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Union of 0\e Canadas.?Among 'lie p;o visions of the B II for unning too Canadas, which recently passed the L>iit:sh Puriia. menu ore the foliosing ; A Governor General is ?o be nppointecJ by the Crown, w?th a salary , of ?7000. and a Lieu'enant Governor with a salary of ?1000. Tlio aggregate salaries on tin' civil list amount to ?75.001) including Jndg-s. Attorneys Secretaries, insp clor, LSxceulive Council, &c. The Legislature will consist, as heretofore, of a Council and House of Assembly; the only change being that one Legislature will have junsdie ion over both Provinces. Tim rrvunlvrs of the Council ate appointed hy the Crown; die House is elected 'oy the people. A proper. ty qualification is requisite to constitute a voter; no one is eii-ih'e to a seat in the House unless he is possessed of n freehold estate of the value of five hundred pounds, over and above all charges and encunihr ue cch. Tne Governor General lias the power to veto any act of the Legi<la:urc; any act passed by the L"gL!n'ur? and approved by the Governor 's to be transmitted to Lag. land subject to the inspection ol theQ io?m. and may bo vetoed at any time widen two years. Sole of Cattle.?The St. Louis New Era of the 19th u'.t. says :?A sale of some fine blooded cattle tookpluc- at Judge Carr's farm thr?? or four days ago. Tlie !'??!!.?wing prices have been furnished, as having been given on four moo lis tiin .* SI' 4. 9215. $161. $185, $1(16. $55. SUM. The owner had given nonce ih-t sal's would be made payable when G n. Harrison should be elected to the Presidency. Up m these terms purchasers were mode ai the follow ing prices: $735, $406 $290. $1(K). Notes were given in accord moe wi.h I e stipuialion above mentioned. Pawnees.?The Missionary Herald stat s that this 'ribo of Indians is about to relinquish the chas*1, ami I'-rrl a settled att J Agricultural lile. B.' ? c i.v> winch has boon recen'ly taken, and nny be r l ed on as correct, it nppvirs that pie several b unU amount to 6 244, which is considerably be. low the usual est i till to. Tney raised more corn than usual, at their villages Inst year, but most of it was ?tol-*n, os were many of their horses, by their thievish n ighbora. From tlic Philadelphia Gazette. Sale orthe Lion an<l L'oncss.?Th?? Li. on and Lioness preserved by tne Kw>er.?r of Morocco, to the Presi bait ot the Umted States, were sold to ;i Mr. Davis, ties morning, by D ivies, S'evenson & r Co. at the N ?vy Yard, Smthwark. The Lieut, brought two hundred and fi 'y dollars, and the Lioness one bun lr- d and tweutv-five. The Turkish Preacher. ? day i\ns, ir-ed-edin ascended the pupit of tIi?? mo<q e\ otvJ thus addrfstfd die eougrega loti:? O true believers/ do you kno w what I am gnmg io say to you /" * No," respond <J th? Congregation. 41 WeP, then," he replied, 4* tfiere is no use wasting any time on such an ignora .t set;" an I so saying h came down from the pulpit. Me \v<*nt to preach a second time, and aske I the congregation, 44 0, true heli -vers/ do you know wlnt I am going to say to you?" 44 We know," replied the audience. * Tmimi .i :? ?? _ ,:.i v . Ilirro 13 IIU UM? III 111 > It'llII\ nil, M.'I H i sir-ed din, and statin he descended from the pulpit When next he rame to preach, and asked hi* usual question, the congreg. oiion resolved to have n trial <?f his powers, answered some of its know and sornoofus a do not know." 44 0!" said Nas?r-od tint. *4 let those who know tell those who do no know, and I sbnli be spared the trouM of proaching." So s?y:ng, he came down from the pulpit.?Turkish Jest Book. The present sold.?The two Arabian horses, s< nt by the |<nawm of Muscat as a present to the president of the (J. St were solti a! W ashington. as we learn from the Baltimore Sou. The light grey was ti?k?*n I)V L M. Powel. Esq. of Virginia. af and the dark grey bv Gou. John H. En on, of Tennessee, at $575. The population of New Oil"cs for'v years ago, wass't r.t 8'K)0 '''ins year's census of the First Munirif aliix shews that the inhabit in s of one third ol the place exceed 47,<i0.