University of South Carolina Libraries
From tho Mother'# Magazine, Ati Example for mothers. It hi a' trllbf Wrt just remark, that every mar. ts in soma sense the maker of his own fortune. It cannot be denied that much of the liappincss or naisery that wc suffer is the fruit of our own choice.?Still I think the remark peculiarly applicable to mothers nnd heads of families. Happy indeed would it be for the juvenile part of the community, if the ill effect of a wrong choice were wholly confined to tho one who makec it. I was led to this reflection, on my re. turn home from an excursion to the country, in that little Emporium of the great world, ?a Steamboat. As the boat did not leave tlie wharf till late in the evening, being or invalid, and finding myself too weary tn read, I look my station, at nn early hour, ir the ladies cabin, with little else to occupy myself, but to observe the different passengers as they from time to time Bought theii quarters fop the night. Of all other pluce6 1 know of none, where a well bred lady ma) so readily be discerned from the commor throng, us in a crowded steamboat cabin at night; not so much by her externa! op. penrance, or "costly array," as by her ea6y quiet, unobtrusive, dignified mirn, and b) her clieerfnl submission to the little incon. venienew inseparable from such limited ac? commodations, and her refined and polite attention to the comfort and convenience o! Iter fellow pussongers. While tho gny bedizened, but vulgar woman seems to fee licrself privileged to lay aside, even tlx commor. courtesies oflife, with her outei garments, nnd to exhibit without restrain fter volubility, ill temper, selfishness, and ar utter recklessness of the comfort and hap pines'*, of every body dfs'-. I had scarcel) Rested myself, when a neatly dressed lad) with a modest cheerful aspect, entered th' cabin, leading by the bnnd a sprightly, ros) clieeked l?wkl fellow, of some eighfeen o twenty months, who came laughing ant bounding along as if every change was ft him a fresh cause of happiness. I vbservct *s the little fellow stopped at the door o the cabin, to take a parting kiss from "papa/ that his mother with a manner which. a once won her a place in my affeciions, entreated her husband not to lose the enjoyment of so fine on evening on deck, should I' be necessary for her to remain below.? Her husband merely obsecved that he would rood a while, but his countenance plain ly intimated that the foH moon, reflect mg her bright and beautiful beams, acrost tho wide expanse of waters, if beheld unaccompanied by the 14 bright particular starr' of his own destiny, would be divested o! bnlf her glory, I at once drew a ravoraoie opinion of this ccuple, and from the time of this seemingly trivial incident, I was led to observe more closely the conduct of this mother and son. The little creature seem* ed pleased with the novelty of the place, his eye wandered rapidly from object to object, but he was particularly attracted by the gay silk hangings, and gilt ornaments, which decorated the room. His next impulse was to handle and examine every object. Instead of chiding or repressing ?hu curiosity, his mother pleasantly led him tc every part of the room where ho wished t< go, and permitted him to examine and ever (ouch whatever be desired, at the same tim< impressing upon hir mind the lesson, tha nothing should bo misplaced or injured. The child's curiosity was soon satisfr'd, aiic his mother proceeded to undress and was! 1?hi), without any resistance oto bis part, be >ond a continued playfulness, which sIm neither attempted to restrain, nor yd suff?r ed to prevent her from .accomplishing he object. She then laid herself down by hii side, and commenced singing's favoriti hymn, la a low *wen voice in which thi child attempted to join; and if hie per for mance was not according to rule, it .was evidently the out-gushmg of a young and hqppy spirit, and reminded me of the sun act carroi of a summer bird, that -is hushec to repose by its -own melody. And so i was with tb's blue-eyed boy, for in a few moments lie was slumbering so placidly bj mother's.side, that 1 Mi assured that if tner< were any complaints of "noisy children* that night, the