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SUMMARY OF NEWS. It mm ( littrMt rr*B H?b* mad Abremd Haywood Grant, onviotod of arson, was Long at Rome, Ga. He oonfeesed to having killed four men, one of whom was Gen. Hirdman, of the Confederate army, at Helena, Ark While the British ironclad Thunderer was making a trial trip of a measured mile in Stokes bar, her forward boiler exploded, killing twenty-five of the crew and injuring sixty others, many fatally The Turks burned the Servian town of Kenterdeman The chief Bear-Stand-Up has arrived from 8itting Bull's camp, and says that Sitting Bull will fight until the Black Hills question is settlod. The grand total of the Texas cattle drive to July 6 is 305,290 head. Of this number 50,638 have been held in northern Texas, while the remainder, 254,652 head, have been driven north. Several thousand head which were wintered in northern Texas last season have also been driven north, which will probably well the total to between 260,000 and 270,000 head... .A heavy rainstorm swelled the Crow's Bon creek, near Freedom, Pa., bo that many houses on its banks were flooded, and that of Thomas Lighthill was washed away. Mrs. Lighthill and her four children were carried off by the water and drowned. The fast mall trains are to be withdrawn, as the government will not pay sufficient for them... .The stallion race for t2,000, between Judge Fullerton and Smuggler,at Philadelphia, was won by the latter, the fastest time for stallionB in this country being made. There were four heats, the seoond being a dead heat. Time, 2 17X. 2.18, 2.17, 2.20 During a gale recently the covered bridge at Turner's Center, Me., six hundred feet long, was blown into the river, and several barns were unroofed Alf. Bush, treasurer of the Intercolonial railway at Halifax, is a defaulter in many thousands Thirty-four of the crew of the ironclad Thunderer have died from the effeots of the explosion In the United States House of Representatives, Mr. Williams (Dem ), of Michigan, introduced a bill erantinir a pension of <50 per month to Mrs. Elizabeth Caster, widow of the late Oeu. Cueter. It aleo passed a bill giviDg the father and mother of tho deceased officer <80 a mouth as pensions. All the families of officers and soldiers under Caster were also voted pensions on the basis of the $50 per month to Mrs. Custer. Tho doprooiation in the value of silver reates great excitement and distress in India. The London Timt Bays that, excepting the mutiuy, this is the worst crisis in Anglo-Iudiau history The committees having failed to raiBe funds sufficient to purchase the Old South church, Boston, it will speedily be demolished Ex-Poetmsster-Oeneral Jewell was enthusiastically received by the people of Connecticut on his return home An earthquake of several seconds' duration occurred at Ticnna, Austria, but did no damage bo far as reportod A London paper names twentyeight members of parliament who will visit the Centennial at the close of the present session Dr. Joseph H. Crawford, aged twenty-eight years, shot and killed himself in Brooklyn, N. Y., in tho presence of his aged mother. Pecuniary difficulties led to the act. The government has redeemed $11,748,931 in currency with silver coin Tho entire western portion of the towu of Demosville, Ky., was destroyed by an incendiary fire The famous naval band at Portsmouth, N. H.f baa been paid off and disbanded A company of ladies have bought the Old South ohnrch of RaoLw ?wwi m.11 ??uu mu piooa vtj lb ^ The Chinese government is determined to pnt an end to the exporting of ooolies, while the Spanish author ties wish to continue it A young Bon of John E. Cameron, residing near Pottsville, Pa., lowered his little slater into & freshly lighted limekiln on the farm, and being unable to raise her again, called his mother and grandmother. The mother sent the boy down with instructions to pnt bis sister in the bucket and Jump in himself, using great hade in order not to bo overoome by the gases. The boy got his sister in, and then fell back uuoonscious. The mother drew her daughter to the surface, and told the old lady that she must tend the windlass, as she (the mother) was going down to rescue her boy ; but the old lady was weak, and when tho bucket wan part way down, her strength gave out and the handle slipped from her grasp, striking her on the head and rendering her senseless, while the woman in the bucket was precipitated to the bottom. A stage happening along, the driver went down into the pit with the assistance of the passengers and succeeded in putting the woman and boy into the bucket and getting in himself, and was drawn up in an nnocnsoiont condition. The woman and her two ohildren were dead. The university raco, at Saratoga, was won by Cornell, the winning time being seventeen minntes and one and one-half seconds. Columbia was the favorite. At the end of the first half mile Cornell was first; Columbia, second ; Union, third. At the end of the seoond mile Columbia was