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KfWi) lho Wutcliramn of the *>outh. ? KCMOTOU* UXI-KKIKNCK. Though iftmi in his nMirnl stale i? spiritually dead, that is, entirely destitute of nny spark ol'true holiness, yet is ho still a :*utwinabte being, uttd has ^ conscience by which be is capable of discerning the <MT rvnco between tfood and evil, mid of feeling tlic force of moral obligation. By having li s sins brought clearly l?elure his mind, and h-s conscience awakoned from i s stupi*?r, he can be made to feel w hut his true condition is as n transgressor of tlio holy law of t*od. This Highland sense of sin under the inflijciice of the common opera, tmnn of t>e spirit ut lied is what is usually styled conviction of .tin. And there can be no doubt tin so views and le< hugs may b<: very clear and sliong in nn unrenewed mind. Indeed, they do not ditler in kind trom what every sinner will experience at the day of judgment, when his own con? scienco wi'l condemn him, and he wii| stand guilty before his Judge. Hut there* is nothing m tu.s kind of com iction which has any tendency to change the heart, or to make it b'ttcr. Some indeed have maintained with some show of reason, that under mere legal statu of feeling is now expormncvd. Upon calm reflection, Cju.J to have been ju?t slid good in ut| lus dispensations ; the Illume of its perdition il??i soul fully lakes upon itself; ?i'kiiOtt'bl|{i'K its ill Jest rt, uu i acquits God. "Agninst time, thee only have 1 sinned ami (Utile litis evil, iliut tliou might, est be justified when liioo speukest mid clear when thou judgeet " Tnc sinner resigns hi inset I into the bands ol God ; and yet ro tvincod thu* if Ite does perish he will sutler only wlint his skis deserve. It does not fuily disc ver the glorious plan according to which Ciod can In* just and the jitslificr of the ungodly who believe in Jt sus Christ. The above is not given as n course of experience which all real Christians can re? cogui/.eus tlieir own, hut us u train of exercises u limit is very common. And so I do not consider legal conviction as ncccssai) to precede regeneration, hut suppose there are cast s in which tin? ftrst serious tmpres.. s:otis 11.ay be the effect of regeneration, 1 cannot of coin s", consi Jer any particular train of exercises under the law us essential, it has been admitted, however, that l<.g<"l t . c t a I I I'll" [ItU ililiUVT JJJUW3 WWISU AIIIU worse ; uud eer'utnly In?sees his suis to he (.renter in proportion us tlie light of irutli increases. There is not, therefore, in such convictions, however clear und strong, any approximation to regeneration. It cannot ho culled a preparatory work to this change, in tho seuso of disposing the person to receive the graou of God. Tho only end which it can answer is to show the rational j creature h s condition,-and to convince the ! sinner ol his uhg .Into need of a Saviour.? i Under eonv'clion them is frequently a more j sensible i.sing of the enmity of die heurt ' against God and his law; but filings of) tins kind do not belong to the essence of conviction. I here is also sometimes an awful apprehension of danger ; die imagin* niion is tilled with strong images of terror, i nil I troll seems almost uncovered lo the view I of the convinced sinner, (hit there may be j much of tins feeling of terror, whero there] is very little reel conviction of ?:n ; and on j the o'lnT hand, there often is deep and p r- ! nnnieii. eonvietion, wIuto the passions and lunigiiiatait) arc very liiile excited. When tin) entrance of light is gradual. iih* m il < iii'M ol un awaM not CoihCK nee ts lo aitempt to rectify wlrit now appears In have bei ii wrong in the conduct. h is very common for the conscience, nt firs^tn beaf(i-etcd with out wan) acts of transgression, ami especially with sonic one prominent of. | h-nee. An external reformation is now he- j pon ; for this enn be effected by mere legal ? eonvic ion. To tins is added. an atten ion to ttu* external duties of religion, such as J prayer, reading die Ibble, hearing the word. j <3iC. livery thing however, is done with a i leg d Hp ril ; that is with the wish an I ex. , pec ntion of making amends for past olf-n. I i tM; and if painful pet inane s should bw ! presortb? d to the sinner, he will readily submit to them if he may by this means make j Rome atonement for Jus sins. Hut as the \ l-giil increases, he begins to see that tii* j heart is wicked : and to lie com need that ' bis very prayers ore polluted for want of right motives mid affections. lie of court" tries to regulate Ins thoughts, and to e.xerrise right affections ; but hero bis i ff iris prove fruitless. It is much easier to reform ' \hc life than to bring the corrupt heart into rt right statu. The case now begins to appear desp?