hide*; grefcn lb 5 a 1 dry ? lb 10 a Iron lOOlbs 5 50 a 6 50 Indigo lb 75 a 2 50 Lime eask 4 a 4 50 Lard scarce" lb"' 11a 124 Leather, sole lb 22 a 2 Lead, bar " ib 10 a Logwooid v. lb 10 a ? ' iloiuhseh X. O, gal 40 a * ^,r ? , , gal 33 a 40 Vails, duf, assorted ' lb 74 * 8 ?wrought lb 16 a 1? vjais"" bonis 40 a 50 Oi?, curjMfcrs ? ! <3 a 1 ?, lautp - 1 25 a ?, jinseed , 8*1 1 10 * 1 25 I'airt r, white lead keg 3 25 a 4 50 ??Si an. brown lb 8 a 12 Potk ' 'lOOlbs 5 50 a 6 o;ce...? lOOlbs 4 a 5 00 Shot. ,, .8 ? 2 " ' lb 10 a 12 Sugar '1* ^ * o Salt a*ck * 2.0 bush 874 a 1 00 Slcol, American lb 10 a ???, English lb 14 a rtt n itwl i n K i?h ivili-' iv;vrr is imw ( uwfv wv ... .. p... cr than at the lowest time last season.? WiMllirr diy. Chen/io Light Infantry. 4S fxtra meeting of this corps will bo held'at the old Cou cil Clumber this day at 4 uVu/ck. T he nil- ret?t of the Company culls on evciy in tnber to attend punctually. .1. L. BENTON C -pt. S (i|. )6ili. 44 It CJEWIN'J ?Tlie Subscriber will lake tit >?w. 3 ing. ?nJ will do her work faithfully and neatly Work for her may be given to the | C.irm r of this p iper. I M. MIKELL. I 'UtllK KEV. JOHN BUKKE, will on JL Thursday, the first of Oclolier next, nsome the instruction of his limited number ot pupils. ScCjcty Hill 14th Sept. 1840, No. 44 2 in. State of South Carolina.) it Chkhaw District In Eqcitv. ) Cclia Goodson At. Ai. ) Adtnz. A Adinis. of > Bill J a es Goodson j for vs. , account * *vWilliam Beck k. | Sl ' Ann Beck At. AT. i'" rartlllon Heirs of Jus. Goodsou t| It appearing to my satisfaction that ArlatiJ Smith and Elizabeth Smith his wife and LucinJa McPhorson defendants in this case, are ahsent-from and reside without the limits of thin Si.ite. I< is, on motion of Sims & Ervin Com. phinatits Solicitors, ordered that the said A?* i intf Smith and Elizabeth Smith and Luciud.. AlcPhernon do appear and plead answer or llie Coinp.ainants Bill on or before th Hot day of J nuary next, and thut in default ihcr-of the said Bill as tothein will bo pro con. fi-Hso". It is also Ordered that notice thereof lie published* in the Farmers, Gaz -tic twice a month for h Miuee ot three months. GEO. W. DARGAN. September 7th 1840. C. E. C. D. No. 44 2 a m I 2m. - ?'??. .. - Sheriff's Sales. ON Writs of Firri Facias will be sold before t.,e Court House door on the first tnomuy and d y h Mowing in October next within the i gal li iur> the folli wing property tit. At 10 Am s ??f land iiifiro or lets whereon deft, resides lying on both sides of Little Black < reek, iHiiiudod on the West by lauds belonging R. I.. Edg -worth, E ist hy A. Milis & South by James Jopliu'siand; Levied on as the property of Tlios. Sturn at the suit ol Darling Rusbing vs. Thos. Stiirn. 173-Ac es of land more or less, on the water .ru.ii? i'fiM'k. adioinin i t.h?- lands of Henry "i 111'*' v , - # i W.-Hi W'iles Tnreat at the suit of Tahitha Holli. ihii vs. Evan Throat. 4i (J Acie* of lahd more or leas on Hills Creek . (joining the lends of A'kjI Stack and Win. J. rth.*' ut the suit of JiN.n Mannoy for Gat. of v| ,wj def.M Vs. Evan Threat. ' A g" /d 4 horse Waggon levied on and to h< soM i.* tho |?roj?erty of Jesse Turner, at the suit if Ai.>x <n?ior Campb/it ass if doo i?i Jesse Turner and Willis Worlcy. ' Ttirun. Caslii Purchasers paying for necessary ,f ilMJi'S. J NO. EVaNS y.. . . Sheriff C. D. Sheriff* Offire ) (Je sterfield C. H. Sept. 12 H40. \ ?_ D. Malloy HAS Now on hand a supply of all kinds of Goods suitable for the trade, which h.