The Beaufort Tribune. w. m. fkencii ?(Utor unci I'roin'letor WEDNESDAY AUGUST 18, 1876. Lobt.?A Velvet Wristband, with gob button attached. The finder will pleas leave it at the store of G. W. Roberts. CoU Win. Elliott haB received enougl money to pay twenty per cent additiona! on account of the expenses of the elcctior of 1874. Culvert, the tinner, is putting a tii xoof on the large warehouse of Water liousc & Rickcr. Tin roofs being ai cheap or cheaper than shing'cs, Calver is doing a thriving business in that line but still asserts hiB ability to meet al demands ou him for work. Mr. J. E. Ohlandt's New Store is coin pletcd and wa9 occupied Inst Saturday The buildicg is quite an ornament to tin Bay nnd the rnoBt extensive improvement in the business part of the town since tin war. The Norwegian bark Quelle, Dedchnn master, cleared from St. Helena Sound on the 11th inst., for Londou, witli 80( tons phosphato rock from the Oak Poin Mines. Mr. H. W. Wilkins the efficient postmaster at Port Royal has been removec -and Mr. D. H. Hutchinson appointed Robert Smalls is credited with maknq this change. Port Royal expects shortly to have n large reservoir built to supply water t< the citizens and to be useful in case of i fire. The Railroad Company has tin work in charge and will supply thi engines on the road with water from the same source. A. Colored Masonic Society accom panied by a large number of their friendi came up from -Savannah on the Reliano on Monday last. They were a very wel behaved and orderly company and seeme( to enjoy themselves. Several of the hca? men were driven over the town by Lt Gov. Cleave?, who is himself a mason o "high degree. Robert Smulls wil' nddrefB his const it uents at the Town Hall this afternoon and tell the story of his trip toEdgcQek last Saturday and how the rebels d-idn1 ict iiiiu bp can nia piece. 111c story wil no doubt be interesting and every one ?liould be there to hear him. And thci the band will be out. Sheriff's Sale.?The only snle cf rea N -estate by the sheriff next snle day will b* ~F. W. Youuinns. odm'r. vs. Jane Sherinai 4i62 acres on Briar Creek, waters of tin Coosnwhatchie River, bounded by land of Frank Parnel, Thomas Smith am Pompey Smlih. A gentleman named '1 honias D Winchester, a former hotel proprietor ii New York, has heen in town for sevcra days past making iuquiries in regard t< the prospects for hotels here, and negoti ating (or the Sea Island. He has gone t( Savannah and will continue his trip t< Florida, au*l on his return we shall bi able to find out whether he will local* here or not. The County Commissioners met las Thursday. The treasurer reported tin following balances on hand. Deficiency tax, 1878-4, $ 125.6' Two mill past Indebtedness tax 2.441.14 Poor Fnnd 127.2' County Fund, 186.61 When the hour arrived to open bids to the 11000 on ftC-rnnrit. of nnat imloht cdneas of 1872, no bids had been liandec in, although a bid for tho wholo amoun was brought in afterwards, but tho commissioners decided that tho time advertised ( 12, m.) having passed they could not entertain proposals handed in afte tho time specified. Tho balances in the various fundi tieing small the commi ssioners had bin little to do and so tlio timo was while* away in romiuincenccs of former day and prognostications of tho future, witl an occassional reference to the present. Now that Snipe has been executed i strong effort will bo made by the attor ncys of Bright to oblain a pardon fo Mm. Most persons will think that tli dying