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J WlKUOJI A NO P'OU.Y?VCoKTU ART AJSctfbr the hm +*-Smfy dollars far < Ladies Hut' It has been truly said 'I"1 one fncl is wtutb a thousand speculalinns. . The otbvr day wo wore con ver shit **ith ooo of our'moot respectable lollo? ciiijsoui, who was r.n nolive m?n in Plain, dclpliis, in days gone hy, wh-.m it t>n> thought a virtue to be indus'rious :??? ! ceo nomic.d, ins'ond of extravagant and showy nwlui evils^vJuch aro now sanctioned bt the customs of society. This gentleman fold us it li do incident which liu bad no idea \ve would weave uiU ti paragraph ; hut which 811-110*8 us us sr true an illustrnion of'the mode ol p< tfinji on ot tho present day hy many, that \m t tru?t he will excuse the use we now m ikeol , * it. Go a certain occasion, Joseph flonnn parte was in the citv. from h-s countrt Ves'dtMicu a' Ihtr Kntown, with soma uvui hers of his 1'ani 'v. and ene of the youie. ladies Was < 'SiroilS of P H-( h.iv|||;r fas ion ib!e hat for the season. Tiiny enteroi a ton store on (.'hesniil street, nod alh>r lb< young 1 uly has! selected,? leghorn hat wine' she fancied, ihe price was asked, and (' him JSu-viliicrs was told sixty doll irs ! Me replied, "I iihis" ii< eiuie to hny it then ; toeI can rtflhrd ?, hit 1 w ilium set so fooiis' an example." \ .li... .... i .. .. ..I". 1 . .1 ? .1 ,m ? ,eit.-r sv<iisjk, in'1 ll cji.m dattjiht-* of?% ?' *.?N i ii, meichacdi/.e d11>ji|?r?? into tlio same store :?? pet horn fashion ?hl? hat for the s-is-n.?Tho one which tin young lady of the Count's f' hail s< lect ihI, was shown her. ^itc wis deiijzhte I v\ ill it?especially "as thu Ihionapurtes ha< fancied it," tin i of morse w as sent home ami the In Imr pussitl a chii'fc for the sixh dollars. Well, t was admired :iti? 1 tnlkei about, but w hsise business was it, "muci; hei I was s> very rich and driv cold adord it ' *vo there's the r ib," fur ii * less than four months. i(c t ither t*;il- I fui four or five hundred ti.-oiKUnl doli'its, ha the d oublet had tton vu .is: la the ?i\l\ dollar tint as 4*oul ot ?.- ! . ' Who \\i: say there was not jjrett: <! ,i . ivo bet wee' t'ie i>o^d settle ?? " the Is ie-r w 'to wit: r?'? I.> rteli enough to hoi the S i's-lie ur ha', an i wouid not, hi ?*..iuse K" i a had exnmpl ate I fo <i . i< r, s\ o was pr?>h'?. h!y cottip' lied o i' rt'iiw oion y top y he notes, the same si I v he was w d; i .; ': uii Is he so swayed bv the ab urditv I f i?iuoa as to pay sixty dollars I"p mi art, '.! thru probably was never in real y wot that nf tin: sum ? Who.: vtcietv shall it >\"b r [ urged ol such tooicii< s. much will ha* boen neeum; dished towards [?r \> nlio tho perio is'curreure r,t"leitrl t in v." Wh have witol'y roe. d -d fiotn the . hmri. ous and piudent hi.b is o( iho.sts who w -e before us.-?S [niday Co.user. The. 'Hiding Generation.'? In Now Or loans, boys htrdiy hiyh Munich to look <>v. the bnttrd, piny at t<i 1 r !^ :iit-' tru-p es end be I freely, oil Sunti.iv.' SuKiv<a.X >' Orleans paper. Su til buys as tl?<.s.- m, !j. npt oneut day* to jp.t < ii. i: to look o\ J ItC boards of a M ati'oi.t. A H.'.J . Concerning the. Instate of 1/ob'luii' Urn i arris, read ihrj'ust jitnc m the. 11 'tin >>' Hrprraentut'Vfs, IK'C. II. 1 s.pj. lie il r,ia /'J. *Js.e. Thx' em-h ;u. ! eve \ person, who. by hit.ibi >i <1:j. < 11:1 s < be reudctt'J incapable ot pro ient.y m or _ ? i.itj li s estate, or dealings, ttt.iy b. j do I ajjautsl either in I! 1 C on . 1 Com 111011 rieus, or ll?o Court ol Ivpi tv, by ; peti'ioll sottihtj forth the tact, to be li by the fain I) of thich p? rviit or bv .my 0 them, or by any o It 1 |? -\sou lor h . h in it. mill to be verified ill the t.fii I >n .1 of the po lion, or uns o her credible por.son : wh- 1 tipoti, n cnenisjtio.i tn the nature of a wr .1. 1.?. "C lurmiitv Iti'/Hire /Wo, Ml.Ill to HI'I'III inln tho lata chargnd ; ;t:i I ii it bo l'niml t:u* He- suit] foot is 11lily char jf l, a ?*>*11t?uit shut! be upji'tiu'oil to t.ilv ol ;'i person and < >' '? ?.f Tin- s ii>l drnulnn^ wnich comm.Hoe shall ^iv?* boil 1 and v urity lor '.ho fiiit'iiu! pi ?t<>r??*ic*; of In tnist, and sliali W<Vf all ,li>- powr, no I b tabic f?i i?''i llio tfiti.'s, ,"n in f,t- s ol I tin .c) ?itiu shall make uioitiui rt* ut us t?? i < Com appointing ban, t<ijji'liiuc flu* est ?t<- hi I i I: inds. and las ! annus in i 1 linn taw I nod also as To tiio cnlid.rou < ! t .in drunkard, uud sh .11 h- rt iMV. tab!.- fr>>in l> ti|)poiiitiin tit by I'll- Court wlrHi in i ami ill nor 151? J i !,?? > o;;.. (J.>ui ; m .\ 5?:? .suoll prottocdiliftst bo i: si: ill" I, s i be competent iu inakit any or.'* r I n i Cither in va 'a io'l, or l.ain lime ; : s I -> In tin; sup axe hn,; a ... .shall bo iloiiOf up.hi s >rv t*v m b ing adiino. 'l tbat tho s.ud <l;u.i ; i J h brrn thoroughly h'l/rim-d, ami h.a'.ifu Bob? r ; fin I i is iff. by d>-cl ir? <1 ami ? one t?d, that fv. iy Couii act, biii'Oiini, <>i s? < oii ty, sale, tr.iii?i'<;r, or ro.o. v.aneo ?