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%om (J ^B^E|^Q|g|^HjgW;i^%5*^3 (' \^gSSMHraHH^Xm ip* mf vr <iA**6oH 5l;*.?bws?bb?:'ssftf. . 1 p^hhhf>' ? .. - HS.&8S have *^gj~ ^ ^ j^j-^" j^^p^^^WpiPt^11* |W ^ ;*^j t |j(ijBKHjL^? nswi-^ir WPj KHHmwwL*- -**1 * ' wJk. ?'? ' 'li ?v*w* t' ^ *^'^*" * V end this Cemmittee sees n<> |||? ite'r Conclusions. oSStSS^S!!!! in a great '*:3BM3?iumdrfBfr tove&ikTg*, msou#*. jW^t of the haods of the original hold. ' as staled befbib, to be found m BaoMr *hd other foobltc ?nsti?ufion*, jjpt pledged for monies Ifcan^d. Those'loans ~ (M*du? the 1st of January nest. The note* Ore iedon>ed, ami the credit of mercantile <oM end others#* a greet amount, is hangtef upon rfmir p*fkmfir If not paid, thero ia 5 too much reason to fear, that a grent mount of them wlH ho? forced, and the ihortgagys forpc^vd op the shares pl?dged, for their payment, Nothing short of whd&a they be sold, in the present depreS?' d cosdWon of the stecU ms-kot, and great scaieejr uiwB>, U ^ bcHcred they will ftw sacrificed for a less Aim than that thoy JMW hound for, and the balMfcft ynpnid by 4fcelrvsale, srill be e debt still owing by the ^ffeiNPto>f,'olf nrhwh the State is the largest ;vy Isehholder.'^tf wiir also loet its Han on tl^half of the shares for the Securing itself Tu valu* of he*** *. b* ?K!ipai?f by foofcfo'g ?c:o ,d* tffe iiShyi* opob that fhad, which have 1834, ev^ery year, .. seaftth?fNovomWhasproduced|?65,fti>0. ,v experstea, give* Belee?*? ^JJth adfc, bo duo by 1845, the Comtoheoe are in B(MKaBjjj||i^^M^>.^Wra^W"*C<3m<vr>?wr wr a* i" i ^ IPtpWeeeraewo m w?H enable them < alMn their reaotireea, which are I v . llhind to. A consider- I mwcpt ?e doe to borJcs, and a lnrgcr I ^ who, tfaaaurcd of ih? i v* Jd&sKiifc.. tii* '?' ' Eb??2u' I tPBK' ' ''rtr i; jBfeT^-i . Hfe.-_ j^jHul ' 2K^iMrcNi to the fiA'shing ti >e ro <d or aEBlikis. On ?h* re^ISo.000 has of H|3jf^|ori^wo eunumcts have been ?i end Mling dun, in tin- in |PMii^?fy nlam #900*000 more, (n i ? is [prfend^eto, to abandon it would bo V>*a ? HMbOM. To complete lb will odd $1 ? w 000,000 to tho security of the State for us hi tndorwmeots of 4Kb Company's bonds, at Thogthis advanoe Will enabla tlte Chm >nny u tofreehfelf the Hamburg, road from mort- t? gages having n priori y to tho State linn, t< giving by it #t-900.0q0 to the State's secu- I rttv, end at Qw same t??n* fo eomple o the b Columbia 'brooch; adding it at its cost, of n #1,000,090 also to that security. Ii uther C words, the* advance of #100,000, of sock, by '1 the Stele, will coable the Company to nd<i >(heat two roads unincumbered to the security of the State. -This additional sucuri ty cannot be estimated as worth lose than 11^00,000, and ia estimated by. some to r be worth #5,000,000. The tnflueoce of this moasurc on the Alienees of the State, and especially on its i i B<ink, are wino deserving the most earehP I -* -***: - ... iivuiwawniiianr mi wi? p? rfmemmiren mat r t the State has tamed the tutlnnvnff atorka : i ? ; ' fVre m .+ . ? ?1H4\ 260.000 i Pie# - " * * , - 1M?, 300,01)0 Five*4 , * " 1850, 1C.00U <! ' v i h <9Lfi0OUOOO ' -V ?|WV|VW , Beeid* it has ippted^ 9m par cent. sobe. to the 9. W. I i ^ y RHfc. B mk, 1888, 9200,000 t S4* - ? Fitf l+*?t 1808, 1,080,000 , k ,Bht *# ? - 1808, 1,000,000 ( f > *-* ? , ^ 92.200,000 , * For the 9200 000 of five per cent. sub. ( scripiion to the South Western Rail Road ' Bank, the dividends of that Bank will moa ? , prahwMy. bo ample provsirin, and it is not | taken jptof be estimate, which tile Committoe vow submi , The debt for the rebuild* ^oTChaeta ?ton la 98,000000. The iol a terast, received from litoee borrowing it, is y supposdd will pay the interest on it, and that ' at^fwia also left out for the present. Tinthen leAr4s, as stated above, of six per cents. 