The Beaufort Tribune. AV. M. FltENClI JEdltor and Proprietor WEDNESDAY * APRIL 5, 1?7?. The New Hampshire went into commission last week. ?The Alert sailed for New York on Friday to refit preparatory to going to China. The Shawmut and Ajax left Pcnsacola March 2:. the Swatara aud Mahopac on the 27th, for Port Royal. ?Titos. R. Payne, the late pilot ou the , steamers between Port Royal and Pernnndina has filed a lil>el against the steamers in Savaonah for $2,008, for aerricea as pilot at Brunswick. ?Sncoi* 3ier keeping grocery on Bay stieet was up before the Intendant yte9 tcrday on a charge of selling liquor on Sunday. He was proven guilty and fined twenty dollars and costs. ?Ali. members of the Beaufort Lyceum are earnestly requested to atbend a meeting at tne hall to-rooriow evening, at 8 o'clock. ?Thk board of county commissioner* of Colleton county have discharged Cnpt. Grace, their cletk, for having dared to j have a mind of ait own. There is nothing so good for the party as decapitating ev-! vry one holding an office who shows any tgns of manhood. Thij grand jury of Chester county found a true bill against Treasurer Yocom for willfully neglecting to make monthly reports of school funds on hand to ?he school commissioner, as required by law. ?Mr. John Klattk, the enterprising representative of H. Klatte, of Charleston, was in town last week and took orders enough to load a ship. The merchants doing business with the fleet arc selling immense quantities of grocciies and vegetables. ?Dont forget to go to the meeting of the county commissioners to morrow with your old checks and get some of the nion tjy to be paid out. The last nwnrd was at only five per cent discount und anybody having'county paper that would refuse to take ninety five cents on the dollar sbould be made to walk the whole length of the Pea Wall, and if that would'nt uncurl his ideas he is without hope. ?It seems that there is one thing that stands between the tax-payers and county officials. It is the small pox. A man hailing fropi Savannah died of that disease near Hardeeville a few days ago, and the coroner would not go near the body to hold an inquest for the sum allowed by the county tor such service. ?During the month of March we see that some of our citizens came for a sharc of the money paid out by the state treasurer. Among those paid wc find L. S. 1875; P. L. Wiggtn, $250; 8. D. Gilbert, $250; 8. B. Thompson. $400; R. II. Gleave*, $937, and F. W. Schepcr. $200. J. D. Rob rt?on of BlufRon got | $400 and Dr. Wilder of Hilton Head $2508. A prisoner in our jail becoming tired of restraint and not knowing the punishment for walking off, got over the jail fence one day last week and went on his way rejoicing. As soon as he wa& missed there was a great hue and cry and a crowd started in pursuit and searched the town over but without finding the man. On Friday the keeper of the jail hearing that the fugitive had goi e to Port Royal went down and captured him itnd walked him to Beaufort just in time to hear the confusion from the convention in the Arsenal. ?Thr United States Congress is fooling away its time over Belknap, specie resumption, and other u?-imp< rtant matters while the valuabl property occupied by Rol? -rt fttn-lls Standard and XZommercial is waiting to be liought for a trifle of $80,000. If Congress dont quit such trifling and attend to business our representative will get mad and come homo and the minority vote on all questions of importance to the country will be one less. We wou-'d advise Mr. Smalls to try a little Paris green on them, the same as he docs on his imaginary cottoD. If the government dont buy this property aoon some fool will be eircula ting a report that the prico is excessive. C. H. Baldwin, Deputy United States treasurer at Charleston, has received $10,000 in silver for tho purpose of redeeming fractional currency, being