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oitotor third, secured In like iieeny by mortgages of tiie other half of * -':%e bttwtt'' The llret end second pay* HMt* were mode in fuflkend $43,585 have #' - 'JkfkVWid on on.0 third?leaving dee to the * &ei#ncdJereeJfthe Charleston end llampayable 1st January. EaPllr. 1$Ph fo#?hk*h' Hey hold mortgages on '"omnS? ^Ure* th*1 These fahnj^jp eoW asgpoon as the ootes are due, to erft; iettanuary, 1940, if the notes are not There w U be thepdir*, on iho 1st Janut Books, dec. 502,715 & v Dne Inf^an. *<*40, $1,365,215 ' -Hue in jheenoo .V 1 / tr^^c^to^e,, p j for * 19**00 00 * ^e?c'f* *nd "n* Cund fbr the redemption of the stock in 'nbtt HamlHWf ttottdt whioh ie mortcit ed to ' pay (be #962^15, duo for its pure tan* on irpwSc tor tn edvunce on the State subscription of 9400,060, iu si* per cent, stork ? Tine &CQ3SV-US& have strong assurances. ^HK$TCfcat the stock thus granted, will be readily received in payment of the notes snd mar. geges hekl on the "Hamburg slnrrg. A very large amount baa passed io'o ?1m> * fawtg, ami other public institutions. which, fft at ?wvlatateorf, will w"?th praiseworthy apn-iCompany, by exchanging them fur rock*. * ft abooid be b<mML in mind,thnt somcof the >t>, ** Beufes bav?eg auapeoded specie pay men s. V ^ ^ion to twaume withop resources, and that having Jj& ' tliw advance, and such other credit nnd j v means as the Company may bo able to bring { \Ao be?r, the Company fuel grent eonfiU?>i c? tt?befog able to redeem all share end t * mortgage ; and this Committee sees no re?*on to question thc?r conclusions. ^ The notes and mortgages given for the shares in ths Hamburg roud, have in a great irnsny in*unr?s, and to very largo amounts. p*wed Out of the haods of tho original holders; and orb, as stated heforte, to be found in Baoli and other public institutions, Jf* pledged far monies loaned. Those "loans ? ou? the 1st of January nest. The notes are indorsed, and the credit of mercantile ansa and others?to a greet amount, is hanging upon their payment. If not pnid, there iu too much' reason to fear, that a grout amount of them adH bo forced, and the ^ mor'gngea farecJo??,d on the shares pl?dg. p* ed, for their payment. Nothing short of this*proposed advance can snvo them; ahodld they he sold, In the preaonl depress rd condition of the stoc'.i markot, and great scarcity of money, It is buffered they will g? su^nnoca n?r toss sum uian mat tlioy kti bound for, and the balance unpaid by *he?r sale, will be a debt still owing by the "Compeliy, of whiefi the State is the largest ?tockholder.will also lose its lien on rt^hAlf of the shares for the securing itself ' IHpnfttMi Company. The vslue of he*e ehyes may bo estimated by looking into ^ Wm &&toipt* upon that road, which have men from 9160,000, in 18tf4, every year, . WMrfcth of November has produced #66.000 M , HWEiiiaMiaft^fct?000 expenses, given iMMW^he Commit me are as will enable' them BM ;-^gdj|Sp1t> their rcsotirees. which are IwTbfll .esihMni# tb. A consider*ho, sf assured of iho i of the year, will, < and ttowon the finaw&of the a^faTj?d '* J ^Tto Company, with the axi thus wrtend- si rft tl i* tolieved, will be able to pey off* the fa HKittUM 4?q in January, M<| th'n "PPty f kfirnole reeourcea lottofinishing"tie ro id f J* Columbia. On this road #650.000 hits i pttofltoj|w?ILp*><V aod contracts have toon s made, end are dim. and falling due. In the i ^amount of about #500,000 more. In i ? i prevent s>ete, to abandon it would be a loss < #1000,000. To complete U? will odd $!, H 000,000 to the security of the Stale for its I indorsements of the Company's bonds, i Thus this advance will enable the Chm any i to free half the Hamburg road from inort- I gages having a priori y to the State Urn, ' giving by it #1.500.000 to the Slu e's a?vurttv, and at. the same tim?