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^ 1'iccn? room whence 1m* soon t< muvid to !i:.? ^ house nnil f :r is doing well, and every eonfnlence is entt rtnirad of its complete success. American KMeeting the crop* i i N .r:'i Al i)?:tma? th-i Djaatur Register says i)i ?t rho yi?-l I will exceed 411 ivorig" crop. M ?nv of the plunters are picking Irani on to fill -on h r?dr?d pounds to tf?-? nero. Tn ? -Tuple is v<:ry firm, and wo hive nov-r known n in iris ( favorable season tor pn 'i'?g it in go,, | ord-r ( ?and it is to bo hop -d t ?nt it wdl co.u- i tnand a fair pricu. , The corn crops are u?usu illy fiua it is . d liverc J in ibe crib (It 81 2 s per barrel. i New Ouleans. Nov. 12. | Flour.--The m irk't tor th s article ro- i mains without change The sales are very , light ut Sd.75 a 6.87^. L irg" quantities , sire efToicd at So,50, ultoough holders are | not anxious to sell. Tins unfavorable news ( from the Ohio R ver h is a ten len-'v to keep f the market firm, its low st ?ge prevents th-- | stock of I'lour Iroin accumulating to any ^ .amount it inay reasonably tie unticipat'-d, from u knowledgd ?-f former tinvs, ih ?t the j Ohio will close between the 10 h and 'JH h I of the succeeding month, liven if tlieie , should be a rise previous so that time, not moro than one.hulf the productot thai por. ( tion of the country can bo received bjfore the spring navigation opens. The receipts from bt. Louis will not ninth exceed the city consump ?>a. Nf.w.Yotik, Nov. 1M.?Money Market 1 - .Ncics,*-_Two d iys later int* lltgciiKe was receive I the morn ng from Knghind. The arrival was quite unexpected, and has uri'i. oiputoJ several vessels oil their w ?v. All were looking out for the Uii.i^h Queen, now twelve days out. l The nows is nut of any striking interest. L Tm wheat market continued the s tm", and the weather was favorable. T ie money market in London had tin forgone no change. Flour was bcgitl'vng ijp arrive freely from America. Tins int Ihgence, sac'.i a a it, is is considered favorable in Wall F rue*. The Droight. ? We Iciru that thedrounght wlueh has so long prevailed tlirogho'Jt the Sou Ir-rn and Southw s erii country, continues to he most distressingly felt. A gentlemen, who travelled from IVIo. bile *o Charleston, s ates that the wat- rim; ' of iiis horse on the way, cost him SvJtl. Wu I are informed tiiat the w fnt of wafer is s* v | oreh' f:lt on our state roil to Columbia, . ~i.i ra i ? - ? i . > I ?nnv iMvuiu wiiiiJ??f*ii;ir{j 4 rj.iJ 1$ blUI Wt'il I wnlcrud. Char. Cour. I Tut; Raleigh U?gist"r s.iys, " A p linful J rumor has been in circiilntin I here f.<r S"v- ^ fal days tin) amount of ah'di is, lion, h I ward Sl.inly and Will nun L. K?Mite*dv, ' of Beaufort, have gone to Viriru.ia, to j 1 settle hti ntfur of lion ir?Mr. K. t leung the ihiilieng-r. JimI as our pi pel* goej to press, a report is in circulation, whether tfU't or fnls we know not, that tie* ' parties were arrested on the r way to the battle ground, and hound over." < 3 T Mr. Stanley's father killed a man in a ' duel, and he had a bro'hor killed in the frame j way?and by hia intimitc fritnd too, h insc.f ' new a conspicuous citizen in North Carolina. V" i kg in i a. The It ehmotid Whi_' give* ' a complete class:fi'*a ion of tin* memb? rs of ' the Virginia Legislature, nnd sums u;? that. ' Joint vote last yi nr. 1 Wlu^s Cons. A lin'n. ' t.. o o ?.? i Ill ?J ll<??V* .F O ^11 I \ In H JUio 72 11 ?51 ( *1 11 71 ' Tliw Ye?ir. Whigs Cons. A Im'n. * In Senate 10 3 19 In I louse ?>8 8 0(5 * 78 11 75 1 Tho Conwrv it vrs st-ll h.,ld t'.r- b ilnnce f of pnwt'f ami Mr. R ves may yet bo re-olec. ? ted to the Senate. c ' i The New Yoik American, sineo the ) rV< t;on, Ins op' iily come out for S-'o't as | thn Whip r.m hdate for too f'resi |> o y? not ort uceount of h s great mi.'itarv prions, * (see his grand Combinations for swamping the .Serninoles in Floral i.) hut for tho rare felicity of a certain letter of 13 linos which he wrote to the CJ ne.nor of N -v Rio .s- 1 w ck ! I le is to be st irh d an or the sou!