disturbance would not pro ceed from that quarter.. On perceiving tha her husband was still waiting for her, sh< rose and gently drawing the curtains, sh< stood for a moment, as if under terminer whether to leave her child ; upon obaervini which, I ottered to sit by his side, whicr t'flTer she gratefully accepted, remarking that she might appeario be an over- anxiou: mother, but as her child had evinced a verj nervous and irritable temperament, she fel that proper care now might save hira frotr great suffering hereafter. For my owr part, ! took great pleasure in watching tin countenance of this lovely infan% aod now god then observed a transient smile flit ova his feature*. I tlioug^t how sweet was th? sleep?and how pica sunt ii?ust he the dream* of such o guileless spirit# while undei the fostering care of such a mother. Anc as I endeavored to contemplate his future destiny,! could not but think after the lapse of years, How the yooth, and young mar would probably love and reverence such ? mo her, and lay open his bosom with all it* young aspirations, his fears and hopes tc her, as his best and truest friend, and mosi able counsellor. Time wore away, tilT tj< hour hand pointed to ten, and the fnith&l mother was again at her post, when sud. '" mff nrmoinrr. warn intsprilnlpd hv the fyfT'iZ "V "6- ?v.v -J ...r entrance t*r 0 noisy company, consisting o< several women ?nd children. I learnt from the rCmaj,ks of the cider pari of the company, that the>* bten on n long jaunt the preceding C*y? and oarnc tlwro very weary and over-beatco1 hut they seemed to forget that many besides themselves were seeking repose and refreshrtKani in the aamo apartment. Two of the little girls belonging to this party excited my sympathy. The youngest eould not have heen more than three or four years old.?They, as well as th<ir mother, were expensively dressed, and had I taken merely a t; cursory glance of this group, 4 might have supposed them to move in an elevated fc ibcrv- The children 'hail evidently been kept awake much longer than usual, ar being very tired and sleepy, they werecoi sequcutly peevish and irritable. The m< ther was likewise weary and exceeding fretful. After observing that she was t< tired to undress them, she thrust them bo inlo n low, uncomfortable berth, answerii their in treaties for a glass of water, by slap on the ear, and the promise of anoth i? they did not instantly stop iheir noiso,She then threw herself on a settee and w , soon in a profound sleep. Not so with tl children. The youngest of the two esp ally, continued restless and complaining. - At length I ventured to awaken the m ! ther, and to suggest to her, that as her liti , girl was wakeful and appeared uncorafoi , able, perhaps something might be done , soothe her. But this was apparently co . sidcred an unwarrantable interference < , my part, and produced no oth'T reply thi r an angry reprimand to the child, and tl promise of a M whipping" when she ? ! home. This cruel conduct awakened tl , deepest sympathy in the breast of my friei of the preceding evening, and as soon ' this unnatural guardian was again inscm bl?t she softly glided from her berth ai ' speaking in a soothing tone to tho little su fercr, she gently lifted her from her unem couch. She then supplied her wants, si , afterwards bathed her hot limbs in water. r And after a few moments tunning ner sleep on her own lap, she laid her qui *t [ hock into her bed. How I wished th ? sleeping woman, who deserved not tl , name of mother, could have witnessed tfi I simple and unos'entatious act of kindness ! an utter stranger. What a reproof mi this goothrtreatment have conveyed, we \ she capable of one generous emotion., Morning came, such a morning, as must , actually 6eea and felt, in order to be ful appreciated. Oh the luxury of a mid-nig hour after a sultry day ! The rosy hjj j j came sparkling and shining across ihe.ri j ling waters, and tho neighboring hincLica j looked as if it had imbiW fir# frca r ness of Cdcn. My nameless friend w > already up, and her toilet soon made, ai j bending over her sleeping boy in silcnct , I could not but fancy she wa# breathing [hallowed prayer to that throne where atl | petition of the righteous u vaileth much.'