* will sell as cheap as can be had in this market. Persons wishing good bargains will please oall on him before they purchase, April 13. 1*40. SOUTH CAROLINA. ltn the t'Onfinon Chesterfield District; $ Pleas. Ranald Mc Doha Id i Declaration v; > in deht in At. John MdKay. } tachment. WHEREAS the Plaintiff in the above ftati d case, this day filed his Declare. (ion against the Defendant Who is absent from " " * ? - - - ? - ?! tiH without the limits ot this Slate (as u i<* saia; .ni'l having neither wife or attorney known within the rahio/ It is ordered that the Deren<lunt do np{?e.-if and plead tor the Decralation aforesaid within a year nird a day. from the date hereof, ot fief to foe final add absolute judgment will be awarded ngiinst him by default TURNER BRYilf, C C.C.t Offiee of f'mrnnort Pleas ) March 20, 1840.. . ? . 2? etr m 31 y Sep*. 16 1640 No 44 if - Garden Seeds. 1 INTEND having far sale at the Bookstore, the* Fall and Winter, a fresh and full supply of Garden Seed*. JOHN WRIGHT., Cheraw, August 4th, 1840. 38?tf -Elementary Books. For Sunday and Common Softools. |"TMON Prun'ei"*, Ui,i?oi Spelling Book Union Hynms. Union Question*, Brown* Catechism, Cheap Testament*, Shorter Catechism, Lovell's Young pupils First Book. Worceator's Primer, Gill&ndet's Picture Dcfiner. Young Header, New York Reader, Child's Reader, Worcester's second Book, Webster** American and Elementary Spelling Books, Dilworth's a.?.d Town's Do. together wi'h a full assortment of the more advunceri English and Classical Scho I Rooks received during this fall at the Bookstore. A lilierul discount made to Teachers who purchase in quantities to supply their Schools. December 27,1839. 7 r Nails. M J*? KEGS Nails, and Lrads, all si2rs, for ^*0 sa'e by D. MALLOY. April 13, 1840. 23 !f Mackerel & Lime. 10 Barrels No. 2. mackerel. 10 Half Brln. No. 1. do. 20 Casks Thomaston Stone Lime. For sale low fur cash, by A. P. LACOSTB March 20 h, 1849. 19 R(IWN BRYAN & BROTHER, offer thoir stock of goo 'f at very low prices, Jo such as wish to pay the cioh, or give pio.iuee in ?i Ti...? tlu'i" friends to Cull, and CAUrKUlg | ill j III* if they can ho suited, ili?y promise there shall 1 *iot lie much difficulty about the pric-'. July *9. 184 ?. 37??f Sugar & i 'offee. 12 Ilhdn. Furfo Riro and St. Crciv Sugar*. I 10 B igs R .o Coffio. Fur Hale low fur ca-li i 1 or bankable paper. A- P. LACOSIE j M.ircli 20ili, 1S40. i 10 f . < T he Preacher, J OR Three Hundred and Forty sketches of , Original Sermons selected front the man- | uscrripts of two eminent Divines of the lust . century with an essay on the Composition of a , Sermon. i For sale it the Rook store Dcenibi r 27, ls3?. 7 ; Sugar. Coffee. Salt, anp MOLASSES. I ALAR(?E Stork of I lie. above now in store ! and for sale veiv cheap O r Cash. " j 1 I), MALLOV. Anrit 13. 1*10. f j Bacon. t) AAA LBS. HAMS. Shoulders and Sides all of my. own curing for sale low, hy a. p. lacoste. April 3.1840. 21 if 'prodWce Commission Business Subscriber offers his services in the JL Commission Intsiuetw, lor the sale and ship, ment of Country Produce. He will receive in store and sell any aiticle f produce free of storage fir commission of 2$ per cent where the art i? Irs are tcithoul limits; when limited a reasonable storage will >o chaiged. 1 He will ship cotton or other Produce to New Vork or (hiari Botox, m king liberal c*sii - i'** i,,.r f.cnt un I AllVAntbK IUI u ?. ? 