* to comple e the Columbia branch, adding it at its cost, ot 91,000,000 also to that security. In other words, the advance of #100,000, of a'ock, by the State, will enable the Company to ad I theae two roads unincumbered to the security of the Stnte. This additional securi ty cannot be estimated as worth less than #2,500,000, and is estimated by some to be worth #3,000,000. ' The influence of this measure on the finances of die Stale, and especially on it*. Bank, are also deserving the most cnr>Tut CnillljnrultflMi* t. Mill kt. Nlm.mlulM(i tlml the State hat imutH the following stork* : Six per cents., redoemtble id 1840. $8t*MKO Five * - ? u 1042, 20lMHX) ' p|V0 M . ?* 44 |Hi\ 250,000 Five - ?* - lb4?, 300,000 Five * ? 4i * 1850, 10,000 1,660,000 Beaii'ea it has waved? Five per cent. subs. to the S. W. R. R. B ink, 1858, $200,000 Six ?" Fire Loan, 1858. 1,060,000 , Si, .* 44 44 44 1808, 1,000,000 2.200,000 , For the $230 000 of five per cent. sub. ftcription to the South Western Rail Row' ' Bank, the dividends of that Bank will mo* probably bo ample provision, and it is not taken into fbnasi innate, which tin? Commit toe how submi . The debt for the rebuild. of Charleston is 3,000000. The In. teifeat, received from Omen borrowinn i', i* supposed will pay the interest on it, un l that sqmis also left out for the present. The kmpuot then left, is, aa stated above, of sue awflflve per cen'a. $1,500,000 To pay these stocks, and interest on them, a'ainkin; fund has been creatod by several acts of Legislation, composed of the profits of the State Bank. These profita?nuw amount to 9048,000 ions paui i?i January next, 9800,000, of 0 per cents, and the interest from 1st October, on the public debt, *61*500, 801.500 Bal. ofsinking fund 1st Jan. 1840, 9^6,500 w 'Che Bank capital, in the fiscal year, commencing 1st October, 1836, and end. in* 1st October, l"t37, was, original cspit. i, $1,150,018 48 Surplus revenue, 1,1 to 1.422 00 Sinking fund, 510 714 4b 92,008.455 03 And the pro. fits were $201,225 37. I TV m 1837-8 92,736,143 11 The profits, $196,530 84. i Tho capital, in ( 1636-U. $2,907,000 00 The profits, $210000 00. Th# capital for 1839-40, diminished by $861,500 00, paid ' 1st January, 1840. lor six l per cents.? w.ll eoly be $2,045,000 00 . And when it is born-* in min , that ho < large a *um has :o be paid in January nex . from the Bank, it wi'l readily b<* seen. thni < its operation* cannn; lie expected to be its I profitable or vigorous, the ensuing season, < and it will be unsafe to catcu! ito on more I than $130 or 140,090 ol profits, even if ihe Capital now in it is left. Bui as the subscription of the Slate to Lou hviII".Cincinnati aud Charleston R til Rood Company is expressly directed to be paid out of the ' suVptus revenue*' on d'-posite in the B ink of the State, (every installment of which abstracts $50,000, of that which is estiina ted as ubovu its Capital.) it iamamfst, if i so drawn, to the extent required to meet en. K<ighmen s now ex-sting and running rapid ly to maturity, that tha active business ot the Bauk must be greatly curtailed, and its profits lessened, and the community made to feej 4 heavier pressure rhen they Mre already staggering under difficulties almost insupportable. If it should be so, that this application should fail, and die Company be remitted to their own resources, they have none other then the installments from the S ockhol f'T". It willraquire at least, 8 instalments from the State, and all tho o'h'-r Htochhold'-ra to raise money enough to pa\ their liabilities. These cannot be called in offener than one in every 60 dsy<* or per year. Six installment* call'J for u ' 1840, will draw $30i).OuO out of you and two in toe first 120 days of 1841 will draw $100,('00 m<>re, being two-thn of the advance asked for. The condition i to which these paynvns would reduce your < Bank, would be unprofitable irnpoteucy? r inviting attacks, by 'ho tasks you have es- < signed it, and hardly capable of making rc- r sistunce, if assailed. It is bcli-vcd, (lint thus I crippled, it would not bo safe to rely on it entirely, to pay ofT the public debt due in I 1842, 1845 and 1848 ; while on the other I - f? ?L - - nami. u me d-idk is permitted to rotun the i v ii> <1. *od u>'(' ak ' it wseeBUenlly believed that it may b<? Hl?