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removed, and the apples are as fresh and perfect u* t\ hen they w. re tuken f-om ill1 ton aware that this is nn excellent pl-m because 1 know that most of the apples and potatoes in holeg rot and decay in consequence of the warm anil foul air accumula. ting having no opportunity to escape. I thought, however, to improve it, I consequently Inst full buried my upples in ihe usual" way; then I to?k four strips of one inch (ioards and nailed them together in the form of a chimney, having a vacancy in the ned - I ?I -.?../ I in .tin die, of one inch square; uii" ... ...., centre of the apple liole, ihe end resing on the applet* inside, and the other end pr?>j,*cting. two feet above the ground. This hoceeedird far beyond my expeditions, I he ^ac;?n?*y in tin; chimney was barley suflicieat to permit tl?e warm and foul air 10 PS" cape. My family,during the winter, when, ever they wished to have apples Tor connuinpt on only remnv* d the cliiinney and cached in with the har.d ?o got a supp ie and replaced it again?and I can a*sur, you tha*. of eight bushel* w hich w ere thus buried, only three rotien and five or six slightly a fleeted apples wdre discovered, whereas my neighbors, wImi buried thtnr apples in the old fashioned way, lost a large quantity. Cuii you inform me whether aapimgus roots can be set out in the hill ? ( Hi* y may (>drun*plnii?ed in autuinn as well as '.?itie spring.?E'ls ] W illiaM J. Ever Tne billowing extract Ironi a speech tie. live red by Gen. Harrison a? public meeiing ill Caithai'e, on the 2H I) August, has lieen puhhsiied hi the Ciuciuiiatti Republican. ** Having rercn Iv received a letter from a personal mend. who is a member of an addition Mjciciy, proposing In n?e Iwoqoes. .. lifiLf, which he r que* rd me to answer, hui ? having from nec?-?sity arising from the ah...solu'e irnpossih-litv of my answering tlv " numerous Jem rs I r> reive, requir ng my . opinion ujwn po! lical subjects. declined to answ. r any from individuals, 1 w IJingly cm. brace die oppor unity of answering them - which ihis occasion has given me; without violating die rule 1 had found mvsclf under p .... - tlie nec-ssrv of The questions are t|??* following, viz: If?Do )t?ti tv-l eve flip p? nple of i!?? Un?t*d Slates po-sessan utircRtrieted rij?ln t?'discuss nny su jeci. thm to thetn ni:i\ ieem worthy of c**?us?tl? nuion ? - 2d?Do yon believe the peop'e of the United Stat? s have ilip right to petition their Legislature for ill'* redress of whatev* r they may <i?fm a grievance, and forth- adoption ofwuch measures as the fH?titinri*-rs may think conductive to the welfare of the n iHon ? I do not hesitate to answer lmth these questions in lh?* aflwnanvc. Th?? Const*, union of ti't) tjnhuil S ulvx, and ikit 'of onr own Stale, have secured to tint proj^* flm enjoyment of the rights referred to in bodi questions, entirely unrestricted but by their own sense of propriely, and toe legal rule* which protect the rights of o'hera. The freedom of speech and of the press, are the dittinguishing characteristics of free governmcni. Without, them we might call our country a Republic, hut it would be so nulv in name, like that ot Rome, under the Km* perors, it miglr be a mask to cover the most horrible da?potism. The right of the pco. pie ;o wriie and to apeak openly and freely upon all matters of public policy, ' is the palladium of all civil and religious liberty." Tito author* of our Consti'utmu must have known that it would he subject to abuses to be used lor improper and indeed sometimes for criminal purposes; yet they d?*clnred it will out resit irtaii). More titan half a cenury lias panted away it came into op. eruUon; and although upon one memorable occasion it was rcsorptl to for the purpose of giving effect to councils tending to para Ivze ih? i-iforl* ol Cu* nation, in ww maw ui t t" h dangerous war, ?n?i to encourage rh?* enemy ;o persevere in supporting their unjust pretentions, sill these declarations of rights in relation to writing, spcakmgnnd publishing, have been sullen d to remain in all their pristine form. I should he the last person who could, under any circumstances, consent to restrict them hy legal enactments. I must, however, inke litis occasion to re. peat what I have beli?re declared, tlint the discussion of the right ol on** |?ortion of tieSlates which comj?osc our Union to hold slaves hy an assemblage of citizens of other Sintes. which hold none, is in my opinion not sanctioned by the spirit of the Constitution. If it is tolerated hy tie- leond and tin. re$ ii?M? d declaration in the Constitution, to witch I have r? ferred, it is lorhidd'-n t#y the general tenor of ihat inurnment, and the fundamental principles of the government wiiicli ii has erialdished. Our governrneni rs certainly oicol a very c??mpln*at?al character, diflicul, in some of its aspens to hwell und' r* ood. To foreign governnv-ms it pr-aeuis. and was int1 tided to present, a power ?