The tribune. (Beaufort, S.C.) 1874-1876, April 26, 1876, Image 3

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The Beaufort Tribune W. >C. FRENCH Editor nnd t'roprlotor WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26, D?7?. Lorcni of fine candies can find a good assortment at the Store of Mr. Roberta, pure and Cheap. James Jenkinsh is erected a*meat Stall | alongside the store ot Mr. F. W. Schcper for the accomodation of those *>f our | citizens who are too lazy to walk up to j the market. We hope its gr.nU ad van- , tmres will Ik? dulv aDOteciated. A collision between two bum-boats in ' the river l*^t Sunday p it one of theut o it j of commission. The occupants of the weaker Teasel were fls' eJ out of the river j leaving for the drum fl-Ii a choice assort -! mcnt of Port Royal pies and things. Mr. E. A. Scheptr returned from New York last week, where he had gone to lay in Ms Summer stock of goods, and reports trade there very dull and goods ; extremely low. As usual he astonishes { the natives by his very extensive pur- I chases, but somehow he manages to get! rid of his stock before the season closes, j l)rum fish might as well emigrate to J some other part of the country as they j are a nuisance here. Fish weighing fifty I to sixty pounds were sold last week for 1 fifteen cents and the unsold ones j contributed their shure to other scents before the owners could Bfe made to throw tlmrn ntrow I In the United State* Court tn Charleston on Monday, Mr. Lockwnod, agent tor the Freedmans Bank, obtained a judgment against D. McPhersou for $3,357. The auit was based on an acceptance by Mr. McPherton of Aldcn & Waters drafts, to be paid out of the proceeds of certain cotton held by the defendant. It takrs a Boston woman to get the l?est of our Governor. A committee of, Indies from that city caned Mr. Clinm Ijcrtain last week, and he seemed to enjoy it very much. The stick is from a famed tree in Lexington and hand somdy mounted. The citizens of Georgia, in Augusta and beyond, arc making arrangement for 1 a grand excursion to Port Royal. The ! train will It-are Augusta on May 4, ! nrnring at Port Royal at 5. a. if. on the \ morning of the 5th. A steamer will j meet the excursionists at Port Royal and give them an opportunity to sea the! - vessels in the harbor. As the fare from Augusta and return including fare on the * steamer is only $2,50 the projectors of the enterprise anticipate a large crowd. The position of such papers as Robert Small1* Standard, and the Williamsburg Republican, SwaiPs paper, is delicate in the extreme. The former paper has not a word of commonton the recent convention, and in the latter it is not mentioned after recently announcing its advocacy ~ of the reelection ot Mr. Chamberlain, j The trouble with these parasitical sheets i is that they are bound to be on the win ' 1 ning side, and it is as yet uncertain on which of the fence it is saftest to jump and so they are like the General Conftr.. . - once of the Methodist Church in 1800, when urged to pass an anti-slavery resolution. they got on the fence and resolved to "Wait and see the glory of th Lord." The citizens of Savannah are stiil working to secure the establishment of a naval station in Georgia waters. On Thursday last, in- the United 9tate? ocnaie, senator Norwood submitted a resolution, which was agreed to, directing the secretary of the navy to furnish the Senate with an estimate of the cost of establishing a depot for naval supplies sod a naval station on the government la:.d on Tyb?e island anil Cock spur Is and, G nrgia. Such ni rprise i i':.'i --exuibit iu irun-; t> s cire ti n?vy u> rii HU'-c ss, and we are >rry. r lien th? their work is vain, but Port Royal is thonly place that can give th - a'tcona u >dations necessary lb* the