University of South Carolina Libraries
110 * From the Watchn .n of the South. THE LIFK PRESERVER. S Maw ohr hearts vrere moved, as- we road g the ?r?d history of the fate of the sic am-boat Le.iington ! As she was passing up Long ) I^falkFSound on the night of the of! January with at least 150 persons on board, I v * about nine o'clock at night,ithc alarm of) ' fire called all the passengcrs\on deck to i ? witness the rapid advance of thb devouring flames, and make choice of combatting with * them, or the deep waters of \ne Sound free- 1 zing under the intense cojd of the winter's < wind. What a spectacle J-1?a burning ship? I a crowd of passengers?-angry waves?the land at a fearful distance?the shore bound j 1 with ice ! The time of making choice soon j passed jway, and the raging fires master, j iag all opposition came on them with relenN j less fury. The boats were ail launched, or rather j thrown overboard in the confusion and ter- ( rorof the moment, an 1 were swept away. ; Then were the ptssengers driven Jo the ex- ! tremities of the vessel, and must soon burn j or commit themselves to the freezing waters, j Who could hope to reach the land in that j dreadful nigh'. ? As we read and contemplated the horri. ; bio situation, we exclaimed, oh where was the life preserver f The life preserver ! What is a life pre- j rorver ? A little belt so prepared and filled j with a?r, that put around the body under. ! neath the arms it will enable a person to ! keep upon the surface of the water a long time, Oh ! we thought if tiie mariners had life preservers th^y might have recovered the boats, and taken off a great many perhaps all the passengers sate. The fire raged on, and on, and drove the helpless passengers, one attrr unoiner, 10 inc , waves, to contend with t!.o wind, and the j ice, and the waters, and with sach other, for ! the poor chance of being saved by floating timbers and bals. Oh ! we thought, if they had on life preservers, perhaps they could, notwithstanding j their terror, have gotten upon floating pieces j of the wreck. Perhaps they would have ; perished under the severity of that cold nigh',* j but thry might perfvtps more of them have j gotten to land, thankful even with much damage, to escape with their lives. How affecting the fact about the mother ! and her two litiie children. Securing her- J elf with one'child upon a floating bale, she j sought to catch the other who leaped after ! her into the deep, and fost her hold upon the j bale as she grasped Ii?tchild?then s rugg. | ling a few moments with the waves, and em- [ bracing her children, went down beneath the ! waters. Who can tell but, with a life pre- I terser, she might have regained her position and cold as was the nigh: might have gained the land ? . The sea captains and old mariners onboard might, by the help of a life preserver, have formed rafts and float?, and crowding I the passengers upon them, have rowed them j to the land. Perhaps all would have perish. ; ed by the chilling winds and freezing waters, i but we cannot help dwelling on the perhaps, I many would have been saved. My dear reader, passenger on the voy~ t age of life, full of hopes and expectations, i death, in some of the various forms, is just j about to drive you into the great ocean of' eternity, in whose depths there are flames J that never go out, and miseries that never ! end. Have you got on your life preserver, j that you may swim otf to the occcan of : God's love, and to the land of eternal rest ? i Do you ask what is this life preserver ? Let Jesus Christ answer?44 He that believeth in nfe, though he wore dead, yet shall he tivo _ nnd whosoever and believeth in I ? r me-shail never die ;"(John si; 24, 25,?and agn?n?14 They shall never perish, neither | shall any man pluck them out of my hand." j Christ is the giver of hfe to sinners; and j faith in him Is their safety. A man feels that he is safe when he has reason to believe that Christ is his ; and that he can appropriate to himself the promises j of the Gospel. He has lost his fears though death is terrible. When we think how many were hurried j out of life in the burning of thut boat, we ; cannot avoid hoping that many were