University of South Carolina Libraries
a ii i i iw in?>i?w? i SOUTH CAROLINA. (In the Comm< iff Chesterfield District. \ Picas. Ranald McDonald l Declaration vp. ' > iu debt in AtJohn McKay. S tachmont. WHEREAS the Plaintiff in the aba stated -case, this day filed his Declar tion against the Defendant who is absent fro &nd without the limits of this State (as it is sai and having neither wife or attorney knon within the same. It is ordered tint the Dere dant do appear and plead to the Docralatu aforesaid within a year and a day. from the da hereof, otherwise final and absolute judgine will be awarded against him by d<*f-?ult TURNER BRYAN, C C. C. P. Office of Common Pleas, ) March 20, 1840. $ 27 ov 3 m 1 y SOUTH CAROLINA, ) In the Cour Chesterfield District. $ of Ordinary TO Neill McNeill Administrator of Charl Lisanby Deceased, Wm. D. McRae, A chibald McQmig and Thomas Parker Securiii of tho said McNeill, on his Administrate Bond, Whereas application hath been made to n Elizabeth Btfan ?hoir at law ol Charles Li: AAi?ii*a imn iKn o:lwl IVp tfiiuy ucicaocu iv uvjuiit juu %uv o McNeill Administrator as aforesaid ;who absent, from and without the limits of tii State) to appear before me in the Court Grdinajy, on a certain day, and then and thei to account tor th? monies, goods, chatties, &< of the saidB Charles Lisinby deceased; Thei are therefore to charge, command, and cite yc the said Neill McNeill admin a'rator of all an singular the goods and chattels, rights at credits which were cf Charles Lisanby, VVt D, McRae, Archibald McQuaig and I horrt: Parker deceased, to appear before tne Turn* Bryan Ordinary, in and for the Distrit ar State aforesaid, in the Court of Ordinary, t be hoiden at Chesterfield Cour; H jus in the District and State aforesaid, o Tuesday the eleventh day of August next, an then and thereto render in the said Court a at count of all the monies, goods chatties, an personal estate of-the said Charles Ltsanb deceased," and th n and there to come loan make a final settlement and adjustment ? * your accounts with the said Estate, as Admir istrator aforesaid.. Herein fail not. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto affixed in haod and seal, Chesterfield Court Hou>e, th Eighteenth day of May, Anno Domini on tlmiisanrl oinrhl III)uftrert ant] fo. tV and in til vnvwuuvi vig ? ? ? j Sixty foarth year of the Independence of tti United States efAmerica. TURNER BRYAN, L. S. 0. C. D. Mav 22, 1840. 28 121 2? AR L 2 0 ?.~C UM" I LJIALt; ACAOL Uk. (T " Teacher Wanted. THE above named institution is situated a Bennettsville, Marlborough District, S. C and has been for the last eighteen months, nude the superin tendance of the Misses Simp>on, wli intend, at the close ^ef tho present session, t relinquish tho station, and spend the humrne at the North. To supply this vacancy, th Trustrecs are desirous of employing a Teaclici who is qualified to teach all the branch* s, whic are necessary to complete the education ofyoun Ladies. To such a one, they offer tho who! proceeds of the Academy, which hive b? en f? the past year equal to ?I,5(M. The ehctio will take place the 8lh of June next. Commt nications addressed to the Subscriber, post .g oaid and received prior to that time, w ill L attended to. To applicants who live at a distance, it may I aid, that Bennettsville is a very healthy pluo and entirely free from the autumnal disease which are uaually t<> be found in the towns tin villages of the South. It is remarkable for ii good society and is in all other respe cts a rer desirable location. E. P. ERVIiV Secretary of the Boa rdof ?& Trustees May I, 1840. SB 4t Bricklaying and Blast*-rin-j THE Subscriber it at present at t!)is ptac and it prepared to execute work in th above line, should any of the citixens of Chew or the country (within a reasonable distance Wish any thing done in the above line, a 2. tt? addressed to him at this place will meet wit prompt attention. JOHN S. HAMILTON. Bcnnettsville. S. C. ? Mat 11th, 1*40. S 27 tf Southern 13<ipiist Pulpit. The future Nurhbors of the Pulpit will, ii point of execution, character anil spirit, de Serve the patronage of every Missionary B*p tist, or of every one who has the m erest ? his dcnomiiiaiion at heart. The price of tit tfrork is go moderate, as to render it arcesgihli to almost every faultily. The Pulpit will con tain, principally, plain, practical discourse* and will be found interesting and instruct iv both to the aged and the young?a.:d e u important to the unconverted and profes or e religion. It will be especially useful to'indi viduals and larailies on the Sabbath, whei deprived of the privilege of lis ening to ; discourse in the house of God; The Pulpit will, in future, be issued regu larly on or about th* first of every month. Tire preceding numbers contain s^rrnou3 b; the follpwing ministers, on the following sub jeefs No. I, (November,) by T. Meredith, of Ral ?igh, N. C., on " The m: ral power of :h Sacred Scriptures.