University of South Carolina Libraries
UP OLD HtmrUREV ON THE GAY 0? YOUTH. -It is said that "men are but children fully grownand if I were to be asked in what chilJish amusements they indulge more* than another, I would say in the game of bubble blowing. We begin to bMw our bubbles early in childhood, and we keep i; up with li,tk> intermission to old ago. With what delight does the young urchk gas; on the glittering globe of soap nnO water that he has fairly launched into the air while standing on a four foot wall ! There it goes ! mounting up high wi n the bre< zi that Wows, and again descending low. Out moment as high as the house, and at anoth ? r almost touching the ground. {)nward onward-1 it holds its course, escaping ever} n anger, tiH at last it hursts as it strike^ ngamst the edge of the tombstone in an ad joining church-yard. The btibbi* s of our after years, too, heu a strong family likeness 10 those of our child hood, oome burst as suori as blown. S.nn vanish suddenly in the air ; and if any < them mount over the church-yarJ wall thcfnre sure to disappear amid the tombs "Wishng" is a losing game to all wh play at it; and yvl who is there that alfc geiher refrains ? I never oeard but of on man, who could say. % I h ive learned i whatsoever siato ] arn therewith* to be cor tent," Pint. tv. 11. Let u& Hike n stripling from among til many win>are, at lies moment, banquettin on the airy food of future grea'ness, wh are, in o'b'T word^, engaged in bubble b!ov ing. and enter for a moment into his goMe dreams. It is true he may be poor; hi i be Rothschilds were not always rich, thou^ at Ian they amassed millions: He has heat of Wilmington, a poor friendless lad, qui ting London with his bundle in his hair and turning baei: again to wealth and ri nown, beckoned by the belts ringing o; mus.cuily, as he fancied, the words, "Turn again, Whittington, Til rice lord mayor of London." Why, it is very possible that some da he mnv be as great a man as Whiulng'oi who had only a cat with which to make h fortune. Not that he has at present an very bright prospects before him in real life but that only renders the more bright t!i vision of bis fancy. Weil, tlien, it is 11 settled thing \v*th hit that he w ill be a merchan\ and sad the sec - I _ . in a ship of his own, carrying out ocaus i barter with Africans for ivory and os:rie feathers ; and bales of c!o:h to exchange f< gold. There is no preventing h-s futui prosperity; he will soon become rich in h own imnginaiion^and ride in a co'ich ar six! And now the bubble is at its height /What a pity that he cannot keep it in tl air/ Alas, down it must come, breakir ngainst the very ground. The poor !t works at a trade, marries early, has a !ur$ family ; his health fails him, his friends lb sake him; want springs upon him like t aimed man, he becomes Sick and infirr nod ho receives pay ftoin tlv parish. Or suppose his youthful dream to bo < another kind; his bubble, though equal frail with that f have already blown forhin may take a different direction. He is stud ous and fond of books, and it may bo thi he is poetical. Say that Chevey Chast or the ballad of the Children in the Wooi first lures him to the pathways of poesy. H reads, grows abstractive and irrtnginativ and "mutters h's wayward fancies'* as I Goldsmith wins him, Cowper ar Montgomery delight him, Gray fires liir ami Byron works him up almost to frena and it is welt if not to moral evil. Like ship with no ballast and much sail he pu sues his course. He yearns for an earth immortality. There h?ve been Sliakspetfrc and Miltons, and Ossians, and Homers/Why may there not be again? What ch iightful dung to publish a volume of ui rivalled poetry; to be lauded by reviewer to be sought bv booksellers, to be court? by the great, and be highly estimated by th wor'd! Thus he goes on wasting his life in ur profitable dreams; but s*>e! the bubb1 burst at last. He hasfeasred his mind, an famished his body ; unable to conform I the common-place usages of life, or to pei form its duties, he is crushed by troubli With an intellect superior to those aroun him, he is the proverb of