University of South Carolina Libraries
1 * .11 ' L. Fa It mbs?'gazette. fttn>AY tymrnw. itotimiM m. i? We new lnw a rein fitting which it it hoped, will render the river bootable. Mr. Tlmmes W. Prgen ie about to revive the Camdan JuOsmal* h will favor the Administration, but witt not oppose elate bank*. it will lend ita aopporl to the Temperance cause, and cootaiu selections on trie 6ui>jcct of Agriculture. The abo'itioniets, who in New York, have organised theowelvee into a regular political patty, not obtaining a satisfactory answer from either the Whig or Van Burcn candidate* to represent the city in the State Senate, alerted one of their own wsmbar and mustered two hundred voles lot hen. Gen. Charles F. Mercer, long a most respectable member of Coogreaa from Virginia, ius bean elected the Cashier of a bank in Florida, and, the National IntoUigeocer cays, that be has signified hie intentioo of accepting the appointment. Me w&l therefore resign bis scat in Congreae during the winter. More than a thoutand gross of buttons are manufactured daily at Hay den villa, Maes. ? Tien hnmWd urn man EM amnlavmt - ?? fscturing them. j The city authorities of Boston have paawd an ordinance to punish persons who forget or disregard propriety so for ai to smoke cigars in the streets of that city. A man waa recently arraigned for smoking in the street, bi^ it appeared that he smoked not a cigar, bat a * pipe. Ho waa thereupon acquitted. ^ - m v Temperance Meetings in iliflbioul JWlfrkt the state have requested Judge OdNfiflSMrj Albert Rhett, tlvc Rev. Or. others to address the |l <syidstWHBByJ subject of abolishing the license laws^-^jj |B? < VNenl and Mr. Rhett have coosenteSgb^fc so, if the respective houses or either of tbam should grant the privilege. Inru&TaD Livs Stops.?-Messrs. Gourdin, Matheson k QK'tif Charleston advertise for vale, Wood.-d homes and cattle now oo the way from England to this country. If wett elected, they will prove a valuable acquisition to the state; otherwise they will prove ir^ur.ous, by eiaking an unfavorable impreesioa oo the m'mdv ot those who may own nod see themselves and their progeny. The ndvor' jemcnt is not as particular as it should be in regard to tho stock of the cattle* and their pa. ri'y of blood. Some nus. hovous simpleton* out of sport, itiiraivkil an olnr>Konl nksina.1 Ia n ^ 1 w.H ? UM?ywp? nwppw w MW HOW Port Depuaite Md., tod one of them ap> j.r ??chu?g the animal wm seized in its trunk a:id dashed to a considerable distance, baring hit body at the same timo pierced throufb with thetu&k of tlie beast, which caused un* mediate death. Pktti Tactics ?n m Tmiiimib Lm> i*x.atvrs.?'The majority of both houses being support-re of the Administration party, resolutions were proposed instructing the Sena* tors, and re>juestii]g tl?c Representatives in Congress from that state to vote against a J national bank?for the sub-treasury?against abttt to gecuro the freedom of elections? against the distribution of the procssds run public lands and, generally, to support the leading measures of the present administra* tion. Mr. Anderson, of the Whig party, moved as an amendment, to strike out the resolution relating to the eub-'ireasury, and insert as a aubatitute the following being tbe language of Gov. Polk whilst in Gongrsss, when Mr Gordon of Virginia, in 1634, proposed tbe a ib-trcatmry scheme for keeping and disburs* ng the revenue, viz: "Resolved, That a corporation it much ta. trt than aojr