/. 1 riqiwtoi the "(Jrout Fa nfi.-a or." N. Ori.kanh. Nov. 12th. Texas. Hv the st -inner Columbia, da'os to ilo* Bth inst. were received from (.Jul 1 vos'on, nnd to the 4th from llotts on. The Yellow fever had commuted fr glvful ravages in the towns above m- miened ; in eon. sequence. many of the ei u mis t?ad fl d into the country, Immigrants *a r * pouring into Tex ts in largo numbers. Ar iv.ils at ii d. .. . r. w v* .I. _ i . t i ? i.i?m new l i>i.l, ri'CWil / N ill hrou ;V. upwards ??t* on< liiindri' I inni'ilms of (? rnrm se'tli rs, *!io i n -nl to Incut'1 in n colony sonvvvnure in tin- n^p'.r country. A h*ill l irjji r cni'jjr iimn is expected lro*i? Knglund the ensuing . and spring. A now town !hm r< ;*? .t'!> -n luid cut on Annsas liiv, call'd 1'. n. Mors Piifriot Trouble*. It is snt 1 thai t o Patriots o i hu h mI k li s lines are ii^a t? pri-parin^ for inn'i r iy> r loin. We j silicon )y i.ope it is not s > , hm from tli f it-1 tli it the {&is:ri'liiry nt W.if I .is ordeied Oicn. iSooti :?> ni iki* th" tour ol tr?c liontar, we four there is t..?? i.m.o. ?...u. ... ?i - ? miihi I?r ?I??; III., nu?r. K H lt> st? r LV ?n. Ati '.xlrici ol a |i ?ti r ifn oil M-\ i!To, Nov. 1) s nS :?" I'l'i re is:i s'rr>n<? l*-<:<Iin ? attaint ili?! H inks ii'To. '|':m r.-ii Int, dou'it thai ?ify will In- r> j .ircil to |?ay S,>.? ric I) fur '(> ,1 "r lusi t ir oli:*rt<*rs. Thf IJ ink ?f Mil? i' 1 ? > it i r:>t- i J in 9t)0 I'ti.t' -i, i' I I niu t.?M ili y vi i Ik* simI on each ail Ma;!.strati Court. The !< r?isla!ur?! H i' cv!c l!y A hair is r?.'i<>n, ? iirl will cry aluiu .? (] s^aioitut, wieiro Banks irn concerned.M , 4*tmf X From the ii>;lon Transcript. Accident and Miraculous Escape..?One of the imw singular acri tents, ic.o mpmi'd by a (Hunt inn uculnus < seapr, we li.iv i'vit !i i'i m-ravon ><? record, ocurre.l \esterday in Portland Pljce. Mr. Ilnllnid, a resident ili"rp, on returning hoiri" from li s morning's work to dinner, took into Ins arms Ins l.itlc; child?i girl ii'iou two )rjis oM?and wu? wiilk'ttc witli i |?li\tn'l) about 'lie hous\ when, the sen ile in the attic open, h" aa-'euded til's stairs o look out. While ho w<? stand iiig on the steps, a fuvorin kitten of the -hi! l'a inn by tocin, an J p used on to tinroof. The rbild exhibiting a wish to catch the kitten, ttio father, thoughtlessly placed her 'the child) on the ri Ige pole of .lie house, [u brick house, three slori -s high,) while lie wut on the roof to ra'ch youii;j pussy, li * lad I'-fi the child but m mom n ,wli<>n it lost ts balance, ro'led over, and sliding trom tiie oof, was pret'ipitao-d on to the pavement [?e|ow ? To the utmost aslonisnment of !|o spectators ol this awful scene, 'he child was taken up, i.ot only alive but without the [Y.iciure of a lione, or any sigt.s ol internal itirl or harm, fi- r flesh was -.t'uiiilv bruiser! jilt this morning sho w.n as cheerful, nn<i. ppsrontly, in as good health as f*v?t, par. ioitl irlv at time, wlr n she laid to is if nothing had hnnponed. F A fl M 12 It S ' G A / 12 T T 12 . Fillf>AY EVENING. NOVEMHER 22, IH33. I We understand that .Mr. Mills the State ' 12ngine r, lately made Ml examinati in of the i'ee Dee frotn this place down as far as the conrart of .Ifcssrs. Gregg and Marsha 1 for clear, ng it out, under the appropriation of 1837, ! ixtcnded; and finding the work faithfully txerutcd according to contract, received it. \l the worst shoals, those near the mouth of Phompson'sCreek, we learn that the water h now at least six inches deeper than at some if the other* lower down. From all wo have >een nhle to learn, we have no doubt that ths vork has been faithfully