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onaUte.b'-iti*. and hm^ conscience by which h? <? cepuble vf discerning the tl fP r . viico .btfyyhcn good and o%SI, mid of feeling the forco of oiorul i?blig*tion?. jjy Iiuvin* hie Mill brought donsiy Udoac Ui-t Blind, and His confccioneo a*vufctbv?d frortv i w stu. pier, hb cah bo made to foul what hi* true condnthn Hi arc wwawgwuwr<bf tho twty law of God. ? Tliia eight and w-use of tin under jhe influence ofthe common ojx'ra. tiona of tl<? apirit oi God i* what is ^isunjlv vtylthl cunviciiun of .tin. And there can be uo doubt liiMt ilit so uiews and fet lings uiny b'j very clear and stioitg in nn unrenewed mind. Indeed, tlioy do not ditf;r in kind from what every tinner will experience ul the day oi judgment, alien hie own con. science will condemn him, an-! ho will stand gudty before his Judge. But there ia notli. u?g in this kind of conviction which has any tendency to change the heart, or to make it better. Some indeed hare maintained with some elioar of roason, that under mere legal sxniUuit.fiM llui dlnnne ftrn ure ufnMA n?1/l ...v. ...UV. n.VT. -w.1. worse ; uud ccr'utnly l?<f sees his sins to be j_ router in proportion us Uie liglit of truth increases, There is not, therefore, in sucti . convictions, however clear und strong, any approximation to regeneration. It cannot be called preparatory Work to thia change, in ihq aenso of disposing the person to receive 'the grace of God.1 The only end Whit^i it con answer is to show the rational creature his condition^Dd to convincs the / * sinner of his ubsuluto heed of u Suviour.? Under conv'ciion there is frequently s more sensible i tiring of the enmity of the heart nguiust God and his law; but f'-clings of this kind do not belong 10 tho essence of conviction. I lure is also sometimes nn awful npprchcnsion of danger ; tlic imuginlUinu is filled with strong itnnges of terror, mi l hell snerns almost uncovered to tho view of tho convinced smner. But there may be much of this feeling of terror, where there is very little real conviction of sin ; and un the o'her hand, there often is deep nnd p rniuneni conviction, wh?Tti the pnssion6 and imagination are very littls excited. When tho entrance of light is gradual, the fimt <-fleet of an awakened conscience is to ui;*mpt to rectify what now appcursto tut ve bet u wrong in the conduct. It is very commort for tho conscience, nt first, to be affected with outward acts of transgression, and especially with some one prominent of. fines. . An external reformation is now begun ; for this can be effected by mere legal conviction. To this is added, an alien ion to the external duties of religion, such as prayer, reading tho Bible, hearing the word. Ac. Every thing however, is dono with n lugul spirit; that ia with the wish and expectation of making amends fur past o(T*n. tea; and if painful ponnnnc<s should b? prescribed to the sumer, he will readily submit to them if he may by this monns make tome Mtutimnent, for {lis sins. Bui as the light increases, he begins to soe that the heart is wieked : and to becouv need that his very prayers are polluted for want of right motives and affections. lie of course tries to rpgulnte his thoughts, and to exercise Tight affections ; but here Ids efforts prove fruitless. It is much easier to reform the life than to bring the corrupt heart into n right statu. The ease now begins to appear desperate, and the sinner knows not Which way to turn for relief, and tocnp the clitnnx of his distmss, Uu comes at length to be coqpcious of nothing but unyielding hardness of heart. Ho fears that the con. victioii wh oh lie seemed to have is gone. Mud tiiui |.u in left to totul obdumcy. In these ciuu instances, desires to feel k*-en compunction nnd overwhelming terror, for his impression is. tlmt he is entirely without conviction. The truth however, is, that his convictions uro fur greater, than if ho cx^ peri* need that sensible distress winch h? so much courts. In this case he would not think his heart so incurably bad, because it could