>. With n 'lie sf\ miles ofci'jr ?nd suburbs expending front the bayou riernas to tlie upper ii.ui s of I??? faubourg, fjivanda is, it is thought more than 100.00J persons are permanent residents, whde the floating and Tnns'eii! population is somewhat about 30 000 inure.? N 0 Courier. .Presence of mind.?If you should Inp. pen to meet with an accident at table, en. denvor to prcS"rve your composure, and do not ndd to the discomfort vou have created by making an unnecessary fuss about it ? I remember hearing it told of a v< rv accomplished gentleman, that when carving a very tough goose he h<'?d the misfortune to send it entirely out of tlie d sh into the lap of the lady next to him, on which he looked her full into the face and sai I. 4,Ma*am. I will thank you for that goose." This manner of bearing such n mortifying accid'tr gained him more credit than ho lost by his awkward caning. Bears are q'lile numerous m Piscataquis County, Mr. tills reason?an ! tli? y are very ^ fat too. The horse which the Prince of Orange mounted at the battle of Waterloo and which died not long since at the /-xtreine age ?-f IH years and 7 months, has been 6tufl>d at Brussels, and the public are admitted to see it. Gkrmav Emigrants.?14,000 German emigrants hive arrived at the port of New York, since the 2d of March last, almost ad of whom have removed >.o the west. Thofriends ot Harrison and Tyler are making preparations for a great Convention at Hairisburg, Pa., on Friday the I3:h of September. Thorc is a severe drought about Rochester, N. Y., the corn potatoes much injured, and t!ie mi Is Hourly stopped from the sticams being dried up. I THE GAZETTE. WEDNESDAY MORNING, SEPT. 9. l ?1 * The lines oa the persecution uf the Jews slull appear next week. Vbumoxt Election*.?Tue election of Governor, members of Congress and mem?hts of the s'at?* L*%ir si oure io?>k place in Vermont on ;It * l?t ?nst. Returns from 8 counties yive tin? Whi^s a yam of 3763 - 'Pl I VOlttS SMll't! IUS1 veur. I II?- 51m'- u?? 'ma Tlir- e Wtiig members in Congress nn I ' two for ilie Administration The Wings, v./; il il'-, Sia f?s and II. Evorott, have all horn r?,-e|eca*cJ. Augus'iis Young. Whig, has h-'cn elected in place of J. Smith, V. I B. From t '? fit h dis.rict. r presented by J. Fletcher, ft w returns yet reci-ived. Two cases of Yellow Fever are reportel among the deaths in Charleston, between the 211. and 30 h, August. Gen. DafT Green is about to issue a daily penny paper in Baltimore, to !>e devoted to Science, Literature and News. It will be neutral in polities. lie will still continue the Pilot. Not quite a War. Occurrences lately took place at Tallahassc, J Florida, which produced no small excitement in that town and almost threatened bloodshed for a few days. The substance of the accounts : which we have seen is as follows. At a public i meeting of the Administration or Democratic par| ty, a resolution was adopted and ordered to be published, which, among other things declared : the Whigs of Florida to be in union with northern , ub .litiouists. At this some of the Whigs took fire, ' and railed upon the editor of die paper in which j j the proceedings of the meeting were published for j the n un - of the individual on whose authority the ; publication had been made. The editor, after taking a night to think over the matter, re fuse* I to : give 'die name. On the day on which this refusal was made, sonic "assaults"?and according to ! one account "batteries" too, if nose-pulling is a j battery?were nude by angry Wings upon the I l.-odies of i.on-combatant Democrats; and one or more anonymous letters were received by GovReid whose residence and Head Quarters are in ! the, arid who is an active politician in the Democratic ranks, which letters contained intimations and threats by no means agreeable to bis Excellency. He thereupon having the fear of an unfuri ited populace before his eyes, and the clattering of bowie knives in the ears of his imagination, issued orders, as Commander in Chief of the ihilitary forces of the Territory, to the troops sta1 toned on th?