declarations of Snipe that Brigh' was innocent should be sufficient l< secure his pardon, but we tbould think t commutation of his sentence just. Brigli was in the neighborhood at the time oi tho murder, but hi* actions on that occa ion are not well enough known to warrant bis execution, and he will no doubl be sent to the penitentiary. A story is going tho rounus'that Dicl Lundy, a iw^gro, was arrested on the 8lh near Edgefield, and confessed the exist cncc of a conspiracy to assassinate Qen Butler. lie implicated Elisha Harm Coui ty Commissioner, H. M. Bout-} Judge of Probate, Jesse Jones, Clerk o the Court, and others. This story is quit -as.likely to he true and has us much found ution as tho account in The Standun of tho attempt fo assnasinute rcprt KutJye Miller at Lawtonvillc. A frioin < f Miller, and oue '.vliocaoic to hi? re?cu< tells us that Miller trns not much hurl ami that hi-; language, that brought or the assault, was very abu*ivcand uncalled for. * LOST. ! On the night of the Sth met., between Ilcaufort i and Port Royal, a , ] SIL\ EU MOUNTED IVOR* -HANDLE KEVOLI YKR, Tin finder will be handsomely rewarded I by returning the same to I i J A. TORRENT, j August 12lh, ISTiS. l'ort Royal, S. C. rXX> llE.\rJL\ s rooms 0T1.R my stoke suitable j for a dwelling or for offices. An independent entrance on Bay s'reet. Possession given Sept. 1st. '? For particulars, apply to J. C. Mayo, on the 1 picmisce. S. MAYO. Beaufort, S. C., August 10 1ST!?. ^OTS.CiO, B To ilalilora of Claims ngainst Beaufort I County, For the Years 1873-i, ami 187-S-5. Office Couxty Commissioners, t Beaufort t odnty. 1 Beaufort. S. C., August. 11 1^70. * Tii accordance with the provisions of a Joint t Resolution of the General Assembly, appiovcd ) March 21th 1S70, entitled "A Joint Resolution auj thorising tho t buntv Commissioners of Beaufort County to levy a Special I'nx:" NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all perrons holding claims against Itcaufort County, for the - fiscal years 187<-4 or IS71 r>, are required by said ] Joint Resolution to registci their claims with the County Treasurer within ninety [. 0] days from and after tho first day of September next. < laims not T I so registered in th,? tlmn mm*i.^.i 11 ??- 41 Tied to the proceeds of the tax levied under said Joint Resolution. TllOS. U. WllEELER. > Clerk of tiic Board of Co. Com'rs. j ? ANNUAL, MEETING -OF THE? COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. i cffice county commissioners, i Deaufout County, f Beaufort, s, C., August llth, isvg, r The ANNUAL MEETING of the Board will be p held ou the first Tuesday after the first Monduy in September next, being the ."til day of eaid Mouth, All persons haviug 1 ills against the County;are 1 required by law to deposit the same with the clerk j of the Board on or before the first day of September next, and in default such bills.will uot bo uud* lto.l at said aanuul meeting. f 'iUOS. H. WiiRELKR. Clerk of the Board. Board of Equalization. 1 OFFICE COUNTY AUDIT! 