University of South Carolina Libraries
# Correspondence of Charleston Courier. Washingtont Jam 16. ^ The Senate was exclusively cngnged . yesterday, on Tfft* 4>itlfr> r? nmvii?:* charters of the Bunks of litis District. Contrary to nil 'expectation, the b ll passed, Hi or form . favorable to iho interns ol lie* Banks. It ?xteitds tlie charters of ihti Bonks of this District. Contrary to all expectation, the bill passed, in a form favorable to the in. tenets of the Banks. It extends their charters for two years, and provides only, that ihey shall not pay out notes of nonspecio paying Banks, except their own; which is ho great embarrftsment to thein. The biH n'so nrovides that they shall not uvail thehi selves of the slay of execution, afier juJg. ment, which ?s ullowed by the laws at the Ihstriet. Heretofore, miy one cpuld sue n Bunk, on its-notes, und obtain judgment, b-fore n magistrate immediately; but the Bauk could stay execution, for six months, paying temper cent, interest. This act of the Sgnatc, is one of great public importance. It shows that there is very little sincerity in all the clamor against the Banks. After all the donuncia'ions of Mr. B -nton, Mr. Alien, Mr. Walker, and others, we see the S"n ite sanctioning all the indulgences which the State L?'g statures ?-* have err,inted to Buiks. Radicalism has n ? , undoubtedly lostgroun !, within the last year or two. Should Mr. Van Bur?*n bo re. elected, (as be probably will be,) we shall see n split betwictT the and the conservative portions of the party. Mr. Buch. aua t may perhaps rep res nt the latter por. lion, and Mr. Benton the formm. . In the House, Mr. Wi.^e made an effort to bring up a resolu ioa, fixing a day of adjournment of Congress. He proposed the 11th of July. Many cried out Let us pass lire Sub Treasury first." The House wou'd not receive the proposi ion. But, the monie it that bill is disposed of, the day will ^ Ire fived; perhaps the 15;h of July. Much ^ essential business, liicrcfoie, will be neglected.. v Despatches receveJ byihe War Depart, men! from Brig. Gen. A'kinson announce the p'MCcnbh? removal of the whole body of ih<* \Vmnebago Indians, numbering about seventeen hundrd, of the bands of lire Portage, fiorn wliom resistance wgsat ooe time apprehorr led. Tint presence of one ihou|s >nd regulars contributed to this desirable r-nuh. Gen. A'kinson proceeds in person to ai -m.t i,. tu* Hiiiil e.-nlH/neut of ihese Indians I^liu I" nr. v - on the land allotted to tftem wt st of.tlfle Mississippi fiver.? [Globe. Melancholy Accident on the JiOiceU Rail Road ?As tin? Inst train of curs on the Boston ??rl Lowell tvulro ?d was proceeding towards Low il yesterday afternoon, Mr. Wm. R. Long, who whs on -the top of tl.e cars, wus-instantiy killed, by his head corning iir contact with ilie bridge,, in Wilmington. The deceased'had been sitting on the Tender, and was apparently climbing thence on the forward car. H s iiitlo boy, four or five ytmcs of age, whom ho had taken outside w ith him, and whom ho had just placed on the top of the car, was caught by the Engiuernnn and saved from iinm nent danger. U s wile was in one of the c;rs. Physiological Phenomenon.?A young man u ?aie?i Thomas Bradley, who resides a: Brighton, England, is said to indulge in much longernay* than any other sleeper -lias ever been known to lake. A late ling ish paper states ihat'he was at the last accounts asleep, which condition he had heen without, interruption, lor thirty. tun weeks ! Me is now 2'2 years of.age, and is about five feet ten incites tuglv. Uwd he was 15 years old, lie was nut known to h.bor under any disease Intt in his ltiiliyear, he Ml in'o a sleep which con'inneJ in no weeks, in lire same - _ t 1.