first; Harvard, seoond, Cornell, third. Cornell won ; Harvard being seoond. The boats came in in the following order: Cornell, Harvard, Columbia, Union, Weeleyan and Princeton. The time of orows was as follows : Cornel), 17:1>^ ; harvard, 17:5^ ; Co Iambi*, 17:183^, Union, 17:273^; Wesleyan, 17:88^ ; Prinoetpn, 18:10)^. The Cornell crew, after passing the winniiig line, rowed in by the grand atand. Ihey were immediately seized by their comrades and carried in triumph on their shoulders to where the oollege colors were flying. The single eooll race was won by Cornell in thirteen minntes and forty-two and three-quarter seoondr. The Cornell orew also won the freshman raoe, making three in one day for this college. Harvard was second and Colombia third. Albert Semler, treasurer of Washington county, Wis., is a defaulter in the sum ef f 60,000 Col. Merritt found several hundred Cheyenne and Sioux Indians on their way to Join Bitting Bull, and forced them back to their agencies The steamer Baltio, of the Cornell towing line on the Hudson, was burned when in the vicinity of Albany. Loss, 140,000 Washington Lee, while passing the farm of Botert Ellis, near Vanoebnr* Kv . dr*? ? pistol sad shot EUis dead, for alleged too great iotimaey with Mrs. Lee. The murderer was lodged in Jail, bnt that night a mob took him oat and hanged him Thomas Fan ell stabbed his wife aerlonsly in Oranston, R. I., and after being secured in Jail, hanged himself with his belt The Jealousy of Sheppard P. Wiley, of Pemberton, Pa., was excited to sooh a degree by anonymous letters as to tarn hie mind, and in bis delirium he killed his wife with an ax and then cat hie own throat with eraser. William A. Wheeler, in aooepting the noaai nation of the Republican convention for the Vioe-Preeidency, says in hie letter that, "if elected, I shall ende.vor to perform tbe duties j of the office in the fear of the 8upreme Baler a< and in the interests of the whole oountry." To the platfmn adopted by the convention he gives his cordial ooueent. Upon the question ? of oar Southern relations, he says his views lc were recently expressed as a member of the ^ committee of the United Statos House of Rep- #) reeentativee upon Southern affairs. While tl deprecating harsh judgments which make no f' allowance for the peculiar difficulties and dan- ^ gcip wutuu utroi Duuuiera Bocioiv, lie IB, tl nevertheless, firm in maintaining the right of ri all American oit:zeus to equal and full proteo- Cl tion. "This will bo accomplished,' Mr. Wheeler n said, "only when the Amerioan citizen, with- ci out regard to oolor, shall wear the panoply of oitizenehip as fully and as eecuroly iu the "j canebreaks of Louisiana as ou (lie banks of the St. Lawrence." The obligations of the c< country to its creditors, he eays, must be relig- P ionsly kept. Tne public school system should ^ be preserved and that system kept free from ti sectional influence or control, and the strictest economy in the expenditures of the govern- ^ meat are demanded. j, Ezra Dawson, a well known resident of Indianapolis, shot and dangerously wounded T A. 8. Foster, a livery stable keeper, for the al- u leged seduction of his daughter, fifteen years ? old. Dawson's action is generally approved. 0 The Missouri Democratic State convenvontion, at Jefferson City, after adopting re to lutions strongly indorsing Tilden and Hendricks, nominated Jobn 8. Phelps for governor, over George Q. Vert, by a vote of 118>? to 91>? Ada Applegate, a bright little girl of twelve years, at Eatontown, N. J., in the ab- j sence of her mother, endeavored -to kindle a ^ fire by the ose of kerosene, and the can containing the oil buret, covering the child with Bl its oontents. She was frightfully burned, y Mrs. Carlyle was ehockiugly burnod whilfl at- it tempting to smother the flames An Italian it in Brooklyn was sent to Statoe prison for twenty 'I years for assaulting a little girl of eight yeatB. tl Congressman Hoare. of the ninth Mas- b sachusetts Congressional district, declines a b renomination The priest, Doutclutcli, of b the Servian army, routed four thousand Turkish regulars near Radoeinge, driving them toward Nova Varoech after a desperate engage- a, moot, lasting seveu hours. ( J The yaoht Mohawk, of the New York yacht tl club squadron, capsized in the Narrows, oppo- si site Stapleton, Staten Island. Twenty-one per- S sons wero on board,six of whom were drowned, g The yacht was owned by Vice-Commodore Wm. b T. Oarner, of the New York yacht club, and D Mr. Oarner and his wife, Miss Hunter, the second steward and two cooks were drowned. Mr. Oarner lost his life in trying to assist his ? wife out of the cabin. Miss Hunter, a sister ^ of Mrs. Oarner, perished with them. The j yaoht had all her sails set, except the jibtopsail, and was getting uuder way to go down the ^ bay to join the fleet, when she was struck hy a 0 violent squall that threw her on her beam t, ends. The squall oame from tho southwest, p and lasted only two minutes. Mr. Oaraor wis t< about forty years old. He was a favorite with e the members of tho New York yacbt club, aud n was familiarly known as "Will." He was tho b owner of the great Harmony calico print mills tl at Oohoee and others, and is estimated to have b baen worth from $19,000,000 to $30,000,000. 