the wise, and butt of the fooksh, and perhaps ends 1) days in a lunatic asylum. The may fc many, whose sober habits and refldctior '. . , _ , , , may tninK mispiciuro uvcimown , > ??, some reason to think the contrary. Or, p*?rhnps, he has read books of trave and wondrous advantages by sea and lain and is resolved to travel; why should nc he, as well as others, do something wondei fu| ??ascend Mont Blanc, go down th crater of Vesuvius, and measure the pyri mids ! How delightful, af er wandering i strango lands, like Mungo Park, encour tering lions in the desert, like Campbell, an delving Tnto the mummy pits of EsypU lik Belzoni, to return home with real India tomahawks, bows and arrows, scnlpin knives; with snakes from Africa, fishin tackle from the South Seas, birds of p'ira dise and humming birds from the east, am monkeys and macaws from the west! This is a golden dream in which his fan cy indulges in his waking hours. His na five land is too contracted for hrs arden spirit; he longs for perils and toil,- h< " * J % f it thirsts For strange aevemures, ana aner an is pot spprenticG to a tailorfor a weaver,pas sing his days on a shop board of six fee: bj three, or growing old in flinging the shuttle and plying the loom in the back garret o some^iserable dwelling. What a glittering bubble has here burst! What a gay drean has passed Qway ! and yet who shall ven turo to affirm that a thousand such occue. rences as these have not taken place in com. mon life ? But his dream may have been vet of n different Mnd. The 6trippling may have heard die stormy music of the rattling drum, and gnzed uponjthe gay attire of the recruit. ir?g Serjeant. He may hove 41 heard of c?msakMfc.rei* '-1 -umwjnjuuaajwj.ij.mi battles, awl born fired with the love of vie. lory and tame. q Strange it is, ihat when the would-be j i warrior sees b< Ion; him the prancing -war- v ! horse, and the banner* d host, that he cannot * i see the aijotrcs of the dying, and the man- ( j jr|cd heaps of the slain 1 Strange, that when ne heals, in imagination, the n *igh of the ' i charger, therlangoui of the brnzen-throa'ed ' trumpet, and the ro'<r of caunon, that he | ! cannot hear the agonizing groans of the ( j wounchd soldiers, r.or the heart-rending , '! wails t?. the widow and the fatherless ! Yet j j so t is ! s--i harness, and sin, and carnage, i ' j are crowned with glory. . ; But the suippiing will blow his bubble. * | fie ponders the page that sets forth the vie. ; : lories of Crivsv and of Aginco rt, of B'en' ^ heim and of Waterloo. He gazes on the * j marble monuments of renowned heroes, and 1 becomes a soldier ! nay, more he is f<mcd j for courag", rls^s in rank, and his fondest r j wishes are reahzeJ. M - "' ?- J" looa ttQin ho. 1 I L>ut arc MJCSC g.? V Uiruuis cause they have h;eu partly fulfill'd ? T'te strippling lias become a hero, with a scar & on h's forehead, and a pair of epaulets on his '' shoulders. Hut there is soniethiug yet that ? remains to be told : besides these things, he | has a {filing wound that the surgeons have * I pronounced ineurahle, and a hall in his body n | ihst annoys him, vet cannot bo dislodged ! j And when alone in the midnight hour he heaves a sigh, somewhat in doubt whether l? he should .not Itavo led a more usefui iile in 2 { pursuing peace, than in following war ; in ! ix'ing <? pr server, rather than a destioyee I of his species. n ! Have I said enough ? Of J Humphrey -1' ; has been u blower of bubbles. a dreamer of dreams through the be ter part of his days ; ^ let him then run his length 0:1 the gay l", dreams of youth. ' j Hut he may be musical ; and his fanciful s" j reveries on humanity may be musical too. Jl : 'Che .halfpenny whistle, the penny trumpet, 1 and liu* si penny .drum of ciiildhoood, have j given way to the fife, the flure, t.he flageolet, I and the fiddle, f Je studies the gamut, plays I solos when alon", duets when with a friend, ;y : and talks about Wragge, and Nicholson, [b ; atid Cranmer. O.i he goes, afflicting the ,s neighbourhood with the dissonance of his -v ; ur; mastered instruments, till ho really be' j comes a decent performer. He now plays e ; u Nicholson flute, and a Cremona violin, be! sides which he has made some progress on 11 | the violoncello, and can blown clear and so. norons blast or two on the keyed bugle. 