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cai1 mm n % and succeded m separating them. Mr. Garland picked up his cane und returned to his seat. Mr. Bynum being at tie end of the narrow aisle next to the lobby, or in the lobby, near the fire-pluce, drew bis penknife from his pocket anJ appeared to be endeavoring to open it, but did not succeed. He then called Out (o Mr. Garland, uttering violent and reproachful epithets.? Much Confusion was produced in the House, but the Speaker having succeeded in restoring order, the affair here ended. V TBB DIFFERENCE. We were yesterday informed of a sole of real estate recently made'in the vicinity of New York, upon U rms so extraordinary as to be worthy ol special noie. The terms /T* 1 C J ot tne bargain, moreover, anora one; ot in* strongest possible illustrations of the want of confidence in the. present National Executive, and the utter hopelessness and dcs. pondency into which people will sink should Mr. Van Buren be re-elected. The terms of the sale referred to. were these; Tiie purchaser is to pay for the pr p' i'iy sixly thousand dollars in the event of Gen. Hur rison's ejection, nnd only thirty thonsand dollars should M r. Van Buren be re-elected. New Yarlc Corn. Adv. [Il may bo ^u-otioncit ? ihcr ouoli a trans iction is not a mere trick designed to influence the elections. . . : \ Ed. Far. Gaz. House of Representatives. The report of 'the s- !i;pt Committee on the fight between Bynum nnd Garland was ordered t<> le printed on the 24;h Apr 1, but the work not being done on the 26th. Mr. Campbell moved t? rccotvsulet the vote ordering if. After some debate -the mo*ion was lost, very few voting for W it. Tho report, on the 27 was taken trj> and postponed Jo May 1st. On fhe27itr. The appj-Qpriado \ bill which had so been so long up'in Commit!''? o! the whole, !>eing still th" occasion of de'wte on the Presidential ejection, the roajori y 'do. termined to force the minority to close th?r debate by continuing in session -4di they should be tirod out. The se sion was acc. rdingly continued aJl night and lilt 7 P M. the next day, wiili a rejv-tifion of ili'n f rre enacted jvhcn a similar nthiOpt was made some lim > ngo ; tin' mi mrijy refusing 10. vjote in comfmtee, and thus comp? liing the Committee to for was J o? a quorum ; hut when a qmMwn whs t >k< n in the house a quorum vote ); \s is usual in su h attempts, Tie m.joriiy and not dm tniiionty. were nbl ged to yield, and adjourn without getting the bill out of committee ??? ' * CONGRESSIONAL. We regret to letffn that the flon.-R W. Pick'-us. who returned homo I ruin Washrngton, a short time since, in ord r ro recruit his strength, continues so indi-posed, as to render his return to. Congress this session uncertain ; and?hat ho haswitun, to ( Ih> S|?ontfr of lUo t r?J? tV.lg CtiC appointment of a Ch;?irn?nnof the Committee of For ign R lat ops. hi his place. We burn also that the trying climate of out D> i< n d capital, "had iend Ted the lion. R B R ?ett Seriously ill, hut wo a Id, with> pleasure, that he is oil tl*i?*eovervvorper* Imp*, by his time; entirely f,JC' v '< d. Charlt sion Courief. GENfcRAL OKf)Efc J ^ %, 9 . * * T-'. ' % Executive Department, > ' Colombia, 28 h prii, 1840. \ - Thrrfnghou the civilized woi!'?isines teemed ttsnjje, for Stat ? to mouin for sthe de th of their b ncfaclors On assuming the high Executive ftinctionsofSo tli Carolina; to which fho- Lieu. t? nant Gov? poor has been < tn tt'uliohally called, by the deajh of his lamente 1 pre Te? cessor tho latoPatr ek Nob(e, there would be a tier*'lie:Inn of his solemn duties, were lie to pass unnoticed, this sorrowful evejp. Ofth la e Governor Nobb-, it rn y he truly said, ? he was first rn the hearts of. his c iuu trytnenf--"^s name Oalt>w?aJ (>y a chas i:y ol motive, Unit daarin.ed n prrme , arid in ele powerless invective. IJnt' ring :bu.councils <of the State at nn early period r?f his life? for a series of y ars a R"pr?seu!ntive, and Senator from Abbeville?ho his been successively calf d to preside over each branch of the Legislature, cs Speajterof lie Ffousc, and as .President of/he Senate^ and, n XPhififary requital, lastly honored with the first office of the ?t?te. Of his eminent virtues n? a man?his mild and forbeariiig rule, as Chief Magistrate ?looking