|?,the?l wi h the most important attributes of sovereignly ; and mi fur as out r ! ions llh then) m:iy is* coiii-'tipw, nn-? ure to nothing h"\iui(l thai whcli is<le. srrihd in our glorious mot o " E phirilnis JfVi UuuiH." \V?* ar?\ i?o\v v? r. cot 4* out*," ii< tin* cciim; that it WiHlltl If III) ll up. plusl to Other ii 't'ous which have lean foitned Irom once (]ivjo!i;ii.(| and separate par's. Our Union is not t at which, like marring*!, tin* tDhole right* oi the parties ill a common I . stock. We ure not I ???? "Joined like meeting rivers. Which roll into the sea one common flood. And are no more distinguished." Our Union is more projxrlv like nn 01rlina ry ropurtiursh p composed of a nunth-1 of individuals, w ho each Itittrxb n portioi ot capital, to he subjected to lh? control ? the majority of tpar in rs, hut who each also returns another portion under their own exclusive management. Wi'h iIhj latiei neither the partners collectively nor iwlivi. dually have any more light to interfere than it there existed .10 sort of connection ho (ween them. This is. also, the theory of our General and S'ale Governments. Over the powers (elained hy the States respect ively; neither the Gonera! Government nor fi other States, nor the; citizens of the oth- c <*r States can exercise th*? least control. If i this opinion is correct, n follows that discus, i ?ioii? in public assemblies in relation to the I insu rious ot'oUa r Sta'es, with a view to I alter or affect them, whs not in the contem- t plation either of those who framed the con. I tcinplation either of those who framed the I constitution, or those; by whom it wnsadop ted. Let us apply the theory I *-ndeuvor to rnain ain to this assembly. We are here;, some 3000 persons, in the double character o( citizens ot Ohio and citizens of the Uni ed I States. In the first, we can undertake the* i consul' rat on and discussion of any subject ? *- * - - VJi .1., iukli(>f. enihodv I o longing HI 10 out ui>"? - ?^ our seminients in the ohape of resolutions i or petitions, and in lire event of a supposed I grievance, present them to the appropriate Slate authorities for redress. As n izeng i ot the United Slates we are competent 10 i consider and di.>cuss any subject oi nationai pohcy, and hy a similar process submit the result of our deli her* lions, it wo should ehoos** 10 do so, to that department of the i Federal Government which possess the pov\er in give us lelief. But in which oi i iliese characters, enlier as citizens of Oliio, i or citizens 01 tin* Uo ted States, could we. consistently with the theory and spirit of the Coi.s itution, discuss a subject exclusive y belonging to another State? There are many principles to be found j in tiic constitutions ol some of the States (other than die toleration ol slavery) winch are very much unlike those of Oii-o. The ' property qualification ol voters for instance. Tnis is a restriction upon the i ughi of suffrage* lo which personally I ?iri opposed. I would accord this important privilege nj every citizen. Hav. ing ascertained that he was a citizen, i, would not procied to enqtiiie th** amount ol money he uad in hi* pock? I. or What other speej. s ol property he migtii possess. V\ itli those sent iiieius 1 m ghi offer lor your adoption ;i lesuiutmii declaring that die re. slricted sidfr>>ge in some t.f rue Stales writ i an nrishiciadcsl featme in their svsd rn ol { government and should he abolished. Such , h proposition coul I not fail in create much .surprise and bring o the mind ol every man , in lite nsseuihiy ha I (i? iti>? r m his rvpoity | as a citizen ol O;?io nor of t!??? United Slat s, eouhi the interfere with tie;pi ople of ( i.ll.l I .fill WlillllH i|| .W iS*"C'lU*fii>, * ncitii" .... . u....v, ... , iiianageu <*iit i#l ilf-ir ?tic conecms. S nuld 1 lit: asked it i tuougni titht uny I.nrin | i-ouiJ ?*?iii>? iroin #?uch a uiseusion, i answer, < decidedly, in the affirmative. Harm, in more way* man mm. it would tend mine, | peri aps. titan any thing else, 10 destroy lite | l('ea of I lie |?-rt? ft Ill'J'vi'luill y nil : lilS inf'l I iih.