University of South Carolina Libraries
* ^ by he vwl* exeu9t? tho two JMMnovr ?i ike of * # ''iff*' ^ ^ "fXi a tiertnifv occOsimvJhicph OhuMfMrtb was:^n tin* ciir. from his country i Josiflonco ?t Byrdenwvfi, with iom*> hojso^fKTs thmii V, ao'l brio of 4l?o young I tflifs win tb??irotis of p > < hosing a f?v>- i Jonubl* hut fo* tW oonsnn. Tho.v ?iit?rt?il i it r?n afore oil tiUhm street, nnd nfW the young litdy Htnl suluctod ? leghorn lint which she fancied, the f?i-ice wnt asked, and C >unt 2-wi liters w<> s!?ty dollar*! Ho reid, %i1 rnfth*. decline lo but ii then : tru*\ nn affordbut I will not set so foolish j *&nrtiple." . , JL day sir two afterward*, .the fl-'ppnn' dadjHttst/lffrdeaj.or in toeichaedixtr dropped into tiho sam.0 store ?et horn fashionable hut for the suutuv?Th* one which the ' young lady effbe Co\mt* had select. nd, Wee showi" tier, Site urns delighted with it?especially "as the Buonapartes hud fancied it," nn I of course was sent home, , Ajtd the Oi'Iht passed a cherfc for the sixty ; " <k>llnrs. 'Well, it wus admired itnd InHwid about, but who** business wm it, "since bor | father was so Very rich and tliov could afford it V* *'Ay<? there** tlie rub/' for in ; * leas tjian ftuir irooihs, the fhrtier faded for four us fcre hundred thousand dollar*, but j 4* the d wialMHr liud thrown aside tlie sixty I dollar oat .as "out of season." Who will j day there was not great difference between ; ,|J. . r ?-- - in inn inner WHO wns realty rich enough lo-bui the K'Vty-dol ?r and j wouid not, because h" thought it a b:id ; example* arid dealer, who ?vm probi* i l?iy cotnpdped to borrow inon' v to pay his j note's, the tmme day he was weal: enough to ; tie so liy the ab.urdity of fashion, ; n? to pay sixty dollars for mi articfa Mint probably Urns wver in reality worth n tvir?l j ufthesmm? Wltou society stin'l bnvobwn purged of such fooleries,'mtch will h.?v<-> 4 iiown accomplished towards preventing ' tho periodical rocUrronco of herd l?eh*ve wholly receded from tho inJuslri- ' dus'dnd prudent of (hose who wont > before us.?Saturday Courier* . ; HgjgUJiC RisingGeneration.1?In Now Or- ' _ ftlj|n|i *boys hardly high enough to look over i 'jjHHBBHpQird' piny at bil|iarJ* nnd leu-pui*. v^niftdllol freely, do Sunday.' So say* a N"w Orleans jkijmt. Su-th boys as those will be | *?tpj one of these duv* to get high enough to look OV' r the board* of a sea Hold. A BiU.. Concerning the Estate of Habitual Drunkafts, read ike first jftne in the House of \ Representatives, Dec. II, 18;IU. ? Re it totalled, Ate. That each and every ' peraon, arhoj by habitual diuuk<*niv">s, sIumI i * ? bo rendered iijcnpnblu of pro iooi'.y in uri;; i ?qg oi? ramie, or uttunngs maj be I'roi'. r- j del nguaiat eithsr in the C.url nl'Cimi- ; ?, li?e Court of Kquuy, by ? 1 petition sottihg r?? nil the fact, to bo filtil by tira fcitrfly of Much person or by *ny of thcjn.Ofby any o lt -r person lor ih it b nrfit, , and to be verified in tUo affidavit of the pu. lion, or am o hor credible persbu : where. ^ uppti, a cnitiuwiou in tho nature of a wrt de henaiit*inquirendo, shall issue to inquire I into tfw feci charged ; and if it be found that > ih<; said fact is truly charged, a comtnitioe hHoU ba Hppouitnd lo take charge of the person and estate of tho said drunkard, winch coir ' una* shall give bond and so?c*;" '.hu failhful peifommucu of his frtisf, and shall have all the power, and bWnblt tb ?h lite duties, r>s in cases ol lunacy, and shall ?*ke uiuiopl ro'urna to the Couit t- :* * appointing nan, tndctunc the estate in lti> httMilft, and h?? dealings in r lotion therein ; ^ ttnd also ns to the condition of the said drunkard, uud sh .11 b.? recoverable from It s Uppoiuhnetit by the Court which made i. ; , utid rimer the Judge* ol tmi Court in which such proceedings shall be insti.uiMd, shall ' ho competent to make uny therein, cither in vacation, or term time ; as also for Iho superceding of the cointni;?:e, winch hall bo done, upon satisfactory evidence b'ing udducod t|n?t the said drunkard It s befell thoroughly reformed, ttnd hahitudly sober; nnd I is hereby declari ?1 and enacted, that every ooiitr ict, bargain, or seeurL tj, sale, transfer, or conveyance ofptoperiv, tnado or ?t?:urod into by such drunkard, from the tiroe after thu appointment of a committee as