with deep respect to the execution oftho laws, and at the same time, mingling Executive clemency, with the rigid severity of the law?it is unnecessary to spesik ; or ofllie general fidelity and self-devotedness with which he discharged ail the duties oi the cheated and sacreu trust connueo^to him : thf,y are fu'ly and gratefully nppreciated by the intelligent people he so lung and efficiendy served. v . ? In obedience to the force of general sym. palhy, and as n tribute due ;o the Communder-in-Chief, the Magistrate, and the man, tlie Major.Genera's througliout the Suite will, cause the order to be extended to thiv'r separate commands, requiring all the Officers tri i?P?r ?(-io nvinl hnrlrrnrif nnniirnm'r <111 flir* left nrtn, for thirty cLtys ; and that on th'? 16th May, the Commandants at the Citadel, in Charleston, and the A rsenal, in Columbia, iviil cause a gun to bo fired at every half hour, beginning at sun rise, and ending a* sun set: Anil the Executive recomnrv n Is, that on the 17fh May the Citizens of th<Slate assemble in their respective Churches, to unite in condolence for the loss which South Carolina has sustained. By order of the Governor ; BEAUFORT T.*WATTS. Acting Aid-dc Camp. The late rainr.?The prostrated and unexampled drought of last summer and fall, has been succeeded by drenching and, injurious rains. The rain of Wednssday smd, in some places, of Wednesday nighl Jart, ^'specially,' ^ya? ? oer%n> for^nt. iivjn. dt'ing the sections of country in which it fell, and has, we fe . r, done serious damage u> both co Ion and corn. Accounts from Macon, Geo., state that thousands of. acres i have been swept and mod) torn up by the ruins. . - Char. Conr. < FOREIGN. , i New York. April 26. . - five days later from eng.: 1 ! . land?defeat of.tue brit. 1 i ish Ministers?triumph of ! the new french cabinet? ! affairs in the east, (fe". <fcc. The packet ship United Slates, C >[>' Bri:ton, arrived loday from Liverpool, ) ' i whence s .e sa'ied on .Ihe 1st. We liave ' I received hy h?r London papers to the 31s ul;. and Liverpool to and including her day | i o p; i'inirThi; Que m's Ministers were defeated on j j the 26;h ;VI .reh in the House of Commons* I by a majority of 16. in an attempt to thro w ' out Lord Si anion's bill for a reform of t-e ' Irish system ol registration. The tori -s regarded it as a signal triumph, and although the M nisters do net consider fh msi Ives called upon by the occurrence to resign yet it is daily becoming more evident that they .n. H.1H1 t?v- if liven 10 Iihi alternative. * j Th crs, the new Premier of Franee, has * ! played a bold game, and come off with fly* ' j ing colors. The debate on the secret ser'] vice bill was opened by him on the 24th March, and rlose ! on the 27ih ft was. a spirited discussion. Thiers, tn closing it, 1 boldly avowed that ho hid taken the Cabinet ] by storm, and was wholly indebted for the power of doing so to the revolution of duly. He admitted his cabinet was of different political ingredients,-aiid stated that no-o'her coul J stand?thai the eus ernquestion *-ou'd be settled without war?that the inviofahiliy of the Turk i di Em; i would be maintain ed, but wi !i >tr pr- ji d c?? to the just rights of Mehcmem A4i. The three days deb,re was brought to a close bv a vo'c, showing the strong majority t)f c ghty-six in favour of the Minis'ers. Tlie defeat of tliP British cause I a temw ^porarv depression in the money and sro?k markets* They however soon* recovered . gain, and continued firth, with symptoms 1 of improvement. The cot,on market remains w boat- ma- _ terial change. The m':;ri??r qtiali i A* J ' ineTican havh f.irt'K-r dt c i ied 1 8 I per lb. r In o li? r k'tids prices were steady, no 1 the trade more animated 'ban i. had been. 8 It is said ihat the Emperor of Morocco ha? concluded a treaty with A'?d el-Ktder for-1 he expulsion of tin? French in \friea. A 16t:er from Constat) mop|e,\published * in t'o London Morning Herald, slat' s that r the S ahof P< rsia h id declared war nL'hins' ' T? 1 . ? i.L. uMtli 4 ^ I? >-? nriiMiij ' ii i??