|r. I. from the sinkin^mind, to pny, not only the J Stocks nlrasdy issued, nod due in 1R4?J, *> nd 6, but those 4hich it is now propose i io n Iseun. And this entirely from the p.ofit*. il kmvin? it at the end of we operation, with its present proposed rspitsl, whole and unliminished. Tlis issue of tfca Stocks pro- p nosed, will in point of fact,bo ot most a post. " nononwat of put payments, ood will, in hi I' very point of view, Work kindly upon the Fktcrcgt of the Sialo and (he people. It haa (yen objected, that such an ndance, by ilte State, will perhips, induce in* ividual Stockholder?* to forfait and throw t?o works on the State.. Your Comminee a?Uevo that the effect will by exactly the everae. It will infuse new Spirit and en>rgy into individuals, and escite tivm o tew hopes and exertion*?it will go fur to {ive now credit to the Company ; and thus acreage their means >o go ot. But' '.lure s one fuel which seems to the Commttre. inclusively, 10 negative such a result?it ftould he against the interest tf thb S ock lolders to do so. A short *ut*iner.t wdl how tins. If the Road s finished to Columhin ut tlte entiinuted cost of 1,600,000, the whole amount of liubilittesnow duo, and lob" paid, for the h lance"oh 'ho cost of Hamburg Road, die ColumbiaR<?:?d money, borrowed on the credit of ill* Siute, und money borrowed from the Sll'e ami Ci y Council, will be $4,52,2.715 The property of the Company consisting of these two Roads, the subscription 01 Slock wi I bo $6,153,000 making n balance in favor of oie Company of $4 S30,$S5 Besides I his, by the 7 h and Itti* S c lion of the Charier of the B oik, every* for. h-iiurc of a share, in ine Rnd Road l?y, produces a forfeiture of its corresponding shuie in the B ink, to the Bank Corporation. Tho enpi ill p.-ii,l into ilte Beak, "? $1,435 000, and if forfeited, would (?> to the Suite and such Sto< kholders as continued io p.?y up their instalments, making a ch-ar u?ss to sucn Scoek holders as lor cited. iNor it id cd, woul'l a forfeiture J?v the Sock'iol. l?T? Iree him from bis liability to pay his propor ion upon all contracts maile before tnu Ibrfeiture d< clared, so that whrlobo Itisi his share, be is liable to pay until tie debts oftbu Company are <liscb?r)?od. Your Committee, after mature consideration, have come to tbe conclusion. tlitit I the application should lie _t?ned, and i'a 1 six hundred thousand dollars < ' S < per cent Sto "k should be issued and delivered to s oil Company, na mi advance on Hm payment of the slian s of the S nek hi aaid Company, upon the terms and conditions set forth, in a B II, which tucy beg leave to report In re Willi. All of which is respect full v submil'id. I). E. HUGCft. Chuman. We have not tnougoi worth while to at* temp' a sketch of the anomalous prueeed ings of ilie members of Congress,at llie.r meeting in the a iV'-s il.fil, preparatory to n regular nrgan-z-it'oi. As & sample of the disnrd* r which sometimes prevailed, we copy below, from tin* Na UOIIRI illtCIII^I'llCMr, II Kill 11! pill I of I'll* repo:t of the pructicdin^i u day <>r two before they came to (lie election oi Speak er. The Chair s'uted dint i!;?* pcii'lin^ ques^ ( on mms on mi Mj)|>fiil 'aken ny |iie n |,mad from T"imes< ?' ( Mr. I'm n- \ ) horn i decision of tic Cher, made yestoii y , ilia, toe motion oi Mr. Illicit, oi S >uth C rolm to lay on tee :ah|e a resolution offered by Mr. Wise, ol Virginia, li.ui hern divided n llii* lir^iifirr, tiic ays l?eini? 116. <ud h" noes 11 >. lie v? es of Mr. t\u)lnr. of Penns) Ivama, ami of the Chairman hunsHl Delnj? included in the negative voles yiven Tellers were clem in-led ; w'l- reuj.ou tue Chair appointed M s?rs Cave Johnson and Carter, of Tonnes e, to nc as Teiiers. Mr. J enil?T inquire I of the C'?air wli>?tucr lie cr-detiliu!