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detailed oescript on, with cu's, showing the J Arrangement of the crested by tno J -r> ^ t n j <5o\-? rnnrvu urcitilecf, for Count Grirviau-; ?i ;f> on Ins estate n! Vi!!err.oini?!e, near Paris. The scale of ibis building may be j iuutgiucd f?om the fuct that it is calculated . to . commodate in oc.e season the prrtJucr 1 of 80 ounces of eggs m can!) of ?'* two! . wing* l's entire length is about 160 fce;,! v 30 wide, it is divided in the mid lie by ' n partition,- forming two wings, each-of i which is furnished with, an air chamber and j ft'! the appliances of a separate establish-5 men'. A bisomer)? story is' appropriated ; to the drying of leave*, when this is rcpuV i!c, and'afler the let ding is done^t is tised , ns a fi'ntfirei the reeling being conducted ? - fr , upon "the system of Gonsoti!. Hie wince is milch morn cosily than mould hnvo been tvcossery for the mere purposes of a co- !. tonnncrv. ft stands in ijie midst of a beautiful park in the immediate vjcinity of the : ehatoau, an 1 the Count has indulged lyitnself a? he display of considerable nrchitectnrtl tas c. The proportions are harmoni- : tons, and the vent?! chimneys rendered unite or:mm'?ntnI. Too attached mulberry' plantations cover some 150 or 40 acres? In and adJit'on to this splon lid cocoon* fry, cre? ffdat Ydfemomblc. in 18f?5, Count liir mntidei cstabbsheii another near Versa i-J Ites, in 132SC This las7," though not near ' large as the otv just referred !p, is never- ; t.Vfcss .? fine establish men\ being 120 fee? < long, 27 tOido, and 18 high ; urithin, ?s;im* tiled to acrqrnmo'fute the product of 12'); ouncivs of silk \v6rai eggs. Should the'roarings a? Vrfemomble met-! ; with {lie same sttecoss tfjat has a^Tcn-h c! the new systerp in oth't places^ Count* GrbrTau-' tf"t m ill fijul his beauiifijl and noble cstriV- j lishnmni a'source u( gtertt profit, tiofttitfi* ; standing tbecr\trri ex"p%3c lavished upon i', i Shotifd pn, for example, obtain iti the ran; j ul I->0 lbs. of cocoons to the ounce of eggs,* bit M>3 ojnecs would yiyIiMim21,Od0 lbs*-; of cocoons. " These at 35 Cents per pound would ho wor h $5 WO; from which .sum jiedpet for labor at the r..te of 53 ilollyrs fib.r ov rv 10 ounces, as estimated by Bout. ? tTon, and ihe-iiell profit b-ft would be $7,5)51).1 t Jim revenue whichv would richly composite f<?* a hehyyjnvestnr nt in mulberry plant tr i rods, hud-bogs, mid fixtures. Rii-ling the" jfc- ?dk would considerably'enhance the profi's,' a* the ?tw silk would doutytless sell* for r more than $10,000 nftcT deductihg ihecx- ] " p"riscs of recl'ng. lu tii is introducing !o the attention ort!ic ' American madc' system of*rearing silkworms adopted in Franco, especially in ; the of*?jrnl parts, we def not wbh t'O lie on- ! dorstood as recommen/lihg its general cm- J p'ovmeni l?or*?. js great advantage's in I most parts of Europe cannot be do&Ifird ; \ lor there, as we have shown, they have oh- J stacks of climate to Co a tend against tlv?t4 do not exist to any *lhing tike the same extent in tlie Uni'ed States. . An examinati&t\ of some of tlie details relating to tho-cfmlrt- ' varices nnn experience in that country : where so much intelligence is now cOncejitra- [ Ii?1 oilll M cannot fall to afford, either directly or incidentally, a g'^at deal ofhighly valuable in. ! formation. We are fully of the opinion that! silkworms always succeed host whrfe they j nro kept at a pretty uniform temperature,' provide 1 the proper ventilation he prcserv. I ed. Evert in the fine climate of our Southem and M.dJIe States* artificial warm h-is} nec essary .r fimesduring the period of rear.