r The Beaufort Tribune. ! >V. -M. FUK.X 1 1 L f Kdltov ?iixl tH'Uprlcloi' WEDNESDAY, MAY 10, 1?7?. j A small colored boy was killed on the ' railroad at Pacific landing last Friday, having been run ovt-r i?j- the cars. Mr. Cliriet/.berg has the agency lor a patent inkstand that is highly reecouicnded as it will not upset, nor spill ink, and will keep the ink clean. Every-body * should have one as they aic cheap, ornamental and useful. * Ilurglars attempted to raid on the! bank Monday night last, but were frightened off by Mrs. Lockwood who wa* ( awakened by the noise. There are now two vucnncies in the I % United State* naval academy at Annapo- ! lis, to be filled by the appointment of , youths from South Carolina as eadet . t midshipmen. , The committee appointed by the grand ' jury at the last term of court to exam inc into the affairs of the county met last1 week and completed their labors on Thursday, but what their conclusions' are will not be known till the June term j of Court, 'rite time given to the subject j was too short to enable them to investigate as thoroughly as they should have' liked. A correspondent of tlie h'auticul Gazette criticises very severely Hie action of the Nary department in abundoniiig Pcnsacola and the selection of Port Royal as a station. lie says in regard to the hcalthfulness of Port Royal that we j have swamp fevers licic the year round, j w hile nobody is ever sick at Pensncola' if they behave themselves and do not 1 omit to keep clean. Wc arc sorry we have bo mudh ''swamp fevef'' here, wc thought it was only Spring fever; at lesat that is our complaint. The Y?*inu*sce Nuritcr. The particulars of the shooting affair 1 at Ycmusacc last Wednesday hv which ' Seymour llrown, a train hand on thcj S. A C. Railroad, tost his life have hor n told in so many and conflicting ways that ' we have taken the pains to get the correct version ol the nffairs whieli was as, follows: Some time ago a gentleman was din-j ing with T. J. Jones at Yen assee and on ; his departure loft an umbrella which Mr. | Jones took charge of. The owner of the : umbrella, who lives in Charleston, after-1 wards instructed Brown tn uiironicle, who lias been aiming us "taking notes'' ami "faith he'll' Jiri.it em." The Col. is a bold animated writer and we shall look f ir InssketchcF with lively itffrcu. lie is charmed with our beautiful town and c u-.t-y aid thinks it i to be 1 line ted that the Stn'c i? afflict d with such ba 1 govern a nt \ nl retire ntati pfu' h~>w ever that a c i in t the bet.er is net ur d's'.ait as the pr -ertt c a hi ion inu-t yeihl in the pro-sun. e of its own weight, art I that * lie !:?<; ' ringi is a'in si over in S in h 'ar ?b 11. ''hr? -up r.lu ".is att -n tio-is bestowed "i\ lit > certain parties in well und rs o ><1 1 np-r'\ tporeci atid. /lis us*- of a :jec.ires while discua-ing the situation hereabouts she.his Sunday school training, and his se lections ?re most becoming. Mr. Kditori In connection with Mr. Sperry'a statement that the Urnes of the Beaufort Branch Bunk would p/bbXlify reach the sain of $f00.000-we would suggest to Mr. Bperry to