*' No. 2, (December,) by R Ryland, of Rich mond, Va., on "The Worship of God.1 No. 3, (January,) by John Arms'rong recent ly of Wake Forest, C. on "Faith, and active principle." No; 4, (February ) by W. South wood, 0 Petersburg, Va., "on "The Prophetica Character of Christ." No. 5, (March,) by W. South wood, on "Th Heavenly State." TERMS OF THE PULPIT. 1. Each number will appear monthly. 2 Price, ONLY ONE DOLLAR a yeai IN ADVANCE. 3. Any person ordering a copy of the Puipi will please forward the sum of One Dollar otherwise he cannot receive it. ? 4. No subscription will be tak?n for lcs * than a year, commencing with the first Nun ber. 5. An Index and Title-page, suitable to b bound with the VoJ xne, will accompany tli twelfth Number. 6. Back Numbers will be furnished to an future Subscribers. Any person procuring 30 subscribers at or time, and forwarding #23, shall be entitled I 30 copies of the Pulpit. Those indebted for subscriptions, will plea: orward the cash, without delay. Address WM POTTER, Faycltevil/e. N. C. jn PROSPECTUS For publishing by subscription, in Augusta Ga., an Agricultural Paper, to be styled GLEANINGS OF HUSBANDRY. 'Who makes two blades of grass grow where ve one grew before, do -s more for Ins couutry, a. than an Alexander or a Bonaparte, m At the solicitation of many friends, the subd) seribcr has consented to be the. editor and pab. m lisher of a periodical exclusively devoted to Ajn. rienliure, Gardening, and the nth r bTauches of hi Husbandry in general. lis object will be, in te plain stylo, to couimnnicate useful information nt to tho cultivator, whether trf the vino o' the flower, of Vegetables or plants, of fruits, grapes or tre.-s, as the mulberry and all kinds of orchard trees, with the best manner of planting them , furnishing suitable hints for the improvement of he various soils, breeds of cattlo, and other ? stock, with the treatment of the diseases to 1 which th?y are liable, and the management of ' bees and silk worms. " , es The editor will endeavor to illustrate the ,r_ importuet principles upon which tho art and es science of agriculture is founded, and fo introan duce an econirnicu! system of the labors, in the field, meadow or cocoonery, that may be best ie adapted to the seasons, climate and latitude iu which we reside, and which in most respects, ijj (liff r greatly from the Middle, Northern and l8 Eastern Stales. Of more than one million of Planters and ()f Horticulturists in the Southern States, scarcely rt> two ?>ut of a thousand have an opportunity of i ronsiiltinrr anv airririiltnr^l u/nrka. and are r. e , t Je J wholly guided by casual observations upon the (U j ways ot their neighbors and ancestors; tor l(j i thev possess no means oflearning ihe almost 1(j j daily improvements that are making in their n own particular branch of culture; neither can jg 'hey b-come acquainted with the improved ?r varieties in trees, frni s, vincf, flowers, grain and plants, which are continually introduced to our notice from every portion of the habi? e fable globe, nor with tlie various mprovements B and new inventions in the implements of t'ts j lage. The publication shall contain a full n account of all those that are likely to benefit j gence, virtue, happiness and prosperity at y every hearth in the Southern States. j It shall be free from all sectarian or political jf views, wholly governed by Southern fee.ings and principles, endeavor will be to re der it serviceable to tne young and tlie aged?to T "Heaven's last best gitt to man" even in her ie teens, and to the sturdy Fanner?by informing ie themofthi proper season, which from experi. to ence in our section of the Union may have ie been found most conget lal to commit tbeiy seeds to the