h? hi | up from the pit of w oe by Jesus Christ; and j we should rejoice if any one could assure ! lis, on ^oo<j grounds, that all had a good , faith. They probably nil knew about the life preserver. Oh that they all had it on. Christ says,44 If any man will open the door, I will come in to him, and sup with him and ! he with me." VVe mentally ask, if any sup. \ ped thut night with Christ, while ihcy took j their last meal, and then went to sup with I him in heaven ? We hope some did. My dear render, do you ask Christ to preside at your meals that you may also sit with him in heaven ? Death came very suddenly to them. They ; were hastening on-~some to their business j and some to their homes. There was the j mariner returning from a long voyage, the j mnrrhant nursuir^ his traffic, the man of! pleasure in search of enjoyment, and parents end little children returning from'b visit, and death oame on them a!J in a few moments. My dear reader are yon ready for a sudden death? Grave-yards commonly exhibit in their silent mounds, evidence of a company of similar age, and similar employments with the company gathered in that boat.. Now, my dear reader, as you may die soon, have you, I would ask, have you put on your life preserver ? You have perhaps seen depart from this life those, about whom you thought they had the faith of the Gos- , pel ; antPpou thought they had gone safe, i though Jordan's waters are cold. 1 And perhaps you h ive also seen some 1 go out of life that professed no faith in j Christ; and you felt full of fears. Some, j' times perhaps you wished the Bible were |? not true; and then again you hud great: 1 fears about their estate. You would have 1 given much, perhaps all your property, could j j you have been assured that they had gone 11 safe with their life preserver, Christ says he will give you ore without | mon^y and without price. Will you ask | I it for one ? " He that asketh receive i ii mi -Ml- HB.I u i?aw A nofed unbeliever, when about to suffer hi| wreck, filled his clothes wjth^silver. and ;old t> sueh a degiee.he coull not swim a noment. Perhaps the world has hold ol ruuand will drown vou in perdition. A good Ife preserver will keep out the vaicr, while it holds in the air, and will be arge enough to float the body when lashed tround the breos-. ^ 1. A man's faith is good when it possesses bis heart. He loves what he believes. 'Thou who knowestall things?thou know, jst that I love thee"wiih the heart man Relieves unto righteousness." 2. When it possesses his understanding, lie knows what he 'believes ; and loves what he knows. * UI know ih whom I have believed." 3. When it governs the thouglfs and the words. "With ihe heart man beheveth unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation." 4. When it.lays hold on the promises of GoJ, which are very abundant and precious, and wjl! fit every person in every cond tioii in which he wili make trial of thorn. Most especially does faith help a poor soul in the trying hour of death. My dear reader, do not rest till you have got on your fife preserver. F. II. W. SOUTH CAROLINA, J In the Common Chesterfield District. \ Pleas. Ranald .McDonald i Declaration vs. > iu debt in At. Johp McKay. ) tichmcnt. WHEREAS tho Plaintiff in the above stated case, this day filed his Declara. tion a^&inst the Defendant who is absent from and without the limits of this State (as it is said) and having neither wife or attorney known within the same. It is ordered that the Deren. dant do appear and plead to tho DccraJation aforesaid within a yearand a day. from tho date hereof, otherwise final and absolute judgment Will be awarded against him by default TURNER BRYAN, C C. C. P. OiBco of Comr.ion Ptaas, ) March 20, 1810. $ 27 ev 3 m 1 y SOUTH CAROLINA, ) In the Court Chesterfield District. J of Ordinary. TO Neil! McNeill Administrator of .Charles Lisanhy Deceased, Win. D. McRae, Ar. chibald McQuai* and Thomas Parker Securities of tho said McNeill, on his Administration Bond. Whereas application hath been made to me Elizabeth Bom (heir at law ot Charles Lisanby deceased lo require you the said Neill McNeill Administrator as aforesaid (who is absent, from and without the limits of this State) to appear before me in the Court o! Grdinajy, on a certain day, and then and there to account for the monies, goods, chatties, &r. of the said^ Charles Lisanby deceased; These are therefore to charge, command, and cite you the said Neill McNeil! administrator of all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits which were of Charles Lisanby, Win. D. McRae, Archibald McQuaig and Thomas Parker deceased, to appear before me Turner Bryan Ordinary, in and for the Distrit and I.. )l,a Oonrt rvf flr/l in n nr. tfl Oiait? 