*' especially of mornings and evenings. For this purpose it w ill always be advisable h ve b:;e or more stoves placed on the northern or western side of a coCooucrv, in which fire ran be made as occasion may re. i quire.' Or, what is a still better arrangement, i a furnace and nir chamber in the basement or cellar, with flue* running under the floor perforated whit apertures jor admission of the warm air. This may bo elected with comparatively litllo expense, and wnboui ihat multitude nfholcs recommend by. Darcer. For an apartment 25 or 3i) feet in' ongth, e ght or fen boles of modera'e size will perhaps suffice. Instead of flues ubov^ to draw off thenir, this, when too warm or viliaied, may be al!ow;ed to rise, as ii naturally w ill, into (ho garret, and then escape through vcnt !ato^9 in the roof- Cocooneries having two stories ore to be prefer- ' jefl. As we repaid the system of renting i pursued in L>?m.bardy on ihe estates of' Count Reina better adapted Jo ihe nature of our clunuie and otto r circu'fcstauci s than ; any other whh which we aie ncquaintcd,! we shall give the description of it furnished \ by M. Puvis, a most intelligent French ! oulior, 10 whom we are much indebted tor 1 information upon :his :ind sever d other topics connected with our subject.* The estates of Count Roma are situated about two miles from the town of Come. in j Lombardy, and, as before observed, the sev.- j t-ral coroonerie3 si'uateJ upon them are j nearly all snperinu n Jed by his daughteYs in j person. Hence,!he omrsc pursued is culled the system of+liu AI S3es Ruin.a. When the time arrives to hutch the eggs j they put them into smuil linen bags and j place these between two mattresses that are j not slept upon. Ti?cso are visited twice i f,?r iii.? nurnnsn nf ndmittiiiL* (he nir ! ' u '} I " I ? -- - j to lUe eggs, and the hatching usua||y be* j gins mi eight or ten days. After the eggs : . have hatched they afo carried into .the co- j coonery, emptied into a small basket hned'r with linen, wi n'a piece of tulle, placed'; over the top* or instead of this, a piece ofi paper perforated - wijh hales .about large 1 enough til allow grains of wheat to j. through. Over this fuil<\ or perforated : paper, young sboois.of riiulberry are pla- i red, which soon become covered wiih ; worms. The young worms a rb kept near! n stove, nnd a temperature of at least 77 j degrees Furenheit is maintained in the j cocoonery, w hich should be pbictfd in a; situation exposed to moisture. During two first ages, riie worms j * Lettrcs 9ur 1'educalon dos Vers a Soi, par : M. A Puvis, Anciea Depute, Ancien Oifioer} d'Alillerie, Meinbrc do la Legion il'Ifowncnr, j President ite la Sociote Rayato d'Eaaalation et ' ^'Agriculture do I'Ain, etc. etc. receive t-n rapists a day of frvsa Daves chopped v? ry fine. During the third and fourth ag :s, -the number of -repas'S are reduced j > tight Jper iltfy", and to five during die fifth ago. Ti.c le.jv*.\s are^cut h ss fine during the ihilit agt^j whilst iu the fourth they are merely sorted or freed from the sterns and fruit. The quantity given each tune i.s sulTI:-iv :it !o cover the worms with leaves. The nanus are ono day without eating in the firs: moulting, two days durng the sec. and, nearly three at the third, and a little !oog? r at the foqrth. Gome leaves ni<\ however, gr.ven at the commencement ol thn moult'ogs, fur the support of such Worms as are nut sick. Jaie space which the Misses.IInina allow trie worms d'Jripg the last nge is mucl gre..lcr than tliat recrtrnmendoil l>y uuthtuj wheehave treated upon the subject, namely 570 squpre fee: (G52jEnglisb fe?l)of shelv< t or* hutdhs .'or.,an ounce of -eggs \i Id ing 75 kilogra nines, or 103 lbs. o; cocoifus if It s is more than double the ipom r? com mended by Dondol.o, nnmelt', 170 worms to tire square foot, or 133 French squ ?r? feel (209.English) to 31.200 worms, producing 121 pounds 'French) of cocoons.? The space allowed ought to be so mud the greater, and the .removals- of litter -if? TieqoeBt. As a, M. Puvis rccorn men 's 350 se/iiye feet .(French) lo lh< ounce of eggs. 'Fix* temperature of J.he* cocoonery is a i'jiiai 77 Jegrcus Furcnheit in tLe first age bu: is reduced ruiher more than oni -d gree ciicn age, so thai, in the third moulting, the iruipf.x.ijure is-about.73 degrees 1 At ties .t:fnc they begin to open tlx windows occxs omdly. During. tin hours of tho day, the ventila ;ing i ol'-s are pjr.wl'y opened, and, if tlx uefidror bo w;um < nougli, no fi.e is mad< in tiio .slyvo. Dining the four.h age, al h i vemiiariog passages are opened ; at tlx time of the Iburth moulting, two window: are kept eidi r cntin^y, or, at least, hul open; in die liftlt age, and especially in the p riod of mourning le sphv, arjl the win clows and.venlihx'iMg passages-are loft oper nigttt- and d?y. let the vjoalhef be what i may, and, should tlx; cocoonery not bt capable ofihe liecst ventilation, the wornx must, if possible, bu corrveyed to some oibe and-'larger apartment. Where the who!