* frontiers, (oi thwit. to come by forced I inarches, to Head Quarters, stopping on the way neither by day or by night, for the purpose of noting on tlic defensive agui:i<t insurgent Whig?, now , deemed more dangerous foes than even the dre tied Seininoles. When the troops arrived they were quartered around his Excellency's dwelling, sentinels were posted in different streets of tin town, an l Martial Law declared in operation. Ho who knows the spirit of Anglo S axon Americans will readily b< lievntlut tins was but j casting oil upon the fire. Meetings were held j .it which much fury* was sufF.'red to eviporate in , resolutions and speeches. A committee wis i appointed to demand of his Excellency his r.-asons for quartering a "hired soldiery" upon the town. 'After many delays" the committee! ; wore finally allowed an audience, and d livered ? I their message. His Excellency after hearing it, replied that he was responsible to the Prcsi. ! dent, and not to them, and turning upon his heel, jeft them. Determined not to he put off in this way, tiny addressed him a letter, demanding his j masons. Ho replied, denying their right to question him, hut still saying that he wis too * much of a republican t> refuse an answer to the application of his fellow-citizen?, adding : ' that there <tr those in this community who seem to consider the pistol and the Bowie knife as the | laws of the land, and I am determined as (Jov* ernor of Florida, to assort and inniritain the suprom icy of the I iws." This, of course give nosiiisfjciion. Several cilizms" in passing the stroots on business, wcro ai rested by the "soldie" sentinels, an I a fourth of July cannon owned by tin; t??;v o, was dismounted by the troops^, these "ou'.r ige*" increase I the excitement ? ' Some hundreds cn''i "ctcil tog ther, drums were lic it, arms \v re collec'ed ; the camion was re. mounted ami charged to the muzzle; but?here they pulsus] and determined to Call a meeting, and let off a little of their >up.rfl ions steam before proceeding further. The meeting bring organiz si it resolced to drive off tiie' t;oop?,n peaeca'dy if thev could, forcibly if tiiey must. Tin* tiling should bo done. A cornmilte wis appointed to no'ify the Govemo oftlicir determination. 1.1 the meantime, the Town Council c tlled upon his Excellency and advised him to withdraw the troops. lie look the advice, and in so much hurry that lie had colors flying and drums healing f??r relieat before the c ommittee of citizens' h id time to c ill on him. lie doubtless found the dread cf even bowie knives and pistols m ire tol.Tibta than that of cinnon and shotguns j Tue committee having no firther cause for addressing the Governor, addr?;s od a piquant letter to the President ? f I he United Stiles, requesting to he inf > wnjlhor he approved or dis ij)4 roved t f ine Governor's porceodings. For tli? Farmers* Gazette. ENIGMA. I am a word containing eleven Infers my fust, sixth, third, fo rth, sixth and ninth is a j name applied to those who have take he j highest degree in the faculties of divin. I ity &c. My f urth, sixth, eight* and first, is a notorious animal. My second' seventh, first, fifth, eighth, seventh, eighth, fifth, ninth and tenth, is a milk manu. factory. iMy: :n'!i, second, sixth, and fourth, and eleventh, are a savugt peopK My, first, what frequently results from the tot.gues of women. My fitsrt. sixth, fourth, eighth, ninth, i and first, is a name winch may be vcrf approi X % mmmammmsammmmmmanaHwrn gag aggg priately applied to our heroic candidate. My ihird, sixth, ninth and seventh is a kind of grain. My fourth, sixth, ninth and tenth is a friend to monarchy. My seventh* Sixth second, eleventh and tenth, what females and ^ children are celebrated for being; and my whole are the moat necessary articles in all j J languages. MARY. r To the Electors of this Co> gressional District of George Town, Williamsburg, r( Marion, Darlington, Marlboro' and Horry. I Fellow Citizens :? Having been nominated to represent