individual agent, however responsible he may be, becaueo it consists of aa association of iudividuala who hava thrown together their aggregate weahh, and who are bound in their corporate character to the axtent of thoir whole capital etock for the depeeitot; and that it it the opinion of tkia General Assembly that the heaviost security which themoet wealthy individual could give would riot make public depoeitee safe at the point of large collectione." To avoid a direct vote upon thie resolution a motion was made to lay H on the table, which prevailed. Air. Anderson then proponed another substitute, and adopting the language of Gen. Jackson* in hie annoal m see age to Congress in 1890 aa follows, vis ; Resolved that "wc have conftdenc# in the ability and capacity of the State Banks to perform all the duties of fiscal agenta for the GovennnenC" This was also, on motion, laid on tbo table to a day beyond the session. Air. Anderson ?l _1 _^:i* al ? - non iiiuvru mi inouwr suosuiute, *'KyttfTg 'ho language o# the Washington Globe, io relation to a sub-treasury, when Mr. Gordon's project, above referred to, was brought forward; viz; Resolved that the Independent Treasury is "disorganizing and revolutionary, and sob* versive of tho fundamental principles of our government, and of ita entire practice from 1799 down to this day; and that it is as palpable as the eunthat the effect of the scheme would bo te bring the pubbc treasury much nearer the set'!*! custody and central of tho President, and expose k to be plundered by a hundred hands, where owe under the late system could not reach it. In such ere am, we nould feel that tho people bad just canes for alarm and ought to give their most ipiil attention to such an effort to enlarge executive power and put into its hands tho rueano of cor ruption." This was also disposed of by laying it on the ' IP tbo matter which we have mm. The original mulutioni vm doubtkjfi iftarwudi adop tod. * .u t - i - - ) " Tut Caii 9? tbs abmtas.?Tfab eats was to be tried in New Hives eft a eeort , which commenced he ieeeiun on the 19th. ha*. bet wee pet off (31 tho 7th, ofJaoeery, ewisi to the ei cheese of the interpreter. The Baltimore American statse that notwithstanding the Ricboeeed tad FMnieka bovfh railroad company haws repeatedly pebHohod their rule to receive no powder far transportation, it is still sometimes omoggwd into their freight ears. On the 15th. instant an explosion took place of powder thee am eg. gled, which caused the {eath of one of the hands. If it ia (border, in the eye ef the law, go catMo death by carelessly letting fan e heavy body in a street or other place ef public resort; ought not death bysneb an explosion to be punished as murder f The lightest pan* ishmeot which ought to bo provided far emuggKng powder infte a railroad ear, whether explosion occurred or not, is cooftoement far Hill Penitentiary at hard labor. The crime indicates no great rockltee aoos of bnu life that the anther of it ie unfit to live is society. Aauoftmu. Ceavimoi.