15, ) Beaufort, ?. ounty S, C, Jt Beaufobt, Auo. 15th, j J [NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE I' C'ouniy Board of Equalization will meet In ! this office on the 1th day of September next to 1 consider such grievances relative to valuation of property as may be laid before it. L S LANG LEY. County Auditor. AVEIilLT. CHEMICAL i'AIH? R I Mixed, Ready fou Use in white and Oyer Bus HtiiMreil Different Colors. Made of strictly puro prime White Lead, /.inc and 1 Linseed Oil, Cuemicali.y commned, warranted I to last TIVi CE AS L >NQ as other Paint; > For Sale in Beaufort by Jj\ TV. SiCIIINUnt, 1 WholfiSfll.t :1U<1 (Jivinuv ) e CAPERS II \IiPER, ^ Wlieelwri^lii and CARRIAGE l/IAKER. I Cartaret Street, opposite the I'jb. office, j BE.VUKOKT, S. C. I WOltK PROMPTLY AND NEATLY EXECUTED r THIS JiKWS AMI) COUKlllU FOR Tllli CAM IWIGN. ' t TilE Canvass now opening is tho most Impor. tan*, in which tt-c people of South Carolina have been engaged since tho momentous election ol ls?>o. Upon its result depends the weal or woe I of tho State ana the UnioD, r TIIE NEWS a?ii> COUUiKR will, as ever, he in tho front of the fight, sustaining fearlessly and faithfully the candidates of tho National Demos cratlc party, and the action, whatever it shall be, t of the Stale Demociatic Convention. To this wc I | pledge tho whole power and inlluciiro of a Journal which, 111 uie past, ims aonc what it could to serve 0 the interest, and preserve the rights and liberties, 1 of the people or South Carolina. In order that it may be within the moans of ever^ Democrat iu the State to read THE NEWS and COURIER during the canvnsa, we have establish' a ed the following campaign tates, I'reo of Cost age and for Country Subscribers '.only, r beginulng this day and ru lilng to the 1.1th ot November, :t period of four months ; 8 . DAILY EDITION. t 1 Copy $ 2 ."0 ^ 5 Copies 10 00 10 Copies 17 0.) ? TJU-W2SKLY EDITION, t ICopy... $1 33 [ f? Copies 5 tX> It) Copies S 75 weekl.v edition. 1 Copy BO conti i In every ease the money must accompany the order. wool roS8ES8RS Mucn GREATER POWER '.IN ' Restoring to a healthy state. It never prodncci sicUnets, is certain and speedy hi Its action. It . Is fast, superseding every other remedy. Sixt] j ! capsules cure in six or eight days. .No othe p' I Medicine can do this. ' | Owing to its great succor.*, many substitute, ' ! hnvo been advertised, such as Pastes, Mixtures e j P.lis, Balaauis, etc., all of which have been aband onod Dl'XDAf DICK, .t Co.'s Soft Capsules contain '' In i Oil of San la I Woad, sold t nil Orng Stores Ah'k for Circular, or send to *5 & :,i* Wocstc j ' Street New York, for one. I I ? j I itL 1 - ?il ;l Pratt's Astral Oil, I THE ONLY PERFECTLY -SAFE OIL MADE. For sale only by Geo \Y. RoncnTs I To Holder* of County Check* or Auditeil Claim*, prior to Nov. I, 1H7-I. OrricE or the County Commissioners, i Beaufort, 8. C., Aug. nth, lti'ii. t" In accordance with the provision of a joint resolution eutitle<l "A joint resolution authorizing the County Commissioners of Beaufort county to levy a special tax," dated April 7th. 187:1, and an act to amcno the same, approved the 20th day of January A. I>. 187-1, scale I proposals will bo received at this ottlce from parties holding checks or audited claims contracted prior to November 1, 1872, until Tuesday, October 3rd, 1870, at 12 o'clock, M., at which time said bids will be opened, and the Board of County Commissioners will draw orders on the Treasurer to the amount of one t'tousand dollars in favor of tho pcrsonor person* who shall have offered the largest per Centura Recount on tlicir check" or aud'tedclaims. Proposals roust be addressed to I>r. I'.tul Pri'chard. Chairman of tho Board nnd endorsed "Propomls for settlement of past indebtedness of Beaufort County." r. rniTcnATU), R. J. MARTIN, V. 8. SCOTT, County Commissioners. Titos. II. WUEEEEB, Cierk of Board. BAKER A CLARK, SUCCEStOUS TO 11AKGK, VAIL, & CLARK, Curcrs and Smokers of