- ... i ;.i. .L.. ...i.u.t. J'B IT, lit;'ij<su i iii.ik uMiiiucr aiti j/ nuiwn continued 40 weeks. During this timu he became great?y tmiaciuted, nut gra luaHy regained ins rienith, after making, and re. ia?tn dWvtl until his present fit of sleep came upon him. His liieuds continue to give him some nourishment, and frequently change ins position in bod. NEW-YORK, JUNE 15. Lattxl from I]ran/ and the La Pluta.? We are indebted to a commercial house for'R. o Janeiro papers to May 6:h, brought' by the U. S. corvette Lexington. The special session of the Brazilian Leg id a lure was jtrloswl on tfie 3rd "by a short *p?.*eeh from the Regent, in which he speaks of the complete restoration oft he Emperor's health and the avacuation of the province of St. Catharine's by the insurgents, who, we learn from other sources, had joined their comrades in the province of Rio Grand. The province of Muranhnm had a!so been pacified. In Rio Grande the insurgents s iil iriaiHinined themselves. The Governor of toe French colony at 1> t#I rcriiived orders to vacate w.v*....w, . - l"lie 'wo pusit'oas occupied by the French troops in Oyapock on the Brazilian frontier. Tti? Rio papers express much satisfaction at litis event. ftoeno* Ajref dates are to the 4 h of Apni. A despatch from Gen. Joes Panic - Lopez forwarded from C<?y?eta, under dale of March 2&lh, states that on that dav the Gen. M una no Vera; one of the st .fTol Gen. Lavuiie, was defeated, and killed in action as was ulso Col. R-ynnle and Secretary Pino. . By a (h-croe of 29th March, nn emission of$2.00d.000 in'o.<nk ruga was authorised bv Buenos Ayrean government. ^ Month VideA" advices to April 3rd states thai President Rivera matched from Durnzno for the Urugnny ou the 31st of die preceding rnonti).?Jour, of Coin. * The Importance of Vaccination and ReVaccination.?Copenhagen hj extreme suh* jeet to epidemic diseases, and during the last few years, to small pox. From the va? rious observations which he has made (Jur. ing those epidemicattacks, Professor O to, concludes:?1st. That the vacine virus has lost noting of its original force. 2d. That b child canoot be vac inn a ted too soon ufier , y .TL ' + ir its birth. 3d. That the protective iufiueuc ofihe vaccine virus gradually dumnishc with time, perhaps in the greater part c those vjwjtinai^d, it is, lost after n certai number of year.*, 4th. The nytuffc of cii cutrix does no: enable us to determine ho1 J far Lite disease w.IlWmodified. 5th. Sma i pox, when it occurs in tiie vaccinated, is a ' ways-modified, anddie more so,<heyo?ngr tiie p< rson is. 6 b. lingular variola, sma pox. in tiie vacina(cd, appeared only in pei stun who had passed the ago of 14. 7th. Oi oflO vacillated persons who' died, none hn p issthi ihe og<-of twr'nryjhree. 8th. N< a s nglo case of small pox had occum', t yet, iu the re.vactnated.?liusl's Mogazim Steam Gun.- The N. York Commercii \dverliser stifles that Perkin's Patent Steal Gun and till I lie-apparatus belonging to i are about io he publicly exhibited in tin city. The Advertiser says? It discharge with perfect ease sixty bal in a minute, and with such force, that i str.king against an iron phite.nt the distani above meinn iied, the bili is flattened to litt cnoru than the thickness of a wafer, Tt gun an J generator now exhibiting aro ti production of Mr. A. M. Perkins, of Londo who has invented "an entirely new method i generating steam, which has been succes fully applied to steam engines, and is i once so simple, safe a ad economical, as I leave little doubt that with its aid the stea gun will ere long rank among the first ii struments of warfare. We understand tit this gun does not diflfcr from that construe ed by Mr. Jacob Perkins, the father of M A. M Perkins, i: is tiio generator that dil ers. In this the heat is conveyed from tl I li.... in lliu ivnlor-u/l ilmiit ex nosing the gei | l|(W IV ???