$ Michigan City, (la ) Doc. 4. a wild ClIILll. Strange ns it may f ?r, ii is current reported and very fp'nnrully l)fh* V' d th at wild child, or lad, is now running at hi.-j umong the sand hills round in the vieim of Fish Lake. It is reporud to Ihj nhu four feet high, and covered with n light cm ofchosnut colored hair. It runs with -.'re velocity, and when pursued, ns Ins o n been the c.aso,it S,.|S ,,j, tt.i* most frig tfiil o hideous yells? and seems to make < U'or's speaking. It has hien vim d.iri ig the sutner months runtj og along tin* I ik slior , > pareu ly in search of fn'i an I I ogs, and a pears lo be very loud o! thy w itei. for it w plunge into Fish Like and s tun wi'h gn velocity, all the t mo whining most pitcousl I low this ere tturo has come hero, what i s history m iy !>' , w I ave to co jecinre ; hut in iy it n it In prohibit? tint may have strove! away lio n som" itegr tmg party, when enemnped for th" n g and wandered olfinto tin: mi i Is, win r<< has grown tip an associate wi litae amni of the fores' ! We think 'Ins nny tie t case. If so, what line: IciVe |,c . n t.ie a guish of its pare l>- an I Ira i.ds on learn t that they were compelled i?, pnsm ih< journey without ih ir tender eire? It ;?l?so Svlppos-sl that it in iv hive he si s'o! Iiy the Indians, und h ft tn :1k* for st :o j? ?- i ; hut wit ?ruti hardly behove micIi to ll;o case. I: would 'in notion;; hut an net ofhumn i'y on t!u: j?:n t o' our vnung tr.? n to urn c an 1 help to capture it. ' I /. ".to. i as;:n,\t;on ok the kattl?: snake " W hen I wn.s a tciv about Curt n V'fi ol snvs Mr. \\i|l?i(l, ''my Io or s itie ill 1 vivid ami live colors tl: i: iinu^ui eioii can pa art, an I I i.eyouJ lac powers of the p nod to mv u among w loth y ili.-vv was ho piedmiun* iitli! tao win,!,: iIciaii into a howooin rariety of gay at.'l p!o:isioj? tonus, we presented to my e\ s ; at t o vino; ! t mv oar8 were onoh >n ? .! >\ th t .o nv.s r '.irons strains ol muse, wiid, Iviiv eninj plicatJ 1 a..J lu.ntin.ai i-, in the l.ij r ? c groo ire lod.nus, o i , iv .tin,' tr. 1 .. hantr (sir b'Voti I any ihmu lover Ii aid U"ioro nmec, and indued far exec* chug w r it i ir.inginu'.nn in nuv odi r situ:, im oo have conci iwd. ! h it ni\vi lt ,rres s e Srnwi. towards the hated i* p'ilo ; ami a lij>! ! i.fmii ...... i ? i ' - ^ Ii; rtllj; ? !! I l\ I . 11 r.t tit; sii.ilil i I iv. ui ttii J power ?t! tiii'si-s.Tjii n>, J torn w I Ii till' ft it' 11 f?:ii : lie 11 , s "fii'' ; i. u is i.til ?* i: io.it 1 11r iiios. v i i-ii t'ia! L w.is ft'ile to xti nMti' my m it \ il i tv l iii) < I t\J i'iI to Wii i inv w ii kiii'ii^tli \Vi-:e l.tir :!v f'liii . it "or.iiv i irotn lint m'ciic ol o iti \r |i't- m j_' * tMitiii'iiioiit; '?>111 w >i i: i inic !t v tlf i rm bo'iy, my !? il urn.I jIiimm'vm I * - " ciawing in in.-c all..i.r r l.v mi n.v.s power. A i l 1 fi.lv in | . v Pa? in a 1 nioili"! ts I nig.'r i{ Mu .!ii l|i?*u !.? ii vv.-, not of my po v r to ni ike an exeitioii mi on m to aa\ .Mwsoui i un:l low i. ? ii. ir' |o'!..?. j ar ieul r^, m t. It ?? g l.cj !? ? u ill" M 1 houri |.ap< r-i, it w i ! !ic s- en that iin- i! ill 1 t_V llclUi*' II M ;ss if i.ll I I'.rt.l la .! i Iv 1 saining a una ;i r a J. n-p '. M I ii"nr n f oi pie 11;14> ' s n -n i.I ill i< : > . I t Si.'n faciii'tl li'in as in* np( i ?m. > il t ? j ol Vail 1 Jnmn,i!i.i| a log' liolv *?t peo. were n>!! c'i'il for i:s !. : !.? . S .j? o> his loieo ifiaoc.j i iir to m "t ?n *t i"it a ini puny, In: w t ut lou-ie :?? \ m II .rcn an i in-nnli"! tf ?- an "mm Vr o' tne S i i if, win u is .f ..it'll. So i ; c (!. a \\ in. has rcjviiiml to (.'I nk coiiliU, w it'i i mii force, iiimI was niaint to jao ? e ! to \ an 1 r \ xvli-ii in. 1< ainc I that tl e S . i ti* n iii i Ti rem 'V. ! to -o il" i t: er j ii , M i'll ll 1 tempo-;, of Ion.a. 