< of the worms cannot be removed, a part o must bo taken away. ' By pursuing. lids plan, the Misses Rein: obtuiu tw-.rr#i crops of 75 kilogrammes o cocoons (1C^ pounds), to the ounce of egg! and, wlrut makes the'result more cittraordi nary, with a consumption of leaves equa to. only 10 pounds to 1 pound of cocoons being nearly rq ;a!.to the greatest produc obtained by 15 ouvrii* in. In? experiments feedings aided byavl the improvements arx expensive app'.i.incxs of the new foreinj system of rearing. This success is rendered iheroorc remnr kabie by the fact that it extends through out ail the colonies upon Count Reiuu' | seasons* M. Puvis thinks it is, mainly t< i b^at't ibnte<J to-ilu frerjuency of the repast given in the first Jfges, u) the large spac* allowed the tvurms, !o the ucu've veniilutioi kept up from iho third :igo,und, perhaps, t< thegradmiL' duniuutitm of the tcmporaJue of the apartment, especially during the lift J ugo an 1 period of mounting to spin. .Tb< climate has, doubtless, some influence, Iru the system contributes s'il! more, since thi Misses lv. inu ubl.iia n ! tyger. product thai any of ti^r neighbors. ... Tide de.seripiion of lire admirable sysfea pursued by the Moses lleina induces us t< fbclieve that -the- cocwfnrries. of. the.Coun ?re of'modeNite. ^'iinehsions, onJ disperse! over his plantation so aa to form so men; colonies. It ?? with silkworms jas will *hoep or other animals, which, when to< much crowded, always suffer from disease The vitul importance ?of ventilation, rspe dally hi the fast age of the worms, i ?trikihgiy shown in the plan.pursued by tin Alsses Koine. The "object of placing rhi eggi between mattresses may bo intcftder to krfcpthem at n uniform temperature boil day and night. The observation that thi mattresses nrc not to he slept on p: the (irni refers to'a custom Hi the south .of Europe -particularly -among the peasantry, oflvin; in bed wjdi tlwir silkworm eggs Hi thd bosorr.s or pockectSj with the {wjiuc inten tier, of subjecting them io the- heat of thoi persons. Whether any pnr iculcr advantages an derived from the mode of hatching pursue! hr ihn Misses Reina mav -be a question but as ii is <*x r<*muly simple, nnd Iheresul: obtained from their whole system of man agemont -hove proved so higiiJy advantn g-'ous, it may not be advisable to omit aru direction which can he complied witl conveniently. We would lay particula stress upon the points of increased span allowed to the rooms .anJ the greates possible ventilation in the fifth and last oge when the solid, humid, and gaseous exuda lions from the worms, as well as the gnseou: emanations from the fermenting leave: and litter, are most abundant and cxtremelj noxious 10 the insecis. These emanation; must be allowed to escape at all -hazards and to closo. ike windows end ventilating passages of the cocoonery during ihe las age,, with die view of protecting the worm; against a s orni, would be, in the Logu?g? ut' the fiblo, to shut up iho wolf in |ho fold ' * FRANKLIN. FOWLS. A doz n fowls, shot up away fiom anj o her mchnsVf obtaining food, require surra th;ng more than a quart ef corn n day, a leas' 15 bushels wiH be sufficient for therr a year. * Hut more or less let them hav< enough at nil limes, in a little manger.? Tlmy wll tukr but a fe.v kernels at a time exrrp: just before going to roost, when the] will take a spoonful, but just so sure as iheii fuod comes to them scanted, or irregular so sum they will raven up a whole coop full afa t me,-fend will stop laying. A single dozen of fowls, properly "n'fen dt-d ?w:U vnvsh s fi.rc.ijy nrmre than "Of eggs, nnd'100 full grown chickens, for fail [and winter. ihe cjtpftrise of feeding a dozen fowls will not. amount ion year, to 18 bushels corn. TWy may be kep: in towns and ci'ies. ns \vell as in the country ; and will do ns well, shut up the year round, 1 ns to run a? forgo; and ni oom, well lighted 10 feel by 5. partitioned from any soiWe or house, is suffivierr for a d.iJKen fowls, with their roosting place, nests and feeding i troughs. In this way, hey who are fond of raising ids kind of fowl, can keep them to ' a . b"tt'r advantage than-when suffering ? hem to run nt] ?rgrSand wilhiVoid thogrea' I waste h'y frerpierilty occa ion by intruding upon crops; and Uhjs bv a little trouble,a person raise a sufficiency of fowls and eggs, Willi a small expense. 