*. nui> . ^ . erator io the aciion of il.e fire. This is dor by means of circ't'Intiorr, m iron tubes, of current of hot tyatcr, which is ent'ioly go) urate from, and independent of, that in if generator. T has been found by experiment wit this gun, that the generator is capable < furnishing a constant supply of steam ft discharging balls at the rate of 6*J p< ; minute, and 'hat one pound of amhracii coal will gonei% e steam sufficient t discharge four poun Is of halls; th? steal ' h s often been raised to n pressure of 70 | pounds pfT square inch, but one tlwrd < I this pressure is sufficient to complete} j flatten t!ie balls when discharged against a iron target 100 f et distant from the gu: and u pressure of 400 pounds per squar inch, at the same distance, shivers the ba to atoms." We learn that in a few day this extraordinary piece of ordnance-will b offered for public inspection, and we fe< persuaded that the opportunity will be err braced by a large number. Visiters can se the whole operation in perfect safety. No one need apprehend-b nng shot, un 'e^s by placing himself before the mouth < the gun, or in direct range of the bullet: and this ran only b * done by climbing ovt the partition sat up to prevent such an oc CUFP-HCe. Froin the Journal of Commorco. Messrs.'Editors:?The following advei tir.emeni made its appearance in an evenin 1 paper, published a night or (wo since: Fifty dollars will he given to any perso who put the Advertiser in the way of raisin 92000 on a Farm situated, about ten mile j from Rochester, New York, worth thre j t nies the amount. Address Y. Z. Tattle Office. . Now, Messrs.-Edi ors, being a beneve , lent turn, and wishing 10 make fifiy dollar; I set about trying to raise the wind" f< i Mr." Y. Z. could not, nfier calling on mo! of my m?uied friends, get an offer for t!i i first dollar. At length, as a Inst resort, concluded to try Mr. P. of this city; a coi j head d oh j gentleman, who has worke hard for h:s money,?no/ by "head work | either,?when, ex plum leg my errant | lie to;tl tne to 'Neil Mr. Y Z. thar the boi way of raising 92000 on his firm, wn to plant good grain on it and go to wor I with h;S coat off; and that he would guai j mii y ho woulJ make the sum in quostioi Providence permitting. Moreover, at the expire ion of that perio lie would not have to off r another fill dollars bonus (o enable him to raise inoup enough to wipe off the first score." General Summary. . | Where won't you find (he -YarJceesl-~Tt j hqjf way bouse between Cairo and Suez, i Egypt, is kept by a Yankee. Twenty-six villians engaged in countcrfei ing gold and silver coins, and bills of the Unite o o States Banks, have been arrested in Cana< About $60,000 it; bills were taken, with gn I and silver coiua and copperplates, dies, at oiher instruments of their trade. L ? { Mrs. Wlntmore died on the 4lh inst. ne Emmittsburg, Maryland. years of age, and was.the mother of elevi children, thirty.three grand children, ai thirty-five great grand children. The project of establishing a regular sleai boat communication along (lie Pacific coast South America, from Valparaiso to Panama, soon to go into operation. The honor of tl important enterprise belongs to an Americ citizen, Mr. Win. Wheeirighr, of Newbur port, Mass., formerly .United States Consul Guayaquil. I:ithc libel suit of Trust versus the Edit of the New York Sun? a verdict has been re dered for the defendant.' At a late constable's sale al St. M-arj Oh:o, two ijundred bushels of com were sc at one and a quarter cents por bushel. * The New York City Temperance Sociel in behalf of 135,35$ members have petition the Common Council 0/ that city against s lowing the sale of liquors on the public groun at the ensuing anniversary ef our national i -dependence. ^flu.>JlJggggBCyfc'''ll|V 1 ?*??