'i tie nu n ol \'m tin ! s sit. i iter! : r l I e ti p .t I i a; n v. (? M'.i! ?.'k, at tin- i st ! t n, \\ *s i i an no t appoint Ma/, ol a 1 p " v > i :1 ' \ t .? < o. of I'lirk cotin'v. \ . *? ??? in :'cs ? is I,. !? '.vis i is ifesll'li In ! r i ceil if. i ii- il'si.m <-?!**" I frri'l!i>ryt ::ir!M'r?* *? * j ?\t.r- t??! :l r !. < s : r.f il ii r } si.u.ri- s on! ! I) m! r !.1 t?> t*:i! I oti* liis ??\v 11 hi I ? ! ?' i 1\ si i.f t!>* ?> h'i t. I; i\ ;s ri p ?rt <1 iut n I ir bn'K of'mm W( r" co.icfi'r l? y 1 ii?* r of 1 h#r (J > von air of |..\i i, in !io .! - itr ternlon !* r< >i>t ! i ? < !! t on I i- pri ab!i\ si) s !''? ?Sl. L >n . it j. r ! r n. Ii.i Coll.M'iH '.V'!! ! r 1.1 , IS i :: 1st roiling st'.> ii'.' nsf i. ! t-xt?*i iiuvi r a ir.u !; i ii',p i p i.', i.i nf ihe ji j it bvi . < ' '!?' bt >'.o an I I rri . v. U. ut.-o, \ in ni. Iiinlrii.i l In l-i'..lis . I % i i .1 \ v* t an ! :|t:is o fir.ji r an. it m i l? 11 tin; An '0 !< ;' < ' i;i i i ,i v\ i unul I i;: tl. ' j;:c '? . it . r ^ v. \ I. ; . .. Ii l c n i' W isrnns.ii Ii i Ir.i .1 i ' " It in:iy be i in . }( ; til mm i > i i win) not kn?)\vinj? | t v ?.. , ttTpr.si'ul \.iii ii mii r .i 11 . .m- ii po.v d to ri r ! "!. (urtM.i,,|M i.ij ? w holy i \ .?!--!?? ?i nil* i i ! 'it i () fMMi L i.'rui.i' is aclii r' y b. iiii s .if - ^ r! !. 1 ofi!.o iM U nit. tr-iin Fori !< *v< ft worth, anununo s llio return of Col. Kt?i nev? wit'i 2">0 dragoons, from a m^^'1 froni lha' finst ?iioii?> ilie* M ssissippi Frontier, and ly into t m Cherokee t'oiinlry, as lar ns For! a Wayne. on tin; Illinois river, near Fort ge ii .iisoii. T.io inovoiivnl was mad** in von y s r|neneo of* .1 rumor ih it the Indians uitenu d (I to resist tlii' at'i iti|(l to execute a room! ?;*t order from ilio Secretary o' War l<> (I"n, in A i l?ui"k I'to ari't'il tin* murderers of 111?* i*m Ridges nml Rotnl.no' ; and liiai limy ivi'io ii' 1 preparing for war. On r< arm.;;/ Fort at Wayne, Col I\. learned that the memr." n- won* lit erly groundless? pence and ?p? .< I |> prevailed, red no insist nice invd |>e f,M,.. ji- beyond liiat wln- ii dm murdereis themselves ill ma/ in iko; Ii iii^'v tli'T" is i: strong poly a wlto will Htr;v?j to eonn al lliem. TnC dra>. ^oo.is tr ivc.l :d DOJ miles mi nine days, or N. Y. lug. n m . ' F A U M 15 It S ' liAZ 15 T 1 15 . I fill DAY KVKNINC, I)!5CI:m?I5U t>7. i?39. U The Washington p ipers lor tt.o office at litis , . place have for the last several weeks un.f?Tiii. ii. j ly come to us from the Sou'h, awl about a r>^ I week alter iheir dale, when tliey ought ttuIm. j b!y the one at lliehinond ?>i Washington. It th.nshould meet the eye of tin1 I'ost Master ( or Poet Master's cleik, who pu's the papers j for Clieraw into the Charleston or Augusta bag, he is informed that if lie will put tin in with the It iletoli ami Fayeltrvnh* papers tie y lls i will r a< ii their dtst.nation much earlier than nl j 'hey now do. I Hiving a now (J mi r sum ofi.ur town IV j " for , sohsei !) rs tuny n?t ree<;i\n He ir p-p' rs 'S. i It so they will pleas" iuturill lls of t. mi | The captions i f the acts pa-s. <1 hy the I/*. se b'is'ature will be found :o tlie pr* ced i ^ colli limns. Fr? in the sketch furnished by 'lie capiy tioiisol whit was don**, meagre and niisatis. lor lactory as it is, the re.? ! r will learn what t,-? was not done. In North Caro.uiP, tie* " publishers ot newspapers at the seat of "is " verienen , prcpir* at the close ol each jesd'ii of the Legislature, a list of ail the to a pass (I, With a brie! e I'e.nent o' the 111 pr.iv.s .ins ol each, when nol lu.ly explann .1 hy I the cap;ion. These hs's are ntit.l -h. d tin* ,,,, tie* pip* r>, ati*l hi hand hil f.inu I'll" handur bi!!i are pui etonicd by the me i?ber* of t! i:> !. itun , aini < attributed aino ^ hoir ton:l I 6' it III II? S, lll-ch^VO t||i- pen: i' 8 lllsf ic'nrv 'Iv nit'irmm'ion in r yard i? \\ li it ban been done. s I \>i 111411ry cu ilil resul from ill roil.n i.ij ti.c fame practice in*u other St.it. *. A bill tn |>n 11 >11 li- limbs wtiM-h hive sus* }* iul>'J un'.