9 liniuH ) 4. a Wild child. Strang* as it may appear, it is currently reported sod very generally bHiryeJ that ? i wUd child, or tad, fa now running at largo among (lie sand liills round in tlie vicinity offish Lake. It is reported to be nbou four feet high, and revered frith a light cost ofchesnut colored hair. It runs with greu velocity, and wttrn pursued, as has o!len been the casc,it sets up the most frightful and hideous yells;and soomi lo make efforts hi speaking. It has bsen s-eu during the summer months running along tli? lake shore,up. parendy in search of fish and frogs, and appears to bo very fond of thaunter, fof it wilf ~ plunge into Fish Lake ana-swim wuhgrra velocity, all the timo whining most pitcously. How this crcaturo litis come here, or what its history may bo, \v>* leave ??i con jeeturo ; hut may it nnt he probable that it may huvo strayed away from soma emigre ting party, when encamped for the n?g'?t, and wandered olTinto the woods, win to U has grown up an associate wi lithe animals of the fotrsi f Wo think this may he |.i?case. If so, what must loivo hern tin* huj, mS.iT ?r ---? ' 1 ? ui its |iuiciiix uiin menus ?>u leurifng that ihoy were compelled to pursu- ibeir jouruey without tli -ir tender care ? It it alto supposed that it may have been stolen by tho Indians, and left in the* loft! to p<'r> ?sh ; but wo can hardly bul.evo such to be tho case. . * It would Ixi nothing but an net of human* i'y on the part of our young nr.cn to .urn out and help to capture it, G*%eite. FASCINATION OF THE RATTLE SNAKE. " When 1 wis n boy nliout tltiil*?-? years olJ," says Mr. Will utl, ? * my fi*i'cov lift crcd a largo rattle snake, hod looked for something to kill l>im ; but not readily di?. covering a weapon, tny em xisity led mo to view hinri. Ilo lay coil* d up, with bis mil crrct, and making the usual snip ug noise with his rattles. I had viewed bun but a short time, when the ino?t ?ivid :md lively colors lhat imagination can peint, and far beyond ttio powers of the p-ncd to imitate, among w hieli yellow ?ih iIio predominant. Mild the whole drawn into n bewilchuig variety of gay ntid pleasing form*, were presented to my eyes ; at tie sunn: tun * my e?u* were onchun.ed with I'm inns r.ip turoua strain* of music, wild, lively compltplicated and harmonious, in the higher do. grce melodious, cap ivoiing and em-hauling far beyond uuy thing I ever li -urd bolor?> ur ? siuce, and indued far exceeding wont my imagination in nny oth? r aituu ion eould liavc conceived. I foil myself irresis'i'dy drawn towards the hated reptile ; nno ?s i had been often used to seeing and killing raitlo snakes and my smt?"-h were ho absorbed by the gny vision and rapturous music, 1 was not for some time apprehensive of much danger ; hut suddenly recollecting whtil I ha I n -ard the Indians rria e (hut what I had ncvi r before brli ved) of the fiscinating power ?it those serpens. ! turned wi hlioiror frain the dangerous s -cne ; hui it was not without the moat violent effort that L was able to extricatu my self \ II tie* exertions I could in>ko with my wind'1 strength worn hardly sufli ieut to carrv me from the scene cliontnteot; find while I lore lily dragged off my body, my If :<>ci spi ined iu be iTresis!it?ty drawing to ili*? enchanter t?y ntt in a few monvntii longer it would hnvu l.uen wholly not of iny power to make an csotiion suffi . cieiil to get away." ^ Missouri atul low 4.?