-rut?\ and the smner knows not | which way to turn for n lief, and to cap the' climax of Ins distress, bo comes at length I to be conscious of nothing hut unyii Idtug > hardness of heart. He fears that the con. Vict,on w'n cli ho sci ined to have is gone, ; ??nd Unit I e is left to total obduracy. In J tueso circumstances, lie desires to feel keen j compunction and overwhelming terror, lor ( ins impression is, that lie is entirely without j conviction. The truth however, is, that his j convictions are far greater, than if he ex. i peri need that sensible distress winch ho so much courts. In tins ease he would not ; think Ins heart so incuruhly bad, because j it eou'.d en'ei tain sumo right feclint?. but ui i 11*' n' it is, he set a it to lie iluMiluic of every good ! emotion, und of ull tendi r rclcnluigs. lie | 1ms got down to tlio core of iniquity, und finds v\ it It in liis In east a heart uijstisn pt.hhi ol anv good thing. Docs lie hear, that u'.ln n> ii.ive obtained relief by hearing such a |.ieaehrr, reading kucIi a book, conversing j w insome experienced Chiistiun he resort* ' the mi me means, hut entirely without eft ? :. 'IHe heart stems to be more insen. [ teiin-, in proportion to the cxeelh nee of the | m? ins enjoy il. Though he dcclar s he ban l.ii sensibiii v of any kind, jet Inn uiis. j i :y increases ; und perhaps he deteruiiiu s ; t.i^ive hnnselt up solely to prayer and read. ng the l? hie ; and if he [? rules, to peri-.h m ii ng tor mercy. Hot however strong ! sod. resolutions may I*', they are found 10 i he v oi?. ; fur now, when he attempts to pray h- tinJs his mouth,ns it were,sliuh lie can- ; not j;ray. He c..iinoi road. He cannot [ nch ute. What can lie do ? Nothing, lie U s come to the uid of his legal tidbit*; and the re.-uii h is been the simple, de< peonvi.-lion'h?t he can Jo nothing, and if tied does not merciful!} interpose, lie mu*>t inevitably perisii. Doitng ail this process lie had f-cme .doa (if tlio tied of divine In lp ; Imi*. ?11jt:. tow, In; was not entirely rut oil bom (ill dependence on his own s rimj, lit i. ad fi\Oi ?t* ?< iS? lit; still hoped that by some I. :ui t.t't tT..r: or feeling, lit; coulJ prepare I unsi-lt I- r tie mercy of Clod. Now lie despairs of i'< .s; and not only so. but for h sens <o he despair.*, j; mny be ol'sulvutiou? g.ves h.mscif up Sbj lost. I do no: say, tliat i . s is a necessary loolingt by any means, I but know tout i; is very natural, and by no moans uncommon, in real experience. LI it j r nav.rt on having accomplished nil that it is | i jpabioofcfl* ctaig, is, having empiit ti ] tii" ert attire of fceir.depcndencc and self- . righteousness, and brought hint lo (lio lit., most extremity? cvn to the holders of d?s- { pair, .t is time for (toil to work. The piov ti. ?..y?, '*extiemi'y is (tod's op. J'* 4 Miil^ . it I.N in ill.-. OiiS" i mid at this i int y ru.iAO.itibly bo sjpposod, the ' r. at f- i f. m Afi ig:.*; for a tv. * conviction noes m mci iuko piacc in mow instances, prior to regeneration ; mid it is not .-in unreasonable inquiry, why is the sinner thus awakened ? What good purpose does it answer ? The reply lias been uL ready partially giv? n ; but it may be re. marked, that l?od deals with man us un accountable, moral agent, mid before he rescues him from the ruin into which he is sunk, lie would let t in seo and h-cl, in some measure, bow wretched bis condition is ; how helpless ho is in himself, mid now in. efiociual uro his most strenuous eflbrts to dt-livt r him from Ins sin ami misery, lie is, therefore, permuted to try his own wisdom and string-h ; und finally, to lead hun totho full uckoow let] anient of Ins own guilt, and to justify die righn oos Judge who con. <b-mns him to everlasting torment. Coiivi?t:i n, then, is no pari o! a sinner'* salvation, hot the clear pracii'-u! knowledge of the fact that In* cannot save lumsel', and is entirely d--pendent on the siving grace ol Go-I. A. A. | From tlie Ncwr York bbrcrvfr. NO Il?.I'M. Ttio tiigbt inusl l?e very dark that has no star. 