~ HI ii' > <> >>. a I irge army in ihn direction n* B ig-la I, I;. " was suspe-Kh) in Consent ?otinoj?!e. thai 1 Mnh'-m'-nl All hnd simulated arid bribed the S iah to rn^ko his mov?,m,,nt. Amounts fro'T? C'iY34 (sa\s the Liver. s Constantinople, which sianyth it (ho Ru s'- r ans had tfeecn 4i jited in ai^a e npi to m ike * thepiS'-lvi-s majors of n ^Vthaf ?'oon rv, P .'nd t'a?f a sio'Ctttyifon oI e?ld and Jempesto v ons weather had come on, wJiich Was a t?n- a ded with great losses both of infantry nnd u cavalry, so mtf*h so thai theohj??et of the ex '' pedkibn fort o pr*en year was considered c .'o be vholjy frustra 1 Tin* London gossips have go? hold of a 1 rich and rare subject* which wi'l last them for somo time 'o come. Queen Vc'oiL >s. 51 they say, in a very interring situation, and, 1 as Appearances, indictfe, is in a fair way to * perpetuate fhe Brunswickdin*. ! *' Lord HJ' has ived her majesty's in- * efrntetions to Qr fer the cavalry of the; British army to mustaehios ; t!:e *or for, will, consequent, be issued forthwith. ' There have h-*en snv'Til ? '"hquaki'S in f various' paj-iR ofScoll nrf? In-relation to the Boundary Quqs'ion, tnere appeals to he very ?a.'d in ff.e English pap rs?' an I qijde.ns I the ?r? P ir|iam"ir. 1 f t-f . e :_ii J J I 1(1 spo (King upon u s11tij ri wiuck miruuuiuu hBmndurv qu? stion uic-;Jcctdly, Lord r John Russell said : 1 There wen* two S"pir;it^ and distinct f <jU"5'ions involved in these discussions with ' the United St The first had reference ' to the bouniiry, and die olh- rto the agree. r ment wlrch had been" entered a*o pending ' the negatia'ions ; and lie did not think that, ' etdVcronfhe gen' ral question, or on the question of agreement, a serious quarrel j would take place ; nor did he in the J,? l9! de. { gree-anticipate ha thebarinony of die two countries was likely to be interrup ed. Tin* ( governmentsof bo'h countries were oo sensible of the a fvnntagesof peace to wish for its termination, and b th were p'*rf *ody convinced that there was nothing in the b un- s dary question which could not bn amicibly 1 arranged if both part cs were determined to 1 libido by the principles of Juj'ice. Railways, in England.?Mis of railway ) now completed and open, 6321 2; expect- J ed to be completed this year, 6301-2 ;'mak irg 1318 mil-s in operation next New Year's day. Remained to be cornph t 'd J 413 miles. Railway Acts have been pass cd for 1,729 miles. A.wHMt of capital to be raised this year ?5.991,500, whic h is 1 considerably less than ;i>o calls o! list }e:r. FRANCE. ' Paris, March 20?Toe Thiers' Ministry have carried their motion in the Cham- .j ber of Deputies, for the; grant of a m llion of francs (?40.0-10 sorting-) secret service; money, by a majo i:yof08 ; the nunber being, for the grant 245, against it 1G0. Tiiis wes not only a signal, but every un expected, triumph of the Thiers administra tiorh for the most sanguine of their Suppor- j.' tors did not anticipate a greater majority j than 15 at most. The circumstance is re- 1 garded as decisiveof the s'ubillry of he new ministry, and produced a favorable efFect on !the French fund-?. , Advices were received in Paris on Wcd nesday, confirming the news of a declarat, l ion of war by the Emperor of Morocco a?j [j gainst Frmce. It was supposed that the i , Bey of Tunis would unite with the Enr>nerr>*1 ' """-^'^s^sssgsssg??' and the Emir Abdel Kader to endeavor ?o| nt d ivo the" tnfid 'li" out of Africa. It was I r?likewise rumoured that A 'mini Rosamel I r would be sent with a squadron to bombard j ih Tangiers. Thus tbe war in Africa, is .to su rommencft in earnest. The Arab tribes I"" friendly to Franco, are Jo be supplied with nc f od, cloth e, an / arms, at the exp-nso of the French G ovcrnment. - T Public Expenditure from 1824 to 1838. ,rr Le'tor from theS rrctary of the Treasury, '* tr insrniltiug a statement of expenditure. A exclusive of the public debt, for each y< ar, 1,1 from 1824 to 1838* - "r June 28, 1838.?R"ad, and laid upon c<, the table. * . er freasurty Department, June,27,1838. w 1 Sir : lu obedience to the r solution of ** he House of R presentativeg of the 25th infant, I have the honor to day b^fae he ^ Ho s a statement showing the amount of ' * 2*11 xpenditure, ex dusive of the publitf debt, for each year, from 1824 to 1838.?* 1 am verv respectfully, v ii- . l our obf servant. LEVI WOODBURY", '* Hon. J. K Polk. l t Secretary of the Treasury. nf5j)caker of the House of Rjjpr??s??nfa:ivc8. 