91,660,000 * T? pay these stocks, and interest on them, laoking fund has bean created by several sets of Legislation, composed of the profits of the State Baak. These profitafnow amount to 9048,000 To be paid 1st January next,' 9800,000, of 0 per cents, and the interest from 1st October, on the public debt, 901*001 861,000 Bat. ofsittking fund 1st Jan. 1840, 9^6^00 - T>? Bynk capital, in the west year, commencing t" 1st October, 1898, and end* ir in? 1st October, 1807, was, d< original capital, 91,198-918 48 tn Surplus revenue, 1,001,422 00 r \* Sinking fund, 610.714 46 ^ rtdixi icr. no II l? , . And the pro. _? fit* were > ?201,225 87. P' rf^ii m ~"*^1 ui 18&7-8. $2,736,143 11 The profit?, $196,530 84. 0 The capital, in 0, 1833-^. $2,907,000 00 The pro Ate, $210,000 00. The capital for 1330-40, film*. '* ialird by $861,500 00, paid c let January, 1840. for six Jo per cente.t w>U eoly be $2.04>\000 00 er And when it ia born- in min t, that ho tin large a sum has '.o be paid in January next. ? R 1. r? _ * ti . _ ,l.. - , irum mo uj(iiii, it wi'i irmmj o<- an-u, ton* | - ita operations cannot be expected to be ns profitable or rigorous, the ensuing season, tii am) it will be unanle to calcnl ?te on more b? than $130 or 140,090 ol profits, even if the In Capital now in it ia left. But aa the sub- at soript'on of the State to Lou svi||?.Cioeinn- o( ?!i and Charleston S ol Road Company it v< expressly directed to be paid out of the su'rphiH revenue** on deposits in the Bank of the State, (every installment of which oi aubstmcta $50,000, of that which is estiina ol ted as above ?s Capital.) U iemamf st, if i o< so drawn, to the extent required to meet en. * {prgpmen's ndw existing and running rapid 11 y to maturity, that the active business ol the tt Bank must be greatly curtailed, and Ks profit* lessened, and lite community made di to fee^d heavier pressure rhen they are al- w ready staggering under difficulties ulruosi p< insupportable. If it should be so, that this th application should fail, and the Company be ??t remitted to thoir own resources, they have 'M none Other than tho installment* frnwn the 8ioekhold?f*. It willraquira at fenar, 8 in- ?h tulmenta-from the 8tat?, and all the o'her rt Stpchhold ra to rai*o money enough to pay th tjxBtr liabilities. These cannot be culled hi h* ofuni-r than one in every GO d*y*. or x>x vr pee year. Six insiallnm-nt* call- d for tti 1840, will draw 8300.000 not of you yt Br.nk and two in tne first 120 dayartf 1841. "h will draw 8100.000 more, being iwo-ihii.:? wi of the advance asked for. The condition mi W> wlticli those paymen's would roduco your rh Bank, would be unprofitable imiinienev? r... . / inviting attacks, I?y 'hu tasks you have as- ?! -< signed it, and hardly capable of making re- mr listener-, if assailed. It is bcli-vcd, (Hat thu* b< Brippled, it would not bo safe to rely on it mtirely, to pny off the public debt due in fir 1842, 1845 and 1848 ; while on (tie other VJCd* If tb* i- perrciffed'/? retain the wn wid? m ?: iei nwi 'duux, capittu. t-r t iwooofidently behoved that if rtiay ho able, hei Vom fha sinkingfflJnd, to pny, not only the Ji-r Stocks nlrendy issued, nnd due in 1843, 5 ind 6, but those $hich it is now proposed io no* svun. And this swift ly from the ptotits. tin onvingit a! the end of mo operation, with I la present proposed capita), whole and un. f hnvtniahed. The wwue of ttfs Stock t pro. pre o*ed, will in point of fact,ha at most a post. " C onomont of out payments, ami will, in m 1 ?:?