aforesaid, tint>| ;he said comraWtee shall be sunercuded, shall be null ' " . and void. ?BUIM OF DKl'NKtNNESs. v % , While Joel Beosort, an interes in? li tle boy between eight and nine yours of age, inunniy ciiini of a Highly respectuble Widow Judy of this neighborhood, was coining Voni Hamburg in company with several wagons, owing to the misconduct of some drunken wagoners, thu horse that Indriving ran oflT and threw him. A small negro boy. who was riding another Immm:, was also thrown, but not Inu t. Tin? horse of tiio latter struck the lniic while b>\ head in passing over him and Uroko Ins skull. He was immediately taken to the house o! Mr. James Shepherd and Me h- | cat aid procured, but to no purpose?h v\~ | pirei thu next morning about ?iglit nYlo k. ; Greenville Mountaineer. ' TBKNINO THE TAHLR. An oxcallent woman, the mother of five children, and made a widow by the devil * and a grog dealer combined, bud a bill Similar to the following sont in to her a few W^k? afu r her hush inds demise? j*,v v v s ^ fOTyreqi * w ^ do^hniiiue ^i* lifrw\pje^ As no offVet to 0h> above. bill, ibe Iddy presbhtud the . .yH??rifTg dlfopher I r* " * J|lCVVM*UrtM W?A conlhunrwnt K> * mjr bed* in nbttHcquuoe of an ? mjary I r*s r*iv?d from i y ui|? r fortunate husband, while utl'Jef r* the ii.fl.ii'iirx ?>r your fiqnfrr% * ?48 00 . To sundry breakages bj bitg'white , , in llionune bHuo, $20 00 T<> mu'Dturflnou of m? ?'?d my Itiliily fbr seven successive >mouth*; * . Httl 00 * Wf* Total. *39? 00 *N. B. If you* think tPlji* tn?t n sufficient} uITm, there ur*. cerium expenses for tl?* hi*r?al of my murderm^ husband ; and if dint fails, ask your conscience, if you have | miy, il you am not guilty of murder,'* If all who have husbands bus niwrd <r< d would pursue n similar course, probably licensed murders would diminish. Lot (hem prrviil their bills for damages, and aim them out, and if tboy cannot iscovsr , tlie amount, they can at leas' expose the murderer, and aham* tliefU'iges wlio grant- ? i< d him power to kill.. Sprit *>f the Timet. * 1 I STAT* MMITR2*T! A RYs t Tli#1 report, prencoted to the L'-gialaturv, by Mr. Perry. of Greenville, as Oimirinni of too S pee in I Conunitt' C nppoi ted at the* I Kit sens oil of thai body, oil the subject of tile penitentiary *yst< in. isnn able, elaborate anJ cloqiiunt paper, full of valuable information, an I rtoMe setr mouits* and doe* him high honor as a legsl-ior, philtm hrophist arid Christian. Mo. has thorough y examini'd the eulij 'Ct, nnd bought to tieur on it at) din light, w uch could b" derived from 111" iwperenca of our sister Sla ef. and Kur<?_ ' ran nulioas, and shows oonHu?ivol? that 11 humanity us Well as sound p.d.eyjprompt u? 1 to the utloption of-a aystnm,-tho result of ( which have been so satisfactory wlu?rever h tt bus bqt tt tried?mil which has chang**! I the punishment of crime, from n blind and 1 hruiuli/.ing infliction of vengeance, at war ' with the split of civilization and christiniiiv, into a minis of reformation to the criminal tl and a source of rcv.-nuo to the St do. We ^ aro certainly behind the ago in this mutter u ?our present system ot prison d se pl n is the most wretched imaginable?holding , offenders of every grade in eon amm d ug i fellowship, ami l ius hard- nwg them in ' crime ins'.oad of producing in them point- j enca and am tidoien . Twenty ono out of iho 51U Sate* of the Union hive nlra ly ad i, opted the system, mid it i? hud, iin>?< - ----- ? ? tf ' * iv s'iouIc] follow thoir example. The j only objection t?f any lorce, in our opnion. :o too immediate adoption of tlio oyslcni. , im ?lie heavy cost wniub would attend tlie erection of the necessary building and the out- < lit of the establishment? ut if dm fin inces ' ol tiio S.atu art* not ui h condition, at pre ( s ilt, 10 win rant the requisite outlay, at nil cventa. lot Q beginning b" mudo by npprop rin ieg uu unuuul accumulating fund lor dm j purpos". Tne plan recommended by Mr. Perry is , iliui of solitary or u parote coofuMtnunt tu ' labour, udopleJ in tlio li stern Penitentiary ol I'nil idelpliia, and which is ultnos universally admitted to be the b"it in cxwtuone. Tim remarks of Mr. Perry, on tbo suicidal severity and revolting iuequully of our penul cod.