4iuru8ci>Ui m kite wuu vi vium?M| ?w be holden at Chesterfield Court. House in tiie District and State aforesaid, on Tuesday the eleventh day of August next, and then and thereto render in the said Court an a? count of all the monies, goods, chatties, and I personal estate of the said Charles Lisanby I deceased; and thr n and there to come to and make a final settlement and adjustment of your accounts with the said Estate, as Administrator aforesaid. Herein fail not. In testimony whereof, I havo hereunto affixed my hand and 6eal, Chesterfield Court House, the Eighteenth day of May, Anno Domini one thousand oighl hundred and forty and in tho Sixty fourth year of the Independence of the United States of America. TURNER BRYAN, L. S. O. C. D. May 22.1810. 28 12i Summer Resident* for SALE. A S I intend U movo to my plantation this JmL summer I will sell my summer rotfidonce at Cofcr Hill at a very reduced prico. It is i in every respect wcll.calcuUtcd fo asaiumcr res. idcnca. * Th > House is Urge aud a large passage 15 feet wide between the Houses with a wide shed and piuzia. Any person wishing to purchaso a summer retreat near Chcraw will do well to examine, this as it will bo sold greatly below its cost and value and the piuco is known to ba perftcily hoalthy. ** ? rv s n t v U. 15. L1 AtiLtLithCj* [ Cheraw May 5, 1840. . _ 20 4t_ ! Bricklaying and Plastering. fBlinS Subscriber i( at present at this place i H and i J prepared to execute work iu the above J ire, should any of tho citizens of Cheraw or the country (within a reasonable distance) wish any thing aoue in the above line, a Letter addressed to him at this place will meet with prompt attention. % JOHN S. HAMILTON. . Benncttsville, S. C. ) May lith, 1840. { _ ui tf Roberts's Silk Manual. A New supply of this work just received at tho Book Store, price 37$. April 30 1840. 23 tf MAP. LB" CP.075S I'UULE AC VJ9E.UY. Teacher Wanted. TIIC above namod institution is situated at Bennetts ville, Marlborough District, S. C. and has been f >r the hist eighteen months, under i the 6aperintendance of the Misses Simpson, who intend, at the close of tho present session, to relinquish tho station, and spend the summer at the North. To supply this vacancy,-"the Trustrecs are desirous of employing a Teacher, who is qualified to teach ail the brunches, which are necessary to complete the education of3'oung Ladies. To silcii a one, they offer tha whole proceeds of the Academy, which have bten for L'.e past year equal to $1,500. Tho election will take place the 8tli of June next. Commu. aications addresvsed to the Subscriber, postage paid and received prior to that time, will be itt ended to. To applicants et a distance, it may bo ?aid, that Bennettsville is a very healthy place, and entirely free fiom the autumnal diseases .vhioh are usually to be found in the towns nnd ullages of the South. It is remarkable for its food society and i3 in all other respects a. very ieeirable location. E. P. ERVIM Secretary of (he Board of Trustees May I, Win. *N.l H DR Y GOODS, HARDWARE, SHOES, HATS, BONNETS, SADDLERY, CROCKERIES, GLASSWARE, ALL of which wi!i be sol.! ai the lowest marko) price. Persona wishing to purchase ill this market will do well to call. April 30 h 1840. .23 ' If Conditions of the Farmers' K egister. Forth' EIGHTH and succeeding volumes. ! FnCcs st>ll more reduced, for combined and punctual or advanced payments. Art. 1. The Farmers' Register is published in monthly numbers, of 64 hirge octavo pag< g each, at ?5 a year, payable in advance. Or, for $5 in.iy be had tiro copies of the same current or forthtifcpmrfig volume, for new subscribers, if eo oi