soil-to prune their vines and trees?to transplant their tender shoots and flowers?to engraft, inoculate or bud their shrubs and trees, and turn tin "maiden's blush" into the charming "moss" or "monthly rose," with the best manner of harvesting and pre serv'ng their crops and produce. We shall by no overlook the great i Soul hern staples, Cotton and Rice, for upon these, little information can be obta ned from } Northern pu- Iicatio'h9. Fr->m the kind promises tendered b friends ' to the undertaking, valuable original contribu ? lions may be anticipated; and other corres* oondents arc respectfully so idled to eoinmue ric ito any information that imy be interesting r< or beneficial to others, relating to their mo le It of cul'ure; as fact? collected from the tillers j? of our own soil, with their obsuria'ions and |p remarks will be highly appreciated by the ?r editor; and since the happiness aud comfort i' of a country mairily depend upon its agncul. ture, in furnishing usefid inform tion to tne le community, contributors will afford the highest 10 e id. nee of tlieir zeal a .d patriotism. Terms.?The na,? *r wil. be issued monthl}', K on a sheet containing sixteen very argeqturto pages, (same size as the '"Alb-uly Cultivator,' ) (; at the vety modi rate price of One Dollar, Ls payable in all cases in advance. Tne price y being so small* no number will be sent to any person on credit. It shall be printed on good paper, and with new- type* orderen expressly ' for the purpose. The first number will appear in March next, if possttde. As by the rules of the General Post Office, Postm s'ere ire allowed to frai k and forward " he amount subscribed to any newspaper, they ' are respec*fully dcgiri-d to forward to he editor at Augusta, any amount off red ;hem ' u bankable money, as rsrHrns p? rsible. Newspapersar ro?pcrttuiiv Tequ-steii to pub ' [isa tins Prospectus, and by se-di g the paper , on aining it, shall receive ours in r turn. Post ..asiers and Fablers oi"p p is ire kindly asked lo ct as our ig^nts. Should lliey nt?t r?M'oiv atopy of this Prospectu*>. they are re quest -d to cut one from the p i?. rs vvhicli m ?y be g.?od nouglilo publish it und wo. with reap- c.t. iuvitc a!i tli" frirnds of the oKj-'cts wo h;ivo in view, to lid ami assist 'in procuring sub cribci s to the "Gleaning-, of Hush ndry. MOSlvS IIOLUOQK, A. M. .M 1). j A"2tist i, Ga-, Jiit. It). *, *Annji( 3 do I t Society Sariciol". Iv3*b ??. .13 it e P tV PQ AL ^ I For pu'>hih>t,g in the. touu. v) Franklin \ ' j Williamson County i< nnessr.e. n Monthly e . it-nod c <1, to he colled the. ft TEMPERANCE ADVOCATE AND Li.euaky journal. j a About four p g*s ol ejeh ntfmbsr will ho devoted. Firsi : To the necessity at a law to sup. . press Tippluig,houses', such as that pissed by the L 'gisUturi; of '3.1 and '3t>, or a siuul ir one. ? Secondly; The constitutionality o: law.? Thirdly : The bench's already derived from its operations : after which the subject of Te:uperanco will be considered undor a general head. e Tiio last four pages wrll constitute tho Literary 'dcpjrlinent. in wheh will be found such pieces original and selected is will tend to elevate the mind, correct the t .ste und inform the jndg ment. ' jf 'i'.ic Advocate and Journal will bo published ! once a mouth on good, paper medium size, folded if so as to make eight p ig ??, to each number.? d The pne will be $2 Ud on receipt ot tho 1st. j No., or $2 50 if delayed until the 3rd No. j c U* We resp ctfuhy request Miimtrs of the different denomination* to aid us also Teacher officers and members ?'* Temperance Societies and all others who feel an interest in tho cause . of Temperance or good morals. We wish subscription lists to be sent by the r. 1st of March. Any I'eison obtaining ten subscribers shall be t, entitled to one volume gratis F. MOOKE & Co. Franklin, TVnn. Jan. *20,1810. 1 Summer Resident" fur S A L E. f-1 A S I intend !a move to my plantation this /.lL wuiiuw I will sell my summer residence at Uofer Hill at a very reduced price. It is 'y in e < ry r eport wvil calculated fo asuinmcr res. idcncv. Tii House is large and a large passage ?0 15 foc? wide between the Houses with a wide L? shed and piazii. Any person wishing to purcliase a summer 50 retreat near Chera w will do well to examine tliis as it will be sold greatly below its cost and value and the place is known to be perfectly healthy. D.S. HARLLEE. Chcraw May 5, 1840. 