%s nt ihe Stale governua ins, win' h lias i ever be? n cou*id< r? d as one of die most inu , juirianl features 111 our s\ stern, mid prepare , tne minds ot me people for the prostration | ut Hie barriers which have been erected Will I |u M'uc-i, itr t" oikT c?rv, Lu- ? UII ,? ?.' , General nod Slate Governments, and those , of the Slates respectively, and finally lead | ;o that dreaded consolidation, which, in the epinions of our w isesi and best 8'a'esrnan, ( would l>? the immediate precursor of the downfall of liberty. It could not fail, also,. . to impair, d imt entirely destroy, those feel ( iritrjs of confidence and aff etion bet .Veen i the ci izens ofihe respective Sutes, which i is the only effectual ho ml of our Union. From the di.Nt'uss bit of any question in an abstract farm, no possible injury could , arise, I conclude with the repetition of my op. ituoii that the right ol tlie people to writer on, speak ou, and d.scuss, uny subject which tticy may deem worthy of consideration, and that of petitioning for the redress of any thing u which they may consider a 1 - - -I I... grievance,' are s< cureu 10 ihchi uum uy u?; Federal and S u e Cons'it utions, and that tie-sit rights can neiiher Iks unpaired nor r? si rioted. Tae abj^e ol'th^so ngh's ? no argument lor abolishing them. In tlie lor* able language of the late distinguished Ciller Jus ice of the United JSiates *4 it is an evil uisejiarable from the good to which it is ajli? d, a shoot which cannot be stripped from the sta'k win,out vuailv wounding the plant from which it is torn." From the Cincinnati daily Republican. C?'L. J? lINSo.N AND Gf.N. HARRISON. Col. Johnson at Chillicothe.?we i t-xpnssed th?? oilier day oui s roug con vie. I Don that Colonel Johns' n could not have been correctly reported iu tho speech at Chill cothe which waa contained in the Chil* lieolhe Advertiser of ilieUtli ultimo; and in proof of our hating just grounds for this belief, we are gratified in die opportunity ot spreading the following correspondence belore our readers. It is well known in Kentucky, ay well as in this State, ihut Major Carneai. is probably on leinis of greater intimacy with both General Harrison uee Col. Johnson than any individual in die Wes . Hi* conduct n l??e loliowihg correspondence ndds to the . u ht.'li In* *ervio s as a Qiiartermas. I ? I r*7 ?? ?i - ? ? - ^ t r nri<i? r Geu?r??l Hurrisnn in 1812, mid a Scii t'or ??t Kentucky. givo h iu to pub. It; rt-SJ)i'Cl. Cincinnati. August 24, 1810. Dear Sik ; li w>?s m\ object, it pmci r t.|f uiu(hlr< jowijj 'lie enclosed l**tl? r 10 Col. Johtwjti, to proven nny uiiplcHiein ledums bc.u?: ? )??ll>itil officers ol the kite aht. Alio limn my own personal knowledge, ? - ?1 - "?'???*/ 1 C?r ii'irli nl!ti?p ; ?u eriaineo a ihjjh .... j I I am more than gra ifi d to hud ( have no* I iH't-n uiisurccss ul in tin* anempt. \V?ihout r.onfiiriuiiiC.iliuK wiili either of tlt"sr gem* I 'leinrn. 1 lake iijmki niy.vll 'he reopens bility olauthonzirij; you lu* publish ll?e corn a. woiidenit*, nii'l inn vouis, n>f?ertlii!|? * T J). CAKiNEAL. Col. C. S. T?<!d. Cincinnati, August 24, 1840. h Dear Sir: luimeibately ufier rending. tlK! subMano' i?l a speech said fo be made by C I. R. M. JoMiiRori ai Cail(roihe. i 1 addressed a h*t'er to liiin, a ropy of wlrtcTi is luruished. On yesterday J received hhrr answer, which with pleasure i cnclodb to j * you. 1 Willi >11111 Ibi Iin^of IV......... ^ . __ views on tiie subject/ They wjii be published c,r en', .is you may des re. Truly, tour fra ud. T.D CARNEAL. C??l R. M Johnson, V. P., Mmsftld, Ouio. Maitsfieltl, Avgusi 18. 1840. Mj Dear Sir; Your favor ha# l*u;n recnvcil, ii which you observe llint, by mv reported speech, an infereno may be drawn that'I not only doubt as. regards i'?e rour ?g? of'(ien? ral Harrison, but ( I had but if lie respect for hint as n cominambng General. I hoi happy to hnr?I is oppor';Uoi vol informing vou that, dti. Mug my service with G neral Harrison, I h id no cause to doubt his courage, hut to consider hint a brave man, and I have always ?*x; res>ed myself to thai effect; nor have | everdisaj roved or rvn*?m*d any of ins measures ax commanding General in the pursuit of Proctor, or in ilm b it le of the Thames, Every thing ! saw met my utini approbation, and I have never spoken of it tb any other 'ermtt. In speukwg of t?.e burle of the Thames, nnd the pan acted regiment* I" cli J not intend to in* ivny;^lic ijiki It ul tlt?l iej?|i||tMIC| or to !?minishi tno merit claimed by others; much less did 1 intend to imply that General - ? - Ol _ fl Harmon, or Uovernor aueioy, or nuy umcer urtueh?