>1'p. i \ inado or im i n .! into by tail diu.iAuil Irom the lime after tb?; ii( |ii.:!.!iin'iil ol committor as :iforo*.?i t, tin.11 h.? mi.) con. iniftoe ?l? *'l b.; mipcixudt <1, s'./M Ik; irj unJ void. farm <>i IOM \Ii<:n\HSS. While Jo ! iJccsu'i, >ui iji? if.- ?th boy bat wet r. eight mi! nine years <>: ag the on I) r.hiU of a! igh!\ resjifiviji.l.* V, i h>v laijy ol tins lU'i^hboihn.d, v*,is r.otiiio^ '.mi Hamburg in company w i >i seveial wag cms, owing to the inisoonhiM 4,t*s <ni drunken wagoners, tin- horse th e in* : driving r.m oil" and ti r< w h n. \ s n.,| negro boy, who was r ling anoint i ho -t wan also thrown, hut not loo t. Toe ! <>. of the htt -r struck the hum whi'o b n ' bead in passing over him an I bioho i,n skull. Flo was iniine<lial"i\ taken to ' ? house ol Mr. Ja nes Shepherd a d Me V oal aid procuieJ, hut to no pin |>os?:?h e\ pireJ the next morniti/ iiliout < i_ I ' ?.\ I , ,, (trrenvii'/c M<>nntuinrt r. Tt K.NINO THE TAIII.E. An excellent woman, the moihi r of liv, children, and made a urlow l?y d< \ ' und a grog deuh-r combined, |,.,d .1 h l! fl.milar to the following sent in to her u b-* weeks oh' r '.or hush tnds demise? " * * ? r + Mr. , _ . t TV J , Dr. t F??r refrcshinrirs, at Jill*, rent rime*, $21 '84 ' What ennsurrmte iinpu lenco ! How mo' 1 H? st, loo!?culling liquid fire refreshments ! ' Hut list to what follows, let aiiniUu" wi. { down iimiutu the example. As mi otTet to the nbovu lull, the lady presumed the following clincher.* r " To oiyht weeks confinement to my bod, in conscqu -ncc of an t injury I received from mv tin? foitumdc husband, u il<* under ? the of your ()U ( I To sundry breakages by I a it) while 1 j in I Wo same slate, $'-20 0(1 I , To mauiUJlinncv of nin and my I family Tor seven successive * j months, 221 00 > i - i Total, Si92 00 J i iN. It. It \-?ii think this not n suffice nt oflVt. thcro are certain expenses for the ' hartal ol" niv murdered husband; nnl if Imt Cads, :i>k vonrcoimeienen. it von have 1 any. il von ar" not imiIiv of muitW r." I It ali who have linsb in Is bus tnnrd r- d ! wnnlil pur-ui" ;i suiidar course, probiMv ,! licensed nvar Wts would d minisli. I i ; tlfin pros n> their bids for d images, nud | siti* tlimii nut, and d tany cannot in-over 'be amoiiti', they can at leas' cxim?s?* the I ' ni -rderttr, and sham-* the ju lyes who grant. ' i < d liini povvci to hi I. ' j S\tir't orthc Times. ' | > STATK rr.NITK.NT'A t:v. I The r port, prrs- ii cd to the Legislature, by Mr. !*< ! ry. ot tjfcctiv i U?, ns (Jmiirin nt i nl toe itpm-i il Committee appoi t? il a' the ' last si-s.s on nl Unit hndv, on t c snhpn-t ol f the p ntenniry syst< in. is nn a hie, elalior ate I nil J eloquent |) Ipcr, bill olvnluah'e i.ilbr1 in itioii. an I noiije sen intents, and do-'s linn r high honor as a Icy si ior. pWilan Inoptnst ' an I clo ist an. I le h is t mrougli y cvumut d lWo sunj ct, tupl houy-t to 'a-tir o.? n all .1... I. .le .i l tit I,. ?*' <! ? nt.ll I lllll'l II" M'TIVCll I It ! 11 111" i . iiw ut u ir sister Si i cs. mnl Miiim . ' run nations {inJ shows < >,wlu. vol* I'm: i iiiini :?.(v as well as souitl p .|.t*y j,>roni|it it! *?i til" adoption i.t a fiystiMii, tlu* r-'Mil s i>f which It iv" lio n so s oisfacktrv wherever i .j has lij> ti ti ii i! ? tin i w 111c11 lias change,| . ?li |iiinis!iini'ut of crime, from a b'i >i.i and liiii ,i!i/i -ii i.i(l. 'lion ol v iijii-ancc, at wai ' wuli tlu >| .i- ot'civj, z. moo .in I c ri?'i mi ) , ' into a i?t <ios o. r lormaiio i to tii" c. iininal i 11.! a source nt icv. n i'1 to tie St t>'. VV nc C"ii.i nl> ! < ii el tlic ii-4" hi t.'ii-. mat < i ' ?our pr-.o ut >ysvin ut prison J s" ji! n :-i t i.' iii.'S' w i"iclieil imaginable?i.ridi ijj o i n.!er?. ut ewiy fjraijc hi con tint n >l ny ' tetlo.\ s.iiji, aiHI l ti> ii.ttil ti na tIt**?11 in lint" t;;? ut j?r ijtjcii n in lie ut print( ttoo an I .on *rid.iii-ii . i'vu'iily one out ot ibo Sid S .i > j? ot'ilttr I'oin.t It ivc air :t ly a I 1 opted tii - system, ctie! :: is belt ttc/c tb t tv should loil'i v tlu'ir c\ ni;ilc. 'l ie ' on v o'lji et.oii o! auv toree, i i i.or op uioti, 0 ric iitiDi ii it adoption ol' tb" evslcm. ' is lie i oat t ctisi tV'iicii umiM atp-nd the cr' i t >>ii oi'tli*: iii'ccss.irv btiiiijoio nnJ the uu . ti o! the "stibhsloie it? lit it |j" lilt oict's 01 tlu S ato arc en' >n a net lition, at |>r> s ut, o watr itt! the r- qti site outlay, u t>ll events lot a b? aiiiit'tii4 Ii mule l>\ npnrop* ti t i an annua! uiVoimii.itnig lu.ui lot Ii purpos . i . * p1 ui re 'oini.'.cii'liiii by Mr. IN rrv i!m .>1 V' Inty or n [ ai.n.t coatiiit'io nt > i.t I > >,u', >|.|. I n tb>: K stein Penitentiary ol I'.iii nl pin t, a'-vJ witch is tiinius uuiver1 sail) a im t'e I io be tli.- best in ( .v^tiene. l b reninKs of Mi". ib i ry, on tbe sutcul' al .severity anil rrvollintf iu< (pntlly ol ?