entertain somo right feeling, but as it is, lie set* it to be destitute of every good emotion, and of all tender relenting*, lie has got Jown to the core of iniquity, and finds within his breast a hea*'.unsusceptible of any good thing. Docs tie hear, that oth* <-r* imvo obtained relief by bearing such a preacher, reading such a book, conversing with some experienced Christian lie resorts to the s?mo means, hut entirely without efl.vt. Tho heart seems to be mora insen. ^bif, in profiortioii to the excellence of the iifUiiN enjoy* (I. Though he dee Ions he has no scusibilhy of any kind, yet hia snx. iely increases ; and perhaps ho determine! t*> give himself up solely to prayer and read, tog die li.ble; and il ho perishes, to pcri&li seek ng ibr mercy. But howevor strong ?. .1 r I . ruvn iuquiuiliisv^ V"j IH*'^ HTC IIJUUU IC ho vain ; for now, when ho uUcmpts to pray he tni J* In* mouth, as it were, shut. lie cannut pray. Ho cannot road. He cannoi meditate. What can lie do ? Nothing. He tins conto to the md of his legal efforts; end the roatill hns born the simple, deep conviction 'hat h? can do nothing, and if God docs not mercifully' interpose, ho must ineviUthly perish. During nil this process lie hud some idea of the need of divine In-lp ; hut until now, he was not entirely cut otl troin nil dependence on his own strength tmd axon it?ns. He still hoped that by some k'nd of effort or feeling, ho could prepaft himself for the mercy of God. Now ho despairs of this ; and not only so. but for ctison he despair*, it may be of salvation? gives himself up for lust. 1 do not scy, that tlf.s is a necessary feeling, by any moans, but know tout it is very naturul, and by lie ntoans uncommon, in reul experience. Boi conviction having accomplished ail that it is eupabloof effecting, that is, having emptied the creature of *clf-dcpend6nce and selfrighteousness, and brought him to Om u?? most extremity?even to the borders of despair, it t* time for God to work. Tha proverb a**yx, Man'* extremity is God's oppi r unity .** so i; is in this case ; and at this < !??., u iii*y roiuoiiably bo supposod, the *u... u. nt-ruTlor. sruugtn; for a new * ijt Mw. </M WWHIIw'Hi'"!^ ^ upg* ju#lfs aclgiowkeJgM* iui ill dast-ft, U> ^^.'^ d- ^Aa?iw ib?o, *oe o y!'?' I finned and down this wi^tU^t thou nwjh ust (mi j # ?!ili* !il whop thou tpoakeat am] clui whan tliuu judgest " The fUJiief; fcsigj liiu^uuiQ 11mj bund* ol God ; and yet co vixtcod that if lie d<xs perish he e^ill sufli only .what Jii* sins dtwcrye. jit, doua o fully discover the glorious plitti accordui to which Ghnl cun be just and the jimtifior i the ungodly who believe in Jesus Christ. The abovo is not given avn course < experience n hicli nil real 'Clirislia.w run r cognize as their own, but a* u train of exc cisej which Ik very common. And so I d i not cousi'ler legal conviction ns noccasui to procede regeneration, but suppose iJkji arc cases in which the first serious,iinpru | s'ous may bo (lie effect or regenerutinii, cuunot of course, consiJer any |?articul train of exercisee-under the law as essentia It hns been udmittsd, bowover, that leg conviction does in fuel take place in mo | instances, prior to regeneration ; and it I not an unreasonable inquiry, wliy is the sii tier thus awakened 7 What good purpoi 1 does it answer T The reply has been s 1 ready partially giv? n ; but it may be r 1 marked, that Uod deals with man as an m countable, moral agent, and before be rci cues him frtlm the ruin into which he is suul ' lie would let liim sen uud feel, in sou measure, how wretched hia condition ii how helpless ha is in himself, and now ii effectual uro bis most strenuous efforts I deliver him from his tiu and misery. II is, therefore, permitted to try bis own wii domnnd strength ; nnd finally, to lead hit . to tlto full acknowledgment of bis own gut . and to justify the righteous Judge wiio cot dotnns iiim to everlasting torment. Coi vi.'ticn, then, is no part o' a sinner's sulvt tion, but tlto clear prncti'*ul knowk*dgu t the fact that lie cannot save himself, and entirely d"pendcnt on the saving grace ? VJO'J. A. A. From the New York Observer. NO IldPR. The night must be very durk thnt has n (or* That heart must bo very dark (hi lias no hope. Whose path is not eiieoro by the star of hope ? Tito sailor fixes h eye upon it in tho wilder!)