3 J... the cash advanced. I lie ke'-ps const. ly on hand a very l ?rg' stock ? f (Jrocerkiks with a mix-d stock of nth. or Goods, all? f which lie will sell at the lowest prices wholesale or retail tor cash or produce. Tiie buiwcrilior flitiers hiniMif that hiscxtcin sive acquaintance in the upp r and adjoining Counties t f North Cundira will enainkle him to receive a liberal patronage. D. MALLOY. Cheraw So. Ca. Sept. b, Id 10. The * Western Carolinian" Salisbury, and "Charlotte Journal" will insert the ubove twice a mot th for three month* and forward llicir accounts fur p yincnt I). MALLOY. STATE OF feOliTil C AROLINA. In Equity Marion District. H. E. Cannon vs. Supplemental William Whitfeld Bill Henry A. Vesey and for aqpt Emily Vesey J | IT Appearing that William Whitfield, Henry A. Vesey, and Emily Vesey, Defendants in this case, are absent from and resale without the limits of this State. On motion of Dargan Complainant's Solicitor, it is ordered, that tire said William Whitfield, Henry A. Vesev, aim tinny Vesey do appear ami pie <1 answer or demur to the Complainant, supplemental, on or before the fifst day of Decern! er next, and that in default thereof, the said Bill he taken pro coufewo. It is also ordered that notice of tliis order be published in the Farmers* Gazette trice a month lor the space of three months ED. B. WHEELER. August 6, 1840. 43 2 ni f 3 m Umbrellas. JUSTreeeiv d a irood nsj-ortment nf S Ik and Gtngliaiins Utnhrolbn. DUNLAr 4. MARSHALL. Salt. "g AAA SACKS for *ale l??w hv lvUU A. I'.LaCOSYE. March 20th, 1840. 19 tf Georgetown Ste m Stnc Mill, Fnr Sale. ? . ? .. ___j. ,, .u: . ., 1AIW U!Mpo<Od IU *cil una cnua.i -uw .... Mill. VVlwn 111 perfect orJer, idle win ?mii fioni two to 3.0IMI feet per d- y. and grind 40 t?70 bushels of Corn. The situation is one of the best in the state. The Lot on which t':e Mill stands, and dictee attached, extend quite ncro-s the Peninsula and atford room eno gh tor the erevttiing a large mill and the necessary o i -buildings ' for tin. hands The home demand lhr UttnLer is equal to all the mill cau cut With the VI ill, I will nl.-o sell Logs enough io employ her for 6 months- To prevent needless applications the price infixed at *8,000 cash?or #8,500 payable in 1, 2, and 3 years, with interest from date, and approved security, wt h a mortgage of the paopetiy. ? WATERMAN. Georgetown, August it2, 1840, 4:2 ;hu iJaroti at Ten Cents. hAms and shoulders, r A Very Stjperior Article, of my own xm curing* tor sale tit 10 cents cath, or to approved purchasers at 12? cents, on a credit until the 1st January next. A. P. LACOSTE. I July 22. 35?tf ROMAN CEMENT* 20 IUKRELS for sale JmIv K \fii\ 35-flf i/tiiilap & MufshttU EARNESTLY ?cquestall persons imfrbtirf 101liom to make an early getflemettt ofthek accounts. They will invariably add theifw ten st however trifling the amount on HI aci ounto not paid within ten days. January 1st lt<4U. 8tf*Wood & Mauling. I shall keep a tram constantly rnnniuj' through the Spring and summer months and shall be ready at . II times to tarnish my cii?toiucrs with wood, and to do any hind of nauiing. ? A. P. LACOSTE. April 3. 1*40. 21 ff i or Cash only. I'HE Suhscrih*r takes this method of saying to his C ustomers, that alter this day he w?M ell no article in the Grocery Lam* on a credit} and Dry good* and Hardware only to such persons as arc prompt a..d nunctua) in their payments. D. MALLOY Jar-nary 1. 1*40. 8 tf 13;ink Mock. FOR SALE, T.iirty Si.ire* Mcrchanlat ? Bank Mock. Term favor bio. Inquire ? Hi a "tftee. (J AH D, - . * THE Boatsofthe "Plant* ?