>ur it ntil ?oil , IlJ ?l oflciice*. some til lhi iit rn ri* pr? c.nji'.iufs in cuinpu:? s-.n with others. conclus. wly the ur 1 ;< *s ty ??f r.u!i?: :l reUnm m our eiiminal - law. C.ijni il |>unishiuuiiis ci rlumlv have 1 :i bratnlisum ? llcci, on those wl.u throng to ailitt ? > t'.i' in iiti l rather produce lecUYs*. '* , ucss lit.hi i- .:v; iutrm.Jution in lie vie ou? '* ar 11111?; I : \v line their uirlue s \ercv illllst ."ilM'S, |f.u|-i to It* |" .|lir, o| |W o.s s at.ii 11111? :i it v of.'il mil !->. i'.v- 11 (ur mill ** .ler, i' -s it.lii "ii! to procure .? v? r l.ct /< Con I lll:l ?l ill. A,>j inic* i to his report is a i:?r\ i u c, j?i (> !? .I w tli or a. r rr, and much ;.i 1^ ii ii ii the :i|iju?.thiiim ut ii| |miihn!i' m ot o \ .it-viu-. ;;r.i ii b ot ci aric. From N I'Hit coo.* i 'i|nt.?l [..inushmcnt us ci.tir. ly ex' ciu led. As a gcii -ral rule, we R|i|ir<ivi 1 . hi a iily ol t -is feature, liut we are nut j-r ;iun i! to a.tmii niun'cf should i.ul In* ? a i si" ['ion t t t In- i .i!e, as (ii ill liunu'li I lis r <! ? ! !? <! ;! "v\lni v11f s- n loth mail's ' U'oiiJ. liy in ..i .s'.i i'! Ills liio i.i Ii- shed. A<:? oiiiji u.y ii;; tli re, on is a b Ii to i rty > nit :ts i(. in.unu-iiilu'iiins in rel-ren u to Itii* v st ilil.ouini :.t of a |n ini?'i|ii ir\, and the ena tnV'iil i ! a |i?:..i cnin?y cmj". - , A co niter n oiirt, st.i nig the ohj-cti-ns u lue {'.'intent: i v .system wi'u much ui??e'? uity, rii. i plausibility, and urging its uunppli' ca ii:i.y o u slave holding community,A !i<'f< . e inn s am <are, boeausc " want ol br. a " : tae cliii ! source of crime in other couutm s, is unknown. and a!?u insisting on the fionii | cial objection of cm!, estimated at from Si'dlltl.tMM to $500,000, as insuperable, was j pn si iiini by a port mi o' the C*<xn11ut | consisting ol Messrs 11. J. Jamison, A. (J M ipi i Ii, T. N. I)awkms, a ;d J. I'.C **toi!. 1!- sion Com n r. C ollre. 's liin. l-l^OII.I, ill.l t'lha ("oflee, &Sr <? in nigri!, ami loi i>al<-, wliu'i sale or rci i.i i.y P MAlilOV. \.?v nut it, 'j :n , ISa.ik ol Cliiii li >1 on, S. C. !" N i- iiluriiu'y vv.iii ti? * j r??\*i .mis ui tin? I r of l!ie? col |??ralien, notice is hcrchy ;;.v.'ii I ii it |> oi* nt ul i lie t!iii 11 ..ii I fourth m-.t.i,. III. lit II I I I : I.I. I * 1 ----- . .JMI.II KlIIL'll <11 I ! 11H I (t.i.k. b tug ti ti y |?* ?" Ccnl. ur lil'iy dollars on | it icla kIi-ir> lliorrnl'u ill l?* rcqnir <1 to lie io nic ; <il l] it* l? nik <ni i lit* li: MoikI iy an I To. s lay hi .1 imi 11y ii- .M, being tin- ai^Tih il .y? ot wait! ' IllOlitll. A. <?. Kti.SM, Canlncr. I |)ccctu''cr, '-i, Itr(30. C I Nails. j if# iK Keg* N iiU .mil Iliads a!se I bag* 2 in J O Wrought an t Ilortu Shoo Nails, foj. h.IIU I'V I>. MAl.I.OY. December 4Ut, 183?). 4 y; If Public Sale. j (I 'A Y pflriiiinmon of Turner l)ryn? E?q. Ordi13 J# nary of Chesterfield Dirtrict there will bu i ; sold ul On* late residence o* a cargo Ling decern. I J I'd on the 2J of January n xt nil ???* porsonnl j I property of haid uorenctd : cnncfmiig of 27 no. ! groon, oight hoad of ll'ircs, Cattle, ling*, ('urn, 1 I' Fodder, ?lou.?*lio!d an.) Kitchen I'uriituic, P.jii. tat inn 'I ools, & c. Tcrun?AII ?uuts ?tn?!i*r five dull r? e.ish, till s'Uiiim iiliiive live dollar*, ? note tiiid joo.l s.-enritv, with interest fiom (Ulo un a until tin ! hrst of January lbII. < 1 I.I.AM KIN J, Adutr. ; i Dili December, 1S3?). .r? .it j i Kownml's I onic iSii vitirc. rpMM i i Agency for this va'anM. medicine* j EL is i.t tlic Bookstore" of Mr. I'r nco where j i' inay iit any tune be hail by the single bottle or liy the d ixeii, J. A. INCUS igt. Cheriw \|>ril fc?l!l SlicriiT's Sale. j VKY order of the Court of t'r.liniry u'41 he H w snhl at Chowterfi-!<l Court lions.) on the first iimiidiiy in J.tiiiuiry next all the Real Kwiatc ol It III I I I .MeI)?>ii ll I l) '<:??.meal, C'llllinlilia ill* IV. O I 1 tracts of I m I one on l.vonhe. t'r k. coot iomg j ilti.i iiitri'ii. one other tr ie on the \\ alert, of lllack j | Creek eoiit.iiiiing 2lt.i iirrin more or less. Conditions.* us much eish as will pay tlia expenses ot S..le; one month'.-' credit on the lulam *, pureli iser giving bond, with good person ! * cniatv mid a mortgage to the Ordinary if r qui- j red. Purchaser p .vmg for iieocHs.iiy papers. | Shciitf'H OtHce Cliest r old C II. f 1 toCOllllsT I Mill, Ir-rw. \ JNO. liVANS, S C. I). 5 tf Wood. H" Mil! furnish (t .k and lli:k'*ry Wood, at I StvJ .10 per coitl, Cash. a. p. i.ACosrn. October 1. If 33. it _. * 1 Slit,Till' >alcs. X k N Witt.; ot I'.I-I I l'\ii':,|s ivi'l In* vol:! 1 ? ir?* ; till' t "?#?? t i I I O'.IJM* llcllll oil till' tils I. I j lil'l . I IV ? - I *1JJ. Wltlllil tllO ls'".ll It l I|? t II' I lolt't \ i't-4 |?r<Ity J*;; !l ntfl A'ti s >!' I tit J iiimiv or lrss wltvrooti tliP t!i ti'ii'l it.t r? l\inu on li >!it fill''* ot" tin* ' roail !"; tliii ? ii. <i t'It-sti'i li'lit Court lln'ivr t? i. iikisIiti i!|< .not I'ljuiiiino tin1 I'tills ot Win. j III ikon.iit tli,% n v t..I suits ot Joint Missey 1 lor tin.* iisi> ot tin' !