done, and, unlike too nuch of the works paid for from the pub ic reasury, at a moderate price. As much has icon accomplished as could be, with the imount appropriated. But the amount was nuch less than the fair proportion of the I'ee )eo country ftom the appropriations made or work--of intern U improv ment in thes'ate. 11 ul it been larger, however,it is not im, rohable ihatlcss work would have been done, and less joaeSt been derived in proportion to the 1 im uint expended. The Pee Deecoun'ry has 1 ust claims for further jppropna'i ns from the Legislature, which wchope itw.ll prc-s at a ature and not distant day ; and which, if 'airy presented at a proper tune, will doubtless* u) rJiuliiPt' V?I?MIU J VUliriuvltV. The *t?te election in N< w York has resulted in fov'T of ihe Whigs, but by a few thou. ? md vo'ea li < tlno last year. Th? change w?s mo-t y :n the city. The maj ?rity on join Fallot of the two hou-o s in put down a I'd to I JO. Mr. I'alhnailge will therefore be re-e!ec | led ; the U. S. Senate Massaciiuhhtih ?Tli" state election took place in *h.i u'ate 1 a?t week; lull return* have not yet reached us hut Irorn those ro. reived, it appear* that if Mortoi, the adm in igtration candidate for Governor has not been elected over Governor Everett, he has com* icry near it. From all wurin learn however :he election seemed to turn upon o'her queaioris thin national politics. Gov. Everett ,v&4 open y committed *n favor of the "fifteen jallon law" or the law which prohibits the iale of ardent spirits in less quantities than 15 jallons. All topers and a large proportion of rmjter itc drinkers too, of course, opposed his j I lection; and this question produced mora txci'ement in many if not moat parta of the I date than any other. Gov. Everet' was also ibnoxious to the abolitionists who are numerous ti i h?^ sta'e; and the most of them are paid to lave vo'od for Morion. These men, however, ?eini? once associated with the Adin lustration tarty in a warm contest may , o^8ib!y continjo to act with 'hern in future elections. Abbot l/twrcnce is elected to Congre-s from thn Boston distri-t in the place of Mr. Fletcher resigned, and Mr Baker, to supply a vacancy in another district, caused by the death of Mr. Alvord. The two members elect are Whigs, as were also their predecessors. Mississippi Election.?The State Election took place in M ssissippi early in the present month. We have aeon accounts from only eight counties ; in these the Whigs have Ion* 7 members and gained 2, compared with the last election ; making a clear 1>>?h of ft. At tins ra e the Administration party are likely to have the majority in the State. It will be seen <y a;al article copied into a precedu g column, from 'he Army and N ?vy Chronicle, that the Government have determined, f >r the present at lea6t, t? discontinue oflvnnvo operations ag mist the Sun u -les, and to act in Mely on the defensive. This pu's an end 'o tl.e sto-y that blood hounds had been ordered to hunt them. A late political meeting in Cabarrus county, N. C Kksolvbd tliat tliey wou d not support H nry Clay for the Presidency became they consider hun a "ralctudin t'ian in his construe lions oi me cnnsiHunou ot :. f>o at iom! ays the report of their proceed,; gs published to the Salisbury Carolinian. A Mr. Atkinson, of Columbus, New Jersey, n'.ii" <! a* a recent tn vting of the Philadelphia coni'y S ik e?iH i' 'y that he had ilisrovere i a method of prori rvtng m dberry leave* throu/h the winter p -rf* -fitly freeii ami in a #:a c to feed Willi worms, .a troll. ? expense. 