* ot Mr. Navlor were oil tie Clerk's tnbl. ? T He replv of he Chair was lotaiiv liiuud 01 l?y tbe Ki'|i?>r ?*r Iroin ill*' { nsis of *' Onicr !" " oidor !" uh eh mimeJm '-ly arose. Tm* Hoti*e then divided, and Mi Johni ?n reported llmt iho <*y?s vv? re 1 14. ?*iid. l"Oiigh no! p?tk-!!y acquainted wit a nil lite (member* from New J rsey, t.e was hi. form d by genii* men ur nn*l hiin, nod believed, that the fiv*- genif-men claim iiif sous on commissions front the (jovmnnr of New Jersey, nod also Mr. N.iylor, hud voted. The noes were declared to he 118, four tfentleinen Iroin New Jersy claim tiff s-ats on th" certificate ol the Secretary o. Si . e o| N 'W J>r*y buvint* was?ayes I 12, noes 118: deducting dispnt d vole#, ,t would be??ayes 10G. iio k 114 So It II- use derided not o sustain the decision ol tne Chair. Mr. Smith, of Maine, olvmrvad that t||.. dtsput* d votes, whether admitted or rej? <?(. d. would not chunjr?' tins d* cision : for. drop ping 'he 4 from N?*w Jersey in ?h?? n< pafive, there would still be a clnur majori'y of two, even ndmit'ing all iho six cont*-s'e<l affirm, afivr Votes. Mr. W. C. Johnson said that, whe'her they did or*no*, st ill morn individuals had vo'ed as members Iron* seiv Jersev th in the Co Ktiltiti'-n itllowcl to hat Stale ; and be protested upmost the admission of their vote*. Mr. Wig" said hn? the resoiti inn rrtov d yesterday by the gentlemen from M ssa. "htiVNfMr Brurj'O w s*hn r I 'rst .V'lirli I:l?* ll'i 1*0 bad J 'i|?< .1 ; h t if nust b ; observed, wle I" r lie . f)? ,,f j 'banged the vol' or not. 'I 1,0 lit,,:' J 10 diseredor. ; it Most <?' on <> > ,,r <<! 1. I l-ride 011 thodispuod v ?:rs. J],, vv ,j, nandeJof die C-ui.r wh>t ? as 1 !? question m f >rc 1 bo Ho.wo 1 Mr. Turnry cnil<"l for tiiu reading of Mr. j Irigys's resolution. Tim Ch'ur s 11 tli"*' b;i undcrs'nn'ling 1 ras that die mer'injj woe now to <l? "fkli'Jii. di" r*?' i of 1 t?< r e o re.- , era producing commi> fr m New I 1 raey, n imo by name. Mr. Wise. I nu>v?- ihnt'be qn s'-m-i br ow put on !' ? first name, nud i d< inund n previous question. Mr. Tnrnry, I rise to order. (Loud ci ! ?? ol " Older ' order !"?" The reviou* question hns been moved t" ? Order !"?M Tuke your scat Otbera. t loud, of ** No, no ! Go on ! Go ahead !"] r -Vl. . _ .. _ ?* Mr. Turney. A report has been made by the tellers, and I have moved for die rea riioir of a resolution ; and the Chair [Loud cries from nil parts of the House, da; "Older ! order Let the Chnir preserve order 7" '* Take your seats t" 44 Ques tton ! Order I order !"] Tr Mr. Turney continued to address the Clm r, amuls: violent ttnroar. 1 have no ide i (snid he) that you shall ait there todv ,,n cidu just such questions as suit the wishes t? of your party, and refuse to put quest ons " that are moved, und are in order. The House has adr pled rules of order, und no regard is pnid to them. du [S.touts, of44 Go on ! go on ! go it ! go ahead I?' mingled with cries, clapping, his. "f sing,"calls for order, and a universal din, hy wh'i'h the voice of Mr. Turney, who spoke la v%itn gfeat rapidi y. and a' iho lop of his ,u voice, was so drowned us to he rendered I uniiiiell gtlile. Me was heard to exclaim, c;i |l tirs is to i>e the course of things, the sooner we can change it into n row the be:- 4,r ter " There was inuclt movement in the u' House?most of the members were on their 4,t lie i-r-rnany left tie ir s-'ats. V oleut epiihelsHiid exclamations mingled in die din, und 'd tilings appeared for a tew minU'eS seriously 41 . .i . .. .i._ i .i r.i... u Ir iiir?'iiii ii ?iw i?j# ui 11?