\?! .tc ot John M ism y lie. I 1 c.i isi>i| oti'I I .;tit 'i i 11 illiiii'in vs I'.I ill Tliri' it. Itt'itl Arrrs ot' i ni'l iiiori'oi l.'vs wlii'i on thi i ilfl nil iiit ro it t t!.n s.'V" iii soils ii* \ It oi . V. t li mi Martin, 4ii?l John N. W'.Hi.tins vs. Ilui | itlil Mi:Don .1.1. tj I .ot s oi I'on'c Town, to'ytlii r witli tin- iin|iroVmtl?'' !i lli'Ti"iii .m;l illslsiio'iis'; : j in tiip |i ii ot s ml Town I'v lots N ?s. r i .iti'l i ,r | ,S'.'l":l|ty i.nir in.I si-vuiitv live) r'ollt illilli;; I l"? I lioiit on I'oivi: Stu'rt, tiv I'' t i! ;i ;it j tin'suit of John N. W il|| mis vs. A. x niih.r < i -i - , hint A'lmr.ol ll.Trvon. iitN \ iT's ni iuiin uiui".' oi loss on tin" soil Ii j i si'l.' ot 'njj \V flli I is Cri'i U \\ li r. ii.i lli" ili I it. I ll 111 t I's u*|ii|||il|o 111 | i in in ol XI rs. 11 in , in, j S iniiii'i W tut ', J ni 's livi'.rlt mill U oil.itn J ! , IVj'U s, .It t III' s Mil's iii Jo!ill t Mi'Kr. lli', I M !\ ii/i> ?!' M itlii'son. IVlei 1.. Huh. son .ni l Ot ill I si VS. Till', sill y W'lll'i'. !u i Vi'i'i's ot 11.ill iiioi or h"s oti tlii \v iti rs ! ot l oik t l'i ok wlii'I on t'n' lii'tiui ri'siili-s | j .ni|.ii ii i rt jj i In* i i ii i is i ii ,lo iii t' v . !?-* ? iii a ml i M . i or! i \|. Ii i. ill .t I In' mi it . . ,i i moo . ,nio I "oi iii^lon is. Aim il J ! I i \r. ; ? ol ! .11.t mur i>r ] ss \< lii rniii tli j I .li'lrirl lilt I s I ! 11? - ??i" < *:?.111 ">I |il?-b ill-l 11 IV I'l jltllli* alt till' ' lilt lit I, . <V ' i ! I?,:i v.. i .11 .? >. 'IV i ins, <'.ib!?. ucii.f r? |?:i? ing 1*.: n*.,: r > a. t I rv |iH" r?. i " ' joiin ;;\ \ \S. Siilf. i". I>. I i SluiilV's Oflle < "vst-11?< 1.1 / c. ll. D.v. 11. l~:t:? s 1 < 2 I / ///: r.Mriui: Nr.i7v;-/;.\/, .wic>v:/j i A . < t'A It Y 1, 1 S -1 0. r* ""1 T?! ? * J"S m" mm'* W <m mmm ^ I)clfrininc?l ti? in ?U?; inleqmtn rfMirnn ; | l??i lilt- ij'i r.?i mnl in'Tf.'iMii^ ? ii -our ? | ill' i.' -j;v n l<? t 'iv |> r, v\ t<"i Li'.ii > . I . 1 J*li- N iiiii- ;iiii! ii I s tin- I in <n im <! I - I I l<i ^ s o! t! .i 1'. M I'l ik i . > i A ' IA ? i'ii 1.1. j 1 I's |'f<< |l|-<IJH?vf, mi | If 1 l lll lll. ||l (i| < tl \ '< 1~ K?. ' ? -st.c I. is |i.i|?t mi I i. j ' In II lllllll, l?'l <HI f|l!ll;?< 1 s' i< <' << ll < | J M inni'it < S In <'\ i <1 i.i si/.<- .iiid s:\.i j ! <( i i-u, ? \ fti1 -Ul\ lit*w mj?;-p?-r |<tii<. j ivi< il i:i t'n* t'i } ?m i-min'i v. Tin' iim-n I j mijiiv- in i hi. i*ui.?iiI? af in iUiiio in i\< ' III I'll- Il ltl'T <<il lIlOM' illll'.H'tiOIIS, MS ll \V< Ii I j roiniu<*|i ?l Puli'ii'iil, I, i?t <rv timl ^ I i ^ c * -1 - j ! I.tiicitils Jii'.irii il. wtiu-li die :n ?, (?.L. ||,.iJ " iu I l.isif oi l'it: |?irst ir nyt- r< i|iiiri'. In I Ms arr.inu?-iiM.iit and i xccwliot). ami 111>! amoimt i'l it iiimI'it it will contain, ( i.nsxxill as in its early nal laflilnl record i?l .\cws, fiii? 11?n ami loan s' *. local, "n 1 ; i a !. i!, t' i ? I. ^ 11' i I i IC S ! \ 1 I ] \v : I n j inn no illisl. 11 x\ 1.1 i main s'aiineli, as it t vi r . is lii'i'ii, in s l n' soun I |)"inur|"i ic Willi! t'l ttc |?li's?ill m'x i?r;|i of I IVilii i* ?V I'l'iv.iti- I o'oiiiiiiiv. I'iiMic nii'l Km ! I vail' V il' !! ', Ivjil n !x Jjl.ts illl'l Ivj i il Lias. I \11 I in a'l'i'iiia lor Ine tp'ncral leaner, xxi ( i s!i ill spans no i?. ins ui ? vjiimv to r< ndi-r ' j the |> attractive. v.iin iM" ami nv I il.? \ I I'lil: i i a lie s! si ! i' ill is vx '.I In* ice f lt!\ ! made 11" < * ft i Ii en ii cut In cin uri- of .in* i lay. to^< tin r *i:ii ani|>lc nr ginal xon rib i. j ! t niiK r oin t!:c p lis ol ?!?! at.u (iimcii.scJ J '.vi iters. 1 TDK MS OF TIIK KMI'IK V. ST AT I-:. ' j I rM.AIMiKU stnlJI.S. I t i CO-Til" |?.I| oil! fie Is',..I Oil a . J M imiritn liilm s . I'ii |??i| er ill Mijim.or ; III ill ' \ . 'Illil III' "I'lllil > I'l" I CO * I''1" i i ?' 'I I' ?" P"i nnniitn < t ,|i ' |! I si j, <|| il 'x SIH'C. \ i |i 11 | ? ||* .. .v ill) I I.I) VII,lMi'im I i|>1 oi.s ft ?'ia|\i:?j Ii'f >i ! >v j"i:j lli.j , > \ ill.) lis. 0./ Tliosi* ?l,o ;IP' In.IV subs,': Is , s. or j , to i v:?11 lIn niRt Ivi s ot In1 |n i\ uu i ! , I'll* pr -.vnt I1 iins, 11i<iV 'lo .sti liy i,c!os njj , N'2 :it liny 11nit* pi :?>r to I!? 1 a' Jaiiuiry, I Ik40. and tin: paper will la; scul for <>.:? j I v- ar. A(*r**r il'iii', ill" trims \\il; mva- j r> 11 >1 \ I? J??- "?0 (>? r iirimiiii >.i :ulv,iiiri-. IJualllCSs I- H"rs s1 oulil lir il'lilrrss1 I to j. cui:(;(i nvilsi>\ Ac co.. j I'u'iIirIut* of tin- Ijmpiro .State, t Itt". Nuss'iu street, N, V. i Honnctts & lloods. " "IJST nwoiv?'d itihi fur unit', a new Kti|i|t1y ol 0 l.itli' H and Missoa IImoiIm, ultm, leghorn, Sluw iiiul Tiwouii tonnt ith, latest |nttern. IJ. MALLOY November SJGlli, IgfW :* :i. New titalioncry. Al, <r^e fU|>|ily of Si <iiom?-y lias hem. late |y rrfi ivitl i>l tllO I tool. Store lie lilil.iiy III icli. Illne niil Red itili. tills ol v irioiiH ijiihI. iti s, hte I I* Mia, \v il'? is, k - ilmy wax. ink |io\vil< r, b! :ek h Mid slates, |? i:t?s iinil }>niil Govs, km u rior wool It >if, C.mie.'h (. .it ii. tiiiN, ( I'lnl H Ac. |),:e 'tuber I' It, 11* H"*. I iiohei i s >ilk AJi.iii;..!, TOSt s.M.h t iti." lit,* I,iinit\ t itti.iw, Nov l.