oeted and paid for in advance, (or , at the tune of making the subscription,) in ' ill. / ? _. If, > ! current money, as uc'scrinea oeiuw, ^ui. * i.j and without loss or deduction for postage, or j any other charge to the publisher. II. Subscribers who may have already paid the regular subscription price of $5 in the manner above required, for a single copy, -hall have the privilege, upon sending a post paid rder, of having a second copy of the same volume sent to any new subscriber, without urthcr charge, for that volume, if so ordered during its time of publication. III. A like privilege will be allowed to every old subscriber who has not paid, but ho shall do so, as above, before the issue of the 6th number of the then current volume, (at which tiinb all d-btors' bills will be made out and sent); thus in effect educing to half prce the cost of the work to every subscriber, olu or new, who may choose to avail himself of the offer.' (See also Ait. V.) I V If, however, no more than one copy is ordered, the subscrip ion price will still be, as hereto/ore, ?5 the volume ; as it is designee to permit no subscription debt, or payment, to be made for less than $3- And if an order is 6ent for copies, without full compliance wiih the conditions annexed, (m Art. VI.) only one will be sent. V. Clubs of ten subscribers (old or new, or of both) by sendmg $25 (net .payment) in ad. vance and at one tune .before February 1st. of each year, shall be.furniehed with ten copies of that volume only. VI. The price of back volumes, as heretofore, is $5 fur oi.e alone, $10 for any three i together, ane m the same proportion ($3,94 I cents each,) for any number of volumes short I of a full set. Entire sets of $ aols. (ihe 8ih commencing January 31st, 1840,) will be sHp. nplied for $30, or the volume, paid in advance, wi h the order. VII. Al! mail payment must be mado in note?, or cfcccks, of far value in Virginia, or of a CITY bank of the mate in which the subscriber residences. And all letters to the editor in regard to the Farmers' register must be post-paid?except such as contain articles for publication. VII. The ri?k of loss ofpayments for subscriptions sent free of postage, which have been properly committed to the mail oi to the bands of a post master, is assi rr ?<f by the/ditor. IX. Far all copies net received ry mail, at the proper post offices, duplicates will he furnished to those subscribers who have complied with their own obligations ; provided that the failure shall be notified through the postmaster, and within one month after the date of the miscarried copy X. If a subscription is net directed to be discontinued before the first number of the hext volume has been published, it will be taken as a continuance for another year. Subscriptions must commence with the beginning of someone volume, and will not be taken for less than a year's publication. ??* mi I _l.i: f,i LVt AI. 1 ne mutual uuiiufiuuiis ui uiu jiuuiieucr and subscriber, for the year, are fully incurred as soon as the firs? number of the volume is issued; and after that tim<\no discontinuance of a subscription will be permitted. Nor will a subscription be discontinued, for any early notice, while any thing thereon remains due, unless at the option of the editor, or in obedi? nee to the regulations of the Editoral Convention. Address? Edmund Muffin. Petersburg Va., November 1st 1839. Notice. DR. B. J. Williams, having located in Bennettsviile, repecifully oilers his Profession, al services to the .inhabitants of the village, and its vicinity. He may be round at tho Marlbo. rough Hotel. May 8, ledO. is 41 ?attgwmu.i . juj jiiiii?nui-mniiiH?ia? Notice. ANN E DRAKE wife of Lemuel S. Drake, Taylor,, intends becoming a free dealer in one month from the date hereof, accoiding to the Act of thd General Assembly made and provided in 6uch cases. . A. ?. DRAKE. April 23, 8140. 24 tf Dunlap fy Marshall HEREBY give notice that they will continue to sell their Dry Goods onl), on tho usual credit to punctual customers. 1 hey will 6cll their Groceries at the lowest prices for cash only. The very short credit at which groceries can now bo bought, amounting with the exchange almost to Cash, with their limited capital compels them to tho adoption of this course. Juttuury 1,1840. 