-Hy the following L par icufars, which wrgiher from tin* Mis aouri pcper.s, it will he seen licit the d.ftv-u' ty between SllMOur and Iowa is daily as naming a nioro tlir a.e.'.ing n?p*s't. A f or hearing of the impr s tninuit ?f the Sue rid" of Clark couiry. Mr. Gregory, Gen. Allen, 4 of Lewis county, ass sttsl by a force of for y men, trarclied to his r? lease. 1 >.( llgrnee reached him as he approacto d fie jiil in Vn/l .K?? - I I I- ~r i ? mm 4/uiviit inm n i"i^u inr-iy UI |>(?0| ?|?' wort* collected for in defence. Supposing his force inadequate to nv?M so t;rout a com. party, hu went alone to Van U.reu nn I do. mnndodihe surrender ol'tho Sic rfF, which * was do,tied. Since t' en, Gt n. WMlork has repaired to Clark countv, w ith n small force, ttnd w as ultont to |.ro rcJ to Van liu r~, when hr. learned that the S-.rrdl* hud been removed to so no other jail, within tlio territory of Iowa. The own of Van Huron is situated irt the disputed territory. Gen \Vtllork,at the latest d j -s, was awailng th?appointment of a deputy shcr ffl?y the court, of Clark county. As soon ?s this was done it was his design to proceed to the disputed territory, and enforce the pn\ iivmu of the taxes ; and if resistance should beoirered.hu in. tended to call out his own and oih? r div s oils of the militia. It wrus reported dull u largo body of men were concentrated by the order of the Governor of (own, in the d.sputed territory tw resist the collection. I is pmb able, says the St. Louis It puHicun. th it a collision will ensue, us the flxoitometi? is be. f conrcng very intense and gradually extending over n much larger portion of the people both of the male an I territory. B< nns\ Ivanian. Railroad lo Or-'gmi.?1' proposal to Contintr'the Wisconsin it .1 n?i I to O-ego.i, and :btis to form a chain of rn lm il? iV.i.n ||ki Alluivic lO l'O I' cill O* II). wouIJ b'j ill'' grcfi's; ll>r< i r> m l' ? world/ A letter Ir? In* ('" ?brn ?n of too VVlaroturin llilr.i.d Comii.i'i ? . mu* ? * II mny bo a inrrtor ol sunt si- to * posed to rr:g;ir I the foriutoiiin Mil j ?! as wholy iJe.il?to be infor>fl>'?l tlnu tiM> <>,? gun Railroad has actually ban comtaencfri i ?an enlightened CongtVM have ahaa'jg I ordered tin? survey of tie ro i ? from ijto I M 1 to t'.io Mississippi! I N V. Wt.ij?. ThoCVrakw troabl- t are untiled. A Wk latter of the CNt ok. Irons Port Leaven worth, announcs tho rainra af Col. Kear1 ?^?- -awwee??. ncy, wit) 2r?0 from a tpAtifrmi 1 ?h?? po?t along the'MuMUsippi FromF'fVttnd c inio th<-CttefoUee ronnlry, *?g far ? Port j Wsyne. on the Mine!* "river, near Fort | Gibton. Tito movement wan rondo in con- \ s qnniico of a rumor that the Indians inun- . d"d to resist the attempt to executoa recent ^ order from tho Seeretnry of* War to Gen, A r buck It;, to arrest (ho murderer* of the J Ridgo* nnd Boudinot; and thai they woro * preparing for war. On reaching Fort * Wayne, Col K. learned tliat the minor* 1 woro ut erly groundless? ponce nnd quiet t. prevailed, and no remittance ne?nl bo (eared, ti beyond that wltieh the murderma themselves I. may m ike ; though there it u strong parly a who will atrivo to conceal 11)001. Tuc dra- i, goons travelled 300 miles in nine days. a N.Y.Whig. f FARMERS' GAZETTE, t FRIDAY EVENING. DECEMBER 27. 1839. 