-- -1 ryjpyVvtaw, 4brk kindly upon the wmn of the Stele ami (he people. It hae oeeo objected, that euch en ad- di pee, hj ihe Slate, will perh*?, induceinridual Stockholders to forfait and thro* "t ? works on the 8tate.. Your Committee 01 lieve that the effect will exaufly the m veree. It will infuse new spirit and engy into individuals, and excite th'-m o C >w hopes and exertional?it will go fur to ni ve new credit to the Company ; and thus ci crease their means to go ok. But .litre o onefuct which soems to tlis Comm ttee, ' inclusively, to negative such a result?" ' or* ! be against ttie interest if thfe Stock n >ldera to do so. A short ^atement wdl iow tins. If the Rond a- firisl?e<J to (!ul- ? mbin ut tlie estimated cost sf 1,1)00,000, si io whole amount oHiubihtHMnow due, and w i bo paid, for the b In nee* oh the 'cost of * Uinburg Road, the ColumbinRout money, v arrowed on the credit of it?? Siute, und u toney borrowed from the Sltte and Ci y M !?iunci|. will b< $4,02*4.715 ? "he property of the Com- t' p'inv consisting or these ' two Roads. the subscrip- '* lion 01 Slock wi I be $0,153,000 ? \ tl nuking a balance in favor 1' of the Company of $4130,305 c Besides this, by the 7 h and IfH* S * " ion of live Charier of tlie B ink, every' for., enure of a shansliilne Ra.l RnuUC?"?fH>* f iy, produces a forfenure of its correlpnnd. | ng share in the B tnk, to the Bank Corpo- j ation. *The cupi ul paid into the Bunk, '? f (1,435 0(10, pnd if forfeited, would go to the t State and such StO' khold. rs as continued to 3 x?y up their instalments, making a clear < osa to such Stockholders as forfeited. Nor 1 indeed, would a forfeiture by the Sock ml. | n*r, tree him from his liability to nay his 3 ; is 11/* * nvpur mu upiMi an com runs mmi1 oouirr | iwj forfeiture declared, so that wWnho lost , lis share, he is liable in puy until tie debts | >f iIh? Company nr?* discharged. \ Your Committee, after mature consid ration, have come to the conclnson, that \ he application should be tinn ed, and iha: lis hundred thousand dollars ??: S < per cent 5io"k should be issued and delivers! to said i 3umpnny, na mi udvnnce oil lh? payment < ifihe shares of the Stock " ? ! Company. ( i|>on the terms and conditions set forth, in i B II, which they beg leave to report In re Villi. All of which is respectfully suhmit'sd. P. E. tlUGISR. Chiirnan. Vt! have not thougat worlii while to at- ' tempt a sketch of Hie Anomalous proceed j ing* of die members of Congress,at their , meeting in the repreueiranvi-e Hall, preparatory to n regular organiz itm i. As ? a tample of the disorder which sometimes prevailed, we copy below, from the Na- ' tional Intelligencer, a sni ill pnrt of the r repott of the proceedings a day or two I before they came to the election ol Speak er. ' I The Chair s'nleri tlmt die printing que.*,- | on Mas on an appeal taken t?v the in n,l. Mill from Ti*ii?? ?*? ? (Mr. Tnrney ) horn il|>* ( scisioil Cit till' Chair, iilH?|it)ir|lcr<l.i). thru , e motion ol Mr. illicit, ?>l S mtli Co- ( ill i, to InV oil the table a n*solii'ion olli-red N r Mr. W imi. ol Virginia, had b?en divided | ftie negative, tiic* a yon being lib. ?mf i* noea 115, lie vo ea of Mr. N.i)lor. of nnsylvunia, and of the Cuuirinan hunvti k Wjt mclU'lrd in the negative voles given. (| Tellers were demanded ; wh' reuj.oii tlie j Innr appointed M ssrs Cave Johnson and urier, of Tetmei e, to nc as Teiiers. 11 Mr. J i.-niler inquired ol the C'tair whetuer ^ e cr-Jeutialii ol Mr. N:i\lot were on tie n krk's |nbl< T The replv of die Chair was ! ,, tally iuuud bl l?y the Kepor er from the isis of " Or?ier !" " 01 dur !" ? h eh nmne- 1 aelyarose. ' Tne House then divided, and Mr John- *" r. report1--! thit the ayes w? re 11*2, end. uogii not personally acquainted w:!u is!! e member* from New Jersey, tie was inrm d by gentlemen armnd him, and b?