*, numbering UJ capital offences, 1 some of tbeni mi re precudilloes in cotnpai. . son with others, conclusively shew the uu ocfs.ty of radical relunn in our criminal I i.. / ? ! 111 w. vipital punisUiaiuiiU certainly liuvo a brululising effect, on those who ihrong to witness tlicnt ami rather produce reckless, uess than causa intimidation iu 'tho vic-ous ur criminal ; while their undue s ven'v ? most cases, leads to the perjure of jmois and hnpuitii) of criuim ?ls. l?v?-n for mm t der, ii is dilHcui. to procure a vi r ul . eoinh iuii'iiiot). I Appeude I to his report is a peniientinr) , cu e, pr< pared w ill gn-ui c .re, and much ' judgment hi the apportionment ul* punishmailt to the vur<ous grades of crime. From tms code capital punishment is entirely ex' eluded. As a gcicrul ruin, wo opprovi! Highly of tins feature, but wh an* nut pre. ! pntcd to admit that murder should not he aa exception to the rule, as (Jod himself has | dee I ired that * wluvvor sendeth man's j blood, by man shall his blood be shed." j Aecompuiy ng tli>> report is u b it to e..rry ! out its iccomiiiiMidatioiis hi reference to the stablisliinciit of a peniteiiii<ir>, und the enj act men i nf a peniieiiiary code, j A counter report, the objections to (lie Pemtenti n-y system with mucti ingc1 uity, mid plausibility, and urging its unappli. ! cutiiliiy to u slave holding community.wliere ; ciinies mo iare, bocuuse 4* want of" brea 1," ! ii... ~u:..r * i..v uiu i source m crime in oilier countries, I in unknown, and also instating on tlm fioon | cinl objection of coal, estimated nt Irom $200,000 to $500,000, aa insuperable, was presented by n port on o! the Committee, consisting of Messrs U.J. Jumisnn, A. G M i^, T. iN. Duwkinn, and J. I?. Cnrrotl. Ciiiirl'-aton Courier. C ollec. f B.igM Rio, Laguira, and Cuba Coffee, ^9 iu store, und tor sale, whoNsulo or re| tail by D M ALLOY. Nov. 80th, 1839. 2 3t | liunk of Charleston, S. C. iN conformity with tlio provisions of the char- | lor of tins corporation, notice in horohy! given payment ol llio third and fourth instal. j ' nioiit on llio addition ! capital stock of this)' Bank. Icing fifty per cent, or fitly dollars on I | inch sharo thereof will bn rcquir d lo be mado , at tlio Iliuik on llio first Monday and Tuesday in J tnutry next, being thu 6th si^$?lli days of said ' month. A. G. ROSE, Cashier. December, 2, 1839. 6 St -V - *NuiIs. O . D. MAIjLOY. 4 J Dccva%cr<U?,im 4 ^ tf - "< % V ^;"Publ(e4bal^ S3TndMi?Ron fTurnor Br/e? E?q. Qrdintwy,pf?h?alevi*l4 Districtfiore will hp it ilM hto rofUHkiKH) ot Gcorgo ting-deoog* J r j llio 9J of January uoxt ?U tie .porsdtlal , pro|iertjr <f Mid d<?oa?dil i con*l?iitig of 37 no. j frrten, eight liotd 6f Hora.w, Cuttle, Ilog?.C??rn, . odder, Household ?d KUeiicu Ilirnlurc, Ptiii. lotion Tools, Ac. \ . Terms?Altsdinv undor fWe Holli's cash, *11 uiiitt *Ik>v? fivft dollars, a unto mid food sccflVi. ty. with Interest from ciilo on a cred.t until llio * t of JiMMrr 1841. CILLAM JilNU, Admr. 9th December, 1839. , 5 * St Kowand's I onic iSIixture. Til 12 Agency for lW?" valuably mo^eincH in at tlic IIOokatAr*" of Mr. Pr.uc* where it may ut any ttiuo be had by tin* xingki boll Io or , by llio doxou. j . # J. A. 1NGU8 igt. ( ChWaw April- R3?l . . ^ I Sheriff's Aiile. T 1 BY order of the Court of Ordinary wi^l be i void at Chesterfield Court llouao on the ( first inonduy in January next all tin; Real Estate i of Ranald MrDonuU deceased, consisting of two I tract* of 1?nJ. onoon Lynchos Crock, containing i 393 ncrca. ono oilier trie on tho waters of lilacs Crook containing 993 acres more or loss. I Conditions* as tnnch cash as will pay tlx I expenses of Sale; ?nO month's credit on the b?l- 1 nee, purchaser giving bond, with good pcrsostl ( gacurit v and a mortgage to the Ordinary if rcqui* r red. Purchaser paving for nocossury papers. r bhctitT'a lltHcr Cheater old CO./ c December l(Hh, Ie39, \ J JNO. EVANS.S.C. D. t 5 . * If Wood. j I will furnish Oak nnd ll'ukery Wosd, at 1 &2 30 |icr cord, Cash. A. P. LACOSTE. October 4, 1839. 43??f Sheriff Sales. f ftN WrKa nf P.?-. -in ? i.i?~e? If llt? Cwirl House Door on th* first .Mqn'h y j J mil day following, wittiiu lliu legal hums tlio * How ing properly in*. * r 9 ?U0 Acres of laud more or loss whorcon tlio . blend lot resides lying on both sides of tlio _ oad leading from Chusiei fi-lii Court House to , haiacaslcrvitk'and adjoining the Ht ids of Win. ilakoncy at the s -yorul suits of John .M.umoy " or tlio line of the Estate of John .Maeaey Do- . :o??nd and I'ulitlia H.illiiiinn vs Evan 'I Ureal. 