< *s tli. y k,noddy r< .s.isn \ I ?il d m tlif Son t'c by a 8 hi a II hi jo-i'v* We an* it"' nj; * ((J. Mitlii'it'irly acipi milt'd witli ibe s'lhjori 'n'ortn |((. an o|i.iiioii a-- to tin- nori'uMiy o! > i- on?io:i by my oi t tin banks ; mi' m1 rnr.i tier lie j?r? ? hi 8 :it an iiii|>r<>j).!i His tiuio tor li-ais H um >>n t be ii't nibjeet. 1! iter' s-irv at all, r o -^jfit I i be 1 ' rovi r < < time. ric amendment to t!i?* charter of the rail road bank, wo learn b om . be C.'i irle^'oii \l-r " rury, ti'iaou'it tbe rooJit in t'i.?t it is to aiJ in j t!i eoiiH riii tion of 'lie rool. I* also re- uees ;"v tlio cap tal fr in $1 vi.CMHI tHH) to $;U?UO,<*? tniuime li ' banks ol Cn ir!i*8ton tiave in tie r hands a ~ power wh oh tlloy miv s .;ne day bo tonvitrd 1 - , c . i II. - i i , III ua?- IIP in*" 4IIJIII \ ??l fin* bin I ;? r f) IT! K"? f* iiim ^ thrnu^'i ' itt'in. Toil.* iiij i r \ c?f I !? * J'Joic. CoMiKKnS.? 1 li ll.i* S. Ii tt?' soil'." OXffUt.VC ri'^ bus nens !i is boon tlu i?', i f i'-?ur-? . with i!>is? d ilnorti So'iii* n a >11 !i iii< , Vs I i illuijj ' Ui i'ii (!i l'riMit!? it tor i:ifur;u I'mr, a:nl iMtii-i' )('11 t lios Ix'rtt ven nf v ;r on* >i. ? to bo in ro :n1,1 7. I, i?i! !y ii r.:it iu oilor-, ?'i*?ri both Iiu'Im" ((lt ?! I in* r. nlv to prni'i ?'J to iejisl.it ivo b;i. 1III. 'i'lii: I lot mi: or iiiruirsixr atI'.ks. w.s i Hut folly 1 ifin'.i i! it the ila'i' ill our last acok 111 111'h. K. M. I'. II mVr til Vir^ nu v\ a.' ii. o|??i'!. (l jtj-f ikcr, I)rc 17 I1, on ilii* 11 h bal? lot n_', having reroneil 111) ioa's nit of 'Jilvf, 1 ' w Ii i'Ii w as 'J inor?! tliui a iii.i Hi' h I J H i t! t ) !'(> a Suli Tri :iMirv. \ ii' ill.* .: ?n VV lii.? II rHfil \t?V? dI nil the Wi, _'s :md I , :m is! ..f tip' Nulliti'M. I'll** Irir'iciM number !ll<- ? J(l of v.'tis riP' ii't' l l?v ' uy ??' 'i *r an I date at tli'1 r iiiic li.i.K?r iii^f ?ri< ?r J. M Jones of ' viotis b i lott mj w.i? 110. o.icc by Mr. J mes and mi o by Mr I.'.vis both supported by tli? 'rj Administration par'v. I'lie S'iti*?riMi's or 1 .\al'tia itio'i p i-v ho! 1 Mi" b;.I iik i) of ?>. a ?-r ( bi'iw '!! tb W i l l ' U m ifr.lS" ,11 tin' A '::i i r.ri' ti j.;?r-v call themselves n:.I It >? ' 1 , j \v o? jj. fiorilv c.vpr clod before llio tn> inl>cr i'i i >' il.i'it I" is t . i O !'? a w " !. , ,j to in 1 * i- I- 111 v. it t irr^.: i. ?' - k ii i? r-?- > i ? .i '1(f '] r. ''?. mil > > in i ' i ?' ii ?t"? t" . > |? * ii > t. IV J \ , O.r ; i*l rl ' ? '.ri'. - 'i . ? w n .n . ivj (a .? liivn . .t.itio'i i ( i'4 Af? .* > ?! . ?> ? Mi 1 ; ' ' or ' s}, I j, cr, i n.li -.t | r -tv ?. ?l . !??. ??r i: I c -i'Ii r int in ( , I it.1 eVik ( .iil U? lliOill lip > "* J-'. ' .N \v J rt< y, ft r l av m; l>? rn c *1. Ih-iI'j,' f o\'T. t?y co Wi'it'i i- tin'" Ii r t t< re jJmih- through with. M:*. 11 i.uio?;i i fro'a | N* w jy i.avng iltrn toon c ihcil, 11? * I other live niJiVtiiil.tid ruiiilii 9!