1 FARMERS' GAZE T T E 9 > * FRIDAY, MAY 8, 1840. * v * Ours being the < nly paper published in the 1 district, although it is not a party paper, \v. feel it due the meeting of citizens favorable to the elect-on of Harrison and Tvler j to publish their procecungs. Shouid the other 5 party hold a meeting and famish us wi'h a . copy of Lbeir proceedings they shall also have 2 a place. 1 The following1 Gentlemen were on the 4th Inst, elected Directors of the Merchants' Bank of < 'hcraw, for the ensuing year. Jamea Wright, John Taylor, David S. Harllee, A. P. Lucoste, A. Blue, J, J. Marsha;] " and J. Eli Gregg. " | At a subsequent meeting of the Board, , Jamr3. Wright was unanimously re-elected ; President. iVbw Temperance Pater.?We have s received the first number of a paper, entitled I the "Temperance Advocate anu Literary t Journal'' publ shed in Frankhf? Tenn, F* ' Moore & Co Editors. Judging from the 1 specimen befoic us, the paper will be conduc* 1 ted with abidiy, spirit, and discretion. It is ^ well printed, and issued -monthly at ?2 in advance . 'xj.?;? pi Professor Dewtofthe Univrrsi'y ofVirgin! ia, well known for his able publications on the i j subject of Political Economy, has published f j a pamphlet on the sub-treasury scheme. He 3 expresses his regret that the President, in his - message to Congress, has "fallen into the 1 popular error of charging our commercial ' revulsions on the banks," arid adduces several j instances of some what similar fluctuations in j the money market which arose in countries , without banks?or at least without banks like ! ours. The pamphlet is considered by the . | Whigs an able production winch sustains the . i reputation of the author as a writer on finance s 1 and political economy; whilst the sub trca I urns mni 11 ? ?? ""I"' J ; and paradoxical." "> ! ^ ^ _ 0 ' Virginia "Election. & i P: the Senate the parties stood last year 19. 1 Administration to 13 Whigs. Only eight new u senators were chosen this year> out of whom h the Whigs gained three maim g a tie in that 1 s body. r ,Tho House of Delegates consists of 134 B i members. Ot these 61 were administration 1 i last year, and 73 Whig and conservative.? j The "Conservatives ; re noxv identified with 1J the Whigs, or have fttlly gone over to them.? t J VVe have accounts of the election of 12*2 ineinj .i hers, of whom C9 are Whigs and 54 Adir.inisy ' tratwn. The \Vh'g9 Irave then a majority of - - - *- 4' -I* *'? ??f ?l',n Lntien I) i two, counting an me lucinucio ui mv IIUUDVy 3 and the same majority on joint ballot, the seo. ate being equally divide J. There are 11 yet * to be heard from, whose counties gave the * Whigs a majorityof4hstyear. Itiscnnrcdcd 3 on'al] hands tlrat the Whigs have earned the y state and will elect th> U. S. senators, thon be1 ingtwo to elect. Tho-majorty, however is no* 3 so decisive as to deprive the Administration ? party of all hope in the Presidential election j next fall. . . . ll.i . . * , . i ^ r Owing to the irregularity of the mails we have no account from Congress later than r the 1st. inst. In t|ie House of Representatives ? the debate on the genera! politics of the counj try, ft arose on the appropriation bill, was j still continued. Tho senate seem3 to be s wailing for the House. ^ For the Farmers* Gazette. V State op South Carolina, ) Spring 1 Mar/borough District. ( Term 1810. - The Grand Jury are very deeply sensible j of the Evils resulting from the retailing of ardent spirits in any-form, they believe that . unmixed evil grows out of such a system and s that no good attends it towards any person s concerned, whether dealer or customer. The / Grund Jury do not hesitate to pronounce it a s j great pub'ic grevanco and they recommend to ? I those having the power that a tneaurc of entire ' | Suppression be passed. 1 (Published by order of the Court) * WILLIAM R. SMI I H. Foreman, f I " . : ~ ~ For the Farmers' (j.aotte. 7 HARRISON AND TYLER MEETING. a % [ Agreeably to public notice in the F.iri rrrera' G??ze lt?