'I'oat In-ari must he very dark that l>as no Slope. \YIiomj p ?t|i '? not cln-oied by the star oi hope / T ie bailor fivs liis eye upon it :u the nn ss of tin: sea. ! The traveller in the desert passes on Ins | weary way wlab hope promises that In* j pun ney's en I ?s near. Toe Christian?a ; manner in a boisterous sea?a traveller in j a howling w ddernexs?is sustained by hope as an anchor to ins so il. JJinin rs have hope. It can scarcely b-j possible iliat ur.y man can lin; unconcern-il ; without some secret assurance of future ! good. l)u.s|nnr wsoon wear out life. J lint it must ho u mis ralil'i h??po tii u an j unpenitent Milia r hugs to 1, 4 heart. I; , must prom hko t!ic plian'om /Ivums | ctuhruccd, wlucli v-mida (J as "lien as la; j caught it in his arms. T-ieiv the hope! ol i.'ic h\ jhuti c?it ilr.? iv? s ns owner I more* tli in a li'-r?. lint in* Miner think#' any hope better tlnn none, an I hung-, lus ! i terni y mi a F|?i?i* r's un.b. One iioj.t s in !lit* In!.a si of the atone, j ntent. lie t.links C Ims made mi {.loruius a sacntiie for sinners that none need fear of '.ailing to And forgtvie-SK. He loves to dwell on the a'l of the atonement, and founts largely on being re. duelle d among the multitude that no man can number. Hut he makes a fitnl Mistake. If the a;oiirinci)t bad been ten t lonsai.d iineii niore lull ;m 1 free it weald not avail I for iiiiu, unit sslie coinpli'd with the terms! on wlucli it was nil', red. If Christ had died hut for one sinner, tiia' sinner ronld | not he saved except he repented and he. | iieved. The ni ri .> ol that sacrifice mux: ! bo applied by too Hols Spin?, or it hits iw-ro made lit v.uu. All tl?o io>?ks on earth would not avail to sustain :i uu!< ss it wire built upon thum. Tin; sinner iiiih find the Saviour and build on linn, or wliiii' the storms of trial conn*. ho w.ll discover, too lu'i', tin; house wus built upon sand Thai liopi; was worse thai) no hope, li che a i d liutt iiito a fatal .sucu'ity, and ru in d Ins sou!. Another hopes in the goodness of God. ! f le is U God ol ieve ; In takes 11 > pleasure lit il.c death of the wicked; he is slow ui n tiger, and dcligh's in mercy more than in sacrifice. ImicIi n hope the I unci salts!* clu risli. Tin y buiid on this and he ful.trsss of the iitonenu ni, and flatter themselves thai tin y are safe. Mary who do not ho! I to ilie whole sc.h- me, have a secret hope .h it God w ill he good to tliem, and nvu r send them to hi II, whatevcr he niiiv do to 'hi- v cs, and murderers, ;.nd adulterers. Dot God nrvim encouraged such a delusion. i !? <s good ; nil good, but his goodie ss would b" Strang* !y kmj u it prompted linn to set a bounty upon sin?to throw open the door ol heaven and olf r lr* krone* and crowns to uii Wiinhvd wieteies iit wliose tie. ds of blood the en rib turns pale. And vet this | is the sch* nil? of Universalis!)!. God is | merciful .md God i*just. Justice ri 'juiri's j sin to be punished and not awarded. God I will do liiu tiling is right ami avenjjo the majesty ul his law. His jtoodneits will appear mi llitr final jmii s!aiii u; of t'uo vry sinner who had presumed on that goodiii ss and continued in sin. Thut hope will bo saipt away am! W.JI ' leave not a wreck toliinH." Another ho; e? in hi* own :ij?ht? nitMiesf. lie t! i 11 < k > (J oil (lint In: is not as other men are, ami counts Ii is dm ds of charily, arid i though a of heaven, an I vvoids of love, as so many )i wels that wi.l buy salvation for hnn. (in Inn no donhi that the vvieked around hiin will tie s< lit to !n II, but I*' vv'il be sav? d for what he has done and will do as long ns he lives. And when lie limis himself at the judgment-sent without a I'artlunjj? w ilh no tneil'l to plead for him, and a elotnl of w; ii' M' s? condemning him with awful clearness to a sauna\s do.mi, li? makes to tho discovery that his hop.; ?vns no hope. A:, -tli- r hopec to refwn. by mid b*'. Other hopes have slain their thousands, thi* us ten* ol' thousands. Ileil litis been poo plcil with those who promised themselves ?li:*l they would repent hereafter?when 111<-y wero u li'lle older?when sicklies* come?when deulli was near? but death cuino in n day and an lint they looked not tor it. and tliey went into eternity with no hope. I s ood by a grave 'hat had just been opened to receive ilie remains of one who bad died in the midst of youth and sin.? Mo bud paid a decent respect to religion, mid intended to seek and find the christian* hope lie fore ho died. Hut sudden sickness seized iiiin, liereft linn of his senses, and, in a lew days of life. And there he lay. The open grave seemed to murmur, "N j hone." The sobs of pious le-art-broken parent* cried No hope. Tee clods, as they tell on his bosom, gave back from the hollow coffin those same sad words, so Hope. And as I come away Iroin that grave the thought that crowded its>-|f continually upon my soul was the mournful fact that lie ha n>> hope. If lie bad no hope, wh <t has be now that eternity with bun is begun. ikenjeus. .no suBsmurK roit visiting the affmcted. 441 was in prison, and ye came unto m??," is the top ot the climax in that beautiful description which our Swvi.-r gives ofthuati who shall be acknowledged his fre ml* at the last day, and to which lie su'joiiis lies explanation, "inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of tho leas: of these, my Im thr? n, ye have done it unto inc." 