*'** of the set The traveller in tho desert passes on It weary way while hope promise* that h journey's end is near. The Christian? manner in n Ixusteroits sou-?u traveller i u howling w ilderness?is sustained by lioji us un anchor to his soul. Sinners have hope. It can scarcely t possible thatuny man can live unconcern*! without some secret assurance of futui good. Despair would soon wear out lift But it must l>o a miserable hope that a impenitent sinner hugs to les heart, must prova like the phantom that /line, emhruced, which vanished as often as I, caught it in his arms. There Is the hnf of the hypocri.c?it deceives its owix moro thin others. But the sinner thud uny Iwpe better than none, and hangs h t'ternny on a spider's web. One hope* in :1m fulness of tlio atom meat. lie thinks Curist has made t glorious a sacrifice for snmers-.that nor neixi fear of failing to find forgiveness. fl loves to dwell 011 the all sufficiency of (I atonement, and counts largely on beiug r< deemed among the multitude that no nw can number. But lis makes a fatal mistuk If the atonement bad txH.-n ten thousnt times more full an I free it would not uvi Inr liiltl. linli'luliH O'lliinlii il ailli till- tern ou which it was oft ml. If Christ la died but lor 000 sinner, that sinner rou not bo saved except lie repented *uh1 u Sieved. Thu nvri:s of that sacrifice mu 1 be applied by |lio ilol) Spirit, or tt bus lw? made in vuin. All tho io Us on car 1 would not uvuil to sustain n house uu!? ss were built ujkjii them. Thu sinner mu 1 find the Saviour and build on him, or win 1 the storms of trial come, h? will discov? too lu'e,that thu house was built upon san That hope was worse than uo hope. 1 cheated him into a fatal security, and ruin< 1 his soul. Another hopes in the goodness of Go 1 flu is a God of love ; lie takes no plcusu ; in the death of the wicked; he is slow 1 angor, and delights in inurcy more thnn sucrifico. Such a hopo the Universalis cherish. They build on this and ho fullno ' of the atonement, and llutter themselves th 1 they arc safe. Many who do not hold ilie whole scheme, have a secret hope ih i Gotl will l>e goo (J to tliem, and never soi them to hell, whatever ho may do to thieve i and murderers, and adulterers. Out G< ; never encouraged suck a delusion, lie i good ; nil good, but his goodness would I ' strangely kuid it* it prompted him to set bounty upon sin?to throw open the do I of heaven and oiTr his lirones and crow i to uuwahhed * letches ut whose deeds ; blood the earth turns pule. And yet il is the scheme of UuiverMtlifm. God I merciful and God Hjunt. Justice requir sin to be punished and not awarded. G< i will do ihu thing that is right and nven, the majesty of his law. His goodness w f appear m the final punishment of tho ve Miuncr who ha J presumed on that goo in ss nnd continued in sin. That ho i will be swept away and Will "leave not wreck behind." Another hopes in his own righlrousnei (!o thanks liod that he is not a* otli men nre.und counts his deeds of charity, hi , though s of heaven, and woids of love, > so many jewels that will buy sulvntion f him. 11.. has no douht that tlx: wick' i around him will be sent to hell, but he w bo saved for what he ha* done and will < along hs he liven. And when he fin himself* at the judgment-scut without u fa tiling?with no friend 10 plead for a cloud of wi:nc??< s condemning him w awful clearness to a sinner's doom. I i Wakes to the discovery that his hnpo w it no ho|Hi. A'noth. r hipoi to re|?efii by and by.4 hi plod with those who promised lh&meNe? m that th?y4 would repent be teller?-when T 11 they wore a ) 'lie older? when aiokne** fj (At on trie?when death was near?but death il- came in a,day nod ?n hour that tfioy lo<>k< d T ar not for it* nod they went into eternity with i? no Hope. * ? 