Provisions, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ! FISH, FLOUR, BACON, i Huttcr, Cheese, Lard, Pico, Pork, Salt, &cv AL^O COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 172 Rcadc & 301 & 303 Washington Sts. >'KW VOIIK. n. K. BAKElt. I c. a. claiik. f fob. 9-1 y. ~ COiiBlN. STONE & WILLIAMS. The undersigned have formed a partnership for . Admirallty practice under the above firm name: i CouniN & Stone, i Jos. M. Williams, Charleston, f A-.ken. mch.Jl-ly. liaviMiel & Co.. M. S. Elliott Charleston. Itcaufort. Beaufort Steam MILL COMPANY. Having put tip in their establishment, a GRIST MILL arc prepared to furnish at the shortest notice. Grist, Meal ad Peed. The highest cash price paid for CORN. Corn Ground on Toll. Men's Youth's & Bey's 0LOTHMS. Cloths, Cassimeres, Fur>*I8IIi:io Goods &c. MENKE & MULLER MoreMni Tailors ad CloIMars, Invite attention to their very large and handsome stock of Clothing of their l own manufacture, equal to custom work, | and defy competition in price as well as in fit. PRICE LIST OP BUSINESS AND DRESS SUITS. Double twisted Cassimerc Suits o 8 Broken Plaid do do 10 Grey all wool Melton do 12 ' Dark do do do 13 j Dark do do do 15 I Grey and Black Striped Cass. Suits 12 j ITarris do do 15 All wool Scotch Cheviot Suit3 18 ' All wool English Knickerhocbcr Suits 18 Double twisted English Cass. do 20 Small checked do do 22 Small basket do do 25 Black corded do do 25 Dark striped do do 28 Dark striped do do 30 \ / j Dark plaid do do 30 i ; Dark plaid French do 35 1 Dark striped do do 32 Black Cloth snd Worsted Diagonal Suits ! trom $12 to $40. | Pants from $2.50 upwards. Vests from $1 upwards, i Frno English Cassimere pants, tor dress umy j$y. Youths' anil Boys' Suits from $6 to $28 OVERCOATS. ^ Grey Melton Overcoat $ 0 Cliinchcllu do 8 Oxford Cassimere Overcoat 10 do do 12 Brown Beaver do 15 Black do do 20 i Brown do do 20 | BIuu do do 25 , Black und Blue Diagonal Overcoat 18 ! Star Shirts from $1.50 to $2. * Merino Undcrvests aid Drawers from [ 50c to $2.50. * Handkerchiefs, Half Hose, Scarfs Tics, Collars, &c., in great variety, r All goods marked in plain figures. No deviation. 8 Making suits to order from $25 upwards ' No trouble in showing goods. Giveui l* a call before purchasing elsewhere. . MENKE Ss MULDER, i. 228 Kin^ cor. Went worth St. rI CIIARLESTOaX, S. C. Conant & Lminons. ! ARE NOW PREPARED TO FURNISH ICE Iu any quantity Customers may desire, from their Ice House, ^Kcvcnlh Htreet. JOHN CONANT, J. L. EMMONS. nov25-2t. Is. M. WALLACE, Cotton Factor and GRIST MILLER, Wholesale Dealer in Grain, Hominy, Meal. Feed, Etc,, H IOA TWL.AN IX. O TTON Bought, Ginned and prepared for market. Atlvnueea iimtlo on Consla'nincnts. Having the best machinery for ginning cotton and grinding corn and meal, he is prepared to execute all orders on the shortest, possible notice. The highest priec paid for Cotton and CornCotton ginned on toll. HOV25-3S. H. KLATTE & CO. Wholesale Grocers, >ND DEALERS IN Wines, LiQnors, Sciars, Toteco, &c,, 1S5 lSasl Hn y, CHARLESTON, 8. C. Orders from the Country promptly attended to. Id ill's. FltUlTK c'axdiks, ToVS. ca iv i :s. A ITS A full assortment of the above consisting of ORANGES, LEMONS, APPLES, DATES, FIGS, 11 AN AN AS. All kinds of FRENCH confectionery. HRAZIL, NUTS, HICKORY NUTS, "WALNUTS, ALMONDS, PECANS, ICED, FRUIT. SPONGE, POUND and every other kind of CAKES on hand or made to order. Partieul: r attention given to supplying parties with all necessary articles. noons useful us well as oknamextai, received by every