26 4t | Notice. ANN E DRAKE wife of Lomuel S. Drake, T iylor, intends becoming a I'reo dealer in J one monIli from ilie dato hereof, according Ic the Act ofthe General Assembly made and provided in such cases. A. E. DRAKE. April 23, 814D. 24 tf Dun lap ^ Marshall MEKEBV give notice that (hey wi" continue to sell their Dry Goods onl), on the usual credit to punctual customers. I h^y will sell their Groceries at the lowest prices for cash only. The very short credit at which groceries can now bo bought, amounting with the exchange almost to Cash, with their limited capital compels them to the adoption of ibis course. January 1, 1840; 8 tf 'J lie Path Finder. OR the Inland Sea by the Author of the "Pioneers," "Last of the -MohitDns." "Praire," &c. &c.?Also "Homeurard Bound" and "Home an found" by the same Author?for sale at the Book Store. April 3J lc4U. 2r> -,'v - iL At the Book Store MAVE been received by late arrivals the following Books, viz : Ancient Christianity or the Oxi'o d Tracts by Isaac Taylor, Breckeiiridge's .Memoranda of Foreign Travel, Adventures of an Attorney ins'vrch ot Practice; Chilly ou Bills, edition, KliZ: ubeth or Exil-S of Libe ria Pilgrims Progress, MitchellV Outline Maps, M iltebrun's Geography Livi-r t"> Juv nal A c. &r. .. , Also, a supply of new Stationaiy. consisting of Black Blue and Red Ink, ot sunerior quali , ty, Quills, Drawing Pencils, Indelible Ink xvi'h ' and without wash, Ink Powder, Demy, Cap, I and Letter Paper, Record Book , f> =y Books, Journal- and L? ugers, Steel Pens. &c. &c. April 30. 1810. 25 New Goods.. vTcIm 0.. Wads worth g g AS Now in ^fori! a supply of GROCERIES, DR. Y GOODS, HARDWARE, SHOES, HATS, BONNETS, SADDLERY. CROCKERIES, GLASSWARE, <$c. ALL of which will be sold at the lowest marknj : pice. Persons wishing to purchaso in this market will do well to call. April 30 li 1840. 25 Conditions of the Farmers' Register. Forth* EIGHTH and succeeding volumes. Prices shli more reduced, for combined and punctual or advanced payments. Art. 1. TImj Farmer?' Register is published in monthly numbers, of 04 Itrge octavo png s each, at $5 a year, payable in advance. Or, f.n- fi.r> ma v he had tirn amies nf the same cur. rent or fortliecotoing volume, for new subscribers, if so ordered and paid for in advance, (or ( at the time of making the subscription,) in current money, as described below, (Art. VI.) I and without loss or deduction for postage, or any other charge to the publisher. II. Subscribers who may have already paid i the regular subscription price of $5 in the manner above required, for a single copy, -hail ! have, the privilege, upon sending a post paid urder, of having a second cony of .the same volume sent, to any new subscriber, without ' uither charge, f?r that v ?lutno, if so ordered i during its tune of publication, j 111. A like privilege will be allowed to every old subscriber who has not paid, but ho shall | do so, as above, before th- issue of the 6th n miner of the then current vo :un<', (at which tune all d liters' bills will be made out and i sen')," thus i effect educing to half pnee toe I c isf 01 the work to evt ry subscriber, ol?. or j new, who may cho'se 1o avail himselfuf the offer. (See also Ait. V.) IV - If, fiowe- er, no more than one copy is I _i 1 .i :? ...,n ??:n l.. -a I nrucreu, lit? Minpcnp urn prikc wm Dim ur, ao heretofore, the volume; as it is- dbsignei. to permit 110 subscription debt, or payment to be made for less > Imn $5. And if an order 1 is sent for copies, without full compliance with th" conditions annexed, (in Art. VI.) only one v\ ill be sent. V. Cnibs of ten subscribers (old or new, or | of both) >y s* ml n?r 825 (net payment) in ad| vance and at one time .before February 1st. of each year, shall be/urnished with ter. copies ot that volume only. VI. The price of back volume?, as hereto. I fore, is $5 for oi.e alone, 810 for any three togetln r, one in the sa nc proportion (?3,94 ! ceii's etch, tor any number of volumes short of a full se'. Entire sets of 8 aols. (the 8th commencing January 31st, 1840,) w!1j be supppiied for 820, oi 82.58 the volume, paid in advance, \vi h the order. VII. Al! mail payment must he made in notes, or checks, of far value in Virginia, or of v CITY bank of the state, in which the subset iber residences. And