fleet. It is doubtlul now if even the monitors go to Savannah, as was intended, owing , to the unhealthfulneas of *he river during the summer months. We flud the following letter from a resident ot Lawtonville, in our county, in the Charleston News. "The consequences of the short crop, which resulted from the excessivo drought of last year, are now seriously felt in our midst. Hard times are emphatically upon us, and number* of our citizens, accustomed to every luxury wmcn amuence could supply, now find it difficult to procure even the noccssariep of life. This has already produced one important result, as the moat of our planters see the error of devoting their entire brain energy and capital in the production of cotton, while, with an occasional and isolated exception, the provision crop* were j ignored. An activity truly surprising 1 baa been developed by the t-tringency of the times which, with the abundant labor now easily commanded, has resulted in the thorough preparation of planting lands. The corn crop is up, and with fair seasons gives promise of an abundei;t yield. Cotton f? now being planted, epd formers seviu determined to make ' , ?2 4 . >&*< tlsMTlUTi up the differences in the number ol acres | by a most caicful preparation. ' In evidence of the extreme wan' to ' which the colored population especially 4 are subjected, the trial justices arc busy a hearing cases of petit larceny. Cows, 8 hogs and sheep arc appropriated without ' ceremony, and it now seems that a rcsi- 1 dence of thirty days in the county jail >is a God-send to some, as it promises fond for tlint space of time with nothing to do. On the night of the loth instant, H. II Peeples's store was entered by n party of burglars by breaking through, n window, and goods abstracted to *h?? I necessary, be braced up, and are thus out of the way. Ijjivc of these crate cars can be p'aced on one platform car, and can thus l?e carried entirely through to New York or other points without change, I the necessity of a'tering trucks being avoided. Thus a shipper can fill one p or more of tlieaj eats, lock it or them, and have the consciousness of knowing tnat it will remain so until it roaches its ( destination. They are neat, compact j and the very thing that is required, rh every shipper who has seen them admits. The introduction of these cars on the Savannah and Charleston Railroad should have the effect of increasing their businc-s in- this line largely, and we doubt not that such will be the case. Whilst at the dopot we also examined a fine passenger coach recently construe . ted at the shops in Charleston for this road, which is very handsomely finished, and constructed in a style that will T compare favorably with similar coaches tc of Northern build. The sleeping coach- tl eson this road-ono to Charleston and the other to Augusla-may indeed l>e termed modern palaces, their interiors being gems ofexquisito finish. '1 he equipment of the road now is much belter than it has l??en for some 01 years since the war, ancl the business of the iinc shows a very gratifying in j crease." J d 7 CONFECTIONERY. " ?t Just received a large stock of the best French and American Confectionery, dnect from the factory, and warranted pure. Geo. W. Roberts. ~ NEW BAKERY. The undersigned having leaded the new ovens erected by John Franz, is now prepared ?o serve the public with he best unlitv ??t Ca!