1 wood by a grave thai hod just Iwn L ar rip filed to h'ceive the remain* of One who Ol Itud died in the midst of youth and sin.? ia tie hud paid a decent rewncec to religion, of and Intended to seek nhd find the clirixtian* _ hope before lie died. But sudden siekp? as of seized him, bereft dum of his senses, and, | s*? in a few ihtya of lifc. And then? he lay. The J r- m?cn grave seemed to murmur, ".N? hone." d to Tlio sobs of pious. heart-broken parents ? y cried No hope. The clods, ns they fell ort re this bosom, gave bock from the l?oMow cof- t Sm. fill (hot* same and words, tfo norx. And 1 as t contcawny from that grave the thought JJJ nr .tlint crowded itself continually upon my il. soul was the mournful fact that ho ha t n<? a. my ? ?_ < . - ? m nope, n ue nsu no 'tope, wn-if <ias ne now 01 m lha*. eternity with him is begun. M is Ikenjbtts. 2! 01 * ? * 50 svBCTtTtrri rott visitino Tint avruct- n l ed. * . w e> "I was in prison, and ye came urtto m?," tt h is the top ol' Iho climax in that bonutiful pi |t> description which our Savior gires of those ^ )0 who shall bo acknowledged his fra-nds at m ,. the lust day, and to which lie subjoins this oi ,] explanation, "inasmuch as ye have done it a unto one of thu loas: of these, my brethren, |u ye have done it unto me." This was a ^ , stronger proof of friendship than giving him m meat wh?n he was hungry, or drink when < lu ho was a thi st ; end it Wiethe only proof which, in the circumstances, ceuld be sua. tainuil. IfOnesiphoriia liad made some in,, quiries after Paul, but on finding it dillicuh 1 [(f to discover the place of tut confuietneni had *'ir.j front them, and loft with eomu _ jf member of tlto Roman church his afTuctiun. ato salute lions *o iho aposile, tog? tlier wnb r n sum of nionoy to support liirn in prisolt J think you nty brethren, that this would have 01 been accepted as a sufficient token of rc~ J.'' gnrd, or that i' would have refreshed the ((1 10 soul of the prisoner? In that aj 11 case, Puul would have been disposed ie i?t reply to his message in the word* winch s is |K>ei hat put into the mouili eda female i. incniiuncd in the New Tests mailt, "visit me ^ is and retain thy gifts.*' Thu present would is "have been regarded ns i i aflroni," and .ii the salutations as a renunciation of friend- 1 in ship. Nothing, we may be sure, which * >e was needful to relieve the temporal wants of n the apostle, or which could h?>lp *u lighten j, i? Ins chain, or alleviate his sufferings, would el d bo withheld by this affrc ionate and tnumfi- b e sent friend. Rut if unything of ilns kind " was given, it was not thought worthy of g in luting mentioned at the same time with his u |i personal visit. Upon this Paul set a ti ,g higher value tiiun upon "all the substance V ... ul hid initial- " Tn ui'i* i In, f:wi- ul liia mi le i'h'nt bcmtfucior !> fore he dknl. to pto.vo j it his cordial ami Christian ctnbrucc, to hoar H (g Again his well.known and ivwr. forgotten l| im accents, to learu from his own 1ij?h what he ^ had heard from the reports of o hers, that G| [5. lie retained all his foriiu r love to Christ, to ai :0 his Gospel, to his servant, this, "litis was II jC refreshing.** This made all t!?e gnriwnta [u of his visitant Jp siiltfll of aiyrsU. nl ??ti l(] ie cassia; and converted Ins narrow and tf- gloomy cell into an ivory p.ilac**, in which m he could entertain and make glad his cues!, e. Vr. Ml (Jfie, ?* Carpenters Tools. J M rB^l,E subscribcr has just received a very ex. >< JL ?en?ive ssscrtn-nut of Carpenter's Tools, p ?* among which arc. Double und Single, Cast Stool j ist Iron, Jack, Smoothing, Fore, and Jointer >i, Planes, Astragals, Beads, Dado's, llolluws and Ij, Hounds, Nosings, Grecian Ovalo's, Quirk O. U. . Heeding, Rabbit, Side Rabbit, Raising, and Sash Planes, Sash Cord, Covoa for stops, Tabic Hi Planes, Torus Iliads and Cornice Planes, Ho.'ll man O, G. and Fillets, FillctUtcr*, Suipos Bills, ,r> Gotliie, Ceiling, Flooring, snd Plow Planes, i* Piano Irons, Oil Stoucs, Key Hole TonunU , , and Panel, Hand, C roe*j Cut and Fraino Saws, I I' 8crew Slide Mortice, and Marking Guugre, I'd Augurs, assorted qualities. Mortice, Socket, and ? Firmer, Chisels and Gouges, Piute and Iron ? | Squares, Side Bovils, Spoko Shaves, Locks. " Iliugcs. Si rigs, Nails, Brads. etc. (' ,o ALSO s i(, Collins' Club, Hand and l*road Ax?