>ii)I.OiI l>y the , Ci.iv* niur .ilf?o vvi'iH ?ij? vv. Ii hnn In In- s.. ??rn. A Hut when Mr. Ar:.ol?l w.u sworn, the Speaker n | s.rii that altlintgn, il no action hail taken ?r- | place in the House o:i the eulyoet, ho woulj j also swear in the oilier person* holding I commissions from th?? (Jovcrnor of Now Jerj ?' y, yet after what had occurred, he felt bound . to submit the question 4u the House. Mr. ; NV.so hen Fuhtniltrd a rcsoluti ?n that the j persons nam* d shou/J not be sworn ; hut reaI ron for which was that an afrnnalut ir.oiinn : to count their vote* beforo the org.inizition of j the House was lost by their being a tie ; and ; he contended that the lore of h:3 present mo, lion by a lie would be a decision in favor of Hn* clnitiiati's. Mr. liromgoule afterwards , moved to lay the resolution on tin? table, but ; learning from the Speaker that he would consider the adoption of such a motion as a deci?! ion in favor ot tlnw-'e holding comini-sions and should accordingly proceed to swea' thoni, I the tnnlio'i win withdrawn. A debate aiosc on Mr. Wise's resolution which lasted from | the 17th to20 It, without any appearance of ' approaching n elope. I Bo? h branches of the L-egiwIiiure of G'*orpia, ] have passed a r< solution providing fur the j forfeiture o' its charter by the Trust and insurance II nil. rig ('otnpany of Columbus, for mi*. i pension of specie pjmi'iiti. This bank has done only hltu other batiks in tin* Saip ; but i it* stock h owiviil by tin; U. S Bank ot Pennsylvania, winch is doubtless the cause of i;? ' sharing a difl'tieui fa'.c Iruin the others. The Fayettevill J Oi. server says on the ah leyed authority t? the Governor of Georgia, j tint '.lie G .vernor of Maine has actua ly re. hoed to suirciider a runaway slave who fled ' ; to that Sate" and that "the Governor if Vir- ^ ginri s'ates a Mtmlar refusal by the Governor of New lork." We suppose tlie Observer1 mistakes tl.e nature of t he cast s to which it) r 'lets. We have never heard of a demand bi'iug made on i he Governor ol either Maine or ! N?*w Vork lor rutnw.iv slaves. There is * speedier ana no re sui ahle way of recuve nig liiein. The 11'Hie' of R. |.ies? ntatives of Georgia, hi n filiation tor the refusal of the Governor , of M I lie to lei vet ior in-,1 pernors charged ' w ii h c ?rryn.g oft a slate from Georgia, have pis- d an an ov a vol of 1 11 to 4'?, subject, j ing to a ipiaraiit m of o. e lu.ndr< d d.iys all ve?o-e> f urn Maine, or owned pi her altogeih er or in pail by ei iz-n* Ma ne. I. ;? ...... ? " " if 1IIIMMI I t II HI l|f ly.. I.II) ?| "I | U'SfO|?H : .if ii *J*? li u-r. thai tli" i-aiirr n> ii< nccfoiili I tii ii?- ilncnminu' J 1*. * ai . one-d at tii^ am ;iui" that the S. other Panter. whicl i< to t .*.< ith place, will be mimed in two or i three wtcidi. Col. r. 11 Clniuro wae eh-cled Pr< *id? ni of ! Me Bink ot the St.tit*. dur ng ho session o| ttio L"gi*l i ur \ l.angd- ii C ii*vjr. wan also ol ctoil Sl.tir It |Mi:icr, \\ [', |{ ra| and p. W. nco -k, tSuperin* .fit! ml. lit u. l'tihli" Work*. Tin* T x11 Son Imvc refused to rnnfir'ii t'.o ;i|i; o'ti'no it'of Miinst* i from I'exaa *o the I'm id Statix. i inlirnl upon Kirlyird Duniap tiy In l'ri>x)i ii ol hat R public, during the | ri ri f- o! Coi.irn *4 11 <- vv ill her* lore bo it. d bd. WxisKCv IIarhi i. ?Tm* in the title of a , in vv p tpi r atimil to U?* indued nororwhere in T? nil.-** o. 'I he ?hjert, ae the loin indicate* i* to advocate the privilege of ge'ting drunk. Hid procuring the means ol doing h?i w.thou' legislative rest uc'on. We predict th t the huIih< ription list will be large, unless payment should be rtq-.iied in advance. In M a ne, they t .Ik ?f a new officer to be Call* d Mi" X himlmas't'r (iene'al, wnose Uutice | are .ndiculcd by the title. Th" Rtn'ritf ol C;ark County Mo. (in the 1! ,anted trrnt.irvl h ivnc tieen arreuted mJ i . / p ""** ",,w : rpr sonc.l under the au'lmritv o' lowi, whilst a 11 a prr Geti. VVilooC* of .