3 atement sTtowrng tne amourr of expebdi. jn > tur-s of th ; United S at'1*, exclus ve of the pu'djc dobt, for each year, from 1824 ( to 1837 inclusi ve, stated in purgmnro o' d a resolution of tho House of R' pres< ntaives of the 25t i June, 1838. *u For the year 1824, 815,330.144 71 co Do 1825, 11,491,459 94 gr Do 18-20. 13.002,316 27 >d r\ . ? i.? c-'t im" ix,i UO ln?w, . *.C,U Do 1828, 13/296,041 45 m< Do 1829, 12,6 i0.46) 62 ??u I)o 1830, * 12,2 2M,533.33 of Do 1831, 13,864,'67 90 t < Do 1832, . 16,516,388 77 hv Do 1833, 22,713,755 11. en Do 1834, * 18 425,117 251pr< Do 1835, . 17.514, <5? 28 "c Do 18 6, 3 ?,9ti8 l6l 04 for Do 1837; - *39,164,715 37 ot NoTE.-^Th*k foregoing snmatnerude pay- ^ nen's for trust fun Is and indemnities, which, * h 1837, was ?3 610,404 36 ' S T L; SMITH, Regitfier. rREA URY DEPARTM lf\ Register's Otfic?, June 27, 1831. Cd This-sain is subject to s:n ill variation on the iq ctflcment of i he accounts of t!io Troamrer. ruj ^ ^ Vein tho Buffalo Com. AJvertiscr ofS itunlay Destruction of Brocks Monument.? . \V I 5v?'ry tourist will remember Brock's monu- ^ nent, which orowns the heights <>f Queens- ^ on, and ados so much o th? p'c uresque icnuty of ti h liui'isfMpo. Ycsjerd i v morn- ' n" about 4oVlo k, the inhniuitinU of Lewis e ~ * r* i u tor on and Q leenston wro nrous <! by a re0 t like Tlint of the heaviest artillery. On ^ joking our, a column of smoke was seen lowly ascending from the ..til rimnuin' nt, i*-Orrf'trO nwuv, tfie obH -trnrr Trjw 8U r w as djs' overcd to be rent and sham red rom *Vurr t to fBunJation s one." What1 lossib!1' motive c<vifd have indued tins p() rorsc than Vara'al ni f -ige, we tire at j|ja 1 loss to im ?fi e . No manwas more n / . inivers illv re-pectp-1 on both sides of th<lie than''Geo. Sir Isa ic Bro 'k. B Hive. % i :o ifte^us, and iiumane ton degree t int re. to nin led on- ofa preux chevalier of form r an< imes, be com man led he esteem of his ra ouiitry's enemies ev**n in the time of war; in J had his life been spared and h<- con in i<; I in command, the escutcheon o.' tnjf. 'or iji'J wool I uol no^ br stained by the ruth no ess at'rocitifcs p"fpetrAfed bv her lures and ed v;i?je aili's, in ugns of '13 and bo I4?i-Nought but. the must'wanton and fieri wf lisli malignity conl i b 'v?? prompted any our ers "US Hftcrifr?riously ?> diS urb tll<! rrposu of he gallant and honor d dead. t'.t A Big Boy. yr - A boy is being exhibited at Albany Irss * r han 4 years ol-l, who weighs nbbu' 100 lbs. fo1 w ' ? . .. . ,.p. ie is about lour leet m height, ntld has ine * " nuscular strength of .1 hoy of 16. uTh? *LJ niixl and general expresron of the exhibit the sprijjh loes* and prying curios ry >f ilie child oi six or v^ht years, while' th W'f, whiskers, -voice aud physical linea- s ' nciits, arc of a mm of 25 or 30 "? ,lt fe is t!?e sou. of Mr. Deoslow B.irber, ??l v' t chinond, Ciii'tcn ten Co. Vt. ' on Savannah, .'.pril 29. From Florida. I,(J 3y the steamboat Forrester, C?pt. VVam i tssic, arrived yesterday nli?Tiioou, we re reived tlx* S". Augustine N?*ws and Bruus- "" vick advocate of Friday lust. We learn fioman officer, thai two Indi. ,vVI ins came into Tampa from Uospnatko, ami J'1 ?t (ted that they were anxious to come in with 1,1 heir follower", in c*?ns? quenc? of a misun lu Jcrstanding between thein aud sam Joix s mdWIdCat. One Indian was killed, and one taken ?'; wisoner, by Capt. Holmes, of the-7th In I'mfry, about a week ago who struck upon ^ heir trail. Sixteen bors *s wiero also cap s 1 lured, . 1 it is said that overtures have been mad** ' o Gen. Taylor, by tbe chief Indians who *?r figured in the massacre at Culoos ihatchi . '*r f (ll !o permit them to come rn and be transporti . a' ' 1 oi i'd westward. in Our readers will peruse ivi'h. in'eres'. the nt following farewell loiter from iMa l uni' V-a. 10 purci, This distinguished lady dep r s for Europe lo day. .>lew Orleans liee. ?_ * o I New Orlkans, Marcii 30 h, 1840. s< ? As I am about to leave ihe ITnilt d S ates, and return to Europe, I think it mv duty to tender my ttianks and f?rew? 11 totho American people, and I request you to permit m? R the. use of valuable journal as a medium of m communication. ol Compelled to fly from my unhappy coun- th try, to abandon my family and friends, with. h< out support, without protection, my thoughts were naturally directed to America. From infancy I heard of the glorious country to el which or? of my mjcestorr hod given his w ??r-"" i; I had learned in ttyider childhood tn sjMici and clireiish if, as my second couny; I h.?d been constantly told rtiQi it was* i' refuge of ; Hint all who had fTcnH tor liberty, would find hospitality 'in I election t'ier?