steamer from new YOltK. James Ofiell TOow feivvlntr I XIV M K/|rl 1 I tiil.c pleasure in announcing to my friend* and cusiomcr* that 1 have now in store my SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK OV BRY SOOSS, Xvl X Z^XuXl^r IE Jrl^xT And Fancy Goods. Consisting op LADIES DRESS GOODS, ALPACAS, MUSLINS, PIQUES, WHITE GOODS, etc. A Full Line ok GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, LuiIIch' Cull's ami Collars, llailillu'roliirfs, Hosiery Itiift's, Hells, 1'nriisols, Fans, Gloves, Dress trimmings &C. AND A Beautiful Stoctc of Millinery, Ann a Large Stock ok It IJA l>V M A l>i : < 1 .OTI I I A<- ' AT LOWEST LIVING I'ltlCES. e. a. seiiEi>Ei;. THE SAFETY I1TKSTA1TD I'll I CIO, 50 c. 73 c. Jin.l ei.OO. Over 60.000 Sold. (SffWill not spill if upvcc. pffPcn points nr.- nut injnrcd l>v it, {WEvery drop of ink obtained. is ensily cleaned, rar* i...i ?... ... For ealu by f A, AfUII.KY CtlltlETZllKitO, NEWS ANI) STATIONEUY DEPOT, ltlOAUFOUT, H. C. F. D. J. LAWRENCE, ,mi 11 mm it hi Beaufort, S. C. f COOPER 1 loois & Milliuery. | ?W'4Wi SUMMER I luivo just lai<l in a large ?ml c Dry Goods, 3Iilliii<kry, T^sn BRESSG Notions, Embroideries, Corsets, r. At prices within the reach of all. Dont forget the place c In the building formerly known 15 lCATT J5 OUT CI. nn.vurouT -o~ The proprietor having fitted up IT respectfully solicits the patronage < vy whojwill, at all times, find the t delicasies the markets of Charlestoi prepared by experienced cooks. Having opened a shop in Ecauforl, I am . tonltt to Build and repair all Mr both of WOOD nml lliON. Particular atten DESIGNING uiul PATTERN MAK Steam Pipe and Fittings Constantly ( Personal uttontiou given to Setting and Coi STEAM BOILER FURNACES JS^'Shop next to Tost Ofacc. J. A. WIIITAIAI SEA ISLAN BAY STREKT, IlEAl TIIIS ELEGANT IIOTFL h opened in first-class style, the calls the attention of tire trave advantages offered at this favc Boating, l^isliing and the inducements held out in the south. JAM mwm tivn THIS MW V A THREAD I^OC TT retain* all the virtucr of the Light-Running " * Tension, whn.h was ami is the ks| in use. ir^-l'lcasc notice our PATENT HARDENED C and Stand. Oar new and old idea*, worVc 1 out with brand new in the busy city of Newark, Nr-w Jersey, have given LENCE, Minimum of Friction, Maximum of Dura reached in the Sewing Machine world. TO THIS STATEMENT AND We invite the attention of nil, especially observation. N. D.?All Machines fully wArrante DOMESTIC S? Wo>w " LADIES, USE "DOMESTIC omptete stock of dies* Mats 090 s, x rics, Laces, Hose, etc. No trouble to show goCOOPER'S. DH.TJB, I as the jtjb housi : , ?. c. the al.crvo named lions ? ostai irant, >f the gentlemen of the able supplied with all > 1 and Savannah afford, a.: mm shop. ... . ~Su . .'"K J A prepared with tho latest impr. ids of Machinery, tion given to INQ for NEW WOHK .. ):* Hasi>, at NonTiiEWt Pin dn istrucling ! for SAVING FUEL f, Mechanical Engineer. :D HOTEi -?! L'FORT, S. C. ; "Si .--8 . V aving been refitted dtict proprietor respectfully ling public to the many >rite resort for . - . r and XXimt.; a Vs' t?o those seeking h < !3 ODELL. Proprietor ' 1 1 " ' 0MESTIC," ITT-RTTTnTT MAnTTTMTT I>OME3TlC," including the AutOroo'.'. * 3 ONICAL REA KINGS on both the Mado** Machinerv anil Tools at our own new v?v-'--* n< ? siaml'urd of MECHANICAL KXCh L>i!Itys unit range of work, never hereto'-. < THE MACHINE ITSELF those having high mechanical ekili t WIN? MACHSNfi CO., ^ i.r?n*lf nn(l Clitrjnjpo. J^ PAPE^ FASHIONS,