8 tl] =========== t. FORTI-FOURTH CONGRESS. *! t< The Baalaeee of General Interest Trnne- CI acted. n SWTATX. Mr. Maxey (Dem ), of Texas, presented the ^ juiuii inouiuviuug ui mo legislature or Texm asking for each legislation by Congress as will Si protect the frontier of that State against In- ei dians and Mexicans. And also an appropria- \\ tion to reimburse the State for money oxpended in defending the frontier. . The Chair laid before the Senate the nu- tr finished business, being the River and Harbor at Appropriation bill, the pendmg question being si on the motion of Mr. Thurxnan to recommit the bill, with instructions to report a bill re- ^ ducing the appropriation to ?4,000,000. Mr. Allison (Rep ), of Iowa, from the con- 10 ferenoe oommittee on the Army Appropriation hi bill, made a report wliioh was agreed to. Mr. ki Allison explained that all matters relating to w the organization of the army are to be submit- , t?d to a oommission to oonsist of two members of the Senate and two members of the House fti of Representatives, the secretary of war, and I two army officers. The House recedes from all its amendments relating to the reduction, reorganization and pay of the army. The bill i as It came to the Senate appropriated ?24 350,- !e 23-j. mat amount was Increased by the Senate h< 3 211,000. The conference oommittee bad re- I duced the amendments, leaving the total 6v amount of the bill $26,069,065.40. Mr. Wiudom (Rep.), of Minnesota, from the H conference oommittee on the Sundry Civil Appropriation bill, submitted a report. He eaid the Honee bill appropriated 115,250,731.61. The Senate added 94,126 793 99. and as now reported it appropriates $16,229,777.82. After debate the report was agreed to?yeas, 39; el uays, 12. Tho e who voted in the negative were all Repnblioans, Messrs. Anthony (R. I), "L Bruce (Miss.), Oonover (Fla.), Edmunds (Vu), ? Hamlin (Me.), Harvey (Kansas), Hitchcock Be (Neb.), Ingalls (Kansas), Logan (11L), Mitch- et ell (Oregon), Morrill (Vt.), and Spencer (Ala.) w housk te Under the call of States, bills were introduced and referred as follows: w Mr. Hopkins (Dem.), of Pennsylvania, ap- sc propriating $100,000 for the oompletion of the fl, Washington monument. Mr. Phillips (Rep.), of Kansas, authorizing the President to accept the servioea of vol an- m tee re from Kansas, Nebraska, Minnesota, Wy- m omiug, Colorado, Dakota and Utah against the v< Sioux Indians. Mr. Waddell (Dem.), of North Carolina, for . the erection of an equestrian statue to Oen. " Custer in Washington. " Mr. Landers (Dem.), of Indiana, for the immediate utilization of gold and silver bul- e< lion (by certificate of value) to enoourage the H coinage thereof, and to make the standard silver dollar a full legal tender. Referred to the oommittee of the whole. 84 Mr. Eames (Rep.), of Rhode Island, in addition to the bill for the resumption of specie j-j payment, requiring six per cent of the amount ^ of outstanding legal tender notes to be set ?, aside in coin every year until the legal tenders f*1 are of equal value with gold. tc The resolution offered by Mr. Piper (Dem.), te A# rull#?f- A? at_ ?-*? * wi uwu'iuw, iot ma appointment or a select <r( committee of three to prooeed to California, after the adjournment of Congress, to lnvestigate (oonJointly with the Senate oommittee or 7( otherwise) the extent and effeot of Chinese y< immigration, was adopted?yeas, 185; nays, 14. Mr. McDougsll fRep.), of New York, introdnoed a bill granting pensions to the heirs of officers and men killed in Gen. Caster's reoent 04 battle with the Sionx at increased rates proportionate to that of 550 a month to the legal pen d sion of a lientenant-colonel. Referred. p Mr. Stringer (Dem.), of Illinois, moved to suspend the rn'ea and adopt a resolution in- ' stmoting the oommittee on banking and currency to report a ML to repeal the sot for be resumption of specie payment. Negatived? w yeas, 103; nays, 02?not the necessary two- ti thirds in the affirmative. si The eonfsrsnee report on the Army Appro- ti prtatkm bill was mads. It was agreed to, and O the bill now goes to the President for hie signs- a tors. ? Tbe House went Into committee of the whole, >. Monroe (Rep.), of Ohio, in the Chair, on ie bill for tbe protection of the TexM frontior. be substitute offered by Mr. Banks was looted, and tbe bill reporti d to the House. The Honso proceeded to voto ou tbe second icrioii of the bill for the protection if the axa* frontier. It was rejected?yess, 89; ays, 90. Tho bill waa then passed. Tbo fcliwmg is tho text: That for the purpose of giving efficient proctiou to the country between the Rio Qrande ad Nueces rivers, in the fitate of Texas, from ie cattle thieves, robbers, and murderers rom the Mexioan