-Wo (earn verbally from a gentleman who left Colombia n Wednesday morning that thie body met on Monday cvenm^tfAMAHfedCol. F. H. Eh whom Gen. W. petition Mbe etate. tuoch debate, decidd^ r4PHP^^HMnte of these proposition!; the lolMjp^^Bmlme discus, aion, aod a motioQ iftffiMjHK f|e table tree loot; which would dodSBMmguo favor* ably to ite adoption. Strongly opposed. If it ehonld qE^^HBpJhe Can. r ration or the Lcgislatftok bo glad to see tho reasons pub)hf|m|H^ tfnntenable they might be aiaBI^BpfjMtttor recommendation of tbo rndBM tho ootablishrocpt of an Columbia. The CorveatfiUHj^HKfr no- I merously attended. i ; wr ' < Wa El Martin Representatives from 8t.'wjjHnVMff'BifM elected Clerk of the senatetSjH^PBBk Warley deceased. ^ The meaaago of Gov. Noble, in the piece* ding column*, contains much to commend* with but little that is objectionable. Ep*Jewiic in St. Aug us ting.?An epidemic has prevailed in St. Augustine, whicfi some consider Yellow Fever of a mild type* and others are at a loss to classify. A St. Augustine paper statos ibat it originated with a family just from Charleston where the \e3ow Fenr prevailed at the time* and gradually spread* first in the neighborhood of that family, sod afterwards throughout the town. Although it attcaked natives tho attache vers mil* and all recovered. The deaths were confined to pnsons from the north, and mostly to those who hsd resided at the south only a abort time. The whole number of esses is stated at 790t the number of deaths at SO. i The Flour Mill of Dr. Foutfces, near Greeneborough, N. C. was lately consumed by fire, with nearly 9700 bushels of wheat. Loss estimated at more than 910400. The fire I is supposed to havo been produced by the friction of one of the spindles which bad rue without intermission for several days and nights. The Mississippi election has terminated in favor of the Administration party. Gov. Mc Nutt has been re-elected by a few thousand majority, Messrs. Brown and Thomson have been elected to Congress, and it is supposed that a majority of both branches sf the Legislature is "Democratic," Tborc now no doubt that Marcus Morton has a plurality ot a low hundred vote* in Massachusetts; but itiaatill doubtful whether haa a majority of the wliole number caet which is neceeeary to an lection of. any officer in that elate. If he has not, the election devolves on the Legislature. What the political complectKM of that body will be is still doubtful Several of the counties failed to I make ao election on tho first trial la tbeso* new ballotings were to take place last Monday on tho result of which the preponderaueo of | strength in both branches of the Legislature depends. Ann tub Abolitionists Wmoe on Van Bobbn !?Let tho following conclusion of a long editorial in the Emancipator, on the subject of the Whig Nat tonal Convention soon to be held in Harrieburg. Answer, MBut whon the OUCetiun is nrnnti?il, ?L- *l-? - - w I r?-w ??nVU| WHCUIOT IROJ [the Abolitionists) wiM ehooee (he puppet of a very, in Martin Van Buren, or rlavery itselt, in Henry Clay, they wilt ehooee noiihor." We elated Let week that the Abolitionieta were represented to have voted generally for Mr. Morton ae a candidate for Governor of Mae. eachueetta Further tnfcrrsstior. wi n? ftrrtn ibie statement. The abolition paper*, and wc auppoeo, of eooree, the abolition party, eeem to prefer Everett to hie opponent, and we think for good reason. The aboUtienists before the eloction put to the candidates tits following questions ; 1st. Are you in favor of tha immediate aba lition, by law, of elavery In the District of Columbia, and of the alave traffic between the States of thia Union? *1 I "" 3d. Am you opposed to lb* into | the Umtn efany ?w8te<**,the MKlaH? wiOMMMat of whnjtteiMaas JuniiHn 1 Gov. Erevfott, after NMe irjtridoctocy w Mti 'MWHI ? I respond to bath of your inquiries io UMgnMrmativo." , This the w|m ?f the abolitionist* proootinccf^fRtoMiMMterjTlMllt nwwrM the, unrw of Mr. Mortoa hjvmito ud onset!