>;- "Snzsexssx o Advices at Havanna, received at Now Or-' s leans, state that seven of the pirates recently >f. taken at Sf. Antonio were to be -hung on the n 1st June. It also'stated that thirteen others P" had been taken. ft' ? i it / MARRIED. ? In Cheeter6eld Dislrirt, on Thursday eventr ing, the 25th in-t. by W. L. Robeson, E^q. Mr. H Obedah Gullage to Mrs. Lancy Boat right. J' CHCBAW PAICE CUIIKEIV I. ? YVPDNEBDAY, JDI.Y 1. 3| ?? ARTICLES. P?R | C. | Z> ^ 18 B-jet'in market, ' lb 0 >5 "a 0 6 Bacon from wagons, lb 9 a 10 -by,.' lb 11 a 12 J Buttor lb 15 a Beeswax lb 2d a 23 f Bagging yard 13 a 25 ' Bale Roye {b 3 a Id 11 CoiFeo lb 12 j a 15 COTTON, lb 5 a * Is Corn, scarce - " bush 75 a 3~i in Flour, Country, brl a 5 5d Featliors fm wag. none lb 45 a 50 J Foddor, lOOlbs a 1 25 Glaas, window 3.\ 10$ 5dlTt 3 25 a 3 37$ I.e , 1$.\12, 50ft 3 50 a 3 75 ie Hides, grenn lb 5 a n *1 - dry Hj 10 a ^ i Iron ~ lOOibs 5 51) a t> ou 0 .Indigo * lb 75 a 2 50 s* Lime cafik 4 a 4 50 at, Lard scarce lb 11a 12$ ;o Leather, solo lb 22 u 25 m Lead, bar ib 10 a Logwood lb 10 a 15 MoJassee N. 0. gal 40 a 45 at i t,f gal 35 a 40 :\- Nails, cut, assorted lb ?| a 8$ r , wrought lb 16 a J- Outs bu*h 40 a 50 Oil, curriers gfll 75 a 1 , lamp gal 1 25 a 1? , lihscod . gal I. 10 a 1 2a Hi Paint-*, white lead keg 3 25 & 4 52 'n , Span.'urowrt 1?* ? a Poftj lOOibs 5 50 a 6 Rice lOOibs 4 - 5 00 i<T Shot, I2 25 d 2 75 -?, " - lb 10 a - I'll Sugar lb 8 a 12$ nr Salt sack 2 00 a 2 2> ??^ bush 87$ a 100 ,r Steel, American 'lb 10 a jr English lb 14 a le f German lb 12 a 14 O Tallow ' lb a 12$ ? Tea .imperial lb 1 a 1 37 " ?.liywn ... . "i. Ib * 1 a ' I SS Tobacco, manufactured lb 10 2 V * ???????rnammmmam+9 |! ATTENTION! 3 * - % * Cheraw Light Infantry. > "tt7"0U are hereby ordered to parade on Mar. jH. ket Square on Saturday next, 4th July, at 9 o'clock A. M., in full Summer Uniform, armed and equipped as tho Bye Laws direct, with 3 rounds Blank Cartridge. By order, g JOHN A. MOORE, O. S. July I, 1840. 33?It - ' n To sleep, or not to sleep, ay. there's the scratch! g Whether 'tis nobler in man to suffer ,s The sling and bito of the outrageous Bed Bug; ' Or to step into HoLMES^and buy a Steamer, And by scalding end them? The public are informed that the abovo mentioned Steamers >. ^^fifvean be had at the T?n Shop, jJr / nnd for exterminating Bed )r Buys they are superior to any S They are made so that no ie accident can pos-ibly result in 1 using them. Call and see. C. HOLMES. Cheraw, July 1,1840. - 33?3t r? . - ?" " j FOR. SALE, A NEW Barouch Extension Top. Apply 81 to JOHN M. SMITH. IS Cheraw, June 11, 1840. 31?2t * folBUE JPltJILPjffT" 1 Is published in Cheraw, S. Carolina, f| - CONTAIJUtfO , y ORIGINAL SERMONS y By Southern Baptist .Ministers. Tne Editor of thw work has removed 9 from Fayttlevrile to Cheraw, S. C. where, in future, (he Pulpit will bo publndird.? - Correspondents are requested, hereafter, to ,e direct their communion:ions to Cheraiv. In The change of residence subjects the Editor to a suspension, rm-rvly temporary, t. however, of his publication. In a few days -d he will be able (o resume his labors; ami his present arrangement with the Editor of ^ the Gazette, will uffbrd him the means of id issuing his work, for tire future, much mom regularly than heretofore, ar The April, May and June numbers are ye all due; but if the patrons will exercise a en little patience ami furb' urance, they will he ntj accommodated With all ibree numbers in the course of a week or tw o?alter which, they will, if Providence permit, never again have occasion to murmur.. Whilst the 0f Ediior makes this pledge, will his friends agree to pledge themselves to pi ?cure ad. dnional subscriptions? " " WM. POTTER, Editor of the S. B. Pulpit. y Tho terms of the Polp t are as follows: 1. Each number will appear monthly. or 2. Price, ONLY ONE DOLLAR a year. IN ADVANCE. n* 3. Anyjpareon ordering a copy of the Pulpit, will please forward the sum of One Dollar? otherwise he f*8 4. No subscription will be taken for less >id than a year, commencing with the first Number. . 