side of the river, tbe Preeiout of the United States be and hereby is aulorized and required to station and keep on ie Rio Qrande river, from the mouth of tliat ver to Fort Duncan, and at&ve, if necessary, vo regiments of cavRlry for field servioo, in ddition to Bnch infantry foroe as may be eocBsary for garnsou duty, and to assign remits to said regiments, so <u? to fill each trcop ) number one hundred privates, and they hall be np to that strength as long as thsy hall bo r? quired in that sorvice. Mr. Raodall (Dem.), of Penn., made the inference report on the Sundry Civil Appronation bill, and proceeded to explain it. After long discussion the report was adopted The ill now goes to the President for his siguarre. Mr. Randall (Dem), of Penn., from the ommitteo on appropriations, reported a bill ppropriating $7 000 for tho expenses of tbe lint soloct committee on Chinese immigration, assid. A veto meesago as to a bill to revise tho reisod statutes in connection with post-office niters was received and referred to tho postffice committee. Tho Senato bill to punish the counterfeiting f trademarks was passed. THE MISTAKE. Trade Story of a Wedding ta Hide-nod. Seek Town. Scridner's Magazine for August, in escribing a quiet Now England town, ills the following romantic story: On one of theso sunny hillsides is a mall house, left unpainted so many oars, that it has grown gray as a grange bowlder. Its doors are always shut, s windows tightly onrtained to the Bill, 'ho fence around it is falling to pieces, lie gates are off the hingos ; old lilac ushes with bluish moldy lookiug laves crowd tne yard as if trying theii est to cover up something. For years, no ray of sunlight has enBred this house. You might knock long nd loud, and you would get no answer; ou would pass on, sure that nobody ould be living there. No one is living tiere. Yot in somo one of the rooms its or lies a woman who is not dead. Ihe is past eighty. When she was a irl she lovod a man who loved her sisBr and not her. Perhaps, then, as now, ion made lovo idly, first to one, next o another, even among sisters. At any ate, this girl so loved the man that was o be her sister's husband, that it was nown and whispered about. And when lie day came for the wedding, the miniter, boing, perhaps, a nervous man and aving this poor girl's sad fate much in is thoughts, made the terrible mistake f calling her name instead of her sisBr's in the ceremony. As soon as the oor creature heard her name, she ut3red a loud shriek and fled. Strangely nough, no ono had the presence of lind to interrupt the minister and set is blunder right, aud the bride was aoiially married, not by hor own name, >ut by her sister's. From that day the ister shunned every one. She insisted bat thd bridegroom had been marriod o her; but she wished never again to ee a human faoe. She is past eighty, nd has not yet been able to die. Win;r before last, in the time of a terrible ll/l- it vrafl nntiAOil 1~ 4,1?K , AVX n v*OJ U1 IWU UIUI 0 'smoke came ont of the chimney of lis old house. On the fonrth day, the eighbors broke open the door and went i. They fonn?i the woman lying insenble on the floor, nearly frozen. A few nbera were smoldering on the hearth. Then they ronsed her to oonsoionsness, le cursed them fleroely for having disirbed her ; bat as the warmth from fire id wine began to steal into her blood, le thanked them ; the only words of Lankfniness heard from her lips for a llf century. After all she did not want 1 die ! She has relatives who go to the 3U86 often and carry her food. She lows their voices, and, afte7 -parleying ith them a few moments through the osed door, will open it, take the food, id sometimes allow them to come in. have twice seen her standing at twi?ht in the dank shade of her little ird, and fumbling aimlessly at the uvea of the lilacs. She did not raise it head nor look toward the road, and dared not speak to her. A gliding tape in a graveyard at midnight would )t have seemed half so uncanny, so ttle of this world. The Narrow Seat. Some time ago there lived in a West'n citv a vnnncr oronllaman onJ - o o ? ?"? "??Jt ho, for convenience sake, we will call ed and Kitty. They were frequently ten together exhibiting unmistakable ridences of tender attachment which ere fast leading them toward the vorx of matrimony. Buggy riding was a favorite pastime ith the young lovers, and there was tarcely a woodland glen or a prairie ower for miles around that did not, at use time, witness their happy love aking as they rode by, or stopped a oment to bill and ooo and exonange >ws. When the young man wanted a buggy ? invariably wrote about as follows to te livery man: Mr. Mo?Please send the narrow seat1 buggy to my door at live o'clock p. ., and oblige, yours, Nkd. P. 8.? If you can't send the narrow ?ated buggy, don't send any. Nbd. In the course of time they were soared, and a few weeks after the event anspired Ned presented himself at [c's office and told him that he wished I bikn Mm NA/1 ? '? - - ? -V. wr (UO OUUUbKV iur a iw days' recreation, and desired him to at ready a buggy. " All right, old boy; I'm glad to see 3u round again, and I oan let you have Dur favorite buggy." " Which ?" " Why, the narrow seated rig, of >urse. " Never mind it, Mao.; that one will o," and he pointed to a buggy that two ersons might have sat in with a yard's pade between them. Chapped hands, face, pimples, ringorm, aaltrhenm, and other outaneooa affeooua oared, and roagh akin made soft and nooth, by uaing Juairaa Tab Boat. Be oare>1 to get only that mari? ' y Cw ell. Hazard A o.. New York, *? their are mauy imitalioiM lade with oooinon tar, all of whiah are worth??.?Oom. Indisputable Evidence. Rt., 111., July 8, 1874. R. T. Pikbce, M. D., Buffalo, N. Y. :?I wish to ltd i my testimony to the wondei ful curative properties of your Alt. Ext. or Qolden Medical Discovery. 1 have taken (Treat interest iu thin medicine Biuoe I first used it. I ?as badly afflicted with djepepeia, liver deranged ai d an almost perfect prosti an in of the nervous system. So rapid and complete did the , Discovery effect a perfeot core that it aeemed more like magio and a perfeot wonder to niyi self, and sinoe that time we have never been without a bottle of Diaoovery and Purgative Pellets In the honae. They are a solid, sound , family physician in the house and ready at all , times to fly to the relief of sickness?without charge. We have never had a doctor in the honse since we first begun the use of your Pel, lets and Dieooverv. I have recommended the nse of these medicines in several severe and ! complicated cases arising from, as I thought, an impure stato of the blood, and in no one r oaso have they failed to more than accomplish all they are claimed to do. I will only mention , one as remarkablo (though I could give you dozons). Hemry Roster, furniture dealer, of this place, who was one of the most pitiful ob, jects ever seen, bis face swollen out of shape, . scales and eruptions without end, extending to his bodv ?h oh ? 1 - " , ..MU wviujvioigjj UUVUICU , blotches and scales. Nothing tbat he took [ seemod to effect it a particle. I finally in 'need , him to try a few bottles of the Oolden Medical Discovery, with daily uee of the Pellete, as tiring him it would sorely onre him. He commenced its use some eix weeks sinco, taking , two Pollets each night for a week, then one each night, and the Discovery aa directed. The result is, to-day his ekin is perfectly smooth, . and the Fcaly eruptions are gone. Ho has ' taken some sovon or eight bottles in all, and considers himself cured. This case bad baffled the skill of our best physicians. Messrs. Duns'ord & Co., druggists, of this place, ere selling largely of your medicines and the demand steadily increases, and they give perfect satisfaction in every oase. Respectfully, W. H. Champion. I * Agt. Am. Exp. Co. Colorado produces $15,000 in silver every twenty-four hours, $10,000 in gold, and $1,000 in other minerals; or $26,000 daily, equal to $9,490,000 yearly. Bright eyes, regular features and a graceful figure fail to produce their due cff-'ct if the c jmplexion is defaced with pimplo<< or i blotches, or the skin is rough or harsh. To remedy these defects use Qlknn's Sulphur . Soap. Depot, Crittenton's, No. 7 Sixth avenue, New York. Hill's Hair Dye restoros the tinge of youth to gray locks. > * Without doubt hundreds of people ' who will rtad this item aro Buffering with kidney disease in some form, which might be cured with a bottle or two of Johnson's Anol dyne Liniment, used iutomally. Why no; iry it? ? Parsons' Purgative Pills, which are now being extensively sold in this State, are purely vegetable, and are mild and gentle in their i operation. One is a dose. Good qualities, certainly. * i ( Schxkcx's Ska Wkxd Toma-Iu the atmoapLtn aiperlanoed hers daring ths summer months, tha latharc; prodaoad bj tha haat takaa away tha deaira (or wbolaaoma food, and frequent perspirations reduoe bodily energy, particularly thoaa suffering from he I effect* of dabllltaUoR dlaeaaaa. In order to keep a nrtural healthful aotlrlty of the ayalam, wa most ra> art 1 to artlflolal meant. For this purpoee Scbanok'a Sea Weed Tonlo la ??r? a ?? -> ? ? an appetite and give fresh visor to t be enervated body. For dyspepsia, It la Invaluable. Man; eminent pb7?lo4ana have donbted whether dyspepsia can be permanently oared by the dross whloh are senerally employed for that purpose. The 8ea Weed Tonlo In Its nature Is totally different from auoh dross. It contains no oorro tlve minerals or aolds; In fact. It assists the resolar operations of nature, and supplies her deficiencies. 1 he i tonlo In Its nature so muoh resembles the sastrlo juloe that It Is almost Identical with that fluid. The ssstrlo ulce Is the natural solvent which. In a healthy oondltlon of the body, oauaes the food to be dtseeted; and when this juloe is not Increased In sutflolent Quantities, Indlseetlon, with all Its distress Ins symptoms, follows. The Sea Weed Tonlo performs the duty of the sastrlo jnloe when the latter la deflolent. Sohenek's Sea Weed Tonlo sold by all Druggists. The Markets. r?