*d to the army avoided duty or rtanger. . Each had his purl to act, and I should fed myself much degraded to snppose that they did not perform their duty (rut less of danger; nor have I ever doubt ml that these gullunt officers were precisely where duty called them. I regret that in .'urli n battle, where our country tvas victorious, there should be a controversy about th" merit due to the actors in that battle. I claim nothing above the most humble soldier w ho performed his duty on that occasion, nor shall any earthly consideration ever induce me knowingly to do injustice to the commanding officer, Governor Shelby, or any other officer in that army. I have thus confined myself to general remarks, not knowing in what particular fact injustice is supposed to have been done to General ? * lit. -i?i i ... ...i.,,. M onsen. I snouiu u?* gmu 10 mm* wmu particular issue in made iim to tin* facts sta_ ted in the reported speech, respeeiing which I had no agency. I ahull feel no difficulty o state facts us far ns my own personal knowledge extends,and what 1 understood from others; and not to censure or criminate, but to state the truth, as fir as I know or believe the facts. I expect to be in )Our city on Sunday, the 23d, on my way home, and 1 shall bo happy to see you. . KM. M. JOHNSON. Major Tho. D. Carneal. The following article we copy only to shew what can be dreamed and said in :im'.s of excitement. Ed. Far. Gaz. To Vie Editor of the Newark Daily Adver ' 4 User. . ' i A letter has accidently come into my possession which discloses a desperate arid deep.iaiik?chen>tf rq detent the election of General Harrison; and, if carried wi|. convulse this Government to Us very centre, and p'rhaps 'result in anarchy and blood. _ The Post Office is the engine? A lies K'-n iall the instrument to effect it. The hrststep is already taken, by ordering every channel of communicating information to the People to be closed, except riirotigh tits hand* and those eng igcd in the conspiracy. A startling r- jwrt, such an tla* * - " M-? u UtMlii ui ajiiii. rimruwn, iii?jr uc uiiumk u throughout Ohio, Penus) Ivuuiii, and New York, jum on the eve o! ihe election, and every Whig paper contradicting it be sup* pressed. Tuis scheme accounts for tlrcir ronfi' deuce in the success of Mr. Van Buren. notwithstanding tlHr overwhelming defeat in alinosi ?:v? ry Sjaie in which there has been an election. Ties account* for tlie extraordinary declaration of a leading Administration man r> rently in tiiecity o! New York, liuil %,Van Buren had a card yet lo pljy which none of hitfriend* inspected." You may depend upon it I hey ore play, idg a desperate game; they make no calculations for a retreat; they have inscribed apoH- ih Mr banners "rule or ruin." L"l ivry Whig press throughout .the Union sound the alarm. Warn the whole court*' ry against f!)is daring conspiracy. Tiiey I view If Mrptfflfag to rest, now and forever, the foul slanders that have been and tow are circulatirg against you as regards four conduct in the decisive' and glorious jatile of tin: Thames, and in my judgment eaves no good grounds for Controversy or | jopleusant feelings between two brev?vofScera of tliut gallant army. Truly, your friend, T. D. CARNEAL. Gen. \V. H. Harrison. Cincinnati, August 24, 1840. Sir I have reiid the correspondence b?-tw? en vonrself and Col. Johnson relative to liirn at Chillicothe. From the perusal jI Coi. Johnnson's letter, I am satisfied that lie intended me i o injustice in tiie speech referred to, and that his opinions and sen* j I intents must have been nitsrepjriiemea.? Thanking you f?>r the inter* st you liaVe manifeted in this matter, I return tin? cor. respondencr. W. H. HARRISON T. I J. Carnenl.;/ Cincinnati, Augiul 12, 1840. My dear Colonel: I enclose ytrnr speech as published in the Chdhcothe Advertiser. ' he reporter of yofcr speech, so ftfr as you speak of Genera 111 a rrison, has surety misconceived you. ,lrnot o ly so think, but iiuve so said. An inference may be fairly drawn that you are not only in doubt a* regarded his couroge, but tliat you had but little respect tor bin? as commanding General. My personal regard for you induces me alone to call Vocr attention to the Rubjert, and furnish you an opportunity of cor. reeling what I conceive to b* an erroneous and garbled report of wlint you did say in C/hiliieo lie on the titii instant. From the enclosed remarks of Col. C. S. Todd, you will at once perceive that you take igsue ami widely d tf r. If consigient - l'"' l'n??i #'nri.i?h tTlf* Willi VOIir have certificate maker* in readintfMi hod I tl with such a bold, talented person as Amos n Kendall ul their head, wo may well tremble lor the liberties of our country. , I am no alarmist. I have ever reli.