% of last week a.large nnd p*? sp< ctnbh* in? < t!ng of citizens of Citeravv u w) . .he neiglrborhood convened in tho Tqwn Hall on Saturday the 2nd instant. j On motion of Dr. 11 opt on, LW. David r S. fiar/lcffuna called to the chair an- J. A. lnglis appointed Secretary. U The chairman in a bri- f nnd p'-rfineiif address stated lite objeci of the meeting: ? . Whereupon it w as on motion Resolved.; > That r Committee of five Le pppoiuted by tl.c Chair to draught Resolutions expressive d of the sense of the m?eting. at d B. Frank- ? tin Pegu- s,. Dr. A. Mupton, J. A Ingbs, tr Jos. Ms rvey and Cnarns Vsnderlotcl w< r? a iippoin ed such comrni tee. * " ^ The committee, nf? r re iritis? for a short n time, reported the tol.owing Preamble and R. solutions, which were supported b>' e Mr. B. Praftkhn Peguosand Dr, A. Hojtoh. in iuteres! ig and spirited aJJr? sses alid h unanimously adopted. tj -Whereas, The construction of our National Constitution was emnn nHv designed ;o test the theory of freemen '*ThalJhi pco . pie art able to govern themselves"?and it * is essential .0 the lull and lair operafidn of the exper m'cnt that every citizen should constantly and honestly exercise all that a influence in the Government with whfeji the n ronslt'nt on invests him ; a.:d Whereas tki* ? is chiefly to be done by tile choice of proper' persous t r m .ke and administer \W laws ; e wit To lim ttnrtPA.'thli I ti. ...y ?.w ol'ie neiiod when *a Cli ef Mngistrn e "of I #< he Nation j?-fo be $(?|c(*t<-d, is ti proper j, occasion lor tire |?et>plfc 1b meet in' nssem- , ti|ic?j id scrutinize ihe'menSur s of thu. Ad- 1 miru.< rat ion which is about to terminal, to 81 consider the doctrine# of the party-that has ti bo n in the ascendant, and to seek such )f ih o matidnas sh dl qualify them for tfcp ~fj mporinnt duty they must speedily discharge ^ at the halot box. Reso'ved, Thnt in the opinion of this ^ in! ding, the embarp'Ssmcnt ned distress which, a' the present time, affect- more or J| less every class in society," are justly attri-* _ iiuted, in great p <r if not entirely, to the Government ; not from any inherent defect j in it, but from The policy which has been ^ pursued by those'ehofton to administer the j j constitution in vidlat'On of its true spirit; and I ob8 inately and unfeeling resrvedlv in,* in s I opposition to the repeatedly declared wishes ^ of ;h" people,-in disregard of experience, j rid in mockery of the mischief and ruin | hereby produced. ' Resolved, That, let others theorize ?s they j' wli, vTic facts, thai the v<r\ rjverest in which g ti e country most severely suffers, is thai g wi'h winch the favorite, measures'" of the Administration have interfered, nnd that ^ untii that interference, no jn'erest was more ^ prosperous, salisfies us, that he A IminisT'tlion ore chargeable with the prodcrction-of ^ this sufF 'ring. Resolved, That, without enumerating in ^ d' lail all the doctrines nnd measures of the P.irty now in. power which wo tegird as '' objectionable?-tho mnnifost dcterminftion to perpetuate ttieir powr by-'a corirpr'ukVr ^ uiii the freedom of elections,?the ^ deposition to bring the other Branches of j The Government in' so by-cl ion to the Exe- ^ c-u ive, tlius rendering of no effect, the sys tem of Clocks nnd balances which was so * admirably contrived by the wisdom and ingenu'ty of our Fore fathers, and is essential ' o tiie preservation of otir Free Institutions ; ?but chiefly, the Sub- Treasury," their ^ favorite measure upon which they have* th' ms' lws taken issue with their opponents . 11 ??im I xv hy we should rejoice at, and participate in, v >e cunvHioh which is spre iding and d<-ep- ^ oniii/r among the people that lh< re must be a change of rulers. - " . Re$ofvc<l. Thai in the distinguished citU | zon who has4been nominated for :ho Chief j Magistracy id opposition to the pres'UJt /incumbent, we p-cogniz" one born amid the j <ce ties' of the revolution; educated in tiie ' c Republican simplicity and sentiments of the i period immediately succeeding it, and'in ' close intimacy with some of its prominent aot'ors ; one who hns enjoyed the example ' and the confidence of Washington, JeflR-r. 1 son, and .Madison ; who', in repeated'- en- gagf-ments with the foes'of his country, has ' shewn himself an arlen: Pa-rOt an t a bravo, I generous, and 'compassionate soldier;.in \ v irious civil offices lias manifested a sound ' judgment, air intimate acquaintance with riif\ free ile orv of oor Government, and-a . h'gh ord? r of t l? rils ; who, has paused through a'l t'??