0 But is he satisfied ? No, there is no point | of satisfaction in music mere than in other 3r! ihmgs. Could he pour forth the full diapas rc ! on of'he pealing organ ; were the harmon 18 j ious crash of tiie whole orchestra under his 1(^! control he would not rest satisfied ; he must | blow his bubble ; ho would compose like ? : tl-nwLol nlfivr iibrt PiirlfiV nnd nutriv:il the ie wond?ous performance of Paganini. This is the beginning, or rather the nonnday of h s dreamy de.'ight. But what is its 'e end? He joins some musical society, is r* led into company, neglects his business, ln spends more than he sinks into povern' ty.unJ in his old age is found playing a fidJIe to the drunkards in a pot house for what pence he can obtain, or spending his breath ty on a crack? d clarionet, a medican! perform nier in the public streets, i* Such are the gay dreams of youth, and i most of us have indulged in onp or other of them. 1 know ono who has indulged in 4' them all ! aye, more tlym all \ and what e was the end of his sunny visions? What e?! has become of the gleams of glory that daz? te zled his youthful fancy in by.gone days ? ?d L-1 the tear that has fallen on the paper on n. which I note down theso observations be v. Ids reply. The bubbles of his childliood a are burst ; the fond dreutr.s of his youth and r* his manhood are passed away ; he has seen ly the huilowncss of them all, and has been ?. mede willing to exchange the empty dreams ? of time for the realities of eternity. a If he knows any tirng of his own heart, there is nothing in the honours, the riches, - ?a ,u? ,k:? it,n? rn I a? UUU Ill'J Wiauuili Hi tlll-1 nunu| iui unv >d moment he woul<J'put ia comparison with ie the well -rounded hope of everlasting life, f ut together all the renown that mankind has to bestow ; pile up the crowns and seep le trcs of the earth ; heap high its gold, its cosid dy gems and gJiuering diadems, and th^y to * ill be as Just in thy balance if weighed ar gains* the t>ope of eternal life through Chrisi ?. Jesus our Lord. Visitor, (London.) id ,e From the Maine Farmer. is SALTING cream. >e Mr. Holmes :?The- inquiry was made is some8 months ago or more, through the e columns of the Farmer by some of its correspondents?What causes the cream from Is the milk of some cows to" come" (as the j, term is used for the process of making but. )t ter) more readily than that of others ? Tout r. this is the fact I am not exactly agreed?it \e may be so, or it may not be. lam inclined i. to the opinion it was more owing to the state in of the cream itself. However this may be, i- 1 am not about to discuss that question. d A pood d;?irv woman?a ladu if vou ~ ? o - - J ^ ? J e please?at my elbow informs of the follown ing simple process in preparing cream for g churning ; and which, she assures will never g fail to lesson the labor of churoing, if the i? cream be good. The process is diis. Some d lw<3 or three days before churning put in tine salt at the rate of about half an oz. to a . gallon of cream, observing at the came rime to stir it well, and occasionally afterwards t till it is put into the churn for churning. In 3 the mean time it should be moderately hou, ted to about the degree of blood warmth. j My wife has tried preparing in some four ; j or five instances ai.d it proves well. Before 5 using salt we wero much troubled in fetchf ing our butter, sometimes churning and 1 j churning and churning fowrer five hours ! l until our strength and patience wore almost . exhausted, and even th?m succeeding but . miserably in u bringing ii"?soft slushy and . ilNflavorcd. But smcet wo have had no kind of trouble, uniformly 41 coming" in 15 ; or 20 minutes?good and hard. If you ' , think, Mr. Editor, the above wiH be of any use to your readers, it is at your and their t service. B. F. W. TVrtt Sidney% Mar k, 1840. ill mm i i mm in u mammmm D MALLOY HAS Now on hand a supply of all kinds > Goods suitable for tho trade, which h nil sell as cheap as can bo had in this mar* : tet. ( Persons wishing good bargains will pleaso call I >n him before they purchase, April 13,1640. , 23 If Hats, JUST Received a large assortment of Mens, | Roys, and Childrens Straw and Leghorn Hats. * ALSO, Grnts and Youth's fur Hats, for summer wear, | ill of which will be sold cheap by D. MALLOY. Apiil 13, 1840. 