-d with ? confidence upon the intelligence, integrits, j, and patriotism of the people of ibis coun? h try. But when w? see the lushest func. Ii tionaries of our Government conniving with " public plunderers?-when we net* the * Representatives of a sov? reign State, holding in their hands credentials clothed wi.h r all the solemn sanctions ol law kicked out. f of Congress for the express purpose of eon- n snmmatifig n conspiracy betw? en Mr. Van h Buren an I John C. Calhoun; and finallv > when we see every prominent leading mens P ure of Mr. Van Buren |H>uiiing to on?* s:n- ^ gle object, th* concentration of all power f in -his hands, there is just cans" of ah.nn. r ] would su?2?-st die propriety of rerom a mending the Whigs throughout thecoiuitry t to be prepared, if necessary, io establish a expressi-s in every State in the Union. Le*t * 'every mail be wirched until the election, J and as soon as they are satisfied that the ^ game has commenced. |?-i nders l?e moun- x led, and sent in every direction. I G. E. J. f t Th?%re is no state*in the Union perhaps, - - ? ? I, in wmcn greater rxeroous are now umu by ill*? two political parties titan Ohio.? j The following paragraphs will g've the ' render some idea of die excrement which ' has been got up. Front ihe C??Iumhu9 Statesman 14Tremendous Mr cling?The largest ever } held in the Slate of Ohio by any party. | *'We letirn ill tt the Young Men's Con- i vention at Mt. Vernon o:s Wednesday, was \ t:-e inns? tremendous meeting ever wi ? ed in Oiiio. All eonnir in saying :h-re ; could not have been less than twentv tlious- t and people present. Allen. G. Thiirman, of Chiliteo:hc, was P:e>i Jen\ Tim entt-usi- j asm thai prevads among the Democrats is unparall'ld. -Col Johnson. Gov. Shannon miH Senator A lien passed through h?*r^* list ?-v< nine, on iheir ray to Xenia, where (la y !"?I?I forih j to day." I Well done, Richland!?We are 'old! that there was a turn out of ten thousand ?t Mansfield, on Monday last, to h- ar Col. Johnson. Shannon and Allen. Whiggrry in Ohio s shaken to its centre. The loaders an* alarmed?thunder struck and seared hall out of their sens's, ai thetjgris in ihn horizon. They believe I hat what was done in i hinois. may be done in Onio. No mistake in that." The Cincinnati Adveriwr of the 19 h. gives further evidences of the exertions of the Republican Speakers. "About 5000 person* attended from nl! parts of Clermont county, on Saturday la*'. 'I ho imcing wi* ey? i II. t)?wHt. flighland county, bv particular request, with mosi power fnl efiVc'. Gen. McDowell in a veteran in Democracy?has been 're. quenily a memb'T of the Ohio Legislature, and is an influential man in his county ? He was succeeded by Doc or Duncan, Thus. L. Hamcr. Esq., Dr. Do a no, mem ber ol Co press, and Mr. Buch?!.an,S|MMker of the Lie Mouse of Representatives.? The nominations were then gone into, and Dr. Donne was put in nomination for reelection to Cougress, and Mr. Bu'linnnn, for the House of Representative# of Ohio. | by acclamation. From present appear- I ances. Clermont county will give a large- | ly increased Demoeiaiic majority ai the en- | suing election's." I (From the Columbus Statesman, of Aug 25. Ohio?i#Mmst Trknexdous Meetings. ' ? We thought after the meeting* hi Ml. 1 Vernon an?J Mnnsfii Id to see Johnson Sinn non nrid Allen, nothing could come up lo < ihcin. It is true. at Ml. Vernon, where more than 20,000 freemen congrcgati-d, ' the young men of Ohio held a Suite con- 1 venuon, and tiio mo ling uas larger than i any other in consequence. But on Friday lain, at Xenin, from four to six thousand in'*t; ' ana at D lytou, on Saturday. we are as ' surcd there were from ten to fitieen thou*- 1 and! heating, it is thought, even Mansfield. 1 Never before, in Ohio was such euihusinxm manifested among ike Democracy. Our friends seem confident of carrying the war into the enemy's enmp in every part of the , Slate.'* , INDIAN Mt'RDERS. , From the Savannah Georgian. St. MARYS. {Ga). August 24. , I am very sory ro inform you that the ' suvage Indians are again in our county.? ' Last week, on iho Suwannee, river, they kill* d eleven individuals and horned the : same number of settlements. I derived my ' information from Mr. James Howell, formerly I of Camden county, and one of the unfortunate ? sufft rers having had his wife and one chi'd ( butchered. I proceed to give you ail the in'urination obtained from lion relative to the | murders, depredations, &c. committed on the \ Suwannee and St. Mores river during the last 1 two week*. i "About ten days since, or possibly two f weeks, they made an attack upon the family < of Mr. Courcy," (who