* variety of ciiriiirw'nhces in which he has be n placed- willv unimperiched integrity and honor, and agoin9t whom the bitterest party hatred has not yet charged any thing positively wrong. Resolved^ That' we know John Tyler of Virginia, a* a disciple of the right polittcul school, ?nd, in all respec's,'-d to discharge the office for winch he has b -n nominated. Resolved, That, with these views, we concur fn the Nominations of the Harrisburg Convention and will yield them, id allpracticable and proper methods our hearty .support; in the fullest confidence, that, i1 suecesstul, the Government will he restor d 0 its proper und legi f1* operations, and the Country to i s .former prosperity, so soon ns h" causes which have been at work for the last i^ht or ten years can be Counteracted.Resolved. That, whtlo-wiih urfejrrncd re* o ere; we ' ontempl i;e the fact, that the delegation in Congress from litis S ate, in almost unbroken pltalant; sustain the injurious measures of the Administration, We regard withl vply sa'rsfac ion the course of the Hon William C. Prestopt, in the Senate, and jhe H >n. Waddy Thomson in the House of Representatives ; aod would ear ips ly eoinmemJ to the attention, of our Fellow-citizens the reCendy pnbl >hed address of the Jat'/T g?i) leinatv to his coil, s itit'-n's. Resolved, Tint we have learned, with : ? .u . . : _r c iru a S'liitinyiioii, in*' roc**m riiovi,ni,,ni <?' ? iio friends of Harrison nndTyLB* m rhe 1 city of Charles on, and concur in the nom'r-' ( n itjons, made h.y that meeting.of Delegates on behalf of the S:ato to the Convention of i Whig Young Men which is to meet ill Bal unoreon Monday jv*t. ( On motion of Col. D. S. Harllee it was Resolved, That we will not support for the '! State L gislature at the approaching elec- i ion ahy g? n l?*mon who will not phdge. himself to use all his influence to oppose the election of Mai tin Van Buren to the Presidency. On motion o?|3. F. Pogues FiSq. Rcsol ved, Tlmt when this mewing adjourn, it adjourn to meet ogmn at this place on the r 'A tird Saturday of ihe present month 12 'dock M. and that the c timfe of theDisid friendly to the ejection of Harrison nd Fvi.ER b requested'to attend. RfSolved, Flint the proceedings of tliit ie- ting be published j:? the "Farmers' Ga. et.e," Charleston Courier" and /'FayUevill Observer." Resolved, Fhar copies of these rcsolutiorjs1? e sent to h; Hon. W. C. Preston, and ?e Hon. Wnddy Thomson. The meeting then ntfjoujned, D. S. I1ARLLEE - -. . - *.. Chaktqun. JoHX A. IrtGLIs, S cretury. Georgia.??Resolutions were adopted b> of the slate^ghts party in Georia, !t\pt winter, adverse to the election of rbncral Harrison to the Presidency ; InJt If ris.ure now made in ajl parts ofilVb state ) unite that party in hs favor. Meetings in ;Vferal of the counties have declared for ini and a convention of the party is to be , eld in Juno to determine what stand they hall take in regard to the presidential eke. on. As some index to tiro state of feelig among respectable staterrghts men of lat State, fifiV copyHTfl following- ioukt oi | le Hon. Win. C. Dawson, member of j Congress to a friend nt home. Washington, Git., April 14th, 1940. My Dear Sir. _ > The question Ins been freq'iorirly asked, /hat wulLGeo gia, dtrin. the approaching Nesiib n jil mutest ? Myieply has been Jo for Van Huron, 1 presume, as the State ligh's party in December hist, resolved to upportTieither'Van Huron or'Gen. Jlurrion. Tlr's will be the result, if that usfAfld loof dou se be persevered in. When'G n. lerrison wus first nominate I, I thought bat. the proper eours# for the Stare Rights tarty?but frotn a full and fair examination if the puttied opinions of .the General, 1 m now willing ?o support him in prefernee to Mr, Van Bur en. To give yQU-ihe easoiis, I deem unnecessary?for the las liree months, have Keen chiefly employed, l-'Vi'IoplHg his merits'.and demerits?my irejU'Jie?'s w? re against him, nnd I so ex^ iressed myself, but justice to myself