+- ? The Beaufort Tribune. AW M. l'H liACJI, j:p Quickstep 45 days from Njct York with mdzeto J. D. M itiu it t. Cmsarkd Nov 15 Pr. Prig Fdi'li 'ihotnus master for London with 308 tons phosphate rock from Coosaw mines. Nov 10th Russian Burlc Rnthinas, Week sell master for 'London England with 950 tons phosphate rock from Oak Point mines. 17?l r>.. tj?: ttrn Aiut, Altai Ul. l *Y II' liuma master, for Plymouth England with 480 tons phosphate took from C'oosaw mines. - The Abbeville Medium has a supreme coptcmpt for the merchants of Columbia beeauBC they do not mako use of printers ink. In an article on the State fair the Medium gays of this lack of advertising 'the consequence is that Columbia lists no trade worth speaking of. True, you now and then see an nrnifnl of wood < n a eart with a lrasi calf pulling it, or some stray sandhiller from Lexington county ninnngisto get over to the city with a load of potato' s or corn, not be nuw h'3 can get a better trade but because the rascal It sis a lien on hi s crop in Losing ton and wishes to cheat the good nierehsint, who befriended him in dull limes, out of his dues."' The grand j"ry of Georgetown county ir.ust Ise mi industrious lsidy of men. Not only have tiny piled up indictments on the fiends, of the county commissioners 1-ut they n'so present the same hoard for failing to build certain bridges giving the names of the bridges ami 1 lie persons making the complaints. TJiey have also A.. I - f . |iir?;;niunt the country foi promptness, accuracy, And reliability. 7. Its circu'.a Ion, regarding character as well at numher of subscribers, is belter than that of anj paper in thecoun.ry. 8. It is crowinir ni'oro vigorously. and increasing in circulation more rapidly than auv of its rivals, TKKMS T.CLASS, FULL POWERED STEAM pre ' 1 -he 5VL0J>TT(3-03VI?:S. Y, I FAIRCT.OTII, Mnatcr. and CHESTER Minder. ^ in Will leave Port Itoyut for New York alternately every Frlilav afternoon. opoi. (lie arrival of the ?in Augusta, ami Savannah & Chmleston train. P4 For Freight ??r Passage-having Huperlor-ui03D? modal ions, apply to RICHARD P. RUN OLE, Agent. Port Royat' 8. C. JOHN R- JOHNSON'S j Umbrella Manufactory H&T EMPORIUM, ^ 303 Kino Stkkbt CIIAKIdMTON, S. C. All orders' promptly filled C. O, i). liy Express. I t| O. JF- WIETEH3, . | Commission* Merchant, r i^i j m iiolksalk dealer int 1 ; I Groceries and Liquors, 1 No. 181 East Bay, ^ CHARLESTON, S, C. m2 AP VERDIER WALKER &BAC0T, A? proctors in" admiralty and attorneys AT LAW, BEAl'KORT, S. C. i Walker & BACOT. I W. J. Yehdikr, and Charleston. | Beaufort. Refer to the Britilth Consulates iu the South, and j specially to the British Consulate at Charleston. noviS St. Pnr | Henry Bischoff I Co.. Zi 'j Wholesale Grocers, _ rj and ural:.us in Wiues Lipors Seiars Tobacco &c-, I I 1D7 lOttsf Hay, CHARLESTON, S. C. II. Bisciiorr. C. Wclbubx. J. II. Wulblbn. 11 ? ?? men ROBERT I). WHITE, Marble and Granite VVK WORKS. ckmetklty lots encloshi). BURIAL VAULTS BUILT AT SHORT NOTICE. Meeting Stroct, Cor. Hurl berk Alley, CHARLESTON,\ S. C. j GE? ' W _ JVL-fci Jrfc'-L'-fcJ 111 wnor.ksa r.k if itKTAir. dk. i i.kh in Ladies, Misses Gents Boys & Cliildreii's BOOTS & SHOES ? TRUNKS, Valises, Satchels & Carpetbags. . 282 Klny Sir.