you in i the next Congress of the United Statts ant! | being called upon to give my vie* son the agitating political subjects of the day, I here ' with Bubmit to you a summary of my po itical | faith. | The most exciting topic is with regard to , | I lip arinr/iarliinrr Pn<aiili>nti:?I mntps* ! and H8 i . ...w ..Kr. . .v? , | , all minor quostions are involved in I hat great issue, I shall express my opinions on that subject independently and without reserve. Itis;4 known to you th it there are two candidates t for that high office; and in the event of a \ < failure to elect by the people, that duty will | devolve on the House of PL-present at ves. I could never vote for General Harrison, ad- 1 milting that he had no competitor. My j ( country should never be degraded by any art I of mine, in electing to its highest office a man j who is no'hing or every thing just as the policy or expediency of the present moment ' m??ht dictate. I do not conceive that Gen. Harrison possesses, any of the qualities necessary to th?.? discharge of that high office of trust. 11 is principles if he has any, are known neither to his friencs nor his foes, as 'ar as J the public lias .vy means of judging. On one I most important subject they are unknown except to h ins* If or Ins confidential advisers, | j and th;s subject in regard to abo ition f.tnati. j j ci.-iii. Tins mysterious s leuce under pretence I , ! that his opinions are already In-fore tnc world,! | but really to receive the support of the abo- j I j litionis s, is at least suspicious, and sfiords ' just grounds to presume that hi-. R) nipathns j are Willi that infamous party. His conduct 1 contrasts signally with the nngnuiirnotis , court-e pursued by Mr. VTan Boren, who on every p operoccas on lias reitera'ed Ins d?i terminud opposition to their nefarious dca gnj. ! fc>a tar as my influence extends it shall b?| exerted to secure the re-election of the latter ; gentleman. j The Independent Treasury has my firm | approval because I be).eve that a great nation : ougii! always to have vviihtti its own control tne means <.fcontinuing its own existence and i operations, either in peace or war. Against the establishment of a National Bank therefore I shall use my most a-siduous efforts, as 1 shall against the whole Banking s\stem so far as it sli?II conff ct with the con-* s'itiiii>ual action of thp government. The Tariff and a system of Interna. Improvements, b?*ing in direct collision with the interests of the South, shall on all occasions receive my unceasing opposition. Should I have the honor of a seat in Congress it will be my aiin to promote, by all the moans in my power, the rights, the honor and the interests of that portion of the union with which I am identified by residence and sympathy. DANIEL McVVILLlAMS. Of Congestive Fever on the 20th August at the residence of his father John McClenaglian, in Darlington District, S. C., George Cunningham ' MeClenaghan; in the nineteenth year of his age. The subject of this notice was the only child of [ his parents, who by this afflicting dispensation of Providence, ar plunged in the deepest distress and left to mourn their irreparable loss." MAIL ARRANGEMENTS. Post Office, Cheraw, S. C. ) 12tli August, 1840. J Northern mail closes at 9 P. M. daily, due by 3 j A. M. 11 Southern mail closes at 9 P. M. daily, due by ! i 11 P M. i Georgetown mail clo?cs Monday, Wednesday, . and Friday, at 7 A. M. Georgetown mail is due Tuesday, Thursday, I and Saturday, by 5 P. M. S tlislxiry mail closes Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 7 A. M. Salisbury mail is due Tuesday, Thursday, and I Saturday, by 12 M. Suggs Bridge (via Hockinghani) mail closes Tuesdays, at 5 A. d. S iggs Bridge mail is due Fridays, by 5 A. M. I Lancaster C H. mail closes Tuesdays at 1 P. I, Lancaster C. 11. isdue same day, l.y 10 A. !