23 tf < Sugar. Coffee, Salt, and MOLASSES. A LARGE Stock of the above now in storo .oL and lor sale very cheap for Cash, D. MALLOY. April 13, 1810. 23 tf South Carotin4'. George YV. Moador, Aoplicant, vs. Samuel Berry and wife Ann? Burghes Hub. bard and wife Susanna, Hardy Avnt and wife Drucilla, Matthew Kirkly and wife Rhoda, the children of Elizabeth fiub'urd D.*c'd. The children of Louisa Harp Dec'd. and Willis Kirkly and wife Louisa. It appearing to my satisfaction, that Samuel Berry and wife Aft/, Hardy Avrit and wife Drucilla, Matthew Kirkly and wife Rhoda, the children of Elizabeth Hubbard Dec'd. and Willis Kirkly and wife Louisa, resides without this state, it is therefore ordered that .they appear and object to the division or sale of the 1 ?C T?l '? ft l 1? 1 ?r rt'rtj t'giuit; ui i iiuiuaz ujuduur uvi u. ?? ? before the 3d day ol July next, or their conaent to the same will be entered off record. , T. BRYAN, 0. C. D. April II, 1840. .23 12t Nails. A ?? KEGS Nails, and Brads, all sizes, for Tew sa'e by D. MALLOY. April 13, 1840. 23 tf JShoes. T1IIE Subscriber 1ms now on hand a very . extensive assortment of Shoes suitable for all seasons, which ho will sell very cheap. D. MALLOY. April 13, 1810. 23 tf Bacon. QflT AAA LBS. HAMS, Shoulders, W and Sides all ofj my own curing for sale low, by A. P. LACOSTE. April 3,1840. . 21 tf A List of Letters REMAINING in the Post Office at Cheraw 31st March. 1840. Those not called tor beforo the first of July v dibe returned to the General Post Office, as oead letters. B?Samuel Bowman, Wm. Brower, David Boen, Low is Boutwright. C?-Lafayette Campbell, Miss M. Chapman, A. Collins, I, J. Cbappell, Miss Margaret Col. dor, D. F. Chance, Elijah James Crockett, Benjamin Cassity. D?James Dunlap, James M Dinwiddie, John Dognton. E?Jno. VV. Ervin, Thomas Evans, 3, Geo. Edwards. - F?William II,. Feagin. G?Thomas Graves, Theophilus Guye, Wil. iiam Gullege. II?Sarah Hudson, A. M. Henderson, Egbert C.Hall. K?David Keith. L?C. W. Lamb, William Leisk, Robert Floyd, ilarman l^asseier, margarei L?anaro, Andrew W. Latta. M?Robert Morrison, C. McLean, B. F. Mcintosh, Alex. Muirhead & Co Charles Mitch, ell, Miss Rosaoa May. Henry \ Martin, Angus D. McCaskill, J. McMullan. D Malloy, Miss Mary G. Miller, Duncan McCail, D. Moore, Andrew Millor. J?Andrew Jenkins, John D. Jacobs, E. S. Jordon. P?James Powell, 3, Charles S. Pegues, Dempsey Piltman. R?Simon Rainwaters, Ann Roe, Henry Roe. 8.?Geo. W. Stow, Martin Surtes, James Stacy, 2, A. E. Smith, Geo Scott, Jarnes Shel. by, Stephen Sessions, S. o. Solomon. T?Taylor & Punch 7. W?E. J. Wadded, 2, Wright & Brother*, C.D. Wallace. '' BROWN BRYAN. P.M. PROPOSALS For publishing in the town of Franklin, Williamson County. Tennessee. a Monthly Periodical, to be called the TEMPERANCE ADVOCATE AND LITERARY JOURNAL. About four p ges ol each number will be devoted, First: To the necessity ol a law to sup. press Tippling houses; such as that passed by the Legislature of '35 and '36, or a similar one. Secondly: Tho constitutionality ol that law? Thirdly : The benefits already derived from its operations : after which tho subject of Teni. perance will be considered under a general head. The last four pages will constitute tho Litora. ry department, in wheh will be found such pieces original and selected as will lend to elevate the mind, correct the taste and inform the judg. ment. I The Advocate and Journal will be published once a month on good| paper medium size, folded so as to make eight pages, to each number.? The price wiil be $2 00 on receipt of the 1st. No., or 82 50 if delayed until the 3rd No. IT We respectfully request Ministers of the different denominations to aid us; also Teacherofficers and members of Tomperance Societies and nil others who feel an interest in thp i>un?