\i inn \vas under general orders of the Governor, rn irchitig at the tune of the la?t 1 areo'.liils, with a luiiilia face towards the jail \ - v r ?.?! nislatrli been experience I i nl n "lie N *.v lingl ,nd C.tr v ?l ) u li >' ippmj! and ii nny lues. A I a,one s er In ^ M .ss.) '21 ve*s>-|s w? re di iv rn on dime, :in 1 a I wreaked r\c?yt v\c? ; not 1.a, than .">0 lives supposed ;o be los*. \1 I mi w as u'sn done in numerous tei|!.i s, ho'li on 2 lid and in hnrbors. I'lf f.n e s sAitl t<> have been more seven r ;ti n any since 1915. A sevi re gale oecuried on tlie sea rotist i.,st S.iiur lav inght whirl) did inucli damage o the shipping ui Ch.irl.fio,. H rbor. A fee la'ely nreurp d n New V>?rk. a hm i'. ? i. I > e.vi* ihvjr.>y ?1 j n?j> r j t > t .o a.nc tat; ol OOll. iwiu vTkaTi \iiTT.s i lv? iv inijiarnn o'*sertcr of the proceed, j iiijs <> Congit s> lor die last ten or twelve J \t w .11 assent ;o tliC <*. r i rrtness ?>i'ihe i - I :ii.' ri-m .rks !>\ M:. l'.ck> n?, |i?:l i ii I.l' n \? j?ts' v ? i' i t 'i.'i i .ii i o(i.'inn^ i:% i" / hmi ii 1 | iii? iiii.1. 11 t i r>i i? t v oj .11 - it , itr ,'rr i*i j ' i .? r, ! s ti il II. Ii r.ilil {?-?>' v N,?i?il, ill | ill ?, i , ?i ir iw i > i > in itin r 111111 i *i-IMii<- >v niyiir1, | (>i ! i i !-it- ? <>: * t v !. ,i t k ri: > iiii .?t * ii'iiii in It i en. i t 11 i i.. <>i i u li?Ii I * .ii .ivu't. It is i iis : !in , I't i .1 I..si U'li \i ; >, f ro ti is Ihh1!) no strong a^v r;Ui\. .<*: ? ti ill? ti ,vorU iii''. i -i > inii** ii<* It fit sciti'iiivi'.s >t t ? I' < ('!?) !*'i?>ij|.J .ih>.-ri ti. r itiU<*p<'ti 1'iiCii, iiiri 11ir*f?I** ?>n Hit't cs dI party? lookit.j! mil) t>? !?? of itie coii:rry, Jo tlm snnc'ity of the to .sMiutioo, ami to tne proservu'ion of llieir own lionor orvl inJc 111 i i i r1 * . " i pondcncr. If then* be nncolijee.j Oktrc Ac?r ?o mo than another, it in, that f may ? ? * this House r< deemed end, regeneralotl? ? liwt I may see it break Ioohm from it* sob- | " - rvienry to that Monger jod or Party fc wb i-.li is reared up on every aide, and which S e-rtun* fr>tn its victims a b.i&e, di voted, and N blmd idm'utry. I knov lie delicacy of inv posi-io" ; I ^ worn to suppress mv s'litinreti's. I would honest principle*?principles which 1 avow f boldly aid openly. ( hold no aentimen s in J; my clnsut which 1 will no avow to the ? world. In my opinion, it in due tu lie- di?i- j nity of tlio (louse to incct this question boldly and to decide i'. 3 f I From the Mississippi Arjrus. ^ Tic 'lennttful effects of the lla.'d Money * S\ stern.?On .Monday the 30 li September J list, there was koI?I Ibr (iold or S lv? r. at . Poll .did|ili;a, in Neshoba Cnuniv, for t;?e \ j bem-fic ol I"!- L in ed S itrs, on account of ! (.it: i. \V . \ P. 11 rrit'sd i. tore it w^souix'd liy (# u H rru,) I for mix do! art per nrr<-, or ii(.w .rds ot th.r- i l\?st\ thousand dollurs, mid wimxnid to !> | | cheap at t'wtpriee; hut on the H0''? list ] inondi. u:??! ? the hard mowV op r i n. it < wi? si.I.J for Fwr end.* pT acre ?or for j 5 about ? re" litiudr- d dollars, ?*nd bought l?y i ! T M Tucker. th* hard ipouev Senator of ue G iiut\ of L i^iul ?. Tin r" were 1 in fiv ril(7? i)8 of tluit CmilitV, hi xiou* ir? I huv.bi were unable Id ob'-uo the Gild or ' Sliv r ' I In copying ihe ah iva w have nmi t* d a i w t met of p rf. si in(/ Kd< Gaz : ' Flo brry o'the IV* * tern M ul ?Tu-en- i ' ire in . 11 If. ill! Ml IIS II. Ill 'I < I ot th- l'^i" < n*J. is prn>iiiiv xnnplton in Iiliole Il-inl.?T Pro- j, Co Jo .ill d s i\s ...i II l!. l k> u li t l\, nil we presil'lil- >J! Ill llie S I , .aw ' ie-iiiil" the |i.i\ ni*'i, for nl- tui i . a--,| " Tile N? wjloft il ra'.J SIYH. 