'I'll s was a stronger proof of friendship than giving h m meat wlvn he wtis hungry, or drink when he was u tin s* ; and it was the only proof which, m the circumstances, could bt; mis. tamo!. Il Oues'pliurtis had made Some in 'jo r e s afti r Paul, but on finding it ditiicuh to discover the pi ice ofli s coiifiucineoi had urstsTuiJ from ihcm, and left with voine member of the Roman church his iiHuciioiw -ili! Salutations *o die apostle, tog< thcr w b a sum of money to support liirn m pi iwoa, think i nu my brethren, that thin would have been accepted us u siiHicieul token nl no, gard, i>r that i' would have r< freshed t!??^ soul ot the prisoner? V< rily, no. In that case, Paul would have been el sposeil tw reply to h:t> message in flu * worths winch * poet has put into the mouth ot a female mentioned in the New Testament, 'vise <? nod r?-t tin thy gifts." The present would ' have been regarded as a i atlront,'' ami the salutations as a renunciation of friendship. Notaiiig, we in iy he sun*, ivmcn was needful to r? lieve the temporal wants ol the fij ostlc, or which could help 'o lighten Ins chain, or alleviate Ins snflennus, would he withheld |jy tliis atFc innate an I inuudi a nt Iriend. I?ut if anything ofili's kind wes given, ii was not thouglii worthy of being nvii'ionel at the same time witn h personal visit. Upon this Paul s-'t a higher value tuan upon "all the s.ihs'aueo ot li s house.*' To sec the face ol l is nti? 'lent bentdaC or !> lor*: lie ileal, hi r< his cordial and Christian embrace, to he ir ??ga n h's well.knowii and 11 ver forgutten Hermits, to li'iiru from Ins own lips wlntl he had heard from tin* rupor s of o h? r?-, he retained al! Ins former love to Cuii-d, to Ins (iospel, to ins servant, tins, "iliis v\<i? refresh in?j." Tins made all t'.e ^irm<n>* of Ins visitant to smell of njyrrli, n!?*?> ?, ami cassia; and run.iTti'd Ins narrow and gloomy coll into an ivory p.!nc<', in which lie could entertain and make glad Ins ems . Dr. Ml Crir. i i-i Carpenter's Tools. rgnia: subscriber hoa just received .1 very ?* -JL 'cusivo assortment of Carpenter's 'loo!*, among which arc, Oouhlo and Single. Cast Sir. ! Iran, Jack, Smoothing, Fore, an<l Jomter Plane*, Astrigils, Heads, Dado's, Hollows and Rounds, Nosings, Ctrecian Ovalo'n, CJnnk (1. (?. Reeding, Kahldl, Side Rabbit, Raising, and S isli Planes, Sjsh Cord, Covo* for ntepa, Table Planes, Torus II - ids and Cornice Planes. Ro. man (),(;. and FilletM, Fillcltstern, Snipes Hi.Is, (totliic, Ceding, Flooring, and Plow Plane*, Plane Irons, O.I Stones, Kay llnlo Tenant, and Panel, Hand, Crossj Cut and Frame S.w?, Si row Slide .Mortice, and Marking Cuages, Angnrs, assorted qualities, .Moriire, Socket, and Firmer, CIukoIh mid Congou, Plata and lion Squares, Side Hcviim, Spoke Shaves, Lockt,, Sprigs, Nails, Ilrads, Ac. ALSO Collins'Club, Hand and Rroid Av*v, Oiiin and I'uiin -y Ivan.a Patterns, Hammers, SuihgiiUg and Lathing Hatchet*. Ac. TI10 abi.e., u, r.. .?i r,.I,n., I 0.. 1. - -.11 " > -II of the beet in uiufacturcrs, and wii! ho kohl cheap by I). MALLOY. NovrijiUcr 22 J, 1S3CL 2 tf Dissolution. f BmiK co partnership existing bi l\o cn I'm E Suborder*. under the fiim of I A & It. L. DU M AS, at Stony Point in .Monljjonviy county , will dissolve #i;h'i"ilo to tho tonus of it? own li.intition on the 1st day of Dt'ccudicr next. '1 hcrcloie, tins is to 8 y to our friend* and ciis. looter*, that wo vviil expose at Public Auction, on I'riil iv tl?" I tilli December, the balance of our STOCK OF (iOOl)S at thai place.?tint sale to continue froui day today until the whole is dis. oobed of. IS I! \ MA. DUMAS, DUII WELL 1): DUMAS. ALSO. rgiim eo. partnership heretofore existing JL between tli> Subscriber*, under the tirin of II. I#. DUMAS, &. CO.. in Uirlunnml comity, is on thu day dissolved hy imitnal con. sent, and wo tako the liberty ol informing our 11htinia and customers generally, that tlu-y have our warmest thanks for then liberal patron heretofore extended, and further s..y tint we have reduced tho pnco of nor (roods in ?n! r t.i closo litis nom, and will off r at I'ohlic S.iio. tin tho 2till Dccombor next, tnu balance of Stork then o:i hand. Kr. All prisons iiulrlitrd toritli, ur concern liy account, duo up to tin l.<t day i.j January list, will call and close the name by cash or nolo previous to the day of sale at Stony I'oint, Those failing to comply w ith this uotioc, may expect to find their accounts in the hands ut an officer for collection, as longer indulgence cannot nor will not lie given. ISHAM A DP MAS. ItURWEM. I.. IH'.UAS. Niivm.'itf 1(5, l^Xt. " *?f ? 