*ev. Pies Bolls <nd every other article in his line. Particular attention will be given to Ornamental Pastry for weddings and parties. * fWShop in John Fran/.' basement store. Francisco nx Sirva. QUARANTINE NOTICE. OkFICF. OKTItK hearth officer, ) Beaufort, 8. C., April 24th, 1876. \ The attention of Pilots, and Masters of vessels is called to the following provrs ...... ... ...v ^umnuuus All, WIIIL'n Will be rigidly enforced after the first of May proximo: "Ve?ee1? from any place where pcRtlleatfal, eontagfona or tufcctlona diseases existed at the time of their departure, or shall have touched at euch porta; veaeela from any place in America in the ordinary passage from which they para eoulh of Hilton Head: veeaela on board Q' which during the vcf i<e, or at the port oMtoif departure, any per*on nhal I have been tick* and vessels from foreign forta, ahall on arrival at the quarantine ground be anbjcct to vlaitatlon and examination by tha Health officer." Veeaela from a coutagloua or infectiouB pott, or having onboard auch disease, 1 | will be anchored in the lower Bay, below ? j the present anchorage of the Fleet. , Veaacls subject to visitation and examination will display their colore in the ' main rigging. Those not subject to such examination will set their colore in the tore ligging. 8. B. Thompson M.D. Health officer, Port Royal. 1 Amount of from three to five hundred i dollars, most of which has bee.i since recovered, and efforts to capture the parties arc likely to piovc sursessful. . , ni On the 7th instant a few of our inftu | ential citizens assembled at this place , w and proceeded to organize the first Dem- ! ocrntic club we huva heard of in the!, county. Many having enrolled them- r Ives. Dr. J. H. Ruddell was elected president. An executive committee, con sisting of five of our best citixcns, was appointed, with Mr. John Morriaon as | h chairman. Appropriate speeches were J c made by Col. Colcock, Rcr. Mr. Bostick j * and others. This seems to be a more in a i the proper direction, and we trust that j t! every effort to relieve us from the op- | cl pressions of the rule under which we labor may meet with merited success." ai Shippers of fruit by rail can now be ,v accommodated with fruit, cars such as p arc used in the North. The Savannah c< News says of them: "These cars, for the transportation of strawberries, peaches, &c., were foi- h warded to the Savannah and Charleston Railroad from Wilmington, Delaware. They are conducted on the plan of regular stock cars, being entirely open, und about 170 cubic feet square, witli the capacity for holding 100 bushel packages. They are mounted on low wheels, and are provided with tongues whioh '1 he editor of Ibe Progreuite Age hai jecn robbed of a baby carriage, a cov ind nn axe. We areglnd to see the fee ;ive burglar at Inst preying on the printer* is tliCy are proverbially wealthy and fit ubjcctsof plunder, especially an editoi hat owns all at once an axe, a cow and , baby carriage. EARLY PEAS at Pat.xrtto Iri.asd Wholesale only C. O. Krwdai.T.. "STEIN WAY PIANOFOIt MATA3. A FtR??T class skvbx octave fiamo, i?de by ?i:t5wat a sons. iih Cover and Stoo, la porf ;ct or ler. Will bo Hold at a bargain. App'y to M. Pollitekr, Bay St. o Rolilitm of CAantj Ch?rl? or Audited Claim*, prior to Nor. 1, IH71. Ornni of tut: Coustt CouuisSiorers, i Beaufort, K C., April 7th, 187C. ) In accordance with the provision of a Joint re*oition entitled "A Joint resolution aathorlclnjc the onnty Commissioners of lieaufort county to lery special tax," dated April 7th. 1873, and au act to mend the same, approved the 39th day of January . D. 1374, sealed proposals will be received at 11s oRice from parties holding ehccV* or audited aims contracted prior to November 1, 1 73, ntil Thursday May ttth., 1 s 70. 