11-* had fed ? tn*limn of worn'j the present year, was at the tinio (Oct. 24th.) half a m.i ion of worm*, an I e*p. cted to continue the operation throtigh tho winter. m A bit! w m introduced into the Senateof Georgia to repeal tho free banking law pa*, aed /a*? aessiou. and after an animated drbst* of two days wan l<?st by a vote of '29 to 4d. A Mr. Springer has in rodurel into tb* Georgia Hen ate a bill to exempt all white person* except lawyers and doctors from poll tax. The follow to bo defrauded < f all hi i property, if ho has any and confined tor life by some curable <ii?, are. The Dengue prevail* in tho Pariah of I herville, La. A public meeting in Now O'leans lately parted a rosolti'ion o invite G'ti. Jackson ts attend tue celebration of the Eighth of January anniversary in that city. A Whig Convention assembled in Raleigh N. C. on the 12 h. insL and made the following nomination*: John AJ. Morehead of Gui ford for Governor of the state, Henry CUy tor Preaident, N. P. Talliuadge of N. York for Vice President of the U. States. An "Association for the promotion of ths cul'urc of Silk in the United States" has recently been formed in Philadelphia, of which Mr. Biddlc, late President of the U. S. Bank in President. Mr. I3;ddlc a acute and discriminating mind, long since perceived llio profit to be derived from the silk culture, and has now a field nf Miilticauhs|growing on Ins farm near Philadelphia, from which be intends feeding worms. Roberts' Silk Maxtal.?It will be seen by an advertisement in our columns that lies excellent little work is for sale at the Bookstore. Of all the manuals to which the present excitement on the subject of silk has given rise, this is the cheapest and decidedly the best. A person of common discernment and common dexterity, witii this manual in b's hand, may raise silk successfully and profitably, without having ever seen a silk worm in the possession of any one else. The Legisli. turn of Peunsylvauia, a year or two since bought a large number *f copies to be d.s ributed throughout the ? ate. W. D. Jones, U. JS. Consul lor the city Of Mexico lately passed on to Washington with Je patches from Mr. ciihs, Minislerto Mexico. Contents no' known. The first .Monday in Lfeceinoer seems to be the tiin" looked to for the meeting of the Agricultural Conven'ion in Coluinb a. A Temper-nee Convention commenced Us session in Sa ujbury N. C. on the 6th. inst. and alter the Iran actum of various business, ad|ourned on the evening of the 7th. Slept wars taken to raise funds for the support of a travellmg agon' in the state and strong ?*M^uions were adopted agai t?*t the lictn*6 m Tjiel prospect is that by the next n??#dflF ef.ths statu l? gwlature, which will be l^flr fro-a this tune, the fr ends of teinperab^d will bs able to bring so s'rong a mor al influence to bear uj?on thai body as to p'ocure some moditira'ion at least ol the law* m relation to inti inperance ana tne naif of arciem ?piri:B. southern aghiccltcrist. ii > ot ?' ? N iv?mb? r n enter of tie* Southern Argicu/, tin 1 K"g.*ter of Kur il Air?:f'i Part. I?Editorial and Original. On tli-* imuS' S of Emigration ; *?v Cotton Tin* lis-- ol M ??l ; l>v Or. Jos Johnson. Hi enC-rn ; by C Ileum. Silk ; by Dr Coojht. Pniidre'ie or Nij t So I, Willi Remark*. Tli" Tropical Nuis<r\ ; by (1 ury P rrnif. 00 11?<? cul <vat?on of the Cob i Tobacco ; [>y JovpR M. Hernandez. Tlio Convention. On improved breed of Sheep ; by Sum. to r. Part II.?Selection*. Comp >r iCivo v iluc ot Moru? M il icau'is. Mie ns \'b i. mi I the C into i. A Ipuie Flori' tine and Coto'su Sc-dl n^? Mulberry Tre* s. S Ik-Worms fed on we! loaves. Product of Mullierrv Leaves. Progress ol S Ik Culture, and new improvements in the middle S ati'?, 1 npo 'iHifi* of proper n> lecons of S.Ik Worms' H "'s I) iF r? nce between Nor.h <tii ami Son In ru Kg/s (in tin* usual carelessness in saving Silk Worni*' Hggs. The Can ?>n Mulberry. T*i?? Dividing Ho i. On the Propagation, .and Cultiva ion of the Quince Tree. Mc'hod of k> ?'f>iivSweet Po atoes. Sogg- k ions f?.r tin* l'lanier. ()k ra < 'o on. D.fl, renco >n Live and D'*ad Animals. S. lt' malum (or rucking) ol Railway Kiig;tl?