add by way of explanation that the mam portion of the deficit at Beaufort (what ever it may figure up on the Bank Books) was and is no bus at all to the colored people of this vicinity taken collectively. The simple fact is that moat of the | money obtained as Loans from the IU?nu-' fort Branch was immediately redistribu- ' ted Jfcnong the colored people who, one ' and all. obtained for their seed-cotton in the Fall and winter of 1873t-f878, full forty par cent more" tiiAlV they Cuj?ht j to Imve teceivcd for it. The disastrous effects of the sudden iMvd tinexpcc'cd collaps-j in valtfc of L>ong JStap!e nt that period have borne! with unteh more crushing effect on tin i'niii?:h\ parlies who, making sonic use of Bauk credit, only succeeded in dialing upon their own heads the l\ill weight of the avalanche, and they are entitled to fccetve quite ns much sympathy *3 the Beaufort depositors. Oniv. so far as the writer knows, they doilt ask it. ''Viatok." A brotlk'r of 1 om Hamilton was dangerously injured last week in Colleton County, by the explosion of a horn of powder, suspended by a string around ! his neck. The water boat Agnes sunk nt licrl wharf MUhdav night. Slio was raised i last night and this morning is ready for woriv again. t We tee it stated that all the seeds at > the agricultural department have been disposed of except a few for the North ern sections \V?? clw.nl.i i:l-.. i - * ~ I1IXU Ul MKIW : Vvhere they have all been sown, lor very ; few have been sent to our section, al- j though our Congressman is a member of1 the Committee on Agriculture. He >p corn variety. Those to whom it tVas svt.t have expressed a preference for the more concent rated form of whisky, e\cn if they have to Wait for their share until election time. I'OKT ROYAL AmtivKD.?May 14 Schr. Annie Hliss. Simmons muster, to 1)- C. Wilson & Co. j Schr. C. W. Lewis, Iluppcr master, | to 11: C. Wilson Co. Selir. Fannie W. Tower, Adams, to J. L. Owen. 5 S. S. Carondoh t, McCTudy master to j R. I'. Rundlc. I 8 8. S. City ??f Dallas, Uines, to 11. P. j Rtiltdlc. Sailed.?may 1 S. S. Curondo'et Me' Cr'ady for Ntiv York. 8S. S. City of Dallas, I! i ties, for Fern-' andina. CHOICE CURRANTS, at fifteen cents ' per pound nt Roiieiit's. ' Another large consignment of fresh and pure candies deceived this day at llonniiT's; I Something New.?Egyptian Sugar' Dates ut Roijkkt's. Quite an enterprise has sprung up in our town in the manufacture of walking canes of Orange I'a'metto and other na? j live growths. Sir. Sawyer is engaged in i mauufucturin ; thu n ii 'a//- quantities and his .-preimcas an: vcy handsome and neatly finished. lie is prepared to fam- 1 ish them in any quanityaud will doubtless do d profitable business at the sevtY-} al approaching centennials where the Orange and the Palmetto will Wjfashio able. | New Spring Goods. I take pleasure iu announcing to my friorftls , and customers that I liava now iu atorc my SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK OV DRY GOODS, And Fancy Goods, i oon81stin"u of LADIES WtBSS GOODS, aL^A-CAS, j Ml'SLINS. PIQUES. WHITE GOODS,..etc. A Full I.ixs or GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, j I .utiles' Ciiffi unit CullarM, IIuiitlkerrlilef.