\1. ! BROWN BRYAN, P. M. ' CHER AW PRICES CUKRtiVT. i WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9. ARTICLES. PER | & C. J $ C 1 dee I in .u.irkct, scarce lb U 5 a 0 H i Bacon from wagons, Ih 8 a 8$ ?y retail, lb 10 a 11 Butter lb 13 a | Beeswax lb go a 23 I Bagging yard IS a 25 Bale R(?i?o lb 10 a 12? , Goil'eo lb I2| a 15 , Corr.oN, lb 8 a !) C'erii, scarce luisn 50 a 12 , , Flour, Couulry, brl 5 50 a Feathers tin wag. none Mi 45 a 50 I Fodder, lljdlbs 75 a 80 Glass, window ^x lo, 5.ill 3 25 a 3 37? , " 10x12, 50fl .'I 50 a 3 75 j1 green 11) 5 a ? dry lb It) a Iron tdOlhs 5 50 a 6 50 1 indigo lb 75 a '2 .< ' Liitio 4 a 4 50 Uari! scarce lb 11a 1*^4 Luatliei, .sole lb 2:2 a *Lead, bar ib 10 a Ij> 'jrw oim' lb 10 a N. Ot pal -10 a i ? gal 35 a 4o i Sails, cut, assorted Jb 7 4 a H ( wrought lb 10 a !>:> > i.. C ? isuis ijiimi it' a ou ] curficrs gal 75 a 1 . , lamp gal 1 25 a ?linseed gal I III a 1 25 ! Pains, wliilo lead keg 3 25 a 4 50 5i| nn. brown li> 8 a 12 The River is navigable for Steamboats, but | falling?Weather dry. t PRODVCE \ i ommission Business, ; ' B ^ 11E Su'iseriber offers his services in the ' JL Co nniiss o.i business, l'or the sale and shipnent of Country Produce. ' fl 5 will receive in sioie and sell any niticlo >f produce free of storage f.?r commission of |)?;r cent where the articles are without imit>; wh :n limited a. reasonable storage will jo chat god. IIu will ship cotton or other Produce to New ?tork or Charlbvton', making liberal cash 1 idvancks for a Co ..mission of 2? per cent, on , lie cash advanced, ( lie k"-p8 conslan'Iv on hand a very larg^ dock of Groci*.rp.ies with a mixed stock of nth;r Good.", all fwiiieh he will sell at the lowest trices wholesale or retail for cash or produce. T i'i Subscriber flatters himself that his oxtendec aequ.ii itanco in the Upper and adjoining .""onmies c f North Carolina will enanthle liini to ccetvc a liberal patronage. D. MALLOY. Chcraw So. Ca. Sept. b, 1810. Tho "Western Carolinian" Salisbury, and Charlotte Journal" will inseri the above twice i iiimi th far throe months and forward their ucMtinUfor p yincnt. D. MALLOY. WILL l?c exhibited nd offered for sale at tho annual meeting of the Pee Dee Ag ienltnral Society at Cnenwun Friday the Itith if OjIoIkt next. Some Cows, with a Sin ill jrossof English fr??m the Stock of the late Gen. : uuJ so i e Calves from the stock of Col. I lampion thai ho says are iqual to any in tho U. State S.-pt 5 1840. No. 4.1 4 n. NTAIL OF .>OUTH ? AKOLINA. In Equity Marion District. H. E. Cannon 1 .1 Supplemental V/illimn Whitfield > Hill Ilt'iiry A. Vesey and j for acpt. Viey J fT Appearing t.iat William Whitfield, Henry A. Vesey, and Em ly V'esey, Defendants in tins ease, are absent from niul reside without the ' of tins Siaie. On motion of Dargan Coin- J ||| nil Hit*- Solicitor, it is ordered, that the said ?V ill mi 11 Whitfield, Henry A. Vesey, and Eindy | Ve-a-y do appear and plead hiiswc* or demur to ; tiie Comp! unaiit, supplemental, on or lajl'ore tt:e | lirst day of December next, and that in default thereof, tiie siid Dill be taken pro coufesso. It is also ordered that notice of this order be [HibfsliPit in tee Farmers' Gazette trice a month to; the space of three mouths ED. B. WHEELER. August 6, 1810. 43 2 m f 3 m Jia con at Ten Cents. HAMS AND SHOULDERS, 4 Very Superior Article, of my own curing, for sale at 10 cents cash, or to approved purcuusers at 12? cents, on a credit until tne 1st January next. *A. P. LACOSTE. July 22. 36?tf SKTC. ~ SACKS for sale low Lv JS. A. P. LACOSTE. ' March 20:li, 1810. 18 if L.\i\l>.. ol 'licE-iate of 'I Iioiiiuh rtumter in ChcstcrHcid, Lancaster, and Kershaw Districts are otfiTt d for sale. Apply to .Mr. Stephen lluykin at Camden. tf si . ? ________ . ~ * Umbrellas. JUST received a good assortment of SJk and Gmghaim* Umbrellas. DUN LAP & MARSHALL. KOMAN CE^iENT* BARRELS for sule low, by A. P. LACOSTE. l't. 1840. ^ 35?tf Akiiiericun Phrenological -lnnrnn I WUA AAMI* In the present state of tho pub ic mind, probably no other instrument or means whatever, can be rendered efficacious in promulgating, defending, and establishing the prm. ripir* of Phrenology, as a well conducted Journal It is unnecessary to state the particu'ar advantages wh eh a regular