113 o'clock, M., at which time said bids will be pened, and the Board of County Commissioners ill draw orders on the Treasurer to the amount f one thousand dollars In favor of the person or crsons who shall have offered the largest pet entitu discount on their checks or andited claims. Proposals must be addressed to Dr. Paul Pritchrd. Chairman of the Board and endorsed "Pr > osala for settlement of past indebtedness oi caufort County." P. PKITCIIARD, B. J. MARTIN, V. S. SCOTT, County Commissioners. Tuos. II. Wheeler, Cicrk of Board. " BAKER & CLARK," seccBs-ons to 1IAKKR, VAIL St CLARK, Curcrs and Smokers of Provisions, WHOLESALE DBAI.RU8 IN ISH, FLOUR, BACON, luttcr, Cbcesc, Lard, Rice, Pork, Salt, &cv ALSO )OMMISSION MERCHANTS, 72 Reade & 301 & 303 Washington Sts. N I1W VOUIC. d. k. raker. i C. a. clark. f * fob. 9-ly. Fall and Winter G-OODS. E. A SCHEPER akvo pleasure lu announcing to his putrans, and > the LADIES OF BEAUFORT in particular lat he now has the FINEST ST Ot'K of J DRY GOODS akd FANCY GOODS ter opened in Bcaufrrt, which he offei* at the VERY LOWEST PRICES. His assortment of RESS HOODS, SILKS and VELVETS, GLOVES, TRIMMINGS, HOSIERY, EMBROIDERY, * SHAWLS, of avery (frnde, and a full lock of o<?I:n and SI iocs Aith ? RE VDY-MADK CLOTHING IS COMPLETE. CORP,IN. STONE f ILLIAMST The undersigned have formed a partnership f<> dmirality practice under the above Ann name: CoitntN A Stose, I Jon. M. William*, < 'harleaton. i Aikeo. mch.3i-lr. Invenel A Co.. >1. H. Elliott Charleston. Beaufort. Beau for! Steam MILL COMPANY. Having put up in their establishment a ORIST [ILL are prcparcn to furnish at the ahortei otice, Grist, Meal aud Feed. The highest caah price paid for CORN. Corn Ground on Toll. ~ SALT! SALT! Just received iuu oauiks bali. A EARDT ROSE, PEERLESS. and JACKSON WHITE POTATOES. G. Waterhoi sb. A. Ashley Chrietzberg, Hab Opened in Beaufort, a News, Stationery, AND CIGAR STORE Where may be found nt all times a full issortment of OnllV o 11 <1 Weekly PaperN, sTAtToNeAT, boorb, btc.. And ? largo and well selected assortment <rf FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC CIGARS AND TOBACCO. fV Oiders taken for Books, End flllcd prompt IF. ' Conant & Emmons. - ARE NOW PREPARED TO FURNISH i ICE In any quantity Customers may desire, froiu their lee IIouso, wovent h Nt reet i JOUN CONANT, .T. I.. EMMONS. noYtS-ai. IS. M. WALLACE,! t'otton 3'n: tor mid G H 1ST MILLER, TTIioiCflftl?* DfRler In TT ? :(train, HOiiuy, Meal. Feed,-Etc., ?1U WIi.VM)(;<>rTON Bought, Ginned and prepared for market. AdvniHTH mn<1c on Cotn*l0n- i menlH. Having the beat machinery for ginning cotton and grinding eojn and meal, he is prepared to execute ali orders on the shortest possible notice. The highest price paid for Cotton and CornCotton ginned ou toll. novS3-3S. H. KLATTE & CO. Wholesale Grocers, AND DEALER? IN Wines, Lipors, Sejars, Totacco, &c., 1S5 Kimt Rny, CHARLESTON, S. C. Orders from the Country promptly attended to. ODELL'S. FUUiTH. CANW1KH, Toys, cak i:m. xy'l's A full assortment of the above consisting of ORANGES, LEMONS, APPLES, DATES, FIGS, BANANAS. All kinds of FRENCH confectionery. BRAZIL, NETS, HICKORY NUTS, WALNUTS, ALMONDS, PECANS, ICED, FRUIT, SPONGE, POUND and every other kind of CAKES on hand or made to order. Particular attention given to supplying parties with all necessary articles. ooons use ful as well as ornamental J received by every steamer from new ; york. . J ames Odell FOR SAT.ll 1 six HORSE PORTABLE STEAM HNGIN 1.7" I 1 iTRIGHTj li hor.:e STATIONARY STEAM j ENGINE, without boil, r. Apply at Palmetto Island, or address llto. 11 Beaufort P. O. jan 19 C. C. Ksssalt. j i iiii. ? 