* She parted back the bright clusterii I curls of theyouhg sleeper, and with son emphasis spoke Ins nnme. Long will it I ere I forget the laughing joyous shout wi , which the little fellow started from 1 p lloiv,?as -if the very consciousness i existence was perfect bl -ssedness to hir r He was soon dressed, though like the plu , ful kitten, he twice broke from his moth r and ran away with tlie towel and once seizi the hair brush and brushed her hair tl wrong way. Ydthore was no irrtat on, t ill-temper, snd soon the rosy boy we bounding and singing to the deck, whe the glad fresh morning was a fit emblem < his young aud happy existence. I shi not attempt to describe the scenes, whi< ' two hours afterwards occurred in die rm cabin. Disobedienceand tretlutm*ss on u j one hand, and the hasty slap and promis of punishment, never meant to be infiicie ^ on the other, made up the principle part } the sad exhibition. My hoart ached as } contemplated the probable fate of this mi t oraWe family. There sat a little girl who sullen and determined look showed that s! j waited but for a fit opportunity to throw < ) the galling yoke of parental authority?A r close bfcside Iter stood a cowering, tim " l 3 urouen sptniea cnuu. vuo m opuo vi ? fitful mood* still clung to her mother. ? I could not help thinking how easy it wot r be, in after life, for the smooth deceiver 9 steal the heart of this girl, and allure I 5 from the abo Je, where of all others, s *1 ought \q have found sweet peace and-sec * r'.tvt - . . 9 After having witnessed such a melancli ly picture, my thoughts reverted to the mai j disordered and confuted households, wh< smiliing peace and confidence alone shot dwelt. I thought of alienated husband discontented and termagant wives and m ( ihers; deceptive, unlovely ungoverned ch | -dren; > I The Path Finder. OR the Inland Sea by the Author of t "PionoerV* "Last of the Mohican; 1 ?'Prairr.H Ac. Ac.?Also Homeward Boun r and "Heme a? found" by the same Author?; , salo at the Book Store. , April 30 1840. ' 'a;- t New .Goods. | John 0. Wadswortl I 11 AS rsow in store a suppij o: GROCERIES; { DRY GOODS, HARDWARE, - SHOES, ? HATS, r BONNETS, \ SADDLERY, CROCKERIES, J GLASSWARE, <fc. , ALL of which will be sold at the lowest marl price. Persona wishing to purchase in t market will do weHlo call. s ? nft L tfiiC Aprii ovm *otv?. > 23 * At the Book Store [ IT AVE been received by late arrivals | JUL following Books, viz : Ancient Christii [ty ?r the -Oxford Tracts by Isaac Tayl 1 Breckinridge's Memoranda of Foreign Trav r Adventorcs of an Attorney in search of Practi Chitty on BiJU, (latest edition,) Rasselas, El , abethor Exile* pf Liberia Pilgrims Progre ' Mitchell's Outline Mods, Maltebran's Geogi 1 phy, Liveretfe JuTphnJ, Ac. Ac. Also, a supply of new Stationary, consist! of Black Blue and Red Ink, of suoerior qua >, ty. Quills, Drawing Pencils, Indelible Ink wi I a'ud without wash, Ink Powder, iDemy, Ci i and Letter Paper, Record Boofcv ^ay Bool journals and Ledgers, Steel Peas* Ac. Ac. April 30, 1840. 25 tf Roberts's Silk Manual. J A New snppiy of ibis just received the Book St0tt, price 9T|. I Apfi! 39, 1840. 25 :f 1 -? \ ?f? Nails. to o KKGS, 4d. to. 8d. lOd. 12d. and 20< o- for sale cheap. Iy A. P. LACOSTE. x> April 3, 1840. ih 21_ tf 'f Bacon, Flour, and Meal, er ./CONSTANTLY ON HAND, and for sal at the LOWEST market price by " D. MALLOY. kp April 22nd, 1840. Z 24 ,f For Sale. ? A TRACT on the Doctrine, of Election an ? XM. Reprobation, by Rev. James H. Thornwel ft Also, a Vindication of the Protestant Doctrin to concerning Justification. n | May 1st, 1840. jn 25 tf Z PROPOSALS r0, For publishing in the town uj Franklin he Williamson County, Tennessee, a Montkl n(j Periodical, to he called the. as TEMPERANCE ADVOCATE ANI 81 w LITERARY JOURNAL* nd if* About four piges of each number will b 5y devoted, First: To the necessity of a law to sup j press Tippling houses; such as that passed b the Legislature of *35 and *36. or a similar ??k ? Secondly; The constitutionality of that Thirdly ; The benefits already derived from it lv operations : after which the subject of Terr l8t perance will be considered under a genen , head. . The last four pages will constitute th* Liters tis rj department, in whch will be found such piece in original and selected as will tend to elevate th l8t mind, correct the taste and inform eta judg ._ roent. # The Advocate and Jocanal will be puldisho ~~ once a month on goodj paper medium size, f >lde be so as to make eight pages, to each number.