*. i imagined thai it Would i' refuse to adopt an unhappy exile, a defendant of Amergo Vespucci, aud i came II of confidence, to ask of it an asylum, hi; tit.'e of American cozen, a spot of ound where I might pass a tranquil ?*xcnco?this was all thai 1 asked from the <n riean people, it was however, more an the government could constitutionally are. Bui I was tol l ihat the nation itself would eerfuily do wliatpongrcss-bad not the |mw. to accomplish ; I was informed iliat the 5rl J must not believe that America had fused an sylurn to the d< seendant ol merigo Vespucci. I was advised to "pplv i|?e people. Til*'Senate of the United ales, through tlx* committee 10 whom ihe hi c. In I be- n referred encouraged mo to uk" this iippe .l, and stated that it could ?t fad to be favorably received. On this ension, the S> nate itldf set a grwrotis ample, and in the coursd of one of its si * igs. a na ion >1 subscription was opened in y behalf, l<? which many of ihe members that illustrious body contributed- munie iuiily* This noble example vv.w imitated various p ir's of the Union. In many ites, lis s of subscription, wore filled with e most honorable names in the country, d in a short time, a very consid- r <bl lotiril was obtained. Al'hougli ihe sum i?serib"d fir exec- d d my expcct.ilfon, I uid tjpt d ecive my sell by accepting as > eat national gilt, tnat which bad proceed from the generous impulses of a ceit in mlier of individuals. My ohj< ct in romz ?to America was not to acquire weahn. t to cHjiain from the nation itself a spot ground, where I might find repo?>e from 5 la igues of my troubled existence and <1 111 I AiV* D .I .. lit, ... .'I. ft I, ? ?ti |M ?u?; Ilill 'imiUULMI M vT ril'lt ol Amerigo Vespucci would have be? n iud nl ir r?.i onaj donation, she cannot c? |?i mdivulu il tributes. [ h:?v>, there-' v, tli-iermi te> n ft) receive the am? u t l.e subscription# collected in'-my br-Kall. i 1 request you, sir, to make known my. ?o Uhon o the public through the columns y??ur journal. I is my wish i! at dioso gentlpm n vrlie ie b<-eu kinJ enough. to undertake the legion o< subscriptions* may decline r<* t1?? sums subscribed. With regard die nfnount already collected,' it will be imbyrscd by the leposi ories to those who ve contribu'ed il. ; I cannof terminate this eommim'tation tbout < xp easing rnv heurtf It gr.i itu'lf to from w.iom during my residence in the uted Slater, I have received kindness and critinn ; I th ink them from my inmost jl fc?r til" friends'bp thev have displayed me and on he so I ol'Oid Europe, I shall n inoally cherish the reco!l<*ot:on of their ldiiess. Accept, sir.l'?o nssuranre of my dis in iahed Ciiim <1. M. & AMERICA VESPUCI. An A I mi n<st ration meeting wjs apinted to be held <n Charleston on tlaO 7fh it. A Van Bur.oo Convention was to As nble in Baltimore on the 5h. ostensibly nomina'e cnndida'es for ill" Presidency d vice Presidency?really, to fix Oport a ndid it?; .'or the la ter office. An awful Death.?A man nnmrd Tay, recently uent in woods in Adams noty.(Illinois,] iocui timber; a togkjiorkhun down ami rolled upon h;? thighs, Iding him ir? that position until he <!|'-d, iicl?, from : pp"nm>c ?, was not until sev. tl da\s after : fie accident Emigration ?From present appearances i number of persons emigrating, tlFs ar, will he unusually larga. Tue main earn of emigration st II con inu' s fo run vnrds :li? United Suites.' Already sev il hundreds have s'iilcl, und bertha for reral hundreds moro arc engaged. London p iper. Mr D. C. B- h, fo'inerK I MasS'Cht* t;s, bund dead in h ? li- d in hi> sfere A li'Mis, (4 o. d.l the I-lt!.? uli. The rdict of the Coroner's jiny is ft that the cased purchas-d Inu innum on die riigh i which il -is supposed ho died, lor the purine of relieving his pain." On Monday die 2 I March, rhroe lit. I" >ys, -oiis ol regpecinhle p-weiit* residing in Mite, [the eljes' only twelve-years of age) io ha i b"en reading the romance of Rob son Crusoe, left, their homes m company, search o:'un uninhabited island, where ey rnigh; enjoy the sweeis described by t? au iior of ihat work.?The young Crues were armed willi a blunder-f>uss, pisf<. swords, &r. and provided wilh sundry icessarics, such as rid dles, thread, twine. *. They wended their way to the sea ore of S d'fleet, in search of a ship to hemem to an island whereon they might build hut, dig a cave, breed goals,-and fe ?st on apes; ih? re they were overtaken by i? ether, and d'-privojof ?h?