> of Temperance or good morals. Wo wish subscription lists to be sent by the 1st of March. Any Pei9on obtaining ten subscribers shall be entitled to one volume gratis f. Moore & Co. Franklin, Ttnn. Jan. 30,1840. The Preacher. OR Three Hundred and Forty sketches of , Original Sermons selected from the inaniscrrrpts of two eminent Divines of tho last , :entury with an essay on the Composition of a Sermon. For sale at the Bookstore Deem ber 27,1839. ' ' 7 1 Kowand's Tonic Mi^rture. rHE Agency for this valuable medicines , is at tho 'Bookstore** of Mr. Frrnce where t may at any timo be had by the single bottle or >y the dozen. J. A. INGLIS Agt. Cheraw April 639. . ; ICH3F.AW ACAD32.IT. I THE I rustces respectfully announce that the duties of this Institution will be resumed on tho 1st of October next the Male department under the superintendence o Ml. E, Hall"; the Female under that of Mr. J. Sewers. The course of instruction in the male department, will be that required to enter tho South Carolina College ; the course in the female department will be, to/nako thorough scholars. Tho scholastic year will commence on the 1st of October and end tho 1st July: the year is ag.iin divided 'into two sessions ; the fi;st begins 1st October and cndslhth February the reccn begins 16th February and ends 1st July. Terms of Tuition j>er Session are, For Spelling, Reading aid Writing $12 00 The above with Arithmetic, English ) ^ qq Grammar and Geography $ The above, with the Classics, higher l brandies of Mathematics, Logic, > 20 00 Rhetoric, &c. 5 Five dollars each will be added to-the above for Fainting and Drawing, or the Modern Languages. A!) payments are in advance; the pupil will be r- quired to pay for what remains of-the session at tho time he or she enters, nor will deduction or drawback be made for lues of time. J. W. BLAKENEY, Scc'y &, Treas. P. S. Mr. H. T. Chapman has taken charge of Boarding House, near the Female Acadc jajaaBMHWaBMMBMMW?Wmmmm ! rv Wood & Hauling. I shall keep a team constantly running through the Spring and summer months ind shall be roady at ..It times to furnish my mstomcrs with wood, and to do any kind of I lauling. A. P. LACOSTE. April 3, 1840. . 21 ' tr New Goods TIIG subscriber is agam opening a stock ot goods in Cheraw, well adapted to the season, which ho is prepared to sell at prices very much reduced, either by wholesale or retail. He bought a large proportion "of his Goods at tlie New York package sales in September last, with a view of wholesaling and is confident he can sell them as low as Ihcy can be bought in any of the Southern towns. D. B. McARN. November 22d, 1839. 2 . tf New Music. RECENTLY received at the Book Store a supply embracing a considerable variety of Songs Sacred, Sentimental and Humorous; also .Marches, Waltzes, Ac. and .Music paper. December 4th, lc39. Elementary Books. For Sunday and Common Schools. "TNION Primers, Union Spelling Book, Union Hymns, Union Questions, Browns Catechism, Cheap Testaments, Shorter Gate, chism, Lorell's Young pupils First Oook, Worcester's Pritner, Gallandet's Picture Definer, Young Reador, New York Reader, Child's Reader, Worcester's second Book, Webster's American and Elementary Spelling Books, Dil worth's a ad Town's Do. together with a full assortment of the inoro advanced English and Classical Scho >1 Books received during this fall at the Bookstore. A liberal discount made to Toachers who purchase in quantities to supply their Schools. December 27,1839. . 7 tf JJunlap & Marshall EARNESTLY request all persons indebted to them to make an early settlement of their accounts. They will invariably add the interest huwever trifling the amount on all accounts not paid within ten days. Jauuary 1st 1640. . * 8 tf f ry?11 > A ^ Dunlap Af M arshall. OFFER for salo ut very low prices a fine sten k of negro cloth and blankets?they also offer by Hhd. Tierce or fibl. very fine N. O. and VV. J. Molasses. January 3,1840. 