forbids ne to remain silent when an old and gallant nan, has suffered under an improper prejq. lice. If I should be asked, my opinion' tis to he course, the State 'Rights party of theJiate should adopt in the Presidential com esf^vijtesitatirigfy 1 would say go for Gen. larrison and John T>ler?Virginians by ) r'h, Southerners by birth, education, sym >atby?both intelligent and honest?high ninded, noble and patriotic. It is a vile and ixplo led slander, to call Gen. Harrison an Vbolitionist?no f.iir man, who is informed loes it?hois loo near the heroes of the devolution, in age and patriotism, to forget he land of his nativity-?the noble family i'rQm whip'1 ba LuU- aiwi iut>u;uTsp('aK ot turn ITTUs, to yi?u,but what n m from a Slave-hnlJiog Sta o, does not * *' 1 ' - it -t eet moiajom, wnen no is una, ina; mr. ^an BnQ% is'u Norlhern man, with more VienffslwpT&^he South, than Gen. Harrison.. do not design to irb'iso M:, Van Buren?1 [ never have, nor shul I now do it, but h s >olicy, nnd his administration generally ?as fohn P. King said, are "whitening the head >f this young Republic most prematurely"1 ?look at the country, who docs'not fool for he People ? and who does not perceive, the uin, desolation, and distress, which is nowc iverwhehniogahe People? who qim tell the vretchedness, which the debtor class of the joople are doomod to suffer ??who cannot perceive, that the money holder?ho cvdi. or will sodn be-tho ow n' f of the- L >nd and Vegroe^ of their dob'or ho rJoeg not ' mow jhat the policy of ihfs Administration, igs "been prostrating the credit of the counry ? that it has closed, tire doors of the J -- - * -t- lit / ??< tut,id In iJiUIKS) WJ picvrn(rfCuil UCI^^ V.TI"MUVU IV | lonnst and indwriotht men, ivhcw propery is or will be under the Sheriff's liamrmr ?but sir, I will stop?I am prepared to do. end inv choice?^and I am -ready to give py constituents, and die people of the Stare, ny views, from the stump?any way?any vhcrfe?and if my preference for G>'n. Harrison ever Mr. Van Buren, is an oheciion to me, I wrllsnyto my constituenrs, :hoose one, whoso opinions more fitly heron); ft .14 not at ?H surprising llwt there should wve been u diffe rence of opinion .among ns a making the choice ; time will bring us ogcther ugawh?at I.last tho mass of the Party. I will be pleased to hear how far >'ou accord with me.-Amidst my extensive rorrespondence, I have expressed my prcf- | jrence, ever since I have satisfied myself, ?uf first, I,was for standing aloof, that is j ;omg for nor her.?bur my opinions are now Jiffn-nf. Tho Stale will go for Gen. Hrtr- J ison and John Tyler,when their claims are ully known. Let tho Convention in June turvey the ground, a> d do tju ir du'y.'Tell ,our friends Mr. Van Buren, has a Wafer, oo defeat, nhe.Td?hut he is a Magician in lie opinion of many?perhaps he.may avoid l?personally I estw m Jifm. Your friend, > . WM. C. DAWSON. r? ...? (joninus OJ WK firmr.* *????*?<.# ,j w, April 1840. ORIGINAL COMMUNICATIONS, . Stoves for ne?rff"'s duellings, . [levies "Matsdn Ruslique, du xixo siecle" 3j?ht rich or poor-land to have-the greater ' numb'* of it'Iks of corn left to grow ? Mrs. Anderson's present of silk cloth, and General Washington's letter of thanks. , y.\ root Cdltttr**, and the distancces required by d (T rent roe's, Manuring with green crops, . . Motes of a stenm journay. Wilmington and it* rail-way?Steam mills?-Rice fields and culwe?Charleston--A sandy desert?*-Predacoous and carnivorous plants?Lands of New Hanover county ?Celcareoos lands t>f Rocky Poiiit?: The SavannriH?State of agriculture, and products of the country?Pmc fores!? _ ... -v -w I. n?i Wii'ift- hihri jWP 'JSt terpentine and tar business?Judge ^ Gaston's reclaimed Pucosoa?Marl and I'Bt* of the Nt-use and Trent?Odds and Ends?Silk culture in operation and preparation, Mr. Ronaldson's seeds, Quantity and value ofprtjduce of die county of Acesmec, Monthly commercial report, SELECTIONS. i*ime and lime burning, ? EsS&y on cattle. On flower beds, . Sowing-[.Kentucky] blue grass,A Gloucestershire hill farm, ' I No e? on European agriculture, A plan vsf green cropping,^ To destroy ticks on sheep, . Devon catt'e, * \ Miss Rapp's silk goods.?Curing cocoons, * &c. , ' .. \ Account of nn agricultural excursion into St. John's,.Berkley,. v Soil and climate of France, The drag-log cdulpr plough, . On the superior adyaotages of growing orcjb ird grass with red clover, ? - ' Preservation ?