*- s svod, that the five gentlemen claim tig as on commissions from the Governor H * New Jersey, nnd also Mr. Naylor, bud , >ted. The noes were declared to be 118, four snlleman Irom New Jursy claimng s-sts ' a th" certificate ol the Secretary oi St . e I New J'-rsy having voted,t: ? ns-ayes 11*2. I aes 118: deducting disputed votes, u ould be?ayes lOG. IIO'M 114 So li- fr I- use decided not ID sustain the decision ol ie Chair. | Mr. Smith, of Maine, observed that tliisput? d votes, whether udoiiited or rcji et. d. i ould not change the decision : for. drop ng the 4 from New Jersey in the n< gati\o, iere would ntili be clear ninjori'y Oftwo, t ren ndmit'ing all iho six contested uffmn. tive votes. , Mr. W. C. Johnson said thai, whP?her By did orjttoi, still morn individuals ?)f4j g )*ed as members from now Jersey than ? Constitution allowed to hat Stole; nnd 1 > protested against the admission ofthoir | ties. Mr. Wii" said hn' the resolti inn mr.v. d A istrrday by tue gentlemen Irorn M> ss?uVN (Mr. Brigg*) w-u<?hn role of v tieli th?* fl'iiwo had .lyr- ' J i||,< ,, . a I it ( p Hi b ? ?lv?ervfd, wte tfwr bo . (!?, ; Gf j, anged the vot? or not. J tie 11 be J ^ )( discretion ; it most ? on :e c> ?r I L'ida on thodiM"'voles. MVV <J< .\ mde J of 'be Color wild was the question ; < r.rc tbo House 1 Mr. Turney rnlled for the reading of Mr. j p iffus's resolution. ' J J. - U* i ? Tlirt Chnir s id th*t ms undcrs'nnding n ihnt 'lie rme'in* now to decide, v, iu'Jm, or. ?}?9 ' *>f *f " I producing <:omi?is8ions from New i .. soy, n.imo l?y numo. i Mi. Wine. I ntovn thnt 'he rpi< st-on he v pot on the first name, nod i d< mund previous question. s" Mr. Turriry, ! rise to order. Loud cries ol " Order ' order !"-- The vious question 'ins Ix-cn moved f"? ? >rder !w?M Twite your sent !"?Qthers. oud, of - No, no ! Go on ! Go alicud !"] dit . V Mr. Turney. A report hat been made f the taller*, and t have moved for the rea (itr of a resolution ; and the Chair [Loud eriea from all parte of the Hon***, Older ! order 1 Let the Chair preserve rder 1" *4 Take your seats f" Ques un ! Order I order !"] Mr. Turney continued to address the bar, amid*: violent uoroar. 1 have no le-i (said he) that you ahull sit there to do idv just such questions us suit the wishes f your party, nnd refuse to put quest ona nit are moved, und are in order. The louse has adapted rules of order, and no F?p;trd is paid to them. [Snouts, of** Go on ! goon ! go it ! go tie*d 1'* mingled with cries, clapping, his. ing,*culls for order, nnd n universal din, by ,hich the voice of Mr. Turney, who spoke titu gfent rapidi y. and a' the top of his oice, was ko drowned ua to be rendered ininudl glide, lie wu* heard to exclaim, ll di g i* to be the cour*u of tilings, the ooner we can change it into n row the beii?r !" There was inuch movement in the Ioiimo?most of the ni^trfhcM Were on their iwt-r-rrtniiy left ill- ir nts. V oleut epiih. tNiuid exclamations mingled in the din, and fling* appeared for a tew minu'es seriously i? threaten the breaking up of 'be House in onfuaion. Soon, however, the noise in lime degree subsided, >tn ] Mr. Turn- y was heard to say. d appcij rom the decision of the Chair. I stand iere und app ul ; and I ah ill continue to apical as long ns you So decide. You hnvp mi I no regard to order ; and it is impossi^ de we ever can nvo any order no long ns i'ou s t there. You se<-m determined to :arry your |?oint, right or wrong There s a majority of votes uncontested which lave (locide o reverse your d> cision, and k/# t tffkil cnllVr rii.tL niiudtuknu III Kn mntiOii I appeal?gentlemen may halloo " order" u mo nil 10 morrow morning?I will stand iere nod appeal nil candlelight?I never will submit to it. Mr. Ingyrsoil, of