100U Acres of laud inoro or less whereon the leh itd nit resides at tlio aoverni suits of A Blue, , lYitliuui Martin, and John N. Williams vs. Rin . Jd MoDonald. s U ls?ts in I'oire Town, together with the iin- j iroseinonts thereon known and distinguished it the p! .n of said Town by lots Nns. 7 I and 7a evenly four and sovonty live) containing eel front on I'owo Street, by foot deep ot ho suit of John N. Williams vs. Alexander Cratain Admr. of II. Tryon. 51S Acres of laud more or less on tlio south ? ndo of big West fields Crook whereon the defeulint resides adjoining tli lauds of .Mrs. liinxnn, Samuel White, James Evoioll and William J Pogues, at tlio so vers I suits of John (?. MoKui.zio, McK nzi I ?f Mathusou, Peter L_ Robeson and others vs. Tlircshley Wliito. - I ltd Acres of land more or less oti tlio waters ^ of fork Crock whor-oii tlio defendant 'chides 0 djoiuing the lands of John C. M mguui and " Mniiloeh McK .skill at the suit of <J.iUunrr< and Jovinglon rt. Alvin Jordan. 1-lii Acre* of lam! moro or less whereon Hit* Icfondant rtmidcb adjoining the land* ofdntrl's Wipic* and David John* ut tin; suit of II. St C. liruttmll v*. Kli Joint*. Terms, Cash, purchaser* paying for nec-tssay paper*. jonrc *EV*\S. Snlf. C. D. Shoritf's Office Cffst'rfn-ld > C. H. Doc. U. 183!) \ 6 Qt tiliTEiiPlUE S'TAfE^ENLAHGEO ' I JASURV 1, 1 8 4 0. pRCopaorjo. Determined to make adequate returns for tlir liberal mid increasing en"nurng . mriit given to this piper, w irli bears a I it h" Name onil ?!' t mis ilii* Honor and In. IrfSsollluiEMI'llU'I ST A PIS?the pull. Its era propose, on the commencement of the year 1810. lo issue this paper in the litl.o form, on an eulargi d sliee: of the M mmol't Size, to exet ud in size and siylr of? cution, uoy weekly newspaper pub. lisiied hi ttus ci > or country. The most ample urran^einanla uro making to give to the paper all those uttructioua, as n well conducted l'olitieul, L'terary and Miscellaneous Journal, which the in clligenre and gtiod taste of the present ngo require. In I ile n t*r:in?*rl J uxu b?6bUIIUU| Olid lll<! | I amount of reading matter it will contain, 1 as well as in its early and faithful record * of .News, foreign and domestic, local, and 1 ^ *<iHfitl, tiie KMIMIIE STATIC will be j urn-quailed. Ii will remain s'niuicli, .is it | ever has hecn, in suppo>t of sound Demo- j craiic Wins? Principles?an advorat" of I t Public &, Private ICcoiiouiy, Public ami Pri. I vale Vir lie, Equal lights and Equal L?m*. | 1 And inmtcring for tlm general reader, we I ' shall sparo no pains or expense io render / j the paper attractive, valuable and useful.? , The choicest selections wdl be regularly < made (rum ii j current T.i erniure of die i day, together Midi ample original con'ribu. I t ons fioin the p(,ns ot able uud practised 1 writers. 1 I TERMS OF THE EMPIRE STATE. ENI.Altr.ED SERIES. OCj" The paper will tie published oil (I M unmotli folio ? , on paper of superior , quality, and beautiful t\po. ( 0S" Pee price M ill b. 82.50 per nnnuiii I . a .. i v' "II " unrn III MIViMUTT-. 1X1 | ?* |?- r lil'll! ^ 1 until fh-? money i* received art'I no *ubsul>Hrri|itioiid renivix] lor u l> ss term than ' mo .:h*. I (??" Those who are now subsc: hern, or wish to aviiil thrmselvi s of the privdut'o of , the present term*, may 'Jo so by enclosui); i $2 >?t any time prior to tlto l?t January, i 1840, and the paper will bo sent f.?r one ' /ear. After that date, the torma will invtt- * iahly be $2,o0 per annum m advance, iiuaiucsK letters should la- addrcH.vd to J. GRI'.GG WILSON & CO.. ' Publisher* of the Kmpirc State, 1(12 Nauau street, N. V. Bonne Its & Moods. "WtJQT fwcoived and for eele, ? new supply o P Lituh's aid Misses Hoods, alea, Leghorn dlraw ?ii Tuscan Jionnotls, latest pattern. D. MAUuOY . Jfovumber SGtlt,. l?59 ' '* ' 3*. New Stationery. A. Largo aupnly gf Stationery liua hcei. Into 1 yj, received ul Book Store iticluditti Bluck, Bloo and Itod ink, Ottilia of various ?piin tl h, stocl p^nst >v tli-rs, su iting wax. ink powder il.ujk p.nid h In ton, 'paint* onu paint boxen, s<1 ryrior gold leaf, CuiuoPs hair |>oiicils, Genuai Klut.g Ac. Doci'iubvr, 1839. 4 4 Kelt's ?