*ir arms. They en chann el ih?*ir route,'and w??r? finallv erakeuhy Mr. Honth, who had been sent >trarch of them by their unhappy parent s *ar Uorncastle, -md were conduct qd salel. their homes.?Lincoln (Bug ] Merc. . : VVe understand that the Commissioner? Roads, in L xing'on District, have re lved not to grant any Licenses to Retai pirits. S. C. Temperance Advocate. A ship new* ceporier of the Nov Orleans ulletin, I defy dropped asleep while s?ti????. i a chair in the window of the pr ntinf flicc, three stories higli, und^fWl out upor W! pavemen'. His skull wus fractured au< 9 soon expired. Jumping the Hope.?The Boston Trnv Her states that a little school girl bantered ith Iwr comrades that sh ? could "skip th< Z - ' " , rope" cue h'.ndred time3 on one fodt w iiiioi ! s opping. She performed'her boast, bi ! it neaijy proved futal to her. She jve t;<kfn into (he school house and from thenc (0 h'T home, covered with blood. Not or ly ?as the foot on^wh'cii the skipped lath ed hi blood, but keiuded from every por in her skin, arid stood id small drops a over her ho lyr arms and face. She re ' roamed in dn extremely dangerous state fo several days, hut is-now recovering. Larg i age Lawyers.If a moruvoulc arcordmg o |.?w, give to another an orange instead of savii g,." I gne you that orange,' winch 0110 would think would be what i cnlk-d, in legal phraseology, 4 un ubso'ot conveyance of ail right and title therein^' die phrase would lun thus ; "I give you al and singular my estate and interest, tigh: title, and claim, and advantage of ar.d in tha orange, with all the rind,, skin, juice, p'ulf and pips, and all right and advantage there in, with full power to bite, cut,suck, oroth erwi>o eat the same, or give the same away as fid y and effectually as I, the said A fi am now entitled to bite, cut, suck, or other wise the same orange, or give the sam< away, with or without its rind, skin,juice p lp, and pips, any thing heretofore or here af.ef, or m any other deed or deeds, iostru nn nts, ol what na'ure or kind soever, to iia contrary in any wise, notwithstanding Havana Police.?A friend visiting Cit ba for h'8 health, writes to us that six weeks experience has convinced him that the right; of pfe rsons and property are little infringe! upon in Havana as in any ci;y in the yvorIJ Durriig all the indulgcnoir s of the hoi difys he leaned of only the following instance; a here the police could show its prorr.ptnes; nvf etfiCiftncv ; During the*past four week, Mucquerade flails have been frequent, and those at th< p ? TT*-. i,f ?irnr>u nf'nrrlnr 1 UWII I IIC'UIIC liiivi; uti 11 xti intj ^ n 1 .VJI'JV/-. by sus*thousand people within the wid'a, be s d<i?lhp immense c'rbwds of those willi aiu without niasks, nightly fre^uen:fog the cafes stn ets, <fcc. hi the iritmediVr* neighboring of the building. Not the slightest disturb anee oecurh d beyond that of a-fist y ruTIm' between some young -foreigners anjd a par c?'l of natives., !n' an ohscore s're^t, ho v ever, some distance from the Tin aire, ; I <!ispu'o bevveen a fn her and son was* rertr.i .i:lod hy the latter killing the formed or at you would in ihe Utnkd States oi Engl ?nd, he committed manslaughter Tinswason tfic 3d instant, and fhe day nftei to-morrow "f.o is to he executed ! Street robberies had beon forborne ?dan of such rare occurrence, that when,' somt vw-i-ks s>nce, two or thrre had been Commit ed, the police were taken- qu'to nnwnres OiM* day, tio-wc\*er. a mulatto f'e!!o\V very un ceremoniously desired a gon'.lemart to givi up 'us b tg ol mo.vy nt eleven in the morn nig, but he wns quickly overpowered', tokei before the authorities, tried and sentenced t< be ti <! on horse! uck and receive two hun dr d fashes at the different corners of th si re*- s. and th' n to l> ? put in -tku " chai ganji" for six years. This sentence \vn carried into execution before*# o'clock (I the Kf.ernoon of the same day on wh eh th ro!)l)< ry was aftcmptod 1 N. (). Com. Bulletin. *'A Defalcation."