*s prevented. U ?in Wiii'-r Cisterns. Tne Dagucrroivpe explained, lioun y ??n non ng Silk. I'AKT. III. MlvSCKLLANtOUS InTILLICKNCh. S ik in Delaware ;-Native Silk ; R Imn Potato ; K opinij -Muliicaulis over; tV'w mole oi H using Vegetables ; Creep, .ng VViit-a: ; 1 *r 1 par.ition lor Amlying Soils ; I'lie I line or Sean in Sli.u-p ; Saving Corn ; P soling (inrdi'ii S <sis in l ie F ?li Singular Si.ilk ol O.iii* ; to Fatten Poultry ; Trot: Corn ; M.let : O wt--ra.ion ot |ud< bible Ink ; PI on and pithy p-mar** ol OlJ Humphrey, utt rtis. S l ,11 .11 A It | . The Iloston Transcript facetiously re. inaiks m an article on Architecture, that the s ci* ? oi the rcc'j? tor good building* io, in a aui .?'employ ???od arc'it cts, and ttiea i?; them t.loric. [rti hor Sosiao* house* nr? often spoilt by ignorant tutor,n hIcliars. Tito loss people k'tow rtt'a business the more ept th*y are to utod. dlo with it it they UuuU they havo a n?St to do ?o.] 'ifimiT'i"" i 'i ii ^iiIII in ? " R.V. Mi . ttcrpnnt. ?hofc * ?! U. f.ror 0 T??nj>t?oc?i, earned die displ'-osure ul hi congregation in Boslon, ha* bwn aguih lu become their pnstor?'he ree-dut on for hi* dismissal hurmg becQ roachi. did, Whs at Ml MiCHiOAN.??W" ludr i from an nu tipniie1toure?*, the oT?*?i? Uious >n?i l>ui rU ol' wtie?i were gold a few d y* ?ncc a. Marshall, Cidiioun couotV, Aflci-igan. at hir:y cents a bushel. So much for its Want of canals and radrwi'U to carry (h? produce of tin* farmer to m-rk??t. linn. Aid *ii H ad,or I. of Boa'on, is preparing fur puhlira ;i<?n a History of the Fo ? vntl G<>' nt for fifty years." A Mau?sbdam. The New Haven Record si a ea that one of the Africans of the Amistud has tx-.-n d s^overcd to be (lis son of a M i ho mod an pries , and is uble to read a portion of un Arubir. prayer. Some short time ago two American sailors went ashore at Huvsna, having about ?h? in tlie or liuury jack knives worn by seamen, and were immediately urrcstni nnd sentenced .to imprisonment and hsrd labor for six years. They ure sutd to bo still in confinement. Tna law ugainst carrying deadly weupons is very severe in the island of Cuba, and is enforced w ith great strictness. Gov. J^nnison of Vermont, the other day returned a bill to the house granting a perpetual corporation, and also exempting 816.0U0 of tin! said company from tax, now and forever. Tin* house sustained him. There is a man living in Huron, Ohio. who lias twenty-four children by one wife, all Imlu an<i In-arty, eighteen of whom are males, c?publ" of b"nring arm*. Specie Payments Resumed The U. S. B ink Pus notes. maJe payable in this city, ?re now regularly redeemed at maturity by trie U. 5$. Batik in N -w York. Jour, of Com. The present number of convicts' in th" Georgia Pei itunnary is 160. The Auditor General of Pennsylvania, in reply to a h#:?'r from 'lie Ed or of 'ho II irrshurg Reporter, states that tbe U S aii a R ink has furnished no report on its nuudi'i'-n since Nov. 1836, though required to ?l<? so bv 1'ia. Pork. Tim Lifavett" (Indians) Fr?-e Pr-ii of O t. 10:h. mm : Ttierr are mof f it hogs in thu's- dun of Indiana than have ever before been fed in one season. Flouk. Six y-six tbous <nd eight hun. died ami ninety six buslu Is of wli< a , und fourteen thousand 'wo 4>uridred and thirtyeight h ?rrels r?f flour, were cleared from the offi e of t 10 ea ? I collector at Ruir?!o. from In* 14 h to the *221 ul. m -lus vc. I h 9i ctd in the Ciriciniinte Gazette of :h" 20 >i ultimo, h it the Franklin and Lalay-It Banks of Cincinnati, *oull resuni" specie p lynv-Mts in a few d iys. Micu:ga:i Tlie election reiurns from thiii siato nidir ate the success of the Whigs. .