Pennsylvania. Will he Cli or hear mil it lew worl? T [Tho npro i r wim renewed. Cries of No no / Sit down ! you have no business here .' Sitdown/" Other I ud shouts j|'*' Qo on, go on ! Hear hi in ' Older, ardor /"] [ 4 Down ! down / " down f " No, no/ " 1*8, yes?lie has nx a good n right ax my other man." 4* Go on?go ahead? tear him /"J Mr. Wise. I call gentlemen to order; will no: the C air order g-n lenv n o l >ke ' ir seats : D i le us have or 'or; lei gen lein-n Hike their nmt? ? i)o let us have rder f Chairman. Gentlemen will ??ke h ir icats Themtmibei* will observe nrd r [ ' Don't ako your seats." " Go on? ;o ahead /") The Clerk now proceeded to re .d ill" esolu ion of Mi. firings agreed t hy the lmixc veseiday, which is <s follows : Htio/xrd, Tnu", on the monon of Mr t<Mi io lay Mr. W>ae*s r<>s do mn in the ?a'i|e, or on Mr. Wi e'n tr?*.i a n itself, t e tellers xh>dl Count all ,le "'Ixo..s who may pas* In t ween hom ;nild, f any paxs whose righ to vole is d spu e.i in* tellers shall report th ir names to ?h? Jmer, al er t'ie ntimhor of votes on both i lea is reported, lor tne decis u:i ol i louse. [In ihe course of a good deal of the same nd of uproar and ? ., f iimn, u wns (ina|ly lec.ded thai the v >.e of Mr. N -ylor inmi Vnusv Iv oiia should he Counted (ayes 119, iocs 1 1*2) and that the vol- s f those Irom few Jers y ho ding t ?e Gov no 'seen . ession tlmuld not b< counted, n<?cs 12*2, icluding 3 om New Je s \ w io hold the ertitic.ito of tli" Secretary of State ; lives 17 including 4 from N w J r.x. \, who of on me voted tea. their own voi?s should O Kit ] TANDINO COMMITrKSx OF TUB O. 8. SP.N4TK. On Foreign K -l itimm?Messrs. liui'imn. n. Clay o Ku.itwkv. Roane, Allen, Hrn?ii On ? Messrs. YVnghl, li^n on, Iubhurd Nieiiolas, W bster. On Comm,,ri,??M sua. Ring, D;IVIN, iuggl s. Moiiion N?nve l? On M.inufne'urrs.?M"ssr<?. Lumpkin, 'remnn, Buchanan, Alien. K.ngh.. On Agrieul'ure.? Mesrs. Moulon. ?|iHnre. Linn, Binwn. Smith ofConn* rtirui. (in Mill Hry Affairs.?Me?sr?. Bomon, Preston, Wall, Pierce, Niehnlu*. On the Militia.?Messrs. Clay, of A In mm". Smiih, of Indiana, Pnelps Fulton, ('wppim. 1 Oil Naval AflViis? Messrs. Willinms. Southard Outhii'Tt, Strung^, Tappun. On Puhlie Lands.?Messrs Walker. Ful on. Clay. of Alabama, Prentiss Norvell. On Private Claims. ? Messrs. Linn 5"Vt? r, Clayton, Mnuum. Belts. On Indian Affairs;?Messrs. Whit" ol r,.?npwi,? f ...- *?" * ? uuiii. ?? nun, oi Indiana. 'ill'IflS. On 01 im*.?M ssra. HubburJ, Youn^? lenick Will, ims, Butts. On Ucvilu i,?n?r . C' im*.? 'f? I I 111 1, <?t ' UmII Klll'Ut. W'il>,ol rilllllUMlll'i k. ii'li .(-rili- n li'ii. Unbinvin, On .lin Ju'minrv.? M ?srs. Wall, ClnyS r "iij \ C. i n, S-n lb. ?.f Iti<l < 11 > (> | ii> I'ns! O Vl r nil i |*.?II,, l(Js.? Ii'Ms' i. Itulii. noil. Liniijik u, K.nnlti, Fulin. I !?'ii'l? i>on. On U i'ida Hii<i On als.? Mi'snra. Yonnfj, iihIjis, iluii'l(?r*oii, Spencc, Smfrli of In ann. On Pi np'ons. ? M ssrs. P irce, PrvniF*, ' 'l 11 . f? I' ' II'1 Pi'lln 1 i mi tin i>i - i ??i ' lniii i ~'?l' s%m. ' r n k. Lumpkin. 8 ?it art!, \ ton. On fan-iih ml 'In- Ph < rit OiTi'*".?-*?T- *. s Strung-, Davis I'i ni.^, Kn!?n??ri. mnce. On i1i?* Coutinpnnt Fund of iho Senate. M- ?nrs. Knight. Fulton, Lumpkin. On Fnrollrd Bills.? Mo??ru. Smith, ofln* *na, iluncierBon, Phelps. . From tfce Chariarta* Moraury. T Colombia, Dec.gls:, lttf. p The Legislature closed its soasion this ? doy aAer ra>dying the following nets I 1. An act to releaac the title of the State tl in certain EscluuU'd property to G. H. ? Tronholm. y 2. An art to authorize th* Sheriff of p M.irllxirough District to lod.e in the J nil of e any n:ljnining diatricta, persons commit! d ? to his charge, and for ottiur purposes there, r in mentioned. a 3. An act to prohibit the diguing of C< I- n Inrsin future wi hm the limits of Towns on u the Sen Bonrd. b 4. An act to assertsin the representation a of the State. ? 