-i, Hosiery llufTs, I tells, l'urasols. Funs, Gloves, Dress trimmings Stc. AXD I A Beautiful Stool of Millinery, And a Larue Stock or HKA I>Y MA I>10 < L.OTIIING AT LOWE IT LIVING PRICES. E. A. S CUE EE fi..\ THE SAFETY AND j PRICK, BO c. 75 c. aii.l #I.OO. Over 0U.OOO Sold. MT-Wi.l not pill if up.?et. |SF"Pcn points are not inju:>-d hv It. { if Pverv drop of Ink obtained It is easily cleaned. J3T"Juyt what every one wants. For sale by A. AsAi.ky CflMirrxcsft'o, J NEWS AND STATIONERY DEPOT IlKAIJi'OHT. H. C. BANKING HOUSE OF Wm. H. Lockwood, 1>'A"VV ST.-, Heaufort, S. ('. _ (iOT.l), A TV I > liXCHAXCJK ON New Tort, savannah. and Charleston NOUGHT AND SOJ.l). 'nllMllonx Dilute on any point In tin- 1' S. {3'".\?onirt* iwrfvcd mi' posals for settlement of past indebtedness of Itennfort Cottnty." P. PItITt 'II.\I!I>, 11. .1. M AUTIN, V. S. SCOTT, County Commissioners. Tito's, ii. WllEEl.KK, Cierk of Hoard. BAKER A CLARK, SITCES OISS TO li.tKKi:, V A 11, ,V CI,A UK, Cttri-rs ami Smokers ?if Provisions, WltOl.KSAI.K DKAI.CHS IN FISH, FLOUR, BACON Huttcr, Cliccsc, L;inl. Hire, Pork, S.ilt, &c\. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 172 Kciulc A: o01 it :]0:J Washington Sis. A 1 :\v VOHK. II. K. UAKEIt. I c. a. ci.aisi;. f feti. tt-ly. CORBIN. STONE & WILLIAMS. Tin* luulrraisiicd have formed :i pnr'r.orship fo AdniirslOlv nmrtifr ?nili*r 11 Co urn N ?V Stoni:. I_ Jus. M. Wii.i.iams, charR-non. f Aiken. mcb.tlMv, lliiirurl 3fc Co., ,M. S. Elliott Charleston. Itemifort. Beaufort Steam MILL COMPANY. Ravine put up in their erfuhllshmeiil a OIHST Mil,I, arc prepared to furnish at the shorter uoticc. Grist, Meal and Feed. The highest cash price paid foftORX. Corn < roii it< Filbert p and Itrnzii iint* QUERN OLIVES, CHOW CHOW ntul PLAIN PICKLES. ENGLISH nnd FRENCH MUSTARD. Conant k Emmons. .via-; kuw l'um'AKKi) to flicnis ICE In any ?|iiantity Customers nifty (loir from llifir fi-r> JOHN CON* A NT, J. K.MMONS. nov25-44. S. M. WALLACE Col Ion rtK'liir iiikI GRIST MItLER, * IVIinlrKilt' Ih'alrr in (Mil, Hominy. Meal, Feed, Elc wm.v isl.vmk'otto.n j Houglit,Ginnml and prepared formarkc Vll VniUTH n tl shortest pos-ihlc notice. The highest price paid for Cotton and CornCotton ginned on toll I nov25-2S. M Ml ATTC 9. r?n til B I K> UU Wholesale Grocers, 7 *KI> UKAI.ER9 I?! Wiues. Liquors. Sciars. Tobacco. &i ( ... lsr. lOtiMt Kay, CHARLESTON. S. C; Orders from the Country promptly : tended to. 0 DELL'S. 1 ntrrrs. < a N i> 11 To VS. c a it xfrs I A full assortment of the above eoiisi; in-j of olt.VatiMS. LEMONS, I APPLES. DATES, FIGS, ILVNANA I All kinds of FRENCH rnnfectionci I IIRAZIL. NITS, HICKORY NUT WALNUTS, ALMONDS. PECAN ICED, FKIIT, SPONGE, POUN | and every other kind of CAKES on ha | or made to order. Particular at'ention given to supplyi parlies with ull necessary articles. coons use ful as well as ohnamrnt received by every steamef from m YORK. James Odell FOR S AT.i : 1 six iiopse porta iu.e steam engine 1 upright, m lior.m stationary 9tea engine, without boiler. I Apply at Palmetto Island, or addrefi" lt.?