<, i I if New Hooks. y A I lil.Y Keeeiv. .1 ly vv ymi lie* following _L i to .? ivmks 'it li t liit.i', lure, \ / : l.t 77/' ulo^tf ii:i(i lir!/ ? i'-ii * l4itri tilnri ' Itiiil Iiti iit l 11; in.11 i. \ S' rii.uiib, .1 .i k'it i ii Jnii .li. tiei (i "i.IV ISi lit i ('nt 011 ml M. Dow. ell's ISi'tli Otis.-. M .tin il Si ins ol tle* 'i lot s by l> t nv er Meiinni of Dr It >.i Ii by Di.Tyny It.islon's Crook l:i the Dot, l>n k'n Tlienloey, lli'Kli' li O'l III Tvites of tin Obi *1 iMaiin lit. Si'migil'it wot lis, I'iniijt's (ioiili s eoiiljilvle in two vols. Me It it" o|| tile llo.k lit llsllier, Clllls II ill Yontii's ll'i.ik, llo'y's 111st my of the I'rmliyteri ii C'hnreli, 4 ?u'tiey'n Not tin ill |iI 1,1 t.l till" Deity ? ! J Mis l 'list In fiViirni/ 1,'ti i at hi c ; Coiv|i. i . n I TIio.iimih I Vol. h Vii II IHems I vol 8 Vii. ('riiili". Ili li. r iinl I'olloek I vol H vo. Moore's Wicks. l|Vol h VO. J tl II Ill's" 1.1'tt Is. V I'lllVet: ! < ictteer. Mi"'ii.oniit iii i*i:11 i<. h uuy r-k' tele s oftle'oioM eel btiteil livr'ii Kny'ish l'i '..elu m ttfull Dnorim tioiis, l,o'.l 11111 i. i m's k li hi s tit Characters in the le.yn ol * "tye III, Dr. Iliiiiijiiirov'.s To ii, M ill s. i ' i, Do. t.l 1 ' .Hill tl 0!'?'.!'l. Also the loi tin iiiji iVr/t(ni/ Itnof.i ; Murrn's ( r K11 kinni't Do. Ilnyhsh ib i'h i Jon. :. Clieinistry. Do. ritihisojiliy, lh.-arcluii's A'y. bra. \c. A . Clioiuw Nov. II, J?1!!!. 1 tf ( urpcntcr's I ools. f JAUII Stibsei ttni just rert iv "tl Jl veiVi'Xfi 'ensive assortiiieiii of < rjienti i*s I'tm'tt, nnoliy \vhe-li ;ire, Ditiib'e ,tti*l Single. < '.tsl Sit- I Iron, .Ijtk. S.ntiol Ii ;ny. Koto, ami .loiiiter 1*1... ? \ ir.i(filM, llr nls, D.iih.'s. Ilolln \s iiiul Kotjiiils, No-inys. Oret'iie IK ih.'s l^uiik O, Uvtling. K.;Mi| . Sell" II .libit, It i-o y .|ie S .li I'l in a, J* i -li I 'ii !, I oil's l?n sle|e.- I'lanon, Turns Iti'.iils .mil Cornice I'l inert. |{o iii.iii O. < unit IMIeirt. I illcltMi-rn, SnijM'H Hi Is, ( otitic, '"i iiin-j. I"., or.?.?. ;iml I'low PI.iiioh, I'l l lie I nlis, I:| Slum's, K' V Hole TellUlt. illil I'.llicl, I l.lll'l. ( "l'iss < ill mil I'r.Illie Sills. Si rew S i 1" Mortice, ml M irking <Iim)," s, \ e,ir>. tsvorlei! i| 11liti *, Mortice. So.'k't, ami K.rniei. l'ln-e|s mill lii.tie. s. I'l it* lrnn Siji-r. s. Sin- li viU. S|i..k.? Sli.ives*, Locks, ll.nn s, Sjii.jjs, ,\ iiIr. Hi iiIs, Ac. A I .SI? ( *ii?I;iis" < 'lull. .mil llroail Axe?. Ohio in I I'eiiiisv !\ iiii i I*.11i i i.v, II ihhucis, Sliii'g.i:i? mil l.ill.ine ! I ii cli't s, Ac. Tliu ulmve ivi'ft |nircli.iseil low ami I'm cash uf tlic lu'ct in tiiufacltireis, anil will In: sohi cli- i|i I). M \I-I.?)Y. N'mv.-MII.. I '2-: i. 1'J i \i w .Millie. rj? lit i:\Tl.Y veil Ii the Honk Slot- a *4 St rt'l|i|?lv eliiln n a i'iiiiM I' tah|e \ 'li.'t} of Snnjjrt .S.ioreil, Sculiim ntal anil I Iniiniloil-. : also Miielie*. Walt/---.. Ac. .1 ml Miimc iianer. I) .'ciuli. i Jili, 1' 3'J 1 if Hi Jicksmitli s Tools. A P'Miil ; III I 1 \ ot till! aiiove on I.ami a i.i tor. . % sale ?:i."iV I> .MAI.I.OY. I) cciiilu r -I.I., l.-Ji:). 1 tr I'ltllM'iK I t S or i nr 4T *.:LVTnj?9ff &4WTTT. l\l? ( III K \U \k?Vt klT|v|:|(. Tlie Keillor ol ilio Choraw Ga'/.otle lt:?s <' tonnilli'il, at tin- stl;'oi stiotk of tlie I'ep Dec ??! ni'.i! Society, to devote in>?r<* r? liait termer y to Aynctilturr, .jtnl hi it'c rs peri utiinji spef i' v t<> k'? interests. Al-nut nine ( (illlkkktf , or .1 | ,u' ' liall w ' . n I i to I'Cllpled u til till- M.tlji c't, i *\ i i J i wle'll It aiiall In1 iicce - ii\ ' ;ii- ..< room t i u iv Mi'p* i;.'es, .11 <1 u low o I? -r poll i il papers fill*Ik a? i'v? i v ililt-| i -on' < t k/.<i ;ip in ro nl. \ i.irot* pro-nr'ot. nj w i..?i i.?'! ppear m c!oi tlir \jjrn In ul i.iii-t, ol i iikitM', In' m'. !i ck 11. Hut tlio iiiiin- r- ! - \?;ririk!iura| |? riii lu al.- now jiii'il.hiii il in tins c ountry iliiri! alitmdaiil and exceili lit ir. tor M'li'i l mil ; .Hid, .itior a short t un1, '.lie reports, anil o'lii r IIu r- of ti li l'ee 1 )i-i? A-rru ultnral Society will ol themselves, form no iiinonk'n!crahle body of original ui.itti-r, ail of it adapted par. ticolarlv lo tir.- part of ilio inun'iy. \ml i; is hope i), il-o, lli il .iinono tin' n.iiiiorot:s in li'llinent ami c iiti rpr.miijt plante d c I tlio surrounding districts ami counties some may be fotllld Will) Will, OCCasioilitl V. take the Ir.mti'n i>t i on' ntuit my to I lit*? uliuiius ot ;lii' p.: j?vr the result <?l lleur i \( rn'iico. o the SO Jf'. 'rt wh.c'i W'.Il I r>? '<? ' ! ' Iadit or s i"i-n'umi tin* < ul'11r<' ol silk sli ! ma In* ovi rl*" l;? A. \i ?|?i? uis ruetu us \? i!! bo jriven. 111 il'- r | ro,'i r cimmiii, for ru i\..'it.o tin1 wiuri/s iniil'U 'tiili.- and in iKnijx -A!;. Tin* |> |" r w i!l espouse tne eause nt no |>:*r! v hi |miI?iii s, hut so ill ouio ai.i an impart 1.1' sum tnarj ol |i?ili'i( niioliiui iicc, .mil, eeastotiahy, able lu-M ami well written essiy* (*w le ti met with) fairly diMUs.