University of South Carolina Libraries
t H<tt' |t has bent tryly said that S ?"? *?{* *?*? jhaBpnd A*c<?|"?i*n* *. TlW%tt*r day W wur?t oonverahij; 4 our-mo^jj^cfblo fellow ciijjfpfe who wusjtn AdkfXt man " l*lnladdplii*, .j? daya gorm by, wlun fr was ' thought it yittue to be industrious and ?-eo i|km*cnl, inroad of extravagant and shn wy. awful evJUatbich ara now sanctioned by r * litMttftfiihtig customs of society. ?*,i . ^iEtJjfltiWRmun 'old us n li ilo incident, Kjt b- wbJqirheVid "no idea-ape would wnavo into ^ paragraph ; but which alrikts ut at to Wtie an itjustroion of' Ut? mode of getting uo'ai the present day by many, that wn i ,r lie wilt excuse the use we now m ike of ** . f*a certain occasion, Joseph Hnuna- j part* ^a* 4n tin* ciiv, from h's country i >o$i?Jenco at llyrdentown, with sjmo inmn> | lw?r? qf lfis family* and one of the young |.idles w?ns iU*sirotfs of pan basing a fashion able hat for tljn season. Ttioy entered it fon s'nre on Chesnut street, and alier the young lady htn.1 selected a leghorn lint which she fancied, tbe price was asked, and (> ?ual Spnrilltcrs wi(i told sisty dollars ! Ha repltbd, uf must dr rime to buy it then : true, j I can nflord it, but 1 will not set so foulisn j an example." ^ i ^ day or two afterwards, the fl'ppnndao}?ht-wof a dealer in meichacdi/.f dropped | into l|io same store l? g*t her ?i . hut for the tMajod.?Tim one which the young Udy ofibe Count's family had select. j ?d, wtta shown her. She wns delighted with it?especially "as the Huonapurtes hud funded it,'" nn I of course was scut home, aiid ih? On her pnssetl a ch<**fc for the sixty dollars. Well, it was ndmired nml tnlk??l nhout, but wbfK* business wait it, "since her . father was so very rich and tli?;y could afford it V* " Aye there's t!??.* rub," for in , * ! *>? than four months, the father filled for four or Ave hundred thousand debuts, but ; |fh? d.-togltiar luid thro vu us: hi tiio sixty dollar tint us "out ot season." Who will i?;?y mere not great ?I?f"!-.reneo between [ |lm go Ad Bensa of the father who \v*ik really | rich enough mbuy the s'Vtv-do! nr lint, and j would not* because he thought ii a bad example, and tMe do?.|er, w lui was proba- i hly colu|(,tjli'il to burrow mon-y to pay his j note*, tliv H'imfi d*y be was weak enough to l>e so Kwayod l?y the ub. urdity of fashion, us to pay sixty dollars f??r an urti',,?i that probably wits never in reality worth a t' ir.! ; uf the sum? When society shall b ivo been purged of such fooleries, much will , Imen accomplished towards preventing tho periodical recurrence of "hard tun* s." hive wholly receded fiom the in liniriourdnd prudent of those alio went before us.?S ilurday Courier. The 'fiising Generation.'--In Now Or ' loans, 4bnys hardly high enough to look over - th? board, piny at billiards and leii-pntx. and bet freely, on Sunday.' So says a N Orleans piper. Such boys as those ? ii! bo j *' apt one of these days to get high enough to look over the boards of a sea Hold. . ~ A B.U.. Concerning the Estate of Habitual Drunkards, read theJirst jime in the House of ! Representatives, Dec. II, ISd'J. *> Ite it caao.tfd, <Sic. Tin*! eucli and every person, who. by habitual di uitlcnnshn : be rendered incnpablo of prudouily nianag 1 trig his estate, or dealings, may be prue. ? j dad nguibst eithvr in tbo C. urt ofCouiinon Ploes, or the Court of H<ju<ty, h\ a I lt?lilii*? 1 * ? KW IfM Ulllll^ IWIIII imt lilCl, Ml IK ' UltMl ) y the fun ly of tluci) person or 4?v ntiy of U*"Rj,?r by any o'tlyr poison lor 1> ir b iiefis, owl 10 bo verified in lifts affidavit of the pu. i -i? lion, or any oltor credible person: wle-re. upon, u cnmjisaion in the nature of a wr t ile htmtlic# inquire rulo, ahull is?ue to inquire ! into the fhoi charged ; ami if it be found that lite said fact is truly charged, a shall be Hppotn'od to take charge of the person and estate of tlio said drunkard, which tionuinKce sluill givo bond and s?> p - 11 curtly for tho faithful peiforiinincu of Ins trust, and shall have all tins power, an I b?