University of South Carolina Libraries
^ an order has been issued by the Commands of the Forces, intimating that none of th officers stationed in the provinces can fo the present be allowed Rave ofabsertce fron their regiments. The same paper says, th despatches above referred lo by (he P.itrio' are said to be of an important clinractci but their precise na'ure has not transpired Capt. James Riley,?Author of Riley' Narraiive, died on the l5 h March last, ii the 63rd ye-ar of his ago. Tallakasse, April Q.?Indian News.? We understand that Cap'. Langord, wit 40 mounted men, while ou* on a scout o the 30th of March, came upon a recent in dian camp, somewhere between the Fen HolJoway ard immediately pursued on th trail, in the direction of the natural bridg of the Oseilia. After a pursuit of sever; miles, the trail entered a dry hammod where the men dismounted and followed o foot. They soon saw fresh signs, and pr* sently came upon the Indians at camp. N? being discovered by the la:t?'r, unt 1 vv (hi thirty or Corty yards, Capr. L. ordered charge?fin d pistol, and one of his me a gun?rushed upon the camp and capture five or six hundred pounds of jerk cd beef?a nomb"r of greasy parks?><?rn arrow root?solder's co.ts, caps. &c dec./// St. Augustine, April 10. Inlh.wl Aft V rvi. i I I 1/til li'lu rj - New Goods. e W HAVE just received by the Steamers Swan r JL and Oseola, some desirable Spring and Sum. n iner goods both for Li lies and Gentlemen, which o 1 will sell low ; call and see. D.S. HARLLEE. r\ April 18tl?, 1839. 24 3t s Bacon, Flour, and Meal, H d CONSTANTLY ON HAND, and for sale at the LOWEST market price by D. MALLOY. April 22nd, 1840. h 24 If n ?? tvt _ a. : A lie iuug iuiivvu ui cApv iuiu.. ? ~ up the Ocklawaha, and ngvn re'urned t quarters.?Among its results arcomplishe* have been the killing of two Indians, lit capture of six or seven ponies and horse, the wounding and cap ureofanoth* rlndim and a destruction of several spots of plan ing in high cultivafon. SINGULAR OCCURRBNCK. A family of eight pers* n*,'in Germantowr Pennsylvania, strangely adhered 14s Saturday morning, ori attempting to r*s from their beds. The mother rose firs and on stepping out, fell prostrate on ' th floor ; the futiier, on hastening to his \r fe' assistance, met with a similar fate. Tin children being awakened by the no se, nn< called upon for oid, sprang out of th* ic bed but, on reaching the floor, every one Oj them sink helplessly down. A fi: ofs ver* vomiting, ensued, accompanied w th violen pa n in the head, each one being alT cte* precisely alrke. Under these distressin circumstances help arrived, and medical a i being summoned, the cause was iinnWiui" Jy (ieloctect in a aisjointeu pipe 01 a crvi stove in the lower story ; the doors abr>v having been left ojar, the gas filled the chair bers, and hence the consequences. A fei hours longer exposure to this deleterious at raosphore might have proved fatal; as was,fresh air and a li:t!e nursing, we ar pleased to say, have rps'ored all to usu? health. [Germmtown Tel. Public Meeting, THE citizens of Cheraw and Howe Tow are requested to convene at the Town Ha on Tuesday next inst. at 4 o'clock P. M to consider the pfppnety of extending th corporation limits of the Town, so as to ir elude Powc Town, within the limits of th corporation. J AS. W. BLAKENY, In tendon t April 23rd, 1840. The regular meeting of the Chathai Society win. be field at the Male Acadern to-morrow (saturday) evening, half past seve o'clock. Question?" Wore the Crusadei ^ beneficial to mankind.." DAVID W, MOORE, Secretary. April 24,1840. 