-m;; the pruu i;-s ami measures ol all parties. It .s heliev><l tliat i. eon liar It i sill I.I sp ire de\ i'i ll to pol.tir 11 Mil'jet is 'i I iii- w ay may lie maile mo.e , r ait..? hie to 11.?* I'arim r ol iloint stir habits, w ho w i-heb to In- aei|tiainteil with the true sta'e ol "In' coun'ry ami tj'iaiitied lor a jiroj < r a:. I U<-lil Aim'oe ol : lie till* ie- ol 0 111.'.ell - III 11, t !i i a whole sln et 1111 A, Ironi week to w? < !:, .mil \ ear to veil, wi li one.siileil At-ei.r i nA lie fr ?!?...> It ' I.! . A tors III! ( I'. .li-, wliil-i. a I '?e f..iue lone, it will out he e ... a at. A to e*i i.n iiei;*lieor l.i o leu^ri r. r to 111 sle e! II o a ht'liel III.i' oil'' li i I oi il.e eon i ri ue Irm in1 '' 1 1. 11 i ' III- ? IHT, or lis- .if I' III \ lll.H I. >1 to Olll' 11 -pilll.-l !. II.*-11 II I 111* f-ii it . .1 1 i'ii* f.?"r:it |> i?'i? .is -!i .!! u t In K'l'iiiiiisl \..'h (Mii.I.i.j i'lv-i i-fiii \\t!l oriiri ill; t?i' Ii*>1 1 u'.i w .1:1 in.rli-r ?i! in..1 ia 1 It-|. 1 ..*1, .in! .1 > ii riUliUiiM 1 , ii. it''n-r r-'s)#* 1^-. I ?-r : I 1 i.ily 11 is-t 1 n-'Ihmi .m -; latiiik liiinpllii'. |t tin- 1 lit*I If'n t<> till* Klbsoriptili!! ! ( 1,;.. 11 issuing Hit* 1'ro-jit < 'it- .-I...II Ik- s-illt. u i,t to warrant tin' i-\jn 11 -o, now typo w< I bo pro. 1 n .til, li-rt.iA itli t- .r ' lit' I ti.' - it t! o pap r ; th .1 is for tin' part iii'V. pint. I 11. lai^o In tnr ; ami at ibo nnnini-n i-nn rit i.t t!n* next volutn iht- t'tli* ol tlm pa]tor vv 1; In 1 ti 1 _r -i! to I'aiiwiK (iii:i:lte n 1! ( hmuc A'/fcrt-ser. J-'or'iVrin* wit tii.*t ]> <{ . Sijili.inti'T, | Female Seminary. ' iVo. 111 11 road Street, Charleston South Caro ma. ! ]AI l!S. I.\NGLEY will 11?Ktriict young I??ItH. dies in uII tlic Eugle.h luaiiclif* ul Folit lnt< i .ituro ; ami hor Seminary which in located in <>iio of ilu most lio ill 11 v and pleasant t.iluulioiih in I lie city. t>liull l>o provided with tin: most ac<-oiii>>!i.v||.'il ami respectable teachers in the do. I>:ii"tmt:i.tfi of French, Spanish, and Drawing. Young l.nliia from tho country, either for tin* or nny oilier Seminary withm the t'ity cm ' (>; nino' i! with hoard where duo regard w ni pud to their morali, while under her ; care. i Entrance >$.*1 which -li ill ho appropriated to i furnishing .1 select library lor the uve of the i Seiiiin ity. thtuhi r 1*. lfe>3f). 41)?3m i\ Ol Iff. f 311 IE eopnrt nersiiip ol J. 1,17. nuts A. ( ?>. will 19. dissolve on tin* liiht day of January next by lis limitation. 'Ill' M.lisCt lb. 1 ,s |i ti'liuillg to in k- 1 final ehis ofth ir in imss, desir-- that nil |> 1 s. 111 s h i\ ing demands eg. not them should |T< m lit lie 111 lot pur 111 nt 01 s lib incut. *.io.n|||;\ i.s/AKl s. A. J. MOSES. Cleunw, 127th NiiV. IKH). I 3 _ /.s - ?s .... ? Q ?>*> .? f g h 11 I. f I Ham . r -|a ( ilmly .iMioiiiii 1 1 hu , u dill lea of this I ><( tint 1011 will he resinned on the 1st ol (hit.hit text; the Male depart* iieo.t unili r the nip. rinlt inlciiee ot Mr. 17. Hill; tie- I'eiode iiiulir that <>1 .Mr. J Sew err. 'J l.o ; cours.1 ol'iiistroelion in the 111 n"" department. W 1)] ht that ri ipilreil mi ni,,, rt??. Month Carolina Col. lege tie course in the lent do dvp irtmeiit will lie, to 1:1 k thorough he|,o| is. The p holetii y. 1 will eon meticc en the 1 r.t of t teto'ter itii'l end tie* i:t July: the year in ngiiii divided into two ri ssions ; the ii st In gin I .t Oi t<.l 1 mi i lids loth I 1 hin try ; the sccon begi in Ilitli l'i hm .ry and ends 1st July. I) rut s n' Tuition ]>rr S> ssiiui are. For !bn;;. !{< uiing jii 1 Writing is 12 Q!t Tin* shove wi'li AritIniielie, Eng! ?ii ? j(((J <<i Mi'ii.'i iiihi tnegnpiiy \ The allOVe, WI'll the CklddlC.S, high T A I hrnneh- k ol M tllieiiiatii c, I.- jjir, / SO 00 I Kheluric. & ?:. 7 I ivr dollars e eh ? ill lie added lu the jIhw , for Painting and Drawing, or the Modern I. u It" 'ST1'S? ! A I payment-* ate in advance ; tlie pupil will t><> r quired to pay tor wliul rein iin i ol the * ?. mm at tie- time lie or sin- enters. nor vr ill deduction or dr.iutiui I; In- made for loss of lime. J W. Ill AKKNCY. Sec'y A. Tiea?. I .P. S. Mr. I! T Cliapmaii ha*taken cltarg" oft .? I to tiding House, near the Ft mule Acade. my, v\ lier> Young Ladies in > obtain hoaid at a moderate p> ier*. Sept. SO ii?:?t. 45 If IU H >k lllMUMi. II I". suliM-rilier> have established t licnidclvcr L in the tiliove lino nf business iii Cheravi and o.fer the irs"i viot s to it s citizens. o. ItAZKNt Ol'RT, A CO Cler iw. S <\ .I.lti "tl. Hooks lor the soiixmi. r p if 11: < 'tirnt i i K i |is ko a ml Mi sionai) j EL Animal lot I^ 10. 11 llngr i\inga. The titll, edited l?y .Miss ln-slu-, lor I0 Kn graving*. Holiday 11oii?.-, a m i lea of Taled t?y C.illiurir/u Siuelair. The Minister's Family, hy a Country Minister. Family at 11 at'n rd ile or the Inlluenrc of Chris-. tiau Prinerph-d. I.