8 tf The Path Finder. OR the Inland Sea by the Author of tho ' Pioneers," "Last of the Mohicans," "Prairc," Si,c. See.?Also Homeward Bound" and "Home as found"* by tho name Author?for sale at the Book Store. April 33 1640. 25 tf_ At the liuok Store HAVE been received by late arrivals iho following Books, viz : Ancient Christianity or the Oxfo-d Tracts -by Isaac Taylor, j Brcckeiiridgc's Memoranda of Foreign Travel, I Adventures of an Attorney in search of Practice; A. I..4/1C, arlitinn Rlfcqi'llH. kllz? i^riiuy un muni i.ii' oi puu?vi?| , abcth or Exil s of Liberia Pilgrims Progress, .Mitchell's Outline Maps, M iltebrun's Geography Liver ti's Juvenal. Sic. &c. Also, a supply of new Stationary, consisting of Black Blue and Red Ink, ol suoerior quality, Quills, Drawing Pencils, Indelible Ink wi'h and without wash, Ink Powder, "Demy, Cap, and Letter Paper, Record Book-, Day Books, Journals and Ledgers, Steel Pens, &c. &c. April 30, 1840. 25 tf_ New Goods. John C. Wads worth H AS Now in k'ore a supply of I GROCERIES, Bacon, Flour, and Meal, (CONSTANTLY ON HAND, and for sale J at the LOWEST uiarket price bj D. MALLOY. April 22nd, 1840. * 24 t r Nails; 9% KEGS, 4d. fid. 6d. lOd. 12d. and 20d. for sale cheap. A. P. LACOSTE. April 3, 1840. * The Subscriber has just received, and will keep constantly on hand,Cotton Yarn and Twine at wholesale, from the Manufactory of Rocking ham. GEO. GOODRICH. Cheraw, Jan. 1840. 10 if _ Lump Sugar. BY the Loaf, for 15 cts, for sale for casl w by A. P. LACOSTE. March 20rh, 1848. 1Q tf Bacon. 0 ^ AAA LBS HAMS, Shoulders /wtr.jWv and Sides all of; m own curing for sale low, by A. P. LACOSTE. April 3,1840. 21 tf New Goods. I HAVE just received by the Steamers Swai and Oseola, some desirable Spring and Sura mer goods both for La lies and Gentlemen, whicl 1 will sell low i call and see. D.S. HARLLEE. April 18th, 1839. 24 3t Salt. AAA SACKS for sale low by ItFUU A. P. LACOSTE. March 20tb, 1840. 19 tf D JVI ALLOY HAS Now on hand a supply of all kinds > Goods suitable for the trade, which li will sell as cheap as can be had in this inar ket. Persons wishing good bargains will please ca on him before they purchase. April 13,1841). 23 . tf iiats, JUST Received a largo assortment of Meni oys,. and Childrens Straw and Leghor Hats. ALSO, Grpts and Youth's Fur Hats, for summer wem gll of which will bo sold cheap by D. MALLOY. April 13, 1840. 23 tf Sugar. Coffee, Salt, antf A/0L4SSES. A LARGE Stock of the above now in stoi and ior sale very cheap for C ish, D. MALLOY. April 13, 1840. 23 . tf fchoes. rjfflHE Subscriber h<ts now on hand a vcr . Jl extensive assortment of Shoes, suitahl fur all scasous, which he will sell very cheap. D. MALLOY. April 13, 1840. 23. . tf Wood <fc Hauling. S shall keep a team constantly ronnin through the Spring and summer month and shall be ready at all times to furuiBh m customers with wood, and to do any kind < hauling. A. P. LACOSTE. April 3, 1840. ' 21 . If Cheese for 10 cts. CHEESE of excellent qualify for sale & nine cents by the Cask, and ten cent per pound by the single Cheese. A. P. LACOSTE.. March 20th, 1840. 19 tf Bagging & Rope. 30 pieces heavy 44 inches Hemp Bagging, 30 Coils Bale Hope. For sale low by A. P. LACOSTE. March 20ih, 1840. 19 tf Mackerel & Lime. 10 Barrels No. 2, mackerel. 10 Half Bris. No. 1. do. 20 Casks Thomaeton Stone Lime. For sale low for cash, by A. P. LACOSTE. March 20ih, 1849. 19 tf_ I Wood. I will furnish Oak and Hickery Wood, i $2 50 per cord, Cash. A. P. LACOSTE. October 4. ,1839. 47?t Nails. A AT KEGS Nails, and I?rads, all sizes, fo sa'e by D. MALLOY. April 13, 1840. 23 if 4 Cheraw Bacon. HAMS, Shoulders, and Sides, of my ow curing, for sale. Terms, Cash. A. P. LACOSTE. O ctober 4, 1833, 47?t * Kowand's Tonic Mixture. THE Agency for thjs valuable medicine is at the 4'Booksto'ew of Mr. Frince wher ! it may at an/ time be had by the single bottle c by the dozeu. J. A. INGLISAgt. 1 -- ? -* Por* j Cheraw Apni r? Sugar & Coffee. 12 Hhds. Porto Rico and St. Crcix Sugart 10 Bags Rio Coffee. For rfale low for cas or bankable paper. A- P. LACOSTE March 20th, 1840. 