* f hubte t<? all the duties, r.s in cases ol lunacy, |T4' and shall ittnke annum neurits to the Omit appointing htm, toochioe the estate in lii> h inds, and Ins dealings in r 1 'lion tlicieto ; ^ tind also as to the condition of the s u I drunkard, uud shall i>. recoverable from lis uppointmetit hy the (\>nri winch made i ; , and rimer the Judges oi m* Court in which such proceedings ahull bo il.sii utud, shall be competent to make uny or-h r therein, uilticr in v:i<*n ioti. or term time ; i.s ..I a> for the superceding of the coinn.i tie, which shall bo done, upon sati-daetoi v J " " " h ting udducod that tho said drunkard li s hern thoroughly rclbnwd, und hitlnuidly sober; nn I i. is lier< hy decl.irtd ami enacted, that every aoiitnut, bargain, or s-mru ty, sale, transfer, or conveyance ofp??. loadu or en ured into hy such drunkard, trom the time after tin: appointment of it committee as aforesaid, until die said cominittee kIi ill be superceded, shall Ik; null and void. FHl?:r* OF UKt'NKUNNESS. While Jorl Bccsun, an iuteres ing htie boy between eight and nine years ol' ii^-, the only child of a highly respeeiuhln Widow Iwdy of thin neighborhood, was coining hum Hamburg in company widi several wag on?, owing to the misconduct of some j drunken wagoners, the Itorse that lie c .?? driving ran o(V and threw him. A small negro boy, who was riding another lanse, was also thrown, hut not hurt. Tne horse of the latt? r struck the little whi'o b'?\%? head in passing over him and brokn ins skull. Ho was immediately taken to the house ol Mr. James Shepherd and Me h- , cat Hid procured, hut to no purpose?h r\~ pireJ thy next morning nhout L'lif ??*? ! ? U. Greenville Mountaineer. . TURNING THE TAIJI.R. An oxcnllcnt woman, the mother of fiw 1 children, and made u widow hy the devil * and a grog deuler combined, h.ul a bill a.miiar to tne following sont in to her u few waeka after her hush mds demise? ?-*V. ' ^ \ wt ."f# t ^ <*.. -For fefiroshmen!*, at dtUyront v limes, ? .. $ >, $?*84 Wllst consumate impulenqq} Uow mA$? ? ftx> I?culling liquid fire rffivskptent* t U?t line to #li?t follows, and fed, similar *wi. dowa imitate the wjrtmule. ? As so offset to tb?t above bill, the lady presumed the following clincher ^ ^*To wight weeks confinement to my bed, iu cousequ-nee of on injury I recfekod fr&ni my un? fortunate husband, while under the influence of your flq<ior% 849 OU To sundry breakages by buy "While in tbo s unn simc, f20 00 To maintenance of iu? and my . family for seven tucccssivo mouths, , 294 00 Total, $292 00 N. H. II you ihink this not n ?u ffi cient (iflint, lliero nr?* certain expenses for the burial of my murdered husband ; and if .lint fails, ask your conscience, it von have , any. if you am not ginltv of murder." If all who have husband* bus nuird -r< d , would pursue n similar course, probably i licensed murders would duninish. Lot them pros-ill their hills for duouges, and silo them out, aihJ if taey cannot tecover :Ikj amount, ihcy run nt leas- expose il^ ni 'rderer, and sham* the judges who grant* ed lipn power lo Ki'I. Sjc'rif of the Times. STATU ritNITKNTMRY. The report, presi' to the Legislature, hv i\lr. Pi'i rv. oft 2rOilt?t;?ll?? I ^ ? ??-s*..? of tu?> Special Committee tippoi led at the* last i^BM on of tliul body, on tut* subject of tho pcmtcniiary ayat< in. is mi utile, elaborate tin J eluqnunt piper, loll of valuable information, on I noble sen micnts, nn<l does lino high lionor us n leg ?1 ior, philim hrophist H(id Christum. IK? h i? thorough y cxnmined the suiij 'Ct, nod liought to iieor Oo n nil ilio light, w ueh could b" derived from tli? cwpom-nce of our toator Si.i e#, ?nd Kum_ eon nation*, nod shows coiwlusivolv thai Illllll Utily as Well (Is sound |?< dicyfpronipt us in the adoption of a system, the result of which have been so satisfactory wherever it bus hem tiiud?mid which has changed the puiiisluneiit of crime, from o blind and hrutulr/.ing infliction of vmigeanre, at war , with the split of civil, zoiom mid chrisu uiity, > into u m mis of reformation to the c. itninnl ' < mid a source of revenue to the St to. We j are cert.only In hud the age in this mat ei j' ?our present system ol prison dse. pl n j is t w inns1 wretched imaginable?hcidi.ig ' Olll nders of every grade in euuitinui .1 ng ; fellowship, and l >us hard lung them in | crime ins of producing in tin in point- | eneo mi t ion 'ttdmuti. Twenty one out ol j ilio JJU S ates ofilie Union Ivive nip-a ly i? I | opted llie system, mid it is high jjive tlr.t' \v should follow their e\ triple. The | only objection of any force, i i our op tlion, I to ini! imiiiudiat" adoption of the system. | is the neavy cost watch would attend the or- I ection of the necessary building nnd the ou? fir of the establishment? ut if die fill incest ' oi the S ato nre noi in h condition ;?t nr?? t * lit, 10 warrant the requisite outlay. ut oil events, lot u beginning limad j by npprop* ria is g an annual accumulating fund lor ill" purpos". 'l*iur plan recommended by Mr. Perry is tliui of s> itnry or t? par;.in cu.ifiuene lit i?. labour, adopted .ii tli.: 10 stem Penitentiary oi Poll nl"tpliia, and which is uhnos universally admitted to bo the la st in ex">tu<ane. 