||y Tho price will be $2 00 on receipt of the isl In No., or $2 50 if delayed until the 3rd No. , - Jj* We rospcctfully request Ministers of th different denominations to aid us; also Teafclier P* officers and members of Tempwance Societie pe and all others who foe! an interest in the caus h- of Temperance or good morals. Wo wish subscription, lists to be sent by th , 1st of March. 1cl Any Pe?son obtaining ten-subseribors shall b ; 5 entitled to one volume gratis a F. MOORE & Co. lie Franklin, T* nn. Jan. 20,1840. Tg Conditions of the Farmers nc Register. ^ "Forth? EIGHTH and succeeding volume* . Prices still more reduced, for combine 1 * and punctual or advanced payments. Art. 1. The Farmers' Register is publishe n> in monthly numbers, of 64 large octavo pagr Ym each, at $5 a year, payable in advance. 0 < r for $5 may be had two copies of the same cui &d rent or forthcoming volume, for new subset ,e bers, if so ordered and paid for in advance, (c |0 at tho time of making the subscription,) i current money, as described below, (Art. VI n and without loss or deduction for postage, c anv other charge to the publisher, of II. Subscribers who may have already pai ill the regular subscription price of $5 in th h manner above reouired. for a sinele copv* aha )e have the privilege, upon sending a post-pai order, of having a second copy of the sara _ volume sent to any new subscriber, withoi *' further charge, for that volume, if ao ordere 1 ? during its time of publication. ?> II 1. A kke privilege will be allowed to ever I old subscriber who has not paid, but? ho aha is. do so, as above, before the issue of the Ot se number of the then current volume, (at whir he time all debtors' bills will be made out an jfr sent); thus in effect reducing to half price til , cost of the work to every subscriber, old ( I?* new, who may choose to avail hunsclfof tfc l?' offer. (Sec also-Art. V.) >?r IV if, however, no more than one copy tut ordered, the subscrip ion price will still be, i ild heretofore^ 95 the volume; as it is desigm to to pefmit no subscription debt, or paymen )er to be made for'less than $5. And if 8n ord< . is sent for copies, withoutTull compliance wil the conditions annexed, (in Art. VI.) only ot :u* will be sent. V. Clubs of ten subscribers (old or new, < iO? of both)* by sending $25 (net payment) in ai y. Vance and at one time ,t>eiore r eoruary in. >re each year, shall be/urnished with ten copii ,|j .of that volume only. _. Vl. The price of back volumes, as hereti r fore, is $5 for or.e alone,.$10 for any tlirc ?' together, ane in the same proportion ($3^ " cents each,) for any number of volumes slio of a full set. Entire sets of 8 aols. (the 8l _ commencing January 31st, 1840,) will be su] pplied for 830, or QZM the volume, paid i advance, wi'h the order. VII. Al! mail payment most be made i ,? notes, or checks, of far value in Virginia, or < jn z CITY bank of the state in which the sul for scriber residences. And aH letters to the edit* in regard to the Farmers' Kegister mu6t i poet-paid?except such as coutain articles f r publication. VII. The risk of loss ofpayments for subscrij lions sent free of postage, hie h have been pr * perly committed to the mail or to the hands *} a post master, is assumed by the editor. IX. Far all copies not received by mail,; the proper post offices, duplicates will be fa nished to those subscribers who have comp'ii with their own obligations ; provided that tl failure shall benotified through the postiuasU and within one month after the date of tl miscarried copy X. If a subscription is not directed to I discontinued beforo the first number of tl next volume has been published, it will be ta! en as a continuance for another year. Sul cot scriptions must commence with the beginnir hia I of some one volume, and w ill not be tak< for lees than a year's publication. XI. The mutual obligations