* Ohio ... and Pennsylvania Patterns, Hummers, Siiingliiig ' and Lathing Halehets, Slc. d sa Tho abovo were pnrchasod low and for cash b nt of tho best manufacturers, and will bo sold cheap to *>y 0 U. 51 ALLOY. , Novi'mbcr 22J, 1839. I 2 If )d ? ....... 1 ,'8 Dissolution. I IX' h B f JHIIE copartnership existing between tho A Kubcriboro. endor tiin tiitn of I A. All. L. K DUMAS, at Stony Point in Montgomery c.unty, . I>H will dissolve ogrcowdo to tho terms of its own !! of limitation on the 1st day of December next. HO Therefore, this is to ?iy to our friends and eus. " jj tomers, that wo will cxposo at I'ublko Auction. on Friday the 16th December, the balance of our ? <!* STOCK OF GOODS at thai place.?tho M|? to } ml continue from day today until the whole is dis. pm posed of. 5 IS|{ \ MA. DUMAS. ? " UURWEI.L D: DUMAS. ? ' <J. 0 ,? ALSO. r L fElHC copartnership heretofore oikting f JL between tin Subscribers, under tlm <. Arm of D. L. DUMAS, 4. CO., in Richmond | county, iaontliieday dissolved by mutual con. |, rr sout, and wo tako the liberty of informing our 1 i, mi friends and customers gonerully, that I hoy have , at our warinenl thank" fur their liberal pul/onami f or heretofore extended, and further s..y that ? 4 j nave reduced the prico of oqrUoods hi oider to t . oloto bua nusa, and will offbr at Publie Sain, on t tho 2lih Dccomhor next, Uie bolunoo of Stock r Ju then on haud. Ate. All persons indebted to eith. -j i]? ?r concern by account, duo up to tb<> 1st day of r_ January lust, Will ouii nnd cloeo the same by a * cash Of note pravioua to the day ofaaleot Stony Point, Those failing to oemply with this notion, at*y expeet to find their accounts in the hande uf I?h an officer for collection, ee longer indulgence m cennot nor will no* be glrsr,. IRHAM A. DUMAS. IIURWELL L DUMAS. a No?m.bcr 16, )H3&. o .A rffCF X Books for ihe season. flHI OWMMan Swwih Mil Hiills M. Annual for 1840,9 Kngravinge. f r?u' *e Gift, edited by Mim Loalie, fm 1840. *li(rarlnn. loiidsy HtxM, a eoriee oTTiIm by CattalOl Sinclair. ' v rj.. *Vf 'bo Minister's Family, by a Country Minktor. amily at IfeetherdeJe ar the luSaaneo ofChristian Principles. attars of f?lisa Wilkinson daring the jnrssioa and possession of Cliarlcston, adltcd by Mrs. Oilman. Ac. For sale at Iba Bookstore. Cbsr.w Nov. 16, 1990. a t Cf For 8nle. . ?j LARGE Mops of Mississippi and Alabama. showing tlio Public and Iadieu Lands, In. ian Reservations, Land I >i strict*, Townships tc. engraved from the Governments surveys Sd plats in tho' General Land Offiae, Walk igton City, by R. Gilliam, drangtamaa ut the lunernl Land Otter. F. Taylor, book-seller, Washington City, baa tat published (and secured the e#py right aceor. kng to law) tha above Maps, which will ha mod infinitely more com plots and accurate thanr?y bcretoforo pub] is hod. Tiny aaa publlai ed rt separate sheets, each containing nearly sit pare fret, and will bo found especially useful nd valuable to thbee interested in the lands of thor State as-they ebow every item of informs, on which is in possession of the Land Office dative to Water courses, township lines, Indian ind and Roaarutlona, land Districts, be. and ill In found jparfiioUy ecnurata and preeiaa in ioso points. They can ha sent by mail to any art of the United States, subject to eihglo letter as tags. PRICE two dollar*, or three copies of it her will bo soul by mail for 6 doliaro A boral discount will bo uuda to travelling ag'-ate r to any who will buy to soil again. Ity Editors of nowspapcrs any whero, who ill give the abovo advertisement (including tie nutico) ono ot two inaortiens, shall receive f roturn mail a copy of each map, if they Will rnd a copy of the paper containing it, to the Jvortoer. noTnuMr x, i ojy. 1 if . Hubert s Silk Mauuul, PGR SALK t tho Bookstore. Chcraw, Nov 10, 1839. 