all letters to the editor in regard to the Farmers' iiegister must be post-paid?except such as coutain articles tur publication. VII. The ri-k of loss ofpayments for sobscriptions sent free ofposrage, which have been properly committed to the mail or to the hands of a 4?)st master, is asst it :t! by the 'ditor. I IX. Far all copies net received >y mail, at j the proper n -st offices, duplicates ?fill he fur! nished to those subscribers w ho have complied ' with their own obligations ; prcrvid d that the 1 /* -i II I ^T.r.,x,l | n Minetor I I.tliurc Sli<lii UK IlUlllit.'U kill Ul'gll me pvisi lliuaiv 1 and within one month after the ddte of the miscarried copy X. If a subscription is net directed to be discontinued before the first number of the next volume has been published,*it will be tak. n as a continuance fur another year. Subscriptions must commence with the beginning of someone volume, and will not be taken for less than a year's publication.' XI. Tli" mutual obligations of the publisher ?nd subscriber, for the year, are fully incurred as >oon as the first number of the vohiiric is issued; and alter that t un< ,tio discjn'inuance of a subscription will be permitted. Nor will a subscription be discontinued, for any early notice, while any thing thereon remains due, unless at the option of the editor, or in obedience to the regulations of the Etlitoral Convention. Audre>s? Edmund Ruffix. Petersburg Va., November 1st le#B. Notice. BR. Bv J. Williams, having located in Bcnnett^villo, repeclfully oilers his Professional services to'he inhabitants of the village, and its vicinity. He may bo found at the Marlbo. rough Hotel. May 8, 1840. 26 4t Bacon, Flour, and Meal, 10NSI'ANTLY ON HAND, and for sale / at the LOWEST market price hv D. MALLOY. April 22wl, 1840. 24 . if Nails. % KF-GS' 4d- 10J- 12J-aild 20Jfur sale cheap. I A. P. LACOSTE. 3, 1840. _ ' The Subscriber lias jiist deceived, aT,d will keep constantly on hand.Cotton Yarn and Twine at wholesale, from the Manufactory of Rocking ham. 1 GEO. GOODRICH.. Chora w, Jan. 1840. 10 tf Lump hugar. BY the Loaf, fur 15 ctn, for sale for cash by A. P. LACOSTE. March 20(h, 1845. - 19 tf_ Bacon Ak LBS. HAMS, Shoulders, and Sides all of my own curing for sale low, by A. P. LACOSTE. April 3, 1S40. 21 tf J\ew Oioods. f HAVE just received by the Steamers Swan ami Os ol i, some desirable Spring and Sum. mer g.iods both for Li !i -s and Gentlemen which I will sell low ; call and see. D.S. UARLLEU. A, ril IStli. 1839. *24 3t Salt. "J SACKS for cale low hv J. ^^F^F A. P. LACOSTE. March 20th, 1810. 19 if l) MALLoY MAS Now on hind a supply of all kinds* Goods suitable for the trade, which In \\ ill sell as cheap as can be had in this marie 't. Persons wishing good bargains will please call on him before they purchase. April 13 lMU. 23 tf iiats, JUS r Received a large assortment of Mens. 6}s, and Children* Straw and Leghorn Hals. 1 ALSO, Gents and Youth's Fur Hits, for summer wear, all of which will be sold cheap by D. MALLOY. April 13, 1810. 23 tf Sugar. Coffee, Salt, and MOLASSES. A IjAKL*Ci BLOCK Ol UIU iiuuvc IISJW 111 siuie /m. und for sale very cheap for Cash, D. M ALLOY. April 13, 1840. 23J tf JShoes. rjllin Subscriber has now$'n hand a very JL extensive) assortment of Shoes suitable far all seasons, which he will sell v ry cheap. D.JlALLOY. April 13, 1840. ^ 23 . tf \Y OOll & ilUUllllg. I shall keep a team constantly runnin through tho Spring and summer months and shall be ready at . II time? to furnish my customers with wood, and to do any kind of hauling. A. P. I.ACOSTE. April 3. 1940. 21 tf_ ; ' 'hcese for 10 cts. HEESE of eycrllent quality for sale fur rffne cert's by the Cask, and, ton cents j per pound by the 6:nglo Cheese. < A. P. LACOST-K. 1 March 20th, 1810. 19 tf Bagging & Rope. 30 piece- noavy 44 inches Hemp Bngginy. . 30 Coils Bale Hope. For sale lot* br A. P. LA COST E. -J, March 20 h, 1840. " j, 10 tf t / Mackerel & Lime.. i 10 B irrrls No. 2. mackerel. 10 H iif Brls. No 1. do. 1 20 C-tsks Thorn tston 8'tone Limo. For pale low for cash, by A. P. LACOSTE. ' Marc h 20 h, 1840. j 19 tf Wood. Iwil! furnish Oak and Hickory Wood, at 3D per cord, Cash. A. P. LACOSTE. October 4, 1839^ 47?if Nails. A "5JT KEGS Nails, and Prads, all sizes, for , :9J) sa'e by D. MALLOY. 1 Apr.l 13, 1840. ! . 