1 Books for the season. rVHIK Christian Keepsake and Missiontry i JL Aimiiul for 1810,9 Kngruving*. The Gill, edited by Miss Leslie, for 1840, 9 Engraving*. J Holiday llouso, a scrus or Tales by Catharine j Sinclair. . . . ii Tlio Minister's Family, by a Country Minis- j, tor. . Family at Ilentlicrdalo or the Influcnco of Chria- ^ tian Principles. Letters of Klin Wilkinson during the invasion t and possession of Charleston, edited by Mrs. ^ Giluian. Ac. For silo at ilia Bookstore. w Cher w Nov. 15, 1939. I tf For Sale. J H AUCK M ips of Mississippi and Alabama, J shewing the Public and Indian Lands, In. 1 Reservations, L?nd Districts, Townships Ac. engroved Ironi t!io Governments surveys ' j and plats in tlu> General Land Office, Wash, i . ington City, by E Gilliam, uranglstnun iit the General Land Oilier. F. Tuylor, book seller, Washington City, has just publisls.-d (and secured the cojiy right accor- i ding to lawltho above Maps, which will be I I'oiind infinitely more complete and accurate than fany heretofore published. Tin y are publia ?-d 0 on separate she. ts, each containing nearly six |( sqo ire feet, and will be found especially useful nil valuable to those interested in the lands of V | eitiicrsiato us tliey uliow every item or inform.!. | (| tion wliieli in in possession of the Land Office | R relative lo water comae*, township lines, Indian J d ' I.iikI and lb-nervation*, land District*, ?Vo. and j will bo found perfectly accurate and precise in g. points. Tliey can be unit by to any part of the United States, subject to single lett*r postage. 1'KICL Iwo do'l irs, or three copies of either will bo soul by mail lor dollars A liberal discount will ho nude to travelling sg nls or to any who will buy lo t<oll ngnu. j ILT Kditers ot" newspapers any where, who , ^ w ill give the above advert i.iuiucnt I including f this notice) one or two insertions, hIkiII receive jj by return mail a copy of each map, if they will send a copy of the paper containing it, to the advertiser. ^ November 2, 1S39. 14 ? ; Robert's Silk iMutiuul, ,K t the Honkstorc. 1 " (.'heraw, Nov 10, Ifidl). * ?f_ a Seasonable (.jooiIs, r FS^Iil) subscrils-r ha* received a large portion JL of his su| ply of full and Winter lioods, ; embracing a* great > vinety us is usually found I in any store i.i ties place; to which lie respect- j lolly solicits the attention of |n-r*oii* wishing to j J puicliase, as they will be offered at prices as low j as c 111 possibly bo utlordcd by any 0110. if. Mc IN tosh. Novenilier 2d, l**30. N II.? A large supply of negro eloths, blanUI <"ts, Over C0.1t* and Cloaks, which will bo sold I very low. i\ evv Rooks. ] 3 ATKI.Y Received ly wagon the following |i ! WLA liew woiks at the Itookstore, v.7 ; I f, In Theology and Kehgiout I,<lnulure: Hoard, a j man Oiig.nal Sin. V11!. ge S. rmons, Jdnkin on ! n ; Justitie.itnm. thud's lleitcr Covenant. MeDow. | j , i ll'a IfiMe ("lass \|, Signs of the Times by | q l>. Cuyh-r, Memoir of Dr. ln-de|| by |?r. Tyng. If 1 It istcn's Crook in the Lot, Dick's Theology, a ! McKiier. on the Type* ?<f the Old Testament, J il ,Scoiig?l's works, Philip's Guide* comp ete in I | two vols. McRic 0:1 tlio Hook of I'stln-r, Chris [ ill til Yoitll'j Monk. Hodjfo'n History of tliol ' l'r.i?liytoriill (*li'ir? li, '?ui*s li.blicil Notts \ I in pr-mf of ilie D> ily nf Ji'smk t'hrist 1 i (St una! Ijtleialure . I'ottjHT and Tliouisoii , ~ | 1 vol. e vo II .<> I O'.'iiix I vol. 8 vo. ('liililiii, j , ll :li' r .Hid Pol loo It 1 vol. 8 v>?. .Monro'* Wo'k*. f ! lfcvol. H vo. Juiiiii'* Letter*. Mroo.'s l.'iiivorsal ! 1 li izuttii'i', Metropolitan Pulpit, beut{; sk< tclu * : it j oftlie most ct.l iliralod living Knyloli Preachers | |,i ] of.ill D.'tioiiuti Itions I.oril llroonliani'ii sketch- si | ot'C'iiai.tutors in lite reiyii of <>eurjji III. Dr.! Humphrey's Tour, Map* of S. Carolina, Do. ol' J t':ii'i!iini and (?. oi iji.i. Also the following Srhfil Iton\* ; Morriv'* 1 ' ' ir. K'n kh no's Do. Kuplisti Header. Jones | ; Chemistry, Do. Piuiosophy, Mauidun's Algebra. I j Ac. .V . I Chcraw Nov. I I, 1813. ! ? tf ! 1'Jstiitc iXotice. j ] A lil> pi'monn indeb'cd to the Instate of Ann I Hum deceased, lite of Ciicsti-ffi.-lii District. ! j are^r quwti'd to como forward and make p lyinrnt; j I ami all who have claim* against mid Kst.ite will ' y pres.-nt the name duly authenticated as tho law j j direct*. j 0 J \V. HIT R.N. l!.Li;iK\, jtl t vccttlnrs. j c Nov. 15th 1833. | '? 