8 tf New Books. LATELY Received by wagon the fdlow.n new works at the Bookstore, viz : In Theology and Religioue Literature: Board, man Origiual Sio, Villago Sormons, Junkin on Justifieation, Good's Better Covenant. McDow. ell's Bible Class Manual, Signs of the Times by D. Cuyler, Momoir of Dr. Bedell by Dr. Tyng. Boston's Crook in the Lot, Dick's Theology, McEnen on the Types of the Old Testament, SnnM/r.lV wnrba Philin'o fslli/lflfl COIIlDlete in ?kwu6?, B - r ? [two vols. McRie on the Book of Esther, Chris, tian Youth's Book, Hodge's History of the Presbyterian Church, Gurney's Biblical Notes in urenf of the Deity of Jesus Christ. In General Literature, Cowper and Thomson 1 vol. 8 vo. Hemans Poems 1 vol. 8 vo. Crabbe, Heber and Pollock I vol. 8 vo. Moore's Wo^ks, | i vol. 8 vo. Juniu's Letters, Brook's Univnrs l Gazetteer, Metropolitan Pulpit, being sketches of the most celebrated living English Preachers of all Denominations, Lord Brougham's sketches of Characters in the reign of George III. Dr.. Humphrey's Tour, Maps of 8. Carolina, Do. of Carolinas aqd Georgia. Also the following School Books, Murray's Grammar, Kirkham's Oo. English Reader, Jones 1 Chemistry, Do. Philosophy, Bourdon's Algebra. &c. 6cc. Cheraw Nov. 14, 1849. 1 ; The Subscribor has. just received, and will keep constantly on hand,Cotton Yarn and Twine at wholesale, from the Manufactory of Rocking ham. GEO. GOODRICH. Cheraw, Jnn. 1840. 10 tf New Stationery. A Large supply of Stationery has been late, ly received at the Book Store including Black, Blue and Red .ink. Quills of various quah itios, steel pens, Wafers, sealing wax. ink powder black sand, slates, paints and paint boxes, superior gold leaf, Camel's hair pencils, German Flutes dec. . December 4th, 1838. Garden Seeds. Just received pr. Steamer Swan a very large ana extensive acsiinmeui ui uarucu occuo, the growth of 1839. Also, a few copies of the Kitchen Gardners Instructor, and Florists Guide. Persons wishing supplies will please call early while the assortment is complete. D. MALLOY, January 16th 1840.?-tf Notice. THE Subscriber has opened in the store form, erly ocoupied by Mr. S. Keeler and intends to keep for sale, for cash only, a general assort ment of Family Grocer e, with Fruits, Candies Wines, Confectionaris Toys See. &c, he has a'so for sale a few thousand of the Mammoth white Silk worm Eggs at oue dollar per thousand; a small parcel of Cuba Tobacco Seed, Okra Cotton Seed '&c. CHARLES VANDERFORD. March 6th 1840? Office of Comptroller Gen eral. Charleston, Jan. 16th, 1840. | THE Legislature at their last Session, having enacted that the General Taxes shall I be paid in specie, paper medium, or the notes of 1 : p?t. nfthu s?n#o tka Tmw mo BprtlW paying ?*?*.ss%i? w. ..... .Uv . ?? Collectors sad Sheriffs throughout the Sta.*e will ?ovorn themselves accordingly. Jurors and Constables Certificates are also receivable in pay. meat of taxes, as heretofore. WM. ED, HAYNE, Comptroller Coneral. 12 13t BOOK BINDING. THE subscribers have established themselves in the above line of business in Cheraw and offer tfaeirscrviccs to its citizens. U. DAZENOOURT, & CO. Cheraw. S. C.. Jan. 26. Merchants7 Bank, S. C. CJ$raic, April 1. 1940. THE annual election for seven Directors of this bank, will be held at the Banking House, on Monday the 4th of May next, to be managed by O. II. Kollock, J. C. Wads worth and D. Malloy. VV. GODFREY, Cashier. April 3, 1840. 21 4t '? i my, where Young JLadies, may omain Duaru at a moderate price. Sept. 20, 1839. 45 tf The Latest Arrivals. THE fall purchases of Books and stationary have recently come to band embracing a variety of Works, Religious, School, and Miscellaneous, "from grave to gay, from lively to severe." Among them are ine following : Moshcim's Church History continued to 1828, Milner's Do. 1 vol. English Edition, Pascal's Proviutial Letters, Burdeis Pious Women, Adams' Private Thoughts, (Lond.) Tyng's Lec. tures on the Law and Gospol, Dick's Future j State &c.. Life of Oranmer, Woods on Baptism, Home Eduction by J. Taylor author of Fanat. icism &c., Philips' Ljfo and Times of Bunyan, Methodist Hymns, various bindings. Purkhursts Lexicon of the Greek Testament, a new - and improved Edition, Robinsons Do. Knapp's Greek