*w ton* BeefOattie?Prime to Sx'.rs Bollock* iGXtf 11 Common ti Gccd Texan*..... Of iD (f MilahUows 41 00 969 to Hogs?Live..... ? <9 ? Drtwod. C8K9 09 Sheep 04*9 t'X Lambs C6*9 (9 Cotton?Middling 11*9 UK Flour?Extra Western 6 (5 4) 6 1(1 Stat* Extra.......... ....... 6 16 #8 <1 Wheat?Red Western...... 16 9 1 0 No. 3 Spring...... 1 03 at 1 01 Bye?btate 70 9 18 Barley?State...... 60 9 C9 barley Malt 96 9 1 hi Oata?Mixed Wootern 28 9 88 Corn?Mixed Western... 68 9 ti Hay, per owt 60 9 it Straw, per owt. 60 9 1 10 Hops 10917 ?olds 04 9 0 H Pork?Mess 30 16 930 IS Lard . 11 9 11 Fish?Mackerel No. 1, new 16 00 91C 61 " No. 3. new li 26 (HI3 36 Dry Cod, per owt 6 26 9 6 6 1 Herring, Scaled, per box: 20 9 38 Petroleum?Crude ....9* $9% Rr fined, 17 Wool?California Ficeoe...... 14 <R ii Texas " 14 9 26 Australian ' ............ ? 9 ? Better?State on <m ii Wwtfrn Dairy 28 21 Western Yellow..... 18 22 Western Ordtuxry 13 G 1 > Oheee*?State Factory 07 9 10 " Skimmed...... 08 0 I'd WeMern mm. 08 <& 10 I^ia?Stat* 18 ? !CX nrniA. rionr e at 010 oo Wheat?No. 1 MpriiiK. 1 88 0 1 11 Corn?Mixed....................... 81 48 81 Oat* 88 68 M Bye 78 ? 78 Barley ? 0 ? nmnitrm. Beef OatUe?Extra 04 0 07 Sheep 04 Of* JIorb?Dreeaed..... C9 l'i Floor?Pennsylvania Extra 8 82.H0 8 0>> Wheat?Red Weetern 70 0 00 Bye 7.) a 74 Oorn?Yellow....... . 89 9 61 Mixed 88 0 87 Oata?Mixed 39 9 81 Petrol mm ?Ornde.. ?..?..12%012?l Beflned. 17 wiTRTOin, Kate. Beef Cattle?Poor to Oholoe 478 0 7 82H Sheep 1 60 ? I (0 Lambs 8 00 010 CO asthma. ^.H'lasafc.aaiKay SnMlei. ladMlloi., how.*.r X JCJlN B (lightly dlaablad In the Unlted Slate* aerrice. or their widows and orphan., ean < btaln penalona. Bonnttee alao obtained. Adrloe free. Addreee TtiOMAH MoMIOHAKL. Pension and Bounty Claim Attorney. Wo. 7<>7 Banaom Bt. Philadelphia. Pa. aOOK. AGENTS WANTED mBAGKSHEESH THOUSANDS of eumnm hareanawtred our call to aril thla famoua ntv booh -and yet we rot b.OOO more! It portny* Uf* as it rtallw U In Egypt, Turkry end the Holy Lend, and eon tain* IDS Ma'jolfiocnl *tw ?n?r*Tin<i. boo ? 72*? erdered in odroaor, and Arenta ere aelllng lO to ? a day. Both Mouowf now te ?s^aassdtSsevfsyjaig-saf ST0NINGT0N LINE ?"WTOa "?w zo?, Boston, And all New England Points. The only rolUb.o Line running, Avoiding the dancora and 8on Plokpaaa of Point Jodltb Flnnat Am? of , ~, "fvw > ?* River, "ally (eioopt Monday*), at a K. M., arriving In Beaten at fl 1 Pr.?MS2SJFi*J? I^'oi from Boaton N LvfvTo, U ? P- M" arriving In Aak tor '??? ?' ^ It. S. HALF A DOLLAR ? wnpivtortiw flSSllln CHICAGO ^pFledgee I For th? Host Half Tear. Tb. In?>> I*w *jP?. W-oolnmn. baSmam&M* tT>wpiDBf- ytikiA art H??M ?***- ? ILL. CATALOGUE OF ARTICLES FOR Ao-onfa Free. BOSTON NOVKI.TV CO.. Mm. ilgeilliB Profitable, Plotunt work; hundred* now employe.), I J hundred* more imt?d. M. N. IX)till. Brie. Pt. J 6VKKY deelrabl* NEW ARTICLES for Amli. ^ Mfr'd by J. O. OiWWlLL A Co.. Oheahlre, Conn. 01 O ada; t boms. Anahwaalad. Outfit and term* V-I" Irwi. A JrMt TRUE A CO., Auguala. Maine. ^ * C a. _ ?Qn ' day at bonrn. Kamplee worth R1 act Q 3>Q LO 3><6U free. 8TINBON A CO.. Portland. M-. O PI Kxlra Fine Mixed Oarda, with Name.lO eta. I ?>*> post-paid. L. JONES A CO.. Eaaaan. N. Y. TK A M?Agenta Wanted In tbla oonnty? Heat plan ever ? offered?Kxoloalre ten-lory glren?Apply at onoe to the I Great American Kepobllo Tea Qo.,81 Harolay 8U.N-Y. J iA?a WATt'HEt. A Great Senaatlon. Sample A Ht wt Watch nmd OutJU free to AgmU. Better than J" MFhJ Gold. Addreee A. COULTER A OO.. Ohloago. J OK A MONTH and trarellng expenae* paid ?DJL?lt9 for halramrn. No pood lore wanted. ~ Addreee. Mohitob Mtwpr'a Co.. Olnolnnatl, Ohio. "1 A Rente Wiantod.?Twenty9x11 Mounted Onromos > Z\ for *1. 8 earn plea by mall, poet-paid, ?Oo. Contt- k IHWT>L Oh BO-no Co.. 37 Naeeao Street. New Tori:. o( A FORTUNE can be made without ooet or riak. -1 /V Combination tormina. Particular! free. Addreaa I J.P. BUROKS. Manager. Rawllna City. Wyoming. f /TlA FA A Month.?Agenta wanted. 36 beat roll J rSXflll In* artlclee In the world. One aample free WVtfU Add'** JAY BRUWWON , Detroit. M lob. WW And Morphine Habit abeolntely ->nd IIUITVM ap-odlly cured. Palnlaaa; no publicity. I 11 ill ItI Send atamp for I'arttoulare. Dr. Cattle " ? will tow. 1 87 waahlngton St.. Ohloago.lll. 1 n mi Hire All Want It?tbonaanda of llree and ? AllrNTv talUloneof properly eared byIt-fortaoei p All Fill 111 made with It?partlcnlare free. O. M, LrwTWOTOW ABBO.JtewYorkAOhloa a* we A MONTH ? Agenta wanted ererrU'lKII where. Bndneee honorable and firet nZllll o'eaa. Partlcnlare aent free. Addreaa U/AJ W WORTH A CO.. 8t Lonla. Mo. ? "T TSK TROPICAL IIAIR DRW. If yon want b lnxnrlone. radiant, beam Ifnl hair. It Inrtgoratee, oleansea. promotee growth. Kffrcta magtoaL Kxorle all other preparation*^ Safely cent by mall for 91.00 Ad neoond Are ,N.Y. City. I Afflfe - AQT ?<U7??r*. lUaitrstsdcs' '"rss/Vse.ofosr I A b II t* m X !