the first instalment of the $50,000 in coin allotted to that city under the specie resumption act, Wc are ahead of our sister cities in this matter of specie payment* as Mr. Lockwood lias already j . signified his readiness to pay in silver by rctua'ly paying our check on him in coin. Think of that ye hoarders of the precious metals and learn of how little value it is when a man will give it for an editors order. It might be well to stall, however that the amount called for was something less lhau the amount mentioned above, but wo know from ocular observation that ha could have paid our entire balance in silver quarters, and it would not have taken Primus' horse lo carry the load either. | ?j 11K only oi\jecl of Admiral J.cii v V j' j visit to Beaufort Inst Friday with the 6ne brass band from liis ship was uot, as hnsbecn asserted, to see our celebrated Sea Wall of which he had heard so much. I j It was noted that while the Admiral wis < absorbed in rapture as he gazed on this ' superb piece of architecture tho stony i benrt of the wall seemed to beat respon- t sive to his own nud the wall evidently 1 thought seriously of getting down on its 1 knees, nild Wnsoniv nrcventwl from do. . ing so I)v Wing unable to decide on c which side to get down, and the uncer- | tainty of being able to get up again. r The joyoiisuess of the event WhB celcbra- ? ted in the evening by a bop at the 8ea Islaud Hotel which Wna kept up till a T late hour, and copious draughts of wine l were quaffed to the noble structure and tho health [of the scientific Mullctt to | whom we are indebted for the erection j of this great work of Art. Thk county convention met on Friday last and elected delegates to the state presidential nominating convention. The meeting was called to order at 4 p. m., with Lt. Gov. Gleaves in the chair. J The committee on credentials were ap ? pointed who reported, ns were expected, i against the delegation from Grays Hill headed by 8. D. Gilbert, and in favor of the delegation headed by R. J. Haroil| Ion. This decision was the cause of many noisy speeches which were delivered amid great confusion for several hours when the convention having been made r o believe that white was black adopted c the committee's repori. I he slute ar ^ ranged was then produc< d and the run' ^ members came up to the rack and carried d out the programme as they were told. . The delegation consists of Tom. Hamil ton, Sammy Green, Gantt, R. H. Gleaves, William Wilson, 8. J. Bampfield and Robert Smalls. There was not so much drunkenness as is usually observed on such occasions and but for the unjust decision of the credential committee the affair would have been unusually orderly. Mr. Gleaves seems to control these boistftriilio ntnn'rl.i mtinli ......... 1 vivnuo iuuv.ll lliwiv; DUtCCISI U11 \ ^ than the county chairman, andiis enabled to bring about orJer occasionally. 1 Sheriff "Wilson sold the following property yesterday: { W. .T. Vcrdicr vs. M. Weigcrt 3 acres ] on Tort Royal Island for $5. M. C. Warren vs. W. C. Davis, 425 ncin I'ccplea township to Sarah J. HolmesBrighsm Ilolst & co vs. L. R. Rostick, 7000 acres in Law ton township for $3000. 1100 acres of lands of F. Humbert in Robeit township to O. P. Law for $55. 5000 acres of lands of J. II. Law in Lnwton township to Claghoin and Cun1 ningham for $300. Sarah Williams vs. Hamilton Robinson, house aud lot in Beaufort for $225, i to plaintiff". t 70 acres of G. Lincoln on St Helena 1 Island for $15.Est. D. G. Jackson lot on Port Royal Island for $23. 1 At the Special Term of Court held here ? on the first Monday in March, the referee. W. H. Duncan, Esq., made his report in the case of the State vs. L. D. Hollonquist, L late countv treasurer ami fit.lierv V?v V > "J it appeared that Mr. Hullouquiat, a>> treasurer, had over paid the State in the sum of three hundred and Jhirtv-e'ght 57-100 dollars.