5. Ad Index and, suitable to be bound with trie Volume, will accompany the twelfth Number. e" 6. Back Numbers will be furnished to any *1-. future Subscribers. ds Any person procuring 30 subscribers lithe, and Tor warding'$25, shall be entitled to 80 copies cf the Pulpit". ' 1 as ** _ ' * jfjk ^ *V* -i IMvfe: --W' Eleiii?BtaryTJooks. T~ For Sundop and Common Schools. J "j B UNION Primers, Union Spelling Book, J bJ Union Hymns, Union Questions, Browns Catechism,.Cheap Testaments, Shorter Catechism, Lovell's Young pupils First Book, Wor- " ce6tor's Primer, Gallandet's Picture Defiflfcr, Young Reader, New York Reader, Child's f. Reader, Worcester's second Book, Webster's . American and Elementary Spelling Book*, a: Dilworth'a a*d Town's Do. together with a full I assortment of the more advanced English and C Classical Scho >1 Books received during this fall at the Bookstore A liberal .discount made lo Teachers who. purchase in quantities to supply .. their Schools. December 27,1930. 7 if The Preacher, OR Three Hundred and Forty sketches of Original Sermons selected from the man- f i uscrripts of two eminent Divines of the last ' century with an essay on the Composition of a * j Sermon. , n For sale at the Bookstore b Dcembcr 27,1939. 7 I ~0H3?,AW A5AD3H?T~ * Til E Trustees respectfully announce that the duties of this Institution will be resumed on the 1st of October next the Male depart. . inent under the superintendence o Mi. E, Hall u\ the Female under that of .Mr. J. Sewers. The course of instruction in the male department, will be that required to enter the South Carolina Col- lege the course in the female department will I L- tlinrmifrh Mrlml.ars. * C UO.t wu umnv fc,.w.ww^? Tho scholastic ycat will commence on the 1st of October and end the 1st July: the year is " again divided into two sessions : tho first begins 1st October and ends 16th February the second ] begins IClh February and ends 1st July. Terms of Tuilton per Session are, " j For Speliing, Reading arid Writing $12 00 t Thc^bovc with Arithmetic, > Ifi Ofl * Grammar and Geography J The above, with the Classics, higher ) branches of Mathematics, Logie, > 20 CO Rhetoric, &c. j ' | Five dollars each will be arlded to the above j i for Painting and Drawing, or the Modern Lani jTuagcs. - , t " A t ptvments are in advance; the pupil will I bo required to pay lor what remains of the s:s- 1 sion at the time f;s or "lie enters, nor will deduc. I tion or drawback be m4fls for ioss of time. J. W. DlrAKEJNEV, Secy & Trcas. P. S. Mr. II. T. Chapman has taken cha,;?" 1 , oft-uc Boarding House, near the Female Academy, where Young Ladies may obtain board at a moderate prico. Sept. 211, 1839. 45 tf . 3 : . I IVotice. J I A- now receiving part of my stoek o, Spring and Sumrner Goods,Tomprising a general assortment (^seasonable Goods, which I will sell low for cash. Purchasers w ill please call and examine for themselves. ALSO, Will be kept constantly on hand a supply of ' German Bolting.Cloths, equal to any used in this country. MALCO.M BUCHAN \N. - March 13th,4940. 18 tf j TOWN TAXES. j |7 WILL bo found at my office every day from j ; JH_ 10 to i o'clock, until Saturday tho27th inst. } | for the-purpose of receiving returns and Taxes , i for tho present year. All persons in arreais on | j the first of July n?xl, may ex|>cct to pay cost on | real estate tax, and double commutation tax j j without discrimination. Rv ordar of Council. 1 \ WM. STROTHER, t. ft t. c. j Cherav?\ June 11, 1840. 31?2w. j Sugar & Coffee. 