1 If Seasonable Goods, rHE subscriber bti received a large portion of hie euj ply of fell eod Winter Goods, nhrsfting great a vinety as is usually found i any store in this place; to which he respect, illy solicits llio attention of pcraous wishing to ircliawe, aa they will lie offered at prices as low I can possibly bo a Horded by any one. B. McINTOSIf. November 2d, 1839. N B.?A large supply of negro cloths, blank* is. Over Coats and Cloaks, which will be sold sry low. _____ New Books. LATELY Received ty wagon the following new works at llio Bookstore, vis i In Theology and Rrligiou* Literature: Board, tan Original Sin, Villngo Sermons, Junkin on jstiflcaliou. Good's Better Covenant. McDow. It's liihlc Class Manual, Signs of tho Times by K Cuyler- Moussif of i/r. beilcll l?y Dr. Tyhg. Eton's Crook in tlio Lot. Dick's Theology, IcEiiou ou the Type* of the Old Testament, cougal's works. Philips Guides complete in vw vols. McRie on I lie Book of Esther, Chris an Youth's Book, (lodge's History of the resbyternu Church. Gurney's Biblical Notes i proof of (lie Deity of Jreus Christ, in Oeaerdl Literature ; Cowper ami Thomson vol. 8 vo lloniaik i'oeins 1 vol. 8 vo. Crabbo, leber and Pollack i vol. 8 vo. Mooru's Wo*ks, [vol. 8 vo. Juniu's Letters, Brood's Universal jxelloor, Metropolitan Pulpit, being sketches f tlio most coiobralud living English Preachers r all Denominations, Lord Brougham's sketches rCharacters in the roign of George III. I>r. [omphrov's Tour, Maps of 8. Carolina, Do. of arolinas and Georgia. , t. AI no the following School Booka ; Murray's 'remmar, Kirkham's Do. English Reader, Jones ! Iiemistry, Do. t'iulosuphy, Uourdou's Algebra, j :e. St. :. Cheraw Nov. 14, 1819. 1 tf /''.c/i it*> A LL pononi indebted to tho G?titf of Ann m Burn deceased, late of Chesterfield District, refrrqumited to oome forward and niukw payment; >:d :!l who inn ciuiim agiinet oaid Batata will reniol the now duly authenticated as tbo law Meets. J. W. BURN. R. L. BURN, Executors. Not. 15th 1639. 4 1 If ~ Solo of Assigned Estate. [WILL sell at Publio Auction on Saturday tho 30ih Inst, part of the Assigned Relate f Shadrach Milchcl' deceased, consisting of ne lot where Lit* biacksiuith altop formerly tood, together with all his blacksmith tools, no gig uud harncaa. and one stoel saw cotton tin. togotlicr with other things belonging to aid Katate?Trims on day of sale. This property is sold to moot his debts and I iiko thia method of informing all pereo#* in. ebtod to him that unions they settle with uw oforu the eale, alter that day they will find hoir notes and accounts in tho hands of an oJK or for collection. D S. IIARLLEE, signet. November 12. 1839. 1 * tf Morus Multicriulis. POR Halo nearly or qnito TWO MILLIONS of Morns Muilicaulis cuttings of remarksly wcl grown and well matured wood ; a large ii oportioa from root* one and two roars old. IMte tnx-a aro very aupor or, generally from 6 to 0 feel Itiglt, growing on dry sandy land, in r jtrs rotn 4 to 8 foot apart, and standing, generally, t from 3 to 3 feet in the row. Main stoma and ranches will be aoid together ; and, rather than nfuse a good offer, lira roots will also he eol<l. t ia estimated that the lot will yield /rem /ear o fire hundred thousand cuttinge an ineh nd quarter, or inoro in oiroumferonoe. Such uttiu s, aa I know from last spring's experience, ;row almost aa certainly aa rooted plants, even rith bud management in an unfavorable seaaon, uore espocialiy when grown themselves from oolod jihnts, as ia he case with many of those iwro offered. It is confidently believed that very bw if any lota of tree* are for salo in the country t'hicli afford so largo a numbrr of so good cut. Inga. Tlwy are worth visiting from a distance >y a person wishing to pur hose ao groat a num. or of trees or cuttings of prime quality. 