-rt Chari.estos, S. C. CORBIN. STONE & WILLIAMS. C( Tho umlcralgnrd lmve formed a partnership for Ailmlra'lty practice tinder the alxivc firm name: NE1 Conr.in & Stone, i Joe. M. Wll.liam*. y Charleston. ) lteaufort. mch-31-ljr. AN OUTFIT FREE. ^ Wo want Noma nm- In jtvnrv aAimn | dor* noil (kllvnr good* for tin- olil nud'oriplnnl l', I Bl | O. I). lionet*. Lnrjrc cni-li wflptp.. Pplcutiidthane | Inovery neljrh'Mirliood for the right pcieon* of el| j thor kcx. younjfor old. Simple*. new Met*. clij eulmn, term*, etc.. n complete out lit nont free and pout paid. Mend for It at onco and make (t! money at your homes. Address, If. J. II.\l.l. j A CO. 0 N. Howard Street, It ill i in ore. Mil. \ V O???KJBWII ! ! ???BBK?? vciiol & Co., M. H. ICUIntt liurleatoii. lleuufort. 6eaufort Steam MILL COMPANY. laving put up In their establishment n GOTST LL itrc prepared to ftirnlrh at the ?hortcs lcc, Grist, Meal and Feed. The hlyhe-t cn?h price paid for COHK. Corn (iriinnd on Toll. Conant & Emmons. IE NOW PREPARED TO FURNISII ICE n any quantity Customer* may ilosirc, m their Ire House, HrveiUU wtMM'l. tOHN CON ANT, .T. A. EMMONS. >v25-SI. ; m. wallace, Cotton Factor nnd JRIST MILLER, tVliiilcwlr Denier In ail, Hominy, Heal, Feed, Etc,, Mio.v i> <-o rrrI MS. To VS. CA K 10!?S. I\ I TS L full assortment of the above eonsistof ORANGES, LEMONS, PLES. DATES, FIGS, BANANAS. kinds of FRENCH confectionery. BRAZIL, NUTS, HICKORY NUTS, VALNUTS, ALMONDS, PECANS, CED, FRUIT, SPONGE, POUND I every other kind of CAKES on hand or made to order. articular at'ention given to supplying tics with all necessary articles. oodh use ful as well as ornamental .ived liy every steamer from new (K. James Odell P. M. WHITMAN, fateliiuakei iiikI .1<-m chM-, BAY STREET, BEAL'FOHT. S. C'? ih Just received from llic North a lino assort t of poods at Northern Prices. DDI NO RINGS, $1.00 to $12.00, SILVER RINGS, 30e. to $1,150, SILVER NAPKIN RINGS, $2.00 to $4.00, LADIES GOLD WATCHES. $*; to $:?0. 8 Day & 1 Day striking Clocks. $3.50 to $8. ' I JTS' GOLD CHAINS, PINSJRINGS.SLEEVE j I* PTONS. STt'DS. WATCH CH AINS I LADIES OOLD and PLATED JEWELRY, I OULD PUNS. AC.. AC. Gents3 Gold and Silver Watches, til and examine before purchasing, and satisfy rsclf yon can save let o twenty-five per con Charleston or Savannah prices. Richard P. Rundle, IIPPINO AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, | Port Royal, S. C. ittou. Naval Stores, Lumber, &cAnr.nt for the ,V YORK & PORT ROYAL STEAMSHIP LI \ j ihmaxii'Pi A Dominion, \Vr?T India A Pacific, and I.ivEurooL A Galveston KAMSIIIP COMl'ANIKS T<> LIVKKPOOI.. ick wheat Flour, Golden Syrup, Apples, Cahbiige apes Onions ami Turnips. FirnchV l f'ER* illiiiory. For the FA LI Having junt laid in n large and Dry floods, At :ii! -* jTnniin'ry, J DRESS 6 Notions, EiuliroitU'ries, Corsets, At pviees within the reach of all. front forget the ptaa j2 g i MANUFAC1URERSOF BUILDIN Dressed, Ceiling, and MOULDINGS FOR BUILDINCUPUR NEWELS, HAND-RAIL, WOOD TI UNINCJ OF EVEIi GOOD AND SUBSTANTIAL WORK ma can l>c made in the United State.*. We have South of t'nc city of Baltimore, all of which v on to all who want good and subs' intia 1 wi THE SUBSCRIBERS ARE THE ONLY BLIND AND DOOR MAKERS -BY TRAD nf Charleston, and can refer to gentVvmn all linaand Florida, as to the character of their -o- ? NOTICE.?On account of the manner in \ own assumption of the ri.