9 The Washington papers lor the office at this ^ place have for the last several week*, uniform. ^ iy come to ue from the South, and about a week after their date, when they ought to come in halt the time. This would be unpleasant ' at any lime, but is particularly so now when . Congress is in motion. The fault m in some Post Office, but which we do not know, probi. J bly the one M Richmond or Wsr'.Hngton. If this should meet the eyo of the Post Master or rgn masters cteiK, who put* mo papers J fhr Cheraw iuto tho Charleston or Augusta bag, ho is informal that if he will put them f with the RUeigh and Payettevillc papers tlmy t will reach their destination much earlier than f they now do. , c Having u now Carrier eiiH't of??ur town .subscribers may nut rnccive their f> ?per* . 11 so they will plena" inform us 4/ 't. | r 1 " . The captions of the act* passed by the Legislature will be found in tho pr? cod ng col| uinns. Prom the sketch furnished by the cap. tions Of what was done, meagre and unsatis- i factory aa it is, the reader will Warn what ( waa not done. lu North Caroline, the 1 publishers ot newspapers at the seat of | governmen , prepar it the close ol each 1 session of the Ij>iriiil*fiin?- * ! ?* ?" j the net* pats -d, Willi a brief a'ateinrnt'of th* 4 provisions of each, when not fully explained by Uho caption. Those lists arc published ui the the p ipi-rs, and in hand bill form. The hand- ( bills art' purchased by the inemltera of llie L?'gi*'ature, ano distributed amo g their constituent*, which g ve the people satisfactory informal ion in r yard to what has been done. No injur) could result from introducing toe 1 same practice in'o other States. < A bill to puniMli the Uankw which hive sus- I petuUd unless they speedily resume, failed in < I the Sena'0 by a small majority. We ate n??t 1 nufficien'ly acquainted with the subject to form an opinion as to the necessity of suspension by any of tho baukff : out wo consider the present an unprop'.tious tuno for legislation on the subject. Ifnecessirv at all. it otight to be j resorted to whtfti there is loss cvcitomcut than j , at tins time. ' The amendment to the charter of the rail , road bank, wc learn from the Charleston Mcr cur}*, removes the condition that it is to aiJ in the construction of the road. It also reduces the capital fr. m fliOOOOOO to 93.000,0(10. j We much douht the poi,ty of incorporating , banks in the Stato of so unequal capital as | as tints* now in existence. The two mainmm h ' 1 banks of Charleston havo in their hands a , power which they may some day be tempted to use to the injury of the smaller banks; and through them, to the injury of the public. Conorcks.?In the Senate some executive business has been done, of course, with closed doors Some resolutions have passed calling upon the President for inform ition, and notice has been given of various bit s to be in rooitred l>y diffe rent member*, when both houses < ' shall bo ready to proceed to legislative busi. UOSf. . 