*factory" ______ Onu, ? ALTtitAM Conw.?W? Mkt lb# following extract from an adrertiaement in the Colombia paper* oftirrisg for *ale the aood sf tins cotton. "Dr. I. H. Taylor from little more than 1-4 e# the itud be ought to hare had, fathered upwards of I?00 lbs. par aero. The following, in an extract of a letter, truci Or Teptar* You moot obeerre, ( bad net merWthaa 1-4 of a stand, and planted, too, at A foot, instead eft; and yet 1 will make abeot 1,900 lb*, per acre. | beiiereit capable, on the eatne land, efyieMiaf (MM Ibe. planted atfi foot in dooble row*. If I Kro another year I will try a hundred acree that way." Mr. P. M. GOmtr ?f Mootgmnery, Alabama, from a* bad a Stand gathered 1,400 lbe to the acre. Mr. C. T. BilBriba, of Bibb Co. Alab .ma, Cram 1-4 of aa acre, gathered 14)60 lbs, and expected 900 Ibe, more. Mr . Aldridge. who firm eulti. ie raid, rained *009)1*1 Eaere, thie year, and refueed ttOuOBO for crop of30 acree. Dr. 1. H. Taylor, from. 9*000 Ibe ef Send Cotton, ginned IT bale#, of 900Ibe, ererage ,* or 30 lbe of clean, to 100 of the Seed Cotton. Jeaae P. Tartar, wet known hare, weighed 429 Ibe of Pet it Oak and the same of Okra, in the Seed, and ginadd each; the reeoll was 194 lbe of ginned Petit Quit or 20 lb* to the 100, and of Okra 196 lbs, or S6 ZS to each 100 lbe. of 8oed Cotton. The Maple is decidedly finer.'* The price of the eeed here oflbrod for eale ie S100 per bosket, #20 per gaDoo, and SO per quart; which areetatod to be the Alabama 'BCsOOSn _ *" Sooth Wear era Rata Roan Sans.?The stockholders of this institution met m Charlestoo on the 19th, inst. and coo tinned In session twodays. Among the proceedings reported < t. r>, i?4? n ? - h ihv viwmwH vowwr w un loinvaf. In the coarse of the reading of these pre., coedings, Col. MeuupinfiTf proposed that the documents before the meeting, with the excep-' tion of the general statement of the affairs of the Mother Bank, be Uid on the table, with the view of refining them to a Committee to report thereon, at an adjourned meeting, which was agreed to. Towards the close of the proceedings is the following item. Dr. Ervin offered a resolution that the Directors of the Bank be instructed to -establish a Branch in North Carolina as eariy as it may bo practicable. What farther was done in the premises the report enhh not. The suspension of specie payiuenis hy the directors was disapproved, and a speedy return to cash payments enjoined. A committee was appointed on the snbjnefc of making application to the Legislators for amendments of the charter, among them that the charter be extended for ?k? r?n? twenty yearn, upon conditio* thmt the company campkte the road to Columbia with am track in throe years. James Hose has been elected President of the Bank. .. Lfmanio i?i Nona Caaoema?'The following appears as editorial in the Salisbury Carolinian of the 22d. in<t. and Bay theirs fere, we prseame be relied on as true. Lynch i.?o.?On Wednesday night the 19th inst., sue white men, some of w(pun were paintcd and ooe colored person entered the house' of Mr. Nathan Lambeth, Davidson Ceuntyj1 N. Cseis d his person, dragged ham some \ distance from the boose, there gagged him,, and inflicted on Imw body several honored blows | with sticks. Pour of (he party becoming somewhat alarmed at the eoosson^nces, fled, 1 while the other two remained and renewed the beating, until Lambeth became insensible and* fainted. In this situation the party left him, hot, it ter coming too, he with great difficulty reached the bouse, and on Thursday night died. |i is stated by the Physician who attended bun. that he wee scarred and lacerated from his neck to his heels, and that there was the appearance of several blows having been inflicted on his stomach and abdotpen, the latter of which, no doubt was the cause of his death. The circumstances that led to this glaring ode nee were these .