'Si-V'Tl I -.1 i ll.i. ks ii this town, '-tmiiius" iiieio i i?I U..ioii. iN, I". Coiiiiiii-?r. i, and *1 *r -I. r .will riMiinu Sp.'1'ic |o \ incutt nil M n. I > n \ A famoc* I'okkhr.? n m AWiiS.b *hli| \ , neat liiiH'afo, ( N . Y ) s " i o a ii 'lld I >111 ||f?l a 111 1 MlO 'l. >* N k II ll Vl||> li | t \ ii \imrs oil, Jiil v* 1 _ ll ?? 7l#l)lhs. T ? ' i |i ?rk sold ? i t'r n?f. mid of co uif l)it Is! : ? on, :?.i i ti li i farm a i j?i ii?r its iM o so is. tu 11 on !? r fi v<- y* nr> nt nw?'? T.ift r> I" b' * I. cdiirii "il. I'm* ? xc'.'ii ois "oiii*I .ii i .h?' ?* .1, inn.ii i I ( if b>>s :i|.|irn if? M oshi'i'irnk't*, mull ?? -%.-r i*.1,1 l ? ??, <>l lU??r liiriuiif. T v I i.V'- just ilisonvi r d and pro*, il i e w ! ; ! " jinp"M\ his t'li.nvi; fpirril l taV'TUs ii?'i?i u ; ii is in H \ on. Oi l Tu.tii, ind is AOflli ^A.OOO.dOit." \\ > iirir p..in<' ! ,. ? ! .ii >,i i 'utter lf? J 5 A ( lie.;* wax II, jo a *r? trigging y 11 r 11 19 a 25 J title If, |o a |Ji i Coil'-e l!> l*Jj n 15 j Corr.iN, lb 8 a 9 Corn C?i a r i.iir. Country, scarce brl 4 75 a Kr.it uers I'm w.ijiiiik lb 40 a 4Kodder. 1001 ha 874 * I (Cass, window I >, 5 if\ 3 25 a 3 37J i " lUiJ2, 5ji\ 3 50 n 3 75 j Hides, green lb 5 a dry II, |o a Iron im?b? 5 50 n f, 50 ' I ml i go 15 75 a g 50 j 'auto cask 4 a 4 50 ! lb 11 a 12J Iw.itlier, role lb 22 a 25 Iwa.l, bar ib 10 a I'OR wood lb 10 a 15 Molasses Ku| 45 a 50 .N O. jr.,I 50 a 824 ! V?il?, out, ?s?n trd II, "I * 9 , vvioujjiii ib 10 a 18 j "a.* bnx'i 54 a 50 1 " .currier* K.| 75 a 1 g.il 1 25 a , unseed jr.,1 1 10 a 1 25 j I'uin's, w-iiie load keg 3 25 a 4 52 ?, Sj in. orown lb 8 a 12 I'urk KiOlU 5 50 n 6 Kiel lOOHm .? a h >! !. Lijf 2 .SO a . lh h$ a 13 "**.ar lb hi a 12J * > i eack 3 25 a 3 .SO ?? bosh I 25 a 1 50 I * V ii rinn lh 10 a ~ ? - . ? t ? i lh 14 a -r?- vlsr^a lb 12 a 14 f ill, iv lb a 12 4 i ? ,imperial ll> 1 a I 37 j i ?. I /son lb 1 a 1 25 ! IV< eo ?ni.""ifa"*'ir -?' lb TO a 5-' ; a *?l i<'?\ f si * ?h Nulf* ami acapnia una to J>'?n Mai. vL |..y ?V t o. arc in 'hi* hand* of Duncan ! M iHoy ; those indebted will c iII al lit* con..ting roo n. an make piymen's. .*< i*i ? i ' :o iiati* ?' d. witlioot diacrimin .lion ijr.inKi all who aliall fail to p?y, before tun n< xt return dav. for CI. -an >tl<'d Diah eh I>. MAl,l,OY. A M McIV'F.iT. Asgn'* of J. Malloy A Co. Chora w December 24, 1839, 7 tf t'i b * ' m '* miliWti v l lagging. H^?P. 17 ? . $ (ale R<-. lb ? a 11 12 JJg- 7*1 ? (aeon Ham*. lb 10 14 * *3 iiould?T., lb 7 I I] a a -ajllJ ? ^ idea, lb 8a 8ft - Viie j* |X ill ;r. Gowlien, prime, |b 25 a b. _ 11 rieka, Ch II 1-9 a 19 v * hoic* xrequCuoa lb IVft to lift r. ?; <* t[ 'orto liico. !b H l.J a |J2 ^1 U... lb 11 I 3 a 19 1.2 B ottori, Up ord? 4. inf. lb 8 a 8ft 1i lood f'air lb J(ift a rt 'lioi.f 1:? I0ft.ll . ... an, Ili rriugn, now, bl>1 4 a 1 1^ ? I ickercl. No. I. bbl 13 00 a U 00 do. N'>. 9. bbl 11 0 I a 19 00 " do. No. 3 bbl 7 o0 a 7 30 'loor. D ili. 11. S. aup. bbl a 'uiuiMphia and Virginia, bbl a ' ttiuu bbl a *orn. iauali 65 a 70 ron, Pig. 100 lb 1 00 >w<'0?le?. aaanrtml I0d|b5 00 a lu?aiu. bar. 10(1 lb 5 25 a Hot Cuba gal 25 ? 2** *? w Orient**, bol37 a 33 bigar lli>u?e. gat a , ? >?!-. Sp mii. winter atr'd a'1 1 30 a I 35 viumicr ttr diivd.gi . 'JJ a JL ?? [jUK o. a u:k 4 misu a I'u.ks Fa'atid, bueli 45 a I (Jrape Vinos 2^HE Cmnciiar hak Vimm of mor tlian 9 IlKJ kindk now b 'arniK in 4 acrea ol floor, lulling vinojrar I. or rooted plant* *old at h I 4 a * lulltr eieh ; iXccpt twojuude, Norton' Virginia ? *?'?odtii.g and W || r** 11 ilif'tx. which onuccowat r ?f lh ir p culi 4011 w >11 rooted. and 1(1 dollar* a iiundred lor lulling* of S ba laearh, iirtw o rr>nta a. buui aoni<> other* will be g'twe t to ttmee wialih.g thoni i.nd trading * uh the roibeontx-r 11 Bru.kl yville. N. C. SIDNEY WEI.LER. Brink! -yvil " If 'lif.x uumnjr .V Carolina. Sep to. i?t>. r -4 &3n. I 7 tf Al > a larg nmnlier of Mu'tic iuli? treoa and < cut'r g Irool old tree* and th. tcforu beet for | prop git ion. i 3j" !