-State Dubts. Tie S ate deb' of TenRosier is oulv $2 fiti6; -hat ofMtssac.huSeitji, nearly 8b <H):?,UU0 ; that of Pennsylvania $32,01)0.01)0. Mobile Nov. 11. We bava th" satisfaction of announcing to our distant r aders the O'-curr ocoof frost suili -lently severe to <'i }ml all appo-hen s.ous i.f .i con inuinC" of t c epidemic, a d t ai consequently absentee* arc upon us in crowds. Tliom i II orii Postmaster at George. town. (11 * * |1 at thnt nl.iei. nn li - I - 6 ih< il .ii ins*. Macon. Nov. 12. 0 Fiiday night, one of ilm n gro houses b-lonqing to Josiah I)i<>son. of this county, caught fir* and was outturn d to the ground ; and shucking t<> rcl !> *, it valuable n?*gro man, with lea wtf uud ci.ild, p -riihed in tin* s. Telegraph. Old Prices Retcrning The D ty o< Journ d at >tc* t 'it a contract to d? liver lUoO b rr la of floor :it $ } fid 1-2 lias been in <d" ny a miller of that vicinity. The Mi'idletown (O ) M i I st i:?*s ;h*t a lot ot c<>rn was sold in H.anil on last w?**k at 2.r? cents i er bushel, and that nnother lot cou'd no. mill a par* baser at that price. In the r -h corn iitsiriei of Missouri. 12 1-2 cen a per tiasat l now .lie s nndipg price. Cleveland Herald. A letter from Commodore Porter nnnoun. ees his s ifo Arrival in Smyrna. The letter s ittes Ilit*t the Archipelago is still swarmnig with p rate.-, on account of which n convoy is required of the light cruis rs or Eng. lino, franco mid Ans'ra, to protect the commerce oi their respective fl igs, which, as occuson* occur, is willingly ex'ended in one Qnntrier. Pennsylvania!). t/iio of the tw? beau'ifnl giraffes, own?d hy Messrs Wi Ish & Co., died la'ely in N'wark, N.J. Tihuo animals cost abou1 v thousand dollars. The S\ dnev Argus of Nov. 4, say* : *4A largo portion of t e banks of Ohio stt'l con. I tinue specie |>aynien's. I A committee oi l*) Vermont House oi R'-presen nives has reported in favor in.?k? i. g a geological survey of 'ric State?pro. p isiug an appropriation of SJuOi) for thai object. A letter dated Providence, Nov. 12 h says : "S<?me ihn-e or lour of t ur Bank4 have voted io resume, if enough w.lijoir iliein to make n majori y of the Banks, anr 1 rather think thoy wili|gct a majority, bu it is yet uncertain.** A dr. ymon in Cincinnati hud to pat S'i50 a fevv days since, f.,r carelessly run mug over a child wi?h hi* cart. The lath er of the child recovered the above sum ir mi action f<?r tresspass. By ?P irli imeniarv paper, just printed, i appears that froin the first ofJanuary, ISitS to the pr aoot time, hfy.tuvo slave \esn | navo D?Tn urougnt m-iorc the Uiifcrcn courts of mixed i'o:nnrsg>on for uttjuflira tion, at Si-rra Leouo, Havana, und R .? Ja nciro. Tin y wore all condemned vxorpt mi? two. Hook Publishing, in Ncw^York, Hi . ?ti<?ut come to n s'and, and muny ofiha larg ' puliiivtuiif; firma arc discharging thoir hand] 1 i? a rl 'ha; Mr. Brunei. th?* retahrn'c engineer and const rue or of Tham Tor nel, has discovered a way of obta oing roi tray vprod at the rate of 200 rnttai an hour 4 ) pecttfd bom Col. J. H. Lvmw ot Ooeqp% , (Ik Hua. U. L. Fihomm of cbariexastui; her distinguished friend* of the caose I Ail the Auxiliary Temperance gori Mil a net thoMe dmrotw of becoming Abetter?, dMF solicited to send their Ddyitu and by them tr&nnoiit eucb fends m tsav choose in om Corresponding Secretory. Columbia, Nov. 12, 1829. On Friday 29ib. imt. *t 7 o'cloafc P. If, a# Eulogy on Robu Y. Hsyne will be defer, ered by D. W. Moore, at the Male Academy after which an addfees by J. W. Ervia. The community are reapecUeUy invited to attend., 'By order of the Washington Society. W. L. T. PRINCE Wry. ^!5SIwTlaff!?5S Paidat. Kotera'er 22. unou.. rta j * C. | ? C Beef in tuarkot, lb 0 5 a Q 7 Bacon from wagons, lb It a 12 -'iy retail, lb 14 a 13 Butter lb U a 2ft Beeswax lb 20 a 23 Bagging yard 18 a 23 Bale Rope lb 10 a 12$ Cofioe lb 121 a I* Cotton, lb 9 a 10 Corn buah 75 a 60 Flour, Country, scarce brl b 50 9 75 Feathers fin wagon* ib 01 50 Fodder. 