-tier--o! I.: /.i Wilkinson dining the invasion a i,. I po i em of t 'liar led I on, e- l J l-y .Mid. ( iluiaii. For sili1 at tlia IJo.k ti le. Cher \\ Nov. 15, ITl'.t. 1 tf I'YihhIc I ii-1 irni " M. f Tt ^ 11 F. I:: t s,-?-.,,ii ol tie- l\><< '.ill ;' |'e?4 i.i de I i I itnt ion, tor t In: isiing year, M.I! eoiiimeitce ol, tie- tvcuail ...uodav iii January next. i '!< is w:i* ;>. w l.v fimilie* in j tli vill ?jji? hi ! \ th? j i i ip I o! ii! si-v11?i t jon 1 I'- r-.oiis \\ ho w ,sh i . out hi, lot' H.,! t.ut.o I. i I AOIIIIir I oil. .ire I no. si, -t - . ~ '"iT? | oa'i u. Nuvciiilirr I, I -39 !i Ct < lircse. fl ^ nks C'Iu'i-ki', j ??t rocfivi'il ami fry II Hi/ l r 1) MAIJ.OV. Novi'iiiln r 1 s Pi For aVIMill M ,i-> < ! \! ??ishii |?i ami A1.iIi.iiim ? tii u i?.? lli> l'i. mi I.iili.iii I... in!r K s :t I : i -. i luil i t.vti lots. lull ii-!i||i. * ... rtn'i.ivr.l r-.-ii III I i'\ i mii? i.l < Mir\i-\ .ill I I I . . Ill |!.| <i. 111 i .1 I. il l Ollior, \V..u| . II ill I '|l? li\ I1', lij.ll III. Ill .|II(>1M....II ill t'lO (. IIIT I 1. .Il l ? >tit I . I'. l" i v !"r. I?i ii!. > It. W .si i.: _'* ii Ci'v, In* iu.-t jiulili '. !(.ii ! -l innmi i!|. Uj.\ i . it ii u. dliii; In law tint iiliu;i- M ) * w i i ii will Ii'.) 11 u if I I *. i j j > 1 If i |i I ,il .-ii t It | | any lii'ii'tolorr poMisl.. d. 'l'i.- j .no pi is-td ( oil M-| ill" slllVts, i .ii Ii Cnni allilllir > H \ s|\ r.qnarr tort, anil will l> fu in ! *|.i i ..ill\ useful mil valnaSli' to tliosr inti r. si<.! in tin- I.mils nl <> it In I Slat" as ! In-v slni.v v rv itom of llifnini i. III > 11 will Ii is in | oss .-..-I i.f tin- I. nil <'JliOiri l.itivr to v\ let i'iiiii m.-s, tow :is||i|i liii's. liu.iiii ami Ivi s?'rv 11ioii-i. I tn<) Distnets, ?Vo. and wtill l>e I'm ml (>i* 11". t \ uccnr.ti'and jir-I'iMi in lii> c pomts. They ran n ul l>y in >il i? uny p.ilt ot tin' I'mti .1 Stall's, s'l'.j ;'t I.i s|i jiI, !i |;," ji ' "pv l'UK i: t an . I *, II. ri.j'l'si.l Till i Will !. >i l.t I ly in . 11 i' i . i'i'II fs A . i i i. <i hi hi \k 11 ii 111 ?ij?? t * t! -i vi'll ill" t; 11 or In u'iv ulm will liuv l<> m II <i|;iiii. I I f I'MiIhim hi i|m'i> any ulirro ulm will lim iiliux ulv?rii i'iii' nt i hi. In., i.^ | (illM llOli>'< I'hl' III lu.l ill.'. i'lilliK, hli.lll HC. |\. I<y ii'iuni i.i n! .1 i i ;- \ uf i -n !i ?n.i)i. il' 1y ui'.l m ii>1 .i i'oj.% ? ! (lie [i ij? i con' :iniiijj it, i?i lim III Vl'l t iwr. i i ^no. \ ii Teacher \\ ;:nit <1 ' 1 l'iU c',a,K? t'll> 4 -Iimiiv. iiinc ML nilli> IMst ot IIM ..I.', M i :i?.|ot IJ'l Pistil t >. roi?|n'ti'i.t u> t< .n il ill.- I.n^lihii li| i lull. - !',. i. i .111V .liui ll.i l"l's, 1.1 u incli s it isl ? in: \ i v .?if:i tr mi); i li |" mi mil il; is aisn Ii it l'i. ?|?i*lir.tttl stist lim i j;.?..?! c'i ir..< t.'i. 'I i.. S i. 11 . s! 11 rmii\ ' .1 i in tun sums <>l .1 l i.s I' . l! .1 . t <111.1 ii 'ill ? * 1? 'i I i \ ;.. J . i ..: i . .1 'i ' In ii1 \\ |il 1h > V.u at k>?ll ?i! t ' V i v k-i>. illl< I... ID.,11.1. Itl'Dllii'llI l'| lilt 3 I'IMII S .till . i .ii itntic 'it'iis iitlilr >*fil i!;t' Mt'iiscriU-T ii t 'ini w . I Ii tv.i /! ii** iitlfMition in ill I 11.?' i? I Ii i>t I' * '..Ii' r,\v iii ii !hi* i I i i ; ? ! iv ill liiki* |i' ? riiv?> r. u i a i iii:?:?v. >. rr> tary. I'l.t. S ( . "SnVi III* I 1 !i l Ii, Ifll'.). 1 :u .\f\v (toods niShi'iili r i- t!^iino|> a stork < y. "imi'Is in Cli im?v . wi ll ij.ti i! . iii" M?n inn. v. Jnrli Ii-' i-> |i: jiu i ti> > :1 . t prices ver) imn-'i tfi'il, i-ii ii i 'v v. luil' . .lr oi, II hi ! / 11 i 1 . i-'i I i m ill I in (Jilt, 's nt I 'ii N i \V \ >i|k iml'li lir-' ill'li iii S'-Jlti'lll'lfl I >t,w|tl :i v i.' \ iit' \vIidI s hIiiid ii.t| i.i I'd* ii !. nt lie o n i! tlieiii a* Ida .is t!i?y can b. bought in ant i n!' tlf Sijiitliri ii tnw us. 1> Ii. McARN. I Nmvci.II r'JJJ, 1H39. y tf | Sale Real of Estate * I B Y order of tin- Court of Kipnty for Cheraw )B Diatiict in the case of Thomaa Stulib* I und wifo vb Samuel McDunicl will be Mold ut Ilonnettsvilln, M irlborough District o? the first monifay in January next (within the r.aue! hours) the r al Kst ate of John Standard Me Daniel con. t.lining three hundred und fifty six acres, moro or less, lying on Crooked Creek in said District, and liouii 'ru |?y said creek, by the lands of J. David, John Taylor und Micks' Und. Tiiu conditions of the Sale are as follow* The purchase money to bo paid un the fust day of J a nit ry A. I>, 1841, with iotercst froin the day i of sale, except to much us is necessary to defray tho expenses of the sale, which is to bo paid in cosh. Ifond und personal security and a mortgage of the premise*. I'unJiubcr* to pay for the necessary convoy tine,s. GEO. W I> ARC AN, V-? Commissioner in Equity. Ihoem'ier 4th, le3J. 5 til __ In l.quity. Milrinn District?So. Ca. M tVom Si fiord and "| M i n tr? t t * il A i?itr's ?l ml \ luii'x I liii) for partition oi I >. C.impt* II dec'tl. &.C. I Moore S. W..Iter and ] wife i t ados. J C T appearing to my satisfaction that More S M Waiter and Miry his wife heirs and distri Inite. s ol DuncHu Cauipl tdl deceased, and Dc. It niluntH hi the iibnvo stated case, are out of, ' ami beyond the limits of this st.ito It is, on ! motion of llailtuo ;.n. Complainants, Solicitors. Ordered that they do olead, answer i or demur in the Ih'l of Comphiint ir the said 1 Cuse w itliiit thtco montlits from the date her or tlw s lid Dili will he taken pro c. nfe.