?About "two week ngr>, n stage driver named E\afis wa? nrraigoed before a magistrate ip Leake coun tv, (Miss.), upon a charge of robbing th< stage of a pair of saddle bigs qontatfliflj two Iron lied dfjlars in specie, When- r.p pealed to to state, whether be rOmniiftoJ liu robbery, and how he came to do i* hfS re. p fed? Well, squire, I acknowledge that. T hqv< ?;oi it, but it was all in slver, an?Ji fpul* bear die tempting stuff jiii^lin|j for miics If :t b (1 been paper, I couU! have s'bdJll bur <poul 1 not resist my fondness for ih< metallic. But, squircy you must recollec I'm an office holder, ond I'm ins'meTed l>< tfm lawyers, that you cftn't .muks more oa of ilrs hnu a defulcnl'on, any - lloW j wbicl wc till know not on'y wiff'not rend n mat - o the penitentiary, bai will not prevent hm *from'being respeuted according to h-s geu er I merits." . I lie magistrate could nol recognise th . tcelrnienJ distinction" which be drew, bu scut the poor fellow to the"4' lockup." U Aft. 2*5 0 ICQ cf& EEP1ALE ACADESV. * Teacher Wanted THE above named institution is situated i Uennettsville, Marlborough District, S. C and has bona for the last eighteen-month j, undc the superintond.ince of the Misses Simpson, wh imond. nt tho close of tho present session, t relinquish tho station, ami spend the summt at tho North. To supply this vacancy, th T.-ustreos aro desirous ot' employing a Tcachc whu is qualified to teach all the branches, whic aie necessary to complete the education efyoun Ladies. To such a otic, they offer the who proceeds of the Academy, which have bten ft il-.c past year equal to $1,503. The clcctic will tak place tho Sth of Jur.o next. Commi nic xtioiis addrnsKsc'd to tho Subscriber, (postaj paid) and received prior to that time, will 1 attended to. To applicants who live at a distance, it may I fail, that Bcnncttsville is a-very healthy ,plac and entirely free from the autumnal diicaa which are usually to be fohnd in the towns m villages of the South. It is remarkable for i jood .society a> d is in aH other respects a vei desirable location. . ' E. P. ERVltf "Secretary of the Board of Trustees May 1, 1840. . . * > 26 4t i K-iummcr Resident* for SALE. AS I intend tn move to my plantation tli slimmer- I will sell my summer residduj U Gofer Hill at a very roduced price. It a cVtry respect wel!#ca!cul4cd for asummerre 1 iJcncer Th ? Hodse in large and a largo passa; 15 feet wide bat ween tho Houses with a vrii died and piaxia. Any person wishing to purchase a ,siimm retreat near Cheriw will do well to examine tl ih it will be eeld^rcat'y boiow its cost and val tnd thu placo is known to be perfectly health , * U.S. UARLLKE. Chorr.w May 5, 1840. * e " SS it The regular meeting of the Chatham ig. Society wHl be held at the Male Acadetay ' to-morrow (3at?rday) evening. half paat seven o'clock. The publte are respectfu'ly invited to ?t j tend. ' B . VV. L. T. PRINCE, II; ' Secretary* .. j May, 81840*., v .0 . , *j r 1 ? 1 ?l ' i ji i||y CJEJLEBAW CLttHf!*!. ( r' ' Friday Way 8. v ahtICLES. Tee} & C. | 8 C Beef in market, lb 0 5 a 0 7 . s j Bacon from wagons, ll> ?by retail, lb II a JS >? j Butter lb 20 ? 25 M .. : Bcc?\ra.t . lb . 20 a 1 yard * 18 a 25 ? ! Bale Rope lb 8 a 10 ;i Coffee H> 12} a - 15 , Cotton, lb 5 * f 8$ ' Corn, Koarco btasb a 75 * .' Flour, Couutrv, brl ? 5 50 J * ! Feathers fm wug. nono lb 4j o 50 j Fodder. . . lOOJbs 87 j a 1 , GIas<*, window 8x10, 5<n\ 3 11.) a 3 37J j , ? 10*12, 5'Jfl :i 50 a 3 73 i Hides, green Jb 5 a s I ?-dry . lb i'J u 't , fron 1 OOILs 5 20 a C 50 1 - j fnrfigo lb *75 a 2 50 . Lirno ' cask 4 a 4 50 . [t ; Lard scarce lb 11 a 1*1 ; Leather, solo lb 24 a^ i!3 Lead, bar ib 10 t I Logwopd If) 10 a 15 j| j Molasses gal 40 a 43 \ *}.? , N.O. gel .35 '? -40 j, Nails, oul, assorted 1^ a . i , wrought lb . 16 a 18 Oats fcush 40 a" $6 Oil, curriers gal ' * 75 a 1 t i ?,'Iamp . - -gal 1 25 a * u ! ?. liu&eed troi 1 [(J a 1 2p s j Paint*, white lead W 3 25 a 4 55 ;| | ' Siaji. brown * Jo 3 a. X'j [ Park . tOOlbs 5 50 a 6' - Rico ; l'X'lbs 5 ' a 6-50 31 Shot, . ' -j*" bag 5 25 . a $ 5'J ] ! \ -t lb liii a ,13 j Sugar' ' lb "fc4 a 12J J Salt- " sack 2" JO a * ' ! .