1001 be 87| a 1 Class, window 6?10, 5'ifl 3 25 -a 3 37| , " 10*12, 50ft 3 50 a 3 75 H Oes, green ib 5 a ??? dry lb 18 a ft run IUU1DS 5 60 t ? 60 I IuJi{o lb 7ft t 9 SO Lama cuk 4 a 4 SO Urd ib 12| 15 Loatbcr, sola ib 22 8ft i bead, bar tb 10 a Logwood u> 10 a 15 Muinvaos ftS! ft9 * .. -ft? , , Jf. O. gal 90 f Nails, cut, iMMivuid lb 7| t t wruaglu lb 16 a. iS m ' >ata bush 50 a Oilf curriers gal 75 a 1 , 'iimp gal 1 35 a Unwed gal I 10 a 1 85 l>in'a, while lead keg 3 25 a 4 52 t Mj an. brown lb 8 a IS Pork lOOlba 8 a 10 Rice lOOlba 5 a 6 bag 2 50 a s Ib IS* a 13 >u^ar lb 10 a 12J Kill each 3 a 3 25 bush 1 25 a 1 50 >iwl, American lb 10 .a . Kngliab lb 14 a German lb 12 a 14 i JtUow Ib a 12 4 l'ua .imperial lb 1 a 1 374 ??, lijrson Ib 1 a 1 25 Tobacco. mai\ufe< tur?d lb 10? a 9q . CHARLESTON, Noreinbcr 16, 1839. Btgging. Hemp, 17 a 23 Bale Hope, lb 8 a II I 2 Pioon Hnao, Ib 10 a 15 8noul4i i>, ll? 7 I 2 a B* Bi.lca, Ib 8 1.2 a 9 1.2 / B titer. Goehnn, prima, Ib 25 a B.icus, l-h rb-.aioii let quality 13 a do. Northern 8 a 10 t'otfoc. Interior to fair, lb 9 1-2 a 11 Good foir to prime, lb II 1-2 a 12 Choice grceu Cuoa Ib K'4 to 1*24 Porto Rico. >b 11 1.2 a Id 1-9 Ri ., lb 11 12s 1.2 * Cotton, Up ord. k inf. lb Mid-brig to middling fair lb Fsir to filly fair lb ( Good Fair lb Choi -e lb - * i Fia*?. Horrinra. nonr. MJ A ? A. Mackerel. No. 1, bbl 13 00 a 11 00 do. N ?. 2. bbl 11 01 a 12 00 do. No. 3 bbl 7 00 a 7 50 Fiour. Bait. II S. mp. bbl * Ptiiladeipliia and Virginia, bid a Canal, bbl a Corn, bueh 65 a 70 Iron, Pig, I'M) lb 1 00 Swecde*. assorted 100 lb 5 00 a Ru>aia, bar. 100 lb 5 -25 a Moitven, Cuba gal a New Orb-ana, bbi a Sugar ilouso, gal a OiU, Sp rcn, w inter o*r*J gnl 1 35 a Summer straintxl. gtl. 00 a 95 I.:ns"ud, g-.l HO a f9 I Tanner*, bid 12 a 15 I Pork. Moss, bbl 20 0U a 21 00 j Prime, btd 1H 00 a 19 00 i M 'M, Union, bbl a I Rico. Inferior to good, 100 lbs 0 00 a 0 00 Fair to prime, 0 O'l a 0 00 Choice, a Sugir. Mueeova'o, U? 7 a 10 Porto Rico and St. Croix, lb 7 J a 10} Huvanna white, lb 11} a 12} do brown lb 7} a 9 i I?outaiana, lb 6} a 7} Loaf, lb 15 a 17 Lump, lb 14 a Silt, Liv. coarse, sack 4 bush I 6?} a 175 Fine, sack 4 bush a Turks Island, bush 45 a f EXCHANGE.?Bills on England. 9 a 10 per > ct. prom. On France, we quote 5f. 25 a 5f. 9). Sight cherka on New York hare been freely ! taken at 9 a 10 per ct. The Bank ofChatWsUsn chocks on New York for her own notes, at 2 per ct. prein.?tier bills are UkvR 44 aS per ct. prom. Wo quote Specie, 4 a 5 per. r.X. prom. j Okru Cotton. t SOME of the seed of this valuable cotton are left for sale at tbr*office. ?% - ? * tr Fciimfc Institution. 1 firrt ifnon of tho Rockingham FV JL mat* Institution, for the rnwiitf y?w, I will commence on tho eccoud menday in January nc*t. ^ l<oardera will bo tocommojala) by familieain ' tho village or by tho principal of the inW-flution ' Peraona w'jo wi*h to obtain bo ird and tuition fa young I die* are r-qneatod to make early application. November 22d, 1639. 2 ft |H - *~ 1 * Coffee. rl Kit B,r Rio. Lagefca, ?ml Ceka Oa** wW O in atore, and I'm tda? wkoUnal* or r* 1 * tail by ?. It MALT OY. ! No*. 60th, MM 3t S*V. rftan }G^ ^Ss^S!^ JUi Of lbs bit ^ kr : \Wtf %%?*xAiMSfr - vS? f^j^lB oo.|wi4Mrabij^^i^ddfl^B^0BBBW^^Bj^ limitation on" the l? *?y dfVKfiJHflbv Thsrefere, thio Is to a / <1* xwHrilM-a^K. ftJol toioecs, that ?r? will etuoso ot^N^E^|M^H<|*|? STOCK of uoot&TtbJ' 3?S-$2$8BS osoUftao faw day today natiftlM JrfcwIii^Hwi^ posed ofc n* 1 ISHAM A. PWU ^I^B v.^ bubwbx*, o? ire<Mjp- ^ rttIHE eo. partnership hmlMbi': J. Mmw lAt tSubooribers. Mii tt? \ ' firm of B. L. i>UM AB, * CO., f I lift 11| f K couuty. is on tills daf diasolapd by tMrtMl (VS> sent, ttud ?ra UltS ths fiber*/ of L^grtibMr OUT friends und eadonwm gtoottlir, tltst they h?rs oor wannest thanks for tbcir lib ml paCijgMjl heretofore extended, said furthor soar dot da bate reduced tj^e price of eu^^oodKoosdsr do "* . close bus uses, and.will uaftjfapl Mt?Ms. M die 34;h Dccomber next, tlas ^iils>ffl bf fUct tb-n su band. Ate. Ail persons indiblad taaNA. 