-so ag >cnf ? ! tin-in. inrt EDWARD B WHEELER, Commissioner in Mipi ' Coinoii-sioncr* Ofli ;<?, ( ily Marion C. II. Oct. I Ib39 ( I 48 C'liernw Ruenn. % H X A MS, Shoulders, and Sides, of my own ? flL curing, for aale. Terms, Cash. A. l?. LACOSTE. Octolier 4, 1KID, 47?tf Notice. KY consent of the heirs of the Intr Motes Sander*, will lie sob! at Darlington C. If. > on iiiondai the 6ili January next all the j Estate, cmiaisling of I'luiitulionti, lo's in Dar' .melon Ac Ac. 1' us wishing 11 purchase will do well to i attend. Terms at tale. J AS. S. MtCAI.L, Adui'r. IOtli December, 11139. J id* Notice. j riim: mibseriher takes great pleasure in rc| JL turning lit inks to hm customers for tin? 1 pi t yen lor tin; liberal patronage extended to| wards linn, ami embraces this opportunity of in. t forming tlnm tliat he intends c irrying vn the I'.t.n k Suiiih business in all its blanches at tin* . iini forinoily occupied bv Daniel McDuffic.? | 11. will shoe horses at $j> 1 -t)i> all round; sines pointed with steel I ~.r>. Pious may be had reatly storked tor the field. There will br at. .died to the lll.ick Siiii'Ii Shop a Wood Shop in the lions' opposite .Moore's llutt I, where all ki.'.tis n4" wood work will ho done at the shortest noi tice. ANDUHNV .Mil.I.II!!. December flMi. 1>39. I P. S. 11 j \vi- Ik k .;!I 11iosc iii(lfl)tp(l to I 1111 for woil; ('u:i \ to call 'Hid nctllo by t!.c ft. -t of Jan I I I V, 5 3t Notice. ^ LT. p'rsoie li ving claims :g linst the Instate : 2 & of Ifir.nd McL' i: kill ileeeaned late of this | place, are r ipnvted to prm- nt th?'m lawfully mi. nlicuted. t?n or b fore the til'ili day of Jauunty ne.M. .it 'hat is tin appointed 10 apportion '.lie properly among ihe heirs, and to settle tho i via ..;s as tar a-- we in ? he able. ! .M. M <-\ - K ! J.I,. Agent for AI.KAU. M VASkll.l. l!ar. l)ee mlier 1 *l!t, I II.1. I ? ' ?f__ A. 1' t?l* Sale, 1000 Aiorutt AJu/iicau/ia l'rr< s, -' VUM?l) ' *' CllttihlZS. \ ?? :? "I.'dhi WORM COUS. ( T .!?> vo fii i s .nd Cuttings are very fine, ! 'id we: r i.ili i: to tho genuine .Millies Mn??? tl t.l> , ot til tn?* .1 Tf- fit;veil feet high ; ii- t nt11 a ( intiii trees of one, two and three \ ais well ii|>t i cd wood, one bud to each ( cnriug. The eggs ire of tiir kind which pio. . l.uv v. !?it .iii'1 yellow cocoons?mostly vt i.ilc? .1 el a part of lot in raised from the second crop ' tins \i ir. t>i tier.- for any <>f the almvov addr? sited to nit, v| i lio oini. Itiaily alt infill to, iiinl tilled tn tin* i>ni r in wh t li they are received ; is, Jujt con;? first seried. It is ilesiiabo; that apphcu. lion lie nt. i!e In Ioic th" lirsl ot November nest, j as about that lime I will commence preparing m\ ground >uul planting the tr \t year's crop. s ill s 111 ideal the current prices ut the tniio of ! d -'iviy. Any cei.inttiiiic ition nnnle ts ?ne on the ruthj-ct ot' the Si.k Culture, will Is- nmniptly an stvercd. Ill'(?11 I'll vi(?. t'iiot. rh.'id c ii \ng 1 ?-> < ?. tvl If >otiih (.'nrolmii, M.i r>! <ir>'r 11. .sinet. V.'.lliaui A!. Dinicl,'. .Me I >aun 1 Awlcm, ts, vs. i Miry \Wk"S > l, t thoili ih K.irls, Wilev liar Is, I'.h/. ilii.lh 11 rls, John Hals, William Marls, tie....'.- I'. le V . 'r..,c I'.it- .... ' ........ ..ill.. .>.I|1CV .?if l>itiiil }.'ii iti>i hi of F.ancs Mcl'uiiirl, Mar y ( Ann Mnn.4iji.-I., lr.i Mclhiiiul ;.oil William I .M D.uii. l iiioir-. Defendants. li appi- rii-j to nt\ s t.sf.dimi that Ohrdiah !!?: 's I'.i-z.'.utn I'.n.-i, \\ .lii.n liar ?, Iteoi^e I'.ii s . inl Ain' Fir!. tiv.- of the- defendant*. . nr-iii j\ j" l.oni i!ii> St ;?it is therefore order .1 tli tl ilii \ i!?i .?|?;it*.?r and object to the division i t> tie ut Ilir ii-.d csl i te ol (i. o' pi MflUiiivl on i ur !i -fore tlif ilnrti'i nt'i day of IXccmbur next i 1 .1' tin is to the a .tine v. dl be i ntorcd of - i. cord. * I.. I-: STUHU*. ' Ordinary of M iillioio District. ?>.-?.? ? * n ii?? ht To II ire. "y. *lr III. i? I .rid on tin- first day of January v w i?i-xt t v iil< !y ne^ror* imlonyinj; to tli. K.-.t.iti- of Alis iloni Kuril late of Marlboroujjh p tii-t li. fins; w i I commence at 11 o'clock ,.i 11. I. 11.imi's,^neir I'.un's Mill on 111" J..iii-e-r. ! . IK UN, II. 1. BL UN. lixicutors ol the 11 a tutu of Absalom Hurt:. ! be. 10. 1-11:1. ii a w i*: s iv all i: n D K N T I K T S jVc. 8 I'tirL I'/ncr. Neio York. f i HAWKS Ii.ih Liken room* ?t Mr / L i ,Vk* S.iu i-\ ?. 'lo' I where he w??u!u be l.apj>y r 10 rcts.'lvo lli.< u!!? of ury who may wish tho i i itorviuo* ot'u l>Liitn>(. Ladies who pirfee ham;; I waited on ut their rcjidonco can b? uc omtimdn. * I tod. s ,, I i December CO, 1831*. C?tf ' . c