1 t? 1 g CUEBAU PiilCE ClUBENT. Friday April 24, articles. per | C. | $ C Beef in market, io 0 5 a 0 7 Bacon from wagons, lb 8 a 10 by retail, lb II a 12 Butter lb 20 a 25 Beeswax lb 20 a 23 Bagging yard 18 a 25 Bale Rope lb 8 a 10 Coffee lb 12* a 15 Cottov, lb 5 & 8 Corn, scarce bush 62$ a 75 Flour, Country, brl 4 75 a 5 Feathers fiu wag. none lb 45 a 50 Fodder, lOOlbs 87$ a 1 Class, window 8x10, 5 >ft 3 25 a 3 37 , " 10a 12, 50ft 3 50 a 3 75 Hides, green ib 5 a ? dry lb 10 a Iron lOOlbs 5 50 a 6 50 Indigo lb 75 a 2 50 Limo cask 4 a 4 50 Lard scarce lb 11 a 12 Leather, sole lb 22 a 25 Lead, bar tb 10 a Logwood lb 10 a 15 Molasses gal 40 a 45 -N. O. gal 35 a 40 Nails, cut, assorted lb 7 J & @ wrought lb 16 a 18 Oats bush 40 a 50 Oil, curriers gal 75 a 1 ??, lamp gal 1 25 a , linseed gal I 10 a 1 25 Paints, white lead keg 3 25 a 4 5i , Span, brown lb 8 a IS Pork lOOlbs 5 50 a 6 Rioe lOOlbs 5 a 5 5C Shot, bag 2 25 a 2 5 ?i, ib 12J a 13 C_ IK UK 1? Mugtu ia n Salt sack 2 50 a ? bush 1 00 a * Steel, American lb 10 a English lb 14 a ??.German lb 12 a 14 Tallow lb a 2 4P Tea .imperial lb 1 a 1 31 ?,hyson lb 1 a 12; Tobacco, manufactured lb 10 5! ARRIVED, f 18th, Steamer Oscola 2 days from Georj Town with Merchandise for McKay & McCai kill, J C Wadaworth, L Prince, C V indorfor D McNair, David S Wingate, W P Kendall, S Harliee, A .Blue, of this placo and J P < W L Covingtqn, J W Crawford, McCorklo Cole, Love, D P McDonald &, Co. S Eaiat uel, Charles & Frisbie, Kendall A Stacy, Hug Cruig, E S Sc G S Hubbard, N P Lilcs, Sparks, oftho interior. DEPARTED, 21st, Steamer Oseola with Cotton for VV Kendall, D S Harliee, II M A W H Tomliaaoi D MoNair, A Blue, and others. view3, u holly governed by Southern feelings and principles, endeavor will be to re ;det it serviceable to tiie young and the aged?to "Heaven's last best gift to man" even in her teens, and to the sturdy Farmer?by informing them of tin proper season, which from experience in our section ol the Union may have been found most- conget lal to commit their seeds to the soil-to prune their vines and trees?to transplant their tender shoots and flowers?to engraft, inoculate or bud their shrubs and tre^s, and turn the "maiden's blush" into the charming "moss" or "monthly rose," with the best manner of harvesting and pre serving their crops and produce. We shall by no inea.ig overlook the great Southern staples, Cotton and Rice, for upon these, little information can be obtained from Northern pu' lications. From the kind promises tendered by friends to the undertaking, valuable original contributions may be anticjpa'ed ; and other corres pondents are respectfully so icited to commuricate any information that may be interesting or beneficial to others, relating to their mode of culture; as facts collected from the tillers of our own soil, with their observations and remarks will be highly appreciated by the editor; and since the happiness aud comfort of a country miinly depend upon its agriculture, in furnishing usefuMnformation to the community, contributors will afiord the highest evidence of their zeal and patriotism. TerMs.?The oa^mr wih be issued monthly, on a sheet containing sixteen very large quarto pages, (same size as the -'Albany Cultivator,") at the very mod? rate price of One Dollar, payable in all cases tn advance. The price being so small, no number will be 6ent to any person on credit. It shall be printed on good paper, and with new tvpe, ordered expressly i rxoucu. a A NX F,. DRAKE wife of Lemuel S. Drake, e im. Taylor, intends becoming a free dealer in f one month from the djto hereof, according to I the Act of the General Assembly made and pre. vided ia such cases, A. E. DRAKE: n April 23.1840. 24 if " Premium. A PREMIUM of Twenty Dollars will be zBl awarded by the Poe I).:o Agricultural So^ ciety. for the best original Essay on the improve ment of ttorn out land ; to be read before the m Society at its meeting in Chcraw, on Friday bef ?ro tho 3rd Monday in October next C -inpetilors will please enclose their pieces to the Secretary, at Choraw S C. before the day. J S. W.BLAKENKY, n Secretary. ? Apr! 17ih. 1840. ' 24 4t . f? - ?, vommitteri. 1 f 10 the Jail of Chesterfield as a runaway, a JL negro man wlio calls himself Lewis, .and s^ys he b longs to Win. B, Allen in Johnson ( ounly, N. C. 3 .id negro is about 5 feet Id inch s high and is very black, supposed to be about 27 years of ago. Tho owner is requested >. c one forward, prove, property pay charges and ii take hiuf away. e OBADIAH GULLE 3E. ^Jailor. Chesterfield f\ US C. ) April 22nd, 1840. ( 8 24 3t - ? >ilk Worms' v ggs, ^ Of the best kinds and quality. I can supply Silk Worms' Eggs in moderate ' quantities of the following varieties; t 1. II irdygny and white worms, orange co. J coons. r 2. Gray wor s, mostly sulphar colored co coons. ^ 3. Two crop white. 