1 tf i * t> SSiiIc of Assigned instate. I g Willi, se'l at Public Auction on Saturday j a S the IJihh inst. jiirt of this Assigned Kstate ; I i of Shudiuch Mil'dnl' deceased, consisting of b '0110 lot whore Ihie'isiiiith shop formerly (.tool, together with all lux blacksmith tools, j j one gig iml harness. and 0110 steel kiiy cotton >1 I ( in. together with other thing* belonging to | sanl Kstate?Ti l ins on d.i v of sale. ') , ' Thin property is sold to inoet his debts am! I t ike this method of informing all pcrsoif? in. (! litetl to him that unless they settle with mo he fur o tin) mic, alter that day they will find f , i 'heir notes and accounts in the hands of an orti ; . ccr lor collection. 1> S II VllIildlM, Assignee. i, ! November 15. lt?39. fc 1 ' tf ti JMorus Multic.mlis. K^OU Sale nearly or quitoTWH MILLIONS o of Morns Mnlticaulis cuttings of rcinarka. " | lily vvel grown and Wi ll matured wood ; a laigr n [proportion from roots one and two yours old. j I'lie trees are very super or, generally from 6 to ( Id feel Ingii, grow ing on dry sandy laud, in raws , from I to S feet apart, and standing, generally, ^ | at lioin 'J to II lect in the row. Main sterns and | I branches v ill b.! sold together ; and, rather than ; ! r. fuse a good oIFt, the roots will also Iki sold. ' 1 It is esiiniited that the lot w ill yield from four l' tu fire IiuutlicU thousand cuttings an inch P and <|ti irter or moro in circumference. Such cuttiu s, as I know from last spring's ex|?criei?ce, grow almost as certainly a8 rooted plant*, even f with had managmmt in an uiifavorable season, more oepecially when grown themselves from ;l rooted pi ints, as is he oise with many of those ! here nil' red It is confidently believed that very ' r J few if any lots?>l trees aro for sale in tho .ountr) | ! which afford so hrg" a number of no good rut- : i ting*. 'I'liey aro worth visiting from a distance i j y hy a prsou wishing to p\ir huso so great a num. I | Imt ill trees or cutting.. of prime quality. ihol i / price is I cents per foot, or 'd rents pri j I , lot I. A reasonable ileihietioii would ho iiinilc to | -* : a purchaser ofthn whole lot. Tin tielrl on w Irielt 1 tint Ire. x stand is w itliiu a few bundled yards ot | s tho Cheruw !?oat landing, from which thorn is J ' regular rtenrnhoat communication with George 1 I Town and i'liarlesto i. u Tho postage must is? paid on all letters on the subject or they "nl aol attended to. M. MACLEAN. Cher iw S. C. Oetohor -flit IM30. ' Okrn Cotton. IOMFi of the send of this valuable cotton sr.; left for sale at llnsolutv. ? i o ? JJ'-' - ' - - ' - - * Female Seminary. Yo. Ill JJroad Street, Charleston South Caro inn. MR8. LANGLKY will instruct young Indies in all lite Bnghsh branches of roiito .iturature ; and Iter beiuinary which is located n one of the most healthy and pleasant siluotions n the city. Hlmll be provided wHh tho mott ?complislicd and raapectuble trachcra in tho of French, Spanish, and Drawing. Young Lad ice from the country, either for hi*, or uny other Seminary within the City can 0 accommodated w ith board where duo regard t ill ho paid to their moral*, while under her arm Entrance %.*? which ahal! be appropriated to . uriiishing a a diet Jibrary ior tho u?o of tin* tvininury. Clctotier 1R. 1830. 40?Ihn In Uijuily. Che raw District?South Carolina. Francis Hunter } va. i Bill to* partition &c. I Frances Cooper j it alios. J [T appearing to my satisfaction that William Cooper a Def mdant in thia case is absent rom and resides without the limits ol the State f South Carolina, on motion of J. A. Dargan, is ordered *hat the said William Cooi>er do ppcar and plead Answer or demur to the said (ill of tho Complainant, on or by the first day 1 January next, and that in default thereof the rid II.II as to liiin he taken pro confesso. It is I so ordered that notice of this order he published i the Cheraw (iaz tte twice a month for the ( pace of three months. j i O. W. DARGAN. i ... ^Coinin. in Lumty. i Sent 2K. IBM. w^SiJKf -*? o . ... f 1 ... jHV ^ ohn K. Mi iBjti \m i i ' irliii ^BBHEiifcai f ii^K _ tt1 * > n ffh*. 11 * o!*? p'.ir . i iiko'lfiBneTE^^^ JWrytfloi I i,i I <U?4) *kHlM6 (MM II .llMi, 'J ^ ffi$r$Jt$K&imm*9ttu^ J ''' _ 'i > 111 v ?^?* ^''* ' Ad'iifi?ui^^&,,vit | Bill for partition Moor* and | "T ?ypMfAtWin>)) ml it faction that More S j 1 "'VeiM?&#* Inn wnt: Inn* uini dmtri. tiM ;> uf'Dpein Cain,' < 'I <! and I' t mlimtA'mKliO7 abovn stated carr, aro cut of, j mi brjoMUo limits of lliu utate It ih, on ; lotion ofnfaaillca an i Klltoll CompLinaiit*, i?l'Oi*#ele Udktr?l itiiJl Iliry do u!< ad, answ< r ' fAwmfrll* HiM of < 'iiiiipiuiiit ii< the ? nil j *ftiio yi^^Kxntm inont In - from tin* date lirr.*of, r lltinJHPWflnt'r i ho t k< n pro c. nOn-no I lii-iii. t Edward B. u iii;i:i.i;r, Commi?-doner in i-qnity. j r^Diii'iiiMioiiora Ofli?