was himself absent j from home at the time having left his wifj and six children in the morning of tlie day, ' enjoying health and every comfort,) but vlut J' must have been his feelings on his return 1 in the evning, to find his dweling and every l house on the place, a mass of smoking ruins, and his wile and six small children, lying about the field, shot down in attempting to escape, 1 and tltetr bodies horibly mutilated. He lived ( on "Brandy Branch,''(I think) one of the i JiaaH hranr.iiea of St. Mhiivk river, in Fiori- I d&? ( The wretches then 6fruck across for a settle- < meitt of farmers on the Suwannee in search ( of other victims in that neigbourhood, as thi> t settlement had never been the scene of their | butchrias. .j A Mr. Daniel Green who had removed , from camden the last year and Mr. Howell , live very near each o'her, their farms adjoin- . ing. These persons wirh several others had ^ concluded to erect a school house in the centre of the settlement .'i?r the the education of a - V* lieir children, and had left, their homes in the o lorning to continue I heir work. S Mr. Howell states that between ten and H 'even o'clock, he heard the crack of rifles, fj ccoiiinaned with the yells of the Indians int. ledutcly in the direction of his house, lb- 'J istantJy mounted frs horse and dashed for his ' ome, hailed about one hundred yards from his t' ouse and diVcoverd Indians in Ids yard who p ired at him, as did several other in fge field f pparantly searching for his children, who n lad escaped and secreted themselves in a ane patch. In casting his eyes snout li j die. overod three of them jumping over the fence ome hundred yards distant from him He innn diatcly run and seized them upon Ins n inrse and made Ins escape. Tire Indians relhng and pursuing like devils after. His k >oor wife and one child (she hoing hi a state (| ?f pregnancy) were over taken arid siautered. (| 'asthg his eyes towards Mr. Gretn's place, j le percieved every building on fire; thescence endcred more terrific by the yells of the sav" ges rejoicing over their victims ai d their (ier- ^ ruction of p-operty. H< learnt on reaching ? i place af security not far off*, that .Mrs. Green b >nd one of tier children had been killed, which 0 nforination he derived from a settler approach- n ng with Miss Chanty Green on horseback whom lie had rescued) *he having born ery-severly wounded by a rifle ball through * ?er shoulder and covrt d with blood, and in a * lew moments would have been overtaken by he Indians, as she was completely txahuslcd a rom loss of blond. ti This news was soon spread in every di- 4j ection the next day. and ihe faimins living (j ti St* Marys river collected at Fort Meiuac , a post on the river recently occupied by U. S. j j'roops, but who li had been abandoned some j I1 eonlhs) to defend themselves. Tliey occu* " M- d tut: soldier's quuler* around me slock- 8 td'% " On tlv evning of the 16th, the Indians ipproaclii d very near. Without the know.. o*'ge ofuny one mil w hilst Mrs P oriel; was preparing ? bed fur her hub* coihlren, rj was fire I at from the wnulow, and fell dead >n tiie hed in limit of her lather. An 'y itiack was then made simulate ously 00 ail j " lie hour's by the infernal devils. Mr. v 1'nomas Davis, of our county, nnd two ol , lis children were killed, nnd tin ir J u consumed in the buildings which was set ou i in-;?s was the case wiih every other except e me po ker, whither they all rosl.eti for tin* a |)ies<-rvation of ttiejr lives. Mr Purik ' aIio was lie bearer ol ?lm express. audi? with whom I conversed informed no* as n?* j *' lUslied lor the pjekel, hearing the dead lieJy ol Ins daii^ht' r, tie was fired at lour 01 a five tim* s, hut luekdy eseap*(I. The In- i rliaiis wep-ilieu driven oft*hy the men in 11>*- 1 1 Fort. Mr. A. Jernakin killed one as lie { * was seen ui fdi and borne oil*. Tn< y coil- j 1 1 mied :o file at the Fort, and kept up an J ^ incessiiiil )elliog ihiru g the tcgh . A j . party was. however sent oAT very soon to I v he pi illation ot Mr. ilu^an, utiou hall a 1 mile d sian , nnd mi n short tune evrv 1 liu 011 the place was wrap* il <n flame fc Hid completely destroyed. c The next dav the imliuii* crossed over ? . . u iii o (hunden county l>iirnl_iJie_uiiuui-tii uin-u jiMiiiiiii.ilirUavjs, a IJr. ftlmrey s and sc\- a jr-* I others. l Voii cull form no iiit ;i of tne panic and lis rrgs which now previils in en r country. 