>ilk, ^<)H 8 ALE t tiio lloek store. P? Chcruw, Nov 15, lf'39.. ' 1 If JNew Books. LATELY UpcottcdMy \v gnu tho following new work* at thr Hindi store, vi*. : In Theology and Religion* literature: Board ntit Original Sin, Vitlng.i Sermons,'ii m lustifir ition. Good's llcller Covenant Mellow IIV Hi!il?. Class .Manual. Signs of tho 'l inn s bj [>. Cuylur, Moiuoir of Dr. Bedell by |)r. Tyng Huston's Crook in the Lot, Du-k's Theology \ir,En<n on tho Tyi?e* of thr Old Testament strong il'a works, Philip's Guides coirtplrto in wo vols. Mcltm on tho Book of Esther, Chris iun Youth's Hook, Hodge's History of the i'rrsbytorian Church, Gu'tieyV Biblical Nntei u prt'uf of tho Deity of Josos Christ. In Orneral Literature; Cowper and Thoinsor 1 vol. H vo lleniaus forms 1 vol. 8 vo. Cr ilijsi tiebcr and Pollock I vol 8 vo. .Moore's Wo'ks Ikvol 8 vo. JuniuV Loiters, Broo .V Utiiv.-rs j. tsiteer. Motrupolit in I'ulpit, Lung *k?tchei if tho most eel -brated living English Preacher! f all Ur-nuuiinaUotiN, I/onl Hiougiiatn's ekulohei if Characters in tlio reign of (.forge 111. i>r loiiiphrnv's Tour, M ips of S. Carolina, Do. ol Jaruliuus ami <? oigii. Also tlio followillir Sr III ml Amll-t Muf,.u'. raminur, KnkbauiV Do. English Header. Jonei Chemistry, L)o, Philosophy, Bourdon's Algebra Chocuw Nov. 14, IH49. 1 . , tf i arpcntcr's I ool*. rHE subscriber Iros just received n verve*, 'cimive assortment of Oiifpontfr'n 'I oo!?, tuong which nre. Double ?ml Single. Cast Sloel run, Jack, Smoothing, Foro. ami Jointer ha,tea. Astray,1*. Beads, Dado's, IIoIIoab and toundx, Nosings, Oroeian Ovalo'a. Quirk O. ii. binding, Kabbir. Side Uubbit, It lieiiig. and S.iali lanes, Sash Cord, i'ovoa tor stops, Table 'lanes. Torus Heads arid Cornice Planes. HoisuO, ii. and Fillets, Fillotlatcr*, Stiijioa Hills, otitic, Ceiling, FIcoring, and Plow Planes, Mane Irons, Oil Stones, Key Hole Tenant, nd Panel, Hand, Cross Cut and Frame Sum, crew Slide Mortice, and Marking Uuages, Ingurx. assorted qualities, Mortice, Socket, and "irnicr, Chisels and Conges, Flit" and Iron iqi-rra. Site H-vils, Npoko Shaves, Looks, liiig -M, Sprigs, Nails. Hnuls, Ac. ALSO Collins* Club, II nnl and Rrond Axes, Ohio lid Pennsylvania Patterns, Hammers, Shingling rid Lathing Hat ohets, Ac. The above were purchased low and for casli f tho boat manufacturers, and will be sold cheap y I). MALLOY. Nnvwnher 22 1, 2?l New Music. KtA K\'l'liY received ul the Hook Store a "''IM'ly embracing n considerable variety if is'nig* Sue red, Sentimental uud lluniorouit I no M<trclic?, Jtc. and Music paper. December 4tli, If39 4 tf Blacksmith's Tools. A good supply of iho above tin hand a id forwalo clieup by D. MALLOY. December 4ili, 1&39. 4 tf rilQKrKCTtM or TUB AMD riir.ltttv The Editor ol the Cheraw fia?A?i? i><? .' ? ;ermined, at the suggestion of the l'ee De< Agricultural Society, to devote more spaci ilian formerly to Agriculture, and matters per laining specially to its interests. Ahnut tiiiu -i.lumiiK, or a page p.nd a half wee! y, will b? irrupiod Willi lliin subject, extep when i1 mall bo necessary to make room for Bxecutivt Mirssages, and a few other political papen such a? every intelligent c.tizoii ought to read \ largo proi>ortior. of what shall appear iiodei lie Agricultural head must, of course, be se ected. But the numerous .Agricultural peri jJicals now puhlished in thin country affori thuiidanl and excellent materials for selection, tnd, after a short l*me, the reports, and othei lapers of teh Bee Dee Agricultural Societj xiil of themselves, form no inconsiderable iody of original matter, all of it adapted par icularly lo this pari of the country. And i e hoped, also, that among the numerous in .elligent and enterpr.sing planters of the sur -ounding districts and counties some may tx bund who will, occasionally, take the troubli )f contributing to the columns of the paper th< result of their experience. Among the hu jects which will engage th< Editor's attention the culture of silk shall no t>e overlooked. Ample ms ructions will bi riven, in their projier season, for cultivating the morus mulficaulis and making silk. The paper will espouse the cause of no part; in politics, but shall contain an impartial sum intelligence,and, ccusionally able speeches and well written essays (Vhei met with) fairly discussing the principles am measures of all parties. It is believed that i comparatively small sp ice devoted to (Militica subjects in this way may be made more prolita ble to the Farmer of domestic habits, who wish i*M to be acquainted with the true state of tlx country and qualified for a proper and intelli gent discharge of the duties of citizenship, th i a whole slieet filled, front week to week, am tear to year, wiib one-sided dinci;K?i..n? he inert- quarrel* <! ((liters ami politic am1,? tvhilal, at tlx- same lim?