-r, / I a r ion C. II. Ud I Ij-39 \ 4M Dm Iv <i\V;i llrl'v 1 mm- Mi vlm-o . - ,, ^ ? I ? Vy 1 > I I t I ? I tun: Agonry for (Kin valuable medicine* is at the ' Him >!is' o?i " if Mr. 1 riiici! where j may at m?v time U. ii..d h\ the single Lottie or I V tllV lloxfll. J. A. INCUS Agt. j < her: w April *.'hl Wood. Iw il! tiir11i?!i Oak utul Hi rhery Wi oil, at ' ."S'J f>0 per cord, Cash. A. T. I.ACOPTK. October 4, 1P39. -1??It' C'hcrnw Bacon. B Sf AM^, Shoulder*, and Side.*, of try own K B cluing, for Bale. Term*, t'ash. A. r. LACOS l K. I October 1. It-3!', _ 17? If j mm, .? mmm ?? m~ ? mm, ' iT mi.'mmm * T?S ' > < VV mm W?i? V ?. mm 1 ilK Tru?t> en r< npi-ci'iiiiy announce tout tli?* | JL ilutii*K of this lo.-iittitnni will bu roMtuud ! n the 1st of October in .\t ; tin* .Male depart j irnt under the .-uprintendincc ot .Mr. E. Ilall ; , io f emale under that ot Mr. J. Sowers. The | ot?r*a of iiuti uclimi in the in tie di parlinciil, w ill r tliat required toenti r tho South Carolina ("oh ; go i the course in the female department will j c, to make thorough scholar*. The scholastic yc.u will eomiivnrcnn the 1st t f t h'tohcr and end tli l: t Ju'y ; the \car is g in divided into two *i ssion* : the ti *t In gin st < >ct \ r r-nrl i nds I f>! h I ' bru irv ; the see on. egin* ltitti Fehm >ry nnd end* 1st July. it mix 01 Tuition /rr Session are, for Spelling. K>'tiling aim Witting fcl'J O'l "lie almvc with Aritluiietie, Hngi ?li ) ... ...? g. ... , > lb 00 ( rammer and <.?eograpby \ ['lie above, with the Classics, high r j hriuche* of M itlioniaiics, i.."gic, . WO CO i Rhetoric, Ac. 1 five dollam each will he added to the above or Painting and Drawi: g, 01 tho .Modi.ii lain nages. All payment* pre in advance; the pupil will *! r ({Hired U> pay tor what remain* ot tho wi. mil at the time lie or sin* enters, nor will dcdiic. j Ion or drawback be made for to.-s of time. J. W. HI.AKKN K V, Sec'y A Tree*. P. S. Mr. 11 T. Chapman ha* taken charge t f tnu Boarding House, near thu Female Aeuii.. iv, where Young Ladies uny obtain bi;tiu at a illiterate price. Sept. lilt 1K19. 4f? tf Administrator's Notice. I Iiii r? v-ro mors hi ii mm Try on ?!? : s<*?f ar.? requested to call and receive on their debt* per cut. The next ami last iiiviJnxl, will, i ; is lioprtl, be made in a ft w months, Some of ] lio <lt his are n<*t yet cntlrrlt >1 ami a little { roperty unsold. A I.MX. CJRAIIAM. Ati'r. I Chora tv, Feb U, If39. 13 tf ! ikhik m.nimnti. rllF.subscribershave est ablishedtliomorlvci j lu the above lino of business in Cln/uM j nil otVt rtlitirse.i vio sto its citi/ens. *t. ItAZKNCOl'ilt, A CO 'lieraw, S. C.. Jan. 'Jt>. ~~ n1k iTkvTTt 'iin nr'ftkTT I lector of Trinity Chunk, Society HiU%\ Ihir/inglon Hist. S. ('. IS prepared to receive into hie family as board. | injj pupils, a few young gentlemen. In bis system of instruction .no comprised be. ides the ti-u >1 preparation for College, minute Mention to philology, the scanning and ooiulosilion of t<re :k and l,altn poetry, Ubctoric lid tlie llrllrx I.rttrrs gcnomlW. M is pupils are limited to twelve. Vacation tlio nunc a* nt Columbia College. Cor Hoard and Tuition?(Tlio academic yaar) F*ire, Candles, washing uho included, tlio terms ire $493 each pupil. No pupil will I hi received or a shorter peloid. October 10, 1.-39. 40 Ct 117* The. Charleston Couiicr and fiospol Me*. I leng'T, will please give tlio al'we six imsm tm?is v! fv-var ".-hr ; V South Carolina. ' CAMM Dtttrut. Angus McDonald applicant, ?*. J 11 l,? Mary Norris, Harsh Mcintosh, Daniel Mi . '1 Rurhotn, and - Margaret hi* wife, Alexander Mr Donald and-Daniel McDonald, deforuUal*. It appearing to my satisfaction tnat Alexsn. der VlcDoluld, and Daniel McDonald, rui^ without tho limits of the State of Booth Carolina. It is tberetoro ordered that they he and appear before mi- iu llio Cou t of Ordinal? to be lield for i theatrrffeld Diatrlct .on Monday the 9th day of I Deeeroher next, at Chealerfteld Court Ilouae, to # allow c.niae why the roal Estate of Randal Mi: Donald deceased, should not bo Bold or divided, or their consent will he entered of Keeord. TURNER (IKYAN, O. C, D. Ordinary's Office, Oet. 14 lto3il. _ SO 8t Notice. riYHE undersigned having bought the entire JL atock of goods from Misers. J. &. W. I<cok, would take this method of informing their friends and acquaintance* that they have taken thehonse occupied by tho Messrs Leaks, where they aro o Hiring a well siluclcd assortment of Dry Goods, Hardware, and Groceries, l! of which I hoy are disposed loreII low for cash or on a short turn to punctual customers. H. M. dt W. H. TOMLINSON. Ch<'raw M.irch 1839. If Notice *^Y7ILT. bo sold on tlm 3rd Monday in Noww vi-mbcr next ot Bcnnettsville, within the usual bourn, the tract or plantation of land of the late Charles Irby, situated in Marion dis Uict, coiit iiuins about Sixteen hundred acrcr,? mi tlio following conditions: The purchase injury to l>o paid in thrco equal annual instnl. W mi nts with inter st from tlio day of sale.? lioud and p< raonu) security and a mortage of tb? premise*. Tli's land is ordcrod for sslc by the t 'ourt <>f Equity. Further particulars will bo given on tlio day of sate. GEO.W. DARGAN, Comm'i. in Equity. Oct. 27th, 1M3. * ' 52 21 Jf Sheriff's Sale?. of Fieri Facias, w ill ho sold be. . Court House door, on the fmt 'J'w-i-tlay December ne.