periodical possesses over all other agencies; or to urge the importance of having, in this country, such a medium as it affords to make known to the public the facts arid principles of the science. The objects of tins Journal are to preserve from oblivion the most interesting of the very numerous facts confirmatory and illustrate e ol the limb of phrenology; to record the history and progress of tne science; to show i's true beatings on the eiJucaiiou (physicial, intollec- ; tual, ami moral);on the na-ure and treatment of insane); on jurisprudence and criminal legisiat on; on mental ami moial ph.losophy; and to t>nmt out various applications to the improvement of the institutions, manners, and systoins of society Orgtnal rs>ays on phrenological subjects will ! rm part of lite Journal, and also reviews of phrenological and anti-phrenological works; and, as often as practicable, we shall transfer to its pages, the besi articles in the Edit burg Phrenological Journal. There are already en listed as eonlr.buors to the work, many .if the able st writers and li st prenoiogists in the country, as well as several tor- igu correspondents. We hope, as it progress, to embody m i'f pag. s noitry a l the matter published 011 the sen rice which 18 of particular interest to litepu he, or tan tie oi permanent, vaiue iur iuturer* fi'Mi.ce. V* c shall Ircquemly at coin pany our facts and delineation* of charactej vmIIi jI ustritive cu's. Il snot wnli the desire or expectation of ^a.n that it is offered to I lie community, but irom far higher con.-nlerations?iront a desire to know and to prumulate irulh. It will be uuvious lo all, <fiat a work ot 'h<ts chaiactcr mu^t (! peud tint fly for>uppori on tl?e rulun'ury pntronuge iti.d co oporali .-lis ol those who aie in ,-re>ied in (It- subjec.s i discusses, and it is lioj ? d iht; frit nds the tcience will iiol im y encourage it by ilieir own subscription-, liu' that lin y w.II make efforts to extend its nrculu'rnu in the various parts of I !?* couitry ivhere they in y reside. x\o pamsorexpense w.II be spr? tl on the pan of t he proprietors to render Ilia work worthy of a hueral support. terms. The American Phrenological Journal and Miscellany is published on the lirst of every month?i;e volume commenting in October. 2, Each number contains 48 octavo pages, making a volume of nearly 61)1) pages, got up in superior style til regard io both paper and externum. 3 The work wi'l he furnished at $2 per vo. luirm for of:e copy, or for three copies, or $5for volumes 1. II. and III.: in all cases in *dvauco, and postage paid. This work is pubisned on the cash system, and it is in cons d?ration of payment being required in advance hiif i's terms arc put .ko low. ID'All letters, ol business or communications "or the work, should be addressed to the Kdior of the Amor. Phrcu. Jour , Philadelphia. * t Bacon. ? A Ail LBS. HAMS, Shoulder.. * vf r and Sides ail of my >wn curing for sale low, by p. A. P. LACOSTE. l;o; April 3,1840. 21 if j Shoes. THE Subscriber has now on hind a very extensive assortment of Shoes, suitable H" for all seasons, which he wil' sull very cheap. 1 . D. MALLOV. C, April 13, 1340. clii 23 tf ces ? Y< 7 he Preacher, R?< OR Three Hundred and Forty sketches of Ai Original Sermons selected from the manuscrripts of two eminent Divines of the lust a8! century with an essay on the Composition of a Scrinon. For snip it the Bookstore I'1-' Drrmhfr 27, IK>9. 7 ll,< Sugar. Co ffee, Salt, and MOLASSES. A LARGE Stock of the above now in store and for sale very cheap for Cash, D. AiALLOY. ioja tf ^ April i.i, if"*i?. -- _ fi&EWING ?The Subscriber will take hi ."Sew. PS ing, and will do her work f.i'hfully and un neatly. Work for Iter may be given 10 the an Currier of this p ipcr. (u P. CARTER. Cr Jun.? 2l, 18III. K. (warden Steds. aI SIX ! END having for sale at the Bookstore, this Fall and Winter, a fresh and full supply of Garden Sieis. JOHN WRIGHT. Cheraw, Augtt?l 4th. 184d. 38?tf St ATE UP -SOUTH CAROLINA. Jx F.quitt, Ciierxw District. Archibald McDona'd i vs. > Bill of Re