1 Tub House ov Rkpuesentativbs, was . not fully organized at the date of our last sc conn's. K. M. T. Hunter of Virg nia was ! elected speaker, Dec. 17*It* on the II h bal. i lot ng, having received ill) vote* out of 232, , which was 2 more than a mijor.ty. Ho is 1 sa d to hep Sub-Treasury, Nullification Whig. He received the votes of all the Whigs and most of the Nullitiers. The highest number 1 of votes received by any other candidate at the mmo ballotting w.u 65 f;?r J. W Jones of Va. the ether votes of Administration tn-mb'TB being scatter d. Tho highest number of voles received hy any person at any pre. , vious ba'lotting was 113. once by Mr. Jones and once by Mr. Lewis both supportod by the ( | Administration party. Tho Statesrights or J Nullification par'y hold th? balance of power : ; between the Whigs and "Democrats" as the I Admiuis'ration parry call themselves, and it : was generally expected before tho ntcinber8 assembled that the Administration party to | secure tucnr t.tvnr and support, would give the Speakership to ono of their number, and ! Mr. I'irkf'ils wa? penera'lv spoken li u C >1. B nion, who s looking! to the I'rrtudi my, ui'.cricred lest such a course should give Mr. Calhoun too much oro ninenco. Th's i is sod to hive giv u oJ* iic * to ui a of he No '.tie g, it:ui eatd-d a Conine** if not a ' broach ue'we- n them a k] mo Administration party. , At?: iht ?!-. vtio i and r, d. titon J 'V ( , er, that otR.-er proce. d- d :??sw ur in the ntiur 1 ; inoinh- r , ttie clerk call ng them up by States; ! N \vj.r??y, ft? r having been called, being passed ov??r, by consent, il the other States l-Wi re gone through with. Mr. Randolph from N? w iers?y having then been cdied, the other five individuals romni Ssioncd by ^he Governor also wont up with bun to be sworn. But when Mr. Arnold was sworn, the Speaker I said that aUltougiw if no action had taken place in the House on U* subject, ho would , j ommieetone front the OoNrMT of Weaker- *i ey, yot after what had otcucgtd, (d Wt bound 4 o submit 1110 question la the llvuse. Mr. (l ft'iso,?hen submitted .a resoluti ?n tint tbd arsons named should tUd"be awern ; bil ren*| ^ on for which was that an a(Jirmutiic4 rfcoi i. " Du in favor of those holding wunml-sions and 1 hould accordingly proceed to Swear them, * ho motion was withdrawn. A debate arose , in Mr. Wisa'a resolution which lasted from he 17th to 20th, without any appearance of ipproaching a clpSe.'*' 1 i". Both branches of (lie Legislature of Oaorgia, live passed a* refutation providing fur the I brfoiture of it* charter by the Trust and |nsu- j arico Banking (Company of Columbus, for sua- ( Mitaion of specie payments. This-banlt has ( lone only like other banks in the State; but ( ts stock is owned by the U. 8. Bank of Penn- ( rylvania, which is doubt leae the cause of its' a baring a diftlieut One from the others. f Tho FayetteviU ? Otaerver soys am the ah 1 eged authority o the Governor of Georgia, ' 'that the Governor of Maine baa actus ly re- 1 used to surrender a runaway slave who fled c o that State" and that ' the Governor of Vir- *| finis state* a similar refusal by the Governor f >f New lork." We suppose the Observer * nmtafccR the nature of the caws to which it I t ctiTi. We have never heard of demand ' ' nriug made on the Governor ut eijiier Maine or New York for runaway slaves. There is a f ipeed tor and more a unable way of recovering litem. * JuU* The fioua* of R?f Maine to dehwt U?r i^| persons charged r ritlt carrying oft'a slave from' Georgia?