*', wl^Kqicgal hours the following property, of!?nc] moro or lew uheron the tffearfrfm resides, nl the several suits of A. Blue, Win. Martm and Jiio. N. Wuiiams vt. Ranald Mcltonald. KM) Acres of land more or lew w l.ercon t^e defendant resides adjoining liio lands of John P-gg and Susanna 1'igg ; 2 bagd of horses,ti lu-ad of ca'tle, 11 fx. ad if iiog% a lot of corn and fodder, H bales of Cotton, 1 lot of Gu:.a, double and single barrels, and a set of blackj-niitn tools, at the suit of C Sl G. !!. Kel?-y and lialsted vs. Wm. K. Griffith. The il bans of cotton will be offered for sals in Cheraw on Tuesday the second d.iy of sale ; the ba'anru of the personal property will be sold at the defendants residence socond day of tale. One cart, 1 lot of hog?, 1 grind sone, 0 old > ploughs, at the suit o( Jeste LUrnelt, vs. Win. Terry, this property offend fur sale at Benjamin Cattily'a. 10<> bushels of corn, HCO lis. fodd< r. .10 head of l.o^s at the suit of R C. Jlrunni II vs. A. B. Funderburk. The projierty to be olTercd at Um? defendants residence the Second day of sale. JOHN' EVANS., c. p. Sheriffs Office, Nov. 7th lftlO 5|? 3: For JSnlo, l.'i.OOO Morus illuhicuulis Trt'es, J50.000 ' M Cut/trigs. Also. S'JO.OOO SILK WORM EGtiS. The above Trees and Cuttings are very fine, and warranted lo las the genuine Mri.TiJ *.?? mii , nuinv ui jiiu irt;i? urc ri ven Seel lngli; tin- cuttings aie from trees of one, two and three years old, well riper cd wood, one hod to each cutting. The egg* arc of tint kind w Lirli produce white and yeliow cocomi*?mostly white? and a purl of the in raised ftoui the second crop this year. Orders for anv of the nbove. adilrmed to nrr. will ho punctually utirnikui to, and tilled in the order in winch llity aro rceeitti! ; that is, firirt riitt-e Jiift ttn rid. It is desirable tliat appljei. t.un he tit:t?!u Lu t'oie the first of November next, as iboul that time I wid commence preparing my ground and planting the n?-jt rear's crop. Sal. s made at the current pria? b at Ihe time of delivery. Any communication made to me on the stibH cl of the Siik Culture, will l>o promptly sr.sw.rc,!. flt'GJI CKAIG. n.e>t. rfn ld C H. A- p 30JI8J9. 4i M_ New (Jooits. ?' Ilii Subscriber has just received by wag-* pons his Fall and \\ inter stock of goods.; cor.s simp ol Fancy Staple and domestic goods," which tnaki s hie present assortment vi ry complete. He asks the Puhlic and Ins fc.rnq r customers to call and examine tor thernselr pa, and he flatters house i he wiH he able to ptasr, as hit price* shall be as low as any repuur dealer, ar.d the quality of his Merchandize tquiliy as good. D. S. If ARLLER. 51 ii New Orleans &. Trmidud M O L ASSES. -m fill DM. New Orlf>s>.? A- T,,..;.' jl*f * olasscs of very superior quality tu sinro aiitil for sale by I). M Al.l.'IV. Eolith Carolina. Marlborough Thstrirt. Wiiiioin MeDaniel, Johntl. Me I Fa. .id .4/?//? cunt*, vs. .\laiy Wilkcson, OboJinh C*r>, Wr..-y C.?r!s, Elizabeth Carls, John Curls, William Carls. (?. Curls, Andrew Carlo, and Nnncv Mo * Daniel ?iu?rdiuu of Fiances McDano l, Mi\ Ann MoDuniul,, la Ale Daniel M rlVinid minors. Wrfrndant*. It nppo.trirg to my satisfaction that <>1 Carls, Elizabeth Curls, W illi.iiit Co.* a, (Irorso Kails and Andrew Carls five of the- ticf? ndautr.. reside without this Slate ,*?it is therefore ortlc: e<l tint they do nppenr and object to the division or sale of the res'estate of ticorro Mpllai.w) m. or before the thirteenth day of December i*M or their consent to llio same will 1>o ei.tcr?d of rocord. I.. R 8TUHHS, Ordinary of Marlboro Ihstri ?. October 14, 1^39. 49 m 1N8UR AIM 6 r. railli: Subscriber I? agnnt for thu Coannl-.a A Insurance Company, and conliuues to In. sure at n reasonable premium, lfnnaes, Goods, Wares andJAcrchandiso, both in I hia place and I ho Miuo*StnK Country of-South end North Carolina. Ik a dl also J moire Produce unci Good* on their trart^oMation on the River from Otn ruw to (ioorgrtown and Charleston. Person* deal roue 4 to do a *afo bu?iin sm by protecting their proporty | by Insurance will do woll to call ou the Agent at Olieraw, at hh atorc on Front Street, v In re he | may uku iII) be found. Communications in wro tnir will receive prompt attontion. D.S. HNRWJIE. Jo'y l't <U ^ jm