4. Mimmi th sulphur, il 5. Pea nut. e The three first named varieties aro from a perfectly healthy stock, and have been raised in '* the south for several yo ?rs. The two last, int * troduced from the north a year ago, were noentirely exempt from disease last summer but, It as the greatest care was taken to breed only ? ? U ? l?.-.ct ..nnnn.,. it in thl'fU will II VIM iUO t ww*iO| * -.w be little or no sickness amongst litem in fu.ure, 11 from any hereditary taint. The cocoons of the pca.nut were very heavy and firm. Of those . two varieties boweve , only a limited number can bo supplied to each aplicant. The eggs may be forwarded by mail to purchi. Q scisat their cost and risk of carriage; or they will be deposited in Richmond (if so desired) ?U Cotton and Clarko's, free of expense, within ^ two 01 three days after the order has been received, and whero they will be kept in a cool '* cellar until called for. Or in case the purchaser e might prefer it, they may remain in my ice-hous* until nearly the time th? y arc wanted b> he hatched?as there will he no dangor of their hatching, even in June or July, in less than two weeks after being remove d from the ice, if kept there in proper manner, as these eggs will be. The eggs will in all cases be warrantod to be in the bjst condition when thoy are forwarded, y (with the alight exception stated as to the last n kinds;) but if it shall appear that they are not, "8 the purchase money will be refunded. For the three first named varieties, the charge will be ?5 per ounco?for the other two varieties, $10 per ounce, the cash always to be tent with the order. When clean eggs are noi sent, f the paper on which the y are deposited will be balanecd by an equal quantity of the same kind. THOS. S. PL LAS A NTS P. M. Oeaverdam. Gochland Co., Va. Feb. 1840. Eggs of this year's laying, and which will not ? hatch before *1841, will be suppliod as above to all orders sent with the payments before May 1st. at one fifth of the above named prices, and tho go d quality and condition of the eggs warranted. RefcrrenceEdmund Ruffin, Petersburg, Va. Gideon B. Smith, Baltimore, j Dr. Elids Marks, Columbia, S. C, David Thomas, Cayuga, N. V. Samuel R. Cummere, Burlington N. J. ~ PROSPECTUS 4 For publishing by subscription, in Augusta, Ga., an Agricultural Paper. to be styled GLEANINGS OF HUSBANDRY. 'Who makes two blades of grass grow where one grew before, does more for his country, than an Alexander or a Bonaparte." At the solicitation of many friends, the sub. ? seriber has consented to be the editor and pub. i lisher of a periodical exclusively devoted to Agriculture, Gardening, and the oth r branches of I Husbandry tn general. Its object will be, in | plain stylo, to cornmnnicate useful information to the cultivator, whether of the vine or tho ? flower, of vegetables or plants, of fruits, grapes ; . or trees, as the mulberry and all kinds of orchard l trees, with the be6t mariner of planting them , furnishing suitable hints for the improvement of he various soils, breeds of cattle, and other \ stock, with tho treatment of tho diseas'^cs \ which they are liable, and the management of } bees and silk worms. The editor will endeavor to illustrate the | importuvt principles upon which the art and iO science of agriculture is founded, and to intro I duco an econimieal system of the labors, in the (? field, jncadow or cocoonery, that may be best adapted to the seasons, climate and latitude in which we reside, and which inmost respects, differ gyeatly from the Middle, Northern and Eastern Slates. \ Of more than one million of Planters and ? Horticulturists in the Southern States, scarcely two out of a thousand have an opportunity oi > consulting any agricultural works, and are > wholly guided by casual observations