* v bush 1 00 a . * ? ! Sfteel, American lb 10 a _ J | , ^nplisii lb .14 a ?*r-, Gcftniu lb '12 a 14 9 i Tallow * 1(> \ H $ . ' Tea imperial lb 1 " a 1 37 ' j , hyson lb 1 a 1 9S ( Tobacco, manufactured ti> . 10 1 j I . H. Wl, Ll?, I _ ,1 I \[- Tiic Rrvfift foil a few fcet since our last; but } I there was much rain last night and today which r 1 will Aiisc it ag-iin* The rain coutiuucs at 11 : o'clock. r1 ______ ?? 1 I a ? 1 1 ' * ARRIVED * o May 1th Steamer Qocdla, Christian ; Gcorjgc Town 2 days with'. Merchandise for'McKujr $ McCaskill, D. Malloy, J". C. Wadswortb, V. * Jolmaon and F. Long of tbi* place. I). C. - j Lilly, C. Windham, W. W. Kims, T. S. Litlle g E. Godbold, AlcCorkhj Colo. T. Fuller, John Maid, J. B. McDanief and J. A. Jolly of the interior. ' " / May SibOeeota'a Tnw Coat Jno. Irwin, with D j Merchandise for A, Blue and J.C. Wads worth i. ) of this place, and & Stsam Engine See. for the e ! Fulton Steam JUill company. n! . ; departed # f May 5llr Sleainor Oseoln, Christian ) Gcor^J ^' Town with 40-1 Dales Cotton 20 Dales Cotton 0 ! Yam and Sundries?for A. Blue, R. T Powell, j McKay & McCaskill, D. Mallny, J. C. Wad*, worth, D- S. Harilee, XV. I*. Keudall, and Other*. J m Silk Worms' Kggs, - Of the If el kit ids and quality. I can supply Silk Worms' Egjp in roodr rite ^ . quantities of tho following varieties ; V 1. Hardy gr?y and white worms, orange coJ coons'." - 2. Ciay vror e, mostly sulphur colored co q L coons. K j 3. Two crop wliite. . I 4. Mammi th* sulphur. H. Pea wnt. D | . The three first narnod varieties are from a pox -VvnHi fiL 1 'ifcctly healthy slock, and Iwye Deeu raireu ju ,, I the south for several years. '/l?e two, iut , ! troduced from the north a year ag?, w?ro no j entirely exornpt from disease lust ?ununcr but. " | a^lhe greatest cars was taken to h?ed .oitfy 1 . from tho boat cocoons, it is believed tiiyrg will y ! I?e little or no sickness amor??t tjictri iu fu trrr, l ' frotn any ho'reditary-tajjit. .The eocooca of the l i pea.nut were very heavy and Knu. Of those j two varieties bo were , only a limited number cin 1 j be'snpplied to each aplicai(t. f 1' The oggs may be forwarded by rtMiTto ptirrfnL . seisat their cost and ritk of carriage; or they will bo deposited in Ilichmoiul (if so dosiro<0 _ 'Cotton and Clarke's, free of expense, witbiu j two oi tlireo days after ike ordfr has been, re'1 , coivcd, and where they jtfill be kept in h cool L collar unfil called tor. Or in case the purchaser ?.rttrtKf {t. thrtfmnv remain in tnricr.honse m Y ? , . . until nearly tho time they aro wanted- to be . jJiutched?there will he no danger of thoir ! hatching. even in June or July, in less than two weeks aAcr being removed from the ic^, if kept i there In propor manner, aa these cg?a wiff hi-. The oggn will in all cases bo warranted' to bd it I in the best condition -vvheo they aro forwarded, 7. j (with the flight exception stated aa to tho last >r ; kinds; but it'it shall a-ppcur that they arc not, o ; th-a purchaso money will borefupded. ,o j For the three first named varieties, the charge ?r , will be ?5 per ounce?for tho other two varft! ' tiee, ?10 per ounce, the cash always to .ho tent r, j with the order. When clean eggs aio-not tent, h the paper on which the y are deposited Will bo Z ! balanced by cn equal quantity of the tamo !o kind. ' >r j THOS. SL PLLASANTS P. AJ. 1,1 : Peaverdam. Gochland Co., Va. Feb. 1840. a* t Egg" this year's laying, and which will not 1? j hatch before 1841, will bo supplied as above )C ; to ail orders sent with the payments before May 1 1st. at one fiflh of the above named prices, upd >? tho good quality-and condition of tlie eggs c? j warranted, . w ? ' Rofcrreuce Edmund Ruffin, Petersburg.. Va. l<i j . Gideon IV Smith, Baltimore, ta j Dr. Etias Marks, Colutnbki, Si. C. y ! ' David Thomas, Cayuga, N. Y. j Samuel R. Cummere, Burlington X? tvr ^ ivew JJTOOU5. V > Jc&a ?. WafiCT?5rth, ~ | AS Wow ia'Store a^jrppjj cf ! GROCttlES, ift l ufty GOO^S, * pc /UKZW't/j*:, is SHOES, '. ,K ?. - HATS, K*j . BONNETS, < . . SADDLEUY. . CROCKERIES, . 7 t GXASStf ,iJ2?, ?fre. IS I ' " ue ALL of which will bs.sold at-thn lowest maffcofc y, I price. tWeoiia wishing to pu rebate ir; thtf' I market wllltfa welt to call, f' A'p^SO.H-KMO. ' . ' * i?r. 1 ?