of the publish and subscriber, for the year, are fully incum ? as coon as the first number of the volume issued; and after thatitimc,no discontinuance jie a subscription will be permitted. Nor will Hi- subscription be discontinued, for any early n< or, tice, while any thing thereon remains due, ui d, less at the option of the editor, or in obedhw ce; to the regulations of the Editoral Convention Addrsps? Edmund Rupfin. * ? Petersburg Va., November 1st, 183?. m** _____ ng Office of Comptroller Gen ilh eralip, Charleston. Jan. lGih, 1840. U, fMlHE Legislature at their last Session, ha JL ing enacted that the General Tuxes eh? be paid in specie, paper medium, or the notes the specie paving Banks Of this State, the T< m Collectors s tid S lie riffs throughout t ho Sta'e w; govern themselves accordingly. Jurors or Constables Certificates are also receivable in pa at merit of taxes, a# heretofore. 1 WM. ED. HAYNE. Comptroller General. 12 . 13i v * ; The Latest Arrivals. 1. fjElHE fall purchases of Book* and stntionai JL have recently come to bind embracing variety of Works, Religious, School, and Misce lancoue, "from grave to gar, fVom lively ( ! severe." Among them are the foHowtng: Masheim's Church History continued to 1831 Milner's Do. 1 vol. English Edition, Pascal Proviucial Letters, Burdeis Pious Womei le Adams' Private *jfhoughts, (Lond.} Tyng*s Le< tures on the Law and Gospel, Dick's Futui Stale dde.. Life of Cranreer, Woods on Baptisn Home Education by J. Taylor author of Fana icism Slc? Philips' Life and Timet of Banyai a Methodist Hymns, various bindings. Park ha rata Lexicon of the Greek Testament, new and improved Edition, Robinsona D< d Knapp's Greek Testament, Grisback's D< I. Blake's Dictionary of Biography, a large an ie valuable work, Whatelys Rhetoric, Guizot History of Civilization, Plutarch's Lives 1 vo 8vo. Gibbon's Rome 4 vol. 8vo. Rollin's A cient History 1 vol. 8vo. Goods Book of Natni 1vol. 8vo. Marshall's Washington 3 vols, 8y< Spark's Da 1 beautiful volume, Abercrombk Intellectual Powers, Opie on Lying, Do. Cut U for Scandal, Cowpera Homer, 2 vols, I7mi Crockett's Songs, Burtons Comic Songs, Foi tune Teller's Book, Comics and Tragic Gcntlemon's Medical Pocket Book .* America J Orators own Book, Thugs or Assassins of India NealsCharcoal Sketches, Form Books: Drcai Books: Letter Books, The amusing Sayings an e Doings of Sam Slick, Oliver Twist, Sandfor L and Merlon, Hazen'a Panorama of all Trades an y Professions, Rhymes for the Nursery, Mothe . Goow'*g>*J old w>ti that unused oar toflmri _ Shakespeare 1 vol. 12mo. Lond. Edit. Calf bine a ing. More's Sacred dreams, Beattie and Collini i. Crabb'a Poems, Rasselas, Newton's Letters, Rc j main's Life of Faith, Rogers' Poems, Aikenside Ploasures of imagination,GraysPoe ns,Chapone' u Letters, Cottages df Glenburnie, (these ar g all fine English editions) very handsome eopie e of the Bible and Testament. Chaptal's Chemii P. try together with several new Nos of Harper* Family Library. > J Cheraw, December 27th, 1839. d 7 ~ tf 11 Lump Sugar. e IB V the Loaf; for 15 cts, for gale tor caa '** *>7 . . A. P. LACOSTE. e March 20th, 1848; o/. 10 .? if Bacon. ? OiC AAA LBS HAMS, Shoulder y\W%F\W ?fld Sides all of m own caring for gale low, by A. P. LACOSTE. '? April S, 1840. I 21 tf New Goods. ' W HAVE just received by the Steamers 8wa d JL and Osnola, tome desirable Spring and San mer goods both for Ladies and Gentlemen, whic A 1 will sell low i call and see. ? D. S. H ARLLEE. r, * April 18th, 1839. r- 24 ' ft ir Salt. n -g AAA SACKS for rale low by ) JL WWW . A. P. LACOSTE. >r March 20th, 184a 19 tf e uMaLLUV || H M AS Now on hand a supply of all kinds > d Mi Goods suitable for the trade, which h e win sen as cheap as can M tiadm mi? ? ?, it hot d Persona wishing good bargains will please ca on him before they purchase, y April 13,1840. II J23 tf Si Hats, 1(j ?US r Received a large assortment of Men ? CP Boys, and Children* Straw and Leghoi Hats. ALSO. j? Gents and Voath'? Far Hals, for summer wea all of which will be sold cheap bjr " D. >1 ALLOY. ,d April 13, 1840. ;t, ? ? >' Sugar. Coffee, Salt, and MOLASSES. " A LARGE 8tock of the above now in ato A aud for c&le very cheap for Cash, ? f>. MALLOY. April 13, 1840. 