'l b . rcinaiks of Mr. IN rrv, on tin; suicidal severity and revolting itn qunlly of our p mil end.*, numbering lid capital offences, some of litem rn re precaditlues in cuinpuison with others, conclusively shew ilie no oi fs ty of radical reform in our criminal lu*. Capital pniiisliiiiuuts certainly luive ' a brutnlising * fleet, oil tliosu who throng to . | witnes-. them nii'l rather produce r?2cUcs?. i i uess tluin cause intimidation in llio vie oils , | ur criminal ; while (lieir undue s verry . most eases, lea da to ||io peijnr, of jiuois and impuniiN of criunii ds. liv? n for into ' iler, i> >s diliicnh to procure a vi r I.el ol cun.I- nidation. i Appeudel to his report is a pcniicntiarx i cu e, pr> pared sv tli gr. ui e re, and niucli j ! .111 a 11 (. |j ;jl llie Jlliuii. I" ?? .......-I- I -J,-.,.,...... Ill VI | in.fnt :o the var ous grades of crime. From tm* code capital punishment is entirely excluded. As a geiicful rule, wo approve I manly of I us feature, but we are not pre. 1 pine J to admit that muriler should not be a.) .\ei pi|on l(i tin; rule, us God himselfbus id'-clirtni * wlio- vor K.-n'letb man's I blood, by in.ui shall bis blood be shed."! Aocomp <o) ng tli rej ort is a b It to e..ri) j out its recommendations in ref<-reiicu to the stolilisinoent of a>, and the en* actmeiit o!"a pooreuinry code. 1 A counter report, the objections o the tV-inteiiti iry system well niucti inge> uity, an l plausibility, and urging its uniipplicaiiility to u slave holding community, where I cioni s aio tare, bneuuse " want of brea i (ho chief source of emtio in otlior countries, ' is unknown, and also insisting on the finno I cial objection of cost, estimated at from $200,00;) to $500,000, as insuperable, was presented by a port oil O! the Commit'ee, I consisting ot Messrs L). J. Jamison, A. G M.i^, T. N. Duwkins, aud J. I'.Ccroil. ( !i?:i f !i'St?r\n f '..uru.f C ollec. ^ (f4 H.iijh Uio, l.uguiru, and Cuba Coflee, <* i** ? & in more, and lor sale, wlioliuulo or rel.ul l?y 1> MA LI OY. Nov. Hfltli, lf-39. 2 3t liunk ofCharleston, S. C. N conformity w it it tbo provisions oft ho cliur. ! J& lor of tins corporation, notice in hereby ' given tliat payment ol llio tliiiti and fourtli instill.' moot on llio addition I capital stock of iIun 15.ok. In ing fifty |>< r cent, or lit'ly dollars on: o ich slum thereof will be roquir d to be inudo at tin' Hank on llio fust Monday and Tuesday in J urn iry next, being the titli ai^Tlli d .ys of waid month. A. G. HOSE, Cashier. December, 5J, 1 839. 6 2t I .. Nails. Ktgs Nail* *nd llrads. a'.sd4 bags 3 in Wrought mi i Horsi^S-ioo N*il?, foj. * sale fry * _ .. ^ J D. MATJLOY. December 4il>, 1S39. v * _ 4 *? ? *. tf ' Public bulo. BY p(*?ni?mon of Tumor llryn? E?q. Ordinary oft'hc*terAcld Diitrict there will U> J told ut llie lato rcxtdtmeo ot George ling decots. ^ <-d on llto 3J of January noxt all ( mono I |tj propei ty of said dttocasad: consisting of 37 nogrrtot, eight hoad of Hor?>i?, ('aal?,nugi,Oiirn, ' Fodder, Household uhd Kitcticn itirillure, Plan- |,< tnlinn 1 mile, Ac. . Terms?Alliumi Qiider fire aullvi cash, til sums *t?ovo five dollar*, a nolo end rood mcttri- ? ty, with interest from dale on a cred.t until the. first of January 1841. q ( II.I.AM MN'?, Adnir. j* 9lb December, 1839. _ 5 St _ _ Kowand's I oiiicMixture. TIIU Agency for Ibis vuhn'ih medicine* J is ut the ' llookstqro" of Mr. Fr.ucd where it may at any liiuo bo had hy the single boitlu or ,,, hy the dozen. * l,{ J. A. INGLIS Agt. ,,| t'hornw April R3!l y Sheriff's Sale. UY order of the Court of f Ordinary w'4l he S> sold at Chesterfield Court Homo on the |vt first Iiionduy in January next all the R-al Kslato u of Ranald .Me Don all deceased, OoiiMitilirig of two l'i tract* of 1m I one on Lynchcu Creek, containing in 335 ncrca. one other trac on tho waters of lilacs Creak coutaiumg 395 acres more or less. I Conditions; ax much ci?h as wul pay tltf I! expense* of Sale; one month'* crodit on the b*l- 1. unce, purchaser giving bond, with good person <1 l? ncuntv and a mortgage to the Ordinary if rcqui- of red. Purchaser p 'Ving for necessary papers. of ShcritT'a Office Chester eld C II. | of December HUh, Ie39. ( 11 JN'O. LVANS, 8. C. D. C? O - If Wood. ci I will furnish Oik and lliekery Wotd, ut ^ 5i) |n>r cord, Cash. A. 1?. LACOSTE. October 4, 1839. 47??f Sheriff Sales. '] ON Writ* of Fieri Facais. xvi'l hp sold'o-fore (lit* Court llouso Door on the firs! \l y 'J" .mil <l.iV following, witliiu tlio legal linu?