19 If I "BOOK BINDING. ~ TIIE subscribers liuvo established themselvc in the above line of business in Cherai ! and offertheirscrvices toits citizens. U. I/AZEtfCOURT, &CO. Cheraw. S. C.,-Jan. 26. # New Music. RECENTLY received at the Book Store i supply embracing a considerable variet of Songs Sacred, Sentimental and Humorous aleo Marches, Waltzes, Sue. and Music paper. December 4th, It30 ? Silk Worms' Eggs, i Of the best kinds and qua/its. I can supply Silk Worms* Eggs in moderate quantities of the following varieties i 1. Hardy gray and white worms, orango cocoons. 2. Gray vror.r s, mostly sulphur colored co coons. 3. Two crop whito. 4. Mammoth sulphur. .*>. Pea nut. The three first named varieties aro from a pe i /octly healthy stock, and have been raised in I the south for several years. The two last,- inl , troduccd from the north a year ago, were no * entirely exempt from disease last summer but as the greatest care was taken to breed onlj from the best cocoons, it is believed there wil be little or no sieknes? amongst them in fu ure from any hereditary taint. The cocoons ofthi pea.nut "weroivery heavy and firm. Of thesi two-varieties boweve , only a limited number cai be supplied to each aplicant. t The eggs may be forwarded by mail to purcha 86isat their cost and risk of carriage; or the; will be deposited in Richmond if so desired^ a Cotton and Clarke's, freo of expense, withii two oi three days after the order has been re ceived, and whore they will be kept in a coc cellar until called for. Or in cose the purchase might prefer it, they raaytremain in my icc-hous until noarly the time they aro wanted tJ b P hatched?as there will bo no danger of thoi hatching, even in June or July, in less than tw weeks after being removed from the ice, if kep there in proper manner, as these eggs will Ik The eggs will in all cases bo warranted to b - in the best condition when thoy are forwarder with tho slight exception stated as to tho las n kinds ; but if it shall appear that they aro nol k the purchase money will be refunded. [j For the three first named varieties, the charg will be $5 per ounce?for the other two' varie ties, $10 per ounce, the cash always to be ten with the order. When cloan eggs ore not scnl the paper on which the y are deposited .will b balanced by an equal quantity of the sam kind. TFIOS. S. PL LAS A NTS "P. M. ' I-eaverdain. Gochland Co, Va. Feb.. 18^0. Eggs of this year's laying, and which will n< hatch beforo 1841, will be supplied as abov to all orders sent with the payments before Ma ~ J 1st. at one fifth of the aoove namcu -prices, an the go >(l quality and condition of the egg warranted. u ReforronceEdmund Ruffin, Petersburg/Va. . Gideon B. Smith, Baltimore, Dr. Elias Marks, Columbia, S. C, II David Thomas, Cayuga, N. Y. Samuel R. Cummere. Burlington N. J. Tiie Latest Arrivals. THE fall purchases of Books and etation&i have recently cemo to hand embracing s variety of Works, Religious, School, and Misce laneous, "from grave to gay, from livoly I severe." Among them are the following r Mosheim's Church History continued to 182 >1 Uner's Do. 1 vol. English Edition, Pascal r* Proviucial Letters, Burdeis -Pious' Wome: A lams' Private Thoughts, Lond. Tyng's Lei tures. on the Law and Gospol, Dick's Futui State &c? Life of Cranmcr, Woods on Baptisr Home Education by J. Taylor author of Fana icism &.c., Philips' Life and Times of Bunyai Methodist Hymns, various bindings. Parkiiursls Lexicon of the G reek Testament, e new and improved Edition, Robinsons D Knnpp's Greek T stament, Griaback's D Blake's Dictionary of Biography, & large ai valuable work, Whatelys Rhetoric, Guizol History of Civilization, Plutarch's Lives 1 v< - 8vo. Gibbon's Rome 4 vol. 8vo. Kollin's A History 1 vol. 8vo. Goods Book of Natu j 1vol. 8vo. Marshall's Washington 3 vols. 8v |0 Spirk's Do. 1 beautiful volume, Abercrombi< Intellectual Powers, Opie on Lying, Do. Cu for Scandal, Cowpers Homer, 2 vols, 17m Crockett's Songs, Burtons Comic Songs, Fc fune Teller's Book, Comics and Tragic . Gentlemon's Medical Pocket Book .