23 !f Cheraw Bacon. eAMS, Sliouldcrs, and Sides, of my own ' curing, for sale. Terms, Cash. , A. P. LACOSTE. I O clolnr 4, k>33, 47?tf j Kowand's Tonic Mixture. I THE Agency for this valuable medicines is at the Uookslce" of Mr. Prince where it inay at any time be had by the single bottle or i by the dozen. J. A. INGLIS Agt. Cheraw April 839 Sugar'. & Coffee. 12 Tlhds. Porto Rico and St. Crciv Sugars 10 B igs Rio Coffee. For sale low for cash or bankable paper. A- P. LACOSTE. -| March 20th, 1840. 1 19 if BOUK BliVDUNG. TUF. subscribers have established themselve? in thft above line of business in Choraw and offerthcirservictsto its citizens. ij. BAZ ENCOURT, & CO. Cheraw. S. C.. J^jv- 2fi. Now IMusic. Ej 9 ECENTLY received at tho Book Store a J0 supply embracing a considerable variety of Songs Sacred, Sentimental and Humorous also Marches, Waltzes, &c. and Music paper. December 4th, lfc39. i Silk Worms- Eggs, Of*lhe best kinds and quality. I can euppjfy Silk Worms' Egg.sin inodera quantitiotflOTuie following varieties: 1. Hardy gray and white worms, orange c coons. 2. Gray wor r s, mostly sulphur colored c coons. 3. Two crop white. 4. Mpimmrlh sulphur-. " * /?. Kil nut. The three first named varieties'aro from a pe foctly healthy stock, and have beer) raised i the suath for several years. The two lastj it troduccd from tho north a year a go, were ni entirely exempt from disease last summer bu as the greatest care was taken to breed onl from tho best cocoons, it is believed there wri ho little or no sicknesfl amongst them in fo un from any hereditary taint. The cocoons of th pea.nut were very heavy and firm. Of the? two vari< tics howevc , only a limited number ca be supplied to each aplicant. The eggs may be forwarded by m-ail to purch' cost and risk of carriage; or the will be deposited in Richmond if so deaired a Coiton and Clarke's, froo of expense, withi two ot three days after the order has been re coived, and where they will bo kept in a cot cellar until called for. Or in case the purchase mighi prefer it, they may^remain in myicc-Uous until nnarly the time they are wanted t> b h itched?as there will be no danger of thei hitching.even in June or July, in less than twi weeks alter being roinoved from the ice, if kep there in proper manner," as these eggs will be The eggs will in all cases be warranted to b in the best condition when they arc forwarded with the slight exenption stated as to the las kinds ; hut if it s hall appear that they are not th" purchase money will bo refunded. For the throe first named varieties, the charge will be ?5 per ounce?for the other two varie ties, $11) per ounce, the cash always to be s-ep with the order. When clean egga aro not sent the piper on which the y are deposited will lx ball need by an equal quantity of the sarm kind. TIIOS. S. PL LAS A NTS P. M. IkMverdam, Gochland Co , Va. Feb. 1849. Eggs of this year's laying, and which will no hatch beforo 1841, will be supplied as ahovi to all orders sent with tho payments before Mai 1st. at ono fifth ofthe above named prices, am the go >d quality and Condition of the egg warranted. RTcrrcncoEdmund Ruffin, Petersburg.^!. Gideon B. Smith, Baltimore, Dr. Elias Mark", Columbia, S. C. David Thomas, Cayuga, N. Y. Samuel R. Cummero. Burlington N. .T. The latest Arrivals. THE fall purchases of Books and stat'onar; have recently come to hand embracing i variety of Works, Religious, School, and Miacci laneous, "from grave to gay, fium lively ti sovere." Among them are the following : Mosheim'a Church History continued to 1S2G Milner's Do, I vol. English Edition, Pascal* Provincial letters, Burdeis Pious Women A lams' Privalo Thoughts, Loud. Tyng's Lec turcs on the Law and Gospcf, Dick's Futun State &c., Life of Oranmor, Woods on Baptism Home Education by J. Taylor author of Fanat icism <tc., Philips' Life and Times of Bunyan Methodist Ilymns, various bindings. Parkhur&ts Lexicon ofthe Greek Testament, i new and improved Edition, Robinsons Do Knnpp's Greek Testament, Cutback's Do Blake's Dictionary of Biography, a largo an< valuable work, Whatelys Rhetoric, Guizot' History of Civilization, Plutarch's Lives I vol ?vo. Gibbon's Rome 4 vol. 6vo. Rollin'a Ai cient History 1 vol. 8vo. Goods Hook of Natui lvol. 8vo. Marshall's Washington 3 vols. 8vc Spark'e Do. 1 beautiful volume, Abcrcrombic Intellectual Powers, Opie on Lying, Do. Cur for Scandal, Cowpera Homer, 2 vols, 17m< Crockett's Songs, Burtons Comic Sengs, Foi tuno Toller's Hook, Comics and Tragici Gentlemen's Medical Pocket Book .