* the Jf* follow ing property fix. j. 9 100 Acreti of I mil more or less whereon (he defendant resides lying on both sides of tlio road lending from tllntsleifi-?ld Court House to ' l.'iiicoslcrvtili and adjoining the funis of Win. '' llhkuncy at the s vcral suits of John Mas soy ''J'1 for the iiso of the Estate of Johil .Msrscv Do- "l coined ami I'ulitli.i 11 II imitii vs Ev.iii'1 hrout. 1 IlltO Acres of land more or less whereon the ilefi-ild int resides at tlio ?ovorai suits of A llliir, Willi.iin Martin, ami John N. Williams vs. liui ..' aid McDonald. ^ ii lads in I'owe Town, together with the iin- '.j" liroveinonts thereon kuuun anil distinguished ' in the p! .n of said Town hy lots Nns. 7 I and 7a isovotity four and seventy live) containing feel front on I'uwu Street, by feet deep at the suit of John N. Williams vs. Alexander t?ra- IU, ham Admr. ol II. Try on. j 518 Act' s of laud more or Iosr on the sooth . sido of hi jj West fields Creek whereon the defen- '' d mt resides adjoining tli I uids of .Mrs. Ilinson, Sjmiiel White, James Evoiclt and VVidiatu J I _ IVgucs, at the s verel soils of John ( . McKio.xie, I Melv n/.i? ?$ Mathuson, I'otcr 1-. liulickoii and j otln rs vs. Tlirishley White. j Q l'l Acres of land nior.* <?r Io*n on tlio waters * of Foik Crock wher-ou the defendant rcsi<l<*s adjoining the lands of John C. M ing'iui and Mnrdoeli MnKukill at the suit of ilUinc and Covington v*. A!vm Jordan. ! I't oi more or Irss i\ hereon tie* ? dofeodiiil i"Mili'ti adjoining (lit* I.iinl" of(' * MiplcN and i livid Johnu itt ill'' Milt of It. & <*. , illunii' ll vs. I!li .Inaim. R Terms, ("abli, purchasers puying for necessary ii&iiorn. joiin i:v\ns. Soil*. I*. D. S>herilV'i< Olfid' C'li'-st'-rfn 1.1 ) C. II. IKC. 11. \ 6 2 tji i: fflUPlllE s ta TtT-EfliLA HG?d JA.1VARV 1, 1 8 4 0. ?HC3?33T7D. 'V iii Determined to make adequate returns |!t for tin* liberal and inerensing twonrng . n inent j?iv?*n to t'lis |) '|n r. w |< ?? bears d i <?? I Name and d I tins ilie iioi.or mid I.?- " h i s sul the 10 \l I'l li l*. S I" A I 10 ?tin putt. . Ml Its er* |?r?i|?ose, on tne commi-ur'-nit-nt ol ^ ^ i't yar ltilO. lo .*>sne this paper in tin ,|, liil O fiiltii, on ail enlirgi d sliei* of il?e j,., M inmot ? Size, lo exm nil III size and style oj of r* "cuiioil, :o?\ weekly newspaper |?ub. a! i foiled in Ous ri 5 or emuitry. Tint iimsi a' ample uiran. cinant* are making to give j pa to ibe paper s.H those attractions, as n well ^ eonducted I'oliiirul, L'lerary and Miscl- {|( laiicnu* Journal, wlueli the in ?lligencc and ,s good table ol t!ic present nge require. In 1 te its arrangement and execution, and tin: 1 ro amount of reading matter it w ill contain, ( as well as in its early rind laitldul record ,.r v....... r. : i 1 ... , i. r.-., n.i' iu't iimi unniesre, local, n||'l I ^ nwral, the lvMPlllIC STATIC will tic | j,?( tin* quailed. I< v\ i I i- iiiiiiii s'aiitit-h, <ts it i (? cviT'i.u been, in su(?|>o)( ot' sound Demo- ! jri ? r ? ic Whii5 Principles?an icUoeat of : tli Pol?l'?* & IV.valc ICronoiny, Public and pri. ! vale Yir tu*, ICqual II ohts and ICqual L?ws. 111 Xii'I iii- a!? line lor lb?-tfenernl teenier, we ! "j shall spurn no |?aiiis or cxpons* i?> render / (|l the paprr attractive, valuable and tis? fnl.? m The c hoic st select ions wll lie lejjularly c< made from Mi; current Lienuure of .he ku day, to^i liter wi:l? nni|>le original con rih.i. bl t ons fiotn the |i''n? ol able unci practised ei writers. c' R' TIC II MS OF TUB IC M PI HE STATIC. ? l i ENLARGED SERIES. | h OC?*Tl??* |?il| PI Will on III" M tinuioth folio s-?e? , on |?;ij or of siiji?iior ; tl| H'mI'Iv. and he intilul ii pe. n 0-!/" Too pro ' will t?- #'.3.50 per nnniim J |i> ? .11 fill eases hi ii U.nire. No |? jp r S'-ii! 'u ii Iil "It.' money is riT' ivril ; nn l no sub- ; subscriptions rci'i'iviid lor a l< ss term tlutu i fK s \ mo . hi, j Q&" Those who am now subscrber.s, or j r). to avail tliciiiRclvi s of'he priulecu< I j, I ho present terms, tnuy do so l?y enclosine at any time prior to llio 1?R January, iw IH40, and toe paper will bo sen I far one Wi y?'ar. After that date, ill terms will uiva- 1,1 rmbly 1>" per annum n? advance. 