01 23 tf * t ; u Shoes. >e rMlHE, Subscriber haa now on hand a vei 14 JL extensive assortment of Shoea, auitab ,t for all aeaaona, which lie will aell very cheap. 7 ' D. MALLOVT " April 13, 1840. r? 2i Wood & Hauling. IT| W shall keep a team conalantly rannir D* I ttiMnirh th? Snrincr and summer montl and shall t>o ready at i.fl times to furnish n >r customers with wood, and to do any kind * hauling. ^ A. P. LACOSTE. Aprild, 1640. t 21 if_ of Cheese for i? cts. CHEESE of excellent quality for sale f nine centaby the Cask, and ten cen T" per pound by the single Cheese. ?d A. P. LACOSTE, * March 20th, 1840. . ? "> tf jc Bagging & Rope. ie 30 pieces heavy 44 inches Hemp Bagging It- 90 Coils Bale Rope. For sale low by >- A. P. LACOSTE. * March 20ih, 1840. !D 19 tf Id Mackerel & Lime. id 10 Barrels No. 2, mackerel. of 10 Half Brio. No. 1. do. a 20 Casks Thomaston Stone Lime. >- For aale low for cash, by ?- A. P. LACOSTE. March 20th, 1840. ' 19 . tf Wood. ? wil! famish Oak and Hiokery Wood, , JL $2 50 per cord. Cash. 1 A. P. LACOSTE. October 4. 1839. 47?\ Nails. v. /# BC KEGS Nails, and Brads, all sites, fi ill sals by D. MALLOY. ?f April 13,1840. n 23 tf ill _ zl JL it Ch^raw Bacon; DAm?. SlbotMdens ?d Sides, of * JLBL curing, for sale. Terms, Cash. A. P. LACOSTE. j October 4,1835, 47?tf 0 Elementary Books. - k y For Sunday and Common Schools. ti a ffMON Primers, Union Spelling Book, b 1- MJ Union Hymns, Union Questions, Browns to Csteehiam, Cheep Testaments, Shorter Catechism, LoveU's Yocmg pupils First Book, Wor5, cc8tor*s Primer, Gall an dot's Picture Defitier, . '? Young Reader, New York Reader, Child's ?. Reader, Worcester's second Book, Webster's * 5- American and Elementary Spelling Books, j re Dil worth's sad Town's Do. together with a full / i, assortment of the more advanced English and " t- Classical School Books received during this fell ? i, st the Bookstore, A liberal discount made to , Teachers who purchase in quantities to supply a their Schools. * >. December 27,1839. c J- - 7 tf_ f New Stationery.., . A kirgc supply of Stationery has been late. n A ly received at the Book Store including 6 Black, Blue and Rsdtink, Quills of various qual. ai *' itiea, steel pens, wafers, Sealing wax. ink powder d '* block ?and. slates, paints and paint boxes, so. ^ v potior gold leaf, Camel's hair pencil* German q K Flutes dtc. i r- December 4th, 1838. Cl ? The Preacher. ** d\R Three Hundred and Forty sketches of ? Original Sermons selected from the man, uscf-ripts of two emiuent Divines of the last E ? century with an essay on the Composition of a tc Sermon. a< ir For sale at the Bookstore t? f DeomW 27,lBSWr ? !; I _i' ^ J\ ptice. >s W A now receiving part of my stock o,' e J. Spring and Summer Goods, comprising a d m general assortment of seasonable Goods, which . i- I will sell low for cash-' Purchasers will please ?1 i call |hd examine for themselves. O AliSO, Will be kept constantly on hand a supply of _ German Bolting Cloths, equal to any used in this country. f] MALCOM BUCHANAN. J l> March 13tlr, 1840. - ? : ' . ' . 18 " C i(or Cash only. THR Siiliarrilwr tak?fl thifi method ofaavinfiT 1 to hi* Customer*, that after this day be wifi J ell no article in the Grocery Line on a credit; o( ' and Dry goods and Hardware only to such al 7 person* as are prompt and nunctua] in their payments D. MALLOY r Jamrary 1, 1840. 8 If . 01 . IT a. South Carolina. ? ' B. F. Saddler, et. al.. ) t> h ri If John B. McCaskil', et al. ) b IT appearing to my satisfaction that John B. McCakkill one of Uie defendants in this* o case is ab*cnt from and resides without'th<? limits S| ?. of this State. It is on motion of Hanna order. 1 ed that the said John B. McCaskill appear and .b plead, answer or demur to the complainants lull on or before the first day of September neat, f and that in default thereof the said bill asiohia *\ will be taken pro confe$?o. It is qlso ordered that this order be published ?j - in the Farmers' Gazette, at Cheraw, twice a month for the'spaoeofthree months. ' GEO. W. DARGAN, ,. Com. in Equity for Cheraw Diet f< 09A P-U r iQift " South Carolin't. Ji George W.