-k of Breakage of goods are shipped over the roads in this Stat saving to the purchaser of our work. W. P. R1 meh.3-lyr. QTn A TCT A TVT BAY STREET, BEA THIS ELEGANT IIOTFL ] opened in first-class stylo, the calls the attention of the trnv< advantages offered at this fav? and the inducements held out in the south. JAMS Fashionable Hat EaiiioriiiH h 200 Kinfc Street CllAIiLKSTOX. S. C. WHITE & HUGHES, DEALERS IN DUI Hats. Caps,Funs, Umhkf.ll vr, Canes &c. .f*r I'mMliH repaircd'susd made tn order. ^ Goods sent C. O. D. by Express to uuv part of the conntrr. Men's Youth's & Boy's CL8TN1NS. |i Cloths, Casstmeuks, funxtsntno Goods i S MENKE & MULLER| r; Merchant Tailors ail Clothiers, is; 2'2X Kini? cor. Wont worth St. ^ CIIAULKSTOX, S. ('. | I Quick sales and small profits, is otu motto. We guarantee our clothing to 5JJJ equal custom work. net 7 flnr ^ Wxyne & Von Kolnitz, ? OKNEKAl. Commission Merchants g FOR THE SALE OF 1 : PROVISIONS n r and produce:. *; 00 K:inI liny 37 V?ltt<> kitiigo ('Ini rtcctca, )-?. ? , r i'V 'I I I i III 1?! >! L of ] complete stock of Clothing, iclio*** HatM 990 S, Tics, Laces, Ilose, etc. etc. .v> (rouble to sliow goods *, COOPER'S. . ^ , 1 * G MATERIAL GENERALLY. W eatlier-Boardino kJ POSES in GREAT.VARIETY. AND BALLrUSTERS tY DESCItlTRION. - * dc as elicap at this establishment iv on band the largest stock of the ftb' V ire guarantee will givo entire satisL.e irk. PRACTICAL MECHANICS? SAf 1 E, carrying on the business in the <.! . over this State, Georgia, North C?* work for the past twenty years. vhich we box r.p our work, and m Clacs with ordinary handling, ri r c at IIALF RATES, which is n grout [i.SSELL & CO., Charleston, 8. C. D HOTF.T UFOIiT, S. C. having been refitted and proprietor respectfully ling j)ublic to the many >rite resort for ?jnd Iliinting, to those seeking health 3 GDSLL, Pre prietor. M. STUART, M. D. antl A.i>ot;lio?ni*y? BEAl'FORT. S. C., i?!.u.i:n in UGS AM) CHEMICALS. ;i' ATttXT MEDICINES. TOILET ARTICLES, TKHPUJJERY. BRUSHES. &c. ne Asdoviiuci:t of S-r.VTIOXEKY, iiyslciaus ricncnptioii? Compounded wit Ilank the highest for Dnralillllr, IVfftrt Work, as', m of Oper.illon. Tliey are the most silent. ftfhiu.ing ami serviceable, the easiest to aell.nmt aim'. liiiylv palil for, unit answer every r'.iiuimnent hi 1 family ami manufactory. J.lheral term** to tculs. Aildrcss, Domestle" Reirlr.tr Machine Co.. Sew-Tork. gaeanagri rr l?fBlWHirJ :<>nitiri*e ft laryo ami varied assortment of Putl*" Littles', Mlsws1. anil Children's Garments of forrly 1 (lomesOe deslimi, Uy the moot accompllshi x!irte?. 'i lioy aro 11:0 most Pcrfrct titling. moot Iwmte, nnd yet Hie most simple patterns ever pie tcil to tlie public, iiii.I take the lea.I wherever Ititi ? rcil. A'.'rum tOuiUd. Scud for Illustrated Cat-ue. Address, Oottie- tic " Senlnir TTarhSiio Co., Kew-Tork. t?r.voTri> to Famiion, lttrsatvnit axi> ar thoroughly reliable, rcBuMTtntl prntlle-il tntonna. iccml.it: matters or Fashion its all Hi ilcpnrUMtilr; . p sltnry of choice r.ud entertaining lltcr.intrft, ban tie llliistr.il lomt, art criticisms, etc., etc.. mod a J.xtrrul ?lolly nilaptcil to the wants of tho home-drclu. rut ', f t.&O p-r yenr. Pjieclmeu copies fh*. Ink 1V>i t.utt fiiv*rt Away to every subscriber U ? celebrated "fb.menuI\iprr t'nthion* as pro- .ti," ? . , .> o.i. Ciimmmuv tmiiMrrrrftriftit. Address, "Domestic' Monthly, DDrjeaMc " Building, New-Tori >