12 Hilda. Porto Rico and St. Crciv Sugars. J 10 Bugs Rio Co fee. For sale low for cash ' ' or bankable pioer. ' A' P. LACOSTE. March 20ih, 1S40. - ' 10 - if "JOB PRATING, INCLUDING Blanks, &zm{ PAMPHLETS, i HANDBILLS, j CARDS, etc* etc* i Executed in the neatest manner, and at the j shortcut notice. Apply to the Subscriber, at the ' ylHv'O oT the Farmers! Gazette, Chenuv, WM. POTTER. Dunlap Sf Marshall. ^ HEREBY giro notice that they wiH continue to sell tlnir Dry Goods oul}, on the usual credit to punctual customers. '1 hey will sell their Groceries at the lowest prices for cash only. The very short credit at which groceries can now be bought, amounting with the exchange . almost to Cash, with their limited capital compels them to the adoption of this course. Jununrv 1, 1840. 8 * .if Dunlap 4* JVJarshall 4T&FFER for sale at very low prides a fine a U i_ _r -l^.k ?...| 1,1-,MUi. IU* XJP' HlUi ft Ul lic^ru WIVUI (* ? IIIUII uv,h? also ofFor by Hhd. Tiorcc or Bbl. very fine N (J. and W. J. >fol.iss(*. January 3, 1840. 8 tf STATE OP SOUTH CAROLINA. Is Kquitv, Cheraw District. Areiiibnld .McDonald i vs. > Bill of Roroir. tho Executors of Peter May. j . ST APPEARING to* my satisfaction that Hampton B. Hammond' ono of the defendaula in this case' is absent from and reside_ without the limits of this State. On motion of Sims, Solicitor for the complainant'it is ordei d that the said Hampton B. Hammond do appear, to the complainants bill on or before .the I first day of September next, and that in default | thereof the said bill as to him, shall be tukeu j , pro confcsso. !, It is also ordered that publication be made of tb^ order in the Farmer's Gazette twice a mouth for thespaco of three months. GEO. W. DA ROAN. Com. in Equity. Juno 3, 1810. 31 9mf 3m. j Southern Pulpit, a PUaUSUKD IS CIIERAW, SuVTlI CA.tOLJIVA. SN addition to his Baptist periodical, the Subscriber is also publishing', monthly, original sermons oftlislinguished .Ministers orthe various rcligeons denominations at ho South, under tho sbovc litfo. Tho price of subscription, per annuift, is Oiio Doflar and Fifty Cents, in advance. Tho citizens of Ghoraw are informed that a Subscription List is left at tho BOOK STORK, where they cab have an opportunity of' eucuur' aging the work, if they, alter examining a spe> cimfen number, coi-sider it worthy of their patrouttgi, W.M. POTTER i Cbcia'V, June 17, 1919. .1 t P JC Cheraw Uacon. > %. HAMS, Shoulders, and Sides, of my owi curing, for sale.'.Terms, Cash. A. P. EACOSTE. October 4, 13J9, 47?if * BOOK. BINDING. rHE subscribers have established thetnselve in the abovo iino of busiucsa in'Chera^ ad offer the irscr vices to its citizens. u. I) AX EN COURT, <5c?0. 'heraw. S. uT. Jan. 26. New Music. gj ECENTLY received at tbe Rook Store supply c.nbiacing a considerable variet >f Songs Sacred, ScMitimen'Jil and Humorous Iso .Marches, Waltzes, &c. and Music paper. December 4th, 1 e39. New Gt>ods rflE subscriber is again opening a stock"f -goods in Cheraw, well adapted to the >ca on, which ho is prepared to sell at prices ver ouch reduced, either by wholesale or retail. H ought a large proportion of his Goods at tb Jew York package sales in September last, wit , view of wholesaling and isr confident he ca cli them as low us they can be bought in an if the Southern towns. D. D. McARIf.. November 22d, 1839. 2 tf For Sale. 4 TRACT on the Doctrines of Election an Reprobation, by Rev. James fl. Thomwol Mso, a Vindication of the Protestant Doctrir loucerniyg Justification. Mnyifst, 184(1. 25 tf l)unlap & Marshall 2ARNESTLY request all persons inJohto othem tQ make an early sr.-ttletr.eRt of thei tccounts. They will invariably arid thei-j erest however trifling the amount oh il ? . Inn lo?> /lai-fl icrourn* nui j/.tiu n limn %v?? ?***^^( January 1st 1840. 8 if i or Cash only. PI-IK Subscriber takes this method of aayin o his Customers, that after this day ho vvi :p!1 no article in tho Grocery Line on a credii ind Jpry goods and Hardware only to sue >ersons as arc prompt and nunctuai in (hd lavmentg. D. W A LLOT January 1, 1840. . 