- nuinr I contusion. Soon. however. the noise in C some degree subsided, nn ] |? Mr. Turn'-y was heard lo say, I wppenj from the decision of the Clinir. I stand . here no*! app-ul ; and I shall continue to op? peal us long ns you So decide. You have pni I no regard to order ; and it is impossi~ *' hie we ever can nvo any order so long ns *' you s t there. You seem determined to ? carry your point, right or wrong There is a majority of votes uncontested which ^ decide ' o reverse your d vision, and yet you soil* r now questions to ho moved. ' I appeal?gentlemen may halloo *4 order" hi me oil 10 morrow morning?I will stand ^ here nud till candlelight?1 never will submit to it. Mr. Ingersod, of Pennsylvania YVill the C'h or hear me a few words J [The upro ir wa* renewed. Cries of No! no / iSu down ! you have no bustness here Sit down/" Oilier I ud shunts of * (In on, go on / Hear htm' Oid<r, s order [ * Down ! d<?wn / " down / " No, no.' ? ** Y s, ys?- lie has ns a good a right as my other unii." " Co on?go ao? ad? 1 tear him /"J ' Mr. Wise. I call gentlemen to ord-r ; will no: 'he C air or h-r g' ti Iniivu o t .ke '' t'teir seals .* D le us have or >er; lei gen '' llrm- n .ake their seats ? Do let us ** order Ciiairnmn. (Jeirlernen will take h ir 11 seats The iiie<iil>e|> will onserw ord t ' [ ' Don't ake your seats." " Ho oil? go nhead /") ' 1 lie Clerk now proceeded to re d th" ... ..I.. : ... d II n _. i . i .i V Km 111 ?ii. lirujis agreen ' * "v ui?* IIOIIM \ Ms ?lt|.|\ , \V iiicll IS IS lollops : Rt io/xril. Tim ? on tlio motion ol Mr II .? .! id |.iv Mr. W xr's r?.? i't'i uiii on die a or <?n Mr. \V i in su 11 1.1 * fl IIS. Il, | e li lltTH shi.ll Coillit nil >ll' l'' iso..s vviio in iy pass li< tvvoen hem ; ii<J, if unv I ass whose riijii to vote is d spu r.i t tclli r?-|ioit tii ir name* to :1m (!'i:i'i?, ii| cr fir i.uuiuo" of vol' s oil liotii 1 ?i I' s is rcuorleJ. lor luc deem un ot i > lJolJXC. 1 [lo the course of n g >nd lenl of the san* 1 Ix'O'l of uproar mid fm ou. u wis (IrC.ilt tl that the v >.e of Mr. N ) lor Ironi ( I'ennsv Iv'iiia slioulJ lie counted (a\es 111), ( I no's 112) and that the vo:> s . f ti.ose (rout I New Jer.s v hodioii t " Ciov no 's . a mission should not In counted, noes IticluiJiiiL' 3 Oill N'e v Je s v w m Until ti>.. ~ " " I rpriitii'.itu ?l Secretary of Slut? ; aye* ( I 17 including 4 from N w J r*e\, who ofj COIH'Se Vo'.till tnU. their O AII VOU S SliollliJ '' U ml 1 < STANDING COMMITTEE- Of THE 0. 8. SENATE. . On Foi.-ij?i> K 'i 'tions?Messrs. Bu -han. Hn.Ciiiy o Kh ttii' kv. ltoun?\ Allen, Brown Oil Fill MICH. M' ssis. Wright, B >U Oil. ? lliibhiird Niritolas, \V List. r. On Comuvrce?M ssrs. Kng, Davis, v lliltfgl- 8. Moii'oii. Noivc I. v On M.uiiihir urrs. ? M"ssr?. Lumpkin, Pick on, Buchanan, Allen, K.ngh . c On Agrir'ul'uro.?-Mesrit. Mouton. ' ! S|i?oiro. Iiinn, Ri own. Smith ofConn* rtiru'. ' On Miliary AlVa'rs.? Messrs. Benton, PmS'on, W ill, Pierno, Nicholas. On the Militia. ? Messrs. Clay, of Ala ' Iron . Sim.It, ol Indiana, Pnilps Fulton, Tappun. ' On Naval AfTiiis ? M essra. Williams, I' Southard OiithiK-ri, Strange, Tapp ui. On Public Lands ? ,M< ssrs Walker. Ful ^ ton. Clav, ol Alabama, Premiss Nurvcll, I On Private L-smi Claims.?Messrs. Linn u Sever, Clayton. Mou'on. Fle;t.s. Oil Indian Affairs;? M essrs. Whit" nl *' '^clln^s^:^. , Sevier, Lain. While, of Indiana. '' I Phelps. On CI ims.?-M ssrs. llubbarJ, Voting, Mcr-ick Will. his, BntiS. On l\r\ i|ii ! in?' C' i'Tir,---Mr" **,s M I S i.i ' o.-li n.iciir. Whi e, of Tennessee, " i\. i. h . < *r<ie i? I ni. Bnbiiv- in, I , V I - I ' --- ? ' I , ? ii'' j tj . -.?l Wit'!, C"]?iy 1 lo. . S r j C. i ? .'! S >i i'.. ?,f lii'li n > O i ii* I'.i-.? () li ? mi i I'll-' II i ?<!s.? '' M> KV*. Itotl.i KDII, Lllllljlk II, Kilijrlll, Fill- " oil, I I' ll ? -Oil. O.i !? * ils mi*, Ci-.hIs.? M -SHI'S. Yoimjf, Pnoljis, 11 jii UTsOii, Spend', Snii'li of In * (JlHDII. On I' y'uns.? V s *? r s. P nrre, Pron i s ' W'l . R--H- ni l's. K??r in' [)i ' i ii-1 of ' miiIii i ? M* s?n M<-i* < k. Cri i 'ii'lnn, Lumpkin. S a aid, <11 (' -N I'>'1. ( >n P:?U Ills li- I 'In* P? ' lit s* in h"s Strung-, Davis, IV o'w.