| tii>? Chromos, Crayoai, ud bnatlful Piclum I ZMHiLSBSa^vdiorDntrd turn,woman. and PrHld?nlso( I II-S.Mnl Addre?.,VI,ltlng, Rtwtrd, Moilo, Comic, ud Tran-.- I jwrentCardi. 1 SB taim>1r.,wnrih4&. ?nt imati aid fr>r H& nnU H J. H. HL'FYOHD'bbCNS. BOSTON. MASS. LataUUbod 1IU0. i| A NOVELTY. So"nTT.V.p?s * ('nrd*. containing ? scene when held to the light (CO I designs), sent post-paid for 25 oente; 5 pub, 6 nsmas, 91. No othercard printer hasthe same. Agents wanted; outfit IQo. Card Printer, look Bon P. Adlilmd, Maes. rpTjt A ^ ?The choicest in the World?Importer*' JL l_J2Vkr? prions?LargestOompany In America staple article?ploae-s srorybody?Trade oontlonally Inomoslng?Agents wanted everywhere?beat tndnoe- _ menta -don't waste time?eend for olronlar to ROUT l WK1.I.8. 43 Veeey St.. N. Y. P. O. Box 1287. I "pSYCHOMA1IOT, or Soul CharmlB^." ! I Hum either sea may fssctnata anil |?la the Iovb tod affection ol any person they choose, tnetautls .'hie art all can *" pcstm, free, by mall, SI cents; together with a Lnvrr'a Qui b, RsyyCan Oracle, Dreams, flints to Ladles, Ac. 1 ,SW,STOaold. A. etaer'ook ?ddr.-aa V IVlt^.l ?MK? rn.. Peb?. f' 'laAsMria S\V ART II 1IOKK COliIiKKE.?Ten MUes from Philadelphia Under the oore of Friends. Gives a thorough uoLesUid Kdnoatlon to both saxes, who heie pursue t bo sroe oourree of study, and reoelve the same degrees. Total Kxpensee?Including Tuition, Board, Washing. I'se of Books, etc., $360 a Year. No Rxtra Chants*, for Catalogue, giving f uU parti on Lars as to Oourssw of Study, ato., address, Bdwabd H. Maoii.l. President Swsrtbmore Oollege. T>elaware Oo.. Penp.i I | J Road the New York WEEKLY I A WITNElHH. Largest C'lronlatlon In _^jA^_^^A the Country. Campaign Paper, QO ContSy postage paid, for four months. Send at onoa for tree Sample Copy. Dyspepsia. Dyspepsia. TV * - .LFyspepsia. There la probably no disease whloh experience baa so amply proved to b? remedial by tha Peruvian Syrup Peruvian Syrup Peruvian Syrup as Dyspepsia. The moat Inveterate forms of this disease bare been completely oared by this medlotne, as ample testimony of some of onr first oitlsena prove a A Case of Ttirty Years' Standing. Hast Aohoba, N. V.. May 39,1873. Messrs. Sxth w. Fowm a Sons : Uentlamen?I was troubled with Dyspepsia for thirty years, and tried several medicines advertised for tbe cure of this dlrtresslns oomplelnt wlthoat deriving any t> n. fit from them. A boot a year aeo I oommenoaa taking tbe pbbutian sthop.and after using altogether twsiTs iwuirt i una mjiMII entirely on rod. 1 oonalder my one one ot toe worst I mar heard of, and I take great pleasure In reoommendlna the P BRUTISH Htbdp to all Dyspepjoe, belUrlog that it will be enre to oure them. Your* respectfully, J. T. BOWKN. j General Debility ! General Debility ; General Debility i Thla oonrenlent term Inolodee numerous Ul-deflned and auppoeed Inonrable forma of die ease, aeoompanied t by general laaeltnde and ezhaostlon, without any 4 ascertainable external or Internal oaoae. The Peruvian Syrup 1 Peruvian Syrup Peruvian Syrup s a ends tU renovating Influence to the Inmost rs oesssa of the system, and has relieved In our oomm unity many oaaas of supposed Incurable disease. f a Health Restored. Kfsom. N. H , May 8.1870. Dear Rlr? Having reoelred great bene tit from the nee of fxanviAM STEtTP, I am willing to add my testimony to tbe tnou-aode of otuara cone antly sounding ,ta praise. During tbe la a war I waa la tbe army, ana baud the mlafortona to be taken prisoner, and waa eootined In Sallabnry and ot er Hontharn prleona several months, and became so much reduced In health and strength aa to be amereaxeletonof my former self. On being released I was a lit subject fur a Northern hospital, when. I remained aome two month*, and then came home. My : byatotan recommend* d end proenrad for ma aararat bo*t lea of PaucviAN 8TSCP, whloh I oontinned to ore for aaseral week*, and foond my health reit red and my weight Inert aeed from ninety to one hundred sod fllty. fa my nana! weight, and I bare been la my usual good a! health ersr slnoe. I can cheerfully reoommend It In all t, eaara of weaknees and debility of the system, whether a arising from an Impure state of the blood, dyspepsia, or b almost aos other eanae, believli.g it wtll tn moat cases give entire sails action. Yosts truly, GEO. S. BIXBY. j f. Prepared by SKTII W. FOWI.E dc HONK. . 80 HarrlsM Arenac. Beet on, aad eeld by i all Drngglata. a -T IMF A OOLUB CHICAGO For The Moxt Half Year. Tb? Lmn la a Ui(t l n?i?, 66-oolamn. Indnndmit ewspspar. wblcb no Intelligent family *bool4 M wttls. rf\ ll The beet Story Paper printed. Try It. , | Address. THE EKDOKH, ChlrafO, 111. Everett House, 39 North slda Union Bqnare. New York Otty ['flfl' Oooleat and Moat Oentral Location In the fWH City. Kept on the European Plan. ft 1 KKRNKR A WKAVKR. Clarendon Hotel, rarth A venae, comer Kaat 18th Street, New Yor ' ItT. n*bu JHofe. O. H. KKRNKRHJ HABIT CURED AT HOME . 1 I II Iwfl No publicity. Time short. ? Terms moderate. 