0. Airih't to restoro the 8 dnri'-s ofcer? | tain officers of eucii brunch of tho Legisla. i turo. * t 6. An net to provide a remedy in certain j cases of d?'bt.<? tun <lu?. I 7. An act to nuihorzo tho Commisn:oners of tlie poor, for Pendleton Dis r;c* to *?*ll i | certain real and p<thoiiuI property and for \ I oile r put pones. I 8* An iirt ronc'-niing 'he office nnd duties of Clerk* 11 gisters of M 'nne Conveyance , liul Coilllll l.tlOlllTKof oils. | 0. An ncr to authorize the formation of a Company for die construction of u Turnpike road throuiih Blyilms Gap. 10. An act in relation to the October Tarns of the Court of Law for Charleston District. ? 11. An net to revive and amend nn act, entitled un act to iiionrporatc the Union Insurance and Trust Company of Sooth Carolina, rat fiod lite 19 'i of Dec. 1830. 12. An act to regulate thu Feet of Clerks Ordinary and Sheriff. 13. An net to prescribing the mode of e|. ecthiu Clerk?. Sheriff* and Ordinaries. 14. An act to grant a Chatter lo Isaac S Bailey, to establish erect and nsu nu lly dnulio i'ress Hock in Charleston. 15. An act to authorise tho lion. Josi ?ti J. Fvuns one of the Judges of this Stu'e, to he nbaent lor u limned time. 10. An act to estend the Charter of iho South W -stern Rail Road limk. 17 An act to regulate the office of Con? at allien. 18. An act to til or the tune of th" sitting of the Court of Fruity in the third Circuit. 19. An act concerning thn rights of Execu ors and Adiinnsirainr* io purcliase prop- rty at tie ir n?n S desVO An act to uinend the net unn led *4 an act to ttui 'toi iao ili? fonn nion of tie Charles, ton, George-own and ul| Saints K ol Ro id Company. 21 An act to ex end tho time of pay. mem ol til* last instalment of the increased capital ol tiie 11 mk of Cli-rh*ston. 22. An uct tO raise supplies for the year 1H59. 13. An act to extend the time, during which loans may he grunted under thu act to r? tin id Charleston. 24. An act to redur" nil ncs an I cl ms's of arts hi iclati>.n io tie* I' llK't ol the State into one uct, ali i to alter and uinciid tie* same. 25. An act to incorporate cernin V II >g< ?. Societies nnd Cniiipaniea, nod io amend eeri.i.n charters liert tolore granted, and for other purpose#. JO An ii'M to make appropriations l<>r ilii* sea: I-'.'11). 27. An -ir to rg' ilili.iti certain Raids Hriiltf' m ami Kerriei. 28. An nc concerning the olTi -e unddu* ttea of Ordinary. 29. An net concerning the office duties iind lutlkiii. **? of Corom-r. 00 An act concerning the office duties and iialiili ion of Shi-nlT. 01. An net to piovi le for nn advance b\ the State on i a sunxcriptui.i to tin* Lou. isville, Cmciu Hilt and Giiarl-s on R.ulroa I Company. 02. An act concerning the offi 'ti und du in s ot M igw rate, NORTH-RAKTCKN BOUNDARY. Mr pcutherstnntiaugli, oil'* of the f?r<tistii t'ommisMio mrs for exploring the Bnuudury lino 1 ret ween Maine and New Brunswick, ma le tin* annexed remarks at a public, dinner at St. Johns, Now Brunswick, on the 39tn ultimo. It is the only nn h- ntic * atemoot oftlie results of the r'Connoisance that we have yet seen, The follow inn toast w .? proposed;? T1.0 Bound.try Quevinn?An early, nmi cahle and equ tublu settlement thereof, uccording o the true intent ni.d meaning o. llio Treaty of 1784, without unjk comprom He of the honor or integrity of too wo (Jroat Nations.?