upon the ways of their neighbors and ancestors; lor they possess no means of learning the almost *e daily improvements that are making in their s- own particular branch of culture; neither can they brxorao acquainted with the improved D varieties in trees, frui:?, vines, flowers, grain ~ and plants, which are continually introduced 9" to our notice from every portion of the habi? V table globe, nor with the various improvements ^ and new inventions in the implements of tils lage. The publication shall contain a full account of all those that are likely to benefit gence, virtue, happiness and prosperity ai P every hearth in the Southern States. h It shall be free from all sectarian or political 1 ii*r the purpose. The first number will appear in March next, if possible. As by the rules of the General Post Office, Post in si era are allowed to frai k and forward the amount subscribed to any newspaper, they are respectfully desired to forward to the editor at Augusta, any amount offered them n bankable money, as early as ptssible. Newspapers are respectfully requested to pubpsa this Prospectus, and by sending the paper containing it, shall receive ours in return. Postmasters and Editor* of papios are kindly asked to act as our agents Should fhey not receive a copy of this Prospectus, they are re quested to cut one from the papers which niny be good enough to publish it and we. with respect, invite all the friends of the objects we have in view, to aid and assist in procuring subscribers to the "Gleanings of Husbandry." MOSES flOLBROOK, A. M. M D. Augusta, Ga., Jan. 1840. Southern Baptist Pulpit. The future Numbers of the Pulpit will, in point of execution, character and spirit, deserve the patronage of every Missionary Baptist, or of every one who hag the in'erest of Ins denomination at heart. The price of the work is so moderate, as to render it accessible to almost every family. The Pulpit will contain, principally, plain, practical discourses; and will be found interesting and instructive both to the aged and tfv- young?and equally important to the unconverted and profes^r of religion. It will be especially useful to individual* and families on the Sabbath, when deprived of the privilege of listening to a discourse in the house of God. The Pulpit Will, in future, be issued regularly on or about th" first of every month, The preceding numbers contain^nnous hy_ the following ministers, on the following sub jects ;? No. 1, (November,).by T. Meredith, of Ralr igh, N. C , on M The mural power of the Sacred Scriptures " No. 2, f December,) by R. Ryland, of Richmond, Va? on **Tbe Worship of God.^ No. 3, (January,) by Jotin mflisiroiig rcvn?. . ly of Wake Forest, C. on "FaM an^ | active principle.'* . No. 4, (February) by W. Southwood, of Petersburg, Va.. on "The Prophetical Character of Christ." No. 5, (March,) by W. Southwood, on "The Heavenly State." TERMS OF THE PULPIT. 1. Each number will appear monthly. 2. Price, ONLY ONE DOLLAR a year. IN ADVANCE. 3. Any person ordering a copy of the Pulpit, will please forward the sum of One Dollar? otherwise he cannot receive it. 4. No subscription will be taken for ten than a year, commencing with the first Nura ber. 5. An Index and Title-page. suitable to be bound with the Vol me, will accompany the twelfth Number. 6. Back Numbers will be furnished to any future Subscribers. Any person procuring 30 subscribers at one time, and forwarding $25, shall be entitled to I (?Ani(?ii nf iho Pulnif W VV^tVD w? ???v f - Those indebted for subscriptions, will please orward the cash, without delay. Address WM POTTER, Fayettevil/e.N. C. Conditions of the Farmers' Register. For the EIGHTH and succeeding volumes. Prices still more reduced, for combined and punctual or advanced payments. Art. I. The Farmers' Register is published in monthly numbers, of 64 large octavo pag' s each, at $5 a year, payable in advance. Or, for $5 may be had two copies of the same cur rent orforthecoming volume, for new subscri' bers, if 60 ordered and paid for in advance, (or at the time of making the subscription.) in , current money, as described below, (Art. VI ) and without loss or deduction for postage, or any other charge to the publisher. II. Subscribers who may have already paid the regular subscription price of $'5 in the manner above required, for a single copy, -hull have the privilege, upon sending a post paid order, of having a second copy of the same volume sent to any new subscriber, without further charge, for that volume, if so ordered during its time of publication. III. A like privilege will be allowed to every old subscriber who has not paid, but ' ho shnll : do so, as above, before the issue of the 6th number of the then current vo'uine, (at whi'h 1 time all d .'btors' bills wil! be made out and ' sent); thus effect reducing to half price the , cost of the work to every subscriber, old or new, who may choose lo avail hitnselfof the i offer. (See also Art. V.) I IV If, however, no more than one copy is i ordered, the eubscrip ion price will still be, as I heretofore, $5 the volume ; as it is designer to permit no subscription debt, or payment, t to be made for less than $5. And if an order i is sent for copies, without full compliance wi'h 1 the conditions annexed, (in Art. VI.) only one will be sent. V. Clubs often subscribers (old or new, or of both) by sending #25 (net payment) in adI vance ami at one time, before February 1st. of . i ** V each year, shall be4furnishod with ten enpie of that volume only. VI. The price of back volumes, as hereto fore, is $5 for or.e alone, ?10 for any thre< together, ane in the same proportion" ($3,9-; cents eich,' for any number of volumes h-lior: of a full set. Entire sets of 8 aols. (the 8t! commencing January 3lst, 1840 ) will he PHp. pplied for ?20, or ?2.">0 the volume, paid ir advance, wi h the ofder. VII. Al! mail payment most be made ir notes, or checks, of far value in Virginia, or o b CITY bank of the state in which the sub. scriber residences. And all letters to the edifoi in regard to the Farmers' Kogister must be post-paid?except such as contain articles foi publication. VII. The risk of loss ofpayments for sulscriplions sent free of postage, which have been properly committed to the mail or to the hands o! a post master, is assumed by the editor. IX. Far all copies not received by mail, at the proper p.->st offices, duplicates will be furnished to those subscribers who have complied with their own obligations ; provided that the failure shall be notified through the postmaster, and within one month after the date of the miscarried copy. X. If a subscription is net directed to be discontinued before t;ie first number of the next volume has been published, it will be taken as a continuance fur another year. Subscriptions must commence with the beginning of some one volume* and w ill not be taken for less ihan a year's publication. Xf. Th? mutual obligations of the publi: her and subscriber, for the year, are fully incurred as i-oon as the first ruinher of the volume is issued; and after that time,no discon'inuance of a subscription will be permitted. Nor will a subscription be discontinued, for any early notice, while any thing thereon remains due, unless at the option of the editor, or in obedience to the regulations of the Editoral Convention. Address? Edmund Ruffin. Petersburg Va, November 1st. 183. D- MALLOY HAS Now on hand a supply of all kinds i Goods suitable for the trade, which h? will sell as cheap as can bo had in this market. Persons wishing good bargains Will please call on him before they purchase. April 13,1840. 23 tf Hats, JUS r Received a large assortment of Mens, Boys, and Childrens Straw and Leghorn Hats. . ALSO, Gents and Youth's Fur H its, for summer wear, all of which will be sold cheap by D. MALLOY. April 13, 1840. . 23 If Sugar. Coffee, Salt, and MOLASSES. A LARGE Stock of the above now in storo and for sale very cheap for Cash, D. MALLOY. April I a, I04U. . 