8 tf Gar4eu ^eeds. ' Just received pr. Steamer Ssvan a very larg md extensive assortment of Gardeif Seedi he growth <>flS#9. ?l*0i a few copies i he Kitchen Gardners Instructor, and Florist Juide. Persons wishing supplies will ple?6 ;a!i early while the assortment compile. D. M ALLOY, January 16th 1810.?tf Carpenter's Tools. rHE subscriber has ju6t received a very i-j *en?ive assortment of Carpenter's Tool imong which arc, Double and Single, CuKtSte Iron, Jffck, Smoothing, Foro, and Joint* Plane?, Astragals, Beads, Dado's, Hollows an Hounds, Nosings, Grecian OvnloW, Qirrit O. ( Heeding, Rabbit. Side Rabbit, Raising, and S.v Planes, Sash Cord, Coves for step*, Teh Planes, Torus Reads and Cornice Plane*, R nan O, G. and Fiifels, Fillctutors, Snipfes Bill Gothic,-Ceiling, Flooring, and Plow Plane Plane Irons. Oil Stones, Key Hole" Ten an md Panel, Hand, Cross Cut and Frame Saw Screw Siide Mortice, and Marking Guagc Augurs, assorted qualities, Mortice, Socket, m Firmer, Chills and Gouges, Plato and lie Squires, Side'Brvils, Spoko Shave*, Lock ~ n \ m I. - Hinges, Oprigs, itiuusi ?.?. ALSO Collins' Club, Hand un<J Broad Ax^s, Ob an?J Pennsylvania Patterns, Hummers, Shioglir and Lathing Hatchets, &e. Tho abuve wer?> purchasod low and for cai jf the best manufacturers, and will b?soldcbcj jy * V. MALLOY. number 22 I, 1339. '2>1 E< WATERMAN, COMMI8SION M EH CHANT, Geaigctown, S. C. CONTINUES to transact a genera!Coo mission business at that pface. He under obligati, n to no boat, or malted veeet md H free to ship by the earliest conveyance 'without orders to the contrary,) either Nor! sr South or up the river. IV"!'* Tences ; ti Chcraie?b. S. Harllee, J. C..Wadsworth, BcnneUsviffe?M. 6c B. D. To.wn: n CM) OC \JP. Lcetvi/Je?J. C. Ler, Wade shorn'-- M'Corklf. & Cole-, . QkarhHtf? 11. r Williams, Rockingham?wall & fini.Tox, w. f. leak. February 14, 1840. . It t f fcouth 'Carotin*. George W. Meador, Aop'icunt, vs. Simuel Berry artd wife Ann, Burghe* Hu b*rd and wife .Susanna, Hardy Avnt and wi Driieilla, Matthew Kirkly and wife Rhwla, tl children of Kliz ibctli iiuobard Dec'd. Tl children of Louisa Harp Dcc'd. and Will Kirkly and wife Louisa. It appearing to my saturijiciion, that Sarrtu Berry and wife Ann, IJaniy Avrit and vv.i Drucilla, Matthew Kirkly and wife Rhnda, tf children of fclhzabeth Hubbard Dec'd. ar Willis K'tkly and wife Louusa, resides * ithoi this statv, it is thcrefureordered that they a| pear and object to the divisionor sale of ll real estate of Thomae Meador DecM. on < before the 3d day of July next, or their cortsei to the same Will bo entered off record. . T. buy AN, O. C. D. April 11,1840. 23 12t S()L I ii CAROLINA, i fit the Coim'Iii Chesterfield Dissrict. \ Pleas. Ranald McDonald *? Declaration v"? > in dobt in AL John McKay. ^ taclunont. , WHEREAS tli'c Plaintiff in th? aiw stated case, this day Sled his Doclnr Lion ngniftst the Defendant who is absent fro and without the limits of this State (as it is sai and haying neither wife or attorney knua within the same. Jt is ordered tint the Defe dant do appear and pload to tlio Dccralatu aforesaid within ft year and a day. from the da hereof, otherwise final and absolute judgnie will bo awarded against him by defaultTURNER BRYAN, C C. C. P. Office of'Con?mo? Pleas, ) March 20, 1840. . $ ' . 27 ev m 31 y Notice. "WlftR. R. J. Williams, having located in Be JLf nettsvillo, rcpcotfuHy oilers his ProfessR ul cervices to'.He'jiihabitanltj of the village, a its vicinity, ilo may he found it tho Marlb rough fiutol. . May 8, tt40. " 2G - 4t ft . 1m. 2 m . .A -\v S . 1 A . * "%# /-T " %>.- *4 < " d > ' Tzxcmxrm i 11 j if ' ;T "^*1 I New Goods. i; JO'I N C. WA0SWORTH No?' "> Stor? a SUPP^ of GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, ' HARDWARE, * SHOES, ' ZL4VS, i BONNETS, SADDLERY, CROCKERIES, <ri*4SSW'Afl?, <*c. ( ALL of which will b? solJ at the lowest mark*! ! price. Parsons wishing to purchase iu Ihit ' ! markot will do well to calL ' . . J | .April 30,h 1840. | The Fath Finder. Oli theInloni See by tS? Author of iho "Piunoiri?," 4,ivist of thn .Mohicans," i i "Pruiro," Ac. &ci.?