>' M. MicLv,in of Ch r w wi'l act a* j .g i.i 10 r ci'ivo and torw ird uriurx, as well as , vi o 8 or 1 r m ; 1 Iuj Preachor. OR T ire?> Hundred and Forty ek"!chre of j Oi igmal Si-ritioo* eo.. ct?'d I-om the man** iwmpt* of two eminent Dlvm n ot the I. nit .- iiiory with an < a*>y on the CompuaUiou of a s r.oDii F " |.I? -t lh?- R.i ikiiore. Dceintxr *7, l'.J >. 7 if J' Llcmcntary Books. For Sun'toy and Common Schools. / JJ ' ION Primer*. Union Sj^lUnp Book. Union Uveitis U id (j.is: inn*. Hruwnii I* ilt'i'ti h ii Che .p Teal-un. titw, Shorter Cuteclii* ii |.nV' tl*? Vim'^ [.ii( .I* F rut Book, Wor'l I'ur't Pcuuot. l> IVuner, VO.I..C Iti-U'icr. Ni'n Voik U'-jJiTi Child'* j R .(J r, \Voif >i r'.? *"Coti. i 7 If < I ho Latest Arrivals. * f 3111 E f.ill purrli .Mm of B w>k* and sUt'onsTT a fa hive recently f? U? to hand embracing a v irictv of \\ i rk-. ii ignms, School, and Misctd- ' Ian on-., from grave to g y, fioin lively to 1 ' --v re " Among tliom uro the following : Mofh tin'.- Chur n II ry continued to 1626. 1 1 MdnniV I? 1 t.il. E glndi Edition, Pascal's ' Prov. ?ciil lett. rs. Birdms Pious Women. ' A ..i.iifc* Praat.- Thoughts, (Lond.) Tyng's I^ecuios on th l.a a and (ionuol, Dick's Future 1 State Lif of Crauiner, Woods on Baptism, ' I loin. Education by J Taylor author of Fan.it- ' ici.m Ac., Philips' Lifo jwuI Times of Bunyan, j Methodist Hymns, various bindings. P iikhursts I., xicon oftho Greek Testament, a ' in tv and unproved Edition, Rohinsons Do. Rmpp'n Gre k T stuncnt, G; iiback'a Do. J III k '* Dictionary of Biography, a la-ge and v ilnablo work, Whatclys Rhetoric, Guizot's ' History of C.viliz ition. Plutarch's Lives 1 vol. bvo. Gibbon's Rome 4 vol. 6vo Rodin's An. eient liistoiy 1 vol. 8vo Goods Book of Nature ' 1vol. fvo. Marshal.'* Washington 3 vols. Bvo. : Spark's Do. 1 lie.autiful volume, Abereroirbies ' Intellectual Powers, Opte ou Lying, Do. Cure for Scandal, Co viiers Homer, 2 vols, I7mo. 1 Crockett's Songs, Burtons Comic Songs, Fortune Teller's Book ; Comica and Tragic*, Gentlemen's Mo'iical Pocket Book . American Dratou. own Book ; Thugs or Assassins o( India : ,\e.?ls t'h.irco.il Sketches ; Form Bo.'ks : Dream Books . le tter Books ; The amusing Savings and Doing-of Sum Slick, Oliver Twist, Suiiuford and Mi rion, II axon's Panorama of all Trade* and Prof. -sions, Rhymes for the Nursery, Mother Unom '* good old songs that amused our infancy, Shak m pi are 1 vol. 12 no. Lond. Edit. Calf hind- < nig. Mor?''? S irr-'d drama, U. attic and Collins, | ( rmli'i's l'i> m?, It .aselaa, N? wtoii'a Liters, lio |, in u .'s I-ill- of F.ullt, Rogers' Po ms, Aikonsid- a < Pleasures of imagination,Gr.iy* Poe us.Chapnnn'a < Loiters. Colt :gea ol Gtentmmip, (those ?.re all fine Fngliah editions) very handaome enp cs ( of tin- Bible and Testament. ChaptaPs Cliemit- . try together with several new Noa of Harper's Family Library. , Cheraw, December 27lh, 1839. i 7 tf Iii: nd YYrantcd ^ sE7" A NTKD a furm suitablefoT Mulberry and ' V w S.'.k Culture, for which a atom in the I ren'ie ol lite Cotton bnmneas in this town wnnU I I?" Tlte ntutuon must be healthy. F. .quire m thia office. December 27|h, 1839. 7 tf New cans & Trinidad MOLASSES. 1 A IllIDS. New OrleMH A Trinide Ji. W v olaeeee of eery en wrier quality lore end for hU by D. MALLOT. \ President tf the Board. P. S. Inotructiooa k^iipat mi. Mwie ?Mi J lnpieno wit) al^obogt?fcbjr Mm. . Tbmp ^onntly from (moot. InMruottona to forming W*t Flotmma iff Mto. 