33 tf South Carolina. George W. Mcador, Aop'icant, vs. Samuel Berry and wife Ann, Burghes Hubbard and wife Susanna, fLirdy Avnt and wife Drticiila, Matthew Kirkly and wife Rhoda. the chddr-n of Eliz ibeth fluo-Kird 0><eM. TUa children of Louisa Harp Dec'd. and Willis K?'bly and wife Louisa. It appearing to my satisfaction, that Samuel Berry and wife An , Hardy Avrit and wife Drucilla, Matthew Kirkly and wife Rhoda, the children of Eli2abeth Hubbard Dec'd. ? and VVillls Kirkly and wife Louisa, resides without this state; it is therefore ordered that they appear and object to the division or sale of the real estate of Thoma9 Meador iJec'd. on or before the 3d day ot July next,or their consent to tbo samo will be entered off record. ^ T, BRYAN, 0. g. D. April II, 1840. 23 )2t Nails. /A KEGS Nails, and t;rads, all sixes, for safe by D. MALLOY. April 13, 1840. 23 tf bhoes. fBAHK Subscriber his now on hand a very J. extensive assortment of Shoes suitable for ail seasons, which ho will sell very cheap. D. MALLOY. April 13, 1840. 23 4 tf_ Bacon, LBS HAMS, Shoulders, and Sides all my own curing for sale low, by A. P. LACOSTE. April 3,1840. 21 tf PttuPO ALS For publishing in the town of Franklin, Williamson County. Tennessee, a Monthly Frriod'cul, to he called the TEMPERAiNCE ADVOCATE AND LITERARY JOURNAL. About four p ges ol each number will be devoted. First: To the necessity of a law to sup. press Tippling houses; such as that passed by the Legislature of'35 and '36, or a similar one. Secondly .* The constitutionality ot that law.? Thirdly : The benefits already derived from its operations : after which Ills subject of Temperance will be considered under a general head. The last four pages will constitute the Litcra. ry department, in whcli will be found such pieces original and selected as will tend to elevate the iniud, correct the taste and inform the judgment. t The Advocate and Journal will be published once a month on goodj paper medium siz , folded so as to mako eight pag a, to each number.? The price wil! be $2 00 on receipt of the 1st. No., or $2 50 if delayed until the 3rd No. O" We resp ctfully requ.tst Ministers of the diffrent denominations to aid us; also Teacherofficors and mcinbors of Temperance Societies aa<l all others who feel an interest in the cause of Temperance or good morals. Wo wish subscription lisle to be sent by the 1st of March. Any Peison obtaining ten subscribers shall be entitled to ono volume gratis F. MOORE 4? Co. Franklin, T. nn. Jan. 20,1840. Wood & Hauling. 1 shall keep a team constantly running through the Spring a-nd summer months ind shall be ready at >11 times to furnish mj customors with wood> and to do any kind o r hauling. A. P. LACOSTE. AprilS. 1840. 21 if 8 A List of Letters REMAINING in the Post Office at Cheraw 31st March 1840. Those not called for ? before the first of July v )];be returned to the I General Post Office, as orad letters." 1 B?S.wiuel Bowman, Wm. Brower, David i Bonn, Lewis Boatwrighf. C?Lafayette Campbell, Miss M. Chapman, i A. Collins, I J. Ckappell, Miss Margaret Culdor, D. P. Chande, Elijah James Crockett, i Benjamin Cassity. f D?James Dunlap, James M Diuwiddie, John Dognton. r L?J no. W. Ervin, Thomas Evans, 3, Geo. | E<lward?. F?illijam II. Fcagiti. G?Thomas Graves, Thcophilus Cure, Wil. ham Gullege. H?-Surah Hudson, A. M. Henderson, Egbert! C. Hall. r K?David Keith. . L?C. W. Lamb, Willi t n Leisk, Robert | Floyd, Hat-man Lasseter, Margaret Lcanard, ' Andrew VV. Latta. M?Robort Morrison, C. McLean. B. F. MeLilosh, Alex. Mnirhead & Co Charles Mitch, ell. Mis'" Rosaoa May, Honry D. Martin, Angus ( D. McCiskill, J. McMullan. D. Mu!!oy, Miss: Mary E. Miller, Duncan McCailr D. Moore, ! Andrew Miller. J?Andrew Jenkins, John D. Jacobs, E. S, Jordon. P?James Powell, 3, Charles S. Peguct, j Dempeey Pittraan. R?Simon Rainwaters, Ann Roe, Henry Roc. S.?Geo. W. Stow, Martin Surles, James Stacy, 2, A. E. Smith, Geo Scott, James Slid, by, Stephen Sessicns, S. B. -Solomon. T?Taylor & Punch 7. W?E. J. Waddell, 2, Wright & Brothers, C. D. Wallace/ BROWN DRY AN. P.M. Nails. j (P KKGS, id. (Id. 8.J. lOd. 12d. and 90d. for saJe cheap. A. P. LACOSTE. April 3, 1840. 21 tf Sdt If fk SACKS for pale low fcv M CD (S (j fl It a it r A n? A V W rt, r.LAVWili. I March 20th, 1310. i . 