voir, the Executors of Peter May. \ IT APPEARING to my satisfaction that H iinpton II. II wi.:noii(i' one of the defen* I" duuts hi this c.i* * is* ahs'-rtt from and resides withou' tho limit* of' . On motion of Sims, Solicitor lor the? oinplai i.iiil* it is ordered 4 tint the said Hampton H Iluininond do appear bj to lt?r? complainants hill on or before llie tirst day of Si pteii'bi r next, and that in default thereof the said hill us to htm, (shall be taken a pro confcsso. ^ It is J'O ordered tint publication be made of this order in the Farmer's Cazotle twice a month for tlietpaco of llireo months. CEO. W. DA ROAN. Com. in Equity. -> Juno 3, 1840. 31 2 nf 3m. J For sale at the iiooksfore. p A SERMON by the Rev. J. C. Coit, deliv-/% livtrri'd in the Pre>bvteriau Church in Clie- c< raw. "upon the occasion of I ho Se ni.ccntitiary celebration; prepared for tho press, and put lishcd liy tlio auth r. as a test in.o iy ng iin??t the estab. G lishei] religio.. in the United States " Puce <15 tl cents. A>ignst4th, IH40. 28?tf New Goods. JOHN C. WADS WORTH 1 J JAS Mow in Store a supply of J GROCERIES, DRY GOODS. HARDWARE, SHOES, HATS, DO N:\ETS, { SADDLERY, CROCKERIES, u GLASSWARE, c\c. ? ALL of which will be void at tho lowest markoj price. Persons wishing to purchase in this i market will do well to call. , April 30 > 1*40. omj i ii i AUULh\A / hi tie? Common j h Chesterfield Dnsrict. \ Pleas, a! Rinald McDonald J Declaration h vs. > in debt in At. John McKay. J tichmcnt. WHEREAS the Plaintiff in the above stated case, this day filed his Declaration against tho Defendant who is alisent from and without tho limits of this State (as it is said) i and having neither wife or attorney known within the same. It is ordered that the Defendant do appoar and plead to the Dccralation (foresaid within a year and a day. from the date hereof, otherwise final and absolute judgment will be awarded agiiust him by default TURNER BRYAN, C C. C. P Office or Common Pleas, ? March 20, 1840. j 27 ?r m 31 v BOOK DIN LUNG. " Til E subscribers have established thomso! ve in the above line of business in Chcraw and offerthcirscrvicc6toits citizens. <*. BAZENCOURT, & CO 1 Gher-w. S. C.. J fin. Gunia|> df Marshall a HEREBY give notice that they will continue to sell their Dry Goods onU, on the usual credit to punctual customers. I hey will sell their Groceries at the lowest prices for cash only. 'l'he very short credit at which groceries can i now be bought, amounting with the exchange " almost to Cash, with their limited capital compels hem to tho adoption of this course. For ?S'iie f A TRACT on the Doctrines of Election and / R -probation, by Rev. James II. Thorn" ell. Also, a Vindication of the Protestant Doctrine concerning Justification. I Muy 1st, H4B. 2-> if L Carpenter's Tools. ] THE subscriber has just received o very extensive assortment of Carpenter's Tools, among w!:i"h arc. Double and Single, Cast Stool Iron, Jack, Smoothing, Fore, and Jointer Planes, Astragals, Beads, Dado's, Hollows and Rounds. Nosings, Grecian Ornlofa, Qir.-k O. G. I Reeding. Rabbi . Side R..bbil. Raising, and S isb Planes, Sasli Cord, Coves tor B'eps, Table ? Planes, Torus Beads ami Cornice Planes. Ro 11 man O.'G and Fillets, Filletist.t*. Snipes Biils, J Gothic, Ceiling, Flooring and Plow Planes, ! Plane Irons. Oil Stones, Iv y Ho.'e Tenant, and Pm?' l, Hand, Cross Cut and Fratno Saws, 1 Screw S:ide Mort.ce, and .Marking Guages, ' Augurs, assorted qualities, Mortice, Socket, and Firmer, Ciii*els and Gouges, Plate and Iron k Squares, Sido Bevifs, Spoko Shaves, Locks, Hinges, Sprigs, Nails, Urad9, &c. 01 ALSO ~ . r, I 1 n 1 \ lIMn ! Lnilins' Uiuo, i J ami unu uiuau a, and Pennsylvania Patterns, Hammers, Shingling and Litliing IJufchcls, &c. The ubuve were purchased low and for cash ^ of tho best manufacturers, ami will bo sulJ cheap by D. MALLOY. np?T?l)f'r 22?1. 1839. 2:1 Sugar & Coffee. 12 flhds. Porto Ric.o ami St. Croiv Sugars. 10 Bags R.o Coffee. For sale low for cash or bankable paper. A- P. LACOSTE. M.ircli 20il?, 1810. 19 - :f I .