(, Koliuisori. [) Spnuec. jii On Mi?? Contingent Fund of 'ho Senate. |?? ? M sirs. K'i'ff'il. Fulton, Lumpkin. w On F.n rolled Bills.? MoKHrs. Smith, of In- h) diana, Henderson, I'hclps. ki From the Charleston Mereury. ? Columbia, Dec. 21s, 1832. j The Legislature closed its BOwlon this * y after ra llying tliu following nets 1 1. An act to release the tide of the State | certain Gscln-uted properly to O. H. | onholm. j 2. An net to authorize t'r? Sher (T of t irlhorough District to lod e in the Jail ot < y adjoining districts, persons coinm tU d ? his charge, and for other purposes there- t mentioned. < 3. An uct to prohibit the digging of C'l- i -sin future w'rlnnthe limits of Towns on i a Sen Board. I 4. An uct to ussertain the representation i the State. < 0. An act to restore the 8 ilari? a ofcer_ | in officers of eacn brunch of the Legislure. i G. An act to provide n remedy in certain ises of d? lit* not ilu??. 7 An act to authorize the Commiss ons of the poor, for IVndicton Uis r.c- to II rtnin real und p< rsoiiul property and for h?-r put poses. 8. An act conci-ming 'he ofTice nnd duties Ce-rks It'uiHtiTS ot M 'hiib Conveyniice lid Cumin ssiouersof Local'Oils. 1). An net to authorize the formation ol a ioinpauy for the conic ruction of u Turnike road through Bly di?-s (Jap. 10. An uct in relation to the October 'arm of the Court of Latr for Charleston Mrttrict. 11. An net to revive and amend an net, ntitlcd an an to iuoorporato the Union lilLirancu and Trust Company of South Car* linn, ratified tic 19 >i ot Dec. 1838. 12. An uct to regulate tlio Fees of Ilcrks Ordinary nnd Sliurilf. 13. An act to prescribing the mode of c|. cling Clerk?. Siu rilL nnd Ordinaries. 14. An act to grant a Cliaiter to Issac i lliiilcv, lo establish erect and use an ily Inulio I'rcSH Dock in Charleston. 15 A n act to authorise tho lion. Josi ill . Gvnns on" <d the Judges of this Slu'e, j h<* absent lor a limited time. 10. An uci to extend the Cnnrer of the llMltll W S*.lTII it.ill It..>1.1 It.,lit 17 An MCl to regulate the ullicc of Contallies. 18. An act to til or tlv tone of tli" nit'hi.; fth?* Court of Kijuity in the third Circuit. 19. An act eoiicerninjr thn rights of Rxon ora an I A 1111 iiistrinors io purchase a*?!> ny at ti ir ovvn S ilea VO -Nil ad to ainotid tin art nn'i led " an ot to *itit ioiihoiIm* turin I'lonof la*Charles, in. iiciiro'- otvii and ud Saints R nl Rue! * ntjiuny. '21 Ail not to rx rti'l tho tinio of pay. ion! ol tli last instalment of tho increased Hjiital o! tin* 11 mk of Ch rcaimi. '2*2. An act o raise Mip|iii<-t? tor the your H:19. 13. An act to extend the time, during vhich loans may hi* grunted under the act i? r. ho ld Cli it legion. *24. Ail 'ift te redur -II if s an I rl ms* a t acts hi ie|.?tinn u? i:> l' ?i:o| m :h?* Shim* mo oik* .n t, an i to i>l.i*r and aiu<*tid th?* .lllll , ? ). An act to incorporate c?m' ion V I! ?g s. Societies Kil l Companies, .old to anu'iid it .i.ii ell hIitk lit*ri tuture gr oiled, and foi itlwr Jllli jH>* '?. '20 An n?'t t?? make appropriations I*>r la* UMi l^.'JU. *27. An if to r? certain R ?.uls ?i idtf. m and Kerrii*s. '28. An itf concerning h** olh e and dotes of t )rdiiiury. 21). An n?*t rote Tiling the otlicc duties mi liiklull. *a* of Coroner. :U) An net concerning the ofTicu duties ixl liabii i?tH of Sh'-riir. Ml. Aimci 'o |) iivi lu for an advance i\ die Suite on i a su'iacript'O.t to Loo. tville, Coicin mil and Cnml-i on R.ulrua t 'oinpniiv, 32. An art concerning the ofTi e and du i? s ol M igia rale. NORTH F.ARTCKN UuL'.NDARY. Mr I'Vuiiierstnotiaugh. one ot I?** British 'oinini>Hio icra fur exploring the B >> mt! between M line mid Now Brunswick, 11 a U: tlir muuxeil remarks, at a public dmu r at St. Johns. New Brunswick, on tile thin ultimo. It is the only nil h'-nlic a ale. nunt oftlie muills of the r-connnisunce ihat re have yet kitii. Tiie following toast v 8 proposed:? Toe\ Ques'ion?An early, ami able and equ table Ki t'.leriieiU thereof, uc ui 'iiik ?? nit* irur inicni moaning o ho Treaty of 1783, without any con'prorns?