-ifcimtretf Sentinel. a Dr. Wilder ot Beaufort county who was denounced by Robert Smalls as a defaulter to the state for money received for taxes while he was county treasurer, effected a settlement iateh and received from the State twenty-five hundred dollars ns having been paid to the state treasurer over and above that collected by him. . A ?The eltiaens of Savannah seem to have all the good things now afloat. prominent jeweler of that city has had s . spectator admiring his fine wares through i the window for several days pust and when his acquaintance was sought it turned out that tl-" suppo?cd man was a sure-enough spook, and now tha city is all agog to see the new wonder. If this great curiosity is decided to he a greater attiaction than our Sea Wall we * may give up the fleet as good as lost-but n then the Savannah spectre is an April first joke, and the taxpayers of Beaufort can as yet see no joke in the Wall, H.hnnnli if is a Km?n < ?? ???Om "* "" * "M6U vuc* -Tiiet had r colored mem conven tionia Memphis last week and a resolu'ion was offered that the colored men South of Mason and Dixon's line have corrupt leaders, and that the race would not pledge their votes to any hut good men, Bras voted down with as much vigor as was the resolution in our county conven- tion on t he same day endorsing Cham berlain. If the colored men of South ' Carolina would refuse to vote for ,;corrupt leaders" they would be astonished to find how few leaders they had left. t ?Pkrpetcai. motion hai at last been ^ invented, a Charleston man having made the discovery. Magnetism furnishes the motive power. Several of our politicans j have applied T?r machines which they ' wish to apply to their chins. Thk Georgia legislature has incorporated n penitentiary company, and the 1 I stockholders have decided to cfttnhish it 1 j upon one of the islunds of the sea coast i of Georgia. # J lo tloldri'i* u < ' .in., t ..i.ttii Claim*) prior to N??v. J, 1ST-. Office or the County Commissioner*, ? IJo.tdfort, . C., Murch 7th, ( lit Accordance with the p.-ovialon of a joint rcso- [ uiiott entitled ,lA joint resolution authorizing the j ^otfniy Commissioners of llcaofort county to levy { i special tsx," dated April 7th. ISM.r.nd nn art to | imcnd the same, approved tin- 29th day ot January i V. O. 1474, scaled proposal" will l>c received at | his office from parties hnldiwr checks or audite-l i laitni contracted prior to November 1, 1 72, intll Thursday April fit it., INTO. it 12 o'clock, M.. at w'.iirh time raid bid* will be jpcued, and the Board of County Commissioners ; vill draw orders on the Treasurer to tho amount i if one thousand dollars In favor of the person ??r I ; croons who shall "iflve offered the largest t>rr mCim discount on their checks or audited claims. ! Proposals must be addressed to I)r. Paul l'rltchirrt. Chairman of the Board ard endorsed '"Pr > ! tosals for settlement of past indebtedness of ', iwtnfort Count> P. PRITCHAKD, R. .T. MARTIN. v. s. scour. County Commissioners. j Thos. II., Cicrk of Board. Past duo and unpaid School claims. Under instructions from Ills ttoh<?r Jodie , Aaher I will make a supplementary report to the ! lountv. Treasurer bf snch unregistered claims as I ay be presented to mc by the 15th. of March 1 text. | Siir.rAr.n T>. Girnrnr, bchool Commissioner. Beaufort S. C. Feb., 15th., 1876. Deficiencies 1873. In order to carry out the provisions of an act to aise supplies for the fiscal year 1875, whereby a me mill tax was levied to pay 'he deficiency of 173, all parties holding audited claims for the Is-al year 1873, must present them o the unlersigncd for registration on <>r before ?l\e sixth lay of April 187ti Tnos. TI. Wukkler. Clerk of Board of Co. Com'rs. Feb. Iti BAKER iCLARK, strccss'ous to BAKKR. V A11. A CI. AUK. Cururs and Smokers of Provisions, l WBOLBSAI.K 1)BAI.KBS IN