* Ainerict Orators own Book, Thugs of Assassins oflndi f Neuls Charcoal Sketches, Form Books : Drca " Books . Letter Books, The amusing Sayings ai n.iirxra nfSam Slick. Oliver Twist, Sandfo Jf and vlcrton, H.izen's Panorama of all Trades ai Professions, Rhytnos for the Nursery, Moth Goose's good old songs that amused our infanc Shakespeare 1 vol. l2nio. Lond. Edit.,Calf bin ing. Moro's Sacred dreams, Reattie and Collii: Crabb's Poems, Rasselas, Newton's Letters, R main's Life of Faith, Rogers' Poems, Aikensid Ploasurcs of imagination,Grays Poe us.Chaponi )T Letters, Cottages of Glenburnie, (tliese a ;3 all fine English editions) very handsome copi of the Bible and Testament. Chaplal's Chem try together with several new Nos of Ilarpc Family Library. P Choraw, December 27th, 1639. 7 if CHEF.AW ACADEMY. fBlHK Trustees respectfully announce that I JL duties of this Institution will be resum on the 1st of October next the Male depai ment under the superintendence o Mi. E. Hal the Female under that of Mr. J. Sewers. Tl - coursd of instruction in thernale department, w be that required to enter the South Carolina C< lego the course in tlie feiri^lo department \v be,, to mako thorough scholars. The scholastic year will commence on the 1 of October and end the ist July: the year again divided into two sessions ; tho first begii 1st October and ends 15th February tho sccon begins 16th February and ends 1st July. Terms of Tuition per Session are, - For Spelling, Reading and Writing ?12 ( The above with Arithmetic, English ) ^ it Grammar and Geography . ( The above, with the Classics, higher ) branches of Mathematics, Logic, > 20 ( f Rhetoric? &c. * j Five dollars each will be added to the abo< for Painting and Drawing, or the Modern La r g uages. All payments are in advanco; the pupil w l>o r? quired 10 pay ror wcai rcuKuno >< (. <? ?v sion at the time ho or she enters, nor will deiia tion or drawbar k be made for loss of time. J. W. BLAKENEY, Scc'y &, Tress. n P. S. Mr. II. T. Chapman has taken charj of the Boarding House, near tho Female Acad my, whero Young Ladies may obtain board at r moderate price. - Sept. 2(1, 1839. 45 tf Carpenter's Tools. ,r fttlHE subscriber has just received a veryc, JL tensive assortment of Carpenter's Too! among which are, Double and Single, CastSte Iron, Jack, Smoothing, Fore, and Joint Pianos, Astragals, Beads, Dado's, Hollows ar Rounds, Nosings, Grecian Ovalo's, Quirk O. < Reeding, Rabbit, Side Rabbit, Raising, and Sn i Planes, Sash Cord, "Coves for steps, Tab h Planes, Torus B^ads and Cornice Planes, R man O, G. and Fillets, Fillcttsters, Snipes Bill Gothic, Ceiling, Flooring, and Plow Plane Piano Irons, Oil Stones, Key Hole Tcnan and Panel, Hand, Cross Cut and Frame Saw Screw Slide Mortice, and Marking Guage ? ?mnlilina Mnrli/>n Snolral nr Augurs, oaowrrou I^UUltV|<. 0) tf?v? MVV| N/?/VMV j H, Firmer, Chisels and Gouges, Plate and Ire '' Squares, Side Devils, Spoko Shaves, Lock * Hinges, Sprigs, Nails, Brads. &c. ALSO Collins* Club, Hand, and Broad Axes, Oh . and Pennsylvania Patterns, Hammers, Shinglir and Lathing Hatchets, Ac. The abovo were purchased low and for cat * of the best manufacturers, and will bo 6old chet y\ by D. MALLOY. I wrnhcr 22.1, 1639. 2tf t 99 ?if ? E. WATERMAN ? COMMISSION MERCHANt, * i * Georgetown S, C. CONTINUES to transact a general Commission business at that place. Hew under obligation to no boat, or masted Vessel, and is free to ship by the earliest conveyances, (without orders to the contrary,) either North cr South or up the liver. References: at Cheraw?D. S. Harllee, 1 j. C. wldswobth, 1 Benncltsville?M. & B. D. Towiffit* end & Co. t Leesvil/e?J. C. Lee, 1 IVadesboro'?M'Corkle & Cole, \ Charlotte?H. B. Williams, I - Rockingham?Wall & Holton, , W. F. Leak. ? February 14,1840. u 14 tf 1 Elementary Books. !i For Sunday and Common Schools. ' B"T N ION Primers, Union Spelling Book, '1 mJ Union Hymns, Union Questions, Browns r Catechism, Cheap Testaments, Shorter C&te. e chism, Lorell's Young pupils First Book, Wor* 0 cestor's Primer, Gcllandet's Picture Definer, r Young.Reader, New York Reader, Child's 0 Reader, Worcester's second Book, Webster's t. American and Elementary Spelhof Books, (. Dil worth's and Town's Do. together with a fell e assortment of the more advanced English and I, Classical School Books received during this fall it at the Bookstore. A liberal discount made to t? Teachers who purchase in quantities to supply their Schools. 