-I VROWN~ BRYAN AT 13 ROT HE R. offer ^ their slock of goods at very low prices, Uf :h ao wish to pay the ca*h, or give produce in ihange. Tboy invite their friends to call, and hey can he mitcd, ihcy promise there shall 1 l?e much difficulty about the price. Fn'y fff '84'*. V?if /Elementary books. For Sunday and Common Schools. JMON Primers, Union Spelling Book, Union ilyiune. Union Questions, Browne techism, Cheap Testaments. Shorter Citeisnr, Lovell'a Young pupils First Book, Worttor's Primer, Gallaiulci's Picture Ucfinor, >ung Reader, New York Reader, Child'* ad> r, Worcester's second Book, Webster'* ncrican and Elementary Spelling Books, I worth's a.rd Town's Do. together wi'h a fbn tortrnent of the more advanced English and issical Sclio 1 Books received duriug tins fall lite Bookstore. A liberal discount made to achers who purchase- in quantities to supply ;ir Schools. December 27, 1839. 7 . tf E. YVAIEUMAN, * CoMMfsSlnN MERCHANT, Georgetown, S. C. "CONTINUES to transact a general Com* J mission business at that place. He is ider ohhgati nto no boat, or masted vessel, id i< free to ship hV the earliest conveyances, ,*ith"Ut orders to the contrary,) either North South or up tlie nvcr. fi-ri'in es : Cheraw?D. S. Il.tRLLF.F., J. 0. Wadsiw rth, Benneltsvi/le?M. & 6. D. Towns* end & Co. LrrsviUe?J. C. Lee, Wailrshorn'?M'Corkle & Cole, Charlotte?\\. B Williams, Rockingham?Wall <fc Holton, W. F. Leak. February 11. 1840. H tf loidsand balm le af liuts. & White and Colored Ilood*. and 8 P d<>7.. assorted Pilm H it*. juat received DUN LAP & MARSHALL. July 27, \*i\ 37?tf PHILADELPHIA 3UU&). Pair LuM sKiJ Slipp?f? and 45 Pait W%W Ladies Ki I Walking juiit reeoiv I by DUx\*. iP & MARSHALL. July 27 184". 37? tf 1* otice. fAm now receiving part of my e'ock o, Spring an?J Summer Goods, comprising a "neral assortment of seasonable Goods, which will sell low for cash- Purchasers will pleaso ill and examine lor themselves. ALSO, Will be kept constanfly on hand a supply of rerman Boiting Cloths, equal to any used in tiis country. MALCOM BUCHANAN. March 13r.. 1840. 18 tf Lump iSugar. V the Loaf, for 15 cts, for sale for cash A. P. LACOSTE. March 20th, 1848. 19 tf '1 lie Path Finder. OR the Inland Sea by the Author of the *'Pioneers," "laist of tho Mohicans." 'frain &c Ac.?Also flumeirard Bound" lid "Home an found" by the *uiu? Author?for alt* at the Book Store. April 3d lc4U. 25 tf '1 lie Subscriber has just received, a"d wilt nop constantly on hand.Cotton Y ?ru and Twine L wholesale, trum the Manufactory ol Rocking inn. GEO. GOODRICH. n i T..? icjm _ 1/1 tf tdl'TflWt IW71'. - <u > Roberts's Silk Manual. A New supply orthi* work just received at !HL the Honk Store, price 37?. April I3U 1840. 25 ?r Ragging & Rope. 50 piece-- heavy 44 inches H?mp Bagging, 50 Coila Bale Rope. f\?r sale lew bv A. P. LACOSTE. March 20'h, 1?40. 10 if 11 a t s, If US r Received a largo assortment of Mens, IF vp, and Childrens Straw and Leghorn lats. ALSO, lent# >ind Youth's Kur H its, fur summer wear, 11 of which will be enl/J cheap hjr I). MALLOY. A toil 13, 1840. 23 tr Bacon, Flour, and Meal, (CONSTANTLY ON HANI), and for tale IJ tttthe LOWEST market price l.y I) MALLOY. Nails. > /2* KEsGS, 4d. fid. 8d. lOd. 12J. and 20d SP ft# fur sJe cheap. A. P. LACOSTF.. 3. 1840. Wood. [wil! furnish Oak and Hiakcry Wood, at 02 50 per cord, Cash. A. P. LAC08TE. October 4. 1839. 47-?if Nrw Music. RECENTLY received at the Rook Store a supply embracing a considerable variety f Soups Sarr- d, Sei?lim> n at and Humorous I so Mi relics* Waltz-*, &c. and Music paper. Pccemh'T 4th, l>-39 2>. Malloy HAS Now on hand a supply of all kinds of Goods suitable for the trade, which h2 ill sell as cheap as can be had in this marct. Persons wishing good bargains will please call n him b?fore they purchase. April 13. 1810. 5 Nails. /ffi KEGS Nails, and i rads, all sizes, for sa'e by i>. MALLOY. April 13, 1840. 23 If Mackerel & Lime. 10 Harris No. 2, mackerel. 10 Half Oris. No. 1. do. 20 Ca?ks Thotnaston Stone Lime. For pale low for cash, by A. P. LACOSTi:. March 20J>, 1S49. 10 if