'J lie wetont price is cents per foot, or 3 cents per *iu. A reasonable deduction would bo made to 'purchaser oft ho whole lot. The field dn which li? trees statu! ia within a few hundred yards of he Choraw boat landing, front which thoro is egttUr stesmbool communication with Ucorge Town and Charloato;*, Tho postage must be paid on ail totters on the uhjoct or they .*itl not attended to. HI. MACLEAN. Cheraw 8. C. Oetshcr 4th 1839. Okra Cotton. OMR of tho toed of this valuable cotton ire Icfl fur ealo at this office. 2 ?.f WT.x* y*?ff LiUfiiuit: sjid her fc>eimna/v viucli ii kiuiid IwiU^SX ^otranoo ?5 which diall b?, ftppropfelod H :fhro??h?>l .al*ci tiibrarjr. fci >? u*c ?d 1* ^OeldUr ?6.!??. 4*?3* ::i.<,fcqurty.?rnr Clerm* District?Soutk Carolina. Franc, t Hunter "\ * , F ' 4 I IT ?ra?tfii( to hit # at i?f*c t i on tliat William Jl "Cbopei'. fHfciiaont in tM> ct-U itordt fVo?W Mid rvsfcfc* oMm? the ttmitM of tbo ?UtO t2?fs Ppo?' dud ptad Inr rer or dewmt tolfte taM Bill aftfao Canplainoiit, warbjrilaHhit dof of January nuU, and that ui default lUcnof thf aM Bill ?o to trim bo Ukoo pro coiitomo. ftw loo ordorod lhalnolicauf tbi" order UipuUgthrd in tlio Cbo raw Uaxetlo Iwic* a month I9F U?c pace of three adoMMP"1?'-" -4 * **.< ! . 4'a ->- ' * <; 1 <1 ^.WrDAIWoN. m J i .-J i*ET'^*' > w?pt vij ~ p ni rp m John Ad,is^^Bh I ,a'.v hcr~ U< j'i^Bi^E^ .H Bl^st:, c. c.^. ?i 4&Fv< gm-BMMfaP's/r/ci?So. Co. " ' iijJii LL i MarsSEf^MH^ I . AdJWB^^^S*=SS uiii for part it too ?i ihUmB ffisad* Kf &-r. MJif^a | IT MpM^^pHjp "aliataction that Mora 6 JL VVj^^^^Br hie wins heir* and diatri. butcea^H^^H^^Bnphcll deceased, and Do. funddlMl^^PHR|IK) stated case, are out of aud ym^^fcrpfcMU of litis slate l( i% oa qaotiaw I^Hlltfkjin I Elliotl Complainants, tbey do Dl?aal: ?-- ?c: of Complaint ir tlsa said Cj^^W^H^Maroon I bis from tho dato hereof (IMflNBMRNl be taken pro e* !?*??? liust EDWARD B. WHEELER. CotnoHisioiiar ? J?quily. s'ouintiuioners Office, J Muriun r H. Oct.: Jb3S s 48 * ' 1 Hm Kowand'fi i ouic Muturo. Tlllfi Agency for this valuable medic i a as I is at Uto pookslo'V ??f Mr. Tripcc where it may at any time be bod by the single bottle or by the daaeu. J. A. INC LIS Agt. Cheraw April ?39 Wood. II ivil! furnish Oak and Hickory Wcod, at | 82 50 per cord, ^ash. A. F. LACOSfF.. Octchw 4, 1449. __ 47^-tf ChenroTlacnn,'( HBAMS, Shoulders, add Kidey, of o>y own I curing, for sale. Yxra^ i??iit A. r. J-ACOSTR. October 4plh^y TIUK Trualooa r**peci'ully aniiouuoo Unit the I duties of this I imlUutioii uiU ha rosuinpd on the 1st of October next: tins Male denart ment undcrtlio MtirtiulemfrrtM of Mr. E. flail j Um> Female under that of Mr. J. Sower*. Tlx coprso of instruction m the mule department, m ill h that required to enter the South Carolina Col lege i the course In the IrmiK) department will be, to rnako thorough aoholar*. The scholastic year will rominmceon tho 1st of October and end the 1st July: the year ii ugnin divided into two m-fmoii* ; the list begin 1st October and ends I5lh February ; tho secon, begin* ICtti February and end* lit July. Trrma of TvHrsa p*r Uraanm are, ?ot Spoiling. Reading and IV riling <M he above with Arithmetic, Eogish I 1(5 M Grammar and Geography { The above, with the Cia**ma, high-r i branches of MuUieatatiu*, Logic, > 80 416 Rhetoric, lie* i Five dolUr* each will be addod to the ahdvc for Painting and Drawing, pr tho Modern L*n? gnagea. All payment* or* In ndvanco; the pupil win bo ri quirnd U> pav lor what t?n?*?n? of the ate. ?ion at the tune ho or vhi> entcrn.P0C.wiU dedtf?tlon wr drwHrbark (#'inter WrluHm tim?. J. W. BIAKKNKY, Sec'y A Trro*. P. 8. Mr. H. T. Chapmen ha* token charge of tne Bourding Homo, near th* Feinalo Acado my, where Young Ladles may obtain board uf? moderate price. Sept. 80 1E39. 45 j_ tf Administrator's Notice. Til E Creditor* of Hiram Tryon deceased an requested to call and receive on their debh 25 per cent. The nest and last dividend, will it i* hoped, he mudo in a few month?. Some oi the debt* are not yet collected and a Ikth property iq unsold. AT.EX. GRAHAM. AcVr. Cheruw. Feb. 12. 1*39. 