1 iiusiiicss letters should k addressed to *!. J. GKKGG VVI LSi )\ &c CO.. Puldiabers of the Empire State, 162 Nassau street, N. Y. Tjy ""pp" ' Bennetts & Moods. rUS'l* roooised sou fqr salo, a now supply ol Lufi'-n and .Minsou Hoods, slso, Ijeghora, lraw and Tuscan ioiiuctts, latest pattern. D. MALLOY November i>Glbr I e39 3 TSlew Stationery. L Largo supply of Stationery lias Item. Into. |y receiver! m tllo Hook Store including lack, Hlue ami Rod ink Quid* of various tpinl. j h, stoel p'ns, wafers, sealing wax. ink powder, iek sand slates, |?ainl* nod paint l>o.?Cs, .a rior geld leaf, Cuinu.'s hair pencils, lot'H Ac. December 4th, 18 38, I Kobyt A Silk iMuuual, IT^OR SALK t toe Iloi I.atore. Chcraw, Nov 15, lr3'J. 1 If | i\ t'\v Books. r ATISLY Received ly w g??n th" following new works at the Hon!;store, viz. : l.i Thrologt/ arid Hrhgion* literature: Hoard, in Oiigtnul Sin, Vi lingo S'?rinooh, Jjuk'ii en inl.liv 'tjoii (. ' id's llellei Covenant Mellow, j IV liiMe Class ,\| .ruial. Signs oftli'* Tines by j . t'nyler, Memoir of Dr !!-- (? li by |)i. 'I'yng. I ihIoiiV Crook in the Lot, Dick's Theology, | cUnen on the Tyjres of the Old TcMann ol. oogil'n works, I'liiiipV Coiilcs complete in [ to vols. McRic on the Honk of Esther, Chris- ' ill,I's Hook, Hodge's History of the j -ishytcrian Church, Ou* ney's Notes, print of the Deity of Jesus Christ In drneral Literature; ('output and Thomson , vol. b vo Hciii.iib forms I vol. 8 vo. ('rilib.i. ! ebcr and l'ollock 1 vol 8 vo. Moore's Wicks. i .. .1 a .. ?-. , f .. v??l u VO. *11111111 K 1ahuth, IHOH. H L'IIIVe|S>l Zetlccr. Metropolitan Pulpit, Lung sketches tli? most ci'l br iti-d living ICngliuh 1'reacln is | ull U"iiomin iliuiiH, l<ord IliuoghiinbisU ilchc* ! Characters in lint reign ??t* t.eorge 111. Dr. I u.ii|ilimv't Tuur, M ip* of S. Carolina, Do. of j imlimis and (> orijii. Also tlio follow ing Srhunl Rtmh.t; Murny'ii | murmur, KnkliumV Do. Lnghsli Header. Jones lamialry, Do. Philosophy, Bourdon'* A!g. bra. i*. Clieruw Nov. 14, If49. 1 tf < arpcntcr's I ools. I ID K nubuoriber litis just rocciv il n verve*, emuve assortment of* Carpenter's 'Pools, ' long which arc, Double and Single. Cant Siocl l >n, Juck, Smoothing, Foro, and Jointer j ?< <>?, Avir.ig tin, Beads, Dado's, Hollo a s and : ninth, Nosings, Oroeiap OvaloV tjniik O. (?. I aiding, Kahhii. Side Itihhil, U .istig. and K.tali ' inou, Curd, t'ovoa tor stop*, Tuhlo j unes. Torus He.ids and Cornice 1*1 men. Ho. in (), O and Fillets, FilloUuters, Snijies Hi 'Ik, 1 itliic, Ceiling, I'l* oring. and Flow Plane*, j ino Donu. Oil Stone*, Key Hole Tenant, d Panel, Hand. Cioss Cut and Frame Sivm, rew Slid" Mortice, ..nd Marking (iuag??, guru. assorted qualities, Mortice, Socket, and ! rnier, CliiM'ln and (iouges, PI it- and Iron j I'M, Si ie B*vil>,, Spoko Shaves, ' <>ck?, 1 ll?J"U, Sprigs, Nail*. Brads. Ac. ALSO Collins* Cluh, Hind and Broad Axes, Ohio d Pennsylvania Patterns, 11 a in nun*, Shingling d Lathing Hatchets. Ac. The ulmve were purchased low and for rash the best manufacturers, anil will be sold cheap r I I). MALLOY. Nnvemlx r 221. 1*M9. 2 1 | New Music. RC15NTLY received at the Hook Store a uiipply etuhilining a considerable variety Songs Sacred, Section litul ami Iltiniorotiii; o Marches. Wultz-s, Ac. mul Music paper. December 4th, I r39 4 tf Blacksmith's Tools. 1 good supply of the above on hand a id forfk sale cheap by i D. MALLOY. December 4ih, !r>39. I i If I'tioKi'Ccrrx of Tier QteZXlZTZl AND (iiiittu adv*:ktim:ii. Tlie Kdilor ot the Cheraw Gazette has t1-*rinincd, at the suggestion of tlie l'ee Dee g.-iciilturai Society, to devote mure space an formerly to Agriculture, ami matters perilling specialty to its interests. About nine iluilitis, or a page . ml a halt wee! y, will be rupied with litis subject, cm op when it mil he necessary to room fur Incentive ess ages, ami a few o'hor polt-i'il papers ich a- every mtel.igent c.tizeu ought to read, large pronortmr. of what iliaM ippear under ; e Agricultural head must, of course, be secled. Hut the numerous Agricultural peri- ' licals now published 111 this country .itloril , luiidanl and excellt lit materials for selection; j id, after a short tune, the reports, and o'ln r ipers of teli l'eu Dee Agricultural Society i iil of themselves form no inconsiderable j idy of original matter, all of it adapted par- | nilarly to tiiis part of the country. And it hoped, also, that among the numerous in I lhgeut and enterpr.siug plante-s of the sur- 1 uuding districts and counties some may he I mi.I who will, occasionally, take the trouble contributing to the t olwuins of the paper the I suit of their exnerieneo ' " ; ~ Fyinale Seminary. JVo. Ill Broad Street, Charleston South Caro ma. MRS. LANGLEY will instruct young L*. die# in all tlio English tranche* or I'olitu j Literature ; and hor Seminary which is located in 'mo of llu 1110*1 hualthy and ptsnsant situation* in the city, shall be provided with tho iuo*t accomplished and respectable tcuchorN in the do. partiuonl8 of French, Spanish, and Drawing. Young Lidii s from tho country, cither for this or iiny other Seminary within tho City can bo accommodated with board whoro duo regard will ( ?.' p.uJ to their luorult, vvhilu under her care. Entrance JJ.? which shall Isi appropriated to furnishing a select library lor tho use of the Scininaiy. October IPVI639. 