1.0U) teetlmolala. Paeotiba case. Dr. F. K. Malum. Qolncy, Mich. I BOOK for the MILLION. ' 1EDICAL ADVICE and <?hronlr Diseases, Cancer, aurrh. Rupture. Opium Ilabit, Ac., SENT FREE on t ccitt I stamp. Address, Dr. Butts'Dispensary No 12 N. 8th it.. 8t.Lou,s Mo ? [701711 own Likaneas In oil colore, to show oar work, L painted on oanyaaj&Vji7>4, from a photograph or n tyne, free with the Home Journal, fUi.iiO a year, ample of onr work and paper,terms to ascents,etc.. It) La. L- T. LUTHER. Mill Village. Erie oonntv. Pa. r>ENNN> I.VANIA MI1.ITARY AHADBillY, IT Chester, Pcnn.. Reopens September 13. DOTOOjth Inatrao'lon In OitII and Mlnln. la Classics. and Kosllsb Branches. "Vor THreulen pplyto Ool. THkQ. HYATI-. Pros . P. M. A. AGENTS WANTED FOR THE GREAT CENTENNIAL HISTORY " Itsalla faatar than any other book ever published. One .Kent sold 81 copies In one day. Send for our extra mm to Acsnts. National I'fblibhino Uomfani , ? 'blladelphla. Pa. C'RNTH and a 3 cent slamp for riO M V White Bristol Visiting Cards. Printed by a new process. No nicer ones ever seen Prices nerer before named. lorsnet variety ever rhnwn. All other kinds orreepondlnsly low. OlronUre, 3-cent stamp. Indnceisots never before offered to a Rents. Tnirltory last Bins taken. W. Q. CANNON. Box 27?, Boston. Mass. nFor a beautiful White Cross entwined In beantllul roses on dark back* round. In French oil color*,11x14 inches and the Boston Weekly Gl. be, an 8 pass family story paper, II for three months. Chromo *1 and papers mailed promptly, n-e beet offer ont. Address ] Wa.hlr ston St.. Boston.Ma-s m *??UR OWN PRINTING! JTWOVELTY MM PRINTING PRESS. HHH For Profe.nlonal and Asui?ur Printers, Dehnola, Societies. Van. nflaeturera, Merchant., and oUiera ltia CBMB the BEST ever inrenled. la.OOf in use. ^ LTen stylsa, Prloes from SB.00 "j (1BO.OO UHBENJ.O.WOODSdiCO. danufra and ^ daalar. in all kinds of Printing Material, ?' iTmr t 'Y'-'-ri * Mr 4 Bt Boston. GLENN'S Sulphur SOAP . eradicates R All Local Skin Diseases; i Permanently Beautifies the 1 Complexion, Prevents and Heme- ^ TkTWQ Dmaav.s.w.-? ^ viao 1W1C.U9IMISM AMU liOUT, Heals Sokes and Injuries of the Cuticle, and 1 is Reliable Disinfectant. This popular and inexpensive remedy accomplishes the same results as costly Sulphur Baths, since it permanently be moves eruptions and Irritations of the Skin. Complexional ulemisiies are always obviated by its use, and it renders the cuticle wondrously lair and 4 smooth. Sokes, Sprains, Bruises, Scalds, Burns and Cuts are speedily healed * by it, and it prevents and remedies Gout and Rheumatism. It removes Dandruff, strengthens the roots of the Hair, and preserves its youthful color. Asa Disinfectant of Clothing and Linen used in the sick room, and as a Protection against Contagious Diseases it is uncquuled. * Physicians emphatically endorse it. Prices, 25 and 50 Cents per Cake, I Per Box, (3 Cakes,) 60c and $1.20. 31. B. There If economy Id baying the Urge cake*. g Bold by ell DruggliU. " Hill's Hair and Whisker Dye," Black or Brown, 50c. 0,8. CRlTTISm Prop r. 7 Siith Ay. NT. no agency in mam the world )F MEDICINE AND SURGERY tn oompare with Coll-on' Yo?inIc Planter, for iTArv allmont and dlssasa for whlrth ? rorn. They never weaken or delnde the poor aufferer Phey oarr/ oomfort and happ'oees Into ever; afflicted looeehold. Try I hem. t LAME AND PAINFUL BACK. 12 DAYS IN lltMI'irAI,. Meeara. Willi A Pottfr-Gentlemen: I hare just oorered from a lame unit pati.fnl heck ihronith the ue of your Ooi.i.inb' VOLTAIC P/jkBiKKB. My baok .as so lame and palatal th t 1 oonld not stoop. walk or lo dnty of any kind, and wee p aced In the hoepltal for welredais without cure. I then eeked p<rinleelon of he anrgenn to try th<> Ccllinh' Voltaic Plasters. md In a few hnuie after patting one on wan entirely altered of pain and a le to bend my neck ; em now parent ly well. I oon Ider thorn ?!mt>Iy wonderful. i Kaepectfnlly yonre, Al.KX AN111 R .1A M K.SON, A Go I, Fliet Artillery, F-rt VVirrtm. Boston, May S. 1876. "Are Doing Wonders." m Meeere. Wmtkb A Pott.b Geol"men: COLLINS* Voltaic Plasters are d Ins wonders. Tbey work 4 Ike magic >nd thoseyou sent teat are all sold aud more J ranted. Pleaae .endTne three d Ma an soon as yon get M hie. Mouey Inolosed h.r with lean them tomorrow t Jghtlf poaeible. lu haaie, yonrr. I, F. PALM BR, P. M. KOI.n BY AlA. URirvOIHTH. Rent by mall on reoeipt of 26 cents for ODe.R1.26 or eti, or gg.gfi lor twolrs, carefully wrapped and ramnted. by WKRK8 A POTTER, Proprietor*, Boston. Mass. There are probably a majority of ?h? nman raoo lafferlng from kidney ooroplainte They bow thetsMlree la tlmoet protoan ehti>ee, l?ut aIwati otheloHryof tho da Th??y cauro ?nd? crlbabia ffopy. The experlen e of till ty years shows that the t Pf mmdy for this olaes of dleeaiee Is Tarrant's Seltzer Aperient. ts properties are dlnretle, which are specially adapted ar snob oorea BOLD BY ALL PRUGQ18TB. "VP 7 ao WHIN WRITING TO ADTVATHSMia ' 4 " pi ease tay iia? yea a>o the . i oloo MM U tku SWMti