13 tf BOOK BlFfDINt*. THE ewheccibera lievo eat.iblialiod tho?n*cl voi io tho nbovo lina ol business tu Clugu* and offerthuiraarvicistoiIk citizens. tf. IiAZKNOOt'RT. A CO Cheruw, 8. C.. Jan. 21. TTiiTfiEVTHrnvraiKir? Rcclor of Trinity Church, Sackty Hill Darlington Dist. S. C? 18 prepared to receive into !>la family as board I ing pupila, a (aw young gentlemen. In his syxtein of instruction aro eomprijJvU hp sides ttio usual preparation for College,, ftiinut attention to philology, th? scanning and com position of Groik end Laliii peetry, klietori. and tlic Belle* gcnctsfW. 11 is papilt are Hrtkilea to twelve. Vacation tha umo as at Cotomhfa College. 1 For Board and Tuition?(The o?deeueysw Fire, Candle, washing al?u included ?!>c Uio# arc 5?^ ?H*u'n pupil. No pupil will bo roe-ivc. fQ? a shsrUi (*wai?*ai. October 10. 1839. 40 Ok It /* The Charleston Courier and G'oopol Mm senprr, will please giro lit? above six insertion and foi ivsrd their bi!!? r i r' ^ ^ fH,"c7i! ^Tw.^^iiM??Mf. ' .CN^^ ' ^*? 1 ^iu with inter ? ?. from iho 4^f of mlo.?' > (Bond and full ? nritf And A mortgage of ? -t?i?r ?f wto. ^ ? T ?^r e*R A * ' J urf tH?V' ? h-r t-friARfi p Wl i '*< Aft* it j;?"JBT"?-*"'* "IjR'1'"^ *^'" ?*<*">? * 1 . ' cr t fl s Sales. iwiluie Megg*'frogSt^ ; rldtttifc rniHW, at it.* ^ ui A j aaiptS Waa. Martw Mi Jno. N.-Wdkaas * Ranald McllonaU. ^ v , i 100 Acres of lead mbas or fees wherton the 4fli Aftttdaal nilU i tti wU^m^-jz^iAn vfjgj hcaSSicai tie. 11 Jbcau fi? fta^Ea let of corn andRAler. 2 bales ofCuttoCTlot of Gnr.a, doable and idnfle barrels, aM a est of Mack, l*?**atUw i defendants residence eq^rood day of sate. t Qnecart.Jk*nf>-^~;r.d*U??, *oki *' J i W^S^iBKW-to'S # ' Benjamin Caacitv's. * ' ^ i J 1 100 bushels Of corn, 1000 lb a. fodder. 30 head oft!o?t at the W of R df C. Bnmnefl ?a A. S. Fenderbbdk dVbe property to be adored at lbs rtafcnrfnrVn leekienee theseomd day of sale. JOHN EVANS. Blieriff's Office, !?(*. Tfh lfc? ^ ""* '< St ' ^orSale^ | 15.000 lilorut AJu?!*eau?s TVrci, J a us iioofc i rwi mo Iranian ,t>?tlfT Bnr, and warranto* ? Mtke fMaftw' Madta Xmir^ uaenai; aoma of the hoc* are apron fcet high ; tb? cutiii. ja aro from tim ofoue, tetp and three yrar? old, welt rlpci ed wood, one bud~ to rich omting. The ogee ere if the WftdVhkfc pro. dace white endyellearcimm jtlr anH ? psrt of iuciu niped ham the eccoiul crop year. ' > Or*nr? fee any of the ebere. wdthraeed te me, * whi be peactuaMy nteah^n and Mad in *?? otdo* in wh^ch thjgf are reeaircd; that i*. to* come, firtt trrred. ft ia deairablo thai application be uhilo bcfwic the firat of Noreraku neat, i ea thattipttinnA 1 mid canaKOM fiqailiig k u?y ground and plantipg the peat year*a crep. ?al.a made at the current price* at the time of i MMJP* ?* 5 * t Any common ieati en me cut the Ah k jcet of Lhe Silk Culture, wjU^he ^roin^tf^ an\ CfccMerfietd C. H. A"g. 30. f*38. *1 *f i New Gooifs, . UK Subrrbber ha* ju*t received by w?f* gone We Fall and Whiter atock of gooda^ , , coesatiaif #1 Fancy Staple and Aawth , ** ft, i&fi? flatter* hlmaoVhe will be able to place, a* hie pneee d:att WW inor M any mg* thai; dealer* ai:d the fuafcty of hie Merchandize ifliBla aa gotMl. . i . d. a. ; ^^nTaTiiiittt 4' i New Orleans & Trinidad molasses: ' ftntfi . A THnUdd Jl aS > ?lasers jff rury NipuiM quality m ( stwrp ?n<l for sajyl|y y l>- M ALLOY". i -?ottt H 'Csroinm. . < marlhyront* pi$trfrt. Wittietu McDavtot, Jsfcrt O >Icl*n?l Apptieanl*, v?. 1 <ii org* Carta, AnJntw Mia an<V Nnntv M? iMnn l guardiao of Fiencva Narv ' KSSiS?"" * . II fo try goHdStclfcm Sik< OMiih Earls, KI?z?bcU? Barb, Wrtt??a? vm* *, tiesrg* 4 LarU uptl A??!rvw EaxU ?r* of lit* UofuuUnU. , rcsidu without (his Slate ;?It is Ihsrefbro ordcr, <4 that fttey do sjfposr snd st^et lo th* division or nn ?m iwrwTH??cwn?Mrpi aiCUIUMM) or twforo the thirteenth day of peeembcr mxt ortTteir conecnl to Uie sanio.oH] be en tend of L* B STUllBs, Ordinary of Marlboro Dbrtiirt. October 14, 1839. 49. bt INSURANCE. nnU C R?h?rtberi? sg#ai & u.o C?U?b.? Jk C <"?L'"3 ^'^0 In. vQCn VI ^ nwPBfinuir pr r*TTintfri , ifTBTiP*, "'KXjp, I ?olcuogil?ri.ropm^ | ray umiuIIx be found. CowwnunscaUona fa ?*? *' Jeljtfl ' S VP*** gl k ciffii