* A Mr. John Goes, who had fcrmerty resided in tbet neighbor ho <d, but lately returned from Missouri on business, had deposited with Mr. John Loe between, eight and nine hundred dollars in specie, fer. safe keeping. This money was* taken (mA'ik deofc of Mr. Lee, on Sunday night, the 3rd Suspicion having rested on a negro man L?e,oe was taken up, examined, and confessed that be, in connection with Lambeth the pet* son lynched, bad taken the money, and. the greater portion of it was then in Lambeth's possession. This confession of the negro, no doubt, led to the doed which followed. The two persons who were more directly ooocerned in this transaction, it is said, bene fled. As this matter will, no doubt, undergo a legal investigation snd as the partice implicated are of very respectable standing, we refrain from making any comments on this outrage of all law, crdor, and civil liberty. 8ince the above was in type, wo learn tint two of the individuals alluded to above, John Goes and Lee Whar.on have fled, and, an doubt, are on their way home to Missouri. North Carolina will prors recreant to the character which she bc^ts among tboM-wko know her beet for regard to law and good: * dor, unless she shall faithfully pursue the authors of so rofarinus an outrage, and ngtdiy enforce her laws against them if they rsn bo ssd caavicwd. Every men m the state is interested in bringing thrift to joo ] uc?- wnooe hf* ? safe, if its uabrtdUd rocity of kloodbouu4? in humoa *)wp? is to ho indulged in4 gratified in thic w?irk*J ?j?h impunity ? Howrrnr gsiXy tho mordefod individual may knee boon, bd wtopuliwii. worn not tho proper judge* W hp cue. Lot, nek awn bo aiiourod to jvigt and axeuto, ami tho boot mwufroro of 9oc**!j ft^sevs bs ibcir victims. . * . '"SiflH . - I i0MMMPI frtfci' InNF^MriVVflfr l^gpp^ll^^llg^lgiN j from T,^thejCowKohfe on 2?*B? I b*f from Wilson and (He junior mawifcnr from Btaonr to tfce ConniMe oo firqnit 'dln^n 4 i m&MM ^n? unnwncf 11 Dee IH-? oiriwd en vWj IdtiTHi having pawed, that the dub' be hjpb. eiderid an Agrfceienaf Club, lud a pHira 4P Iht LifiilMwi1, for the Incorporation of foe ?arae?-bdef signed for the niliWl preterit, foe fbttoviag pBtfeaw ?fo J#' (MHfodbf focWr; a committee tofoll a Constitution with by Law*, for the rfo. Intion of said dub. Committee Roe. ft. P. W. AQstoo. Col. Josh, J. Wad. a (5. Port. Beqr. Majr* W. H. Trader, Cot Thoa. Oi Carr. aad Hon. E. TA Heriot. - The Hen. E..T. Heriot, deleting foe w, I. a Bpsifcmaa, me appointed to supply the vacancy. Oa motion, Col. B. F. Iimt, wee added to the,committee, as dee J* H. Attftoo Esq. Chairman of the meeting, to act as chfiitaao of the commit: The following gen{fopep tgiffoil ep -pointed Relegates, to foe, KjtvCuhiirn\ cocg -roituon to be bold ip Columbia, in Novem. bor inst. . . * " Dolegates for Prince George Wynetr, Hon. R. P. W. A listen,Cbl. A. H. Bdie, JTbos. O. Carr, and J. H. ft*ad.jr. . For All Saio i Parish.?Boo. E. T. He* riot, and Col. Jos. Afoa. .. .