* of the honor or integrity of tlm wo U.oat Nations.? [Imrni'DHt: and coiKimnd chccr* n#rMr. FVnthcrsonhnujoi rosn and said? Mr. Pr. si l? n',? din nl'tisKiii which you lavr niadw to mo in tin* toast which ha* just men m> warmly received, and th flisnn;i ishcd manner in which y 11 have been 11 eased to receive me at jour festival, may pprar to give yon and the gentlemen prosnt sonc claim upon inc for a passing no. ice of the official dums in 1 have ?r sonn* limn been engnifd. * I l> lieve i do not transcend my duty j On ii I st ie that aflci a long and car- till fiidy oflne history of llv i ase, an ' an %. mn.ilion r ,rl" aith ilig' HCe and eu >gy, I ll'" llh SiC.I I l?l'ilOr:il.l.u ?.l'l .p.'ilom f "IJ ?? ? " * **! ? <>l I s,Hlt?\ Hi <ill the pontic I'svi'ifnil MiuiV'-i iation, ii it my ruin i ;im? that t"t* f?*?I ir?* in ii.this p'iivr mailer to h flail istuu I# ? l? ii ii i in ly ailrihu:e<J |?? (lt'f'tr iv?? irif?>r- j Htioii ami h fatal emli iri - m s.l hv.xiih:J l?v (hf* rrquir iii< n:s. <>| j;,c ? fn I j.r- ' i'Im ill In* l*? ?%? I y ol lihiiU. ' I In- ?" I'll. . ill*. gi*iitU*m?n. f*.r th<- pursuit uf rut in II lll.1t **1.1 <ii HCII'lU'i*, ail n? 'i *:1 I|l ' * "? hit ' <J iui th" nroer *s \ ! .* . i?*.ii it iiii.iik'iiilt ? *r? _? ? run tiii' k 11iv11 i tn<* unknown. But tux ruin in l ii' mi'iu'I |*.ipI?? nf fiif> i :*i'.ity nl (?li it is r<*.iws?*<| hip require to yrt f.iim In* link mui (. ii* U mi * ii. The s>'co.ul ar i'Iii ilriv's t i nun ary Iwiw.jtl *\ o c nuuri' ** :o bejjiri m h; North west A*"jll<i ol N?vu Si'olia, n lint whi< Ii m v r ha?l ?nv existence, an ' Inch never was ?st:ihhHhe'l or tu t upuri 1 any purvey, m her nf i direct or indirvc nd. Its position ilepcnds upon tho pro. t ious ascertainment of t?ro lines, ond the ^ mint of coincidence between thcui would, , hen established, bo the point whero the 4orth-west Angle would he, and that where ho Treaty directs the boundary to begin. Jut since neither of those two lines hove rot been ascertained, and the point of d?*psrure of only one of them agreed upon, it is ivident that tho North west Angle of Novia * Scotia, which is to be an eflcct or result pro'ceding from cuuses, the inherent power >f which we are yet ignorant of, is at'this noment n nonentity, and must remain so mill tho precise direction of the two lines }i fore spoken of is mutually agreed upon, and established. This a sufficient reason why i.ll attenfpts to bring the dispute to a Itnppy termination hitherto have failed, tho words of the Tieaty directing us to begin ut tho end, instead of the beginning und to pursue the enquiries from the unknown to th?- known. Gentlemen, I do not wish to concetd from you who are so much interested in tho init- H ter, that tho investigations in which I have been of lute engaged, hare produced results which ought to influenco Governments thot desiie no territorial acquisitions ut tho exponso of justice and the reference duo to Treaties, as I ?m persuaded is the ca*o ^ with tho two Governments now ncgociating on this important suhjoct. The defectivo information it is hoped and )>uhcved can ho supplied. I say this mucJi bccnuso the rumor is being busy about tno declared intention of the State of Maine to proceed in taking possession of the whole territory in dispute, without awaiting the peaceful proceedings now in progress betwixt the Federal Government und that of Her Majesty. 