*Meador, Applicant, ^ ti V*r Samttjel Bony and wife Ann, Burghes Hub. bard and wife Susanna, Hardy Avrit and Wife o t, Drncilla, Matthew Kirkly ana wife Rhoda, the n m children of Elisabeth Hubbard Dcc'd. The n children of Louisa Harp Dec'd. and Willis Kirkly and wife Louisa. 11 appearing to my aatisfactioo, that Samuel Berry and wife Ann, Hardy Avrit and wife Drucllla, Matthew Kirkly and wife Rhoda, the children of Elizabeth Hubbard Dec*d. and A Willis K?rkly and wife Louisa, resides without this state, it is therefore ordered that they ap- u pear and object to the division or. aale of the a real estate of Thomas Meador. Dec'd. on or ( re before the 3d day of July next, or their consent c to tho samo will be entered - off record. 1 T. RRYAN, 0. C. D. a April M, 1840. ' T - - 23 12t IV own I III Ef X UIUV iniA'iurv. rv rWIHE Agency for this vaJuiMe medicine* 7 A is at tiio Bookstore*' of Mf. f rinoe where it may at anjr time be Bad by the tingle bottle or bythedoxen. - ' J. A. INGLIS Agt. ' ^Cheraw April 639 New Books. ,g W ATELY Received by wagon the following u JLi new works at the Rhokstore, viz : . | iy . In Theology and Religious Literature: Board man Original Sin, Village Sermons, Junkin on ? Justification, Good's Bettor Covondnt, Mo Dow. *| ell's Bible Class Manual, Signs of tho 'limes by ] - D. Cuyler. Momoir of Dr. Bodoll by Dr. Tyng, j Boston's Crpok in the Lot, Dick's Theology, ] McEoen on the Types of the Old Testament, j ~ Scougal's works, Philip's Guides complete in ] two vols. McRie on the Book of Esther, Chris. , or tian Youth's Book, Hodge's History of the j its Presbyterian Church, Gurney's Biblical Notes | in proof of the Deity of Jesus Christ. , In General Literature, Cowper and Thomson < 1 vol. 8 vo. Heraans Poems 1 vol. 8 vo. Crabbe, i Hebcr and PoHock 1 vol. 8 vo. Moore's Works, ] 1 vol. 8 vo. Juniu's Letters, Brook's Universal < ~ Gazetteer, Metropolitan Pulpit, being sketches ] of the most celebrated living English Preachers r of all Denominations, Lord Brougham's sketches '* of Characters in the reign of George III. Dr. ( Humphrey's Tour, Maps of 8. Carolina, Do* of , Carolina* and Georgia. Also the following School Books, Murray's ( Grammar, IQrkham's Do. English Reader, Jones t _ Chemistry, Do. Philosophy, Bourdon's Algebra, dec. hoc. Cheraw Not. 14,1849. - . . , 1 tf Committed. 1 TO the Jail of Chesterfield as a-runaway, a ? negro man who calls himself Lewis, and n says he belongs to Wro. B, Alien ia Johnson t n 1. V r? flaiil unarm ia nhniit 5 fiwt 10 1 V UUJIfcJ I V# - ? ???- " -www WW 4 inches high and is very black, rupposed to be a about 87 years of age, The owner is requested a come forward, prove, property pay charges and c at take him away. OBADIAH GULLE3E, ,r ' Jailor, - Chesterfield r. B.,S.C. ) April 22nd, 1840. \ ?r , . . , 3t i Sugar '& Coffee. _ 12 Hhda. Porto Rico and St. CrohrSugars. I ~ . 10 Beg* Rio Coffee. For sale low foreash! or bankable paper, . Tn % A: P. LACOSTB. i ' March 20th, 1840* 10 tf Tbo Subscriber has jest received, and **1! > eepconsUntlv on hand,Cotton Yarn audTwtoc * t wholesale, from the Afaoefeetoiy ofRdcUrig. am. ' " -f GEO. GOODRICH. Cherow,. Jon. 1840. io Notice. |1H& Subscriber has opened in theate rs form. I. erly occupied by Mr.S. Keelar andintends keep for sate, for cash only, a general assort lent of Family Grooens, with Fmits, Candies fines, ConfecUoheHs Toys die., 4c, he ha? so for sale a few thousand of the Mammoth bite Silk worm Eggs at one dollar per thousand; small parcel of Cube Tobacco Seed, Okra otton Seed dec. CHARLES VANDERFORD. March 6th 1640?? . Garden Seeds. Jost received pr. Steamer Swan a very large rid extensive assortment of Garden Seeds, >e growth of 1838. Also, a few copies of ie Kitchen Gardners Instructor, and Florists luide. Persons wishing supplies will please ill early while the A88ortai'1^^^^^^ January 16th 184&*-tf ^ Dunlap & Marsha/I ARNESTLY request aO persons indebted i them to make so eirly settlement of their jcounte. They will invariably add the in* rest however trifling the amouut on all rruuim nut paid wlifnu teu day. January 1st 1840. 8 t^. Dunlap 4* JVJarshall. fkFFEU for sals at very low prices a fine Lr stork of negro cloth and blanket*?they so offer by Hbd. Tierce or BW. very fiat N. and W. J. Molasses,. January 3,1840. .8 tf_ .BOOK BINDING. . 