Testament, Grisback's Do. Blake's Dictionary of Biography, a large and valuable work, Whatelys Rhetoric, Guizot's History of Civilization, Plutarch's Lives 1 vol. 8vo. Gibbon's Rome 4 vol. 8vo Roltin's An cient History 1 vol. 8vo. Goods Book of Nature lvol. 8vo. Marshall's Washington 3 vols. 8vo. Spark's Do. 1 beautiful volume, Abercrombies Intellectual Powers, Opie on Lying, Do. Cure for Scandal, Cowper9 Homer, 2 vols, I7mo. Crockett's Songs, Burtons Comic Songs, Fortune Toller's Book, Comics and Tragics, Gentlemen's Modicat Pocket Book : American Orators own Book, Thugs or Assassins of India ; NealsCharcoal Sketches, Form Books: Droain Books; Letter Books, The amusing Sayings and Doings of Sam Slick, Oliver Twist, Sandford and Merton, Hazen's Panorama of all Trades and Professions, Rhymes for the Nursery, Mother Goose's good old songs that amused our infancy, Shakespeare 1 vol. 12mo. Lond. Edit. Calf binding. More's Sacred dreams, Beattie and Collins, Crabb'8 Poems, Rasselss, Newton's Letters, Remain's Life of Faith, Rogers' Poems, Aikcnsides Pleasures of imagination,Grays Poe.ns,Chapone's Letters, Cottages of Glenburnie, (these are all fine English editions) very handsome copies of the Bible and Testament- Chaptal's Chemis.? -,:ik ne? Nm of Harrier's irv luguiuci tvuu ? r Family Library. Cheraw, December 27th, 1839. 7 ?f i J?. WATERMAN COMMISSION MERCHANT, Georgetown S. C. CONTINUES fo transact a general Coramission business at that place. He-is under obligation to no boat, or masted vessel, and is free to ship by the earliest conveyances, (without orders to the contrary,) either North cr South or up the liver. References : at Cheraw?D. S. Harllee, J. C. Wads worth, a Bennetttville? M. & B. D. Townsend & Co, LeesviUe?J. C. Lee, Wadetboro'?M'Corkle & Cole, Charlotte?H. B Williams, Rockingham?Wall & Holton, W. F. Leak. February 14,1840. 14 tf Tax Notice.. THE Subscriber will attend as follows to take returns and reeeive the taxes for Ches. terheld district, viz.* At Mount Croghan on Monday tho 2nd of March. Blakeney's Old Store on Tuesday 3rd Michael Miller's on Wednesday 4th John Sanger's on Thursday" 5th Spiers' Mills on Friday 6th John Johnsons on Saturday . 7th Steor Pen Springs on Monday 9th Levi Canity's on Tuesday 10th Sarah Johnsons on Wednesday ' 11th Chesterfield C. H. on Thursday Friday and Saturday 12th 13th 14th Cheraw on Monday Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday 23rd 24th 25th 26th. N. B. The Oath will be required in every instance as the law directs. Also all returns must be made by the 1st day of May or a double tax will be imposed. W. L. ROBBESON. T. C. C. D. Junuory 15th 1840. 10 tma, A New Jail for Chesterfield. PROPOSALS, sealed and directed to the subscriber at < hesterfi >ld Court House, will be received, from this timo to the first Monday iu May next, for building a Jail at this place, at which lime the board ofCommissione s will open the seals and award the job to him who may of. fer proposals most advantageous to the Public.? The contractor will be required to give bond with ample security for the faithful fulfilment of his contiact, upon which a draft on thoTreas? orer of the upper Division of this State will be eriven for a portion of tho money in advance. Reference lo P. L. Robeson Esq. or myself of this place, for specifications (and for the couye. nienceofsome) a copy will be deposited with Col. J. J. Marshall of Cheraw. JOHN EVANS. Secy, and Trcas. Board Com. Pub. Buils. C. D. Chesterfield C. H., S. C. \ Jan 16,1840. { 10 5t Dunlap <$ Marshall HEREBY give notice that they will continue to sell their Dry Goods only, on the usual credit to punctual customers. 'J hey will sell their Groceries at the lowest prices for cash only. The very short credit at which groceries can now be bought, amounting with the exchange almost to Cash, with their limited capital compels them to the adoption of this course. January 1,1840. 9 ' if ' J Nails. .. ^ B? KEGS, Id. 6d. 8d. lOd. 12d. and 20d. /V(f for sale cheap. ?1 A. P. LACOSTE. April 3; 1840. "21 if 1 1 Salt IOOO MCJ8fr,"ufe5k March 30th, 1840. 