3 *r conoern by account, las up to Kfe? lajptjef ieesery last, srili call and Afcless ^IbiyAfta ^ J9 cash or note previous to the day ofw^fcjPbBW a??"? Tlnsti f '-? '?-^-^w *eaiuVb<Kl^-^J may upm to <tod tlx** account* in thshandsa? aifoflfear for collection, as Ion?t hidulga ?no oauuot nor will not or I fdWELL L, 1>U UAS. J Novomber It, 1S3SI. ,t> * B-9t ? ,*j ?MT 'I7- ? % * New Goods. /* TWm U G subscriber is agaia opostng a ito?k ** M goods in Chenw, wall ?4mM to lbs ?tt sou. * Inch bo is prepared to toll at pricMray 1 much roducod, citbor by wholmilpat retail fls Imji,g-lit s largo proportion of bia Goods at Ite "* Now York package sales in September last, J|* tl.inka he can aeM tham as tow to ths J am W nought ia any of the Southern taaa*. * MoAJKfNovember 22d, 1839. * , St , . . ... to its ' ' u ^ Auctiou. * $ THE nematode*" of tip rasigsal stock of i A goods toe. of Jno. MaUoy 4 Oa. ~A~L S O- ? Al goods writers tarns of forarr owls bam I been complied with will bo sold at Pufctic Auction so Saturday tbs 83d inat. al 10 ortook A. It. D. MALLOY, -i A M. M'-IVCK. J *?? ** Ckrrait, No*. 1814, 1130. L? " Siii i i . . .i ana n CHEBAW AOrCBTlMEM. . 1 Ttio Editor of the Cberaw Guatta has de- c termined, at the suggestion of tbo Pea Dee ^ Ag'icuUural Society, to devota mora apace than idhoer.y to Agriculture, mad matters par* t % tiling specially to its ?ntcreate. About nine % columns, or a page and a half sreafly, will be , occupied with this sublet, except when it shall be necessary to mako room fm fun H"si * .Mensages, and a tow other political pap?M such as every intelligent citizen ought to real. A large proportion of what aha! appear andar ths Agricultural hoad must, of course* be aa> lected. But the numerous Agstoultora] peri. i?i?cila now published in this country ashrd abundant and exce I lent maleriui tor selection ; and, after a short t-one, the reports, and ofhoea S?H psperH of the Pee Deo Agrirultortl Hocart* w til of themeelvce, form no iwcofliidnnbii nody of original matter, all of it adapted particularly to this part of the country. And It >? hoped, aleo, that among the* numerous intelligent and enterprraing p!ar.le of UiO eutrounding districts and counties some may be found who win, occasional^, lake the ttovUt of contribntnqt to the cetiupoa of the paper the * 4 result of thoir experience. ^ j? Among the evi jjecte which will engage (he Editor's attention the culture efeiUt shall net be ovorlo&aed. Ample lnrrucfhps will be given, in their proper aueon. far cultivating tlie morus mulicaulis and making silk. The naner will oeoouae the canee of no carte in politics, but shall contain an iasparttaleoon- Ai wary of political intelligence, and, cocasfaitaKy, -^r abte speeches ami well written sesays (when met with) fajrly discussing the ptintialee and J meaaareaof all patties. Ilia behaved that* *>. comparatively small apace devoted to political eubjecta in thta way may be made more profits- u~ bh> to toe Farmer of domestic habits, who wishes to be acquainted with the true stgte of the country and qualified far a proper and intetti. gent discharge of the duties of citizenship, thai a whole sheet filled, from week to weotj, and aH year to yoar, with one-aided diaeuetione, end he tncre quarrel* of editors and politieiana,? whilst, at the sacne time, it will not be cahrolatcd to estrange neighbor from neighbor, or to mislead into a belief that one half of the count,j, arc >?*? patriotic then the other, er lees ardently attached to our vefnraSt&S isiitaiiona. oo mncn ci tne totirlf) wa ttiMR Hflt U occupied with ?undutf dvcrtwMMMe wM generatty be i'i!lt:u^up I pert imp priw^ , iWflSF^^^ ''^k Bj