1 do not believe in those rumors- The Stole of Maine sets too high a value upon the pea 'o now happily subsisting between two countries, and will, I have no doubt, await sw die consti utionnl action of their National Government." Tito of nil tins is, unless both Jovoi nmcnts agree to compromise, by spin tngtiie diUerenco,"they arc as far fiom a ns ever. And if so, they will us usual quarrel for n million till they spend fifty in Dions, nnd then (aid as they begun. Mr. F<-nthei's'onl)Aiigh left St. Johns|at ?n early hour next morning, for Now York, via St. Andrews, on his way to Kngland. Col. Mndgo is now hero, anil it is probable Mr. Featherstonh tugh arrived lust nit'lit. JV. Y. Herald. Correspondence of the Commercial Advertiser. Washington City, Dec. 7, 183 J. "Tarn about, wliool about and d jjust <>. ?. Ami w ry tune you turn about jump Jim ? Ciow." There is a liulo merriment among unjust now, ? the expense of my honored friend T. II. Li Miton, of Missouri. LI.i received, it Hi'oins, n specie cheek for one thousand dollars (or his nitfeago from St. LnUis to the cnpilol, but such was his sudden nnJ unaccountable dotostatinn of tbe specie featoie mi tne chock, he instantly sold it to a broker in ties city for eltvrn hundred in the pnp'T of our suspended hanks, mid is now ( mill' rslmill. iMii'llilt' ln? rnrrmil I with ilics'' bank rag- ! Verily truth is s;ranI g*T than fiction, lit: ? ho but n short time since daz/Jed and b<'dixnncd tlm whole naI on \\ i h die splendor ?d li s golden dreams, mid ro'h-d lie Mississippi back to its fountain bead a solid column of virgin gold, now barters away even die real ty of bis visions for tbu rags of a suspended b ink ' TMK SI'O.NCR FISHRRV. When at the Island of Khodes, I went to die sponge fishery, which is curious und interesting. It is a laborious nnd danger- Ak ?us employm- nt, but so lucrative, that five or six successful day sufTird those engaged in it the m wis of support for an entire year. The sponge is attached to rocks at dtr bottom o| the sea, serving as a retreat to myriads of a small crustaceous animals, which occupy its Cav ti s. The fislierinen dive * | for it to the depth of even a hundred feet, and sometimes continue for five or six mil uies under water, unless the quantity ??l sponge th'-y may have collected becomes inconvon cut or unmanageable, when they urn batilod m the surface by the crew of the tiout to which they heloi.g. Tiio divers < <*casino illy fall victims to sharks that attack tln m under wa er. The sponge is e _ .1 - i - . * ?-u iiih inarKi'i oy ueirig pres^tl 'O ti sIndgn the un m.tlcu!ic it coula.ns uuJ af:or. wards in I \ o lo deprive it of tnuci agiou.-a mutter. Mars. Mirmont. TRANSFERANCK OF VITAL lOWi.K. A noi uncommon chuso of loss of Mtal power* is the young stooping with the nged. This l.icl. however explained, has been long ; rem irked, and it is well known u> every on- , prejudiced observer. But it lias benn most unaccountably overlooked in medicine. 1 liavo, on several occasions, met with the counterpart of ihu followii g case : 1 was. j a few years since, consulted about a pale sickly mid th n boy, of about five or six years of age. ||e appeared to liavo rio specific ailment, but there was a slowr and remark :hie decline of flesh and strength, iiui oft iu energy of ull tin functions,? ^ what his m< ther very aptly termed, a brat' blight. After inquiring into tee history of the cii?o, it cameo n that lie hud been a IOC J?t Ull I III.?lliorle r?k.l*J .... '- ' . .1. i l . W Up KKJ III?* IHiril year, when his grandmother, a very |? 'laon. took hit i 'o s| ;y? m i'lt ; 111:. lie soon ?if' rw .|\U in ?c ii h ^ooU leaks ; and lie hud coiitm.i. .J t<> Ivclino ever Kinco, nolwith?' ii*' ov'tlii in.i inutmont. I directed in .< ;> from his ug?*d parent, and ^ (? ** .?'i l? <1 t<.n es. eli ?i>Ro of uir, <Src. The .* ,s rapid. It is not with chid. ?: < v ' i i debility is induced by this mi of ntiK ra "lip;* vital pow??r. Yt?un<? ?n? .ies ni.iiri'd to vcryo'd men eull'-r in a * >il ii ma. n? r, though not to the sam? ckt at. T i v: facts are often well known to t 'O lined themselves, who consider the in !'ilt'en?e 1'ivorjbJc to longevi.y, uud thtrc.. ioi-e often illustrate the selfishness which, in so e perincreases with their venrs. Dr. Coplimd's Dictionary. S \i y Tho iisand African slaves huvahct n .and d on iIkj coast of Brozi! in the Inst s.x months. . ,jk f