0 December 27,1839. ; 7 . tf it . . ^ The Preacher. , V, jj :^hR Three Hundred and Forty sketches of " Original Sermons selected from the man** uscrripts of two eminent Divines of the last contury with an essay on the Compusiiion of t Sermon. For sale at the Bookstore e Dcember 27,1639. 2 i * ,rs South Carolina. s ; B. F? Saddler, et. al. J * ?? n tlrii _1 V jonn d. , ci, ai. j IT appearing to my satisfaction that John B. McC&skiii one of the defendant* in this ? case is absent from and resides without the limits of this State. It is on motion of Hanna order. y ed that the said John B. McCaskiil appear and a plead, answer or demur to the complainants bill ]. on or beforo the first day of September next, and that in default thereof the said bill as to him will be taken pro confesso. 5, It is also ordored that this order be published >3 in the Farmers' Gazette, at Cherawf twiUfe a rj month for the space of three months. < GEO. W. DARGAtf, re Com. in Equity for Cheraw Dist. n 22d February, 1840. I, 16 2 in f J m ($6] n' South ChroUnn, a Georgo W. Meador, Aop'.icant, o. vs. 0> Samuel Berry and wife Ann, Burghes Hnb~ id bard and wife Susanna, Ilardy Arrit and wife L's Drucilla, Matthew Kirkly and wife Rhoda, the children of Elizabeth Hubbard Dec*d. The in children of Louisa Harp J)ecM. and Willie re Kirkiy and wife Louisa. . . o. It appearing to my satisfaction, that Samuel , p* Berry and wile Ann, Hardy Avrit and wife re Drucilla, Mauhtw Kirkly and wifo^Uioda, the ?* children of Elizabeth Hubbard Dec'd. and ,r* Willis K'u kly and wife Louisa, resides without 8' this state, it is therefore ordered that they ap. in pear and object to the division or sale of the 1' real estate of Thomas Meador Dec'd. On or ) j beforo the 3d day of July next, or their consent .i to the same will bo eutered off record. 3 T. BRYAN, 0. c. D. er April II, 1840. A 23 12t 1 or Cash only. o- THE Subscriber takes this method ofsaying cs to his Customers, that after this day he wilt 3>s sell no article in the Grocery Line on a credit; re and Dry goods and Hardware only to such !es persons as are prompt and ounctuaJ in their It payments. "m D.M ALLOY January I, I840. _ 8 ' tf = Garden Seeds. Jnst received pr. Steamer Swan a very large , and extensive assortment of Garden Seeds, c the growth of 1839. Also, a few copies of J' the Kitchen Gardners Instructor, and Florists h' Guide. Persons wishing supplies will please :ii call early while the assortment is complete. ,l. D. M ALLOY, jjj January lGth 1840,?tf Bl New Goods ja FW1HE subscriber is again opening a stock of ns JKL goods in Chcraw, well adapted to the sea* j son, which ho is prepared to sell at prices very much reduced, either by wholesale or retail. He bought a large proportion of his Goods at the New York package sales in September last, with - ?i?lirtlnoniIiriir and ii confident he can a V IC IV VI n ^ ? ? ?| ? - )0 noil them as low as they can be bought in any of tho Southern towns. m D. B. McARN. November 22d,1839. ^ 9 * tf ire For Sale. a TRACT on the Dectrines of Election and s" /% Reprobation, by Rev. James H. Thorn well. C" Also, a Vindication of the Protectant Doctrine concerning Justification. rc May 1st, 1840. ? 25 ~tf a J\ otice^ I A now receiving part of ray stock o,. Spring and Summer Goods, comprising a general assortment of sca*on*ble Goods, winch. I will sell low for cashv Purchasers will pleaso * call and examine for themselves. s; * AI.SO, Will be kept constantly on band a supply of German Bolting Cloths equal to any used in r this country. J MALCOM BUCHANAN. 1p March 13tb. 1S40. ? 18 ^ s,' Dun lap & Marshall '* EARNESTLY request all persons indebted to them to make an early settlement of their * accounts. They will invariably add the in* terest however trifling the amount on all ,n accounts not paid within ten days. . * January 1st 1&40, Q tfDunlap 4* Marshall. ^kFFER for salo at vory low prices, a fine j}, sto< k of nogro cloth and blanket#-?they tp alsd offer by Hhd. Tierco or Bbl. vecy fine N. O. and W. J. Molasses. January 3,184$. Wr 6 * 4 it jf