-gc1* u-tiri .Merchants Steam Ih'-'t (.'ompany of Cheraw,* uiii.iiig. .?(" timi. t'iicraw to Charleston direct, ? ? i ...:i ciim.iimdS runnine early irtj iiuw ruiit'j j JI.U n 11 - o ^ in August. Tiie s??..n, CapL MeKenzi*, wif| run on the River. The "Alison" Capt, Lutnuick, n iII run vlween Georgetown and Charleston.? connecting so as to avoid detention. By uuremit* .ingattention to these tlial mt?y ship by them, the Dompany hope to dctcrvu and receive the palro> rage of the public. Tin* bout# are fitted up for jumfUfrrs an w. L' us fri gM and offer a cheap iiid expeditious Mine for theceunfsy# Farfcons visliing 10 visit Charleston cou d go down with ilie r produce and return with their good#.? \o changes in Gst/ge'oitn fur vharfagy-or sin age ongood* shij jrd frnm Chorleir/on by 'he Company's Boat. . Pouhicefnr New Ynr* H ill be delivered 10 order irt the town* to go by 'he packets direct to New York/ Tim ageing are Brown Bryan it Broth* f* Ciieraw, E Waterman, Georgetown* and 8, .Mowry Jr. lor Charleston. J. EL! GREGG* Preside of. Aupis* 4tli. 1^40. 8ft '1 In-Journal, Charlotte, tivl W? !?m t nm lii.ian, Salisbury, will publish the above 8 weeks and f rward tlK'ir accounts to t Ins office for payni' nf. Hot ds and Pu'm 1< af Hats, DOZ. Wliite sod C.-bnvd H<>Va. and 8 9 dtiZ. assorted P ilin taut Hits. ?d*l r CerVcd by DUN LAP L MARSHALL July 37, lia4f>. / a;?if PHILADELPHIA SllUfc*. .'T A Pair Lidies KM Slippers and 45 Pair UV Ladies Ki I Walking Sbfw. just rccoiv od by DUNLAP A MARSHALL July 27 18fu. 37?if A otice. I A in now receiving p*rt of mv stork ?t Spring aim Summer Goods* comprising a JJpneral assortmeni o} sensunable Goods, which I will sell low for cash. Purchasers wi(l pleas# can anu examine ior iw,inpeivt*s. AlJSOf Will he k?-?pt Constantly on htlnd ft sfrtply of German Baiting Cloth*, equal to any uved it* Litis l uuntry. MALCO.M BlfCMAN\N. >Wf. 1* . i *40. 18 tf Lj<J ni|> i^ugar. y the Lo if, far 15 ctri for sale for ca*b A. P. LACOSTK.Mire!? COrlulW. 19 tf '1 he Path Finder. OR the Inland Sea by the Author of ifee |'i.?ii.*?n?,H **lan>t of the iMohiO-iwa," -lYiiro." &c Ac.?ALio 'Hotttevard Bound" .iiiri ' Home as found' by tin* 6<iiuo Autliot?for j th* at the liouk Store. Aiuil 3J it lib 23 if The Subscriber In- jufl received, ? ?! wifT keep constantly on haii't.rottofi Y^rn and Tttine it wholesale, from the Manufactory ot Roafciug bain. GEO. GOODIUCI1. ft... T,,.. IQyftk Ilk ii UII'TflW, IQ1IH iu ? Rolierts's <Silk Manual. AiSew supply of this work ju?t rte*?i?ed *1 lii<* Book Siore, price 37$. April 30 -2* if 30 piece wavy 44 inche* H? nip B*pj?ing, 30 Coils Bale Rope. For Mat*- lour l?v A. \\ LACOSTE. Match *20 h. l*-40# 19 tf 11 a t S , JL'S T Rcc"ive?l a large assortment of Men## f \c, and Children# Straw and Leghorn Hata. ALSO, li. nts and Youth'* Fur Hat#, for summer wear# II ol which *i'l he bold cheap by D# MALLOY. A mil 13, 1840. ' 2.1 if* B i con, Hour, unci irar ...a., ?' llB fllMit J a. _ ClUiNSTA.^ J i<i ana lor hio J at the LOWEST uitirkft price by II. !HALLOY. Naik S? KKGS, 40. "... o.l. KM. 19.1. end 304 /qgtJP for ?Je cheap. a r. lacoste. . April 9. 1810. ~~ Wool ~~~~ I nil! firnish Onk end Hickory Wood, it 82 5'J |o r cord, Caain Ai P. LACOStE. Ocioler 4. 1839. .47?tf f-*-' New Music. gj ^ ECENTLY rcei'ifod at th? Book Store a JDt pupply em! raciii^ a soi.yidvrahle variety of Songx Sacr H. Soiitiint n at mid Htiuioroua aleo Marches, Waltzes, 6tc. and Music payer* December 4tli, !b39.