>, it will not In* (' tien ulnl lu i-nl laiiiii! nei|i|iiHir limn ueigh'c-r, o to mii-lead into a belief ilia' on" half ot tin country are lens pa'riotic than tin* o her, o Ichh ardently attached to our republican utsti u i??ns. So n uch of the fourth pajje a* shall not hi occupied with standing ad\ rno-im nts wi! generally tie tided up with matter ol moral am religious cast, and articled conducive, in or ho respect*, to proper family instruction and family lUcipline. It the increase to the subscription list tipor sauutg this l'ros pectus shall bo Millicient t< warrant tlm expense, new >yi?c will be pro Mired, forthwith, for tin* body of the paper hat is for the pxrt now punted in large In ter and at the commencement of the next volunv he title of the paper vv ill be changm! to Fatnera' Oazette and Cheraw Advertiser. For Terms see first page, September, 1*J30. , Female Seminary. ? Ko. Ill Broad Slrt't, ChmrUoton So\ Curo in*. MRS. LANGLEY will instruct young 1 die* in til ttio English branches of Pol Literature ; ami hor Seminary which is loca in on* orthr most hoaltby and pldaasiit siluatH in the city, shall ba provided wiih tlio moat coniplishcd and respectable touchers in the part merits of French, Spanish, and Drawing. f Young litdir* from the country, cither this, or imy other Seminary within tho City < , bo accommodated with board a lioro duo rogi will lie puiJ to their inorulf, white under 1 i care. , Entrance which shall he appropriated furnishing a soled library tor the use of I Seminary. October I8V1839. 49?3it . .1 ... Notice. i FMYIIE eopart.scinhip of J. Lnxnrns A. Co. v | JL dissolve on the first day of January m I by itH limit a: ion. The subearilicrs intending in.ko a final close of their 1'ustnoss, desire tl r nil persons having demands ngeinst them hIioi present them foi pavmeiit or neUleni?nt. " JOSHUA I.XZAKUS. , A.J. MOSES. Cher aw, 27th Nov. 1839. r 3 tf GSSEKgW AOiSSMTr ' f Kill E Trdi.ii ex n iitttly anmxinuo flint i M. duties of this Institution will ho rcsou 1 on tho 1st of October next; the Male dene iiient under the superintendence of Mr. E. lJu ' tlio Foui.ile under that of Mr. J. Sewers. 'J 1 course ofjnslruction In the m ite department. V be. thut rrtpilmt inuni? tW Honth C irulie,# C 1 lego i the courso in the female department ? ! l?e, to mako tlmrough seliol .ru. j j The s'-liolaotic yeat will roinmcnc* on "the ' of October mid end the ltd July: tho year ' ugiiii divided into two sessions : the ti at lug 1 1st und ends 13th lVhrtriry i tiro woe ' begins ICth Ftbru.iry und ends 1st July, f. Tmna or' Tuition jitr Srsghm art. For Spelling, It*.iding and Writing $12 , The above with Arithmetic. Eiiffi-sli ) - ' Cvrnmtiiar and Urography ( ' The ubovo, with the Chinaics, higher i branch''* of Mathcmalic*, Logic, > 20 lilirlurio. Ac. ? Five dollar* etch w ill be added to the at* . Tor Painting ?ud Drawing, or the Modern I* AH payment* are in ndvnnco; tlie pupil v be r< quired to pay (or what remain* of the | nion at the time ho or sh? enter*, nor will dedi lion or drawh.u It be made for lorn of time. { J. W. Hi AKK.M'.Y, Scc'y Sl Tr**? .P. S. Mr. II T. Chapman hn? taken chai of Hoarding llonne, near the Frinalc Acm my, where Young Ladies inay obtain board a moderate price. Sept. 'ill 1839. 45 tf HOOK BINDING. . TH K subscribers hare established tliomoef < in the above line of buainea* in Cher , and olfurthciracrvict a toil" ci tile ne. LAZKNCOl'RT, A. CI i C'tornw. S C.. Jan. 211. Books for the season. (IlllK Christie* Keep* ike and Mi?*ioni i JL Annual for 1840, 9 Logravinrm The Gift, edited by .Mies Leslie, fur 1640, 9 E graving*. i Holiday llou*o, a aorio* of Taica by Calhari i Sinclair. The Minister's Family, by a Country Min tcr. Family at Itcallicrdalo or the Influence of Chi I tian Principle*. I Letters or I'.lix.i Wilkinson during the invnai L | anil posse*.