* America Orators otvn Book, Thugs or Assassins of India Meals Charcoal Sketches, Form Books : Drcai Books.* Letter Books, The amusing Sayings an Doings of Sam Slick, Oliver Twist, Sandfor and Merlon, Hazeii's Panorama nf all Trades on< Professions, Rhymes for the Nursery, Moth? Goo3e'sgood old songs that amused our infancy Shakespeare 1 vol. 12mo. Ixjnd. Edit. Calf hind ing. More's Sirred drdamp, Beattie and Collins Crahb's Poems, R issctas, Newton'* Letters, lio main's Ufa of Faith, Rogers' Forms, Aikensidei Pleasures of imagination, Grays Poo jis.Cliapone'i Letters, Cottages of Gtonburnie, (these an ill fine English editions) very handsome copie: jfthe Bible and Testament. Chaptal's Chuinis try together with several new Nos of Harper' Family Library. f Ciieraw, December 27th, 1839. 7 tf ^C!K3F-VW AOADSUT. II HE T rustrcs respectfully announce that tin duties of-this Institution will be resumct >n the 1st of October next the Male depart nont under the superintendence o Mi. E, Hall ho Female under that of .Mr. J. Sewers. Thi :ourso of instruction in tho male department, wil >c that required to enter the South Carolina Co! ngs tho courso in the female department wil to maho -thorough scholars. Tho scholastic year will commence on the Is; if October and md the irt July: the \oar i ig-iin divided into two sersiohs ; the fust begim 1st October and ends 16th February tho secon J jeginR Ititli February and ends 1st July. Terms of Tuition per Session are, ? ... ? ... , ... ... Aiit.m For Spelling, KeaMinganu uniting fi^vi Hio above with ArilhmetidtJBog'i.sIt 7 qj Grammar and Geography J The aliove, with the Classics, higher i branches of Mathematics, Logic, > 20 0( Rhetoric, &c. j Five dollars each will be added to the r,bov< for Fainting and Drawing, or the Modern Lan griag <?. All payments aro in ndvatico; the pupil wil bo r< quired to pay for what remains of the ses sion at the time ho or she enters, nor will dedac lion or drawback be mado for loss of time. J. W. BLAKENEY, ScC'y & Treas. P. S. Mr. II. T. Chapman has taken charg of t.;e Boarding House, near tho Female Acadc my, where Young Laditb may obtain board at moderate price.. * Sept. 21), 1E39. 45 tf Carpenter's Tools. SUlJSCflOer nas jusi receivvu a very ej JL 'cnsive assortment of Carpenter's fIV)oI among which are, Double and Single, CastSte Iron, Jack, Smoothing, Fore, and Joint< Planes, Astragals, Beads, Dado's, Hollows ar Rounds-. Nosings, (irecian Ovalo's, Quirk O. ( Reeding, Rabbit, Side Rabbit, Raising, and Sa? Planes, Sash Cord, Coves for steps. Tab Pianos, Torus Beads and Cornice Planes, R man 0,.G. and Fillets, Fillcttsters, Snipes Bill Gothic, Ceilings Flooring, and Plow Plane Tlane Irons, Oil Stones, Key Hole Tcnan and Panel, Hand, Cross Cut and Frame Saw Screw Slide Mortice, and. Marking Gunge Augurs, assorted rpialities, Mortice, Socket, ai Firmer, Chisel* and Gouges, t'late and Ire I Sgunres, Side fiovils, Spuko Shaves, Lock I JIing?-s, Sprig*, Nails, Brads, Ac. 6 . ' . ALSO Collins' Club, Hand and Broad Ax*s, Oli | and Pennsylvania Patterns, Hammers, Shinglii and Lathing Hatchets, Ate. The above wero purchased low and for qa of the best manufacturers, and will be sold che by t). malt,or. rrmber 18SP. . E WATERMAN . I COMMISSION MERCHANT,' t0 i Georgetown S.tL,' . . .! to transact a general Com* ?* j mission business at that place. He ia o j onder obligationAo no boat, or iQ&Bteli t?pS8*l? j and is free to sljjp by the earliest conveyance?, (without orders to the contrary,) either North [ cr South or|ip the river, j References*:>r I at Chcraw?D. S., iri i - J. C. Wads worth, 11 j BcnnettsvlUe?M. & B. D. Towns* t I V*D & Co. y Leesville?J. *C. Lee, II Wadesboro'?M'Corkle <fc Cole, 9? Charlotte? H. B Williams, 0 Kockingkam?Wall & Holton, "I W. F. Leak, .h j February 14,1840. i. i 14 tf_ yx | Elementary Books. ? j For Sunday and Common Schools. ' ETTNIdN Primers, Union Spelling Book, >1 tSJ Union Hymns, Union Questions, Browno r Catechism, Cheap Testaments, Shorter Cate* * c chjsm, Lorell's Young pupils First Book, Wore cestor's Primer, Gallatulet'a Picture Deiiner, r Young Reader, New York Reader, Cliitd's 0 Reader, Worcester's second Book, Webster's >t Ainorican arid Elementary Spelling Books,. Diiworth's as.d Town's Do. together with a full e assortment of the more advanced English and I. Classical Scho >1 Books received during this fall t at the Bookstore. A liberal discount made to , Teachers who purchase in quantities to supply their Schools. e " December 27,1839. ; 7 The Preacher. ^ 4~kR Three Hundred and Forty sketches of Original Sermons selected from themanuscrripts of two eminent Divines bt the last I century with an essay on the Composition of a j Sermon. , . For sale at the Bookstore 1 j Dcember 27,1839. 