1Cail. *. ! ';? niily Jin 1 i 1 it A most Useful unit IVmiili' Cm jn> ! Now attracting universal attention by lit . i ishing performances, and its great prncti? nl \*l..e ' j for every day family nee. It is Simpi-e, Ddisabi.e, I and Cheap, is easily kept in repair, mid WILL LAST A LIFK-TIM K ! I It will knit every possible variety of plain and j faucy Work WITH ALMOST MAGICAL MI'KKIl. I and far better than it can be done by hand, cr on any oflier machine. All kinds of garment* are perfectly formed nnrt shnpeit by thi machine Itself, requiring no cutting and making up, A good on- : erator will knit a man's sock, with heel and toe complete, in from flvc to ten minutes! and from twenty to forty pails of socks iu a day. Kvery family?especially evety far ucr'~ family? ' should have a Bickpord Knitter. It . nl ? .'on .d ( qunlly as useful as the Sewing Machine. and even | more profitable j j Every Machine WARRANTED perfect, and to tto just wnat is represented. The Ilickford Machine Is the only lkoitimatk ' cylindrical Knitting Machine in existence, All otheri>. not licensed by us. are dear and palpable iiifrlngmcnts on oi.r patents, and we ehall holdall parties who manufacture, sell, buv or use such infringing machines, to n strict legal accountability. Au Instruction Hook, containing complete and minute directions to the operator, accompanies I each machine. | | No. i, Family Machine, 1 cylinder, 72 needles, ISO No. \ " " i " 79 it 100 " $40 A sample machine will be sert to my part of the United States or Canada, express charges prepaid, on receipt of. the price. Agents wanted In every State, County, City and Town, to whom very liberal discounts will be made. For further particulars, address IlicKronn Knittiku Machine Mro. Co. Sole Manufacturers. Itrnt Ueboro, Yt. i?mi . --* 1 J. COOPEF J Jry Goods & MiMei For SI'h t linvc jl(st laid in a largo ai l>i-y < JDRESS Notions, Embroideries, Corse I At prices wit hin the reach of ul Do at for (jot ih<> pU isTJ^rir E. PIHLGAR] I In tlienniiklinir^foinK i ly line BEAITl^ORT ? IJEAVFO The proprietor having fittol respectfully solicits tlx ] ntrom Vy who will, at all times, find t delicasies the markets of Clinch prepared by experienced cooks. j BEAUFORT KJ Having opcnedjt shop in Hcaufort,?I ' tools to Build and repair all j both of WOOD nnd 'HON. Particular ti DESIGNING nnd PATTEISN Steam Pii?k andw Fittings Constant Personal attention given to Setting and STEAIVl BOILER FURNAt jJ2f"Shc?p n xt !o Post Ofiicc. J. A. WIIIT SEA ISLA BAY SiKEET, I THIS ELEGANT IIOTF opened in first-class style, calls the attention of the ti advantages offered at this T.Scs\ I . 1 'iIi-1 Mid ili<* i 11 d n '.tiit lit- 1? ! d ? in the south. JA m TV TI *T TI ItT fi lliii MXI A DOUBLE THE^D J tT retains all llie virtue* of llie I.ight-Rttnni * Tension, which was ami is the ! < *( in n? Ail-I'lease notice our PATENT HARDEN and Stand. Otir new and old idea*, worked out with bran In the busy city of Newark, New Jersey, have LENCE, Minimum of Friction, Maximum of reached in the Sewing Machine world. TO THIS STATEMENT A1 We invita the attention of ail. esped observation. N. II.?All Machines fully war DOMESTIC 2NUM LADIES, USE "DOMES '/\(j of J 870 ml comjdi'tv ?tcck <>t ' * Of 1? 3 T: ' j;^ " .?4-:-" 3LJt."4tw :s, Ties, Laee.s, Ilose, etc. c'? 11. No trouble to show go' hp, COOPER'H. CLUB, D, Proprietor. wn r.sftlie ^TJTB IIOUPT<. Ilrl\ M. ? ii]) tlie :;1 ovo rnv.ed liou ; Ilc'Nintirant, ge <;f 1 l.e^ciit leiuen'of tlie lie table supplied; with all ston and Savannah afford, mist1 shop. am prepared with the latest im< kinds of Machinery it tent* on given to MAKING for NEW WORK i.y On IIanp, at Nobthebh I Constructing 3ES for SAVING FUEL MAN, Mechanical Engineer. nd hot 5EAUFORT, S. C. L having been lelllleu f: . 1 t)u- proprietor respvctfi aveling public to the in ; favorite resort for 5*?- HUH? 11111) 2 >ut to those, seekiii. ' " MESCPELL, Propri*: 'DOMESTIC," LOOK-STITOH MAOHIN s . * ' DOM R3TIC," Inckiitlftg the Autfaf 7. UD CONICAL HEARINGS on bmi l<! nevr Machinery and T<*4* at ">ur ov. n Aa s ji.- ' *;.>J yivon :n a standard of MECIIAN'I'.'-VI i \? .i.'-' . ''J^v^SSSji Durability, and range uC MHi, iv er - -t?f* ^ MD THE MACHINE ! ? ally tlijs: having high n>cch? JL ObWINC mAGniNS v York mid Chic.'ti; TIC" PAPER PASHV