-ion of Charleston, e?llt? ??! by .M . Uilmun, Ac. For mile at tha Bookstore. Cher w Nov. 15, 1030. I tf Kcmtilc Institution. | FflPlllIi (itst .session of the Rockingham f | JL in tie Institution, lor the ensuing ye ' \vill commence on the aocond luoiiduy in Jt I uut v next. I oardera will bo accommodated by families the village or by the | linoip l of the tn?titnli< Persons who wish to obtain horril ami tuition anting | idiua are r< quested to uiako curly app onti' u. Novombcr 22d, 1839 2 6t f Cheese. Itt c uki Chet'wn, just received and jm. * w lot .11 by D MALLOY". Novnnticr IHW. For Sale. B AR(<K M |>s of Mississippi and Alsbnr ' Hi sh-wing tin* Public and Indian . 1 ' K< s iv itintiH, Land Districts, I'uwndi ! Ate. engrovod iroin th ilnvornmnili aurvi and |iI<iIk in tlm (>en*tul Land Office, Wui . iiigt ni < -11y, l>y K Gilliam, druuglsinun in I r (ienerd Land Oftiee. F. i'tylor, look soller. Washington Ciiy, I . just pttbli.diod (and secured the copy r |?l?t acc j ding to law) the bIhivii Maps. which will found infinitely more complete nnd accurate tl 'r any heretofore puhliahed. They aro puldiat on M* pa rale sheets, ouch containing nearly ' square feet, and will be found especially use ' and vutuahlo to those intcr> st< d in the lands ' either State as they show ivory item of inforr * tion which ;s m possession of the Land Oil relutivc to vvutor courses, township lines, lud - land and Uesorvations, land Districts, A.c. a ; wtill be found perfectly accurate and pririac 1 hose points. 1 hey can bo rent by mail to t > | part of tho United States, subject to single lot postage. PRICK two do'lars, or three copiei , either will he sent hy in.iil for 5 dull >rs t liberal discount will he made to travelling ngr , or to any who will Imj* to sell ug-uii. O- hditnra of nowspiprrs any where v ' will give the obovo advertisement (mclud this notice) one or two inaertions, shall rece I' by return mail a copy of each map, if they i send a copy of the paper containing it, to advertiser. i November 2, 1839. ] 1 ' Tcachor Wuntud - ' Ciko chaiga of the Cii? Academy, n JL miles east of Beiuiellsvilln, M.irlborot p District S. C. competent to teach tho Kngl branches generally and the Cl.ufsics. of vili I Mtmiuciuiy evidence must bo furnished ; J" * I lhut thcuppliciuit sust .ins i good character. '] Scholastic yu nr is divided into two sessions '21 w? 'lis c tell; tlio first commencing thn f " monthly in January, \\ hen there will Iw a v<iut o( two week- boIore l.ic co.iiuiciicomoiil of r a ctnid Session. & imuiiiunic t'ions nddrrgsod to the subscri r at v'lio wi.l li ivo flno attrition until tlie 21 h DcCoiuIm r,v\ lien tlm rhcliotl will take plat e. TIIUS C. WF.ATIIKUBY r, Secretary I 1 Clio S. C. November 30.Ii, lb3'J. j I ^ ! jl New Goods j rail in siihscriln-r is again opening a stool j j 9 good* in C'li raw, woll adapted to the i j son. wlutili ho is prepared to sell at prices v much rt: ' iced, either hy w hob s.ilo oi rotuil. . bought a huge proportion of hi* (loot's at Now Y?uk package tales in Sopteni'ter last,* ' u view of wholesailing and is confident ho < soil tlimn its low us they can bo bought m of the Southern towns. D. B. McARN Novomtcr 2Jd, 1839. S tf 2 c*?l>. Tiond M<i|?rMmi mmAt and ifulljm* * U% gujfo .' the |.r.^M, IWraMfti to pay fotftto ^7 "^KO. W PARGA?; 0 ' . Goinmip^Pfr in ^ . tgi riII Defpmbor Uh, 1*39. . ; c*t *!?: u- ^ v - - ' $ ? i,2 In fcdbUy. nld Marion DitifiU?S<^ C'l. - / : Malcon, Slnfilird and '| - < / ' ' M irgarvt 1'iinipbcli ^ AduirV and Admr'x Dill forpertiflMI ot D. Campbell dee'd. \ ? r*^ < ? - \ ? ~ t Moore S. Walter and * . wife vt alio* J i i WT Apix-nring <? my entiefactfcm that More $ JL Walter and M iry hie wife heir* and diatri irt| . tiuto<'B of DundSn Campbell deceased, and l>c' fondant* in the abovo stated caae, aro out of, fc< i I and beyond the limit* of this state., It is, en rualion of il.iilloe i n i tillioU Complainants, "J; ftrihitora, Ordered that 1 hey do olead, unewer oe demur to tho Bill of Complaint in the said r . Cuiie within thiee montbt* from the dUo her ^ or thvaaid Dili will be taken pro e?infc?oag;?eof. * Cornntiiariohers Office. i u jiy. Qn | Mar,on C. II. OcC 1 1839 f ' ' 1 1 i "? Chorftw Bacon. v ^ ??uAx,:rsr so** *'?