-Extract Item the M ibiffof, of the Planters Ch^ on Pec " Dee. . . , . J.fL 8PARKtfAH.Secretary. From the Georgia G?aUa?l and Hsryld. iMMKNea paooocnott nod tsxax oottck *' STsC*o?. as. iw?. G?C Wiwflhp., tii : t liMfi carefully dultivated ikr Teas* CoUop ^1 whifch fqu ?Mu kial' ffwuj^. (o present to ?n>\ i M* I k<*?wUt+*+**>* statement of tho ndsult W4to priwloctio;) for (his mmobs Cat bepn p^ked out.. . ?I measured off three acres, wfiich I had fked over five limnund the following ia result sjf each of. tb?\ pickings : am4H0.#fe004? 618.900,2$75 lbs. ar'ie*M9-*06. 5$6.?04. 831. 2091 * &u*t*?7,?67.1178,94% 688,5712 *6pe third acre was in a state of high duhnrbtlott, abd *m yet yield hom tKX>, u? 1,668 lbs. more. TUs Jaqd, of ifie 1st and ,64 acres was aomewhipworm, hut will yield 6(W vp TOO lb* more to t'?e acre, j Wb?m all is fathered and weighed, 1 ?rt9 4*rt? yen? end. fine yonthe total amoam produced on each sops. . 11Totar obetQeot server.*, .iia.-.,,- . criARuaacotLiwa " TU. waul mof ffc, 1 tirUl iuHi,of North Carolina,-should at ooee enforce the roles-which" tb*y established^ and pkxtged tlrutWhwi to-abide by in hoooor arid good faith, or they should publickly fmhim that those rules are no loafer then guide. Besides so unmanly deviation Irons the prices established* to which some of them have selfishly submitted, a Jbw of them disgrace-the press of the State by |he- bik Itngsgate and angentkwtaaljr terms ia . which ibey cooduct editorial disputation.? We wit! not pertteulariee, at present gg nil our contemporaries in the State are as well acquainted with the fads all tried to as we aru i but we respecifiiBy call oe those who !sre members of the Cunvention cither tocoforee their rules, and decline sU connexion i Illiwv "?W IMTU TIUKimi mum OT IO proclaim those rain a deed letter. - Ww are ' rt*?4y nay noxious, to' strrka from our ex.' ' .ehoqg* list every papetftMkt Hat vMstdl its' > promise, sod deals in vulgar personalities; ^od've wffldo so in a very short ttme, even iC unsupported by another numln r of tin Convention. The press of the Stsio is nrepjt enough to be modest sod bomMe, and if to this wrukoeee (a weakness of circumstances ; not a natural deftciency) we Have t he audacity to add sUng aad makgnera vul gafity. our fraternity Will be, not otdy a dm. grace, but a curse to Hooeet, weU r?wnie? North Carolina?Should others -have been less observant of the causes that have celled forth thess remarks, We have those asases "on fibs" ami we will re-publish them if called for: not in our oolumos of course, hut in private circular to Bditors. .. r Newborn Spectator. I The attitodo of Maswri and lows continues to ba rather threatening. ApprohlMiaaw ere fob of s serious opjlision. The St Louts Bulletin of lbs 31st oHmim, says t? Wo mentioned in Monday's paper thnt no attempt ha<i b^ra made hj an" erased lonw from imm v> mq*wm in? ?o?r?n of CUrk co??^wl>4. ?nf?fod * U? fecial dalle* *es^ ^ s*ff! tflmHuva Gm* W?i-ock"to ^sim y?1ih? *? ** ?' ***> fivmmtm m tfm Uw% 10 ?t dealt tvdh-at tb? ?**.apnea,- , v it ' - wiece catted itu pL^I Mwr tie' motftr ami AtagbMa (baftflfcfc,nrto 3t Aeacfetwe ofeiaUata. lie*. /^Hf Y . ?y? ?? Cmwbw* nam* iwd,,ie iBowMft* weft nrniitua, at Cuhwubia, P?. A ?mU Mi, helanging to 'he upper suburb :af faUft, wt left by ha uuxtric *loa*? 