PISH, FLOUR, BACON, littler, Cbeetc, Lard, Rice, Pork, Salt, Jfcc.. AlHO COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 72 lleade ?L 301 ?i 303 Washington Sis. M:W yoiiiv. n. k. rakik. i c. a. clark. t fob. 9-ly. Fall and Winter , C3-OOZDSE. A SCHEPER 'akc* pleasure In announcing to his patr jn?, and o the LADIES OF BEAUFORT in particular hat he now has the FIN E>T ST OCK of ,* DRY (lOODS i AND FAWCY GOODS ' ver opened m Benufcrt, which he otRiu at the VERT I.C.tYEST FItlCKH. Ills assortment of >KESS GOODS, SILKS and VELVETS, GLOVES, TRIMMINGS, HOSIERY, EMBROIDERY, _ SJtAWLS. of every (fradc, nr.d a full | tock of Boots and Shoos as? ? RE ADY-MADK 1,0X111X0 IS COMPLFTR. < CORBIH. STONE & WILLIAMS. The undersigned have formed a partnership fo .dmirality practice nndcr tho above Arm name: ConniN ?fc Stonb, I Jos. M. Wii.Mams, harlestoD. I Aiken. mcta3i-lv. (Kvrnvt St Co., M. S. F.lllolt Charleston. fteaufort. Beaufort Steam MILL COMPANY. 'ITaviii* pat up in their establishment a GRIST IILL are prepared to furnish at the shorter | otice, i Grist, Meal and Feed. The highest cash price paid for CORK. 1 Corn Ground oil Toll. SALT! SALT! . I Just reealved ' HZ 100 SACKS SALT. ' ? A in < EARLY ROSE, PEERLESS. anil I [JACKSON WHITE POTATOES. G. WATERHOrBE. f 50RT ROYAL CLUB HOUSE- ' In tl?c Building formerly known ns ? lie | Beaufort Club House, j BEAUFORT, S. C. The proprietor has fitted up the above establish- J ( ncnt as a Restaurant, which will l?e supplied With j ho best the markets of Sa\-annnh and Charleston . an supply, and served in the best style. MEATS, FISH, OYSTERS, ' ( AM E IN ITS SEASON, ' adtea and Gentlemen can obtain the choicest del- ' cacier, eetvod by nv?sl experienced and attentive ( vaitere. C. K. TV A KR11N, Feb. 10-tf. " Propiietor. ? C?? '?? k>? j ARE NOW PREPARED TO FURNISH I ICE In ,-.nj quantity Customers may desire, from their lee IIousc, " eventli Nlm't. JOHN OONANT, .f. A. UMMONB. novdu-24. S. M. WALLACE, Cot fori F?ietol' Uli<l GRIST MILLER, j Wholonalf llrulpr In Grain, Hominy, Heal, Feed, Etc.,! HEA iHIiAN I> <;<> rTON ! iiouglit, Ginned and prepared for market. ! a AitvuneeM made on Connlirn* lUClltA Having the best machinery for ginning cotton and grinding cojn and meal, he is prepared to execute all orders on the shortest possible notice. The highest price paid for ^ Cotton and CornCotton ginned on toll nov85-28. j. H. KLATTE & CO. | F Wholesale Grocers, AHD OSAI.KR9 IN V Wines, Lienors, Sclavs. TOacco, &c., 1S5 ISiist Itay, ' CHARLESTON, S. C. Orders from the Country promptly attended to. 0 DELL'S. rmiTs, S t'.VXDIKH, t T??V8. CA IvKS, M'l'S 1 A full assortment of the above consist- " ingof ORANGES, LEMONS. 1 \PPLES, D.VTES, FIGS, BANANAS. Ml kimls of FRENCH confectionery. o BRAZIL, NUTS, HICKORY NUTS, ? WALNUTS, ALMONDS, PECANS, s ICED, FRUIT, SPONGE, POUND ind every other kind of CAKES on hand or made to order. Partieult?r at'ention given to supplying parties with all necessary articles. ooons use ful as well aa ohxamestai, received by every steamer from xew foilk. James O&ell von s,v i .1-: 1 SIX HORSE PORTABLE STEAM ENGINE?" J ITpRIUHTI lS horne STATIONARY' STEAM SXOIXE, without boiler. Apply nt Palmetto Ielnnd, or addrcaa Box 71 Beaufort P. O. Jan 19 C. G Kendxli. ba tre b:::: "' '" Family Knitting .Uachliu': A most Useful and Wonderful Invention! Now attracting universal attention by :tt aston- | lehing performances, and its great practical value j for every day family use. It is StMri.E, Dura.ulb. j ksd Cueai*, Is easily kept in repair, and WlLl, LAST A 1.1FR-TIMK! It Will knit every possible variety of plain and fancy Wol'k . WITH A I.MOST MAGIC A I* Sl'KKD, tud far better than It ean he done by hand, or on t tny other machine. All kinds of garments areper- I 'ectly formed and shaped by tlij machine itself, cqulrlng no cutting and making np. A good on rator will knit a man's