19 tf ; Wood. I will furnish Oak and Hickery Wood, at $2 50 per cord, Cash. A. P. LACOSTE. October 4, 1839. 47?tf New Goods THE subscriber is again opening a stock of goods in Cheraw, well adapted to the season, which he is prepared to sell at prices vary much reduced, either by wholesale or ret iil. lie bought a largo proportion of his Goods at the New York package sales in September last, with a view of wholesaling and is confident he can sell them as low as they can be bought in any of tho Southern towns. D. B. McARN. November 22d, 1839. a tf Sugar & Coffee. 12 Hhds. Porto Rico and St. Crcix Sugars, j 10 Bags Rio Coffee. For sale lovr for caah or bankable paper. A- P. LACOSTE. | March 20th, 1840. . 19 r. tf Cheese for 10 ct& i CHEESE of excellent quality fofr sale for nine cents by the Cask, and ton cents per pound by the single Cheese. A. P. LACOSTE. i March 20th, 1840. 1 n '^1 ?r ** * Bagging & Rope. 30 pieces heavy 44 inches Hemp Bagging. 30 Coils Bale Rope. ?For sale low by A. P. LACOSTE. March 20ih, 1940. 10 tf Mackerel & Lime. 10 Barrels No. ? mackerel. 10 Half Brls. No. 1. do. _ ; 20 Cask9 Thomaston Stone Lime. For sale low for cash, by A. P. LACOSTE. March 20ih, 1849. 19 tf j Cheraw Bacnn. HAMS, Shouldors, and Sides,* of my own j curing, for sale. Terms,. Cash. A. P. LACOSTE. ! October 4, 1839, 47-r-tf I Lump Sugar. BY the Loaf, for 15 cts, for sale for cash by A. P. LACOSTE. March 20th, 1849. 19 tf Notice. I A now receiving 4>art of my stock o, Spring anu Summer Goods, comprising a general assortment of seasonable Goods, which I will Bel] low for ca?h. Purchasers will please call and examine for themselves, -i ALSO, * , Will be kept constantly on hand a supply of German Bo.ting Cloths, equal to any ueed in this country. MALCOM BUCHANAN, March 1840. 18 - 1 or Cash only. THB Suhscribrr takes this method of saying to his Customers, that after this day he wih sell iio article in the Grocery Line on a credit; and Dry goods and Hardware only to such persons as are prompt aud nunctual in their payments. D.M ALLOY January 1, 1940. 8 tf I ' 1 South Carolina. 8. F. Saddler, et. al. 1 i V8 ? John 6. McCaskil , et. al. J ( ?T appearing to my satisfaction that John JL B. McCaskill ono of tlio defendants in this case is absent from and resides without the limits of this State. It is on motion of Hanna order, ed that the Raid John B. McCaskill appear and pload, answer or demur to the complainants hilt on or before the first , day of September next, ,. and that w> default thereof the eaid biH as to him , will be taken f*V conftun. . Itis also ardored that this cfrdor be published f in the Fanners' Gazette, at ChcraW, twice a month for tbo space of three months. GEO W. DARGAPf, Com. in Equity for Choraw Diet 23J Febru<uy, J840. 16 ftt V " Carpenter's Tools. THE subacriber has jbst received a very ex* 7 tensive assortment of Carpenter's Tools,, among which are, Double and Single, Cast Steal iron, JJack, Smoothing, fore, and Jointer Planes, Astragals, Beads, Dado's, HolkmXanS Rounds, Nosings, Grecian Ovalo's, Quirk O. G. Reeding, Rabbit, Side Rabbit, Raising, and Sash Planes, Sash Cord, Coves for steps, Table Planes, Torus Beads and Cornice Planes, Roman O, G. and Fillets, FUlcttstcrs, Snipes Bills, Gothic, Ceiling, Flooring, and Plow Planes, Plane Irons, Oil Stones, Key Hole Tenant, and Panel, Hand, Cross Cut and Frame Saws, Screw Slide Mortice, and Marking Guages, Augurs, assorted qualities, Morticn, Socket, and Firmer, Chisels and Gouges, Plate and Iron ?^ Squares, Side Brvils, Spolro Shares, Locks, flings, Sprigs, Nails, Bra<& Ad. ALSO - > I Collins' Club, Ilutid and Broad Axes, Ohio I and Pennsylvania Patterns, Hammers, Shingling 1 and Lathing Hatchets, Ac. j The above were purchased low and fat cash i of the best manufacturers, and will be sold cheap' joy D. MALL07. n^'-nW 231, 1389. 