\ tl tieauforl P. O. | jaii!'.? C. CI. Knxnai.t. R ooins rI\> T . i I'l-.-H-.M lUlOMSFITP I'SE OF CEI.LA I To Let to a small family. T. II. TOXK'VO j ASSIGNEE'S sat E I i. *?? Mr.rtin IT. " I . IN CO'TLTANn:: WITH A" OV TJ' I fi't-v* "-'".jfra T">isfT''' "l;r I ' " nn I Irleto' < Par''ine. ' > * t -,T.. :f f , j M. Crofnt on | t'?e fo'lor-l" < 1 " 3 c fas 1 Laree Vlrrr" wl'1 v.. * 2 "el iijmii" W' T'lro" f 2 Tallies 1 M an r ? de fi f irs 1 Wli i a ? 1 Ph. A > T arms cash on day of ?n'e. Wm. II. Loc:""O'>T? Assir.NET.. A I.SO Inimcillately after the above sale. the fc'lowii property will 1 e < fl'. rtd : 2 Chandeliers. 1 .ntnrldoTop Table. I Wooden Kctt'-es. 4 Rosewood Chairs. 1 Mnhosniij* Bureau. 1 Marble lop WnahMrnd. 1 Mahogany Hedste.nl. 1 Large Walnut Table. 8 Mom Mat rasses. [Double.] 2 S ngle Mos? Mattrnsses. 12 Moss l'l!'6\vs. 2 Si pie Washntnnds. 2 Enclosed Wndistnnds. 1 Silver-plated Water Pitcher. 1 Large Ic e Refrigeiator. 1 Large Mahogany Extension Table.* 1 Black Walnut Extension Table. 3 Moss Mat trasses. 0 Plated Forks. 1 Large C'hating Dish. 1 Large Stand Lamp 1 Sitt Rosewood Shelves. 1 Reel iu 'A g Chair. *Bjssge * aassgsa ^ - j ^ ITcooFE I J Dry Goods & Mil For ihe HP I have just laid in a largo 1 >I*A* (xonds^ j " %I ill t nuilurr in; A i i l.i ,, .. . r , I he proprietor having titU i r i. \ respectIiilly solicits the pntni Ivy whoAvill, at all times. iin< !delicacies the markets of ('ha prep a red 1 ?v expel ieiieed coo] i 1 BEAIIFOIkT ft | I ITnvin.r niw m.J .. .1 ^ jM not 41 ill Dt'IlUlOI tools to Build and repair a] both of WOOD ami IRON. Purticul k DESIGNING nod I'ATTEl it- Steam Pith ami Fittings Const. Personal attention given to Setting i s-| STEAM BOILER FUW [*,* J2?"Shop n xt to Post Ofiioc. !8.l JAW1 ID ! ntl | ,! SEA 1SI I AI< | HAY S 1 It EE' :wi THIS .EL KG A XT HO'] opened in first-class stv calls tlie attention of tin advantages offered at tit I j Uoaling? I'^isl and the inducements hel in the so nth. 1 J ' TUP. NPW * II A DOUBLE THREAT 3 - ' 1 -?rf W^y r r f" TT retains all the virtues of the Fight Ri * Tension, which was anil is the be?t in AO-Please notice our PATENT HARD I And Stand. Our new and old ideas, worked out with 1: In the busy city of Newark, New Jersey, ha l.ENCE, Minimum of Friction, 'M.ixrf.Vuin Reached in the Sewing Machine world. TO THIS STATEMENT We invite the attention of all, csp observation. N. ii.?At! Machinist fully < BOMEtSTh IN< tADIES, USE " DOME /? /.% r, of IX70 ami complete stock ot Cloi hino'j Hals > go^DS, ' ^ ' >c(>, Tics, Laces, Hose, etc. etc: all. No trouble to show gl * flACKIENF SMftP mm uw ataeu B B V B I t, I am prepared with the latest imprr-VckkL, Proprietor. "DOMESTIC," ) LOCK-STITOH MACHINE; v ;Ciinning "DOMESTIC," including the Automatic II^C KN ED COJflCAL ltEVKtNCS on both the Machine irantl nev/ Machinery anil Ti?il* at our own new worV?/ < piycii nc a standard of MKOIANICAL KXCF.I.of Durability, and range of work, never heretofore AND THE MACHINE ITSELF eefally those haying high methodical skill or* vaiT a>rted. 0 SEWING MACHINE CO./ 3W A'orlf itit