51 I . 81 South Carolina. B. F. Saddler, et. al. ) ! John B. McCaskil', et. al. ^ ST appearing to my satisfaction that John, B. McCasktll one of the defendants in this - case is absent from and resides without the limits of this State. It is on motion of Manna order. y ed that the said John B. McCaskill appear and i plead, answer or-deinur to the complainants bill . on or before the first day of September next, 3 and that in default thereof the said bilkes to him will be taken pro confesso. It is olso ordoiod that tiiis ordpr be publiihed j in the Farmers' Gazette, at Chcraw, twice * . month for the space of three months. . | GEO, W. DARGAN, o Com. in Equity for Chcraw Dist. 224 Fcbruar.v, 1840. - 16 2 m f J m [$CJ South Carolina \ George W. Meador, AopHcant, vs. i. Samuel Berry and wife Ann, Burghes Hub* \ hard and wife Susanna, Hardy Avrit and wife s 1 Drucilla, Matthew Kirkly and wife Rhoda, tho I,"I children of Elizabeth Hubbard Dec'd, The r\ ! children of Louisa Harp Dec'd. and Willis e Kirkly and wife Louisa, i. It appearing to my satisfaction, that ^amuel s Berry and wile Ann, Hardy Avrit and wife 0 Drucilla, Matthew Kirkly and wife Rhoaa, the ># children of Elizabeth Hubbard Dec'd. and r* Willis Kirkly and wife Louisa, resides without '' thi6 state, it is therefore ordered that they ap. n pear and object to the division or sale of the. a j real estate of Thomas Meador Dec'd. on or d ; before the 3d day of July next, or their conseut j to tho sanjC will be entered off record. d . ft BRYAN, 0. C. D. r April II, 18-*0. . 23 , 12t I or Cash onlv. I j - j THE Subscriber takes this method of saying 9 {to his Customers, that after this day he will 3 sell tw article in the Grocery Line ou a credit; J and Dry goods and Hardware only to such 3 persons as aro prompt" and nunctuai m their " payments; *| ' , - D. MALLOT ! Jannarv 1, 1940. I r ' ? s S ' tf Garden Seeds, Just received pr. Steamer Swan a very large j and extensive 'assortment of Garden Seeds, j the growth of 1839. Also, a tew copies of " ! the Kitchen Gardners Instructor, and Florists ' j Guide. Persons wislifhg supplies will please I call early while the nssurtment is complete." ; D. MALLGY, 1 j January 16th 1840.?tf L! New Goods. THE subscriber is again opening a stock of goods in Cheraw, well adaptor! to the sea! ?on, which ho is prepared to sell at prices very i much reduced, either by wholesale or retail. He ' bought a large proportion of his Goods at the I VT?... V j.^1. k.n?b'>i?d aa l/?fl In Q/j nt AfTih^f or at la j | *1 l/W X U1A patRa^o JUivj iu iuovf n^i<a ; a viow of whole-sailing and is confident he qaq J | roll them a3 low an they can be bought in any j of the Southern towns, j | D. B. McARN. November 22d, 1839. ?j 3 ^ i For Sale. A TRACT on the Dectrines of Election and ilL Reprobation, by Rev. James H. Thorn well. | Also, a Vindication of the Protectant Doctrine i concerning Justification. ,,1 May 1st, 1S40. >. j 25 if Notice. I A l*>vv receiving part of my stock o. Spring and Summer Goods, comprising a general assortment of seasonable Goods, which I will sell low for cash'. Purchasers will pleaist c" call and examine for themselves. !: i also, ^ I Will be kcDt constantly on band a stipply of JT I ? - ? ? r - - ? ,(j j German Bolting Cloths, equal to any used in }. this country. >h MALCOM BUCHANAN. lei March 1840. * 18 S, | - ' i 8' iJunlap & Marshall tf EARNESTLY request all persons indebted j to them to make an early settlement of their 1(j; accounts. They will invariably -add the in)n: terest however trifling the amount 0? a'4 9 | accounts not paid within ten days. 4Bl ' i January 1st 1840. j 8 tf |?| JDunlap df* IVJarshaH. OFFER for sale at very low price? % fine sto< k of negro cloth and hi tn brig. thsif ap j also offer by Hhd. Tierce or BbL vary fii?Jf , O. and W. J. Molasses. Jnn'jarv 9, 1840. 8\ ' #