>f Pi?mpkms> " / > Sugar beet ard ruta-baga. Bean pods poisonous to swine, 1W UlUiw'firl 11ic ill.efllina ofUirj atddrs Extract from an address to the Middlesex (Mass.) Society of husbandry and manuf icturt-sw Rules for overseers, A new method, of painting with milk, Impor ant exper mint with potatoes, Culture of the pea, ; Root crops, > f. , Culture of rape, ,7 * Culture of Indian corn* ^ _ .? *, SoUfHERN CitHNET. . ? - ^ -4 'Flio following are the contents of the AprillNo. Southern CabineUKdiu*} by /. I). Lcgare, and published by A. l?. Miller, 46 E. Bay, Charleston. . 'it 'Notes-on. European Agriculture. By a CharleHtouiau, No*A. ' Agricultural Survey of lire Parisri of St. Ma.ihew, S. Q. By the Editor , Address delivered to the Harbor Crahiv ( Ala.) Agrcultnral Society, on the Anffiv. ersnry ott w Sir h day of WashingliD. By Col. John L. Hunter. . Durham Catile. By B. R. Carroll. On Rearing and .Feeding Sheep, (couelu. ^dcd) - * . ' Indian Com, (continued)Pine Plains (continued) Calcaneus Manures. By Dr. Joseph Johnson. Cure of Horsos. - . Boilers. ' % .Tlie Garden.. > _v * Fruit Trees. - ' / .... -V , Tams, Sketches, &c. ' On Long Handedness, and its Cdhsequ. onces. ' A Tale of the Moigue. By Edward Hnyhew. 1 Tim ludim'n Dh?uiii. ' . ~r~ Valentine Vex, fhe Venfritquisf. Song of the Water Tippler. An Idea Of the Universe." Literary Notices, The Aborigines of America. ^Audubon's B.rda of America,. Aqricultoral Items. WorkingCaws ; Pioductfrom Manures*; Dutch method of preserving Milk for n long voynge ; BeU Moth.; Lime for Pencil Trees; Pent Trees propirgated from Roots ; Pres. efving Plumbs from the Curculio ; Missouri L-.aX. - ... Miscellaneous ITEMS Electrical Lady.; Breedof a. f>r?lty Wo. mm ; She would be a Soldier?rrooeh B-*?im; The .Majority must Govern; Scam .boat Accidents ; Bones ofan unknown Ani. rrnl ; OHguerrotype; Redress of Eyes ; Importance -of Correct Punctualhm ; To Lake oui Bruises in Furniture; A Cool Ilun 1. | TheFjgutin Congress.?TWfollow, tog is the substance of (he report of tUe se. lect committee on (his subject. - A certain exhibit oflhe comjVirativf* expenditures of ilc present and past Administrations, together with certain other documents pertaining to the same ?ubj?-ctft liuv ing been put forth by penflcmen styling themselves an Fxocutive Committee, and pjiblish^d villi their names attached, had been referred to Mr. Wiw, and nt his re. i quest had been read at the Clerk's table.? When the rending was completed,' Mr. Wise ni&desom'c further remarks, in which he stated that the pnpejr jjsf mad had been drawn up by his colleague (Mr. Botti) .who had gone to Richmond. ^ Mr. Wise having resumed his scat, Mr: Byoum, of North Carolina, left his seat near the door, and, walking up die central, aisle of the Rouse, came to the scat of Mr. Gal. i bfaitb, of Pa., and observed lo him that this I ?n ?.lr?r?hnnpftrinfj naftv trick. H?' ihfUl ?.?a ?m UI --V advanced up the narrow aislo> which pro. cceds from iho^ central n??a, till he came between tile seat of Mr. B?nksrofVa*, and Mr. Garland, df Lou./and looking at Mr. Banks who then sat in the seat next to his own, obsorved, that this was an unfuir party trb-k, intended to bo used in Virgmja, just on the eve of an clection^nnd that the paper was a cl d lie from the beginning to the end. * Mr. Garland, who wna close by (nnd whoso name was attached to the paper.) turning from a gentleman with whom he wns ^ in conversation, and [(joking at Mr. BynijBh said that every word in fhepaprr was true.; anlf adJod that no gentleman would say so, or, as others testify, that what Mr. B. said was a- he. , On this, Mr.' B^num, replied, 'tint's a rl -a Ho, or -you are a d-r?d liar, nt'tfu* same moment reaching towards Mr. 'Garland*' cnr.'e, whreti'Tuy at the back qj; bis chair; oh this,"Mr. Garland seized the Cdne. Mr. B. raised it as high "as the waist of Mr. G., when In the tustle, the cane fell to"tho floor, and the two par. ties engaged. MtV Garland struck Mr. Bynum a blow, wluch the latter returned ; when th?: gpntlhrheh xrfi o vt em by interfered, % % ,-T jV . ?*ui in