11 Every mnn in hie upper par ol our county ^ 1:1s left I lis home, or arc collecting a? p;?iin> , in clef ntl themselves and families leaving b [h ir crops ?ind every thing tin y posse ss, v xpns> cJ mi the outrage of tin* enemy. Gen. Floyd, upon hearing of the outrage i ?n the Suwunee, wiiti Ins known promt.t.c'e, j t ordered Cupf. Tracy to collect a company i ?' fifty men, and afford protection 10 our frontier 8?ittl<'nietif. Tit :t company has " Iteen raised and tots rnormiig left (Jenirivillo a lor the sceimo of outrage. As soon as he ,| learns of the o her tourdcirs nnd depruda * lions conimitt'ed in cumd<-o, 1 doubt ooi lie 1 W.ll order nut II larger force. j. The families who had collected at "Mom. ,j no." iihatidom d the place sNonlv after the n aiiack of I tin Indians and ass-triMed at Mr. 11 J'-makni's considering it ? hi* t* r place ol ^ security, and two eveiiinjjs since tfto sto k- c ado wag hum by the tmemy. T?n irav_ cllcsrs informed me thai they passed wilh. )' in five miles of :t, and discovered an immense fire in that direction. Li tit. May of the 21 Drngoons wilt a v Jctachineot of men is this limn in pursuit. e and I hope either liirnst-lf or the vnlenters Jj under Capt. Tracy may fall in with j them. ' c JACKSONVILLE, AUG. 25. Newnansville, Aug. 25.?Agon n Ik'Sitnni.u nil non.LiI h. inr.o*ni ttr.ii *%.i L'lflSM I'Mfllllll HUIJ II# lllilll Ml VI'II IM I the murder of another of our citizens. I will give you tli'* particulars as 1 iliem , from a young man who arrived here last light from tin* scenee ofac.jon. Mr. S.uiiU' I Smart, and Mr* Jane s L .tier, l><* li vomit* , men, were'in the r field at Fort guar. ; ling iheir negroes, who w re gathering lod- , ler. Tins was in the aferuoon ol , Woifnsdav, tlx* 12tli int.*. A little before ;uii'8et, the young men strolled towards the | nunmock, which entirely surionnded tin* | ield, wliere there vveie some waier?nitdions | md while in the act ating one, were fired v )i) from the liatnmoek hy Indians, one ball lassing through the hotly of Mr. Smart. ; Old killed him almost instantly. Mr Lan- ,| er was seven ly wounded, hut succeeded (< n making his escape. The Indians took 11 n r I....... rom air. omari a nne mo, ? pawner num j j( n*l some silver change. Tho do lii o: j (( Vlr. Sinnr. is very much lamented by all () viio knew him. IF* was about 23 veins *. * l ?f age, ? native of iho Sl?re of Mississippi. f( ?nd lbr the lust eight years a resident of his county. * Jn addition to the above, wo learn from S lie Ne*nnrisviile mail C .riier, ilia; on tho j u veiling of t; e 13 h. two Dragoons with p heir horses were kdh-d mar Mo In tosh's (_ Plantation, ahoui ten m l a east of Micnn || ipy. On the morning of the 13th, Indian* |? vera seen from tin- fop of a house oi For e Jrane, in a ft* Id near the post. They d tumlK'ri.iJ about sixty, and were apparent- a y elated with victory. They h?M uf'* [? in-l danced arotlnd a rifle or gun, which wag w ecognizelto be taken from Smart. Tlisc u in doubt were tho same tliut killed the Dra- nr ,roons. b Since ho above was iatype, we hn\ e seen | o gentleman from Netvnansvl!!, who was hi * ne of the party that went af;cr t^e boddy marl.* He also saw the trail of tho Indins killed the dragoons. Mr states it ? Ik; his he his belief that the purty that lurrlend smart wss entirely distinct from i?t which murdered the Dragoons. Ha ink there were about a hundred ift each art}. lie is u genii* man of some expert n< e in tho.?e mutera, whose judgemun toy be .elied on. ? Jacksonville Sept. 2. O.-i :>i Smith, of tin* st? Hin?*i Cmcjiiatti, ar? ivi-d hen* J isi evemng, from Pillallw and ports that the express rider, between P?lat? a and some of ihe interior posts, wnsshot trough ih?? arm, when ahcut 6 miles from' e former place. This happened yesterBy a passenger on hoard the Charlea lowmng. jiM arrived, I am informed that man by H?e name of Parson was shot a0111 seven miles from Black Creek, a little ft'the Newuaasville road. He was huntig with Mr. Tucker when shot, '''here ere about 15 I Miliars. Tucker escaped, at* our informant, but rumor says he was l!ed. ^ '' No. 10 is broken up. nnd the Indians re spread ail ?bour this section ofthe eounry. On Suud iv. tliey shot tn?? express tier a few miles from P.latka, and on Mon.... cl.m tun i,.iim?!i>r? Hnrl canuri d <1 V t I i II' T " w ~"7 . iip t; v\hj?ous near Fort T?irv?Tt ??nrl an <?* ir-ss has t tis n?oin?'