111E subscribers have established themselves u. in the above line qf business in Cheraw rd offer theirscrvicos to its citizens. " _ W. DAZENCOURT, 4. CO. w heraw, S. C,, Jan. 86. " New Music. ~? RECENTLY received at the Book Store a supply embracing a considerable variety F Songs Sacred, Sentimental and Hataonot; Iso Marches, Wataee, Ho. and Muaio paper. December 4th, lk39? * ? OSBRAW AOAESMT. ' WTHE Trustees respectfully announce that the M. duties of this Inatituthm will be resumed b the, 1st of October next the Male departtent qpder the superintendence o Ml. E, -Hall; le Female under that of Mr. J. Sewers. The outs* of instruction m the male department, #ill e that required to enter the South Carolina GpL .go i the course in the female department will 9, to make thorough scholars. The scholastic year will commence on the 1st f October and end the 1st July: the year ie fain divided into two sessions: Che first begins st October and endsl&th February the eeeond egins 16th February and ends 1st July. Terms of Tuition j&r Session are, ror Spelling.* Reading and Writing $19 00 Tin above with Arithmetic, English ) tc, tin Grammar and Geography y Tie shove, with the Classics, higher 1 branches of Mathematics, Logic, > 90 00 Rhetoric, He. X. ( , Five dollars each will be added to the above jr Painting and Drawing, or the Modern Lan. a,w r 7? 2 Ail payments ore in odvaneo; the mmB will e required to pmr for what-remain# orthe on. ion at the time ue or she enters, nor will dqdnc. ion or drawback be made for lorn of time. J. W. BLAKENEY, Sec'y HTreat. P. S. Mf. H. T. Chapman has taken charge f tie Boarding House, near the Female Acade. ly, where Young Ladies may obtain board at a ?ode rate price. Sept 20. 1839. 45 if E. WATERMAN COMMISSION MERCHANT. Georgetown S. G. plONTl NUBS to transact a genera) ComVJ mission business at that plafee. He ia inder obligation to no boat, or roasted vessel, m nd is free to ship bv the earliest conveyances, without orders to the contrary,) either North t South or up the xiver. Inferences : x Cheraw?D. S. Harilee, ), C; Wadbworth, Bennctlstilh?M. & B. D, Towns* wasm icw ? jtnv w w? . -r . ? ? LtesviUe-r-J. C. Lbs, Wadeeboro*? M'Gorkle 6k Cole, Charlotte? H. B. Wfllwhs, Rockingham?W all & Holtpn, . W. P. Leak. February 14,1840. 14 ' V *' Carpenter'8 Toolay rHE subscriber hsa just received a very ex* tensive assortment of Carpenter's Tools, .mong which are, Doubleand Single, Cast Steel Iron, fJjck, Smoothing, foTfrrHind Jointer Manes, Astragals, Beads, Dado's, Holtewiand lounds, Nosings, Grecian Oralo's, Quirk Q. U. ><leeding, Kabbit, Side Rabbit, Raising, and Sash Planes, Sash Cord; Coves for steps, Table Pianos, Toms Beads and Corniee Planes, Bo. nan O, G. and Fillets, FiHettsters, Soipea Bills, 3othic4 Ceiling, Flooring, and Plow Planet, Plane irooe, Oil Stones, Key Hole Tenant, ind Panal, Hand, Croat Cut and Frame Saws, Screw Slide Mortioe, and Marking linage*, kugurs, assorted qualities, Mortice, Socket, and Firmer, Chisels and Gouges, Plato and Iron Squares, Side Be vile, Spoke Shaves, Looks, Hinges, Sprigs, Nails, Brads, &c. ; ALSO Collins* Club, Hand and Broad Axes, Ohio md Pennsylvania Pattsrns, Hammera, Shingling md Lathing-Hafcbets, Ac. The above wore purchased low and for caah if the best manufacturers, and will be sold cheap V D. MALLOY. nember 22d, 1839. Stf* New Goods rHB subscriber is again opening t stock of goods in Cheraab well adapted to the seaion, whioh ho is prepared to sell at prices very nuch reduced, either by wholesale or retail Ho ought a Urge proportion of his Goods at the ^ few York package sales in September last, with i *iew of wholeeailiug and w connwot tm can ell them as low as they can be bought in any >f tho Southern towna. _ D. B. McARN. November 22d, 1839. 2 _ If Dunlap 4* Marshall HEREBY gife notice that they will continue to sell their Dry Good* only, on the eeoal tredK te punctual ouatomexa. . They will aell their Grooeriee at Hie lowcet nice*for caah only. The very abort credit at which groceries can low he bought, amounting with the exchange faoost to Caah. with their limited capital compel# hem to the adaption of thia comae. Jamjar* 1,184(? ' 8 4 tf