4l*yb* MiAi want in* an upper apart - j _ _w an 4 4LA. meat of Ike <1 wcfrng. Returning u> ft law amef ahe fouodim clothe* on Srel a*J beforb it aawU be reacts*-*!. (be ob&J tabs eo dreadfully but 0% ai ftp cumb u* death in ft fcftr boore. [ - -When pobtcs ere the subject in ftzitalion, every body ? rtady to send ft fenr to the fitter j but no one eecvne vifil| to' cribble Boa for the press often oo^von atftte afBura, of the ulineal importance to every citizen is (he eubiect of cmaeiryf N. C. Standard. came* afteneiTT. Oo Wednesday laaf two children. nA ding in Buriry'a Une, Leicester^ mat lei by their parunu at home It, prey^e (he dinner, and while one of them way arranging the pot hook*?the other at (ha aaaaa tunc blowing tlw fire?ra pioftfbra beoamt if Mtl. ml in a mnmsnl all ?? ~ 1 in a hkua, A boll-terrier dog, a grant U* oritc wklt :ho child, scuiog the iuiiiil?) danger of tt? pet, 4hiw toil* Miiiuwc^ N at the hazard of burning as.mooth, saooaod od in leering 1U0 clothes front; the eUa who, though much injured, Mr we bsiicvi oat of deognrs 17 m a a a v . Imporimmc* of a wft. Gen. Root wa elected to the New York Senate, by ant majority. This cloee eaeeam shows the occmiiy of every crixea voting. R?*L Rag. Tme* Lean.?'The New OHeene gape* tale that the Texan loan of IftjQQftjMI haa been negotiated in' England, at ft pq east* interest per annum, payable eopawly redeemable in SO year*. Mickfgmm?Ti?e Whigs have eW-W i their candrd*.&s for Ootiunm and Lieuten ant Governor by laninb lag over 1600 am jnrity Both Bnecbf ft Oho legisfauun are viae Wfng. Price of Fuel,?New York Qaaatn fata* that iii soma of Hw yards in that cry the enormotfs price of $14 fiO and 911 the chaldron is asked for Liverpool coaL Hogs, in numbers, are veiling at Peoria and other places, iu Illinois, at two dollar* and a half a hundred. The library of the Harvard University contains 56,700 volumes, and by the mmsureA r port, dm foods amount to $070,059 34, exclusive of all boiMhtft and lands appropriated to the use of the Cmvemity, library, pictures, apparatus, fornL ten*, 4m. $238,892 fl of which is left for the onreceived use of ihccoQrga. ? ,tT.-r.w.f for t jofiail wiftcy of Vermont 8m?c An Amtican baa patenb-d in Ea^md, and in aevernl otlier countries of Europe, an ioVeotmn far making brondarmirtv woollen cloth*. without spinning or wmjrimg. Arrrot of Shne Tnutero.?>We regrtt to lenrn that three gentlemen of wm cdy, occupying respectable pus if tone In society, were arrested and held to bad on Saturday upon a charge of bring concerned in fitting out reniel? de?igord to be employed in the slave trade.?Baft. dree. flBHKBSBSWnnHHlVMnBHHn cntBAW >?ic< ccnwotT. Fatsiv. Wimb wS, . imout. rsa | B (i i Baofin marital.' Ik M alt gaaan fine w?|uw, m it i 11 by retail. b 14 I IS Bauer lb 15 a 25 Beeewaa lb 30 a 99 Bagging yard II S Bam Rope lb it a 13* Coffee lb tfi| a 14 CoTToa, 2b fi a 20 Corn barb 74 a fiti Floor, Country, aearee brl 4 74 a 4 9S KeaSliet* fin atagena lb 44 a 44 \ Fodder. lOOtba fiT* nl Giaaa, window BxlO, 50ft 4 44 a S 374 , ^ 10s)3? 30ft 3 56 a 3 75 Hidea. rraaa lb 4 a ? ? wry lb 10 a iron 1Mb* 4 44 a Mi Indigo lb ? a 3 SO Lima cuk 4 a 4 40 lord f' lb tfim a W Loathar, tola ^F-|k ?" a 25 Uaad.fa* 4% 10 a |#>gwoo4 lb 10 a v 16 .? o w s : ft Niili, oat, iMNirted lb 11 % T , wroogbt lb M t It Uau bu?h ? ? OiL CUTTMJn^ , f?l t* ft | . lamp gal 1 Oft >, a . _. .... sjis-im .^ TBf. ; ? n ' 4Mb '4NMMIA^v4^M>4r**v ..-'* ? . ?* *5jrr r C*flbt Iq/w^^ & A iWm tt_, / *L#Sk fehfftllitlU r* ftAA . A _ 4AT' ^((I5bI " I Yr^ ^ <*' ' Jul ^ ^ I i^A|l > - ? w?rv** pr * lMWMBMB5i55EEB5BHHBSBNaHBBE3H5HEEB5EBfiHBB