?t arrived with iufornation thai they have killed a man al the vn mile house. All hue is in b alio bout i-. ST. AUGUSTINE. Aug. 28. Suwannee River, Columbia County, ) August 16'h, 1840. j Pb h is Excellency, the Gov. of Florida. Dear Sir,: It is my painful duty to inform ^ on of th?' most ehohkmg and heart rendering txuu nces that have taken place during thif tar. i. On Friday, the 11th lust* about lOo'cl ck n the morning, n party of Indians made a aim* utancou* attack on the housrs of Messrs. Jos. In well and Daul. Gr? en (who lived in s git of ach other) They kilmd Mr. Howell's wfi mi daughter, and Air. Green's wite, wound ng his daugiit* r. Alter they had accomplish. <1 their work of death, they proceeded to plu ' ler, hutii and dostn y every thing in their i* wr at both houses. Between three and four 'clock of the same day tin y plundered, burned nd destroyed the liouet s of Messrs. John loiiiieil, Sen, John Bonne)!, Jr., and Ro!>r. vey, all in tire same neighborhood. The auie niulit, about 10 o'clock, they attacked he house of Mr. Robt. Banderiin, (manned ?v 15 uieii) and fired on them until three 'clock in the morning, plundering, burning ind destroying every thing that in the.f vay ; corn, foddei, horses, and poultry. Fr> m Ii* burning houses, and incessant firing kept ip l.y the eut'iny, Capt. JSaud- .lin snd bis lit Ie Spartan, band, estimated their number at abr ut ne hundred, al least. This is one of the m<?t taring deeds tlist lias been eliected by litem luring this war. It was perpetrated aiiout ctr mrnrw-axrove' Trie tiyipei' Mineral Spring, iml along the Suwannee R ver, in ibis county, letweeu theieand the Geo-gin line. It is not supposed thai tliey hare qui to the eiglibnrhood yet. 1 started after th> m to dry, iul lound the families all in such a s ate of con* union, that it was impossible to get any men roin the neighborhood i-ntil tin y hid uisnm. led h ltd r. cured their famili s ; a fu r which r%! shall do what we on; although we are too uiv and without resources to much. I shall proceed to order tiicli companies hall present iheiosclrctt until I here Iretn your ixcolbncy, which I hope will meet with your Jxcollency'n approbation. .Sine-'! writing the above, an express has reach* d here informing inc, tint aoolht-r party of in. .nns is now patting ilii* place (supposed to be bout the ferry in nuuilier) going on in tho same ireclion ofthose that p i?ved a fewdiysugo. Thar, ^ i , scouis to indicate that the Indians are quitting ^ ho na-ion. unit going for tho Okefcaokoc. I hope yoar Excellency will take vomer course n oar relief, and that witliout delay; bee&use I 0 assure you, sir, that a few days delay, with the oops disposed us they are, will cause a total evocation of this country. In hopes of hearing from you immediately, and elieviug that you will take the most prompt awl iiergene action. I am, with the most profound respeef, our EaccII ncy's rnostob'i and humble servanf> ROBERT BROWN. Col. 12th Regt Flor. .Militia. Privates Artigcn and McDowell weie slightly vounded wlnls sailing in a boat down New Riv r, aoo it 6 mile* below Fort tiauderdafoi Tber in which they were sailing was rigged with 1 white 11 ig j;ick and pendant, and they w*ie in ?. w yards of a white llag that had bt^u erected in the shore a few weeks previous. ' FORT RUSSELL. E. F. ) August 29, 1840* ,-j 4I hnvo bepn die unending Sura?,on for . P P 11 ...a - wo posis. vi/.; runs uusseir gnu Times.' \t ill** former are f,?ur companies, and a?, ( e latter t*o companies, 2J luluntry, U. 8.\ rmy. Toe posts nre distant eleven mites, and I an assure you that with two and three met* is an escort, I have run no light risk if? I'l.sinii" tliem, which I have been doing very ihird day. It was on one of my visits and within a bw miles of the amhu.?cad**y that I was met ?y u party of five i)iagoon?,iwo of whom i id been wound* (J hy the Indians at a spot vlncli 1 would have reached in a half hour. It was a fortunate circumstance for Lieut. Ub? nis (who accompanied me)and myself h at the Dragoons p issed the spot ere we ouhl arrive at it. Dr. Turner has also had a narrow escape, aviiig h"*n ordered from Fort Wheelock i Micanopy, where he was fortu tely do, lined, hut Ids escort was fired upon by ^ artv of the red dev Is, and alas, two out of >ur killed and one wounded." ^ MorbIndjan Outrages.?Th? Quincy ' 'iiMitcl of Hit! 28th ult. says:?"We are ifornvd by n K'MJtlemnn riuidmg ia this J.-icc, u Ini Ins perusd despatches from Jul. Bmly to the Executive ai Tallahassee, !i;.t on the night of the 15th inst* a large oily ot Indians (number unknown) attack, d the inhabiianiK of Columbia county, ia i1' vicinity oftlic Sqwatwe Upper Spring nd entirely destroyed fourteen nouses and l?n at ions,-laying waste the t rops. Four hit* s, and two or three negroes are known ? hitvo been murdered, nnd it h fenn-d that lure have shared the same fate. We havo ecu informed by a gentleman who pissed ear tne scene of devastation, that in one rxiso six children were murdered in thcif - -