[Immense and conttnui-d cheering. Mr. Fcnthcrs'ouhnugh roso and sai.l-Mr. I*r? si<?tho allusion wtiie.h you have ni.idw to inn in the tonal which has just lieen warmly received, and the distillgi isiicd manner in which y*-ta have been pleased to receive me at your festival, may uppeur to give you and the gentlemen present some claim upon mo for n passing no'ice of the official duties in which 1 have for some time been engaged. * * * I h lieve I do not transcend my duly wiiiu I St lite that after a loot! and careful study oftne history of the mar, jn ! to e*. <11 o n.inun r uidft with dilig'nce and en rgfa of die physical geography of too erritorv in i I s.aile. Hi all 11 it* point* esseu'ial to iiivss ination, it is my conviction that f e fuilure to i bring this prave matter to a final issue is to he entirely attributed to defer ive tnfor- 1 nation nnd a fatal einhari n.oi"i,t hcni-ioned l?v ttio requirements. id tiiu at-corid i?rk-|?i ol tie T ntnty of Ghent- The cardiu d ! rule, gentlemen, fr>r the 'pursuit ?>f -rut in all flintier* ?d science, ? 11 in ? I mnlti* o iter i d wim the progr as % iinjirov - | 'lKo[ c.e o?. .*' (.d. ? to '< n I) W11 ' ro the unknown. But tins ruin to tun si i?o..d I ' of ftil* iro.ity of (ill- i t is n'mrned , . ? ?rr require to yrt he link .owli |<? ' in?* known. Tlwi f' :ir "tin dime'* tl? (lnuii ?ry Jietw.xt am c-'owries :o brpiri m ' the North neil A'lpln ol .Nmvu Sc*oli:if n point whi? h ni ? 'r hid nnv ?**idleiicrt ?n ' which never wan ?NtaM:shr<f or set npnrt by any rnirvey, i?i her of a direct or indirvc ' kind. Its position depends upon the pre- r n ioua ascertainment of two lines, ml the #' oittt of coiitctdeoce Imwaeo thorn would, ?hco established, bo tha point whore the lorth.waat Angle would be, and that where lie Treaty diracls the boundary to begin, lut ainco naithei of tboao two line* have t boon ascertained, and the point of deparjra of only ooa of them agreed upon, it ? vidont that the North west Anglo of Novio * Icotia, which is to ba an effect or result pro* ceding from ouuses, the inharent power if which wa ar% yet ignorant of, is at'this noment a nonentity, and roust ratnain so intil tho precise direction of the two linct* >< fore spoken ofis mutually agreed upon, indo?tiiblis]it*d' This a sufficient reason vhy nil attnnfpis to bring the iispute to a mppy termination hitherto havo failed, the vords of the Tteaty directing us to begin it tho end, instead of the beginning and to lursue the enquiries from the unknown to tv* known. Gentlemen, I do not wish to concoul from y ou who are so much interested in tho mat. rr, that the investigations in which I have iitrn of Into engaged, have produced results which ought to influence Governments that ileal ie no territorial acquisitions at tho ex. penso of justice and the reference duo to Treaties, as I sm persuaded, is the case , with the two Governments now ncgociating on this important subject. The defective information it is hoped and believed can bo supplied. I say ibis rauqh because the rumor is being busy about (no declared intention of the State of Maine to proceed in taking possession of the whole territory in dispute, without awaiting the peaceful proceed, ings now in progress betwixt the Federal Government and that of Her Majesty. I do not b< lieve in these rumors. The Stoto of Maino sets too high a value upon the pen *o now happily subsisting between two countries, and will, I have no doubt, await ^ mr ronsiruiionni action ol their National W Government." The amount of all tins is. unless both Governments ngrea to compromise, by "uplit'ingthe difference," they are as far from d Neiih ment nsevor. And if so, they will us usual quarrel for a million till they spend fifty in lliuns, and then end as tliey begun. Mr. FVnthers'onhnugh left St. Johns |st hii early hour next morning, for New York, via Si. Audrows, on his way to England. Col. Madge is now hero, and it is