43 ?3m j\ oticc. f 3j^ II E copartnership of J. Laxnrus A. Co. will w dissolve on llie iirst day of Januury next by its limitation. The subacriWre intending te in-iko a final close of tlu-ir I mines*, desire that nil persons having demands against them should present them foi psvment or aeUlemeiit. JOMIUA LAZARUS. I A. J. .MOSES. Choraw, 2?tli Nov. IbJi). 3 tf ' 0-A3T-&.VT ASi&SSiSi. f STil I'. 1 rt|Kl? < s r- speciliilly aiiliotnieo tluit iho u duties of tlos Institution will he resumed on tho 1st of October ttcxl; the depart* I merit under the superintendence ot Mr. E. llall ; 1 tho Eoiii do under <>f .Mr. J Sewers. 'J'li# j conrs.i o?h*?truction in the mate department, will I he. that rcipilntl io i-m,., tho KmHh Carolina C*dlego . the course in the department wilt lie, to make thorough scliol .rs. The mdtol antic y< ai will commence on tho 1st of October mid end tho til July : tho year is again divided into two sessions : tho ti st Ix gin1st Uc:t?l rr and ends latli February ; tho sccon ... begins Kith Eihriiary and ends 1st July. Terms or' Tuition jier Session are. For Strolling. Ke.uiiug ami Writing $13 00 The above with Arithmetic, Engi-sh / 1G 00 Grammar and Urography \ Tliu above, with the Classics, liighar | raiicncs 01 .iiuuiciuuiics, legtc, > U(J CO j llheloric. Ac. } Five dollars o ich hill l>e added lo tlio oIh>vo for Painting and Drawing, or Iho Modern Lu- , gunge* AH payment* arc in ndvntico ; llio pupil will Ik> r. quired to pay tor what remains of the ? s. moii at the time lm or she enters, nor trill deduction or drawhar It he mndn for loss of time. J. W. BI AKF.NIIY, Mrc-y A. Tieae. ,P. S. Mr. II T. Chapman has takon charr? of toe Boarding House, near the F? tnalo Acinic, my, where Young Ladies may obtain houid at a moderate prioe. 8opt. 3<i 1633. 45 tf ~IU )OK U7NL>1N G7 " Til K subscribers have established themselves in the above lino of business in Cheraw and oifer theirsci vic? s to its citizens. ti. BAZKNCOL'RT, A. CO Cieruw. S C. Jan. '.'(?. Bonks for the bdumhi. f Pill P. Christii Kcepsiko and Missionary U Annual for 1810, 'J Engraving*. The (Jift, edited by .Miss Leslie, for 1640, 3 En graving*. Holiday House, a scries of Tides by Calharirfo Sinclair. The Minister's Family, by a Country Minister. Family at It* atlierdalo or the Influence of Chris. tiun Principles. Li tters of F.liz ? Wilkinson during the invasion and pos of Charleston, edited by Mrs. 1 Oilman. Ac. For sale at tha Bookstore. Cher w Nov. 15, 1333. ----- ??* _-r lf h'omnlo 1 n>titlil?on. F31IIE fitd M'aMnii of the Buckingham Fe- i in do liinlitulion, for the ensuing year, ' w ill commence on the aocos.d uionday in January next. I <>ari!i't? wti! be a<* 'omnindut>t<i by fjmi'.imiii ilu' village or l>y the i uiu:i|> I of I'm intlitntion J !* rson* wlio wikli to ol>l tin lor.1 und tuition l. r i aouhjj I ulica urc requested to niako curly up|>li? ! oa'i i). 1 November 22.1, 1830 2 6t | ( 'hecsc. fk tjK Ci?krf ClietKo, j lit received and tfw JL *JF lor trule l.y I) M ALLOY. Noveinln-r Ofith For Sale. ; jf ARCH'. Maps of M:>>issn ;>i and Alabama Ml sh-wiog tlie I'll til i.i .t ii el Indian I In. li s Illinois, Iviinl districts, Township* A c, cngrovod roil) I it UnvernniMit* Mirvey* ami in ilie tieiieijl I,.in.l Olliec, Wunli. ingt hi (lily, by K (Jilh. iu, (iraiiglsiiiaii in tlic j ( i iiiT it I. mil (Mlii'C. K. 1'uylor, book Heller, Wushii g'r.n City, hits | just publi.dMid (Hid secured (lie eo|>_\ r glit .inor ling to law) the above Map*. W llieh will be lonnd infinitely more cmnpl. le and accurate tlnin any heretofore published. They arc |>uh!iuhcd on separate sheets, each containing nearly six square feet, and will hi? found especially useful nun vuujuuio 10 iiiom mtcri sixl 111 tin' lands of either State as they show every item of niforiu i. tiou wlii li ;s in possession of the l/iiiil Office relative to w ater courses, tow nsliip lines, Indian land and Reservations, land Districts, ?Vr. and wlill l>e found perfectly accurate and pr -ciso in lioso points. Tlicy can Im> rent !