*|iav? 1 pits4- d an act hy a vol- - of 14i to- 4^ j mg to a quarantine of ore hundred days ail j 1 rcstoi* from Maitgp, or owned eeher aUogelb- 1 ?r or in part by er tarns of Maine. It is an Pout red in :he Columbia Ttteoeope >f h. 40-h pat. that the paper' is henceforth 4 ii be discontinued- It n px- unr< d st the j taut-- time that the Souther Planter, which * to t-ike its placet wU be issued in iwu or ( three weeks. Col. F. II Efmore was elected President of 1 hi Bank of the State, durng he . session of ttie Logiala'ore. Langd-n Coeves'ir. was also circled State R.-|iorU*r, W.?. II ?xun Senate have refused to rnnfirm tlir ap|-oin'io< tit uf Minister from Texas to the (Jiu'cd State*, contend upon Richard Duoltp tiy the Presidio of that R> public, during the ri-n a* of Congress He will herefore be re. called. Waiixcr Bairil?Tim is tho title of a new ptp r about u? be issued samrwliere in ( Ti nnoseoc. 'I be object, as the title indicates ? is to advocate the privilege of gotting drunk, mil procuring the means uf doing so without legislative rvstrictiou. We predict th t the subscription list will bo I urge, unless payment bhould be required in advance. t In Maine, they talk of a new officer to be ' call* d the St hoolmattcr Genes!, whose duties arai indicated by the title. The Sheriff of Clark County Mo. (in ths disputed territory) having been arretted and imprisoned under the authority of Iowa, whilst sci v ng a law process, M^jnr Geu. VViloock of Missouri.' was under general ordtra of ths Governor, mirchiog at ths tuns of ths last accounts, with a militia force towards the taiL ? ' A sever* gal- lately boon *xperienewl n| >n ?he New Euglind C???i which ds < stroy< d mu' li dipping and n.any live*. At 1 Glouet er :hc(M >ss.) 31 vwrli w? re driv. on on shore, tin*I all wrecked except two ; not loss than 50 lives supposed to be lost. Much dxmage was also done in numerous I < t I'-rpla hot It on hind and in harbors, j Tie- gale s s&kI to have boon more severer 1 than any since 1815. j A severe gnle occurred on lite see roast J Inst Saturday night which did murlt damage j :o the slopping mi Chart* rtou h irbor. A firo lately occurred in New York, ! which is sai I to hnvo destroyed property to ' ItiO amount ot' $">t)i).00l). PAKTY TRAM MEL8. j Every impartial o'wrrvcr of the proceed ings of Congress for the lust ten or twelve j venrs will ussent to the correctness of the ; r..iio\vmg rem irks hy Mr. P.ckens, daring ' ii e disCvtSMon on the New Jersey election* t at the opening of tho pr.-sen' iwsuiit. Sir, w?' littvc icon 'on much *uf p*n\ .'4*1 /1 ion -in' j> ?ri\ driii. It I ? ro is u.i?* i-vii of ; *o j?i? -. n d.iy (tfiMtur it?i*n i oili-r.it .s tt it in-wnilil pa.ty wptrii, >mi .>! >? ?, ?? ]**>,> >? {?.??? l-v?-r.y in- ioImt into l undd?- %u.?v-r*iunn> i? I?? m tut- ft of a f.-.v li'hiiora. T.ii-ro .s mi sn-ntim ni wli.c'i I ? ?? ' I'-it-iir., ni|u y?-n if r* h?s Uv**n ^ !nO strong KVocntw action m h?? (J ?v#miihs" ai d ii tnn?* .tint ho k pp-vnimivi!* i of ll?r I' -opkl ahouM na*? rt til ?f mtlrpon. 1 dunco, anfl trainfiH* oo the two of puTty*? looking only to >hm gooit of the country, to the sanctity of the Voust'notion, an J to tha preservation of ihdr ow* Honor and iuJo nhfty and openTyTiantJh ionig?j& ? ?* -?H* "***> l-1*ftoofc ?ro# (o the *?' *1 mldly and to decide it. J*' 1 " ?-' - j. " fc. ^ . * Fl From tbe MnwWrpp, Arfos. S th? ofihe Hard fife*? c| lyfora? On MoodaytheW? li 8ep^n?ber J* ?fc fliere wan sold for ISlilit>4 idalphia, in Nrehoba' Coemyjflfar tl* j? **4*fit ol |l?MJni ed S atrth on wMJbtn of1 S .2ej>. Wil. \ 1*7*1 .rru^d>rialo*inivttp?fM? ' *" >f y?i h>u* od ?