2:f Information Requested. LOST or mini aid a resurvey of a number of Tracts oflaud adjoing the Town of Cheraw; the whole laid down on a large theet of Foolscap paper pasted on Muslin and bound around with narrow ribbon. I am under the impression that I left it in some one of the stores in Chcfaw. ^Any inf rination respecting the above resurvey wiH confer a favor on LAUBGKCBPMSCB. I2tb March, 1840. 18 if e7 wa termjn COMMISSION MERCHANT,. Georgetown S. . CONTINUES to transact a general Commission business at that place. ' lie ia under obligation to no boat, or masted vessel, and is free to ship by the earliest conveyances, (without orders to the contrary,) either North cr South or up the liver. ' Jk References : at Chcraw?D. S. HahlleR* J. C. W ADdlVnRTXl, Bcnnettsvffle?M. 6c B. IJ. Xow.vsFND 6c Co. LeesvWe?J. C. Ler, * Wadestoru'?M'Corkle & Cole, Charlotte?H. B. Williams, Rockingham?VValt. & HoLton, W.F. Leak, "* " February 14,1840. 14 ' if Tax Notice ' THE Subscriber will attend as follows to take returns and receive tho taxes for Che*. v terfield District. Viz ; . At Mount Croghan on Monday the 2nd of March. Blakoney's Old Store on Toeade.y ? 3rd Michael Miller's on Wednesday 4th John Seager's on Thursday^ 5th Spiers,' Mills on Friday 6th John Johnsons on Saturday , 7th Steer Pen Springs on Monday 9th Levi Ca?ity*s on Tuesday tUth Sarah Johnsons on Wednesday 11th I Chesterfield C. H. on Thursday Friday and i Saturday 12lh 13th 14th. Cheraw on Monday Tiaetday Wednesday and Thursday 23rd 24tb ?th 2 tif. . 4 - K. B.'Thc Oath wilf to required tn rrcTyttu" ' stance as the law directs. Also all returns railII be made by the let day of Alar or a double tax will be imposed. W. L. ROBBESON. ; T. C. C. D. January lo.h 1849* ; 1(1 fma. * A New Jail for Chesterfield. PROPOSALS, sealed and directed to the aubscriixjr at Chesterfi >ld Court House, will be received, from this time to the first Monday in May next, for buitdinga Jail at this place, at which time the board of Commweione a will open . the seals and award the job to him whd may offer proposals most advantageous to tho Public.? The contractor will be^d to give bond with ample security for thf faithfUl fulfilment of his contiact, open which a draft ori the Tress* urer of the upper Division of this State wiil be givon for a portion of the money in advance. Reference to P. L. Robeson Kmj. or myself of this place, for specifications (and for the convenient of some) a copy will be deposited . with Col. J- J. Marshall of Cbcraw. JOHN EVANS. \ ^ ami Tri'fii. Board,Buifc 0. D.: Choeter field C. II., S. C. ) Jan 16, 1840. { * 10 5t 'ihe Subscriber has just received, and will keep constantly on hanACotton Vara and Twine # at wholesale, (torn the Manufactory oflfocktng. ham. GEO. GOODRICH. Cheraw, Jan. 1840. 10 ,#: ' \& Garden {Seeds. Ji'8t received pr. Steamer Swan av v$ry larM\ and extensive assortment of Garden Seecbb the growth of 1839. Aim, a few copiee of the Kitchen Gardners fne true tar, and Florists Guide. Persons wishing supplies .wiD please call early while the .wsortment is complete. D. MALLOY. January 16th 1840.?tf * Notice. TH E Subscriber has opened in tl>e store form. erly ocoupied by Mr. S. Xeeler and intends to keep for sale, for cash only, a gerwril assort tnent of FamOy Groceris, M Hh* Fruits, Candies Wines, Coniectionaris Toy# Ac. Ac, he has a'so for a&le a few thausaud of the Mammoth . white Silk worm Eggs at one ddllar per thousand; a small parcel of Cuba Tobacco Seed, jOkra Cotton Seed Ac. CHARLES VANDERFORD. March 6th 1846? Office of Comptroller Geperal. ' C i- Charleston, Jan. 16fh, 1-840. TUB Legislature at their last Sossioju h?v. ing enacted that the General Tww*j shall be paid in specie, paper medium, or tip votes of the specie paving Banks of this.St?td,';lh?-Tax Collectors sud Sheriffs thraQgbaut*the4>U'e will govern themselves accordingly. Jurors and Constables Cortilioiie* are also receivable \v_p*y. ment of taxes, as heretofore. WiM. ED. HAY?pSt ^ 1 Xompt roller ,GcmeriL, 12 181 Merchants' Bank, S. C/traip, Apr# }. 1640. THE annual election for setts Direct Qfidf this bank, will be held at tbeJfcg^kil*g House, on Monday the 4th of Mat nut,to ifeo managed by O. H. JKoiioek, J. C? Wad**n&b. and 1). Malloy, * W. OO0FBBT, ' A.prfr 3, 3940. ^