probable Mr. Fentherstonli iugh arrived last niitlit. XV. Y. Herald. Correspondence of the Commercial Adverrisrr. Washington City, Dec. 7, 1831). "Turn about, wheel about and dijuat ao. ^ Ami cv ry time you turn about jump Jim Crow." There is a little merriment among us just now, n* the expense of my lemnred friend T. II. li <nton, of Missouri. Ho received, it Hi-Bin", a specie chock for one thousand dollars for his mi fen go from St. Lobis to ttio capitol, but such was his sudden ntvJ unaccountable doteatation of tire specie feature in tnc check, ho instantly sold it to u broker in this city fur eleven hundred in the pnp?T of our suspended banks, and is now ( understand, ineuling his current expenses with these bunk rag* ! Verily truth is strun- " ?... !.... n..,:. .. II- - *? - -i i iii?ui 11*^iiiin iiu w iiu uui n nvion 11mo since dazzled and b'-dixoncd the whole nation w i ll the splendor of Ii s gulden dreams, nnd rolled lit* Mississippi back to its fountain head * solid column of virgin gold, now barters away even the renl'ly of his visions for tlui rags of a suspended b ink ! THK SI'O.VCR FISIIRRV. When nt the Island of Rhodes, I went to the sponge fishery, which is curious und interesting. It is n laborious nnd danger- 4k ous employment, but so lucrative, that five ??r six successful days afford thoso engaged in it the m-nns of support for i<n entire year. The sponge is attached to rocks at tilts bottom of the Re?, serving us u retreat to myriads of n sumII crustaceous animals, which occupy its cnv ti #. The fishermen dive , for it to the dop;li of even a hundred feet, and sometimes continue for five or six minutes under water, unless the quantity of s|>ongr they may have collected becomes inconvoment or unmanngonble, when they nru linulod to the surface by the crew of the hoat to wtiich they belong. The divers ocLtisii ill ill V full victim* In *lmrU* iK?? L them under w? ?r. The sponge is prepared for tl?? market by being press-tl *o d-slodge tlie nnitn:ilcu!a; it contains und after, wards in lye to deprive it of jnuci'ngious mutter. Mara. Marmont. TRANSFERSNCE OF VITA I. POWER. A not uncommon rnuso of loss of \ital power* is the young stooping with the oged. This fact, however explained, hns been long remarked, und it is well known to every un- , prejudiced observer. But it has been most unaccountably overlooked in medicine, i have, on seveinl orensions, met with the counterpart of the followii g case : I was, n few years since, consulted about a pule sickly nnd th;n liny, of about five or six ye.irs of age. He appeared to liavo no specific ailment, but thrre was a slow nnd remurkiibU'decline of flesh and strength, und oft 10 energy of ull the functions,? ^ what his mother very aptly termed, n j,rad. u d blight- After inquiring into tee history of the cn?e, it cnmooit that he hud been a robust un i plethoric child up to Ins third year, when his grandmother, a very aged p'Ti?nn. took him *o ? .! -e;> v. ith ; tin; !>c soon tifterwiirds io<i iiis good looks ; and he had continued to decline ever since, uolwithit/oi i !? mediemal treatment. I directed In n o '( p from his aged parent, and 4 ii inn cs, mange oi air, 6tc. The ci? .vr\ a i* rapid. It is not with eh M. o v thai debility it* induced by this no '?* of ??i?h: ra-'tin^j vital power. Young ' in .'?u ruarri'"' " verv o'cf rppn mtfTrr if* ? tiini) it *11.-1. iy\. niou^h not lo the same ex. nt. Tf two fids arc ofton well known to ,-m ngt?d themselves, who consider the inI'llifm e lonaevi.y, and there, ore often illastrntn thr; selfishness which, in ?o e per nous, increases with their veers. Dr. Copland's Dictionary. S xy Thousand African slaves hnvubctn *i?d d on tho coast of Brazil in the Inst mx nonths. *