>res of l*n?*ad?% Tlwr* were i, it iny citizens of tUnt County* anxious ton A* >U\. bu' were unable to obtain lhu GnUwr }ilv? r * , - r&i/ ' * " *> " Ifi copying j lie above w have ami't^d a T ?w t rua of p irtv. i?l iuft Ed. IIax t M'l Rm'brry of the Western Mail ? Tt>" **o-, r ire Mi ni front lii'tMua, ot tb? I2i? J nM. in f.rn>inn--!<.? i.a%e I * wMiifsiitii' pn\at*Hi*n iiHt'ii' for all tin i al>il ? * ** Tin* N?*wpi?ri H m'd ?eyf I Hhi.Ich 11 this (own. ?nione*' Uinii it** P ii. I- Union. N. K Chiiiiiihici <1, and Tn. Ifr> mil rMuniaSp <- |u*i nwronT a ana pray <1 ike w it ; I piopnty bus thiruwn ttplrndiil tuvrn* nooti it ; it i' tho ilnnth o I ' Col. Joha Chesnut. H ?>o Tnurs ^ < wta er 27 f AmTtoi.cs. rem J V 6. nit oit ;> to a ?3 Not ICC. 1 fjiAllE N*t?? and awwnta oue to John Mai. A Uj k(o. aro in (ha band# of Duncan . Maltoj ; thoaa indahtad will call at Uta counting . room, an> make pay man ta. &ulta ji'ih Sfl iaitild! *d. withirat diaofitmnatiati *m?t all who aha!! fail to pay, before tin u?st ira ilar, for Ch.*aiorficM I>?t-tr ct. D. MAiLOY. * A.M. MafVRR. I [Aarn'a ofJ. Malloj * Cat 7$ ** tf | ' TP Vfc." ~*L -i BBS- it-MhKatf-. ,.ii irv^t ^ ^ ^ Brink! -jri!qqqoty Jfcj^ \&Dr. M. ^ylyiL of Ckw?* A'l Mft Mffl jf-ni to rwiw ut?U ?orwxrd ?wdM? ?i w*J|Vo!,p f \R T>irw ll H I Qee.i.b. < 77. - l? 7 If * Elementary Hooks. tor and C?mhN BcWfe 1 UMQN Pruoer*. Cobm Spelling ttNu ^ Union Myoma, II,, o . ,D. Cheiy TmUiih'.iiU, Shorter U>U liiiif Lnr- lft \ nri'J|| t>api>? f,r?l |uwW,> No* Vouk Reader, GHMI ^ fc-td r, Wore weon.! Book, W?WM*I I aerie.u and ETi w in ty SmnlUtg BootoL M??rtliV ?*id Ti?* nV D? l*frtb?r wi'i) fKSH J" wonavnt of ih < ?n lif HI, Abm?* lUoUcciual Power*. 0|im oo Lying, {to. Com jr Scandal, Cowper* Homer, 9 Sb Impb ^ 'rockett'a Song*, Burt ana Comig Soofk #WK .! mm Teller*^ Book; Comics and TVaito, icntkwwii'* McdicdfodM Bosk..' Aeemaaa > rat or* own Boak{Thog?or A*a?w*in* of tadia ; Inula Charcoal sketches v Form Bo.** t Uromo Ooka . Idler Book* ; Tb* amusing Saying* and totog* of Bam Blink, Oliver Tw&t. SaaOfocd Murlon, Hasan's F.noram. of all refusions. Ihimw for the Srwiy, Mother *| ?mmv> good oM mn that amnsert m* tnfiaee*. 1 hakcspeare I tel. llmaLmi Edit.6i)ftild. a. >g. More'* Sirred dr^-emo, Beefrte and Coflros, ^ rsbh's IVn-hm. R wmIm, Ncirtanh Letters, H?. ?tain's life of Faith, Rogers' Po me, AjketMNTa jg loasuresof imagiaalion,Gray?Poe ua,CiefaMl| g otters, Cottages of Glsnbomie, (these are II fine Engl Mi editions) eery handsome eopiae m ftbe Bible and Testament. ChaptaPs Clmaia m 7 together with several bow Nan of HtiyoiV C 'amily Library. _ Cheraw, 6**mbetMth, 1MB. ^ Land ;v IV Silk CmUbtb, Ibr mWk e Mere in the]' entre nf the Cotea ho si ma* in Uwatwwn ?mhl* e exchanged. Tt?? aknatish moot he MdMy.|j tngnM^aj^ieMMo. ^ |* " ~ ^ ajjl itOf? led foe Mll% " r. ^ * ? *** 4* y MTy* to ftwi 'wrMiiiBfci^"i^^^^^pdP^PB|W| - "T58B #a??or iS3B?3 f left to^"-^i^gB?tr- '<;|GH id iiatvmu)^ ;xvv? '^ik^bi *5v /2pjp?^s h p?yw?n|? ^r*49hpr^f jujmma - ^hfc utt, v., - r -'-y&y *slflrjb ml rwWw JLr: /'JiS Br?M. ?t U>* wrT^?i^r<5jBSL^3p5|kk. ;J?)8 icKmtw 4 ftlrilhmnn. ffctw 2* fttHMrflMV '' l(K> Aw^^alSiatgri^HAj* tkndijMrik, * . *%A Fork 1 tb^k **] fofuiftm ypgj^? ZCr^ll M??ti r o^hiU pgj| _j - -X * Jr 3^ - '*-? N*wvtwsr' i- - . > ? *