-n ^ ? A. P. LACOSTE. October 4*W39, 47?if au "" Wotie*. " | ea. T1Y convent of the heir* of the late Mono lie. JD Sander?, will be void at Darlington C. H. on nonda* the 6ih January neat all the Ileal Estate, consisting of Plantations, lo'a in Dar. Eiington village. Ac 4u?. Pomona wishing 11 purchase will do well to t a altoud. Terms at sale. J AS. S. McCALL, Adoi'r. IOiIi December, 1339. !? a" Notice. THE tubscrihor takes great pleaaara in returning thanks to his cuetoniors for the pa-t yeai for the liboral patronaga extended to. ward* him, and embrace* this op|K?rtunity of in- '' . forming them tJiat he inteuds carrying en tfe# * . ity lllack Smith buainoaa in all ila branches at the hi Hint furmuily occupied by Daniel McDuffie.? In- do will shoe horses at f 1.00 all round; abacs (minted with dee! #1.25. Plows uiay be had iih ready stocked for the held. There will be atInched to the Black Smith Shop a Wood Shop in the lintu? opi>o*iu* Moort'i llotcl, where all ktixtt of wood work will be done at the ahertcet notica. ANDREW MILLER, on December 12th. 1839. I P. 8. He winhea ull those indebted to him for ] work dono, to call and acttlo by the firrt of Jan- ^ | varyi | 5 * v. Notice. nr> A Ll/pereowi having claims igainat Iho Estate '?* xm of Daniel McCitkill deceased late of this place, arc r< quested to present them lawfully au. 1 i" thcnlieuted, on or before the fiiili day of January >n next, iir that i? the time appointed to apportion . 'Vr the property among the hoira, and to actyo the it' claims aa Ur as wo inav bo able. M. IVM'ASKILL, Agent for AI.KXU. McCASltlLL E*r. December I4lh, Ir39. t ** Kor Sale, i 15.000 Moru* Muiucauti* Tree*, i J50.000 * . Cuttings. ? Also. 500,00U SILK WORM EGOS. Tin* above Tree* and Cuttings are very fin*. na ?nd warranted to he tlio genuine Moans -Multi \ i iirtw ; umiie of lha trees are aeven foct high { ,|IH die culti'.gs ate from tree* of ons. two and thru* n*i years old, well ripet cd wood, one bud to each sh. cutting. Tlio egg* oro of the kind which p?othe J,,cc ol'ito and yellow cocoons?mostly while? and a part of incut raised fiom the accoud crop lias this year. or Orders for any of tho above* addressed to me, p, will be putuluaily attendl-d to, hltd tilled in the tan order itvikhich they arc roccirod ; is, /irW ,,-d comr fir?t served. It la desirablo that applies, rix lion be befote tho first of Novembor nejet. ful a* ibout that limn I will commence preparing _< ..... 1 ? *?' -* Ill tstj I^IUUHU WI1U gaming me next vwr'i crop, na. Sales inadu at the current prices at the tiruo or Pice delivery. ian Any cemmUuication innd* to me on the snbind joct of the .Silk Culture, will be promptly an-. . i0 awered. Hi 'till CRAIG. ,?v Chest, rfiohl C. 11 Aug 30,1830. _ <19 tf ;1?', 80111 h Carolina. A Marlborough District. nt* William McDanicl, Joint C. McDaniel Applicants, vs. rho M iry Witkoaon, Otiediah Earls, Wiley Esrls, ing Kliialxith Etrls, John Burls, William Earls, ivo George B rls, Andrew Earl*, and Nancy Mc. vill Daniel guardiin of Fianc. * SlcPuninl, Mary the Ann McDanicl,, Ira McDantol nod William McDanicl minora. Defendants. It apposing to my s thfootion that Obediah tf Burls. Elisabeth Burls. William I Earls .?ik! Andrcjfv Earia live of the defendant*, j reaidc without this State;?it is therefore order, ino ud th it tin y do a|i()our and object to the division Kb or sale of the rou< estate ofGvorgo Mc Daniel on lisli or before llio thirteenth day of December next cli or their consent to the same a ill lie entered of iiao record. * L. E STUIIB.S, I'll* Ordinary of Marlboro District, of October 11. 1H39. 49 8U Ion i To Hire. WILL he l irt d on the first day of January next twelve lik dy negroes belonging to the Estate of Absalom Burn late of Marlborough ft District, ilircing wi'l commence at (i O'clock at It. L. Burn's, l*ianUtioii?iiear Burn's Mill on Ihg Jumiror. J. W. BURN, ILL BURN, t Executors of the Estate of ? Absalom Bum. i Dec. 19, 1839. i ? 2t m ; <>t ,*? 1 11 A W K S 6c ALLEN M f r,7 D E ? T I ? T s JV/ the No. 8 Park Place. New York. W. nth "MMR. II AWES has taken rooms at Mr. Ijflg cm iTl S m > ! '. Hotel where ho would be Imppy J 1 kny to receive tho rails of or* who may wish the t ^ M services of a Dentist. Ladies who prefer boing # M l I. waited on at their residonee can bo aecommoda^ft* J lad. _ m V I Daoembcr 80, 1M9. , * J 'MLM