>y mail to any part of the United States, subject to mi gle 1< ttor postage. I'KIC'K two . o'l.r*, 01 three copies ol either will In? Mill li\ mail for ft dollars A liberal discount Will lie made to travi lling rig. fits or to any who will buy to sell again. IIJT Kdilors of newspapers any where who will give llio above advertisement (including tins notice) one or two insertions, shall receive hy return mail a copy of each map, if tin y will send u copy ot the paper containing it, to thu advert iser. November 12, 1839. 1 t f Teacher YV'antcd TSJ^t) tako chaigo of the t'iio Academy, nino HL miles east of Bcnnettsvillo, .Marlborough District S. competnnl to teach the l.nglish branches generally and the I'ladsies, of winch satist'.cloiy evidence must be furnish'd ; as aiso that thcapplicunt sust .ins i good character. The Seliol istie year is divided i.:to two sessions of I ac Use oh: ll !i,?i - . . II' 111 M niiiii.l iy in J mil -.ry. w h<'ii there wiil l? a vacation i! twnvv k? Ivloic l.i< co.iiuiuiicumciil of the S I'IMll S.t>|l, l oimuuuic I'ioiiN addressed 10 the subscriber it Clin w. l li tvo flue attention until llio'Jl li of l)cC iiiLh r,w lieii llii' fleet ion will lake platO. Tilos c. wr..\ niKiiiiV. Secretary. Ciio S ('. Nov? niticr, lKI'J. 1 :u New (ioods raiur. ndiKci ib. r is again opening a stock of 0. goods in C'li raw, wall adapted ' llin sea. son. v.hndi lio i.s prepared to si ll at pi ices very much iced, either by n liuli n ilo m retail. Ilo bought a l.uga ptoporlinn of his GowU at the New Y??ik paclt igo . ilea in Soptem'ier last, with a view of whole* tiling and is confident lie can sell tliom n? low* us they can be bought in any of the Southern towns. i>. B. McARlV. November 1839. a tf Among the so jrc's w Inch will cn;* ig" tin? ; Jit or"** attention t l?r* rul'nre ol silk sh i I m>l , ? overlooked. An*|*U* his ructions will be J ven. in the.r proper season, for cultivating p rnorus mul'icaulis and making silk. The paper will espouse the cause of no party ; pollu<>-. but shall contain an impartial sum j ary of political intelligence, ami, ccaeionally, , lie speeches anil well written essays (\\ hcn ; ct with) fairly discussing the principles and I ensures of all parties. It is believed that e | unpar tlively surill space devoted to political I ihjects in this way may be made tno.e pmlil.w e to the Farmer of domestic habits, w ho w ishi to be acquainted with the true state of the uiitry and qualified for a proper and infeih. : lit discharge of the duties of citizenship, th i whole sheet tilled, front week to wiek, and 1 jar to year, wish one-sided discussions, .ml f mi re ! ?<t ?tl.lors .nnl politic .m-,? { l lie I line, il will not la- c hoi ' nl to est neighoor In in neigh'i"r, ?r mislead oho a belief lha' on" half ol the >1111? ry are less pa'riotic I 111 the o tier, or ss ar lently atl-Klmd to our n puhacan insli. i >ns. .So ii ucli of the fourth page a*-hall not he ' CUpied with stand.nrr a.U.r " 1 morally !>< liilcu up w>iii mutter of moral ami l.jr.ons f.ifl, ami ar icli .> conducive, mni'inr I specie. to proper family tnslriKiiou ami family ! iciplim*. II ilit* increase to the subscription list upon iu my; tlii? l'ro>|<?cius kI ia 11 In- Millik'icut to trrant the exp? n.-r, new *y|K? vvi.l bo pro. j ir?d, luriliwiili. f?r 'In* body if tbo pap r ; , at is for ttie part mnv in inled hi Urge lo tor ; id at llie eoiniiioiioonirnt of Hie next voluuv o t'tlo of tbo paper v\ ill be cli im^im! to iinert' Gazelle and ('heraw Advertiser. Kor 'IVriits ace lust pug*. September, 1*J30. | Sale Real Relate BY order of the Court of % Diati ict in il<? case of TnwW tftubbs | hud ?vifo va Samuel McDaniel fold at i IionncUSville, Marlborough Diitrkt . inonduy in January next{witbin the uiunabo) the real Estate of Jolui Standard McDatuwbdfc. tuining tliroo hand rod and fifty ilx acres, -furs or lens, lying on Crookod CiNk in Hid DUtrict, and boumVd by said crock, by ttwlhad* of J. D&< * aid, Johu Taylor and Hicks' land. Ttie conditions of tho Sale art to follow The pureliaae money to bo paid W the first day of ; Jjiiu ry A. U, 1841, with interest bom ths day j of sals, except so much a* fa necessary tb dsfsay I tlio expenses of tbo sals, which is tb be paid iu cosh, liond and personal security and a n>o*lgugoof the prt^oiaoa, Purchasers to pay for f bo necessary couvovhnci *. ? . GEO. W. PARGAfl, jO Commissioner in Equity. I)cQ*mh*r 4th, lo33. ? ai _ in Kmiity. Marion hi stria?Sp. Ca. M.ilconi St fiord and "1 M t t'.unpliell A (loir's and Admr'x Dill for partition oi 1>. Catnpbcll dt e'd. > *V. I v*w M oore S. Wo Iter and J wife ct alios. J IT appearing to my satisfaction that More S Waller and Miry his wife heirs and diwtri loiters ol Duncan Campbell deceased, and Pc. Pendants in tlio above stated case, are out of, , and beyond the limits of this statu. It is, on I