19 tf * Wood. I will furnish Oak and Hiokery Wood, at $2 50 per cord, Cash. A. P. LACOSTE. ? October 4. 1839. ' . ' 47?if Sugar & Coffee. ^ 12 Hhda. Porto Rico and St. Crcix Sugar*. ^ 10 Bags Rio Coffee. For sale low for cash or bankable paper. A- P. LACOSTE. March 20tH, 1840. 19 . tf Cheese for 10 cts. CHEESE of excellent quality for sale fur nine cents by the Cask, and ten cent* per pound by the single Cheese. A. P. LACOSTB. t > if March 20ih, 1840. 19 tf Bagging & Rope. ? 30 pieces heavy 44 inches Hemp Baggi ng. 30 Coils Bale Rope. For 6ale low bv A. P. LACOSTfE. March 20:h, 1840. 19 '* If n ' U " Mackerel & Lime. v 10 Barrels No. 2, mackerel. 10 Half-B'rls. No. 1. do, , 20 Casks Thornaston StondXime. For sale low for cash, by j A. P. LACOSTE. March' 20th, 1849. . 19 tf Cheraw Bacon. ? : HAMS, Shoulders, and Sides, of my own cueing, for sale. Terms, Cash. A. V. LACOSTE. October 4, 1839, 47?if Lump Sugar. BY the Loa? for 15 cts, for sale for cash ' by A. P. LACOSTE. 4 March 20tb, 184S. < . 19 if Notice. I A now receiving part of my 6tock op Spring and Summer Goods, comprising * general assortment of seasonable Goods, which I will sell low for cash. Purchasers will please call and examine for themselves. AIjSO, Will be kept constantly on hand a supply of German Bolting Cloths, equal to any used in . thiscountnftVr. MALCOM BUCHAN AN. March 15th? 1840. _ 18 I 'or Cash only. THE Subscriber takes this method of saying to bis Customers, that after this day' he will article in the Grocery Line on a credit; and Dry goods and Hardware* only to such^ persons as are prompt and nunctuai in their payments. . D.M ALLOY January 1, 1840. .. 8 ? tf Carpenter's Tools. . npHE subscriber has just received a vorjex JL tensive assortment ot uarpenters I ocis, among which are, Double and Single, Cast Steel Iron, (Jack, Smoothing, Fore, and Jointer Planes, Astragals, Beads, Dado's, Hollows and ^ Rounds, Nosings, Grecian Ovaio's, Quirk O. G. Reeding, Rabbit, Side Rabbit, Raising, and Sash Planes, Sash Cord, Coves for ste|>?, Table Planes, Torus Beads and Cornice Planes, R?. roan O, G. and Fillet*, Fillettsters, Snipes Bills,' Gothic, Ceiling, Flooring, and Plow Plane*, Plane Irons, Oil Stones, Key Hole Tenant, and Panel, Hand, Cross Cut and Franio Satis, Screw Slide Mortice, and Marking Guage*, Augurs, assorted qualities, Mortice, Socket, and Firmer, Chisels and Gouges, Plato and Iron Squares, Side Bcvils, Spoko Shaves, Locks, Hinges, Sprigs, Nails, Brads. Ac. ALSO Collins'Club, Hand and Broad Axes, Ohio and Pennsylv ania Patterns, Hammers, Shingling and Lathing Hatchets, Ac. The above were purchased low and for ca*h of the best manufacturers, and will be sold cheap br D. MALLOY. nernber 22 J, 1839. 2tf South Carolina. B. F. Saddler, et. al. i ? w [ John B. McCaskil', et. al. J IT appearing to my saliafaction that John .. B. McCaskill one of the defendanta in tbia case ia absent from and resides without the limit# of this State. It is on motion of Manna order, ed that the said John B. McCaskill appear and plead, answer or demur to tlio complainants bill on or before the first day of September nezt, and that in default thereof the said bill as to him will be taken pro confesso. It is also ordered that this order be published in the Farmers' Gazette, at Cheraw, twice a month for the space of three months. GEO. W. DARGAN, Com. in Equity for dheraw Dist. 22d February, 1840. 2 m f J m [$6] Information Requested. LOST or mislaid a resurvey of a number ? of Tracts of land adjoing the Town of Cheraw; the whole laid down on a large sheet of Foolscap paper pasted on Muslin aim bound i apniintl with narrow ribbon. I am undnr tho impression that I left it in some one of the store* in Cberaw. Any information respecting the , above resurvey will confer a favor on m LAUR ENCE PRINCE. * 12th March, 1840. 18 . tf For Sale. JUST received by Steamer Ossola, on coa signment, 5 Hhds. N. E. Rum, J.2 pipe Brandy, ' 12 barrels N. 0. Molasses, 14 1-4 Boxes 1.2 Sp. Cigars, 4 1-2 Prinetpee, Do. 18 1-2 Boxes, Raisin 5 do. do. 4 barrels Sugar, , Will be sold low for cash. Apply to FELIX LONG. Cberaw let Apt!?, 1840. 2r * at ~ I - -. - ... ... .Ji