'hrrtop together wUhifOowio in OnoJL mi i>- other br*nd)Mp of orMAPatol O?dte Mb. Mn"inOn thtnow fiwrhr - mM TV winr and Painting 0^O? In*trweU?na in Wm FtmmUhtmui FnA prr cowrie A too Tho Male Academy mi 1" 8-cond Monday in January mtdorm* man. geni?nt of MrJJ. ?. Dargmo. Bat? moil fie Female Sen?unary. December 24. 183D. v 7 5t Chirl?>toa Qbaenrar tiki f." C. IWpar. nw Advoeate will Wrl the tbwre eaflt^lhW kMien and forward their account*. Dank of Char Hit on S C. rHE Lefialatare at it*fiat E?WBnJwJj TH K anhacriber hat for eale a tatm auicber ?f Morne MuiucauJie eattiufi. In tho |uaiitiee nhich gwn \ ilue tor planting, wit: iizk and zitDRin op waot), they are hte?d not to he aorh*se"d, j*.chape not equalled hy inv ulhora fore ale hi the United Statue. Thiaio aw kijj \u mr piv*i uw>?>w liiowfu in pianimg as writ as to amiable soil and good ctut*. Vat tun. Owing to tlio present scarcity rf no. n?*y, and li e conefeqfnt depression in the yricc of every thing else, 'bey on of&red ?t(iWy redrerd price, i't rsoiw vidunr to should apply early ; bocaaaeall not eqfCjgwB* arc no'v nal-reri in a distaat miArt. pfe sides, if not sold hef cIijit''# to Uiose a ho purchase. m M MACLEAN. Cher aw S. C. December 4th tASfic Okra Cotton. ^ ^ SOME of the seed of this nkuUt oojloo iff left (or sale at thia office. iS her iff Srfes. T f|N Writs of Fieri Facia, wilt Ite euhTUftm -F the Court House D "tfoatiw firs* Mfttufe? n January end day fellow isg, within the lsgul lonn* tho following property ni*. , Nt ^M ^ 9000 Acres of land more or hn? whCrxm fan 3. temi.ai i resides lying on both .Idee ?f tl?o oad leading from Che?leifit-Id Court Asm to Lnncastcnnlle end edjor.icg the lapds efW% HUkonoy at the snrera! suits of John Massey * or the us of the Ral?tc of Jeha Mersey D?. ;an*cd and 'J'alilha H Oilman rs Evan ll.rMi 1000 Acre* of land more or law whereon tUa^ Icfcudant resides at the several suite of A. Blae. : iVilltam .Martin, and John N. William vs. &a?. dd Mc Done Id. 2 I??ta in Powo Town, toft ther with flit 1m. iroveiikonts thereon known and distinguished n the |?lan of said To .-, n bv lata X<>*. 74 and 70 * seventy four iutliars vs.'1 hroslilov While. 100 Acres of land more or lew on tlie^jratars >f Fork Crock whereon tl?e defendant resides, idjoining the lands of John C. Manguvisglon vs. Alvin Jordan. 14U Acres of land more or teas whereon the 'efendant reaidea adjoining tha lands of di.rrh s Maples nnd llavid Johua at the suit of ft. A C. llninnell vs. Eli Johns. Terms, Cash, purchasers paying fur noc jaearv papers. JOHN EVANS. 8h/r. c. p. Sh^rifT'i OfTira Ciifsti rfiald ( , ft 11^- 1 i twin / - v.. ??. WV. II, lo-w, ) ? * -3- n Sheriff's Sale. BY order of the Court of OrdUgary w?" h? wtiil ?t ClivbtrrA-'ld Court H?*im on the iiat monditv in January next all the Real Eelnt* , lt'Rmill MrD.vnl.l d c < imul, consisting of two .met* of land, one on Lynches Crm-k, e?nKi?l)ig 135 icrca. one other lr?ic on Um waters of B1?ck "rook conUiuiQf; 99.'> acres mom or leaf. Conditinna { aa much cash as will pay sxpensen of 8ala; one month's osOdit on the Sab inee, purchaser Riving 'oond, arfth good penman! leuuritr and a mortgage to the I1 red. Purchaser paving foe imacnaiy ynfQW Sheriff'* Offics th -t. t. old c. a. r December 19th, 1M9. I . JNO. KVA.VMtD. I r I -~.rfSr ' New Good* \ THE subscriber is again open In* a stouk wf goads in Chsraw, wall adapted to the to*, son, wh??li ha b prepared to soil ?t prim verjr much reduced, either hjr wholesale cfcTCUfi. Cm ? bought s large peoportjan of his flMii at the Naw York package sales in September last, with a view of wholueailiug and-:* ewMutt WH? Hell them aa low a* Ibajr M& Wkufk Mt mrj November 2*1,18*.