ruction of ll.ulloe Elliott Complainants, Soli- itors, Oidcn <1 that they do plead, answer or demur to tho Hill of Complaint in the said Case within Ihito monthts from the dato her or the said Hill will bo taken pro confcsso og iCnf. a them. , inst EDWARD B. WHEELER, Cominiaakuier in Equ Coinmivsioners Office, I ily Marion C. II. Oct. 1 1839 ( 48 Chcrnw 13ucon. HA.MJS, Shoulders, and tildes, of my own f curing, lor sale. Terms, Cash. A. P. LACOSTE. Octotier 4, 1839, 47?tf Notice. BY content of the heirs of tho lute Motet Sander*, will he told at Darlington C. II. un uiondut the 61I1 January next all (he Ueal Estate, consisting of Plantations, lo's in l>ar. melon village. An Ac. Persons wishing t? purchase will do well to attend. Terms at sale. J AS. B. McCALL, Adm'r. lOili December, 1339, ? 5 Notice, THE aubtrrihor talus great plea so re in re. turning tli inks to his cu?tontora for the pa I yen for the liberal patronage extended to* wards him, and embraces this op|tortunily of in. forming them that he intends carrying en the Slack Smith business in all its branches at the muiKt formi'ily occupied by Daniel McDuffic.? (Iu will shoe horses at $1.01) all round; sham (minted with steel 81 2r>. Plows uiay be had ready stocked tor the field. There will be at. Inched to the Slack Smith Shop a Wood Shop in the house opposite Moore's Hotel, where all ku.oa of wood work will bo dune at the shortest no*, tice. ANDREW MILLED. December 12: b. 1 >39. P. S. II u wit-lies all lliot-e indehtrd to him for work douu, to call and settle by the first of Jsn II rv, 5 3t Notice. A LI. persons Imviiigclaims against tho Estate .'a of Daniel McC-u-kill deceased late of this place, arc r< quested tu prusont lti?m lawfully au. .tieiilicated, on or bi fore the tifih day of January next, as that is the lime appointed lo apportion , the property among the heirs, and to nettle tho claims as tar us wo tnay l>c able. M. Met* AS KILL, Agent for ALKXU. McCASKILL Exr. | Dceenihor Lllh. I 3i?. ! _5_ <4f i,%or {Sale, f ] 5.000 Morus AJulitcaviis Trees, J50.0O0 " ?* Cuttings. Abo. 5 i0o SILK WORM MGtig. The above Trees and Cuttings are very fine, md warr luted to b< llio genuine Mutes Mut/rr ,V ims ; some of tin tree* are seven feet high { )m cult i g? an: from trees of one, two and three y< ars old, well ripci ctl wood, one b?id to eacli cutting. Tho eggs are of the kind which pro. Juco white and yellow cocoons?mostly unite? am) a part of tuein raised from the second crop this year. Orders for any of the above* addressed to nit, ' will be punctually atlcmhd to, und tilled in the I order in t^h.cli they arc received ; is, first \ come first nerved. It is desirable that applies1 lion be befoic the first of November nejtt. us -ibout that time I will commence preparing my ground and planting the next year's crop. v> ih s made at tlte current prices at the time of delivery. Any cemmiliiication mnde te me on the subject oi' tho Milk Culture, will la* in oniptly an. awe red. Ill'tSIl CUAlt?. | Chest, rfield C. II. Aug V.\ UJ31I. *42_ lf_ {South Onrolinti. H !u rlho rough I list ri ft. William McDaniol, JoliuC. Mcl)uui?t Applicant*, vs. M iry Wilkeson, Obediah Marls, Wiley Murls, Klisalieth Mirls, John Maris, William Marls, George M rU, Andrew Marls, and Naucv Mr Dlliiel iru trili in - e? ? ? tn v 'uniiii, Mary Ann McDan'u'l,, Ira McDamol and William ! Mr Daniel minora. Defendants. It uppo ring to my s it intact ton that Obediah loir's Elisabeth l'.aila, \\ ilii.tiu Ear a,' George ! lO.ii!u .tin) Andriyv Earls tivo of the defendants, i resulc without litis Stule ;?it is therefore ordered tli it tin y do appear and object to the division or sale of the retd us Into of (ieorgo Mc Daniel on ' or before lito thirteenth day of December next ! or tin ir coiibcnl to the lame ? ill he i-ntdrcd of ; record. * L. K STUIUJS. Ordinary of Marlboto District. ) October 11, 1H39. 49 To Hire. Wlhh l<e I ircd on the first day of January ncxt twelve iik -ly ne^ror* belonging to tin- Estate of Abxaloni Uurn late of Marlborough ^ D .-liiet. llireuig wi'l commence at II o'clock J at 11. I., liuill's, l'iaiiUtion*iiear Ihtrn'a Mill on J lltg Juihjhv. J. VV. 151'KN, K. I. UL1 UN. Dsi-cutors ol' the f'atato of Absalom 11 urn. j Dec. 19, 1330. i 0 lit f 11 A VV K 8 Ac A k 1. C N / DKNTIITS ?jf; No. 8 I'arL Place. Neto York. 0 ?WK. I1AWKS h.ut tikon roomi at Mr / ySH All IlUwmtHot A where ho pwl^b* huptiy f 10 rue,)|Td the ouHa of ary who may wish tho i , J aorvicoa of a Deritiat. l*adiea who prefer being / 1 waited on at their residence can be uceommndi tod. M "f / Utcvmbcr 20, 1830. C?tf r