-Also "Homeward Bound" y j and "Home as found'* by the saioo Author'?-fur ?, sale at the Book Store. ' ? | AkM 3'J 1844). I. " 35 If [j ? ?? < '* " y Roberts's Silk Manna!. A New supply of this work just recoivad at thn Honk Store, price 374. * ^ April 3'J 1840. ^ 23 If * ;U : fgpliL exorcises nf the second session of the " | _EL Rockmgham Female Institutiou will com. 1 the 13th Jul? and end 11th December* j 1840. . | June 5. 1P40."4 -J* 30A-4t ; " i. Li |i^ Insurance. , \ : i j , . t ^' j finilE Columbia Insurance Company have J2_ instructed nie that with a Viet? of bringing I the business to a close not tp take any new risk I dr. renew airy policy from this agency Those persons having their property insure ? here will p'eaie lake notifcfi they may look Jsowhere for insurance when thciy pohciaa-**. pire. - sPWr - . f D. S. HARLLEF., A);<?nt. h Hacon, Flour, and Meat, 11 ?.AVPT A k'ntf v nv sri-vri IMA I X JLJ l tAHiX |/f diAV IW4 ' u.1 the LOWEST market price by M D. Ma0,6*. | Apr?l 4fr. 24 j Nans: e j ?S fflT KEC3, id. M. ml. 1 (Mr !2J. uud 80d. ^ j for sale cheap. -^4^ ? !. A. P. LACosm ?j A?.i! 3^1840. j The Subscriber baa just recelinid, wfK ^ccp constantly on hand,Cotton Yarrtind Twin* it wholesale, I'/cwu the MoDufactort ofRoctftag GEO. COODRfCn.'nS**' Cli- rriw, J m. 1S40. 10 i- i ~J ZTZZ? frr a. Lump feugar. 2 BV [he Lo:if, fur 15 eta, lor sale for cmijg 'I1 A. P. LACOSTfc 'h M.iri-h 20<l>, 1848, tirtt U, 7" *"** ,, t)K AAA EES. HAMS, Shoulder., 8| /*& and Sides all of my t. own curing for talc low, by s, A. P. LACOSTR. ? . April n, 1840. 21 if id ? ;?^ t? ?> n IS a 1 t. a* "3 SACKS for pale kw bv"'~ ?SL W a. p. lacos'ub. ;0 March 20tb, 1840. 4 19 tf ''I" 7 7'Sfcll^llloy ~J , . J ip "gr*B A S ^ow on liatido supply of all kinds rf 51 <Juod? suitable for the trade, which h; wrlf soil as cheap aa can be had in this war kut. Fureons wishing good bargains will please call " ou liiiii before thoy purchase. April 13.184*1 23jf 11 at.s,Y JUST Received a.large assortment of Mens, <>ya, and Childress Straw and leghorn i& Hat*- " ^ \ * ALSO, 4 X *? Genls ami Youths ?ur H its, for svftDfar wow. all of which will be sold cheap by D. MA1L0Y>S^ ! i)iii 13, lert. ~Svgur. Coffee, , and M CLASSES. > A LARGE Stock of tllo above now and for .sale very cheao $>r Cash, ?>. MAPLOf. April 13, 1313. 33 if W h f 0JHf> Subscriber ban now orj IwHj ? Via j JL -extensive akeornr.ent XA Shoe*, fcuiubto ! fur all seasons, which lie will soli very cheap, '*? -\ : D. MALU3? April 13, 1840. 2* ; , tr b. Wood & llaulmg. To "H~ shall keep s team constantly rtnrnrp? 10 B through the Spring and summer mftlith* he and *hall be ready at ?> 11 times to furnish my !.S customers with Wuwd, ar?d to do any kind of "hauling. 4 : ' - V-"-' . > el A. P. LACOSTfe i fe April 3, V3#K ,o1 21 - tf id * ?-5i?r?r? ut Bagging & Roper. D" 30 pi$ceu heavy 44 ruches Hertip Bagging; 3U t oils'Hale tiotHS Jfor salo low t>v u[| A. P. LACOSfE. 1 | March SOih, 1640. TO tf Mackerel & AJine. >l> 10 Darrls No. 2, war.kerol. 10 No. 1. do. ! 30 Cask* Thomson Stone Lime, For tale loiv for cash, by A. ? LAC06TB. a. March '20\ 1840. ? 19 . tf. d) 7 ' ' 2 j " W pod. )n ; ~ET vi 11! furnish Oak Itickcrj Wood, at tP 1 4l ?2 "*> i>t.r cord, Ca.*h. . ut i . . A. p. LACOSTE. j 1S33. -. 47?if Nails, ! KEGS Nails, and Brads, oil sixes, for I sale Ivy D. MALLOY. -4 ~ j April 13, 1640, ' - * - -? 23 "if n. I ? < ?? >n i JEWING.?Ti?e Sulxcrjbor wilt lake in S#w. n- ^ Ing, and will do htf work faithfully arid o. | neatly. Wnrk for her may be given to tho I Carrier-of this paper. * P. CART**. i Jcne 21, 1840-. V'': J