rock, with heel and toe complete, iti from five to ten minnteBt and front twenty to forty pahs of soeks in a day. Kv-ry family?especially evciy farmer's family? j ihonlri have a Bicktoud Knitted. It will he found lually as useful as t ie Sowing Machine, and even | norc profitable EveryMachine WARRANTED perfect, and to i lo just what is represented. The Iirckford Machine lathe osltlgoitixate | lyllndrlcal Knitting Machine in existence, Ail Hhcrs, not llccnsod by us. are clear and palpable ' tifrlngmcnts on our patents, and we ehnll holdall >nrtic? who manufacture, sell, brir or ttsc such tn'rlnging machines, to a strict lognl accountability. An Instruction Book, containing complete ni.d i ninnte directions to the operator, accompanies . ?ach machine. So. i, Family Machine, i cylinder, 72 needles, f;:0 So. 3, " " 2 " 72AIOO " <40 A sample machine will he sort to my part of the United States or Canada, express charges pre-paid, >n receipt of the price. j Aoksts wanted In every State, County, CitwaJ?<l Town, to whom very liberal discounts will he made. For further particulars, address Kick*omi> Kxittino Machine I'ro. (' ?. Sole Manufacture)s, llrnt llolmro, Vis J pry Goods & Mlliissry. j| For the UritlKi I. have just laid in a large and eo l>ry Millinery, ]Lac noccc fii u it b o a u i Notions, Embroideries, Corsets, Ti \t prices within the reach Of all. Dont fwyet the place, ^ANUFACl UR^ Dressed, Ceiling, and 1 MOULDINGS FOR BUILDING.PUKPO NEWELS, HAIND-llAIL AJ WOOD XrilNiXO CP liV'KCY ] GOOD AND SUBSTANTIAL WORK made an be made in the United States. We have on iouth of the city of Baltimore, all of which we | >n to all who want good and substantial work TIIK SUBSCRIBERS ARE T1IE ONLY PR 1LIND AKD DOOR MAKERS?BY TRADE, f Charleston, and can refer to gentlemen nil o\ inaand Florida, as to the character of their wo; NOTICE.?On account of the manner in whi >wn assumption of the risk of Breakage of G ;oods are shipped over the roads in this State a aving to the purchaser of our work. W. P. RUS mch.3-lyr. seaTslani BAY STREET, BEAU! TIIIS ELEGANT HOTFL ha opened in first-class style, the calls the attention of the liaveli advantages offered at this favor lioatin^, Kisliin^ and the inducements held put 1 in the south. JAMES TIE SEW "Di A DOXJBI^ ^ tT retains all the virtues of the I.iuht-Kunnin; "DO * Tension, which was and is the !? - in u-/fitf-Plcase notice our l'ATKN 1' 11AUDhNiTD CON and Stand. Our new and old ideas, worked em with brand new M.i In the busy city of Newark, New lent h tve pi LENCK, Minimum of Friction, Maximum of Dur.tbii.i; reached in the Sewing Machine world. TO THIS STATEMENT AND T1 We invite the attention of nil, especially thot observation. N. 15.?All Machines fully warranted. DOMESTIC GEVK IN o "\v *V<i LADIES, USE " DOMESTIC" mmm .1. . i -; ,v rl of 1H7G niplcte stock of Clotliirigj lic^* Hats inn* P II II O | es, Laces, itose, etc. etc. No trouble to show good COOPER'S. jpT^I MATERIAL GENERALLY.vV eather-Boardiru IsilS in GREAT.VARIETY. \D BALLUSTERS, UUSCBlI'UlONi as cheap at this establishment h Imtlfl tlin ' ' ' * ... - ..ugvou Diuuiv ui i in; nuov guarantee will give entire satisi. ACTICAL MECHANICS?SAt- . carrying on the business in the o! er this State, Georgia, North Calk for the past twenty years. / ch we box up our work, and < liars with orilinaiy handling, < t HALF RATES, which .is a gn SELL & CO., Charleston, 8. C. "hotel rORTj S. C. ving. been refitted and proprietor respectfully ng public to the many ite resort for siiitl Hunting ii aj i nose seeking 1 (JDELL, Proprietor. DIHESTIC," ^-STITOH MACHINE. MSST1C," including ihe Automatic I1CAL HEARINGS on l?lh the Machiutf. ichinr nr. ! Tools nt our own sewworln, , i stiu in-J . r MPCHAN'ICAI. EXCFIa...1 range of work, never heretofore * IK MACHINE ITSELF ie bavins high mechanical skill st r!NO MACHINE CO., >i*1c an<l Clilongo. PAPER FASHIONS#